To set the system calendar, use the calendar set privileged EXEC command.
Once you set the calendar, the system clock is automatically set when the system is restarted or when the clock read-calendar EXEC command is issued. The calendar maintains its accuracy, even after a power failure or system reboot has occurred. The time specified in this command is relative to the configured time zone.
In the following example, the system calendar is manually set to 1:32 p.m. on July 9, 1996.
clock read-calendar
clock set
clock summer-time
clock timezone
clock update-calendar
To set the default Flash device for the system, use the cd EXEC command.
The slot0 is the initial default device and the default device when you omit the device argument.
For all EXEC commands that have an optional device argument, the system uses the device specified by the cd command when you omit the optional device argument. For example, the dir command contains an optional device argument and displays a list of files on a Flash memory device. When you omit this device argument, the system shows a list of the files on the Flash device specified by the cd command.
The following example sets the default device to the Flash memory card inserted in slot 0 of the ASP card.
show flash
To enable Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) on an interface, use the cdp enable interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable CDP on an interface.
This command has no arguments or keywords.
This command only applies to LANE interfaces.
CDP must be enabled on each interface to send or receive CDP information.
In the following example, CDP is enabled on Ethernet interface 2/0/0.
To specify the amount of time the receiving device should hold a CDP packet from your switch before discarding it, use the cdp holdtime global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default setting.
CDP packets are sent with time-to-live, or hold time, that is nonzero after an interface is enabled and a hold time of 0 immediately before an interface is idled down.
The CDP hold time must be set to a higher number of seconds than the time between CDP transmissions, which is set using the cdp timer command.
In the following example, the CDP packets being sent from your device should be held by the receiving device for 60 seconds before being discarded. You might want to set the hold time lower than the default setting of 180 seconds if information about your device changes often and you want the receiving devices to purge this information more quickly.
To enable CDP on your switch, use the cdp run global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable CDP.
This command has no arguments or keywords.
CDP is enabled on your switch by default, which means the switch receives CDP information. However, to receive CDP packets, it must be enabled on interfaces using the cdp enable interface configuration command.
In the following example, CDP is disabled for the switch.
To specify how often your switch sends CDP updates, use the cdp timer global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default setting.
The trade-off with sending more frequent transmissions is obtaining up-to-date information at the expense of using network bandwidth more often.
In the following example, CDP updates are sent from your switch every 80 seconds, which is less frequent than the default setting of 60 seconds. Make this change if you are concerned about preserving bandwidth.
To create a script that places a call over a modem, use the chat-script global configuration command. To disable the specified chat script, use the no form of this command.
Chat scripts are used in dial-on-demand routing to give commands to dial a modem and commands to log on to remote systems. The defined script is used to place a call over a modem.
Some characteristics of chat scripts are as follows:
It is recommended that one chat script (a "modem" chat script) be written for placing a call and another chat script (a "system" or "login" chat script) be written to log onto remote systems, where required.
A suggested chat script naming convention is as follows:
In other words, the syntax of the chat-script command becomes the following:
For example, if you have a Telebit T3000 modem that uses V.32bis modulation, you name your chat script as follows:
For example, the chat-script command could become the following:
For example, you could have script names like the following:
Adhering to this naming convention allows you to use partial chat script names with regular expressions to specify a range of chat scripts that can be used. This is particularly useful for dialer rotary groups and is explained further in the next section.
Chat scripts are in the form expect send, where the send string following the hyphen is executed if the preceding expect string fails. Each send string is followed by a return unless it ends with \c. ^x gets translated into the appropriate control character, and \x gets translated into x if \x is not one of the special sequences listed in Table 3-1.
See the book entitled Managing uucp and Usenet by Tim O'Reilly and Grace Todino for more information about chat scripts.
The escape sequences used in chat scripts are listed in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1 Chat Script Escape Sequences
Escape Sequence | Description |
Cause a BREAK. This is sometimes simulated using line speed changes and null characters and might not work on all systems. |
Sample supported expect-send pairs are described in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2 Sample Supported Expect-Send Pairs
As an example of how expect-send pairs function, if the modem reports BUSY when the number is busy, you can indicate that you want the attempt stopped at this point by including ABORT BUSY in your chat script.
