
Table of Contents

Configuration Parameters

Configuration Parameters

Main Menu Selections


Selects operational status displays for the system, composite link, data channels and expansion channels.


Selects configuration menus for the system, composite link, data channels and expansion channels.


Selects the event display, clear, and count functions.


Selects the test menus.

Configuration Selections


Selects the current operating parameters from the active buffer.


Selects the operating parameters stored in non-volatile memory. This area of memory holds the configuration parameters when the system is powered down. The system loads Saved parameters on Reset.


Selects the factory-supplied configuration parameters that are stored in the default buffer.


Selects the parameters that can be modified in the configuration menus.


Selects the system configuration screens.


Selects the composite link configuration screens.


Selects the system mapping tables configuration screens.

Data Channel

Selects configuration screens for a data channel.

Expansion Channel

Selects configuration screens for an expansion channel.

System Configuration Parameters

Ring Frequency

(20, 30, 60 Hz) With the release of 8.0.x and the introduction of the universal power supply, the Ring Frequency is set with a DIO switch located on the Power Supply Control Board.

Country Code

(0-999) The parameter should be set to a value that corresponds to the telephone dialing prefix code of the country where the FastPAD is installed. The default value is 1 (USA).

Dial Digits

(2, 3, or 4) The value of this parameters specifies the number of digits that will be used in the speed dialing scheme. The default value is 4.

Link Mgmt Protocol

(LMI rev 1, ANSI T1.617, Q.933, or Point to Point) This parameter is used to select the link management protocol. Set this parameter to Point-to-Point if the FastPAD is connected directly to another FastPAD. Set this parameter to LMI Rev 1, ANSI T1.617, or Q.933 if the FastPAD is connected to an IPX or another supported frame-relay switch. The default value is LMI Rev 1.

Note The unit should be reset if the link management protocol is changed.


The frame relay number of the unit. The DLCI number is configurable and will change the N: (node) and P: (port) parameters.


(1-61) The value of this parameter specifies the switch number where the FastPAD is connected. The node value constitutes 8 bits of the 12-bit DLCI. The default value is 1.


(0-15) This parameter specifies the switch port number where the FastPAD is connected. The port value constitutes 4 bits of the 12-bit DLCI. The default value is 1.


The value of this parameter specifies how often a full status inquiry is to be sent to the frame-relay switch (e.g., 3 = every 3 frames).


The value of this parameter specifies the number of status inquiry frames to send before requesting a full status frame from the switch.


System time in 24-hour format (00:00:00 to 23:59:59).


(1-12) Specifies the month portion of the current system date.


(1-31) Specifies the day of the month portion of the current system date.


Specifies the year portion of the current system date.

Min: xx kbps

(5.7 to 19.6 kbps) This parameter specifies the minimum operating rate of all voice channels when congestion occurs. The default is 8.1 kbps.

Max: xx kbps

(6 to 19.9 kbps) This parameter species the maximum operating rate of all voice channels when there is no congestion. The default is 16 kbps.


(10 to 255 milliseconds) This parameter specifies the amount of jitter in the system. It is set in 5 millisecond intervals. The default is 165 milliseconds.

Map Configuration


(2-4 digits) This parameter specifies the speed dial number and the expansion channel Hunt Group Busy Call Forwarding number. (The number of digits in this field depends on the Dial Digits field in the System Parameters.)


(1-61) The value of this parameter specifies the destination switch number (1-61) that will be called when a user dials the speed-dial string specified in the Map field.


(0-15) The value of this parameter specifies the destination switch port number (0-15) that will be connected when a user dials the speed dial string specified in the Map field.


(1-8 or HUNT) The value of this parameter specifies the destination FastPAD slot number (0-8 or A and B for Hunt Groups) that will be used when a user dials the speed-dial string specified in the Map field.


(VOICE, FAX, or PSTN) This parameter specifies the destination channel type.

Link Configuration

Bandwidth (BW)

(9.6 to 512 kbps) This parameter specifies the bandwidth of the composite link that is allocated to voice/fax call setup priority data. It can be set equal to or less than the configured link rate. See the Rate field below.


