
Table of Contents

scheduler allocate
script activation
script connection
script reset
script startup
service compress-config
service config
service exec-wait
service finger
service linenumber
service nagle
service password-encryption
service tcp-keepalives
service telnet-zeroidle
service timestamps
show access-lists
show accounting
show aliases
show arp
show async bootp
show async status
show atm address
show atm arp-server
show atm connection-traffic-table
show atm filter-expr
show atm filter-set
show atm iisp prefix
show atm ilmi-configuration
show atm ilmi-status
show atm interface
show atm interface rm
show atm map
show atm pnni address
show atm pnni bg-routes
show atm pnni bg-status
show atm pnni database
show atm pnni election
show atm pnni identifiers
show atm pnni interface
show atm pnni neighbor
show atm pnni node
show atm pnni precedence
show atm pnni prefix
show atm pnni rm-info
show atm pnni statistics
show atm pnni topology
show atm qos
show atm resource
show atm snoop
show atm status
show atm traffic
show atm vc
show atm vp
show boot
show buffers
show calendar
show cdp
show cdp entry
show cdp interface
show cdp neighbors
show cdp traffic
show clock
show controllers
show dialer
show dnsix
show environment
show file
show flash
show hardware
show history
show hosts
show interface
show ip access-lists
show ip accounting
show ip aliases
show ip arp
show ip cache
show ip eigrp neighbors
show ip eigrp topology
show ip eigrp traffic
show ip interface
show ip irdp
show ip local-pool
show ip masks
show ip protocols
show ip redirects
show ip route
show ip route summary
show ip tcp header-compression
show ip traffic
show lane
show lane client
show lane default
show lane le-arp
show line
show logging
show memory
show network-clocks
show ntp associations
show ntp status
show privilege
show processes
show processes memory
show protocols
show queue
show queueing
show registry
show running-config
show snmp
show sscop
show stacks
show startup-config
show subsys
show tcp
show version
snmp-server access-policy
snmp-server chassis-id
snmp-server community
snmp-server contact
snmp-server context
snmp-server host
snmp-server location
snmp-server packetsize
snmp-server party
snmp-server queue-length
snmp-server system-shutdown
snmp-server trap-authentication
snmp-server trap-source
snmp-server trap-timeout
snmp-server userid
snmp-server view


scheduler allocate

To guarantee CPU time for processes, use the scheduler allocate global configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default.

scheduler allocate microseconds
no scheduler-allocate
Syntax Description


Integer that specifies the handling network interrupts, in microseconds. The minimum interval you can specify is 500 microseconds; the maximum value is 6000.


High-priority operations are allowed to use as much of the central processor as needed.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The normal operation of the network server allows the switching operations to use as much of the central processor as is required. If the network is running unusually heavy loads that do not allow the processor the time to handle the routing protocols, give priority to the system process scheduler. Use the scheduler allocate command to guarantee processor time.


The following example changes the low-priority process schedule to an interval of 750 microseconds.

Switch(config)# scheduler allocate 750 750


To allow scrambling to be enabled or disabled from the current port, use the scrambling interface configuration command.

scrambling scramblingmode
no scrambling scramblingmode


Specify either sts-stream or cell-payload.

Syntax Description


In SONET interfaces both modes are enabled. In DS3 interfaces the mode is enabled.

Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The sts-stream scrambling is applicable to only SONET interfaces.


The following example shows how to disable sts-stream and cell-payload scrambling on the physical device associated with card 3, subcard 0, and port 0.

Switch# interface atm 3/0/0
Switch# no scrambling cell-payload
Switch# no scrambling sts-stream

script activation

To specify that a chat script start on a line any time the line is activated, use the script activation line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

script activation regexp
no script activation
Syntax Description


Regular expression specifying the set of modem scripts that might be executed. The first script name that matches the argument regexp is used.



Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command provides an asynchronous handshake to a user or device that activates the line. It can be used only on the auxiliary port of the switch. The line can be activated by events such as the following: a user issuing a carriage return on a vacant line, a modem on the line sensing an incoming carrier, or an asynchronous device (such as a communication server) sending data. Each time an EXEC session is started on a line, the system checks to see if a script activation command is configured on the line. If so, and the argument regexp (a regular expression) matches an existing chat script name, the matched script is run on the line.

The script activation command can mimic a login handshake of another system. For example, a system that dials into the auxiliary port on a switch and expects an IBM mainframe login handshake can be satisfied with an appropriate activation script.

This command can also send strings to asynchronous devices that are connecting or dialing into a communication server.

The script activation command functions only on physical terminal lines (tty). It does not function on virtual terminal (vty) lines.


The following example specifies that the chat script with a name that includes telebit is activated whenever line 0 is activated.

Switch(config-line)# line aux 0
Switch(config-line)# script activation telebit
Related Commands

dialer-list list
script connection
script reset
script startup

script connection

To specify that a chat script start on a line any time a remote network connection is made to a line, use the script connection line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

script connection regexp
no script connection
Syntax Description


Specifies the set of modem scripts that might be executed. The first script name that matches the argument regexp is used.



Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command provides modem dialing commands and commands for logging on to remote systems. The script connection command functions only on physical terminal (tty) lines. It does not function on virtual terminal (vty) lines.

This command can be used to initialize an asynchronous device sitting on a line to which a reverse network connection is made. This command can only be used on the auxiliary port of the switch.


The following example specifies that the chat script with a name that includes inband is activated whenever a remote connection to line 0 is established. The switch can send a login string and password to the UNIX server when a network tunneling connection comes into line 0, the auxiliary port.

Switch(config-line)# line aux 0
Switch(config-line)# script connection inband
Related Commands

dialer-list list
script activation
script reset
script startup

script reset

To specify that a chat script start on a line any time the specified line is reset, use the script reset line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

script reset regexp
no script reset
Syntax Description


Regular expression specifying the set of modem scripts that might be executed. The first script name that matches the argument regexp is used.



Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Chat scripts provide modem dialing commands and commands for logging on to remote systems. Use this command to reset a modem attached to a line every time a call is dropped.

The script reset command functions only on physical terminal lines (tty). It does not function on virtual terminal (vty) lines. This command can only be used on the auxiliary port of the switch.


This example specifies that any chat script name with the word linebackup in it is activated any time line 0 is reset.

Switch(config-line)# line aux 0
Switch(config-line)# script reset linebackup
Related Commands

dialer-list list
script activation
script connection
script startup

script startup

To specify that a chat script start on a line any time the switch is turned on, use the script startup line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

script startup regexp
no script startup
Syntax Description


Regular expression specifying the set of modem scripts that might be executed. The first script name that matches the argument regexp is used.



Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to initialize asynchronous devices connected to a line when the switch is turned on or reloaded. You can also use it to start up a banner other than the default banner on lines. The script startup command functions only on physical terminal (tty) lines. It does not function on virtual terminal (vty) lines. This command can only be used on the auxiliary port of the switch.


The following example specifies the startup chat script as linestart.

Switch(config-line)# line 0
Switch(config-line)# script startup linestart
Related Commands

dialer-list list
script activation
script connection
script reset


To send a message to other TTY lines, use the send privileged EXEC command.

send {aux | console | vty | *}
Syntax Description


Auxiliary line number.


Primary terminal line.


Virtual terminal.


Message is sent to all lines.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.

Usage Guidelines

You use this command to inform users of an impending shut-down on the switch. The system prompts you for a message, which can be up to 500 characters long. Enter ^Z to end the message or stop the command.

service compress-config

To compress configuration files, use the service compress-config global configuration command. To disable compression, use the no form of this command.

service compress-config
no service compress-config
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

service config

To enable autoloading of configuration files from a network server, use the service config global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default.

service config
no service config
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Usually, the service config command is used in conjunction with the boot host or boot network command. You must enter the service config command to enable the switch to automatically configure the system from the file specified by the boot host command.

The service config command can also be used without the boot host command. If you do not specify host or network configuration filenames, the switch uses the default configuration files. The default network configuration file is network-confg. The default host configuration file is host-confg, where host is the host name of the switch. If the switch cannot resolve its host name, the default host configuration file is switch-confg.


In the following example, the switch is configured to autoload the default host configuration file.

Switch(config)# boot host
Switch(config)# service config
Related Commands

boot host
boot network

service exec-wait

To delay the startup of the EXEC on noisy lines, use the service exec-wait global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

service exec-wait
no service exec-wait
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command delays startup of the EXEC until the line has been idle (no traffic seen) for 3 seconds. The default is to enable the line immediately on modem activation.

This command is useful on noisy modem lines or when a modem attached to the line is configured to ignore MNP or V.42 negotiations and MNP or V.42 modems may be dialing in. In these cases, noise or MNP/V.42 packets may be interpreted as usernames and passwords, causing authentication failure before the user gets a chance to enter a username and password. The command is not useful on nonmodem lines or lines without a login configured.


The following example delays the startup of the EXEC.

Switch(config)# service exec-wait

service finger

To allow Finger protocol requests (defined in RFC 742) to be made of the network server, use the service finger global configuration command. This service is equivalent to issuing a remote show users command. The no form of this command removes this service.

service finger
no service finger
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Mode

Global configuration.


The following is an example of how to disable the Finger protocol.

Switch(config)# no service finger

service linenumber

To configure the switch to display line number information after the EXEC or incoming banner, use the service linenumber global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

service linenumber
no service linenumber
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

With the service linenumber command, the switch can display the host name, line number, and location each time an EXEC is started or an incoming connection is made. The line number banner appears immediately after the EXEC banner or incoming banner. It is useful for tracking problems with modems because the host and line for the modem connection are listed. Modem type information can also be included.


The following example illustrates the type of line number information that can appear after the EXEC banner.

Switch(config)# user1 location1%telnet switch2 2001
Connected to
Escape character is `^]'.
switch1 line 1 virtual terminal 0

service nagle

To enable the Nagle congestion control algorithm, use the service nagle global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

service nagle
no service nagle
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

When using a standard TCP implementation to send keystrokes between machines, TCP tends to send one packet for each keystroke typed. On larger networks, many small packets use up bandwidth and contribute to congestion.

John Nagle's algorithm (RFC 896) helps alleviate the small-packet problem in TCP. In general, it works this way:

1. The first character typed after connection establishment is sent in a single packet, but TCP holds any additional characters typed until the receiver acknowledges the previous packet.

2. The second, larger packet is sent, and additional typed characters are saved until the acknowledgment comes back.

The effect is to accumulate characters into larger chunks, and pace them out to the network at a rate matching the round-trip time of the given connection. This method is usually good for all TCP-based traffic. However, do not use the service nagle command if you have XRemote users on X Window sessions.


The following example enables the nagle algorithm on the switch.

Switch(config)# service nagle

service password-encryption

To encrypt passwords, use the service password-encryption global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this service.

service password-encryption
no service password-encryption
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No encryption.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The actual encryption process occurs when the current configuration is written or when a password is configured. Password encryption can be applied to both the privileged command password and to console and virtual terminal line access passwords.

When password encryption is enabled, the encrypted form of the passwords is displayed when a show startup-config command is entered.

Note      It is not possible to recover a lost encrypted password.


The following example causes password encryption to take place.

Switch(config)# service password-encryption

service tcp-keepalives

To generate keepalive packets on idle network connections, use the service tcp-keepalives global configuration command. The no form of this command with the appropriate keyword disables the keepalives.

service tcp-keepalives-{in | out}
no service tcp-keepalives-{in | out}
Syntax Description


Generates keepalives on incoming connections (initiated by remote host).


Generates keepalives on outgoing connections (initiated by a user).



Command Mode

Global configuration.


The following example generates keepalives on incoming TCP connections.

Switch(config)# service tcp-keepalives-in

service telnet-zeroidle

To set the TCP window to zero (0) when the Telnet connection is idle, use the service telnet-zeroidle global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

service telnet-zeroidle
no service telnet-zeroidle
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Normally, data sent to noncurrent Telnet connections is accepted and discarded. When service telnet-zero-idle is enabled, if a session is suspended (that is, some other connection is made active or the EXEC is sitting in command mode), the TCP window is set to zero. This action prevents the remote host from sending any more data until the connection is resumed. Use this command when it is important that all messages sent by the host be seen by the users and the users are likely to use multiple sessions.

Do not use this command if your host eventually times out and logs out a TCP user whose window is zero.


The following example sets the TCP window to zero when the Telnet connection is idle.

Switch# service telnet-zeroidle
Related Command

service tcp-keepalives

service timestamps

To configure the system to timestamp debugging or logging messages, use one of the service timestamps global configuration commands. Use the no form of this command to disable this service.

service timestamps [type uptime]
service timestamps type datetime [msec] [localtime] [show-timezone]
no service timestamps [type]
Syntax Description


Type of message to timestamp: debug or log.


(Optional) Timestamp with time since the system was rebooted.


Timestamp with the date and time.


(Optional) Include milliseconds in the date and timestamp.


(Optional) Timestamp relative to the local time zone.


(Optional) Include the time zone name in the timestamp.


No timestamping.

If service timestamps is specified with no arguments or keywords, default is service timestamps debug uptime.

The default for service timestamps type datetime is to format the time in UTC, with no milliseconds and no time zone name.

The command no service timestamps by itself disables timestamps for both debug and log messages.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Timestamps can be added to either debugging or logging messages independently. The uptime form of the command adds timestamps in the format hh:mm:ss, indicating the time since the system was rebooted. The datetime form of the command adds timestamps in the format mm dd hh:mm:ss, indicating the date and time according to the system clock. If the system clock has not been set, the date and time are preceded by an asterisk (*) to indicate the date and time are not correct.


The following example enables timestamps on debugging messages, showing the time since reboot.

Switch(config)# service timestamps debug uptime

The following example enables timestamps on logging messages, showing the current time and date relative to the local time zone, with the time zone name included.

Switch(config)# service timestamps log datetime localtime show-timezone
Related Commands

clock set
debug ports
ntp clock-period


To set the interval for closing the connection when there is no input or output traffic, use the session-timeout line configuration command. The no form of this command removes the timeout definition.

session-timeout minutes [output]
no session-timeout
Syntax Description


Specifies the time interval in minutes.


(Optional) Specifies the connection is retained when traffic is sent to an asynchronous line from the switch (within the specified interval).


The default interval is zero, indicating the switch maintains the connection indefinitely.

Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command sets the interval that the switch waits for traffic before closing the connection to a remote computer and returning the terminal to an idle state. If the keyword output is not specified, the session timeout interval is based solely on detected input from the user. You can specify a session timeout on each port.


The following example sets an interval of 20 minutes and specifies that the timeout is subject to traffic detected from the user (input only).

Switch(config-line)# line aux 0
Switch(config-line)# session-timeout 20

show access-lists

To display information about the access list, use the show access-lists EXEC command.

show access-lists aclnumber
Syntax Description


Number from 1 through 1299 that identifies the access list.


The system displays all access lists.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show access-lists command when access list 101 is specified.

Switch# show access-lists 101
Extended IP access list 101
permit tcp host any established (4304 matches)
    permit udp host any eq domain (129 matches)
permit icmp host any
permit tcp host host gt 1023
permit tcp host host eq smtp (2 matches)
permit tcp host host eq smtp
permit tcp host host eq smtp
permit udp host host eq syslog
permit udp host host eq syslog
deny ip
deny ip (2 matches)
deny ip
deny ip
deny ip
deny ip
deny ip
deny ip
deny ip
deny ip

An access list counter counts how many packets are allowed by each line of the access list. This number is displayed as the number of matches.

For information on how to configure access lists, refer to the "Configuring IP" chapter of the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Software Configuration Guide.

Related Commands

access-list (extended)
access-list (standard)
clear access-list counters
clear access-template

show accounting

Use the show accounting EXEC command to step through all active sessions and to print all the accounting records for actively accounted functions. To disable this function, use the no form of the command.

show accounting
no show accounting
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.



Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show accounting command.

Switch# show accounting
Active Accounted actions on tty0, User chard Priv 1
Task ID 4425, EXEC Accounting record, 0:04:53 Elapsed
task_id=4425 service=exec port=0
Task ID 3759, Connection Accounting record, 0:01:06 Elapsed
task_id=3759 service=exec port=0 protocol=telnet address= cmd=grill
Active Accounted actions on tty10, User chard Priv 1
Task ID 5115, EXEC Accounting record, 0:04:07 Elapsed
task_id=5115 service=exec port=10
Task ID 2593, Connection Accounting record, 0:00:56 Elapsed
task_id=2593 service=exec port=10 protocol=tn3270 address=
cmd=tn snap
Active Accounted actions on tty11, User mary Priv 1
Task ID 7390, EXEC Accounting record, 0:00:25 Elapsed
task_id=7390 service=exec port=11
Task ID 931, Connection Accounting record, 0:00:20 Elapsed
task_id=931 service=exec port=11 protocol=telnet address= cmd=coal
Usage Guidelines

The show accounting command allows you to display the active accountable events on the system. It provides systems administrators with a quick look at what is going on, and it also can help collect information in the event of a data loss on the accounting server. The show accounting command displays additional data on the internal state of AAA if debug aaa accounting is turned on as well.

Related Commands

show line
show hosts

show aliases

To display all alias commands or the alias commands in a specified mode, use the show aliases EXEC command.

show aliases [mode]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Command mode. See Table 16-7 in the description of the alias command for acceptable options for the mode argument.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

All of the modes listed in Table 16-7 have their own prompts, except for the null interface mode. For example, the prompt for interface configuration mode is switch(config-if).


The following is sample output from the show aliases exec commands. The aliases configured for commands in EXEC mode are displayed.

Switch# show aliases exec
Exec mode aliases:
h help
lo logout
p ping
r resume
s show
w where
Related Command


show arp

To display the entries in the ARP table, use the show arp privileged EXEC command.

show arp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following is sample output from the show arp command.

Switch# show arp
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet 120 0000.a710.4baf ARPA Ethernet3
AppleTalk 4028.5 29 0000.0c01.0e56 SNAP Ethernet2
Internet 105 0000.a710.859b ARPA Ethernet3
AppleTalk 4028.9 - 0000.0c02.a03c SNAP Ethernet2
Internet 42 0000.a710.68cd ARPA Ethernet3
Internet - 0000.3080.6fd4 SNAP TokenRing0
AppleTalk 4036.9 - 0000.3080.6fd4 SNAP TokenRing0
Internet - c222.2222.2222 SMDS Serial0

Table 16-1 describes significant fields shown in the first line of output in the display.

Table 16-1  

Field Description


Type of network address this entry includes.


Network address that is mapped to the media access control (MAC) address in this entry.

Age (min)

Interval (in minutes) since this entry was entered in the table, rather than the interval since the entry was last used. (The timeout value is 4 hours.)

Hardware Addr

MAC address mapped to the network address in this entry.


Encapsulation type used for the network address in this entry. Possible values include:

  • ARPA
  • SNAP
  • ETLK (EtherTalk)
  • SMDS (Interface) Interface associated with this network address.

Show ARP Field Descriptions

show async bootp

To display the extended BOOTP request parameters that were configured for asynchronous interfaces, use the show async bootp privileged EXEC command.

show async bootp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following is a sample output of the show async bootp command.

Switch# show async bootp
The following extended data will be sent in BOOTP responses:
bootfile (for address "pcboot"
bootfile (for address "dirtboot"
time-offset -3600

If no extended data is defined, you receive the following response.

No extended data will be sent in BOOTP responses:

Table 16-2 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-2   Show Async-BOOTP Field Descriptions

Field Description

bootfile... "pcboot"

Boot file for address is named pcboot.


Subnet mask.

time-offset -3600

Local time is one hour (3600 seconds) earlier than UTC time.


Address of the time server for the network.

Related Command


show async status

To list the status of the asynchronous interface 1 associated with the auxiliary port, use the show async status user EXEC command.

show async status
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Shows all SLIP asynchronous sessions.


The following is sample output from the show async status command.

Switch# show async status
Async protocol statistics:
Rcvd: 5448 packets, 7682760 bytes
1 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 0 overrun, 0 no buffer
Sent: 5455 packets, 7682676 bytes, 0 dropped
Int Local Remote Qd InPack OutPac Inerr Drops MTU Qsz
1 Dynamic 0 0 0 0 0 1500 10

Table 16-3 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-3   Show Async Status Field Descriptions

Field Description


Statistics on packets received.

5548 packets

Packets received.

7682760 bytes

Total number of bytes.

1 format errors

Packets with a bad IP header, even before the checksum is calculated.

0 checksum errors

Count of checksum errors.

0 overrun

Number of giants received.

0 no buffer

Number of packets received when no buffer was available.


Statistics on packets sent.

5455 packets

Packets sent.

7682676 bytes

Total number of bytes.

0 dropped

Number of packets dropped.


Interface number.


Line currently in use.


Local IP address on the link.


Remote IP address on the link; "Dynamic" indicates that a remote address is allowed but has not been specified; "None" indicates that no remote address is assigned or being used.


Number of packets on hold queue (Qsz is max).


Number of packets received.


Number of packets sent.


Number of total input errors; sum of format errors, checksum errors, overruns, and no buffers.


Number of packets received that would not fit on the hold queue.


Current maximum transmission unit size.


Current output hold queue size.

Related Command


show atm address

To display the active ATM switches on an interface, use the show atm address EXEC command.

show atm address
Syntax Description

This command has no keyword or arguments.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The first switch address is displayed with the word active on the side to indicate which one is the current address of the switch. The output also includes automatically generated soft VC addresses, switch prefix(es) used by ILMI, configured interface specific ILMI prefixes, and the configured LECS addresses.


The following is an example of output from the show atm address command.

Switch#show atm address
Switch Address(es):
47.00918100000000000CA79E01.00000CA79E01.00 active
Soft VC Address(es):
47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0ca7.9e01.4000.0c81.8000.00 ATM3/0/0
47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0ca7.9e01.4000.0c81.8010.00 ATM3/0/1
47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0ca7.9e01.4000.0c81.8020.00 ATM3/0/2
47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0ca7.9e01.4000.0c81.8030.00 ATM3/0/3
47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0ca7.9e01.4000.0c81.9000.00 ATM3/1/0
47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0ca7.9e01.4000.0c81.9010.00 ATM3/1/1
47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0ca7.9e01.4000.0c81.9020.00 ATM3/1/2
47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0ca7.9e01.4000.0c81.9030.00 ATM3/1/3
ILMI Switch Prefix(es):
ILMI Configured Interface Prefix(es):
LECS Address(es):

show atm arp-server

To display the ATM ARP-server table, use the show atm arp-server command.

show atm arp-server
show atm arp-server atm card/subcard/port [.subinterface]
Syntax Description


Card, subcard, and port number for the ATM interface.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The command only applies to the CPU interface. Use this command to see the ARP server configured on the subinterface CPU.

Related Command

atm arp-server

show atm connection-traffic-table

Use the show atm connection-traffic-table command to display a table of connection traffic parameters used by network and connection management.

show atm connection-traffic-table [row row-index | from-row row-index]
Syntax Description


Displays a single row by the row-index number.


Display the entire connection traffic table starting with the row-index.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.

Usage Guidelines

The row-index is an integer in the range of 1 through 2147483647. An asterisk (*) is appended to row indexes created by SNMP but not made active. Because these rows are not active, they cannot be used by connections. If both the row and from-row clauses are not used, the entire connection traffic table is displayed.


The following example shows the display from a show ATM connection-traffic-table command.

Switch# show atm connection-traffic-table
Row Service-category peak-cell-rate sustained-cell-rate tolerance
1 ubr none none
2 cbr 424 none
3 vbr-rt 424 424 50
4 vbr-nrt 424 424 50
5 abr 424 none
6 ubr 424 none

Table 16-4 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-4  

Field Description


Index to the connection-traffic-table


Is one of the following

  • ubr
  • cbr
  • vbr-rt
  • vbr-nrt
  • abr


Is measured in kilobits per second, used to transmit whole cells, including the header.


Is measured in kilobits per second, used to transmit whole cells, including the header.


Is the cell-time. None means the tolerance is not defined.

Show ATM Connection-Traffic-Table Field Descriptions

Related Command

atm connection-traffic-table-row

show atm filter-expr

To display a specific ATM filter expression or a summary ATM filter expression, use the show atm filter-expr EXEC command.

show atm filter-expr [detail] name
Syntax Description


Name of the ATM.


Last keyword of the show command to display more detailed information.

Command Mode



The following displays assume filter expressions were defined using the commands shown in the example. The names fred, barney, wilma, and betty are all filter sets.

Switch# atm filter-expr MEN fred or barney
Switch# atm filter-expr WOMEN wilma or betty
Switch# atm filter-expr ADULTS MEN or WOMEN

The show atm filter-expr command produces the following output.

Switch# show atm filter-expr
MEN = fred or barney
WOMEN = wilma or betty
ADULTS = men or women

The show atm filter-expr detail command produces the following output.

Switch# show atm filter-expr detail
MEN = fred or barney
WOMEN = wilma or betty
ADULTS = (fred or barney) or (wilma or betty)
Related Command

atm filter-expr

show atm filter-set

To display a specific ATM filter set or a summary ATM filter set, use the show atm filter-set EXEC command.

show atm filter-set name
Syntax Description


Name of the ATM.

Command Mode



The following display assumes the filter sets were defined with the commands shown in the example.

Switch# atm filter-set US-OR-NORDUNET 47.0005...
Switch# atm filter-set US-OR-NORDUNET 47.0023...
Switch# atm filter-set LOCAL 49.0003...

The following is a sample output from the show atm filter-set command.

Switch# show atm filter-set
permit 47.0005...
permit 47.0023...
ATM filter set LOCAL
permit 49.0003...
Related Command

atm filter-set

show atm iisp prefix

To display the IISP information about the ATM address prefixes, use the show atm iisp prefix EXEC command.

show atm iisp prefix
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show all the prefixes in the local table.

The command displays the ATM address prefixes of the IISP routing table. Prefixes are tagged with either E or I. The E represents external prefixes configured by using the atm route command. The I represents internal prefixes registered either through ILMI or generated internally by the system for other purposes (for example soft PVP support).

The prefix is displayed in the following notation, which is prefix/length, where length is in bits.


The following sample shows the ATM port and port state from the show atm iisp prefix command.

Switch# show atm iisp prefix
E 12.34/16
Port ATM3/1/2, state DOWN
E 22.ab/16
Port ATM3/1/3, state DOWN
I 47.0091.8100.0000.0040.0b0a.3081.0040.0b0a.3081/152
Port 0
I 47.0091.8100.0000.0040.0b0a.3081.4000.0c/128
Port ATM2/0/0
E ab.55/16
Port ATM3/1/1, state DOWN
Related Commands

atm prefix
atm route

show atm ilmi-configuration

To display the switch configuration use the show atm ilmi-configuration EXEC command.

show atm ilmi-configuration
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Displays the information and status about the switch configuration.


The following output is a sample display of the show atm ilmi-configuration command.

Switch# show atm ilmi-configuration
Switch ATM Address (s):
LECS Address (s):

Table 16-5 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-5  

Field Description

Switch ATM Address

Displays the current switch address for the ATM.

LECS Address

Displays the current LECS address for the ATM.

Show ATM ilmi-config Field Descriptions

Related Command

atm ilmi-enable

show atm ilmi-status

To display the ILMI related information, use the show atm ilmi EXEC command.

show atm ilmi-status atm card/subcard/port
Syntax Description


Card, subcard, and port number for the ATM interface.

Command Mode



The following output is a sample display of the show atm ilmi-status atm command.

