
Table Of Contents























































































































Display IMA Group

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimagrp command to display the following configuration information for the specified IMA group.


IMA group number

Identifies the IMA group whose configuration information you want to display.

NE IMA version

The IMA version at the near end (was specified by addimagrp).

Group symmetry

The group symmetry mode adjusted during the group start-up.

Minimum links in TX direction

The minimum number of links that must be active on the transmit side for the IMA group to be operational.

Minimum links in RX direction

The minimum number of links that must be active on the receive side for the IMA group to operational.

NE TX clock mode

The transmit clocking mode used by the near-end IMA group.

FE TX clock mode

The transmit clocking mode used by the far-end IMA group.

TX Frame length

The frame length used by the IMA group in the transmit direction.

RX Frame length

The frame length used by the IMA group in the receive direction.

Group GTSM

The current state of the IMA group (the GTSM state).

NE group state

The state of the near-end IMA group. For example: start-up state.

FE group state

The state of the far-end IMA group. For example: start-up state.

Group failure status

Could be near end state is unknown, failed, start-up, etc.


The IMA ID currently in use by the near-end IMA function.


The IMA ID currently in use by the far-end IMA function.

Max cell rate

The maximum number of cells per second for this IMA group.

Avail cell rate

The amount of bandwidth in cells per second available to this group.

Differential delay maximum

The maximum number of milliseconds of differential delay among the links that are tolerated on this interface.

Diff delay maximum observed

The latest maximum differential delay (in milliseconds) observed between the links having the least and most link propagation delay, among the receive links currently configured in the IMA group.

Accumulated delay

The accumulated delay for the current IMA group in milliseconds.

Clear accumulated delay status

The accumulated delay status for the current IMA group.

GTSM up integration time

Integration UP time for alarm integration. Persisting checking time to enter a failure alarm condition, in case of LIF, LODS, RFI-IMA fault failure alarms. Units of measure are milliseconds.

GTSM down integration time

Integration DOWN time for alarm integration. Persisting clearing time to exit the LIF, LODS, RFI-IMA failure alarm conditions. Units of measure are milliseconds.

Number TX configured links

The number of transmit links that are configured in this IMA group.

Number RX configured link

The number of receive links that are configured in this IMA group.

Number of active TX links

The number of transmit links that are active in this IMA group.

Number of actual RX links

The number of receive links that are active in this IMA group.

Least delay link

The ifIndex of the link configured in the IMA group that has the smallest link propagation delay. A value of zero may appear if no link has been configured in the IMA group or if the link with the smallest link propagation delay has not yet been determined.

Tx timing reference link

The ifIndex of the transmit timing reference link used by the near-end for IMA data cell clock recovery from the ATM layer. A value of zero may appear if no link has been configured in the group or if the transmit timing reference link has not yet been selected.

Rx timing reference link

The ifIndex of the receive timing reference link used by the near-end for IMA data cell clock recovery toward the ATM layer. A value of zero may appear if no link has been configured in the group or if the receive timing reference link has not yet been selected.

Group running seconds

The number of seconds the local IMA group has been running.

Alpha value

This is the alpha value used to specify the number of consecutive invalid ICP cells to be detected before moving to the IMA Hunt state from the IMA Sync state.

Beta value

This is the beta value used to specify the number of consecutive errored ICP cells to be detected before moving to the IMA Hunt state from the IMA Sync state.

Gamma value

This is the gamma value used to specify the number of consecutive valid ICP cells to be detected before moving to the IMA Sync state from the IMA PreSync state.

TX OAM label

IMA OAM Label value transmitted by the near-end IMA unit.

RX OAM label

IMA OAM Label value transmitted by the far-end IMA unit. A 0 likely means that the IMA unit has not yet received an OAM label from the far-end IMA unit.

Test pattern procedure status

The current link test procedure status—enabled or disabled,
for example.

Test link

The current link under test.

Test pattern

The current link test pattern.

Stuff Cell Indication (frames)

The Stuff Cell indicator in frames.

Version Fallback Enabled

Indicates whether version fallback is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

Auto-Restart Mode

Indicates whether version fallback is enabled or disabled.

Rx IMA ID Expected

Displays the ID of the IMA that is expected to be received from the far end of the connection.

Auto-Restart Sync State

Indicates whether Auto-Restart Sync is enabled or disabled.


dspimagrp <group>

Syntax Description


Specifies the IMA group to display.

Note Enter the dspimagrps command to see a list of all IMA groups on the current card.

Related Commands

addimagrp, delimagrp, dspimagrps, cnfimagrp


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the configuration for group 1.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspimagrp 1
Group Number : 1
NE IMA Version : 1.1
Group Symmetry : Symm Operation
Tx Min Num Links : 1
Rx Min Num Links : 1
NE Tx Clk Mode : CTC
FE Tx Clk Mode : CTC
Tx Frame Len (bytes) : 128
Rx Frame Len (bytes) : 128
Group GTSM : Up
NE Group State : Operational
FE Group State : Operational
Group Failure Status : No Failure
Tx Ima ID : 1
Rx Ima ID : 22
Max Cell Rate (c/s) : 7183
Avail Cell Rate (c/s) : 7183
Diff Delay Max (msecs) : 200
Diff Delay Max Observed (msecs) : 0
Accumulated Delay (msecs) : 0
Clear Accumulated Delay Status : Not In Progress
GTSM Up Integ Time (msecs) : 0

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
GTSM Dn Integ Time (msecs) : 4000
Num Tx Cfg Links : 2
Num Rx Cfg Links : 2
Num Act Tx Links : 2
Num Act Rx Links : 2
Least Delay Link : 1.1:28
Tx Timing Ref Link : 1.1:28
Rx Timing Ref Link : 1.1:27
Group Running Secs : 276430
Alpha Val : 2
Beta Val : 2
Gamma Val : 1
Tx OAM Label : 3
Rx OAM Label : 3
Test Pattern Procedure Status : Disabled
Test Link : Unknown
Test Pattern : 255
Stuff Cell Indication (frames) : 1
Version Fallback Enabled : true
Auto-Restart Mode : disable
Rx IMA ID Expected : -1
Auto-Restart Sync State : disable


Display IMA Group Alarm

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimagrpalm command to display the group number and alarm state for the specified IMA group. The possible alarms are as follows:

imaAlarmLinkLif (1)

imaAlarmLinkLods (2)

imaAlarmLinkRfi (3)

imaAlarmLinkTxMisConnect (4)

imaAlarmLinkRxMisConnect (5)

imaAlarmLinkTxFault (6)

imaAlarmLinkRxFault (7)

imaAlarmLinkTxUnusableFe (8)

imaAlarmLinkRxUnusableFe (9)

imaAlarmGroupStartupFe (10)

imaAlarmGroupCfgAbort (11)

imaAlarmGroupCfgAbortFe (12)

imaAlarmGroupInsuffLinks (13)

imaAlarmGroupInsuffLinksFe (14)

imaAlarmGroupBlockedFe (15)

imaAlarmGroupTimingSynch (16)


dspimagrpalm <group>

Syntax Description


Specifies the IMA group whose alarms you want to display.

Note Enter the dspimagrps command in the ATM context to see a list of all IMA groups on the current card.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the alarms for IMA group 11.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspimagrpalm 11

Group Number : 11
Alarm State : clear


Display IMA Group Alarm Count

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimagrpalmcnt command to display the current alarm count for the specified IMA group.


dspimagrpalmcnt <group>

Syntax Description


Specifies the IMA group whose alarm counters you want to display.

Note Enter the dspimagrps command in the ATM context to see a list of all IMA groups on the current card.

Related Commands

clrimagrpalmcnt, clrimagrpalmcnts, dspimagrpalmcnt, dspimagrpbucketcnt


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the current alarm count for IMA group 1.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspimagrpalmcnt 1
Group Number : 1
Group Running Secs : 0
Group Unavail Secs : 0
Group Num NE Failure : 0
Group Num FE Failure : 0
Group Avail Cell Rate : 0


Display IMA Group Alarms

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimagrpalms command to display the group number and alarm state for all configured IMA groups. The possible alarms are as follows:

imaAlarmLinkLif (1)

imaAlarmLinkLods (2)

imaAlarmLinkRfi (3)

imaAlarmLinkTxMisConnect (4)

imaAlarmLinkRxMisConnect (5)

imaAlarmLinkTxFault (6)

imaAlarmLinkRxFault (7)

imaAlarmLinkTxUnusableFe (8)

imaAlarmLinkRxUnusableFe (9)

imaAlarmGroupStartupFe (10)

imaAlarmGroupCfgAbort (11)

imaAlarmGroupCfgAbortFe (12)

imaAlarmGroupInsuffLinks (13)

imaAlarmGroupInsuffLinksFe (14)

imaAlarmGroupBlockedFe (15)

imaAlarmGroupTimingSynch (16)



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays alarms for all configured IMA groups:

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspimagrpalms

Group Number : 11
Alarm State : Clear
Group Number : 12
Alarm State : StartUp Ne


Display IMA Group Bucket Count

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimagrpbucketcnt command to display the alarm bucket count for the specified IMA group at the specified interval (intvl).


dspimagrpbucketcnt <group> <intvl>

Syntax Description


Specifies the IMA group whose alarm counters you want to display.

Note Enter the dspimagrps command in the ATM context to see a list of all IMA groups on the current card.


The time interval to display (0-96). Interval 0 is the current 15-minute and 24-hour interval. Interval 1 is the most recent 15-minute interval. Interval 2 is the next most recent 15-minute interval, and so on. Interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.

Related Commands

clrimagrpalmcnt, clrimagrpalmcnts, dspimagrpalmcnt, dspimagrpcnt


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the cell count in the policing bucket for IMA group 5 at the most recent 15-minute interval.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[ATM].a > dspimagrpbucketcnt 5 0
Group Number : 5
Interval Number : 0

Unavailable Seconds : 0
Near End Failures : 0
Far End Failures : 0


Display IMA Groups

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimagrps command to display the following information for all configured IMA groups:


IMA grp

Identifies the IMA group you are displaying.

min links

Minimum number of active links required for the IMA group to be operational.

Tx frm len

Transmit frame length. Possible frame lengths are as follows:

IMA 1.0—128

IMA 1.1—32,64,128 or 256

Rx frm len

Receive frame length. Possible frame lengths are as follows:

IMA 1.0—128

IMA 1.1—32,64,128 or 256

Tx clk mode

Specifies the transmit clock mode. Enter a number to indicate the transmit clock mode as follows:

1 = CTC

2 = ITC

Diff delay (ms)

The maximum differential delay in milliseconds.

NE-IMA state

The current operational state of the near-end IMA Group State Machine.

NE-IMA state

The current operational state of the far-end IMA Group State Machine.

IMA ver

The version of IMA in use by the IMA group, either IMA 1.0 or IMA 1.1.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays information about all configured IMA groups.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspimagrps
Ima Min Tx Rx Tx Diff NE-IMA FE-IMA IMA
Grp Lnks Frm Frm Clk Delay State State Ver
Len Len Mode (ms)
1 1 128 128 CTC 200 Insuff Links Operational 1.1
   2   2 256 256 CTC 275 Operational Operational 1.1
   3   2 256 256 CTC 100 Insuff Links Insuff Links 1.1


Display IMA Link

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimalnk command to display the following configuration information for the specified IMA link.


