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Card and Service Configuration

Card and Service Configuration

This chapter includes instructions to configure MGX 8250 cards and services. This chapter includes the following sections:

Tasks and Rules to Configure Cards and Services

This section contains a general description of the sequence of tasks to configure cards and services. Tasks for individual cards appear in the subsequent sections.

This section contains the following topics:

Sequence of Configuration Tasks

In a new shelf, the common approach is to perform the same configuration task for all cards at once. For example, adding logical ports to all applicable cards.

When installing a single card, the likely sequence is to first specify the card-level features, and continue until you have configured every connection.

The following list outlines the common tasks for configuring cards in a new shelf:

    1. Optionally configure the service modules for redundancy (this does not apply to the RPM). This card-level operation requires redundant cards and possibly an MGX-SRM-3T3/C.

    2. Optionally configure resource partitioning for the whole card (if the default partitioning does not fulfill the purpose of the card).

    3. Activate the physical lines.

    4. Configure the line if default the parameters are not appropriate.

    5. Create the logical ports, then modify them as needed.

    6. Optionally configure resource partitions for a logical port (if the default partitioning does not support the intended operation of the port).

    7. Add connections, then modify them as needed.

Modifying the Resource Partitioning

A resource partition at the card level consists of a number of logical connection numbers (LCNs). At the port level, a resource partition consists of a percentage of bandwidth, a DLCI or VPI/VCI range, and the number of LCNs available to a network control application. On the PXM1, the connections are global logical connection numbers (GLCNs).

By default, all resources on a a card or logical port are available to any controller on a first-come, first-served basis. If necessary, you can modify the resource partitioning at the card level or logical port level. Port-level resource modification follows card-level modification, so the available port-level resources depend on whether and how much you change the card-level resource partitioning. You do not have to change the resource partitioning for the card before changing resource partitioning for a port.

The current network control application is Portable AutoRoute (PAR). Planning considerations should include the possibility of modifying the partitioning of resources for the interface. For example, the MGX 8250 has the capacity to support a Cisco Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) controller or a private network-to-network interface (PNNI) controller.

Rules for Adding Connections

This section includes rules for adding the following types of connections:

Rules for Adding a DAX Connection

A DAX connection is a connection whose endpoints for the entire connection exist on the same shelf. The following rules apply to the MGX 8250:

    1. On a feeder, a DAX connection can exist between different service modules or the same service module.

    2. A stand-alone node supports DAX connections with one or both endpoints on the PXM1 in addition to DAX cons between service modules.

    3. Either endpoint can be the master.

    4. The first endpoint to add is the slave. The generic syntax is

addcon <local parameters>

local parameters

The port, DLCI or VPI and VCI, and mastership status

Slave is the default case, so you actually do not explicitly have to specify it. When you press Return, the system returns a connection identifier. The identifier includes the port and DLCI or VPI and VCI.

Use the identifier to specify the slave endpoint when you subsequently add the connection at the master end. The slave endpoint is specified as the remote parameters in item 5.

    5. To complete the DAX con, add the master endpoint. The generic syntax is

addcon <local parameters> <remote parameters>

local parameters

The port, DLCI or VPI and VCI, and mastership status (master in this case).

remote parameters

The items in the connection identifier that the system returned when you added the slave endpoint.

    6. If the endpoint is a PXM1 port in a stand-alone node, specify the slot as 0. The addcon command is the only command in which you specify the slot number for the PXM1 as 0.

Rules for Adding Three-Segment Connections

A three-segment connection consists of a local segment on each MGX 8250 at the edges of the network cloud, and a middle segment across the network cloud.

The MGX 8250 requirements are:

    1. For MGX 8250 feeder nodes, the backbone must consist of BPX 8600 series switches.

    2. For MGX 8250 stand-alone shelves, the backbone switches can be either BPX 8600 series switches or switches from another manufacturer.

    3. On a feeder node, the local segment exists between a service module and the PXM1.

    4. On a stand-alone node, the local segment can exist between a service module and a port on the PXM1 card or between two ports on the PXM1 card.

    5. For the local segment, add the connection at only the master endpoint. The generic syntax for the addcon command is:

addcon <local parameters> <remote parameters>

local parameters

The port, DLCI or VPI and VCI, and mastership status (master in this case)

remote parameters

The current nodename, slot, port, and VPI and VCI of the slave end

For the PXM1 endpoints, specify the slot number as 0. The addcon command is the only command in which you specify the slot number for the PXM1 as 0.

Rules for Adding Management Connections

This section describes the requirements for adding an inband ATM PVC for managing an MGX 8250 in stand-alone node. A management connection lets a workstation connected through a router control either the local MGX 8250 node or a remote MGX 8250 node that has no workstation. The typical configuration has as the connecting router feed an AUSM/B, FRSM, RPM, or PXM1 UNI port.

A management connection can be either a DAX connection or a three-segment connection. The maximum number of management connections is eight. The DAX connection exists between a service module or PXM1 UNI and port 34 of the local PXM1. PXM1 port 34 is a reserved port for management connections on a stand-alone node. The network in Figure 6-1 shows FRSMs in a feeder application.

A three-segment management connection includes the following segments:

    1. Local segment between a near-end service module or PXM1 UNI and a PXM1 port in the
    range 1-32.

    2. Middle segment across the network cloud.

    3. Local segment between a remote PXM1 port in the range 1-32 and port 34 of that same PXM1.

The path from "A" to "B" in Figure 6-1 consists of three segments. A segment exists between the FRSM and the PXM1 on each MGX 8250. The middle segment exists between the BXMs at the edges of the ATM cloud and may traverse BPX 8600 via nodes in the cloud. The VPI and VCI at each BPX 8600 series switch connected to an MGX 8250 feeder must match the VPI and VCI on the slave endpoint of the connected PXM1. The VPIs and VCIs at the endpoints of the middle segment do not have to match. If you use the CLI rather than the Cisco WAN Manager application, add each segment through the CLI at each switch.

Figure 6-1: Frame Relay Connection Through an MGX 8250-BPX 8600 Series Network

Processor Switching Module

This section describes how to activate and configure the card-level parameters, lines, and ports on the PXM1 uplink card. This section also describes how to add connections to the PXM1 in a stand-alone node.

The descriptions include instructions to complete the following tasks:

Configuring Synchronization for the Shelf

This section defines the clock sources for the MGX 8250, then describes how to configure each source.

Clock Sources

The available clock sources are as follows:

Clock Source Types

The clock types are: primary, secondary, and tertiary.

For example, you could configure an external clock source as the primary source, a line as a secondary source, and the internal oscillator as the tertiary source. Note that if you specify a tertiary source, it is always the internal oscillator.

Clock Source Configuration

After the PXM1 broadband interfaces and the service module lines are configured, you can configure the clock sources through the CiscoView application or the CLI. If you use the CLI, enter the cnfclksrc command on the active PXM1 one time for each clock source.

cnfclksrc <slot.port> <clktyp>


The parameter slot.port specifies the clock source. If a service module provides the source, slot is the slot number of the card, and port is the number of the line that provides the clock.

On the PXM1

  • slot is 7 regardless of where the active PXM1 resides.

  • port for the in-band clock is always 1.

  • port for the external clock is always 35.

  • port for the UNI line (stand-alone only) depends on the number of lines you have set up on the back card.


The clock type: P for primary, S for secondary, T for tertiary, or N for null. The only purpose of null is to remove the clock configuration that currently applies to the specified source (slot.port).

Caution   Be careful not to set multiple primary and secondaries.

Configuration Example

For example, to configure the inband interface as the primary clock source and an external clock device as the secondary source, enter the following commands.

Step 1   Specify the clock source.

    popeye1r.1.8.PXM.a > cnfclksrc 7.35 S

    popeye1r.1.8.PXM.a > cnfclksrc 7.1 P

Step 2   To check the configuration by entering the dspclksrc command.

If you have specified an external clock source, use the CiscoView application or the CLI command cnfextclk to select the T1 or E1 line and the impedance of the line. The syntax for cnfextclk is

cnfextclk <ClockType> <Impedance>


The clock type: 1 for T1 or 2 for E1


The Impedance: 1 for 75 ohms, 2 for 100 ohms, or 3 for 120 ohms

Step 3   Specify the Stratum level of the clock source (Stratum-3 or Stratum-4).

cnfclklevel <level>


The Stratum level: 3 for Stratum-3 clocking or 4 for Stratum-4 clocking.

Configuring PXM1 Card-Level Parameters, Lines, and Ports

This section describes how to configure card-level features, activate a physical line, and configure logical elements such as a port.

See the "Tasks and Rules to Configure Cards and Services" section for background information on these types of tasks.

Step 1   Optionally, to modify the resource partitioning for the whole card by entering the cnfcdrscprtn command. You can view resource partitioning through the dspcdrscprtn command.

cnfcdrscprtn <number_PAR_conns> <number_PNNI_conns> <number_TAG_conns>


The number of connections in the range 0-32767 for PAR


The number in the range 0-32767 available to PNNI


The number of connections in the range 0-32767 for MPLS

For example, to reserve 10,000 connections for each controller on a PXM1 with

cnfcdrscprtn 10000 10000 10000

Step 2   Activate a line by entering the addln command.

addln -ds3 <slot.line> | -e3 <slot.line> | -sonet <slot.line>


Indicates a T3 line parameter follows.


Indicates an E3 line parameter follows.


Indicates an OC-3 or OC-12 line parameter follows.


Slot is 7 or 8 for the PXM1. If the shelf has a redundant pair of SRMs, enter the addln command for slots 15, 16, 31, and 32


The range is 1-4 but it depends on the number of lines on the back card.

For a feeder, you can activate only one line. For a stand-alone, you can activate more than one line if the back card has multiple lines. One line must serve as the trunk to the ATM network. With an OC-3, T3, or E3 card, remaining lines can serve as UNI ports to CPE.

Step 3   If necessary, modify the characteristics of a line by entering the cnfln command.

Step 4   Configure logical ports for the physical line by entering the addport command. Enter the addport command once for each logical port. Related commands are cnfport, dspports, and delport.

addport <port_num> <line_num> <pct_bw> <min_vpi> <max_vpi>


The number for the logical port. The range is 1-32 for user-ports or 34 for inband ATM PVCs that serve as management connections


The line number in the range 1-4 but depends on the type of uplink card


The percentage of bandwidth. The range is 0-100. This parameter applies to both ingress and egress


The minimum VPI value. On a feeder, the range is 0-4095. On a stand-alone node, the range is 0-255


The maximum VPI value. On a feeder, the range is 0-4095. On a stand-alone node, the range is 0-255

The following example uses 100% of the bandwidth on one logical port 1

addport 1 1 100 1 200

Step 5   If necessary, enter the cnfportrscprtn command to modify port-level resources for a controller

cnfportrscprtn <port_no> <controller> <ingress_%BW> <egress_%BW> <min_VPI> <max_VPI> <min_VCI> <max_VCI> <max_GLCNs>


The logical port number in the range 1-32 for user-connections or 34 for inband ATM PVCs for network management


A string identifying the network controller—PAR, PNNI, or TAG


The percentage of ingress bandwidth in the range 0-100


The percentage of egress bandwidth in the range 0-100


The minimum VPI in the range 0-4095


The maximum VPI in the range 0-4095


The minimum VCI in the range 0-65535


The maximum VCI in the range 0-65535


The maximum GLCNS in the range 0-32767

Step 6   On a stand-alone node, specify the cell header type as needed by entering the cnfatmln command.

cnfatmln <line_num> <type>

UNI cell headers typically apply where a workstation connects through a line to a PXM1 UNI port (rather than a SLIP-based port on the PXM1-UI card). Such an implementation is not common, so entering cnfatmln is not necessary.

