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Index: X

X11 applications: 9.4. X11-based Applications and Libraries
X11 forwarding: 9.7. Connecting to Other X Window Systems
X Window System (see X11)
X11 (X Window System): 9. The X Window System
interacting with Mac OS X: 9.6.1. Aqua-X11 Interactions
making remote connections to: 9.7. Connecting to Other X Window Systems
xargs command: 1.6.6. Scripting and Shell Programming
XDarwin: 9. The X Window System
mouse buttons and: 9.6.1. Aqua-X11 Interactions
Xfce desktop environment: 9.2. Running XDarwin
xfig/transfig drawing tool: 9.4. X11-based Applications and Libraries
XFree86, OroborOSX and: 9.5.1. An Aqua-like X11: OroborOSX
XFree86 Project: 9. The X Window System
.xinitrc script
customizing XDarwin and: 9.3. Desktops and Window Managers
OroborOSX and: 9.5.1. An Aqua-like X11: OroborOSX
xmkmf script: 9.4.1. Building X11-based Applications and Libraries
XML property lists: The property list
XProg.tgz: 9.4.1. Building X11-based Applications and Libraries
OroborOSX and: 9.5.1. An Aqua-like X11: OroborOSX
replacements for: 9.3. Desktops and Window Managers
vs. Terminal: 1.2. The Terminal and xterm Compared

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