
Table of Contents

Maintaining the System Software

Maintaining the System Software

This chapter describes the tasks required for maintaining the Content Router software:

Upgrading the System Software

Presently, two types of Content Router software files are available on Cisco Connection Online (CCO) to download, files with the .pax suffix and files with the .bin suffix. The .pax file contains the full-image software and is the file routinely installed. The .bin file software is for recovery situations that require booting from the network, or restoring Flash memory. See "Recovering the Content Router System Software" section for instructions on loading your system image with the .bin file.

The following procedure describes how to upgrade the Content Router system software and optionally change the boot parameters.

Step 1   Download the .pax file to your Windows NT or UNIX machine.

Step 2   From the Windows NT or UNIX machine, use FTP to put the new image file (for example, cr4400.pax) in the Content Router /local directory.

If you are using a command-line FTP client, perform the following substeps to put the .pax file on the Content Router. In the example, the Content Router IP address is

    cd /local
    put cr4400.pax
When the transfer is complete, quit the FTP session.

Step 3   Log on to the Content Router through the console port.

Note   Upgrading software can be done through Telnet, but the connection is broken when the Content Router reboots.

Step 4   At the Content Router command prompt, enter install to install the image files. For example, if the filename is cr4400.pax, enter:

console# install cr4400.pax Extracting . Extracting ./imgname.txt Extracting ./etc Extracting ./etc/boot ... (etc) Extracting ./[image_name].bin.dbg.cus1 File extraction done. cr4400.pax: installation is complete. Copy new image '[image_name].bin' to flash memory?[no]: y Erasing Programming erasing program image sector. 100% complete... You may type [reload] to reboot your box now
Note   Be sure to copy the new image to Flash memory. The Content Router will not run the updated software version until the image is stored in memory and you reboot the system. If you choose not to copy the image to Flash memory when prompted, you can do so later by entering copy diskflash filename, where filename is the name of the image file (the .bin file extracted from the .pax file).

Step 5   From the Content Router console, enter reload to reboot the Content Router:

console# reload Proceed with reload? [confirm] y 303949 bytes copying bootagent boot start: 0x7fee000 starting new system - entry 0x8010 0x7dc8800 (tCallback0): NCR810_ Press any key to stop auto-boot...
Note   If you have not saved your most recent configuration to Flash memory (NVRAM), you will be asked to do so before rebooting the Content Router.

If you want to stop the auto-boot process to change default boot parameters, perform the following steps (console connection only):

Note   In the example, the Content Router boot device parameter is changed from net to flash.

This ensures that the Content Router boots from Flash memory rather than from a system image resident on another network host.
For example:
    Press any key to stop auto-boot... [CE500 Series]: c '.' = clear field; '-' = go to previous field; ^D = quit boot device (flash,net) [ net]: flash filename [ ]: ^D . . [CE500 Series]: @

Step 6   When the boot process is complete, verify the software version with the show version command:

console# show version Cisco Content Router Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Software Release: CR ver 1.00 (Build: #1 08/07/00) Compiled: 13:47:15 Aug 6 2000 by morlee Image text-base 0x108000, data_base 0x392244 System restarted by Reload The system has been up for 0 weeks, 0 day, 0 hours, 1 minutes, 10 seconds. System booted from "flash"

Recovering the Content Router System Software

The Content Router can be booted from a system image resident on another network host (booted from the network) if the native onboard image is corrupted. A corrupted system image can result from a power failure that occurs while the installation procedure is updating the Flash memory. When the Content Router is booted from the network, a new Flash memory image can be installed.

Recovery software is available from Cisco Connection Online (CCO). Make sure to download the correct .bin file for your model of Content Router.

To reboot the Content Router with recovery software, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Make sure you have a console connection established. Reboot your Content Router manually by toggling the power on/off switch.

Step 2   Stop the auto-boot process by pressing any key.

    Press any key to stop auto-boot... 6 [CE500 Series]: c '.' = clear field; '-' = go to previous field; ^D = quit boot device (flash,net) [ flash]: net filename [ ]: /Path/filename.bin cache IP address [ ]: IP network mask [ ]: server IP address [ ]: gateway IP address [ ]: protocol (rcp,ftp,tftp) [ ]: ftp username [ ]: name password [ ]: password flags [ 0]:

Step 3   Enter @ to start the boot sequence.