Automatic Protection Switching on the PXM1

Automatic Protection Switching (APS) provides redundancy for an OC-3 or OC-12 line on the PXM1 (if a failure occurs someplace other than the PXM1 front card). The failure can originate on the daughter card, uplink card, or any part of the physical line.

With APS, the active PXM1 remains active and passes the cells from the failed line-path through the redundant line. The advantage of APS is that a line switchover requires significantly less time than a full PXM1 switchover.

Note   A failure of the PXM1 front card in a redundant system causes the entire PXM1 card set to switch over.

As defined in GR-253, a variety of APS modalities are possible (see the command summaries that follow).

APS Requirements

The current requirements for APS service on an MGX 8250 shelf are

APS Configuration

Initial APS specification consists of the working and protection slot and line and the mode for APS. After the initial APS specification, you can configure additional APS parameters, give commands for switching lines, and display the APS configuration. The CiscoView application and CLI provide access to the APS feature. For detailed descriptions of the CLI commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8250 Multiservice Gateway Command Reference. Note that APS is available for only the "B" versions of the SONET cards—SMLR-1-622/B, and so on. The applicable CLI commands are

To specify APS, use the following syntax:

addapsln <workline> <workingslot> <protectionline> <protectionslot> <archmode>


The line of the APS working line


The slot of the APS working line


The protection line


The protection slot


Identifies the type of APS operation. The GR-253 mode definitions include, 1+1 on one back card, 1+1 on two back cards, 1:1, and Annex B

Currently, the only supported mode is 1+1 with two uplink cards (mode = 2). With 1+1 APS, both the working line and the protection line carry duplicate data even though no error threshold has been exceeded or line break occurred. This mode requires that two standard cables (rather than a Y-cable) connect at two ports on the equipment at the opposite end. With the two-card implementation, workline must be the same as protectionline.

Adding Connections on a PXM1 in a Stand-Alone Node

This section describes the CLI commands for provisioning connections on a PXM1 in a stand-alone node. Connection addition conforms to the rules for a standard connection or a management connection. (See the "Rules for Adding Connections" section). In addition, this section describes the commands for modifying specific features for a connection and policing connections by way of usage parameter control (UPC).

The CLI commands correspond to functions in the Cisco WAN Manager application. The preferred CLI command is addcon. (If the application requires NSAP addressing, enter the addchan command to add a connection and the cnfchan command to modify a connection. To see the syntax for these two commands, refer to the command reference.)

Complete the following steps on the PXM1 CLI:

Step 1   Enter the addcon command according to the following syntax:

addcon <port_num> <conn_type> <local_VPI> <local_VCI> <service> [CAC] [mastership] [remoteConnId]


The logical port in the range 1-32 for a user connection or 34 for a management connection


A number identifying the connection type—1 for VPC or 2 for VCC


The local VPI in the range 0-4095


The local VCI in the range 0-65535


A number in the range 1-4 to specify the type of service: 1 = CBR, 2 = VBR, 3 = ABR, and 4 = UBR


Lets you turn off the loading effect of a connection on the aggregated load on a port (Optional)


Specifies whether the endpoint you are adding is the master or slave: 1 = master and 2 = slave (default). The syntax shows this parameter as optional because you need to enter it at only the master end. Slave is the default, you do not need to specify it explicitly when entering a DAX con


Identifies the connection at the slave end. The format for remoteConnId is Remote_nodename.slot_num.remote_VPI.remoteVCI

Step 2   If necessary, modify a connection by entering cnfcon:

cnfcon <conn_ID> <route_priority> <max_cost> <restrict_trunk_type> [CAC]


Identifies the connection. The format is logical_port.VPI.VCI


The priority of the connection for rerouting. The range is 1-15 and is meaningful only in relation to the priority of other connections


A number establishing the maximum cost of the connection route. The range is 1-255 and is meaningful only in relation to the cost of other connections for which you specify a maximum cos


A number that specifies the type of trunk for this connection. Specify 1 for no restriction, 2 for terrestrial trunk only, or 3 for satellite trunk only


CAC optionally lets you turn on or off the addition of the loading effect of a connection to the aggregated load on a port (optional)

Step 3   As needed, specify usage parameter control according to the connection type. Enter either cnfupccbr, cnfupcvbr, cnfupcabr, or cnfupcubr.

This step defines the parameters for each of these commands. Note that the parameters for cnfupcvbr and cnfupcabr are the same. Also, the polType parameter has numerous variations in accordance with ATM Forum v4.0. For a list of these variations, see Table 6-1 after the syntax descriptions.

cnfupccbr <conn_ID> <polType> <pcr[0+1]> <cdvt[0+1]> <IngPcUtil> <EgSrvRate> <EgPcUtil>


Identifies the connection. The format is port.vpi.vci.


The policing type. The choices are 4 or 5. See Table 6-1 for a description of these types


The number of seconds in the minute and has a range of 1-6


The peak call rate in the range 50-1412832 cps


The cell delay variation tolerance in the range 1-5000000 microseconds


The egress service rate. The range is 50-1412832 cps


The percentage of utilization on the egress. The range is 1-100

cnfupcvbr or cnfupcabr <conn_ID> <polType> <pcr[0+1]> <cdvt[0+1]> <scr> <scr> <IngPcUtil> <EgSrvRate> <EgPcUtil>


Identifies the connection. The format is port.vpi.vci


The policing type in the range 1-5. See Table 6-1 for a list of these types


The peak call rate in the range 50-1412832 cps


The cell delay variation tolerance in the range 1-5000000 microseconds


The sustained cell rate. The range is 50-1412832 cps


The maximum burst size. The range is 1-5000000 cells


The percentage of utilization on the ingress. The range is 1-100


The egress service rate. The range is 50-1412832 cps


The percentage of utilization on the egress. The range is 1-100

cnfupcubr <conn_ID> <polType> <pcr[0+1] >< cdvt[0+1]> <IngPcUtil>


Identifies the connection. The format is port.vpi.vci


The policing type. The range is 3-5. See Table 6-1 for a list of these types


The peak call rate in the range 50-1412832 cps


The cell delay variation tolerance in the range 1-5000000 microseconds


The percentage of utilization on the ingress. The range is 1-100

Table 6-1: Policing Definitions According to Policing and Connection Type
Policing by Connection Type ATM Forum TM spec. 4.0 conformance definition PCR Flow (1st leaky bucket) CLP tagging (for PCR flow) SCR Flow (2nd leaky bucket) CLP tagging (for SCR flow)




(PCR Policing only)






When policing=5 (off)






when CLP setting=no







when CLP setting=yes







Policing is off



























(when Policing=4)






Policing is off



ATM Universal Service Module (AUSM)

The MGX-AUSM/B-8T1 and MGX-AUSM/B-8E1 ATM Universal Service Modules are eight port multipurpose card sets for T1 or E1 lines. This section includes the following instructions for the CLI:

Summary of AUSM Features

The ATM Universal Service Modules (AUSM) include the following features:

Configure the Card, Lines, and Ports

You can activate and configure the AUSM card, lines, and ports with either the CLI or the CiscoView application. This section includes descriptions of the CLI commands used to perform the following tasks:

Perform the following steps on the CLI of the AUSM/B:

Step 1   If necessary, modify the resource partitioning for the whole card by entering the cnfcdrscprtn command. You can view resource partitioning through dspcdrscprtn.

cnfcdrscprtn <number_PAR_conns | number_PNNI_conns | number_TAG_conns>


Maximum number of PAR connections, in the range 1-1000


Maximum number of PNNI connections. Enter the value 0 (zero), in the range 1-1000


Maximum number of Tag connections, in the range 1-1000

For example, you could reserve 300 connections for each controller on the AUSM with

cnfcdrscprtn 300 300 300

Step 2   Activate a physical line by entering addln for each of the eight lines as needed.

addln <line_number>

Step 3   Optionally, enter the cnfln command to specify line coding, line length, and clock source.

cnfln <line_num> <line_code> <line_len> <clk_src> [E1-signaling]


Line number, in the range 1-8.


Line coding.

  • 2 = B8ZS, applies to T1

  • 3 = HDB3, applies to E1

  • 4 = AMI, applies to T1 or E1


Line length, as appropriate for the interface.

  • T1: 10-15

    • 10: 0-131 ft.

    • 11: 131-262 ft.

    • 12: 262-393 ft.

    • 13: 393-524 ft.

    • 14: 524-655 ft.

    • 15: 655+ ft.

  • E1 with SMB module: 8

  • E1 with RJ-48 module: 9


Clock source, either loop clock or local clock.

  • 1 = loop clock

  • 2 = local clock


  • CAS: CAS, no CRC

  • CAS_CRC: CAS with CRC

  • CCS: CCS no CRC

  • CCS_CRC: CCS with CRC

  • CLEAR: Clear E1

Step 4   Enter upport to activate the logical operation of the line.

upport <port_number>,

where port_number is in the range 1-8.

Step 5   If necessary, enter cnfportq to modify the egress queues.

cnfportq <port_num> <q_num> <q_algo> <q_depth> <clp_high> <clp_low> <efci_thres>


Logical port number in the range 1-8.


Queue number in the range 1-16; 0 is the default for addchan.

1 = CBR
2 = VBR
3 = ABR
4 = UBR


Number to specify the queue algorithm.

0 = disable queue
1 = high priority—always serve
2 = best available
3 = minimum guaranteed bandwidth
4 = minimum guaranteed bandwidth with maximum rate shaping
5 = CBR with smoothing


Maximum queue depth in the range 1-16000 cells.


High cell loss priority in the range 1-16000 cells.


Low cell loss priority in the range 1-16000 cells.


EFCI threshold in the range 1-16000 cells.

Step 6   If necessary, configure resources at the port level by entering cnfportrscprtn. Enter dspportrscprtn to see the current resource partitioning.

cnfportrscprtn <port_num> <controller> <ingress_%BW> <egress_%BW> <number_of_cons> <VPImin/VPImax> [VCImin/VCImax]


Port number in the range 1-8.


Number representing the controller—1 = PAR, 2 = PNNI, and 3 = MPLS.


Percentage of ingress bandwidth in the range 0-100.


Percentage of egress bandwidth in the range 0-100.


Maximum number of connections on the port.


Minimum and maximum VPI numbers.


Optional specification for VCI range.

Configure Inverse Multiplexing

This section describes the CLI command sequence for configuring the IMA feature.

Step 1   addln on all constituent links.

Step 2   cnfln if not already properly configured.

Step 3   addimagrp (or addaimgrp) to create the IMA group by using the following syntax:

addimagrp <group_num> <port_type> <list_of_links> <minNumLink>


Number for the IMA group. The range is 1-8.


Port type—1 = UNI, 2 = NN1.


List of links to be included in the group. Separate each link number by a period.


Minimum number of links in the range 1-8 to form a group.

For example the following command creates IMA group 1 with lines 3, 4, and 5. The minimum is 3.

      addimagrp 1 3.4.5 3

IMA-related commands are dspimagrp, dspimagrpcnt, dspimagrps, dspimainfo, and dspimalncnt. Refer to the Cisco MGX 8800 Series Switch Command Reference for descriptions.

Adding and Configuring Connections on the AUSM/B

Connections can be added and modified through the Cisco WAN Manager or the CLI. Refer to applicable documentation if you use the Cisco WAN Manager application.

This section describes how to add an ATM connection through the CLI according to the rules for adding a standard connection or a management connection in the form of either a DAX con or a three-segment connection. See the "Rules for Adding Connections" section.

Perform the following steps on the CLI of the AUSM/B:

Step 1   Enter the addcon command.

When you add a connection with addcon, the system automatically assigns the next available channel number, so addcon does not require it. However, some related commands require a channel number—cnfchanfst, cnfchanq, cnfconstdabr, and cnfupcabr. To see the channel number after you add a connection, enter dspcons.

