
Table of Contents

lane auto-config-atm-address
lane bus-atm-address
lane client
lane client-atm-address
lane fixed-config-atm-address
lane le-arp
lane pvc
lane server-atm-address
logging buffered
logging console
logging facility
logging monitor
logging on
logging synchronous
logging trap
login authentication


lane auto-config-atm-address

To specify that the configuration server ATM address is computed by the LightStream 1010 ATM switch automatic method, use the lane auto-config-atm-address interface configuration command. To remove the previously assigned ATM address, use the no form of this command.

lane auto-config-atm-address
no lane auto-config-atm-address
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.



Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies to the CPU interface.

When applied to a subinterface, this command causes the LANE client on the subinterface to use the automatically assigned ATM address (rather than the ATM address provided by the ILMI) to locate the configuration server.

Multiple commands that assign ATM addresses to the LANE configuration server can be issued on the same interface to assign different ATM addresses to the configuration server. Commands that assign ATM addresses to the LANE configuration server include lane auto-config-atm-address, lane config-atm-address, and lane fixed-config-atm-address.


The following example specifies that the configuration server's ATM address is assigned by using the automatic method.

Switch(config)# interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# lane auto-config-atm-address
Switch(config-if)# end
Related Command

lane fixed-config-atm-address

lane bus-atm-address

To specify an ATM address—and thus override the automatic ATM address assignment—for the broadcast-and-unknown server on the specified subinterface, use the lane bus-atm-address interface configuration command. To remove the ATM address previously specified for the broadcast-and-unknown server on the specified subinterface and thus revert to the automatic address assignment, use the no form of this command.

lane bus-atm-address atm-address-template
no lane bus-atm-address [atm-address-template]
Syntax Description


ATM address or a template in which wildcard characters are replaced by any nibble or group of nibbles of the prefix bytes, the end-system identifier (ESI) bytes, or the selector byte of the automatically assigned ATM address.


Automatic ATM address assignment.

Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies to the CPU interface.

This command gives the client the ATM address of the broadcast-and-unknown server. The client will use this address rather than sending LE ARP requests for the broadcast address.

When applied to a selected interface but with a different ATM address than was used previously, this command replaces the broadcast-and-unknown server's ATM address.

ATM Addresses. A LANE ATM address has the same syntax as an NSAP (but it is not a network-level address):

Address Templates. LANE ATM address templates can use two types of wildcards: an asterisk (*) to match any single character and an ellipsis (...) to match any number of leading or trailing characters.

The values of the digits that are replaced by wildcards come from the automatic ATM assignment method.

In LANE, a prefix template explicitly matches the prefix but uses wildcards for the ESI and selector fields. An ESI template explicitly matches the ESI field but uses wildcards for the prefix and selector.

In the Cisco implementation of LANE, the prefix corresponds to the switch, the ESI corresponds to the ATM interface, and the Selector field corresponds to the specific subinterface of the interface.


The following example uses an ESI template to specify the part of the ATM address corresponding to the interface; the remaining values in the ATM address come from automatic assignment.

lane bus-atm-address ...0800.200C.1001.**

The following example uses a prefix template to specify the part of the ATM address corresponding to the switch; the remaining values in the ATM address come from automatic assignment.

Switch(config)# interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# lane bus-atm-address 45.000014155551212f.00.00...
Related Command

lane server-atm-address

lane client

To activate a LANE client on the specified subinterface, use the lane client interface configuration command. To remove a previously activated LANE client on the subinterface, use the no form of this command.

lane client ethernet [elan-name]
no lane client [ethernet [elan-name]]
Syntax Description


Identifies the type of emulated LAN attached to this subinterface.


(Optional) Name of the emulated LAN. This is argument optional because the client obtains its emulated LAN name from the configuration server. Maximum length is 32 characters.



Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies to the CPU interface.

If a lane client command has already been entered on the subinterface for a different emulated LAN, the client initiates termination procedures for that emulated LAN and joins the new emulated LAN.

