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Table Of Contents

Configuring the MGX 8250 Shelf

Summary of Shelf-Level Tasks

User Interface Access Ports

Initial Shelf Bring-Up

Bringing Up a PXM1 with No Runtime Firmware

Configuring Node-Level Parameters

Downloading Firmware to a Service Module

Configuring the MGX 8250 Shelf

Summary of Shelf-Level Tasks

This chapter describes the shelf-level tasks used to bring up and configure the MGX 8250. These tasks are performed after all hardware is installed and the power is on and alarm-free.

The initial tasks require the use of the command line interface (CLI) on an ASCII terminal.

Subsequent steps are performed with either the CiscoView application or the CLI.

This chapter contains the following sections:

" User Interface Access Ports" describes the role of each shelf control port.

" Initial Shelf Bring-Up" includes a summary of tasks to configure the shelf.

" Bringing Up a PXM1 with No Runtime Firmware" describes how to load runtime firmware.

" Configuring Node-Level Parameters" describes how to configure node-level parameters.

" Downloading Firmware to a Service Module" describes service module firmware loading.

Note The words switch, node, and shelf are synonymous for the MGX 8250 product. The word bay refers to the upper or lower half of the enclosure.

Note To add an MGX 8250 feeder to the network, enter the addshelf command at the BPX 8600 series switch.

User Interface Access Ports

There are three external user-interface access ports on the PXM1 User Interface back card (PXM1-UI or PXM-UI-S3).

control port

Ethernet port

maintenance port

See the "Initial Shelf Bring-Up" section for additional information on the use of these ports.

Control Port

The control port (sometimes called the console port) is accessed with a CLI on an ASCII terminal. This port is used to make the initial IP address settings and to troubleshoot the shelf.

Low-level control and troubleshooting can be accessed through the CLI on a terminal connected to the shelf or through the CLI in a window of the Cisco WAN Manager application.

Initial Assignment of IP Addresses

IP addresses are assigned to the

Ethernet port

maintenance port

in-band ATM IP address is used in the MGX 8250 feeder applications to link the PXM1 and BPX8600 series switch

IP address of the statistics manager

Note When the MGX 8250 is configured in a stand-alone application, only the workstation connected to the shelf can detect these IP addresses.

Before CiscoView or the Cisco WAN Manager (formerly StrataView Plus) can be used, the IP addresses for the shelf must reside on the workstation in the etc/hosts file. Also, the text file config.sv on the workstation must contain the name of the shelf is specified to be the gateway node, the network ID, the network name, and so on. Refer to the Cisco WAN Manager documentation for the file system requirements on the workstation.

Note When you use the CLI, you must type all required parameters and any optional parameters before you press Return or Enter .

Ethernet Port

Through the Ethernet port, you can use a workstation running a Cisco network management application such as the Cisco WAN Manager or CiscoView application. Typically, the workstation on a LAN is co-located with the MGX 8250.

Maintenance Port

Through the maintenance port (sometimes called the modem port), you can connect either a single workstation running an IP-based application or a terminal server that supports multiple workstations. The workstation must support SLIP. Typically, use of this port includes a modem because the shelf resides at a remote location. The typical applications are software and firmware download or tasks that require low-level access.

Other Ports

Other ports exist on the PXM1-UI and PXM-UI-S3. These ports support external clock sources and external, third-party audio or visual alarm systems.

IP-Based Applications

The maintenance port and Ethernet port support IP-based applications. Through these ports, the following applications run:

Telnet supports CLI command execution from any IP-based application window as well as a window in the Cisco WAN Manager application.

TFTP lets you download firmware and upload and download configuration information.

SNMP supports equipment management through the CiscoView application and connection management through the Cisco WAN Manager application.

Initial Shelf Bring-Up

This section describes how to start up the MGX 8250 shelf for the first time.

If the PXM1 does not have a runtime (or "online") firmware image, begin with the " "Bringing Up a PXM1 with No Runtime Firmware" section ."

If the PXM1 has a runtime firmware image, go to the " "Configuring Node-Level Parameters" section ."

These two sections contain instructions for the following tasks:

Establish communication with a shelf.

Configure one or more boot-level IP addresses to make the shelf available to the network.

Download PXM1 firmware.

Configure a new, shelf-level Ethernet IP address for the PXM1 as needed or other SLIP or IPaddresses.

Specify a name for the shelf.

Specify the time on the shelf.