The addcon syntax is

addcon <port_number> <vpi> <vci> <ConType> <SrvType> [Controller_Type] [mastership] [remoteConnID]


The port number in the range 1-8.


The VPI number in the range 0-255.


The VCI number in the range 0-65535 for a VCC or * for a VPC.


Connection type: 0 = VCC, and non-0 is the local ID of a VPC in the range 1-1000.


Service type: 1 = CBR, 2 = VBR, 3 = Standard ABR, 4 = UBR, 5 = rt-VBR, and 6 = ForeSight ABR.


Optional controller specification: 1=PAR (the default) and 2 = SPVC (PNNI).


Mastership status of the endpoint: 1 = master, and 2 = slave. The default is slave, so you actually do not need to type a 2.


The node name, slot number, port number, vci, and vpi of the slave end (entered at only the master end).

Step 2   To configure usage parameter control (UPC) for the connection (channel), use cnfupccbr, cnfupcvbr, cnfupcrtvbr, cnfupcabr, or cnfupcubr. Enter dspcons to obtain the channel number.

cnfupccbr <port.vpi.vci> <enable/disable> <pcr[0+1]> <cdvt[0+1]> <IngPcUtil> <EgSrvRate> <EgPcUtil>


identifies the connection.


UPC enable: 1 = disable, 2 = enable.


peak cell rate. Without IMA, the range is as follows:

  • T1, 10-3622 cells per second

  • E1, 10-4528 cells per second

  • clear E1, 10-4830 cells per second

For IMA, multiply the line rate by the number of links.


cell delay variation tolerance for cells with CLP = 0 and CLP = 1. The range is 1-250000 microseconds.


percent utilization on the ingress. The range is 1-127. The default is 0.


egress service rate. Without IMA, the range is as follows:

  • T1, 10-3622 cells per second

  • E1, 10-4528 cells per second

  • clear E1, 10-4830 cells per second

For IMA, multiply the line rate by the number of links.


Percent utilization on the egress. The range is 1-127. The default is 0.

cnfupcvbr has the same syntax and parameters as cnfupcabr

cnfupcvbr or cnfupcabr <port.vpi.vci> <enable> <pcr[0+1]> <cdvt[0+1]> <scr> <scr_police> <mbs> <IngPcUtil> <EgSrvRate> <EgPcUtil> <clp_tag>


Identifies the connection.


UPC: 1 = Disable, 2 = Enable.


Peak cell rate. Without IMA, the range is as follows:

  • T1, 10-3622 cells per second

  • E1, 10-4528 cells per second

  • clear E1, 10-4830 cells per second

For IMA, multiply the line rate by the number of links.


The cell delay variation tolerance for cells with CLP = [0+1]. The range is 1-250000 micro seconds.


The peak cell rate. Without IMA, the range is as follows:

  • T1, 10-3622 cells per second

  • E1, 10-4528 cells per second

  • clear E1, 10-4830 cells per second

For IMA, multiply the line rate by the number of links.


The type of scr policing—1 = CLP[0] cells, 2 = CLP[0+1] cells, and 3 = no SCR policing.


Maximum burst size—range is 1-5000 cells.


Percent utilization on the egress—range is 1-127. The default is 0.


Egress service rate. Without IMA, the range is as follows:

  • T1, 10-3622

  • E1, 10-4528

  • clear E1, 10-4830

For IMA, multiply the line rate by the number of links.


Percent utilization on the ingress. The range is 1-127. The default is 0.


Enables CLP tagging—1 = disable, 2 = enable.

cnfupcubr <port.VPI.VCI> <enable> <pcr[0-1]> <cdvt[0-1]> <IngPcUtil> <clp_tag>


Identifies the connection.


Enabled/disable for UPC: 1=Disable, 2=Enable.


Peak cell rate. Without IMA, the range is:

T1, 10-3622
E1, 10-4528
clear E1, 10-4830

For IMA, multiply the line rate by the number of links.


Cell delay variation tolerance for cells with CLP=[0+1]. The range is 1-250000 microseconds.


Percent utilization on the ingress—range is 1-127. The default is 0.


Enable for CLP tagging—1 = disable, 2 = enable.

Step 3   Enter cnfchanfst to configure the parameters for a ForeSight channel, if necessary.

ForeSight ABR is a connection-level feature that require the Rate Control Feature to be enabled on the card.

cnfchanfst <port.vpi.vci> <enable> <fgcra_enable> <ibs> <pcr> <mcr> <icr>


Identifies the connection.


The enable/disable for the ForeSight feature: 1 = disable, 2 = enable.


The enable/disable for the Frame-based generic cell rate algorithm: 1 = disable, 2 = enable.


Initial burst size in the range 0-5000 cells.


Peak cell rate. Without IMA, the range is

  • T1, 10-3622

  • E1, 10-4528

  • clear E1, 10-4830

For IMA, multiply the line rate by the number of links.


Minimum cell rate. Without IMA, the range is

  • T1, 0-3622

  • E1, 0-4528

  • clear E1, 0-4830

For IMA, multiply the line rate by the number of links.


Initial cell rate. Without IMA, the range is as follows:

  • T1, 0-3622

  • E1, 0-4528

  • clear E1, 0-4830

For IMA, multiply the line rate by the number of links.

Step 4   Enter cnfconstdabr to configure the parameters for a standard ABR (TM 4.0 compliant).

cnfconstdabr <Chan_Num ABRType> <mcr> <pcr> <icr> <rif> <rdf> <nrm> <trm> <tbe> <frtt> <adtf> <cdf>.

Please note the following items.

Variable Description Value range Default value

Chan_Num ABRType


1 (Switch Behavior) and 2 (Source Destination Behavior).

1 (Switch Behavior)


Minimum Rate

Valid value range from 10 to 38328 (includes RM cell and data cell bandwidth).

Derived from PCR(0+1)


Peak Rate

Valid value range from 10 to 38328 (includes RM cell and data cell bandwidth).

Derived from PCR (0+1)


Initial Cell Rate

Valid value range from 10 to 38328 (includes RM cell and data cell bandwidth).

Derived from PCR (0+1)


Rate Increase Factor

Valid range from 1 to 32768 (power of 2)



Rate Decrease Factor

Valid range from 1 to 32768 (power of 2)



Inrate Cell Count

Valid value range from 2 to 256 (power of 2).



Time limit for Frm

Valid value range from 3 to 255 msec.

255 msec.


Transient Buf Exposure

Valid value range from 0 to 16777215 cells.

16777215 cells


Fixed Round Trip Time

Valid value range from 0 to 16700 msec.

0 msec.


ACR Decrease Time Factor

Valid value range from 10 to 10230 msec.

500 msec.


Cutoff Decrease Factor

Valid value range from 0 to 64 (power of 2).


Step 5   If necessary, change the queue depths by using cnfchanq.

cnfchanq <port.vpi.vci> <discard_option> <vc_q_depth> <clp_thresh_high> <clp_thresh_low | epd_threshold> <efci_thresh>


Identifies the connection.


Discard option: 1 for CLP hysteresis or 2 for Frame-based.


Ingress queue depth in the range 1-16000 cells.


CLP high threshold in the range 1-16000 cells.




CLP low threshold in the range 1-16000 cells for CLP hysteresis-based discard.

EPD threshold in the range 1-16000 cells Frame-based discard.


EFCI threshold in the range 1-16000 cells.

BPX 8600-to-BPX 8600 Segment

For the middle segment, be sure to use the connection type as the local segments on the MGX 8250 node (CBR, VBR, ABR, or UBR). The parameters directly map from those specified at the connection endpoint.

Frame Service Module Features

This section describes the features available on each of the Frame Service Modules (FRSMs). The primary function of the FRSM is to convert between the Frame Relay formatted data and ATM/AAL5 cell-formatted data. For an individual connection, you can configure network interworking (NIW), service interworking (SIW), ATM-to-Frame Relay UNI (FUNI), or frame forwarding.

Note   See the "Frame Relay Service Modules" section for more information on the features of FRSM service modules.

An FRSM converts the header format and translates the address for

This section includes the following topics:

Summary of Frame Service Module Features

This section contains a summary of the features common to all FRSM models. The following sections contain summaries of the features unique to each type of FRSM.

All FRSMs support:

Configuring Frame Relay Service

This section first describes how to configure the FRSM card, lines, and ports, then describes how to add connections. The descriptions are for the CLI execution of the tasks.

Note   FRSM card, lines, and ports can also be configured using the CiscoView application. Refer to the CiscoView documentation for the directions.

Note   The easiest way to add connections is by using the Cisco WAN Manager application. For full details on how to set up a connection through the Cisco WAN Manager GUI, refer to the Cisco WAN Manager Operations.

This section contains the following information:

Configuring the FRSM Cards, Lines, and Ports

This section describes how to configure card-level parameters—including Y-cable redundancy, where applicable, as well as physical lines and logical ports on the FRSM-series cards.

Step 1   If necessary, modify the resource partitioning for the whole card by entering the cnfcdrscprtn command. You can view resource partitioning by entering the dspcdrscprtn command.

cnfcdrscprtn <number_PAR_conns | number_PNNI_conns | number_TAG_conns>


number of connections in the range 0-1000 available to the PAR controller


number of connections in the range 0-1000 available to a PNNI controller


number of connections in the range 0-1000 available to the Tag controller

For example, you could reserve 300 connections for each controller on the FRSM with

cnfcdrscprtn 300 300 300

Step 2   If the physical line is not yet active, enter the addln command to activate it. The only argument addln takes is the line number.

Step 3   If necessary, modify a line on the MGX-FRSM-2CT3, MGX-FRSM-HS2, MGX-FRSM-HS1/B, AX-FRSM-8T1, or AX-FRSM-8E1 by entering the cnfln command.

To change the line parameters on an MGX-FRSM-2CT3 or MGX-FRSM-2T3E3, enter cnfds3ln. Note that both cnfln and cnfds3ln apply to the MGX-FRSM-2CT3 but apply to different features. Refer to the Cisco MGX 8800 Series Command Reference for the syntax of the line modification commands on all cards except the MGX-FRSM-HS1/B.

The syntax for cnfln on the MGX-FRSM-HS1/B is:

cnfln <line_num> <line_type> <line_rate>


Range 1-4.


Number that specifies the mode and must match the 12IN1 cable connected to the port: 1 = DTE, 2 = DCE, 3 = DTE_ST (V.35 only).

Note   If no cable is attached, the system lets you specify any line type, but the Alarm LED on the front card turns from yellow to red.


Number in the range 1-50. The number corresponds to the bits per second for the line. (The range of line rates is 48 Kbps-52 Mbps.) See Table 6-1.

Table 6-3: Supported Lines Rates on the MGX-FRSM-HS1/B
1-50 Correspond to Line Rates in Kbps.



















































The possible errors for the cnfln command are

Step 4   If the logical port does not exist or is not the appropriate type (Frame Relay, FUNI, or frame forwarding), enter the addport command to create the appropriate type of port. If the logical port already exists and needs no modification (cnfport), you can add connections by performing the tasks in the "Adding a Frame Relay Connection" section. The parameters for addport depend on the type of FRSM.


addport <port_num> <line_num> <port_type>


Logical port number in the range 1-2. The mapping between a logical port and a line is one-to-one for these cards.

Note   Maximum committed information rate (CIR) on each line for these cards is 1 to 44210000 bps for MGX-FRSM-2T3, 1 to 34010000 bps for MGX-FRSM-2E3, and 1 to 51840000 bps for MGX-FRSM-HS2.

Specify CIR with addcon (or addchan if necessary).


Physical line number in the range 1-2.


