
Table of Contents

Workstation General Operation

Workstation General Operation


The APS user interface allows you to view the network topology for status information and use the windows and pulldown menus to perform network management functions. This chapter gives an overview of workstation operation when using APS software.

The Sun Workstation Software

The OpenWindows workspace is the workspace environment software that comes with the Sun operating system. APS windows can use any ICCC-compliant windows manager. This software must be installed prior to APS installation.

The "Motif" window manager (MWM) is recommended for use with the StrataView Plus and also works well for APS. As with most window managers, the Console window in the Open Windows workspace controls printing and other miscellaneous functions.

Using the Window Manager

The window manager is a program that runs with the X-Window system and provides a windowing environment for opening, closing, moving, and resizing windows. The main elements of a "Motif" window are shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1: Motif Window Main Elements

Windows to Icons and Vice-Versa

To make more room on your screen, you can iconize a Motif window as shown in Figure 3-1. As an icon, the application remains active, but is not displayed.

To shrink a window, click once on its Minimize button with the LEFT button on the mouse. To expand the application's icon to a window, double click once on the icon to display the icon menu. Alternatively, you can click once on the icon to display the icon's menu, and then click on Restore.

Moving Icons

To move an icon, point to it, press and hold the left button on the mouse while dragging the icon (the movement pointer will display as you drag the icon). Release the mouse button at the desired location.

The Motif functions shown in Figure 3-1 perform the following operations:

· Restore

-Restore a window after minimizing.

· Move

Change the location of a window.

· Size

Change the size of a window.

· Minimize

Shrink the window to an icon (Use menu or Minimize button.)

· Maximize

Enlarge the window to cover the entire screen (Use menu or Maximize button.)

· Lower

Send the window to the back or bottom of the window stack.

· (Grayed area)

A command, e.g., "Restore", is not enabled nor available for use when shown as grayed out.

Moving Windows

Point to the title bar of the menu, press and hold the mouse left button while dragging the outline of the window to the desired location. Release the left button on the mouse.

Sizing Windows

Grab an area of the window frame using the left mouse button. Drag the frame to the desired size, and release the mouse button.

Note APS dialog boxes are fixed in size.

Stacking Windows

Clicking on a window brings it to the front of the screen. Alternatively you can click in the screen in an unused area with no windows. You will see the Workspace menu. Then you can just click on Shuffle Up or Shuffle Down, until the window you want comes to the front.

Using the Sun SPARCstation Mouse

The Sun SPARCstation uses a 3-button mouse shown in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2: The Sun SPARCstation Optical Mouse

Mouse Buttons

Table 3-1 provides a brief summary of the mouse functions used with APS.

Table 3-1:
Mouse Functions
Mouse Button Click On to Select Description


Window, nodes, Connections, etc.

Used for all select operations


APS Network and Node Icons in HPOV Palette

Drag the Icon to the Map


Double-click on Node

Opens Node Configuration Window

Printing on the Sun SPARCstation

The Sun SPARCstation supports printing on a Sun-compatible Postscript printer. For further information, consult the applicable Sun User's Guides and printer User's Guide. For specific information regarding printing with APS, contact StrataCom ISC.

Posted: Thu Jan 25 14:23:35 PST 2001
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