
Table Of Contents

Monitoring SNA Switch Resources

Enabling ISM to Monitor SNA Switch

Monitoring SNA Switching Using the Standard Interface

Monitoring Status of the SNA Switch

Selecting Options for the SNASw Server

Displaying Internal Variables for Monitoring SNASw

Displaying SNASw Historical Performance Data

Performing Management Operations

Displaying VTAM Status

ISM SNA Switch Node Administration

Managing the SNA Switch Links on the Router

Displaying the Physical Units

Monitoring SNA Switching Operations Using the Standard Interface

Monitoring SNA Switch Resources

When you monitor SNA Switch (SNASw), keep the following considerations in mind:

SNASw monitoring is disabled by default in ISM setup when you first initialize ISM.

You must enable the ISM Resource Management application before you can monitor SNASw.

The options on the ISM Resource Management Setup panel apply to all routers managed by ISM.

If you want to change history database IDs, you must do so after you install ISM, but before you initialize ISM for the first time. You can access ISM setup even when the ISMMGR task is not running.

To enable ISM to monitor SNA Switching, perform the steps described in the following sections:

Enabling ISM to Monitor SNA Switch

Monitoring SNA Switching Using the Standard Interface

Monitoring SNA Switching Operations Using the Standard Interface

Enabling ISM to Monitor SNA Switch

Use the following procedures to monitor Cisco SNA Switching:

Step 1 On the ISM main menu panel ( Internetwork Status Monitor (ISM) Main Menu Panel), press PF8 (ADMIN).

The ISM Administration panel ( Figure 9-1) is displayed.

Figure 9-1 Internetwork Status Monitor (ISM) Main Menu Panel

Figure 9-2 ISM Administration Menu Panel

Step 2 Press Enter to display the ISM Resource Management Setup panel ( Figure 9-3).

Figure 9-3 ISM Resource Management Setup Panel

Step 3 Beside the SNA Switch Monitor option, type Y in the Update column. Yes appears beside the SNA Switch Monitor option. When you save the setup, the following line is added to the ISM main menu:

+ SNASW Cisco SNA Switch Monitoring Operations

Step 4 To enable global SNA Switch configuration, type Y in the setup field of the SNA Switch Monitor line and press Enter. The SNA Switch Monitor Setup/Status panel ( Figure 9-4) is displayed.

Figure 9-4 SNA Switch Monitor Setup/Status Panel

The following table describes the fields contained in the SNA Switch Monitor Setup/Status panel:


SNASw Autotask

The name of the NetView autotask that is used to monitor SNA Switch. The default name is SNASWMON. It is recommended that this name not be changed.

SNASw Archive Data Base

Accept the default value of W unless you want to use a different VSAM data base.

SNASw Archive Data Set

The data set name of the VSAM data base to use for SNA Switch archiving. The data set can also be allocated to the NetView procedure JCL.

SNASw Archive Keep Count

Indicates the archive keep count used by the SNASw history key. The default value is 99. If you do not use the default value, you must delete the existing history records before ISM uses the new value.

SNASw SMF Logging

Indicates whether SMF recording is enabled. The default value is YES.

SNASw Archive Logging

Indicates whether ISM is to archive the data that is collects. The default value is YES.

SNASw Monitor Mode

SNA indicates that the service point on the router will be used to monitor SNA Switch. This is the only valid value.

SNASw Link Monitoring

Indicates whether ISM should monitor the status of SNA Switch defined links. The default value is YES.

Step 5 Press PF4 to save your changes. If you have already initialized ISM, the changes are effective immediately.

Monitoring SNA Switching Using the Standard Interface

This section describes how to monitor the status of SNA Switch using the standard interface. It describes the following tasks:

Monitoring Status of the SNA Switch

Selecting Options for the SNASw Server

Displaying Internal Variables for Monitoring SNASw

Displaying SNASw Historical Performance Data

Performing Management Operations

Displaying VTAM Status

ISM SNA Switch Node Administration

Managing the SNA Switch Links on the Router

Displaying the Physical Units

Monitoring Status of the SNA Switch

You can monitor the status of SNA Switch from the ISM Status Summary panel or from the ISM main menu panel. The following steps show you how to access SNA Switch Node Status from the ISM Status Summary panel:

Step 1 On the ISM Status Summary panel ( Figure 9-5), position the cursor in the Total column beside the SNASw option and press Enter.

