
Table of Contents

Monitoring CMCCs

Monitoring CMCCs

Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections (CMCCs), are installed in Cisco routers to provide a connection to IBM or IBM-compatible mainframes. CMCCs include Channel Interface Processors (CIPs) and Channel Port Adapters. You can use ISM from SOLVE:Netmaster to display a list of channel interfaces that have been discovered in your network routers.

This chapter describes the following tasks to help you find information about CMCCs on your routers:

Setting Up ISM to Monitor CMCCs

You can use the ISM Parameter Administration panels to specify the following global CMCC management options for the ISM program:

The options on the ISM Parameter Administration panels apply to all routers that ISM manages. You can override the global setup options by setting up router-specific CMCC options. For more information about setting up router-specific CMCC options, see the "Setting Up Router CMCC Management Options" section.

You can set up ISM to monitor the status and performance statistics for the CMCCs that it discovers by using the ISM : CMCC Management Parameters panel. CMCC management is disabled by default in ISM setup when ISM is first initialized.

Note The ISM Router Management application must be enabled to monitor a router's CMCC resources.

ISM's architecture provides two layers of CMCC management control options---global and individual:

Note To set up the CMCC monitoring options, your ISM user profile must be administrator. For information on setting up ISM's user profiles, see the "Defining the ISM User Profiles" section.

For information on setting up global CMCC monitoring options, see the "Setting Up CMCC Management Parameters" section.

For information on setting up CMCC-specific monitoring options, see the "Setting Up Router CMCC Management Options" section.

ISM uses the CPU Utilization and Free Memory thresholds that you set up on the ISM : CMCC Management Parameters panel to determine the acceptable performance levels for discovered CMCCs on all routers that are monitored by ISM. When these thresholds are exceeded on a router's CMCC, ISM issues a performance alert (status PERF) for the CMCC on that router if alert generation has been enabled. For information about enabling alert generation, see the "Managing CMCC Data" section.

Note ISM will also generate a generic alert in SOLVE:Netmaster's NEWS facility if you have enabled the Create Alert on Performance/Memory? option on the ISM Management Rules Setup panel. For information about enabling alert generation, see the "Setting Up CMCC Alert Generation and Recovery" section.

Setting Up CMCC Alert Generation and Recovery

If you want ISM to send generic alerts to SOLVE:Netmaster's NEWS facility for CMCC performance and memory alerts, then the alert generation rule for CMCC performance and memory thresholds must be enabled. Alert generation to NEWS is disabled by default when ISM is first initialized. If you want to set up ISM with the ability to recover from CMCC status alerts and reset CMCCs, you need to enable the ISM CMCC Recovery rule.

You must be an operator with ISM enable authority to enable CMCC alert generation or modify other ISM rules.

For information on setting up CMCC alert generation for performance and memory thresholds and CMCC recovery, see the "Setting Up CMCC Management Parameters" section.

Setting Up Router CMCC Management Options

If you want to override the global thresholds that have been set up in ISM Parameter Administration for a particular router's CMCCs, you can specify thresholds for individual CMCCs by using the ISM : CMCC Administration panel. You can also enable or disable CMCC monitoring and data archiving for a specific CMCC.

To set up router-specific CMCC management options, perform the following steps:

Step 1 From the ISM : Monitoring Menu panel, type C in the Select Option field and press Enter. The ISM : CMCC List panel is displayed (Figure 7-1).

Figure 7-1: ISM : CMCC List Panel

Step 2 Type U next to a service point name and press Enter. The ISM : CMCC Administration panel is displayed (Figure 7-2), showing the CMCC management definition for the selected CMCC.

Figure 7-2: ISM : CMCC Administration Panel

Step 3 To specify the maximum CPU utilization threshold for the selected CMCC, type a value in the CPU Utilization Threshold % field.

ISM issues a performance alert (status PERF) for the CMCC when the CPU utilization exceeds the percentage that you specified on this panel.

Step 4 To specify the minimum free memory threshold for the CMCCs on the router that you selected, type a value in the Free Memory Threshold % field.

ISM issues a performance alert (status PERF) for the CMCC when the free memory percentage is below the percentage that you specified on this panel.

Step 5 To enable or disable CMCC performance data archiving for the selected router, type Yes or No in the Collect History-Performance Records? field.

Step 6 To enable or disable monitoring and the creation of CMCC history and performance records for the selected CMCC, type Yes or No in the Monitor? field.

Step 7 Press F3 to file your changes.

Managing CMCC Data

If you enable monitoring of CMCCs, the router CMCC history and performance data is stored in its own database. You can enable or disable storage of the CMCC management data, and you can delete history and performance records from the database.

For information on how to enable or disable CMCC data archiving, see the "Setting Up Router CMCC Management Options" section.

Monitoring CMCC Status

After you have enabled CMCC management for the routers in the ISM Parameter Administration panels, you can monitor the status for discovered CMCCs on all routers by using the ISM : CMCC List panel (Figure 7-1). This panel displays the discovered CMCCs for routers being monitored by ISM

Note If you want to filter the CMCCs displayed, you can enter a value in the Service Point Name field of the ISM : Monitoring Menu panel to display a list of CMCCs for a specific router.

Description of Status Types

The color in which a CMCC status is displayed on the ISM : CMCC List panel (Figure 7-1) indicates the condition of that CMCC.

Table 7-1 lists the color and definition of each status.

Table 7-1: ISM CMCC Status and Color Definitions
Color Status Meaning



All CMCC functions are available.



The router is active, but failed to respond to ISM during CMCC poll.



Router status is INVALID or CMCC is defined to ISM but does not exist.



CMCC monitoring and history are disabled.



