
Table of Contents

Network Map Setup

Network Map Setup


This chapter describes how to set up FastPAD network maps. Once a set of maps, consisting of parent and child-submaps, is set up, you can perform management functions with APS. Management functions are described in the chapter "Management Operations."

Unlike StrataView Plus, network nodes are not automatically discovered by APS. You must add each node to the map, followed by configuration information for each node. In particular, the X.25 address for the node permits APS to reach the node for the purpose of polling for status information and other management functions.

HP OpenView

Network Map creation tools are those of HP OpenView. If you are not completely familiar with the HP OpenView environment, refer to the HP OpenView User's Manual. APS has added FastPAD-specific icons to the existing HP OpenView tools.

Map Setup Overview

Follow the steps below to set up the FastPAD network map:

Step 1   Determine how many levels of maps you wish to use. Define a parent map that will include one or more regions if necessary. The size limitation of the workstation screen makes more than about 10 nodes unwieldy for a single map.

Step 2   For the parent map, select the FastPAD Network icon from the HPOV Add Objects Network palette to represent multiple nodes.

Step 3   Connect regions (Network icons) with the Add Connections dialog, under Edit.

Step 4   Double click on the Network icon to create the child submap.

Step 5   Add each node for region with the Add Objects Netdevice palette.

Step 6   Enter Node Name and X.25 Address in the View/Modify Objects Attributes dialog.

Step 7   Enter Node Name in the Describe/Modify Symbol dialog.

Step 8   Add connections between nodes with the Add Connections dialog, under Edit.

Node parameters (Step 6) include X.25 address and Node name, as well as Polling Type and Polling interval. Once these parameters are set, APS automatically polls each node for management information.

Starting APS

APS processes are started by starting HP OpenView with the ovw command, as described in the HP OpenView User's Manual.

Note You must be logged in as user svplus to perform this process. Root cannot execute HP OpenView correctly because of file permissions.

When started, the first screen to appear is the Root window, displaying the IP Map. (See Figure 4-1.)

Figure 4-1: HP OpenView Root Window

Setting Up the Network Map

Primary Level (Parent) Maps

From the Root Map Edit function, select Add Object. The Add Object Palette is displayed. (See Figure 4-2.)

Figure 4-2: Add Object Palette

Click on the Network Icon, and you will receive additional selections in the Add Objects Palette. (See Figure 4-3.)

Figure 4-3: FastPAD Network Icon

With the center mouse button, click on the FastPAD Network Icon, and drag it to the Root Map.

When you release the mouse button, placing the FastPAD Network Icon in the Root Map, you receive the Add Object Dialog Box. (See Figure 4-4.)

Figure 4-4: Add Object Dialog Box

This dialog box permits an object to be added to the Map. At a minimum, you must enter a Name Label for the object. If no Name is entered, the icon is removed from the map.

For a name to appear underneath the icon, place the mouse pointer over the icon and click the right mouse button. Select either Describe/Modify symbol, or Display Label and enter the same name entered in the Add Object dialog.

Once added, the Network, with Name, appears in the Root Map. (See Figure 4-5.)

Figure 4-5: Root Map with FastPAD Network

This will be the Parent Map to which greater detail is added in one or more Child Submaps. Multiple layers of Maps prevent one map from becoming too complicated to effectively work with.

Removing Icons From Maps

Removing Node or Network icons from a map can be done in two ways:

    1. Highlight the icon and select Edit ->Delete->From All Submaps

    2. Place mouse pointer over icon and click right button to invoke pop-up menu and select Delete Symbol

Two-region Network Example

For this example, assume there are:

In the example below, a Child Submap under the Root Map above is created.

Secondary-level (Child) Submaps

To create a Child Submap underneath this Map, double-click on the FastPAD Network Icon. You will receive an OpenView Question Dialog (Figure 4-6):

Figure 4-6: Child Submap Creation Confirmation Dialog Box

Default is suitable for this submap. Select Modify if you wish to modify settings as described in the HP OpenView User's Manual.

Once selected, you receive the Submap parameters Dialog. (See Figure 4-7.)

Figure 4-7: Submap Parameters Dialog Box

This dialog indicates that the submap is located under Root. Again, at a minimum, you must enter a name.

Two Regions

Below, two Network icons for two regions (DNIC8000 and DNIC9000) and a generic icon (labelled GRUNION) to indicate the IPX network through which the FastPAD regions are connected have been selected from the Add Objects palette and placed on the Child submap.

Another submap will then be created for both DNIC8000 and DNIC9000 regions. (See Figure 4-8.)

Figure 4-8: Generic Icon Object Example

Next, connect objects. Select Add Connection under Edit. You receive the Add Connections dialog: (See Figure 4-9.)

