
Table of Contents

Cisco Content Router Software, Release 1.0 Commands

Cisco Content Router Software, Release 1.0 Commands

This appendix contains an alphabetical listing of all commands of the Cisco Content Router 4400 software, Release 1.0.


To establish alternative domain names, use the alias command in boomerang configuration mode.

alias domain-name

Syntax Description


Alternative name of a domain (for example,


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes

Boomerang configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command on both the Content Router and the agent to establish an alternative name for a domain.


In the following example, assume you are configuring a domain named Here, it is given the alias First, enter the alias on the Content Router.

Console (config-boomerang)# alias

When configuring on the agent, enter the alias on the agent:

Console (config-boomerang)# alias


To enable autosense on an interface, use the autosense interface configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.


no autosense

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

Cisco router Ethernet interfaces do not negotiate duplex settings. If the Content Router is connected to a router directly with a crossover cable, the Content Router Ethernet interface has to be manually set to match the router interface settings. Disable autosense before configuring an Ethernet interface. When autosense is on, manual configurations are overridden. You must reboot the Content Router to start autosensing.


Console(config-if)# autosense Console(config-if)# no autosense


To configure an interface bandwidth, use the bandwidth interface configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

bandwidth mbits

no bandwidth

Syntax Description


Bandwidth size in megabits per second (10 or 100).


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the bandwidth of an interface to either 10 or 100 megabits.


Console(config-if)# bandwidth 10 Console(config-if)# no bandwidth


To set the level of artificial padding in the DNS Answer packet, use the bloat boomerang configuration command.

bloat bytes

Syntax Description


Size of bloat in bytes (0 to 2000). The default is 0.


The default bloat size is 0 bytes

Command Modes

Boomerang configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to allow the boomerang process to more effectively consider the bandwidth (between an agent and the DNS server) in selecting the best site. A byte size of greater than zero means that
DNS Answer packets will be artificially padded.


Console (config-boomerang)# bloat 300


To enable boomerang on the Content Router, to configure boomerang on an agent, or to enter boomerang configuration mode, use the boomerang global configuration command.

boomerang dns enable {direct-mode | wccp-mode} [decay decayvalue][sample-freq samp-freqvalue]

boomerang dns {domain domain-name}

Syntax Description


Configures DNS boomerang distributed reverse proxy.


Enables the boomerang software.


Enables Content Router in direct mode, in which a domain name server is configured so that the Content Router is the authoritative DNS server for the domains served by the Content Router. DNS Answer (DNS A) record requests are sent directly to the Content Router.


Enables Content Router in WCCP mode, in which a router shunts DNS packets destined for a domain name server to the Content Router. DNS A record requests for domains served by the Content Router are handled by the Content Router. All other DNS packets are reinserted in the normal traffic flow.


(Optional.) Specifies how to weight the latest Round Trip Time (RTT) measurement. A lower decay value gives higher priority to recent measurements.


Decay value (1 to 10). The default value is 2.


(Optional.) Sets how many times-per-minute to sample the delay between the Content Router and agent.


Sample frequency value in number of times per minute (1 to 600). The default value is 6.


Establishes support for a domain. Sets CLI to enter boomerang configuration mode.


Name of a domain (for example,


The default decay value is 2. The default sample-freq value is 6.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the boomerang dns enable command to enable boomerang on the Content Router and to select the mode of operation.

In direct mode, the Content Router is configured as the authoritative DNS server for the domains it serves, and the DNS server must be configured to send DNS requests to the Content Router.

In WCCP mode, a router redirects DNS packets destined for a domain name server to the Content Router. DNS requests for domains served by boomerang are handled by the Content Router, whereas all other DNS packets are reinserted in the normal traffic flow.

See the "Configuring Direct or WCCP Mode" section for information about configuring for direct or WCCP mode.

Use the boomerang dns domain command to establish support for a domain and to enter boomerang configuration mode.


Console (config)# boomerang dns enable direct-mode Console (config)# boomerang dns domain

boomerang send-packet

To send test packets to determine whether or not a destination accepts boomerang-altered source IP addresses, use the boomerang send-packet EXEC command.

boomerang send-packet {tcp | udp} dest-port source-port {dest-ip-address | dest-hostname} {source-ip-address | source-hostname}

Syntax Description


Sends a TCP packet.


Sends a UDP packet.


Destination port number.


Source port number.


IP address of the destination site.


Name of the destination host.


IP address of the source.


Name of the source host.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Some networks may have filters that prevent the transmission of packets with source addresses outside the address space of the network. Such filters could inhibit the boomerang process. To determine whether such filters exist, use a sniffer and the boomerang send-packet command to send a packet with a source address outside the subnet on which the agent resides. The sniffer should be set up to monitor traffic on the network of the destination site to which the packet is sent. If the sniffer detects this packet, you will know that the destination can accept boomerang-altered source IP addresses.


Console# boomerang send-packet tcp 53 53


To change directories, use the cd EXEC command.

cd {directoryname}

Syntax Description


Name of the directory.

Command Modes

EXEC command

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to maneuver between directories and for file management. The directory name becomes the default prefix for all relative paths. Relative paths do not begin with a slash "/". Absolute paths begin with a slash "/".


Relative path:

Console# cd etc

Absolute path:

Console# cd /local/etc

Related Commands







To check whether superuser accounts are password-protected, use the check EXEC command.

check superuser passwords

Syntax Description






By default, superuser accounts are not password-protected.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command displays whether or not the superuser account is password-protected. To configure a superuser password, from global configuration mode, use the user modify command. A superuser is defined as an administrator or user with full read and write privileges to the cache files and utilities.


Console# check superuser passwords ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All super-user accounts are password protected ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Related Commands

user modify

show user


To clear the hardware interface, statistics, transaction logs, or WCCP settings, use the clear EXEC command.

clear {boomerang | interface serial number | logging | statistics {all | boomerang | history | ip | running | services | tcp | transaction-logs} transaction-log}

Syntax Description


Clears boomerang one-way delay information.


Clears the hardware interface.


Serial device.


Serial interface number (for example, 0).


Clears syslog messages saved in a disk file.


Clears statistics.


Clears all statistics.


Clears boomerang statistics.


Clears IP statistics.


Clears the statistics history.


Clears the running statistics.


Clears services statistics.


Clears TCP statistics.


Clears transaction log export statistics.


Archives working transaction log file.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

The clear statistics command clears all statistical counters from the parameters given. Use this command to monitor fresh statistical data for some or all features without losing configurations.

The clear transaction-log command causes the transaction log to be archived immediately to the Content Router hard disk. This command has the same effect as the transaction-log force archive command.


Console# clear transaction-log Console# clear statistics boomerang

Related Commands

show statistics

show interface

show wccp


To specify the content routing agents, use the client command in boomerang configuration mode.

client {ip-address | hostname} [nickname name] [delay delay-value]

Syntax Description


Host name of the agent.


IP address of the agent.


(Optional.) Sets a display nickname for the agent (for example, New York or San Francisco).


Agent nickname.


(Optional.) Specifies the one-way propagation delay before the DNS race to the agents begins.


One-way propagation delay value in milliseconds (1 to 1000).


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Boomerang configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command on the Content Router to specify the agents that will compete in the boomerang DNS race. The optional nickname appears only when you use the show boomerang command. The optional delay configuration overrides the calculated propagation delay between the content routing agent and the Content Router. This is useful if you know that the packet transmission times between the Content Router and agent are asymmetric, for example, if the path includes a satellite hop in one direction but not in the other direction.


Console (config-boomerang)# client nickname London

Related Commands

show boomerang


To set, clear, or save the battery-backed clock functions, use the clock EXEC command.

clock {clear | save | set hh:mm:ss day month year}

Syntax Description


Clears the system clock settings.


Saves the system clock settings.


Sets the system clock.


Current Universal Coordinated Time (for example, 13:32:00).


Day of the month (for example, 1 to 31).


Current month (for example, January or February).


Current year (for example, 2000).


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

If you have an outside source on your network that provides time services (such as a Network Time Protocol [NTP] server), you do not need to set the system clock manually. When setting the clock, enter the local time. The Content Router calculates UTC based on the time zone set by the clock timezone global configuration mode command.

Two clocks exist in the system: the software clock and the hardware clock. The software uses the software clock. The hardware clock is used only at bootup to initialize the software clock.

The set keyword sets the software clock.

The save keyword writes the current value of the software clock into the hardware clock. This is used to update the hardware clock with the correct time as maintained by NTP. NTP adjusts only the software clock.

The clear keyword forces the hardware clock to zero (January 1, 1970), which ensures that the time at bootup is the NTP time or an obviously invalid time.


Console# clock set 13:32:00 01 February 2000

Related Commands Related Commands

clock timezone

show clock detail

clock timezone

To set the time zone for display purposes, use the clock timezone global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

clock timezone {zone hours} [minutes]

no clock timezone

Syntax Description


Name of the time zone to be displayed when standard time is in effect.


Hours offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


(Optional.) Minutes offset from UTC.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

To set and display the local and UTC current time of day without an NTP server, use the clock timezone command together with the clock set command.

The clock timezone parameter specifies the difference between UTC and local time, which is set with the clock set command. The UTC and local time are displayed with the show clock detail EXEC command.


The following example specifies the local time zone as Pacific Standard Time and offsets 8 hours behind UTC:

Console(config)# clock timezone PST -8 Console(config)# no clock timezone

Related Commands Related Commands


show clock detail


To enter global configuration mode, use the configure EXEC command. You must be in global configuration mode to enter global configuration commands.


To exit global configuration mode, use the end, Ctrl-Z, or exit commands.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enter global configuration mode.


Console# configure Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Console(config)#

Related Commands Related Commands

show running-config

show startup-config




To copy configuration or image data from a source to a destination, use the copy EXEC command.

copy {disk {flash imagename | startup-config filename} | flash {disk imagename} | running-config {disk filename | startup-config | tftp}
| startup-config {disk filename | tftp} | tech-support {disk filename | tftp} | tftp {disk | flash}}

Syntax Description


Copies image or configuration from or to disk.


Copies image from or to Flash memory.


Copies from current system configuration.


Copies from or to startup configuration.


Copies system information for technical support.


Copies image from or to TFTP server.


Image name (for example, /local/bin).


Filename of configuration.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the copy running-config startup-config command to save the configuration to NVRAM memory. This command is equivalent to the write command.

The copy flash disk imagename command copies the image from Flash memory to the disk.

The copy disk flash imagename command copies the image from the disk to Flash memory.

The copy tftp flash command copies the image from a TFTP server to Flash memory.

The copy tech-support tftp command copies technical support information to a TFTP server. You are prompted for the server address following this command.


Console# copy disk flash /local/bin

Related Commands


show startup-config


To copy one filename to another filename, use the cpfile EXEC command.

cpfile oldfilename newfilename

Syntax Description


Name of the old file from which to copy.


Name of the new file to copy to.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to copy one filename to another. This command only copies dosfs files.


Console# cpfile ce500-194616.bin cd500-194618.bin

Related Commands Related Commands









To set a cron task, use the cron global configuration command. To disable a cron task, use the no form of this command.

cron {del-tab entryid | file tabfile | save-tab | tab-entry tabentry}

no cron {del-tab entryid | file tabfile | save-tab | tab-entry tabentry}

Syntax Description


Deletes tab.


Cron tab file.


Cron save tab.


Cron tab entry.


Entry ID (1 to 1000).


Cron tab filename.


Cron tab entry line.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

The cron command is used to set up cron tasks.

