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Table Of Contents
How to Install, Upgrade, or Uninstall the Subscriber Manager
Information About Installing the SM
Installing the Subscriber Manager
Configuring the Subscriber Manager
How to Perform Additional Installation Procedures
How to Upgrade the Subscriber Manager
How to Uninstall the Subscriber Manager
Installation and Upgrading
This module describes how to install the Cisco Service Control Management Suite Subscriber Manager (SCMS SM); additionally, it describes how to upgrade and uninstall. This module also discusses topics related to installation, upgrading, and uninstalling.
How to Install, Upgrade, or Uninstall the Subscriber Manager
This module describes the procedures to install, upgrade, or uninstall the Subscriber Manager.
Information About Installing the SM
Installing the Subscriber Manager
Configuring the Subscriber Manager
How to Perform Additional Installation Procedures
How to Upgrade the Subscriber Manager
How to Uninstall the Subscriber Manager
Information About Installing the SM
Installing the SM is an automated process. It consists of executing an installation script residing on the root of the SM distribution files supplied by Cisco.
For Solaris: The procedure also requires modifying the /etc/system file. Do this manually or use some other automated utility.
For Linux: The procedure also requires modifying the /etc/sysctl.conf file. Do this manually or use some other automated utility.
Contents of the Distribution Files
Information About System Changes Made by Installation Scripts
Information About Advanced System Memory Configuration
Installation Overview
The installation procedure installs the following components:
SM and Command-Line Utilities (CLU)
TimesTen database and DSN
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
SM Veritas Cluster Agents
The installation procedure also includes:
Setting up a pcube user and group
Adding startup and shutdown scripts
System configuration for TimesTen (performed manually or using a script)
Replication scheme setting (performed by running a CLU). (Relevant only for cluster setups).
After completing installation and configuration, you can use the SM to introduce subscribers to the system.
Contents of the Distribution Files
The SCMS SM components are supplied in three distribution files:
SM for Solaris
SM for Linux
Login Event Generators (LEGs)
Each distribution file is supplied as a tar file, which is compressed by gzip and has an extension of .tar.gz. The following table lists the contents of the SM installation distribution files for Solaris and Linux.
The following table lists the contents of the LEG distribution file:
The SM installation distribution file contains the following documents:
Manifest—Contains the version and build numbers for all components from which the distribution files were built
Install—The SCMS SM typical installation procedures
Prerequisites—Minimal system requirements for installation of the SM
System Requirements
You can install the SM on the following platforms:
Solaris—SUN SPARC machine running Solaris. See Table 4-2, and Table 4-3.
Linux—Machine with Intel-based processor running Linux. See Table 4-2, and Table 4-4.
The machine should conform to the system requirements listed in the following tables.
The specifications listed in Table 4-2 are minimal. They should be verified in order to guarantee specific performance and capacity requirements.
For the hardware and software system requirements for the Veritas Cluster Server, see Veritas Cluster Server.
It is strongly recommended to apply the latest patches from SUN. You can download the latest patches from the SUN patches website.
It is strongly recommended to apply the latest patches from Red Hat.
Installation Procedures
All installations can be performed by executing an installation script located on the root of the SM distribution file.
In most cases, the SM installation script is the only script needed for completing the installation.
The installation script displays messages describing the significant steps that are being performed. These messages are also sent to the system log for future reference. See Logging Script Messages for more information about the system log messages.
If you try to install the SM on a machine on which the SM is currently running, or to a directory in which the SM is already installed (even if not running), the operation will fail and you will be requested to upgrade the SM. See How to Upgrade the Subscriber Manager.
The specific installation procedure to be applied depends on the required SM topology.
For the installation procedure for the standalone topology, see Installing the Subscriber Manager.
For the installation procedure for the cluster topology, see Installing an SM Cluster.
Information About System Changes Made by Installation Scripts
This section describes the system changes applied automatically by the SM installation. The SM installation adds a dedicated user and group, and startup and shutdown scripts.
Startup and Shutdown Scripts
Bash and C-Shell Profiles for the User pcube
Logging Script Messages
Script messages are logged into the system log in the following manner:
For Solaris—The installation scripts log all their messages into the system log, which is usually the file located at /var/adm/messages. The messages are logged to the user.info syslog category.
For Linux—The installation scripts log all their messages into the system log, which is usually the file located at /var/log/messages. The messages are logged to the user.info syslog category.
pcube User and Group
During installation, a user named pcube is created (unless it already exists) with its own group. This user owns all installed SM and CLU files. The user home directory is the installation directory selected during installation. For security purposes, the user is initially created with a locked password. You must assign a new password.
Startup and Shutdown Scripts
The SM is started on boot to run level 2, and is stopped when leaving this run level (for example, when the machine is shut down).
The installer installs the following files for startup and shutdown:
For Solaris:
-rwxr--r-- 1 root other /etc/init.d/p3sm lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other/etc/rc0.d/K44p3sm ->/etc/init.d/p3sm lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other /etc/rc1.d/K44p3sm ->/etc/init.d/p3sm lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other /etc/rc2.d/S92p3sm ->/etc/init.d/p3sm lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other /etc/rcS.d/K44p3sm ->/etc/init.d/p3sm
For Linux:
-rwxr--r-- 1 root other /etc/rc.d/init.d/p3sm lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K44p3sm ->/etc/rc.d/init.d/p3sm lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other /etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K44p3sm ->/etc/rc.d/init.d/p3sm lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S92p3sm ->/etc/rc.d/init.d/p3sm lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S92p3sm ->/etc/rc.d/init.d/p3sm lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S92p3sm ->/etc/rc.d/init.d/p3sm lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K44p3sm ->/etc/rc.d/init.d/p3sm
The TimesTen installer creates similar startup and shutdown scripts.