ABORT sink instead of ABORT ERROR means that the system stops abruptly when it sees sink instead of when it sees ERROR.
After the connection is established and Return is pressed, a second Return is often required before the prompt appears.
You might include the following as part of your chat script:
This means that after the connection is established you want "ssword" to be displayed. If it is not displayed, send a Return again after the timeout passes.
The following example shows the chat-script command being used to create a chat script named t3000.
To clear the counters of an access list, use the clear access-list counters privileged EXEC command.
Some access lists keep counters that count the number of packets that pass each line of an access list. The show access-lists command displays the counters as a number of matches. Use the clear access-list counters command to restart the counters for a particular access list to 0.
The following example clears the counters for access list 101.
To manually clear a temporary access list entry from a dynamic access list, use the clear access-template EXEC command.
This command is related to the lock-and-key access feature. Use this command to clear any temporary access list entries that match the parameters you define.
The following example clears any temporary access list entries with a source of from the dynamic access list named vendor.
access-list (extended)
To delete all dynamic entries from the ARP cache, to clear the fast-switching cache, and to clear the IP route cache, use the clear arp-cache privileged EXEC command.
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The following example removes all dynamic entries from the ARP cache and clears the fast-switching cache.
To clear PNNI-related data, use the clear atm pnni privileged EXEC command.
This command has no keywords or arguments.
atm pnni node
show atm pnni node
To release a specified SVC, use the clear atm vc privileged EXEC command.
The following is an example of the clear atm-vc command, which releases interface 3/1/0 on VPI 0 and VCI 99.
To reset CDP traffic counters to zero (0) on your switch, use the clear cdp counters privileged EXEC command.
This command has no arguments or keywords.
In the following example, the CDP traffic counters are displayed and then cleared. The show cdp traffic output shows that all of the traffic counters that were reset to zero (0).
clear cdp table
show cdp traffic
To clear the table that contains CDP information about neighbors, use the clear cdp table privileged EXEC command.
This command has no arguments or keywords.
In the following example, the CDP table is cleared. The output of the show cdp neighbors command shows that all information has been deleted from the table.
clock update-calendar
show cdp neighbors
It is recommended that you only use this command for debugging purposes because it clears all counters displayed in the show interface and show controllers commands. To clear the interface counters, use the clear counters privileged EXEC command.
This command clears all the current interface counters from the interface unless the optional arguments type and number are specified to clear only a specific interface type (ATM, Ethernet, and so on).
The following example illustrates how to clear all interface counters.
Note This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.
To clear the values of dialer statistics for one or more serial or BRI interfaces configured for DDR, use the clear dialer privileged EXEC command.
This command has no keyword or arguments.
If the interface keyword and the arguments are not used, dialer statistics are cleared on all interfaces.
The following example clears the dialer statistics.
To delete entries from the host-name-and-address cache, use the clear host privileged EXEC command.
The host name entries are cleared in running memory.
The following example clears all entries from the host name-and-address cache.
To reset the hardware logic on an interface, use the clear interface privileged EXEC command.
Under normal circumstances, you do not need to clear the hardware logic on interfaces.
Table 3-3 Clear Interface Type Keywords and Number Ranges
Keyword | Interface Type | Interface Numbers |
The following example resets the interface logic on ATM interface 1/0/1.
Note This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.
To clear the active or checkpointed database when IP accounting is enabled, use the clear ip accounting privileged EXEC command.
You can also clear the checkpointed database by issuing the clear ip accounting command twice in succession.
The following example clears the active database when IP accounting is enabled.
ip accounting
ip accounting-list
ip accounting-threshold
ip accounting-transits
show ip interface
To delete the cache table entries, use the clear ip cache privileged EXEC command.
Note This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.
To delete entries from the neighbor table, use the clear ip eigrp neighbors EXEC command.
The following example removes the neighbor whose address is
To redirect an IP cache, use the clear ip redirect privileged EXEC command.
This command has no keywords or arguments.