IMA Link Number

Identifies the line or path of the IMA link you want to display.

IMA Link Group Number

Identifies the IMA group to which the specified IMA link belongs.


The latest measured delay (in milliseconds) on this link relative to the link, in the same IMA group, with the least delay.


The current state of the near-end transmit link


The current state of the near-end receive link.


The current state of the far-end transmit link as reported via ICP cells.


The current state of the far-end receive link as reported via ICP cells.


The current link failure status of the near-end receive link.


The current link failure status of the far-end receive link as reported via ICP cells.

ImaLink TxLid

Identifies the local outgoing link.

ImaLink RxLid

Identifies the remote incoming link as reported via ICP cells.


This object identifies the test pattern received in the ICP Cell (octet 17) on the link during the IMA Test Pattern Procedure. This value may then be compared to the transmitted test pattern.


This value indicates the current state of the Test Pattern Procedure:

disabled: the test is not running

operating: the test is running and no error has been found on this interface.

linkFail: an error has been detected on this link during the test.


LIF integration up time. Range: 0-400000 milliseconds. The LIF (Loss of IMA Frame) defect is the occurrence of persistent OIF (Out of IMA Frame) anomalies for at least 2 IMA frames.


LIF integration down time. Range: 0-400000 milliseconds. The LIF (Loss of IMA Frame) defect is the occurrence of persistent OIF (Out of IMA Frame) anomalies for at least 2 IMA frames.


LODS integration up time. Range 0-100000 milliseconds. The LODS (Link Out of Delay Synchronization) is a link event indicating that the link is not synchronized with the other links within the IMA group.


LODS integration down time. Range 0-100000 milliseconds. The LODS (Link Out of Delay Synchronization) is a link event indicating that the link is not synchronized with the other links within the IMA group.


dspimalnk <link>

Syntax Description


Identifies the link (line or path) in an IMA group to display.

Note Enter the dspimalnks command to see a list of all IMA links on the current card.

Related Commands

addimalnk, cnfimalnk, delimalnk, dspimalnks


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the configuration information for IMA link (path) 1.1:7.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspimalnk 1.1:7
IMA Link Number : 1.1:7
IMA Link Group Number : 1
Link Rel Delay (msecs) : 0
Link NE Tx State : Active
Link NE Rx State : Active
Link FE Tx State : Active
Link FE Rx State : Active
Link NE Rx Failure Status : No Failure
Link FE Rx Failure Status : No Failure
IMA Link Tx LID : 0
IMA Link Rx LID : 0
Link Rx Test Pattern : 255
Link Test Procedure Status : Disabled
Link LIF Integ UpTime : 2500
Link LIF Integ DownTime : 10000
Link LODS Integ UpTime : 2500
Link LODS Integ DownTime : 10000


Display IMA Link Alarm

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimalnkalm command to display the alarm state of the specified IMA link/path.


Link Number

The IMA path or line number.


The IMA link alarm state.


dspimalnkalm <link>

Syntax Description


Identifies the link (line or path) for which you want to display alarms.

Note Enter the dspimalnks command to see a list of all links on the current card.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the alarms for the IMA link with the path ID 1.1.3:1.2 (where the bay is 1,the line is 1, the STS is 3, the VTG is 1, and the VT is 2). In this example, there are no alarms present.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspimalnkalm 1.1.3:1.2
Link Number : 1.1.3:1.2
Alarm State : clear

In the following example, the user displays alarms for IMA link (physical line) 1.2. In this example, link1.2 shows an LIF (Loss of IMA Frame) failure.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[ATM].a > dspimalnkalm 1.2

Link Number : 1.2
Alarm State : Lif Fail
mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a >


Display IMA Link Alarms

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimalnkalms command to display the alarm states of all IMA links.



Identifies the IMA line or path.


The IMA link Alarm State.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays alarms for all IMA links.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspimalnkalms
Link Number : 1.1:2
Alarm State : Clear
Link Number : 1.2:2
Alarm State : Clear


Display IMA Link Bucket Count

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimalnkbucketcnt command to display the following performance and statistic bucket counter information for the specified IMA link at the specified interval.


Link Number

Identifies the IMA link whose performance and statistic counter information you want to display.

Interval Number

The time interval to display (0-96). Interval 0 is the current 15-minute and 24-hour interval. Interval 1 is the most recent 15-minute interval. Interval 2 is the next most recent 15-minute interval, and so on. Interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.


The count of one-second intervals containing less than 30 percent of the ICP cells counted as IV-IMAs, or one or more link defects (such as LOS, OOF/LOF, AIS, LIF, LODS, or LCD) except during UAS-IMA condition. The number of SESs is displayed for both the near end and the far end.

Unavailable Seconds

The count of unavailable seconds at the near end and far end. Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA.

Tx Unusable Seconds

The count of unusable seconds for transmitting at the near-end Tx LSM and from the far end Tx LSM.

Rx Unusable Seconds

The count of seconds with unusable indications for receiving at the near end RX LSM and from the far-end RX LSM.

Tx Stuffs

The count of stuffed events inserted in the transmit direction. This is an optional attribute.

Rx Stuffs

The count of stuffed events detected in the receive direction. This is an optional attribute.

IMA Violations

The count of errored, invalid, or missing IMA Control Protocol (ICP) cells, except during SES-IMA or UAS-IMA conditions.

OIF Anomalies

The count of Out of IMA Frame (OIF) anomalies, except during SES-IMA or UAS-IMA conditions, at the near-end. This is an optional attribute.


dspimalnkbucketcnt <link> <intvl>

Syntax Description


Identifies the IMA link (line or path) for which you want to display interval stastics.

Note Enter the dspimalnks command to see a list of all IMA links on the current card.


The time interval to display (0-96). Interval 0 is the current 15-minute and 24-hour interval. Interval 1 is the most recent 15-minute interval. Interval 2 is the next most recent 15-minute interval, and so on. Interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.

Related Commands

clrimagrpalmcnt, clrimagrpalmcnts, clrimalnkcnts


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays performance and statistic bucket counter information for the IMA link with the path ID 1.1.3:1.2. In this example, the user displays the cell count at the most recent 15-minute interval.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspimalnkbucketcnt 1.1.3:1.1 1
Link Number : 1.1.3:1.2
Interval Number : 1

Near End Far End
SESs : 0 0
Unavailable Seconds : 900 900
Tx Unusable Seconds : 900 900
Rx Unusable Seconds : 900 900
Tx Stuffs : 1592
Rx Stuffs : 0
IMA Violations : 0
OIF Anomalies : 0


Display IMA Link Counters

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimalnkcnt command to display the following performance and statistic counter information for an IMA link.


IMA Link Number

Identifies the IMA link whose performance and statistic counter information you want to display.

IMA Group Number

Identifies the IMA group to which the specified IMA link belongs.

IMA Link Violations

The count of errored, invalid, or missing ICP cells, except during SES-IMA or UAS-IMA conditions.

IMA Link OIF Anomalies

The number of OIF anomalies, except during SES-IMA or UAS-IMA conditions, at the near-end. This is an optional attribute.


The count of one-second intervals containing less than 30 percent of the ICP cells counted as IV-IMAs, or one or more link defects (such as LOS, OOF/LOF, AIS, LIF, LODS, or LCD) except during UAS-IMA condition.


The count of one-second intervals containing one or more RDI-IMA defects, except during UAS-IMA-FE condition.

IMA Link NE UnavSec

The count of unavailable seconds at the near-end: unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA.

IMA Link FE UnavSec

The count of unavailable seconds at the far-end: unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA-FE and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA-FE.

IMA Link NE Tx UnusSec

The count of unusable seconds for transmitting at the near-end Tx LSM.

IMA Link NE Rx UnusSec

The count of unusable seconds for receiving at the near-end Rx LSM.

IMA Link FE Tx UnusSec

The count of seconds with unusable indications for transmitting from the far-end Tx LSM.

IMA Link FE Rx UnusSec

The count of seconds with unusable indications for receiving from the far-end Rx LSM.

IMA Link NE Tx Num Fail

The number of times a near-end transmit failure alarm condition has been entered on this link.

IMA Link NE Rx Num Fail

The number of times a near-end receive failure alarm condition has been entered on this link.

IMA Link FE Tx Num Fail

The number of times a far-end transmit failure alarm condition has been entered on this link.

IMA Link FE Rx Num Fail

The number of times a far-end receive failure alarm condition has been entered on this link.

IMA Link Tx Stuffs

The count of stuffed events inserted in the transmit direction. This is an optional attribute.

IMA Link Rx Stuffs

The count of stuffed events detected in the receive direction. This is an optional attribute.

IMA Link Rx Error Free ICP Cells

The count of ICP cells received with no errors.


dspimalnkcnt <link>

Syntax Description


Identifies the IMA link (line or path) for which you want to display stastics.

Enter the dspimalnks command to see a list of all links on the current card.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays performance and statistic counters for the IMA link with the path ID 1.1.3:1.2.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspimalnkcnt 1.1.3:1.2
IMA Link Number : 1.1.3:1.2
IMA Group Number : 11
IMA Link Violations : -2144619088
IMA Link OIF Anomalies : -1
IMA Link NE SES : -2024403408
IMA Link FE SES : 641
IMA Link NE UnavSec : 0
IMA Link FE UnavSec : 641
IMA Link NE Tx UnusSec : 0
IMA Link NE Rx UnusSec : -2140201800
IMA Link FE Tx UnusSec : 0
IMA Link FE Rx UnusSec : 16
IMA Link NE Tx Num Fail : -1
IMA Link NE Rx Num Fail : -1
IMA Link FE Tx Num Fail : 641
IMA Link FE Rx Num Fail : -2144989092
IMA Link Tx Stuffs : 641
IMA Link Rx Stuffs : -2117391680
IMA Link Rx Error Free ICP cells : 64
mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a >


Display IMA Links

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimalnks command to display the following configuration information for IMA links.


Link number

This corresponds to the ifIndex of the MIB-II interface on which this link is established. This object also corresponds to the logical number (ifIndex) assigned to this IMA link.

Group number

Identifies the IMA group (imaGroupIndex) of which this link is a member.

Relative delay

The latest measured delay on this link relative to the link, in the same IMA group, with the least delay.

Near-end transmit state

The current state of the near-end transmit link

Near-edn receive state

The current state of the near-end receive link.

Near-end receive fail status

The current link failure status of the near-end receive link.

Transmit LID

The outgoing LID used currently on the link by the local end. This value has meaning only if the link belongs to an IMA group.

Receive LID

The incoming LID used currently on the link by the remote end as reported via ICP cells. This value has meaning only if the link belongs to an IMA group.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays configuration information for all IMA links.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspimalnks

Link Grp Rel Ne Ne NeRx Tx Rx
Num Num Dly Tx Rx Fail Lid Lid
(ms) State State Status
1.1    1     0 Usable Not In Grp Lif Fail 8 255
1.2    1       0 Usable Not In Grp Lif Fail 9 255
1.3    1       0 Active Active No Failure 10 10


Display IMA Parameters

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspimaparms command to display the following IMA configuration information:

Maximum number of IMA groups that can be supported.