To view your existing cron configurations, use the show cron command. For example:

Console# show cron ==CRON Configuration== CRON tab file: /local/etc/crontab Legend 1: min hr day-of-mon mon day-of-wk tclsh script-name Legend 2: min hr day-of-mon mon day-of-wk tcl tcl-cmd Sample: 0 5 * * * tclsh /local/test.tcl


Console(config)# cron sav-tab Console(config)# no cron sav-tab

Related Commands

show cron



Related Commands


Usage Guidelines

We recommend that the debug command be used only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.

Related Commands Related Commands

no debug

show debug



To remove a file, use the del EXEC command.

del filename

Syntax Description


Name of the file to delete.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to remove a file from any directory. Note that some files are necessary for proper functionality and should not be removed.


Console# del /local/tempfile

Related Commands RelatedCommands







To remove a directory recursively and all files that it contains, use the deltree EXEC command.

deltree directory

Syntax Description


Name of the directory tree to delete.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to remove a directory and all files within the directory from the Content Router (dosfs file system). Do not remove necessary files or directories, such as log files or directories, for proper functionality. It may not be possible to move a log file to a new directory without losing functionality.


Console# deltree /local

Related Commands Related Commands



To view a long list of files in a directory, use the dir EXEC command.

dir [directory]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) Name of the directory to list.


If no directory is specified, the current directory is shown by default.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view a detailed list of files contained within the working directory, including names, sizes, and time created. The equivalent command is lls.


Console# dir /local size date time name LongName ------ --------- ----- ----------- --------------- 512 Dec-31-1987 17:02:32 ETC <DIR> etc 512 Dec-31-1987 17:02:32 TFTPBOOT <DIR> tftpboot 512 Dec-31-1987 17:02:32 VAR <DIR> var 512 Jan-07-1988 09:47:52 LIB <DIR> lib 4385154 Apr-22-1999 12:25:36 CR25.PAX ce25.pax 4 DIR(S), 1 FILE(S) 11192642 bytes 2125889536 bytes AVAILABLE ON VOLUME /c0t0d0s1

Related Commands




To turn off privileged EXEC commands, use the disable EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

EXEC command

Usage Guidelines

The disable command places you in EXEC mode. To turn privileged EXEC mode back on, use the enable command.


Console# disable

Related Commands Related Commans



To configure the Content Router disks, use the disk EXEC command.

disk {erase-all-partitions devname | manufacture devname | partition devname | prepare devname}

Syntax Description


Disk initialization procedure. Erases all partitions on a disk.


Reformats all partitions and volumes on a disk.


Partitions the hard disk.


Partitions and formats volumes on a hard disk.


Specifies the device name of the disk drive with the following syntax:


  • n1 is the SCSI controller number. The value of n1 is always zero for Content Routers.

  • n2 is the target number of the disk drive (0 to 13). Targets 0 and 1 are the Content Router internal disk drives.

  • n3 is the logical unit number. The value of n3 is always zero for Content Routers

  • .

The device name is the same as the volume name, but the device name does not include a partition parameter (the "s" number).


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

EXEC command

Usage Guidelines

You partition a disk in order allocate portions of the disk for specified file systems. The partition sizes are not user-configurable. Use the show disks command to obtain the names of installed disks.

Caution Partitioning a disk destroys all of its contents. After partitioning, each file system must be formatted and mounted before it can be used.

Using the disk prepare command automates the preparation of a disk. This command partitions the disk and then formats and mounts all the partitions.

The disk manufacture command initializes a disk for use by the Content Router, and must be run on each disk before that disk is used by the Content Router for the first time. The disk manufacture command needs to be executed only once for each disk.

Note   The disk manufacture command is executed on each internal Content Router disk by Cisco Systems prior to shipping.


In this example, one of the Content Router disks is initialized:

CR4400# disk manufacture /c0t0d0

Note   The larger the storage capacity of the disk drive, the longer the duration of the disk manufacture routine.

Related Commands



show disk-partitions

show disks


To specify the DNS Time To Live (TTL) value contained in the content routing agent's DNS response, use the dns-ttl command in boomerang configuration mode.

dns-ttl seconds

Syntax Description


Number of seconds to live (1 to 4294967295). The default is 20.


The default number of seconds is 20.

Command Modes

Boomerang configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the DNS Time To Live value contained in the DNS response generated by the agent. In general, a lower DNS TTL value ensures more recent content, whereas a higher DNS TTL value reduces the Content Router load.

The higher the DNS Time To Live value, the lesser the load on the Content Router. A lower value means an increased Content Router load, but also means that winning agent addresses are used for a shorter amount of time. For example, if the DNS TTL is set to 60 seconds, a name server will return to the Content Router to look up a domain name no more than once a minute. In other words, the name server uses the winning agent address for 60 seconds before consulting the Content Router again.

Note   A dns-ttl command entered on an agent overrides a dns-ttl command entered on the Content Router.


Console (config-boomerang)# dns-ttl 4


To configure the DOS file system, use the dosfs EXEC command.

dosfs {check volname [force | verbose [force]] | format volname | label volname vol-label | mount volname {rdonly | rdwr} | repair {automatic | interactive} volname [force | verbose [force]] | sync syncdevice | unmount volname}

Syntax Description


Checks DOS file system.


Volume name.


(Optional.) Forces a check or repair.


(Optional.) Prints extra messages to screen.


Erases and formats a file system on a disk device.


Sets a device volume label.


Label of a volume.


Mounts a disk or volume file system.


Mounts a volume as read-only.


Mounts a volume as read-write.


Checks and repairs a uvfat/DOS file system.


Automatic (not interactive) repair.


Starts a user-interactive repair.


Synchronizes a disk device.


Absolute device name.


Unmounts a disk or volume file system.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to format and mount the DOS file systems after partitioning disks. Use this command to repair DOS file systems that are causing errors.

The default configuration has only one DOS file system. This file system is created on the first disk in the system and has a special name "/local." This file system contains various files necessary for correct functioning of the Content Router.

The dosfs format command formats the dosfs partition to prepare it for a dosfs mount.

The dosfs mount command creates and maps data structures that map to the physical dosfs partition on the disk.

The dosfs unmount command frees the in-memory data structures that map to the physical dosfs partition on the disk.


Console# dosfs format /local

Related Commands Relatmands











To turn on privileged commands, use the enable EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

To return to privileged EXEC mode from user EXEC mode, use the enable command.

The disable command takes you from privileged EXEC mode back to user EXEC mode.


Console> enable Console#

Related Commands Related Commands



To exit global configuration mode, use the end global configuration command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Usage Guidelines

Use the end command to exit global configuration mode after completing any changes to the running configuration. To save new configurations to NVRAM, use the write command.

The Ctrl-Z command also exits global configuration mode.

Command Modes

Global configuration


Console(config)# end Console#

Related Commands Related mands


exception debug

We recommend that the exception debug command be used only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.

Command Modes

Global configuration


To configure the length of time that an inactive terminal session window will remain open, use the exec-timeout global configuration command. To disable the exec timeout, use the no form of this command.

exec-timeout timeout

no exec-timeout

Syntax Description


Timeout in minutes (0 to 44,640).


The default is 150 minutes.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Syntax Description Usage Guidlines

Use this command to establish the length of time, in minutes, that an inactive terminal session window will remain open.


Console(config)# exec-timeout 100 Console(config)# no exec-timeout


To exit any configuration mode or close an active terminal session and terminate an EXEC mode session, use the exit EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

EXEC, global, and interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the exit command in global configuration mode to return to EXEC mode. You can also press Ctrl-Z or use the end command from any configuration mode to return to EXEC mode.

Use the exit command in EXEC command mode to close an active terminal session and terminate the EXEC mode session.


Console# exit

Related Commands Relateands



To set an artificial IP fragment size for DNS responses sent by agents, use the fragment-size boomerang configuration command.

fragment-size bytes

no fragment-size bytes

Syntax Description


Size of IP fragment in bytes (28 to 1980). (The bytes value must be evenly divisible by 8.)


This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Boomerang configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to make packet loss a factor in selecting the best site. A fragment size of 28 or greater artificially fragments DNS Answer packets sent by the agent. Use numbers evenly divisible by 8 for the bytes value. If the bytes value entered is not divisible by 8, the next smaller number that is evenly divisible by 8 is used instead.

To turn fragment size off, use the no fragment-size command.

Note   The fragment size set with this command is the payload fragment size. The actual size of the fragment is the fragment-size setting plus the size of any link layer header.


Console (config-boomerang)# fragment-size 512


To configure an interface for full-duplex operation, use the fullduplex interface configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.


no fullduplex

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or value

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure an interface for full-duplex operation. Full-duplex allows data to travel in both directions at the same time. A half-duplex setting ensures that data travels in only one direction at any given time. If you encounter excessive collisions or network errors, try configuring the interface for half duplex rather than full duplex.


Console(config-if)# fullduplex Console(config-if)# no fullduplex

Related Commands Related Commands



To configure an interface for half-duplex operation, use the halfduplex interface configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.


no halfduplex

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or value

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure an interface for half-duplex operation. Full duplex allows data to travel in both directions at the same time. A half-duplex setting ensures that data travels in only one direction at a time. If you encounter collisions or other network errors, try configuring an interface for half duplex rather than full duplex.


Console(config-if)# halfduplex Console(config-if)# no halfduplex

Related Commands Related Commands



To get online help for the command-line interface, use the help EXEC or global configuration command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

EXEC, global configuration


Console# help Help may be requested at any point in a command by entering a question mark '?'. If nothing matches, the help list will be empty and you must back up until entering a '?' shows the available options. Two styles of help are provided: 1. Full help is available when you are ready to enter a command argument (e.g. 'show ?') and describes each possible argument. 2. Partial help is provided when an abbreviated argument is entered and you want to know what arguments match the input (e.g. 'show stat?'.) Console# show stat? icmp ICMP Statistics ip Display IP Statistics mbuf mbuf Statistics netstat Internet Socket Connections routing Routing Statistics tcp Display TCP Statistics transaction-logs Display Transaction-log Export Statistics udp UDP Statistics Console# show stat ? authentication Authentication Statistics bypass Display Bypass Statistics cfs Displ ay Cache File System statistics dns-cache DNS-Cache Statistics ftp Display FTP caching statistics


To configure the Content Router network name, use the hostname global configuration command. To reset the host name to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

hostname name

no hostname

Syntax Description


New host name for the Content Router; the name is case sensitive. The name may be from 1 to 22 alphanumeric characters.


The default host name is the Content Router model number (CR4400).

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the host name for the Content Router. The host name is used for the command prompts and default configuration filenames.


The following example changes the host name to sandbox:

Console(config)# hostname sandbox sandbox(config)# sandbox(config)# no hostname Console(config)#


To configure, enable, and disable TCP/IP services, use the inetd global configuration command. To disable TCP/IP services, use the no form of this command.

inetd enable service concurrent_tasks

no inetd enable service concurrent_tasks

Syntax Description


Enables TCP/IP service.


Name of the service to be enabled: echo, discard, chargen, TFP, RCP, Telnet, and TFTP.


Maximum number of concurrent sessions supported for the specified service (1 to 20).

Command Modes

Global configuration


echo: Disabled.

discard: Disabled.

chargen: Disabled.

ftp: Five sessions.

rcp: Five sessions.

tftp: Five sessions.

telnet: Three sessions.

Usage Guidelines

Use these commands to configure the parameters of TCP/IP services on the Content Router. The limit for any service is a maximum of 20 tasks. Use the show inetd command to list current inetd configurations and the number of current tasks running.


