
Table Of Contents

Getting Started

System Components

System Requirements

Installing the SCA Reporter under Windows

How to install the SCA Reporter

Uninstalling the SCA Reporter

Installing the SCA Reporter under Linux

How to Install the SCA Reporter under Linux

How to Uninstall the SCA Reporter under Linux

Launching the SCA Reporter

Configuring the SCA Reporter

Managing Database Connections

Setting the IP Address of the SCE Platform

How to Configure Advanced Options for the SCA Reporter

Accessing Online Help

How to Access Online Help

How to Search Online Help

Quick Start

How to Create a First Report

How to Work with a First Report

Getting Started

The Cisco Service Control Application Reporter (SCA Reporter) is the Cisco Service Control Application tool that allows you to produce reports based on the traffic analysis performed by the Service Control Engine (SCE) platform. The information is sent from the SCE platform and is stored in a database. The SCA Reporter can query and retrieve information from the database and present the results in a comprehensive range of reports, including global monitoring, subscriber monitoring, P2P, and traffic discovery statistics reports.

System Components 

System Requirements 

Installing the SCA Reporter under Windows 

Installing the SCA Reporter under Linux 

Launching the SCA Reporter 

Configuring the SCA Reporter 

Accessing Online Help 

Quick Start 

System Components

The SCA Reporter is a valuable tool for understanding the habits and resource consumption of the applications and subscribers that use your network. It can also be used to judge the efficacy of various rules and the possible impact of their implementation on the network.

The SCA Reporter is available only in a deployment with a database. You can generate reports using any of the following methods:

Standalone application

Command-line interface (CLI)—See "The SCA Reporter Command-Line Interface" 

Tool of the SCA BB Console—See "The SCA Reporter as a Tool in the SCA BB Console" 

The available reports can be displayed in a variety of chart renderings (for example, stacked-bar or area) or in tabular form. You can adjust the chart display for various presentation options (for example, 3D). You can export both tabular and chart reports to files. You can also modify the reports by changing the values assigned to the properties (for example, time boundaries). You can duplicate, export, and save reports.

You can also generate reports using the SCA Reporter Command-Line Interface (CLI) without using the GUI.

SCA Reporter consists of visual components (known as views ). The following are the views and the tasks that you can perform in each view:

Templates view— select a report template, create a new report instance, and generate a report.

Properties view— view properties of the object in focus and their values. The object in focus can be a template group, a report template, a report instance, or the chart display of a report. You can configure report instance and chart display properties.

Report view— view a graphical representation or tabular display of the data of the report. Each report is displayed in its own report view.

Progress view— monitor reports executed or exported. You can view progress details in this view, and also choose to generate reports in the background so that you can continue working on other reports.

Generating a report can be divided into five broad steps:

1. Create a report instance from the Templates view.

2. Configure the properties of the report instance in the Properties view.

3. Execute the report instance.

4. View the report in tabular or graphic form in its report view.

5. Adjust the chart display of the report in the Properties view.

You can generate multiple reports simultaneously and later export them. While the reports are executing, you can monitor them and put them in the background by using the Progress view.

System Requirements

You can install and run the SCA Reporter GUI front end and command-line application on any computer running Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT, or Windows XP.

You can install the SCA Reporter command-line application for Linux on any computer running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.

The computer should have a minimum of 512 MB of memory; 1024 MB of memory is highly recommended.

Minimum screen resolution is 1024 by 768 pixels.

Installing the SCA Reporter under Windows

How to install the SCA Reporter 

Uninstalling the SCA Reporter 

How to install the SCA Reporter


1. Navigate to the SCA Reporter installation file, SCA Reporter 3.1.0 Setup.exe, and double-click it.

2. Click Next.

3. Click Browseto choose a different destination folder.

4. Click Next.

5. Enter a different Start Menu folder in the Start Menu Folder field.

6. Click Install..

7. Step 7 Wait until installation is complete.

8. Click Next.

9. Click Finish.


Step 1 Navigate to the SCA Reporter installation file, SCA Reporter 3.1.0 Setup.exe, and double-click it.

The Welcome view of the SCA Reporter 3.1.0 Setup Wizard appears.

Figure 2-1

Step 2 Click Next.

The Install Location screen of the Setup Wizard opens.

Figure 2-2

Step 3 Click Browseto choose a different destination folder.

Step 4 Click Next.

The Start Menu Folder screen of the Setup Wizard opens.

Figure 2-3

Step 5 Enter a different Start Menu folder in the Start Menu Folder field.

The Next button is enabled.

Step 6 Click Install..

The Installing screen of the Setup Wizard opens.

Figure 2-4

Step 7 Step 7 Wait until installation is complete.

The Next button is enabled.

Step 8 Click Next.

The Installation Complete screen of the Setup Wizard opens.

Figure 2-5

Step 9 Click Finish.

The SCA Reporter 3.1.0 Setup Wizard closes.

The SCA Reporter is now installed on the machine.

Uninstalling the SCA Reporter


1. Choose Start >All Programs >Cisco SCA >SCA Reporter 3.1.0 >Uninstall.

2. Click Yes.

3. Click OK.


Step 1 Choose Start >All Programs >Cisco SCA >SCA Reporter 3.1.0 >Uninstall.