Current number of IMA groups configured.

Minimum IMA ID range.

Maximum IMA ID range.

Status of IMA group auto-restart mode, either enabled or disabled.

Status of IMA version fallback mode, either enabled or disabled.



Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays IMA configuration information.

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspimaparms

IMA Parameters
Max IMA Groups Supported : 42
Configured IMA Groups : 0
Min IMA ID Range : 100
Max IMA ID Range : 200
IMA Ver Fallback : Enable
IMA Auto-Restart : Enable


Display Card Licenses

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspliccd command to display the current status of licenses on a service module.



Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: No

State: Any

Privilege: Any User


In the following example, the user displays the current status of licenses in slot 4.

M8830_CH.4.MPSM155[FR].a > dspliccd
Card License Alarm: None
Service Module Type: MPSM-T3E3-155
Service Module Serial Number: SAD074204EK
Provisioning (addcon) Allowed: YES
Needed License Type Needed Licenses
------------------- ---------------
MultiSrvc 1
Channelize 1
MultiLink 1

Allocated License Type Allocated licenses
---------------------- ------------------
MultiSrvc 1
Channelize 1
MultiLink 1

Programmed License Type Programmed licenses
------------------------ -------------------

Programmed License Registered: NO
License registration node: NONE
License registration chassis: NONE


Display Line

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspln command to display configuration and state information of a physical line on a card.

The dspln command displays the following characteristics for SONET/SDH lines:


Line Number

The number of the interface being displayed, in the format bay.line.

Admin Status

Indicates whether the line is up or down.


Indicates whether the line is in loopback mode or not:



Frame Scrambling

Indicates whether Frame Scrambling is enabled or disabled on the line.

Xmt Clock source

The configured clock source.



Line Type

The line type. For example, dsx3CbitParity

Medium Type (SONET/SDH)

Indicates whether the line medium type is SONET or SDH.

Medium Time Elapsed

Indicates the time that has elapsed for the line since the last interval.

Medium Valid Intervals

Indicates the Medium valid intervals configured for the line.

Medium Line Type

Indicates the medium line type. For example, multi-mode fiber (MMF) or long reach, single-mode fiber (SMF).


Indicates whether the line is channelized or unchannelized.

Num of STS-Paths/AUs

Indicates the Number of STS-Paths/AUs on the line.

Provisioned Paths/AUs

Indicates the number of paths and AUs provisioned on the line.

Alarm Status

Indicates the current alarm status of the line:







Note The alarm status for standby cards is reported as N/A because the alarm status of the standby card may not be the same as the active card.

APS enabled

Indicates whether APS is enabled or disabled on the line.

Number of ATM ports

The number of configured ATM ports on the line.

Number of ATM partitions

The number of configured ATM partitions on the line.

Number of ATM SPVC

The number of configured ATM SPVCs on the line.

Number of ATM SPVP

The number of configured ATM SPVPs on the line.

Number of ATM SVC

The number of configured ATM SVCs on the line.

Number of ATM Sig VC

The number of configured ATM Sig VCs on the line.

Number of FR ports

The number of configured Frame Relay ports on the line.

Number of FR Connections

The number of configured Frame Relay Connections on the line.

Number of IMA links

The number of configured IMA links on the line.

Number of MFR links

The number of configured Multilink Frame Relay bundles.

The dspln command displays the following characteristics for DS3/E3 or DS1/E1 lines:

Line Number

The number of the interface being displayed.

Admin Status

Indicates whether the line is up or down.

Line Type

The line type. For example,

Line Coding

The type of coding on the line.

Line Length (meters)

The configured line length in meters (0-64000).

OOF Criteria

Displays the threshold for triggering an out-of-frame condition.

The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = 3 out of 8. An out-of-frame condition is declared if at least 3 out of 8 framing bits are in error.

2 = 3 out of 16. An out-of-frame condition is declared if at least 3 out of 16 framing bits are in error.

ASIC c-Bits Check

Indicates the status of the Application-specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) c-Bits check.


Indicates whether the line is in loopback mode or not:



Xmt. Clock source

The configured clock source.



Rcv FEAC Validation

FEAC (far-end alarm and control) code validation criteria.

The possible values for LineRcvFEACValidation are:

1 = 4 out of 5: a valid FEAC code is declared if 4 of 5 codes match.

2 = 8 out of 10: a valid FEAC code is declared when 8 of 10 codes match.


Indicates whether or not the line is channelized.

Alarm Status

Indicates the current alarm status of the line:







Note The alarm status for standby cards is reported as N/A because the alarm status of the standby card may not be the same as the active card.

Number of ATM ports

The number of configured ATM ports on the line.

Number of ATM partitions

The number of configured ATM partitions on the line.

Number of ATM SPVC

The number of configured ATM SPVCs on the line.

Number of ATM SPVP

The number of configured ATM SPVPs on the line.

Number of ATM SVC

The number of configured ATM SVCs on the line.

Number of ATM Sig VC

The number of configured ATM signaling VCs on the line.

Number of FR ports

The number of configured Frame Relay ports on the line.

Number of FR Connections

The number of configured Frame Relay Connections on the line.

Number of IMA links

The number of configured IMA links on the line.

Number of MFR links

The number of configured Multilink Frame Relay bundles.


dspln <bay.line>

Syntax Description


Identifies the line you want to bring down, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines on the current card.

Related Commands

upln, cnfln


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (SONET/SDH)

In the following example, the user displays SONET line 1.1.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspln 1.1
Line Number : 1.1
Admin Status : Up Alarm Status : Clear
Loopback : NoLoop APS enabled : Enable
Frame Scrambling : Enable Number of ATM ports : 1
Xmt Clock source : localTiming Number of ATM partitions : 1
Line Type : sonetStm1 Number of ATM SPVC : 0
Medium Type(SONET/SDH) : SDH Number of ATM SPVP : 0
Medium Time Elapsed : 82 Number of ATM SVC : 0
Medium Valid Intervals : 96 Number of ATM Sig VC : 0
Medium Line Type : Unknown Number of FR ports : 1
Channelized : Yes Number of FR Connections : 1
Num of STS-Paths/AUs : 1 Number of IMA Links : 2
Provisioned Paths/AUs : 1 Number of MFR Links : 1
NOTE: Number of ATM ports/parts/conns excludes those on IMA groups
Number of FR ports/conns excludes those on MFR bundles

Note When APS is enabled, the alarm status line shows the alarm status of the active line.

Example (DS3/E3)

In the following example, the user displays DS3 line 1.1.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspln 1.1
Line Number : 1.1
Admin Status : Up Alarm Status : Critical
Line Type : dsx3CbitParity Number of ATM ports : 0
Line Coding : ds3B3ZS Number of ATM partitions : 0
Line Length(meters) : 0 Number of ATM SPVC : 0
OOFCriteria : 3Of16Bits Number of ATM SPVP : 0
AIS c-Bits Check : Check Number of ATM SVC : 0
Loopback : NoLoop Number of ATM Sig VC : 0
Xmt. Clock source : localTiming Number of FR ports : 0
Rcv FEAC Validation : 8 out of 10 Number of FR Connections : 0
Channelized : Enabled Number of IMA Links : 0
Number of MFR Links : 0
NOTE: Number of ATM ports/parts/conns excludes those on IMA groups
Number of FR ports/conns excludes those on MFR bundles

Note When APS is enabled, the alarm status line shows the alarm status of the active line.

Example (T1/E1)

In the following example, the user displays E1 line 1.1.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[ATM].a > dspln 1.1
Line Number : 1.1
Admin Status : Up Alarm Status : Clear
Line Type : dsx1ESF Number of ATM ports : 0
Line Coding : dsx1B8ZS Number of ATM partitions : 0
Line Length(meters) : 1 Number of ATM SPVC : 0
Loopback : NoLoop Number of ATM SPVP : 0
Xmt. Clock source : localTiming Number of ATM SVC : 0
Valid Intervals : 96 Number of ATM Sig VC : 0
Number of FR ports : 1
Number of FR Connections : 1
Number of IMA Links : 0


Display Line Alarm

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsplnalm command to display the line and statistical alarm states for the specified line. For DS1/E1 lines, the BERT status is displayed.


dsplnalm <bay.line>

Syntax Description


The line to display, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines on the current card.

Related Commands

clradjlnalmcnt, clrlnalmcnt, cnflnalm, dspadjlnalm, dspadjlnalmcnt, dsplnalmcnf, dsplnalmcnt, dsplnalms


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (SONET/SDH)

In the following example, the user displays the alarm states for SDH line 1.1.

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsplnalm 1.1
Line Number: 1.1
Alarm State
Section : Clear
Line : Clear
Statistical Alarm State
Section : Clear
Line : Clear

Example (DS3)

In the following example, the user displays the alarm states for DS3 line 1.1.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dsplnalm 1.1
Line Number : 1.1
Alarm State : Clear
Statistical Alarm State: Clear
PLCP Alarm State : Clear
LOCD Alarms State : Clear

Example (E1)

In the following example, the user displays the alarm states for E1 line 1.1.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[ATM].a > dsplnalm 1.1
Line Number : 1.1
Alarm State : Clear
LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Bert Operational State : Unconfigured


Display Line Alarm Configuration

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay


Enter the dsplnalmcnf command to display the current statistical alarm thresholds on the specified line. To change the statistical line alarms thresholds, use the cnflnalm command.


dsplnalmcnf -<line_type> <bay.line>

Syntax Description


Limits the display to one of the following line types:







The line to display, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines.

Related Commands

clrlnalmcnt, cnflnalm, dsplnalm, dsplnalmcnt, dsplnalms


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (DS3/E3)

In the following example, the user displays alarm thresholds for DS3 line 1.1.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsplnalmcnf -ds3 1.1
LineNum: 1.1
Stat Alarm Severity: None
15min Threshold 24hr Threshold
LCV : 387 3865
LES : 86 864
PCV : 382 3820
PES : 86 864
PSES : 4 40
SEFS : 2 8
UAS : 10 10

Example (PLCP)

In the following example, the user displays PLCP alarm thresholds for SONET line 1.1.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsplnalmcnf -plcp 1.1
LineNum: 1.1
Stat Alarm Severity: None
15min Threshold 24hr Threshold
BIP-8CV : 315 3584
BIP-8ES : 86 864
BIP-8SES: 4 40
SEFS : 2 8
UAS : 10 10

Example (Sonet/SDH Line)

In the following example, the user displays line alarm thresholds for SONET line 1.1.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dsplnalmcnf -sonetline 1.1
LineNum: 1.1
Line Stat Alarm Severity: None
15min Threshold 24hr Threshold
Line ESs : 20 200
Line SESs: 3 7
Line CVs : 25 250
Line UASs: 10 10

Example (Sonet/SDH Section)

In the following example, the user displays section alarm thresholds for SONET line 1.1.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dsplnalmcnf -sonetsec 1.1
LineNum: 1.1
Section Stat Alarm Severity: None
15min Threshold 24hr Threshold
Section ESs : 20 200
Section SESs : 3 7
Section SEFSs: 3 7
Section CVs : 25 250


Display Line Alarm Counters

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsplnalmcnt command to display the stastics counters for a specified line. The alarm counters indicate how many times each type of active alarm has occurred since the counters were last cleared.


dsplnalmcnt <bay.line>

Syntax Description


The line to display, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines.