If you do not provide an elan-name value, the client contacts the server to find which emulated LAN to join. If you do provide an emulated LAN name, the client consults the configuration server to ensure that no conflicting bindings exist.

Related Command

lane client-atm-address

lane client-atm-address

To specify an ATM address—and thus override the automatic ATM address assignment—for the LANE client on the specified subinterface, use the lane client-atm-address interface configuration command. To remove the ATM address previously specified for the LANE client on the specified subinterface and thus revert to the automatic address assignment, use the no form of this command.

lane client-atm-address atm-address-template
no client-atm-address [atm-address-template]
Syntax Description


ATM address or a template in which wildcard characters are replaced by any nibble or group of nibbles of the prefix bytes, the ESI bytes, or the selector byte of the automatically assigned ATM address.


Automatic ATM address assignment.

Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies to the CPU interface.

Use of this command on a selected subinterface but with a different ATM address than was used previously, replaces the LANE client's ATM address.

ATM Addresses. A LANE ATM address has the same syntax as an NSAP (but it is not a network-level address):

Address Templates. LANE ATM address templates can use two types of wildcards: an asterisk (*) to match any single character and an ellipsis (...) to match any number of leading or trailing characters. The wildcard characters come from the automatically assigned ATM address.

In LANE, a prefix template explicitly matches the ATM address prefix but uses wildcards for the ESI and selector fields. An ESI template explicitly matches the ESI field but uses wildcards for the prefix and selector.

In the LightStream 1010 ATM switch implementation of LANE, the prefix corresponds to the switch, the ESI corresponds to the ATM interface, and the Selector field corresponds to the specific subinterface of the interface.

For a discussion of the Cisco method for automatically assigning ATM addresses, refer to the "Configuring LAN Emulation" chapter in the Router Products Configuration Guide.


The following example uses an ESI template to specify the part of the ATM address corresponding to the interface; the remaining parts of the ATM address come from automatic assignment.

Switch(config)# interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# lane client-atm-address ...0800.200C.1001.**

The following example uses a prefix template to specify the part of the ATM address corresponding to the switch; the remaining parts of the ATM address come from automatic assignment.

Switch(config)# interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# lane client-atm-address 47.000014155551212f.00.00...
Related Command

lane client

lane fixed-config-atm-address

To specify that the fixed configuration server ATM address assigned by the ATM Forum will be used, use the lane fixed-config-atm-address interface configuration command.

lane fixed-config-atm-address
no lane fixed-config-atm-address
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords and arguments.


No specific ATM address or method is set.

Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies to the CPU interface.

When applied to a subinterface, this command causes the LANE client on the subinterface to use that ATM address (rather than the ATM address provided by the ILMI) to locate the configuration server.

Multiple commands that assign ATM addresses to the LANE configuration server can be issued on the same interface in order to assign different ATM addresses to the LANE configuration server. Commands that assign ATM addresses to the LANE configuration server include lane auto-config-atm-address, lane config-atm-address, and lane fixed-config-atm-address.

Related Command

lane auto-config-atm-address

lane le-arp

To add a static entry to the LE ARP table of the LANE client configured on the specified subinterface, use the lane le-arp interface configuration command. To remove a static entry from the LE ARP table of the LANE client on the specified subinterface, use the no form of this command.

lane le-arp mac-address atm-address
no lane le-arp mac-address atm-address
Syntax Description


MAC address to bind to the specified ATM address.


ATM address.


No static address bindings are provided.

Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies to the CPU interface.

This command only adds or removes a static entry binding a MAC address to an ATM address. It does not add or remove dynamic entries. Removing the static entry for a specified ATM address from an LE ARP table does not release Data Direct virtual channel connections (VCC) established to that ATM address. However, clearing a static entry clears any fast-cache entries that were created from the MAC address-to-ATM address binding.

Static LE ARP entries are not aged and are not removed automatically.

To remove dynamic entries from the LE ARP table of the LANE client on the specified subinterface, use the clear lane le-arp command.

