
Table Of Contents

Monitoring TN3270 Servers

Enabling ISM to Monitor TN3270 Servers

Monitoring TN3270 Servers Using the Standard Interface

Monitoring TN3270 Server Status Using the Standard Interface

Monitoring TN3270 Server Operations Using the Standard Interface

Monitoring TN3270 Servers Using the Web Interface

Monitoring TN3270 Server Status Using the Web Interface

Monitoring TN3270 Server Operations Using the Web Interface

Monitoring TN3270 Servers

You can use ISM to monitor the availability of Cisco TN3270 servers, which reside on the Channel Interface Processors (CIPs) and channel port adapters of Cisco Routers. ISM monitors a TN3270 server using either SNMP or the service point in the router.

When you monitor TN3270 servers, keep the following considerations in mind:

TN3270 server monitoring is disabled by default in ISM setup when you first initialize ISM.

You must enable the ISM Resource Management application before you can monitor TN3270 routers.

The options on the ISM Resource Management Setup panels apply to all routers managed by ISM.

If you want to change history database IDs, you must do so after you install ISM, but before you initialize ISM for the first time. You can access ISM setup even when the ISMMGR task is not running.

Use the following procedures to monitor Cisco TN3270 servers:

Enabling ISM to Monitor TN3270 Servers

Monitoring TN3270 Servers Using the Standard Interface

Monitoring TN3270 Servers Using the Web Interface

Enabling ISM to Monitor TN3270 Servers

Use the following procedure to enable ISM to monitor TN3270 servers:

Step 1 On the ISM main menu panel ( Figure 8-1), press PF8 (ADMIN).

Figure 8-1 Internetwork Status Monitor (ISM) Main Menu Panel

The ISM Administration menu panel ( Figure 8-2) is displayed.

Figure 8-2 ISM Administration Menu Panel

Step 2 Press Enter to display the ISM Resource Management Setup panel ( Figure 8-3).

Figure 8-3 ISM Resource Management Setup Panel

Step 3 Beside the TN3270 Server Monitor option, type Y in the Update column. Yes appears beside the TN3270 Server Monitor option. When you save the setup, the following line is added to the ISM main menu:

+ TN32 Cisco TN3270 Monitoring Operations

Step 4 To enable global TN3270 variables, type Y in the setup field of the TN3270 Server Monitor line and press Enter. The TN3270 Server Monitor Setup panel ( Figure 8-4) is displayed.

Figure 8-4 TN3270 Server Monitor Setup Panel

The TN3270 Server Monitor Setup panel contains the following fields:


ISM TN3270 Server Monitoring

Indicates whether you have saved the ISM setup parameters. The default value is NO. This field is set to YES when you save the ISM setup parameters.

TN3270 LU Threshold

Indicates a percentage of available LUs. ISM generates an alarm when the available LUs in a TN320 server drops below this percentage. The default value is 10 percent.

TN3270 Response Threshold

This field is not supported.

TN3270 Archive Data Base

Accept the default value of H unless you want to allocate another database and start a new NSPDS task.

TN3270 Archive Keep Count

Indicates the archive keep count used by the TN3270 history record key. The default value is 99. If you do not use the default value, you must delete the existing history records before ISM uses the new value.

TN3270 SMF Logging

Indicates whether SMF recording is enabled. The default value is YES.

TN3270 Archive Logging

Indicates whether ISM is to archive the data it collects. The default value is YES.

TN3270 Monitor Mode

If both SNA and SNMP can access the router, this field indicates whether ISM uses SNA or SNMP to monitor TN3270 servers. The default value is SNA.

Step 5 Press PF4 to save your changes. If you have already initialized ISM, the changes are effective immediately.

Monitoring TN3270 Servers Using the Standard Interface

You can monitor the status of TN3270 servers using either the standard interface or by the NetView Web interface. This section describes how to use the standard interface to perform the following tasks:

Monitoring TN3270 Server Status Using the Standard Interface

Monitoring TN3270 Server Operations Using the Standard Interface

For details on using the Web interface, see the "Monitoring TN3270 Servers Using the Web Interface" section.

