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Table Of Contents
Information About the Command-Line Utilities
Description of the CLU Commands
Command-Line Utilities
This module describes the Command-Line Utilities (CLU) that is distributed with the Subscriber Manager (SM) application.
Information About the Command-Line Utilities
The SM provides a set of Command-Line Utilities (CLU). The CLU is designed mainly for viewing SM operations and statistics, and subscriber management, therefore only subscriber-related CLU changes are persistent. The CLU is used for configuration only indirectly, in that it loads the edited configuration file to the SM.
This module describes in detail all the CLU commands, their operations and options. The shorter description of the CLU commands given in the "Configuration and Management" module is more oriented toward the performance of routine management and configuration tasks.
CLU commands are executable only when the user is logged in to the machine using the pcube account, which is always installed (see "Installation and Upgrading"). In general, the CLU runs as a separate process to the configured entity and communicates with it via a predefined communication port and interface. Therefore, the configured entity must keep a certain communication port open at all times, at least locally on the configured machine.
Description of the CLU Commands
This section describes in detail the Command-Line Utilities commands, their operations and options.
Parsing CLU Operations and Options
Information About the p3batch Utility
Information About the p3cable Utility
Information About the p3clu Utility
Information About the p3cluster Utility
Information About the p3db Utility
Information About the p3domains Utility
Information About the p3ftp Utility
Information About the p3http Utility
Information About the p3inst Utility
Information About the p3log Utility
Information About the p3net Utility
Information About the p3radius Utility
Information About the p3rpc Utility
Information About the p3sm Utility
Information About the p3subs Utility
Information About the p3subsdb Utility
Informative Output
All CLU commands support the following operations for informative output:
Operation Description--help
Prints the help for the specified CLU command, then exits.
Prints the SM program version number, then exits.
Parsing CLU Operations and Options
Place in quotation marks a command operation or option containing any of the following characters:
A space character
A separation sign (comma ","; ampersand "&"; colon ":")
An escape character (backslash "\")
Parenthesis ("(" or ")")
An exclamation mark ("!")
The comparison operators ("<" or ">")
A command operation or option that contains any of the following characters must have that character preceded by an escape character:
An equal sign (=)
A quotation mark (" or ")
An escape character (backslash "\")
An exclamation mark ("!")
The "$" character
The following table shows several examples of the above rules:
One-letter abbreviations are available for some of the operations and options. For example, -d is an abbreviation for --domain. Note that only one hyphen (-), not two, precedes the letter for an abbreviation, and that if the operation or option takes a parameter, there is a space and not an equal sign before the parameter.
Information About the p3batch Utility
p3batch Utility
The p3batch utility enables you to run many operations on a single connection with the SM. You can use any text editor to create a batch file that contains a series of CLU commands, one command per line (terminated by a new-line sign). Use the p3batch utility to run this file and execute the commands, where empty lines are skipped.
All batch file command line operations use the same connection option. The p3batch utility ignores any connection options in the script file commands. While processing the operations in the batch file, a progress indicator is displayed. The command format is:
The following tables list the p3batch options.
Examples of using the p3batch Utility
To run a batch file that will halt if an error occurs.
p3batch --file=mainBatchFile.txt
To run a batch file that will not halt if an error occurs.
p3batch --file=mainBatchFile.txt --skip-errors
Information About the p3cable Utility
p3cable Utility
In a cable environment, the CPE is modeled as the subscriber, and inherits its policy and domain from the cable modem (CM) through which it connects to the network. Each cable modem is linked with one or more CPEs. For background information about special characteristics of the cable environment, see the "CPE as Subscriber in Cable Environment" section on page C-1.
You can use the p3cable utility commands to import cable modem information from a CSV file to the SM and to export the cable modem information from the SM to a CSV file. You can also use this utility to clear the repository of all cable modems, and to show whether to allow or deny the login of CPEs that belong to unfamiliar cable modems; i.e., cable modems that do not exist in the SM database. However, to specify whether to allow or deny such a login, use the "Configuration File Options" of the configuration file p3sm.cfg.
The command format is:
The following tables list the p3cable operations and options.
Table B-4 p3cable File Options
File Option Abbreviation Description--file=FILE
Specifies the CSV FILE to import from.
Specifies the subscriber CSV FILE to export to.