Switch# show atm ilmi-status atm 0/0/3
Interface : ATM0/0/3 Interface Type : Private UNI (Network-side)
ILMI VCC : (0, 16) ILMI Keepalive : Enabled (5 Seconds)
Addr Reg State: UpAndNormal
Peer IP Addr:
Peer MaxVPIbits: 8 Peer MaxVCIbits: 14
Configured Prefix(s) :

Table 16-6 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-6  

Field Description


Displays the card, subcard, and port number of the specified ATM interface.

Interface Type

Displays the type of interface for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the number of the current ILMI VCC for the specified ATM.

ILMI Keepalive

Displays the status and the set time for the ILMI for the specified ATM.

Configured Prefix

Displays any prefix for the ATM.

Show ATM ILMI Field Descriptions

Related Command

atm ilmi-enable

show atm interface

To display ATM-specific information about an ATM interface, use the show atm interface EXEC command.

show atm interface atm card/subcard/port[.vpt#]
Syntax Description


Card, subcard, and port number for the ATM interface.


Virtual path tunnel number.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

If you do not specify a specific interface, all interfaces on the switch are displayed.


The following is sample output from the show atm interface command, which displays the statistics on card 3, subcard 0, and port 0.

Switch# show atm interface atm 3/0/0
Interface: ATM3/0/0 Port-type: oc3suni
IF Status: UP Admin Status: up
Auto-config: enabled AutoCfgState: waiting for response from peer
IF-Side: Network IF-type: UNI
Uni-type: Private Uni-version: V3.0
Max-VPI-bits: 8 Max-VCI-bits: 14
Max-VP: 255 Max-VC: 32768
ATM Address for Soft VC: 47.0091.8100.0000.0003.bcf4.b200.4000.0c81.8000.00
Configured virtual links:
PVCLs SoftVCLs SVCLs PVPLs SoftVPLs SVPLs Total-Cfgd Installed-Conns
3 0 0 2 0 0 5 3
Logical ports(VP-tunnels): 2
Input cells: 0 Output cells: 717
5 minute input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
5 minute output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
Input AAL5 pkts: 0, Output AAL5 pkts: 358, AAL5 crc errors: 0

Table 16-7 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-7   Show ATM Interface ATM Field Descriptions

Field Description

ATM interface

Displays the card number, subcard number, port number, and VP tunnel number of the interface.

Interface status

Status of the reported ATM interface.


Displays whether autoconfiguration is enabled or disabled.

Auto-configuration state

Displays the state of the automatic configuration for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the type of port for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the type of interface for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the side of interface for the specified ATM interface.

ADMIN Status

Displays the admin status for the ATM.


Displays the type of the UNI.


Displays the version of the UNI.


Displays the maximum number of the virtual path.


Displays the maximum number of the virtual channel.

Max- VPI-bits

Maximum number of VPI bits.


Maximum number of VCI bits

Number of PVPL

Displays the number of active PVP for the specified ATM.

Number of PVCL

Displays the number of active PVC for the specified ATM.

Soft VCL

Displays the number of active soft VCLs for the specified ATM.

Number of SVPL

Displays the number of active SVP for the specified ATM.

Soft VPL

Displays the number of active soft VPLs for the specified ATM.

Number of SVCL

Displays the number of active SVC for the specified ATM.

Number of logical port

Displays the number of the logical (subinterface) port.

Installed connections

Displays the number of installed connections for the specified ATM.

Total Configured

Total number of configured virtual links.

Input cells

Number of cells received.

Output cells

Number of cells sent.

5 minute input rate

Total number of cells received in 5 minutes measured in bits per second and cells per second.

5 minute input rate

Total number of cells set in 5 minutes measured in bits per second and cells per second.

Input, output, and CRC errors

Displays the number of AAL5 packets that were input, output, and had CRC errors for the specified ATM.

The following is an example of the show ATM interface command from the subinterface.

Switch# show atm interface atm 0/0/0.100
Interface: ATM0/0/0.100
Interface Status: UP
Auto-configuration: enabled
Auto-configuration status: waiting for response from peer
Interface-type: UNI, Interface-side: Network
Uni-type: Private, Uni-version: V3.0
Max-VPI-bits: 8, Max-VCI-bits: 14
Max-VP: 0, Max-VC: 32768
Number of PVC: 8 Number of SVC: 0 Number of SoftVC: 0
Total number of connections: 8
ATM Address for Soft VC:
Related Commands

atm pvp
show ip access-lists
show atm status

show atm interface rm

Use the show atm interface rm privileged EXEC command to display resource management interface configuration status, and statistics.

show atm interface rm atm card/subcard/port [accounting]
Syntax Description


Card, subcard, and port number for the ATM interface.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.

Usage Guidelines

The command displays information that differs depending on the type of the interface: external physical interface, subinterface, or CPU interface.


The following example shows the RM information displayed by the show atm interface rm command for a physical interface.

Switch# show atm interface rm atm 3/0/3
Resource Management configuration:
Output queues:
Max sizes(explicit cfg): none cbr, none vbr-rt, none vbr-nrt, none abr-ubr
Max sizes(installed): 256 cbr, 256 vbr-rt, 4096 vbr-nrt, 12032 abr-ubr
Efci threshold: 25% cbr, 25% vbr-rt, 25% vbr-nrt, 25% abr, 25% ubr
Discard threshold: 50% cbr, 50% vbr-rt, 50% vbr-nrt, 50% abr, 50% ubr
Abr-relative-rate threshold: 25% abr
Pacing: disabled 0 Kbps rate configured, 0 Kbps rate installed
Link Distance: 0 kilometers
Controlled Link sharing:
Max aggregate guaranteed services: none RX, none TX
Max bandwidth: none cbr RX, none cbr TX, none vbr RX, none vbr TX
Min bandwidth: none cbr RX, none cbr TX, none vbr RX, none vbr TX
Best effort connection limit: disabled 0 max connections
Max traffic parameters by service (rate in Kbps, tolerance in cell-times):
Peak-cell-rate RX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
Peak-cell-rate TX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
Sustained-cell-rate: none vbr RX, none vbr TX,
Tolerance RX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
Tolerance TX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
Resource Management state:
Cell-counts: 0 cbr, 0 vbr-rt, 0 vbr-nrt, 0 abr-ubr
Available bit rates (in Kbps):
147743 cbr RX, 147743 cbr TX, 147743 vbr RX, 147743 vbr TX,
Allocated bit rates:
0 cbr RX, 0 cbr TX, 0 vbr RX, 0 vbr TX,
Best effort connections: 0 pvcs, 0 svcs

The following example shows the RM information displayed by the show atm interface rm command for a logical interface (assuming a VBR-RT underlying VP).

Switch# show atm interface rm
Resource Management configuration:
Link distance: 0 kilometers
Best effort connection limit: enabled 500 max connections
Max traffic parameters by service (rate in Kbps, tolerance in cell-times):
peak-cell-rate Rx: 12345 vbr
peak-cell-rate Tx: 12345 vbr
sustained-cell-rate: 12345 vbr Rx, 12345 vbr Tx
tolerance Rx: 200000 vbr
tolerance Tx: 200000 vbr
Resource Management state:
Available bit rates (in Kbps):
55200 vbr Rx, 55200 vbr Tx
Allocated bit rates (in Kbps):
2400 vbr Rx, 2400 vbr Tx

The following example shows the resource management information displayed by the show atm interface rm command with the accounting parameter.

Switch# show atm interface rm atm 3/1/0 accounting
RCAC result statistics (by request service category):
0 satisfied, 0 no bandwidth, 0 delay
0 loss, 0 delay variation, 0 traffic parameter
3 satisfied, 0 unsupported combination, 0 no bandwidth
0 delay, 0 loss, 0 delay variation
0 traffic parameter
0 satisfied, 0 unsupported combination, 0 no bandwidth
0 loss, 0 traffic parameter
0 satisfied, 0 traffic parameter, 0 best effort limit
0 satisfied, 0 traffic parameter, 0 best effort limit

Table 16-8 describes the fields values shown in the previous displays.

Table 16-8   Show ATM Interface RM Field Values

Field Values

Max queue size

Cells. Note that a distinction is made between the explicitly configured value and that installed. If the user did not explicitly configure the max-queue size, that value is indicated by "none."

EFCI queue thresholds

Percent of max-size, one of: 12%, 25%, 50%, or 100%.

Pacing rate

Kilobits per second. Note that a distinction is made between the configured value and that installed.

Link distance


Flow max/min bandwidth.

Percent of interface flow bandwidth or none (parameter not specified).

Best effort limit

Number of best effort connections.

Cell-rate maxima

Kilobits per second, to transmit whole cells (including header).

Tolerance-parameter maxima





The values to specify are 12%, 25%, 37%, 50%, 62%, 75%, 87%, and 100%.

Abr-relative-rate thresholds

The values to specify are 12%, 25%, 37%, 50%, 62%, 75%, 87%, and 100%.

Related Commands

atm cac
atm link-distance
atm output-queue
atm output-threshold
atm pacing

show atm map

To display the list of all configured ATM static maps to remote hosts on an ATM network, use the show atm map privileged EXEC command.

show atm map
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following is sample output from the show atm map command.

Switch# show atm map
Map list ab: PERMANENT
ip maps to VC 200

The following is sample output from the show atm map command for a multipoint connection.

Switch# show atm map
Map list atm_pri: PERMANENT
ip maps to NSAP CD.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12, broadcast, aal5mux, multipoint connection up, VC 6
ip maps to NSAP DE.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12, broadcast, aal5mux, connection up, VC 15, multipoint connection up, VC 6
Map list atm_ipx: PERMANENT
ipx 1004.dddd.dddd.dddd maps to NSAP DE.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12, broadcast, aal5mux, multipoint connection up, VC 8
ipx 1004.cccc.cccc.cccc maps to NSAP CD.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12, broadcast, aal5mux, multipoint connection up, VC 8
Map list atm_apple: PERMANENT
appletalk 62000.5 maps to NSAP CD.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12, broadcast, aal5mux, multipoint connection up, VC 4
appletalk 62000.6 maps to NSAP DE.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12, broadcast, aal5mux, multipoint connection up, VC 4

Table 16-9 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-9   Show ATM Map Field Descriptions

Field Description

Map list

Name of map list.


This map entry was entered from configuration; it was not entered automatically by a process.

protocol address maps to VC x
protocol address maps to NSAP...

Name of protocol, the protocol address, and the VCD or NSAP that the address is mapped to.


Indicates pseudo broadcasting.


Indicates the encapsulation used, a multipoint or point-to-point virtual connection, and the number of the virtual connection.

multipoint connection up

Indicates that this is a multipoint virtual connection.

VC 6

Number of the virtual connection.

Connection up

Indicates a point-to-point virtual connection.

Related Commands

atm pvc

show atm pnni address

To display the address of the PNNI interface assigned to the switch, use the following show atm pnni address privileged EXEC command.

show atm pnni address
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following is sample output from the show atm pnni address command.

Switch# show atm pnni address
47.00918100000000410B0A1081.00410B0A1081.00 active

show atm pnni bg-routes

To show the precalculated background route table to other PNNI nodes, use the show atm pnni bg-routes privileged EXEC command.

show atm pnni bg-routes [cbr | vbr-rt | vbr-nrt | abr | ubr] [admin-weight | cdv |ctd]
Syntax Description


Shows the constant bit rate.


Shows the real time variable bit rate.


Show the non-real-time variable bit rate.


Shows the available bit rate.


Shows the unavailable bit rate.


Shows the administrative weight.


Shows the cell transfer delay variation proportional multiplier.


Shows the cell transfer delay percentage multiplier.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to displays routes from the background SPF trees for all known nodes in the PNNI network.

This command filters based on service class or metric information.


The following is sample output from the show atm pnni bg-routes command.

Switch# show atm pnni bg-routes
1 Routes to Node 2
1.Hops 1. n1p81903000 ->2
->:aw 256 cdv 138 ctd 154 acr 335546 clr 10
<-:aw 256 cdv 138 ctd 154 acr 335546 clr 10
1 Routes to Node 3
1.Hops1. n1p81900000 ->3
->:aw 256 cdv 138 ctd 154 acr 335546 clr 10
<-:aw 256 cdv 138 ctd 154 acr 335546 clr 10
1 Routes to Node 2
1.Hops 1. n1p81903000 ->2
->:aw 256 cdv 138 ctd 154 acr 335546 clr 10

show atm pnni bg-status

To show the status of background route calculation, use the show atm pnni bg-status privileged EXEC command.

show atm pnni bg-status
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the status of the background SPF activity.


The following is sample output from the show atm pnni bg-status command.

Switch# show atm pnni bg-status
Background SPF Interval is set at 10 seconds
Background Route Table and SPF Data Addresses:
Background Routes From CBR/AW Table
CBR 6094D2F0 6094C884 6094BE18
6093285C 60934E88 609374B4
02452ms 02452ms 02452ms
Background Routes From VBR-RT/AW Table
VBR-RT 6094B3AC 6094A940 60949ED4
60939AE0 6093C10C 6093E738
02452ms 02452ms 02452ms
Background Routes From VBR-NRT/AW Table
VBT-NRT 60949468 00000000 00000000
60940D64 00000000 00000000
02452ms 00000ms 00000ms
Background Routes From ABR/AW Table
ABR 609489FC 00000000 00000000
60943390 00000000 000000000
01920ms 00000ms 00000ms
Background Routes From UBR/AW Table
UBR 60957FE8 00000000 00000000

show atm pnni database

To display the contents of the PNNI database, use the show atm pnni database EXEC command.

show atm pnni database [internal_node_number | ptse_id] [detail]
Syntax Description


Displays information about a specified node (1 through 255).


(Optional) Displays information about a specified PTSE (1 through 4294967295) on a node.


Displays more detailed information and is used as the last keyword of the show command.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The database is the collection of PTSEs that the protocol gathered from the network.

For information on specific PTSE types and their use, refer to the PNNI specification, ATM Forum 94-0471R16.


The show atm pnni database command displays the contents of the PNNI database.

Switch# show atm pnni database
Node 1 ID 56:160:47.00918100000000410B0A1081.00410B0A1081.00 (name: Switch)
PTSE ID Length Type Seq no. Checksum Lifetime Description
1 92 97 40858 20714 43 Nodal info
2 68 224 40855 47475 59 Int. Reachable Address
3 48 256 40864 60345 48 Ext. Reachable Address

Using the detail option displays information about the nodal information group, the internal reachable address, the exterior reachable address, and the horizontal link PTSE. Nodal information group provides status about the PTSE that a node advertises, such as its ATM address, the leadership priority, and which node the current node accepts as a peer group leader. The internal reachable address is an address that can be reached by PNNI. The exterior reachable address can be accessed outside the scope of PNNI, such as through a static route. The horizontal link PTSE is where a PNNI node advertises connection to its neighbors after the neighbor state becomes full.

The following is sample output using the detail option.

Switch# show atm pnni database detail
Node 1 ID 56:160:47.00918100000000410B0A1081.00410B0A1081.00 (name: Switch)
PTSE ID Length Type Seq no. Checksum Lifetime Description
1 92 97 40861 20711 56 Nodal info
Time to refresh 2, time to originate 0
Type 97 (Nodal info), Length 48
ATM address 47.00918100000000410B0A1081.00410B0A1081.00
priority 0, leader bit NOT SET
preferred PGL 0:0:00.000000000000000000000000.000000000000.00
2 68 224 40858 47472 59 Int. Reachable Address
Time to refresh 6, time to originate 0
Type 224 (Int. Reachable Address), Length 48
Scope (level) 56, Address info length (ail) 16, Address info count 2
Pfx: 47.0091.8100.0000.0041.0b0a.1081..., length 104
Pfx: 47.0091.8100.0000.0060.3e5a.db01..., length 104
3 48 256 40868 60341 54 Ext. Reachable Address
Time to refresh 6, time to originate 0
Type 256 (Ext. Reachable Address), Length 28
Scope (level) 56, Address info length (ail) 12, Address info count 1
Pfx: 47.0091.8100.5670.ca7c.e01..., length 84

show atm pnni election

To display information relevant to the PNNI Peer group leader election process, use the show atm pnni election EXEC command.

show atm pnni election [detail]
Syntax Description


Displays more detailed information and is used as the last keyword of the show command.

Command Mode



The following shows sample output from the show atm pnni election command.

Switch# show atm pnni election
PGL Election Information
Last FSM Event: Preferred PGL Is Not Self
Last FSM State: PGLE Calculating
Current FSM State: PGLE Operating: Not PGL
PGL Status: Not PGL
Preferred PGL is NULL
Peer Group Leader is NULL
My Leadership Priority: 0
Hello Startup Factor: 5
PGL Init Interval: 15 secs
Override Delay: 30 secs
Re-election Interval: 15 secs

show atm pnni identifiers

To display the mapping of PNNI node identifiers, use the show atm pnni identifiers EXEC command.

show atm pnni identifiers [node_number]
Syntax Description


Displays specific information about an internal node.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Because PNNI node identifiers are long, the PNNI implementation has mapped them into numbers. The node numbers are used to display the topology in a compact fashion.


The following is sample output from the show atm pnni identifiers command.

Switch# show atm pnni identifiers
Node Node Id
---- -------
1 56:160:47.00918100000000400B0A3081.00400B0A3081.00
2 56:160:47.00918100000000000CA7DE01.00000CA7DE01.00
3 56:160:47.00918100000000000CA79E01.00000CA79E01.00

show atm pnni interface

To display specific information about an interface or to list the interfaces running on a PNNI node, use the show atm pnni interface EXEC command.

show atm pnni interface [atm card/subcard/port | detail]
Syntax Description


Displays detailed information and is used as the last keyword of the show command.


Card, subcard, and port number of the PNNI interface.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use the show atm pnni interface command to display information about the status of the NNI interfaces is obtained.

For a description of the hello states and timers, consult the PNNI specification, ATM Forum 94-0471R16.


The following is sample output about ATM 0/1/1 using the show atm pnni interface command.

Switch# show atm pnni interface atm 0/1/1
Port ATM0/1/1 is up, Hello state 2way_in with node Switch Error: Port Looped k
Next hello occurs in 1 seconds, Dead timer fires in 74 seconds

The following is sample output using the detail option of the show atm pnni interface command.

Switch# show atm pnni interface atm 0/1/1 detail
Port ATM0/1/1 is up, Hello state 2way_in with node Switch Error: Port Looped k
Next hello occurs in 9 seconds, Dead timer fires in 62 seconds
CBR : AW 5040, MCR 155519, ACR 147743, CTD 154, CDV 138, CLR 10
VBR-RT : AW 5040, MCR 155519, ACR 147743, CTD 707, CDV 691, CLR 8
VBR-NRT: AW 5040, MCR 155519, ACR 147743, CLR 8,
UBR : AW 5040, MCR 155519

show atm pnni neighbor

To list PNNI neighbors for a switch, use the show atm pnni neighbor EXEC command.

show atm pnni neighbor [detail]
Syntax Description


Displays more detailed information and is used as the last keyword of the show command.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The show atm pnni neighbor command displays information about an adjacency. Multiple links can be connected to the same neighbor. The output from the show command displays the local port, the remote port, and its port numbers. Based on the port number, PNNI derives the port string if the remote switch is a LightStream 1010 ATM switch. The switch may not translate the port into a meaningful string (such as ATM 3/0/0) if the remote switch is not a LightStream 1010 ATM. In these cases the port ID is displayed twice. The flooding port displays the interface used by PNNI to flood PTSEs to the neighbor.


There is only one port used for flooding and it is identified as "(flooding port)" in the following example. The following is sample output from the show atm pnni neighbor command.

Switch# show atm pnni neighbor
Neighbor Name State
56:160:47.00918100000000000B0A0481.00400B0A0481.00 Full
Port ID Remote Port ID Hello State
81900000 81903000 2way_in (flooding Port)
56:160:47.009181000000202020202020.202020202020.00 Full
Port ID Remote Port ID Hello State
81903000 81903000 2way_in (flooding Port)

show atm pnni node

To display overall PNNI information, use the show atm pnni node EXEC command.

show atm pnni node [node-index | internal]
Syntax Description


Displays information about a specific node (1 through 256).


Displays information about an internal PNNI process.


If node-index is not specified, the default is node 1.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The show atm pnni node command displays information about the PNNI node and its status.


The following is sample output from the show atm pnni node command.

Switch# show atm pnni node
Node Node ID
1 56:160:47.0098100000022220CA7EE01.00000CA7EE01.00
2 56:160:47.00981000000202020202020.202020202020.00
3 56:160:47.0098100000000400B0A0481.00400B0A0481.00

The following is sample output for a specific node.

Switch# show atm pnni node 1
PNNI node 1 is enabled and running
Node name: rhino13
System address 47.00918100000000000CA79E01.00000CA79E01.00
Node ID 56:160:47.00918100000000000CA79E01.00000CA79E01.00
Peer group ID 56:47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0000.0000
Level 56, Priority 0, No. of interface 4, No. of neighbor 1
Hello interval 15 sec, inactivity factor 5, Hello hold-down 10 tenths of sec
Ack-delay 2 sec, retransmit interval 10 sec, rm-poll interval 5 sec
PTSE refresh interval 60 sec, lifetime factor 7, minPTSEinterval 1000 msec
Auto summarization: on
Default administrative weight mode: uniform
Next RM poll in 3 seconds

show atm pnni precedence

To show the current PNNI prefix priorities for routing, use the show atm pnni precedence privileged EXEC configuration command.

show atm pnni precedence
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following example is sample output from the show atm pnni precedence command.

Switch# show atm pnni precedence
Working Default
Prefix Poa Type Priority Priority
----------------------------- -------- --------
local-internal 1 1
static-local-internal-metrics 2 2
static-local-exterior 3 3
static-local-exterior-metrics 2 2
pnni-remote-internal 2 2
pnni-remote-internal-metrics 2 2
pnni-remote-exterior 4 4
pnni-remote-exterior-metrics 2 2
Related Command


show atm pnni prefix

To display prefixes and related information from either local or network-wide tables in PNNI, use the show atm pnni prefix EXEC command.

show atm pnni prefix [[ address prefix] [longer_prefix] [local]]
Syntax Description


Displays information about a static and ILMI-registered route only.


Displays all longer prefixes that match the specified prefix.

address prefix

Displays all prefixes that match the specified prefix.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The command displays the ATM address prefixes of the PNNI routing table. Prefixes are tagged with either E or I. The E represents external prefixes that were configured using the atm route command. The I represents internal prefixes registered through ILMI or generated internally by the system for other purposes (for example; soft PVP support). The prefix is displayed in the following notation and the prefix/length shows the length in bits:


The node represents the switch that generated the prefix (see show atm pnni node-id command for node number mappings). Node 1 represents a LightStream 1010 ATM switch, while other numbers represent switches that PNNI learned from the network. The port number, the protocol that generated the advertisement, the timestamp, and the port status (or summary information) are also displayed.


The following is sample output from the show atm pnni prefix command.

Switch# show atm pnni prefix
Codes: P - installing Protocol (S - Static, P - Pnni, R - Routing control),
T - Type (I - Internal prefix, E - Exterior prefix, SE -
Summary Exterior prefix, SI - Summary Internal prefix)
P T Node/Port St Prefix
- -- ---------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------
S E 1 ATM0/0/0 DN default/0
S E 1 ATM0/0/0 DN 47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0ca7.ce01/104
R SI 1 0 UP 47.0091.8100.0000.0041.0b0a.1081/104
R I 1 ATM2/0/0 UP 47.0091.8100.0000.0041.0b0a.1081.0041.0b0a.1081/152
R I 1 ATM2/0/0 UP 47.0091.8100.0000.0041.0b0a.1081.4000.0c/128
R SI 1 0 UP 47.0091.8100.0000.0060.3e5a.db01/104
R I 1 ATM2/0/0 UP 47.0091.8100.0000.0060.3e5a.db01.0060.3e5a.db01/152
R I 1 ATM2/0/0 UP 47.0091.8100.0000.0060.3e5a.db01.4000.0c/128
S E 1 ATM2/0/0 UP 47.0091.8100.5670.ca7c.e01/84

show atm pnni rm-info

To display information about routing parameters of all PNNI interfaces received from resource management module, use the show atm pnni rm-info EXEC command.

show atm pnni rm-info [atm card/subcard/port]
Syntax Description


Card, subcard, and port number for the specified ATM interface.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command is used to display information about the MCR, ACR, CTD, CDV, and CLR for a specific port. Only applicable information is displayed.


The following is sample output from the show atm pnni rm-info command.

Switch# show atm pnni rm-info
acr pm 75, acr mt 3, mcdv pm 10, mctd pm 10, rm poll interval 30 sec
Interface insignificant change bounds:
ATM3/1/1, port ID 81900000
CBR: MCR 353207, ACR 335546 [83887,353207], CTD 154 [139,169],CDV 138 [125,151], CLR 10,
VBR-RT: MCR 353207, ACR 335546 [83887,353207], CTD 707 [637,777],CDV 691 [622,760], CLR 8,
VBR-NRT: MCR 353207, ACR 335546 [83887,353207], CLR 8,
ABR: MCR 353207
UBR: MCR 353207

show atm pnni statistics

To display PNNI statistics, use the show atm pnni statistics EXEC command.

show atm pnni statistics {call | flooding [detail]}
Syntax Description


Displays the PNNI call statistics.


Displays the PNNI flooding statistics.


Displays more detailed information about the call and flooding keywords and is used at the end of the show command.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command displays statistics related to path selection, for example number of crankbacks, number of calls set up, number of calls serviced by the background tree, on-demand calculation, and PTSE exchanges, such as number of incoming PTSE per minute or number of PTSE retransmitted.


The following is sample output from the show atm pnni statistics call command.

Switch# show atm pnni statistics call
total source route requests = 5
total micro seconds spent in dijkstra = 0
average micro seconds in dijkstra per call = 0
total crankback source route requests = 0
total next port requests = 0
total background route lookups = 0
total on-demand routes = 0
Related Command


show atm pnni topology

To display the topology connectivity information from the internal topology database, use the show atm pnni topology EXEC command.

show atm pnni topology node [node-name] [detail]
Syntax Description


Displays the topology information about a specific node identified by the node-name.


Identifies the node by a specific name.


Displays more detailed information and is used as the last keyword of the show command.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The topology as seen from the PNNI database can be displayed using the show atm pnni topology command. This command shows all accessible PNNI nodes in the network (through PTSEs) and any links to neighboring nodes.

PNNI nodes are represented internally by an 8-bit number. This command shows the mapping between the internal node number and the full 22-byte node ID.


The following is sample output from the show atm pnni topology command.

Switch# show atm pnni topology
Node 1 (name: Switch, type: unknown, ios-version: 11.1)
Node Id: 56:160:47.00918100000000410B0A1081.00410B0A1081.00
Service Classes Supported: NONE
Node Allows Transit Calls
Node has leadership priority 0

show atm qos

Use the show atm qos command to display the table used to provide default values for QOS.

show atm qos
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following sample output of the show atm qos command displays the UNI 3 Default QOS table.

Switch# show atm qos
UNI 3 default QOS objective table:
Max cell transfer delay (in microseconds): any cbr, any vbr-rt
Peak-to-peak cell delay variation (in microseconds): any cbr, any vbr-rt
Max cell loss ratio: any cbr, any vbr-rt, any vbr-nrt

Table 16-10 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-10  

Field Description

Max cell transfer delay

Is displayed in microseconds and applies to one of the following (any indicates the objective parameter is undefined):

  • cbr
  • vbr-rt

Peak-to-peak cell delay variation

Is displayed in microseconds and applies one of the following (any indicates the objective parameter is undefined):

  • cbr
  • vbr-rt

Max cell loss ratio

Is displayed as a negative power of ten (any indicates the objective parameter is undefined):

  • cbr
  • vbr-rt
  • vbr-nrt

Show ATM QOS Field Descriptions

Related Command

atm qos uni3-default

show atm resource

Use the show atm resource privileged EXEC command to display global resource manager configuration and status.

show atm resource
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following example shows the results of using the show atm resource command.