Figure 9-5 ISM Status Summary Panel

The SNASw Node Status panel ( Figure 9-6) is displayed.

Figure 9-6 SNASw Node Status Panel

The SNASw Node status panel displays the following fields:



The SNASw control point name configured.


Current SNASw status.


The router name with which the SNASw server is associated.


Current router status


The hostname configured on the router.

Node Problems

Displays the issues that cause the SNASw status to be PERF. The possible values are LINK, PORT, and PU.

Selecting Options for the SNASw Server

Step 1 To select options for a SNASw server, position the cursor on the row with the selected SNASw and press Enter. The ISM SNASW Operation Options panel ( Figure 9-7) is displayed, showing the SNASw status and management options available.

Figure 9-7 ISM SNASW Operation Options Panel

Step 2 To issue router show commands for SNASw, place the cursor on Show SNASW Command Menu and press Enter. The SNASW Show Commands panel ( Figure 9-8) is displayed.

Figure 9-8 SNASW Show Commands Panel

Step 3 Enter a number in the Action field and press Enter. Figure 9-9 shows an example of the panel that is displayed after 1 is entered in the Action field.

Figure 9-9 SNASw Show Commands Output Panel

Displaying Internal Variables for Monitoring SNASw

To display the internal variables used by ISM to monitor SNASw, select the Display SNASW Variables option on the ISM SNASW Operation Options Panel ( Figure 9-7) by placing the cursor on it and pressing Enter. Figure 9-10 and Figure 9-11 show the resulting output.

Figure 9-10 SNASw Control Block Panel - 1 of 2

Figure 9-11 SNASw Control Block Panel - 2 of 2

Displaying SNASw Historical Performance Data

To display SNASw historical performance data, select Performance option on the ISM SNASW Operation Options Panel ( Figure 9-7) by placing the cursor on it and pressing Enter. Figure 9-12 shows sample SNASw performance statistics.

Figure 9-12 SNASW Node Performance History Panel

The SNASW Node Performance History panel displays the following fields:



Date the statistics were archived.


Time the statistics were archived.

SNASw CPU Utilization 5 Sec

The percentage of the router CPU capacity used by SNASw over the last 5 seconds.

SNASw CPU Utilization 1 Min

The percentage of the router CPU capacity used by SNASw over the last 1 minute.

SNASw CPU Utilization 5 Min

The percentage of the router CPU capacity used by SNASw over the last 5 minutes.

SNASw Memory Holding

The amount of router memory in use by the SNASw processes on the router.

Total Router % Free

The percentage of memory on the router that is not in use.

To display the output from a show process cpu command on the router, press PF10. To display the output from a show process mem command on the router, press PF11. The output from these commands is displayed on the Router Command Interface panel.

Performing Management Operations

To perform management operations on the router, select the Router Options Menu by placing the cursor on it on the ISM SNASW Operation Options Panel ( Figure 9-7) and pressing Enter. Figure 9-13shows the Router Options Menu.

Figure 9-13 Router Options Menu Panel

The Resource Status with Options panel is described in "Monitoring ISM Resources".

Displaying VTAM Status

To display the VTAM status for the SNASw Control Point Name, select VTAM Display of Node on the ISM SNASW Operation Options Panel ( Figure 9-7) by placing the cursor on it and pressing Enter. Figure 9-14 shows a sample display of a SNASw CPNAME.

Figure 9-14 SNASw Control Point VTAM Status

To perform administrative tasks, select the Administration option on the ISM SNASW Operation Options Panel ( Figure 9-7). (This option is displayed only if you have the authority to change the management rules for monitoring routers.) The ISM SNA Switch Node Administration panel ( Figure 9-15) is displayed.

Figure 9-15 ISM SNA Switch Node Administration Panel

ISM SNA Switch Node Administration

This section describes some ISM default behaviors and tasks you can perform using the ISM SNA Switch Node Administration panel to override those defaults and to perform other ISM administration tasks.

ISM Default Behaviors

By default, ISM performs the following tasks:

ISM monitors every SNA Switch server that it discovers on a router.

By default, ISM collects statistics for SNA Switch servers.

By default, ISM writes the statistics that it collects for SNA Switch to a VSAM data base. By default, ISM uses data base W.

By default, ISM will write the statistics that it collects to SMF.