Related Commands

clrlnalmcnt, cnflnalm, dsplnalm, dsplnalmcnf, dsplnalms


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (DS1/E1)

In the following example, the user displays statistics counters for DS1 line 1.10.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > dsplnalmcnt 1.10

Line Number: 1.10
Elapsed Time(in sec): 807

Near End
CurrentESs : 10
CurrentLCVs : 0
CurrentLESs : 9
CurrentSESs : 10
CurrentSEFSs : 0
CurrentPCVs : 0
CurrentUASs : 24

Example (DS3)

n the following example, the user displays statistics counters for DS3 line 1.1.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dsplnalmcnt 1.1

Line Number: 1.1
Elapsed Time(in sec): 397
Num of LOS : 0
Num of OOF : 0
Num of RAI : 0
Near End Far End
CurrentCCVs : 0 CurrentCCVs : 0
CurrentCESs : 0 CurrentCESs : 0
CurrentCSESs : 0 CurrentCSESs : 0
CurrentUASs : 6 CurrentUASs : 6
CurrentLCV : 0
CurrentLES : 0
CurrentLSES : 0
CurrentPCV : 0
CurrentPES : 0
CurrentPSES : 0
Current24HrLCV : 0
Current24HrLES : 0
Current24HrLSES: 0
Current24HrPCV : 0
Current24HrPES : 0

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
Current24HrPSES: 0
Current24HrCCV : 0
Current24HrCES : 0
Current24HrCSES: 0
Current24HrUAS : 0
CurrentBIP-8CV : 0
CurrentBIP-8ES : 0
CurrentBIP-8SES : 0
CurrentSEFS : 0
CurrentUAS : 0
Num of OOF : 0
Num of RAI : 0
Num of FE Count : 0
Num of FESec : 0
Num of SEFESec : 0
Num of FEBE : 0
Num of FEBESec : 0
Num of SEFEBESec: 0

Example (E3)

n the following example, the user displays statistics counters for E1 line 1.1.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dsplnalmcnt 1.1

Line Number : 1.1
Elapsed Time(in sec): 88
Num of LOS : 0
Num of OOF : 0
Num of RAI : 0
Near End Far End
CurrentPCVs : 0 CurrentPCVs : 0
CurrentPESs : 0 CurrentPESs : 0
CurrentPSESs : 0 CurrentPSESs : 0
CurrentUASs : 88 CurrentUASs : 0
CurrentLCV : 0
CurrentLES : 0
CurrentSEFS : 0
CurrentLSES : 0
Current24HrLCV : 0
Current24HrLES : 8
Current24HrPCV : 0
Current24HrPES : 8
Current24HrPSES: 8
Current24HrSEFS: 0
Current24HrUAS : 1430
  Current24HrLSES: 8

Example (SDH/SDH)

n the following example, the user displays statistics counters for SDH line 1.1.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsplnalmcnt 1.1
Line Number : 1.1
Elapsed Time(in sec): 530
Section PM:
Num of LOSs : 0
Num of LOFs : 0
CurrentESs : 0
CurrentSESs : 0
CurrentSEFSs : 0
CurrentCVs : 0
Current24HrESs : 0
Current24HrSESs : 0
Current24HrSEFSs: 0
Current24HrCVs : 0
Line PM:
Num of AISs: 0
Num of RFIs: 0
Near End Far End
CurrentESs : 0 CurrentESs : 0
CurrentSESs : 0 CurrentSESs : 0
CurrentCVs : 0 CurrentCVs : 0

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
CurrentUASs : 0 CurrentUASs : 0
Current24HrESs : 0 Current24HrESs : 0
Current24HrSESs: 0 Current24HrSESs: 0
Current24HrCVs : 0 Current24HrCVs : 0
Current24HrUASs: 0 Current24HrUASs: 0


Display Line Alarms

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsplnalms command to display line and statistical alarms for all lines on the current card.



Syntax Description


Related Commands

clrlnalmcnt, cnflnalm, dsplnalm, dsplnalmcnt, dsplnalmcnt


Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (DS1/E1)

In the following example, the user displays the line and statistical alarms for all DS1 lines on the current card.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[ATM].a > dsplnalms

Line Number : 1.1
Alarm State : Clear
LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Bert Operational State : Unconfigured

Line Number : 1.2
Alarm State : Clear
LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Bert Operational State : Unconfigured

Line Number : 1.3
Alarm State : Clear
LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Bert Operational State : Unconfigured

Line Number : 1.4
Alarm State : Clear
LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Bert Operational State : Unconfigured

Example (DS3/E3)

In the following example, the user displays the line and statistical alarms for all DS3 lines on the current card.

.mpsm_node1.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsplnalms

Line Number : 1.1
Alarm State : Clear
Statistical Alarm State: No Statistical Alarms
LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Line Number : 1.2
Alarm State : Clear
Statistical Alarm State: No Statistical Alarms
LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Line Number : 1.3
Alarm State : Clear
Statistical Alarm State: No Statistical Alarms
LOCD Alarm State : Clear

Example (SONET/SDH)

In the following example, the user displays the line and statistical alarms for all SDH lines on the current card.

.M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsplnalms

Line Number: 1.1
Alarm State
Section : Clear
Line : Clear
Statistical Alarm State
Section : Clear
Line : Clear

Line Number: 1.2
Alarm State
Section : Clear
Line : Clear
Statistical Alarm State
Section : Clear
Line : Clear


Display Line Load

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsplnload command to display line load statistics. The information provided by the dsplnload command display can help you determine the current percent of utilization and cell count on a line that has been configured for ATM service. Using the parameters provided by dspln, you can determine whether the current load on the line needs modification or troubleshooting.

Note The dsplnload command is valid only on T3 or E3 lines that are configured for ATM service. Use the dspatmlayerload command to determine the current percent of utilization and cell count for Sonet lines that are configured for ATM service.


dsplnload <bay.line>

Syntax Description


The line to display, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines on the current card.

Related Commands

dsplns, dspln


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the load on line 1.1. The display shows that no cells are traversing this line.

mpsm_node1.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsplnload 1.1
Getting the stats. Please wait ...
Ingress Egress
Cell rate (cps) : 0 0
Utilization (percentage) : 0.00 0.00


Display Line Performance Bucket Counters

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsplnpmbucketcnt command to display the interval performance monitoring counters for a line.


dsplnpmbucketcnt <bay.line> <intvl>

Syntax Description


Identifies the line whose performance monitoring counters you want to display, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines on the current card.


The time interval to display (1-96).l. Interval 1 is the most recent 15-minute interval. Interval 2 is the next most recent 15-minute interval, and so on. Interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (SONET/SDH)

In the following example, the user displays the line specific performance monitoring counters from the most recent interval for SDH line 1.1.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsplnpmbucketcnt 1.1 1
Line Number : 1.1
Interval Number : 1
Section PM:
ESs : 0
SESs : 0
SEFSs : 0
CVs : 0

Line PM:
Near End Far End
ESs : 0 0
SESs : 0 0
CVs : 0 0
UASs : 0 0

Example (DS3/E3)

In the following example, the user displays the line specific performance monitoring counters from the most recent interval for E3 line 1.1.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsplnpmbucketcnt 1.1 1
Line Number : 1.1
Interval : 1

Near End Far End
CCVs : 0 0
CESs : 0 0
CSESs : 0 0
UASs : 0 0
PESs : 0
PSESs : 0
SEFSs : 0
LCVs : 0
PCVs : 0
LESs : 0

Example (DS1/E1)

In the following example, the user displays the line specific performance monitoring counters from the most recent interval for DS1 line 1.1.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[ATM].a > dsplnpmbucketcnt 1.1 1
Line Number : 1.1
Interval : 1

Near End Far End
ESs : 0 0
SESs : 0 0
SEFSs : 0 0
UASs : 0 0
PCVs : 0 0
LESs : 0 0


Display Lines

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsplns command to display the configuration for all lines on a card. (For information on an individual line, use dspln.) The variations that can exist in display contents depends on the card, as follows:

The dsplns command displays the following characteristics for SONET/SDH lines:


Sonet Line

The number of the interface being displayed, in the format bay.line.

Line State

Indicates whether the line is up or down.


The line type. For example, sonetSts3c

Line Lpbk

Indicates whether the line is in loopback mode:



Frame Scramble

Indicates whether Frame Scrambling is enabled or disabled on a SONET/SDH line.

Medium Line Coding

The type of medium line coding on a SONET/SDH line.

Medium Line Type

Indicates the medium line type on a SONET/SDH line. For example, multi-mode fiber (MMF) or long reach, single-mode fiber (SMF).

Valid Intvls

Indicates the valid intervals configured for the line.

Alarm State

Indicates the current alarm status of the line:






APS Enabled

Indicates whether APS is enabled or disabled on a SONET/SDH line.


Indicates whether or not the SONET/SDH line is channelized.


The length of a DS3/E3 line.

OOF Criteria

The criteria for out-of-frame state for a DS3/E3 line.

AIS cBit Check

The alarm indication signal cBit check state for a DS3/E3 line.

Note The alarm status for standby cards is reported as N/A when the alarm status of the standby card is not the same as the alarm status for the active card.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands

cnfln, delln, dspln, dnln, upln


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (SONET/SDH)

In the following example, the user displays all SDH lines on an MPSM-T3E3-155 card.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsplns
Medium Medium
Sonet Line Line Line Frame Line Line Valid Alarm APS Channe-
Line State Type Lpbk Scramble Coding Type Intvls State Enabled lized
------------- ----- ------------ ------ -------- ------ -------- ------ -------- ------- -------
1.1 Up sonetStm1 NoLoop Enable NRZ MMF 16 Clear Disable Yes
1.2 Down sonetSts3c NoLoop Enable NRZ MMF 0 Clear Disable No

Example (DS3/E3)

In the following example, the user displays all DS3 lines on an MPSM-T3E3-155 card.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsplns
Line Line Line Line Length OOF AIS Valid Alarm
Num State Type Lpbk (meters) Criteria cBitsCheck Intvls State
---- ----- --------------- ---------- -------- ----------- ---------- ------ ----------
1.1 Up dsx3CbitParity NoLoop 0 3Of16Bits Check 0 Clear
1.2 Up dsx3CbitParity NoLoop 0 3Of16Bits Check 0 Clear
1.3 Up dsx3CbitParity NoLoop 0 3Of16Bits Check 0 Clear

Example (DS1/E1)

In the following example, the user displays all DS1 lines on an MPSM-16-T1E1 card.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM16T1E1PPP.a > dsplns

Line Line Line Line Length Valid Alarm

Num State Type Lpbk (meters) Intvls State

---- ----- ----------- ----------- -------- ---------- -------

1.1 Up dsx1ESF Local 1 0 Clear

1.2 Down dsx1ESF NoLoop 1 0 Clear

1.3 Down dsx1ESF NoLoop 1 0 Clear

1.4 Down dsx1ESF NoLoop 1 0 Clear



Display Load

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspload command to display the current level of usage of various parameters on a partition. To convey a picture of what is available on a resource partition, the display shows the configured bandwidth and connection numbers and resorce utilization.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

dspload <ifNum> <partId>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


The interface number (partition number) of the partition load to display.

