
Table of Contents

ntp access-group
ntp authenticate
ntp authentication-key
ntp broadcast
ntp broadcast client
ntp broadcastdelay
ntp clock-period
ntp disable
ntp master
ntp peer
ntp server
ntp source
ntp trusted-key
ntp update-calendar



To configure a name for a PNNI node, use the name node-level subcommand. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.

name name
no name
Syntax Description


Specify the ASCII name for the PNNI node.


The value assigned by the hostname command.

Command Mode

PNNI node command.

Usage Guidelines

The LightStream 1010 PNNI node name is distributed to all other nodes via PNNI flooding. This allows all LightStream 1010 PNNI nodes to use this node name to identify this node in the following PNNI show commands:

This command only applies to PNNI nodes.

For more information, refer to the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Software Configuration Guide.


The following example configures the node name to be eng_1.

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# atm router pnni
Switch(config-atm-router)# node 1
Switch(config-pnni-node)# name eng_1
Related Commands

show atm pnni node


Note      This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.

To name an existing network connection, use the name-connection EXEC command.

name-connection name
Syntax Description


A name that identifies the internal adapter.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The name can be any string of up to 8 characters that does not include blanks.


The following example assigns a name to an internal adapter interface.

Switch# name VTAM_B14


To allow the recovered clock to specify a particular port to provide network clocking, use the network-clock-select global configuration commands. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

network-clock-select priority atm card/subcard/port
no network-clock-select atm card/subcard/port
Syntax Description


Card, subcard, and port number for the SONET port.


Specifies the priority between 1 and 4.


No network-clocks.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command applies only to SONET interfaces.

Sample Display

The following example shows how to configure ATM 3/0/1 as a network clock source of priority 2 and to configure ATM 0/1/0 to use network-clock mode.

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# network 2 atm 3/0/1
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/1/0
Switch(config)# clock network-derived

Warning Make sure a network clock-source is configured before a port uses it as its clock source, which could cause serious problems on the link.

Related Commands

clock set
show network-clocks


To create, delete, enable, or disable nodes running on this switch and to specify or change the level of a node, use the node ATM router PNNI configuration command. PNNI node configuration mode is started when this command is entered. To remove a previously set node index, use the no form of this command.

node node_index level level_indicator [lowest] [enable | disable]
no node node_index
Syntax Description


Specifies the local node index used to identify nodes running on this switch.


Specifies the PNNI level (position in the PNNI hierarchy) at which the node exists.


Indicates that the node to be created is a lowest-level node (for example, the node runs over physical links and VPCs). If this is not present when a new node_index is specified, the new node becomes a logical group node that represents a PNNI peer group. A logical group node only becomes active when its child node is elected peer group leader.


With LightStream 1010 ATM switch's autoconfiguration capabilities, a lowest-level PNNI node, with the node index 1, is automatically created and by default runs on all PNNI interfaces (including interfaces determined by ILMI to be PNNI interfaces and on interfaces configured to run PNNI).

The default level is 56, the proper level for lowest-level nodes using autoconfigured Cisco ATM addresses in a single level hierarchy.

Command Mode

ATM router PNNI configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Currently only a single lowest-level node with node index 1 is supported.

Only a node running at the lowest level can be configured to run on an interface.

The level of a node can only be modified when the node is disabled.

Enable and disable can be used to reinitialize PNNI. For example, the node ID and peer group ID are recalculated based on the switch's first ATM address and the node-level whenever a node is enabled.

For more information, refer to the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Software Configuration Guide.


The following example shows how to enter PNNI node configuration mode.

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# atm router pnni
Switch(config-atm-router)# node 1

The following example shows how to create a lowest-level PNNI node with node index 1 at level 96 (assuming no node currently exists on this switch).