Bash and C-Shell Profiles for the User pcube
The SM is controlled using the CLUs that are located in ~pcube/sm/server/bin. If such shell-profiles do not exist, the installation and upgrade scripts create profiles setting the CLU directory in the user pcube path environment variable.
This operation can be performed manually as well by copying the content of these profile scripts (scmssm * files) from the SM distribution under DIST_ROOT/scripts/.
Information About Advanced System Memory Configuration
Configuring /var/TimesTen/sys.odbc.ini
Configuring the SM Process Memory Settings
Configuring /var/TimesTen/sys.odbc.ini
Some installations might require changing TimesTen parameters so that the database will run as desired. However, do not make any changes if the default values suit your requirements.
Setting the multi-processor optimization
If your system is a multi-processor machine, the value of the SMPOptLevel parameter of the Pcube_SM_Repository in the sys.odbc.ini file should be set to 1. Otherwise, it should be set to 0 or not set at all. The installation script automatically sets this parameter according to the number of available processors.
Setting the database size
If your system needs to support more than 100,000 subscribers, set the values of the PermSize and TempSize parameters of the Pcube_SM_Repository in the sys.odbc.ini file.
See Determine the system memory settings.
For example:
PermSize=500 TempSize=150
If you change the database size, you must also make the following changes:
Solaris—Set the value of parameter shmsys:shminfo_shmmax in the /etc/system file to be larger than the sum of PermSize and TempSize.
Red Hat—Set the value of parameter kernel.shmmax in the /etc/sysctl.conf file to be larger than the sum of PermSize and TempSize.
Configuring the SM Process Memory Settings
By default, the SM process uses 256 MB of RAM memory. However, in certain application component configurations, the SM process needs to allocate additional memory to work correctly. Setting an environment variable called PCUBE_SM_MEM_SIZE with the desired memory size (in megabytes) instructs the SM start-up scripts to allocate the defined memory size for the SM process.
You can set the memory size value for this environment variable for the user pcube , or you can configure the desired process memory size in the sm.sh file located in the root directory of the user pcube ( ~pcube/sm.sh ).
The following example, which shows a line in the sm.sh file, defines a memory size of 512 MB for the SM process:
You can configure PCUBE_SM_MEM_SIZE in the install-def.sh script file before running the installation script. This ensures that the SM will be installed with the correct value configured.
To prevent performance degradation because of memory swapping, make sure that the machine has enough RAM for the SM process, the SM database, and all of the other applications running on this machine.
To determine the correct memory values for your installation, see Determine the system memory settings.
Installing the Subscriber Manager
This section describes how to install the Subscriber Manager.
In a high availability setup (see SM Cluster ), you must install the SM Cluster VCS agents. See Installing SM Cluster Agents.
Make sure that the disk space requirements listed in System Requirements are satisfied.
Extract the distribution files.
Download the distribution files from the Cisco web site.
Use FTP to load the distribution files to the SM.
Unzip the files using the gunzipcommand.
Extract the tar file using the tarcommand:
Determine the system memory settings
Configure the shared memory settings.
Make the changes automatically or manually.
Edit the install-def.cfg file.
Execute the install-sm.sh script
From your workstation shell prompt, move to the directory to where the distribution file was extracted and run the install-sm.sh script:
Set the password for the pcube user
Reboot the computer.
Install the SCA BB package and LEG components.
Add a user for PRPC authentication.
Step 1
Extract the distribution files.
Before you can install the SM, you must first load and extract the distribution files on the installed machine or in a directory that is mounted to the installed machine.
Download the distribution files from the Cisco web site.
Use FTP to load the distribution files to the SM.
Unzip the files using the gunzipcommand.
gunzip SM_dist_<version>_B<build number>.tar.gz
Extract the tar file using the tarcommand:
tar -xvf SM_dist_<version>_B<build number>.tar
Step 2
Determine the system memory settings
Set the system memory configuration requirements according to the maximum number of subscribers. There are two methods to determine the system memory settings: without the Quota Manager or with the Quota Manager.
The following tables list the recommended memory configuration values based on the number of supported subscribers. The settings apply when the Quota Manager is disabled.
CautionThe SM process RAM in the table is calculated for:
40 SCE connections per SM—For each additional SCE you should add an additional 25 MB for the SM process memory setting.
20 PRPC (SM API/CNR LEG) connections to the SM—For each additional connection you should add an additional 25 MB for the SM process memory setting.
If you use the virtual-links ability of the service control solution you should add an additional 60 MB to the Perm Size setting for each additional 100,000 subscribers.
For Linux installations, there are further limitations:
The maximum number of subscribers is two million.
The maximum value for the SM process memory settings is 1.8 GB.
The combined size of the TimesTen data-stores setting should not exceed 2 GB.
Description of the table columns:
Maximum Number of Subscribers—The maximum number of subscribers that the SM has to support.
Cache Size—The number of subscriber record references the SM process maintains. The default value is 100000 records.
SM Process Memory Setting—The required memory configuration for the SM process itself.
The configuration required for TimesTen to run correctly. For additional information, see Configure the shared memory settings..
If the previous tables do not list the maximum number of subscribers that you require, use the settings specified for the next higher value of Maximum Number of Subscribers. For example, for 1,200,000 subscribers, use the values specified for 2,000,000 subscribers.The following tables list the recommended memory configuration values based on the number of supported subscribers. The settings apply when the Quota Manager is enabled.
CautionThe SM process RAM in the table is calculated for:
20 SCE connections per SM—For each additional SCE you should add an additional 50 MB for the SM process memory setting.
20 PRPC (SM API/CNR LEG) connections to the SM—For each additional connection you should add an additional 25 MB for the SM process memory setting.
If you use the virtual-links ability of the service control solution you should add an additional 60 MB to the Perm Size setting for each additional 100,000 subscribers.