(BS, 1-8 [for FastPAD], 1-4 [for FastPAD Micro]) This parameter uses two fields to select the base card composite link or a high-speed composite link on a FRAM-01 expansion module. BS identifies a base card composite link. For a FRAM-01, the first field is the slot number, and the second field is the port (channel).


(INTERNAL/EXTERNAL) This parameter specifies the source of the composite link clock. It can be set to INTERNAL or EXTERNAL. The INTERNAL selection indicates the link transmit clock is supplied by the FastPAD's internal oscillator. The EXTERNAL selection indicates the link transmit clock is supplied by the attached communications device (i.e., DSU/CSU). The FastPADs composite link always accepts receive clock regardless of this setting. The default value is EXTERNAL.


(9.6K -128 kbps [BS], 256-512 kbps [FRAM-01]) This parameter specifies the bit rate of the composite link. It can be set to one of the following: 9.6, 12, 14.4, 16.8, 19.2, 32, 48, 56, 64, 72, 96, 112, or 128 kbps for a base card composite link. It can be set to 256, 384, or 512 kbps for a FRAM-01 composite link. The default value is 64 kbps.

Data Channel Configuration


(1-5, HS, NMS) This field identifies the channel being configured. Each type of channel will have different parameters,


(TRANS, H/SLDC, ASYNC) This field identifies the channel's operating mode. TRANS is the default for low-speed data (1-5) channels.


(1.2 -19.2 kbps [Channel 1-5], 300-9.6 kbps [NMS Channel]) This parameter specifies the baud rate. For the low speed data channels (1-5), the rate can be set to a value in the range 1.2 to 19.2 kbps. For the High Speed data channel, the rate can be set to a value in the range 1.2 to 64 kbps. For the NMS port, the rate can be set to a value in the range 300 to 9.6 kbps. The rate can be set to "---" to disable the channel. For the NMS Port, the "---" entry can be used to indicate that no NMS PC is connected and the channel input and outputs are not active. The default value is 19.2 kbps.

Note Clock Stop and Attached Device fields are not applicable for ASYNC mode data channels.

Clock Stop

(YES/NO) This parameter enables (YES) or disables (NO) flow control by regulating the clocks to the attached device. The attached device must be a DTE. When this parameter is enabled (YES), the attached device can be flow controlled by regulating the clocks to the attached device. When disabled (NO), the attached device cannot be flow controlled. The default value is NO (disabled).

Tx Clock

(Int/Ext) This parameter specifies the attached device and clocking to/from the attached device. It can be set to either Int or Ext. For Int, this channel supplies both transmit and receive clocks to the attached device (e.g., as a modem would to a DTE). For Ext, this channel provides one clock and accepts one clock to the connected device (e.g., like a DCE [a modem] configured for external timing). The default value is Int.


(ON, OFF, L-RTS) This parameter specifies the handling of the local CTS signal. It can be set to: ON for always on, OFF for always off, or L-RTS to follow the condition of the Local RTS signal. When L-RTS is selected, the CTS Delay parameter (described below) controls the time between the off-to-on transition of RTS with the same transition of CTS. The default value is ON.


(ON, OFF, R-DTR) This parameter specifies the handling of the local DSR signal. It can be set to: ON for always on, OFF for always off, or R-DTR to follow the condition of the Remote DTR signal. The default value is on.


(ON, OFF, R-RTS) This parameter specifies the handling of the local DCD signal. It can be set to: ON for always on, OFF for always off, or R-RTS to follow the condition of the Remote RTS signal. The default value is ON.

CTS Delay

(0-200) This parameter specifies the local CTS delay, the delay at which CTS follows the condition of RTS. It can be set to a value in the range 0 (zero) to 200 milliseconds in 10 millisecond increments (i.e., 0, 10, 20, 30...). If the default value of zero is chosen, CTS follows local RTS immediately. CTS Delay only applies if CTS is set to LOCAL RTS (L-RTS). The default value is zero.

Dest Switch#

(1-62) This parameter specifies a destination switch number (1-62) where this channel will be connected. The default value is 1.