The router is active, but one of the following problems exists:

  • CMCC degraded

  • Thresholds exceeded for memory, CPU, DMA, PCA0, PCA1, ECA0, or ECA1



CMCC is awaiting its first poll or ISM was unable to determine the status of the CMCC.

Monitoring Channel Interfaces

To monitor the status of channel interfaces for routers that are being monitored by ISM, list the CMCCs, select a CMCC, and display that CMCC's channel interfaces.

Note Both the Interface Monitoring application and the channel interface type need to be enabled on the ISM Parameter Administration panels (see the
"Setting Up Interface Monitoring Parameters" section) before you can monitor channel interfaces.

Complete the following tasks to monitor channel interfaces:

Step 1 From the ISM : CMCC List panel (Figure 7-1), type I next to a service point name and press Enter. The ISM : Interface List panel is displayed, showing the channel interfaces for the selected router and slot.

Step 2 To access the ISM : Interface Administration panel for a particular interface, type S next to the interface that you want to view and press Enter.

See the "Setting Up Interface-Specific Management Options" section for further information about using the ISM : Interface Administration panel.

Locating CMCC Hardware and Software Versions

The CMCC hardware and software versions are displayed in the following format:

CIP x.x yy.yy

where x.x is the hardware version and yy.yy is the software version.

These versions are displayed on two ISM panels:

Using the Command Interface

Although there are many ways of accessing the ISM : Command Interface, some of the ISM applications provide direct access to the command interface and list the commands that are specific to the resource currently being managed. When you are using the CMCC Management application panels in ISM, you can access panels that provide router commands that are specific to managing CMCCs.

Running CMCC and Channel Show Commands

You can use the ISM : CMCC and Channel Show Commands panel to run the router show commands that are useful when monitoring CMCC interfaces.

Complete the following steps to access the ISM : CMCC and Channel Show Commands panel and to run router show commands:

Step 1 From the ISM : CMCC List panel, type SH next to a service point name and press Enter. The ISM : CMCC and Channel Show Commands panel is displayed (Figure 7-3), with a list of show commands to issue against channel 0 of the selected CMCC port.

To access these show commands for other channels, do one of the following:

Figure 7-3: ISM : CMCC and Channel Show Commands Panel

Step 2 To view help on a show command, type H next to the command and press Enter. The help is displayed on the ISM : Command Interface panel.

Step 3 To run a show command, type S next to the command and press Enter. The command output is displayed on the ISM : Command Interface panel (Figure 7-4).


You need to specify the router service point name and the channel to run the show commands. When you select a router on the ISM : CMCC List panel to open the command interface, ISM automatically specifies the router and channel for you.

Running the Show Controller Command

The show controller command is a command to the router that displays all information about the CBUS controller card or controller channel on a Cisco router. This command shows the capabilities of the card and reports any controller-related failures (Figure 7-4).

To execute the show controller command from the ISM : CMCC and Channel Show Commands panel, type S next to the show controller CBUS command or show controller channel command and press Enter. The command output is displayed on the ISM : Command Interface panel (Figure 7-4).

Figure 7-4: ISM : Command Interface---Show Controller CBUS Command

Viewing CMCC Memory and Usage Statistics

To view CMCC memory and usage statistics for a CMCC, complete the following steps:

Step 1 From the ISM : CMCC List panel, type H next to a service point name and press Enter. The ISM : CMCC History panel is displayed (Figure 7-5).

Figure 7-5: ISM : CMCC History Panel---Page 1

Step 2 To view additional history statistics (Figure 7-6), press F11.

Figure 7-6: ISM : CMCC History Panel---Page 2

Step 3 For information about the statistics on these panels, press F1 for help.

Deleting History and Performance Records

If CMCC data archiving is enabled, you can remove history and performance records from the VSAM database for a specific router using the Delete History function on the ISM : CMCC History panel (Figure 7-2). When you use the Delete History option, the history records are removed from the database when you confirm the delete.

The record wrap counts are specified on the ISM : Database Parameters panel (see the "Setting Up ISM Database Parameters" section).

Complete the following tasks to delete history and performance records for a specific router and CMCC:

Step 1 On the ISM : CMCC List panel (Figure 7-1), type H next to the router and slot for which you want to delete the history and performance records. The ISM : CMCC History panel (Figure 7-5) is displayed for the selected router and slot.

Step 2 To delete the CMCC history and performance records, press F4. The ISM : CMCC Management History Delete Panel is displayed, prompting you to confirm or cancel your delete request.

Step 3 Press F6 to confirm the delete. ISM displays a message confirming that the CMCC history records for the selected CMCC have been deleted.

Viewing the CMCC Resource Diagram

You can view a diagram of a router service point and its CMCC and channel configuration on the CMCC Graphical Display panel. From there, you can access details about the resources that are shown in the diagram.

To view the CMCC Graphical Display panel, complete the following steps:

Step 1 On the ISM : CMCC List panel, type G next to a service point name and press Enter. The CMCC Graphical Display panel is displayed (Figure 7-7).

Figure 7-7: ISM : CMCC Graphical Display Panel

Step 2 If the router service point has multiple CMCCs, channels or sub-channels, you can Scroll left, right, up, or down to view additional information (press F7, F8, F10, or F11).

Step 3 For information about the graphical display, press F1 for help.

Step 4 To access additional information about a router resource, type ? in the entry field next to the box of the resource that you want to view, and press Enter. A list of available actions for the selected resource is displayed.

Step 5 Select one of the available actions and press Enter. The ISM panel that corresponds to the action that you selected for the resource is displayed. For example, if you select SH (Show Interfaces) and press Enter while the cursor is next to the Channel 2/0 box, the ISM : Command Interface panel is displayed, showing the output of the show interface command for Channel 2/0.

Posted: Tue Aug 24 12:09:39 PDT 1999
Copyright 1989-1999©Cisco Systems Inc.