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Performance Management

8.1  G.826 Performance Monitoring Data

8.2  Counters

8.3  Criteria for Counting Valid-data in the 0NS 15305

Performance Management

This chapter provides current and historical G.826 performance data for the SDH paths and section termination points and current values of the various counters available in the network element.

To clear all PM data on the network element, see the "4.3.10  Logs (Alarm Logs, Performance Data Logs)" section on page 4-18.

8.1  G.826 Performance Monitoring Data

In the topology browser you can select all managed objects that have G.826 performance data ( Table 8-1).

Table 8-1 Managed Objects



Regenerator Section

near end


Multiplex Section

near end and far end


Virtual Container 3

near end and far end


Virtual Container 4

near end and far end


Virtual Container 12

near end and far end

Figure 8-1 View PM - Example

Managed objects have PM attributes as defined in the information model ( Figure 8-1).

Available time periods are:

15 minutes

24 hours

The system presents current data and historical data. The number of historical stored periods are:

16x15 minutes

1x24 hours

See also the "5.3.7  Monitor PDH Port Performance" section on page 5-11 and the "5.5.9  Monitor WAN Port Performance" section on page 5-25.

8.2  Counters

You can use the topology browser to view all managed objects that are monitored objects. These managed objects are:

LAN ports

WAN ports




8.3  Criteria for Counting Valid-data in the 0NS 15305

Criteria for PM counters: for disabled ports, there is no PM-counting (all BBE, ES, SES, UAS have value 0), valid-data flag not affected (data is set as valid if conditions mentioned below are fulfilled).

For Valid-data flag (used for previous 15-min/24-hour intervals) the following rules apply:

The flag will not be set for any 15-min period (for any levels)if 600 seconds (10 minutes) or less are counted (since counter-reset or device-reset).

The flag will not be set for any 24-hour period (for any levels) if 20 hours or less are counted (since counter-reset or device-reset).

For RS/MS/VC-4 levels the flag will not be set for any 15-min if the STM-n port was not defined at the beginning of the period (defined meaning that STM-n port was expected in that slot/port position).

For RS/MS/VC-4 levels the flag will not be set for any 24-hour period if rule 3) was true for 80 15-min intervals (20 hours) or less.

For VC-4 level the flag will not be set for any 15-min period if the AUG-1 is not structured as AUG_AU4_TO_XC or AUG_TUG3x3 at the beginning of the period.

For VC-4 level the flag will not be set for any 24-hour period if rule 5) was true for 80 15-min intervals (20 hours) or less.

In all other cases the valid-data flags are set to

RS-level valid-data: rules 1,2,3,4

MS-level valid-data: rules 1,2,3,4

VC-4-level valid-data: rules 1,2,3,4,5,6

E3-(/VC-3-) valid-data: rules 1,2

E1(/VC-12-) valid-data: rules 1,2

WAN (/VC-12-) valid-data: rules 1,2


Posted: Fri Sep 14 11:40:56 PDT 2007
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