Figure 4-9: Add Connection Dialog Box

Select a type of connection to be illustrated. The type of connection illustrated is not significant. In the example below, two connections have been added: DNIC8000-to-GRUNUION, and DNIC9000-to-GRUNION.

With the Add Connections dialog window still open, click on the source object, followed by the destination object, and they are linked on the screen. See Figure 4-10.)

Figure 4-10: Connection Example

When a connection is made, the Add Objects dialog appears for the connection. You may add any information desired; only a name is required.

Adding Nodes to Networks

To add the next level of detail, double-click on one of the regions and you receive a new map window.

Similar to above, objects will be added, however, this time they will be Network components.

Click on Add Object under Edit. (See Figure 4-11.)

Figure 4-11: Network Device Category Icon

This time, select the Network Device category. You receive the Add Object Palette with a selection of Network devices. (See Figure 4-12.)

Figure 4-12: FastPAD Object Icons

Using the Center mouse button, drag network device icons to the map.

Note Select, and turn off,
Automatic Placement under the View menu selection to enable user-selected placement of nodes on the network map.

The map below illustrates multiple network nodes, and a "Computer" icon (Audey) from the primary object palette to represent the APS workstation, as well as the primary (parent) level object GRUNION (IPX Network) through which the child submap (DNIC8000) is connected the other regional network. (See Figure 4-13.)

As described above, for each icon in the example below:

    1. Name has been entered for both Symbol and Object.

    2. Connections have been made between icons.

Figure 4-13: Sample FastPAD Network

For a name to appear underneath the icon, place the mouse pointer over the icon and click the right mouse button. Select Describe/Modify symbol, and enter the same name entered in the Add Object dialog. This is for display purposes only; to access the node through the X.25 connection, the Name must also be entered in the Object Description dialog.

Entering Name, Address, and Other Parameters

For APS to communicate with the network devices, the 8-digit X.25 network address and name must be entered.

Place the mouse over the icon, and click the right mouse button. Select Describe/Modify Object, and you receive the Object Description dialog. (See Figure 4-14.)

Figure 4-14: Object Description Dialog Box

Click on Access Product Supervisor at the top, and then select View/Modify Object Attributes and you receive the Attributes for Object dialog. (See Figure 4-15.)

Figure 4-15: Attributes for Object Dialog


Enter the X.25 Address and Name for each node in the map. Use the scroll bar on the right to display the remaining Node Parameter fields.

Node Parameters

In addition to X.25 Address, the Object Attributes dialog permits you to define the following parameters for APS interaction. These parameters are stored in the APS database.


Any mix of alphanumeric is accepted. Node name appears on map underneath the node icon.

X.25 Address

The correct X.25 address for the node must be entered, consisting of DNIC, Zone, and Subscriber = 99. For example, 90022099. 99 is the subscriber address for the supervisory process of the FastPAD node.


Model is automatically set to one of the following: FastPADmp, FastPADmp6, or FastPADmpr.


This is an information-only field.

Monitoring Type

Can be set to active, passive, or not monitored. Active nodes are monitored as described in the chapter "Management Operations."

Polling Interval

Polling Interval is the time, in minutes, between polls of the node. APS places an X25 call and collects information on events, alarms, and monitor information for each poll. The default value is 10 minutes.

Last Polling Date

This display shows the last day and time that the node was polled by APS. Each time the APS polls a node, this field is updated.

Version and Revision

These are information-only fields and cannot be edited; they indicate the FastPAD operating software level and are updated any time new information is discovered upon polling.

Software File Name, Software Download Date,
Configuration File Name, Configuration Download Date

These are information only fields and cannot be edited; they are updated whenever one of these functions is performed.

X.25 Backup Address

This is the address to be used if the primary X.25 address fails, and X.25 Backup Address Used (see below) is set to True.

X.25 Backup Address Used

True or False is selected by radio button; if set to True, X.25 Backup Address will be tried if the primary X.25 address fails.


This parameter defines the CUG (Closed User Group) to be used if the X.25 line is configured to use it, and "CUG Used" (see below) is set to True.

CUG Used

True or False is selected by radio button; if set to True, CUG defined above will be used if the X.25 line is configured to use it.

Backup CUG

This is the CUG to be used if the primary CUG fails, and Backup CUG Used (see below) is set to True.

Backup CUG Used

True or False is selected by radio button; if set to True, Backup CUG defined above will be used if the primary CUG fails.

Backup Alarm Used

True or False selects whether or not Backup Alarm is used.


Fields are provided for node passwords for the following functions: Configuration, Traffic Generator, OEV, Line Observation, Telemaintenance, Statistics, Telemodifier, MMI, File Transfer, and Billing.

Posted: Thu Jan 25 14:25:52 PST 2001
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