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Table Of Contents
Reprovisioning the ONS 15216 EDFA1
This chapter discusses basic fault investigation and diagnosis (troubleshooting) procedures for the ONS 15216 EDFA1.
Tools and Equipment
Troubleshooting the ONS 15216 EDFA1 requires the following test equipment and tools:
Troubleshooting Test Equipment:
Optical power meter
Optical spectrum analyzer (as needed)
1550 nm optical source (as needed)
DVOM (digital volt Ohm meter)
The Optical Spectrum Analyzer is necessary when individual wavelength levels need to be adjusted. You can use this tool to equalize the amplitudes of all the wavelengths so that the DWDM multiplexer output (the input point of the ONS 15216 EDFA1) has all the wavelengths flat across the spectrum. For example, you can add attenuation to stronger signals to equalize amplitudes. Once the amplitudes were equalized, you can then test the amplifier.
An external 1550 nm optical source is necessary in the absence of an active channel so that the ONS 15216 EDFA1 can be energized with an appropriate known input. This enables you to activate and test both the gain and output power of the amplifier.
Troubleshooting Tools:
Standard hand tools
Optical connector cleaner
A Windows PC running the HyperTerminal program; see "Provisioning and Monitoring" for detailed information about HyperTerminal and setting up local serial or remote communication between a PC and the ONS 15216 EDFA1
Basic Diagnosis
When a problem occurs over the network, the following three basic diagnostic procedures are designed to help you determine if the ONS 15216 EDFA1 is the source of the problem. If the ONS 15216 EDFA1 is the source of the problem, follow the directions in the "Troubleshooting Commands" section to clear the alarms and if necessary reprovision the ONS 15216 EDFA1 for proper operation.
Verify Optical Input Power
First, measure the optical input power using the following command or test equipment:
STAT Command ( Troubleshooting Commands)
Optical Power Meter (if necessary)
Optical Spectrum Analyzer (if necessary)
When the ONS 15216 EDFA1 is operating in constant gain mode, the total optical input power must be less than or equal to -6dBm.
If optical input power is out of the specified range for proper ONS 15216 EDFA1 operation, the craftsperson must investigate and diagnose the fault.
Verify Optical Output Power
Second, measure the ONS 15216 EDFA1 optical output power using the following command or test equipment:
STAT Command ( Troubleshooting Commands)
Optical power meter, connected to the ONS 15216 EDFA1 output port (if necessary)
Optical spectrum analyzer, connected to the ONS 15216 EDFA1 output port (if necessary)
When operating in constant gain mode, the ONS 15216 EDFA1 delivers 23
± 1.25dB gain above the input signal at the output port. If this is not the case, see the "Troubleshooting Commands" section.Verify Alarm Settings
Measure, clear, and/or revise alarm settings using the following three commands:
ALARM D Command - this command displays the current alarm status
ALARM C Command- this command clears the alarm count
SET_LOSTH Command - this command can set, enable, disable, or display the loss-of-signal threshold
For more details. see the "Troubleshooting Commands" section.
Contact Technical Support if the fault condition is not cleared after you have reviewed and cleared the alrms and/or reprovisioned the loss-of-input signal threshold.
Troubleshooting Commands
Use the following troubleshooting commands to review alarms and the overall status of the ONS 15216 EDFA1 and, if necessary, to reprovision the amplifier.
For additional detailed information regarding each of the following commands, see Chapter 5, "Command Line Reference."
STAT Command
You can view the following information using the STAT command:
Amplifier mode of operation
Individual pump laser statistics
Electrical statistics
Environmental statistics
Input and output optical signals level
Amplifier gain
As seen in the following example, you can use this information to quickly isolate any possible problem with the ONS 15216 EDFA1.
Example 6-1 STAT Command Results
0-0>STAT 1
LD 1: Const Pump Crnt 10(mA) <<< Ctrl-X to Stop >>>
LD 2: Const Pump Crnt 10(mA)
LD T/To TEC LDPwr LDCrnt Amb DC In Out Gain
(C) (mA) (mW) (mA) (C) (V) (uW/dBm) (mW/dBm) (dBm)
1 25.5/25.5 39 0.49 9.92 30.25 5.2 0.0/-120.00 0.00/-90.00 30.0
Alarm Display/Clear Commands
Use the ALARM D command to view active ONS 15216 EDFA1 alarms. These alarms are also helpful in determining the location and type of problem with the ONS 15216 EDFA1 .
See the "ALARM" section on page 5-6 for additional information about this command.
Example 6-2 Alarm D Command
Pump 1 Pump 2
Name Type Crnt Cnt Crnt Cnt Descr
LCRNT Minor xxxxx yyy xxxxx yyy Excessive pump crnt/pump bias
LTMP Minor xxxxx yyy xxxxx yyy LD temp out-of-range
Name Type Crnt Cnt Descr
LPOUT Major xxxxx yyy Loss outp pwr
LPIN Major xxxxx yyy Loss inp pwr
GAIN Major xxxxx yyy Gain out-of-range
CTMP Major xxxxx yyy Case temp out-of-range
The ALARM C command cleas the alarm after you determine and correct the problem, or you can use it to test a solution to a problem with the ONS 15216 EDFA1. Clearing active alarms resets alarm-monitoring circuitry within the ONS 15216 EDFA1 and is useful in verifying whether alarm conditions are present.
Alarm Enable/Disable Commands
Use the ALMDSBL command to disable a specific alarm. Use the ALMENBL command to enable the specific alarm . Both commands are useful in determining the source of a problem, masking specific alarms, or testing the ONS 15216 EDFA1.
See the "ALMENBL" section on page 5-13 for additional information about this command.
Example 6-3 Using the ALMENBL Command:
Pump 1 Pump 2
Name Type Crnt Cnt Crnt Cnt Descr
LCRNT Minor OK 0 OK 0 Excessive pump crnt/pump bias
LTMP Minor OK 0 Dsbl 0 LD temp out-of-range
Name Type Crnt Cnt Descr
LPOUT Major Dsbl 0 Loss outp pwr
LPIN Major Dsbl 0 Loss inp pwr
GAIN Major Dsbl 0 Gain out-of-range
CTMP Major OK 1 Case temp out-of-range
Pump 1 Pump 2
Name Type Crnt Cnt Crnt Cnt Descr
LCRNT Minor OK 0 OK 0 Excessive pump crnt/pump bias
LTMP Minor OK 0 OK 0 LD temp out-of-range
Name Type Crnt Cnt Descr
LPOUT Major Dsbl 0 Loss outp pwr
LPIN Major Dsbl 0 Loss inp pwr
GAIN Major Dsbl 0 Gain out-of-range
CTMP Major OK 1 Case temp out-of-range
LOS Alarm Threshold Commands
Use the SET_LOS command to set, enable, disable, or display loss-of-input signal threshold . The factory default is set to -30 dBm. Use this command to review the loss-of-signal threshold and (if necessary) reset this value.
Changing the LOS alarm threshold requires a password.
See SET_LOSTH, page 5-16 for additional information about this command.
Example 6-4 Using the SET_LOSTH Command
0-0>SET_LOSTH aaa.aa
Reprovisioning the ONS 15216 EDFA1
See the "Installation Commands" section for information about commands available to reprovision the ONS 15216 EDFA1.
Technical Support
If the problem exists after you review the ONS 15216 EDFA1 status and attempt to reprovision the amplifier, contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 1-877-323-7368.
Posted: Sun Apr 2 03:20:12 PDT 2006
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