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To turn off a previously set debug command, use the undebug privileged EXEC command. Use the no form of this command to disable the debug function.

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC.

Usage Guidelines

All debug commands are entered while in privilege EXEC mode, and most debug commands do not take any arguments. To enable the debug atm rm command, enter the following:

debug atm rm

To turn off the debug atm rm command, enter either the no form of this command or the undebug form of the command.

undebug debug atm rm
Related Commands

debug atm oam-all
debug atm oam-pkt
debug atm pnni
debug atm rm
debug atm sig
debug sscop


To recover a deleted file on a specified device, use the undelete EXEC command.

undelete index [device:]
Syntax Description


Number that indexes the file in the dir.


(Optional) Device to contain the recovered configuration file. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

  • bootflash: This device is the internal Flash memory.
  • slot0: This device is the first PCMCIA slot on the ASP card.
  • slot1: This device is the second PCMCIA slot on the ASP card.


The default device is the one specified by the cd command.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

When you delete a file, the switch simply marks the file as deleted but does not erase the file. This command allows you to recover a "deleted" file on a specified Flash memory device. You must undelete a file by its index because you could have multiple deleted files with the same name. For example, the "deleted" list could contain multiple configuration files with the name switch-config. You undelete by index to indicate which of the many switch-config files from the list to undelete. Use the dir command to learn the index number of the file you want to undelete.

You cannot undelete a file if a valid (undeleted) one with the same name exists. Instead, you first delete the existing file and then undelete the file you want. For example, if you had an undeleted version of the switch-config file and you wanted to use a previous, deleted version, you could not simply undelete the previous version by index. First delete the existing switch-config file, and then undelete the previous switch-config file by index. You can delete and undelete a file up to 15 times.

If you try to recover the configuration file pointed to by the config_file environment variable, the system prompts you to confirm recovery of the file. This prompt reminds you that the config_file environment variable points to an undeleted file. To permanently delete all "deleted" files on a Flash memory device, use the squeeze command. If you try to recover a file that has the same name as an existing valid file, the system displays an error message.


The following example recovers the deleted file whose index number is 1 to the Flash memory card inserted in slot 0 of the ASP card.

Switch# undelete 1 slot0:
Related Commands



To establish a username-based authentication system at login, even though your network cannot support a TACACS service, use the username global configuration command.

username name [nopassword | password encryption-type password password]
username name password secret
username name [access-class number]
username name [autocommand command]
username name [noescape] [nohangup]
Syntax Description


Host name, server name, user ID, or command name. The name argument can only be one word. White spaces and quotation marks are not allowed.


(Optional) No password is required for this user to log in. This is usually most useful in combination with the autocommand keyword.


(Optional) Specifies a possibly encrypted password for this username.


(Optional) A single-digit number that defines whether the text immediately following is encrypted and if so, what type of encryption is used. Currently defined encryption types are 0, which means that the text immediately following is not encrypted, and 7, which means that the text is encrypted using an encryption algorithm defined by Cisco.


(Optional) A password can contain embedded spaces and must be the last option specified in the username command.


For CHAP authentication; specifies the secret for the local switch or the remote device. The secret is encrypted when it is stored on the local switch. This prevents the secret from being stolen. The secret can consist of any string of up to 11 printable ASCII characters. There is no limit to the number of username/password combinations that can be specified, allowing any number of remote devices to be authenticated.


(Optional) Specifies an outgoing access list that overrides the access list specified in the access-class line configuration command. It is used for the duration of the user's session.


(Optional) The access list number.


(Optional) Causes the specified command to be issued automatically after the user logs in. When the command is complete, the session is terminated. Because the command can be any length and contain imbedded spaces, commands using the autocommand keyword must be the last option on the line.


(Optional) The command string.


(Optional) Prevents a user from using an escape character on the host to which that user is connected.


(Optional) Prevents the communication server from disconnecting the user after an automatic command (set up with the autocommand keyword) is complete. Instead, the user gets another login prompt.



Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The username command provides username/password authentication for login purposes only. (Note that it does not provide username/password authentication for enable mode when the enable use-tacacs command is also used.)

Multiple username commands can be used to specify options for a single user.

Add a username entry for each remote system that the local switch communicates with and requires authentication from. The remote device must have a username entry for the local switch. This entry must have the same password as the local switch's entry for that remote device.

This command can be useful for defining usernames that get special treatment, for example, an "info" username that does not require a password but connects the user to a general-purpose information service.

The username command is also required as part of the configuration for the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). For each remote system that the local switch communicates with from which it requires authentication, add a username entry.

Note      To enable the local switch to respond to remote CHAP challenges, one username name entry must be the same as the hostname name entry that was already assigned to your switch.

If there is no secret specified and debug serial-interface is enabled, an error is displayed when an interface is established and the CHAP challenge is not implemented. Debugging information on CHAP is available using the debug serial-interface and debug serial-packet commands. For more information about debug commands, refer to the Debug Command Reference publication.


To implement a service similar to the UNIX who command, which can be entered at the login prompt and lists the current users of the switch, the username command takes the following form.

Switch# username who nopassword nohangup autocommand show users

To implement an information service that does not require a password to be used, the command takes the following form.

Switch# username info nopassword noescape autocommand telnet

To implement an ID that works even if the TACACS servers all go down, the command takes the following form.

Switch# username superuser password superpassword

The following example configuration enables CHAP on interface serial 0. It also defines a password for the local server, Adam, and a remote server, Eve.

Switch# hostname Adam
Switch# interface serial 0
Switch# encapsulation ppp
Switch# ppp authentication chap
Switch# Switch# username Adam password oursystem
Switch# username Eve password theirsystem

When you look at your configuration file, the passwords are encrypted and the display looks similar to the following output.

Switch# hostname Adam
Switch# interface serial 0
encapsulation ppp
Switch# Switch# ppp authentication chap
Switch# username Adam password 7 1514040356
Switch# username Eve password 7 121F0A18
Related Command


Posted: Thu Jan 23 20:57:41 PST 2003
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