
Table of Contents

Release Notes for Cisco IAD1101 Software Version 1.4(1)

Release Notes for Cisco IAD1101 Software Version 1.4(1)

August 25, 2000

These release notes are for the Cisco IAD1101 Software Version 1.4(1). This version of the software is installed on the Cisco IAD1101 Integrated Access Platform Device at the factory before delivery to you.

Note   This version of the software is designed to work on the Cisco IAD1101 Integrated Access Device, the Cisco 6732 Series Multiservice Access Platform, and the Cisco 6705 Integrated Access Device.

Release notes are updated as needed to describe new features, memory requirements, hardware support, software platform deferrals, and related documents.

For a list of the software caveats that apply to Software Version 1.4(1), see the "Caveats" section.


These release notes discuss the following topics:

System Requirements

This section describes system requirements for Software Version 1.4(1) and includes the following:

Hardware Supported

Software Version 1.4(1) supports the Cisco IAD1101 integrated access device.

Supported Line Interface Modules

The following table lists Cisco IAD1101 line interface modules supported by Software Version 1.4(1).

Table 1: Cisco IAD1101 Release 1.4(1) Line Interface Module
Module Name Supported Platforms Order Number


Cisco IAD1101


Cisco IAD1101 Cable

Table 2 lists the cable used with the Cisco IAD1101 chassis.

Table 2: Cisco IAD1101 Cable
Cable Cable Description Order Number

V.35 cable

DCE Female to Smart Serial, 10 FE


Software Compatibility

The Cisco IAD1101 Software Version 1.4(1) must be used in conjunction with Element Management System (EMS) Software Version 1.4 or later.

Determining Your Software Version

To determine the version of software currently running on your Cisco IAD1101 device, you must connect the chassis to a workstation with EMS installed. For more information about installing EMS, see the "EMS Installation" section of the Cisco IAD1101 Element Management System User Guide .

Step 1   Launch EMS on the workstation.

Step 2   In the EMS root view, double click on the node icon representing the Cisco IAD1101. EMS launches the node view for the chassis.

Step 3   In node view, double click on the nameplate button (located near the top of the window). EMS launches the NE provision window.

Step 4   The software version is listed in the NE Loaded Software Version field.

Upgrading the Software Image on the Cisco IAD1101

This section describes the software upgrade procedure for the Cisco IAD1101.

Before beginning the embedded software upgrade, complete the following tasks:

Note   When upgrading multiple nodes in a network, always start from the far end of the network, one node at a time. In a typical network, a number of remote nodes (subscriber nodes) are connected to a central office terminal (COT) node. If the upgrade of COT is mishandled, the entire network may be lost. Upgrade tests and sample enhancements should be made at the edge node. If the upgrade tests fail on the edge nodes, never attempt to upgrade the COT node.

Upgrade and Reinstall Software Procedure

Caution Resetting the Cisco IAD1101 causes all lines and cards in the Cisco IAD1101 to be reset. This momentarily places the lines out of service and any traffic being carried on the line cards is lost or dropped. It is a good idea to plan and coordinate this activity so as to eliminate or reduce the potential for interrupted subscriber service.

Perform the following steps to upgrade or reinstall the embedded software:

Step 1   Open the node view of the NE to be backed up.

Step 2   From node view, double-click the node nameplate to launch the NE provisioning window.

Step 3   Select Software Upgrade from the function bar to display the software upgrade window.

Step 4   In the Software Image Host IP Address field, enter the IP address of the TFTP server.

Step 5   In the Software Image File Name field, enter SwLoad.iad.

Step 6   The target card field should be set to MCC.

Step 7   Click Apply to confirm the host IP address and path to the image filename.

Step 8   Click Upgrade to download the embedded software image into the Flash memory of the MCC card.

Note   If the EMS software is unable to complete the embedded software upgrade, an error message is displayed in the EMS NE provisioning window. If this happens, do not reset the Cisco IAD1101, instead, begin the embedded software upgrade process again.