Console(config)# inetd enable ftp 5 Console(config)# no inetd enable ftp

Related Commands Related Comands

show inetd


To install a new version of Content Router software, use the install EXEC command.

install paxfilename

Syntax Description


Name of the .pax file you want to install.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Install and run the .pax file from the /local directory only. When the install command is executed, the .pax file is expanded. The expanded files overwrite the existing files in the Content Router. The newly installed version takes effect after the system image is reloaded.


Console# install cr4400.pax

Related Commands Related Commands



To configure an Ethernet interface, use the interface global configuration command. To disable an Ethernet interface, use the no form of this command.

interface ethernet number

no interface ethernet number

Syntax Description


Ethernet IEEE 802.3 interface to configure.


0 or 1. The Ethernet interface number.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the interface command to begin interface configuration, such as setting an IP address for an interface, a subnet mask for an interface, a broadcast address, or manually setting the speed or duplex mode.


Console(config)# interface ethernet 0 Console(config-if)# ? Configure Interface commands: autosense Interface autosense bandwidth Interface speed exit Exit from interface mode fullduplex Interface fullduplex halfduplex Interface halfduplex ip Interface Internet Protocol Config commands no Negate a command or set its defaults Console(config-if)# exit Console(config)# Console(config)# no interface ethernet 0

Related Commands Related Commands

show interface


To configure the IP interface, use the ip interface configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

ip {address ip-address ip-subnet | broadcast-address ip-address}

no ip {address [ip-address ip-subnet] | broadcast-address}

Syntax Description


Sets the IP address of an interface.


Sets the broadcast address of an interface.


IP address.


IP subnet mask.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set or change the IP address and subnet mask of the Content Router (interface ethernet 0). The Content Router requires a reboot in order for the new IP address to take effect.


Console(config-if)# ip address Console(config-if)# no ip broadcast-address


To configure IP commands, use the ip global configuration command.

ip {default-gateway ipaddress | domain-name domainname | name-server ipaddress | route destaddrs netmask gateway}

no ip {default-gateway ipaddress | domain-name domainname | name-server ipaddress | route destaddrs netmask gateway}

Syntax Description


Specifies default gateway (if not routing IP).


IP address of default gateway.


Specifies domain name.


Domain name.


Specifies address of name server.


IP address of name server.


Net route.


Destination route address.




Gateway address.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

To define a default gateway, use the ip default-gateway global configuration command. To delete the IP default gateway, use the no form of this command.

The Content Router uses the default gateway to route IP packets when there is no specific route found to the destination.

To define a default domain name, use the ip domain-name global configuration command. To remove the IP default domain name, use the no form of this command.

The Content Router appends the configured domain name to any IP host name that does not contain a domain name. The appended name is resolved by the DNS server and then added to the host table. The Content Router must have at least one domain name server specified for the host name resolution to work correctly. Use the ip name-server hostname command to specify domain name servers.

To specify the address of one or more name servers to use for name and address resolution, use the ip name-server global configuration command. To disable IP name servers, use the no form of this command.

For proper resolution of host name to IP address or IP address to host name, the Content Router uses DNS servers. Use the ip name-server command to point the Content Router to a specific DNS server. You can configure up to eight servers.

To configure static IP routing, use the ip route global configuration command. To disable an IP routing, use the no form of this command.

Use the ip route command to add a specific static route for a network host. Any IP packet designated to the specified host uses the configured route.


Console(config)# ip default-gateway Console(config)# no ip default-gateway Console(config)# ip route ffffff80 Console(config)# no ip route ffffff80 Console(config)# ip domain-name Console(config)# no ip domain-name Console(config)# ip name-server Console(config)# no ip name-server

Related Commands

show ip route


To specify the IP Time To Live (TTL) value contained in the content routing agent's DNS response, use the ip-ttl command in boomerang configuration mode.

ip-ttl hops

Syntax Description


Number of hops to live (1 to 255). The default is 255.


The default is 255 hops.

Command Modes

Boomerang configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the IP TTL artificially low in order to restrict the number of hops that agent DNS responses can travel.

Note   An ip-ttl command entered on an agent overrides an ip-ttl command entered on the
Content Router.


Console (config-boomerang)# ip-ttl 5


To specify the keyword that is used to encrypt packets sent between the Content Router and agents, use the key boomerang configuration command.

key {0 | 7} keyword

Syntax Description


Indicates that the keyword will be clear text.


Indicates that the keyword will be a type 7 encrypted key.


Keyword shared by a Content Router and an agent.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Boomerang configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the same shared keyword on the Content Router and each agent. You can use a unique keyword for each domain.


Console (config-boomerang)# key 0 wontsay


To view a long list of directory names, use the lls EXEC command.

lls [directory]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) Name of the directory for which you want a long list of files.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command provides detailed information about files and subdirectories stored in the present working directory to be viewed (including size, date, time of creation, DOS name, and long name of the file). This information can also be viewed with the dir command.


Console# lls Console# lls /local size date time name LongName ------- ------- ------ ----------- -------------- 512 Dec-31-1987 17:02:32 ETC <DIR> etc 512 Dec-31-1987 17:02:32 TFTPBOOT <DIR> tftpboot 512 Dec-31-1987 17:02:32 VAR <DIR> var 512 Jan-07-1988 09:47:52 LIB <DIR> lib 4385154 Apr-22-1999 12:25:36 CR25.PAX ce25.pax 4 DIR(S), 3 FILE(S) 11192642 bytes 2125922304 bytes AVAILABLE ON VOLUME /c0t0d0s1

Related Commands Related Cands




To configure system logging, use the logging global configuration command. To disable logging functions, use the no form of this command.

logging {hostname | ip-address | console loglevels | disk filename loglevels | event-export events loglevels facility | facility facility | on | recycle size | trap loglevels}

no logging {hostname | ip-address | console loglevels | disk filename loglevels | event-export events loglevels facility | facility facility | on | recycle size | trap loglevels}

Syntax Description


Syslog server host name.


IP address.


Sets console logging level.


Use one of these keywords:

  • alerts

Immediate action needed.

  • critical

Immediate action needed.

  • debugging

Debugging messages.

  • emergencies

System is unusable.

  • errors

Error conditions.

  • informational

Informational messages.

  • notification

Normal but significant conditions.

  • warnings

Warning conditions.


Stores log in a file.


Name of the log file.


Syslog event export configuration.


Use one of these keywords:

  • critical-events

Exports critical events.

  • notice-events

Exports notice events.

  • url-tracking

Tracks URLs to syslog.

  • warning-events

Exports warning events.


Use one of these keywords:

  • cron/at


  • daemon

System daemons.

  • kernel


  • line-printer

Line printer system.

  • local0

Local use.

  • local1

Local use.

  • local2

Local use.

  • local3

Local use.

  • local4

Local use.

  • local5

Local use.

  • local6

Local use.

  • local7

Local use.

  • mail

USENET news.

  • news

Mail system.

  • security

Authorization system.

  • syslog

Syslog itself.

  • user

User process.

  • uucp

UUCP system.


Facility parameter for syslog messages.


Enables logging to all destinations.


Overwrites syslog.txt when it surpasses the recycle size.


Size of syslog file in bytes (1 to 50,000,000).


Sets syslog server logging level.


Logging: On

Priority of message for console: Warning

Priority of message for file: Debugging

Log file: /local/var/log/syslog.txt

Log file recycle size: 5,000,000 bytes

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set specific parameters of the system log file. System logging is always enabled internally. The system log file is located on the dosfs partition as /local/var/log/syslog.txt. To configure the Content Router to send varying levels of event messages to an external syslog host, use the logging hostname command. Logging can be configured to send various levels of messages to the console using the logging console loglevels command. It can also be configured to export event messages using the logging event-export events command.


Console(config)# logging console warnings Console(config)# no logging console warnings


To view a list of files or subdirectory names within a dosfs directory, use the ls EXEC command.

ls [directory]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) Name of the directory for which you want a list of files.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

To list the filenames and subdirectories within a particular directory, use the ls directory command; to list the filenames and subdirectories of the current working directory, use the ls command. To view the present working directory, use the pwd command.


Console# ls /local etc tftpboot var lib ce25.pax 2125922304 bytes AVAILABLE ON VOLUME /c0t0d0s1

Related Commands





To establish the maximum one-way delay from the Content Router to the agents, use the max-propagation-delay boomerang configuration command.

max-propagation-delay msec

Syntax Description


Number of milliseconds (1 to 1000). The default is 500.


The default is 500 msec.

Command Modes

Boomerang configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the maximum delay before the Content Router forwards a DNS request to an agent. In abnormal cases, the maximum one-way delay may become large. The max-propagation-delay value prevents the delay from being excessive. Figure C-1 outlines how the one-way delay is determined.

Figure C-1: One-Way Delay


Console (config-boomerang)# max-propagation-delay 200


To create a directory, use the mkdir EXEC command.

mkdir directory

Syntax Description


Name of the directory to create.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a new directory or subdirectory in the Content Router file system.


Console# mkdir /oldpaxfiles

Related Commands







To create a new file, use the mkfile EXEC command.

mkfile filename

Syntax Description


Name of the file you want to create.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a new file in any directory of the Content Router.


Console# mkfile traceinfo

Related Commands





To negate an interface configuration mode command or set its defaults, use the no interface configuration command.

no {autosense | bandwidth | fullduplex | halfduplex | ip}

Syntax Description


Autosense capability on an interface.


Interface speed.


Full-duplex interface.


Half-duplex interface.


Interface Internet Protocol (IP) configuration commands.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to negate an interface configuration mode command or to set its defaults.


Console(config-if)# no autosense


To undo a global configuration command or set its defaults, use the no form of a command to undo the original command.

no command

Syntax Description


Use one of the following commands:

  • boomerang

Configures boomerang parameters.

  • clock

Configures time-of-day clock.

  • cron

Cron commands.

  • end

Exit configuration mode.

  • exception

Exception handling.

  • exec-timeout

Configures exec timeout.

  • hostname

Configures the system's network name.

  • inetd

Configures inetd.

  • interface

Configures an Ethernet interface.

  • ip

Internet Protocol configuration commands.

  • logging

Configures system logging (syslog).

  • ntp

Configures Network Time Protocol (NTP).

  • snmp-server

Configures SNMP.

  • tacacs

Configures TACACS+ authentication.

  • tcp

Configures TCP parameters.

  • terminal

Current terminal commands.

  • tftp-server

Configures TFTP server.

  • transaction-logs

Configures transaction logging.

  • trusted-host

Configures a trusted host.

  • wccp

Configures Web Cache Communication Protocol.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the no command to disable functions or negate a command. If you need to negate a specific command, such as the default gateway IP address, you must include the specific string in your command, such as no ip default-gateway ip-address.


Console(config)# wccp version 2 Console(config)# no wccp version 2


To undo a boomerang configuration mode command or set its defaults, use the no form of a command to undo the original command.

no command

Syntax Description


Use one of the following commands:

  • alias

Establishes alternative domain names.

  • bloat

Sets bloat size for DNS responses sent by agents.

  • client

Specifies content routing agents.

  • dns-ttl

Specifies the DNS Time To Live value contained in the agent's DNS response.

  • fragment-size

Sets artificial IP fragment size for DNS responses sent by agents.

  • ip-ttl

Specifies the IP Time To Live value contained in the agent's DNS response.

  • key

Specifies the same shared keyword on the Content Router and each agent.