To remove one or more routes from the IP routing table, use the clear ip route EXEC command.
The following example removes a route to network from the IP routing table.
To clear the dynamic LE ARP table or a single LE ARP entry of the LANE client configured on the specified subinterface or emulated LAN, use the clear lane le-arp privileged EXEC command.
This command only removes dynamic LE ARP table entries. It does not remove static LE ARP table entries.
If you do not specify an interface or an emulated LAN, this command clears all the LANE ARP tables of any LANE client in the switch.
If you specify a major interface (not a subinterface), this command clears all the LANE ARP tables of every LANE client on all the subinterfaces of that interface.
Use of this command also removes the fast-cache entries built from the LANE ARP entries.
The following example clears all the LANE ARP tables for all clients on the switch.
The following example clears all the LANE ARP tables for all LANE clients on all the subinterfaces of interface 2/0/0.
The following example clears the entry corresponding to MAC address 0800.AA00.0101 from the LE ARP table for the LANE client on the emulated LAN called red.
The following example clears all dynamic entries from the LE ARP table for the LANE client on the emulated LAN called red.
Note MAC addresses are written in the same dotted notation for the clear lane le-arp command as they are for the global IP arp command.
To manually read the calendar into the system clock, use the clock read-calendar privileged EXEC command.
This command has no arguments or keywords.
When the calendar is rebooted, the calendar is automatically read into the system clock. However, you can use this command to manually read the calendar setting into the system clock. This command is useful if the cdp enable command has been used to change the setting of the calendar.
In the following example, the system clock is configured to set its date and time by the calendar setting.
cdp enable
clock set
clock update-calendar
ntp update-calendar
To manually set the system clock, use the clock set privileged EXEC command.
Generally, the system is synchronized by a valid outside timing mechanism, such as an NTP clock source. If you have a switch with calendar capability, you do not need to set the system clock. Use this command if no other time sources are available. The time specified in this command is relative to the configured time zone.
In the following example, the system clock is manually set to 1:32 p.m. on July 9, 1996.
cdp enable
clock read-calendar
clock summer-time
clock timezone
To select a transmit clock source for a physical device of a port, use the clock-source interface configuration command.
This subcommand allows selection of the transmit clock source for a port's physical device. The network-derived parameter only applies to SONET interfaces. Currently, OC-12 does not support loop-timed mode.
The following example enables loop-time clocking mode.
To configure the system to automatically switch to summer time (daylight saving time), use one of the formats of the clock summer-time configuration command. Use the no form of this command to configure the switch not to automatically switch to summer time.
Summer time is disabled. If clock summer-time zone recurring is specified without parameters, the summer time rules default to United States rules. Default of offset is 60.
Use this command to automatically switch to summer time (for display purposes only). Use the recurring form of the command if the local summer time rules are of this form. Use the date form to specify a start and end date for summer time if you cannot use the first form.
In both forms of the command, the first part of the command specifies when summer time begins, and the second part specifies when it ends. All times are relative to the local time zone. The start time is relative to standard time. The end time is relative to summer time. If the starting month is after the ending month, the system assumes that you are in the Southern Hemisphere.
In the following example, summer time starts on the first Sunday in April at 02:00 and ends on the last Sunday in October at 02:00.
To set the time zone for display purposes, use the clock timezone global configuration command. To set the time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), use the no form of this command.
The system internally keeps time in UTC, so this command is used only for display purposes and when the time is manually set.
In the following example, the time zone is set to Pacific Standard Time and is offset 8 hours behind UTC.
cdp enable
clock set
clock summer-time
show clock
To set the calendar from the system clock, use the clock update-calendar privileged EXEC command.
This command has no arguments or keywords.
If the system clock and calendar are not synchronized and the system clock is more accurate, use this command to update the calendar to the correct date and time.
In the following example, the current time is copied from the system clock to the calendar.
clock read-calendar
ntp update-calendar
To change the switch configuration register settings, use the config-register global configuration command.
The default is 0x10F, which causes the switch to boot from Flash memory and the Break key to be ignored.