Dest Port#

(0-15) This parameter specifies a destination switch port number (0-15) where this channel will be connected. The default value is 1.

Dest Ch#

(1-5, HS, or HUNT) This parameter specifies a destination FastPAD channel number (1-5, HS [High Speed], or HUNT [Hunt Group]) where this channel will be connected. The default value is 1. If HUNT is selected, the system will attempt to establish a connection to the first available, compatible data channel at the FastPAD connected to the specified Switch and Port Number.

In Hunt Group

(YES/NO) This parameter includes (YES) or excludes (NO) this data channel from the Base Card Hunt Group. The default value is YES (included in a Hunt Group). If this parameter is enabled, incoming calls to a hunt group can be directed to this channel when it is available.

Call Retry Timer

(1-30) This parameter specifies the amount of time the FastPAD should wait for a response to a Call Connect or Call Clear request. It can be set to a value in the range 1-30 seconds. The default value is 5 seconds. When the FastPAD issues a Call Connect or Call Clear request, it will set a timer equal to the value specified here. If that timer expires with no response from the destination, the FastPAD will generate a busy tone.

Fill Character

(0-FFh) For SYNC channels, this parameter specifies the hexadecimal value of an ASCII character will be output by the Sync channel in case of a data underrun. It can be set to a value in the range 0 (zero) to FFh. The default value is 07Eh.

Enable Channel

(YES/NO) This parameter enables (YES) or disables (NO) the channel to accept incoming calls. When enabled (YES), the channel will accept incoming calls. When disabled (NO), the channel will not accept incoming calls. The default value is NO (disabled ).

Connect Channel

(YES/NO) This parameter enables (YES) or disables (NO) the initiation of a call to the destination channel. When enabled (YES), the channel will initiate a call to the destination channel to establish a connection. When disabled (NO), the channel will not initiate a call. The default value is NO (disabled).


(YES/NO) This parameter enables (YES) or disables (NO) a channel as high-priority data. If enabled (YES), this channel will operate with high-priority bandwidth allocated in the channel. When disabled (NO), the channel's data will be low priority. The default value is NO (disabled).

Inter frame

(Flag, Mark) This parameter controls what is output to the attached device when there is no data to be transmitted. If Flag is selected, the data channel will contain a 0x7Eh pattern during idle periods. If Mark is selected, the data channel will contain a 0xFFh pattern during idle periods.


(NRZ, NRZI) This parameter specifies the encoding scheme used on the data channel. NRZ is non-return to zero; NRZI is non-return to zero inverted.

Unit #

(0-255) This field appears only when an NMS port is being configured. The value entered here and in the NMS must match before communication can occur. The Unit # for each FastPAD in the network must be unique.

Expansion Channel Configuration for VFC-01 and VFC-03

EX <n>

(1-8) This parameter specifies the type of module that supports this channel (where: <n> = the expansion channel number (1-8)). The default value is VFC-01.


(8K-16 kbps ,or - - - ) This parameter specifies the voice digitization rate. It can be set to one of the following: 8, 9.6, 12, 14.4, or 16 kbps. It can also be set to "---" to disable the channel.

DTMF Detect

(ON, OFF, 2-255) This parameter enables (ON), or disables (OFF), the regeneration of DTMF tones. When enabled (ON), the FastPAD detects and regenerates DTMF tones. When disabled (OFF), DTMF tones are passed transparently to the remote unit. When a value in the range of 2-255 is specified, the FastPAD will regenerate DTMF tones for the configured number of seconds. The default value is ON.


(Loop, 4-Wire E&M, or 2-Wire E&M) This parameter specifies the telephony interface that will be used by this channel. It can be set to one of : Loop Start, 4-Wire E&M, 2-Wire E&M. Loop Start is the normal setting for FXS and FXO operating modes. Loop Start provides characteristics similar to those of a standard telephone or central office telephone circuit. The 4-Wire E&M selection is the normal setting for a PBX E&M tie line interface that uses one pair of wires for the incoming voice signal and another pair of wires for the outgoing voice signal. The 2-Wire E&M selection is for an E&M tie line that uses a single pair of wires for both the incoming and outgoing voice signals. The default value is Loop Start.