Step 9   The Cisco IAD1101 must be reset before the new embedded software becomes active.
From the EMS net view, right-click on the Cisco IAD1101 node icon and select Node Critical Commands.

Step 10   Enter the password when prompted, then select the MCC Reset tab.

New and Changed Information

The following sections list the new hardware and software features supported by the Cisco IAD1101 for Software Version 1.4(1):

New Hardware Features in Release 1.4(1)

The following new hardware features are supported by the Cisco IAD1101 for Software Version 1.4(1).

MCC with Dial-In Support and Craft Interface (GUI)

The MCC on the Cisco IAD1101 motherboard has all the standard MCC functionality and has an EIA/TIA-232 craft interface. The craft interface accesses the IAD1101 using EMS over the EIA/TIA-232.

Two T1 Interfaces (Without Span Powering)

There are two T1 interfaces on the Cisco IAD1101 motherboard. They provide functions similar to a T1 UNV2 linecard. Each line interface can be used as a backhaul, a router interface, or a PBX interface. The framing (ESF or SF) and coding (AMI or B8ZS) are software configurable. The Cisco IAD1101 also supports the DSX1 PM as in the T1 UNV2 linecard.

16 FXS Circuits (Loop Start/ Ground Start)

The Cisco IAD1101 supports 16 FXS lines on the motherboard. Each line can be configured as LS/GS and for transmission loss. The interface supports reverse loop current feed, On-Hook transmission, and integrated ringing.

V.35 Interface

The Cisco IAD1101 provides a generic router interface capable of operating in the V.35 mode. Throughput is supported up to the line rate of the T1 uplink. In V.35 mode, the serial V.35 bitstream is mapped to the DS0s that can be cross connected to either T1.

Internal Battery Charger

An internal battery charger maintains the battery charge for up to eight hours of operation. Two alarms with remote alarm reporting are supported (Battery Active, Battery Low).

Backplane Connector

The backplane connector on the motherboard supports an expansion slot that allows one Cisco FSX16 to be added to the Cisco IAD1101 chassis.

Expansion Slot

The expansion slot is used to support an additional 8 FXS lines using the Cisco FXS/16 linecard.

Embedded Cards Feature

The Cisco IAD1101 has three embedded cards, a new MCC, a T1 UNV2, and an FXS/16 linecard all bundled into one physical package. The Cisco IAD1101 base configuration supports 16 analog voice channels, two T1 ports, and a V.35 interface.

New Software Features in Release 1.4(1)

The following new software features are supported by the Cisco IAD1101 for Software Version 1.4(1).

IP Routing

The Cisco IAD1101 supports Routing Information Protocol (RIP v1 and RIP v2) for interfacing with other routers to get routing information. The routing function allows the user to configure IP routing for traffic over the 10BaseT Ethernet port, the EIA/TIA-232 port, the T1 uplinks, and the processor (for INDL). Traffic routed over the T1 uplinks can go over Nx64 DS0s. The user datalinks can be configured as IP/PPP or IP/FR. All datalinks are terminated on the Cisco IAD1101.

Access Lists (Filtering Protection)

The Cisco IAD1101 provides packet filtering protection. It allows packets to be filtered based on:

The Cisco IAD1101 packet filtering function can be applied to packets over the Ethernet or T1 IP links. Up to 32 filtering rules based on criteria listed above can be provisioned.

Network Address Translators (NAT)

The Cisco IAD1101 supports up to 8 NAT translation maps or up to 3,000 dynamic translations. Two NAT groups per connection are required (establish NAT on a connection and apply the same mapping to allow ICMP messages to flow). Both Static and Dynamic NAT (PAT) are supported.

Frame Relay

The Cisco IAD1101 Frame Relay function supports these subsets of RFC1490 (Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay):


The Cisco IAD1101 supports IP and PPP over Nx64 fractional T1.

Limitations and Restrictions

The following hardware and software functions are not supported by the Cisco IAD1101 Software Version 1.4(1) at this time.

