
Table of Contents

Setting Up the ISM Environment

Setting Up the ISM Environment

The ISM program provides an extensive set of management options that can be applied to the management of all your router resources. These options allow you to customize the ISM operating environment to suit your site's needs.

The ISM environment can be set up with global configuration options using the ISM Administration panels and other related setup panels. In addition, ISM provides you with the ability to override certain global configuration options on a per-router basis (such as performance thresholds) to further customize your router management options. This chapter describes how to set up the global configuration options for ISM and how to set up router-specific monitoring options for all routers that are defined to ISM.

ISM implements default router management settings so that you can begin monitoring resources soon after you have completed the software installation. This chapter describes the following tasks that you can perform to modify the ISM management environment:

Administering ISM

After you have installed and configured ISM on your mainframe, the next step is to set up our ISM management applications. To access ISM administration functions, type A in the Select Option field on the ISM : Primary Menu and press Enter. The ISM : Administration Menu (Figure 3-1) is displayed.

Figure 3-1: ISM : Administration Menu Panel

Setting Up ISM Management Applications

Use the ISM Parameter Administration panels to enable the ISM management applications and to specify the global ISM router management options. These management options apply to all of the routers (and the router resources) that you will be monitoring in ISM.

You must be a user with ISM administrator authority to setup and modify the ISM parameters. For more information on setting up user authority, see the "Defining the ISM User Profiles" section.

Note The first user to use the ISM Parameter Administration panels is automatically defined as an ISM administrator. For more information about ISM administrator profiles, see the "Defining the ISM User Profiles" section.

To enable the ISM management applications and specify the global ISM router management options you must complete the following tasks:

Enabling ISM Management Applications

To enable the ISM management applications and to specify the global ISM router management options, complete the following steps:

Step 1 On the ISM : Administration Menu panel (Figure 3-1), type P in the Select Option field and press Enter.

The ISM : Parameters Administration Menu panel is displayed (Figure 3-2).

Figure 3-2: ISM : Parameters Administration Menu Panel

Step 2 To select an ISM management application to enable or disable, or to define parameters for it, type the corresponding option in the Select Option field and press Enter.

The appropriate ISM Parameters Administration panel is displayed in each case.

For more information on setting up each set of parameters, see the following sections in this chapter:

Setting Up Router Management Parameters

To set up router management parameters for your local system:

Step 1 On the ISM : Parameters Administration Menu panel (Figure 3-2), type R in the Select Option field and press Enter. The ISM : Router Management Parameters panel is displayed (Figure 3-3).

Figure 3-3: ISM : Router Management Parameters Panel

Step 2 To enable router management, type Yes (the initial default) in the Router Management? field.

Enabling router management allows you to monitor routers. It also allows you to enable monitoring of associated resources, such as interfaces, CMCCs, and DSPUs.

Step 3 To enable alert generation, type Yes in the entry field beside each of the types of alert generation that you want ISM to perform for routers.

The default selection is no alert generation. If you want ISM to indicate router status changes or to indicate when CPU or memory thresholds have been exceeded for routers, then you need to enable ISM's alert generation.

Step 4 To specify global ISM router management options, type the required values in the remaining fields.

Step 5 Press F3 to file your changes.


Setting Up Interface Monitoring Parameters

To set up interface monitoring parameters for your local system:

Step 1 On the ISM : Parameters Administration Menu panel (Figure 3-2), type I in the Select Option field and press Enter. The ISM : Interface Monitoring Parameters panel is displayed (Figure 3-4).

Figure 3-4: ISM : Interface Monitoring Parameters Panel

Step 2 To enable interface monitoring, type Yes (the initial default) in the Interface Monitoring? field.

Step 3 To specify global ISM interface monitoring options, type the required values in the remaining fields.

The default interface monitoring interval is two hours (02:00). Cisco recommends 24 hours (23:59).

Step 4 To enable alert generation, type Yes in the Create Alert on Interface Status? field.

The default selection is no alert generation. If you want ISM to indicate interface status changes, then you need to enable ISM's alert generation for interfaces.

Step 5 To specify which types of interface you want to monitor, type Yes in the input field beside each of the required interface types.

Step 6 Press F3 to file your changes.

Setting Up SNA Session Monitoring Parameters

To set up SNA session monitoring parameters for your local system:

Step 1 On the ISM : Parameters Administration Menu panel (Figure 3-2), type SNA in the Select Option field and press Enter. The ISM : SNA Session Monitoring Parameters panel is displayed (Figure 3-5).

Figure 3-5: ISM : SNA Session Monitoring Parameters Panel

Step 2 To enable SNA session monitoring, type Yes (the initial default) in the SNA Session Monitoring? field.

Step 3 Press F3 to file your changes.

Note The
VTAM XID Exit Event Receiver Status field shows whether the event receiver for RIF monitoring is currently active. RIF data is collected only when this event receiver is active. For details of how to set up the VTAM XID exit event receiver, see the "Installing ISM" chapter in the CiscoWorks Blue Internetwork Status Monitor Installation Guide.