(*, **, ***, ****, or *****) This parameter is used to specify the silence suppression level. The silence suppression level is specified by entering 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 asterisk (*) characters. A larger silence suppression level results in greater savings in composite bandwidth. This allows more sync and async data channels to operate simultaneously. The default value is two asterisks (**).


This parameter specifies the local voice level into the voice port, measured in 1 dB increments. The value of this parameter adjusts the sensitivity of the local voice channel to the signal from the attached device. The purpose of this parameter is to match the voice channel dB level to the input signal. A more negative setting produces a higher input gain (i.e., +6 produces the least input gain, -31 produces the highest input gain). If the In level is reduced (made more negative), the voice channel will be more sensitive to the input; this will also cause the voice output at the Remote to sound louder. The default value is -9 dB for FXS operating mode, -13 dB for FXO, and -15 dB for E&M.


(+6 to -31 dB) This parameter defines the local voice level out of the voice port. It can be set to a value in the range +6 to -31 dB. A more positive setting produces a higher volume (i.e., +6 produces the highest volume, -31 produces the lowest volume). The default value is -13 dB for FXS operating mode, -9 dB for FXO, and -15 dB for E&M.

Call Timer

(1-30) This parameter specifies the amount of time the FastPAD should wait for a response to a Call Connect or Call Clear request. It can be set to a value in the range 1-30 seconds. The default value is 5 seconds. When the FastPAD issues a Call Connect or Call Clear request, it will set a timer equal to the value specified here. If that timer expires with no response from the destination, the FastPAD will generate a busy tone.

In Hunt Group

(A, B, NO) This parameter includes (A or B) or excludes (NO) the channel from an Expansion Channel Hunt Group (A or B). The default value is A (included in a Hunt Group A). If this parameter is enabled, incoming calls from a compatible channel type (e.g., voice or fax) to a hunt group can be directed to this channel when it is available.

Long Call Prefix

(0-9, * or #) This parameter is used to specify a prefix character that is required preceding calls using the long-call format. It can be set to a single digit 0-9, asterisk (*), or pound-sign (#). The default value is pound sign (#). When the user at an attached device (e.g., telephone or fax machine) dials a long form number (i.e., not a speed dial number), it must be preceded by the prefix character specified in this field.

Auto Dial

(YES/NO) This parameter enables (YES) or disables (No) the auto dial function. When this parameter is enabled (YES), the Number field will be added to the configuration screen. When enabled and the handset attached to this port is taken off-hook, the system will attempt to establish a connection to the configured Number. The default value is NO (disabled).


(1-99 seconds) The FXOITimeout parameter defines the amount of time that the port connected to the PSTN will wait before an actual fax transmission begins. If there is no fax tone when this timer expires, the connection will be terminated. The default value is 30 seconds.

Expansion Channel Configuration for FRAM-01

FRAM-01 Rev x.xx

This field identifies the FRAM-01 software revision.


This field identifies the release date of the software.


This field identifies the time in hours when the software was installed.

<software name>

This field identifies the name of the software release. It is typically "Release."

Slot/Channel x/y

This field identifies the selected expansion module slot number (x) and allows you to select a FRAM-01 channel number (y) to be configured. NOTE: If you select a channel that has already been configured as the high-speed composite link, the configuration parameters that you enter will be discarded. If you wish to reconfigure this channel as a normal data channel, you must first disable it for composite link usage.

Operating Mode

(H/SLDC, FRMRLY) This parameter selects between synchronous-data channel operation (H/SDLC) and frame relay switch operation.


(9.6-512 kbps) This parameter specifies the rate of a data channel. It can be set to one of the following: 9.6, 12, 14.4, 16.8, 32, 48, 56, 64, 72, 96, 112, 128, 192, 256, 384, or 512 kbps. It can be set to "---" to disable the channel. The default value is 64 kbps.