Important Notes

This section contains important information about using your Cisco IAD1101.

Important Note on Using Access Lists

Before enabling access lists, ensure that the management link you are using to remotely manage the Cisco IAD1101 is one of the entries on the Access List. Otherwise, management traffic will be denied access to the IAD1101.

If you lock yourself out of the Cisco IAD1101 by failing to include the management link in the Access List before enabling Access Lists, you can locally reconfigure the Cisco IAD1101 via the EIA/TIA-232 port. Contact TAC for help with reconfiguring your system.

V.35 Port Configuration

When connecting a 25 to 50 foot cable to the Cisco IAD1101 V.35 port, you must provision the V.35 port in EMS.

Set the Transmit Clock Inverted field to Yes to allow the use of a long V.35 cable.

One-Day Performance Monitoring

All Cisco IAD1101 line interface modules are synchronized to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), rather than the "Time of Day" setting on the EMS workstation. One-day performance monitoring (PM) tests use GMT, not the EMS time of day, to determine the start and end times of the 24-hour monitoring window.


This section contains open and unresolved caveats for the current Cisco IAD1101 Software Version 1.4 (1). The problem is defined, the symptom is described, and a workaround is provided.

Open Caveats-Release 1.4(1)

This section describes unexpected behavior encountered in Cisco IAD1101 Software Version 1.4(1). The caveats are grouped by type and listed in numerically ascending order.


Bug ID

CSCdr98462 - moderate


IP and Datalink Route Configuration - View / Delete Error


In the node provisioning screen, IP & Datalink Route Configuration menu, selecting a route from the Route List box brings up an error dialog box.

Further Problem Description:

This occurs when using routes for DSX3,CHNL and STSX1,CHNL cards in a
Cisco 6732 or Cisco 6705 only.


You will not be able to view the route's settings ever. If the route's settings are questionable, you must first delete it then recreate it.

Here is one way to delete it. You must:

1) Close the System Provisioning screen

2) Reopen the System Provisioning screen

3) Go directly to the IP & Datalink Route Configuration menu

4) Select the route to be deleted from the Routes List box

5) Close all messages

6) Click delete

If you accidentally select ANY field from any of the provisioning menus, you will not be able to delete the route because after the error, the cursor will default back to that field rather than stay on the route to be deleted.

Bug ID

CSCdr97991 - minor


Link status counts in IP and Inter Node Link Configuration incorrect.


The link "Status Accounts" attribute incorrectly counts the number of up and down links

Further Problem Description:

Set up an INDL link between two boxes or use an existing INDL link. Take one of the cards of the INDL out of service or remove the physical connection (T1 or STS1). Note that the INDL is now down.

Go to the node view of the Local Node. Go to the provisioning menu (double click on the nameplate) and chose the IP & Inter Node Link Configuration menu. Notice that the link Status reads down in the Link List correctly. Now note that the Link Status Counts displays no down links and only up links.


Ignore the Link Status Counts. The Link List displays information correctly.

Bug ID

CSCdr97337 - minor


Netmask validation for routes incomplete.


When adding a route, input validation of netmasks is incomplete. E.g. Netmasks of, 255.255.120, and are all accepted for network routes.


If you have added a route with an invalid route number, delete it and reenter a good route number.

Bug ID

CSCdr94893 - moderate


Change Alarm Server password in Network Mode


When in EMS Network Mode, changing the alarm server password causes a series of messages to appear. The messages must be cleared before the alarm server password can change.

One of the messages that appears is on the host running the network configuration server. If the server is remote and the initial message is not cleared, then the password cannot be changed. The problem still occurs even if EMS is running on the computer running the network config server.

Further Problem Description:

Run the network config server on computer A. Run EMS on computer B using A as network config server.

Computer B -> Applications -> Display alarm server status -> Enter correct password -> Change Password -> Enter new password


Message on computer A - "Netconf server back, Event is ok, SetAlarmSrvPassword"
Click "Dismiss Message"

Message on computer B - "Alarm serv received is OK". Click "Dismiss Message"

Change the password.

