
Table Of Contents

Working with Reports

Information About Report Actions

How to Generate Reports

To View Report Types that can be Generated in Asymmetric Routing Classification Mode:

How to Generate a Report When a Report Instance is Selected:

How to Generate Multiple Reports

Viewing Reports

Adjusting the Chart Display

Configuring the Properties of a Chart Display

Changing the Appearance of the Chart


Hiding Variables

Managing the Chart Legend

How to Export Reports

Working with Reports

After you have created and defined a report instance, you can generate reports from the report instance.

Display reports in chart or tabular form

Adjust the chart display

Export the chart display and the report data

Information About Report Actions 

How to Generate Reports 

Viewing Reports 

Adjusting the Chart Display 

How to Export Reports 

Information About Report Actions

The views found on the SCA Reporter display menu items. Some commonly used actions have icons for easy navigation.

The actions and their icons are described in the following table.






Opens the Welcome view.



Displays all the available actions for the view.

Common to all views.

View Filter

Filters display of template groups in the Templates view.

Display either all template groups or only groups that can be used when the service configuration that generated the data is running in asymmetric routing classification mode.


Displays template code.

In the Templates view—Used to debug the structure of a report template.


Generates the selected report.

In the Properties view and the Templates view.

New or Report (From Legend)

Creates a new report instance.

"In the Templates view—When you select a report template, the icon is new."

"In each report view—When you right-click a legend item, the Subset of Template Groups and Templates dialog box appears. Choose a template and click OK. The report instance is created (modified)."


Collapses open nodes in the Templates view so that only the template groups are displayed.

In the Templates view.

Show Cmd

Opens a window displaying the CLI command for the report instance.

"In the Templates view—The CLI commands are placed on the clipboard. You can paste them into a vanilla text editor, edit them, and then execute them from a command file shell or a command prompt."


Deletes the report instance.

In the Templates view.


Creates a copy of the report instance.

In the Templates view.


Highlights the report instance so that you can rename it.

In the Templates view.

Show Categories

Toggles between displaying properties with and without categories.

In the Properties view.

Show Advanced Properties

Toggles between displaying basic properties and displaying all properties.

In the Properties view.

Restore Default Value

Restores property default value.

In the Properties view—Default values can be a value or ( not set). Mandatory properties are not reset to ( not set).

Go to report

Navigates from the selected report view to the associated report instance in the Templates view.

In each report view.

Export raw data

Opens a browse dialog box.

In each report view.

Show List

Lists generated reports that for which no report view is open.

"Above the report views—To display a report, click the icon and choose from the report names in the drop-down list."

The number in the icon indicates how many reports are not in view.


Opens a dialog box that allows you to choose whether to show system tasks or not.

Sleeping (waiting) tasks are shown in either case.

In the Progress view—The

icon is displayed while system tasks are running.

Remove All Finished Tasks

Removes all completed tasks.

In the Progress view.

How to Generate Reports

You can generate a report from an existing, defined report instance. Report instances are found in the Templates view. You can duplicate, modify, rename, or delete the report instances (see "Managing Report Instances" ). You can generate multiple reports; you can put the generate process in the background while working on other reports.

Some types of reports cannot be generated using data collected from an SCE platform running in asymmetric routing classification mode.

You can define and generate reports using the SCA Reporter Command-Line Interface (CLI). You can also use the CLI to pre-schedule reports. (See "The SCA Reporter Command-Line Interface".)

To View Report Types that can be Generated in Asymmetric Routing Classification Mode: 

How to Generate a Report When a Report Instance is Selected: 

How to Generate Multiple Reports 

To View Report Types that can be Generated in Asymmetric Routing Classification Mode:

Step 1 In the Templates view, from the drop-down menu, select View Filter >split-flow.

Template groups whose report instances cannot be executed for asymmetric routing classification mode data are hidden.

Figure 5-1

How to Generate a Report When a Report Instance is Selected:

Step 1 In the Templates view, select a report instance.

The Properties view displays the report instance properties.

Step 2 Click ( Execute).

The report is generated and is displayed in a new report view.

The Properties view displays the chart display properties.

How to Generate Multiple Reports

Step 1 From the Templates view, select the report instances while pressing Ctrl.

The selected report instances are highlighted.

Step 2 Click ( Execute).