[CE500 Series]: [CE500 Series]: @ boot device (flash,net) [ net]: filename [/CCO Path/filename.bin]: cache IP address []: IP network mask []: server IP address []: gateway IP address []: protocol (rcp,ftp,tftp) [ ftp]: username [ name]: password [ password]: flags [ 0]: Loading from the network Attaching network interface fei0... done. Attaching network interface lo0... done. Loading... Starting at 0x108000... .................. Console IO Initialized Attaching network interface lo0... done. Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013. Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, California 95134-1706 Cisco Content Router Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Software Release: CR ver 1.00 (Build: #01 08/03/2000) Compiled: 18:09:47 Aug 08 2000 by morlee Image text-base 0x108000, data_base 0x42bea4 System restarted by Power Up The system has been up for 0 seconds. System booted from fei SVCINIT - phase complete Initializing SCSI interface... Initializing SCSI controller... Configuring SCSI peripherals... ID LUN VendorID ProductID Rev. Type Blocks BlkSize pScsiPhysDev -- --- -------- ---------------- ---- ---- -------- ------- 0 0 QUANTUM VIKING II 9.1SCA 4110 0 17836668 512 0x00fc9458 DEVINIT - phase complete FSINIT - phase complete Configuring from NVRAM... %% Non-volatile configuration memory has not been set up CONF - phase complete NTP: Waiting (2 minutes) for network initialization START - phase complete

Step 4   Reconfigure the Content Router with the basic network settings. You can modify the system configuration later using the command-line interface (CLI).

---- System Configuration Dialog ---- You may use Ctrl-D to abort Configuration Dialog at any prompt. Would you like to enter the initial configuration? [yes]: y host name: myContent domain name: admin password: iforget cache IP address: IP network mask: gateway IP address: DNS server:yo

If the basic configuration is acceptable, enter yes. The Content Router indicates whether the configuration is accepted. At this point, the basic configuration is finished.

Use this configuration? [yes]: yes Building configuration... . . START - phase complete

Step 5   Log on to the Content Router with your new admin password. Verify that you are running the correct version by entering the show version command.

Username: admin Password: test cache# cache# show version Cisco Content Router 4400 Copyright (c) 1986-1998 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Software Release: Compiled: 17:08:40 Mar 24 1999 by morlee Image text-base 0x108000, data_base 0x419d2c

You can now use the CLI to finish your configuration.

Note   In case you need to boot from Flash memory again, use the copy command to put the image in Flash memory.

Maintaining the Content Router Disk Storage

The Content Routers are equipped with one or more disks that are properly partitioned at the factory before shipment.

The principal disk partition is the DOS file system (dosfs). The dosfs partition contains the image file and memory for system output from features such as syslog.

To verify that a disk is partitioned correctly, execute the show disk-partitions command. To display the volume names, execute the show disks command.

Note   The UVFAT partition refers to the dosfs.

Console# show disk-partitions /c0t0d0 Disk size : 17836667 sectors Partition 1: CISCO_UVFAT_1, offset 63 sectors, size 3906250 sectors Partition 4: UNUSED, offset 0 sectors, size 0 sectors Console# show disk-partitions /c0t1d0 Disk size : 17836667 sectors Partition 1: UNUSED, offset 0 sectors, size 0 sectors Partition 4: UNUSED, offset 0 sectors, size 0 sectors Console# show disks /c0t0d0 (scsi bus 0, unit 0, lun 0) /c0t1d0 (scsi bus 0, unit 1, lun 0)
Note   The name of disk 0 is /c0t0d0; the name of disk 1 is /c0t1d0. The c indicates the SCSI controller number, t is the target number, and d is the logical unit number (LUN).

At any time, you can use the show dosfs volumes command to verify volume status.

show dosfs volumes /c0t0d0s1: mounted /c0t1d0s1: mounted /local: mounted
Note   You can substitute the alias /local for the dosfs volume name /c0t0d0.

The dosfs partition may be unmounted if the dosfs unmount command was executed. If the dosfs partition is unmounted, mount the dosfs partition using the dosfs mount command.

If the dosfs mount command does not work properly, execute the show disk-partitions command. Check for the UVFAT partition. The size of the dosfs partition should be approximately 2 gigabytes. A sector is equal to 512 bytes. If there is no disk partition for the dosfs, see the "Repartitioning the Content Router Disks" section.

If the dosfs volume does not mount, perform the procedure in the "Checking and Repairing DOS File System Volumes" section. If the dosfs volume still does not mount after you perform this procedure, repartition and reformat the disks as described in the "Repartitioning the Content Router Disks" section.

Caution Anytime a volume is partitioned or formatted, all the data on the disk is lost.

Repartitioning the Content Router Disks

Caution Whenever a disk is partitioned, all the data on the disk is lost.

To repartition disk 0, which is the location of the dosfs partition, enter the disk partition command.

Note   The name of disk 0 is /c0t0d0.

Console# disk partition /c0t0d0 dosfs this will create a dos partition total size of disk = 17836667 CISCO_UVFAT_1 vol /c0t0d0s1 part_off 63 part_siz 3906250

Following a repartition, you must format and mount the dosfs using the following commands:

If the first disk is reformatted, all the cache data is lost as well as all data in the dosfs partition. It will be necessary to reinstall the software image. See the "Recovering the Content Router System Software" section.