Message on computer B - "Password change successful"
Click "Dismiss"

The password change is complete.

Bug ID

CSCdr91208 - minor


EMS bulk provisioning error


Error generated when using "Objects/Bulk DS1 Cross Connect"

Further Problem Description:

How the error is generated:
Go to Objects > Bulk DS1 Cross Connect
For Card type 1, select any provisioned card type and any card number.
Select Cross Connect Delete
Select Cross Connect Create
Note that the first card number is blanked out but we still have DS1 list.
Try to set up a cross connect by specifying the other card.

Note: leave first card number blank.

An error is generated, the system hangs up, and no cross connects are created.


Make sure you select a card number every time. To correct, close the dialog box and try again.

Bug ID

CSCdr89067 - minor


NT:Alarm server password change fails


When trying to change the Alarm Server Password on a Windows NT host, this error is generated. "Failed opening password file: couldn't open" "C:/EMS/data/netconfig/alarmServerSecSys.txt" permission denied

Further Problem Description:

It applies to Cisco 6700 Series EMS running on Windows NT only. The reason is, that the permissions of the alarmServerSecSys.txt file are set to read-only.

This is how it could happen:

Node view -> Applications -> Change alarm server status log into alarm server
Change Password (press button)
Type new password (>5 chars and same in both fields)
Error generated . . . password not saved


Open EMS/data/netconfig in Windows explorer.
Right-click on alarmServerSecSys.txt.
Change properties to readable (uncheck read only).

Bug ID

CSCdr88902 - cosmetic


Running RIP v1 on Cisco IAD1101 should disable authentication option.


The Authentication Mode and Password fields in the RIP configuration pan under System Provisioning are not greyed out when RIP version 1 is selected.

Further Problem Description:

This can be confusing to a user who knows that RIP version 1 does not support these options. However, they have no effect, and the RIP version 1 PDUs that get sent out are correct regardless of the values in these fields.


There is no specific impact. The RIP version 1 PDUs that get sent out are correct regardless of the values in these fields.

Bug ID

CSCdr83799 - minor


Analog line cards should not show Fractional T1 provisioning.


Right clicking on an Analog Card shows the choice "Start Fractional T1 Provisioning" and it doesn't work.


Right click on the T1 line to configure the line.

Bug ID

CSCdr79710 - minor


With several installations of EMS SW, only last installed works


Previously installed Cisco 6700 Series EMS versions do not work when other versions are installed on the same host.


Installing several verisons of Cisco 6700 Series EMS on the same host.

Further Problem Description:

If running one of the previously installed versions, e.g. the Help/Version field shows the latest installed version's version number. This is not the only function that doesn't work properly.


Only use the latest installed version. Uninstall older version to eliminate confusion.

Bug ID

CSCdr78757 - cosmetic


Software upgrade menu shows 5 mcc-a for target card mccb in 6732


In the software Upgrade screen, the choice of MCC to upgrade contains duplicate (identical) choices.


None needed. Choosing either of the entries will work. Every time the user chooses "View/Refresh Card Display" an extra harmless SW upgrade target is added.

Bug ID

CSCdr56433 - moderate


Trap daemon sometimes doesn't start


Not receiving alarms or events


The root cause is that the "Trap Daemon" is not running.

In Cisco 6700 NetView, go to "Applications/Display Alarm Server Status".

Check to see, that the "Trap Daemon" really is "Not Running". To correct the situation, you will need to have an alarm server password file. If you do not have one, obtain one from your network administrator. Enter the password for the "Display Alarm Server Status" screen. Hit the "Stop Alarm Server" button. Now restart the Alarm Server. Using the same procedure as above, check to see, that the alarm server now is "Running".

Bug ID

CSCdr43003 - cosmetic


$HOMEDIR out of space => Tcl Error


The user gets an error message containing the following string: "Tnm::mib load <some mib>.failed" while opening an EMS application.