Switch# show atm resource
Resource configuration:
Over-subscription-factor: 8 Sustained-cell-rate-margin-factor: 1%
Abr-mode: relative-rate
Atm service-category-limit (in cells):
65535 cbr, 65535 vbr-rt, 65535 vbr-nrt, 65535 abr-ubr
Resource state:
Cells per service-category:
0 cbr, 100 vbr-rt, 0 vbr-nrt, 0 abr-ubr
Related Commands

atm abr-mode
atm over-subscription-factor
atm service-category-limit
atm sustained-cell-rate-margin-factor

show atm snoop

To display the current port snooping configuration and actual register values for the highest ATM interface, use the show atm snoop EXEC command.

show atm snoop
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command displays the snoop test port name, snoop option (enabled or disabled), monitored port name (if enabled), and snoop direction (receive or transmit if enabled).

This command applies only to card 4, subcard 1, and the highest port allowed for the card. Refer to the atm snoop command for port information.


The following example displays the snoop configuration on OC3 port and actual register values for the highest interface.

Switch# show atm snoop
Snoop Test Port Name: ATM4/1/3 (interface status=SNOOPING)
Snoop option: (configured=enabled) (actual=enabled)
Monitored Port Name: (configured=ATM3/0/0) (actual=ATM3/0/0)
Snoop direction: (configured=receive) (actual=receive)

The following example shows the display when there is no card in the Snoop Test Port card 4, subcard 1 position.

Switch# show atm snoop
Snoop Test Port Name: ATM4/1/3 (port is bad or missing)
Snoop option: (configured=disabled)

The following example shows the display when the Snoop Test Port has been inserted and configured but is shut down.

Switch# show atm snoop
Snoop Test Port Name: ATM4/1/3 (interface status=DOWN)(shutdown)
Snoop option: (configured=enabled)
Monitored Port Name: (configured=ATM4/1/0)
Snoop direction: (configured=receive)
Related Command

atm snoop

show atm status

To display current information about ATM interfaces and the number of installed connections, use the show atm status EXEC command.

show atm status
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode



The following is a sample display from the show atm status command.

Switch# show atm status
NUMBER OF INSTALLED CONNECTIONS: (P2P=Point to Point, P2MP=Point to MultiPoint)
Type PVCs SoftPVCs SVCs PVPs SoftPVPs SVPs Total
P2P 11 0 0 1 0 0 12
P2MP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interface IF Admin Auto-Cfg ILMI Addr SSCOP Hello
Name Status Status Status Reg State State State
------------- -------- ------------ -------- ------------ --------- --------
ATM2/0/0 UP up n/a Restarting Idle n/a
ATM3/0/0 UP up done UpAndNormal Active 2way_in
ATM3/0/0.25 DOWN shutdown waiting n/a Idle n/a
ATM3/0/0.26 UP up waiting WaitDevType Idle n/a
ATM3/0/1 DOWN down waiting n/a Idle n/a
ATM3/0/2 UP up done UpAndNormal Active 2way_in
ATM3/0/3 DOWN down waiting n/a Idle n/a
Related Command

atmsig status

show atm traffic

To display the ATM layer traffic information for all of the ATM interfaces, use the show atm traffic privileged EXEC command.

show atm traffic
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays input and output cell counts and 5-minute transfer rate for all ATM interfaces.


The following is a sample display from the show atm traffic command.

Switch# show atm traffic
Interface ATM2/0/0
Rx cells: 0
Tx cells: 0
5 minute input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
5 minute output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
Interface ATM3/0/0
Rx cells: 0
Tx cells: 0
5 minute input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
5 minute output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
Related Command

show atm interface

show atm vc

To display the ATM layer connection information about the virtual connection, use the show atm vc EXEC command.

show atm vc
show atm vc interface atm card/subcard/port[.vpt#]
show atm vc interface atm card/subcard/port[.vpt#] vpi [vci]
show atm vc traffic card/subcard/port
Syntax Description


Card, subcard, and port number for the ATM interface.


Number of the virtual path tunnel.

vpi [vci]

Number of the virtual path identifier and virtual connection identifier.


Displays the virtual channel cell traffic.

Command Mode



The following example shows a display for the vc interface.

Switch# show atm vc
Interface VPI VCI Type X-Interface X-VPI X-VCI Status
ATM2/0/0 0 32 PVC ATM3/0/0 0 5 REMOVED
ATM2/0/0 0 33 PVC ATM3/0/0 0 16 REMOVED
ATM2/0/0 0 34 PVC ATM3/0/0 0 18 REMOVED
ATM2/0/0 0 35 PVC ATM3/0/1 0 5 REMOVED
ATM2/0/0 0 36 PVC ATM3/0/1 0 16 REMOVED
ATM2/0/0 0 37 PVC ATM3/0/1 0 18 REMOVED
ATM2/0/0 0 38 PVC ATM3/1/0 0 5 UP
ATM2/0/0 0 39 PVC ATM3/1/0 0 16 UP
ATM2/0/0 0 40 PVC ATM3/1/0 0 18 UP
ATM2/0/0 0 41 PVC ATM3/1/1 0 5 UP
ATM2/0/0 0 42 PVC ATM3/1/1 0 16 UP
ATM2/0/0 0 43 PVC ATM3/1/1 0 18 UP
ATM2/0/0 0 44 PVC ATM3/1/2 0 5 REMOVED
ATM2/0/0 0 45 PVC ATM3/1/2 0 16 REMOVED
ATM2/0/0 0 46 PVC ATM3/1/2 0 18 REMOVED
ATM2/0/0 0 47 PVC ATM3/1/3 0 5 REMOVED
ATM2/0/0 0 48 PVC ATM3/1/3 0 16 REMOVED
ATM2/0/0 0 49 PVC ATM3/1/3 0 18 REMOVED
ATM3/0/0 0 5 PVC ATM2/0/0 0 32 REMOVED
ATM3/0/0 0 16 PVC ATM2/0/0 0 33 REMOVED
ATM3/0/0 0 18 PVC ATM2/0/0 0 34 REMOVED
ATM3/0/1 0 5 PVC ATM2/0/0 0 35 REMOVED

Table 16-11 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-11   Show ATM VC Descriptions

Field Description


Displays the card, subcard, and port number of the specified ATM interface.


Displays the number of the virtual path identifier.


Displays the number of the virtual channel identifier.


Displays the type of interface for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the card, subcard, and port number of the backup ATM interface.


Displays the number of the backup virtual path identifier.


Displays the number of the backup virtual channel identifier.


Displays the current state of the specified ATM interface.

The following sample display shows the interface information for ATM 4/1/1, with VPI 0 and VCI 34.

Switch# show atm vc interface atm 4/1/1 0 34
Interface: ATM4/1/1
VPI = 0 VCI = 34
Status: UP
Last-status-change-time: 58
Connection-type: SVC
Cast-type: point-to-point
Packet-discard-option: enabled
Usage-Parameter-Control (UPC): pass
Number of OAM-configured connections: 0
OAM-configuration: disabled
OAM-states: Not-applicable
Cross-connect-interface: ATM4/1/2
Cross-connect-VPI = 100
Cross-connect-VCI = 202
Cross-connect-UPC: pass
Cross-connect OAM-configuration: disabled
Cross-connect OAM-state: Not-applicable
Rx cells: 0, Tx cells: 0
Rx connection-traffic-table-index: 2147483645
Rx service-category: UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate)
Rx pcr-clp01: 0
Rx scr-clp01: none
Rx tolerance: none
Tx connection-traffic-table-index: 2147483645
Tx service-category: UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate)
Tx pcr-clp01: 0
Tx scr-clp01: none
Tx tolerance: none

Table 16-12 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-12  

Field Description


Displays the card number, sub card number, and port number of the ATM interface.


Displays the number of the virtual path identifier and the virtual channel identifier.


Displays the type of interface for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the type of connection for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the type of cast for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the state of the packet-discard option; enabled or disabled.

Usage-Parameter-Control (UPC)

Displays the state of the UPC.

Number of OAM-configured connections

Displays the amount of connections configured by OAM.


Displays the state of the OAM-configuration; enabled or disabled.


Displays the status of the OAM-state; applicable or not applicable.


Displays the card, subcard, and port number of the cross-connected ATM.


Displays the number of the cross-connected virtual path identifier.


Displays the number of the cross-connected virtual channel identifier.


Displays the state of the cross-connected UPC; pass or not pass.

Cross-connect OAM-configuration

Displays the state of the cross-connected OAM configuration; enabled or disabled.

Cross-connect OAM-state

Displays the status of the cross-connected OAM state; applicable or not applicable.

Rx cells/Tx cells

Displays the number of cells transmitted and received.

Rx connection-traffic-table-index

Displays the receive connection-traffic-table-index.

Rx service-category

Displays the receive service-category.

Rx pcr-clp01

Displays the receive peak rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Rx scr-clp01

Displays the receive sustained rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Rx tolerance

Displays the receive tolerance.

Tx connection-traffic-table-index

Displays the transmit connection-traffic-table-index.

Tx service-category

Displays the transmit service-category.

Tx pcr-clp01

Displays the transmit peak rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Tx scr-clp01

Displays the transmit sustained rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Tx max-tolerance

Displays the transmit tolerance.

Show ATM VC Interface ATM Field Descriptions

Related Commands

atm pvc
show atm interface
show atm status

show atm vp

To display the ATM layer connection information about the virtual path, use the show atm vp EXEC command.

show atm vp
show atm vp interface atm card/subcard/port
show atm vp interface atm card/subcard/port [vpi]
show atm vp traffic card/subcard/port
Syntax Description


Shows the ATM connection commands.


Card, subcard, and port number for the ATM interface.


Displays virtual path cell traffic.


Number of the virtual path identifier.

Command Mode



The following is a sample display from the show atm vp command.

Switch# show atm vp
Interface VPI Type X-Interface X-VPI Status
ATM4/1/1 1 SVP ATM4/1/2 200 UP
ATM4/1/1 2 SVP ATM4/1/2 201 UP
ATM4/1/1 3 SVP ATM4/1/2 202 UP
ATM4/1/2 200 SoftVP ATM4/1/1 1 UP
ATM4/1/2 201 SoftVP ATM4/1/1 2 UP
ATM4/1/2 202 SoftVP ATM4/1/1 3 UP

The following is a sample display from the show atm vp command of ATM 4/1/1.

Switch# show atm vp interface atm 4/1/1
Interface VPI Type X-Interface X-VPI Status
ATM4/1/1 1 SVP ATM4/1/2 200 UP
ATM4/1/1 2 SVP ATM4/1/2 201 UP
ATM4/1/1 3 SVP ATM4/1/2 202 UP

The following is a sample display from the show atm vp command of ATM 4/1/1 and vp 2.

Switch# show atm vp interface atm 4/1/1 2
Interface: ATM4/1/1
VPI = 2
Status: UP
Last-status-change-time: 1:01
Connection-type: SVP
Cast-type: point-to-point
Usage-Parameter-Control (UPC): pass
Number of OAM-configured connections: 0
OAM-configuration: disabled
OAM-states: Not-applicable
Cross-connect-interface: ATM4/1/2
Cross-connect-VPI = 201
Cross-connect-UPC: pass
Cross-connect OAM-configuration: disabled
Cross-connect OAM-state: Not-applicable
Rx cells: 0, Tx cells: 0
Rx connection-traffic-table-index: 2147483643
Rx service-category: UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate)
Rx pcr-clp01: 0
Rx scr-clp01: none
Rx tolerance: none
Tx connection-traffic-table-index: 2147483643
Tx service-category: UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate)
Tx pcr-clp01: 0
Tx scr-clp01: none
Tx tolerance: none

Table 16-13 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-13  

Field Description


Displays the card number, subcard number, and port number of the ATM interface.


Displays the number of the virtual path identifier and the virtual channel identifier.


Displays the type of interface for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the type of connection for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the type of cast for the specified ATM interface.


Displays the state of the packet-discard option; enabled or disabled.

Usage-Parameter-Control (UPC)

Displays the state of the UPC.

Number of OAM-configured connections

Displays the amount of connections configured by OAM.


Displays the state of the OAM-configuration; enabled or disabled.


Displays the status of the OAM-state; applicable or not applicable.


Displays the card, subcard, and port number of the cross-connected ATM.


Displays the number of the cross-connected virtual path identifier.


Displays the number of the cross-connected virtual channel identifier.


Displays the state of the cross-connected UPC; pass or not pass.

Cross-connect OAM-configuration

Displays the state of the cross-connected OAM configuration; enabled or disabled.

Cross-connect OAM-state

Displays the status of the cross-connected OAM state; applicable or not applicable.

Rx cells/Tx cells

Displays the number of cells transmitted and received.

Rx connection-traffic-table-index

Displays the receive connection-traffic-table-index.

Rx service-category

Displays the receive service-category.

Rx pcr-clp01

Displays the receive peak rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Rx scr-clp01

Displays the receive sustained rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Rx tolerance

Displays the receive tolerance.

Tx connection-traffic-table-index

Displays the transmit connection-traffic-table-index.

Tx service-category

Displays the transmit service-category.

Tx pcr-clp01

Displays the transmit peak rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Tx scr-clp01

Displays the transmit sustained rate for clp01 cells (kbps).

Tx max-tolerance

Displays the transmit tolerance.

Show ATM VP Interface ATM Field Descriptions

Related Commands

show atm interface
show atm status

show boot

To display the contents of the BOOT environment variable, the name of the configuration file pointed to by the CONFIG_FILE environment variable, and the contents of the BOOTLDR environment variable, use the show boot EXEC command.

show boot
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The show boot command allows you to view the current settings for the following environment variables:

The BOOT environment variable specifies a list of bootable images on various devices. The config_file environment variable specifies the configuration file used during system initialization. The BOOTLDR environment variable specifies the Flash device and filename containing the rxboot image that ROM uses for booting. You set these environment variables with the boot system, boot config, and boot bootldr commands, respectively.


The following is sample output from the show boot command.

Switch# show boot
BOOT variable =
CONFIG_FILE variable =
Current CONFIG_FILE variable =
BOOTLDR variable = bootflash:/home/cyadaval/ls1010-i-m.bin.Z
Configuration register is 0x0

In the sample output, the BOOT environment variable contains a null string: that is, a list of bootable images is not specified.

The run-time value for the config_file environment variable points to the switch-config file on the Flash memory card inserted in the first slot of the ASP card. That is, during the run-time configuration, you have modified the config_file environment variable using the boot config command, but you have not saved the run-time configuration to the startup configuration. To save your run-time configuration to the startup configuration, use the copy running command.

The BOOTLDR environment variable does not yet exist. That is, you have not created the BOOTLDR environment variable using the boot bootldr command.

Related Commands

boot config
boot system
show version

show buffers

Use the show buffers EXEC command to display statistics for the buffer pools on the network server.

show buffers [address | all [assigned | free] input-interface {ATM | ethernet | null}| old | pool]
Syntax Description


Address of buffer to display.


Displays all buffers with the following information:

  • Dump: Shows buffer header and all data.
  • Header: Shows buffer header only.
  • Packet: Shows buffer header and packet data.


Displays the buffers in use with the following information:

  • Dump: Shows buffer header and all data.
  • Header: Shows buffer header only.
  • Packet: Shows buffer header and packet data.


Displays the buffers available for use with the following information:

  • Dump: Shows buffer header and all data.
  • Header: Shows buffer header only.
  • Packet: Shows buffer header and packet data.


Displays the buffers assigned to an input interface. You must specify an ATM, ethernet, or null interface.


Displays buffers older than one minute for use with the following information:

  • Dump: Shows buffer header and all data.
  • Header: Shows buffer header only.
  • Packet: Shows buffer header and packet data.


Displays buffers in a specified pool for use with the following information:

  • Dump: Shows buffer header and all data.
  • Header: Shows buffer header only.
  • Packet: Shows buffer header and packet data.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show buffers command with no arguments, showing all buffer pool information.

Switch# show buffers
Buffer elements:
500 in free list (500 max allowed)
19874 hits, 0 misses, 0 created
Public buffer pools:
Small buffers, 104 bytes (total 120, permanent 120):
120 in free list (20 min, 250 max allowed)
18937 hits, 0 misses, 0 trims, 0 created
0 failures (0 no memory)
Middle buffers, 600 bytes (total 100, permanent 100):
100 in free list (10 min, 200 max allowed)
58957 hits, 0 misses, 0 trims, 0 created
0 failures (0 no memory)
Big buffers, 1524 bytes (total 20, permanent 20):
20 in free list (5 min, 200 max allowed)
1123 hits, 0 misses, 0 trims, 0 created
0 failures (0 no memory)
VeryBig buffers, 4520 bytes (total 10, permanent 10):
10 in free list (0 min, 300 max allowed)
0 hits, 0 misses, 0 trims, 0 created
0 failures (0 no memory)
Large buffers, 5024 bytes (total 0, permanent 0):
0 in free list (0 min, 20 max allowed)
0 hits, 0 misses, 0 trims, 0 created
0 failures (0 no memory)
Huge buffers, 18024 bytes (total 0, permanent 0):
0 in free list (0 min, 13 max allowed)
0 hits, 0 misses, 0 trims, 0 created
0 failures (0 no memory)
Interface buffer pools:
AAL5_Small buffers, 512 bytes (total 512, permanent 512):
0 in free list (0 min, 512 max allowed)
512 hits, 0 misses
512 max cache size, 512 in cache
AAL5_Medium buffers, 4096 bytes (total 128, permanent 128):
0 in free list (0 min, 128 max allowed)
128 hits, 0 misses
128 max cache size, 128 in cache
AAL5_Large buffers, 9216 bytes (total 64, permanent 64):
0 in free list (0 min, 64 max allowed)
64 hits, 0 misses
64 max cache size, 64 in cache

Table 16-14 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-14   Show Buffers Field Descriptions

Field Description

Buffer elements

Buffer elements are small structures used as placeholders for buffers in internal operating system queues. Buffer elements are used when a buffer may need to be on more than one queue.

Free list

Total number of the currently unallocated buffer elements.

Max allowed

Maximum number of buffers that are available for allocation.


Count of successful attempts to allocate a buffer when needed.


Count of buffer allocation attempts that resulted in growing the buffer pool to allocate a buffer.


Count of new buffers created to satisfy buffer allocation attempts when the available buffers in the pool have already been allocated.

Small buffers

Buffers that are 104 bytes long.

Middle buffers

Buffers that are 600 bytes long.

Big buffers

Buffers that are 1524 bytes long.

VeryBig buffers

Buffers that are 4520 bytes long.

Large buffers

Buffers that are 5024 bytes long.

Huge buffers

Buffers that are 18024 bytes long.


Total number of this type of buffer.


Number of these buffers that are permanent.

Free list

Number of available or unallocated buffers in that pool.


Minimum number of free or unallocated buffers in the buffer pool.

Max allowed

Maximum number of free or unallocated buffers in the buffer pool.


Count of successful attempts to allocate a buffer when needed.


Count of buffer allocation attempts that resulted in growing the buffer pool in order to allocate a buffer.


Count of buffers released to the system because they were not being used. This field is displayed only for dynamic buffer pools, not interface buffer pools, which are static.


Count of new buffers created in response to misses. This field is displayed only for dynamic buffer pools, not interface buffer pools, which are static.


Total number of this type of buffer.


Number of these buffers that are permanent.

Free list

Number of available or unallocated buffers in that pool.


Minimum number of free or unallocated buffers in the buffer pool.

Max allowed

Maximum number of free or unallocated buffers in the buffer pool.


Count of successful attempts to allocate a buffer when needed.

Fall backs

Count of buffer allocation attempts that resulted in falling back to the public buffer pool that is the smallest pool at least as big as the interface buffer pool.

Max Cache Size

Maximum number of buffers from interface pool that can be in the buffer pool's cache. Each interface buffer pool has its own cache. These are not additional permanent buffers; they come from the interface's buffer pools. Some interfaces place all buffers from the interface pool into the cache. In this case, it is normal for the free list to display 0.


Total number of allocation requests that failed because no buffer was available for allocation; the datagram was lost. Such failures normally occur at interrupt level.

No memory

Number of failures that occurred because no memory was available to create a new buffer.

show calendar

To display the calendar hardware setting, use the show calendar EXEC command.

show calendar
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

You can compare the time and date shown with this command with the time and date listed via the show clock command to verify that the calendar and system clock are synchronized. The time displayed is relative to the configured time zone.


In the following sample display, the hardware calendar indicates the timestamp of 12:13:44 p.m. on Thursday, April 4, 1996.

Switch# show calendar
12:13:44 PST Thu April 4 1996
Related Command

show clock

show cdp

To display global CDP information, including timer and hold-time information, use the show cdp privileged EXEC command.

show cdp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following is sample output from the show cdp command. Global CDP timer and hold-time parameters are set to the defaults of 60 and 180 seconds, respectively.

Switch# show cdp
Global CDP information:
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Sending a holdtime value of 180 seconds
Related Commands

cdp holdtime
cdp timer
show cdp entry
show cdp neighbors

show cdp entry

To display information about a neighbor device listed in the CDP table, use the show cdp entry privileged EXEC command.

show cdp entry entry-name [protocol | version]
Syntax Description


Name of neighbor about which you want information.


(Optional) Limits the display to information about the protocols enabled on a device.


(Optional) Limits the display to information about the version of software running on the device.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following is sample output from the show cdp entry privilege command. Only information about the protocols enabled on is displayed.

Switch# show cdp entry protocol
Protocol information for
IP address:
CLNS address: 490001.1111.1111.1111.00
DECnet address: 10.1

The following is sample output from the show cdp entry version command. Only information about the version of software running on is displayed.

Switch# show cdp entry version
Version information for
GS Software (GS3), Experimental Version 10.2(10302) [asmith 161]
Copyright (c) 1986-1994 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 07-Nov-94 14:34
Related Command

show cdp neighbors

show cdp interface

To display information about the interfaces on which CDP is enabled, use the show cdp interface privileged EXEC command.

show cdp interface [type number]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Type of interface about which you want information.


(Optional) Number of the interface about which you want information.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following sample output forms the show cdp interface command. Status information and information about CDP timer and hold-time settings is displayed for all interfaces on which CDP is enabled.

Switch# show cdp interface
Aux0 is up, line protocol is up, encapsulation is SMDS
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Holdtime is 180 seconds
Ethernet 2/0/0 is up, line protocol is up, encapsulation is ARPA
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Holdtime is 180 seconds

The following is sample output from the show cdp interface command with an interface specified. Status information and information about CDP timer and hold-time settings is displayed for Ethernet interface 2/0/0 only.

Switch# show cdp interface ethernet 2/0/0
Ethernet 2/0/0 is up, line protocol is up, encapsulation is ARPA
Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
Holdtime is 180 seconds

show cdp neighbors

To display information about neighbors, use the show cdp neighbors privileged EXEC command.

show cdp neighbors [interface-type interface-number] [detail]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Type of the interface connected to the neighbors about which you want information.


(Optional) Number of the interface connected to the neighbors about which you want information.


(Optional) Displays detailed information about a neighbor (or neighbors) including network address, enabled protocols, hold time, and software version.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following is sample output from the show cdp neighbors command. Device ID, interface type and number, holdtime settings, capabilities, platform, and port ID information about the switch's neighbors are displayed.

Switch# show cdp neighbors
Capability Codes: R - Switch, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP
Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID Eth 0 151 R T AGS Eth 0 Ser 0 165 R T AGS Ser 3

The following is sample output from the show cdp neighbors detail command with information about the ATM neighbors, including network address, enabled protocols, and software version.

Switch# show cdp neighbors detail
Device ID:
Entry address(es):
IP address:
CLNS address: 490001.1111.1111.1111.00
DECnet address: 10.1
Platform: AGS, Capabilities: Switch Trans-Bridge
Interface: Ethernet 2/0/0, Port ID (outgoing port): Ethernet 2/0/0
Holdtime: 143 sec
GS Software (GS3), Experimental Version 10.2(10302) [asmith 161]
Copyright (c) 1986-1994 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 07-Nov-94 14:34
Related Command

show cdp entry

show cdp traffic

To display traffic information from the CDP table, use the show cdp traffic privileged EXEC command.

show cdp traffic
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following is sample output from the show cdp traffic command.

Switch# show cdp traffic
CDP counters:
Packets output: 94, Input: 75
Hdr syntax: 0, Chksum error: 0, Encaps failed: 0
No memory: 0, Invalid packet: 0, Fragmented: 0

In this example, traffic information is displayed including the numbers of packets sent, the number of packets received, header syntax, checksum errors, failed encapsulations, memory problems, and invalid and fragmented packets. Header syntax indicates the number of packets CDP receives that have an invalid header format.

show clock

To display the system clock, use the show clock EXEC command.

show clock [detail]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates the clock source (NTP, VINES, and so forth) and the current summer-time setting (if any).

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The system clock keeps an "authoritative" flag that indicates whether or not the time is authoritative (believed to be accurate). If system clock has been set by a timing source, the flag is set. If the time is not authoritative, it is used only for display purposes. Until the clock is authoritative and the "authoritative" flag is set, the flag prevents the switch from causing peers to synchronize to itself when the switch time is invalid.

The symbol that precedes the show clock display indicates the following:


The following sample output shows that the current clock is authoritative and that the time source is NTP.

Switch# show clock detail
15:29:03.158 PST Sat Ap 4 1997
Time source is NTP
Related Commands

clock set
show calendar

show controllers

To display information about a physical port device, use the show controllers privileged EXEC command.

show controllers [async | ethernet | atm] card/subcard/port
Syntax Description


Card, subcard, and port number for the ATM interface.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following example shows output used for debugging from the show controllers atm command on ATM 0/1/0.