Note   If the dosfs partition is not mounted correctly, an error message may be generated from the CLI. An example of this error message follows.

Console# cli command Could not get stat information about /local <====

Checking and Repairing DOS File System Volumes

The dosfs partition may be corrupted if a power outage occurs while the Content Router is writing to the disk, or if the disk is removed while writing to the dosfs partitions.

If there is a problem caused by the corrupted dosfs FAT table, perform the following steps:

Step 1   Enter the dosfs check /local command.

Step 2   If an error message occurs, enter the dosfs unmount /local command.

Step 3   Enter the dosfs repair auto /local command.

Step 4   Enter the dosfs mount /local {rdonly | rdwr}command.

Step 5   If the dosfs mount fails after you enter the dosfs repair command, enter the dosfs format command followed by the dosfs mount command.

If you are working in the current working directory of /local, you may see the following error message:

Could not get stat information about /local.

You can enter the cd / command to avoid this error message.

Note   Entering the dosfs check command effectively prevents system features (such as syslog or transaction logging) from writing to the disk. Disregard error messages generated by these features after entering the dosfs check command, as shown in the following example:

dosfs check /local
tSyslog: Cannot write log to Disk File (/local/var/log/syslog.txt), OK

Recovering a Lost Password

If a user password is forgotten, lost, or misconfigured, perform the following steps to reset the password:

Note   There is no way to restore a lost password. You must reset the password to a new one, as described in this procedure.

Step 1   Attach an ASCII terminal to the Content Router console port.

Step 2   Break to the bootstrap program prompt and press any key before the Content Router completes the auto-boot sequence.

    Press any key to stop auto-boot... 7 [PRESS ANY KEY NOW before the Content Router auto reboots] [CE500 Series]:c boot device (flash,net) [ net]: flash filename [ filename]: cache IP address []: IP network mask []: server IP address []: gateway IP address []: protocol (rcp,ftp,tftp) [ ]: username [ ]: password [ ]: flags [ 0]: 0x8000 [CE500 Series]:@

Step 3   Change the configuration flags field to 0x8000 (as shown above), and then enter @ to continue with the boot sequence.

Note   Setting this the configuration flag field to 0x8000 lets you enter the system, bypassing all security. Setting the configuration flag field to 0x4000 lets you bypass the NVRAM configuration.

Step 4   Once you see the CLI prompt, set the password for the user using the user modify username name password new-password command in global configuration mode.

Step 5   Use the write command to save the configuration change.

By default, the Content Router has an admin user with no password set. When no password is set, you can enter anything as a password.

Sample Configurations

The following sample configurations are outputs of the show running-config command and can be used as a guide for configuring the Content Router. If a feature is not enabled, it does not appear in the running configuration display, though settings configured for that feature are displayed.

Direct Mode Sample Configuration

console# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! ! logging event-export critical-events alert kernel logging ! group add admin gid 0 group add everyone gid 1000 ! user add admin uid 0 password 1 "ceSzbyeb" capability admin-access user add des uid 5001 password 1 "bbdze9eSbS" capability telnet-access ! hostname cr1 ! interface ethernet 0 ip address ip broadcast-address exit ! interface ethernet 1 exit ! ip default-gateway ip domain-name cron file /local/etc/crontab ntp server ! boomerang dns enable direct-mode ! boomerang dns domain alias  key 7 01370317  origin-server  client nickname detroit client nickname losangeles client nickname newyork ! transaction-logs export interval 3600 ! end!

WCCP Mode Sample Configuration

console# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! ! logging event-export critical-events alert kernel logging ! group add admin gid 0 group add everyone gid 1000 ! user add admin uid 0 password 1 "ceSzbyeb" capability admin-access user add des uid 5001 password 1 "bbdze9eSbS" capability telnet-access ! hostname cr1 ! interface ethernet 0 ip address ip broadcast-address exit ! interface ethernet 1 exit ! ip default-gateway ip domain-name cron file /local/etc/crontab ntp server ! boomerang dns enable wccp-mode ! boomerang dns domain alias  key 7 01370317  origin-server  client nickname detroit client nickname losangeles client nickname newyork ! wccp router-list 1 wccp dns-boomerang router-list-num 1 ! transaction-logs export interval 3600 ! end

Disabling a Content Router in WCCP Mode

You can remove a Content Router in WCCP mode from the WCCP environment without losing any settings, and without powering off the unit. To remove a Content Router, disable the boomerang WCCP service by issuing the no wccp dns-boomerang command at the Content Router CLI
(command-line interface).

Posted: Fri Dec 29 19:29:52 PST 2000
Copyright 1989-2000©Cisco Systems Inc.