The lowest four bits of the configuration register (bits 3, 2, 1, and 0) form the boot field. The boot field determines if the switch boots manually, from Flash, or the network. Bit 8 controls the console Break key; when set to 1, it causes the Break key to be ignored. The remaining bits control other features of the switch and are typically set to 0.
To change the boot field value and leave all other bits set to their default values, follow these guidelines:
For more information about the configuration register bit settings and default filenames, see the appropriate switch hardware installation guide.
In the following example, the configuration register is set to boot the system image from Flash memory.
boot system
show boot
show version
To enter global configuration mode, use the configure privileged EXEC command. You must be in global configuration mode to enter global configuration commands.
If you do not specify terminal or memory, the switch prompts you for the source of configuration commands. If you specify terminal, the switch executes the commands you enter at the system prompts.
If you specify memory, the switch executes the commands pointed to by the config_file environment variable. The config_file environment variable specifies the device and filename of the configuration file that the switch uses to configure itself during initialization. Possible devices are as follows:
To view the contents of the config_file environment variable, use the show boot command. To modify the config_file environment variable, use the boot config command and then save your changes by issuing the copy running-config startup-config command.
After you enter the configure command, the system prompt changes from switch-name# to switch-name(config)#, indicating that you are in global configuration mode. To leave global configuration mode and return to the privileged EXEC prompt, press ^Z.
In the following example, the switch is configured from the terminal.
In the following example, a switch runs the commands pointed to by the config_file environment variable.
boot config
copy running-config
show boot
show running-config
show startup-config
Note This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.
To open a specific terminal connection, use the connect EXEC command.
To return to the EXEC mode from monitor mode, use the cont monitor command.
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Use this command when the system is in monitor mode and you want to return it to EXEC mode to use the system image instead of reloading. The pound sign (#) indicates monitor mode. Typically, the system is in monitor mode when you manually load a system image or perform diagnostic tests. Otherwise, you are never in this mode.
Caution While in monitor mode, the software is suspended until you issue either a reset or the cont command. |
In the following example, the cont command takes you from monitor mode to EXEC mode:
To copy any file from a Flash device to another destination, use the following copy EXEC command.
If you omit the source or destination device, the switch uses the default device specified by the cd command. If you omit the destination filename, the switch uses the source filename.
The copy commands generally copy a file from a source to a destination. Some invalid combinations exist. Specifically, you cannot copy a running configuration to a running configuration, a startup configuration to a startup configuration, or TFTP to RCP.
When the destination is specified by the config_file or BOOTLDR environment variable, the switch prompts you for confirmation before proceeding with the copy. When the destination is the only valid image in the BOOT environment variable, the switch also prompts you for confirmation before proceeding with the copy.
The config_file environment variable specifies the configuration used during switch initialization. The BOOTLDR environment variable specifies the Flash device and filename containing the reboot image for booting. The BOOT environment variable specifies a list of bootable images on various devices. To view the contents of environment variables, use the show boot command. To modify the config_file environment variable, use the boot config command. To modify the BOOTLDR environment variable, use the boot bootldr command. To modify the BOOT environment variable, use the boot system command. To save your modifications, use the copy running-config startup-config command.
If you do not specify a source or destination device, the switch uses the default device specified by the cd command.
The following example copies the switch-config1 file from the internal Flash memory of a switch to the switch-backupconfg file on the Flash memory card inserted in the first slot of the ASP card.
In the following example, the switch copies the switch-config file from the Flash memory card inserted in slot 0 of the ASP card to the startup configuration.
boot config
copy running-config
show boot
To copy a file from Flash memory to another destination, use one of the following copy flash EXEC commands.
If you omit the destination device, the switch uses the default device specified by the cd command. If you omit the destination filename, the switch uses the source filename.
The copy flash command copies from one of the three Flash memory devices. The system prompts you to enter a specific device and filename. You can enter one of the following as the source device:
You must follow the source device with a colon (:) and a filename.
Use the copy flash rcp command to copy a system image from Flash memory to a network server using RCP. You can use the copy of the system image as a backup copy. You can also use it to verify that the copy in Flash memory is the same as the original file.