ISM SNA Switch Administration Tasks

From the ISM SNA Switch Node Administration panel, you can perform the following tasks to modify or override ISM default behaviors described in ISM Default Behaviors:

SNA Switch Monitoring

To prevent ISM from monitoring the status of a SNA Switch server and collecting statistics, enter N in the Monitor Resource field.

ISM Statistics Collection for SNA Switch Servers

To prevent ISM from collecting statistics for this SNA Switch server, enter N in the Collect Statistics field.

ISM Statistics Written to the VSAM Database

To suppress the writing of statistics to VSAM for this SNA Switch server, enter an N in the Archive Statistics field.

ISM Statistics Written to SMF

To suppress the writing of statistics to SMF for this SNA Switch server, enter an N in the Write SMF Records field.

SNA Switch Data Archiving

If SNA Switch data archiving is enabled, you can remove history records from the VSAM database for a specific router. To do so, enter YES in the Reset field and press PF4.

Saving Your Administrative Changes

Once you have completed any changes, press Enter to allow ISM to validate your updates. Then enter a 1, 2, or 3 for the Change Type to add, update, or delete a SNASw server respectively. Also enter a 1, 2, or 3 for the Action Type to indicate when the update should be effective.

To display the internal SNASw variables for this SNA Switch server, press PF9. SNASW Node Performance History Panel shows and example of the ISM SNA Switch Node Administration panel that is displayed.

To have ISM check the router in the ISM Router Name field for a SNASw server, press PF10.

Refreshing Status and Collecting Statistics

To refresh the status of SNA Switch and to collect statistics, place the cursor on Reset/Collect Statistics on the ISM SNASW Operation Options Panel ( Figure 9-7) and press Enter.

Managing the SNA Switch Links on the Router

To display the SNA Switch links on the router and their status, position the cursor on List Links on the ISM SNASW Operation Options Panel (Figure 9-8) and press Enter. Figure 9-16 shows an example of the Link / CPnode Status panel that is displayed.

Figure 9-16 Link / CPnode Status Panel

The Link / CPnode Status panel displays the following fields:



The name of the SNASw link.


The status of the link.


The router control point name of the router that the SNA Switch server is on.

Adjacent CP

The SNA Control Point Name of the server at the remote side of the SNASw link.

Available Since

The amount of time since this link was last activated. For an INACTIVE link, it displays how long the link was up.

Removing and SNA Switch Link

To remove an SNA Switch link from ISM, for example, if a link is no longer configured on the router, place the cursor on the line with the link and press PF4. The definition of the link and its archived statistics will be removed from ISM and the VSAM database.

Display the Status of a Link

To display details of a SNA Switch link, place the cursor on the link and press Enter. ISM SNASW Link Options Menu Panel shows an example of the ISM SNASW Link Options Menu panel that is displayed.

Figure 9-17 ISM SNASW Link Options Menu Panel

Displaying Details about the Link

To display details about the link, place the cursor on Show Link field and press Enter. The Router Command Interface panel is displayed with the results of a show snasw link detail name router command. Router Command Interface Panel with Show SNASW Link Detail Name Output shows an example of the information displayed.

Figure 9-18 Router Command Interface Panel with Show SNASW Link Detail Name Output

Displaying ISM Internal Variables for the Link

To display the ISM internal variables for the link, place the cursor on the Display Link Variables field on the ISM SNASW Link Options Menu Panel ( Figure 9-19) and press Enter. Figure 9-20 shows an example of the ISM SNASW Operation Options panel that is displayed.

Figure 9-19 ISM SNASW Operation Options Panel

Displaying History Data for the Link

To display history data for this SNASw link, place the cursor on the History field on the ISM SNASW Link Options Menu Panel ( Figure 9-17) and press Enter. Figure 9-20 shows an example of the Statistics For Router.linkname panel that is displayed.

Figure 9-20 Statistics For Router.linkname Panel (1 of 3

There are more fields available than will fit on one display panel. You can press PF11 to display the fields to the right. Figure 9-21 and Figure 9-22 show the other 2 panels that are available. To display the columns to the left, press PF10. Use PF8 and PF7 to scroll the display down and up.

Figure 9-21 Statistics For Router.linkname Panel (2 of 3)

Figure 9-22 Statistics For Router.linkname Panel (3 of 3)

The Statistics for Router.linkname panels display the following fields:



Date that the statistics were archived.


Time that the statistics were archived.


The name of the SNASw link.

Data Bytes Sent

Data bytes sent from the SNA Switch server.