RX Clock

(INT, EXT) This parameter specifies the type of attached device and clocking from it. It can be set to INT (Internal) or EXT (External). For INT, this channel supplies the receive clocks to the attached device (e.g., as a modem would to a DTE). For EXT, this channel provides one clock and accepts one clock to the connected device (e.g., like a DCE [a modem] configured for external timing). The default value is INT.

TX Clock

(INT, EXT) This parameter specifies the type of attached device and clocking to it. It can be set to INT (Internal) or EXT (External). For INT, this channel supplies the transmit clocks to the attached device (e.g., as a modem would to a DTE). For EXT, this channel provides one clock and accepts one clock to the connected device (e.g., like a DCE [a modem] configured for external timing). The default value is INT.


(ON, OFF, L-RTS) This parameter specifies the handling of the local CTS signal. It can be set to: ON for always on, OFF for always off, or L-RTS to follow the condition of the Local RTS signal. When L-RTS is selected, the CTS Delay parameter controls the time between the off-to-on transition of RTS with the same transition of CTS. The default value is ON.


(ON, OFF, R-DTR) This parameter specifies the handling of the local DSR signal. It can be set to: ON for always on, OFF for always off, or R-DTR to follow the condition of the Remote DTR signal. The default value is ON.


(ON, OFF, R-RTS) This parameter specifies the handling of the local DCD signal. It can be set to: ON for always on, OFF for always off, or R-RTS to follow the condition of the Remote RTS signal. The default value is ON.

CTS Delay

(0 to 1000) This parameter specifies the local CTS delay, the delay at which CTS follows the condition of RTS. It can be set to a value in the range 0 (zero) to 1000 milliseconds in 10 millisecond increments (i.e., 0, 10, 20, 30...). If the default value of zero is chosen, CTS follows local RTS immediately. CTS Delay only applies if CTS is set to L-RTS. The default value is zero.

Dest Switch

(1-61) This parameter specifies a destination switch number (1-61) where this channel will be connected. The default value is 1.


This field identifies the frame relay DLCI number of the destination unit.

Dest Port

(0-15) This parameter specifies a destination switch port number (0-15) where this channel will be connected. The default value is 1.

Dest Channel

(1-5 or HS, 11-83, HUNT) This parameter specifies a destination FastPAD channel number where this channel will be connected. The default value is 1. It can be set to one of the following:

5 or HS: To connect to one of the data channels on the base card, select a value in the range 1-5 or HS for the high speed port.

1...83: To connect to data channel on a FRAM-01 expansion module, select the data card slot number (1-8) and channel number (1-3). For example, "23" will select channel 3 on the FRAM-01 expansion module in slot 2. Do not select a slot/channel that has been configured as the high speed composite link.

HUNT: If HUNT is selected, the system will attempt to establish a connection to the first available, compatible data channel at the FastPAD connected to the specified Switch and Port Numbers.

In Hunt Group

(YES, NO) This parameter includes (YES) or excludes (NO) this data channel from the Base Card Hunt Group. The default value is YES (included in the Hunt Group). If this parameter is enabled, incoming calls to a hunt group can be directed to this channel when it is available.

Call Timeout

(1-30) This parameter specifies the amount of time in seconds the FastPAD should wait for a response to a Call Connect or Call Clear request. It can be set to a value in the range 1-30 seconds. The default value is 5 seconds. When the FastPAD issues a Call Connect or Call Clear request, it will set a timer equal to the value specified here.

Enable Channel

This parameter enables (YES) or disables (NO) the channel to accept incoming calls. When enabled, the channel will accept incoming calls. When disabled, the channel will not accept incoming calls. The default value is NO (disabled ).


This parameter enables (YES) or disables (NO) the initiation of a call to the destination channel. When enabled, the channel will initiate a call to the destination Switch, Port, and Channel Number defined in the Dest Switch, Dest Port, and Dest Channel fields described above. When disabled, the channel will not initiate a call. The default value is NO (disabled).


This parameter enables (YES) or disables (NO) automatic setting of the "DE" bit. When enabled, the system will automatically set the "DE" bit in all data frames for this channel. When disabled, the "DE" bit is never set. The "DE" bit notifies the frame relay network that the data being transmitted has less priority and can be discarded in the event of network congestion. If your network discards all data with the "DE" bit set regardless of congestion, disable this parameter so that the "DE" bit is not set. The default value is YES.