Setting Up CMCC Management Parameters

To set up CMCC management parameters for your local system:

Step 1 On the ISM : Parameters Administration Menu panel (Figure 3-2), type C in the Select Option field and press Enter. The ISM : CMCC Management Parameters panel is displayed (Figure 3-6).

Figure 3-6: ISM : CMCC Management Parameters Panel

Step 2 To enable CMCC management, type Yes in the CMCC Management? field.

Step 3 To specify global ISM CMCC management options, type the required values in the remaining fields.

The default CPU threshold is 95 percent, and the default free memory threshold is 10 percent.

Step 4 To enable alert generation for CMCCs, type Yes in the Create Alert on Performance/Memory? field.

The default selection is no alert generation. If you want ISM to indicate CMCC status changes or to indicate when CPU or memory thresholds have been exceeded for CMCCs, then you need to enable ISM's alert generation.

Step 5 Press F3 to file your changes.


You can override the performance thresholds for individual CMCCs by using the ISM : CMCC Administration panel. For more information, see the "Setting Up Router CMCC Management Options" section.

Setting Up DSPU Management Parameters

To set up DSPU management parameters for your local system:

Step 1 On the ISM : Parameters Administration Menu panel (Figure 3-2), type D in the Select Option field and press Enter. The ISM : DSPU Management Parameters panel is displayed (Figure 3-7).

Figure 3-7: ISM : DSPU Management Parameters Panel

Step 2 To enable DSPU management, type Yes in the DSPU Management? field.

Step 3 Press F3 to file your changes.

Setting Up ISM System Parameters

To set up ISM system parameters for your local system:

Step 1 On the ISM : Parameters Administration Menu panel (Figure 3-2), type S in the Select Option field and press Enter. The ISM : System Parameters panel is displayed (Figure 3-8).

Figure 3-8: ISM : System Parameters Panel

Step 2 To specify parameters for ISM Focal Point Management, complete the Link Details fields.

The Automatically Define APPC Links? field indicates whether you want APPC link definitions to be defined for each INMC link between remote systems.

The Automatically Defined LU Mask field identifies the mask you want to use when ISM defines APPC link definitions.

Step 3 To specify how often the ISM Status Summary display is refreshed, type the required value, in seconds, in the Refresh Delay field.

Step 4 To specify whether you want resources polled, type Yes or No in the Poll Routers/Interfaces? field.

Step 5 Press F3 to file your changes.

Using ISM's Focal Point Management application requires ISM to be installed in each domain that you want to include in this application. The default ISM setting is to disable Focal Point Management. To enable Focal Point Management in a domain, you need to use the ISM Administration Parameters. After the application has been enabled, you can use the SOLVE management services command, LINK START=linkname, to define a link between your local domain and a remote domain.

Setting Up ISM Database Parameters

To set up ISM database parameters for your local system:

Step 1 On the ISM : Parameters Administration Menu panel (Figure 3-2), type DB in the Select Option field and press Enter. The ISM : Database Parameters panel is displayed (Figure 3-9).

Figure 3-9: ISM : Database Parameters Panel

Step 2 To specify the maximum number of records to be retained for each type of history and statistics, type the required value in each of the Maximum Record Counts fields.

Step 3 Press F3 to file your changes.

Setting Up Alert Generation

If you want ISM to send generic alerts to SOLVE:Netmaster's NEWS facility for router and interface status alerts, then the alert generation parameter for router status must be enabled. Alert generation to NEWS is disabled by default when ISM is first initialized.

In addition, you must change SOLVE:Netmaster for SNA to enable the receipt of these alerts. Do this by ensuring that the NETVALRT PPI receiver is activated during SOLVE initialization. For further details, see the CiscoWorks Blue Internetwork Status Monitor for SOLVE:Netmaster Installation Guide.

Note You must be an operator with ISM enable authority to enable interface alert generation or modify other ISM rules.

For details of how to set up alert generation see the following sections in this chapter:

Setting Up Monitoring for Router Groups

To manage large numbers of routers or to sort routers into meaningful groups, such as by location, you can assign up to three group names to be associated with each router. These groups can be used to filter views when monitoring router status and to manage ISM's monitoring load by specifying different monitoring intervals for router groups in the ISM Polling application.

The order in which you specify a group ID for a router affects the implementation of group polling. If you assign a router to more than one group and also set up polling intervals for groups, then ISM monitors the router according to the monitoring interval associated with the first group to which the router is assigned.

Specifying Monitoring Intervals

There are two methods that you can use in ISM to specify how often statistics are collected for routers and their CMCC resources:

Specifying Monitoring Intervals for Router Groups

If you choose to use the Router Group Administration option to set up the router and interface monitoring intervals for a group, then, for all routers assigned to that group, the group-defined intervals override the global parameter intervals.

Use the ISM : Router Group Details panel (Figure 3-11) to specify how often to collect router and interface statistics. This function is optional.


Note the following guidelines when using the router groups to set up your router monitoring intervals:

To set up the router and interface monitoring intervals for a router group, complete the following steps:

Step 1 On the ISM : Administration Menu panel (Figure 3-1), type G in the Select Option field and press Enter. The ISM : Router Group List panel is displayed (Figure 3-10).