Optionally configure a time zone for the Western Hemisphere, or configure a time zone relative to Greenwich Mean Time if the shelf resides outside the Western Hemisphere.

Download firmware to the service modules.

Bringing Up a PXM1 with No Runtime Firmware

This section describes the tasks for loading runtime firmware onto a PXM1 that has only a boot loader. If the PXM1 already has a runtime firmware image, go to the " "Configuring Node-Level Parameters" section ."

Step 1 Establish communication with the shelf.

If you are using an ASCII terminal connected to the control port, the command prompt is present upon power-up (if the display is skewed, make sure the terminal speed and PXM1-UI port speeds are the same).

If you are using a utility such as Hyper Terminal on a PC, the firmware may reside on either a floppy or the hard drive.

Step 2 Enter the bootChange command to configure boot-level IP parameters.

If the shelf has a redundant PXM1, enter the bootChange command on each PXM1 to configure unique, boot-level IP addresses.

Note During the subsequent shelf-level configuration, you must configure another Ethernet IP address that applies to both PXM1s.

The following are the only parameters that are meaningful at this point. Press Return for other parameters.

Mandatory "host name" is a name for the workstation. For the MGX 8250 node, enter the letter c.

Ethernet IP address and subnet mask for the PXM1 LAN port are mandatory (see "inet on Ethernet" in the following example). Follow the IP address with a colon and a net mask. The netmask is eight hexadecimal numbers with no embedded periods. Do not type spaces on either side of the colon.

If the workstation from which you download firmware is on a subnet other than the subnet of the PXM1, enter a gateway IP address ("gateway inet").

Note There are three editing functions near the top of the following example. Of these, typing a period to clear the current field is the most commonly used.

>bootChange '.' = clear field; '-' = go to previous field; ^D = quit boot device : lnPci processor number : 0 host name :c file name : inet on ethernet (e) : inet on backplane (b): host inet (h) : gateway inet (g) : user (u) : ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh): flags (f) : 0x0 target name (tn) : startup script (s) : other (o) :

The PXM1 now has a boot-level IP address. Remember to repeat the bootChange command on the redundant PXM1, if one is installed.

Step 3 Enter reboot to reset the PXM1.

The PXM1 is ready to receive a firmware image through the Ethernet port. Use the workstation for the next steps.

Step 4 To confirm that the node is accessible (optional), ping the PXM1 at the workstation.

Step 5 Establish communication with the PXM1 according to the user-communication device type. For example, at the prompt on a UNIX workstation, you could enter:

>tip -9600 /dev/ttya

The device specification could also be ttyb.

Step 6 Enter the tftp command with the IP address set at the ASCII terminal. For example, if the console port is connected to the serial port of the workstation enter:


Step 7 At the tftp prompt, enter binary mode:


Step 8 From the directory where the firmware resides, enter the put command.

Include the arguments that specify the firmware release number, the statement that this firmware applies to the active PXM1, and the release directory. If necessary, refer to the release notes for new firmware release numbers. The entries are case-sensitive.

For example,

>put pxm_release_number.fw POPEYE@PXM_ACTIVE.FW

release_number is a decimal number in the form n.n.nn. Currently, the initial n is typically a "1." An example filename for PXM1 firmware is "pxm_1.0.03."

Note The download automatically includes the firmware for the standby PXM1 (if present). You can subsequently see POPEYE@PXM_STANDBY.FW in c:/FW.

Check the console to verify that the transfer completed and the checksum passed.

Step 9 Quit the TFTP application. Go to the ASCII terminal connected to the control port and enter the quit command.


Step 10 At the ASCII terminal, enter the cd command to access the FW directory on the hard drive.

Step 11 List the contents to confirm that the firmware resides in the FW directory.

>cd "c:/FW"


Note These required quote marks are absent when you use the CLI after you reboot the PXM1 with its runtime image (see the " "Configuring Node-Level Parameters" section ").

Step 12 Enter the following command.

>setPXMPrimary "version"

version is the version number of the firmware. The name of a PXM1 firmware file has the format pxm_version.fw. For example: in PXM_1.0.03.fw, version is 1.0.03.

Step 13 Reboot the system again.


A login prompt appears on the ASCII terminal. The PXM1 is now the same as a PXM1 that Cisco ships with a runtime firmware image.

Configuring Node-Level Parameters

Except for adding a user and creating a password, all the tasks described in this section can be performed through the CiscoView application. For descriptions of the commands you enter at the CLI, refer to the Cisco MGX 8250 Multiservice Gateway Command Reference.