Monitoring TN3270 Server Status Using the Standard Interface

This section describes how to monitor the status of TN3270 servers using the standard interface.

You can monitor the status of TN3270 servers from the ISM Status Summary panel or from the ISM main menu panel. The following steps show you how to access TN3270 Server Status from the ISM Status Summary panel:

Step 1 On the ISM Status Summary panel ( Figure 8-5), position the cursor in the Total column beside the TN3270s option and press Enter.

Figure 8-5 ISM Status Summary Panel

The Cisco TN3270 Servers panel ( Figure 8-6) is displayed.

Figure 8-6 Cisco TN3270 Servers Panel

The Cisco TN3270 Servers panel displays the following fields:



Router name with which this TN3270 server is associated.


Channel interface on the router used by this TN3270 server.

TN3270 Status

Current TN3270 server status.

Last Change

Date and time of the last status change for this TN3270 server.


Previous TN3270 server status.

Step 2 To select options for TN3270 server operations, position the cursor on the selected router and press Enter. The ISM TN3270 Operation Options panel ( Figure 8-7) is displayed, showing the TN3270 status and management options available for the TN3270.

Figure 8-7 ISM TN3270 Operation Options Panel

Step 3 To show detailed information for the channel used by the TN3270 server, select the Show Interface option. The interface information displays differently depending on whether the router has an SNA interface or an SNMP interface. If the router has an SNA interface, the Router Command Interface panel ( Figure 8-8) is displayed.

Figure 8-8 Router Command Interface Panel—SNA

If the router has an SNMP interface, the Interface Table panel ( Figure 8-9) is displayed.

Figure 8-9 Interface Table Panel—SNMP

Step 4 To display the internal variables used by ISM to monitor the TN3270 server, select the Display Interface Variables option. Figure 8-10 and Figure 8-11 show the resulting output.

Figure 8-10 Interface Control Block Panel—1 of 2

Figure 8-11 Interface Control Block Panel—2 of 2

Step 5 To display the statistics that ISM has archived for a specific TN3270 server, select the History option. Figure 8-12 shows sample TN3270 history statistics.

Figure 8-12 TN3270 History Statistics

The TN3270 History Statistics panel displays the following fields:



Date the statistics were archived.


Time the statistics were archived.

% Free LUs

Percentage of LUs that are free.


Number of LUs defined for all PUs.


Number of of LUs in use.


Number of connections made to this TN3270 server.


Number of disconnects from this TN3270 server.


Number of connect failures for this TN3270 server.


Host response time (in milliseconds).


TCP response time (in milliseconds).

Step 6 If the router has an SNA interface, you can select the TN3270 Commands option, which enables you to issue show commands for TN3270 functions. Figure 8-13 shows the TN3270 Show Commands panel.

Figure 8-13 TN3270 Show Commands Panel

Step 7 Enter a number in the Action field and press Enter. Figure 8-14 shows an example of the panel that is displayed after 1 is entered in the Action field.

Figure 8-14 TN3270 Show Commands Output

Step 8 To perform administrative tasks, select the Administration option. (This option is displayed only if you have the authority to change the management rules for monitoring routers.) The ISM Interface Administration panel ( Figure 8-15) is displayed.

Figure 8-15 ISM Interface Administration Panel

From the ISM Interface Administration panel, you can perform the following tasks:

By default, ISM queries every channel for TN3270 server status (because every channel can potentially support TN3270 servers). To prevent ISM from collecting TN3270 server statistics from a selected channel, enter NOMON in the TN3270 Status field.

The TN3270 Status field can take one of the following values:

ACTIV—All functions are working.

ALERT—LU free threshold has been exceeded. ISM monitors LU availability on a TN3270 server and creates an alert when the available LUs drop below the threshold.

NOMON—Do not monitor this TN3270 server.