Examples of using the p3cable Utility
To import cable modem information from the specified csv file:
p3cable --import-cm -f CMFile.csv
To export cable modem information to the specified csv file:
p3cable --export-cm --outfile=myCMFile.csv
To clear the repository of all cable modems:
p3cable --clear-all-cm
To display whether the login of CPEs that belong to unfamiliar cable modems (cable modems that do not exist in SM database) is allowed or denied:
p3cable --show-dynamic-mode
Information About the p3clu Utility
p3clu Utility
The p3clu utility prints a list of all supported CLU utilities and options.
The command format is:
The following table lists the p3clu operations.
Table B-5 p3clu Operations
Operation Description--help
Prints the currently supported CLU commands.
Example of using the p3clu Utility
To display a listing of all supported CLU utilities and operations:
p3clu --help
Information About the p3cluster Utility
p3cluster Utility
The p3cluster utility displays the redundancy state of a cluster of two SM nodes and its components. This utility also supports operations that alter the redundancy state of the SM. These operations are used by the SM Cluster Agent and for administrative tasks.
The command format is:
p3cluster OPERATION
The following table lists the p3cluster operations.
Example of using the p3cluster Utility
To display the redundancy status of the SM and its components:
p3cluster --show
Information About the p3db Utility
The p3db utility manages and monitors the TimesTen database. The CLU exposes capabilities of some of the TimesTen CLUs with respect to specific needs of the SM.
The command format is:
The following tables list the p3dboperations and options.
Use caution when activating commands that can affect the database. If used incorrectly, these commands can possibly damage the database.
Table B-7 p3db Operations
Operation Description--rep-status
Displays status of the replication agent.
Starts the replication agent.
Use only for database recovery.
Starts the replication agent. Note: Use only for database recovery. Stops the replication agent. Note: Use only for database recovery.
Use only for database recovery.
Displays the database status.
Destroys the replicated data-store.
Destroys the local data-store.
Copies the data-store from the remote machine to the local machine.
This option is applicable only for a cluster setup . For additional information, see the "Data Duplication Procedure" section on page 4-22.
Indicates to the database daemon how many seconds to keep the database in the memory, after the last connection to the database is down. Use this option with large databases to reduce the SM restart time.
To prevent limitations in performing a database destroy, do not use values above a few minutes (that is, above a few hundred seconds).
Table B-8 p3db Options
Option Description--local=LOCAL_HOSTNAME
Specifies the local machine.
Specifies the remote machine.
Examples of using the p3db Utility
To display the status of the replication agent:
p3db --rep-status
Information About the p3domains Utility
p3domains Utility
The p3domains utility displays the subscriber domains. When a system has more than one SCE platform, you can configure the platforms into groups or domains. A subscriber domain is one or more SCE platforms that share a specified group of subscribers. You must add the SCE platform to the network and create the domain before you can add an SCE platform to a domain.
The command format is:
The following tables list the p3domains operations and options.
Table B-9 p3domains Operations
Operation Description--show-all
Displays all configured domains.
Displays a domain and its associated network elements.
Examples of using the p3domains Utility
To display all configured domains:
p3domains --show-all
To display the specified domain and its associated network elements:
p3domains --show --domain=myDomain
Information About the p3ftp Utility
p3ftp Utility
The p3ftp utility monitors the SM internal FTP server.
The command format is:
The following table lists the p3ftp operations and options.
Examples of using the p3ftp Utility
To display the port number that the FTP server listens to, the passive FTP port range that the server uses, the current number of open sessions, the maximum number of sessions supported, and the state (ONLINE/OFFLINE) of the FTP server.
p3ftp --show
Information About the p3http Utility
p3http Utility
The p3http utility monitors the HTTP adapter server.
The HTTP adapter server is a technician interface and normally should not be used.
The command format is:
The following table lists the p3httpoperations:
Table B-12 p3http Operations
Operation Description--show
Displays the port number that the server listens to, the state of the server, and the current number of open sessions.
Examples of using the p3http Utility
To display the port number to which the server listens, the state of the server, and the current number of open sessions:
p3http --show
Information About the p3inst Utility
p3inst Utility
The p3inst utility installs or uninstalls an application (pqi file).
Before using p3inst to install an application pqi file, read the application installation instructions that came with the application you are using.