For Linux installations, there are further limitations:
The maximum number of subscribers is two million.
The maximum value for the SM process memory settings is 1.8 GB.
The combined size of the TimesTen data-stores setting should not exceed 2 GB.Step 3
Configure the shared memory settings.
TimesTen requires that certain changes be made in the system kernel configuration file ( /etc/system in Solaris and /etc/sysctl.conf in Linux). These changes increase the shared memory and semaphore resources on the Solaris machine from their defaults. For additional information regarding these changes, refer to the TimesTen documentation.
It is recommended that you review the /etc/system or the /etc/sysctl.conf file before running the tt-sysconf.sh script, because the script overwrites the current file settings with the values listed in the "Making the changes manually" procedure. If you want to keep some or all of the current file settings, edit the system configuration file and perform the changes manually.
TimesTen requires that certain changes be made in the operating system kernel configuration file:
For Solaris, modify file /etc/system.
For Linux, modify file /etc/sysctl.conf.
These changes increase the shared memory and semaphore resources on the machine from their defaults.
It is recommended that you review the system configuration file before running the tt-sysconf.sh script, because the script overwrites the current file settings with the values listed in the "Making the changes manually" procedure. If you want to keep some or all of the current file settings, edit the configuration file by performing the changes manually.
Make the changes automatically or manually.
To make the required changes automatically, run the tt-sysconf.sh script.
The root user must invoke this script file, without arguments, as follows:
# tt-sysconf.sh
To make the required changes manually:
Editing the configuration file manually is required when you require support for more than 100,000 subscribers in the SM. Your system's sizing requirements only affect the shared memory size. To determine the correct configuration values for your system, see the tables in Determine the system memory settings.
For Solaris, make the required changes manually by adding the following lines to the /etc/system file and configuring the shared memory size:
*---- Begin settings for TimesTen set semsys:seminfo_semmni = 20 set semsys:seminfo_semmsl = 100 set semsys:seminfo_semmns = 2000 set semsys:seminfo_semmnu = 2000 set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax = 0x20000000 *---- End of settings for TimesTen
For Linux, make the required changes manually by adding the following lines to the /etc/sysctl.conf file and configuring the shared memory size:
*---- Begin settings for TimesTen kernel.shmmax = 536870912 kernel.sem = "SEMMSL_250 SEMMNS_32000 SEMOPM_100 SEMMNI_100 *---- End of settings for TimesTen
Step 4
Edit the install-def.cfg file.
This step is optional when performing the SM installation. However, it is recommended to edit the file if one of the parameter values should not be set to the default value.
The install-def.cfg file contains several parameters that can be preconfigured before installation/upgrade of the SM. These parameters are copied by the install/upgrade routine to the relevant SM configuration files. By default, all of the parameters are commented out and the default values are used.
The file contains the following parameters:
Resides in the [SM Definitions] section. Defines the maximum number of subscribers the SM supports. You can set the maximum number of subscribers using this parameter or by setting the max_number_of_subscribers parameter in p3sm.cfg configuration file. See Data Repository Section.
There is a limit to the maximum number of subscribers that can be stored in the SM database. The limit is 20 million subscribers for Solaris and two million subscribers for Linux.
The SM default configuration supports a maximum of 200,000 subscribers.
Resides in the [SM Definitions] section. Defines the amount of memory allocated for the SM process in MB. You can set the parameter here or edit PCUBE_SM_MEM_SIZE in the sm.sh file that resides under the ~pcube folder.
Resides in the [Database Definitions] section. Defines the PermSize allocated for the database in MB. You can set the parameter here or edit the PermSize parameter in the /var/TimesTen/sys.odbc.ini file.
Resides in the [Database Definitions] section. Defines the TempSize allocated for the database in MB. You can set the parameter here or edit the TempSize parameter in the /var/TimesTen/sys.odbc.ini file.
Step 5
Execute the install-sm.sh script
The install-sm.sh script is customizable.
It is not possible to run the script if the /etc/motd file exists. The file should be moved or removed prior to running the install-sm.sh script.
From your workstation shell prompt, move to the directory to where the distribution file was extracted and run the install-sm.sh script:
# install-sm.sh [ command options]
The following table lists the command options:
The script performs the following steps:
Checks for validity of arguments and sufficient disk space.
Adds (or verifies the existence of) a user pcube and a group pcube .
Populates the pcube home directory with the SM and CLU directory structure.
Invokes the JRE installation script with pcube home as the target directory. The JRE installation does not affect any existing Java installations.
Invokes the TimesTen installation script with pcube home as the target directory.
Creates the SM DSN for TimesTen with pcube home as the target directory. It is possible to install the SM DSN for TimesTen in a specified directory by using the -v option.
Creates startup and shutdown scripts in /etc.
Creates the shell preamble ~pcube/sm.sh , which contains environment variables that depend on the actual folder in which the SM was installed.
Examples for the install-sm.sh Script
These examples demonstrate how to use the install-sm.sh script to install the SM.
Installing the CM and CLU: Example
Installing the CM and CLU to a Default Directory: Example
Installing the CM and CLU: Example
This example installs the SM and CLU to a directory named /usr/local/pcube using the default data storage directory.
# install-sm.sh -d /usr/local/pcube
Installing the CM and CLU to a Default Directory: Example
This example installs the SM and CLU to the default directory of the user pcube.
# install-sm.sh -o
Step 6
Set the password for the pcube user
After the installation script has completed successfully, set the password for the pcube user by running the # passwd pcube command.
It is important to remember the password you have selected.
Step 7
Reboot the computer.
It is necessary to reboot the computer to complete the installation.
Step 8
Install the SCA BB package and LEG components.
Depending on the integration type, you might need to install the SCA BB package on the SM or install Login Event Generator (LEG) modules.