  • max-propagation-delay

Specifies the maximium one-way propagation delay before the DNS race begins.

  • origin-server

Specifies the IP address of the origin server.

  • server-delay

Specifies an extra delay for the "last chance" DNS response sent to the origin server.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Boomerang configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the no command to disable functions or negate a command. If you need to negate a specific command, such as the origin server IP address, you must include the specific string in your command, such as no origin-server ip-address.


Console(config-boomerang)# client Console(config-boomerang)# no client

no debug

To disable the debugging functions, use the no debug EXEC command.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

We recommended that the debug commands be used only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.

Related Commands


show debug



To configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and to allow the system clock to be synchronized by a time server, use the ntp server global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

ntp server {hostname | ip-address}

no ntp server {hostname | ip-address}

Syntax Description


Host name of the time server providing the clock synchronization (maximum of four NTP servers).


IP address of the time server providing the clock synchronization (maximum of four NTP servers).


The default NTP version number is 3.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to synchronize the Content Router clock with the specified server.


Console(config)# ntp server Console(config)# no ntp server

Related Commands


show clock

show ntp


To set the software clock (time and date) using a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, use the ntpdate EXEC command.

ntpdate {hostname | ip-address}

Syntax Description


NTP host name.


NTP server IP address.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use NTP to find the current time of day and set the Content Router current time to match. The time must be saved to the hardware clock using the clock save command if it is to be restored after a reload.


Console# ntpdate

Related Commands

clock clear

clock save

clock set

show clock


To specify the IP address of the origin server that contains the Web content for the domain, use the origin-server boomerang configuration command.

origin-server ip-address

Syntax Description


IP address of the origin server.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Boomerang configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use this command on the Content Router so that the IP address of the origin server is in the information sent to agents. This tells the agents where to get requested Web pages when there is a cache miss. This is also the address that is returned if none of the agents are able to respond.

Note   You must use the origin-server command when you configure the Content Router in direct mode. In WCCP mode, if all content is supplied through push technology from the origin server to the content server, then it is not necessary to use the origin-server command. However, the origin-server command is necessary in WCCP mode if the content servers pull the content from the origin server.


Console (config-boomerang)# origin-server


To send echo packets for diagnosing basic network connectivity on networks, use the ping (packet internet groper) EXEC command.

ping {hostname | ip-address}

Syntax Description


Host name of system to ping.


IP address of system to ping.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

To use this command with the hostname argument, be sure DNS functionality is configured on your Content Router. To force the timeout of a nonresponsive host, or to eliminate a loop cycle, enter Ctrl-C.


Console# ping mycacheengine


To show the current directory, use the pwd EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the present working directory of the Content Router.


Console# pwd

Related Commands






To halt and perform a cold restart on the Content Router, use the reload EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

To reboot the Content Router, use the reload command. If no configurations are saved to Flash memory, you will be prompted to enter configuration parameters upon restart. Any open connections will be dropped after you issue this command, and the file system will be reformatted upon restart.


Console# reload

Related Commands



write erase


To rename a file on your Content Router, use the rename EXEC command.

rename sourcefile destinationfile

Syntax Description


Source file or path name of the file you want to rename.


Destination file or path name of the new file.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to rename any file within the Content Router.


Console# rename ce25.pax ce6399.pax

Related Commands



To delete a directory, use the rmdir EXEC command.

rmdir directory

Syntax Description


Name of the directory you want to delete.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to remove any directory from the Content Router file system. The rmdir command removes empty directories only.


Console# rmdir /local/oldpaxfiles

Related Commands





To specify a delay in the "last chance" DNS response sent by the Content Router, use the server-delay command.

server-delay msec

Syntax Description


Number of milliseconds before the Content Router DNS response (32 to 999).


The default delay is 100 milliseconds.

Command Modes

Boomerang configuration

Usage Guidelines

In case all agents are down, the Content Router sends a final DNS response to the requesting name server. Use this command to specify how long the Content Router should wait before sending this DNS response.


Console (config-boomerang)# server-delay 200

show arp

To display the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table, use the show arp EXEC command.

show arp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show arp LINK LEVEL ARP TABLE destination gateway flags Refcnt Use Interface 00:e0:b0:e2:6d:a2 405 1 0 fei0 Console#

Related Commands

show disks

show dosfs

show boomerang

To display Content Router and agent connectivity information, use the show boomerang EXEC command.

show boomerang domain-name

Syntax Description


Name of a domain supported by the Content Router (for example,


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

On a Content Router, this command displays the current average latency between the Content Router and its agents. (Agents are described as "Boomerang Clients" in the output.) If the agent is repeatedly unreachable, the word "unknown" is displayed instead of a number.

Note   The delay time for agents may differ from one domain to another because of updates during the execution of the command.

This command also shows whether or not the Content Router is able to connect with its agents, and shows the number of DNS packets received that have a bogus IP source address. Bogus IP source addresses include the following:

Packets bearing these source addresses would typically be used with the intention of using the Content Router in a denial-of-service attempt, or to overload the Content Router. Packets bearing such source addresses are discarded by the Content Router in direct mode, and reinserted in WCCP mode.

See Table C-1 for a breakdown of the information displayed by the show boomerang command.

On an agent, this command displays the current number of queries received, as well as whether or not the agent can connect to its external content server (if applicable).


Console# show boomerang DNS packets with unknown domain: 28 Other Domain or Alias A pkts SOA pkts MX pkts (dropped) 255 0 0 0 One-way Probe Boomerang Clients Delay (msec) Timeouts unknown 100% 0.332 1% 0.298 1% 0.287 1% 0.305 1% Current Delay: 0.332 msec Maximum Configured Delay: 500 msec Server Delay: 100.332 msec 1 minute input rate 0 requests_sec, output rate 0 services/sec 5 minute input rate 0 requests_sec, output rate 0 services/sec 10 minute input rate 0 requests_sec, output rate 0 services/sec current counts: 7 requests, 2 fulfills, 0 fails, 0 bogus source addresses,0 no buffer

Table C-1 describes the fields in the display.

Table C-1: show boomerang Field Descriptions
Field Description

DNS packets with unknown domain

Number of DNS packets received in which the domain has not been configured on the system.

Domain or Alias

Name or alias of the current domain.

A pkts

Number of DNS Address packets received.

SOA pkts

Number of DNS Start of Authority packets received.

MX pkts

Number of DNS Mail eXchange (MX) packets received.

Other (dropped)

Number of DNS requests other than A, SOA, or MX packets. (These unsupported packets are discarded.)

Boomerang Clients

IP addresses of the connected content routing agents.

One-way Delay

Observed delay in packets sent from the Content Router to the agent. Calculated by dividing the round trip delay time by 2.

Probe Timeouts

Percentage of keepalive probes sent to the agent for which a response was not received.

Current Delay

Highest current one-way delay value.

Server Delay

Configured additional amount of time a Content Router in direct mode waits before sending a "last chance" DNS response.

Maximum Configured Delay

Configured maximum one-way delay. (One-way delays greater than this value are reduced to this value.)

input rate

Average number of valid DNS requests received per second over the past 1, 5, and 10 minutes.

output rate

Average number of valid DNS requests serviced per second over the past 1, 5 and 10 minutes.

current counts

DNS request counts.


Total number of valid DNS requests.


Total number of valid DNS requests sent to agents.


Total number of valid DNS requests that failed to be serviced. (Usually due to lack of memory.)

bogus source addressses

Number of bogus source addresses received. (See the "Usage Guidelines" section.)

no buffer

Number of times a free packet was requested when none were available.

Related Commands


show clock

To display the system clock, use the show clock EXEC command.

show clock [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) Displays detailed information; indicates the clock source (NTP) and the current summer-time setting (if any).


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show clock Wed Apr 28 20:52:48 1999 GMT Console# show clock detail Tue Jun 1 14:48:18 1999 GMT Tue Jun 1 07:48:18 1999 LocalTime Epoch: 928248498 seconds UTC offset: -25200 seconds (-7 hr 0 min) timezone: PST summerzone: PDT summer offset: 0 minutes daylight: summer

Related Commands

clock clear

clock save

clock set

show cron

To display cron information, use the show cron EXEC command.

show cron

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show cron ==CRON Configuration== CRON tab file: /local/etc/crontab Legend 1: min hr day-of-mon mon day-of-wk tclsh script-name Legend 2: min hr day-of-mon mon day-of-wk tcl tcl-cmd Sample: 0 5 * * * tclsh /local/test.tcl Crontab for user: "root" Id Type Source Entry 1 log_recycle api 0 * * * * tclsh /local/lib/tcl/recycle.tcl 50000 00 /local/var/log/syslog.txt

show debugging

To display the state of each debugging option, use the show debugging EXEC command.

show debugging

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command displays only the type of debugging enabled, not the specific subset of the command. For example, it shows that ICP debugging is enabled but does not define whether that debugging is monitoring ICP client or server packet transfer.


Console# debug logging all Console# show debugging debug logging is on

Related Commands


no debug


show disk-partitions

To view information about your disk partitions, use the show disk-partitions EXEC command.

show disk-partitions devname

Syntax Description


Device name.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display partition information about a particular disk. The command show disks displays the names of the disks currently attached to the Content Router.


Console# show disk-partitions devname

Related Commands

disk partition

disk prepare

show disks

show disks

To view information about your disks, use the show disks EXEC command.

show disks

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

The show disks command displays the names of the disks currently attached to the Content Router. You can partition a disk using the disk partition command.


Console# show disks /c0t0d0 (scsi bus 0, unit 0, lun 0) /c0t1d0 (scsi bus 0, unit 1, lun 0)

Related Commands

disk partition

disk prepare

show disk-partitions

show events

To display a number of system events by category, use the show events EXEC command.

show events number {all | critical | notice | warning}

Syntax Description


Number of events to display (1 to 65535).


Shows all events.


Shows critical events.


Shows notice events.


Shows warning events.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show the chosen number of events by category.


Console# show events 10 notice Notice: Waiting for admin traffic on port 8001 Thu, 01 Mar 2000 00:00:10 GMT Notice: Waiting for Web traffic on port 80 Thu, 01 Mar 2000 00:00:09 GMT Notice: Waiting for Web Proxy traffic on port 8080 Thu, 01 Mar 2000 00:00:10 GMT Notice: Waiting for admin traffic on port 8001 Thu, 01 Mar 2000 00:00:10 GMT Notice: Waiting for Web traffic on port 80 cepro#

show file-descriptors

To display information about the Content Router file descriptors, use the show file-descriptors EXEC command.

show file-descriptors

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show file-descriptors fd name drv 4 /tyCo/0 1 in out err 9 (socket) 6 10 (socket) 6 11 (socket) 6 12 (socket) 6 15 (socket) 6 18 /pipe/ring 2 19 /pipe/log 2 20 /c0t0d0s1/_uv_acl_.db 3 21 /raw0 5 22 /raw1 5 23 /raw2 5 24 /raw3 5 25 /raw4 5 26 /raw5 5 27 /raw6 5 28 /raw7 5 29 /null 0 36 (socket) 6 37 (socket) 6 38 /local/events.dat 4 39 /local/radius.dat 4 50 (socket) 6

show flash

To display the Flash memory content, such as file code names, version numbers, and sizes, use the
show flash EXEC command.

show flash

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show flash System flash directory: File Length Name/status 1 1198448 system image [655360 read only, 1460592 bytes used, 5944976 available, 8388608 total]

show hardware

To display system hardware status, use the show hardware EXEC command.

show hardware

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show hardware Cisco Content Router 4400 Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Image text-base 0x108000, data_base 0x425a5c System restarted by Power Up The system has been up for 19 hours, 43 minutes, 21 seconds. System booted from fei Cisco Content Router 4400 CR505 with CPU AMD-K6 (model 7) (rev. 0) AuthenticAMD 2 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces 1 Console interface. 134213632 bytes of Physical Memory 131072 bytes of ROM memory. 8388608 bytes of flash memory.