A Progress dialog box appears while reports are being generated.

Step 3 Do one of the following:

Wait until the system task status at the bottom right corner of the SCA Reporter indicates that report generation is complete.

While the reports are being generated, the system task status shows:

Figure 5-2

Click Details.

The status of all reports that are being generated is displayed.

Figure 5-3

Click Run in Background.

Report generation continues running in the background. When it finishes, each report is displayed in a separate report view.

Note You can cancel a running report generation by clicking Cancelin its Progress view. It can take the Database Server a short time to acknowledge a cancel request, but you can move the cancelled report to the background and continue your work uninterrupted.

Viewing Reports

You can view a report as a chart or as a table.

Step 1 To select the desired display, click the appropriate tab located at the bottom-left of the report view.

Figure 5-4

The table is useful for locating specific information.

Figure 5-5

Adjusting the Chart Display

You can change the appearance and type of any report chart by modifying chart display properties, such as three-dimensional display settings and chart rendering. You can also change the appearance of a report in the following ways:

Drag the legend to a different spot in the report.

Hide the legend.

Hide items from the legend; the corresponding items in the graph will be removed from view.

Zoom in or out—drag the graph so that the desired section is in focus.

Configuring the Properties of a Chart Display

You configure chart display properties in the Properties view. As you make changes, the chart display is updated. There are also adjustments that are made directly in the report view (see Adjusting the Chart Display ).

Note Changes to chart display properties are not saved in the report instance. When you next execute the report instance, the report will be generated with default chart display properties.

The following table lists chart display properties and their descriptions:

Table 5-1 Chart Display Properties











True, False

Toggles between the two values.

Chart rendering

Single choice

Depends on report template

See list following this table

The chart can be displayed in many graphical formats.

Legend visibility



True, False

Toggles between the two values.






True, False

Only displayed when 3D is True .

If True , there is always 90 degrees between the x and y axes when the chart is rotated.


Sliding scale

See table following this table

See table following this table

Only displayed when 3D is True .

Opens the 3D properties dialog box with sliding scales for eight graphical properties.

Possible values for the Chart Rendering property:

















Table 5-2 Chart Properties Set in the 3D Properties Dialog Box





-90 ... 90



-90 ... 90



0 ... 100


Depth Gap

0 ... 100



0 ... 200


Ambient Light

0 ... 100


Light Latitude

-90... 90


Light Longitude

-90... 90


Changing the Appearance of the Chart

You can change the chart type of the report, and you can adjust the graphical display of the chart.

How to Change Chart Type 

How to Modify the Graphical Display 

How to Change Chart Type


1. Generate a report.

2. In the Properties view, select the Chart Rendering row, and click the browse button to open a drop-down list.

3. From the drop-down list, choose the type of chart that you want to display.


Step 1 Generate a report.

A report view opens displaying the report, and the Properties view displays the chart display properties.

Step 2 In the Properties view, select the Chart Rendering row, and click the browse button to open a drop-down list.

Figure 5-6

Step 3 From the drop-down list, choose the type of chart that you want to display.

The report is updated when you click anywhere else in the Properties view.

How to Modify the Graphical Display


1. Generate a report.

2. To display the chart in two dimensions, click the 3D property.

3. Click the 3D property again.

4. Select the Settings property.

5. Change the three-dimensional properties using the sliding scales.

6. The chart display changes as you change the properties.

7. Click OK.


Step 1 Generate a report.

A report view opens displaying the report, and the Properties view displays the chart display properties.

Step 2 To display the chart in two dimensions, click the 3D property.

The value of the 3Dproperty toggles from Trueto False and the Look/3D category is removed from the Properties view.

Step 3 Click the 3D property again.

The chart displays in three dimensions, and the Look/3D category reappears.

Step 4 Select the Settings property.

The 3D properties dialog box appears.

Figure 5-7

Step 5 Change the three-dimensional properties using the sliding scales.

Step 6 The chart display changes as you change the properties.

Step 7 Click OK.

The new values are assigned to the Settings property.


How to Zoom in on a Two-Dimensional Chart 

How to Drag a Zoomed-In Chart 

How to Zoom Out of a Zoomed-In Chart 

How to Zoom in on a Two-Dimensional Chart

You can zoom in or out of two-dimensional charts.