UNKNOWN—TN3270 server not found on this channel.

If TN3270 data archiving is enabled, you can remove history records from the VSAM database for a specific router. To do so, enter YES in the Delete History and Performance Records field and press PF4.

Step 9 To reset TN3270 status from ALERT to ACTIV state, select the Reset option. (This option is displayed only if you have the authority to change the management rules for monitoring routers.) If the TN3270 server is available, ISM changes the status to ACTIV and issues status collection commands.

Step 10 To display TN3270 status via SNMP, select the Show Via SNMP option. (This option is displayed only if the router can be contacted using SNMP.) Selecting this option generates two panels of information. To see the second panel, press PF11. Figure 8-16 and Figure 8-17 show sample output from this option.

Figure 8-16 TN3270 Server PU Status Panel—1 of 2

Figure 8-17 TN3270 Server PU Status Panel—2 of 2

The TN3270 History Statistics panels display the following variables:


PU Name

Name of this PU.

IP Address

IP address and TCP port of this TN3270 server PU.


XID or ID block/ID number for this PU.


Current state of this PU.


Indicates whether the connection to the host is via DLUR or via direct link. If via DLUR, the MAC, RSAP, and LSAP variables are undefined.

MAC Address

(Direct link only) MAC address of the remote node.


(Direct link only) SAP address of the remote node.


(Direct link only) SAP address of the local direct node.

TN3270 PU

Name of this PU.

IP Address

IP address and TCP port of this TN3270 server PU.


Number of TN3270 sessions configured that are available for use by TN3270 clients.


Number of sessions in use.


Total number of TN3270 sessions connected.


Total number of TN3270 sessions disconnected.


Total number of attempted sessions that failed to negotiate TN3270/E, or that were rejected by the control point.


Response time for all sampled inbound transactions for which response time is computed. Response time is the interval between the time the EOR was received from the client and the time the reply was received from the host.


If the timing mark is configured, response time is computed for all sampled timing marks on which response time is computed. Response time is the interval between the time the timing mark was sent to the client and the time the reply was received from the client.

Step 11 To display the status of the LUs associated with this PU, position the cursor on a TN3270 PU name and press Enter. Figure 8-18 shows sample output for this selection.

Figure 8-18 TN3270 Server PU Status with LUs Panel

The TN3270 Server PU Status with LUs panel contains the following LU output fields:


LU Name

Name of this LU.

IP Address

IP address and TCP port of the TN3270 client connected to this LU.


Indicates whether this LU has been configured for a specific TN3270 client (nailed).


Current state of the LU.


Terminal type or model number of the incoming TN3270 client.

Frames In

Number of RUs sent by the local LU.

Frames Out

Number of RUs received by the local LU.

Idle For

Time since last activity was recorded on this LU.

Monitoring TN3270 Server Operations Using the Standard Interface

You can monitor TN3270 server operations from the ISM main menu ( Figure 8-1). To do so, use the following procedure:

Step 1 Position the cursor on the TN32 line and press Enter. The TN3270 Monitoring Operations panel ( Figure 8-19) is displayed.

Figure 8-19 TN3270 Monitoring Operations Panel

The TN3270 Monitoring Operations panel provides the following options:



Select this option and enter a router name to list TN3270 servers by router name. If you do not enter a router name, all TN3270 routers are displayed.


Select this option and select a status to list TN3270 servers by their current status. By default, this option lists all channels that are TN3270 server-capable, except those that are in NOMON state. If you do not enter a status, all TN3270 routers are displayed.


(Local VTAM-managed LUs only) Enter an LU name to list the associated TN3270 PUs.


List all TN3270 PUs.

Figure 8-20 shows sample output for the List by Status option.

Figure 8-20 Cisco TN3270 Servers

Step 2 To find the TN3270 server PU that an LU is using, enter the LU's name in the TN3270 Monitoring Operations menu ( Figure 8-19) and press Enter. The TN3270 Show Commands panel ( Figure 8-21) is displayed, showing any associated TN3270 PUs.