The users home directory (~, $HOME or C:\) has run out of space. Delete some files to clear disk space in the home directory.

Bug ID

CSCdr01505 - moderate


Can't add more than 16 INDLs in NodeView (see below)


Using Cisco 6700 Series EMS version 1.4:

From the "IP & Inter Node Link Configuration" pane in the NE Provision window in NodeView, it is not possible to add more links than the number of supported DS0 INDLs - 1.

This number is 16 for Cisco 6700 Series SW version 1.3.
This number is 32 for Cisco 6700 Series SW version 1.4.

Further Problem Description:

Using Cisco 6700 Series SW version 1.3, it is possible to add up to 15 links. Once the 16th link has been added (see workaround below), it is possible to add the 17th and further links from NodeView. For Cisco 6700 Series SW version 1.4, up to 31 can be added, the 32nd must be added as pr. the workaround, and 33rd and more can then be added in NodeView.


An alternative method to add INDL links is to add them in the Inter Node Provisioning Window as described in the EMS user guide under the "Create a Local Half Link" subsection of the "Inter Node Links" section.

EMS:Network ConfServer

Bug ID

CSCdr94281 - moderate


Problem with Upgrading from a network configured EMS


Cannot upgrade EMS after running a network configured EMS and server.

Further Problem Description:

This is how the problem can occur:

Run EMS 1.3(2) in network mode with network server running on machine.
Close EMS and any alarm server or daemon.
After filling out information, error occurs copying tcl80.dll, install stops.

This is why it occurs:

The network server is still running and using tcl80.dll so install cannot copy over the file. There is no way to stop the network server (script/icon or in ems).


For NT

Right click in the task bar
Choose the "Processes" pane
Select nwkConfServer.exe
Select the "End Process" button.


Issue the shell command:
ps -ef | grep nwkConfServer

Find the nwkConfServ process id and issue the command:

Kill -9 <process id>.

You can also restart the computer running EMS and try again.

Bug ID

CSCdr88993 - moderate


EMS:UNIX Network Configuration Server start script is missing.


Cannot start the Network Configuration Server because the script is missing.


Create a file called <emsinstallationDir>/bin/startNwkConfServer with these contents:
${B10EMS_HOME}/bin/nwkConfServ &

Issue the shell command:
chmod +x <emsInstallationDir>/bin/startNwkConf/Server

Bug ID

CSCdr88931 - moderate


EMS:cannot save topology after moving from network server to local server.


It is not possible to save the network maps after using the network configuration server and going back to the local configuration.


Change the permissions of all data/netconfig/*.cfg under the directory where the EMS is installed to allow both read and write permissions and then try again.

Bug ID

CSCdr88915 - moderate


EMS:Cannot stop network config server.


There is no way in the Cisco 6700 EMS to stop the Network Configuration Server.


For NT

Right click in the task bar
Choose the "Processes" pane
Select nwkConfServer.exe
Select the "End Process" button.


Issue the shell command:
ps -ef | grep nwkConfServer

Find the nwkConfServ process id and issue the command:

Kill -9 <process id>.


Bug ID

CSCdr92981 - minor


RPOTS - does not display cross connect error


No menu appears when you click a line oe circle on the RPOTS card for "Display Cross Connect".

Further Problem Description:

Open node view
Provision any RPOTS card
Right click on the circle (line) of RPOTS
No Display Cross Connect is available


Right-click on card (outside of the line or circle).


Bug ID

CSCdr97358 - minor


Reject deletion of a link if route exists.


It is possible to delete a route when a route is provisioned on that link. After deletion, the route doesn't apply to any link.

Further Problem Description:

The deletion of the link should be rejected until the route has been deleted.


Delete the route, then delete the link.

Bug ID

CSCdr93355 - moderate


Loses connection to the IAD1101 when additional route is deleted.


After deleting a manually added copy of the default route for an interface, communications is lost with that node.


Reboot to restore communications. Note- this can interfere with voice calls.