To perform the installation, use the p3instcommand-line utility. For example:
>p3inst --install --file=eng31.pqi
For additional information, see Installing an Application.
Step 9
Add a user for PRPC authentication.
It is necessary to add a user for PRPC authentication because SCA BB requires a username and password when connecting to the SM.
To add a user for PRPC authentication, use the p3rpccommand-line utility. For example:
>p3rpc --set-user --username=username--password=password
For cluster installations, use the --remoteoption, after both devices are installed, as shown in the following example:
>p3rpc --set-user --username=username--password=password--remote=OTHER_SM_IP[:port]
For troubleshooting the installation, see Troubleshooting.
Verifying the Installation
To verify that the installation was successful, run a CLU utility, such as the p3smcommand, to display general information about the SM.
Step 1
From your workstation shell prompt, change to the ~pcube/sm/server/bin directory.
Step 2
Run the p3sm command.
The following p3smcommand displays the current status of the SM.
>p3sm --sm-status
Wait a few minutes after the installation before running this command to allow the SM to become operational.
The output of this command should indicate that the SM is running.
In case of errors during installation, the command will output a description of these errors.
Configuring the Subscriber Manager
After installing the SM, you can configure the SM to your specific needs. In particular, you should address the following parameters at this point:
topology—Cluster or standalone
introduction_mode—Pull or push
support_ip_ranges—Whether IP-ranges should be used in the installed setup
To configure the SM, edit the p3sm.cfg configuration file using any standard text editor. The configuration file is described in detail in the Configuration and Management module and in the Configuration File Options module. After you finish editing the p3sm.cfg configuration file, use the p3smutility to update the SM with the new settings:
Step 1
From your workstation shell prompt, run the p3sm command.
The following p3sm command loads the configuration file and updates the SM configuration accordingly.
>p3sm --load-config
How to Perform Additional Installation Procedures
The following procedures complement the ones described in Installing the Subscriber Manager :
Installing an SM Cluster —Should be used if installing two SM nodes for the first time.
Installing SM Cluster Agents —Must be installed when in a High Availability setup where Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) is used.
Installing SM Cluster Agents
Installing an SM Cluster
The installation of an SM cluster is very similar to installing the SM on two machines.
Install the Veritas Cluster Server software on both machines.
Install the SM on both machines.
Configure the SM topology parameter to cluster.
Configure the replication scheme.
Install the SM VCS agents.
Configure the VCS.
Step 1
Install the Veritas Cluster Server software on both machines.
Step 2
Install the SM on both machines.
For further information, see Installing the Subscriber Manager.
Step 3
Configure the SM topology parameter to cluster.
For further information, see Configuring the Subscriber Manager.
Step 4
Configure the replication scheme.
It is necessary to configure the replication scheme for the data-store replication to the redundant machine by running the following CLU:
p3db --set-rep-scheme
Step 5
Install the SM VCS agents.
For further information, see Installing the Subscriber Manager.
Step 6
Configure the VCS.
For further information, see the Veritas Cluster Server module.
Installing SM Cluster Agents
The installation distribution file contains a set of customized Veritas Cluster Agents for supporting monitoring and controlling of SM-related resources in cluster topology. You must install the cluster agents under the VCS bin directory.
It is not possible to run the script if the /etc/motd file exists. The file should be moved or removed prior to running the install-vcs-agents.sh script.
Step 1
From your workstation shell prompt, run the install-vcs-agents.sh script.
# install-vcs-agents.sh [commanad-options]
The following table lists the command options.
The script performs the following steps:
Checks that the installation directory exists.
Extracts the agent distribution file to the specified directory.
Copies the VCS default-script-agent-executable from the installation directory to all agent directories.
Installing an Application
An application can be installed on the SM in order to customize the components. You can also upgrade an existing application to a new version, or return to a previous version (rollback) of an application. Use the p3instutility to install or uninstall an application (PQI file).
You must run the p3inst utility as user pcube . The script is located in the ~pcube/sm/server/bin directory.
For additional details of how to install a specific application such as SCA BB, refer to the application installation guide.
Step 1
From your workstation shell prompt, run the p3instCLU.
The following is the command sytanx for the p3inst CLU:
>p3inst operation filename[installtion/upgrade parameters]
The following table lists the p3instoperations.
Configuration Examples for Installing an Application
Installing the Specified Installation to the Device: Example
This example shows how to install the specified installation file to the device.
>p3inst --install --file=eng31.pqi
Uninstalling the Specified Installation from the Device: Example
This example shows how to uninstall the specified installation file from the device.
>p3inst --uninstall --file=oldInstallation.pqi
How to Upgrade the Subscriber Manager
The Subscriber Manager supports several types of upgrade procedures, according to the SM version that was previously installed and the requirement (or lack of requirement) for fail-over in the new installation.
There are three types of upgrade procedure:
Data Duplication Procedure
The data duplication procedure enables the user to duplicate or copy the entire database from one machine to the other, and then keep the databases synchronized by running the replication agent at the end. Some of the upgrade procedures described in the previous sections use this procedure.
For details of the procedure, see Database Duplication Recovery.
Upgrading from a Standalone Setup
This procedure applies to the SM version 2.2 and up. This upgrade procedure requires service down-time.
For the upgrade procedure from a standalone setup to a cluster setup, see Upgrading from a Standalone Setup to a Cluster Setup.
Configuring the Required Memory Settings
To prepare the SM for the upgrade, configure the system kernel configuration file on the SM according to the procedure described in Configure the shared memory settings..
Extract the distribution files.
Download the distribution files from the Cisco web site.
Use FTP to load the distribution files to the SM.
Unzip the files using the gunzipcommand.
Extract the tar the file using the tarcommand.
Disable state exchange.