Figure 8-21 TN3270 Show Commands Panel

Step 3 To help with problem determination, enter option 1, 2, or 7.

Figure 8-22 shows sample output if you enter a 2 in the Action field, thereby issuing the show extended channel 2/0 tn3270-server pu ISM3270A command.

Figure 8-22 TN3270 Show Commands Option 2 Output

Figure 8-23 shows sample output if you enter a 7 in the Action field.

Figure 8-23 TN3270 Show Commands Option 7 Output

Step 4 To display all PUs associated with Cisco TN3270 servers, select option LISTP. A list of all TN3270 PUs ( Figure 8-24) is displayed.

Figure 8-24 List of TN3270 Server PUs

Monitoring TN3270 Servers Using the Web Interface

You can monitor the status of TN3270 servers using either the standard interface or by the NetView Web interface. This section describes how to use the Web interface to perform the following tasks:

Monitoring TN3270 Server Status Using the Web Interface

Monitoring TN3270 Server Operations Using the Web Interface

Monitoring TN3270 Server Status Using the Web Interface

To monitor the status of TN3270 servers using the NetView Web interface, complete the following steps:

Step 1 On the ISM main menu page ( Figure 8-25), select ISM Status Summary and click Submit.

Figure 8-25 ISM Main Menu Page

The ISM Status Summary page ( Figure 8-26) is displayed.

Figure 8-26 ISM Status Summary Page

Step 2 Select a field in the CMCCs row. The Cisco TN3270 Servers page ( Figure 8-27) is displayed.

Figure 8-27 Cisco TN3270 Servers Page

The Cisco TN3270 Servers page contains the following fields:



Router name with which this TN3270 server is associated.


Channel interface on the router used by this TN3270 server.


Current TN3270 server status.

Previous Status

Previous TN3270 server status.

Last Change

Date and time of the last status change for this TN3270 server.

Step 3 Select a router to display its TN3270 options. The ISM TN3270 Operation Options page ( Figure 8-28) is displayed, which shows the TN3270 status and management options available for the TN3270 server.

Figure 8-28 ISM TN3270 Operation Options Page

Step 4 To issue show commands for TN3270 functions, select Show Commands. (This option is displayed only if the router has an SNA interface.) The TN3270 Show Commands page ( Figure 8-29) is displayed.

Figure 8-29 TN3270 Show Commands Page

Step 5 To show the available commands for a given PU name, enter the PU name and click Submit. You can then select a command for that PU name. ISM prompts you if other input is required.

Figure 8-30 shows sample output for the first command in the list.

Figure 8-30 Show Extended Channel x/x TN3270-Server

Step 6 To show the internal variables used by ISM to monitor the TN3270 server, on the ISM TN3270 Operation Options page ( Figure 8-28), click Display Interface Variables. Figure 8-31 shows sample output for this option.

Figure 8-31 TN3270 Server Variables Page

Step 7 To display the statistics that ISM has archived for the selected TN3270 server, on the ISM TN3270 Operation Options page ( Figure 8-28), click History. The TN3270 History page ( Figure 8-32) is displayed.

Figure 8-32 TN3270 History Page

The TN3270 History page displays the following fields:



Date the statistics were archived.


Time the statistics were archived.

% Free LUs

Percentage of LUs that are free.


Number of LUs defined for all PUs.

In Use

Number of of LUs in use.


Number of connections made to this TN3270 server.


Number of disconnects from this TN3270 server.


Number of connect failures for this TN3270 server.


Host response time (in milliseconds).


TCP response time (in milliseconds).

Step 8 To display TN3270 status via SNMP, on the ISM TN3270 Operation Options page ( Figure 8-28), click Show Via SNMP. (This option is displayed only if the router can be contacted using SNMP.) The ISM TN3270 Server PU Status page ( Figure 8-33) is displayed.

Figure 8-33 ISM TN3270 Server PU Status Page

The TN3270 Server PU Status page contains the following variables:


PU Name

Name of this PU. If the PU name is a hyperlink, select it to display LU statistics associated with this PU.

