
Table of Contents

Customizing the Server Configuration
Setting the Date, Time, and Time Zone
Customizing the Network Configuration

Customizing the Server Configuration

This chapter describes how to customize the date, time, time zone, and network configuration of a Control Server, Broadcast Server, or Archive Server.

Setting the Date, Time, and Time Zone

To set the date, time, and time zone for your location, follow these steps:

Step 1   Go to Start>Settings>Control Panel.

Step 2   Double-click on Date/Time.

Step 3   Select the Date & Time tab.

Step 4   Set the current day, month, year, and time.

Step 5   Select the Time Zone tab.

Step 6   Select your time zone.

Step 7   Click OK.

Customizing the Network Configuration

To customize the configuration for your network, follow these steps:

Step 1   Go to Start>Settings>Control Panel.

Step 2   Double-click on the Network icon.

Step 3   Select the Identification tab.

Note      Each system has TCP/IP installed. However, each is configured to use a static IP address that is reserved for testing purposes. You must reconfigure your system to use static IP addresses appropriate for your site and subnet.

Step 4   Enter the computer name and domain.

Step 5   Select the Protocols tab.

Step 6   Double-click on TCP/IP.

Step 7   Enter the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.

Step 8   If you are using a Domain Name System (DNS), do the following:

    (a). Click on the DNS tab.

    (b). Enter Host Name, Domain Name, and DNS Service Search Order.

Step 9   If you are not using DNS, populate the Hosts file with the IP address and name of the server. The Hosts file is in the following location:


Note See Appendix B for a sample Hosts file.

Step 10   Configure WINS if appropriate for your site.

Step 11   Reboot the system.

Note      Multicast must be enabled on your routers in order to use the scheduled programs feature of IP/TV on more than one subnet. On-demand programs do not require multicast.

Posted: Thu Apr 24 11:33:15 PDT 2003
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