The command format is:
The following tables list the p3instoperations and options.
Table B-15 p3inst Argument Options
Argument Option
Specifies one or more arguments for the install and upgrade procedures.
Examples of using the p3inst Utility
To install the specified installation file:
p3inst --install --file=myInstallation.pqi
To uninstall the specified installation file:
p3inst --uninstall -f oldInstallation.pqi
To upgrade an existing application using the specified application pqi file:
p3inst --upgrade --file=newInstallation.pqi
To upgrade an existing application using the specified application pqi file, using arguments in the command line:
p3inst --upgrade -f newInstallation.pqi
To return the specified application to the previous version:
p3inst --rollback
To display the contents of the specified application pqi file:
p3inst --describe --file=myInstallation.pqi
To list the details of the last installed application pqi file:
p3inst --show-last
Information About the p3log Utility
p3log Utility
The p3logutility configures and manages the SM user log. The user log contains all user-related events and errors. Use the user log to view the history of the system events and errors.
The command format is:
The following tables list the p3logoperations and options.
Table B-16 p3log Operations
Operation Description Notes--extract
Retrieves the user log from the agent.
Progress indicator
Clears the user log.
Table B-17 p3log File Option
File Option Abbreviation Description--output=FILE
Specifies to where the SM user log file should be extracted.
Examples of using the p3log Utility
To extract the SM user log to the specified file:
p3log --extract -o aug20.log
To clear the SM user log:
p3log --reset
Information About the p3net Utility
p3net Utility
The p3netutility shows the connection status of network elements and tries to reconnect disconnected elements.
The command format is:
The following tables list the p3netoperations and options.
Examples of using the p3net Utility
To connect a disconnected element to the network:
p3net --connect -n mainNE
To display the names of all configured network elements:
p3net --show-all Network Element name list: ========================== sceRome sceLondon
sceRome is a cascade setup containing two SCEs. This is displayed as a single entry in the list.
To display all configured network elements details (as a table):
p3net --show-all --detail ========================================================================== | Name | Host | Conn- | Subscriber | Domain | | | Status| Management | ========================================================================== | sceRome |* | up | active | subscribers | sceRome | | up | active | subscribers | sceLondon | | up | active | domain1
sceRome is a cascade setup containing two SCEs. This is displayed as two entries with the same name where '*' represents the currently active SCE.
The SM does not synchronize the standby SCE; therefore, the Subscriber Management field on the standby SCE might appear as not-active if the SCE was never active.
To display the connection status of the specified network element:
p3net --show --ne-name=mainNE Network Element Information: ============================ Name: mainNE Host: Ip: Port: 14374 Status: Connection ready Type: SCE2000 Domain: subscribers Subscriber Management: Active Redundancy Status: Standalone Quarantine Status: ok
To display the connection status of cascaded SCEs, use the SCE name that appears in the configuration file:
p3net --show -n test Network Element Information: ============================ Name: test Host: Ip: Port: 14374 Status: Connection ready Type: SCE2000 Domain: subscribers Subscriber Management: Active Redundancy Status: Active Quarantine Status: ok Network Element Information: ============================ Name: test Host: Ip: Port: 14374 Status: Connection ready Type: SCE2000 Domain: subscribers Subscriber Management: Not-Active Redundancy Status: Standby Quarantine Status: ok
Information About the p3radius Utility
The p3radius utility displays the statistics of the RADIUS Listener LEG. For information about this CLU, see the Cisco SCMS SM RADIUS Listener LEG Reference Guide .
Information About the p3rpc Utility
p3rpc Utility
The p3rpc utility displays the information of the proprietary Cisco RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server interface to the SM. It also authenticates users.
The command format is:
The following tables list the p3rpc operations and options.
Table B-20 p3rpc Operations
Operation Description--show
Displays the port number to which the PRPC server listens, the maximum number of connections, the current number of active connections, and the host IP to which the server listens.
Displays the names of the connected clients. Can be used for extracting the LEG_NAME key, see the "LEG-Domains Association Section".
Displays the PRPC server statistics. They contain information about the number of current PRPC sessions and statistics for PRPC server actions such as invocations and errors.
Clears the PRPC server statistics.
Adds or updates the username and password.
Validates the username and password.