Data Bytes Received

Data bytes received by the SNA Switch server.

Data Frames Sent

Data frames sent from SNA Switch server.

Data Frames Received

Data frames received by the SNA Switch server.

XID Bytes Sent

Bytes sent from the SNA Switch server while sending XIDs.

XID Bytes Received

Bytes received by the SNA Switch server while receiving XIDs.

XID Frames Sent

Number of XID frames sent by the SNA Switch server.

XID Frames Received

Number of XID frames received by the SNA Switch server.

Session Control Frames Sent

Number of session control frames sent by the SNA Switch server.

Session Control Frames Received

Number of session control frames received by the SNA Switch server.

Number of XID Exchanges Successful

Number of XID negotiation exchanges that were successful in bringing up the link.

Number of XID Exchanges Unsuccessful

Number of XID negotiation exchanges that were not successful in bringing up the link.

Displaying the Physical Units

To display the Physical Units, PUs, connected though the DLUR function of SNA Switch, place the cursor on the List PUs selection on the ISM SNASW Operation Options Panel ( Figure 9-7) and press Enter. Figure 9-23 shows an example of the SNA Switch Downstream PU Status panel.

Figure 9-23 SNA Switch Downstream PU Status Panel

The SNA Switch Downstream PU Status panel displays the following fields:


PU Name

The name of the Physical Unit


The station identification (IDBLK/IDNUM) for the PU.


The status of the PU.


The name of the CP providing DLUS services for this PU.

Displaying Details for a PU

To display details for a PU, place the cursor on the line containing the PU and press Enter. Figure 9-24 shows an example of the SNA Switch PU Details for PUname panel that is displayed.

Figure 9-24 SNA Switch PU Details for PUname Panel

The SNA Switch PU Details for PUname panel displays the following fields:


PU Name

The name of the Physical Unit.

CP Name

The Control Point name associated with the PU.


The name of the Network Node providing DLUS services for this PU.

Link Name

The name of the SNASw downstream link associated with this PU and the status of the link.

Port Name

The name of the SNASw port associated with this PU and the status of the port.


The router interface associated with the SNASw port.

DLC Type

The Data Link Control type associated with the port.


The Media Access Control address and Service Access Point number associated with the PU.


The Media Access Control address and Service Access Point number associated with the SNASw port.


The Routing Information Field.

Maximum Send BTU

The largest Basic Transmission Unit that may be sent.


Time period since the PU became active.

Frames Sent

Frames sent from SNASw to the PU.

Frames Received

Frames received by SNASw from the PU.

Bytes Sent

Bytes sent from SNASw to the PU.

Bytes Received

Bytes received by SNASw from the PU.

Collecting Statistics for a PU

To collect the latest status and statistics for the PU, press PF12.

To display details about the PU, place the cursor on the PU Name line on the SNA Switch PU Details for PUname Panel ( Figure 9-24) and press Enter. The Router Command Interface Panel is displayed with the results of the show snasw link detail command. Figure 9-25 Shows an example of the panel.

Figure 9-25 Router Command Interface Panel with show snasw link detail

Displaying VTAM Status for a PU

To display the VTAM status of the CPNAME, place the cursor on the CP Name field on the SNA Switch PU Details for PUname Panel Figure 9-24) and press Enter. Figure 9-26 shows an example of the panel that is displayed.

Figure 9-26 VTAM Display of CP Name

To display the VTAM status of the DLUS, place the cursor on the DLUS Name field on the SNA Switch PU Details for PUname Panel ( Figure 9-24) and press Enter. Figure 9-27 shows an example of the panel that is displayed.

Figure 9-27 VTAM Display of DLUS Status

Displaying Details about the SNASw Link

To display details about the SNASw link, place the cursor on the Link Name line on the SNA Switch PU Details for PUname Panel ( Figure 9-24) and press Enter. The Router Command Interface Panel is displayed with the results of the show snasw link detail command. Figure 9-28 shows an example of the panel.

Figure 9-28 Router Command Interface Panel with show snasw link detail

Displaying Details about the SNASw Port

To display details about the SNASw port, place the cursor on the Port Name line on the SNA Switch PU Details for PUname Panel ( Figure 9-24) and press Enter. The Router Command Interface Panel is displayed with the results of the show snasw port detail command. Figure 9-29 shows an example of the panel.