Switch# show controllers atm 0/1/0
IF Name: ATM0/1/0 Chip Base Address: A8908000
Port type: OC3 Port rate: 155 Mbps Port medium: SM Fiber
Port status:SECTION LOS Loopback:None Flags:8300
TX Led: Traffic Pattern RX Led: Traffic Pattern TX clock source: free-running
Framing mode: sts-3c
Cell payload scrambling on
Sts-stream scrambling on
OC3 counters:
Key: txcell - # cells transmitted
rxcell - # cells received
b1 - # section BIP-8 errors
b2 - # line BIP-8 errors
b3 - # path BIP-8 errors
ocd - # out-of-cell delineation errors - not implemented
g1 - # path FEBE errors
z2 - # line FEBE errors
chcs - # correctable HEC errors
uhcs - # uncorrectable HEC errors
txcell:3745, rxcell:98171428
b1:0, b2:0, b3:0, ocd:0
g1:0, z2:0, chcs:0, uhcs:0
OC3 errored secs:
b1:0, b2:0, b3:0, ocd:0
g1:0, z2:0, chcs:0, uhcs:0
OC3 error-free secs:
b1:1249, b2:1249, b3:1249, ocd:0
g1:1249, z2:1249, chcs:1249, uhcs:1249
Clock reg:80
mr 0x30, mcfgr 0x70, misr 0xE0, mcmr 0xEF,
mctlr 0x48, cscsr 0x50, crcsr 0x48, rsop_cier 0x00,
rsop_sisr 0x47, rsop_bip80r 0x00, rsop_bip81r 0x00, tsop_ctlr 0x80,
tsop_diagr 0x80, rlop_csr 0x02, rlop_ieisr 0x0E, rlop_bip8_240r 0x00,
rlop_bip8_241r 0x00, rlop_bip8_242r 0x00, rlop_febe0r 0x00, rlop_febe1r 0x00,
rlop_febe2r 0x00, tlop_ctlr 0x80, tlop_diagr 0x80, rpop_scr 0x1C,
rpop_isr 0x9F, rpop_ier 0xFD, rpop_pslr 0xFF, rpop_pbip80r 0x00,
rpop_pbip81r 0x00, rpop_pfebe0r 0x00, rpop_pfebe1r 0x00, tpop_cdr 0x00,
tpop_pcr 0x00, tpop_ap0r 0x00, tpop_ap1r 0x90, tpop_pslr 0x13,
tpop_psr 0x00, racp_csr 0x84, racp_iesr 0x15, racp_mhpr 0x00,
racp_mhmr 0x00, racp_checr 0x00, racp_uhecr 0x00, racp_rcc0r 0x00,
racp_rcc1r 0x00, racp_rcc2r 0x00, racp_cfgr 0xFC, tacp_csr 0x04,
tacp_iuchpr 0x00, tacp_iucpopr 0x6A, tacp_fctlr 0x00, tacp_tcc0r 0x00,
tacp_tcc1r 0x00, tacp_tcc2r 0x00, tacp_cfgr 0x08,

The following example shows output used for debugging from the show controllers atm command on ATM 2/0/0.

Switch# show control atm 2/0/0
MMC Switch Fabric (idb=0x60695DC0)
Key: discarded cells - # cells discarded due to lack of resources
or policing (16-bit)
invalid cells - # good cells that came in on a non-existent conn.
memory buffer - # cell buffers currently in use
RXcells - # rx cells (16-bit)
TXcells - # tx cells (16-bit)
RHEC - # cells with HEC errors
TPE - # cells with memory parity errors
discarded cells = 43252
invalid cells = 16855
memory buffer = 0
port type status RXcells TXcells RHEC TPE PACE_I PACE_M PACE_X PACE_Y
0/0/0 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
0/0/1 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
0/0/2 155MBPS xytrpm 0x7EDE 0x4336 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
0/0/3 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
0/1/0 155MBPS xytrpm 0xFA24 0x0EAD 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
0/1/1 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
0/1/2 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
0/1/3 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
2/0/0 CPU 0x3D07 0xD697C
3/0/0 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
3/0/1 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
3/0/2 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
3/0/3 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
3/1/0 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
3/1/1 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
3/1/2 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
3/1/3 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
4/0/0 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
4/0/1 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0xAE7D 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
4/0/2 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x5D38 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
4/0/3 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x5D38 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
4/1/0 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
4/1/1 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
4/1/2 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
4/1/3 155MBPS xytrpm 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
Invalid Cell Log
time stamp port pt clp gfc vpi vci
1 0xB6357BE0.0x40ECAA54 0/0/2 0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x12
2 0xB6357BEE.0x40EC9A24 0/0/2 0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x12
3 0xB6357BFC.0x43FEF888 0/0/2 0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x12

show dialer

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To obtain a general diagnostic display for serial interfaces configured for DDR, use the show dialer EXEC command.

show dialer [card/subcard/port]
Syntax Description


Card, subcard, and port number of the interface.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show dialer command for an asynchronous interface.

Switch# show dialer interface atm 3/0/1
atm 3/0/1 - dialer type = IN-BAND NO-PARITY
Idle timer (900 secs), Fast idle timer (20 secs)
Wait for carrier (30 secs), Re-enable (15 secs)
Time until disconnect 838 secs
Current call connected 0:02:16
Connected to 8986
Dial String Successes Failures Last called Last status
8986 0 0 never Default
8986 8 3 0:02:16 Success Default

Table 16-15 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-15   Show Dialer Field Descriptions for In-Band Dialers

Field Description

ATM 3/0/1

Name of an interface.

dialer type = IN-BAND

Indicates that DDR is enabled.

Idle timer (900 secs)

Idle timeout specification (in seconds).

Fast idle timer (20 secs)

Fast idle timer specification (in seconds).

Wait for carrier (30 secs)

Wait for carrier timer specification (in seconds).

Re-enable (15 secs)

Enable timeout specification (in seconds).

Time until disconnected

Time until line is configured to disconnect.

Current call connected

Time at which the current call was connected.

Connected to

Dial string to which line is currently connected.

Dial string

Dial strings of logged calls (telephone numbers). On ISDN BRI interfaces, if you have specified a subaddress number in the dialer string or dialer map command, this number is included in the dial string after a colon.


Successful connections (even if no data is passed).


Failed connections; call not successfully completed.

Last called

Time that last call occurred to specific dial string.

Last status

Status of last call to specific dial string (successful or failed).


If the DDR facility is using the dial string specified with the dialer string command, the word Default is appended to the Last status entry.

If an interface is connected to a destination, a display is provided that indicates the idle time before the line is disconnected (decrements each second). Then the duration of the current connection is shown. The following shows an example of this display; it appears after the third line in the show dialer display.

Switch# show dialer
Time until disconnect 596 secs
Current call connected 0:00:25

After a call disconnects, the system displays the time remaining before being available to dial again. The following is an example of this display; it appears after the third line in the show dialer display.

Switch# show dialer
Time until interface enabled 8 secs

If the show dialer command is issued for an interface on which DDR is not enabled, the system displays an error message. The following is a sample error message.

Switch# show dialer
Async 1 - Dialing not enabled on this interface.
Related Command

dialer-list list

show dnsix

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To display state information and the current configuration of the DNSIX audit writing module, use the show dnsix privileged EXEC command.

show dnsix
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following is sample output from the show dnsix command.

Switch# show dnsix
Audit Trail Enabled with Source
Connected to
Transmit Count 1
DMDP retries 4
Authorization Redirection List:
Record count: 0
Packet Count: 0
Redirect Rcv: 0

show environment

Use the show environment EXEC command to display temperature and voltage information on the console.

show environment
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode



The following is an example from the show environment command.

Switch# show environment
Temperature: OK
Fan: OK
Voltage: OK
Power Supply #0 type: 0 Status: OK

show file

To display the configuration stored in a specified file, use the show file EXEC command.

show file [device:] filename
Syntax Description


(Optional) Device containing the configuration file. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

  • bootflash: This device is the internal Flash memory.
  • slot0: This device is the first PCMCIA slot on the ASP card and is the initial default device.
  • slot1: This device is the second PCMCIA slot on the ASP card.

If you omit the device: argument, the system uses the default device specified by the cd command.


Name of the file. The file can be of any type. The maximum filename length is 63 characters.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

When showing the configuration, the switch informs you whether the displayed configuration is a complete configuration or a distilled version. A distilled configuration is one that does not contain access lists.


The following is sample output from the show file command.

Switch# show file slot0:switch-config
Using 534 out of 129016 bytes
version 10.3
hostname Cyclops
enable-password xxxx
service pad
boot system dross-system
boot system dross-system
exception dump
no ip ipname-lookup
decnet routing 13.1
decnet node-type area
decnet max-address 1023
interface Ethernet 2/0/0
ip address
ip helper-address
ip accounting
ip gdp
decnet cost 3
ip domain-name CISCO.COM
ip name-server
Related Commands


show flash

To display the layout and contents of Flash memory, use one of the following show flash EXEC commands.

show flash [all | chips | filesys] [device:]
Syntax Description


(Optional) The same information as that displayed by the dir command when you use the /all and /long keywords together.

The same information as that displayed by the filesys keyword.

The same information as that displayed by the chips keyword.


(Optional) Shows information per partition and per chip, including which bank the chip is in, plus its code, size, and name.


(Optional) Shows the Device Info Block, the Status Info, and the Usage Info.


(Optional) Specifies the device about which to show Flash information. The device is optional but when it is used, the colon (:) is required. When it is omitted, the default device is that specified by the cd command. Valid devices are as follows:

bootflash: This device is the internal Flash memory.

slot0: This device is the first PCMCIA slot on the ASP card.

slot1: This device is the second PCMCIA slot on the ASP card.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The show flash command displays the type of Flash memory present, any files that might currently exist in PCMCIA slot0: Flash memory, and the amounts of Flash memory used and remaining.

When you specify a PCMCIA slot as the device, the switch displays the layout and contents of the Flash memory card inserted in the specified slot of the ASP card. When you omit the device: argument, the switch displays the default device specified by the cd command. Use the pwd command to show the current default device.


The following is sample output from the show flash command.

Switch# show flash
-#- ED --type-- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- -----date/time------ name
1 .D FFFFFFFF 9099E94C 233F8C 22 2047753 Feb 29 1996 06:30:03 ls1010-i-m_Z
2 .. 1 E9D05582 458C54 29 2247751 Apr 11 1996 16:07:33 rhino/ls101Z
3306412 bytes available (4295764 bytes used)

As the display shows, the Flash memory can store and display multiple, independent software images for booting itself or for TFTP server software for other products. This feature is useful for storing default system software. These images can be stored in compressed format (but cannot be compressed by the switch).

To eliminate any files from Flash memory (invalidated or otherwise) and free up all available memory space, the entire Flash memory must be erased; individual files cannot be erased from Flash memory.

Table 16-16 describes the show flash display fields.

Table 16-16   Show Flash Field Descriptions

Field Description


Filename and status of a system image file. The status [invalidated] appears when a file has been rewritten (recopied) into Flash memory. The first (now invalidated) copy of the file is still present within Flash memory, but it is unusable because of the newest version.


Address of the file in Flash memory.


Size of the system image file (in bytes).

Bytes available/used

Amount of Flash memory used/available amount of Flash memory.

The following is sample output for the show flash all command that has Flash memory partitioned.

Switch# show flash all
-#- ED --type-- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- -----date/time------ name
1 .D FFFFFFFF 9099E94C 233F8C 22 2047753 Feb 29 1996 06:30:03 ls1010-i-m_Z
2 .. 1 E9D05582 458C54 29 2247751 Apr 11 1996 16:07:33 rhino/ls101Z
3306412 bytes available (4295764 bytes used)
-------- F I L E S Y S T E M S T A T U S --------
Device Number = 2
Magic Number = 6887635 File System Vers = 10000 (1.0)
Length = 800000 Sector Size = 40000
Programming Algorithm = 5 Erased State = FFFFFFFF
File System Offset = 40000 Length = 740000
MONLIB Offset = 100 Length = A570
Bad Sector Map Offset = 3FFFC Length = 4
Squeeze Log Offset = 780000 Length = 40000
Squeeze Buffer Offset = 7C0000 Length = 40000
Num Spare Sectors = 0
NO File Open for Write
Complete Stats
No Unrecovered Errors
Squeeze in progress
Bytes Used = 418C54 Bytes Available = 3273AC
Bad Sectors = 0 Spared Sectors = 0
OK Files = 1 Bytes = 224C48
Deleted Files = 1 Bytes = 1F3F0C
Files w/Errors = 0 Bytes = 0
******** RSP Internal Flash Bank -- Intel Chips ********
Flash SIMM Reg: 401
2 Banks
Bank Size = 4M
HW Rev = 1
Flash Status Registers: Bank 0
Intelligent ID Code : 89898989 A2A2A2A2
Status Reg: 80808080
Flash Status Registers: Bank 1
Intelligent ID Code : 89898989 A2A2A2A2
Status Reg: 80808080
slot0, slot1, bootflash, nvram, tftp, rcp

Table 16-17 describes the show flash all display fields.

Table 16-17   Show Flash All Fields for Partitioned Flash Memory

Field Description


Size of bank in bytes.


Chip number.


Bank number.


Code number.


Size of chip.


Name of chip.

If you do not use the cd command to change the present working device to slot 1, you can display the same sample output with the following command.

Switch# show flash slot1:
-#- ED --type-- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- -----date/time------ name
1 .. 1 46A11866 2036C 4 746 May 16 1996 16:24:37 test

The following is sample output for the show flash filesys command.

Switch# show flash filesys slot1:
-------- F I L E S Y S T E M S T A T U S --------
Device Number = 1
Magic Number = 6887635 File System Vers = 10000 (1.0)
Length = 800000 Sector Size = 20000
Programming Algorithm = 4 Erased State = FFFFFFFF
File System Offset = 20000 Length = 7A0000
MONLIB Offset = 100 Length = A140
Bad Sector Map Offset = 1FFF8 Length = 8
Squeeze Log Offset = 7C0000 Length = 20000
Squeeze Buffer Offset = 7E0000 Length = 20000
Num Spare Sectors = 0
NO File Open for Write
Complete Stats
No Unrecovered Errors
Squeeze in progress
Bytes Used = 36C Bytes Available = 79FC94
Bad Sectors = 0 Spared Sectors = 0
OK Files = 1 Bytes = 2EC
Deleted Files = 0 Bytes = 0
Files w/Errors = 0 Bytes = 0

The following is sample output for the show flash chips bootflash: command.

Switch# show flash chips bootflash:
******** ASP Internal Flash Bank -- Intel Chips ********
Flash SIMM Reg: 401
2 Banks
Bank Size = 4M
HW Rev = 1
Flash Status Registers: Bank 0
Intelligent ID Code: 89898989 A2A2A2A2
Status Reg: 80808080
Flash Status Registers: Bank 1
Intelligent ID Code: 89898989 A2A2A2A2
Status Reg: 80808080

In the following example, the present working device is bootflash. The sample output displays the show flash all output.

Switch# cd bootflash:
Switch# show flash all
-#- ED --type-- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- -----date/time------ name
1 .. FFFFFFFF 49B403EE 3D0510 21 3736719 May 30 1996 17:47:54 dirt/yanke/m
3865328 bytes available (3736848 bytes used)
-------- F I L E S Y S T E M S T A T U S --------
Device Number = 2
Magic Number = 6887635 File System Vers = 10000 (1.0)
Length = 800000 Sector Size = 40000
Programming Algorithm = 5 Erased State = FFFFFFFF
File System Offset = 40000 Length = 740000
MONLIB Offset = 100 Length = A270
Bad Sector Map Offset = 3FFFC Length = 4
Squeeze Log Offset = 780000 Length = 40000
Squeeze Buffer Offset = 7C0000 Length = 40000
Num Spare Sectors = 0
NO File Open for Write
Complete Stats
No Unrecovered Errors
Squeeze in progress
Bytes Used = 390510 Bytes Available = 3AFAF0
Bad Sectors = 0 Spared Sectors = 0
OK Files = 1 Bytes = 390490
Deleted Files = 0 Bytes = 0
Files w/Errors = 0 Bytes = 0
******** ASP Internal Flash Bank -- Intel Chips ********
Flash SIMM Reg: 401
2 Banks
Bank Size = 4M
HW Rev = 1
Flash Status Registers: Bank 0
Intelligent ID Code : 89898989 A2A2A2A2
Status Reg: 80808080
Flash Status Registers: Bank 1
Intelligent ID Code: 89898989 A2A2A2A2
Status Reg: 80808080
slot0, slot1, bootflash, nvram, tftp, rcp

show hardware

To display the revision number of the hardware, use the show hardware EXEC command.

show hardware
Syntax Description

This command had no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode



The following is a sample output from the show hardware command.

Switch# show hardware
LS1010 named Switch, Date: 18:17:15 UTC Thu Mar 14 1996
Slot Ctrlr-Type Part No. Rev Ser No Mfg Date RMA No. Hw Vrs Tst EEP
---- ------------ ---------- -- -------- -------- -------- ------- --- ---
3/0 155MM PAM UNKNOWN 00 UNKNOWN 0/00/55 00-00-00 255.255 FF 3
3/1 155MM PAM 73-1496-03 00 03115065 3/14/96 00-00-00 3.0 0 2
4/0 E3 PAM 73-1573-01 10 02828094 3/08/96 00-00-00 1.0 0 2
4/1 155MM PAM 73-1496-03 06 02202251 3/01/96 00-00-00 3.0 0 2
2/0 ATM Swi/Proc 00-0000-00 00 00000000 0/00/00 00-00-00 0.0 0 0

show history

To list the commands you have entered in the current EXEC session, use the show history EXEC command.

show history
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The command history feature provides a record of EXEC commands you have entered. The number of commands the history buffer records is determined by the history size line configuration command or the terminal history size EXEC command.

Table 16-18 lists the keys and functions you can use to recall commands from the command history buffer.

Table 16-18   History Keys

Key Function

Ctrl-P or Up arrow

Recalls commands in the history buffer in a backward sequence, beginning with the most recent command. Repeat the key sequence to recall successively older commands.

Ctrl-N or Down arrow

Returns to more recent commands in the history buffer after recalling commands with Ctrl-P or the Up arrow. Repeat the key sequence to recall successively more recent commands.


The following is sample output from the show history command, which lists the commands the user has entered in EXEC mode for this session.

Switch# show history
show hosts
show history
Related Commands

history size
terminal history size

show hosts

To display the default domain name, the style of name lookup service, a list of name server hosts, and the cached list of host names and addresses, use the show hosts EXEC command.

show hosts
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show hosts command.

Switch# show hosts
Default domain is CISCO.COM
Name/address lookup uses domain service
Name servers are
Host               Flag         Age    Type        Address(es)
SLAG.CISCO.COM     (temp, OK)   1      IP
CHAR.CISCO.COM     (temp, OK)   8      IP
CHAOS.CISCO.COM    (temp, OK)   8      IP
DIRT.CISCO.COM     (temp, EX)   8      IP
DUSTBIN.CISCO.COM  (temp, EX)   0      IP
DREGS.CISCO.COM    (temp, EX)   24     IP

Table 16-19 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-19   Show Hosts Field Descriptions

Field Description


A temporary entry is entered by a name server; the switch removes the entry after 72 hours of inactivity.
A perm entry is entered by a configuration command and is not timed out. Entries marked OK are believed to be valid. Entries marked ?? are considered suspect and subject to revalidation. Entries marked EX are expired.


Indicates the number of hours since the switch last referred to the cache entry.


Identifies the type of address, for example, IP, CLNS, or X.121. If you have used the ip hp-host global configuration command, the show hosts command will display these host names as type HP-IP.


Shows the address of the host. One host may have up to eight addresses.

Related Command

clear host

show interface

To display the interface configuration, status, and statistics, use the show interface command.

show interface
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode



The following is a sample output from the show interface command. In this example, CRC is the number of correctable and uncorrectable input HCS errors.

Input packet and output packet are the number of terminated cells received or transmitted over the interface for physical ports. For the CPU port, it is the number of AAL5 packets plus the terminating OAM cells received or transmitted.

Switch# show interface
ATM2/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is ATMS2000 switch fabric
Internet address is
MTU 4470 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 0 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
NSAP address: 47.00918100000000000CA7CE01.0003BBE42A06.00
Encapsulation ATM, loopback not set, keepalive not set
2048 maximum active VCs, 0 VCs per VP, 0 current VCCs
VC idle disconnect time: 300 seconds
Signalling vc = 32, vpi = 0, vci = 5
UNI Version = 3.0, Link Side = user
Last input 0:00:02, output 0:00:02, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Input queue: 0/75/0 (size/max/drops); Total output drops: 0
Output queue: 0/64/0 (size/threshold/drops)
Conversations 0/0 (active/max active)
Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated)
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
8977 packets input, 566317 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
8981 packets output, 475993 bytes, 0 underruns
5 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets, 0 restarts
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
Ethernet2/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is SonicT, address is 0002.bbe4.2a00 (bia 0002.bbe4.2a00)
Internet address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec)
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 4:00:00
Last input 0:00:03, output 0:00:04, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops
5 minute input rate 2000 bits/sec, 2 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
70468 packets input, 29650832 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 70458 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
0 input packets with dribble condition detected
1140 packets output, 359630 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets, 0 restarts
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out

Table 16-20 describes the fields shown in the displays.

Table 16-20  

Field Description


Number of Maximum Transfer Units.


Number of the Band Width (kbps).


Number of station delay parameter (used by IGRP).


Number of reliability coefficient.


Number of load (IGRP).

last input

Amount of time since last input in the following format: hh:mm:ss

last output

Amount of time since last output in the following format: hh:mm:ss

output hang

Time of last reset for output failure.

output queue

Size of output queue/default size of queue.


Number of all output drops.

packets input

Number of all packets received since last reset.


Number of all bytes received since last reset.

no buffers

Number of all drops because of no buffers.

broadcasts, runts, giants

Not applicable if this is an ATM interface.

input errors

Number of damaged packets received.


Number of packets received with correctable and uncorrectable input HCS errors.


Number of packets with framing and alignment errors.

overrun, ignored, abort

Not applicable if this is an ATM interface.

Show Interface Field Descriptions

show ip access-lists

To display the contents of all current IP access lists, use the show ip access-list EXEC command.

show ip access-list [access-list-number]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Number of the IP access list to display. This is a decimal number from 1 to 199.


Displays all standard and extended IP access lists.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The show ip access-list command provides output identical to the show access-lists command, except that it is IP-specific and allows you to specify a particular access list.


The following is sample output from the show ip access-list command.

Switch# show ip access-list
Extended IP access list 101
deny udp any any eq ntp
permit tcp any any
permit udp any any eq tftp
permit icmp any any
permit udp any any eq domain

show ip accounting

To display the active accounting or checkpointed database or to display access-list violations, use the show ip accounting EXEC command.

show ip accounting [access-violations | checkpoint | output-packets]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Shows the access violation in the accounting database.


(Optional) Indicates the checkpointed database should be displayed.


(Optional) Indicates that information pertaining to packets that passed access control and were successfully routed should be displayed.


If neither the output-packets nor access-violations keyword is specified, show ip accounting displays information pertaining to packets that passed access control and were successfully routed.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

If you do not specify any keywords, the show ip accounting command displays information about the active accounting database.

To display IP access violations, you must give the access-violations keyword on the command. If you do not specify the keyword, the command defaults to displaying the number of packets that have passed access lists and were routed.

To use this command, you must first enable IP accounting on a per-interface basis.


Following is sample output from the show ip accounting command.

Switch# show ip accounting
Source Destination Packets Bytes 7 306 67 2749 17 1111 5 319 463 30991 4 262 28 2552 39 2184 35 3020 1986 95091 233 14908 390 24817 214669 9806659 27739 1126607 35412 1523980 11 824 21 1762 797 141054 4 246 15696 695635 21 916 16 1137

The following is sample output from the show ip accounting access-violations command. The output pertains to packets that failed access lists and were not routed.

Switch# show ip accounting access-violations
Source Destination Packets Bytes ACL 7 306 77 67 2749 185 17 1111 140 5 319 140 4 262 77
Accounting data age is 41

Table 16-21 describes the fields shown in the displays.

Table 16-21   Show IP Accounting (and Access-Violation) Field Descriptions

Field Description


Source address of the packet.


Destination address of the packet.


Number of packets transmitted from the source address to the destination address.

With the access-violations keyword, the number of packets transmitted from the source address to the destination address that violated an access control list.


Sum of the total number of bytes (IP header and data) of all IP packets transmitted from the source address to the destination address.

With the access-violations keyword, the total number of bytes transmitted from the source address to the destination address that violated an access-control list.


Number of the access list of the last packet transmitted from the source to the destination that failed an access list filter.

Related Commands

clear ip accounting
ip accounting
ip accounting-list
ip accounting-threshold
ip accounting-transits

show ip aliases

To display the switch's IP addresses mapped to TCP ports (aliases) and SLIP addresses, which are treated similarly to aliases, use the show ip aliases EXEC command.

show ip aliases
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

To distinguish a SLIP address from a normal alias address, the command output uses the form SLIP TTY1 for the "port" number, where 1 is the auxiliary port.


The following is sample output from the show ip aliases command. The display lists the IP address and corresponding port number.

Switch# show ip aliases
IP Address Port SLIP TTY1
Related Command

show line

show ip arp

To display the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache, where SLIP addresses appear as permanent ARP table entries, use the show ip arp EXEC command.

show ip arp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

ARP establishes correspondences between network addresses (an IP address, for example) and LAN hardware addresses (Ethernet addresses). A record of each correspondence is kept in a cache for a predetermined amount of time and then discarded.


The following is sample output from the show ip arp command.

Switch# show ip arp
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet 112 VCD#0000 ARPA Ethernet2/0/0
Internet - 0002.bbe4.2a00 ARPA Ethernet2/0/0

Table 16-22 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-22   Show IP ARP Field Displays

Field Description


Protocol for network address in the Address field.


The network address that corresponds to Hardware Addr.

Age (min)

Age, in minutes, of the cache entry.

Hardware Addr

LAN hardware address a MAC address that corresponds to network address.


Type of encapsulation:

  • ARPA—Ethernet
  • SNAP—RFC 1042
  • SAP—IEEE 802.3


Interface to which this address mapping has been assigned.

show ip cache

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To display the routing table cache used to fast switch IP traffic, use the show ip cache EXEC command.

show ip cache [prefix mask] [type]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays only the entries in the cache that match the prefix and mask combination.


(Optional) Displays only the entries in the cache that match the prefix and mask combination.


Displays the buffers assigned to an input interface. You must specify an ATM, ethernet, null, or verbose interface.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The show ip cache display shows MAC headers up to 92 bytes.


The following is sample output from the show ip cache command.

Switch# show ip cache
IP routing cache version 4490, 141 entries, 20772 bytes, 0 hash overflows
Minimum invalidation interval 2 seconds, maximum interval 5 seconds,
quiet interval 3 seconds, threshold 0 requests
Invalidation rate 0 in last second, 0 in last 3 seconds
Last full cache invalidation occurred 0:06:31 ago
Prefix/Length Age Interface MAC Header 0:01:09 Ethernet0/0 AA000400013400000C0357430800 0:04:32 Ethernet0/0 00000C01281200000C0357430800 0:02:53 Ethernet0/0 00000C029FD000000C0357430800 0:00:21 Ethernet1/2 00000C026BC600000C03574D0800 0:02:00 Ethernet1/2 00000C026BC600000C03574D0800 0:00:00 Ethernet1/2 00000C04520800000C03574D0800 0:05:17 Ethernet0/2 00000C025FF500000C0357450800 0:04:08 Ethernet1/2 00000C010E3A00000C03574D0800 0:05:10 Ethernet0/0 00000C01281200000C0357430800 0:06:29 Ethernet0/0 00000C01281200000C0357430800

Table 16-23 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-23   Show IP Cache Field Descriptions

Field Description

IP routing cache version

Version number of this table. This number is incremented any time the table is flushed.


Number of valid entries.


Number of bytes of processor memory for valid entries.

hash overflows

Number of times autonomous switching cache overflowed.

Minimum invalidation interval

Minimum time delay between cache invalidation request and actual invalidation.

maximum interval

Maximum time delay between cache invalidation request and actual invalidation.

quiet interval

Length of time between cache flush requests before the cache will be flushed.

threshold n requests

Maximum number of requests that can occur while the cache is considered quiet.

Invalidation rate n in last m seconds

Number of cache invalidations during the last m seconds.

0 in last 3 seconds

Number of cache invalidation requests during the last quiet interval.

Last full cache invalidation occurred nn:nn:nn ago

Time since last full cache invalidation was performed.


Network reachability information for cache entry.


Age of cache entry.


Output interface type and number.

MAC Header

Layer 2 encapsulation information for cache entry.

The following is sample output from the show ip cache command with a prefix and mask specified.