Number representing the mode of operation for the logical port—1 for Frame Relay; 2 for FUNI mode-1a; or 3 for frame forwarding.

For an MGX-FRSM-2CT3

addport <port_num> <line_num> <ds0_speed> <begin_slot> <num_slot> <port_type>


Logical port number in the range 1-256. When you subsequently add a connection through the preferred command addcon or the addchan command (which requires NSAP format), you must indicate a logical port by using this singular port_num regardless of the number of DS0s. (You can add 1-24 DS0s to a single port_num through the other addport parameters.)


DS1 number in the range 1-56 to which you assign the DS0 when both lines are active. If you activate only one line, the range is 1-28. You can assign up to 24 contiguous DS0s to one DS1. Each physical line supports up to 28 DS1s. The number of DS0s cannot span more than DS1.


Number representing the DS0 speed: 1 for 56 Kbps or 2 for 64 Kbps.


Beginning DS0 timeslot in 1 base. For example, on port number 50, you could specify begin_slot to be 9 then specify num_slot to be in the range 1-16.


Number of DS0s in the associated DS1. Note that the number of DS0s cannot be such that the logical port spans more than DS1.


Number representing the mode of operation for the logical port—1 for Frame Relay, 2 for FUNI mode-1a, and 3 for frame forwarding.


cnfbctype is the command to change a 12-in-1 back card type between support for x.21 and v.35.

addport <port_num> <port_type>


Port number, in the range appropriate for the interface type.

  • X.21 range = 1-4

  • HSSI range = 1-2


Type of service as Frame Relay, FUNI, or frame forwarding.

  • 1 = Frame Relay

  • 2 = FUNI

  • 3 = frame forwarding

For AX-FRSM-8T1 and AX-FRSM-8E1:

addport <port_num> <line_num> <ds0_speed> <begin_slot> <num_slot> <port_type>


Port number of either the FRSM-8T1 or the FRSM-8E1.

  • FRSM-8T1 range = 1-192

  • FRSM-8E1 range = 1-248


FRSM-8T1E1 line number, in the range 1-8.


Bit rate as either 56 Kbps or 64 Kbps for the DS0.

  • 1 = 56 Kbps

  • 2 = 64 Kbps


Number of the beginning timeslot in the T1 or E1 frame.


Number of consecutive timeslots in the T1 or E1 frame.


Type of service as Frame Relay, FUNI, or frame forwarding.

  • 1 = Frame Relay

  • 2 = FUNI

  • 3 = frame forwarding

Step 5   Modify as needed the signaling on a port by entering cnfport.

cnfport <port_num> <lmi_sig> <asyn> <elmi> <T391> <T392> <N391> <N392> <N393>


Logical port number, in the range appropriate for the current card.

  • FRSM

    • 8-port T1 range = 1-192

    • 8-port E1range = 1-248

    • 4-port HS1 or HS2 range 1-4

    • Unchannelized E1 or T1 range = 1-4

    • 2-port HS1 or HS2 range = 1-2

    • Unchannelized E3 or T3 = 1-2

    • Channelized T3 = 1-56


LMI signalling protocol type.

  • 1 = Other

  • 2 = None

  • 3 = StrataLMI

  • 4 = AnnexAUNI

  • 5 = AnnexDUNI

  • 6 = AnnexANNI

  • 7 = AnnexDNNI


Enable or disable asynchronous update.

  • (y)es = enable

  • (n)o = disable (default)


Enable or disable enhanced LMI.

  • N or n = disable

  • Y or y = enable


T391 timer, in the range 5-30 seconds. This setting is the interval in seconds for NNI status polling.

Default = 10


T392 timer, in the range 5-30 seconds. This setting is the interval in seconds for UNI status polling.

Default = 15


N391 counter, in the range 1-255. This setting establishes the number of UNI/NNI polling cycles.

Default = 6


N392 counter, in the range 1-10. This setting is the UNI/NNI error threshold.

Default = 3


N393 counter, in the range 1-10. This setting is the UNI/NNI monitored events threshold, which must be greater than N392.

Default = 4

Step 6   Configure resources for the port as needed by entering cnfportrscprtn. To see the partitioning, enter dspportrscprtn. The description has a high- and low-bandwidth version:

cnfportrscprtn <port_num> <controller-name> <conn ID range> <percent bandwidth> [number of conns]


Logical port number, in the range appropriate for the current card.

  • FRSM

    • 8-port T1 range = 1-192

    • 8-port E1range = 1-248

    • 4-port HS1 (X.21) or HS2 range 1-4

    • Unchannelized E1 or T1 range = 1-4

    • 2-port HS1 (HSSI) or HS2 range = 1-2

    • Unchannelized E3 or T3 = 1-2

    • Channelized T3 = 1-56


Controller type.

  • 1 = PAR

  • 2 = PNNI (currently not used)

  • 3 = TAG

conn ID range

Range of connection IDs available to the controller.

percent bandwidth

Percentage of the port bandwidth available to the controller. This setting applies to both the ingress and egress.

number of conns

Connections available to a controller on a port.

Step 7   Optionally, configure Y-cable redundancy if you have connected the lines of adjacent MGX-FRSM-2T3E3 cards through a Y-cable. The applicable commands are addred, dspred, and delred. These commands run on the PXM1 rather than the service module, change to the PXM1 CLI to enter them:

addred <redPrimarySlotNum> <redSecondarySlotNum> <redType>


Slot number that contains the primary card of the card pair, in the ranges 1-6, or 9-14, or 17-22, or 25-30.


Slot number that contains the secondary card of the card pair, in the ranges 1-6, or 9-14, or 17-22, or 25-30.


Value to set type of redundancy to be deployed on the PXM.

1 = 1:1

2 = 1:N

Enter the display commands dspcd, dspln, and so on to check the configuration and status.

Adding a Frame Relay Connection

The user should add a Frame Relay connection according to the following steps for adding a standard connection or a management connection in the form of either a DAX con or a three-segment connection. See the "Rules for Adding Connections" section.

Step 1   Add a connection by entering addcon. If the application requires the NSAP form for the endpoint, enter addchan as described in the command reference.

The system automatically assigns the next available channel number, so the addcon command does not require it. However, some related commands require a channel number. To see the channel number after you add a connection, enter dspcons.

On the FRSM-VHS cards (2CT3, 2T3E3, or HS2):

addcon <port> <DLCI> <cir> <chan_type> <egress_service_type> [CAC] <controller_type> <mastership> [connID] <controllerID>

port number

Port number in the range 1-256.


Data-link connection identifier (DLCI) value, in the range 0-1023.


Committed information rate (CIR) bps value, in the range 0-1536000.

channel type

Value to set type of connection on this channel.

  • 1 = NIW (network interworking)

  • 2 = SIW-transparent (service interworking without any SDU translation)

  • 3 = SIW-translation (service interworking with SDU translation)

  • 4 = FUNI (Frame Relay UNI)

  • 5 = Frame forwarding

egress service type

Value to set type of egress service provided on this channel.

  • 1 = highpriorityQ (typically committed bit rate connections)

  • 2 = rtVBRQ (real-time variable bit rate connections)

  • 3 = nrtVBRQ (non-real-time variable bit rate connections)

  • 4 = aBRQ (available bit rate connections)

  • 5 = uBRQ (unspecified bit rate connections)


Value to enable or disable connection admission control (CAC).

  • 1 = enable CAC

  • 2 = disable CAC (default)


Value to set signalling controller type as either PVC or SPVC.

  • 1 = PVC (PAR) (default)

  • 2 = SPVC (PNNI)


Value to set status of connection as master or slave.

  • 1 = master

  • 2 = slave (default)


Node name, slot number, port number, and DLCI.


Node name, slot number, port number, Controller ID, and DLCI for a Frame Relay endpoint. Use one of the following values to set controller type:

  • 1 = PAR

  • 2 = PNNI

  • 3 = TAG


Node name, slot number, port number, and VPI.VCI for an ATM endpoint.

For AX-FRSM-8T1 and AX-FRSM-8E1:

addcon <port> <DLCI> <cir> <chan_type> [CAC] <controller_type> <mastership> <remoteConnID> <serv_type>

port number

Port number in the range:

  • T1 = 1-192

  • E1 = 1-248


Data-link connection identifier (DLCI) value, in the range 0-1023.


Committed information rate (CIR) bps value:

  • For T1 = in the range 0-1536000

  • For E1 = in the range 0-2048000.

channel type

Value to set type of connection on this channel.

  • 1 = NIW (network interworking)

  • 2 = SIW-transparent (service interworking without any SDU translation)

  • 3 = SIW-translation (service interworking with SDU translation)

  • 4 = FUNI (Frame Relay UNI)

  • 5 = frame forwarding

Connection Admission Control (CAC)

This is an optional parameter. You can select one of the following values:

  • 1 = enable

  • 2 = disable (the default)

controller type

Value to set signalling controller type as either PVC or SPVC.

  • 1 = PVC (PAR) (default)

  • 2 = SPVC (PNNI)


Value to set status of connection as master or slave.

  • 1 = master

  • 2 = slave (default)


Value to enable or disable connection admission control (CAC).

  • 1 = enable CAC

  • 2 = disable CAC (default)


Node name, slot number, port number, and DLCI.


Node name, slot number, port number, Controller ID, and DLCI for a Frame Relay endpoint. Use one of the following values to set controller type:

  • 1 = PAR

  • 2 = PNNI

  • 3 = TAG


Node name, slot number, port number, and VPI.VCI for an ATM endpoint.

service type

Select one of the following service types:

  • 1 = high priority

  • 2 = rtVBR (real-time)

  • 3 = nrtVBR (non-real-time)

  • 4 = fstABR (ForeSight)

  • 5 = UBR

  • 9 = stdABR

Service Type Default EgressQueue PXM1 Service Type


Hi Priority



Hi Priority



Low Priority



Low Priority



Low Priority



Low Priority



addcon <port_number> <DLCI> <CIR> <chan_type> <CAC> <Controller_type> <mastership> <connID>

port number

Port number, in the range 1-2.


Data-link channel identifier (DLCI) value, in the range 0-1023.


Committed information rate (CIR) bps value, in the range 0-51840000.

channel type

Value to set type of connection on this channel.

  • 1 = NIW (network interworking)

  • 2 = SIW-transparent (service interworking without any SDU translation)

  • 3 = SIW-translation (service interworking with SDU translation)

  • 4 = FUNI (Frame Relay UNI)

  • 5 = frame forwarding

egress service type

Value to set type of egress service provided on this channel.

  • 1 = highpriorityQ (typically committed bit rate connections)

  • 2 = rtVBRQ (real-time variable bit rate connections)

  • 3 = nrtVBRQ (non-real-time variable bit rate connections)

  • 4 = aBRQ (available bit rate connections)

  • 5 = uBRQ (unspecified bit rate connections)


Value to enable or disable CAC.

  • 1 = enable CAC

  • 2 = disable CAC (default)


Value to set signalling controller type as either PVC or SPVC.

  • 1 = PVC (PAR) (default)

  • 2 = SPVC (PNNI)


Value to set status of the connection as master or slave.

1 = master

2 = slave (default)


Node name, slot number, port number, and DLCI.


Node name, slot number, port number, Controller ID, and DLCI for a Frame Relay endpoint. Use one of the following values to set controller type:

  • 0 = PAR

  • 1 = PNNI

  • 2 = TAG


Node name, slot number, port number, and VPI.VCI for an ATM endpoint.

Step 2   Modify a connection as needed by executing cnfcon. See the command line Help or the command reference for the parameters for individual card types.