Deletes a user configuration.
Displays all configured users.
Examples of using the p3rpc Utility
To display the port number to which the PRPC server listens, the maximum number of connections, the current number of active connections, the host IP to which the server listens, and the name of the configuration file used by the server:
p3rpc --show
To display the statistics of the PRPC server:
p3rpc --show-statistics
To clear the statistics of the PRPC server:
p3rpc --reset-statistics
To show all the users configured at the PRPC server:
p3rpc --show-users
Information About the p3sm Utility
p3sm Utility
The p3sm utility performs general configuration and management of the SM.
The command format is:
The following tables list the p3sm operations and options.
Table B-23 p3sm Operations
Operation Description Notes--show
Displays the current SM configuration and statistics.
Reloads the SM configuration file.
If the -f option is not used, file p3sm.cfg is loaded.
Resynchronizes subscribers of specified SCE with the SM database.
The SCE is specified using the option --ne-name=SCE_NAME.
Progress indicator
Resynchronizes all subscribers of all SCEs with the SM database.
Progress indicator
--start [--wait]
Starts the server. The option --waitcauses the CLU to return only after the SM is up.
Default: started
Stops the server.
When using fail-over, a simple shut-down of the SM does not work, the Veritas Cluster Server identifies that the SM is down and attempts to restart it. The correct procedure is:
Perform the manual fail-over. See Subscriber Manager Fail-Over.
Use the Veritas Cluster Manager Application to stop the monitoring (probing) of the SM.
Use the SM CLU ( p3sm --stop) to stop the SM
--restart [--wait]
Stops the server operation and then restarts it. The option --wait causes the CLU to return only after the SM is up.
Displays the currently installed SM version.
--sm-status [--detail]
Displays the SM operational status: whether the SM is running or not, and whether it is Active or Standby. If errors have occurred, it also displays their summary. To receive a detailed description, use the option --detail.
Retrieves the support file from the agent.
This command extracts the SM support information to a defined file, which is defined using the option --output=FILE. SM support information should be extracted and sent to Cisco customer support with each support request.
Clears errors and warnings that were displayed to the user.
Enables/disables the logging of user logon to the UserLog.
Enabling this flag may affect performance.
Displays statistics information regarding logon operations and inactive subscriber removal operations. The rate results are updated once every 10 seconds.
Resets the statistics information.
Table B-24 p3sm SM Options
SM Option Abbreviation Description--ne-name=NAME
Specifies logical NAME of the SCE platform to resynchronize.
Examples of using the p3sm Utility
To start the server:
p3sm --start
To stop the server:
p3sm --stop
When using fail-over, a simple shut-down of the SM does not work, the Veritas Cluster Server identifies that the SM is down and attempts to restart it. The correct procedure is:
Perform the manual fail-over. See Subscriber Manager Fail-Over.
Use the Veritas Cluster Manager Application to stop the monitoring (probing) of the SM.
Use the SM CLU ( p3sm --stop) to stop the SM
To display the SM configuration:
>p3sm --show Subscriber Management Module Information: ========================================= Persistency in SCE (static): false Auto-resync at SCE reconnect: true Save subscriber state on logout: false Pull mode is on: false LEG block mode is on: false Logon logging is on: false Statistics: Number of logins: 1872423 Number of logouts: 1824239 Number of auto-logouts: 0 Number of pull requests: 0 LEG-SM link failure: Clear all subscribers mappings: false Timeout: 60 Up time: 4 hours 16 minutes 44 seconds Inactive Subscribers Removal: Is Enabled: false Inactivity timeout: 1 hours Max removal rate: 10 subscribers per second Task interval: 10 minutes Last run time: Was never run Automatic Logout (lease-time support): Is Enabled: false Max logout rate: 50 IP addresses per second Task interval: disabled Grace period: 10 seconds Last run time: Was never run Command terminated successfully
To resynchronize the subscribers of the specified SCE with the SM database:
p3sm --resync --ne-name=my_SCE_100
To stop the server operation and then restart it:
p3sm --restart
To reload the SM configuration file, p3sm.cfg:
p3sm --load-config
To display the SM operational status (active or inactive):
>p3sm --sm-status SM is running. SM operational state is Active Command terminated successfully
To extract the SM support information to the specified file:
p3sm --extract-support-file --output=support.zip
To display statistics information regarding logon operations and inactive subscriber removal:
>p3sm --show-stats Subscriber Management Statistics Information: ============================================ Number of logins: 1872423 Login rate: 10.34 Number of logouts: 1824239 Logout rate: 10.67 Number of auto-logouts: 0 Auto-logout rate: 0 Number of pull requests: 0 Pull requests rate: 0 Inactive Subscriber Removal Information: ============================================ Number of inactive subscribers removed: 56732 Inactive subscribers removal rate: 9.98 Command terminated successfully
Information About the p3subs Utility
p3subs Utility
The p3subs utility manipulates individual subscriber information in the SM database. Regarding properties, the property names depend on the application running on your system. To find descriptions of the application property names and values, see the documentation provided with the application installed on your system.
