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Index: S

s/// substitution operator: 9.6. Substitutions with s///
vs. m// operator: 9.6. Substitutions with s///
scalar context: 3.8. Scalar and List Context
forcing: 3.8.3. Forcing Scalar Context
scalar variables
autoincrements/autodecrements for: 10.6. Autoincrement and Autodecrement
stat function and: 11.6.1. The stat and lstat Functions
scalars: 2.1. What Is Scalar Data?
values of, assigning to variables: 2.5.2. Scalar Assignment
scope of variables: 4.9. Notes on Lexical (my) Variables
naked block control structure and: 10.4. The Naked Block Control Structure
scoped variables (see lexical variables)
security: B.14. Security
CGI programs and: B.16. The Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
seek function: 16.3. Fixed-length Random-access Databases
select operator: 11.4.1. Changing the Default Output Filehandle
semicolon (;)
ending expressions: 1.4.2. What's Inside That Program?
in for/foreach control structures: 10.7.1. The Secret Connection Between foreach and for
return value expressions and: 4.6. Private Variables in Subroutines
shell, avoiding: 14.1.1. Avoiding the Shell
shift operator: 3.4.2. The shift and unshift Operators
shortcuts: 1.2.2. Is Perl Easy or Hard?
character class: 8.1.1. Character Class Shortcuts
negating: 8.1.2. Negating the Shortcuts
SIGINT: 14.7. Sending and Receiving Signals
signals, sending/receiving: 14.7. Sending and Receiving Signals
single-quoted string literals: 2.3.1. Single-Quoted String Literals
single quotes (' ') enclosing strings: 2.3.1. Single-Quoted String Literals
slash with dot (./): 1.4.1. A Simple Program
slices: 17.6. Slices
SMTP servers, Net::SMTP module for: B.5.8. The Net::SMTP Module
sockets (TCP/IP): B.13.2. Sockets
soft links: 13.3. Links and Files
13.3. Links and Files
sort subroutines (sort-definition subroutines): 15.4. Advanced Sorting
advanced: 15.4. Advanced Sorting
sort operator for: 3.7.2. The sort Operator
s2p conversion program: B.25. Converting Other Languages to Perl
spaces: 8.1.1. Character Class Shortcuts
\\s shortcut for: 8.1.1. Character Class Shortcuts
spaceship operator: 15.4. Advanced Sorting
spaceship operator (): 15.4. Advanced Sorting
splice operator: B.10.2. The splice Operator
split operator: 9.7. The split Operator
17.6. Slices
vs. join function: 9.8. The join Function
sports scores, sorting: 15.4.1. Sorting a Hash by Value
sprintf function: 15.3. Formatting Data with sprintf
sqrt function: 10.4. The Naked Block Control Structure
square brackets ([ ])
in character classes: 8.1. Character Classes
in pattern test program results: 7.3. A Pattern Test Program
square root: B.9.1. Advanced Math Functions
stacks: 4.7. The local Operator
standard error stream: 11.1. What Is a Filehandle?
standard input: 2.8. Getting User Input
6. I/O Basics
standard input stream: 11.1. What Is a Filehandle?
standard output: 6.4. Output to Standard Output
6.4. Output to Standard Output
standard output stream: 11.1. What Is a Filehandle?
star (*) as quantifier: 7.2.2. Simple Quantifiers
Star Wars, spaceship operator and: 15.4. Advanced Sorting
stat buffer: 11.6.5. Using the Special Underscore Filehandle
stat function: 11.6.1. The stat and lstat Functions
underscore filehandle and: 11.6.5. Using the Special Underscore Filehandle
stat(2) manpage: 11.6.1. The stat and lstat Functions
STDERR filehandle: 11.1. What Is a Filehandle?
11.5. Reopening a Standard Filehandle
STDIN filehandle: 11.1. What Is a Filehandle?
STDOUT filehandle: 11.1. What Is a Filehandle?
11.4.1. Changing the Default Output Filehandle
strict pragma: B.6.4. The strict Pragma
string accumulator: 2.11. The undef Value
string comparison operators: 2.6.3. Comparison Operators
string concatenate operator (.): 2.5.3. Binary Assignment Operators
string escapes (see backslash escapes)
string literals: 2.3. Strings
double-quoted (see double-quoted string literals)
string repetition operator (x): 2.3.3. String Operators
6.5.1. Arrays and printf
strings: 2.3. Strings
2.3. Strings
15. Strings and Sorting
converted automatically to numbers: 2.3.4. Automatic Conversion Between Numbers and Strings
finding substrings within: 15.1. Finding a Substring with index
operators for: 2.3.3. String Operators
comparison operators for: 2.6.3. Comparison Operators
sub keyword: 4.2. Defining a Subroutine
subroutines: 4.1. System and User Functions
anonymous: B.20.3. Anonymous Subroutines and Closures
calling: 4.3. Invoking a Subroutine
defining: 4.2. Defining a Subroutine
invoking: 4.3. Invoking a Subroutine
lexical variables in: 4.6. Private Variables in Subroutines
subscripts: 3.1. Accessing Elements of an Array
substr operator: 15.2. Manipulating a Substring with substr
substrings: 15.1. Finding a Substring with index
subtraction operator (-): 2.2.5. Numeric Operators
support for Perl: 1.3.2. How Can I Get Support for Perl?
symbolic links: 11.6. File Tests
11.6.1. The stat and lstat Functions
13.3. Links and Files
13.3. Links and Files
symlink function: 13.3. Links and Files
syntax extensions: B.19. Syntax Extensions
Sys::Hostname module: B.5.10. The Sys::Hostname Module
system databases: B.7.1. Direct System Database Access
system function: 14.1. The system Function
using vs. exec function: 14.2. The exec Function
system functions: 4.1. System and User Functions
system time: 11.6.1. The stat and lstat Functions
System V IPC: B.13.1. System V IPC

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