Switch# show ip cache
IP routing cache version 4490, 119 entries, 17464 bytes, 0 hash overflows
Minimum invalidation interval 2 seconds, maximum interval 5 seconds,
quiet interval 3 seconds, threshold 0 requests
Invalidation rate 0 in last second, 0 in last 3 seconds
Last full cache invalidation occurred 0:11:56 ago
Prefix/Length Age Interface MAC Header 0:00:34 Ethernet1/2 00000C04520800000C03574D0800

The following is sample output from the show ip cache command with an interface specified.

Switch# show ip cache e0/2
IP routing cache version 4490, 141 entries, 20772 bytes, 0 hash overflows
Minimum invalidation interval 2 seconds, maximum interval 5 seconds,
quiet interval 3 seconds, threshold 0 requests
Invalidation rate 0 in last second, 0 in last 3 seconds
Last full cache invalidation occurred 0:06:31 ago
Prefix/Length Age Interface MAC Header 0:05:17 Ethernet0/2 00000C025FF500000C0357450800

show ip eigrp neighbors

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To display the neighbors discovered by Enhanced IGRP, use the show ip eigrp neighbors EXEC command.

show ip eigrp neighbors [type | number]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Interface type.


(Optional) Interface number.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use the show ip eigrp neighbors command to determine when neighbors become active and inactive. It is also useful for debugging certain types of transport problems.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp neighbors command.

Switch# show ip eigrp neighbors
IP-EIGRP Neighbors for process 77
Address Interface Holdtime Uptime Q Seq SRTT RTO
(secs) (h:m:s) Count Num (ms) (ms) Ethernet1 13 0:00:41 0 11 4 20 Ethernet0 14 0:02:01 0 10 12 24 Ethernet0 12 0:02:02 0 4 5 20

Table 16-24 explains the fields in the output.

Table 16-24   Show IP EIGRP Neighbors Field Descriptions

Field Description

process 77

Autonomous system number specified in the router configuration command.


IP address of the enhanced IGRP peer.


Interface on which the switch is receiving hello packets from the peer.


Length of time, in seconds, that the switch waits to hear from the peer before declaring it down. If the peer is using the default hold time, this number is less than 15. If the peer configures a nondefault hold time, it is reflected here.


Elapsed time, in hours, minutes, and seconds, since the local switch first heard from this neighbor.

Q Count

Number of Enhanced IGRP packets (Update, Query, and Reply) that the switch is waiting to send.

Seq Num

Sequence number of the last update, query, or reply packet that was received from this neighbor.


Smooth round-trip time. This is the number of milliseconds it takes for an Enhanced IGRP packet to be sent to this neighbor and for the local switch to receive an acknowledgment of that packet.


Retransmission timeout, in milliseconds. This is the amount of time the switch waits before retransmitting a packet from the retransmission queue to a neighbor.

show ip eigrp topology

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To display the Enhanced IGRP topology table, use the show ip eigrp topology EXEC command.

show ip eigrp topology [autonomous-system-number | [[ip-address] mask]]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Autonomous system number.


(Optional) IP address. When specified with a mask, a detailed description of the entry is provided.


(Optional) Subnet mask.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use the show ip eigrp topology command to determine DUAL states and to debug possible DUAL problems.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp topology command.

Switch# show ip eigrp topology
IP-EIGRP Topology Table for process 77
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
r - Reply status
P, 2 successors, FD is 0
via (46251776/46226176), Ethernet0
via (46251776/46226176), Ethernet1
via (46277376/46251776), Ethernet0
P, 1 successors, FD is 307200
via Connected, Ethernet1
via (307200/281600), Ethernet1
via (307200/281600), Ethernet0
via (332800/307200), Ethernet0

Table 16-25 explains the fields in the output.

Table 16-25   Show IP EIGRP Topology Field Descriptions

Field Description


State of this topology table entry. Passive and Active refer to the Enhanced IGRP state with respect to this destination; Update, Query, and Reply refer to the type of packet that is being sent.

P - Passive

No Enhanced IGRP computations are being performed for this destination.

A - Active

Enhanced IGRP computations are being performed for this destination.

U - Update

Indicates that an update packet was sent to this destination.

Q - Query

Indicates that a query packet was sent to this destination.

R - Reply

Indicates that a reply packet was sent to this destination.

r - Reply status

Flag that is set when after the switch has sent a query and is waiting for a reply. and so on

Destination IP network number.

Destination subnet mask.


Number of successors. This number corresponds to the number of next hops in the IP routing table.


Feasible distance. This value is used in the feasibility condition check. If the neighbor's reported distance (the metric after the slash) is less than the feasible distance, the feasibility condition is met and that path is a feasible successor. Once the switch determines it has a feasible successor, it does not have to send a query for that destination.


Number of replies that are still outstanding (have not been received) with respect to this destination. This information appears only when the destination is in Active state.


Exact Enhanced IGRP state that this destination is in. It can be the number 0, 1, 2, or 3. This information appears only when the destination is Active.


IP address of the peer who told the switch about this destination. The first N of these entries, where N is the number of successors, are the current successors. The remaining entries on the list are feasible successors.


The first number is the Enhanced IGRP metric that represents the cost to the destination. The second number is the Enhanced IGRP metric that this peer advertised.


Interface from which this information was learned.

show ip eigrp traffic

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To display the number of Enhanced IGRP packets sent and received, use the show ip eigrp traffic EXEC command.

show ip eigrp traffic [autonomous-system-number]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Autonomous system number.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp traffic command.

Switch# show ip eigrp traffic
IP-EIGRP Traffic Statistics for process 77
Hellos sent/received: 218/205
Updates sent/received: 7/23
Queries sent/received: 2/0
Replies sent/received: 0/2
Acks sent/received: 21/14

Table 16-26 describes the fields that might be shown in the display.

Table 16-26   Show IP EIGRP Traffic Field Descriptions

Field Description

process 77

Autonomous system number specified in the ip router command.

Hellos sent/received

Number of hello packets that were sent and received.

Updates sent/received

Number of update packets that were sent and received.

Queries sent/received

Number of query packets that were sent and received.

Replies sent/received

Number of reply packets that were sent and received.

Acks sent/received

Number of acknowledgment packets that were sent and received.

show ip interface

To display the usability status of interfaces configured for IP, use the show ip interface EXEC command.

show ip interface [type | number]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Interface type.


(Optional) Interface number.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

A switch automatically enters a directly connected route in the routing table if the interface is usable. A usable interface is one through which the switch can send and receive packets. If the switch determines that an interface is not usable, it removes the directly connected routing entry from the routing table. Removing the entry allows the switch to use dynamic routing protocols to determine backup routes to the network (if any).

If the interface can provide two-way communication, the line protocol is marked "up." If the interface hardware is usable, the interface is marked "up."

If you specify an optional interface type, you will see only information on that specific interface.

If you specify no optional arguments, you will see information on all the interfaces.


The following is sample output from the show ip interface command.

Switch# show ip interface
Ethernet2/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet address is, subnet mask is
Broadcast address is
Address determined by non-volatile memory
MTU is 1500 bytes
Helper address is not set
Secondary address, subnet mask
  Directed broadcast forwarding is enabled
Multicast groups joined:
Outgoing access list is not set
Inbound access list is not set
Proxy ARP is enabled
Security level is default
Split horizon is enabled
ICMP redirects are always sent
ICMP unreachables are always sent
ICMP mask replies are never sent
IP fast switching is enabled
IP fast switching on the same interface is disabled
IP SSE switching is disabled
RouterDiscovery is disabled
IP output packet accounting is disabled
IP access violation accounting is disabled
TCP/IP header compression is disabled
Probe proxy name replies are disabled

Table 16-27 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-27   Show IP Interface Field Descriptions

Field Description

Ethernet 2/0/0 is up

If the interface hardware is usable, the interface is marked "up." For an interface to be usable, both the interface hardware and line protocol must be up.

line protocol is up

If the interface can provide two-way communication, the line protocol is marked "up." For an interface to be usable, both the interface hardware and line protocol must be up.

Broadcast address

Shows the broadcast address.

Address determined by ...

Indicates how the IP address of the interface was determined.


Shows the MTU value set on the interface.

Helper address

Shows a helper address if one has been set.

Secondary address

Shows a secondary address if one has been set.

Directed broadcast forwarding

Indicates whether directed broadcast forwarding is enabled.

Multicast groups joined

Lists which multicast groups in which this interface is a member.

Outgoing access list

Indicates whether the interface has an outgoing access list set.

Inbound access list

Indicates whether the interface has an incoming access list set.

Proxy ARP

Indicates whether Proxy ARP is enabled for the interface.

Security level

Specifies the IPSO security level set for this interface.

ICMP redirects

Specifies whether redirects will be sent on this interface.

ICMP unreachables

Specifies whether unreachable messages will be sent on this interface.

ICMP mask replies

Specifies whether mask replies are sent on this interface.

IP fast switching

Specifies whether fast switching has been enabled for this interface. It is generally enabled on serial interfaces, such as this one. This is disabled.

IP SSE switching

Specifies whether IP SSE switching is enabled. This is disabled.

Router Discovery

Specifies whether the discovery process has been enabled for this interface. It is generally disabled on serial interfaces. This is disabled.

IP output packet accounting

Specifies whether IP accounting is enabled for this interface and the threshold (maximum number of entries).

TCP/IP header compression

Indicates whether compression is enabled or disabled.

Probe proxy name

Indicates whether HP Probe proxy name replies are generated.

show ip irdp

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To display IRDP values, use the show ip irdp EXEC command.

show ip irdp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show ip irdp command.

Switch# show ip irdp
Ethernet 2/0/0 has discovery enabled
Advertisements will occur between every 450 and 600 seconds.
Advertisements are valid for 1800 seconds.
Default preference will be 100.
Ethernet 2/0/0 has switch discovery disabled

As the display shows, show ip irdp output indicates whether switch discovery has been configured for each interface and lists the values of discovery configurables for those interfaces on which discovery has been enabled. Explanations for the less self-evident lines of output in the display follow.

Advertisements will occur between every 450 and 600 seconds.

Indicates the configured minimum and maximum advertising interval for the interface.

Advertisements are valid for 1800 seconds.

Indicates the configured holdtime values for the interface.

Default preference will be 100.

Indicates the configured (or in this case default) preference value for the interface.

show ip local-pool

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To display statistics for any defined IP address pools, use the show ip local-pool command.

show ip local-pool [name]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of a specific IP address pool.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.

Usage Guidelines

If you omit the variable name, the software will display a generic list of all defined address pools and the IP addresses that belong to them. If you specify a name, the software displays more detailed information for that pool.


The following is sample output from the show ip local-pool command.

Switch# show ip local-pool
Scope Begin End Free InUse
Dialin 16 0
Available addresses: Async5
Inuse addresses:

Table 16-28 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-28   Show IP Local Pool Field Descriptions

Field Description


The type of access.


The first IP address in the defined range of addresses in this pool.


The last IP address in the defined range of addresses in this pool.


The number of addresses currently available.


The number of addresses currently in use.

Related Command

ip address

show ip masks

To display the masks used for network addresses and the number of subnets using each mask, use the show ip masks EXEC command.

show ip masks address
Syntax Description


Network address for which a mask is required.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The show ip masks command is useful for debugging when variable-length subnet masks (VLSM) are used. It shows the number of masks associated with the network and the number of routes for each mask.


The following is sample output from the show ip masks command.

Switch# show ip masks
Mask Reference count 2 3 1

show ip protocols

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To display the parameters and current state of the active routing protocol process, use the show ip protocols EXEC command.

show ip protocols [summary]
Syntax Description


Summarizes the information displayed.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The information displayed by show ip protocols is useful in debugging routing operations.

show ip redirects

To display the address of a default gateway and the address of hosts for which a redirect has been received, use the show ip redirects EXEC command.

show ip redirects
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show ip redirects command.

Switch# show ip redirects
Default gateway is
Host Gateway Last Use Total Uses Interface 0:00 9 Ethernet2/0/0 0:00 4 Ethernet2/0/0
Related Command

ip redirects

show ip route

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To display the entries in the routing table, use the show ip route EXEC command.

show ip route [address [mask]] | [protocol]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Address about routing information to be displayed.


(Optional) Argument for a subnet mask.


(Optional) Argument for a particular routing protocol, or static or connected.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show ip route command entered when you do not specify an address.

Switch# show ip route
Codes: I - IGRP derived, R - RIP derived, O - OSPF derived
C - connected, S - static, E - EGP derived, B - BGP derived
* - candidate default route, IA - OSPF inter area route
E1 - OSPF external type 1 route, E2 - OSPF external type 2 route
Gateway of last resort is to network
O E2 [160/5] via, 0:01:00, Ethernet2
E [200/128] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
O E2 [160/5] via, 0:00:59, Ethernet2
O E2 [160/5] via, 0:00:59, Ethernet2
E [200/128] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/129] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/128] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/128] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/129] via, 0:02:23, Ethernet2
E [200/128] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/129] via, 0:02:23, Ethernet2
E [200/128] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/129] via, 0:02:23, Ethernet2
E [200/129] via, 0:02:22, Ethernet2
E [200/129] via, 0:02:23, Ethernet2

The following is sample output from the show ip route command when you specify an address.

Switch# show ip route
Switch entry for (mask
Known via "connected", distance 0, metric 0 (connected)
Tag 0
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
* directly connected, via Ethernet1
Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1

Table 16-29 describes the significant field shown in the display.

Table 16-29   Show IP Route Field Descriptions When You Specify an Address

Field Description


Network mask associated with the route.


Routing protocol name, or connected or static.


Administrative distance.


Route metric that was either configured or learned from the particular route.

Routing Descriptor Blocks

Up to 4: Indicates the IP address of the next hop or the interface to which the particular route is connected.

show ip route summary

To display summary information about entries in the routing table, use the show ip route summary EXEC command.

show ip route summary
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show ip route summary command.

Switch# show ip route summary
Route Source Networks Subnets Overhead Memory (bytes)
connected 0 3 126 360
static 1 2 126 360
igrp 109 747 12 31878 91080
internal 3 360
Total 751 17 32130 92160

Table 16-30 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-30   Show IP Route Summary Field Descriptions

Field Description

Route Source

Routing protocol name, or connected, static, or internal.
Internal—those routes that are in the primary routing table merely as markers to hold subnet routes. These routes are not owned by any routing protocol. There should be one of these internal routes for each subnetted network in the routing table.


The number of Class A, B, or C networks that are present in the routing table for each route source.


The number of subnets that are present in the routing table for each route source, including host routes.


Any additional memory involved in allocating the routes for the particular route source other than the memory specified under "Memory."


The number of bytes allocated to maintain all the routes for the particular route source.

Related Command

show ip interface

show ip tcp header-compression

To display statistics about TCP header compression, use the show ip tcp header-compression EXEC command.

show ip tcp header-compression type
Syntax Description


Displays the buffers assigned to an input interface. You must specify an atm, ethernet, or null interface.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show ip tcp header-compression command.

Switch# show ip tcp header-compression
TCP/IP header compression statistics:
Interface Aux 1: (passive, compressing)
Rcvd:     4060 total, 2891 compressed, 0 errors
              0 dropped, 1 buffer copies, 0 buffer failures
   Sent:     4284 total, 3224 compressed,
             105295 bytes saved, 661973 bytes sent
              1.15 efficiency improvement factor
Connect:  16 slots, 1543 long searches, 2 misses, 99% hit ratio
              Five minute miss rate 0 misses/sec, 0 max misses/sec

Table 16-31 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-31   Show IP TCP Header-Compression

Field Description




Total number of TCP packets received.


Total number of TCP packets compressed.


Unknown packets.


Number of packets dropped due to invalid compression.

 buffer copies

Number of packets that had to be copied into bigger buffers for decompression.

 buffer failures

Number of packets dropped due to a lack of buffers.




Total number of TCP packets sent.


Total number of TCP packets compressed.

 bytes saved

Number of bytes reduced.

 bytes sent

Number of bytes sent.

 efficiency  improvement  factor

Improvement in line efficiency because of TCP header compression.



 number of slots

Size of the cache.

 long searches

Indicates the number of times the software had to look to find a match.


Indicates the number of times a match could not be made. If your output shows a large miss rate, the number of allowable simultaneous compression connections may be too small.

 hit ratio

Percentage of times the software found a match and was able to compress the header.

 Five minute miss rate

Calculates the miss rate over the previous 5 minutes for a longer-term (and more accurate) look at miss rate trends.

max misses/sec

Maximum value of the previous field.

Field Descriptions

Related Command

ip tcp synwait-time

show ip traffic

To display statistics about IP traffic, use the show ip traffic EXEC command.

show ip traffic
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show ip traffic command.

Switch# show ip traffic
IP statistics:
   Rcvd:  98 total, 98 local destination
         0 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 0 bad hop count
         0 unknown protocol, 0 not a gateway
         0 security failures, 0 bad options
   Frags: 0 reassembled, 0 timeouts, 0 too big
         0 fragmented, 0 couldn't fragment
   Bcast: 38 received, 52 sent
   Sent: 44 generated, 0 forwarded
         0 encapsulation failed, 0 no route
ICMP statistics:
   Rcvd:  0 checksum errors, 0 redirects, 0 unreachable, 0 echo
         0 echo reply, 0 mask requests, 0 mask replies, 0 quench
         0 parameter, 0 timestamp, 0 info request, 0 other
   Sent:  0 redirects, 3 unreachable, 0 echo, 0 echo reply
         0 mask requests, 0 mask replies, 0 quench, 0 timestamp
         0 info reply, 0 time exceeded, 0 parameter problem
UDP statistics:
   Rcvd:  56 total, 0 checksum errors, 55 no port
   Sent:  18 total, 0 forwarded broadcasts
TCP statistics:
  Rcvd:  0 total, 0 checksum errors, 0 no port
   Sent:  0 total
EGP statistics:
   Rcvd:  0 total, 0 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 0 no listener
  Sent:  0 total
IGRP statistics:
   Rcvd:  73 total, 0 checksum errors
  Sent:  26 total
HELLO statistics:
   Rcvd:  0 total, 0 checksum errors
   Sent:  0 total
ARP statistics:
   Rcvd:  20 requests, 17 replies, 0 reverse, 0 other
   Sent:  0 requests, 9 replies (0 proxy), 0 reverse
Probe statistics:
   Rcvd:  6 address requests, 0 address replies
0 proxy name requests, 0 other
   Sent:  0 address requests, 4 address replies (0 proxy)
         0 proxy name replies

Table 16-32 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-32   Show IP Traffic Field Descriptions

Field Description

format errors

A gross error in the packet format, such as an impossible Internet header length.

bad hop count

Occurs when a packet is discarded because its time-to-live (TTL) field was decremented to zero.

encapsulation failed

Usually indicates that the switch had no ARP request entry and therefore did not send a datagram.

no route

Counted when the switch discards a datagram it did not know how to route.

proxy name reply

Counted when the switch sends an ARP or Probe Reply on behalf of another host. The display shows the number of probe proxy requests that have been received and the number of responses that have been sent.

show lane

To display global and per-VCC LANE information for all the LANE components configured on an interface or any of its subinterfaces, on a specified subinterface, or on an emulated LAN, use the show lane EXEC command.

show lane [interface atm card/subcard/port[.subinterface-number] | name elan-name] [brief]
Syntax Description

interface atm card/subcard/port

(Optional) Card, subcard, and port number for the ATM interface.


(Optional) Subinterface number.

name elan-name

(Optional) Name of emulated LAN. Maximum length is 32 characters.


(Optional) Keyword used to display the global information but not the per-VCC information.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Entering the show lane command is equivalent to entering the show lane config, show lane server, show lane bus, and show lane client commands. The show lane command shows all LANE-related information except the show lane database information.


The following is sample output of the show lane command.

Switch# show lane
LE Client ATM2/0/0 ELAN name: alpha Admin: up State: operational
Client ID: 2
HW Address: 0041.0b0a.2c82 Type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM Address: 47.00918100000000410B0A2C81.001122334455.00
VCD rxFrames txFrames Type ATM Address
0 0 0 configure 47.333300000000000000000000.000111222333.00
255 1 2 direct 47.333300000000000000000000.001122334455.00
256 1 0 distribute 47.333300000000000000000000.001122334455.00
257 0 0 send 47.333300000000000000000000.000000111111.00
258 0 0 forward 47.333300000000000000000000.000000111111.00
LE Client ATM2/0/0.5 ELAN name: alpha5 Admin: up State: operational
Client ID: 2
HW Address: 0041.0b0a.2c82 Type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM Address: 47.00918100000000410B0A2C81.001122334455.05
VCD rxFrames txFrames Type ATM Address
0 0 0 configure 47.333300000000000000000000.000111222333.00
259 1 5 direct 47.333300000000000000000000.001122334455.05
260 7 0 distribute 47.333300000000000000000000.001122334455.05
261 0 13 send 47.333300000000000000000000.000000111111.05
262 19 0 forward 47.333300000000000000000000.000000111111.05
VCD rxFrames txFrames Type ATM Address
264 22 12 data 47.333300000000000000000000.000011112222.05

Table 16-33 describes significant fields in the sample display.

Table 16-33   Show Lane Command Field Descriptions

Field Description

LE Client

Interface on which the LANE configuration server is configured.

Identifies the following lines as applying to the LANE configuration server. These lines are also displayed in output from the show lane lecs command.

config table

Name of the database associated with the LANE configuration server.


State of the configuration server: down or operational. If down, a "down reasons" field indicates why it is down. The reasons include the following: NO-config-table, NO-nsap-address, NO-config-pvc, and NO-interface-up.

ATM address

ATM address or addresses of this configuration server.

LE Server

Identifies the following lines as applying to the LANE server. These lines are also displayed in output from the show lane server command.

ATM 1/1/0.1

Interface or subinterface this LANE server is on.

ELAN name:

Name of the emulated LAN this server is linked to.


Status of this LANE server. Possible states for a LANE server include down, waiting_ILMI, waiting_listen, up_not_registered, operational, and terminating.


Type of emulated LAN.

Max Frame Size

Maximum frame size on this type of LAN.

ATM address

ATM address of this server.

Config Server ATM addr

The ATM address used to reach the LANE configuration server.

control distribute: VCD 20, 2 members, 6 packets

Virtual circuit descriptor of the Control Distribute VCC.

proxy/ (ST: Init, Conn, Waiting, Adding, Joined, Operational, Reject, Term)

Status of the LANE client at the other end of the Control Distribute VCC.


Identifier for the LANE client at the other end of the Control Distribute VCC.


Status of the LANE client at the other end of the Control Distribute VCC. Possible states are Init, Conn, Waiting, Adding, Joined, Operational, Reject, and Term.


Virtual channel descriptor used to reach the LANE client.


Number of packets sent by the LANE server on the Control Distribute VCC to the LANE client.

Hardware Addr

MAC-layer address of the LANE client.

ATM Address

ATM address of the LANE client.


Identifies the following lines as applying to the LANE broadcast-and-unknown server. These lines are also displayed in output from the show lane bus command.

ATM 1/1/0.1

Interface or subinterface this LANE broadcast-and-unknown server is on.

ELAN name

Name of the emulated LAN this broadcast-and-unknown server is linked to.


Status of this LANE client. Possible states include down and operational.


Type of emulated LAN.

Max Frame Size

Maximum frame size on this type of LAN.

ATM address

ATM address of this LANE broadcast-and-unknown server.

data forward: vcd 22, 2 members, 10 packets

Virtual channel descriptor of the Data Forward VCC, number of LANE clients attached to the VCC, and the number of packets transmitted on the VCC.


Identifier assigned to each LANE client on the Data Forward VCC.


Virtual channel descriptor used to reach the LANE client.


Number of packets sent by the broadcast-and-unknown server to the LANE client.

ATM Address

ATM address of the LANE client.

LE Client

Identifies the following lines as applying to a LANE client. These lines are also displayed in output from the show lane client command.

ATM 1/1/0.1

Interface or subinterface this LANE client is on.

ELAN name

Name of the emulated LAN this client is linked to.


Status of this LANE client. Possible states include initialState, lecsConnect, configure, join, busConnect, and operational.

HW Address

MAC address, in dotted hexadecimal notation, assigned to this LANE client.


Type of emulated LAN.

Max Frame Size

Maximum frame size on this type of LAN.

ATM Address

ATM address of this LANE client.


Virtual channel descriptor for each of the VCCs established for this LANE client.


Number of frames received on the VCC.


Number of frames transmitted on the VCC.


Type of VCC; same as the SVC and PVC types. Possible VCC types are configure, direct, distribute, send, forward, and data.

ATM Address

ATM address of the LANE component at the other end of the VCC.

show lane client

To display global and per-VCC LANE information for all the LANE clients configured on an interface or any of its subinterfaces, on a specified subinterface, or on an emulated LAN, use the show lane client EXEC command.

show lane client [interface atm card/subcard/port [.subinterface-number] | name elan-name]
Syntax Description

interface atm card/subcard/port

(Optional) Card, subcard, and port number for the ATM interface.


(Optional) Subinterface number.

name elan-name

(Optional) Name of the emulated LAN. Maximum length is 32 characters.


(Optional) Keyword used to display the global information but not the per-VCC information.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show lane client command.

Switch# show lane client
LE Client ATM2/0/0 ELAN name: alpha Admin: up State: operational
Client ID: 2
HW Address: 0041.0b0a.2c82 Type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM Address: 47.00918100000000410B0A2C81.001122334455.00
VCD rxFrames txFrames Type ATM Address
0 0 0 configure 47.333300000000000000000000.000111222333.00
255 1 2 direct 47.333300000000000000000000.001122334455.00
256 1 0 distribute 47.333300000000000000000000.001122334455.00
257 0 0 send 47.333300000000000000000000.000000111111.00
258 1 0 forward 47.333300000000000000000000.000000111111.00
LE Client ATM2/0/0.5 ELAN name: alpha5 Admin: up State: operational
Client ID: 2
HW Address: 0041.0b0a.2c82 Type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM Address: 47.00918100000000410B0A2C81.001122334455.05
VCD rxFrames txFrames Type ATM Address
0 0 0 configure 47.333300000000000000000000.000111222333.00
259 1 5 direct 47.333300000000000000000000.001122334455.05
260 7 0 distribute 47.333300000000000000000000.001122334455.05
261 0 13 send 47.333300000000000000000000.000000111111.05
262 20 0 forward 47.333300000000000000000000.000000111111.05
VCD rxFrames txFrames Type ATM Address
264 22 12 data 47.333300000000000000000000.000011112222.05

Table 16-34 describes significant fields in the sample display.

Table 16-34   Show Lane Client Command Field Descriptions

Field Description


Interface or subinterface for which information is displayed.


Name of the emulated LAN.


MAC address of this LANE client.


Type of emulated LAN; this release supports Ethernet only.


Maximum transmission unit (packet) size on the emulated LAN.

AAL5-SDU length

Maximum number of bytes in a LANE Service Data Unit (SDU) encapsulated in an AAL5 frame. This length includes a 2-byte marker and a full Ethernet-like frame from the destination MAC address field through the last byte of data. It does not include an Ethernet CRC (or FRC), which is not present on emulated LAN frames. The number does not include the 8-byte AAL-5 trailer in the last ATM cell of the frame, nor the padding between the last data byte and the 8-byte trailer.


ATM address of this LANE client.


Virtual channel descriptor that uniquely identifies this VCC.


Number of packets received.


Number of packets transmitted.


Type of VCC; same as the SVC and PVC types. Possible VCC types are configure, direct, distribute, send, forward, and data.1


ATM address of the LANE component at the other end of this VCC.

