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Learning Perl, 3rd. Ed.Search this book

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Index: L

labels: 10.8.4. Labeled Blocks
large numbers: B.9.3. Large and High-Precision Numbers
Larry (see Wall, Larry)
last found occurrence of a substring, rindex function for: 15.1. Finding a Substring with index
last operator: 10.8.1. The last Operator
leading zero: 2.2.4. Nondecimal Integer Literals
length function: 16.3. Fixed-length Random-access Databases
less-than sign (<) for opening files: 11.2. Opening a Filehandle
lexical variables: 4.6. Private Variables in Subroutines
4.9. Notes on Lexical (my) Variables
lexical warnings: 2.4. Perl's Built-in Warnings
lib pragma: B.6.3. The lib Pragma
libraries: B.4.1. Libraries
licenses for Perl: 1.3. How Can I Get Perl?
embedding code snippets and: B.24. Embedding
line-input operators: 2.8. Getting User Input
2.8. Getting User Input
6.2. Input from the Diamond Operator
11.4. Using Filehandles
line number
die function and: 11.3. Fatal Errors with die
warn function and: 11.3.1. Warning Messages with warn
link count: 13.3. Links and Files
link function: 13.3. Links and Files
links: 13.3. Links and Files
number of ($nlink): 11.6.1. The stat and lstat Functions
list context: 3.8. Scalar and List Context
return values and: 4.4. Return Values
using backquotes in: 14.4.1. Using Backquotes in a List Context
list literals: 3.3. List Literals
lists: 3. Lists and Arrays
B.10. Lists and Arrays
qw shortcut for: 3.3.1. The qw Shortcut
literal strings (see string literals)
literals: 2.2.2. Floating-Point Literals
little arrow (->): 5.2.3. The Big Arrow
in method names: 13.8.3. The File::Spec Module
Llama book: 1. Introduction
1.3.3. Are There Any Other Kinds of Support?
local operator: 4.7. The local Operator
locales: B.30. Locales and Unicode
localtime function: 11.6.2. The localtime Function
text databases and: 16.4. Variable-length (Text) Databases
log files, filehandles and: 11.2. Opening a Filehandle
11.4.1. Changing the Default Output Filehandle
logarithm: B.9.1. Advanced Math Functions
logical operators: 10.9. Logical Operators
loop blocks: 10.8.1. The last Operator
10.8.2. The next Operator
labels for: 10.8.4. Labeled Blocks
loop controls: 10.8. Loop Controls
loops: 2.10. The while Control Structure
endless, stopping: 2.10. The while Control Structure
low-level programming languages: 1.2.1. Why Didn't Larry Just Use Some Other Language?
case shifting and: 9.6.5. Case Shifting
vs. capitalization in variable names: 2.5.1. Choosing Good Variable Names
lstat function: 11.6.1. The stat and lstat Functions
underscore filehandle and: 11.6.5. Using the Special Underscore Filehandle
LWP module: B.13.2. Sockets

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