Step 3   If necessary, modify the CLP and congestion indicator fields by using cnfchanmap. Use dspchanmap to check this configuration for a connection.

cnfchanmap <chan_num> <chanType> <FECN/EFCI> <DE to CLP> <CLP to DE>


Channel (connection) number. The ranges are

  • 2CT3, 16-4015

  • 2T3, 2E3, HS2, 16-2015

  • HS1, 16-215

  • T1, E1, 16-1015


Number in the range 1-5 indicating the service type for the connection.

  • 1 = NIW

  • 2 = SIW in transparent mode

  • 3 = SIW in translation mode

  • 4 = FUNI

  • 5 = frame forwarding


Number in the range 1-2 that specifies the mapping between FECN and EFCI fields.

  • 1 = map EFCI (SIW only)

  • 2 = set EFCI to 0


Number in the range 1-3 that specifies the DE to CLP mapping.

  • 1 = map DE to CLP

  • 2 = set CLP to 0

  • 3 = set CLP to 1


Number in the range 1-4 that specifies the CLP to DE mapping.

  • 1 = map CLP to DE

  • 2 = set DE to 0

  • 3 = set DE to 1

  • 4 = ignore CLP (NIW only)

Step 4   To check statistics for a connection, enter dspchstats as needed.

Step 5   Enter cnfchanstdabr to configure the parameters for standard ABR (TM 4.0), if they are not properly configured:

cnfchanstdabr <Port.DLCI/CHAN_NUM> <mcr> <pcr> <icr> <rif> <rdf> <nrm> <trm> <tbe> <frtt> <adtf> <cdf>

Please note the following items:

Variable Description Value range Default value


Minimum Cell Rate

Valid value range from 10 to 10,000 (includes RM cell and data cell bandwidth).

Derived from CIR


Peak Cell Rate

Valid value range from 10 to 10,000 (includes RM cell and data cell bandwidth).

Derived from CIR


Initial Cell Rate

Valid value range from 10 to 10,000 (includes RM cell and data cell bandwidth).

Derived from CIR


Rate Increase Factor

Valid value range from 1 to 32768 (power of 2).



Rate Decrease Factor

Valid value range from 1 to 32768 (power of 2).



Inrate Cell Count

Valid value range from 2 to 256 (power of 2).



Time limit for Frm

Valid value range from 3 to 255 msec.

255 msec


Transient Buf Exposure

Valid value range from 0 to 16777215 cells.

16777215 cells


Fixed Round Trip Time

Valid value range from 0 to 16700 msec.

0 msec


ACR Decrease Time Factor

Valid value range from 10 to 10230 msec.

500 msec


Cutoff Decrease Factor

Valid value range from 0 to 64 (power of 2).


Step 6   Enter cnfchanfst to configure the parameters for ForeSight ABR, if necessary.

cnfchanfst <Port.DLCI/CHAN_NUM> <ForeSight enable> <mir> <pir> <uir>

Establishing the BPX 8600-to-BPX 8600 Series Segment

For a three-segment connection, establish a BPX 8600-to-BPX 8600 series (middle) segment. This type of connection is used to establish feeder connections across a BPX network. To establish such a connection, execute the addcon command at one of the BPX 8600 series nodes, as follows.

Specify the other addcon command bandwidth parameters, such as MCR, PCR, %Util, and so on.

AR equals 64K, PCR = 237, or
AR speed equals 256K, PCR = 950, or
AR speed equals 1536K, PCR = 5703

The above MCR and PCR formulas are predicated on a relatively small frame size of 100 octets. Smaller frame sizes can result in worst-case scenarios, as shown in the following table:

For a frame size of 64 octets, the PCR formula becomes

PCR=AR * 2/512 cells per sec

For a frame size of 43 octets, the PCR formula becomes

PCR=AR * 2/344 cells per sec

The %Util parameter should be set to the same value as that used for the Frame Relay segments of the connection.

Test Commands for FRSM Cards

To check the state of cards, lines, ports, queues, and connections, enter the display commands (dsp...) and addchanloop. The following commands are available for testing the FRSM cards (refer to the Cisco MGX 8800 Series Command Reference for descriptions):

Support for Alarm Reporting

The FRSM cards support card and line-level alarm reporting. Use the CiscoView application or the CLI to view current alarms. The CLI commands are dspalmcnt, dspalm, and dspalms. These commands require a switch, either "-x21 or "-hs1" whichever is valid, to identify the interface type. Refer to the Cisco MGX 8800 Series Command Reference for syntax and alarm descriptions.

Bit Error Rate Testing on an Unchannelized T3 or E3 FRSM

The MGX 8250 shelf can perform a bit error rate test (BERT) on one active line at a time on the MGX-FRSM-2T3E3. This type of testing disrupts service because it requires the tested path to be in loopback mode. You can configure a BERT session and perform related tasks through the CiscoView application or the CLI.

The MGX 8250 bus structure supports one BERT session per upper or lower bay of the card cage, so the shelf can run a maximum of two sessions at once. When you specify the target slot through the CiscoView application or the acqdsx3bert command on the CLI, the system determines if a BERT configuration already exists in the bay that has the specified slot. If no BERT configuration exists in the bay, the display presents a menu for the BERT parameters.

The CLI commands (whose functions correspond to CiscoView selections) are

Refer to the Cisco MGX 8250 Wide Area Edge Switch Command Reference for command details.

Note   When a BERT session begins, all the connections on the line go into alarm and return to normal when you end the test. Consequently, the test may result in a large number of traps and other types of traffic (such as AIS).

Circuit Emulation Service Module for T3 and E3

The main function of the Circuit Emulation Service Module (CESM) is to provide a constant bit rate (CBR) service. The CESM converts data streams into CBR AAL1 cells according to the CES-IS specifications of the ATM Forum for unstructured transport across an ATM network. Unstructured transport means the CESM does not interpret or modify framing bits, so a high-speed CESM creates a single data pipe The most common application is legacy support for digitized voice from a PBX or video from a codec. Using circuit emulation, a company can expand its data communication network without specific voice or video cards to meet its voice or teleconferencing requirements.

The higher speed CESM uses a T3 or E3 line. The card set consists of an MGX-CESM-T3 or MGX-CESM-E3 front card and either a BNC-2T3 or BNC-2E3 back card. In this CESM application, only one line on the two-port back card is operational. Furthermore, it supports one logical port and one logical connection (as a data pipe) on the line and runs at the full T3 or E3 rate. Although the typical connection setup is the three-segment connection across an ATM network, the CESM can support a DAX connection. Up to 26 CESM card sets can operate in an MGX 8250 shelf.


The MGX-CESM-T3 or MGX-CESM-E3 support the following features:

Cell Delay Treatment

You can configure a tolerable variation in the cell arrival time (CDVT) for the receive buffer. After an underrun, the receiver places the contents of the first cell to arrive in a receive buffer then plays it out at least one CDVT value later. The maximum cell delay and CDVT (or jitter) are

Error and Alarm Response

When it detects a loss of signal (LOS) alarm, the CESM notifies the connected CPE in the upstream direction after an integration period. The CESM continues to emit cells at the nominal rate but sets the ATM cell payload with an appropriate data pattern as specified by the ATM Forum CES V2.0 specification. Also, an OAM cell with RDI code goes to the far end to indicate out-of-service. The differences between the types are shown in Table 6-4.

Table 6-4: CESM Errors and Alarms
Error Alarm Type Down stream Up Stream Comments

Link Failure (RX)

Blue (LOS)

AIS—OAM cells


Data cells according to the ATM-Forum CES-IS V 2.0

Receive RAI




Receive LOF

Receive AIS

Blue (AIS)

AIS (link)

FERF OAM cells

AIS—done over the T3/E3 link by sending the AIS data over the T3/E3 link

Configuring Service on a T3 or E3 CESM

This section first describes the steps for configuring the card, line, and port-level parameters for an MGX-CESM-T3 and MGX-CESM-E3. It then describes how to add a connection. See the "Tasks and Rules to Configure Cards and Services" section for background information on these types of tasks. Use either the CLI or the CiscoView application to set up the card and line parameters. Use either the CLI or the Cisco WAN Manager application to add connections. The fundamental tasks and applicable CLI commands appear in the following list. For a complete list of CLI commands that apply to the CESM cards, enter the Help command on the CLI of the card or refer to the tables at the front of the Cisco MGX 8000 Series Command Reference.

Configuring the Card, Lines, and Ports

This section describes how to configure parameters for the card, line, and port through the CLI. If you use the CiscoView application, refer to the CiscoView documentation. The steps are:

Step 1   Enter addln <line number>

where line number is 1. You can modify line characteristics with cnfln.

Step 2   Optionally enter cnfln to modify line characteristics:

cnfln <line_num> <line_code> <line_len> <clk_src>


Line number, in the range 1-8.


Line coding.

  • 2 = B8ZS, applies to T1

  • 3 = HDB3, applies to E1

  • 4 = AMI, applies to T1 or E1


Line length, as appropriate for the interface.

  • T1: 10-15

    • 10: 0-131 ft.

    • 11: 131-262 ft.

    • 12: 262-393 ft.

    • 13: 393-524 ft.

    • 14: 524-655 ft.

    • 15: 655+ ft.

  • E1 with SMB module: 8

  • E1 with RJ-48 module: 9


Clock source, either loop clock or local clock.

  • 1 = loop clock

  • 2 = local clock

Step 3   Enter dspln or dsplns to check the line. For dspln, the valid line number is 1.

Step 4   Enter addport to create a logical port

addport <port_num> <line_num>


The logical port number and is always 1


The number of the physical line and is always 1

Step 5   Enter cnfportrscprtn to configure resources at the port level as needed

cnfportrscprtn <port_num> <controller_name>


The logical port number and is always 1


The name of the network control application. Enter one of the following strings: PAR, PNNI, or MPLS

Step 6   Optionally configure Y-cable redundancy if you have connected the lines of adjacent CESMs through a Y-cable. The applicable commands are addred, dspred, and delred. These commands run on the PXM1 rather than the service module, you must change to the PXM1 CLI to enter them:

addred <redPrimarySlotNum> <redSecondarySlotNum> <redType>


The slot number of the primary card. The possible numbers are 1-6, 9-14, 17-22, and 25-30


The slot number of the primary card. The possible numbers are 1-6, 9-14, 17-22, and 25-30


The type of redundancy. Enter a 1 for 1:1 Y-cable redundancy

Adding and Modifying Connections

Use either the Cisco WAN Manager application or the CLI to add or modify connections. If you use the Cisco WAN Manager application, refer to the Cisco WAN Manager Operations Guide.

This section describes how to add a connection to a PXM1 in a stand-alone shelf according to the rules for a standard connection or a management connection in the form of either a three-segment connection or a DAX con. See the "Rules for Adding Connections" section. The preferred command is addcon. If the application requires NSAP addressing, use addchan to add the connection and cnfchan if you need to modify it. Refer to the command reference for the syntax.

To add a connection perform the following steps.

Step 1   Add a connection by entering addcon. (Alternatively, you can enter addchan if your application requires the NSAP format of end-point specification.) Enter addcon at both ends of the connection—unless the remote end-point is on port 34 of a PXM1 (see the note at the end of this step).