1The Configure Direct VCC is shown in this display as configure. The Control Direct VCC is shown as direct; the Control Distribute VCC is shown as distribute. The Multicast Send VCC and Multicast Forward VC are shown as send and forward, respectively. The data Direct VCC is shown as data.

show lane default

To display the automatically assigned ATM address of each LANE component in a switch or on a specified interface or subinterface, use the show lane default-atm-address EXEC command.

show lane default-atm-addresses [interface atm card/subcard/port.subinterface-number]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Card, subcard, and port number for the ATM interface.


(Optional) Subinterface number.

Command Mode


show lane le-arp

To display the LANE ARP table of the LANE client configured on an interface or any of its subinterfaces, on a specified subinterface, or on an emulated LAN, use the show lane le-arp EXEC command.

show lane le-arp [interface atm card/subcard/port[.subinterface-number] | name elan-name]
Syntax Description

interface atm card/subcard/port

(Optional) Card, subcard, and port number of the ATM interface.


Subinterface number.

name elan-name

(Optional) Specifies the name of the emulated LAN. Maximum length is 32 characters.

Command Mode



The following is sample output of the show lane le-arp command.

Switch# show lane le-arp
Hardware Addr ATM Address VCD Interface
0000.0c52.3bc8 47.333300000000000000000000.000011112222.05 264 ATM2/0/0.5

Table 16-35 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-35   Show Lane Le-Arp Field Descriptions

Field Description

Hardware Addr

The MAC address, in dotted hexadecimal notation, assigned to the LANE component at the other end of this VCD.

ATM Address

ATM address of the LANE component at the other end of this VCD.


Virtual channel descriptor.


Interface or subinterface used to reach the specified component.

show line

To display a terminal line's parameters, use the show line EXEC command.

show line [line-number]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Absolute line number of the line you want to list parameters.

Command Mode



The following sample output from the show line command shows that line 2 is a virtual terminal with a transmit and receive rate of 9600 bps. Also shown is the modem state, terminal screen width and length, and so on.

Overruns occur when the UART serving the line receives a byte but has nowhere to put it because previous bytes were not taken from the UART by the host CPU. The byte is lost, and the overrun count increases when the CPU next looks at UART status.

Switch# show line 2
Tty Typ Tx/Rx A Modem Roty AccO AccI Uses Noise Overruns
2 VTY 9600/9600 - - - - - 0 0 0/0
Line 2, Location: "", Type: ""
Length: 24 lines, Width: 80 columns
Baud rate (TX/RX) is 9600/9600
Status: No Exit Banner
Capabilities: none
Modem state: Idle
Special Chars: Escape Hold Stop Start Disconnect Activation
^^x none - - none
Timeouts: Idle EXEC Idle Session Modem Answer Session Dispatch
0:10:00 never none not set
Session limit is not set.
Time since activation: never
Editing is enabled.
History is enabled, history size is 10.
Full user help is disabled
Allowed transports are telnet. Preferred is telnet.
No output characters are padded
No special data dispatching characters

Table 16-36 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 16-36   Show Line Field Descriptions

Field Description


Line number. In this case, 17.


Type of line. In this case, a virtual terminal line (vty), which is active, in asynchronous mode denoted by the preceding "A." Possible values include:

  • CTY—console
  • AUX—auxiliary port
  • TTY—asynchronous terminal port
  • lpt—parallel printer


Transmit rate/receive rate of the line.


Indicates whether or not autobaud has been configured for the line. A value of "F" indicates that autobaud has been configured; a hyphen (-) indicates that it has not been configured.


Types of modem signals configured for the line. Possible values include:

  • callin
  • callout
  • cts-req
  • DTR-Act
  • inout
  • RIisCD


Rotary group configured for the line.

AccO, AccI

Output or Input access list number configured for the line.


Number of connections established to or from the line since the system was restarted.


Number of times noise has been detected on the line since the system restarted.


Hardware (UART) overruns or software buffer overflows, both defined as the number of overruns or overflows that occurred on the specified line since the system was restarted. Hardware overruns are buffer overruns; the UART chip has received bits from the software faster than it can process them. A software overflow occurs when the software has received bits from the hardware faster than it can process them.


Current line.


Location of the current line.


Type of line, as specified by the line global configuration command.


Length of the terminal or screen display.


Width of the terminal or screen display.

Baud rate (TX/RX)

Transmit rate/receive rate of the line.


State of the line: ready or not, connected or disconnected, active or inactive, exit banner or no exit banner, async interface active or inactive.


Current terminal capabilities. In this case, the line is usable as an asynchronous interface.

Modem state

Modem control state. This field should always read READY.

Special characters

Current settings that were input by the user (or taken by default) from the following global configuration commands:

  • escape-character
  • hold-character
  • stop-character
  • start-character
  • disconnect-character
  • activation-character


Current settings that were input by the user (or taken by default) from the following global configuration commands:

  • exec-timeout
  • session-timeout
  • dispatch-timeout
  • modem answer-timeout

Session limit

Maximum number of sessions.

Time since activation

Last time start_process was run.


Whether or not command line editing is enabled.


Current history length, set by the user (or taken by default) from the history configuration command.

Full user help

Whether or not full user help is enabled, set by the user (or taken by default) from the line configuration command.

Transport methods

Current set transport method, set by the user (or taken by default) from the transport preferred line configuration command.

Character padding

Current set padding, set by the user (or taken by default) from the padding line configuration command.

Data dispatching characters

Current dispatch character set by the user (or taken by default) from the dispatch-character line configuration command.

Line protocol

Definition of the specified line's protocol and address.

Output, Input Packets

Number of output and input packets queued on this line.

Group codes

AT group codes.

show logging

Use the show logging EXEC command to display the state of logging (syslog).

show logging

This command displays the state of syslog error and event logging, including host addresses, and whether console logging is enabled. This command also displays Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) configuration parameters and protocol activity.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show logging command.

Switch# show logging
Syslog logging: enabled
      Console logging: disabled
      Monitor logging: level debugging, 266 messages logged.
      Trap logging: level informational, 266 messages logged.
      Logging to

Table 16-37 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-37   Show Logging Field Descriptions

Field Description

Syslog logging

When enabled, system logging messages are sent to a UNIX host that acts as a syslog server; that is, it captures and saves the messages.

Console logging

If enabled, states the level; otherwise, this field displays disabled.

Monitor logging

Minimum level of severity required for a log message to be sent to a monitor terminal (not the console).

Trap logging

Minimum level of severity required for a log message to be sent to a syslog server.

show memory

Use the show memory EXEC command to show statistics about the switch's memory, including memory free pool statistics.

show memory [type] [free] [summary]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Memory type to display (processor, multibus, io). If type is not specified, statistics for all memory types present in the switch are displayed.


(Optional) Displays free memory statistics.


Displays a summary of the memory information.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

It is recommended you use the summary option to limit the amount of information presented.


The following is sample output from the show memory command.

Switch# show memory
Head FreeList Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Largest(b)
Processor 6059E050 603F96C8 10887088 3249548 7637540 7601484
Fast 6057E050 603FA454 131072 43444 87628 87280
Processor memory
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC What
6059E050 1056 0 6059E498 1 6001F4B4 List Elements
6059E498 2656 6059E050 6059EF20 1 6001F4B4 List Headers
6059EF20 6000 6059E498 605A06B8 1 60020628 *Init*
605A06B8 6000 6059EF20 605A1E50 1 60020628 *Init*
605A1E50 168 605A06B8 605A1F20 1 6002FBEC *Init*
605A1F20 2548 605A1E50 605A293C 1 600324B4 TTY data
605A293C 2000 605A1F20 605A3134 1 600353B0 TTY Input Buf
605A3134 512 605A293C 605A335C 1 600353E4 TTY Output Buf
605A335C 6000 605A3134 605A4AF4 1 60020628 *Init*
605A4AF4 1056 605A335C 605A4F3C 1 6001F4B4 messages
605A4F3C 1032 605A4AF4 605A536C 1 6005D99C *Init*
605A536C 52 605A4F3C 605A53C8 1 60063034 ILMI Request
605A53C8 12528 605A536C 605A84E0 0 608B666 0 600441E0 (coalesced)
605A84E0 2548 605A53C8 605A8EFC 1 60060C68 *Init*
605A8EFC 84 605A84E0 605A8F78 1 60063280 Init
605A8F78 84 605A8EFC 605A8FF4 1 60063280 Init
605A8FF4 84 605A8F78 605A9070 1 60063280 Init
605A9070 3456 605A8FF4 605A9E18 1 6001F4B4 Reg Service

The following is sample output from the show memory free command.

Switch# show memory free
Head FreeList Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Largest(b)
Processor 6059E050 603F96C8 10887088 3249536 7637552 7601484
Fast 6057E050 603FA454 131072 43444 87628 87280
Processor memory
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC What
24 Free list 1
608B4724 36 608B46F8 608B4770 0 0 608198D 60069ED4 Exec
608198DC 24 608198B0 6081991C 0 608B472 608B3E4 60069ED4 Exec
608B3E48 52 608B3E10 608B3EA4 0 608198D 0 6006A0FC Exec
88 Free list 2
104 Free list 3
608B60B4 112 608B6084 608B614C 0 0 0 60034890 (coalesced)
116 Free list 4
120 Free list 5
124 Free list 6
152 Free list 7
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC What
608B3D08 204 608B3CD0 608B3DFC 0 0 0 60034890 (coalesced)
216 Free list 8
608B5BD0 248 608B5B98 608B5CF0 0 0 0 60034890 (coalesced)
264 Free list 9
280 Free list 10
608BA45C 296 608BA430 608BA5AC 0 0 0 60034890 (coalesced)
344 Free list 11
384 Free list 12
408 Free list 13
472 Free list 14
672 Free list 15
608BA848 712 608BA690 608BAB38 0 0 0 0 (fragment)
760 Free list 16
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC What
1144 Free list 17
1500 Free list 18
1684 Free list 19
608BAD50 1740 608BACFC 608BB444 0 0 0 0 (coalesced)
2000 Free list 20
3000 Free list 21
4256 Free list 22
4680 Free list 23
5000 Free list 24
5184 Free list 25
608BB514 7588 608BB4C0 608BD2E0 0 0 0 6006D054 (coalesced)
9376 Free list 26
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC What
10000 Free list 27
608B6664 12528 608B661C 608B977C 0 0 605A53C 0 (coalesced)
605A53C8 12528 605A5380 605A84E0 0 608B666 0 600441E0 (coalesced)
18184 Free list 28
20000 Free list 29
32768 Free list 30
65536 Free list 31
131072 Free list 32
262144 Free list 33
608C028C7601484 608BD398 0 0 0 0 60067AC8 (coalesced)
Total: 7637552
Fast memory
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC What
24 Free list 1
6057E050 36 603FA214 6057E09C 0 0 6057F6F 0 (fragment)
6057F6F8 28 6057E0B0 6057F73C 0 6057E05 60580D9 0 (fragment)
60580D98 28 6057F750 60580DDC 0 6057F6F 6058243 0 (fragment)
60582438 28 60580DF0 6058247C 0 60580D9 60582CA 0 (fragment)
60582CA4 48 60582490 60582CFC 0 6058243 60582F2 0 (fragment)
60582F24 48 60582D10 60582F7C 0 60582CA 605830A 0 (fragment)
605830A4 48 60582F90 605830FC 0 60582F2 6058475 0 (fragment)
60584758 28 60583110 6058479C 0 605830A 60585DF 0 (fragment)
60585DF8 28 605847B0 60585E3C 0 6058475 6058749 0 (fragment)
60587498 28 60585E50 605874DC 0 60585DF 0 0 (fragment)
88 Free list 2
152 Free list 3
216 Free list 4
280 Free list 5
344 Free list 6
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC What
408 Free list 7
472 Free list 8
1500 Free list 9
2000 Free list 10
3000 Free list 11
5000 Free list 12
10000 Free list 13
20000 Free list 14
32768 Free list 15
65536 Free list 16
60588B38 87280 605874F0 0 0 0 0 0 (fragment)
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC What
131072 Free list 17
262144 Free list 18
Total: 87628

The display of show memory free contains the same types of information as the show memory display, except that only free memory is displayed, and the information is displayed, in order, for each free list.

The first section of the display includes summary statistics about the activities of the system memory allocator. Table 16-38 describes significant fields shown in the first section of the display.

Table 16-38   Show Memory Field Descriptions—First Section

Field Description


Hexadecimal address of the head of the memory allocation chain.

Free List

Hexadecimal address of the base of the free list.

Total (b)

Sum of used bytes plus free bytes.

Used (b)

Amount of memory in use.

Free (b)

Amount of memory not in use.

Largest (b)

Size of largest available free block.

The second section of the display is a block-by-block listing of memory use. Table 16-39 describes significant fields shown in the second section of the display.

Table 16-39   Characteristics of Each Block of Memory—Second Section

Field Description


Hexadecimal address of block.


Size of block in bytes.


Address of previous block (should match Address field on previous line).


Address of next block (should match address on next line).


Reference count for that memory block, indicating how many different processes are using that block of memory.


Address of previous free block (if free).


Address of next free block (if free).

Alloc PC

Address of the system call that allocated the block.


Name of process that owns the block, or "(fragment)" if the block is a fragment, or "(coalesced)" if the block was coalesced from adjacent free blocks.

The show memory io command displays the free IO memory blocks. This command quickly shows how much unused IO memory is available.

The following is sample output from the show memory io command.

Switch# show memory io
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC What
6132DA0 59264 6132664 6141520 0 0  600DDEC 3FCF0     *Packet Buffer*
600DDEC     500 600DA4C 600DFE0 0 6132DA0 600FE68 0
600FE68     376 600FAC8 600FFE0 0 600DDEC 6011D54 0
6011D54     652 60119B4 6011FEO 0 600FE68 6013D54 0
614FCA0     832 614F564 614FFE0 0 601FD54 6177640 0
6177640 2657056 6172E90 0       0 614FCA0 0       0
Total: 2723244

show network-clocks

To show which ports are designated as network clock sources, use the show network-clocks EXEC command.

show network-clocks
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show network-clocks EXEC command.

Switch# show network-clocks
Priority 1 clock source: ATM3/0/0
Priority 2 clock source: not configured
Priority 3 clock source: not configured
Priority 4 clock source: not configured
Current clock source:ATM3/0/0, priority:1

show ntp associations

To show the status of Network Time Protocol (NTP) associations, use the show ntp associations EXEC command.

show ntp associations [detail]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Shows detailed information about each NTP association.

Command Mode



Detailed descriptions of the information displayed by this command can be found in the NTP specification (RFC 1305).

The following is sample output from the show ntp associations command.

Switch# show ntp associations
address ref clock st when poll reach delay offset disp
 ~ 5 29 1024 377 4.2 -8.59 1.6
+~ 3 69 128 377 4.1 3.48 2.3
*~ 3 32 128 377 7.9 11.18 3.6
* master (synced), # master (unsynced), + selected, - candidate, ~ configured

Table 16-40 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-40   Show NTP Associations Field Descriptions

Field Description


Address of peer.

ref clock

Address of peer's reference clock.


Peer's stratum.


Time since last NTP packet received from peer.


Polling interval (seconds).


Peer reachability (bit string, in octal).


Round-trip delay to peer (milliseconds).


Relative time of peer's clock to local clock (milliseconds).



The first character of the line can be one or more of the following:


Synchronized to this peer.


Almost synchronized to this peer.


Peer selected for possible synchronization.


Peer is a candidate for selection.


Peer is statically configured.

The following is sample output of the show ntp associations detail command.

Switch# show ntp associations detail configured, insane, invalid, stratum 5
ref ID, time AFE252C1.6DBDDFF2 (00:12:01.428 PDT Fri Apr 4 1997)
our mode active, peer mode active, our poll intvl 1024, peer poll intvl 64
root delay 137.77 msec, root disp 142.75, reach 376, sync dist 215.363
delay 4.23 msec, offset -8.587 msec, dispersion 1.62
precision 2**19, version 3
org time AFE252E2.3AC0E887 (00:12:34.229 PDT Fri Apr 4 1997)
rcv time AFE252E2.3D7E464D (00:12:34.240 PDT Fri Apr 4 1997)
xmt time AFE25301.6F83E753 (00:13:05.435 PDT Fri Apr 4 1997)
filtdelay = 4.23 4.14 2.41 5.95 2.37 2.33 4.26 4.33
filtoffset = -8.59 -8.82 -9.91 -8.42 -10.51 -10.77 -10.13 -10.11
filterror = 0.50 1.48 2.46 3.43 4.41 5.39 6.36 7.34 configured, selected, sane, valid, stratum 3
ref ID, time AFE24F0E.14283000 (23:56:14.078 PDT Sun Jul 4 1993)
our mode client, peer mode server, our poll intvl 128, peer poll intvl 128
root delay 83.72 msec, root disp 217.77, reach 377, sync dist 264.633
delay 4.07 msec, offset 3.483 msec, dispersion 2.33
precision 2**6, version 3
org time AFE252B9.713E9000 (00:11:53.442 PDT Fri Apr 4 1997)
rcv time AFE252B9.7124E14A (00:11:53.441 PDT Fri Apr 4 1997)
xmt time AFE252B9.6F625195 (00:11:53.435 PDT Fri Apr 4 1997)
filtdelay = 6.47 4.07 3.94 3.86 7.31 7.20 9.52 8.71
filtoffset = 3.63 3.48 3.06 2.82 4.51 4.57 4.28 4.59
filterror = 0.00 1.95 3.91 4.88 5.84 6.82 7.80 8.77 configured, our_master, sane, valid, stratum 3
ref ID, time AFE252DC.1F2B3000 (00:12:28.121 PDT Mon Jul 5 1993)
our mode client, peer mode server, our poll intvl 128, peer poll intvl 128
root delay 125.50 msec, root disp 115.80, reach 377, sync dist 186.157
delay 7.86 msec, offset 11.176 msec, dispersion 3.62
precision 2**6, version 2
org time AFE252DE.77C29000 (00:12:30.467 PDT Fri Apr 4 1997)
rcv time AFE252DE.7B2AE40B (00:12:30.481 PDT Fri Apr 4 1997)
xmt time AFE252DE.6E6D12E4 (00:12:30.431 PDT Fri Apr 4 1997)
filtdelay = 49.21 7.86 8.18 8.80 4.30 4.24 7.58 6.42
filtoffset = 11.30 11.18 11.13 11.28 8.91 9.09 9.27 9.57
filterror = 0.00 1.95 3.91 4.88 5.78 6.76 7.74 8.71

Table 16-41 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-41   Show NTP Associations Detail Field Descriptions

Field Descriptions


Peer was statically configured.


Peer was dynamically discovered.


Local machine is synchronized to this peer.


Peer is selected for possible synchronization.


Peer is a candidate for selection.


Peer passes basic sanity checks.


Peer fails basic sanity checks.


Peer time is believed to be valid.


Peer time is believed to be invalid.


Peer is signaling that a leap second is added.


Peer is signaling that a leap second is subtracted.


Peer is not synchronized to any other machine.

ref ID

Address of machine peer is synchronized to.


Last timestamp peer received from its master.

our mode

Our mode relative to peer (active / passive / client / server / bdcast / bdcast client).

peer mode

Peer's mode relative to us.

our poll ivl

Our poll interval to peer.

peer poll ivl

Peer's poll interval to us.

root delay

Delay along path to root (ultimate stratum 1 time source).

root disp

Dispersion of path to root.


Peer reachability (bit string in octal).

sync dist

Peer synchronization distance.


Round trip delay to peer.


Offset of peer clock relative to our clock.


Dispersion of peer clock.


Precision of peer clock in Hz.


NTP version number that peer is using.

org time

Originate time stamp.

rcv time

Receive time stamp.

xmt time

Transmit time stamp.


Round trip delay in milliseconds of each sample.


Clock offset in milliseconds of each sample.


Approximate error of each sample.

show ntp status

To show the status of Network Time Protocol (NTP), use the show ntp status EXEC command.

show ntp status
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show ntp status command.

Switch# show ntp status
Clock is synchronized, stratum 4, reference is
nominal freq is 250.0000 Hz, actual freq is 249.9990 Hz, precision is 2**19
reference time is AFE2525E.70597B34 (00:10:22.438 PDT Fri Apr 4 1997)
clock offset is 7.33 msec, root delay is 133.36 msec
root dispersion is 126.28 msec, peer dispersion is 5.98 msec

Table 16-42 shows the significant fields in the display.

Table 16-42   Show NTP Status Field Descriptions

Field Description


System is synchronized to an NTP peer.


System is not synchronized to any NTP peer.


NTP stratum of this system.


Address of peer the unit is synchronized.

nominal freq

Nominal frequency of system hardware clock.

actual freq

Measured frequency of system hardware clock.


Precision of this system's clock (in Hz).

reference time

Reference timestamp.

clock offset

Offset of our clock to synchronized peer.

root delay

Total delay along path to root clock.

root dispersion

Dispersion of root path.

peer dispersion

Dispersion of synchronized peer.

show privilege

To display your current level of privilege, use the show privilege EXEC command.

show privilege
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show privilege command. The current privilege level is 15.

Switch# show privilege
Current privilege level is 15
Related Command

enable password

show processes

Use the show processes EXEC command to display information about the active processes.

show processes [cpu]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed CPU utilization statistics.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show processes command.

Switch# show processes
CPU utilization for five seconds: 0%/0%; one minute: 0%; five minutes: 0%
PID QTy PC Runtime (ms) Invoked uSecs Stacks TTY Process
1 M* 0 2156 3194 67510408/12000 0 Exec
2 Lst 6001EFF0 4532 2266 2000 5808/6000 0 Check heaps
3 Mst 6004867C 0 2 0 5680/6000 0 Timers
4 Lwe 600804C0 908 7752 117 5404/6000 0 ARP Input
5 Mwe 601A05A4 0 1 0 2712/3000 0 OIR Handler
6 HE 6022A61C 0 1 0 5840/6000 0 ATM OAM input
7 LE 6022BDA0 0 1 0 5852/6000 0 ATM ARP Input
8 Lsp 6019F048 0 13593 0 5792/6000 0 Aal5 Reassembly
9 Mwe 600E0344 0 6798 0 5524/6000 0 CDP Protocol
10 Lwe 6011C744 0 1 0 5680/6000 0 Probe Input
11 Mwe 6011C038 0 1 0 5716/6000 0 RARP Input
12 Hwe 6010B7A0 660 3449 19110648/12000 0 IP Input
13 Mwe 60138A70 0 13593 0 5764/6000 0 TCP Timer
14 Lwe 6013A674 0 3 0 5640/6000 0 TCP Protocols
15 Mwe 6026CE40 0 4 0 5696/6000 0 ATM-RT Background
16 Mwe 60117C78 0 1 0 5544/6000 0 BOOTP Server
17 Lsi 6016B72C 0 1133 0 5788/6000 0 IP Cache Ager
18 Hwe 602691B8 28 9 3111 5032/6000 0 ILMI Input
19 Mwe 60263284 8 5 1600 5268/6000 0 ILMI Request
20 Mwe 60263338 4 5 800 5176/6000 0 ILMI Response
21 Lwe 602522E4 0 1 0 5828/6000 0 Resource Mgmt ba
22 Mwe 602496F8 0 2 0 5680/6000 0 ATMCORE OAM Proc
23 Mwe 6024CA90 0 2 0 5684/6000 0 ATMCORE OAM Ping
24 Mwe 60203D50 0 7 0 5680/6000 0 ATMSIG Timer
25 Mwe 6022528C 0 4534 0 5132/6000 0 SSCOP Input
26 Mwe 6022555C 0 2266 0 5176/6000 0 SSCOP Output
27 Mst 60225924 0 3 0 5252/6000 0 SSCOP Timer
28 Mwe 602024D4 0 2 0 5680/6000 0 ATMSIG Input
29 Mwe 602028E8 0 3 0 5364/6000 0 ATMSIG Output
30 Mwe 60238488 0 2 0 5688/6000 0 ATM Soft VC Time
31 Mwe 602923B8 0 2 0 5286/6000 0 IISP router
32 Cwe 60012040 0 1 0 5720/6000 0 Critical Bkgnd
33 Mwe 60011E68 36 2 18000 4720/6000 0 Net Background
34 Lwe 600424F8 0 9 0 5544/6000 0 Logger
35 Msp 600204E4 4 67968 0 5088/6000 0 TTY Background
36 Hwe 6001235C 2100 62468 33 2708/3000 0 Net Input
37 Msp 60011D98 13584 1133 11989 5120/6000 0 Per-minute Jobs

The following is sample output from the show processes cpu command.

Switch# show processes cpu
CPU utilization for five seconds: 0%/0%; one minute: 0%; five minutes: 0%
PID Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process
1 2180 3212 678 0.00% 0.03% 0.07% 0 Exec
2 4536 2268 2000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Check heaps
3 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Timers
4 912 7787 117 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ARP Input
5 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 OIR Handler
6 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ATM OAM input
7 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ATM ARP Input
8 0 13605 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Aal5 Reassembly Tim
9 0 6804 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CDP Protocol
10 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Probe Input
11 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RARP Input
12 660 3452 191 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP Input
13 0 13605 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TCP Timer
14 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TCP Protocols
15 0 4 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ATM-RT Background
16 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 BOOTP Server
17 0 1134 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP Cache Ager
18 28 9 3111 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ILMI Input
19 8 5 1600 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ILMI Request
20 4 5 800 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ILMI Response
21 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Resource Mgmt backg
PID Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process
22 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ATMCORE OAM Process
23 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ATMCORE OAM Ping Rc
24 0 7 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ATMSIG Timer
25 0 4538 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SSCOP Input
26 0 2268 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SSCOP Output
27 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SSCOP Timer
28 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ATMSIG Input
29 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ATMSIG Output
30 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ATM Soft VC Timer
31 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IISP router
32 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Critical Bkgnd
33 36 2 18000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Net Background
34 0 9 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Logger
35 4 68023 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TTY Background
36 2100 62522 33 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Net Input
37 13596 1134 11989 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0 Per-minute Jobs

Table 16-43 describes significant fields shown in the two displays.

Table 16-43   Show Processes Field Descriptions

Field Description

CPU utilization for five seconds

CPU utilization for the last 5 seconds, 1 minute, and 5 minutes.


Process ID.


Process queue priority. Possible values: H (high), M (medium), L (low).


Scheduler test. Possible values: * (currently running), E (waiting for an event), S (ready to run, voluntarily relinquished processor), rd (ready to run, wakeup conditions occurred), we (waiting for an event), sa (sleeping until an absolute time), si (sleeping for a time interval), sp (sleeping for a time interval [alternate call]), st (sleeping until a timer expires), hg (hung; the process never executes again), xx (dead. The process has terminated, but not yet been deleted.).


Current program counter.

Runtime (ms)

CPU time the process has used, in milliseconds.


Number of times the process has been invoked.


Microseconds of CPU time for each process invocation.


Low water mark/Total stack space available, shown in bytes.


Terminal that controls the process.


Name of process.

five seconds

CPU utilization by task, in last 5 seconds (displayed in hundredths of seconds).

one minute

CPU utilization by task in last minute (displayed in hundredths of seconds).

five minutes

CPU utilization by task in last 5 minutes (displayed in hundredths of seconds).

Note      Because the network server has a 4-millisecond clock resolution, run times are considered reliable only after a large number of invocations or a reasonable, measured run time.

show processes memory

Use the show processes memory EXEC command to show memory utilization.

show processes memory
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show processes memory command.