While you are zoomed-in, you can drag the chart to view different sections.


1. Generate a report.

2. To display the chart in two dimensions, click the 3D property.

3. Mark off a rectangle by dragging the mouse over the chart.

4. Release the mouse button, and the view zooms in.


Step 1 Generate a report.

A report view opens displaying the report, and the Properties view displays the chart display properties.

Step 2 To display the chart in two dimensions, click the 3D property.

The value of the 3D property toggles from True to False and the Look/3D category is removed from the Properties view.

Step 3 Mark off a rectangle by dragging the mouse over the chart.

The cursor changes to a plus icon.

Step 4 Release the mouse button, and the view zooms in.

How to Drag a Zoomed-In Chart


1. Generate a report and display the chart in two dimensions.

2. Zoom in to the top part of the chart.

3. To move the chart down, right-click it while dragging the chart.


Step 1 Generate a report and display the chart in two dimensions.

Step 2 Zoom in to the top part of the chart.

Step 3 To move the chart down, right-click it while dragging the chart.

The chart moves up, and the bottom of the chart appears.

How to Zoom Out of a Zoomed-In Chart


1. Mark off a rectangle by dragging the mouse over the chart while pressing the Shift key.

2. Release the mouse button, and the view zooms out.


Step 1 Mark off a rectangle by dragging the mouse over the chart while pressing the Shift key.

The cursor changes to a minus icon.

Step 2 Release the mouse button, and the view zooms out.

Hiding Variables

You can hide variables that are part of the report, so that they do not display in the chart.

Note You can also select which variables will be included in the report by modifying the report instance. (See Managing Report Instances.)

How to Hide Variables in the Chart 

How to Redisplay a Hidden Variable 

How to Hide Variables in the Chart


1. Generate a report.

2. Right-click a variable in the legend.

3. From the menu, select Hide.


Step 1 Generate a report.

A report view opens displaying the report.

Figure 5-8

Step 2 Right-click a variable in the legend.

A popup menu appears.

Figure 5-9

Step 3 From the menu, select Hide.

The variable is dimmed out in the legend and removed from the chart.

Figure 5-10

How to Redisplay a Hidden Variable


1. Right-click a dimmed variable in the legend.

2. From the menu, select Show.


Step 1 Right-click a dimmed variable in the legend.

A popup menu appears.

Figure 5-11

Step 2 From the menu, select Show.

The variable is restored in the legend and displayed from the chart.

Figure 5-12

Managing the Chart Legend

You can move the chart legend from its default position, or you can remove it from the chart display.

How to Move the Chart Legend 

How to Hide the Chart Legend 

How to Move the Chart Legend


Step 1 Generate a report.

A report view opens displaying the report.

Step 2 Right-click the legend of the chart and drag it to the required position.

The legend moves to the new position.

How to Hide the Chart Legend


Step 1 Generate a report.

The Properties view displays the chart display properties.

Step 2 To hide the chart legend, click the Legend visibilityproperty.

The value of the Legend visibilityproperty toggles from True to False and the chart legend is removed from the chart.

How to Export Reports

You can export reports to most graphic formats, and you can export tables to CSV or Quoted CSV formats, which you can open as spreadsheets. You can export multiple reports in one export operation.


1. After executing one or more report instances, select File >Export.

2. Select Chart or Table.

3. Click Next.

4. Check one or more of the Available reports.

5. To change the Output folder, click Browse.

6. Click Next.

7. Do one of the following:

8. Click Finish.


Step 1 After executing one or more report instances, select File >Export.

The Export wizard appears.

Figure 5-13

Step 2 Select Chartor Table.

Step 3 Click Next.

The Tables and Destinations screen of the Export wizard opens.

Figure 5-14

Step 4 Check one or more of the Available reports.

Step 5 To change the Output folder, click Browse.

Step 6 Click Next.

The Format screen of the Export wizard opens. (The screen depends on whether you chose Chart or Table in step 2.)

Step 7 Do one of the following:

(For Chart) From the File type drop-down list, choose a file type—In the Image width and Image height fields, enter values in pixels.

Figure 5-15

(For Table) From the File type drop-down list, choose a file type.

Figure 5-16

Step 8 Click Finish.

Each report selected is saved in a separate file.


Posted: Thu May 31 02:53:05 PDT 2007
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