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# atm router pnni
Switch(config-atm-router)# node 1 level 96 lowest
Related Commands

atm address
atm router pnni
show atm pnni node


To enable terminal notification about pending output from other connections, use the notify line configuration command. The no form of this command ends notification.

no notify
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The command sets a line to inform a user with multiple, concurrent Telnet connections when output is pending on a connection other than the current one.


The following example sets up notification of pending output from connections on virtual terminal lines 0 to 4.

Switch# line vty 0 4
Switch(config-line)# notify
Related Command

terminal notify

ntp access-group

To control access to the system's Network Time Protocol (NTP) services, use the ntp access-group global configuration command. To remove access control to the system's NTP services, use the no form of this command.

ntp access-group {query-only | serve-only | serve | peer} access-list-number
no ntp access-group {query-only | serve-only | serve | peer}
Syntax Description


Allows only NTP control queries. See RFC 1305 (NTP version 3).


Allows only time requests.


Allows time requests and NTP control queries, but does not allow the system to synchronize to the remote system.


Allows time requests and NTP control queries and allows the system to synchronize to the remote system.


Number (1 to 99) of a standard IP access list.


No access control (full access granted to all systems).

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The ntp-access group command scans the options in the following order from least restrictive to most restrictive:

1. peer

2. serve

3. serve-only

4. query-only

Access is granted for the first match found. If no access groups are specified, complete access is granted to all sources. If any access groups are specified, only the specified access is granted. This facility provides minimal security. If more security is desired, use the NTP authentication facility.


In the following example, the system is configured to allow itself to be synchronized by a peer from access list 99. However, the system restricts access to allow only time requests from access list 42.

Switch# ntp access-group peer 99
Switch# ntp access-group serve-only 42
Related Command


ntp authenticate

To enable Network Time Protocol (NTP) authentication, use the ntp authenticate global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable the feature.

ntp authenticate
no ntp authenticate
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


No authentication.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command if you want authentication. If this command is specified, the system does not synchronize to a system unless it carries one of the authentication keys specified in the ntp trusted-key command.


The following example enables NTP authentication.

Switch# ntp authenticate
Related Commands

ntp authentication-key
ntp trusted-key

ntp authentication-key

To define an authentication key for Network Time Protocol (NTP), use the ntp authentication-key global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the authentication key for NTP.

ntp authentication-key number md5 value
no ntp authentication-key number
Syntax Description


Key number (1 to 4294967295).


Authentication key. Message authentication support is provided using the Message Digest (MD5) algorithm. The key type md5 is currently the only key type supported.


Key value (an arbitrary string of up to eight characters).


No authentication key is defined for NTP.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define authentication keys for use with other NTP commands to provide a higher degree of security.


The following example sets authentication key 10 to aNiceKey.

Switch# ntp authentication-key 10 md5 aNiceKey
Related Commands

ntp peer
ntp server
ntp trusted-key

ntp broadcast

To specify that a specific interface should send Network Time Protocol (NTP) broadcast packets, use the ntp broadcast interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this capability.

ntp broadcast [version number]
no ntp broadcast
Syntax Description

version number

(Optional) Number from 1 to 3 indicating the NTP version.



Command Mode

Interface configuration.


In the following example, Ethernet interface 2/0/0 is configured to send NTP version 2 packets.

Switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# ntp broadcast version 2
Related Commands

ntp broadcast client
ntp broadcastdelay

ntp broadcast client

To allow the system to receive NTP broadcast packets on an interface, use the ntp broadcast client interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this capability.

ntp broadcast client
no ntp broadcast client
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to allow the system to listen to broadcast packets on an interface-by-interface basis.


In the following example, the switch synchronizes to NTP packets broadcast on Ethernet interface 2/0/0.

Switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# ntp broadcast client
Related Commands

ntp broadcast
ntp broadcastdelay

ntp broadcastdelay

To set the estimated round-trip delay between the switch and a Network Time Protocol (NTP) broadcast server, use the ntp broadcastdelay global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default value.

ntp broadcastdelay microseconds
no ntp broadcastdelay
Syntax Description


Estimated round-trip time (in microseconds) for NTP broadcasts. The range is from 1 to 999999.