This parameter enables (YES) or disables (NO) the allocation of bandwidth while the channel is connected. If enabled, this channel will have bandwidth allocated when it is connected. When disabled, bandwidth will not be allocated when the channel is connected (assuming low actual bandwidth usage). The default value is NO (disabled).

Inter frame

(Flag, Mark) This parameter controls what is output by the data channel to the attached device when there is no data to be transmitted. If Flag is selected, the data channel to will output a 0x7Eh pattern to the attached device during idle periods. If Mark is selected, the data channel will output a 0xFFh pattern to the attached device during idle periods. The default value is FLAG.


(NRZ, NRZI) This parameter determines the encoding scheme to be used on the data channel. Allowed values are NRZ (non-return to zero) and NRZI (non-return to zero inverted). The default value is NRZ.

FRAM-01 With Frame Relay Channel


(Enable, Disable) This parameter enables or disables the channel.


(NRZ, NRZI) The parameter determines the encoding used on the data channel. Allowed values are NRZ (non-return to zero) and NRZI (non-return to zero inverted).


(9.6-512 kbps, disable) This parameter specifies the rate of a data channel. It can be set to one of the following: 9.6, 12, 14.4, 16.8, 32, 48, 56, 64, 72, 96, 112, 128, 192, 256, 384, or 512 kbps. It can be set to "---" to disable the channel. The default value is 64 kbps.

RX Clock

(INT, EXT) This parameter specifies the type of attached device and clocking from it. It can be set to INT (Internal) or EXT (External). For INT, this channel supplies the receive clocks to the attached device (e.g., as a modem would to a DTE). For EXT, this channel provides one clock and accepts one clock to the connected device (e.g., like a DCE [a modem] configured for external timing). The default value is INT.

TX Clock

(INT, EXT) This parameter specifies the type of attached device and clocking to it. It can be set to INT (Internal) or EXT (External). For INT, this channel supplies the transmit clocks to the attached device (e.g., as a modem would to a DTE). For EXT, this channel provides one clock and accepts one clock to the connected device (e.g., like a DCE [a modem] configured for external timing). The default value is INT.


(0-512 kbps) Defines the mild congestion threshold in bits. It can be set to a value in the range 0 to 512 kbps in 1 kbps increments.This value is used for congestion control. When the number of bits in queue to this port is above MildC, the system will set the FECN bit in all frames queued and discard all frames with the DE bit set. All transmit frames are marked with the BECN bit. This value is also used to calculate a PVC's Committed and Peak Information Rate (See the CIR and PIR fields below for details)


(0-512 kbps) Defines the severe congestion threshold in bits. It can be set to a value in the range 0 to 512 kbps in 1 kbps increments. This value is used for congestion control. When the number of bits in the queue for this port is above SevereC, all frames are discarded.


(Disable, Auto, LMI Rev1, ANSI Annex D, Q.933 Annex A) Defines the frame relay link management protocol. It can be set to: Disabled, Auto, LMI Rev1, ANSI Annex D, or Q.933 Annex A. Auto instructs the system to detect and use the protocol currently in use.


(User [UNI DTE], Net [UNI DCE], Both (NNI) Defines the side that the data channel interfaces to the network. It can be set to User (UNI DTE), Network (UNI DCE) or Both (NNI).


(1-255) Defines the number of T391 polling cycles (see below) between Full Status Inquiry messages. It can be set to a value in the range 1-255. The default is 6.


(1-10) Defines the number of times n393 events (see below) can occur before the link is declared inactive. It can be set to a value in the range 1 to 10. The system will generate an event message when the number of error events is equal to or exceeds this value. The default is 3.


(1-10) Used in conjunction with the n392 parameter (see below). It can be set to a value in the range 1 to 10. If N392 of the last N393 events are found in error, the link is declared inactive the link remains inactive until N393 consecutive error-free events are detected. An event is the receipt of a valid or invalid Status Inquiry message or expiration of the T392 time.The default is 4.