The RCP software requires that a client send the remote username on each RCP request to the server. When you issue the copy flash rcp command, by default the switch software sends the remote username associated with the current TTY if that name is valid. For example, if the user is connected to the switch through Telnet and was authenticated through the username command, the switch software sends that username as the remote username.
If the TTY username is invalid, the switch software uses the switch host name as both the remote and local usernames.
Note TTYs are commonly used in Cisco communications servers. The concept of TTY originated with UNIX. For UNIX systems, each physical device is represented in the file system. Terminals are called TTY devices, which stands for teletype, the original UNIX terminal.
To specify a different remote username to be sent to the server, use the ip rcmd remote-username command. You can also specify the path of an existing directory along with the remote username.
Caution an account on the destination server. If you do not use the ip rcmd remote-username command to specify the name of a remote user associated with an account on the server, the remote username associated with the current TTY process must be associated with an account on the server. If there is no username for the current TTY process, the switch host name must be associated with an account on the server. If the network administrator of the destination server did not establish accounts for the remote username used, this command does not execute successfully when a default remote username is used. |
If you copy the system image to a personal computer used as a file server, the computer must support the rsh protocol.
Use the copy flash tftp command to copy a system image from Flash memory to a TFTP server. As with the copy flash rcp command, you can use the copy of the system image as a backup or to verify that the copy in Flash is the same as the original file.
The copy commands generally copy a file from a source to a destination. Some invalid combinations exist. Specifically, you cannot copy a running configuration to a running configuration, a startup configuration to a startup configuration, or TFTP to RCP. If you do not specify a source or destination device, the switch uses the default device specified by the cd command.
When the destination is also specified by the config_file environment variable, the switch prompts you for confirmation before proceeding with the copy. The config_file environment variable specifies the configuration used during switch initialization. To view the contents of the config_file environment variable, use the show boot command. To modify the config_file environment variable, use the boot config command. To save your modifications to the config_file environment variable, use the copy running-config startup-config command.
The following example shows how to use the copy flash rcp command.
You see a spinning line during the copy process.
The following example illustrates how to use the copy flash rcp command when copying from a particular partition of Flash memory.
The system prompts you if there are two or more partitions. If the partition entered is not valid, the process terminates. You have the option to enter a partition number, a question mark (?) for a directory display of all partitions, or a question mark and a number (?number) for a directory display of a particular partition. The default is the first partition.
The file is copied from the partition given by the user earlier.
The following is sample output from the copy flash tftp command.
The following example illustrates how to use the copy flash tftp command when copying from a particular partition of Flash memory.
The system prompts you if there are two or more partitions. If the partition entered is not valid, the process terminates. You have the option to enter a partition number, a question mark (?) for a directory display of all partitions, or a question mark and a number (?number) for a directory display of a particular partition. The default is the first partition.
The file is copied from the partition given by the user earlier.
The following example shows how to use the copy flash command.
boot config
boot system flash
copy running-config startup-config
ip rcmd remote-username
show boot
To copy a file from a network server to the switch or to another destination using rcp, use one of the following copy rcp EXEC commands.
If you omit the destination device, the switch uses the default device specified by the cd command. If you omit the destination filename, the switch uses the source filename.
The RCP protocol requires that a client send the remote username of an RCP request to the server. When you issue one of the copy rcp commands, by default the switch software sends the username associated with the current TTY if that name is valid. For example, if the user is connected to the switch through Telnet and the user was authenticated through the username command, the switch software sends that username as the remote username.
Note For Cisco, TTYs are commonly used in communication servers. The concept of TTY originated with UNIX. For UNIX systems, each physical device is represented in the file system. Terminals are called TTY devices, which stands for teletype, the original UNIX terminal.
If the TTY username is invalid, the switch software uses the switch host name as both the remote and local usernames. To specify a different remote username to be sent to the RCP server, use the ip rcmd remote-username command. You can also specify the path of an existing directory along with the remote username.
