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Table Of Contents
ISM Commands
In addition to using the ISM panel interface, you can perform many of the ISM functions using ISM commands. This appendix lists the ISM commands that you can issue. This appendix also provides a syntax description (if applicable) and notes on using each command.
To access help for an ISM command, enter the command followed by a space and question mark from the action prompt. For example, entering ismaid ? displays help for the ismaid command.
This chapter describes the following commands:
Use the ism command to display the ISM main menu. You can also select and execute the ISM operations from the ISM main menu.
ism [ cmcc | dspu | help | int | ismr | log | mgr | mgrm | setup | sna | snmp | tn32 | user | var ]
Syntax Description
Security Level
Any ISM user can issue this command.
Usage Guidelines
Once you have configured the ISM management environment and have initialized ISM, issue the ism command from a NetView command line to display the ISM main menu.
The following command displays the ISM main menu panel:
Use the ismaid command to enable or disable the trace facilities provided by ISM. The three trace facilities and their functions provided by ISM are Debug, Ctrace, and Trflow.
ismaid {debug {on | off} | ctrace {all | all name | err | cmd} | trflow {on | off} | off}
Syntax Description
Security Level
Any ISM user can issue this command.
Usage Guidelines
The traces initiated by this command affect only the operator under which the ismaid command is issued. With the ismaid command you can enable or disable an internal trace function. Use the ismaid debug on command to trace the data flow in routines that process data from RUNCMDs. Use the ismaid trflow on command to trace the entry and exit of the routines that you are issuing.
Issuing ismaid displays the help panel for the NSPAID facility.
Issuing the ismaid debug on command yields the following message:
CautionThis command is intended to be used at the direction of support personnel to troubleshoot ISM.
Use the ismhelp command to view the contents of the Cisco ISM Commands for NetView panel and the list of other help panels you can access by entering the number associated with that panel.
Syntax Description
This command has no keywords or arguments.
Security Level
All ISM users can issue this command.
Usage Guidelines
The Cisco ISM Commands for NetView panel lists the help panels that are available for ISM. To access a specific help panel, type the number representing the panel at the Action prompt and press Enter.
You can also get help for a command by typing the command, a space, and then a question mark and pressing Enter.
The following command lists the help panels that are available for ISM:
Use the ismhmsg command to display detailed message text and to find information about recommended actions.
ismhmsg msg_id
Syntax Description
Security Level
All ISM users can issue this command.
Usage Guidelines
You can specify the full message identification number, or just the numeric portion of the message with the ismhmsg command to obtain help about a particular ISM message.
The following command requests help for the NSP1001I message:
ismhmsg 1001
Use the ismidis command to display a list of interfaces, by type, for the entire network or for a specific resource.
ismidis interface_type [SPname]
Syntax Description
Security Level
All ISM users can issue this command.
Usage Guidelines
If you issue the ismidis command without specifying a service point name, all interfaces configured in the resources on your network that match the interface type you specify are displayed.
Issuing the ismidis command and specifying a service point name displays all the interfaces configured in a resource that match the type you specify.
The following command displays a list of Token Ring interfaces configured in a resource with the service point name atlanta:
ismidis t atlanta
Use the ismiinit command to initialize a specific group of interfaces.
ismiinit interface_type [init | reset]
Syntax Description
Security Level
All ISM users can issue this command.
Usage Guidelines
Normally, ISM automatically executes the ismiinit command upon startup. However, you can manually issue the command at anytime to re-initialize a group of interfaces. When you issue the ismiinit command, ISM reads the VSAM records for the specific group type and builds a table in storage that contains all of the interfaces.
If you have already issued the ismiinit command, and issue the ismiinit command again without specifying init or reset, an error message is displayed requesting that you specify an interface type.
The following command clears all ISM Ethernet interface data and restarts ISM:
ismiinit e init
Use the ismmgr command to display the Resource Status panel from which you can view a list of resources that are being monitored by ISM and their status.
Syntax Description
This command has no keywords or arguments.
Security Level
All ISM users can issue this command.
Usage Guidelines
The ismmgr command displays the current status of resources if at least one of the following conditions is true:
You used the ismr command to access a specific resource
Message automation was enabled for the IST590I message
The color in which the service point name of a resource displays on the Resource Status panel indicates the status of that resource. You can clear all the ISM variables displayed on the Resource Status panel by issuing the ismmgr command and specifying reset.
The following command displays the Resource Status panel:
Use the ismr command to to learn about a resource and its related resources.
ismr [control_name | ip_address]
Syntax Description
Control name of the resource (1 to 8 characters).
IP address of the resource (1 to 15 characters).
Security Level
Any ISM user can issue this command.
Usage Guidelines
This command displays a panel that provides status information a resource as well as a number of control options for the resource. The status information shows the current and extended status. If the resource is not known, it can be added from the panel by selecting option 3.
Depending on the type of resource you select, some or all of the following options are displayed on the panel:
1.Command Interface / Show System
2.Show Protocols
3.ISM Router Administration
4.Total Events (NPDA)
5.VTAM Display
6.Router Config. History
7.Collect Router Config.
8.Last Alert (NPDA)
9.Refresh/Reset Status
A.Router Performance History
B.Show Commands Menu
C.Router Interfaces Status
D.Router Memory Dump
E.List CMCCs
The following commands display the Resource Status with Options panel:
ismr ism7200b
Use the ismsetup command to define or change the setup parameters for ISM.
Syntax Description
This command has no keywords or arguments.
Security Level
All ISM users can issue this command, but only ISM users defined as administrators can change the setup options.
Usage Guidelines
This command corresponds to selecting the SETUP option on the ISM main menu panel.
Only ISM users defined as ISM administrators can modify the ISM setup parameters.
To display the ISM Resource Management Setup panel, type the following command:
Use the ismuser command to create an operator profile, define viewing filters, or to define the security level for an ISM operator.
ismuser [op_id | all]
Syntax Description
Security Level
All ISM users can issue this command, but only ISM users defined as administrators can define authority levels or delete a profile.
Usage Guidelines
This command corresponds to selecting the USER option on the ISM main menu.
Only ISM administrators can perform the following tasks:
Update other operator's profiles
Define an operator as an administrator or enabled user
You can issue the ismusers command to show all of the operator profiles in the same full-screen panel that is displayed using the ismuser all command.
The following command creates and displays an ISM profile for an operator whose ID is CE6:
ismuser ce6
Use the ismusers command to show all operator profiles defined to ISM, and to define viewing filters, or to define the security level for an ISM operator in an interactive full-screen mode.
Syntax Description
This command has no keywords or arguments.
Security Level
All ISM users can issue this command, but only ISM users defined as administrators can define authority levels or delete a profile.
Usage Guidelines
Only ISM administrators can perform the following tasks:
Update other operators' profiles
Define an operator as an administrator or enabled user
To display all of the operator profiles that are defined to ISM and update profile options on the ISM Authorized Users panel, type the following command:
Use the ismvars command to display the values of the common globals of the ISM management environment.
Syntax Description
This command has no keywords or arguments.
Security Level
All ISM users can issue this command.
Usage Guidelines
The ismvars command displays values of common globals used by ISM. It does not show the common globals used for each resource or interface.
The ismvars command also displays a description of each variable.
The following example displays the common globals of the ISM management environment:
Posted: Wed Oct 13 00:37:02 PDT 2004
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