Related Commands

show version

show hosts

To view the hosts on your Content Router, use the show hosts EXEC command.

show hosts

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show hosts Domain name = Name Servers: ----------- Host Table: hostname inet address aliases -------- ------------ ------- localhost Console

show inetd

To display TCP/IP services that include echo, discard, chargen, FTP, RCP, Telnet, and TFTP, use the show inetd EXEC command.

show inetd

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show inetd Inetd task ID: 7fbc400 Inetd running configuration: Service Port Proto Func Max Live Total Acpt Rej Stck Lock echo 7 tcp 1d863c 0 0 0 0 0 2048 0 echo 7 udp 1d86dc 0 0 0 0 0 2048 0 discard 9 tcp 1d875c 0 0 0 0 0 2048 0 discard 9 udp 1d87cc 0 0 0 0 0 2048 0 chargen 19 tcp 1d884c 0 0 0 0 0 2048 0 chargen 19 udp 1d88fc 0 0 0 0 0 2048 0 ftp 21 tcp 2b9df0 10 0 0 0 0 4096 0 rcp 514 tcp 1ec45c 5 0 0 0 0 4096 0 tftp 69 udp 2bdf2c 5 0 0 0 0 12288 0 telnet 23 tcp 2b81f0 3 0 0 0 0 4096 0

Related Commands


show interface

To display hardware interfaces, use the show interface EXEC command.

show interface {ethernet number | scsi number}

Syntax Description


Ethernet interface device.


Ethernet interface number.


SCSI interface device.


SCSI interface number.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show interface scsi 0 Max Transfer Size: 16777215 Sync: yes Disconnect: yes Wide: yes Console# show interface ethernet 0 fei (unit number 0): Flags: (0x8063) UP BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP RUNNING Type: ETHERNET_CSMACD Internet address: Broadcast address: Netmask 0xffff0000 Subnetmask 0xffffff80 Ethernet address is 00:50:0f:0d:23:06 Maximum Transfer Unit size: 1500 Address Length: 6 Header Length: 14 Metric: 0 Baudrate: 0 Packets Received: 800 Input Errors: 0 Packets Sent: 567 Output Errors: 0 Collisions: 0 Bytes Received: 52754 Bytes Sent: 46678 Multicast Packets Received: 217 Multicast Packets Sent: 0 Received Packets Dropped: 0 Packets with Unknown Protocol: 0 Last Input/Output (ticks): 92746 Line speed: 100Mbit per sec. Duplex: full (AutoSensed) Hardware statistical counters: Current Total ------- ----- Tx good frames: 60 570 Tx MAXCOL errors: 0 0 Tx LATECOL errors: 0 0 Tx underrun errors: 0 0 Tx lost CRS errors: 0 0 Tx deferred: 0 0 Tx single collisions: 0 0 Tx multiple collisions: 0 0 Tx total collisions: 0 0 Rx good frames: 135 1725 Rx CRC errors: 0 0 Rx alignment errors: 0 0 Rx resource errors: 0 0 Rx overrun errors: 0 0 Rx collision detect errors: 0 0 Rx short frame errors: 0 0 (current values are polled and cleared for each display)

Related Commands


show ip routes

To display the IP routing table, use the show ip routes EXEC command.

show ip routes

Syntax Description


Displays routing table.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show ip routes Destination Mask TOS Gateway Flags RefCnt Use IntFace Proto ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 3 2 983 fei0 1 0 5 0 0 lo 0 0 101 0 0 fei0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Related Commands

ip route

no ip route

show logging

To display the system message log configuration, use the show logging EXEC command.

show logging

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show logging Syslog logging: enabled Console logging: level warning Trap logging: disabled Disk logging: level debug Logging to /local/var/log/syslog.txt, recycle size 5000000 Event export: Critical events are exported to syslog

show memory

To display memory blocks and statistics, use the show memory EXEC command.

show memory [free]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) Shows free blocks of memory.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show memory free SUMMARY: status bytes blocks avg block max block ------ --------- -------- ---------- ---------- current free 4374032 12 364502 4359952 alloc 125199608 514 243579 - cumulative alloc 125341720 1336 93818 - Page Freelist Summary: status pagesz pages avg contig pages max contig pages ------ ------ ------- ---------------- ---------------- free 4096 15346 3069 15300

show ntp

To display the Network Time Protocol (NTP) parameters, use the show ntp EXEC command.

show ntp status

Syntax Description


NTP status.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show ntp status NTP subsystem ------------- servers:

Related Commands


clock set

clock timezone

show processes

To display CPU or memory processes, use the show processes EXEC command.

show processes [cpu | memory]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) CPU utilization.


(Optional.) Memory allocation of information.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show processes cpu Current CPU Percentage = 0 Peak CPU Percentage = 22 Console# show processes memory Pages: page size pages free hiwat lowat total --------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- 4096 17720 14839 25103 2091 29535 Type: bytes blocks sizes max byt tot blk pagw --------- ------ ------- -------- ------- ---- unknown 1600 100 0x10 1616 104 0 fcache bufhdr 12800 100 0x80 12800 100 0 fcache buffer 614400 100 0x3000 614400 100 0 fcache IO 0 0 0x80 256 46 0 fcache phys 409984 14 0x12040 409984 14 0 confval 192 3 0x350 960 402 0 task 71280 270 0x210 71808 500 0 stack 1257472 135 0x1f800 1323008 250 0 DB misc 2048 2 0x400 2048 2 0 DB hashtab 1024 1 0x400 1024 1 0 DB open 128 1 0x80 128 1 0 DB bufhead 64 2 0x20 64 2 0 DB cache 8192 2 0x1000 8192 2 0 DB databuf 0 0 0xb0 160 244 0 DB api 32 1 0x60 96 123 0 --More-- Console# show processes NAME ENTRY TID PRI STATUS PC SP ERRNO DELAY ---------- ------------ -------- --- ---------- -------- -------- ------- ----- tExcTask 3ca048 3a71aec 0 PEND 3fa981 3a71a5c 3006b 0 tLogTask 39a21c 3a6f1d4 0 PEND 3fa981 3a6ed3c 0 0 tWdbTask 3c46d4 161a18c 3 PEND 3c5a19 1619878 0 0 tScsiTask 3f5920 15ec514 5 PEND 3c5a19 15ec4b4 0 0 tF2000a 1260e8 7df1c00 25 PEND 3c5a19 7ddaf84 0 0 tF2000b 1260e8 7df1e00 25 PEND 3c5a19 7dc9f84 0 0 tF2001a 1260e8 7dc8e00 25 PEND 3c5a19 7507f84 0 0 tF2001b 1260e8 74f5000 25 PEND 3c5a19 74f6f84 0 0 tNetTask 3b201c 162a578 50 PEND 3c5a19 162a52c 41 0 tWCCP2 34e978 74eb200 60 PEND+T 3c5a19 74e8734 3d0004 27 tHotSpot 34b9b0 749a400 60 DELAY 39b996 74b1fa4 0 64 tDtimer 1214d8 7fb1000 75 DELAY 39b996 7f73fa8 0 7 tTtyUtil 264a18 74f5800 75 PEND 3fa981 74eef80 0 0 tOvrldDaemo281120 74a2400 75 PEND 3c5a19 749cfb0 0 0 tHealSrv 336340 74df000 75 PEND+T 3c5a19 74a870c 3d0004 2224 tCfsC000 244ed4 7dc8c00 98 PEND+T 3c5a19 7d93f58 3d0004 210 tCfsC001 244ed4 74f5400 98 PEND+T 3c5a19 74f3f58 3d0004 266 tCfsV000 224a4c 7dc8200 99 PEND+T 3c5a19 7d82f74 3d0004 150 tCfsT000 224d1c 7dc8400 99 PEND 3c5a19 794cfa4 0 0 --More--

show running-config

To display the current running configuration information on the terminal, use the show running-config EXEC command. This command is equivalent to the write terminal command.

show running-config

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command in conjunction with the show startup-config command to compare the information in running memory to the startup configuration used during bootup.


Console# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! ! ! user add admin uid 0 capability admin-access ! ! ! hostname content-router ! interface ethernet 0 ip address ip broadcast-address exit ! interface ethernet 1 exit ! ip default-gateway ip name-server ip route cron file /local/etc/crontab ! ! authentication login local enable authentication configuration local enable rule no-cache url-regex .*cgi-bin.* rule no-cache url-regex .*aw-cgi.* ! boomerang dns enable direct-mode ! boomerang dns domain key 7 15100403093e2e373c dns-ttl 2 origin-server client client client client client ! ! ! end

Related Commands


copy running-config

copy startup-config

write terminal

show snmp

To check the status of SNMP communications, use the show snmp EXEC command.

show snmp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command provides counter information for SNMP operations.


Console# show snmp Contact: Mary Brown, system admin, 555-1111 Location: Building 2, 1st floor, Lab 1 37 SNMP packets input 0 Bad SNMP version errors 4 Unknown community name 0 Illegal operation for community name supplied 0 Encoding errors 24 Number of requested variables 0 Number of altered variables 0 Get-request PDUs 28 Get-next PDUs 0 Set-request PDUs 78 SNMP packets output 0 Too big errors 0 No such name errors 0 Bad values errors 0 General errors 24 Response PDUs 13 Trap PDUs

Table C-2 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table C-2: show snmp Field Descriptions
Field Description

SNMP packets input:

Total number of SNMP packets input.

  Bad SNMP version errors

Number of packets with an invalid SNMP version.

  Unknown community name

Number of SNMP packets with an unknown community name.

  Illegal operation for   community name supplied

Number of packets requesting an operation not allowed for that community.

  Encoding errors

Number of SNMP packets that were improperly encoded.

  Number of requested variables

Number of variables requested by SNMP managers.

  Number of altered variables

Number of variables altered by SNMP managers.

  Get-request PDUs

Number of GET requests received.

  Get-next PDUs

Number of GET-NEXT requests received.

  Set-request PDUs

Number of SET requests received.

SNMP packets output:

Total number of SNMP packets sent by the router.

  Too big errors

Number of SNMP packets that were larger than the maximum packet size.

  Maximum packet size

Maximum size of SNMP packets.

  No such name errors

Number of SNMP requests that specified a MIB object that does not exist.

  Bad values errors

Number of SNMP SET requests that specified an invalid value for a MIB object.

  General errors

Number of SNMP SET requests that failed because of some other error. (It was not a No such name error, Bad values error, or any of the other specific errors.)

  Response PDUs

Number of responses sent in reply to requests.

  Trap PDUs

Number of SNMP traps sent.

Related Commands Related Commands


show stacktrace

To get stack trace information from your Content Router, use the show stacktrace EXEC command.

show stacktrace {task-ID | exception}

Syntax Description


Hexadecimal number without a 0x prefix (0 to FFFFFFFF).


Stack trace on previous exception.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show stacktrace exception

show startup-config

To show the startup configuration, use the show startup-config EXEC command.

show startup-config

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the configuration used during an initial bootup, stored in NVRAM.


