
Table of Contents

Front Panel Operation

Front Panel Operation

Button Functions

The FastPAD front panel consists of a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and six push buttons. The LCD is a 4-line by 20-character display. The buttons are used to select and control the information that is presented in the display.

Figure 8-1: FastPAD Buttons and Display

The following key combinations can also be used for special functions:

Note These special key combinations have no affect on the remote unit when REMOTE NODE is selected in the LOCAL/REMOTE NODE.

Loading and Saving Parameters

The FastPAD operating parameters are stored in various memory locations. Before a set of parameters can be edited, a copy of existing parameters must be loaded into the edit buffer for modification.

There are four memory locations that contain existing parameters:

    1. Default Buffer: Default configuration parameters are included in the FlashPAK firmware. These default values can be used as the basis for a new or altered configuration. The Edit Buffer can then be loaded with the default parameters, changed to support a particular application, and saved to Active or Saved Buffers. The contents of the Default Buffer cannot be changed.

    2. Edit Buffer: This area of memory stores the configuration parameters that are currently being displayed/edited in the configuration screens. When you work with any of the configuration parameters, the values display on the front panel LCD are from the Edit Buffer. Any changes that you make do not become active until you instruct the FastPAD to store the new parameters into the Active Buffer, Saved Buffer, or both.

    3. Active Buffer: The FastPAD's current operating parameters reside in RAM in an area of memory referred to as the Active Buffer. Following power-up or front panel reset, the FastPAD loads configuration parameters stored in the Saved Buffer into the Active Buffer.

    4. Saved Buffer: This buffer is located in non-volatile memory (EEPROM) and retains the FastPAD's operating parameters while the system is powered down. Configuration changes can be stored in the Saved Buffer. New parameters do not become effective until the system is reset.

You can examine and change configuration parameters using the configuration screens. The values presented in the configuration screens are always taken from the Edit Buffer. When you select the configuration function, you will ask to specify the source (Active, Saved, Default, or Edit) from which configuration parameters are to be loaded. The selected buffer is copied into the Edit Buffer and presented in the configuration screens. Any changes that you make in the configuration screens do not take affect until they are subsequently stored in the Saved Buffer, Active Buffer, or both.

Exceptions: The Default, Saved, and Edit Buffers do not apply to mapping table configuration. Mapping table entries are always taken from and stored directly to EEPROM. Also note that Expansion Channel Voice Input levels, Output levels, and Silence Suppression parameters are stored to the Active buffer immediately. This allows you to adjust voice levels and determine the results of the adjustment immediately. When controlled from and IPX, the active buffer stores the configuration so that it is recognized by the IPX.

Local/Remote Selection

Note When FastPADs are connected to an IPX via the FTC card, there is a front panel lock out feature. See IPX documentation for more information.

From the FastPAD front panel you can examine and modify configuration parameters, show status, display events, and activate diagnostic tests for the local or a remote unit. If a connection is not established to another FastPAD, you will only be allowed to access parameters and execute commands that affect the local unit. If a connection is established (either point to point or to an IPX network), you can specify the address (switch and port number) of a remote FastPAD to be accessed. The following paragraphs describe local and remote node selections.

Local Node Selection

If a connection is not established the front panel LCD will display a screen in the following format.

FastPAD Mux [xx,yy] Select: LOCAL NODE

When this screen is displayed, press the <Enter> key to select the Main Menu. The Main Menu selections are described below. However, note that some busy conditions may make it impossible to access the Main Menu at all times. If a message is displayed instead of the Main Menu, refer to the Status/Error Messages described below.

Remote Node Selection

If a point to point connection is established to another FastPAD, you will automatically be allowed to configure the remote parameters. The remote FastPAD's address (e.g., 2,1) will appear in the upper right corner of the local display.

If a connection is established with an IPX, the front panel LCD will display a screen in the following format:

FastPAD Mux [xx,yy] Select: LOCAL NODE REMOTE NODE


  xx = the FP switch number that has been configured in the FastPAD.
  yy = the FP switch port number that has been configured in the

When this screen is displayed, use the <Up Arrow> and <Down Arrow> keys to select the LOCAL NODE or REMOTE NODE field. Press the <Enter> key to activate the current selection. If REMOTE NODE is selected, a screen is displayed in the following format:

FastPAD Mux [xx,yy] Remote Switch #: Remote Port #:

Use the <Up Arrow> and <Down Arrow> keys to select the Remote Switch # and Remote Port # fields. Use the <Right Arrow> and <Left Arrow> keys to increment and decrement the switch number and port number. The switch number can be set to a number in the range 1-62. The port number can be set to a number in the range 0-15. These two entries identify the remote FastPAD to be accessed. Press the <Enter> key to activate your selection. The system will attempt to access the selected node and display the following message:

Connecting to the Selected Node...

A LOCAL or REMOTE NODE selection will activate the Main Menu described 8.3.3. However, note that some busy conditions may make it impossible to access the Main Menu at all times.

Main Menu Display

When a LOCAL NODE or a REMOTE NODE is selected and the system is able to access the selected node, the Main Menu is displayed in the following format:


Use the <Up Arrow> and <Down Arrow> keys to select one of the Main Menu functions (Status, Configure, Events, or Test). Press the <Enter> key to activate the desired selection.

The screen that is presented in the LCD will be different depending on your Main Menu Selection. Main menu selections are described in following chapters.

Figure 8-2: Menu Structure

Error/Status Messages

Some menu selections cannot be made because the local or remote unit is not in an operating mode that will allow it to be accessed from the front panel. These conditions may be temporary and the same selection at a later time will be successful. When the system is not able to activate the requested selection, it will display an error/status message indicating the condition, as described below.

User Interface Busy

The following message will be displayed for five seconds when a node is busy:

User Interface Busy Try Later...

This message will be displayed when LOCAL NODE is selected in the LOCAL/REMOTE NODE selection menu and the local unit is busy communicating with another node. This message will also be displayed when REMOTE NODE is selected and the remote node is busy communicating with another node or is being configured locally or is being controlled by an IPX.

Unable to Access the Selected Node

When a remote node is selected in the LOCAL/REMOTE NODE selection menu, the system will attempt to access a specified remote node. If the system is unable to access the node, the following message is displayed for five seconds:

Unable to Access the Selected Node...

After five seconds, the LOCAL/REMOTE NODE selection menu is displayed.

No Keyboard Activity

When the Main Menu is selected for the LOCAL NODE or a REMOTE NODE, the system will continuously monitor the LCD and keys on the front panel for display and/or keystroke activity. If no activity occurs for three minutes, the following message is displayed:

No Keyboard activity for over 3 minutes...

This message is displayed for five seconds. If no activity occurs during the five-second period, the LOCAL/REMOTE NODE selection menu is displayed.

Node Not Responding

When REMOTE NODE is selected, the system will expect to receive a "keep alive" message at regular intervals. If the interval expires with no communications activity from the remote node, the following message is displayed:

Node not responding Try again...

This message will be displayed for five seconds. When the five-second period expires, the LOCAL/REMOTE NODE selection menu is displayed.

Local Access Locked Out

When an IPX (Rel. 7.2 or later) has control over the configuration activity of the FastPAD, the following message is displayed:

Local Access Locked Out.

Incompatible Expansion Modules: At power-up, the system will attempt to load each installed expansion module with the appropriate firmware. If a card type and voice algorithm exists, this message will be displayed. The FLT and/or the LBK and TST LEDs will also flash continuously.

EX #n Empty Voice Software Not Loaded Check the Cards and Algorithm(s)!!

Posted: Thu Jan 25 14:04:02 PST 2001
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