Note The MPSM cards must be in the ATM CLI context if you want to delete a partition from an ATM port.

Note Enter the dspparts command in the ATM CLI context to display the port numbers and partition IDs for all active ATM ports.


A number that identifies the partition, in the range 1-20.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

dspload <ifNum> <CtrlNum>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


The interface number (partition number) of the partition load to display.

Note The MPSM cards must be in the Frame Relay CLI context if you want to delete a partition from a Frame Relay port.

Note Enter the dspparts command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the all partition and controller numbers associated with Frame Relay ports.


Identifies the Controller number.

Related Commands

dsprscprtn, addcon, dspcons, dspcon, cnfcon


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the load on partition number 1, logical port 127.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspload 127 1
| I N T E R F A C E L O A D I N F O |
| Maximum Channels : 0004000 |
| Guaranteed Channels : 0000000 |
| Igr Maximum Bandwidth : 0003000 |
| Igr Guaranteed Bandwidth: 0003000 |
| Egr Maximum Bandwidth : 0003000 |
| Egr Guaranteed Bandwidth: 0003000 |
| Available Igr Channels : 0003999 |
| Available Egr Channels : 0003999 |
| Available Igr Bandwidth : 0003000 |
| Available Egr Bandwidth : 0003000 |
| E X C E P T -- V A L U E S |
| CBR | Avl Chnl | 0003999 | 0003999 |
| VBR-RT | Avl Chnl | 0003999 | 0003999 |
| CBR | Avl Bw | 0003000 | 0003000 |
| VBR-RT | Avl Bw | 0003000 | 0003000 |

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the load on controller number 2, logical port 11.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > dspload 11 2
| I N T E R F A C E L O A D I N F O |
| Used Igr Bandwidth (bps) : 1536000 |
| Available Igr Bandwidth (bps) : 0 |
| Used Egr Bandwidth (bps) : 1536000 |
| Available Egr Bandwidth (bps) : 0 |
| Used Channels : 1 |
| Available Channels : 1999 |


Display Multi-link Frame Relay Bundle

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dspmfrbundle command to display configuration information and operational status for an MFR bundle.


dspmfrbundle <bundleNumber>

Syntax Description


Identifies the MFR bundle number.

Note Enter the dspmfrbundles command to display all MFR bundles on the card.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

addmfrbundle, cnfmfrbundle, delmfrbundle


In the following example, the user displays MFR bundle 1.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspmfrbundle 1
Bundle Number : 1
Activation Class : A
Minimum Links : 1
Admin state : Up
Oper State : Up
Hello Timer (seconds) : 10
Ack Timer (seconds) : 4
Max Retry Count : 2
Maximum Bundle Links : 12
Configured Number of Links : 4
Active Number of Links : 4
Available Bandwidth : 6176000
Near End Bundle Name : M8850_SF.Slot10.Bundle01
Far End Bundle Name : M8850_SF.Slot10.Bundle02


Display Multi-link Frame Relay Bundle Alarm

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dspmfrbundlealm command to display the alarm status of an MFR bundle.


dspmfrbundlealm <bundleNum>

Syntax Description


Identifies the MFR bundle number.

Note Enter the dspmfrbundles command to display all MFR bundles on the card.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands



In the following example, the user displays the alarm status of MFR bundle 1.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspmfrbundlealm 1
Bundle Number : 1
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Up
Alarm State : Clear


Display Multi-link Frame Relay Bundle Alarm

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dspmfrbundlealms command to display alarm status for all MFR bundles provisioned on the card.



Syntax Description



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands



In the following example, the user displays the alarm status of all MFR bundles.

MM8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspmfrbundlealms
Mfr Admin Oper Alarm
Bundle State State State
1 Up Up Clear
2 Up Up Clear


Display Multi-link Frame Relay Interval Counters

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dspmfrbundlebucketcnt command to display interval statistics for an MFR bundle.


dspmfrbundlebucketcnt <group> <intvl>

Syntax Description


Identifies the MFR bundle number.

Note Enter the dspmfrbundles command to display all MFR bundles on the card.


Stastics interval number, in the range 0-96


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

dspmfrbucketcnt, dspmfrbundles


In the following example, the user displays statistics for interval 1 on MFR bundle 2.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspmfrbundlebucketcnt 2 1
Bundle Number : 2
Interval Number : 1

Resequence Errors : 0


Display Multi-link Frame Relay Bundle Counters

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dspmfrbundlecnt command to display statistics for an MFR bundle.


dspmfrbundlecnt <bundleNum>

Syntax Description


Identifies the MFR bundle number.

Note Enter the dspmfrbundles command to display all MFR bundles on the card.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

clrmfrbundlcnts, dspmfrbundles


In the following example, the user displays the counters on MFR bundle 1.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspmfrbundlecnt 1
Bundle Number : 1
Resequence Errors : 0


Display Multi-link Frame Relay Bundles

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dspmfrbundles command to display summary information for all MFR bundles.



Syntax Description



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

addmfrbundle, cnfmfrbundle, delmfrbundle


In the following example, the user displays all MFR bundles.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspmfrbundles
Mfr Activation Minimum Configured Active Admin Oper Max Diff
Bundle Class Links Links Links State State Delay
1 A 1 4 4 Up Up 300
2 A 1 4 4 Up Up 300


Display a Multi-link Frame Relay Link

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dspmfrlnk command to display an MFR link.


dspmfrlnk <link>

Syntax Description


Identifies the MFR link number to display.

Note Enter the dspmfrlnks command to display all MFR links on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addmfrlnk, cnfmfrlnk, delmfrlnk, dspmfrlnks


In the following example, the user displays MFR link 1.1:3.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspmfrlnk 1.1:3
Link Number : 1.1:3
Bundle Number : 1
Link State : Up
Link Alarm State : Clear
Link Delay (Rtt in msec) : 21
Link Near End Name : M8850_SF.Slot10.Link03
Link Far End Name : M8850_SF.Slot10.Link31
Link Far End Bundle Name : M8850_SF.Slot10.Bundle02
Link PHY Operational Status : Up


Displays Multi-link Frame Relay Link Alarm

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dspmfrlnkalm command to display alarm status of a link.


dspmfrlnkalm <link>

Syntax Description


Identifies the MFR link number.

Note Enter the dspmfrlnks command to display all MFR links on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addmfrlnk, cnfmfrlnk, dspmfrlnk


In the following example, the user displays alarms on link 1.1:3.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspmfrlnkalm 1.1:3
Link Number : 1.1:3
Bundle Number : 1
Link State : Up
Link Alarm State : Clear
PHY Operational Status : Up


Displays Multi-link Frame Relay Link Alarms

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dspmfrlnkalms command to display alarm status for all links associated with MFR bundles.




Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands



In the following example, the user displays link alarms.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspmfrlnkalms
Link Bundle Link Link Alarm PHY Oper
Num Num State State State
1.1:3 1 Up Clear Up
1.1:4 1 Up Clear Up
1.1:5 1 Up Clear Up
1.1:6 1 Up Clear Up
1.2:3 2 Up Clear Up
1.2:4 2 Up Clear Up
1.2:5 2 Up Clear Up
1.2:6 2 Up Clear Up


Display Multi-link Frame Relay Interval Statistics

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dspmfrlnkbucketcnt command to display interval statistics for an MFR link.


dspmfrlnkbucketcnt <link> <intvl>

Syntax Description


Identifies the MFR link number for which to display statistics.

Note Enter the dspmfrlnks command to display all MFR links on the card.


Statistics interval, in the range 0-96


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

dspmfrlnkcnt, dspmfrlnks


In the following example, the user displays statistics for interval 1 of link 1.1:3.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspmfrlnkbucketcnt 1.1:3 1
Link Number : 1.1:3
Interval Number : 1
Frames Control Tx : 170
Frames Control Rx : 170
Frames Control Invalid Rx : 0
Timer Expired Count : 0
Loopback Suspected Count : 0
Unexpected Sequence Count : 0
Mismatch Count : 0


Display Multi-link Frame Relay Link Statistics

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dspmfrlnkcnt command to display statistics for an MFR link.


dspmfrlnkcnt <link>

Syntax Description


Identifies the MFR link number for which to display statistics.

Note Enter the dspmfrlnks command to display all MFR links on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands



In the following example, the user displays statistics for link 1.1:3 in MFR bundle 1.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspmfrlnkcnt 1.1:3
Link Number : 1.1:3
Bundle Number : 1
Link State : Up
Control Frames Tx on Link : 10988
Control Frames Rx on Link : 10980
Invalid Control Frames Rx on Link : 0
Timer Expired Count : 8
Loopback Suspected Count : 0
Delayed/Duplicated Frames : 0
Inconsistent Bundle Count : 0


Display Multi-link Frame Relay Links

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dspmfrlnks command to display summary information about all MFR links.



Syntax Description



Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addmfrlnk, delmfrlnk, cnfmfrlnk, dspmfrlnk


In the following example, the user displays all MFR links on a bundle.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspmfrlnks
Link Bundle Link Link Alarm Link PHY Oper
Num Num State State Delay(ms) State
1.1:3 1 Up Clear 21 Up
1.1:4 1 Up Clear 21 Up
1.1:5 1 Up Clear 20 Up
1.1:6 1 Up Clear 19 Up
1.2:3 2 Up Clear 21 Up
1.2:4 2 Up Clear 21 Up
1.2:5 2 Up Clear 20 Up
1.2:6 2 Up Clear 20 Up


Display MLPPP Bundle

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dspmpbundle command to display an MLPPP bundle.


dspmpbundle <bundleNumber>

Syntax Description


Specifies the MLPPP bundle number to display.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all MLPPP bundles on the card.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

addmpbundle, cnfmpbundle, delmpbundle


In the following example, the user displays MLPPP bundle 1 an an MPSM-16-T1E1.

REDSTONE.6.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspmpbundle 1
Bundle Number : 1
Admin State : Up
Oper State : Up
Alarm Cause : No Alarm
MRRU : 1100
SeqNumFormat : 24 bit
Fragmentation : Disable
EndpointDiscrimClass : Locally Assigned
EndpointDiscriminator : TestNode.6.1
LinksConfigured : 1
LinksActive : 1
RemoteMRRU : 1100
RemoteEndpDiscrimClass : Locally Assigned
RemoteEndpDiscriminator : TestNode.6.1
Configured Bandwidth : 1344000
Available Bandwidth : 1344000


Display Statistics on an MLPPP Bundle

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dspmpbundlecnt command to display MLPPP bundle statistics.


dspmpbundlecnt <bundleNumber> <intvl>

Syntax Description


Specifies the MLPPP bundle number for which t o display statistics.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all MLPPP bundles on the card.