IP Address

IP address and TCP port of this TN3270 server PU.


XID or ID block/ID number for this PU.


Current state of this PU.


Indicates whether the connection to the host is via DLUR or via direct link. If via DLUR, the MAC, RSAP, and LSAP variables are undefined.

MAC Address

(Direct link only) MAC address of the remote node.


(Direct link only) SAP address of the remote node.


(Direct link only) SAP address of the local direct node.


Number of TN3270 sessions configured that are available for use by TN3270 clients.

In Use

Number of sessions in use.


Total number of TN3270 sessions connected.


Total number of TN3270 sessions disconnected.


Total number of attempted sessions that failed to negotiate, or that were rejected by the control point.


Response time (in milliseconds) for all sampled inbound transactions for which response time is computed. Response time is the interval between the time the EOR was received from the client and the time the reply was received from the host.


If the timing mark is configured, response time (in milliseconds) for all sampled timing marks on which response time is computed. Response time is the interval between the time the timing mark was sent to the client and the time the reply was received from the client.

Select a TN3270 PU name to display the status of the LUs associated with this PU, as shown in Figure 8-34.

Figure 8-34 ISM TN3270 Server PU Status with LUs Page

The ISM TN3270 Server PU Status with LUs page contains the following LU output fields:


LU Name

Name of this LU.

IP Address

IP address and TCP port of the TN3270 client connected to this LU.


Indicates whether this LU has been configured for a specific TN3270 client (nailed).


Current state of the LU.


Terminal type or model number of the incoming TN3270 client.

Frames In

Number of RUs sent by the local LU.

Frames Out

Number of RUs received by the local LU.

Idle For

Time since last activity was recorded on this LU.

Monitoring TN3270 Server Operations Using the Web Interface

To monitor TN3270 server operations, use the following procedure:

Step 1 On the ISM main menu page ( Figure 8-25), select TN3270 Monitor and click Submit. The TN3270 Monitor Operations page ( Figure 8-35) is displayed.

Figure 8-35 TN3270 Monitor Operations Page

The TN3270 Monitor Operations page provides the following options:


List by Resource

Select this option, enter a router name, and click Submit to list TN3270 servers by router name. If you do not enter a router name, all TN3270 routers are displayed.

List by Status

Select this option, select a status, and click Submit to list TN3270 servers by their current status. By default, this option lists all channels that are TN3270 server-capable, except those that are in NOMON state. If you do not enter a status, all TN3270 routers are displayed.

Locate PU by Given LU Name

(Local VTAM-managed LUs only) Select this option, enter an LU name, and click Submit to list the associated TN3270 PUs.

List All PUs

Select this option, and click Submit to list all TN3270 PUs.

Figure 8-36 shows sample output for the List by Status option.

Figure 8-36 Cisco TN3270 Servers Page

Step 2 To display all PUs associated with Cisco TN3270 servers, on the TN3270 Monitor Operations page ( Figure 8-35), select List All PUs and click Submit. A list of all TN3270 PUs ( Figure 8-37) is displayed.

Figure 8-37 List of TN3270 Server PUs

Step 3 To find the TN3270 server PU that is associated with an LU, on the TN3270 Monitor Operations page ( Figure 8-35), select Locate PU by Given LU Name, enter the LU's name, and click Submit. Figure 8-38 shows sample output for locating an LU.

Figure 8-38 Locating a PU—Output

Step 4 To help with problem determination, click on a command.

Figure 8-39 shows sample output for the show extended channel 2/0 tn3270-server pu ISM3270A command.

Figure 8-39 TN3270 Show Commands Output for Second Command

Figure 8-40 shows sample output for the d net,e,id=ISM3270A command, which displays VTAM information about the specified PU.

Figure 8-40 TN3270 Show Commands Output for Sixth Command


Posted: Wed Oct 13 00:43:41 PDT 2004
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