Switch# show processes memory
Total: 10887088, Used: 3249408, Free: 7637680
PID TTY Allocated Freed Holding Getbufs Retbufs Process
0 0 45016 300 32056 0 0 *Init*
0 0 300 38640 300 0 0 *Sched*
0 0 1649012 107596 2956340 1715216 0 *Dead*
1 0 254992 253508 14144 0 0 Exec
2 0 0 0 6660 0 0 Check heaps
3 0 92 92 6660 0 0 Timers
4 0 92 0 6752 0 0 ARP Input
5 0 92 0 3752 0 0 OIR Handler
6 0 0 0 6660 0 0 ATM OAM input
7 0 0 0 6660 0 0 ATM ARP Input
8 0 0 0 6660 0 0 Aal5 Reassemblk
9 0 332 92 6900 0 0 CDP Protocol
10 0 228 0 6888 0 0 Probe Input
11 0 92 0 6752 0 0 RARP Input
12 0 204 0 12864 0 0 IP Input
13 0 0 0 6660 0 0 TCP Timer
14 0 728 0 7388 0 0 TCP Protocols
15 0 184 92 6752 0 0 ATM-RT Backgrod
16 0 528 0 7188 0 0 BOOTP Server
17 0 0 0 6660 0 0 IP Cache Ager
18 0 37576 37056 6788 0 0 ILMI Input
19 0 10164 8360 6752 0 0 ILMI Request
20 0 1688 6956 6844 0 0 ILMI Response
21 0 0 0 6660 0 0 Resource Mgmt d
22 0 184 92 6752 0 0 ATMCORE OAM Prs
23 0 184 92 6752 0 0 ATMCORE OAM Pis
24 0 92 92 6660 0 0 ATMSIG Timer
25 0 184 92 6752 0 0 SSCOP Input
26 0 184 92 6752 0 0 SSCOP Output
27 0 92 92 6660 0 0 SSCOP Timer
28 0 184 92 6752 0 0 ATMSIG Input
29 0 796 1512 7364 0 0 ATMSIG Output
30 0 92 92 6660 0 0 ATM Soft VC Tir
31 0 628 92 7196 0 0 IISP router
32 0 128 0 6844 0 0 Critical Bkgnd
33 0 24440 11224 8028 0 0 Net Background
34 0 184 92 6752 0 0 Logger
35 0 17236 2964 6844 0 0 TTY Background
36 0 184 0 3844 0 0 Net Input
37 0 0 0 6660 0 0 Per-minute Jobs
3249012 Total

Table 16-44 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-44   Show Processes Memory Field Descriptions

Field Description


Total amount of memory held.


Process ID.


Terminal that controls the process.


Sum of all memory that process has requested from the system.


How much memory a process has returned to the system.


Allocated memory minus freed memory. A value can be negative when it has freed more than it was allocated.


Process name.


System initialization.


The scheduler.


Processes as a group that are now dead.

show protocols

Use the show protocols EXEC command to display the configured protocols.

This command shows the global and interface-specific status of any configured IP protocol.

show protocols
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show protocols command.

Switch# show protocols
Global values:
ATM2/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet address is
Ethernet2/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet address is
ATM3/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
ATM3/0/1 is down, line protocol is down
ATM3/0/2 is down, line protocol is down
ATM3/0/3 is up, line protocol is up

show queue

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To display the contents of the queue, use the show queue command.

show queue type card/subcard/port
Syntax Description


Card, subcard, and port number for the ATM interface.


Displays the buffers assigned to an input interface. You must specify an ATM, ethernet, or null interface.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show queue command.

Switch# show queue atm 3/0/0
Output queue for ATM3/0/0 is 0/40
Related Command

queue-list interface

show queueing

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To list the current state of the queue lists, use the show queueing privileged EXEC command.

show queueing [custom | fair | priority]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Shows status of custom queue lists.


(Optional) Shows the status of the fair queuing list configuration.


(Optional) Shows status of priority lists.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.

Usage Guidelines

If no keyword is entered, this command shows the status of both custom and priority queue lists.


The following is sample output from the show queueing custom EXEC command.

Switch# show queueing custom
Current custom queue configuration:
List Queue Args
3 10 default
3 3 interface Tunnel3
3 3 protocol ip
3 3 byte-count 444 limit 3

The following is sample output from the show queueing command. On interface Aux0, there are two active conversations. Weighted fair queueing ensures both of these IP data streams—both using TCP—receive equal bandwidth on the interface while messages are in the pipeline, even though there is more FTP data in the queue than RCP data.

Switch# show queueing
Current fair queue configuration:
Interface Aux0

Input queue: 0/75/0 (size/max/drops); Total output drops: 0
Output queue: 18/64/30 (size/threshold/drops)
Conversations 2/8 (active/max active)
Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated)

(depth/weight/discards) 3/4096/30
Conversation 117, linktype: ip, length: 556, flags: 0x280
source:, destination:, id: 0x1069, ttl: 59,
TOS: 0 prot: 6, source port 514, destination port 1022

(depth/weight/discards) 14/4096/0
Conversation 155, linktype: ip, length: 1504, flags: 0x280
source:, destination:, id: 0x104D, ttl: 59,
TOS: 0 prot: 6, source port 20, destination port 1554

Related Commands

priority-list interface

priority-list queue-limit
scheduler allocate
queue-list interface
queue-list protocol
queue-list queue byte-count

queue-list queue limitt
queue-list stun

show registry

To show the registry, use the show registry EXEC command.

show registry [atm] brief
Syntax Description


Number for the ATM interface.


Sets the display to limit the output of functions and services.



Command Mode



The following is a sample display from the show registry command.

Switch# show registry atm 2/0/0
Registry objects: 1799 bytes: 213412
Registry 23: ATM Registry
Service 23/0:
Stub service with 5 arguments
Service 23/1:
Stub service with 4 arguments
Service 23/2:
Stub service with 3 arguments
Service 23/3:
Stub service with 1 argument
Service 23/4:
Stub service with 1 argument
Service 23/5:
Stub service with 1 argument
Service 23/6:
Stub service with 1 argument
Service 23/7:
Stub service with 2 arguments
Service 23/8:
Stub service with 1 argument
Service 23/9:
Stub service with 2 arguments
Service 23/10:
List service with 1 argument
Service 23/11:
Stub service with 1 argument
Service 23/12:
Case service with 1 argument, 7 maximum cases
3 0x6027CFCC
6 0x602120B8
default 0x60211BA8
Service 23/13:
Stub service with 1 argument
Service 23/14:
Stub service with 1 argument
Registry 25: ATM routing Registry
Service 25/0:
List service with 2 arguments

The following is a sample display of a brief show display command.

Switch# show registry atm 3/0/0 brief
Registry objects: 1799 bytes: 213412
Registry 23: ATM Registry
Service 23/0:
Service 23/1:
Service 23/2:
Service 23/3:
Service 23/4:
Service 23/5:
Service 23/6:
Service 23/7:
Service 23/8:
Service 23/9:
Service 23/10:
Service 23/11:
Service 23/12:
Service 23/13:
Service 23/14:
Registry 25: ATM routing Registry
Service 25/0:

show running-config

To display the configuration information currently running on the terminal, use the show running-config EXEC command. This command replaces the write terminal command.

show running-config
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use this command in conjunction with the show startup-config command to compare the information in running memory to the information stored in a location specified by the config_file environment variable. This variable specifies the configuration file used for initialization (startup). Use the boot config command in conjunction with the copy running-config startup-config command to set the config_file environment variable.


The following example illustrates how to display the running configuration.

Switch# show running-config
Building configuration...
Related Commands

boot config
copy running-config
copy startup-config
show startup-config

show snmp

To check the status of communications between the SNMP agent and SNMP manager, use the
show snmp EXEC command.

show snmp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command provides counter information for RFC 1213 SNMP operations. It also displays the chassis ID string defined with the snmp-server chassis-id command.


The following is sample output from the show snmp command.

Switch# show snmp
Chassis: SN#TS02K229
167 SNMP packets input
0 Bad SNMP version errors
0 Unknown community name
0 Illegal operation for community name supplied
0 Encoding errors
167 Number of requested variables
0 Number of altered variables
0 Get-request PDUs
167 Get-next PDUs
0 Set-request PDUs
167 SNMP packets output
0 Too big errors (Maximum packet size 484)
0 No such name errors
0 Bad values errors
0 General errors
167 Get-response PDUs
0 SNMP trap PDUs
Related Command

snmp-server chassis-id

show sscop

To show SSCOP details for all ATM interfaces, use the show sscop privileged EXEC command.

show sscop
show sscop atm card/subcard/port
Syntax Description


Card, subcard, and number of the ATM interface.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.


The following is sample output from the show sscop command.

Switch# show sscop atm 4/0/0
SSCOP details for interface ATM4/0/0
Current State = Data Transfer Ready
Send Sequence Number: Current = 2, Maximum = 9
Send Sequence Number Acked = 3
Rcv Sequence Number: Lower Edge = 2, Upper Edge = 2, Max = 9
Poll Sequence Number = 1876, Poll Ack Sequence Number = 2
Vt(Pd) = 0
   Connection Control: timer = 1000
Timer currently Inactive
Keep Alive Timer = 30000
Current Retry Count = 0, Maximum Retry Count = 10
      Statistics -
Pdu's Sent = 0, Pdu's Received = 0, Pdu's Ignored = 0
Begin = 0/1, Begin Ack = 1/0, Begin Reject = 0/0
End = 0/0, End Ack = 0/0
Resync = 0/0, Resync Ack = 0/0
Sequenced Data = 2/0, Sequenced Poll Data = 0/0
Poll = 1591/1876, Stat = 0/1591, Unsolicited Stat = 0/0
Unassured Data = 0/0, Mgmt Data = 0/0, Unknown Pdu's = 0

Table 16-45 describes the fields shown in the display. Interpreting this output requires an understanding of the SSCOP; it is usually displayed by Cisco technicians to help diagnose network problems.

Table 16-45   Show SSCOP Field Descriptions

Field Description

SSCOP details for interface

Interface card, subcard, and port.

Current State

SSCOP state for the interface.

Send Sequence Number

Current and maximum send sequence number.

Send Sequence Number Acked

Sequence number of packets already acknowledged.

Rcv Sequence Number

Sequence number of packets received.

Poll Sequence Number

Current poll sequence number.

Poll Ack Sequence Number

Poll sequence number already acknowledged.


Number of Sd frames sent that trigger a sending of a Poll frame.

Connection Control

Timer used for establishing and terminating SSCOP.

Keep Alive Timer

Timer used to send keepalives on an idle interface.

Current Retry Count

Current count of the retry counter.

Maximum Retry Count

Maximum value the retry counter can take.

Pdu's Sent

Total number of SSCOP frames sent.

Pdu's Received

Total number of SSCOP frames received.

Pdu's Ignored

Number of invalid SSCOP frames ignored.


Number of Begin frames sent/received.

Begin Ack

Number of Begin Ack frames sent/received.

Begin Reject

Number of Begin Reject frames sent/received.


Number of End frames sent/received.

End Ack

Number of End Ack frames sent/received.


Number of Resync frames sent/received.

Resync Ack

Number of Resync Ack frames sent/received.

Sequenced Data

Number of Sequenced Data frames sent/received.

Sequenced Poll Data

Number of Sequenced Poll Data frames sent/received.


Number of Poll frames sent/received.


Number of Stat frames sent/received.

Unsolicited Stat

Number of Unsolicited Stat frames sent/received.

Unassured Data

Number of Unassured Data frames sent/received.

Mgmt Data

Number of Mgmt Data frames sent/received.

Unknown Pdu's

Number of Unknown Pdu's frames sent/received.

show stacks

To monitor the stack utilization of processes and interrupt routines, use the show stacks EXEC command. Its display includes the reason for the last system reboot. If the system was reloaded because of a system failure, a saved system stack trace is displayed. This information is of use only to Cisco engineers analyzing crashes in the field. It is included here so you can read the displayed statistics to an engineer over the phone.

show stacks number
Syntax Description


Shows the detail for a specific process (enable mode only).

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show stacks command following a system failure.

Switch# show stacks
Minimum process stacks:
Free/Size Name
5724/6000 Autoinstall
5192/6000 Setup
11528/12000 BootP Resolver
10504/12000 Init
Interrupt level stacks:
Level Called Unused/Size Name
1 9137 4460/6000 Switch Interrupt
2 71781 5292/6000 Ethernet Interrupt
3 0 5676/6000 OIR interrupt
4 0 6000/6000 PCMCIA Interrupt
5 326900 5624/6000 Console Uart
6 0 6000/6000 Error Interrupt
7 34179793 5668/6000 NMI Interrupt Handle

show startup-config

To show the configuration file pointed to by the config_file environment variable, use the show startup-config EXEC command. This command replaces the show configuration command.

show startup-config
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The show startup-config command shows the configuration file specified by the config_file environment variable. The switch informs you whether the displayed configuration is a complete configuration or a distilled version. A distilled configuration is one that does not contain access lists.


The following is sample output from the show startup-config command.

Switch# show startup-config
Using 1288 out of 129016 bytes
version 11.0
no service pad
service udp-small-servers
service tcp-small-servers
hostname rhino3
boot bootldr bootflash:/home/cyadaval/ls1010-i-m.bin.Z
atm address 47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0ca7.ce01.0000.0ca7.ce01.00
interface ATM2/0/0
ip address
no ip route-cache
map-group ab
atm maxvp-number 0
interface Ethernet2/0/0
ip address
no ip route-cache
interface ATM3/0/0
no atm auto-link-determination
no atm address-registration
atm uni type public side user
interface ATM3/1/0
no keepalive
interface ATM3/1/1
no keepalive
interface ATM3/1/2
no keepalive
atm pvc 0 100 rx-cttr 1 tx-cttr 1 interface ATM3/1/1 0 100
atm pvp 1 rx-cttr 1 tx-cttr 1
atm pvp 2 rx-cttr 1 tx-cttr 1
atm pvp 3 rx-cttr 1 tx-cttr 1
interface ATM3/1/2.1 point-to-point
atm maxvp-number 0
interface ATM3/1/2.2 point-to-point
atm maxvp-number 0
interface ATM3/1/2.3 point-to-point
atm maxvp-number 0
interface ATM3/1/3
no keepalive
atm pvc 0 200 rx-cttr 1 tx-cttr 1 interface ATM2/0/0 0 200 encap aal5snap
ip domain-name
ip name-server
map-list ab
ip atm-vc 200
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
line aux 0
transport input all
line vty 0
password rhino
line vty 1 4

The following is partial sample output from the show startup-config command when the configuration file is compressed.

Switch# show startup-config
Using 21542 out of 65536 bytes, uncompressed size = 142085 bytes
version 9.22
service compress-config
hostname rose
boot system flash gs7-k.sthormod_clean
boot system rom
Related Commands

copy running-config
description (interface)

service compress-config
show boot
show running-config

show subsys

To display the subsystem information, use the show subsys EXEC command.

show subsys [class | name]
Syntax Description


Shows subsystems by class.


Shows subsystems by class.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show subsys command.

Switch# show subsys
Class Version Required Subsystems
static_map Kernel 1.000.001
arp Kernel 1.000.001
ether Kernel 1.000.001
compress Kernel 1.000.001
alignment Kernel 1.000.002
monvar Kernel 1.000.001
slot Kernel 1.000.001
oir Kernel 1.000.001
atm Kernel 1.000.001
ip_addrpool_sys Library 1.000.001
chat Library 1.000.001
dialer Library 1.000.001
flash_services Library 1.000.001
ip_localpool_sys Library 1.000.001 ip_addrpool_sys
nvram_common Driver 1.000.001
ASP Driver 1.000.001
sonict Driver 1.000.001
oc3suni Driver 1.000.001
oc12suni Driver 1.000.001
ds3suni Driver 1.000.001

show tcp

To display the status of TCP connections, use the show tcp EXEC command.

show tcp [line-number] {aux | brief | console | vty}
Syntax Description


(Optional) Absolute line number of the line for which you want to display Telnet connection status.


(Optional) Indicates the line number on which to execute the chat script. If you do not specify a line number, the current line number is chosen. If the specified line is busy, the script is not executed and an error message appears. If the dialer-string argument is specified, aux 0 must be entered; this command is not optional if you specify a dialer-string. This command functions only on physical terminal (tty) lines. It does not function on virtual terminal (vty) lines.


(Optional) Keyword used to limit the display of information.


(Optional) Keyword used to display the primary terminal line.


(Optional) Keyword used to display the virtual terminal.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show tcp command.

Switch# show tcp
con0 (console terminal), connection 1 to host MATHOM
Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 1
Local host:, 33537 Foreign host:, 23
Enqueued packets for retransmit: 0, input: 0, saved: 0
Event Timers (current time is 2043535532):
Timer: Retrans TimeWait AckHold SendWnd KeepAlive
Starts: 69 0 69 0 0
Wakeups: 5 0 1 0 0
Next: 2043536089 0 0 0 0
iss: 2043207208 snduna: 2043211083 sndnxt: 2043211483 sndwnd: 1344
irs: 3447586816 rcvnxt: 3447586900 rcvwnd: 2144 delrcvwnd: 83
RTTO: 565 ms, RTV: 233 ms, KRTT: 0 ms, minRTT: 68 ms, maxRTT: 1900 ms
ACK hold: 282 ms
Datagrams (max data segment is 536 bytes):
Rcvd: 106 (out of order: 0), with data: 71, total data bytes: 83
Sent: 96 (retransmit: 5), with data: 92, total data bytes: 4678

Table 16-46 describes the following lines of output shown in the display con0 (console terminal), connection 1 to host MATHOM Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 1 Local host:, 33537 Foreign host:, 23 Enqueued packets for retransmit: 0, input: 0, saved: 0

Table 16-46  

Field Description


Identifying number of the line. (console terminal) Location string.

connection 1

Number identifying the TCP connection.

to host MATHOM

Name of the remote host to which the connection has been made.

Connection state is ESTAB A connection progresses through a series of states during its lifetime. These states follow in the order in which a connection progresses through them.

  • LISTEN—Waiting for a connection request from any remote TCP and port.
  • SYNSENT—Waiting for a matching connection request after having sent a connection request.
  • SYNRCVD—Waiting for a confirming connection request acknowledgment after having both received and sent a connection request.
  • ESTAB—Indicates an open connection; data received can be delivered to the user. This is the normal state for the data transfer phase of the connection.
  • FINWAIT1—Waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP or an acknowledgment of the connection termination request previously sent.
  • FINWAIT2—Waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP host.
  • CLOSEWAIT—Waiting for a connection termination request from the local user.
  • CLOSING—Waiting for a connection termination request acknowledgment from the remote TCP host.
  • LASTACK—Waiting for an acknowledgment of the connection termination request previously sent to the remote TCP host.
  • TIMEWAIT—Waiting for enough time to pass to be sure the remote TCP host has received the acknowledgment of its connection termination request.
  • CLOSED—Indicates no connection state at all.

For more information, see RFC 793, Transmission Control Protocol Functional Specification.

I/O status: 1

Number describing the current internal status of the connection.

unread input bytes: 1

Number of bytes that the lower-level TCP processes read, but the higher level TCP processes have not yet processed.

Local host:

IP address of the network server. 33537 Local port number, as derived from the following equation: line-number + (512 * random-number). (The line number uses the lower nine bits; the other bits are random.)

Foreign host:

IP address of the remote host to which the TCP connection has been made.


Destination port for the remote host.

Enqueued packets for retransmit: 0

Number of packets waiting on the retransmit queue. These are packets on this TCP connection that were sent but not acknowledged by the remote TCP host.

input: 0

Number of packets that are waiting on the input queue to be read by the user.

saved: 0

Number of received out-of-order packets that are waiting for all packets comprising the message to be received before they enter the input queue. For example, if packets 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 were received, packets 1 and 2 enter the input queue, and packets 4, 5, and 6 enter the saved queue.

Show TCP Field Descriptions—First Section of Output

The following lines of output show the current time according to the system clock of the local host.

Event Timers (current time is 2043535532):
The time shown is the number of milliseconds since the system started.

The following lines of output display the number of times that various local TCP timeout values were reached during this connection. In this example, the local host retransmitted 69 times because it received no response from the remote host, and it transmitted an acknowledgment many more times because there was no data on which to piggyback.

Timer: Retrans TimeWait AckHold SendWnd KeepAlive
Starts: 69 0 69 0 0
Wakeups: 5 0 1 0 0
Next: 2043536089 0 0 0 0

Table 16-47 describes the fields in the preceding lines of output.

Table 16-47  

Field Description


The names of the timers in the display.


The number of times the timer has been started during this connection.


Number of keepalives transmitted without receiving any response. (This field is reset to zero when a response is received.)


The system clock setting that triggers the next time this timer goes off.


The Retransmission timer is used to time TCP packets that were not acknowledged and are waiting for retransmission.


The TimeWait timer is used to ensure that the remote system receive a request to disconnect a session.


The Acknowledgment timer is used to delay the sending of acknowledgments to the remote TCP in an attempt to reduce network use.


The Send Window is used to ensure that there is no closed window due to a lost TCP acknowledgment.


The KeepAlive timer is used to control the transmission of test messages to the remote TCP to ensure that the interface has not been broken without the local TCP's knowledge.

Show TCP Field Descriptions—Second Section of Output

The following lines of output display the sequence numbers that TCP uses to ensure sequenced, reliable transport of data. The local host and remote host each use these sequence numbers for flow control and to acknowledge receipt of datagrams. Table 16-48 describes the specific fields in these lines of output:

iss: 2043207208 snduna: 2043211083 sndnxt: 2043211483 sndwnd: 1344
irs: 3447586816 rcvnxt: 3447586900 rcvwnd: 2144 delrcvwnd: 83

Table 16-48  

Field Description

iss: 2043207208

Initial send sequence number.

snduna: 2043211083

Last send sequence number the local host sent but has not received an acknowledgment for.

sndnxt: 2043211483

Sequence number the local host is send next.

sndwnd: 1344

TCP window size of the remote host.

irs: 3447586816

Initial receive sequence number.

rcvnxt: 3447586900

Last receive sequence number the local host has acknowledged.

rcvwnd: 2144

Local host's TCP window size.

delrcvwnd: 83

Delayed receive window—data the local host has read from the connection but has not yet subtracted from the receive window the host has advertised to the remote host. The value in this field gradually increases until it is larger than a full-sized packet, at which point it is applied to the rcvwnd field.

Show TCP Field Descriptions—Sequence Number

The following lines of output display values that the local host uses to keep track of transmission times so that TCP can adjust to the network it is using. Table 16-49 describes the fields in the following line of output:

RTTO: 565 ms, RTV: 233 ms, KRTT: 0 ms, minRTT: 68 ms, maxRTT: 1900 ms
ACK hold: 282 ms

Table 16-49  

Field Description

RTTO: 565 ms

Round-trip timeout.

RTV: 233 ms

Variance of the round-trip time.

KRTT: 0 ms

New round-trip timeout (using the Karn algorithm). This field separately tracks the round-trip time of packets that were retransmitted.

minRTT: 68 ms

Smallest recorded round-trip timeout (hard-wired value used for calculation).

maxRTT: 1900 ms

Largest recorded round-trip timeout.

ACK hold: 282 ms

Time the local host delays an acknowledgment in order to piggyback data on it.

Show TCP Field Descriptions—Line Beginning with RTTO

For more information on these fields, refer to "Round Trip Time Estimation," P. Karn & C. Partridge, ACM SIGCOMM-87, August 1987. Table 16-50 describes the fields in the following lines of output:

Datagrams (max data segment is 536 bytes):
Rcvd: 106 (out of order: 0), with data: 71, total data bytes: 83
Sent: 96 (retransmit: 5), with data: 92, total data bytes: 4678

Table 16-50  

Field Description

Rcvd: 106 (out of order: 0)

Number of datagrams the local host has received during this connection (and the number of these datagrams that were out of order).

with data: 71

Number of these datagrams that contained data.

total data bytes: 83

Total number of bytes of data in these datagrams.

Sent: 96 (retransmit: 5)

Number of datagrams the local host sent during this connection (and the number of these datagrams that had to be retransmitted).

with data: 92

Number of these datagrams that contained data.

total data bytes: 4678

Total number of bytes of data in these datagrams.

Show TCP Field Descriptions—Last Section of Output

show version

Use the show version EXEC command to display the configuration of the system hardware, the software version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images.

show version
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode



The following is sample output from the show version command.

Switch# show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) LS Software (LS1010-IISP-M), Version 11.1.4(7492) [jhunt 1]
Copyright (c) 1986-1996 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 04-Mar-96 15:37 by jhunt
Image text-base: 0x600087F0, data-base: 0x6029A000
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.0(8534) [jhunt 103], INTERIM SOFTWARE
ROM: GS Software (LS1010-I-M), Version 11.1.4(6510) [cyadaval 108]
rhino3 uptime is 19 hours, 0 minutes
System restarted by reload
System image file is "/tftpboot/jhunt/ls1010-i-m.bin.Z", booted via tftp from 9
cisco ASP1 (R4600) processor with 16384K bytes of memory.
R4600 processor, Implementation 32, Revision 2.0
Last reset from power-on
1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface.
4 ATM network interfaces.
125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
8192K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K).
Configuration register is 0x0

Table 16-51 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16-51   Show Version Field Descriptions

Field Description

Software version 11.0

Always specify the complete version number when reporting a possible software problem. In the example output, the version number is 11.0.

System Bootstrap, Version

Bootstrap version string.

Current date and time

Boot date and time

Switch uptime is

Current date and time, the date and time the system was last booted, and uptime, or the length of time the system has been up and running.

System restarted by power-on

Also displayed is a log of how the system was last booted, both as a result of normal system startup and of system error. For example, information can be displayed to indicate a bus error that is generally the result of an attempt to access a nonexistent address, as follows:

System restarted by bus error at PC 0xC4CA, address 0x210C0C0

Running default software

If the software was booted over the network, the Internet address of the boot host is shown. If the software was loaded from onboard ROM, this line reads "running default software." In addition, the names and sources of the host and network configuration files are shown.

The output of the show version EXEC command can also provide certain messages, such as bus error messages. If such error messages appear, report the complete text of this message to your technical support specialist.


To disable an interface, use the shutdown interface configuration command. To restart a disabled interface, use the no form of this command.

no shutdown
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The shutdown command disables all functions on the specified interface.When the ATM interfaces shut down a loss of signal is transmitted to the far-end.

This command also marks the interface as unavailable. To check whether an interface is disabled, use the EXEC command show interfaces. An interface that has been shut down is shown as administratively down in the display from this command.


The following example turns off the Ethernet interface 2/0/0.

Switch# interface ethernet 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# shutdown

The following example turns the interface on.

Switch# interface ethernet 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# no shutdown
Related Command

show interface


Use the slip EXEC command to attach or detach a Serial-line IP (SLIP) interface.

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode


snmp-server access-policy

To create or update an access policy, use the snmp-server access-policy global configuration command. To remove the specified access policy, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server access-policy destination-party source-party context privileges
no snmp-server access-policy destination-party source-party context
Syntax Description


Name of a previously defined party identified as the destination party or target for this access policy. This name serves as a label used to reference a record defined for this party through the snmp-server party command.


Name of a previously defined party identified as the source party or subject for this access policy. This name serves as a label used to reference a record defined for this party through the snmp-server party command.


Name of a previously defined context that defines the resources for the access policy. This name serves as a label used to reference a record defined for this context through the snmp-server context command.


