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Table of Contents - factor(1) - factor a number, generate large primes
- false(1) - return exit status zero or one respectively — see
- fastbind(1) - Prepare an incomplete executable for faster program start-up
- fastmail(1) - quick batch mail interface
- fc(1) - standard and restricted POSIX.2-conformant command shells — see
- fg(1) - standard and restricted POSIX.2-conformant command shells — see
- fgrep(1) - search a file for a pattern — see
- file(1) - determine file type
- find(1) - find files
- findmsg(1) - create message catalog file for modification
- findstr(1) - find strings for inclusion in message catalogs
- finger(1) - user information lookup program
- fmt(1) - format text
- fold(1) - fold long lines for finite width output device
- fontdl(1) - filters invoked by lp interface scripts — see
- footprints(1) - summarize information from compiler footprint records
- forder(1) - convert file data order
- from(1) - who is my mail from?
- fruled(1) - flash/turn off attention LEDs (cell, cabinet and I/O chassis attention LEDs)
- ftio(1) - faster tape I/O
- ftp(1) - file transfer program
- ftpcount(1) - show current number of users for each class
- ftprestart(1) - remove the shutdown message file created by ftpshut utility.
- ftpshut(1) - create shutdown message file to shut down the ftp servers at a given time
- ftpwho(1) - show current process information for each ftp user.