3000 microseconds.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command when the switch is configured as a broadcast client and the round-trip delay on the network is other than 3000 microseconds.


In the following example, the estimated round-trip delay between the switch and the broadcast client is set to 5000 microseconds.

Switch# ntp broadcastdelay 5000
Related Commands

ntp broadcast
ntp broadcast client

ntp clock-period

Caution Do not use this command; it is documented for informational purposes only. The system automatically generates this command as Network Time Protocol (NTP) determines the clock error and then compensates.

As NTP compensates for the error in the system clock, it keeps track of the correction factor for this error. The system automatically saves this value into the system configuration using the ntp clock-period global configuration command. The system uses the no form of this command to revert to the default.

ntp clock-period value
no ntp clock-period
Syntax Description


Amount to add to the system clock for each clock hardware tick (in units of 2 to 32 seconds).


17179869 (4 milliseconds).

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

If a copy running-config startup-config command is entered to save the configuration to memory, this command is automatically added to the configuration. It is a good idea to perform this task after NTP has been running for a week or so; this helps NTP synchronize more quickly if the system is restarted.

ntp disable

To prevent an interface from receiving Network Time Protocol (NTP) packets, use the ntp disable interface configuration command. To enable receipt of NTP packets on an interface, use the no form of this command.

ntp disable
no ntp disable
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command provides a simple method of access control.


In the following example, Ethernet interface 2/0/0 is prevented from receiving NTP packets.

Switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# ntp disable

ntp master

To configure the switch as a Network Time Protocol (NTP) master clock to which peers synchronize themselves when an external NTP source is not available, use the ntp master global configuration command. To disable the master clock function, use the no form of this command.

ntp master [stratum]
no ntp master [stratum]

Caution Use this command with extreme caution. It is very easy to override valid time sources using this command, especially if a low stratum number is configured. Configuring multiple machines in the same network with the ntp master command can cause instability in timekeeping if the machines do not agree on the time.

Syntax Description


(Optional) Number from 1 to 15. Indicates the NTP stratum number that the system claims.


By default, the master clock function is disabled. When enabled, the default stratum is 8.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Since the Cisco implementation of NTP does not support directly attached radio or atomic clocks, the switch is normally synchronized, directly or indirectly, to an external system that has such a clock. In a network without Internet connectivity, such a time source may not be available. The ntp master command is used in such cases.

If the system has ntp master configured and it cannot reach any clock with a lower stratum number, the system claims to be synchronized at the configured stratum number, and other systems synchronize to it via NTP.

Note      The system clock must have been set from some source, including manually before ntp master has any effect. This protects against distributing erroneous time after the system is restarted.


In the following example, the switch is configured as an NTP master clock to which peers may synchronize.

Switch# ntp master 10
Related Command

clock read-calendar

ntp peer

To configure the switch's system clock to synchronize a peer or to be synchronized by a peer, use the
ntp peer global configuration command. To disable this capability, use the no form of this command.

ntp peer ip-address [version number] [key keyid] [source interface] [prefer]
no ntp peer ip-address
Syntax Description


IP address of the peer providing or being provided the clock synchronization.


(Optional) Defines the Network Time Protocol (NTP) version number.


(Optional) NTP version number (1 to 3).


(Optional) Defines the authentication key.


(Optional) Authentication key to use when sending packets to this peer.


(Optional) Names the interface.


(Optional) Name of the interface from which to pick the IP source address.


(Optional) Makes this peer the preferred peer that provides synchronization.


No peers are configured by default. If a peer is configured, the default NTP version number is 3, no authentication key is used, and the source IP address is taken from the outgoing interface.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command if you want to allow this machine to synchronize with the peer or vice versa. Using the prefer keyword reduces switching back and forth between peers.