A representation of the feeder application of the MGX 8250 shelf appears in Figure5-1.

A representation of the stand-alone application of the shelf appears in Figure5-2.

Figure 5-1 Feeder Application

Figure 5-2 Stand-Alone Application

At the CLI prompt on the ASCII terminal perform the following steps.

Step 1 Enter the default login and password provided in the Release Notes.

The terminal displays the slot number of the PXM1 you have logged into by default:

card number [7].

Step 2 Press Return to enter the CLI of this PXM1.

At runtime, you could also enter the slot number of a service module or a standby PXM1. In this case, the CLI prompt shows:


where NODENAME shows that the node has no name; the slot number of the PXM1 is 7; and this PXM1 is active. The general format of the CLI prompt is:


where nodename is the name of the node; the shelf (node) number is always 1; slot is the card location; cardtype identifies the card; and the card state is active (a) or standby (s).

Step 3 Display the cards in the system

NODENAME.1.7.PXM.a> dspcds

Step 4 Display any IP addresses in the system

NODENAME.1.7.PXM.a> dspifip

Step 5 Change the IP addresses as needed

NODENAME.1.7.PXM.a> cnfifip <interface> <IP_Addr> <Net_Mask> [BrocastAddr]

where interface is a number: 26 is the Ethernet (LAN AUI) port, 28 is the maintenance port (SLIP), or 37 for the ATM IP address (feeder application only). Note that BrocastAddr applies to only the Ethernet interface (number 26).

Note Check the Release Notes for any variations in how to configure IP addresses.

Step 6 Enter the cnfname command to assign a name to the shelf.

UNKNOWN.1.7.PXM.a> cnfname <node name>

where node name is a case-sensitive name up to eight characters. For example,

UNKNOWN.1.7.PXM.a> cnfname cisco22

Step 7 Enter the cnftime command to specify the time on the shelf.

cisco22.1.7.PXM.a> cnftime <hh:mm:ss>


The hour of the day in the range 1-24


The minute of the hour in the range 1-60


The number of seconds in the minute and has a range of 1-6

Step 8 Optionally configure a time zone for the node. Enter cnftmzn to specify a time zone in the Western Hemisphere. To configure a time zone outside the Western Hemisphere, first specify Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) with cnftmzn then specify the offset from GMT by entering cnftmzngmt :

cisco22.1.7.PXM.a> cnftmzn <timezone>


The timezone of the shelf: 1 for GMT, 2 for EST, 3 for CST, 4 for MST, 5 for PST

cisco22.1.7.PXM.a> cnftmzngmt <timeoffsetGMT>


The timezone offset from GMT in hours. In the range of -12 to 12.

Step 9 Execute the cnfstatsmgr command to specify the IP address of the workstation that runs the Cisco WAN Manager application.

Before it sends statistics, the MGX 8250 node must have the IP address of the workstation with this application. The syntax is

>cnfstatsmgr <IP_Addr>


The IP address of the workstation

If the node has a redundant PXM1, it automatically receives the same IP addresses and configuration as the primary PXM1. With the IP addresses in place, you can configure the logical ports for the broadband interface through the CiscoView application or the CLI.

Step 10 Add one or more users by entering the adduser command once for each new user.

Note Note that the access privilege level is case-sensitive as the syntax description indicates. After you enter the privilege level, the system prompts for a new password for the user. (This password parameter does not appear in the help information for adduser .)

adduser <user_Id> <accessLevel>


The user_Id is 1-12 alphanumeric characters


The accessLevel is the case-sensitive privilege level. It can be ANYUSER or within the range GROUP1-GROUP5. For example, to specify a privilege level 2, type GROUP2

After you enter a user-name and privilege level, the system prompts for a password. The password is a string of 5-15 characters. If you press Enter without entering a password, the system assigns the default password "newuser."

Step 11 Optionally change your password or another user's password by entering:

cnfpasswd [username]

username is the name of another user whose password you are changing. That user must have a privilege level that is lower than your privilege. To change your own password, enter cnfpasswd with no username.

Step 12 To specify the shelf as a feeder, enter the cnfswfunc command.

cnfswfunc <-ndtype>

and follow -ndtype with "fdr."