The syntax for addcon is

addcon <port_num> [mastership [remoteConnId] ]


The logical port number and is always 1


Indicates whether this end-point is the master or slave 1 = master; 2 = slave (default)


The identification for the connection at the slave end. The format is switchname.slot_number.port_number.vpi.vci. For the MGX-CESM-T3 and MGX-CESM-E3, the VPI and VCI are typically 0 or 1

Step 2   Optionally, you can enter cnfcon to modify the connection.

cnfcon <port_num> <CDVT> <CellLossIntegPeriod> <bufsize>


The port number and is always 1


A tolerable variation for the arrival time of cells. For T3, the range is 125-1447 microseconds in 125-microsecond increments. For E3, the range is 125-1884 microseconds in 125-microsecond increments


The amount of time a connection can be in an error condition before an alarm is declared. The range is 1000-65535 milliseconds


The egress buffer size in bytes. You can let the CESM compute the size by entering 0 for bufsize or enter the number of bytes up to a maximum of 16224

Step 3   Optionally, you can enter cnfswparms on a BPX 8600 series switch to configure connection parameters for the network segment of a three-segment connection. For a stand-alone application, use whatever means are supported by the backbone switches.

cnfswparms <chan_num> <mastership> <vpcflag> <conn_service_type> (=cos) <route_priority> <max_cost> <restrict_trunk_type> <pcr> <mcr> <pct_util>


The channel (connection) number and is always 32


The current end-point as master or slave: 1 = master; 2 = slave (default)


Indicates whether the connection is a VPC or a VCC: 1 = VPC and 2 = VCC


The type of service for the connection: 1 = cbr, 2 = vbr, 3 is not used; 4 = ubr, 5 = atfr; 6 = abrstd, and 7 = abrfst


The priority of the connection for rerouting. The range is 1-15 and is meaningful only in relation to the priority of other connections


A number establishing the maximum cost of the connection route. The range is 1-255 and is meaningful only in relation to the cost of other connections


A number that specifies the type of trunk this connection can traverse. The numbers are 1 for no restriction, 2 for terrestrial trunk only, and 3 for satellite trunk only


The peak cell rate in cells per second (cps). For T3, the maximum is 118980 cps. For E3, the maximum is 91405 cps


The minimum cell rate. The range is 1-65535 cells per second


The percent utilization in the range 1-100

Bit Error Rate Testing on a T3 or E3 CESM

An active MGX-CESM-T3 or MGX-CESM-E3 can perform a bit error rate test (BERT). Each of these cards contains its own BERT controller, so BERT sessions can run on any number of these cards in the system. However, only one user at a time can run BERT on a card. BERT disrupts service because it requires the tested path to be in loopback mode.

The CLI commands (whose functions correspond to CiscoView selections) appear in the following list. The correct order of task execution is crucial for obtaining valid results. With the exception of dspdsx3bert, you must enter the commands in the order they appear in the following list. You can enter dspdsx3bert before, during, or after a session. Because the order command sequence is crucial, read the command descriptions whether you use the CiscoView application or the CLI.

    1. acqdsx3bert determines if another user currently is running a BERT session on the card.

    2. startdsx3bert starts a BERT test (after resetting BERT counters).

    3. cnfdsx3bert specifies a pattern for the BERT test.

    4. moddsx3bert injects multi-rate errors into the BERT bit stream.

    5. deldsx3bert ends the current test (and retains the values in the BERT counters). This command also resets the status of current users that acqdsx3bert detects.

    6. dspdsx3bert displays the parameters and results of the current test. You can enter this command at any time.

Refer to the Cisco MGX 8000 Series Command Reference for command details.

Note   When a BERT session begins, all the connections on the line go into alarm and return to normal when you end the test. Consequently, the test may result in a large number of traps and other types of traffic (such as AIS).

Eight-Port Circuit Emulation Service Modules

The main function of the Circuit Emulation Service Module (CESM) is to provide a constant bit rate (CBR) circuit emulation service by converting data streams into CBR AAL1 cells for transport across an ATM network. The CESM supports the CES-IS specifications of the ATM Forum.

The 8-port CESM lets you configure individual physical ports for structured or unstructured data transfer. The card sets consist of an AX-CESM-8T1 or AX-CESM-8E1 front card and one of the following back cards:

Structured Data Transfer

If you configure an individual port for structured data transfer, the 8-port CESM supports:

Unstructured Data Transfer

If you configure an individual port for unstructured data transfer, the 8-port CESM supports:

Cell Delay Treatment

For each connection, you can configure a tolerable cell delay variation time (CDVT) according to the expected reliability of the route. The CDVT applies to the receive buffer. After an underrun, the receiver places the contents of the first cell to arrive in a receive buffer then plays it out at least one CDVT value later. For each VC, the maximum cell delay and CDVT (or jitter) are

Redundancy Support for the Eight-Port CESM

The AX-CESM-8T1 and AX-CESM-8E1 can have 1:N redundancy support but with some variations between the T1 and E1 modes of operation. The type of redundancy and the type of back card are interdependent. See the "Service Resource Module" section for more details. Some general observations are:

Back card requirements for the MGX-SRM-3T3 and service modules vary, as follows:

Error and Alarm Response

When it detects a loss of signal (LOS) alarm, the CESM notifies the connected CPE in the upstream direction after an integration period. The CESM continues to emit cells but sets the ATM cell payload with an appropriate data pattern as specified by the ATM Forum CES V2.0 specification. Also, an OAM cell with RDI code goes to the far end to indicate out of service. See (Table 6-5).

Table 6-5: CESM Errors and Alarms
Error Alarm Type Down stream Up Stream Comments

Link Failure (RX)

Blue (LOS)

AIS—OAM cells


Data cells According to ATM-Forum CES-IS V 2.0

Receive RAI




Receive LOF

Receive AIS

Blue (AIS)

AIS (link)

FERF OAM cells

AIS over the T1 link or alternating 1s and 0s E1 link.

Configuring Service on an Eight-Port CESM

This section describes the steps for setting up a CESM and adding connections. The maximum number of connections is 248 on the MGX-CESM/B-8E1 and 192 on the MGX-CESM/B-T1. Use either the CLI or the Cisco WAN Manager application to set up a CESM and add connections. The following list shows the fundamental tasks and applicable CLI commands:

For CESM-related commands, see the list of service module commands at the beginning of the Cisco MGX 8000 Series Command Reference. Also, each command description in the command reference lists related commands. For example, it shows display commands that relate to addition commands.

Configuring the Card, Lines, and Ports

This section describes how to configure parameters for the card, lines, and ports through the CLI. If you use the CiscoView application, refer to the CiscoView documentation. On the CLI, the command sequence is:

Step 1   Add the line by entering the addln <line number> command.

where line number is in the range 1-8. You can modify line characteristics with cnfln.

Step 2   Optionally execute cnfln to modify line characteristics from the defaults. (Use dspln or dsplns to check). The syntax for cnfln is:

cnfln <line_num> <line_code> <line_len> <clk_src> [E1-signalling]


Line number, in the range 1-8.


Line coding.

  • 2 = B8ZS, applies to T1

  • 3 = HDB3, applies to E1

  • 4 = AMI, applies to T1 or E1


Line length, as appropriate for the interface.

  • T1: 10-15

    • 10: 0-131 ft.

    • 11: 131-262 ft.

    • 12: 262-393 ft.

    • 13: 393-524 ft.

    • 14: 524-655 ft.

    • 15: 655+ ft.

  • E1 with SMB module: 8

  • E1 with RJ-48 module: 9


Clock source, either loop clock or local clock.

  • 1 = loop clock

  • 2 = local clock


  • CAS: CAS, no CRC

  • CAS_CRC: CAS with CRC

  • CCS: CCS no CRC

  • CCS_CRC: CCS with CRC

  • CLEAR: Clear E1

Step 3   Create a logical port with addport if the application requires N x 64Kbps channels:

addport <port_num> <line_num> <begin_slot> <num_slot> <port_type>

Step 4  


Logical port number in the range 1-256. When you subsequently add a connection through the preferred command addcon or the addchan command (which requires NSAP format), you must indicate a logical port by using this singular port_num regardless of the number of DS0s. (You can add 1-24 DS0s to a single port_num through the other addport parameters.)


DS1 number in the range 1-56 to which you assign the DS0 when both lines are active. If you activate only one line, the range is 1-28. You can assign up to 24 contiguous DS0s to one DS1. Each physical line supports up to 28 DS1s. The number of DS0s cannot span more than DS1.


Beginning DS0 timeslot in 1 base. For example, on port number 50, you could specify begin_slot to be 9 then specify num_slot to be in the range 1-16.


Number of DS0s in the associated DS1. Note that the number of DS0s cannot be such that the logical port spans more than DS1.


Number representing the mode of operation for the logical port—1 for Frame Relay, 2 for FUNI mode-1a, and 3 for frame forwarding.

Step 5   Configure resources at the port level as needed by executing cnfportrscprtn:

cnfportrscprtn <port_num> <controller_name>


The logical port number in the range 1 - 192 for T1 or 1 - for E1.


The name of the network control application. Enter one of the following strings: PAR, PNNI, or MPLS

Configuring Bulk Distribution and Redundancy

You can configure either bulk distribution alone, redundancy alone, or both of these features according to the restrictions in the "Redundancy Support for the Eight-Port CESM" section. On the CLI of the PXM1, execute addlink for bulk distribution (T1 only) before you enter addred for redundancy. To configure bulk distribution enter addlink to create the links:

addlink <T3 line number> <T1 line number> <Target Slot number> <Slot line number>

  • T3 line number

MGX-SRM-3T3/C line number in the format slot.line. The slot can be 15 or 31. The range for port is 1-3

  • T1 line number

Starting T1 line number within the T3 line. The range for the T1 line number is 1-28.

  • Target Slot number

Slot number for the T1 service module.

  • Slot line number

T1 line number in the range 1-8.

Execute addred:

addred <redPrimarySlotNum> <redSecondarySlotNum> <RedType>


The primary slot. For the redundancy bus (no bulk distribution), valid slot numbers are 1-6, 9-14, 17-22, and 25-30. With bulk distribution of T1 channels, do not specify 9, 10, or 26.


The secondary slot. For the redundancy bus (no bulk distribution), valid slot numbers are 1-6, 9-14, 17-22, and 25-30. With bulk distribution of T1 channels, do not specify 9, 10, or 26.


The type of redundancy. A 1 specifies 1:1 for E1 with SMB connectors. A 2 specifies 1:N for T1 or E1.

Adding and Modifying Connections

Use either the Cisco WAN Manager application or the CLI to add or modify connections. If you use the WAN Manager application, refer to the Cisco WAN Manager Operations Guide.

This section describes how to add a connection to a PXM1 in a stand-alone shelf according to the rules for a standard connection or a management connection in the form of either a three-segment connection or a DAX con. See the "Rules for Adding Connections" section. The preferred command is addcon. If the application requires NSAP addressing, enter addchan to add the connection and cnfchan if you need to modify it. Refer to the command reference for the syntax. Perform the following steps to add a connection

Step 1   Add a connection through the preferred command addcon. (Alternatively, you can use addchan if your application requires the NSAP format of end-point specification.)

Enter the addcon command at both ends of the connection—unless the remote end-point is on port 34 of a PXM1 (see the note at the end of this step). The maximum number of connections for the AX-CESM-8T1 is 248 and 192 for the AX-CESM-8E1. Note that because you can add only one connection per port, addcon does not request a connection number.

The system automatically assigns the next available channel number, so the addcon command does not require it. However, some related commands require a channel number. To see the channel number after you add a connection, enter dspcons.

The syntax for addcon is:

addcon <port_num> <sig_type> <partial_fill> <cond_data> <cond_signalling> [controller_type] [mastership] [remoteConnId]


Port number for T1 or E1 interface.

  • T1 range = 1-192

  • E1 range = 1-248


Channel associated signalling (CAS) value.

  • 1 = basic

  • 2 = E1 CAS

  • 3 = DS1 superframe CAS

  • 4 = DS1 extended superframe CAS


Number of bytes to set cell fills, as associated with line types.

  • Partial fill, in the range 0-47. Enter the value either 0 or 47 to set this parameter for fully filled cells.

  • Structured T1, in the range 25-47.

  • Structured E1, in the range 20-47.

  • Unstructured T1/E1, in the range 33-47.


Conditional data UDT or SDT.