Switch(config)# interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# lane le-arp 0800.aa00.0101 47.000014155551212f.00.00.0800.200C.1001.01
Related Command

clear lane le-arp

lane pvc

To associate an ATM address, and optionally a LANE client ID, with a PVC previously created on the specified subinterface, use the lane pvc interface configuration command. To remove a prior entry, use the no form of this command.

lane pvc vcd atm-address (for LANE client configuration)
lane pvc vcd atm-address [lec-id] (for LANE server configuration)
no lane pvc vcd [atm-address [lec-id]]
Syntax Description


Virtual channel descriptor that identifies the PVC.


ATM address of the LANE component at the other end of the PVC.


(Not used when the command is used to configure a LANE client; required when the command is used to configure a LANE server.) Number in the range 1 to 65279 that uniquely identifies the LANE client connected to this PVC.


No PVC is created. No virtual channel descriptor (VCD), ATM address, and LANE client ID are provided for PVCs.

Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies to the CPU interface.

Ordinarily, switched virtual circuits (SVCs) are used instead of PVCs for communication within emulated LANs, and unique LANE client IDs are assigned dynamically by the LANE server. This command is used only when PVCs are used.

Use this command to configure a LANE client when PVCs are used instead of SVCs for Data Direct circuits between LANE clients; this command identifies the ATM address of the LANE client at the other end of the virtual circuit. In this case, do not use the lec-id argument.

Use this command also to configure a LANE server when PVCs are used instead of SVCs for the Server Direct VCC with a LANE client on the other end and that LANE client is configured to use this PVC as its Client Direct VCC. Use the lec-id argument only when a LANE server is being configured on the specified subinterface.

To create the PVC, use the atm pvc command. The vcd value in the lane pvc command must match a vcd value in an atm pvc command.

Use of the lane pvc command on a LANE client and the lane register command on a LANE server enable the use of PVCs, instead of SVCs alone, for LANE.

If you use PVCs for the Control Direct VCCs, you must also use PVCs for the Control Distribute VCCs. If you use PVCs for the Multicast Send VCCs, you must also use PVCs for the Multicast Forward VCCs.

Related Command

atm pvc

lane server-atm-address

To specify an ATM address—and thus override the automatic ATM address assignment—for the LANE server on the specified subinterface, use the lane server-atm-address interface configuration command. To remove the ATM address previously specified for the LANE server on the specified subinterface and thus revert to the automatic address assignment, use the no form of this command.

lane server-atm-address atm-address-template
no server-atm-address [atm-address-template]
Syntax Description


ATM address or a template in which wildcard characters are replaced by any nibble or group of nibbles of the prefix bytes, the ESI bytes, or the selector byte of the automatically assigned ATM address.


The LANE client finds the LANE server by consulting the configuration server.

Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies to the CPU interface.

This command also instructs the LANE client configured on this subinterface to reach the LANE server by using the specified ATM address instead of the ATM address provided by the configuration server.

When used on a selected subinterface, but with a different ATM address than was used previously, this command replaces the LANE server's ATM address.

ATM Addresses. A LANE ATM address has the same syntax as an NSAP (but it is not a network-level address):

Address Templates. LANE ATM address templates can use two types of wildcards: an asterisk (*) to match any single character and an ellipsis (...) to match any number of leading or trailing characters. The values of characters replaced by wildcards come from automatic ATM address assignment.

In LANE, a prefix template explicitly matches the prefix but uses wildcards for the ESI and selector fields. An ESI template explicitly matches the ESI field but uses wildcards for the prefix and selector.

In the LightStream 1010 ATM switch implementation of LANE, the prefix corresponds to the switch, the ESI corresponds to the ATM interface, and the Selector field corresponds to the specific subinterface of the interface.

For a discussion of the Cisco method for automatically assigning ATM addresses, refer to the "Configuring LAN Emulation" chapter of the Router Products Configuration Guide.