Figure 2-6

Step 2 Click Yes.

Figure 2-7

Step 3 Click OK.

Installing the SCA Reporter under Linux

You can install the SCA Reporter under Linux, and then run it from the command line. (See "The SCA Reporter Command-Line Interface".)

How to Install the SCA Reporter under Linux 

How to Uninstall the SCA Reporter under Linux 

How to Install the SCA Reporter under Linux


1. Download the SCA BB installation package ( reporter-cmd-linux.tgz ) from CCO.

2. Open the installation package in a selected directory, using the command " tar xpzf reporter-cmd-linux.tgz".

3. From the installation directory, run the command " reporter-cmd-linux.tgz -setup".


Step 1 Download the SCA BB installation package ( reporter-cmd-linux.tgz ) from CCO.

Step 2 Open the installation package in a selected directory, using the command " tar xpzf reporter-cmd-linux.tgz".

Step 3 From the installation directory, run the command " reporter-cmd-linux.tgz -setup".

How to Uninstall the SCA Reporter under Linux


Step 1 Delete the installation directory.

Launching the SCA Reporter

You can access the SCA Reporter from the Startmenu.


1. Choose Start >All Programs >Cisco SCA >SCA Reporter 3.1.0 >SCA Reporter 3.1.0.

2. Close the Welcome view.


Step 1 Choose Start >All Programs >Cisco SCA >SCA Reporter 3.1.0 >SCA Reporter 3.1.0.

The Cisco Service Control SCA Reporter splash screen appears.

Figure 2-8

After the SCA Reporter has loaded, the main window of the SCA Reporter appears, displaying the Welcome view.

Step 2 Close the Welcome view.

The Templates view is displayed.

Figure 2-9

Configuring the SCA Reporter

You must create a basic configuration for the SCA Reporter, which includes selecting a database type, connecting to a database, activating the database, and setting the IP address of the Service Control Engine (SCE) platform whose service configuration data is to be used.

In bundled mode, the Cisco Service Control Management Suite (SCMS) Collection Manager (CM) is used with the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (Sybase ASE). The Sybase data management platform supports transaction-intensive enterprise applications. It enables you to store and retrieve information online and can warehouse information as needed. (For more information, see the Cisco Service Control Management Suite Collection Manager User Guide .) The CM can also be configured to work with Oracle and MySQL databases.

After a database is activated, you must select the IP address of one of the SCE platforms in the database. The choice is made for each repository, represented by a tab in the Preferences dialog box. All options offered in the Templates view of the SCA Reporter (available packages, services, etc.) are determined by the service configuration currently applied to the configured SCE platform. Each report is generated according to the SCE device to which it is configured. In the example configuration, there is one SCE device connected to the database and one repository preference.

Managing Database Connections 

Setting the IP Address of the SCE Platform 

How to Configure Advanced Options for the SCA Reporter 

Managing Database Connections

To use the SCA Reporter, you must create and activate a connection to a database containing data generated from an SCE platform.

You can add connections to a number of databases, and then change the active database as required.

How to Add a Database Connection 

How to Activate a Database Connection 

How to Add a Database Connection


1. From the main menu, choose Window >Preferences.

2. From the Preferences tree, select Reporter >Databases.

3. In the Databases pane, click Add.

4. Select one of the Choose definition moderadio buttons:

5. Click Next.

6. Fill in all the fields.

7. Check the activate this databasecheck box.

8. Click Finish.

9. Click OK.


Step 1 From the main menu, choose Window >Preferences.

The Preferences dialog box appears.

Step 2 From the Preferences tree, select Reporter >Databases.

Figure 2-10

Step 3 In the Databases pane, click Add.

The Add Database wizard appears.

Figure 2-11

Step 4 Select one of the Choose definition moderadio buttons:



Step 5 Click Next.

The Define new database connection screen of the Add Database wizard opens. The actual screen depends on the definition mode you selected in step 4:

The simple screen:

Figure 2-12

The advanced screen:

Figure 2-13

Step 6 Fill in all the fields.

Step 7 Check the activate this database check box.

Step 8 Click Finish.

The Add Database wizard closes.

The definition of the database is added to the list in the Preferences dialog box.

Figure 2-14

Step 9 Click OK.

The Preferences dialog box closes.

How to Activate a Database Connection


1. From the main menu, choose Window >Preferences.

2. From the Preferences tree, select Reporter >Databases.

3. Select the database connection you wish to activate.

4. Click Activate.

5. Click OK.


Step 1 From the main menu, choose Window >Preferences.

The Preferences dialog box appears.

Step 2 From the Preferences tree, select Reporter >Databases.

All defined database connections are listed in the table.

The currently active database (if any) is shown by a check mark ( ).

Step 3 Select the database connection you wish to activate.

Step 4 Click Activate.

Step 5 Click OK.

The Preferences dialog box closes.

Setting the IP Address of the SCE Platform

How to set the IP address of an SCE platform: 

How to set the IP address of an SCE platform:


1. From the main menu, choose Window >Preferences.

2. In the Preferences tree, select Reporter >Templates.

3. In the Templates pane, from the IP of SCE for policy datadrop-down list, select the IP address of the SCE platform whose service configuration data is to be used in reports. This IP address is added to the SCA Reporter templates repository.