Bit mask representing the access privileges that govern the management operations that the source party can ask the destination party to perform.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

An access policy defines the management operations the destination party can perform in relation to resources defined by the specified context when requested by the source party. A destination party performs management operations that are requested by a source party. A source party sends communications to a destination party requesting the destination party to perform management operations. A context identifies object resources accessible to a party.

Access policies are defined on the switch for communications from the manager to the agent; in this case, the agent is the destination party and the manager is the source party. Access policies can also be defined on the switch for Response message and trap message communication from the agent to the manager; in this case, the manager is the destination party and the agent is the source party.

The privileges argument specifies the types of SNMP operations that are allowed between the two parties. There are seven types of SNMP operations.You specify the privileges as a bit mask representing the access privileges that govern the management operations that the source party can ask the destination party to perform. In other words, the bit mask identifies the commands that the source party can send to the destination party.

You use decimal or hexadecimal format to specify privileges as a sum of values in which each value specifies an SNMP PDU type that the source party can use to request an operation. The decimal values are defined as follows:

To remove an access-policy entry, all three arguments specified as command arguments must match exactly the values of the entry to be deleted. A difference of one value constitutes a different access policy.

The first snmp-server command you enter enables both versions of SNMP.


The following example configures an access policy providing the manager with read-only access to the agent.

Switch# snmp-server access-policy agt1 mgr1 ctx1 0x23

The following example configures an access policy providing the manager with read-write access to the agent.

Switch# snmp-server access-policy agt2 mgr2 ctx2 43

The following example configures an access policy that allows responses and SNMP v.2 traps to be sent from the agent to a management station.

Switch# snmp-server access-policy mgr1 agt1 ctx1 132

The following example removes the access policy configured for the destination party named agt1, the source party named mgr1, and with a context named ctx1.

Switch# no snmp-server access-policy agt1 mgr1 ctx1
Related Commands

snmp-server context
snmp-server party

snmp-server chassis-id

Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To provide a message line identifying the SNMP server serial number, use the snmp-server chassis-id global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value, if any.

snmp-server chassis-id text
no snmp-server chassis-id
Syntax Description


Message you want to enter to identify the chassis serial number.


On hardware platforms where the serial number can be machine read, the default is the serial number. For example, an AGS+ default value is none.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The Cisco MIB provides a chassis MIB variable that enables the SNMP manager to gather data on system card descriptions, chassis type, chassis hardware version, chassis ID string, software version of ROM monitor, software version of system image, bytes of processor RAM installed, current configuration register setting, and the value of the configuration register at the next reload. The following installed card information is provided: type of card, serial number, hardware version, software version, and chassis slot number.

The chassis ID message can be seen with the show stacks command.


In the following example, the chassis serial number specified is 1234456.

Switch# snmp-server chassis-id 1234456
Related Command

show stacks

snmp-server community

To set up the community access string to permit access to the SNMPv1 protocol, use the snmp-server community global configuration command. The no form of this command removes the specified community string.

snmp-server community string [ro | rw] [number]
no snmp-server community string
Syntax Description


Community string that acts like a password and permits access to the SNMP protocol.


(Optional) Specifies read-only access. Authorized management stations are only able to retrieve MIB objects.


(Optional) Specifies read-write access. Authorized management stations are able to both retrieve and modify MIB objects.


(Optional) Integer from 1 to 99 that specifies an access list of IP addresses that are allowed to use the community string to gain access to the SNMP v1 agent.


By default, an SNMP community string permits read-only access.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

For the previous version of this command, the string argument was optional. The string argument is now required. However, to prevent errors and provide backward-compatibility, if the string option is omitted, a default value of public is assumed.

The no snmp-server command disables both versions of SNMP (SNMPv1 and SNMPv2).

The first snmp-server command that you enter enables both versions of SNMP.


The following example assigns the string comaccess to SNMPv1, allowing read-only access and specifying that IP access list 4 can use the community string.

Switch# snmp-server community comaccess ro 4

The following example disables both versions of SNMP.

Switch# no snmp-server
Related Command

snmp-server party

snmp-server contact

To set the system contact (syscontact) string, use the snmp-server contact global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the system contact information.

snmp-server contact text
no snmp-server contact
Syntax Description


String that describes the system contact information.


No syscontact string is set.

Command Mode

Global configuration.


The following is an example of a syscontact string.

Switch# snmp-server contact Dial System Operator at beeper # 27345

snmp-server context

To create or update a context record, use the snmp-server context global configuration command. To remove a specific context entry, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server context context-name context-oid view-name
no snmp-server context context-name
Syntax Description


Name of the context to be created or updated. This name serves as a label used to reference a record for this context.


Object identifier to assign to the context. Specify this value in dotted decimal notation, with an optional text identifier; for example, (== initialContextId.


Name of a previously defined view. The view defines the objects available to the context.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

A context record identifies object resources accessible to a party. A context record is one of the components that make up an access policy. Therefore, you must configure a context record before you can create an access policy that includes the context. Context records and party records further codify MIB views.

To remove a context entry, specify only the name of the context. The name identifies the context to be deleted.

The first snmp-server command that you enter enables both versions of SNMP.


The following example shows how to create a context that includes all objects in the MIB-II subtree using a previously defined view named mib2.

Switch# snmp-server context mycontext initialContextid. mib2
Related Commands

copy running-config
show running-config
snmp-server view

snmp-server host

To specify the recipient of an SNMP trap operation ir Inform information, use the snmp-server host global configuration command. The no form of this command removes the specified host.

snmp-server host host community-string rap-type [chassis-change] [chassis-failure] [config]
snmp] [tty]
no snmp-server host host community-string rap-type [chassis-change] [chassis-failure]
config] [snmp] [tty]
Syntax Description


Name or Internet address of the host.


Password-like community string to send with the trap operation.


(Optional) Type of trap to be sent to the trap receiver host. If no type is specified, all traps are sent. It can be one or more of the following values:

  • config—Send configuration traps.
  • dspu—Send downstream physical unit (DSPU) traps.
  • envmon—Send Cisco enterprise-specific environmental monitor traps when an environmental threshold is exceeded.
  • frame-relay—Send Frame Relay traps.
  • isdn—Send ISDN traps.
  • llc2—Send Logical Link Control, type 2 (LLC2) traps.
  • rptr—Send standard repeater (hub) traps
  • rsrb—Send remote source route bridging (RSRB) traps.
  • sdlc—Send Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) traps.
  • sdllc—Send SDLLC traps.
  • snmp—Send SNMP traps defined in RFC 1157.
  • stun—Send serial tunnel (STUN) traps.
  • tty—Send Cisco enterprise-specific traps when a TCP connection closes.


(Optional) Enables the chassis changes.


(Optional) Enables the chassis failures.


(Optional) Enables the config traps.


(Optional) Enables the SNMP traps defined in RFC 1157.


(Optional) Enables Cisco enterprise-specific traps when a TCP connection closes.


No traps are sent.

If you enter the command with no keywords, the default is to enable all trap types.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The snmp-server host command specifies which host or hosts should receive SNMP traps. You need to issue the snmp-server host command once for each host acting as a trap recipient. When multiple snmp-server host commands are given, the community string in the last command is used, and in general, the trap types set in the last command are used for all SNMP trap operations.

Whether a trap-type option is available depends on the LightStream software features supported.


The following example sends the SNMP traps defined in RFC 1157 to the host specified by the name The community string is defined as the string comaccess.

Switch# snmp-server host comaccess snmp

The following example sends the SNMP and Cisco enterprise-specific traps to address

Switch# snmp-server host
Related Commands

snmp-server trap-source
snmp-server trap-timeout

snmp-server location

To set the system location string, use the snmp-server location global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the location string.

snmp-server location text
no snmp-server location
Syntax Description


String that describes the system location information.


No system location string is set.

Command Mode

Global configuration.


The following example illustrates a system location string.

Switch# snmp-server location Building 3/Room 214

snmp-server packetsize

To establish control over the largest SNMP packet size permitted when the SNMP server is receiving a request or generating a reply, use the snmp-server packetsize global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

snmp-server packetsize byte-count
no snmp-server packetsize
Syntax Description


Integer byte count from 484 to 17940.


1500 bytes.

Command Mode

Global configuration.


The following example establishes a packet filtering of a maximum size of 1024 bytes.

Switch(config)# snmp-server packetsize 1024

snmp-server party

To create or update a party record, use the snmp-server party global configuration command. To remove a specific party entry, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server party party-name party-oid [authentication {md5 key [snmpv1 string]}] [local |
remote] [packetsize size] [udp protocol-address]
no snmp-server party party-name
Syntax Description


Name of the party characterized by the contents of the record. This name serves as a label used to reference the party record that you are creating or modifying.


Object identifier to assign to the party. Specify this value in dotted decimal notation, with an optional text identifier; for example, (= initialPartyId.


(Optional) Indicates that the party uses an authentication protocol. If specified, either md5 or snmpv1 is required.

md5 key

(Optional) Indicates that the party uses the Message Digest algorithm md5 for message authentication. If md5 is specified, you must also specify a 16-byte hexadecimal ASCII string representing the MD5 authentication key for the party. All messages sent to this party are authenticated using the snmpv1 md5 authentication method with the key specified by key.

snmpv1 string

(Optional) Community string. The keyword snmpv1 indicates that the party uses community-based authentication. All messages sent to this party are authenticated using the snmpv1 community string specified by string instead of md5.

local | remote

(Optional) Indicates that the party is local or remote. If neither local nor remote is specified, a default value of local is assumed.

packetsize size

(Optional) Maximum size in bytes of a message that this party is able to receive. By default, the packet size set through the snmp-server packetsize command is used (484-65507).

udp protocol-address

(Optional) Address of the protocol that the party record pertains to. Currently the only supported protocol is UDP, so this value specifies a UDP address in the format a.b.c.d port.

This value is used to specify the destination of trap messages.


If neither local nor remote is specified to indicate the location of the party, the party is assumed to be local.

If you do not specify a packet size, the packet size set through the snmp-server packetsize command is used.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

You define parties to identify managers and agents. An SNMPv2 party identity is unique; it includes the logical network location of the party, characterized by the transport protocol domain and transport addressing information, and, optionally, an authentication method and its arguments. The authentication protocol reliably identifies the origin of all messages sent by the party. The authentication protocol also ensures the integrity of the messages; in other words, it ensures that the message received is the message that was sent.

Specifying md5 as the authentication method implies that this party record pertains to an SNMPv2 party.

Specifying snmpv1 as the authentication method implies that this party record pertains to an SNMPv1 party. This allows a management station that supports only SNMPv1 to use SNMPv2 MIB views. Instead of using the snmp-server community command, you can use the snmp-server party command with the snmpv1 keyword to define an SNMPv1 party to be used to communicate with an SNMPv1 management station. The snmp-server community command does not allow you to create MIB views for an SNMPv1 management station.

If authentication is not specified, the party record pertains to an SNMPv2 party, and no authentication is performed for messages sent to this party.

To remove a party record, specify only the name of the party. The name identifies the party to be deleted.

The first snmp-server command that you enter enables both versions of SNMP.


The following example configures a remote unauthenticated party.

Switch(config)# snmp-server party mgr1 initialPartyId. udp 162

The following example configures a local MD5-authenticated party with a large maximum packet size. You enter this command as a single line.

Switch(config)# snmp-server party agt1 initialPartyId. packetsize 1500 local authentication md5 23de457623900ac3ef568fcb236589 lifetime 400

The following example configures an SNMPv1 proxy party for the community public.

Switch(config)# snmp-server party proxyv1 initialPartyId. authentication snmpv1 public

The following example removes the party named mgr1.

Switch(config)# no snmp-server party mgr1
Related Commands

copy running-config startup-config
show running-config
snmp-server community
snmp-server packetsize

snmp-server queue-length

To establish the message queue length for each trap host, use the snmp-server queue-length global configuration command.

snmp-server queue-length length
Syntax Description


Integer that specifies the number of trap events that can be held before the queue must be emptied.


10 events.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command defines the length of the message queue for each trap host. Once a trap message is successfully transmitted, software continues to empty the queue, but never faster than at a rate of four trap messages per second.


The following example establishes a message queue that traps four events before it must be emptied.

Switch# snmp-server queue-length 4

snmp-server system-shutdown

To use the SNMP message reload feature, the device configuration must include the snmp-server system-shutdown global configuration command. The no form of this command prevents an SNMP system-shutdown request (from an SNMP manager) from resetting the Cisco agent.

snmp-server system-shutdown
no snmp-server system-shutdown
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command is not included in the configuration file.

Command Mode

Global configuration.


The following example illustrates how to include the SNMP message reload feature in the device configuration.

Switch# snmp-server system-shutdown

snmp-server trap-authentication

To establish trap message authentication, use the snmp-server trap-authentication global configuration command. To remove message authentication, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server trap-authentication [snmpv1 | snmpv2]
no snmp-server trap-authentication [snmp1 | snmp2]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates that SNMP authentication traps are sent to SNMPv1 management stations only.


(Optional) Indicates that SNMP authentication traps are sent to SNMPv2 management stations only.


Specifying the snmp-server trap-authentication command without a keyword turns on trap message authentication. In this case, messages are sent to the host that is specified through the snmp-server host command and to any SNMP stations configured through access policies to receive trap messages.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Specify the snmpv1 or snmpv2 keyword to indicate the type of management stations to send the trap messages to.

This command enables the switch as an agent to send a trap message when it receives an SNMPv1 packet with an incorrect community string or an SNMPv2 packet with an incorrect MD5 authentication key.

The SNMP specification requires that a trap message be generated for each packet with an incorrect community string or authentication key; however, because this action can cause a security breach, the switch (as an agent) by default does not send a trap message when it receives an incorrect community string or authentication key.

The community string or key is checked before any access list that may be set, so it is possible to get spurious trap messages. In other words, if you issued an snmp-server community command with a specified access list, you might receive messages that come from someone not on the access list; in this case, an authentication trap is issued. The only workarounds are to disable trap authentication or to configure an access list on a switch between the SNMP agent and the SNMP manager to prevent packets from getting to the SNMP agent.

To turn off all message authentication traps, use the no snmp-server trap-authentication without a keyword. To turn off message authentication traps only for SNMPv1 stations or only for SNMPv2 stations, give the negative form of the command with the appropriate keyword.

The first snmp-server command that you enter enables both versions of SNMP.


The following example illustrates how to enter the command that establishes trap message authentication.

Switch# snmp-server trap-authentication
Related Command

snmp-server host

snmp-server trap-source

To specify the interface (and hence the corresponding IP address) that an SNMP trap should originate from, use the snmp-server trap-source global configuration command. Use the no form of the command to remove the source designation.

snmp-server trap-source interface
no snmp-server trap-source
Syntax Description


Interface from which the SNMP trap originates. The argument includes the interface type and number in platform-specific syntax.


No interface is specified.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

When an SNMP trap is sent from a Cisco SNMP server, it displays the trap address of the interface it left at the time of the request. Use this command if you want to use the trap address to trace specified needs.


The following example specifies that the IP address for interface Ethernet 2/0/0 is the source for all traps on the switch.

Switch# snmp-server trap-source ethernet 2/0/0

snmp-server trap-timeout

To define how often to try resending trap messages on the retransmission queue, use the snmp-server trap-timeout global configuration command.

snmp-server trap-timeout seconds
Syntax Description


Integer that sets the interval, in seconds, for resending the messages.


30 seconds.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Before the switch tries to send a trap, it looks for a route to the destination address. If there is no known route, the trap is saved in a retransmission queue. The server trap-timeout command determines the number of seconds between retransmission attempts.


The following example sets an interval of 20 seconds to try resending trap messages on the retransmission queue.

Switch# snmp-server trap-timeout 20
Related Command

snmp-server host

snmp-server userid

To create or update an SNMPv2 security context using the simplified security conventions method, use the snmp-server userid global configuration command. The no form of this command removes the specified security context.

snmp-server userid user-id [view view-name] [ro | rw] [password password]
no snmp-server userid user-id
Syntax Description


User ID name that identifies an approved SNMPv2 user. The user ID represents a set of security information for this user. This value can identify a particular user of the system or a background process.

view view-name

(Optional) View to be used for this security context. The argument view-name must be the name of a predefined view. For authenticated users, defaults to the predefined view everything. For users who are not authenticated, defaults to the predefined view restricted.


(Optional) Specifies read-only access. This is the default for unauthenticated users.


(Optional) Specifies read-write access. This is the default for authenticated users.

password password

(Optional) Indicates that this is an authenticated user, and defines the password used to authenticate the user. The password must be at least eight characters long.


For the snmp-server userid command, the default value for the view-name argument depends on whether the security context is password-protected. If the security context is password-protected, one of the following default values applies:

These predefined views are described in RFC 1447.

Read-only access is the default for unauthenticated users.

Read-write access is the default for authenticated users.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The snmp-server userid command implements the simplified security conventions method of configuring the relationship between an agent and a manager. It provides a single-step method that offers an alternative to the access policy configuration method of defining this relationship. The simplified method offers ease-of-use at the cost of forfeiting control over certain values that can be configured if you create an access policy. The simplified security conventions method applies to a configuration in which the agent is the destination or recipient of messages and the manager is the source or sender of messages. You cannot use this command to define a relationship in which the agent is the source and the manager is the destination. The security context created does not apply to trap messages.

Caution Use the simplified security conventions method only if the management station participating in the manager-agent relationship also supports this method.

If you provide a password, the password is encrypted on write operations for which encryption is enabled.

If you use the snmp-server userid command, the SNMPv2 implementation assumes default values that it determines internally for required information that you cannot provide through the command interface. SNMPv2 uses the following methods to determine these values:

The first snmp-server command that you enter enables both versions of SNMP.


The following example configures a security context for the user florence, who is unauthenticated, uses the view default, and has read-only access.

Switch# snmp-server userid florence
Related Commands

snmp-server chassis-id
snmp-server context
snmp-server party
snmp-server view

snmp-server view

To create or update a view entry, use the snmp-server view global configuration command. To remove the specified SNMP server view entry, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server view view-name mib-tree {included | excluded}
no snmp-server view view-name
Syntax Description


Label for the view record that you are updating or creating. The name is used to reference the record.


Object identifier of the ASN.1 subtree to be included or excluded from the view. To identify the subtree, specify a text string consisting of numbers, such as, or a word, such as system. Replace a single subidentifier with the asterisk (*) wildcard to specify a subtree family; for example, 1.3.*.4.

included | excluded

Type of view. You must specify either included or excluded.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Other SNMPv2 commands require a view as an argument. You use this command to create a view to be used as arguments for other commands that create records including a view.

Two standard predefined views can be used when a view is required, instead of defining a view. One is everything, which indicates that the user can see all objects. The other is restricted, which indicates that the user can see three groups: system, snmpStats, and snmpParties. The predefined views are described in RFC 1447.

The first snmp-server command that you enter enables both versions of SNMP.


The following example creates a view that includes all objects in the MIB-II subtree.

Switch(config)# snmp-server view mib2 mib-2 included

The following example creates a view that includes all objects in the MIB-II system group and all objects in the Cisco enterprise MIB.

Switch(config)# snmp-server phred system included
Switch(config)# snmp-server view phred cisco included

The following example creates a view that includes all objects in the MIB-II system group except for sysServices (System 7) and all objects for interface 1 in the MIB-II interfaces group.

Switch(config)# snmp-server view agon system included
Switch(config)# snmp-server view agon system.7 excluded
Switch(config)# snmp-server view agon ifEntry.*.1 included
Related Commands

copy running-config startup-config
show running-config
snmp-server context
snmp-server userid


To set the mode of operation and thus control type of ATM cell used for cell-rate decoupling on the SONET, use the sonet interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default sts3c operation (applies to only OC3 and OC12 interfaces).

sonet [stm-1| sts-3c]
sonet [stm4 | sts-12c]
no sonet stm-1
Syntax Description


SDH/STM-1 operation (ITU-T specification).1


SDH/STM-4 operation (ITU-T specification).

1The ITU-T carries out the functions of the former Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT).


The default is sts3c for OC3 and sts12c for OC12.

Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command applies to all ports except the CPU. Use stm-1 in applications where the ATM switch requires "idle cells" for rate adaptation. An idle cell contains 31 zeros followed by a 1.

Use the default (sts3c) in applications where the ATM switch requires "unassigned cells" for rate adaptation. An unassigned cell contains 32 zeros.


The following example specifies ATM SONET STM-1.

Switch(config-if)# atm sonet stm-1
Related Commands

show controllers
show running-config
write terminal


To configure the number of data bits per character for special characters such as software flow control characters and escape characters, use the special-character-bits line configuration command.

special-character-bits {7 | 8}
no special-character-bits
Syntax Description


Selects the 7-bit ASCII character set.


Selects the full 8-bit character set for special characters.



Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Setting the special character bits to 8 allows you to use twice as many special characters as with the 7-bit ASCII character set. The special characters affected by this setting are the escape, hold, stop, start, disconnect, and activation characters.


The following example allows the full 8-bit international character set for special characters on the auxiliary port.

Switch(config)# line aux 0
Switch(config-line)# special-character-bits 8
Related Commands

default-value exec-character-bits
default-value special-character-bits
terminal exec-character-bits
terminal special-character-bits


To set the terminal baud rate, use the speed line configuration command. The command sets both the transmit (to terminal) and receive (from terminal) speeds.

speed bps
no speed
Syntax Description


Baud rate in bits per second (bps); see Usage Guidelines below for settings.


9600 bps.

Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command pertains to the auxiliary port only. Set the speed to match the baud rate of whatever device you connected to the port. Some baud rates available on devices connected to the port might not be supported on the switch. The switch indicates if the speed you select is not supported. The following speeds, in bits per second, are available.

75, 110, 134, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2000, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400


The following example sets the auxiliary line to 2400 bps.

Switch(config)# line aux 0
Switch(config-line)# speed 2400
Related Commands



To permanently delete Flash files, use the squeeze privileged EXEC command.

squeeze device:
Syntax Description


Flash device from which to permanently delete files. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

  • bootflash: This device is the internal Flash memory.
  • slot0: This device is the first PCMCIA slot on the ASP card.
  • slot1: This device is the second PCMCIA slot on the ASP card.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.

Usage Guidelines

When Flash memory is full, you might need to rearrange the files so that the space used by the "deleted" files can be reclaimed. When you issue the squeeze command, the switch copies all valid files to the beginning of Flash memory and erases all files marked "deleted." At this point, you cannot recover "deleted" files, and you can write to the reclaimed Flash memory space.

Note      The squeeze operation might take several minutes because it can involve erasing and rewriting almost an entire Flash memory space.


The following example instructs the switch to permanently erase the files marked deleted from the Flash memory card inserted in the second slot of the ASP card.

Switch# squeeze slot1:
Related Commands



To set the flow control start character, use the start-character line configuration command. The command defines the character that signals the start of data transmission when software flow control is in effect. The no form of this command removes the character.

start-character ascii-number
no start-character
Syntax Description


ASCII decimal representation of the start character.


ASCII decimal 17.

Command Mode

Line configuration.


The following example changes the start character to Ctrl-B, which is ASCII decimal 2.

Switch(config)# line aux 0
Switch(config-line)# start-character 2
Related Command



To manually start a chat script, use the start-chat privileged EXEC command. Use the no form of this command to stop the chat script.

start-chat regexp [aux 0 [dialer-string]]
no start-chat
Syntax Description


Regular expression specifying the name of a regular expression or modem script to be executed. If there is more than one script with a name that matches the argument regexp, the first script found is used.

aux 0

(Optional) Indicates the line number on which to execute the chat script. If you do not specify a line number, the current line number is chosen. If the specified line is busy, the script is not executed and an error message appears. If the dialer-string argument is specified, aux 0 must be entered; this command is not optional if you specify a dialer-string. This command functions only on physical terminal (tty) lines. It does not function on virtual terminal (vty) lines.


(Optional) String of characters (often a telephone number) to be sent to a DCE. If you enter a dialer-string, you must also specify aux 0, or the chat script regexp does not start.



Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.

Usage Guidelines

This command provides modem dialing commands for a chat script that you want to apply immediately to a line. If you do not specify a line, the script runs on the current line. If the specified line is already in use, the script is not activated and an error message appears. This command can only be used on the auxiliary port of the switch.

The argument regexp is used to specify the name of the modem script that is to be executed. The first script that matches the argument in this command and the dialer map command is used.


The following example manually starts the chat script with the word telebit in its name on line 0.

Switch# start-chat telebit aux 0
Related Commands

dialer-list list
script activation
script connection
script reset
script startup


To turn on the PNNI statistics feature, use the statistics ATM router PNNI configuration command. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

statistics [call]
no statistics [call]
Syntax Description


Specifies statistics related to route computation.

Command Mode

ATM router PNNI configuration.



Usage Guidelines

For more information, refer to the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Software Configuration Guide.


The following script shows how to access the statistics ATM router PNNI configuration command.

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# atm router pnni
Switch(config-atm-router)# statistics call
Related Command

show atm status


To set the number of the stop bits transmitted per byte, use the stopbits line configuration command.

stopbits {1 | 1.5 | 2}
no stopbits
Syntax Description


One stop bit.


One and one-half stop bits.


Two stop bits.


2 stop bits.

Command Mode

Line configuration.


The following example changes the default from 2 stop bits to 1 as a performance enhancement.

Switch(config)# line aux 0
Switch(config-line)# stopbits 1


To set the flow control stop character, use the stop-character line configuration command. The no form of this command removes the character.

stop-character ascii-number
no stop-character
Syntax Description


ASCII decimal representation of the stop character.


ASCII decimal 19.

Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command defines the character that signals the end of data transmission when software flow control is in effect.


The following example changes the stop character to ^E, which is ASCII decimal 5.

Switch(config)# line aux 0
Switch(config-line)# stop-character 5
Related Commands



To configure summary address prefixes on a PNNI node, use the summary-address node-level subcommand. To remove configured summary address prefixes, use the no form of this command.

summary-address address-prefix [internal | exterior] [suppress]
no summary-address address-prefix [internal | exterior]
Syntax Description


Specifies the summary address prefix. The maximum length of the address prefix is 19 bytes. Each character in the prefix is 4-bits long. In other words, the length of the prefix must fall on a nibble boundary. For example, the length of the prefix must be a multiple of 4-bits.


Local knowledge of reachability, including end-system addresses registered via ILMI address registration.


Knowledge of reachability through remote networks or derived from other protocol exchanges outside the PNNI routing domain.


Indicates that neither the summary address nor any addresses for which the summary address is the longest matching prefix are advertised.


Default summary addresses are controlled by the auto-summary command.

The default summary address type is internal.

Command Mode

PNNI node configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Summary addresses can be used to decrease the amount of information advertised by this PNNI node. Summary addresses should only be configured when all endsystem addresses matching the summary address are reachable from this switch (for example, not reachable through PNNI interfaces to other switches).

Summary addresses of type internal only summarize internal addresses reachable from this switch (such as ILMI-registered addresses and internal static routes). Summary addresses of type exterior only summarize exterior addresses reachable from this switch (for example, exterior static routes on IISP or Public UNI interfaces).

Suppressed summary addresses can be used to prevent other PNNI nodes from learning of this switch's connectivity to certain addresses (for example, for backdoors).

For more information, refer to the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Software Configuration Guide.


The following script shows how to access the summary-address node-level subcommand.

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# atm router pnni
Switch(config-atm-router)# node 1
Switch(config-pnni-node)# summary-address 48.91...
Related Commands

atm route
show atm pnni prefix

Posted: Fri Jan 24 21:59:50 PST 2003
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