The following example uses an ESI template to specify the part of the ATM address corresponding to the interface; the remaining parts of the ATM address come from automatic assignment.

Switch(config)# interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# lane server-atm-address ...0800.200C.1001.**

The following example uses a prefix template to specify the part of the ATM address corresponding to the switch; the remaining part of the ATM address come from automatic assignment.

Switch(config)# interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# lane server-atm-address 45.000014155551212f.00.00...
Related Command

lane client-atm-address


To set the line build out, use the lbo interface configuration command.

lbo [short | long]
Syntax Description


Sets the line build out up to 255 feet.


Sets the line build out over 255 feet.

Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The lbo command applies on DS3 interfaces.


To set the terminal screen length, use the length line configuration command.

length screen-length
no length
Syntax Description


Number of lines on the screen. A value of zero disables pausing between screens of output.


24 lines.

Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Not all commands recognize the configured screen length. For example, the show terminal command assumes a screen length of 24 lines or more. In this environment, if you specify 0, you receive everything. The switch software uses the value of this command to determine when to pause during multiple-screen output.


The following example illustrates how to disable the screen pause function on the console terminal.

Switch(config)# line console 0
Switch(config-line)# terminal-type VT220
Switch(config-line)# length 0


To configure a console port line, auxiliary port line, or virtual terminal lines, use the line global configuration command.

line [aux | console | vty] line-number [ending-line-number]
Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables the auxiliary RS-232 DTE port. Must be addressed as relative line 0. The auxiliary port can be used for modem support and asynchronous connections.


(Optional) Specifies the console terminal line. The console port is DCE.


(Optional) Specifies a virtual terminal for remote console access.


Specifies the relative number of the terminal line (or the first line in a contiguous group) you want to configure when the line type is specified. Numbering begins with zero.


(Optional) Specifies the relative number of the last line in a contiguous group you want to configure. If you omit the keyword, line-number and ending-line-number are absolute rather than relative line numbers.


Lines are not configured.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

To include one of the optional type keywords (aux, console, or vty), the line number is treated as a relative line number. If you enter the line command without an optional type keyword, the line number is treated as an absolute line number. Absolute line numbers increment consecutively and can be difficult to manage on large systems.

You can set communication parameters, specify autobaud connections, or configure terminal operating parameters, for any of the terminal lines on the switch.

The relative line number of the auxiliary port must be 0. See the modem line configuration command to set up modem support on the auxiliary port. The absolute line number of the auxiliary port is 1.

Virtual terminal lines are used to allow remote access to the switch. A virtual terminal line is not associated with either the console or auxiliary port. You can address a single line or a consecutive range of lines with the line command. You receive an error message if you forget to include the necessary line number.


The following example starts configuration for virtual terminal lines 0 to 4.

Switch# line vty 0 4

The following example configures the auxiliary port with a line speed of 2400 baud and enables the EXEC.

Switch# line aux 0
Switch# exec
Switch# speed 2400
Related Commands

show line
show hosts


To change the length of time for which data is used to compute load statistics, use the load-interval interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default setting.

load-interval seconds
no load-interval seconds
Syntax Description


Length of time for which data is used to compute load statistics a value that is a multiple of 30, between 30 and 600 (30, 60, 90, 120, and so forth).


300 seconds (or 5 minutes).

Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies to the interfaces on the ASP card: Ethernet 2/0/0 or ATM 2/0/0. To load computations to be more reactive to short bursts of traffic rather than averaged over 5-minute periods, shorten the length of time over which load averages are computed.

If the load interval is set to 30 seconds, new data is used for load calculations over a 30-second period. This data is used to compute load statistics, including input rate in bits and packets per second, output rate in bits and packets per second, load, and reliability.

Load data is gathered every 5 seconds on the switch. This data is used for a weighted average calculation in which more-recent load data has more weight in the computation than older load data. If the load interval is set to 30 seconds, the average is computed for the last 30 seconds of load data.