Console# show startup-config Configuration Size 734 bytes ! ! ! group add admin gid 0 group add everyone gid 1000 group add LocalUsers gid 1004 ! user add admin uid 0 capability admin-access ! ! ! hostname content-router ! interface ethernet 0 ip address ip broadcast-address exit ! interface ethernet 1 exit ! ip default-gateway ip name-server ip route cron file /local/etc/crontab ! ! authentication login local enable authentication configuration local enable rule no-cache url-regex .*cgi-bin.* rule no-cache url-regex .*aw-cgi.* ! boomerang dns enable direct-mode ! boomerang dns domain key 7 15100403093e2e373c origin-server client client ! ! ! end

Related Commands


copy running-config

show running-config

write terminal

show statistics

To display Content Router statistics, use the show statistics EXEC command.

show statistics { icmp | ip | mbuf | netstat | transaction-logs | udp }

Syntax Description


Displays ICMP statistics.


Displays IP statistics.


Displays memory buffer statistics.


Displays Internet socket connections.


Displays routing statistics.


Displays transaction-log export statistics.


Displays UDP statistics.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display Content Router statistics.


Console# show statistics icmp ICMP: 0 call to icmp_error 0 error not generated because old message was icmp Output histogram: echo reply: 37 0 message with bad code fields 0 message < minimum length 0 bad checksum 0 message with bad length Input histogram: destination unreachable: 1091 echo: 37 37 message responses generated

Related Commands

clear statistics

show tcp

To display TCP configuration information, use the show tcp EXEC command.

show tcp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show tcp ==TCP Configuration== TCP keepalive timeout 300 sec TCP keepalive probe count 4 TCP keepalive probe interval 75 sec TCP server R/W timeout 120 sec TCP client R/W timeout 120 sec TCP server send buffer 8 k TCP server receive buffer 32 k TCP client send buffer 32 k TCP client receive buffer 8 k TCP Listen Queue 200 TCP init ssthresh 65536 TCP cwnd base 2 TCP server max segment size 1432 TCP server satellite (RFC1323) disabled TCP client max segment size 1432 TCP client satellite (RFC1323) disabled TCP retransmit drop threshold 1

show tech-support

To view information necessary for the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) to assist you, use the show tech-support EXEC command.

show tech-support [page]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) Pages through output.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view system information necessary for TAC to assist you with the Content Router. This is a long display. You can manage the output using the terminal length command.


Console# show tech-support ---------------------show hardware--------------------- Cisco Content Router 4400 Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Software Release: CR ver 2.09 (Build: #17 03/02/00) Compiled: 06:19:45 Mar 2 2000 by morlee Image text-base 0x108000, data_base 0x392064 System restarted by Reload The system has been up for 3 hours, 12 minutes, 23 seconds. System booted from "flash" Cisco Content Router 4400 CR505 with CPU AMD-K6 (model 7) (rev. 0) AuthenticAMD 2 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces 1 Console interface. 134213632 bytes of Physical Memory 131072 bytes of ROM memory. 8388608 bytes of flash memory. ---More---

show tftp-server

To display configured TFTP directories, use the show tftp-server EXEC command.

show tftp-server

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console#show tftp-server == TFTPD Directory List == /local/public

show transaction-logging

To show the transaction log summaries or to show transaction log settings, use the
show transaction-logging EXEC command.

show transaction-logging [entries number]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) Displays the last number of entries to the working log file.


Number of most recent entries to display (1 to 256).


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the show transaction-logging command to display the current settings for the transaction logging feature.

Use the show transaction-logging entries number command to display the last entries to the working log files. Transaction logging must be enabled in order for the show transaction-logging entries command to work.


Console# show transaction-logging Transaction Logs: Logging is enabled. End user identity is hidden. (sanitized) File markers are disabled Archive interval: every-day at 12:00 Maximum Number of Archived Files: 5 Exporting files to servers is enabled. Export interval: every-day every 1 hour Working Log file - size: 0 age: 18449 Archive Log file - celog_171.69.227.250_20000802_120000.txt size: 0

show trusted-hosts

To display the name of the Content Router trusted hosts, use the show trusted-hosts EXEC command.

show trusted-hosts

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show trusted-hosts Trusted Host checking: ON 111.333.123.2/C_Medici 333.222.111.1/Procrustes

show user

To display user information for a particular user, use the show user EXEC command.

show user {uid number | username name}

Syntax Description


User ID keyword.


User ID number (0 to 2147483647).


Displays information for a user.




No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console#show user username bwhidney Username : bwhidney Uid : 5013 Number of Groups : 1 Primary Group : everyone (1000) Password : bSzyydQbSb Comment : HomeDir : /local Capability : admin-access

Related Commands

show groups

show users

show users

To display all users, use the show users EXEC command.

show users

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show users There are 2 user(s) UID USERNAME 0 admin 5013 bwhidney

Related Commands

show groups

show user

show version

To display the current software on your Content Router, use the show version EXEC command.

show version

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show version Cisco Content Router 4400 Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Software Release: CE ver 2.34 (Build: #2 09/05/00) Compiled: 04:10:16 Sep 14 2000 by Image text-base 0x108000, data_base 0x43dbb4 System restarted by Reload The system has been up for 6 days, 1 hour, 55 minutes, 16 seconds. System booted from "flash"

show wccp

To display WCCP information, use the show wccp EXEC command.

show wccp {router | status}

Syntax Description


Shows the WCCP home router.


Shows which version of WCCP is enabled and running.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



Console# show wccp router Routers Seeing this Content Router Router Id Sent To Routers not Seeing this Content Router Routers Notified of but not Configured -NONE- Multicast Addresses Configured -NONE- Router Information for Service: Reverse-Proxy Routers Seeing this Content Router Router Id Sent To Routers not Seeing this Content Router Routers Notified of but not Configured -NONE- Multicast Addresses Configured -NONE-

snmp-server community

To set up the community access string to permit access to the SNMP protocol, use the snmp-server community global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the previously configured community string.

snmp-server community string

no snmp-server community

Syntax Description


Community string that acts like a password and permits access to the SNMP protocol.


By default, an SNMP community string permits read-only access to all objects.

Command Modes

Global configuration


The following example assigns the string comaccess to SNMP:

Console(config)# snmp-server community comaccess

The following example removes the previously defined community string:

Console(config)# no snmp-server community

The following example disables SNMP without removing a previously defined community string:

Console(config)# no snmp-server

Related Commands

show snmp

snmp-server contact

To set the system contact (sysContact) string, use the snmp-server contact global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the system contact information.

snmp-server contact line

no snmp-server contact

Syntax Description


Text for MIB object sysContact.


Identification of the contact person for this managed node.


No system contact string is set.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

The system contact string is the value stored in the MIB-II system group sysContact object.


The following is an example of a system contact string:

Console# snmp-server contact Dial System Operator at beeper # 27345 Console# no snmp-server contact

Related Commands

snmp-server location

show snmp

snmp-server enable traps

To enable the Content Router to send SNMP traps, use the snmp-server enable traps global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable SNMP notifications.

snmp-server enable traps

no snmp-server enable traps

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command is disabled by default. No traps are enabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

If you do not enter an snmp-server enable traps command, no traps are sent. In order to configure traps, you must enter the snmp-server enable traps command.

The snmp-server enable traps command is used in conjunction with the snmp-server host command. Use the snmp-server host command to specify which host or hosts receive SNMP traps. To send traps, you must configure at least one snmp-server host command.

For a host to receive a trap, both the snmp-server enable traps command and the snmp-server host command for that host must be enabled.

In addition, SNMP must be enabled with the snmp-server community command.


The following example enables the router to send all traps to the host using the community string public:

Console(config)# snmp-server enable traps Console(config)# snmp-server host public Console(config)# no snmp-server enable traps

Related Commands

snmp-server host

snmp-server community

snmp-server host

To specify the recipient of an SNMP trap operation, use the snmp-server host global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified host.

snmp-server host {hostname | ip-address} communitystring

no snmp-server host {hostname | ip-address} communitystring

Syntax Description


Host name of SNMP trap host.


IP address of SNMP trap host.


Passwordlike community string sent with the trap operation.


This command is disabled by default. No traps are sent. The version of the SNMP protocol used to send the traps is SNMPv1.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

If you do not enter an snmp-server host command, no traps are sent. To configure the Content Router to send SNMP traps, you must enter at least one snmp-server host command. To enable multiple hosts, you must issue a separate snmp-server host command for each host. The maximum number of snmp-server host commands is four.

When multiple snmp-server host commands are given for the same host, the community string in the last command is used.

The snmp-server host command is used in conjunction with the snmp-server enable traps command to enable SNMP traps.

In addition, SNMP must be enabled with the snmp-server community command.

The MIB is located in the /local/lib/gui/snmp directory of the Content Router as the file


The following example sends the SNMP traps defined in RFC 1157 to the host specified by the IP address The community string is comaccess.

Console(config)# snmp-server enable traps Console(config)# snmp-server host comaccess Console(config)# no snmp-server host

Related Commands

snmp-server enable traps

snmp-server community

snmp-server location

To set the SNMP system location string, use the snmp-server location global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the location string.

snmp-server location line

no snmp-server location

Syntax Description


String that describes the physical location of this node.


No system location string is set.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

The system location string is the value stored in the MIB-II system group system location object.

You can see the system location string with the show snmp EXEC command.


The following is an example of a system location string:

Console(config)# snmp-server location Building 3/Room 214

Related Commands

show snmp

snmp-server contact

Three unsuccessful login attempts are permitted. TACACS+ logins may appear to take more time than local logins depending on the number of TACACS+ servers and the configured timeout and retry values.


This example configures the key used in encrypting packets.

CR(config)# tacacs key bronzemonkey789

This example configures the host named rasputin as the primary TACACS+ server.

CR(config)# tacacs server rasputin primary

This example sets the timeout interval for the TACACS+ server.

CR(config)# tacacs timeout 10

This example sets the number of times authentication requests are retried (retransmitted) after a timeout.

CR(config)# tacacs retransmit 5


The tclsh command is for Cisco Systems internal use only.


To configure TCP parameters, use the tcp global configuration command. To disable TCP parameters, use the no form of this command.

tcp {client-mss maxsegsize | client-receive-buffer kbytes | client-rw-timeout seconds | client-satellite | client-send-buffer kbytes | cwnd-base factor | init-ssthresh value | keepalive-probe-cnt count | keepalive-probe-interval seconds | keepalive-timeout seconds | listen-queue length | server-mss maxsegsize | server-receive-buffer kbytes | server-rw-timeout seconds | server-satellite | server-send-buffer kbytes}

no tcp {client-mss maxsegsize | client-receive-buffer kbytes | client-rw-timeout seconds | client-satellite | client-send-buffer kbytes | cwnd-base factor | init-ssthresh value | keepalive-probe-cnt count | keepalive-probe-interval seconds | keepalive-timeout seconds | listen-queue length | server-mss maxsegsize | server-receive-buffer kbytes | server-rw-timeout seconds | server-satellite | server-send-buffer kbytes}

Syntax Description


Sets client TCP maximum segment size.


Maximum segment size in bytes (512 to 1460).


Sets client receive buffer size.


Receive buffer size in kilobytes (1 to 1024).


Sets client connection's read/write timeout.


Timeout in seconds (1 to 3600).


Client TCP compliance to RFC 1323 standard.


Client connection's send buffer size.


Send buffer size in kilobytes (8 to 1024).


Sets TCP cwnd base factor.


Factor value (1 to 16).


Sets TCP initial smooth threshold.