Edit the install-def-cfg file.
Run the upgrade-sm.sh script.
From your workstation shell prompt, run the upgrade-sm.sh script.
Add a user for PRPC authentication.
Upgrade the application and LEGs.
Remove obsolete state information.
Remove obsolete subscriber properties (Method A)
Export any existing subscribers to a csv file.
Clear the subscriber database.
Remove any obsolete properties from the csv-file.
Import the subscribers from the revised file.
Remove obsolete subscriber properties (Method B)
Remove the obsolete properties from the SM database by running the p3subsdbcommand.
Resynchronize all SCEs.
Configure the SCE platforms.
Step 1
Extract the distribution files.
Before you can upgrade the SM, you must first load and extract the distribution files on the installed machine or in a directory that is mounted to the installed machine.
Download the distribution files from the Cisco web site.
Use FTP to load the distribution files to the SM.
Unzip the files using the gunzip command.
gunzip SM_dist_<version>_B<build number>.tar.gz
Extract the tar the file using the tar command.
tar -xvf SM_dist_<version>_B<build number>.tar
Step 2
Disable state exchange.
If upgrading from version 2.x, disable the state exchange between the SM and the SCE platform by editing the SM configuration file ( p3sm.cfg ) and set save_subscriber_state=false , then load the configuration file using the following command:
>p3sm --load-config
You must use this CLU as user pcube .
Step 3
Edit the install-def-cfg file.
Edit the install-def.cfg configuration file and set the PermSize and TempSize parameters according to the recommendations described in Configure the shared memory settings.. For further information, see Edit the install-def.cfg file..
Step 4
Run the upgrade-sm.sh script.
In order to upgrade from non-cluster setups, the Subscriber Manager distribution provides an upgrade script that implements an upgrade from previous versions. The upgrade procedure script preserves the subscriber database and the entire SM configuration, including network elements, domains, and application-specific components.
For Solaris: Previous versions of the SM on Solaris used a 32-bit or 64-bit Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and database. The SM is currently installed with a 64-bit JVM and database. There is no choice as to whether to upgrade to 64-bit.
For Linux: Upgrades on Linux systems are only from SM 2.5.x and 3.x releases. The Linux platform is used only with a 32-bit JVM and database.
It is not possible to run the script if the /etc/motd file exists. The file should be moved or removed prior to running the upgrade-sm.sh script.
From your workstation shell prompt, run the upgrade-sm.sh script.
# upgrade-sm.sh [command-options]
The script performs the following steps:
Detects existing SM version.
Detects new SM version.
Verifies that Java is installed on the machine.
Verifies that the user pcube exists.
Verifies that an SM of version 2.2 or later is present on the system.
Stops the current SM (if running).
Backs up existing contents of the subscriber database to an external file.
Removes the TimesTen database.
Backs up SM configuration files.
Installs the updated versions of SM and TimesTen.
Invokes a separate program for upgrading the SM and database configuration files.
Restores the backed up contents of the subscriber database.
Starts the upgraded SM.
To complete the upgrade process of the SM, you are required to follow the upgrade process instructions of your application and LEGs as described in the specific user guides. In general, you must run the p3instCLU to upgrade or re-install your application or LEG PQI files.
Upgrading the SM: Example
This example upgrades the SM, keeps the current database, and does not pause the upgrade for PQI installation.
# upgrade-sm.sh
An SM reboot is not required after the upgrade procedure.
Step 5
Add a user for PRPC authentication.
If upgrading from a version of the SM prior to 3.0.5, it is necessary to add a user for PRPC authentication because SCA BB requires a username and password when connecting to the SM.
To add a user for PRPC authentication, use the p3rpcCLU. For example:
Step 6
Upgrade the application and LEGs.
Perform the specific upgrade instructions of your application or LEGs. For additional information, see Installing an Application.
Step 7
Remove obsolete state information.
If upgrading from version 2.x, remove any obsolete subscriber state information, by running the SM CLU as pcube user:
>p3subsdb --clear-all-states
Step 8
Remove obsolete subscriber properties (Method A)
If upgrading from version 2.x, remove any obsolete subscriber properties.
All CLU commands must be run as user pcube .
Export any existing subscribers to a csv file.
>p3subsdb --export -o csv-file
Clear the subscriber database.
>p3subsdb --clear-all
Remove any obsolete properties from the csv-file.
See Table 4-13 for a list of properties to be removed.
Import the subscribers from the revised file.
>p3subsdb --import -f csv-file
Step 9
Remove obsolete subscriber properties (Method B)
If upgrading from version 2.x, remove any obsolete subscriber properties.
All CLU commands must be run as user pcube .
Remove the obsolete properties from the SM database by running the p3subsdbcommand.
>p3subsdb --remove-property --property=prop
The obsolete properties to be removed are listed in Table 4-13.
Resynchronize all SCEs.
>p3sm --resync-all
Step 10
Configure the SCE platforms.
If using a cascade SCE setup, configure the cascade SCE pair in the p3sm.cfg file as described in SCE.XXX Section.
Upgrading from a Standalone Setup to a Cluster Setup
This section describes the basic procedure for upgrading from a standalone setup to a cluster setup. This procedure applies for the SM from version 2.2 and up. This upgrade procedure requires service down-time.
This procedure attempts to minimize the SM downtime as much as possible. Therefore, if subscriber service is not an issue, use instead the procedure for installing a new machine and upgrading a new machine.
In the following procedure, SM-A is the original SM machine running SM version 2.2 and later, and SM-B is the new SM machine being added for redundancy.
Install the VCS on both machines.
Install SM-B.
Upgrade SM-A.
Replicate the SM configuration from SM-A to SM-B.
Duplicate the subscriber database.
Create a cluster.
Configure SM-A and SM-B to support a cluster.