The load-interval command enables you to change the default interval of 5 minutes to a shorter or longer period of time. If you change it to a shorter period of time, the input and output statistics that are displayed when you use the show interfaces command are more current and is based on instantaneous data, rather than reflecting an average load over a longer period of time.

This command is often used for dial backup purposes to increase or decrease the likelihood of a backup interface being implemented, but it can be used on any interface.


In the following example, the default 5-minute average is set to a 30-second average. A burst in traffic that does not trigger a dial backup for an interface configured with the default 5-minute interval might trigger a dial backup for this interface that is set for a shorter, 30-second interval.

Switch(config)# interface atm 2/0/0
Switch(config-if)# load-interval 30
Related Command

show interface


To record the location of a serial device, use the location line configuration command. The no form of this command removes the description.

location text
no location
Syntax Description


Location description.


Locations of serial devices are not recorded.

Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The location command enters information about the device location and status. Use the EXEC command show users all to display the location information.


The following example identifies the location of the console.

Switch(config)# line console 0
Switch(config-line)# location Building 3, Basement
Related Command

show hosts


To prevent access to your session while keeping your connection open, use the lock EXEC command.

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The server product honors session time-outs on a locked line. You must clear the line to remove this feature. The system administrator must set the line up to allow use of the temporary locking feature. To regain access to your sessions, re-enter your password.


To log messages to a syslog server host, use the logging global configuration command. The no form of this command deletes the syslog server with the specified address from the list of syslogs.

logging host
no logging host
Syntax Description


Name or IP address of the host to be used as a syslog server.


No messages are logged to a syslog server host.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command identifies a syslog server host to receive logging messages. By issuing this command more than once, you build a list of syslog servers that receive logging messages.


The following example logs messages to a host named mccarty.

Switch# logging mccarty
Related Commands

logging trap
service timestamps

logging buffered

To log messages to an internal buffer, use the logging buffered global configuration command. The no form of this command cancels the use of the buffer and writes messages to the console terminal, which is the default.

logging buffered
no logging buffered
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The switch displays all messages to the console terminal.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command copies logging messages to an internal buffer instead of writing them to the console terminal. The buffer is circular in nature, so newer messages overwrite older messages.

To display the messages that are logged in the buffer, use the EXEC command show logging. The first message displayed is the oldest message in the buffer.


The following example illustrates how to enable logging to an internal buffer.

Switch# logging buffered

logging console

To limit messages logged to the console based on severity, use the logging console global configuration command. The no form of this command disables logging to the console terminal.

logging console level
no logging console
Syntax Description


Limits the logging of messages displayed on the console terminal to the named level. See Table 10-1 for a list of the level keywords.



Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Specifying a level causes messages at that level and numerically lower levels to be displayed at the console terminal.

The EXEC command show logging displays the addresses and levels associated with the current logging setup, as well as any other logging statistics.

Table 10-1   Error Message Logging Priorities

Level Name Level Description Syslog Definition



System unusable




Immediate action needed




Critical conditions




Error conditions




Warning conditions




Normal but significant condition




Informational messages only




Debugging messages


The effect of the log keyword with the IP access list (extended) command depends on the setting of the logging console command. The log keyword takes effect only if the logging console level is set to 6 or 7. If you change the default to a level lower than 6 and specify the log keyword with the IP access list (extended) command, no information is logged or displayed.


The following example changes the level of messages displayed to the console terminal to alerts, which means alerts and emergencies are displayed.

Switch# logging console alerts
Related Commands

access-list (extended)
logging facility
show logging

logging facility

To configure the syslog facility in which error messages are sent, use the logging facility global configuration command. To revert to the default of local7, use the no form of this command.

logging facility facility-type
no logging facility
Syntax Description


Syslog facility. See Table 10-2 for the facility-type keywords.



Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Table 10-2 describes the acceptable options for the facility-type keyword.

Table 10-2   Logging Facility Facility-Type Keywords

Keyword Description


Authorization system


Cron facility


System daemon




Reserved for locally defined messages


Line printer system


Mail system




System use


System use


System use


System use


System use


System use


System log


User process


UNIX-to-UNIX copy system


The following example configures the syslog facility to kernel.