Threshold value (2920 to 1073741824).


Sets TCP keepalive probe counts.


Number of probe counts (1 to 10).


Sets TCP keepalive probe interval.


Keepalive probe interval in seconds (1 to 300).


Sets TCP keepalive timeout.


Keepalive timeout in seconds (1 to 3600).


Sets maximum size of TCP listen queue.


Listen queue length in kilobytes (1 to 000).


Sets server TCP maximum segment size.


Sets server connection receive buffer size.


Receive buffer size in kilobytes (1 to 1024).


Sets server connection read/write timeout.


Read/write timeout in seconds (1 to 3600).


Server TCP compliance to RFC 1323 standard.


Server connection send buffer size.


Buffer size in kilobytes (1 to 1024).


tcp client-receive-buffer: 8 kilobytes

tcp client-rw-timeout: 30 seconds

tcp client-send-buffer: 8 kilobytes

tcp keepalive-probe-cnt: 4

tcp keepalive-probe-interval: 75 seconds

tcp keepalive-timeout: 300 seconds

tcp server-receive-buffer: 8 kilobytes

tcp server-rw-timeout: 120 seconds

tcp server-send-buffer: 8 kilobytes

Usage Guidelines

In nearly all environments, the default TCP setting is adequate. If you modify the listen-queue settings, reboot the Content Router to effect the changes.

Command Modes

Global configuration


Console(config)# tcp client-receive-buffer 100 Console(config)# no tcp client-receive-buffer 100

Related Commands

show tcp


To display the current terminal commands, use the terminal EXEC command.

terminal monitor

Syntax Description


Monitors debug commands.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command makes a Telnet session the terminal. This causes all software output to go to this session. Since there is only one active terminal in the system, this session redirects all software output from all other Telnet sessions to this session.


Console# terminal monitor Console is always monitored


To set the number of lines displayed in the console window, use the terminal global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of the command.

terminal length lines

no terminal length lines

Syntax Description


Sets the number of lines displayed by the terminal screen.


Number of lines on the screen (0 to 512). The default is 24 lines. Enter 0 for no pausing.


Default is 24 lines.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

When 0 is entered as the lines parameter, output to the screen does not pause. For all nonzero values of lines, the -More- prompt is displayed when the number of output lines match the specified lines number. The -More- prompt is considered a line of output. To view the next screen, press the Spacebar. To view one line at a time, press the Enter key. To exit the show command output, press the Esc key or any other keystroke.


Console(config)# terminal length 0 Console(config)# no terminal length 0

Related Commands

All show commands.


To set the TFTP server directory, use the tftp-server global configuration command.

tftp-server dir directory

no tftp-server dir directory

Syntax Description


Sets the TFTP server directory


Specifies the path name of the TFTP server.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration


Console(config)# tftp-server dir /mypath

transaction-log force

To force the immediate creation of a transaction log, use the transaction-log force EXEC command.

transaction-log force {archive | export}

Syntax Description


Forces the archive of the working.log file.


Forces the archived files to be exported to a server.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

The transaction-log force archive command causes the transaction log to be archived immediately to the Content Router hard disk. This command has the same effect as the clear transaction-log command.

The transaction-log force export command causes the transaction log to be exported immediately to an FTP server designated by the transaction-logs export ftp-server command.

The force commands do not change the configured schedule for archive or export of transaction log files. If a scheduled archive or export job is in progress when a corresponding force command is entered, an error message is displayed. If a force command is in progress when an archive or export job is scheduled to run, the scheduled job runs when the force command is complete.


Console# transaction-log force archive Starting transaction-log force archive command Completed transaction-log force archive command

Related Commands


clear statistics transaction-logs

clear transaction-log

show statistics transaction-logs

show transaction-logging


To enable transaction logs, use the transaction-logs global configuration command. To disable transaction logs, use the no form of this command.

transaction-logs {archive {files maxnumfiles | interval {seconds | every-day {at time | every hour} | every-hour {at minute | every interval} | every-week [on days [at time]]} | enable | export {enable | ftp-server {hostname | servipaddrs} login passw directory} | interval {minutes | every-day {at time | every hour} | every-hour {at minute | every interval} | every-week [on days [at time]]}}} | file-marker | sanitize}

no transaction-logs {archive {files maxnumfiles | interval {seconds | every-day {at time | every hour} | every-hour {at minute | every interval} | every-week [on days [at time]]} | enable | export {enable | ftp-server {hostname | servipaddrs} login passw directory} | interval {minutes | every-day {at time | every hour} | every-hour {at minute | every interval} | every-week [on days [at time]]}}} | file-marker | sanitize}

Syntax Description


Configures archive parameters.


Saves archive log files to disk.


Maximum number of archive files to save on disk (1 to 10). The default is 1.


Determines how frequently the archive file is to be saved.


Time interval in seconds (120 to 86400). The default is 86,400 seconds (1 day).


Archives using frequencies of 1 day or less.

at time

Specifies the time of day at which to archive in hours and minutes (hh:mm).

every hour

Interval in hours (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, or 24).


Archives using frequencies of 1 hour or less.

at minute

Specifies the minute alignment for the hourly archive (0 to 59).

every interval

Interval in minutes (2, 10, 15, 20, 30).


Archives one or more times a week.

on days

(Optional). Archives one or more days of the week (mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun).

at time

(Optional). Specifies the time of day at which to archive in hours and minutes (hh:mm).


Enables transaction log feature.


Configures file export parameters.


Enables the exporting of log files at the specified interval.


Sets FTP server to receive exported archived files.


Host name of target FTP server.


IP address of target FTP server.


User login to target FTP server.


User password to target FTP server.


Target directory for exported files on FTP server.


Transfers files to the FTP server after this interval.


Export time interval in minutes (1-10,080). The default is 60 minutes.


Exports using frequencies of 1 day or less.

at time

Specifies the time at which to export each day in hours and minutes (

every hour

Interval in hours (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, or 24).


Exports using frequencies of 1 hour or less.

at minute

Specifies the minute alignment for the hourly archive (0 to 59).

every interval

Interval in minutes (2, 10, 15, 20, or 30).


Exports one or more times a week.

on days

(Optional.) Exports on one or more days of the week (mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun).

at time

(Optional.) Specifies the time of day at which to export in hours and minutes (hh:mm).


Adds statements to transaction log, indicating the file beginning and ending.


Writes user IP addresses in log file as


The default for maximum number of archive files is 1. The default frequency for archiving files is 1 day. The default export time interval is 60 minutes.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

Enable transaction log recording with the transaction-logs enable command. When enabled, daemons create a working.log file in the /local/var/log/translog/ dosfs directory.

After an interval specified by the transaction-logs archive interval command, the working.log file is renamed and copied as an archive file to the dosfs directory with the path /local/var/log/translog/archive/data. A new working.log file is then created and the process repeats. The Content Router default archive interval is 86,400 seconds, or one day.

Use the transaction-logs archive files command to specify how many archive files to store on disk. When the maximum number of files has been created, the next archive file overwrites the oldest stored file.

The transaction log archive and export functions are configured with the following commands:

The following limitations apply:

If the transaction-logs export interval is configured to a larger value than the archive interval, the administrator must ensure that there are enough archive files.

Transaction Log Archive File-Naming Convention

The archive transaction log file is named as follows:


Table C-3 describes the name elements.

Table C-3: Archive Transaction Log File Name Elements
Name Element Description


IP address of the Content Router creating the archive file.


Date archive file was created (yyyy/mm/dd).


Time archive file was created (hh/mm/ss).

The transaction logs export feature does not create the legacy archive files named archive.log. Legacy archive files must be manually deleted or copied from the Content Router hard disk.

Exporting Transaction Logs to External FTP Servers

The transaction-logs export ftp-server option can support up to four FTP servers. To export transaction logs, you must first enable the feature and configure the export interval. The following information is required for each target server:

The Content Router translates the host name with a DNS lookup and then stores the IP address.
Use a fully qualified path or a relative path for the user login. The user must have write permission to the directory.

Use the no form of the transaction-logs export enable command to disable the entire transaction logs feature while retaining the rest of the configuration.

Restarting Export After Receiving a Permanent Error from the External FTP Server

When an FTP server returns a permanent error to the Content Router, the archive transaction logs are no longer exported to that server. You must reenter the Content Router transaction log export parameters to clear the error condition. The show statistics transaction-logs command displays the current state of transaction log export readiness.

A permanent error (Permanent Negative Completion Reply, RFC 959) occurs when the FTP command to the server cannot be accepted, and the action did not take place. Permanent errors can be caused by invalid user logins, invalid user passwords, and attempts to access directories with insufficient permissions.

In the following example, an invalid user login parameter was included in the transaction-logs export ftp-server command. The show statistics transaction-logs command shows that the Content Router failed to export archive files.

Console# show statistics transaction-logs Server: Export stopped due to permanent error received from FTP. Attempts:1 Successes:0 Open Failures:0 Put Failures:0 Other Transport Errors: Authentication Failures:1 Permanent Directory Failures:0 Permanent Put Failures:0 Previous Permanent Ftp Errors:0

To restart the export of archive transaction logs, the transaction-logs export ftp-server parameters must be reentered:

Console(config)# transaction-logs export ftp-server goodlogin pass /etc/webcache

Use the sanitize option to disguise the IP address and usernames of clients in the transaction log file. The default is not sanitized. A sanitized transaction log disguises the network identity of a client by changing the IP address in the transaction logs to The no form disables the sanitize feature.


In this example, an FTP server is configured.

Console(config)# transaction-logs export ftp-server mylogin mypasswd /tmp/local/webcache Console(config)# transaction-logs export ftp-server myhostname mylogin mypasswd /tmp/local/webcache

To delete an FTP server, use the no form of the command.

Console(config)# no transaction-logs export ftp-server myhostname Console(config)# no transaction-logs export ftp-server

Use the no form of the command to disable the entire transaction log export feature while retaining the rest of the configuration.

Console(config)# no transaction-logs export enable
Note   The default is export disabled; the interval default is 1 hour. There are no defaults for the FTP server configuration.

To change a username, password, or directory, reenter the entire line.

Console(config)# transaction-logs export ftp-server mynewname mynewpass /tmp/local/webcache

The show transaction-logging command displays information on exported log files.

Console# show transaction-logging Transaction Logs: Logging is enabled End user identity is visible. Current Archive Interval: 86400 sec. Maximum Number of Archived Files: 6 Exporting files to servers is enabled. Current export retry interval: 100 minutes. Working Log file - size: 8650 age: 4885 Archive Log file: celog_10.1.118.5_19991228_235959.txt - size: 10340 File export feature is enabled ftp-server username directory mynewname /tmp/local/webcache erasmus /tmp/translogfiles
Note   For security reasons, passwords are never displayed.

The export option has been added to the show statistics transaction-logs command to display the status of logging attempts to export servers.