Make SM-B standby.
Ensure that SM-A is active.
Configure the VCS.
Run the VCS on the setup.
Configure the LEG applications to send logins to the cluster virtual IP.
Step 1
Install the VCS on both machines.
Step 2
Install SM-B.
To install SM-B, follow the procedure described in Installing the Subscriber Manager.
Step 3
Upgrade SM-A.
To upgrade SM-A, follow the procedure described in Upgrading from a Standalone Setup.
From this step until the upgrade procedure is completed, there is no SM to handle subscribers.
Step 4
Replicate the SM configuration from SM-A to SM-B.
Copy the p3sm.cfg configuration file manually from SM-A to SM-B. To load the configuration file, see Reloading the SM Configuration (p3sm).
Step 5
Duplicate the subscriber database.
The data duplication procedure is described in Data Duplication Procedure.
Configure the replication scheme for the data store replication to the redundant machine.
This CLU must run on both machines, and as user pcube .
>p3db --set-rep-scheme
Step 6
Create a cluster.
Configure SM-A and SM-B to support a cluster.
Make SM-B standby.
Use the CLU command p3cluster --standby.
Ensure that SM-A is active.
Use the CLU command p3cluster --active.
Configure the VCS.
Run the VCS on the setup.
Step 7
Configure the LEG applications to send logins to the cluster virtual IP.
How to Upgrade Cluster Setups
Upgrading from a Cluster Setup Version 3.x
Upgrading from a Cluster Setup Version 2.x
Upgrading from a Cluster Setup Version 3.x
This section describes the basic procedure for upgrading from a cluster setup to a cluster setup, from SM version 3.0 and up.
This procedure does not have a service down time.
The upgrade procedure when upgrading from a cluster setup involves three high level steps:
Perform the upgrade procedure on the standby machine.
Perform a manual failover on the SM that was upgraded.
Perform the upgrade procedure on the SM that became standby after performing the failover.
Step 1
Configure the system kernel configuration file on both machines.
Before starting the upgrade procedure, it is necessary to configure the system kernel configuration file on both machines.
Configure the system kernel configuration file on the standby SM.
The configuration procedure is described in Configure the shared memory settings..
Reboot the standby SM.
Manually trigger a failover using the Veritas cluster manager and wait until the standby SM becomes active and the active SM becomes standby.
Run the following VCS CLU command from /opt/VRTSvcs/bin :
# hagrp -switch service group nameto System
Repeat steps a and b on the new standby SM.
Step 2
Extract the distribution files.
Before you can upgrade the SM, you must first load and extract the distribution files on the installed machine or in a directory that is mounted to the installed machine.
Download the distribution files from the Cisco web site.
Use FTP to load the distribution files to the SM.
Unzip the files using the gunzipcommand.
gunzip SM_dist_<version>_B<build number>.tar.gz
Extract the tar the file using the tar command.
tar -xvf SM_dist_<version>_B<build number>.tar
Step 3
Stop VCS monitoring.
Log in as the root user.
Stop the VCS monitoring of the SM.
Use the following VCS CLU command from /opt/VRTSvcs/bin to stop VCS monitoring:
#./hastop -local
Step 4
Edit the install-def.cfg file.
Edit the install-def-cfg configuration file and set the PermSize and TempSize parameters according to the recommendations described in Configure the shared memory settings.. For further information, see Edit the install-def.cfg file..
Step 5
Run the cluster-upgrade.sh script.
In order to upgrade from cluster setup to cluster setup, Subscriber Manager version 3.1.0 provides an upgrade script to perform an upgrade from previous versions. The upgrade procedure script preserves the subscriber database and the entire SM configuration, including network elements, domains, and application-specific components.
For Solaris: Previous versions of the SM on Solaris used a 32-bit or 64-bit Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and database. From SM version 3.0.3, the SM is installed with a 64-bit JVM and database. There is no choice as to whether to upgrade to 64-bit.
For Linux: Upgrades on Linux systems are only from SM 2.5.x and 3.x releases. The Linux platform is used only with a 32-bit JVM and database.
From your workstation shell prompt, run the cluster-upgrade.sh script.
# cluster-upgrade.sh[command-options]
The following table lists the command options.
The script performs the following steps:
Detects existing SM version.
Detects new SM version.
Verifies that Java is installed on the machine.
Verifies that the user pcube exists.
Verifies that an SM of version 2.2 or later is present on the system.
Verifies the values configured in the install-def.cfg (if any exist).
Stops the current SM (if running).
Backs up existing contents of the subscriber database to an external file.
Removes the TimesTen database.
Backs up SM configuration files.
Installs the updated versions of SM and TimesTen.
Invokes a separate program for upgrading the SM and database configuration files.
Restores the backed up contents of the subscriber database. When activated on the second machine, the script copies the contents of the database from the currently active SM since the currently active SM contains the most up-to-date data.
To complete the upgrade process of the SM, you are required to follow the upgrade process instructions of your application and LEGs as described in the specific user guides. In general, you must run the p3inst CLU to upgrade or re-install your application or LEG PQI files.
Examples for Running the cluster-upgrade.sh Script
Upgrading the First SM: Example
This example upgrades the first SM, keeps the current database, and does not pause the upgrade for PQI installation.
# cluster-upgrade.sh -1
An SM reboot is not required after the upgrade procedure.
Upgrading the Second SM: Example
This example upgrades the second SM, keeps the current database, and does not pause the upgrade for PQI installation.
# cluster-upgrade.sh -2
Do not start the SM after running cluster-upgrade.sh.
Step 6
Start database replication between the two machines.
From the shell prompt, run the following command:
>p3db --rep-start
Step 7
Verify that changed data has been replicated.