Switch# logging facility kernel
Related Command

logging console

logging monitor

To limit messages logged to the terminal lines (monitors) based on severity, use the logging monitor global configuration command. This command limits the logging messages displayed on terminal lines other than the console line to messages with a level at or above level. The no form of this command disables logging to terminal lines other than the console line.

logging monitor level
no logging monitor
Syntax Description


One of the level keywords listed in Table 10-1.



Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Specifying a level causes messages at that level and at numerically lower levels to be displayed to the monitor.


The following example specifies that only messages of the levels errors, critical, alerts, and emergencies be displayed on terminals.

Switch# logging monitor errors
Related Command

terminal monitor

logging on

To control logging of error messages, use the logging on global configuration command. This command enables or disables message logging to all destinations except the console terminal. The no form of this command enables logging to the console terminal only.

logging on
no logging on
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The switch logs messages to the console terminal.

Command Mode

Global configuration.


The following example shows how to direct error messages to the console terminal only.

Switch# no logging on

logging synchronous

To synchronize unsolicited messages and debug output with solicited switch output and prompts for a specific console port line, auxiliary port line, or virtual terminal line, use the logging synchronous line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable synchronization of unsolicited messages and debug output.

logging synchronous [level severity-level] [limit number-of-buffers]
no logging synchronous [level severity-level] [limit number-of-buffers]
Syntax Description

level severity-level

(Optional) Specifies the message severity level. Messages with a severity level equal to or higher than this value are printed asynchronously. When specifying a severity level number, consider that for the logging system, low numbers indicate greater severity and high numbers indicate lesser severity.

limit number-of-buffers

(Optional) Specifies the number of buffers to be queued for the terminal after which new messages are dropped.


This feature is turned off by default.

If you do not specify a severity level, the default value of 2 is assumed.

If you do not specify the maximum number of buffers to be queued, the default value of 20 is assumed.

Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

When synchronous logging of unsolicited messages and debug output is turned on, unsolicited switch output is displayed on the console or printed after solicited switch output is displayed or printed. Unsolicited messages and debug output are displayed on the console after the prompt for user input is returned. This is to keep unsolicited messages and debug output from being interspersed with solicited switch output and prompts. After the unsolicited messages are displayed, the console displays the user prompt again.

When specifying a severity level number, consider that for the logging system, low numbers indicate greater severity, and high numbers indicate lesser severity.

When a terminal line's message-queue limit is reached, new messages are dropped from the line although these messages might be displayed on other lines. If messages are dropped, the notice "%SYS-3-MSGLOST number-of-messages due to overflow" follows any messages that are displayed. This notice is displayed only on the terminal that lost the messages. It is not sent to any other lines, any logging servers, or the logging buffer.

Caution By configuring abnormally large message-queue limits and setting the terminal to "terminal monitor" on a terminal that is accessible to intruders, you expose yourself to "denial of service" attacks. An intruder could carry out the attack by putting the terminal in synchronous output mode, making a Telnet connection to a remote host, and leaving the connection idle. This could cause large numbers of messages to be generated and queued, and these messages would consume all available RAM. Although unlikely to occur, you should guard against this type of attack through proper configuration.


The following example identifies line 4 and enables synchronous logging for line 4 with a severity level of 6. Then the example identifies another line, line 2, enables synchronous logging for line 2 with a severity level of 7, and specifies a maximum number of buffers to be 70000.

Switch(config# line 4
Switch(config-line)# logging synchronous level 6
Switch(config)# line 2
Switch(config-line)# logging synchronous level 7 limit 70000
Related Command


logging trap

To limit messages logged to the syslog servers based on severity, use the logging trap global configuration command. The command limits the logging of error messages sent to syslog servers to only those messages at the specified level. The no form of this command disables logging to syslog servers.

logging trap level
no logging trap
Syntax Description


One of the level keywords listed in Table 10-1.



Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The EXEC command show logging displays the addresses and levels associated with the current logging setup. The command output also includes ancillary statistics.

Table 10-1 lists the syslog definitions that correspond to the debugging message levels. Additionally, there are four categories of messages generated by the software, as follows:

Use the logging and logging trap commands to send messages to a UNIX syslog server.


The following example logs messages to a host named james.

Switch# logging james
Switch# logging trap notifications
Related Command



To enable password checking at login, use the login line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable password checking and allow connections without a password.

login [local | tacacs]
no login
Syntax Description


(Optional) Selects local password checking. Authentication is based on the username specified with the username global configuration command.


(Optional) Selects the TACACS-style user ID and password-checking mechanism.


By default, virtual terminals require a password. If you do not set a password for a virtual terminal, it responds to attempted connections by displaying an error message and closing the connection.

Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

If you specify login without the local or tacacs option, authentication is based on the password specified with the password line configuration command.

Note      This command cannot be used with Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA)/TACACS+. Use the login authentication command instead.


The following example sets the password letmein on virtual terminal line 4.

Switch(config)# line vty 4
Switch(config-line)# password letmein
Switch(config-line)# login

The following example illustrates how to enable the TACACS-style user ID and password-checking mechanism.

Switch# line 0
Switch# password mypassword
Switch# login tacacs
Related Commands

enable password

login authentication

To enable AAA/TACACS+ authentication for logins, use the login authentication line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default.

login authentication {default | list-name}
no login authentication {default | list-name}
Syntax Description


Uses the default list created with the aaa authentication login command.


Uses the indicated list created with the aaa authentication login command.

Caution If you use a list-name value that has not been configured with the aaa authentication login command, the logins on this line are disabled.


Login authentication uses the default set with aaa authentication login command. If no default is set, the local user database is checked. No authentication is performed on the console.

Command Mode

Line configuration.

Usage Guideline

This command is a per-line command used with AAA and specifies the name of a list of TACACS+ authentication processes to try at login. If no list is specified, the default list is used (whether or not it is specified in the command line). You create defaults and lists by using the aaa authentication login command. Note that entering the no version of login authentication has the same effect as entering the command with the default argument.

Before issuing this command, create a list of authentication processes by using the global configuration aaa authentication login command.


The following example specifies that the default AAA authentication is to be used on line 4.

Switch(config)# line 4
Switch(config-line)# login authentication default

The following example specifies that the AAA authentication list called MIS-access is to be used on line 7.

Switch(config)# line 7
Switch(config-line)# login authentication MIS-access
Related Command

aaa authentication login


To exit from the EXEC mode, use the logout EXEC command.

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Mode



To enable a diagnostic, diagnostic-path, line, cell, payload, or pif, loopback on the physical device associated with a port, use the loopback interface configuration command. To remove the loop, use the no form of this command.

loopback looptype
no loopback
Syntax Description


Is one of the following parameters: diagnostic | diagnostic-path | line | cell | payload | pif.

The parameters are defined as follows:

  • diagnostic—Transmit data is looped to receive data at the PHY layer.
  • diagnostic-path—Transmit payload is sent to receive path overhead processor.
  • line—Receive signal is looped to transmit at the PHY device.
  • cell—Cells received by PHY are sent out through the transmit cell in the first-in-first-out order.
  • payload—Received payload stream is looped through transmit stream.
  • pif—Transmit is looped to receive before the cells enter the PHY device.



Command Mode

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The cell and payload loopbacks are the only available DS3/ES3 interfaces. Diagnostic-path is only available for OC12 interface to loop the payload.

To show interfaces currently in loopback operation, use the show interface EXEC command. To isolate problems in the field use the diagnostic or line options.


The following example configures diagnostic loopback on the atm 3/1/0 line.

Switch(config)# interface atm 3/1/0
Switch(config-if)# loopback diagnostic
Related Commands

show controllers
show interface

Posted: Thu Jan 23 21:02:39 PST 2003
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