  • UDT = 255

  • SDT range = 0-255

Conditional data is sent on the line when there is an underflow and also toward the network when forming dummy cells.


Conditional signalling, in the range 0-15.

Conditional signalling is sent on the line when there is an underflow and also toward the network when forming dummy cells.


Value to set signalling controller type as either PVC or SPVC.

  • 1 = PVC (PAR) (default)

  • 2 = SPVC (PNNI)


Value to set status of current end as the master or slave.

  • 1 = master

  • 2 = slave (default)


Node name, slot number, port number, and DLCI.


Node name, slot number, port number, Controller ID, and DLCI for a Frame Relay endpoint. Use one of the following values to set controller type:

  • 0 = PAR

  • 1 = PNNI

  • 2 = TAG


The node name, slot number, port number, and VPI.VCI for an ATM endpoint.

Note   Note: the slot number should be set to 0 (zero) to point to the active PXM.

Step 2   Optionally, you can use cnfcon to modify an individual connection. This command requires a channel number. If you add a connection by using addcon, you do not need to specify a channel number because the system automatically uses the next available number. To obtain the channel number for cnfcon, execute dspcons.

cnfcon <port_num> <CDVT> <CLIP> <bufsize> <cbrclkmode> <IdleSuppEnable> <ForceSuppression>


Unique port number.


Cell delay variation tolerance (CDVT), as appropriate for the interface.

  • T1 range = 125-24000 microseconds

  • E1 range = 125-26000 microseconds


Cell loss integration period (CLIP), in the range 1000-65535 milliseconds.


  • Egress bufsize = 0 to autocompute.

  • Min value depends on CDVT configured.

  • Min BufSize = greater (CDVT in frames * 2) * N, (CDVT + frames in two cells) * N

  • Max for T1 UDT and E1 UDT: 16224 bytes

  • Max for T1 SDT: 384 * N bytes

  • Max for E1 SDT: 417 * N bytes, where N is the number of timeslots assigned in Nx64 connection, and N = 32 for T1/E1 UDT


Clock mode.

  • 1 = synchronous

  • 2 = SRTS

  • 3 = adaptive


Idle suppression, either enabled or disabled.

  • 1 = disable

  • 2 = enable


External idle suppression, either enabled or disabled.

  • 1 = disable

  • 2 = enable

Step 3   Optionally, you can configure connection parameters for the network segment of a three-segment connection:

cnfswparms <chan_num> <mastership> <vpcflag> <conn_service_type> (=cos)
<route_priority> <max_cost> <restrict_trunk_type> <pcr> <mcr> <pct_util>


The channel (connection) number and is always 32


The current end-point as master or slave: 1 = master; 2 = slave (default)


Indicates whether the connection is a VPC or a VCC: 1 = VPC and 2 = VCC


The type of service for the connection: 1 = cbr, 2 = vbr, 3 is not used; 4 = ubr, 5 = atfr; 6 = abrstd, and 7 = abrfst


The priority of the connection for rerouting. The range is 1-15 and is meaningful only in relation to the priority of other connections


A number establishing the maximum cost of the connection route. The range is 1-255 and is meaningful only in relation to the cost of other connections


A number that specifies the type of trunk this connection can traverse. The numbers are 1 for no restriction, 2 for terrestrial trunk only, and 3 for satellite trunk only


The peak cell rate in cells per second (cps). For T3, the maximum is 118980 cps. For E3, the maximum is 91405 cps


The minimum cell rate. The range is 1-65535 cells per second


The percent utilization in the range 1-100

Service Resource Module

This section describes how to use the features of the T3 version of the Service Resource Module (MGX-SRM-3T3/C). This multipurpose card can provide:

An MGX-SRM-3T3/C installation requires at least one card set in the upper bay of the card cage and one card set in the lower bay. Each set services one half of the backplane. The PXM1 in slot 7 controls the SRMs in slots 15 and 31. The PXM1 in slot 8 controls the redundant SRMs in slots 16 and 32. If the shelf has SRMs with redundant PXM1s, the SRMs must occupy all the reserved slots for this feature—15, 16, 31, and 32.

Configuring Card and Line Parameters

You can configure card- and line-level parameters for an SRM through the CiscoView application or the CLI on the PXM1 (not the SRM itself). For descriptions of the commands, refer to the Cisco MGX 8250 Wide Area Edge Switch Command Reference. The CLI commands that apply to the SRM are:

Bulk Distribution for T1 Service

The MGX-SRM-3T3/C supports a demultiplexing function called bulk distribution. With bulk distribution, the MGX-SRM-3T3/C converts traffic from its T3 lines to T1 channels and sends the data streams across the distribution bus to the appropriate service modules. The benefit of this feature is that the number of T1 cables and back cards is greatly reduced. Applicable service modules are the MGX-AUSM/B-8T1, AX-FRSM-8T1, and AX-CESM-8T1.

At its MGX-BNC-3T3-M back card, the MGX-SRM-3T3/C connects to an external multiplexer. The multiplexer connects to the T1 lines from user-equipment and places the data streams on T3 lines to the MGX-SRM-3T3/C. Each T3 line can contain 28 T1 channels. An individual MGX-SRM-3T3/C can support 10 card slots, so the maximum number of T1 channels it can process is 80.

Linking the MGX-SRM-3T3/C to a destination card causes the shelf to take CPE traffic through the MGX-SRM-3T3/C rather than the T1 card's line module. Linkage is a card-level condition. If you link just one T1 channel on a service module to the MGX-SRM-3T3/C, the back card on the service module becomes inoperative, so you must link all other T1 ports on that service module to the MGX-SRM-3T3/C if you want them to operate. Linking T1 ports into a group does not form an N X T1 channel. Each T1 channel remains a distinct T1 channel. Furthermore, a group belongs to one slot, so it cannot include T1 channels belonging to another card.

For a description of how the MGX-SRM-3T3/C supports redundancy for linked channels, see the "Redundancy Support by the MGX-SRM-3T3/C" section.

Before configuring bulk distribution on an SRM, perform the following tasks:

    1. Activate the lines (addln on the CLI).

    2. Optionally configure the lines (cnfln on the CLI).

    3. Display the state of the lines (dspln and dsplns on the CLI).

To link T1 ports on a service module to a T3 line on an MGX-SRM-3T3/C:

T3 line number

The line number in the format slot.line, where slot is 15 or 31 (regardless of whether redundant SRMs exist in slots 16 and 32), and the range for line is 1-3.

T1 slot

The start T1 line number within the T3 line (range 1-28).


The slot number of the T1 service module. Target Slot number can be 1-6, 11-14, 17-22, or 27-30.


The T1 line number in the linked card slot. The range is 1-8.

Redundancy Support by the MGX-SRM-3T3/C

The MGX-SRM-3T3/C can provide redundancy to service modules with T1 or E1 lines. For E1 or T1 modules, it can provide redundancy through the redundancy bus. For T1 modules only, it can provide redundancy through the distribution bus. The redundancy and distribution buses impose different requirements, but the common requirement is that all primary and secondary cards supported by a particular MGX-SRM-3T3/C must reside on the same level of the card cage as that SRM.

The need for back cards and the choice of bus for redundancy support depends on whether the MGX-SRM-3T3/C must provide bulk distribution:

With redundancy provided by the SRM, no Y-cables are necessary because the MGX-SRM-3T3/C itself passes the traffic to the redundant front card if a failure necessitates switchover. Conversely, any card with 1:1 redundancy supported by Y-cabling does not require an SRM. For example, the FRSM-VHS cards have 1:1 redundancy through a Y-cable. The MGX-SRM-3T3/C redundancy feature is particularly important for cards that do not have Y-cable redundancy—the T1 and E1 service modules.

Configuring Redundancy Through the Redundancy Bus

For redundancy that utilizes the redundancy bus, the characteristics are

Perform the following steps to configure redundancy through the redundancy bus.

Step 1   Execute addred on the active PXM1:

addred <redPrimarySlotNum> <redSecondarySlotNum> <RedType>



Slot number of the slot containing the primary card.
The slot numbers are 1-6, 9-14, 17-22, and 25-30.


Slot number of the slot containing the secondary card
of the card pair. The ranges are 1-6, 9-14, 17-22, and 25-30.


A number that specifies the type of redundancy. Enter a one to specify 1:1 redundancy. Enter a two to specify 1:N redundancy. Only an SRM can support 1:N redundancy.

Step 2   Check the redundancy status for all cards by entering the dspred command.

To remove redundancy, enter the delred command.

Configuring Redundancy Through the Distribution Bus

Redundancy by way of the distribution bus applies to T1 channels you linked for bulk distribution. For a redundancy configuration on the MGX-SRM-3T3/C that utilizes the distribution bus note the following items.

Before you specify redundancy with bulk distribution, linkage must exist between a T3 line on the MGX-SRM-3T3/C and a primary service module with the T1 lines. No linkage should exist on the secondary service module. To configure redundancy through the CLI:

Step 1   Execute addred on the active PXM1:

addred <redPrimarySlotNum> <redSecondarySlotNum> <RedType>



Slot number of the slot containing the primary card. Permissible slot numbers are in the range 1-6, 11-14, 17-22, and 27-30.


Slot number of the slot containing the secondary card of the card pair. Permissible slot numbers are in the range 1-6, 11-14, 17-22, and 27-30.


A number that specifies the type of redundancy. Enter a 1 to specify 1:1 redundancy. Enter a 2 to specify 1:N redundancy. Only an SRM can support 1:N redundancy.

Step 2   Check the redundancy status for all cards by entering the dspred command.

To remove redundancy, enter the delred command.

Bit Error Rate Testing Through an MGX-SRM-3T3

The MGX 8250 shelf can perform a bit error rate test (BERT) on an active line or port. This type of testing disrupts service because a BERT session requires the tested path to be in loopback mode. In addition, the pattern test replaces user-data in the path with the test pattern. The applicable line types and variations for a DS1 are

With a set of MGX-SRM-3T3/C cards in the system, you can initiate a BERT session on an MGX-FRSM-2CT3 or any eight-port service module. (In contrast, the MGX-FRSM-2T3E3, MGX-CESM-T3, and MGX-CESM-E3 do not use the MGX-SRM-3T3/C for BERT. See the sections for these service modules in this chapter for applicable BERT.)

The MGX 8250 bus structure supports one BERT session per upper or lower bay, so the shelf can run a maximum of two sessions at once. When you specify the target slot through the CiscoView application or the CLI, the system determines if a BERT configuration already exists in that bay. After the system determines that no BERT configuration exists in the applicable bay, the display presents a menu for the BERT parameters.

The CLI commands (whose functions correspond to CiscoView selections) are

During configuration, the parameter display or menu items depend first on the card type and whether the test medium is a physical line or a logical port. Subsequent choices are test type, test patterns, loopback type, and so on. Refer to the Cisco MGX 8250 Wide Area Edge Switch Command Reference for details on cnfbert and the other BERT commands. The concatenation of menu to menu is extensive, so this section contains tables of menu selections based on the card types and the test type.

The test type can be pattern, loopback, or DDS seek. The choice of test type leads to further menu displays. Following the tables of menu choices, the remaining sections define the parameters in these menu choices.