(5-30) Defines the interval at which the FastPAD should send Status Inquiry messages to the network. It can be set to a value in the range 5-30 seconds. The default is 10.


(5-30) Defines the length of time the network should wait between Status Inquiry messages. It can be set to a value in the range 5 to 30 seconds. If no Status Inquiry message is received with T392 seconds, the network records an error.The default is 15.

PVC Configuration:


(1-3, L) Identifies the FRAM-01 channel (1-3 or L = Logical link) being configured. It cannot be changed.


(17-991) Identifies a DLCI number.


(1-3, L) Identifies the FRAM-01 channel (1-3 or L = Logical link) being configured. It cannot be changed.


(17-991) Identifies a DLCI number.


(1-3, L) Specifies the FRAM-01 channel number on the "A" side of the PVC.


(17-991) Specifies the DLCI number on the "A" side of the PVC. It can be a number in the range 17-991. The DLCI number is a combination of the Switch Number (1-61) and Switch Port number (1-15) (e.g., Switch1/Port/1 = DLCI 17)


(1-3, L) Specifies the FRAM-01 channel number on the "B" side of the PVC.


(17-991) Specifies the DLCI number on the "B" side of the PVC. It can be a number in the range 17-991. The DLCI number is a combination of the Switch Number (1-61) and Switch Port number (1-15) (e.g., Switch1/Port/1 = DLCI 17)


(A, I, or -) Defines statistical collection. A is active, I is inactive, and - is disabled.


(- [disable fragmentation], F [enable fragmentation]) If the "A" or the "I" is selected in the <stats> field, select one of the following: - (disable fragmentation) or F (enable fragmentation/encapsulation). (Fragmentation is recommended for frames in excess of 500 bytes.) The default is fragmentation disabled.


(250-128000) Defines the committed burst size (in bits in the queue) on the "A" side of the PVC. The default is 0.


(250-128000) The default is 0. Defines the excess burst size (in bits in the queue) on the "A" side of the PVC.


(250-128000) Defines the committed burst size (in bits in the queue) on the "B" side of the PVC.The default is 0.


(250-128000) Defines the excess burst size (in bits in the queue) on the "B" side of the PVC.The default is 0.


Identifies the Committed Information Rate (in bits) on the "A" side of the PVC. This value is calculated by the system as follows: (Bc/Mc)*Rate. In this formula, Bc is the committed burst size specified in the Bc field above, Mc is the mild congestion threshold value specified in the MildC field above and Rate is the rate assigned to the channel in the first data channel configuration screen. This value is used for congestion control. When the number of bits in queue for this PVC is above CIR but lower than PIR, all forwarded frames are marked with the DE bit set.


Identifies the Peak Information Rate (in bits) on the "A" side of the PVC. This value is calculated by the system as follows: (Be/Mc)*Rate. In this formula, Be is the excess burst size specified in the Be field above, Mc is the mild congestion threshold value specified in the MildC field above and Rate is the rate assigned to the channel in the first data channel configuration screen. This value is used for congestion control. When the number of bits in queue for this PVC is above PIR, all frames are discarded


Identifies the Committed Information Rate (in bits) on the "B" side of the PVC. This value is calculated by the system as follows: (Bc/Mc)*Rate. In this formula, Bc is the committed burst size specified in the Bc field above, Mc is the mild congestion threshold value specified in the MildC field above and Rate is the rate assigned to the channel in the first data channel configuration screen. This value is used for congestion control. When the number of bits in queue for this PVC is above CIR but lower than PIR, all forwarded frames are marked with the DE bit set.


Identifies the Peak Information Rate (in bits) on the "B" side of the PVC. This value is calculated by the system as follows: (Be/Mc)*Rate. In this formula, Be is the excess burst size specified in the Be field above, Mc is the mild congestion threshold value specified in the MildC field above and Rate is the rate assigned to the channel in the first data channel configuration screen. This value is used for congestion control. When the number of bits in queue for this PVC is above PIR, all frames are discarded.

Posted: Thu Jan 25 14:02:40 PST 2001
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