Wait until all the data that was changed while the upgrade script was running has been replicated:
On the active SM add a dummy subscriber using the p3subs CLU:
>p3subs --add -s dummySub
When upgrading the second SM add a subscriber with a name other than dummySub since it was added during the upgrade of the first SM due to the replication.
On the standby SM run the verify-subscriber.sh script to verify the subscriber was replicated:
#./verify-subscriber.sh dummySub
The verify-subscriber.sh script should be run as the root user.
Step 8
Restart VCS monitoring.
Run the following VCS CLU command from /opt/VRTSvcs/bin :
VCS monitoring will start the SM process automatically in the Initialization state.
Use the p3cluster CLU in order to set the SM to standby state:
>p3cluster --standby
The SM boot time after the upgrade will be longer than usual due to the extra time taken to initialize the database indexes.
Step 9
Upgrade the application and LEGs.
Perform the specific upgrade instructions of your application or LEGs. For additional information, see Installing an Application.
Step 10
Manually trigger a failover.
Manually trigger a failover using the Veritas cluster manager and wait until the standby SM becomes active and the active SM becomes standby.
Run the following VCS CLU command from /opt/VRTSvcs/bin :
# hagrp -switch service group name-to System
For further information about the hagrp CLU refer to your Veritas Cluster Server documentation.
Step 11
Manually update the replication scheme.
On the new active SM run the following CLU:
p3db --rep-stop p3db --drop-rep-scheme p3db --set-rep-scheme
Step 12
Repeat the upgrade procedure on the standby SM.
After performing the manual failover (see Manually trigger a failover. ), the standby SM on which you perform the upgrade procedure becomes the active SM. The previous active SM becomes the new standby SM.
To upgrade the second SM, repeat the procedure from Extract the distribution files. to Upgrade the application and LEGs..
Step 13
Add a user for PRPC authentication.
If upgrading from a version of the SM prior to 3.0.5, it is necessary to add a user for PRPC authentication because SCA BB requires a username and password when connecting to the SM.
To add a user for PRPC authentication, use the p3rpcCLU. For example:
Step 14
Configure the SCE platforms
If using a cascade SCE setup, configure the cascade SCE pair in the p3sm.cfg file as described in the SCE.XXX Section.
Step 15
Remove the dummy subscribers
After successfully upgrading both SMs it is recommended to remove the dummy subscribers that were added in order to verify the replication during the upgrade.
On the new active SM run the following CLU:
>p3subs --remove -subscriber= first dummy subscriber name>p3subs --remove -subscriber= second dummy subscriber name
Upgrading from a Cluster Setup Version 2.x
This section describes the basic procedure for upgrading from a cluster setup to a cluster setup, from SM versions 2.x.
This procedure has a service down time.
The upgrade procedure when upgrading from a cluster setup involves three high level steps:
Perform the upgrade procedure on the standby machine.
Perform a manual failover on the SM that was upgraded.
Perform the upgrade procedure on the SM that became standby after performing the failover.
Step 1
Configure the system kernel configuration file on both machines.
Before starting the upgrade procedure, it is necessary to configure the system kernel configuration file on both machines.
Configure the system kernel configuration file on the standby SM.
The configuration procedure is described in Configure the shared memory settings..
Reboot the standby SM.
Manually trigger a failover using the Veritas cluster manager and wait until the standby SM becomes active and the active SM becomes standby.
Run the following VCS CLU command from /opt/VRTSvcs/bin :
# hagrp -switch service group nameto System
Repeat steps a and b on the new standby SM.
Step 2
Extract the distribution files.
Before you can upgrade the SM, you must first load and extract the distribution files on the installed machine or in a directory that is mounted to the installed machine.
Download the distribution files from the Cisco web site.
Use FTP to load the distribution files to the SM.
Unzip the files using the gunzipcommand.
gunzip SM_dist_<version>_B<build number>.tar.gz
Extract the tar the file using the tarcommand.
tar -xvf SM_dist_<version>_B<build number>.tar
Step 3
Uninstall the VCS agents and stop VCS monitoring.
Log in as the root user.
Uninstall the VCS agents.
Uninstalling the VCS agents is described in Uninstalling VCS Agents. The resource names to use are PcubeSm, OnOnlyProcess, and TimesTenRep.
Stop the VCS monitoring of the SM.
Use the following VCS CLU command from /opt/VRTSvcs/bin to stop VCS monitoring:
#./hastop -local
Step 4
Disable state exchange.
Disable the state exchange between the SM and the SCE platform by editing the SM configuration file ( p3sm.cfg ) and set save_subscriber_state=false , then load the configuration file using the following command:
You must use this CLU as user pcube .
>p3sm --load-config
Step 5
Drop the old replication scheme.
Use the following CLU:
You must use this CLU as user pcube .
>p3sm --drop-rep-scheme
Step 6
Edit the install-def.cfg file.
Edit the install-def-cfg configuration file and set the PermSize and TempSize parameters according to the recommendations described in Configure the shared memory settings.. For further information, see Edit the install-def.cfg file..
Step 7
Run the upgrade-sm.sh script.
For further information, see Run the upgrade-sm.sh script..
Step 8
Upgrade the application and LEGs.
Perform the specific upgrade instructions of your application or LEGs. For additional information, see Installing an Application.
Step 9
Configure the replication scheme.
Configure the replication scheme for the datastore replication to the redundant machine using the following CLU:
You must use this CLU as user pcube .
>p3sm --set-rep-scheme
Step 10
Install the VCS agents and configure and restart VCS monitoring
Install the SM VCS agents.
Installing the SM VCS agents is described in Installing SM Cluster Agents.
Configure the VCS.
Configuration of the VCS is described in Veritas Cluster Server.
Restart VCS monitoring.
Run the following VCS CLU command from /opt/VRTSvcs/bin :
Step 11
Remove obsolete state information.