4. Click Apply.

5. Click OK.


Step 1 From the main menu, choose Window >Preferences.

The Preferences dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the Preferences tree, select Reporter >Templates.

Step 3 In the Templates pane, from the IP of SCE for policy datadrop-down list, select the IP address of the SCE platform whose service configuration data is to be used in reports. This IP address is added to the SCA Reporter templates repository.

Step 4 Click Apply.

The IP address of the SCE platform is set for service configuration data.

Note You must click Applybefore you close the dialog box by clicking OK.

Step 5 Click OK.

The Preferences dialog box closes.

Note The Preferences dialog box contains one tab for each repository (set of templates) that is available in the Reporter. In each, you choose one SCE platform. If there is more than one repository, there will be more than one set of template groups in the Templates view.

How to Configure Advanced Options for the SCA Reporter

You can configure the following advanced options of the SCA Reporter:

Whether to log debug messages

The time to wait for a database connection

The maximum number of report instances that can be executed simultaneously


1. From the main menu, choose Window >Preferences.

2. In the Preferences tree, select Reporter >Configuration.

3. To log debug messages, check the Send debug messages to logcheck box.

4. In the Seconds to wait for a database connection field, enter a new value.

5. In the Maximum number of reports that can be executed simultaneously field, enter a new value.

6. Click OK.


Step 1 From the main menu, choose Window >Preferences.

The Preferences dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the Preferences tree, select Reporter >Configuration.

Figure 2-15

Step 3 To log debug messages, check the Send debug messages to logcheck box.

Logging debug messages can cause the log file to grow rapidly.

Step 4 In the Seconds to wait for a database connection field, enter a new value.

Step 5 In the Maximum number of reports that can be executed simultaneously field, enter a new value.

Note If you select more than this number of report instances to be executed, they will all be executed, but some will be queued.

Step 6 Click OK.

The new settings are saved.

The Preferences dialog box closes.

Accessing Online Help

You can access relevant parts of this user guide from the SCA Reporter.

How to Access Online Help 

How to Search Online Help 

How to Access Online Help

Step 1 From the Helpmenu, choose Help Contents.

Online help opens in a separate window.

How to Search Online Help

You can also search online help from inside the SCA Reporter.

Step 1 From the Help menu, choose Search.

The Help view opens in the Reporter window.

Figure 2-16

Step 2 Enter a word, phrase, or more complex search expression in the Search expressionfield.

The Go button is enabled.

Note Click >>( Expand) for an explanation of how to construct search expressions.

Step 3 Click Go.

Help topics containing your search expression are listed under Local Help.

Step 4 Click a help topic to view its contents.

Note You can bookmark topics for later reference.

Step 5 By clicking the appropriate link at the bottom of the Help view, you can switch to:

All topics

Related topics


Quick Start

This Quick Start section will help you get started with the SCA Reporter. You will configure the Reporter, create a report instance and generate a report, and then work with the report.

How to Create a First Report 

How to Work with a First Report 

How to Create a First Report


Step 1 Launch the SCA Reporter (choose Start >All Programs >Cisco SCA >SCA Reporter 3.1.0 >SCA Reporter 3.1.0).

Figure 2-17

Step 2 Add, configure, and activate a database connection (see Managing Database Connections ).

Step 3 Set the IP address of the SCE platform (see Setting the IP Address of the SCE Platform ).

Step 4 Confirm that there is an active database and that the system is configured correctly (see "Troubleshooting" ).

Step 5 In the Templates view, expand the node of one of the template groups.

Figure 2-18

Step 6 Right-click a report template.

A popup menu appears.

Figure 2-19

Step 7 From the menu, select New.

A report instance is added below the report template.

Figure 2-20

The report instance has the same name as the report template with the addition of "#1". You can rename the report instance.

The Properties view opens in the bottom right of the SCA Reporter window, displaying the basic report instance properties.

Figure 2-21

Step 8 If any property has the value ( not set), assign it a value.

Step 9 Click ( Execute) to generate the report.

A report view, with the name of the report instance, opens in the top right of the SCA Reporter window, displaying a chart of the report.

Figure 2-22

Step 10 View your report.

The chart display properties are shown in the Properties view.

Figure 2-23

How to Work with a First Report


Step 1 Create a report, as described in the previous procedure.

Step 2 Adjust the chart display by modifying the chart display properties in the Properties view. (See "Working with Reports".)

Step 3 In the report view, from the drop-down menu above the view, select Go To Report.

The Properties view displays the report instance properties.

Step 4 Display all the report instance properties by clicking ( Show Advanced Properties).

Figure 2-24

Step 5 Modify one or more properties. (See "Managing Report Instances".)

Step 6 Click ( Execute) to regenerate the report.

The modified report is displayed in the report view.

Figure 2-25

(In the illustrated example, the Select services to viewproperty was modified, and Browsing, Generic, and P2Pwere checked.)


Posted: Thu May 31 02:42:04 PDT 2007
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