Figure 3-10: ISM : Router Group List Panel

Step 2 Type U beside a group name and press Enter, or press F4 to add a new group. The ISM : Router Group Administration panel is displayed (Figure 3-11).

Figure 3-11: ISM : Router Group Administration Panel

Step 3 Type the required values in the Router Polling Interval and Interface Polling Interval fields.

The default router monitoring interval is 15 minutes (00:15). Cisco recommends two hours (02:00).

The default interface monitoring interval is two hours (02:00). Cisco recommends 24 hours (23:59).

Step 4 Press F3 to update the router group record.

Ensuring That ISM Has Enough Timers Available

Polling of routers and interfaces is achieved using timers, a facility provided by SOLVE management services. The SOLVE system parameters allow your SOLVE administrator to limit the maximum number of timers that can be active at any one time. This limit is set by using the SYSPARM TCMDMAX, which defaults to the following values:

ISM requires two timers for each group of routers; for each defined router group and for the default group. The ISM requirement for timers is in addition to any timers being used by other SOLVE products.

To review the SYSPARM TCMDMAX value and increase it to cover the number of timers required for ISM polling, complete the following steps:

Step 1 Issue the SHOW SYSPARM=TCMDMAX command in OCS to display the current value.

Step 2 Issue the SYSPARM TCMDMAX=nnnn command in OCS for the command to take effect immediately.

Step 3 Include the SYSPARM TCMDMAX=nnnn command in your INIT procedure so that the new value takes effect across system restarts.

If there are insufficient timers specified, ISM polling or functions of other SOLVE products do not function as expected.

Assigning Routers to Management Groups

To assign a router to management groups, use the ISM : Router Administration panel (Figure 3-12) to update the router details. Type the names of the required groups (up to three groups) in the Group(s) fields.

To delete a router from management groups, use the ISM : Router Administration panel (Figure 3-12) to update the router details. Delete the names of the required groups from the Group(s) fields.

Figure 3-12: ISM : Router Administration Panel

Defining the ISM User Profiles

This section describes the tasks required to define the ISM user profiles.

Overview of the User Types

The ISM user profile management function provides the following user types, which dictate the actions a user can perform using ISM:

ISM Administrator

ISM administrators maintain the ISM management environment. ISM administrators also are responsible for assigning authority levels for users, which dictate the ISM actions that a user can perform. ISM administrators can have either enable or display authority.

An ISM administrator with display authority can perform the following tasks:

In addition to the tasks that an ISM administrator with display authority can perform, an ISM administrator with enable authority can perform the following tasks:

A user with enable authority is defined by ENABLE in the Router Enable Authority field on the User Administration Details panel. A user with display authority is defined by DISPLAY in the Router Enable Authority field.

Note An ISM administrator with enable authority must still know the password to a router to issue the enable command. If the router supports TACACS+, then the ISM user must know the user ID and password.
ISM Operator

ISM operators can update their own profiles for filtering purposes.

An ISM operator with display authority can perform the following tasks:

In addition to the tasks that an operator with display authority can perform, an ISM operator with enable authority can perform the following tasks:

A user with enable authority is defined by ENABLE in the Router Enable Authority field on the User Administration Details panel. A user with display authority is defined by DISPLAY in the Router Enable Authority field.

An ISM operator with enable authority must still know the password to a router to issue the enable command. If the router supports TACACS+, then the ISM operator must know the user ID and password.

Creating, Changing, or Deleting User Profiles

All ISM users must have a user profile. Only an ISM administrator can create or change the authority level of another user's profile. To access user administration functions, type A.U in the Select Option field of the ISM : Primary Menu panel and press Enter. The ISM : User Administration Menu panel is displayed (Figure 3-13).

Figure 3-13: ISM : User Administration Menu Panel

Listing ISM Users

The ISM : User List panel enables you to view and modify the profiles of all the users defined to ISM. This list includes each user's ID, ISM user authority level and Enable/Disable setting, and any groups that have been specified for them.

To view a list of all the users defined to ISM, type L in the Select Option field of the ISM : User Administration Menu panel (Figure 3-13) and press Enter. The ISM : User List panel is displayed (Figure 3-14).

Figure 3-14: ISM : User List Panel

Creating or Changing User Profiles

Use the ISM : User Details panel (Figure 3-15) to create or change a user's profile. To access this panel from the ISM : User List panel (Figure 3-14), do one of the following:

Figure 3-15: ISM : User Details Panel

On the ISM : User Details panel, complete the following steps:

Step 1 To set up the user authority, perform one of the following tasks:

For a description of the operator capabilities by authority see the "Overview of the User Types" section.

Step 2 To enable Group Filters, specify viewing of a certain set of routers assigned to a group name by typing the name of the router groups (up to two) that you want this user to view.

The routers that are defined to the group names that you specified will be the only routers to appear on the ISM : Router List panel (for this user's ISM session).

Step 3 To enable Status Filters, do the following tasks:

The routers with the status that you specified will be the only routers to appear on the ISM : Router List panel (for this user's ISM session).

Step 4 Press F3 to save the user profile.

Posted: Tue Aug 24 11:59:46 PDT 1999
Copyright 1989-1999©Cisco Systems Inc.