Figure 9-29 Router Command Interface Panel with show snasw port detail

Displaying Details about the Router Interface

To display details about the router interface that supports the SNASw port, place the cursor on the Interface line on the SNA Switch PU Details for PUname Panel ( Figure 9-24) and press Enter. The Router Command Interface Panel is displayed with the results of the show interface command. Figure 9-30 shows an example of the panel.

Figure 9-30 Router Command Interface Panel with show interface

Monitoring SNA Switching Operations Using the Standard Interface

You can monitor SNA Switch server operations from the ISM main menu ( Figure 9-1). This section describes the following tasks:

Displaying Information about a Node

Displaying Information about SNA Switch Links

Displaying Physical Units Served by SNA Switch

To begin a monitoring session, use the following procedure:

Step 1 Step 1 Position the cursor on the SNASW line and press Enter. The SNA Switch Monitoring Operations panel ( Figure 9-31) is displayed.

Figure 9-31 SNA Switch Monitoring Operations Panel

The SNA Switch Monitoring Operations panel provides the following options:



Select this option and enter a SNA Switch Control Point name to list SNA Switch servers by CP name. If you do not enter a CP name, all SNASw servers are listed.


Select this option and select a status to list SNA Switch servers by their current status. If you do not enter a status, all SNASw servers are listed.

Links:By Router

Select this option and enter a router name to list SNA Switch links by router name. If you do not enter a router name, all SNASw links are listed.

Links:By adjacent CP name

Select this option and enter an adjacent Control Point name to list SNA Switch links by adjacent CP name. If you do not enter a CP name, all SNASw links are displayed.

Links:By Network Name

Select this option and enter an adjacent Control Point name and a Network Name to list SNA Switch links by adjacent CP name and Network Name.

PUS:By Router

Select this option and enter a router name to list SNA Switch Physical Units by router name. You must enter a router name.

PUS:By adjacent CP name

Select this option and enter a SNA Switch Control Point name to list the SNASw Physical Units by CP name. You must enter a CP name.

Displaying Information about a Node

Figure 9-32 shows sample output for the List by Status option.

Figure 9-32 SNASw Node Status

Position the cursor on the Node or Router to display the ISM SNASW Operation Options panel ( Figure 9-7) to display details about the SNA Switch server.

Position the cursor on one of the fields under Node Problem and press Enter to display the Router Command Interface panel with details about the problem ( Figure 9-28 or Figure 9-29).

Displaying Information about SNA Switch Links

To display SNA Switch links, use the Links By Router, Links By adjacent CP name, or Links By Network Name options on the SNA Switch Monitoring Operations Panel ( Figure 9-31). Figure 9-33 shows an example of the Link / CPnode Status panel that is displayed.

Figure 9-33 Link / CPnode Status Panel

The Link / CPnode Status panel contains the following fields:



The name of the SNA Switch Link.


The status of the link as reported by SNASw.


The router control point name for the SNA Switch server.

Adjacent CP

The Control Point name that the SNASw link connects to. NONE.NONE is displayed if the CP name is not known, for example if the link is not active.

Available Since

Time that the link has been in the current state.

To display details about a link, place the cursor on the line and press Enter. The ISM SNASW Link Options Menu Panel ( Figure 9-17) is displayed.

Displaying Physical Units Served by SNA Switch

To display Physical Units, PUs, served by SNA Switch, use the PUS By Router or PUS by adjacent CP name options on the SNA Switch Monitoring Operations Panel (Figure 9-32). Either the SNA Switch PU List Filtering panel (Figure 9-35) or the SNA Switch Downstream PU Status panel () is displayed. The SNA Switch PU List Filtering panel is displayed if there are more PUs than will display on one panel, ( Figure 9-17).

Figure 9-34 SNA Switch PU List Filtering Panel

If you specify a filter, only those PUs whose names contain the character string are displayed. For example, if you enter ABC, PUs name ABC, QABC, and ZABC9 would be displayed. If you do not enter a filter, all PUs are displayed. Figure 9-35 shows an example of the SNA Switch Downstream PU Status panel that is displayed.

Figure 9-35 SNA Switch Downstream PU Status Panel

To display details about a PU, place the cursor on the line containing the PU and press Enter. The SNA Switch PU Details for PUname Panel ( Figure 9-24) is displayed. To filter the list of PUs, press PF11 and the SNA Switch PU List Filtering Panel ( Figure 9-34) is displayed. To update the list of PUs and their status, press PF12


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