Caution The remote username must be associated with an account on the destination server. If you do not use the ip rcmd remote-username command to specify the name of a remote user associated with an account on the server, the remote username associated with the current TTY process must be associated with an account on the server. If there is no username for the current TTY process, the switch host name must be associated with an account on the server. If the network administrator of the destination server did not establish accounts for the remote username used, this command does not execute successfully when a default remote username is used. |
If you copy a bootstrap image, system image, or configuration file from a personal computer used as a file server, the remote host computer must support rsh protocol.
Use the copy rcp bootflash command to copy a bootstrap image from a network server to Flash memory using RCP. The switch prompts for the name or address of the server and the name of the file to be copied. It provides an option to erase existing Flash memory before writing onto it and allows you to confirm the erasure. The entire copying process takes several minutes and differs from network to network.
Before loading the switch from Flash memory, verify that the checksum of the bootstrap image in Flash memory matches the checksum listed in the README file that was distributed with the system software image.
The checksum of the bootstrap image in Flash memory is displayed at the bottom of the screen when you issue the copy rcp bootflash command. The README file was copied to the server automatically when you installed the system software.
Caution If the checksum value does not match the value in the README file, do not reboot the switch. Reissue the copy rcp bootflash command and compare the checksums again. If the checksum is repeatedly wrong, copy the original bootstrap image back into Flash memory before you reboot the switch from Flash memory. If you have a corrupted image in Flash memory and try to boot from Flash, the switch starts the system image (assuming booting from a network server is not configured). |
Use the copy rcp running-config command to copy a configuration file from a network server to the switch's running configuration environment using RCP. You can copy either a host configuration file or a network configuration file. Accept the default value of host to copy and load a host configuration file containing commands that apply to one network server in particular. Enter network to copy and load a network configuration file containing commands that apply to all network servers on a network.
Use the copy rcp startup-configuration command to copy a host or network configuration file from a network server to the switch's startup configuration environment using RCP. Accept the default value of host to copy and store a host configuration file containing commands that apply to one network server in particular. Enter network to copy and store a network configuration file containing commands that apply to all network servers on a network.
The command copies a configuration file from the network server to the location specified by the config_file environment variable. The config_file environment variable specifies the configuration used during switch initialization.
Note When using RCP, the copy rcp startup-config command replaces the configure overwrite-network command.
The copy commands generally copy a file from a source to a destination. Some invalid combinations exist. Specifically, you cannot copy a running configuration to a running configuration, a startup configuration to a startup configuration, or TFTP to RCP.
The copy rcp command generally copies a file from a network server to another destination using RCP.
When the destination is also specified by the config_file environment variable, the switch prompts you for confirmation before proceeding with the copy. To view the contents of the config_file environment variable, use the show boot command. To modify the config_file environment variable, use the boot config command. To save your modifications, use the copy running-config startup-config command.
The following example shows sample output resulting from copying a system image into a partition of Flash memory. The system prompts only if there are two or more read/write partitions or one read-only and one read/write partition and dual-Flash bank support in boot ROMs. If the partition entered is not valid, the process terminates. You have the option to enter a partition number, a question mark (?) for a directory display of all partitions, or a question mark and a number (?number) for a directory display of a particular partition. The default is the first read/write partition.
If the partition is read-only and has dual-Flash bank support in boot ROM, the session continues as shown in the following display.
The file is copied into the partition given by the user earlier.
If the partition is read-write, the session continues as follows.
The file is copied into the partition given by the user earlier.
The following example uses the copy rcp device command to copy the switch-image file from a network server using RCP to the Flash memory card inserted in slot 0 of the ASP card.
boot config
boot system flash
copy flash rcp
copy running-config rcp
copy running-config startup-config
copy startup-config rcp
ip rcmd remote-username
show boot
To copy the switch's running configuration file to another destination, use the copy running-config EXEC commands.
If you omit the destination device, the switch uses the default device specified by the cd command. If you omit the destination filename, the switch uses the source filename.
Save the configuration file to your startup configuration. This setup saves the configuration to the location specified by the config_file environment variable.
The copy running-config-config startup-config command replaces the write memory command. The copy running-config rcp or copy running-config tftp command replaces the write network command.
boot config
boot system flash
copy flash rcp
copy running-config rcp
To copy the switch's startup configuration file to another destination, use one of the following copy startup-config EXEC commands.