If you are using the default version of 3 and NTP synchronization does not occur, try using NTP version number 2. Many NTP servers on the Internet run version 2.


In the following example, the switch is configured to allow its system clock to be synchronized with the clock of the peer (or vice versa) at IP address using NTP version 2. The source IP address is the address of Ethernet 2/0/0.

Switch# ntp peer version 2 source ethernet 2/0/0
Related Commands

ntp authentication-key
ntp server
ntp source

ntp server

To allow the switch's system clock to be synchronized by a time server, use the ntp server global configuration command. To disable this capability, use the no form of this command.

ntp server ip-address [version number] [key keyid] [source interface] [prefer]
no ntp server ip-address
Syntax Description


IP address of the time server providing the clock synchronization.


(Optional) Defines the Network Time Protocol (NTP) version number.


(Optional) NTP version number (1 to 3).


(Optional) Defines the authentication key.


(Optional) Authentication key to use when sending packets to this peer.


(Optional) Identifies the interface from which to pick the IP source address.


(Optional) Name of the interface from which to pick the IP source address.


(Optional) Makes this server the preferred server that provides synchronization.


No peers are configured by default. If a peer is configured, the default NTP version number is 3, no authentication key is used, and the source IP address is taken from the outgoing interface.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command if you want to allow this machine to synchronize with the specified server. The server does not synchronize to this machine.

Using the prefer keyword reduces switching back and forth between servers.

If you are using the default version of 3 and NTP synchronization does not occur, try using NTP version number 2. Many NTP servers on the Internet run version 2.


In the following example, the switch is configured to allow its system clock to be synchronized with the clock of the peer at IP address using NTP version 2.

Switch# ntp server version 2
Related Commands

ntp authentication-key
ntp peer
ntp source

ntp source

To use a particular source address in Network Time Protocol (NTP) packets, use the ntp source global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified source address.

ntp source interface
no ntp source
Syntax Description


Any valid system interface name.


Source address is determined by the outgoing interface.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command when you want to use a particular source IP address for all NTP packets. The address is taken from the named interface. This command is useful if the address on an interface cannot be used as the destination for reply packets. If the source keyword is present on an ntp server or ntp peer command, that value overrides the global value.


In the following example, the switch is configured to use the IP address of Ethernet 2/0/0 as the source address of all outgoing NTP packets.

Switch# ntp source ethernet 2/0/0
Related Commands

ntp peer
ntp server

ntp trusted-key

If you want to authenticate the identity of a system to which Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronizes, use the ntp trusted-key global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable authentication of the identity of the system.

ntp trusted-key key-number
no ntp trusted-key key-number
Syntax Description


Key number of authentication key to be trusted.



Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

If authentication is enabled, use this command to define one or more key numbers (corresponding to the keys defined with the ntp authentication-key command) that a peer NTP system must provide in its NTP packets in order for this system to synchronize to it. This provides protection against accidentally synchronizing the system to a system that is not trusted because the other system must know the correct authentication key.


In the following example, the system is configured to synchronize only to systems providing authentication key 42 in its NTP packets.

Switch# ntp authenticate
Switch# ntp authentication-key 42 md5 aNiceKey
Switch# ntp trusted-key 42
Related Command

ntp authentication-key

ntp update-calendar

To periodically update the calendar from Network Time Protocol (NTP), use the ntp update-calendar global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

ntp update-calendar
no ntp update-calendar
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The calendar is not updated.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

If a switch is synchronized to an outside time source via NTP, you should periodically update the calendar with the time learned from NTP. Otherwise, the calendar tends to gradually lose or gain time. The calendar is updated only if NTP has synchronized to an authoritative time server.


In the following example, the system is configured to periodically update the calendar from the system clock.

Switch# ntp update-calendar
Related Commands

clock read-calendar
clock update-calendar

Posted: Thu Jan 23 20:57:32 PST 2003
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