The time interval to display (0-96). Interval 0 is the current 15-minute and 24-hour interval. Interval 1 is the most recent 15-minute interval. Interval 2 is the next most recent 15-minute interval, and so on. Interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands



In the following example, the user displays statistics for interval 1 of MLPPP bundle 5 on an MPSM-16-T1E1:

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspmpbundlecnt 5 1
MLPPP Bundle Number : 5
Interval Number : 1

Receive Packets : 720
Receive Bytes : 10080
Receive Discard Bytes : 0
Receive MRRU Error Packets : 0
Receive Discard Packets : 0
Receive FCS Error Packets : 0
Send Packets : 1053
Send Bytes : 24399

In the following example, the user displays statistics for interval 1 of MLPPP bundle 1 on an MPSM-T3E3-155:

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155PPP[FR].a > dspmpbundlecnt 1 1
MLPPP Bundle Number : 1
Interval Number : 1

Receive Packets : 32
Receive Bytes : 470
Receive Discard Bytes : 0
Receive MRRU Error Packets : 0
Receive Discard Packets : 0
Send Packets : 46
Send Bytes : 638


Display the load on an MLPPP bundle

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dspmpbundleload command to display interval loads for an MLPPP bundle.


dspmpbundleload <bundleNumber> <intvl>

Syntax Description


Specifies the MLPPP bundle number.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all MLPPP bundles on the card.


The number of previous intervals to display, in the range 0-96. Interval 0 is the current interval and interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

dspwpbundles, dspwinpathload


In the following example, the user displays loads during intervals 0 through 3 for bundle 2:

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155PPP[FR].a > dspmpbundleload 2 3
MLPPP Bundle Number : 2
Intval Duration Rx Packets/s Tx Packets/s Rx Bytes/s Tx Bytes/s

0 4min 26s 0 0 4 4
1 15min 0s 0 0 4 4
2 15min 0s 0 0 4 4
3 15min 0s 0 0 4 4


Display MLPPP Bundle Parameters

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dspmpbundleparams command to display the Layer 2 QoS configuration for a bundle.


dspmpbundleparams <bundleNumber>

Syntax Description


Specifies the MLPPP bundle.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all MLPPP bundles on the card.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands



In the following example, the user displays Layer 2 QoS parameters for MLPPP bundle 5.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspmpbundleparams 5

MP Bundle (5) HW Parameters
Queue[0] Threshold : 100
Queue[1] Threshold : 100
Queue[2] Threshold : 100
Normalized PVC Bandwidth : 8600
AutoBandwidth Mode : Enable


Display MLPPP Bundles

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dspmpbundles command to display summary information about all MLPPP bundles.



Syntax Description



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

addmpbundle, cnfmpbundle, delmpbundle, dspmpbundle, dspwpbundles


In the following example, the user displays all MLPPP bundles on an MPSM-16-T1E1 card:

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspmpbundles
MLPPP Admin Oper Active Available Alarm MUX AutoBW
Bundle State State Links Bandwidth Cause Status Mode
2 Up Up 1 1984000 No Alarm Enable Enable
5 Up Up 4 7936000 No Alarm Enable Enable
13 Up Up 4 7936000 No Alarm Enable Enable

The following example, the user displays all MLPPP bundles on an the MPSM-T3E3-155 card:

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155PPP[FR].a > dspmpbundles
MLPPP Admin Oper Active Available Alarm MUX AutoBW WP
Bundle State State Links Bandwidth Cause Status Mode Id
1 Up Up 2 3072000 No Alarm Enable Enable 1
2 Up Up 2 3072000 No Alarm Enable Enable 2


Display Resource Partition

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsppart command to display information about one resource partition. The displayed information is shown in the example.

Note The dsppart and dsprscprtn commands are identical. The name "dsprscprtn" is consistent with the corresponding command in Cisco MGX 8850 PXM1-based switch. You can use either command.

Note The connection count includes control VCs when you execute dsppart on the CLI of a service module.

The total number of connections in the display includes control VCs. The types of control VCs are SSCOP, PNNI-RCC, and ILMI (if ILMI is enabled on an MPSM-T3E3-155 card). To display the connection counts that do not include control VCs, use dsppnport.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

dsppart <ifnum> <partid>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


The interface number (partition number) of the partition to display.

Note The MPSM cards must be in the ATM CLI context if you want to delete a partition from an ATM port.

Note Enter the dspparts command in the ATM CLI context to display the port numbers and partition IDs for all active ATM ports.


A number that identifies the partition, in the range 1-20.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

dsppart <ifNum> <ctrlNum>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


The interface number (partition number) of the partition to display.

Note The MPSM cards must be in the Frame Relay CLI context if you want to delete a partition from a Frame Relay port.

Note Enter the dspparts command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the all partition and controller numbers associated with Frame Relay ports.


Identifies the Controller number.

Related Commands

addpart, cnfpart, delpart, dspparts


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays resource partition 1 on logical port 12.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppart 12 1
Interface Number : 12
Partition Id : 1 Number of SPVC : 1
Controller Id : 2 Number of SPVP : 0
egr Guaranteed bw(.0001percent): 1000000 Number of SVC : 0
egr Maximum bw(.0001percent) : 1000000 Number of Sig VC : 0
ing Guaranteed bw(.0001percent): 1000000
ing Maximum bw(.0001percent) : 1000000
min vpi : 0
max vpi : 255
min vci : 32
max vci : 65535
guaranteed connections : 0
maximum connections : 4000

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays resource partition 2 on logical port 2.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > dsppart 2 2
Interface Number : 2
Partition Id : pnni Number of SPVC: 0
Controller Id : 2
Available LCNs : 4000
Min DLCI : 0
Max DLCI : 1023
Ingress Percentage Bandwidth : 100
Egress Percentage Bandwidth : 100


Display Resource Partitions

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspparts command to display information for all the resource partitions on the current card. The displayed information is shown in the example.

For information on specific elements of a resource partition, see the description of the addpart command.

Note The dspparts and dsprscprtns commands are identical. The name "dsprscprtns" is consistent with the corresponding command in Cisco MGX 8850 PXM1-based switch. You can use either command.



Related Commands

addpart, delpart, cnfpart, dsppart


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all resource partitions.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspparts
if part Ctlr egr egr ingr ingr min max min max min max
Num ID ID GuarBw MaxBw GuarBw MaxBw vpi vpi vci vci conn conn
12 1 2 1000000 1000000 1000000 1000000 0 255 32 65535 0 4000
13 1    2 1000000 1000000 1000000 1000000 0 255 32 65535 0 4000

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all resource partitions.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > dspparts
if Ctlr Ctlr available min max ingr egr
2 pnni 2 4000 0 1023 100 100
50 pnni 2 2000 0 1023 100 100


Display Path

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dsppath command to display configuration and state information for a specified path.

The dsppath display varies by path type. The following table describes the display fields for all path types.


Path Number

Identifies the path you are displaying.


Indicates the payload type for the specified path. For example, ds3. Possible path payloads are:






Note The dsppath command displays the payload only for STS and VT-structured paths. When you enter the dsppath command on VT1.5/VC11 or VT2/VC12 paths, the payload characteristic simply indicates whether the specified path is "Up" or Down." The payload characteristic is not displayed at all for DS3, E3, DS1, or E1 paths.

Admin Status

Indicates whether the path is administratively up or down.

Note The Admin Status is not displayed for VT 1.5/VC 11 or VT 2/VC 12 paths.

Operational State

Indicates whether the path is operationally up or down.

Path Type

Indicates the path type of the specified path. Possible path types are sts, vt, ds3, or ds1.


Indicates the width of the specified path. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = sts1_stm0

3 = sts3c_stm1

Note The Width is displayed only for STS, VT 1.5/VC 11, VT 2/VC 12, and VT-structured paths.

Alarm Status

Indicates the current alarm status of the path:







Note The alarm status for standby cards is reported as N/A because the alarm status of the standby card may not be the same as the active card.

Number of ATM ports

The number of configured ATM ports on the path.

Note The Number of ATM ports is not displayed for VT 1.5/VC 11 or VT 2/VC 12 paths.

Number of ATM partitions

The number of configured ATM partitions on the path.

Note The Number of ATM partitions is not displayed for VT 1.5/VC 11 or VT 2/VC 12 paths.

Number of ATM SPVC

The number of configured ATM SPVCs on the path.

Note The Number of ATM SPVC is not displayed for VT 1.5/VC 11 or VT 2/VC 12 paths.

Number of ATM SPVP

The number of configured ATM SPVPs on the path.

Note The Number of ATM SPVP is not displayed for VT 1.5/VC 11 or VT 2/VC 12 paths.

Number of ATM SVC

The number of configured ATM SVCs on the path.

Note The Number of ATM SVC is not displayed for VT 1.5/VC 11 or VT 2/VC 12 paths.

Number of ATM Sig VC

The number of configured ATM signaling VCs on the path.

Note The Number of ATM Sig VC is not displayed for VT 1.5/VC 11 or VT 2/VC 12 paths.

Number of FR ports

The number of configured Frame Relay ports on the path.

Note The Number of FR ports is not displayed for VT 1.5/VC 11 or VT 2/VC 12 paths.

Number of FR Connections

The number of configured Frame Relay Connections on the path.

Note The Number of FR Connections is not displayed for VT 1.5/VC 11 or VT 2/VC 12 paths.

Number of IMA links

The number of IMA links configured on the path.

Number of MFR links

The number of Multilink Frame Relay links configured on the path.

XMT. Trace

Indicates the trail trace bytes transmitted on this path.

Note A value is displayed for the XMT. Trace parameter only if you entered the cnfpath -txtrace command to transmit trace bytes on this path.

Note The XMT. Trace is displayed for STS and E3 paths only.


Indicates whether the line is in loopback mode or not:



Note The Loopback is displayed for DS3, E3, DS1, and E1 paths only.

Xmt. Clock source

The configured clock source.



Note The Xmt. Clock Source is displayed for DS3, E3, DS1, and E1 paths only.

Path Service

Indicates the type of service configured for the specified path.

Note The Path Service is displayed for DS3, E3, DS1, and E1paths only.

Send Code

Indicates the type of send code configured for the specified path.

Note The Path Service is displayed for DS3 and DS1 paths only.

DS0 inuse Bitmap

Displays the DS0 inuse bitmap for the current path.

Note The DS0 inuse Bitmap is displayed only for DS1 and E1 paths.

E3 Line Type

Indicates the type of E3 line configured for the path. The possible values for this parameter are:



Note The E3 Line Type is displayed for E3 paths only.

DS3 Line Type

Indicates the type of DS3 line configured for the path. The possible values for this parameter are:





Note The DS3 Line Type is displayed for DS3 paths only.

DS1 Line Type

Indicates the type of DS1 line configured for the path. Possible DS1 line types are:



Note The DS1 Line Type is displayed for DS1 paths only.

E1 Line Type

Indicates the type of E1 line configured for the path. The possible values for this parameter are:





Note The E1 Line Type is displayed for E1 paths only.

Rcv FEAC Validation

FEAC (far-end alarm and control) code validation criteria.

The possible values for LineRcvFEACValidation are:

1 = 4 out of 5: a valid FEAC code is declared if 4 of 5 codes match.

2 = 8 out of 10: a valid FEAC code is declared when 8 of 10 codes match.

Note The Rcv FEAC Validation is displayed for DS3 paths only.

OOF Criteria

Displays the threshold for triggering an out-of-frame condition.

The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = 3 out of 8. An out-of-frame condition is declared if at least 3 out of 8 framing bits are in error.

2 = 3 out of 16. An out-of-frame condition is declared if at least 3 out of 16 framing bits are in error.

Note The OOF Criteria is displayed for DS3 paths only.