Step 13 Configure an external clock if needed.

a. Set the clock interface type.
cnfextclk <clock-type>: "1" is for T1 connections, "2" is for E1 connections.

b. Set the external clocking type.
cnfclklevel 4: to enable Stratum-4 clocking.
cnfclklevel 3: to enable Stratum-3 clocking.

Note Stratum 3 clocking is available with the PXM -UI-S3 back card. Stratum-4 clocking is only available with internal clock sources or with the PXM1-UI back card.

Note See the "Configuring Synchronization for the Shelf" section on page6-6 for more information on configuring external clock sources.

Note See the "Making External Clock Connections" section for information on the physical connections for external clocking. This section also contains a description of the PXM1-UI and PXM-UI-S3 back cards.

Step 14 Configure (as needed) double-speed clocks for individual cell buses by entering cnfcbclk .

cnfcbclk <cellBus> <clockRate>


A string in the range CB1-CB8 that identifies the cell bus


A number that identifies the rate in megahertz; choices are 21 or 42

The distribution of the eight cell buses follows.

cell bus 1 (CB1) connects slots 1 and 2 to the PXM1

cell bus 2 (CB2) connects slots 3 and 4 to the PXM1

cell bus 3 (CB3) connects slots 5 and 6 to the PXM1

cell bus 4 (CB4) connects slots 9 and 10 to the PXM1

cell bus 5 (CB5) connects slots 11 and 12 to the PXM1

cell bus 6 (CB6) connects slots 13 and 14 to the PXM1

cell bus 7 (CB7) connects slots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 to the PXM1

cell bus 8 (CB8) connects slots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 to the PXM1

In the top bay, each of the six cell buses serves two card slots. In the bottom bay, each of the two cell buses serves six card slots. Therefore, each top slot has three times the available bandwidth of the lower slots and is therefore better suited to the higher speed cards. The bandwidth concentration for cell buses in the upper and lower bays is illustrated in Figure5-3.

Figure 5-3 Bandwidth Concentration in Upper and Lower Bays

Downloading Firmware to a Service Module

This section contains instructions to load service module firmware from a workstation to the hard drive on the PXM1. This is done when upgrading the existing firmware or because no runtime firmware resides on the hard drive.

Service modules do not retain runtime firmware. The hard drive on the PXM1 may come with default firmware for the service modules, but the details of the customer order actually determine whether firmware is on the disk. If default firmware exists on the hard drive, the PXM1 downloads it upon power-up or when you reset the card. You can download firmware from the workstation according to the instructions that follow.

Note If you download firmware from a workstation to the hard drive, the PXM1 does not automatically load the firmware to the card. You must reset the card (resetcd on the CLI) to download firmware from disk to the card. With the single execution of a command, you can load either generic firmware for all cards of a certain type or firmware destined to a specific slot.

Step 1 Start the TFTP application:

$tftp <IP address>



Step 2 Enter the put command to download generic firmware for a type of service module to the PXM1 hard drive:

>put cardtype.fw POPEYE@SM_1_0.FW

cardtype is the firmware for a type of card; the shelf number always is 1; and the 0 represents the slot number for the purpose of generic download. An example of cardtype.fw is "frsm8t1e1_10.0.11.fw." Note the space between ".fw" and "POPEYE."

Step 3 Enter the put command to load slot-specific firmware at a particular card:

>put cardtype.fw POPEYE@SM_1_slot.FW

cardtype is the firmware, and slot is the number of the card slot. Note the space between ".fw" and "POPEYE." Repeat this step for each slot as needed.

Note Slot-specific firmware overwrites the current firmware at a slot.

With slot-specific firmware, the card does not come up if you:

Specify the wrong firmware, where the firmware specified by cardtype does not match the targeted card at slot.

Insert a different card (which does not use the firmware specified for the slot).

An example command for downloading specific firmware for an FRSM-2CT3 in slot 3 is

>put frsm2ct3_10.0.01.fw POPEYE@SM_1_3.FW

"frsm2ct3_10.0.0" refers to the firmware for the FRSM-2CT3, and "3" is the slot.

Note Refer to the Release Notes for the current names of firmware files and release directories.

Step 4 When you have finished downloading firmware, enter quit to quit the TFTP application.

Step 5 At the CLI on either the workstation or the ACSII terminal, display the firmware files. Note that the directory specification ll c:/FW has no quote marks.

cisco22.1.7.PXM.a> ll c:/FW

Step 6 If you want to download the firmware from the disk to a card, enter the resetcd command.


Posted: Thu Mar 4 20:52:45 PST 2004
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