Bug ID

CSCdr92401 - moderate


Should reject creation of multiple routes


It is possible to enter several identical routes in the IP and Datalink Route Configuration pane of the system provisioning window. Only the first should be accepted, the rest should be rejected because they are redundant. When a route is deleted in the EMS, the route in the routing table is deleted as well.

Further Problem Description:

EMS should reject creation of multiple routes to the same network. Assume there are several routes created to the same network. Because all these routes are going to the same network, there is only one route created in the routing table. As soon as one of these routes is deleted from EMS, the route in the routing table is deleted as well. From the user's point of view, they can still see the rest of the routes to the same network listed on EMS, which means the routes are still exist as far as the user can see. However, it is actually deleted from the routing table and those routes listed in EMS are no longer valid.


The routes are actually deleted in the routing table and are no longer valid.

Bug ID

CSCdr89016 - cosmetic


ipRouteTable does not show more than 30 routes.


The ipRouteTable pane of the IP statistics window only shows up to 30 routes.

The Cisco IAD1101 handles more than 30 routes internally, however only 30 routes are visible in the ipRouteTable pane.

Bug ID

CSCdr79661 - minor


1101:NAT entry appears in ipRouteTable even with NAT disable


The outside address of a NAT table appears in the ipRouteTable pane of the IP statistics window.


A NAT entry is defined with RIP running.


None needed. The extra route is not used for routing and is not sent in RIP updates.

Bug ID

CSCdr75851 - moderate


Problem converting PPP link to Frame Relay


Changing the link type of an IP link by deleting the link and adding a new one with the same IP address but with a different type doesn't work.


Rebooting the node activates a new link.

Bug ID

CSCdr65977 - minor


Label "status" is always empty on FRAD DLCMI provisioning window.


The label "Status" is always empty on the FRAD DLCMI provisioning window.


No work around, disregard this field.

Bug ID

CSCdr65957 - moderate


FRAD DLCMI or DLCI configuration changes accepted with an existing link.


Changes to a DLCMI or DLCI doesn't take affect when applied to a DLCMI or DLCI that is currently used in an existing IP link.


Delete the link and apply the configuration changes. Then recreate the link.

Bug ID

CSCdr36850 - moderate


Deleting an INDL from the Inter Node Provisioning window only deletes the remote node INDL


Deleting INDL from InterNode Screen only deletes remote node INDL and leaves the local node in place. That keeps the local node unavailable for IP addressing until the system is rebooted.


You must delete the local node INDL manually, using the NE Provision window in the local node view.

Bug ID

CSCdr30148 - moderate


Takes to long to show INDL protocol status changes


When the physical or data link layer of an INDL or IP link change state, it may take several minutes for the EMS to report back the changed condition.


Be patient with these alarms and problem list entries
INDL Physical Layer Down
INDL Protocol Layer Down


Bug ID

CSCdr12692 - minor


EMS:Cisco IAD1101 expansion slot should only show the lines supported


The Cisco IAD1101 shows and allows the provisioning of more than 8 lines in various dialog boxes for the expansion slot when a card is inserted or provisioned. Provisioning these extra lines has no impact.


Do not use the extra lines.

Enhancement Request

Bug ID



No loss signal status for V.35 port


There is no way to tell the "Loss of Signal" state of the V.35 interface.


There is no workaround.

Bug ID

CSCdr93957 - minor


Abort button fails in database backup.


After hitting the "Abort" button during a Database Backup, the EMS indicates that the Database Backup has been aborted, however, the node still continues with the backup in progress.


No workaround, this bug is considered harmless.

Bug ID

CSCdr93361 - moderate


Time of day not set by alarm server after node up.


NE time of day is not accurate after reboot when running with a configured alarm server.

Further Problem Description:

When an alarm server is configured for an NE and that alarm server is running, then the alarm server should set the NEs Time Of Day as a response to a "Node Up" Event. It doesn't.


No workaround.