Console# show statistics transaction-logs Transaction Logs: Logging is enabled. End user identity is visible. Current Archive Interval: 120 seconds. Maximum Number of Archived Files: 10 Exporting files to servers is enabled. Export retry interval:1 minutes. Working Log file - size:0 age:45 No Archive Log file found ftp-server username directory zpajanos ~zp/201/translog/logfiles zpajanos ~zp/outputfiles my my

Configuring Intervals Between 1 Day and 1 Hour

The interval can be set for once a day with a specific timestamp. It can also be set for frequencies of hours; these frequencies align with midnight. For example, every 4 hours means archiving occurs at 0000, 0400, 0800, 1200, 1600, and the like. It is not possible to archive at 0030, 0430, 0830, and so forth.

cepro(config)# transaction-logs archive interval every-day ? at Specify the time at which to archive each day every Specify the interval in hours. It will align with midnight cepro(config)# transaction-logs archive interval every-day at ? hh:mm Time of day at which to archive (hh:mm) cepro(config)# transaction-logs archive interval every-day every ? <1-24> Interval in hours: {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 or 24}

Scheduling Intervals of 1 Hour or Less

The interval can be set for once an hour with a minute alignment. It can also be set for frequencies of less than an hour; these frequencies will align with the top of the hour. That is, every 5 minutes means archiving will occur at 1700, 1705, and 1710.

cepro(config)# transaction-logs archive interval every-hour ?   at Specify the time at which to archive each day every Specify interval in minutes. It will align with top of the hour cepro(config)# transaction-logs archive interval every-hour at ? <0-59> Specify the minute alignment for the hourly archive

Scheduling Weekly Intervals

The interval can be set for once a week or multiple times within the week. For example, it is possible to archive "every Sunday at 0630" or "every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 1900". Administrators can select as many days as they wish, including all 7 days. Note that is it not possible to schedule the interval for different times on different days.

cepro(config)# transaction-logs archive interval every-week ?   on Day of the week <cr> cepro(config)# transaction-logs archive interval every-week on ?   DAY Day of week to archive cepro(config)# transaction-logs archive interval every-week on Monday ?   DAY Day of week to archive at Specify the time of day at which to archive <cr> cepro(config)# transaction-logs archive interval every-week on Monday Friday at ?   hh:mm Time of day at which to archive (hh:mm)

Related Commands Related Commands

clear transaction-log

show transaction-logging

show statistics transaction-logs

transaction-log force


To enable trusted hosts on your Content Router, use the trusted-host global configuration command. To disable trusted hosts, use the no form of this command.

trusted-host {hostname | ip-address | domain-lookup}

no trusted-host {domain-lookup}

Syntax Description


Host name of trusted host.


IP address of trusted host.


Trusted host checking.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration


No trusted hosts is the default.

Syntax Description

To allow reception of files (for example, rcp) from specified hosts, these hosts must be identified using the trusted-host hostname command. You must first enable this feature with the trusted-host domain-lookup command.


Console(config)# trusted-host domain-lookup Console(config)# trusted-host Console(config)# no trusted-host domain-lookup

Related Commands

show trusted-hosts


To display a file, use the type EXEC command.

type filename

Syntax Description


Name of file.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the contents of a file within any Content Router file directory. This command may be used to monitor features such as transaction logging or system logging (syslog), or to manage files such as badurl.lst for URL filtering.


Console# type badurl.lst

Related Commands







To disable debugging functions, use the undebug EXEC command. Also see the debug EXEC command.

Command Modes



No default behavior or values

Usage Guidelines

We recommend that debug commands be used only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.

Related Commands


no debug

show debug


To configure user accounts on the Content Router, use the user global configuration command.

user {add | delete | modify}

user add username [password [ 0 | 1] password] [capability [admin-access | ftp-access | http-access | telnet-access]] [uid userid]

user delete {username username | uid userid}

user modify {uid number | username name}{[add-capability [admin-access | ftp-access | http-access | telnet-access]] | [del-capability [admin-access | ftp-access | http-access | telnet-access]] | [password [ 0 | 1] password]}

Syntax Description


Creates a new user account on the Content Router.


Removes the specified user account from the Content Router.


Changes the user information.


Content Router login name for the user.


(Optional.) See password options.


(Optional.) See capability options. Adds capability to a new user. Use with add keyword.


(Optional.) See capability options.


Assigns a user ID.


Range of administrator-assigned user ID numbers (2001 to 2147483647).


(Optional.) Adds capability to an existing user. Use with modify keyword. See capability options.


(Optional.) Deletes capability of an existing user. Use with modify keyword. See capability options.

Capability Options


Grants all possible access to the Content Router.


Grants FTP access to the Content Router. FTP access includes HTTP access.


Grants HTTP access to the Content Router.


Grants Telnet access to the Content Router. Telnet access includes FTP and HTTP access.

Password Options


Sets a password for the specified user.


Specifies that a clear-text password will follow (default).


Specifies that a type 1 encrypted password will follow.


Password for the specified user. For no password, omit this option. Password must be a string of 4 to 128 characters in length. Passwords of one to three characters are rejected.

Command Modes

Global configuration


The default users are admin and anonymous.The default password option is 0.

Usage Guidelines

The user command creates, modifies, and deletes Content Router user accounts. Up to 50 user accounts can be added to the Content Router. Only administrator access capability permits a user to write to the Content Router. The admin user account is included by default.

The user identification number (UID) 0 is reserved for the user "admin" and cannot be assigned to another user. The user ID numbers 2001 to 2147483647 can be assigned manually by the administrator. The Content Router assigns a UID number from 1 through 2000 if a UID is not assigned by the administrator.

In summary, ID numbers 1 to 2000 are assigned by the Content Router; 2001 to 2147483647 can be assigned by the administrator. User accounts with ID numbers 1 to 2147483647 can be modified or deleted, and the show users command displays ID numbers 0 through 2147483647.


Console(config)# user add dilbert Operation successful Console(config)# user add bwhidney password 0 dzgchenpa capability ftp Operation successful Console(config)# user modify user bwhidney add admin-access Operation successful Console(config)# show users There are 4 user(s) UID USERNAME 0 admin 1002 anonymous 5013 bwhidney 5014 dilbert Console(config)# user delete uid 5014 Operation successful

Related Commands Related Commands

show user

show users

wccp dns-boomerang router-list-num

To configure a router list for a Content Router in WCCP mode, use the wccp dns-boomerang global configuration command.

wccp dns-boomerang router-list-num number [l2-redirect] [password passw] [weight percentage]

Syntax Description


Router list number (1 to 8).


(Optional.) Sets WCCP Version 2 forwarding encapsulation method.


(Optional.) Specifies the WCCP service password (key).




(Optional.) Sets weight percentage for this list.


Weight percentage (0 to 100).

Command Modes

Global configuration


Disabled by default.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure various router lists for use with WCCP Version 2 and boomerang. For example, you can specify one router list for WCCP Version 2 web-cache service and another list for reverse-proxy at the same time, without having to reconfigure groups of routers or caches. You can add up to eight router lists and up to six IP addresses per list.


Console(config)# wccp dns-booomerang router-list-num 7 weight 90

wccp flow-redirect

To enable WCCP flow redirection, use the flow-redirect enable global configuration command. To disable flow redirection, use the no form of the command.

wccp flow-redirect enable

no wccp flow-redirect enable

Syntax Description


Enables flow redirection.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command works with WCCP Version 2 only. The flow protection feature is designed to keep the TCP flow intact as well as to not overwhelm Content Routers when they come up or are reassigned new traffic. This feature also has a slow start mechanism whereby the Content Routers try to take a load appropriate for their capacity.


Console# wccp flow-redirect enable

Related Commands

wccp slow-start enable

wccp port-list

To associate ports with specific WCCP dynamic services, use the wccp port-list global configuration command.

wccp port-list listnum portnum

no wccp port-list listnum portnum

Syntax Description


Port list number (1 to 8).


Port number. Up to eight ports per list number are allowed (1 to 65535).


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

Up to eight port numbers can be included in a single port list.


In the following example, ports 10, 200, 3000, 110, 220, 330, 440, and 40000 are included in port list 3.

Console(config)# wccp port-list 3 10 200 3000 110 220 330 440 40000

wccp router-list

To configure a router list for WCCP Version 2, use the wccp router-list global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

wccp router-list number ip-address

no wccp router-list number ip-address

Syntax Description


Router list number (1 to 8).


IP address of router to add to list.

Command Modes

Global configuration



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure various router lists for use with WCCP Version 2 services. For example, you can specify one router list for WCCP Version 2 web-cache service and another list for reverse-proxy at the same time without having to reconfigure groups of routers or Cache Engines. You can add up to eight router lists and up to six IP addresses per list.


Console(config)# wccp router-list 7 Console(config)# no wccp router-list 7

wccp shutdown

To set the maximum time interval over which the Content Router will perform a clean shutdown, use the wccp shutdown global configuration command.

wccp shutdown max-wait seconds

Syntax Description


Sets the clean shutdown time interval.


Time in seconds (0 to 86400). The default is 120 seconds.


120 seconds

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

To prevent broken TCP connections, the Content Router performs a clean shutdown of WCCP after a reload or wccp version command is issued. The Content Router does not reboot until either all connections have been serviced or the configured max-wait interval has elapsed.

During a clean shutdown, the Content Router continues to service the flows it is handling but starts to bypass new flows. When the number of flows goes down to zero, the Content Router takes itself out of the cluster by having its buckets reassigned to other Content Routers by the lead Content Router. TCP connections can still be broken if the Content Router crashes or is rebooted without WCCP being cleanly shut down. The clean shutdown can be aborted while in progress.


Console(config)# wccp shutdown max-wait 4999

Related Commands

wccp slow-start

wccp flow-redirect

wccp slow-start

To enable the Content Router slow start capability, use the wccp slow-start enable global configuration command. To disable slow start capability, use the no form of this command.

wccp slow-start enable

no wccp slow-start enable

Syntax Description


Enable WCCP slow start.


The default is slow start enabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

Within a cluster of Content Routers, TCP connections are redirected to other Content Routers as units are added or removed. A Content Router can be overloaded if it is too quickly reassigned new traffic or introduced abruptly into a fat pipe.

WCCP slow start performs the following tasks to prevent a Content Router from being overwhelmed when it comes online or is reassigned new traffic:

Slow start is applicable only in the following cases:

In all other cases slow start is not necessary and all of the Content Routers can be assigned their share of the buckets right away.


Console# wccp slow-start enable Console# no wccp slow-start enable

Related Commands

wccp flow-redirect

wccp shutdown

wccp version

To specify the version of WCCP that the Content Router should use, enter the wccp version global configuration command. Use the no form of the command to disable the currently running version.

wccp version 2

no wccp version 2

Syntax Description


WCCP Version 2.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

WCCP allows transparent caching of Web content. For a detailed description, see "Web Cache Communication Protocol Version 2." Be sure the routers used in the WCCP environment are running a software version that supports the WCCP version configured on the Content Router.

To prevent broken TCP connections, the Content Router performs a clean shutdown of WCCP after a reload or wccp version command is executed. See the wccp shutdown global configuration command for an explanation of clean shutdown.


Console(config)# wccp version 2 Console(config)# no wccp version 2

Related Commands

wccp home-router

wccp shutdown


To display the current user's name, use the whoami EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the current user's username and user identification number.


Console# whoami admin

Related Commands



To write running configurations to memory or to a terminal session, use the write EXEC command.

write [erase | memory | terminal]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) Erases startup configuration from NVRAM.


(Optional.) Writes the configuration to NVRAM. This is the default.


(Optional.) Writes the configuration to a terminal session.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes



The configuration is written to NVRAM by default.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command either to save running configurations to NVRAM or to erase memory configurations. Following a write erase command, no configuration is held in memory, and a prompt for configuration specifics occurs after you reboot the Content Router.

Use the write terminal command to display the current running configuration in the terminal session window. The equivalent command is show running-config.


Console# write

Related Commands

copy running-config startup-config

show running-config

Posted: Fri Dec 29 10:16:30 PST 2000
Copyright 1989-2000©Cisco Systems Inc.