ASIC c-Bits Check

Indicates the status of the Application-specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) c-Bits check.

Note The ASIC c-Bits Check is displayed for DS3 paths only.


Indicates whether the line is channelized (Enabled) or unchannelized (Disabled).

Note The status of the Channelized parameter is displayed for DS3 paths only.


dsppath[-path_filter] <path_num>

Syntax Description


Identifies the path type you want to display.

Possible path_filter keywords are:

-sts—Select STS paths in SONET networks, or AU paths in SDH networks.

-vt—Select VT paths in SONET networks, or TU3 paths in SDH networks.

-ds3—Select DS3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e3—Select E3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-ds1—Select DS1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e1—Select E1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

Note STS/STM paths and DS3 paths can have the same path number. If you enter the dsppath command without the -path_filter option, and only STS/STM paths are configured on the card, the display shows the STS/STM path with the specified path number. If there are DS3 paths configured, and you do not include the -path_filter option with the dsppath command, the display shows the lowest level path (the DS3 path) with the specified path number. To avoid confusion, Cisco recommends that you specify a -path_filter when you display a path.


The number of the path to display.

Note Enter the dsppaths <path_filter> command to display the path numbers for available paths.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (STS Path)

In the following example, the user displays configuration and state information for the STS path 1.1.0. The optional keyword (-sts) for path type is not necessary because the path number is unique.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppath -sts 1.1.0
Path Number : 1.1.0 Path Type : sts
Payload : vtStructured Width : 3
Admin Status : Up Alarm Status : Minor
Operational State : Up Number of ATM ports : 1
Number of ATM partitions : 1
Number of ATM SPVC : 0
Number of ATM SPVP : 0
Number of ATM SVC : 0
Number of ATM Sig VC : 0
Number of FR ports : 1
Number of FR connections : 1
Number of IMA Links : 1
Number of MFR Links : 1
Xmt. Trace :
NOTE: Number of ATM ports/parts/conns excludes those on IMA groups
Number of FR ports/conns excludes those on MFR bundles

Example (DS3 Path)

In the following example, the user displays configuration and state information for the DS3 path 1.1.0:2.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppath -ds3 1.1.0:2
Path Number : 1.1.0:2 Path Type : ds3
Admin Status : Up Alarm Status : Clear
Operational State : lowLayerDn Number of ATM ports : 0
DS3 Line Type : dsx3CbitParity Number of ATM partitions : 0
OOFCriteria : 3Of16Bits Number of ATM SPVC : 0
AIS c-Bits Check : Check Number of ATM SPVP : 0
Loopback : NoLoop Number of ATM SVC : 0
Xmt. Clock Source : localTiming Number of ATM Sig VC : 0
Rcv FEAC Validation : 4 out of 5 Number of FR ports : 0
Path Service : unspecified Number of FR connections : 0
Send Code : No Number of IMA Links : 0
Channelized : Disabled Number of MFR Links : 0
NOTE: Number of ATM ports/parts/conns excludes those on IMA groups
Number of FR ports/conns excludes those on MFR bundles

Example (E3 Path)

In the following example, the user displays configuration and state information for the E3 path 1.1.0:3.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppath -e3 1.1.0:3
Path Number : 1.1.0:3 Path Type : ds3
Admin Status : Down Alarm Status : Unknown
Operational State : Down Number of ATM ports : 0
E3 Line Type : e3g832frmronly Number of ATM partitions : 0
Loopback : NoLoop Number of ATM SPVC : 0
Xmt. Clock Source : localTiming Number of ATM SPVP : 0
Path Service : invalid Number of ATM SVC : 0
Number of ATM Sig VC : 0
Number of FR ports : 0
Number of FR connections : 0
Number of IMA Links : 0
Number of MFR Links : 0
Xmt. Trace :
NOTE: Number of ATM ports/parts/conns excludes those on IMA groups
Number of FR ports/conns excludes those on MFR bundles

Example (DS1 Path)

In the following example, the user displays configuration and state information for the DS1 path 1.1.0:1.1.1.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppath -ds1 1.1.0:1.1.1
Path Number : 1.1.0:1.1.1 Path Type : ds1
Admin Status : Up Alarm Status : Clear
Operational State : Up Number of ATM ports : 0
DS1 Line Type : dsx1ESF Number of ATM partitions : 0
Loopback : NoLoop Number of ATM SPVC : 0
Xmt. Clock Source : localTiming Number of ATM SPVP : 0
Path Service : hdlc Number of ATM SVC : 0
Send Code : No Number of ATM Sig VC : 0
DS0 inuse Bitmap : 0xFFFFFF Number of FR ports : 1
Number of FR connections : 1
Number of IMA Links : 0
Number of MFR Links : 0

Example (E1 Path)

In the following example, the user displays configuration and state information for the E1 path 1.1.0:3.7.3.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppath -e1 1.1.0:3.7.3
Path Number : 1.1.0:3.7.3 Path Type : ds1
Admin Status : Up Alarm Status : Clear
Operational State : Up Number of ATM ports : 0
E1 Line Type : dsx1E1CRCMF Number of ATM partitions : 0
Loopback : NoLoop Number of ATM SPVC : 0
Xmt. Clock Source : localTiming Number of ATM SPVP : 0
Path Service : ima Number of ATM SVC : 0
Number of ATM Sig VC : 0
DS0 inuse Bitmap : 0xfffefffe Number of FR ports : 0
Number of FR connections : 0
Number of IMA Links : 1
Number of MFR Links : 0

Example (VT 1.5 Path)

In the following example, the user displays configuration and state information for the VT 1.5 path 1.1.2:5.3.

mpsm_node1.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppath -vt 1.1.2:5.3
Path Number : 1.1.2:5.3 Path Type : vt
Payload : Up Width : 1-vt15
Alarm Status : Clear
Operational State : Up

Example (VT 2 Path)

In the following example, the user displays configuration and state information for the VT 2 path 1.1.3:3.3.

mpsm_node1.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppath -vt 1.1.3:3.3
Path Number : 1.1.3:3.3 Path Type : vt
Payload : Down Width : 2-vt2
Alarm Status : Unknown
Operational State : Down


Display Path Alarm

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dsppathalm command to display the following alarm information for the specified path .

Path Number

Identifies the path whose alarm you are displaying.

Path Type

Indicates the path type of the specified path. Possible path types are sts, vt, ds3, or ds1.

Path Alarm State

Indicates the current path alarm status for the specified path.

Path Operational State

Indicates whether the operational state of the path is up or down.

Path LOCD Alarm State

Indicates the current LOCD alarm status for the specified path.


dsppathalm [pathFilter] <path_num>

Syntax Description


Identifies the path type for which you want alarm information.

Possible path_filter keywords are:

-sts—Select STS paths in SONET networks, or AU paths in SDH networks.

-vt—Select VT paths in SONET networks, or TU3 paths in SDH networks.

-ds3—Select DS3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e3—Select E3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-ds1—Select DS1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e1—Select E1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

Note STS/STM paths and DS3 paths can have the same path number. If you enter the dsppathalm command without the -path_filter option, and only STS/STM paths are configured on the card, the display shows the path alarms for the STS/STM path with the specified path number. If there are DS3 paths configured on the card as well as STS/STM paths, and you do not include the -path_filter option with the dsppathalm command, the path alarms will be displayed for the lowest level path (the DS3 path). To avoid confusion, Cisco recommends that you specify a -path_filter when you display a path.


The number of the path to display.

Note Use the dsppaths <path_filter> command to display the path numbers for available paths.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays information about path alarms on the STS line 1.1.1

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppathalm -sts 1.1.1
Path Number : 1.1.1
Path Type : sts
Path Operational State : Up
Path Alarm State : Clear
Path LOCD Alarm state : Clear
Path Statistical Alarm State: Clear


Display Path Alarm Configuration

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dsppathalmcnf command to display the alarm thresholds for the statistical counters for the specified path.


dsppathalmcnf [path_filter] <path_num>

Syntax Description


Identifies the path type for which you want alarm configuration information.

Possible path_filter keywords are:

-sts—Select STS paths in SONET networks, or AU paths in SDH networks.

-vt—Select VT paths in SONET networks, or TU3 paths in SDH networks.

-ds3—Select DS3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e3—Select E3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-ds1—Select DS1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e1—Select E1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

Note STS/STM paths and DS3 paths may share the same path number. On a card configured with only STS/STM paths, entering the dsppathalmcnf command without the -path_filter option displays the statistical path alarm thresholds for the configured STS/STM path. However, on a card configured with STS/STM paths and DS3 paths, entering the dsppathalmcnf command without the -path_filter option displays the lowest-level configured path (the DS3 path). To avoid confusion, specify a -path_filter when using the dsppathalmcnf command.


The number of the path to display.

Note Use the dsppaths <path_filter> command to display the path numbers for available paths.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the configured threshold settings for the statistical alarm counters on the STS path 1.1.1.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppathalmcnf -sts 1.1.1
PathNum: 1.1.1
PathType: sts
Path Stat Alarm Severity: None
15min Threshold 24hr Threshold
Path ESs : 20 200
Path SESs: 3 7
Path CVs : 25 250
Path UASs: 10 10


Display Path Alarm Counters

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dsppathalmcnt command to display the path alarm counters for the specified path for the current 15-minute interval and the current 24-hour interval. Optionally, you can display path alarm counters for a specific 15-minute interval only.


dsppathalmcnt [path_filter] <path_num> [<intvl>]

Syntax Description


Identifies the path type for which you want to display alarm counters.

Possible path_filter keywords are:

-sts—Select STS paths in SONET networks, or AU paths in SDH networks.

-vt—Select VT paths in SONET networks, or TU3 paths in SDH networks.

-ds3—Select DS3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e3—Select E3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-ds1—Select DS1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e1—Select E1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

Note STS/STM paths and DS3 paths can have the same path number. If you enter the dsppathalmcnt command without the -path_filter option, and only STS/STM paths are configured on the card, the display shows the path alarm counters for the STS/STM path with the specified path number. If there are DS3 paths configured on the card as well as STS/STM paths, and you do not include the -path_filter option with the dsppathalmcnt command, the display shows the path alarm counters for the lowest-level path (the DS3 path). To avoid confusion, Cisco recommends that you specify a -path_filter when you display a path.


The number of the path to display.

Note Use the dsppaths <path_filter> command to display the path numbers for available paths.


The time interval to display (0-96). Interval 0 is the current 15-minute and 24-hour interval. Interval 1 is the most recent 15-minute interval. Interval 2 is the next most recent 15-minute interval, and so on. Interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the path alarm counters for the STS path 1.1.0, which displays current and 24-hour statistics.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dsppathalmcnt -sts 1.1.0
Path Number : 1.1.0
Path Type : sts
Path PM:
Num of AISs: 0
Num of RDIs: 0
Near End Far End
CurrentESs : 0 CurrentESs : 0
CurrentSESs : 0 CurrentSESs : 0
CurrentCVs : 0 CurrentCVs : 0
CurrentUASs : 0 CurrentUASs : 0
Current24HrESs : 0 Current24HrESs : 0
Current24HrSESs: 0 Current24HrSESs: 0
Current24HrCVs : 0 Current24HrCVs : 0
Current24HrUASs: 0 Current24HrUASs: 0

In the following example, the user displays interval statistics for the same path.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dsppathalmcnt -sts 1.1.0 2
Path Type : sts
Path Number : 1.1.0
Interval Number : 2
Path PM:
Near End Far End
ESs : 0 ESs : 0
SESs : 0 SESs : 0
CVs : 0 CVs : 0
UASs : 0 UASs : 0


Display Path Alarms

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dsppathalms command to display the following alarm information.