Table 6-6: Pattern Test for AX-FRSM-8T1, AX-CESM-8T1, and MGX-FRSM-2CT3
Test Medium Medium Type Device to Loop BERT Pattern


  • Port with N timeslots (can also submit to the DDS seek test)


all patterns

  • Port with one 64 Kbps timeslot (can also submit to the DDS seek test)

latch or v54

all patterns

  • Port with one 56 Kbps timeslot (can also submit to the DDS seek test)


latch or v54

29 or 211

all patterns


in-band/ESF or metallic

all patterns

Table 6-7:
Loopback Test for AX-FRSM-8T1, AX-CESM-8T1, and MGX-FRSM-2CT3
Test Medium Medium Type Loopback


  • Port with N timeslots (can also submit to the DDS seek test)

far end or remote

  • Port with one 64 Kbps timeslot (can also submit to the DDS seek test)

far end or remote

  • Port with one 56 Kbps timeslot (can also submit to the DDS seek test)

far end or remote


metallic, far end, or remote

Table 6-8:
Pattern Test for AX-FRSM-8E1 and AX-CESM-8E1
Test Medium Medium Type Device to Loop BERT Pattern




all patterns



all patterns

Table 6-9:
Loopback Test for AX-FRSM-8E1 and AX-CESM-8E1
Test Medium Medium Type Loopback



remote loopback


metallic or remote

Table 6-10:
Pattern Test for MGX-AUSM-8T1
Test Medium Medium Type Device to Loop BERT Pattern



all patterns

Table 6-11:
Loopback Test for MGX-AUSM-8T1
Test Medium Medium Type Loopback


far end, remote, or metallic

Table 6-12:
Pattern Test for MGX-AUSM-8E1
Test Medium Medium Type Device to Loop BERT Pattern



all patterns

Table 6-13:
Loopback Test for MGX-AUSM-8E1
Test Medium Medium Type Loopback



remote or metallic

Pattern Test Options

The pattern test options consist of the device to loop and the pattern. This section lists the device options and patterns that appear in the menus. See the preceding tables. The device to loop options identify the type of device that participates in the test.

The available patterns are

    1. All 0s

    2. All 1s

    3. Alternating 1-0 pattern

    4. Double 1-0 pattern

    5. 215-1 pattern

    6. 220-1 pattern

    7. 220-1 QRSS pattern

    8. 223-1 pattern

    9. 1 in 8 pattern

    10. 3 in 24 pattern

    11. DDS-1 pattern

    12. DDS-2 pattern

    13. DDS-3 pattern

    14. DDS-4 pattern

    15. DDS-5 pattern

    16. 29 pattern

    17. 211 pattern

Loopback Test Options

The loopback tests do not monitor the integrity of the data but rather the integrity of the path. The type of loopback indicates the direction of test data transmission. The choices are

Online Diagnostics Test

The Online Diagnostics are used to test components on the PXM1 and SRM modules of the MGX 8250 while the shelf is running. Connections, states, and tasks are not affected by the tests.

The diagnostic test is invoked from the active PXM1. If a standby PXM1 exists and is in standby state, it will also be tested. When the test is run, each component is checked and the results are presented on the screen. Results are also saved to a log file.

Automatic Switchover

The Online Diagnostic command (oldiags) includes an option to automatically switch operations from the active PXM1 to the standby PXM1 if a major problem is detected. This behavior is possible only when a standby PXM1 is installed and no errors are detected on the standby PXM1 during the test.


If a failure is detected and an automatic switchover is not performed, a major alarm is set. This alarm is displayed in the card Major Alarm Bit Map field when the dspcd command is entered. The alarm message indicates the failed PXM1 by slot.

Note   Certain hardware failures prevent alarms from being set. If this occurs, the log files and screen display should be used to determine if a failure has occurred.

Log Files

Each time the diagnostics are run, the results are logged in a file on the PXM1 drive. If a standby PXM1 exists, a separate log file is written to that disk and must be viewed separately.

Commands to Operate the Online Diagnostics

The following commands are used to operate the Online Diagnostics:

oldiags <debug_level> <switch_enable>

This command runs the diagnostics on both the active PXM1 and the standby PXM1 (if available). Two options are available for this command. If the command is entered without specifying any options, the default values are automatically used. If options are used, they must be entered in the order shown:

oldiags-help or oldiags help

These help commands display a description of the oldiags command and options.


The oldclrlock command clears the lock of a previous oldiags process.

If an oldiags process is stopped while running (either from a keyboard command or unexpected process shutdown), the command will be locked and cannot be run again until the lock is cleared. The oldclrlock command clears this lock.

Note   Do not enter oldclrlock while another instance of oldiags is running on the shelf.

oldsplog <log_name>

The oldsplog command displays the log files that are automatically created each time a diagnostic test is performed. Log files are named onlinediag.MONTHDAY_hh:mm. The files are saved in C:DIAG.

If oldsplog is run without a variable, the most recent log file will be displayed by default.

The log_name variable is used to view an older file or a file that resides in a directory other than C:DIAG. If the file to be viewed is saved in C:DIAG, only the name of the file needs to be entered. A full path name can also be used if the file resides outside the default directory.

The oldsplog command can be run from either the active or standby PXM1. Log files are saved on each individual PXM1 and must be viewed separately.

oldclralm <slot_number>

The oldclralm command clears Online Diagnostic alarms.

The variable <slot_number> is used to specify which PXM1 slot is to be cleared. This variable is mandatory.

The oldclralm command can only be run from the active PXM1.

DS3 Loopback Test

This section contains instructions to test DS3 loopback functionality using CLI commands.

Loopback Tests

Loopback tests can be performed on both DS3 lines and DS1s in DS3 lines.

Configure Loopback on the Entire DS3 Line

Perform the following steps to verify that the loopback can be configured on the entire DS3 line.

Step 1   Select a node with PXM-T3 back card.

Step 2   Configure the line entering cnfln -felpbnum 30.

Step 3   Check that dsplog does not show any errors or alarms logged.

Step 4   Enter dspln to check that FarEndLoopbkLineNum has been configured to be ds3line.

Pass Criteria:

Configure Loopback on all DS1s in a DS3 Line

Perform the following steps to verify that the loopback can be configured on all the DS1s of the DS3 line:

Step 1   Select a node with PXM-T3 back card.

Step 2   Configure the line using cnfln -felpbnum 29.

Step 3   Check that dsplog does not show any errors or alarms logged.

Step 4   Enter dspln to check that FarEndLoopbkLineNum is configured to be ds1lineall.

Pass Criteria:

Receive a Loopback Request

Perform the following steps to verify that DS3 interface can be put into loopback:

Step 1   Select a node with PXM-T3 back card.

Step 2   Make sure that the FEAC code validation criteria on the DS3 interface is not disabled entering dspln -ds3 <slot>.<port>.

Step 3   Configure the HP cerjac tester to send a pattern to the DS3 interface of the node.

Any pattern sent will cause the interface to put itself into loopback and the interface retransmits the same pattern back to the tester.

Step 4   From the tester, verify that the same pattern is received back on the tester thus validating the loopback on the DS3 interface.

Step 5   Check that dsplog does not show any errors or alarms logged.

Pass Criteria:

Configure Transmit FEAC code

This section describes how to configure a transmit FEAC code.

Configure Ds3 for Sending Looped or Normal Data

Perform the following steps to verify that DS3 can be configured to send looped or normal data:

Step 1   Select a node with PXM-T3 back card.

Step 2   Configure the line entering cnfln -felpbnum 30.

Step 3   Configure the transmit FEAC code to be 'dsx3SendNoCode' by entering CLI command, cnfln -ds3 <slot>.<port> -tfeac 1.

Step 4   On the node, verify that the default FEAC code shows up as LineXmtFEACCode : SendNoCode using dspln -ds3 <slot>.<port>.

Step 5   Check that dsplog does not show any errors or alarms logged.

Step 6   On the tester (for example, HP cerjac tester), check that the code for dsx3SendNoCode is received.

Pass Criteria:

Configure DS3 for to Send Line Loopback

Perform the following steps to verify that DS3 can be configured to send line loopback:

Step 1   Select a node with PXM-T3 back card.

Step 2   Configure the line using cnfln -felpbnum 30.

Step 3   Configure the transmit FEAC code to be dsx3SendLineCode by entering CLI command, cnfln -ds3 <slot>.<port> -tfeac 2.

Step 4   On the node, verify that the default FEAC code shows up as LineXmtFEACCode : SendLineCode using dspln -ds3 <slot>.<port>.

Step 5   Check that dsplog does not show any errors or alarms logged.

Step 6   On the tester (HP cerjac), check that the code for dsx3SendLineCode is received.

Pass Criteria:

Configure DS3 for Sending Loopback Deactivation Request

Perform the following steps to verify that DS3 can be configured to send loopback deactivation request:

Step 1   Select a node with PXM-T3 back card.

Step 2   Configure the line entering cnfln -felpbnum 30.

Step 3   Configure the transmit FEAC code to be dsx3SendResetCode by using CLI command, cnfln -ds3 <slot>.<port> -tfeac 4.

Step 4   On the node, verify that the default FEAC code shows up as LineXmtFEACCode : SendResetCode using dspln -ds3 <slot>.<port>.

Step 5   Check that dsplog does not show any errors or alarms logged.

Step 6   On the tester (HP cerjac), check that the code for dsx3SendResetCode is received.

Pass Criteria:

Configure Receive Validation FEAC Code

Configuring FEAC Validation Criteria to be FEACCodes4Of5

Perform the following steps to verify that validation criteria for DS3 can be configured to be FEACCodes4Of5:

Step 1   Select a node with PXM-T3 back card.

Step 2   Configure the receive FEAC validation criteria to be 4 out of 5 by entering the CLI command, cnfln -ds3 <slot>.<port> -rfeac 1.

Step 3   On the node, verify that the default FEAC code shows up as LineRcvFEACValidation : 4 out of 5 FEAC codes using dspln -ds3 <slot>.<port>.

Step 4   Check that dsplog does not show any errors or alarms logged.

Pass Criteria:

Configure FEAC Validation Criteria to be FEACCodes8Of10

Perform the following steps to verify that validation criteria for DS3 can be configured to be FEACCodes8Of10:

Step 1   Select a node with PXM-T3 back card.

Step 2   Configure the receive FEAC validation criteria to be 8 out of 10 by entering the CLI command, cnfln -ds3 <slot>.<port> -rfeac 2.

Step 3   On the node, verify that the default FEAC code shows up as LineRcvFEACValidation : 8 out of 10 FEAC codes using dspln -ds3 <slot>.<port>.

Step 4   Check that dsplog does not show any errors or alarms logged.

Pass Criteria:

Negative Tests

This section describes procedures for ensuring that FEAC codes can be disabled.

Disable FEAC Codes

Perform the following steps to verify that the FEAC codes can be disabled to ensure the remote end initiated FEAC does not result in an automatic loop of the near end equipment:

Step 1   Select a node with PXM-T3 back card.

Step 2   Disable the receive FEAC validation criteria by using CLI command, cnfln -ds3 <slot>.<port> -rfeac 3.

Step 3   Using dspln -ds3 <slot>.<port>, check that the FEAC validation code is disabled and the line is not in loopback.

Step 4   Put the HP cerjac tester in loopback mode by pressing the loopback up button.

Step 5   From the tester, send a pattern and verify that it is not received back on the tester.

Step 6   Check that dsplog does not show any errors or alarms logged.

Pass Criteria:

Configure DS3 Loopback Codes from the Standby PXM1 Card

Perform the following steps to verify that DS3 loopback codes cannot be configured from the standby PXM1 card:

Step 1   Select a node with redundant PXM-T3 cards.

Step 2   Log on to the standby card.

Step 3   Configure the line using cnfln -ds3 <slot>.<port> -felpbnum 30.

Step 4   Try to configure the transmit FEAC code to be 'dsx3SendNoCode' by entering the CLI command, cnfln -ds3 <slot>.<port> -tfeac 1.

Step 5   Check that CLI rejects the command and fails to accept it.

Step 6   The dsplog command shows logs an error or a alarm logged.

Step 7   On the tester (e.g. HP cerjac tester), check that the code for 'dsx3SendNoCode' is not received.

Pass Criteria:

Posted: Sat Sep 7 06:48:33 PDT 2002
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