Remove any obsolete subscriber state information, by running the SM CLU as pcube user:
>p3subsdb --clear-all-states
Step 12
Remove obsolete subscriber properties (Method A)
Remove any obsolete subscriber properties.
All CLU commands must be run as user pcube .
Export any existing subscribers to a csv file.
>p3subsdb --export -ocsv-file
Clear the subscriber database.
>p3subsdb --clear-all
Remove any obsolete properties from the csv-file.
See Table 4-13 for a list of properties to be removed.
Import the subscribers from the revised file.
>p3subsdb --import -fcsv-file
Step 13
Remove obsolete subscriber properties (Method B)
If upgrading from version 2.x, remove any obsolete subscriber properties.
All CLU commands must be run as user pcube .
Remove the obsolete properties from the SM database by running the p3subsdbcommand.
>p3subsdb --remove-property --property=prop
The obsolete properties to be removed are listed in Table 4-13.
Resynchronize all SCEs.
>p3sm --resync-all
Step 14
Manually trigger a failover
Manually trigger a failover using the Veritas cluster manager and wait until the standby SM becomes active and the active SM becomes standby.
Run the following VCS CLU command from /opt/VRTSvcs/bin :
# hagrp -switch service group nameto System
Step 15
Repeat the upgrade procedure on the standby SM.
After performing the manual failover (see Manually trigger a failover ), the standby SM on which you perform the upgrade procedure becomes the active SM. The previous active SM becomes the new standby SM.
To upgrade the second SM, repeat the procedure from Extract the distribution files. to Remove obsolete subscriber properties (Method A).
Step 16
Add a user for PRPC authentication.
It is necessary to add a user for PRPC authentication because SCA BB requires a username and password when connecting to the SM.
To add a user for PRPC authentication, use the p3rpcCLU. For example:
Step 17
Configure the SCE platforms
If using a cascade SCE setup, configure the cascade SCE pair in the p3sm.cfg file as described in the SCE.XXX Section.
Additional Upgrade Procedures
Upgrading SubscriberID Maximum Length to 64 Characters
In version 3.0.5, the length of the SubscriberID was increased to 64 characters. For new installations the maximum length of the SubscriberID is 64 characters. However, when upgrading from earlier versions, the length is not increased automatically.
Export the subscriber database using the p3subsdb CLU.
Destroy the database using the p3db CLU.
Restart the SM.
Import the subscribers back into the database using the p3subsdb CLU.
Step 1
Export the subscriber database using the p3subsdb CLU.
>p3subsdb --export --output=output file name
Step 2
Destroy the database using the p3db CLU.
>p3db --destroy-rep-db
Step 3
Restart the SM.
>p3sm --restart
Step 4
Import the subscribers back into the database using the p3subsdb CLU.
>p3subsdb --import --file=file name from Step 1
This procedure requires system downtime because the SM database is destroyed. Moreover, after the restart, all the SCEs will automatically lose all the subscriber information and it will be restored only after the subscribers are imported back into the SM database.
How to Uninstall the Subscriber Manager
Uninstalling the Subscriber Manager
Uninstalling the Subscriber Manager
uninstall-sm.sh Script
To execute the uninstall-sm.sh script, from your workstation shell prompt, enter the following command:
# uninstall-sm.sh[command-options]
The following table lists the command options:
Table 4-16 Options for uninstall-sm.sh Script
Options Description-n
Do not remove SM database.
Shows the help message
The script performs the following steps:
Stops the SM.
Stops the replication agent (in cluster setups) if the -n flag is not used.
Destroys the data-stores if the -n flag is not used.
Uninstalls the TimesTen database.
Removes the SM directories and boot files.
Removes the Java that was installed as part of the SM installation.
If using a cluster setup, stop the VCS monitoring of the SM.
Run the uninstall-sm.sh script from the distribution root directory.
If using a cluster setup, remove the Veritas Cluster agents.
Remove the pcube user, by running the userdel command.
Step 1
If using a cluster setup, stop the VCS monitoring of the SM.
Stop the VCS monitoring by running the following VCS CLU command from /opt/VRTSvcs/bin :
#./hastop -local
Step 2
Run the uninstall-sm.sh script from the distribution root directory.
For further information, see uninstall-sm.sh Script
Step 3
If using a cluster setup, remove the Veritas Cluster agents.
Removal of the Veritas Cluster agents is described in Uninstalling VCS Agents.
Remove the following resource names: OnOnlyProcess, SubscriberManager, and TimesTenRep.
Step 4
Remove the pcube user, by running the userdelcommand.
# userdel -r pcube
If you chose to keep TimesTen installed, do not remove the pcube user.
Uninstalling VCS Agents
Repeat the following procedure for each Veritas Cluster agent that you wish to remove.
Remove the VCS agents by using the Veritas Cluster Manager or by using the hares CLU.
Remove the VCS resource types by using the hatype CLU.
Delete the VCS agent from the disk.
Step 1
Remove the VCS agents by using the Veritas Cluster Manager or by using the hares CLU.
The VCS agents can be removed using the Veritas Cluster Manager or the following CLU: (The resource names in your system might have different names, use hares -listto see the existing resource names).
# hares -delete TimesTenDaemon # hares -delete SM # hares -delete ReplicationAgent
Step 2
Remove the VCS resource types by using the hatypeCLU.
The type names in your system might have different names, use hatype -listto see the existing type names.
# hatype -delete OnOnlyProcess # hatype -delete SubscriberManager # hatype -delete TimesTenRep
Step 3
Delete the VCS agent from the disk.
Use the following command to delete the VCS agent:
# rm -rf /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/OnOnlyProcess # rm -rf /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/SubscriberManager # rm -rf /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/TimesTenRep
Posted: Wed Aug 15 17:47:39 PDT 2007
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