Bug ID

CSCdr86681 - moderate


Able to create duplicate xcon on IAD1101.


Remote CVR's created from the Internode Provision screen do not work.
Remote CRV's created from the Internode Provision screen destroy an existing DS0 cross connect.


Delete both the Remote CRV and the DS0 cross connect and recreate the one that is required.

Bug ID

CSCdr74350 - minor


Can add multiple NAT entries with same setting


It is possible to add multiple identical NAT entries.

Further Problem Description:

This is harmless. The extra entries have no effect.


No workaround needed. The extra entries have no affect.

Bug ID

CSCdr58451 - minor


MCC software version changes after software upgrade before reboot.


After a software upgrade, the software version that is displayed when double clicking on an MCC card is the version of the software that will take affect after a reboot, not the version that is currently running on the system.


Double click on the node name to open the system provisioning screen. The correct software version is displayed.

Related Documentation

The following sections describe the documentation available for the Cisco IAD1101. The most up-to-date documentation can be found on the web via Cisco Connection Online (CCO) and on the Documentation CD-ROM. These electronic documents might contain updates and modifications made after the hard copy documents were printed. These release notes should be used in conjunction with the documents listed in the following below.

Cisco IAD1101 Documents

The documents listed in Table 3 are available for the Cisco IAD1101. These documents are also available online at Cisco Connection Online (CCO) and on the Documentation CD-ROM. To access Cisco IAD1101 documentation on CCO, follow this path:

Service and Support: Technical Documents: Documentation Home Page: DSL Products: Cisco IAD1101

To access Cisco IAD1101 documentation on the Documentation CD-ROM, follow this path:

DSL Products: Cisco IAD1101

Table 3: Cisco IAD1101 Documents
Document Title Part Number Chapter Topics

Cisco IAD1101 Integrated Access Device Hardware Installation Guide


Product Overview
Preparing for Installation
Installing the Cisco IAD1101
Technical Specifications
Connector and Cable Specifications

Cisco 6700 Series Element Management System User Guide for Software Version 1.4


About this Guide
Launching EMS
Initial Node Programming
Net View
Node View
Provisioning Lines
Internode Links
Cross Connects
IP Services
Frame Relay
Embedded Software Utilities
Element Management System Utilities
System Maintenance and Monitoring
Element Management System Alarm Server

Cisco IAD1101 EMS Software Version 1.4 booklet with CD


Introducing the Element Management System
Installation Instructions
Launching EMS
Service and Support

Note   The Cisco IAD1101 Integrated Access Device Hardware Installation Guide and the
Cisco IAD1101 EMS Software Version 1.4 booklet with CD are shipped with the Cisco IAD1101.

Cisco 6700 Series Element Management System User Guide for Software Version 1.4 is available on CCO, orderable as a spare, and found on the EMS CD.

Service and Support

For service and support for a product purchased directly from Cisco, use CCO.

Software Configuration Tips on the Cisco TAC Home Page

If you have a CCO login account, you can access the following URL, which contains links and tips on configuring your Cisco products:

This URL is subject to change without notice. If it changes, point your Web browser to CCO  and click on this path: Products & Technologies: Products: Technical Tips.

The following sections are provided from the Technical Tips page:

Obtaining Documentation

World Wide Web

You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at,, or

Documentation CD-ROM

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly. Therefore, it is probably more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or as an annual subscription.

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Registered CCO users can order the Documentation CD-ROM and other Cisco Product documentation through our online Subscription Services at

Nonregistered CCO users can order documentation through a local account representative by calling Cisco's corporate headquarters (California, USA) at 408 526-4000 or, in North America, call 800 553-NETS (6387).

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Technical Assistance Center

The Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) is available to warranty or maintenance contract customers who need technical assistance with a Cisco product that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract.

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In North America, TAC can be reached at 800 553-2447 or 408 526-7209. For other telephone numbers and TAC e-mail addresses worldwide, consult the following web site:

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Posted: Wed Sep 13 11:35:18 PDT 2000
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