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HP-UX Reference > Llpfilter(1)HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007 |
NAMElpfilter: divpage, fontdl, lprpp, plotdvr, printstat, reverse — filters invoked by lp interface scripts SYNOPSIS/usr/lbin/divpage [-p | -l] [-h | -q] [-n FontID] filename /usr/lbin/fontdl [-n FontID] [-l] [-p] filename /usr/lbin/lprpp [-i] [-o] [-e] [-l nn] [-n] [-p] /usr/lbin/plotdvr -lrequest_id -uusername [-e] [-f] [-i] filename /usr/sbin/printstat -lrequest_id -uusername filename /usr/sbin/reverse [-l page_length] DESCRIPTIONVarious filters are used by the lp subsystem to obtain specialized behavior for specific types of devices or data. This entry describes currently supported filters. A number of these filters use a specified username and filename to determine the location of the user who originated the print message. The filename is used to determine the hostname of the system where the request originated, and must have the form [dirname]/d?Annnhostname or [dirname]/dAnnnnhostname, where dirname is not a path name, but only the name of the basename's parent directory. filename meets this requirement when it is set to $6 in the interface script for the printer. divpageProvides capabilities for printing multiple pages per sheet and selection of built-in fonts. Options:
fontdlfontdl downloads the font contained in filename to a printer connected to standard output. Options:
lprppThis is a filter that converts backspace overstrike to line overprint with horizontal print positioning to enhance bold print. This functionality is required on printers such as the LaserJet, which cannot produce bold print by overstriking. Options:
plotdvrHP-GL plotter filter. This filter scans the data for "PG" commands (paper feed). When this data is encountered, the filter strips it from the data stream and informs the requesting user of the need to change paper in the plotter. Options:
printstatInterrogates an RS232 printer as to its status, and does not return until the printer is ready. If the printer is off-line, out of paper, or disconnected, the submitter of the print request is notified of this condition periodically until it is corrected. When the printer is ready to print, the command exits. Standard input and standard output must both be connected to the serial printer device. This program uses the send-status command ^[?^Q? to determine status. (The characters ^[ and ^Q represent the ESC or ^[ and DC1 or ^Q characters, respectively.) Not all serial printers respond to this command. Only the following configurations support this command:
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