The command format is:
The following tables list the p3subs operations and options.
When working with VLAN mapping types, the SCE must be configured using the following CLI:
SCE2000#>configure SCE2000(config)#>in li 0 SCE2000(config if)#>VLAN symmetric classify
Examples of using the p3subs Utility
To add a subscriber with the specified IP address:
p3subs --add --subscriber=jerry --ip=
To overwrite subscriber information (because the subscriber jerry already exists, this operation would fail, but the overwrite option allows the IP address to be overwritten):
p3subs --add --subscriber=jerry --ip= --overwrite
To set a property value for the specified subscriber:
p3subs --set --subscriber=jerry --property=packageId=1
To add new mappings for the specified subscriber; any existing ones are overwritten:
p3subs --set --subscriber=jerry --vlan-id=1
To add new mappings to the existing ones for the specified subscriber:
p3subs --set --subscriber=jerry --vlan-id=4,2 --additive-mappings
To display information for the specified subscriber:
p3subs --show --subscriber=jerry
To remove the specified subscriber:
p3subs --remove --subscriber=jerry
To display all the mappings for the specified subscriber:
p3subs --show-all-mappings --subscriber=jerry
To remove the specified mappings for the specified subscriber:
p3subs --remove-mappings --subscriber=jerry --ip=,
To remove a range of consecutive mappings for the specified subscriber:
p3subs --remove-mappings --subscriber=jerry --ip=
To remove all the mappings for the specified subscriber:
p3subs --remove-all-mappings --subscriber=jerry
To display the value of the specified property for the specified subscriber:
p3subs --show-property --subscriber=jerry --property=reporting
To display the values of all the properties for the specified subscriber:
p3subs --show-all-properties --subscriber=jerry
To display all the property names and descriptions:
p3subs --show-all-property-names
To reset specified property of specified subscriber to its default value:
p3subs --reset-property --subscriber=jerry --property=rdr.transaction.generate
To clear the applicative state of the specified subscriber. This command clears only the backup copy at the SM, it does not clear the applicative state record in the SCE platform:
p3subs --clear-state --subscriber=jerry
Information About the p3subsdb Utility
p3subsdb Utility
The p3subsdb utility manages the subscriber database and performs operations on groups of subscribers.
The command format is:
The following tables list the p3subsdb operations and options.
Examples of using the p3subsdb Utility
To import subscribers from a specified CSV file:
p3subsdb --import --file=mySubscriberFile.csv
To export subscribers to a specified CSV file:
p3subsdb --export -o mySubscriberFile.csv
To export subscribers to a specified CSV file, using filtering options:
p3subsdb --export --prefix=a --output=mySubscriberFile.csv
To export subscribers to a specified CSV file, using filtering options:
p3subsdb --export --prefix=a -o a.csv
To remove all subscriber records from the SM database:
p3subsdb --clear-all
To remove all subscriber records from the specified domain:
p3subsdb --clear-domain --domain=myDomain
To list all the subscribers: p3subsdb --show-all To list all subscribers in a specified domain:
p3subsdb --show-domain --domain=myDomain
To show the number of subscribers in a specified domain:
p3subsdb --show-num --domain=myDomain
To list all subscribers who have no domain specified:
p3subsdb --show-domain --domain=none
To clear the state of all subscribers in the SM database:
p3subsdb --clear-all-state
To remove a property from all subscriber records:
p3subsdb --remove-property --property=monitor
Posted: Wed Aug 15 17:46:27 PDT 2007
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