If you omit the destination device, the switch uses the default device specified by the cd command. If you omit the destination filename, the switch uses the source filename.
The copy commands generally copy a file from a source to a destination. Some invalid combinations exist. Specifically, you cannot copy a running configuration to a running configuration, a startup configuration to a startup configuration, or TFTP to RCP.
This command copies the configuration file pointed to by the config_file environment variable to another destination. To view the contents of the config_file environment variable, use the show boot command. To modify the config_file environment variable, use the copy running-config startup-config command.
The rcp protocol requires that a client send the remote username of an rcp request to the server. When you issue the copy startup-config-rcp command, by default, the switch software sends the username associated with the current TTY if that name is valid. For example, if the user is connected to the switch software through Telnet and the user was authenticated through the username command, the switch sends that username as the remote username.
Note For Cisco, TTYs are commonly used in communication servers. The concept of TTY originated with UNIX. For UNIX systems, each physical device is represented in the file system. Terminals are called TTY devices, which stands for teletype, the original UNIX terminal.
To specify a different remote username to be sent to the server, use the ip rcmd remote-username command. You can also specify the path of an existing directory along with the remote username.
Caution The remote username must be associated with an account on the destination server. If you do not use the ip rcmd remote-username command to specify the name of a remote user associated with an account on the server, the remote username associated with the current TTY process must be associated with an account on the server. If there is no username for the current TTY process, the switch host name must be associated with an account on the server. If the network administrator of the destination server did not establish accounts for the remote username used, this command does not execute successfully when a default remote username is used. |
If you copy the configuration file to a personal computer used as a server, the computer must support the rsh protocol.
The following example uses the copy startup-config command to copy the startup configuration file (specified by the config_file environment variable) to a Flash memory card inserted in slot 0 of the ASP card.
The following is sample output from the copy startup tftp command.
boot config
copy rcp
copy running-config
ip rcmd remote-username
show boot
To copy a file from a TFTP server to the switch or to another destination, use one of the following copy tftp EXEC commands.
If you omit the destination device, the switch uses the default device specified by the cd command. If you omit the destination filename, the switch uses the source filename. If you enter a cd command to the device, then that device becomes the default. For example, if you enter cd slot0: and then enter copy tftp bootflash, then "flash" now means slot0.
Refer to the following guidelines.
Table 3-4 describes the characters that you might see during processing of the copy tftp command.
When you enter the copy tftp flash command, the Flash memory checksum image displays on the bottom of the screen. Before booting from Flash memory, verify this checksum identifier matches the checksum listed in the README file that was distributed with the system software image. You can find the README file on the TFTP server.
Note When using TFTP, the copy tftp running-config command replaces the configure network command and the copy tftp startup-config command replaces the configure overwrite-network command.
The copy commands generally copy a file from a source to a destination. Some invalid combinations exist. Specifically, you cannot copy a running configuration to a running configuration, a startup configuration to a startup configuration, or TFTP to RCP.
The following example shows how to use the copy tftp bootflash command.
boot config
boot system
copy flash
show boot
Note This command or some of its parameters might not function as expected in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch environment.
To assign a custom queue list to an interface, use the custom-queue-list interface configuration command. To remove a specific list or all list assignments, use the no form of this command.
No custom queue list is assigned.
Only one queue list can be assigned per interface. Use this command in place of the priority-list queue-limit command (not in addition to it). Custom queuing allows a fairness not provided with priority queuing. With custom queuing, you can control the interface's available bandwidth when it is unable to accommodate the aggregate traffic enqueued. Associated with each output queue is a configured byte count, which specifies how many bytes of data should be delivered from the current queue by the system before the system moves on to the next queue. When a particular queue is being processed, packets are sent until the number of bytes sent exceeds the queue byte count or until the queue is empty.
In the following example, custom queue list number 3 is assigned to async interface 0.
queue-list default
queue-list interface
queue-list protocol
queue-list queue byte-count
queue-list queue limit
queue-list stun
Posted: Thu Jan 23 21:02:17 PST 2003
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