Path Number

Identifies the path whose alarms you are displaying.

Path Type

Indicates the path type of the specified path. Possible path types are sts, vt, ds3, or ds1.

Path Operational State

Indicates whether the operational state of the path is up or down.

Path Alarm State

Indicates the current alarm status the specified paths.

Path LOCD Alarm State

Indicates the current LOCD alarm status for the specified path.

Path Statistical Alarm State

Indicates the current statistical alarm status for the specified path.


dsppathalms <path_filter>

Syntax Description


Identifies the path type, so only that path type will be displayed. The possible path types are:

-sts—Display STS paths in SONET networks, or AU paths in SDH networks.

-vt—Display VT paths in SONET networks, or TU3 paths in SDH networks.

-ds3—Display DS3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e3—Display E3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-ds1—Display DS1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-all—Display all paths .

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the path alarms for all configured paths.

Note In this example, only STS paths have been configured for the card; no VT (Sonet), DS3, or DS1 paths have been configured.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppathalms -all
Path Number : 1.1.1
Path Type : sts
Path Operational State : Up
Path Alarm State : Clear
Path LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Path Statistical Alarm State: Clear
Path Number : 1.1.2
Path Type : sts
Path Operational State : Up
Path Alarm State : Clear
Path LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Path Statistical Alarm State: Clear
Path Number : 1.1.3
Path Type : sts
Path Operational State : Down
Path Alarm State : Clear
Path LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Path Statistical Alarm State: Clear
Shelf Database table empty.DspSonetVTAlmsTable
Shelf Database table empty.DspDs3PathAlmsTable
Shelf Database table empty.ds1Alarm.ds1AlarmTables

In the following example, STS and DS3 path types have been configured for the card.

mpsm_node1.11.MPSM155[FR].a > dsppaths -all

Path Path Admin Path Path Alarm Oper
Type Status Payload Width Status State
-------- -------- -------- ------------- ------- --------- ------
1.1.1 sts Up ds3 1 Clear Up
1.1.2 sts Up e3 1 Clear Up
1.1.3 sts Down unequipped 1 Unknown Down
Shelf Database table empty.SonetVTsTable

Path Path Admin DS3 Path Alarm Oper Path
Type Status Type Lpbk Status State Service
-------- ----- -------- --------------- -------- -------- --------- -----------
1.1.1 ds3 Up dsx3CbitParity NoLoop Clear Up unspecified
1.1.2 ds3 Up e3g832frmronly Local Clear Up unspecified
Shelf Database table empty.Ds1PathsTable

In the following example, the user displays the path alarms for all STS paths.

Note In this example, path information is displayed only for STS paths.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > dsppathalms -sts
Path Number : 1.1.1
Path Type : sts
Path Operational State : Up
Path Alarm State : Clear
Path LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Path Statistical Alarm State: Clear
Path Number : 1.1.2
Path Type : sts
Path Operational State : Up
Path Alarm State : Clear
Path LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Path Statistical Alarm State: Clear
Path Number : 1.1.3
Path Type : sts
Path Operational State : Up
Path Alarm State : Clear
Path LOCD Alarm State : Clear
Path Statistical Alarm State: Clear


Display Paths

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dsppaths command to display the following information for paths.

Path Number

Identifies the path.

Path Type

Indicates the path type of the specified path. Possible path types are sts, vt, ds3, or ds1.


Indicates the payload type for the specified path. For example, ds3. Possible path payloads are:






Admin Status

Indicates whether the administrative state of the path is up or down.

Path Width

Indicates the width of the specified path. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = sts1_stm0

3 = sts3c_stm1

Note The Path Width is displayed only for STS, VT 1.5/VC 11, VT 2/VC 12, and VT-structured paths.

Alarm Status

Indicates the current alarm status of the path:







Note The alarm status for standby cards is reported as N/A because the alarm status of the standby card may not be the same as the active card.

Oper State

Indicates whether the operational state of the path is up or down.


dsppaths <path_filter>

Syntax Description


Optional keyword that identifies the path type, so only that path type will be displayed. The possible path types are:

-sts—Display STS paths in SONET networks, or AU paths in SDH networks.

-vt—Display VT paths in SONET networks, or TU3 paths in SDH networks.

-ds3—Display DS3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e3—Display E3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-ds1—Display DS1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-all—Display all paths .

Note Enter the dsppaths -all command to display all paths.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays all paths configured. In this example, only STS paths have been configured for the card; no VT (Sonet), DS3, or DS1 paths have been configured.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppaths -all

Path Path Admin Path Path Alarm Oper
Type Status Payload Width Status State
-------- -------- -------- ------------- ------- --------- ------
1.1.1 sts Up hdlcFr 1 Clear Up
1.1.2 sts Up atm 1 Clear Up
1.1.3 sts Down unequipped 1 Unknown Down
Shelf Database table empty.SonetVTsTable
Shelf Database table empty.Ds3PathsTable
Shelf Database table empty.Ds1PathsTable

In the following example, the user displays all STS paths configured.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsppaths -sts

Path Path Admin Path Path Alarm Oper
Type Status Payload Width Status State
-------- -------- -------- ------------- ------- --------- ------
1.1.1 sts Up hdlcFr 1 Clear Up
1.1.2 sts Up atm 1 Clear Up
1.1.3 sts Down unequipped 1 Unknown Down


Display Port

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspport command to display the configuration for a logical port. In the ATM CLI context, the ports represent ATM services or IMA groups. In the Frame Relay CLI context, the ports represent Frame Relay services, Multilink Frame Relay bundles, or Multilink PPP bundles.

The following qualifications apply to port displays:

The operational state for standby cards is reported as N/A because the operational state of the standby card may not be the same as the active card.

The total number of connections in the display includes control VCs. The types of control VCs are SSCOP, PNNI-RCC, and ILMI (if ILMI is enabled on the MPSM cards). To see the connection counts that do not include control VCs, use dsppnport.

When a MPSM rebuilds, it provisions the card from the stored database on the PXM disk. If the SCT file associated with a specific port is missing or corrupted, the default SCT file is applied to that port. This is indicated in the dspport output by the string:

"0/0 =Def"

The SCT ID in the display pertains to the port. For the card-level SCT ID, use dspcd on the current card.


dspport <ifNum>

Syntax Description


Identifies the logical interface (port number) to display.

Note Use the dspports command in the to display the port numbers for all active ports in the current CLI context.

Related Commands

addport, dnport, dspports


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the port configuration for ATM port 12.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspport 12
Interface Number : 12
Line/Path Number : 1.1.2 IMA Group Number : N/A
Admin State : Up Operational State : Up
Guaranteed bandwidth(cells/sec): 50 Number of partitions : 1
Maximum bandwidth(cells/sec) : 50 Number of SPVC : 1
ifType : UNI Number of SPVP : 0
VPI number (VNNI, VUNI) : 0 Number of SVC : 0
Number of Sig VC : 0
SCT Id : 0 =Def
F4 to F5 Conversion : Disabled

In the following example, the user displays the port configuration for IMA port 127.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspport 127
Interface Number : 127
Line/Path Number : N/A IMA Group Number : 1
Admin State : Up Operational State : Up
Guaranteed bandwidth(cells/sec): 3000 Number of partitions : 1
Maximum bandwidth(cells/sec) : 3000 Number of SPVC : 0
ifType : UNI Number of SPVP : 0
VPI number (VNNI, VUNI) : 0 Number of SVC : 0
Number of Sig VC : 0
SCT Id : 0 =Def
F4 to F5 Conversion : Disabled

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the port configuration for Frame Relay port 2.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > dspport 2
Interface Number : 2
Line Number : 1.1.1
DS0 Speed : unused
DS0 Configuration Bit Map : N/A
Admin State : Down
Operational State : Down
Port State : Inactive
Port Signaling State : No Signaling Failure
Interface Type : Frame Relay
SCT Id : 0/0 =Def
Frame Header Length : Two Bytes
Flags Between Frames : 1
Equeue Service Ratio : 1
Port Speed : 44209 kbps
Checksum type : crc16
Over-subscription : Disabled
Over-subscribed : False
Signaling Protocol Type : No Signaling
Enhanced LMI : Disabled
FRF 1.2 Support : Disabled
Asynchronous Updates : Disabled
T391 Link Integrity Timer : 10 secs

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
T392 Polling Verification Timer : 15 secs
N391 Full Status Polling Counter : 6
N392 Error Threshold : 3
N393 Monitored Event Count : 4
FRF.12 Fragmentation : Disabled
FRF.12 Fragment Size : 64 Bytes
Port HDLC Frame Inversion : Disabled
Number of Partitions : 1
Number of SPVC : 0

In the following example, the user displays the port configuration for Multilink Frame Relay port 4.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dspport 4
Interface Number : 4
Line Number : N/A
MFR bundle Number : 1
DS0 Speed : unused
DS0 Configuration Bit Map : N/A
Admin State : Up
Operational State : Up
Port State : Active
Port Signaling State : No Signaling Failure
Interface Type : Frame Relay
SCT Id : 0/0 =Def
Frame Header Length : Two Bytes
Flags Between Frames : 1
Equeue Service Ratio : 1
Port Speed : 1532 kbps
Checksum type : crc16
Over-subscription : Disabled
Signaling Protocol Type : None
Enhanced LMI : Disabled
FRF 1.2 Support : Disabled
Asynchronous Updates : Disabled
T391 Link Integrity Timer : 10 secs

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
T392 Polling Verification Timer : 15 secs
N391 Full Status Polling Counter : 6
N392 Error Threshold : 3
N393 Monitored Event Count : 4
FRF.12 Fragmentation : Disabled
FRF.12 Fragment Size : 64 Bytes
Port HDLC Frame Inversion : Disabled
Number of Partitions : 1
Number of SPVC : 0

Example (PPP Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the port configuration for Multilink PPP port 5.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspport 5
Interface Number : 5
Line Number : N/A
DS0 Speed : unused
DS0 Configuration Bit Map : N/A
Admin State : Up
Operational State : Up
Port State : Active
Port Signaling State : No Signaling Failure
Interface Type : Frame Forward
SCT Id : 0/0 =Def
Frame Header Length : Two Bytes
Flags Between Frames : 1
Equeue Service Ratio : 1
Port Speed : 1536 kbps
Checksum type : crc16
Over-subscription : Disabled
Signaling Protocol Type : None
Enhanced LMI : Disabled
FRF 1.2 Support : Disabled
Asynchronous Updates : Disabled
T391 Link Integrity Timer : 10 secs
T392 Polling Verification Timer : 15 secs

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
N391 Full Status Polling Counter : 6
N392 Error Threshold : 3
N393 Monitored Event Count : 4
FRF.12 Fragmentation : N/A
FRF.12 Fragment Size : 64 Bytes
Port HDLC Frame Inversion : Disabled
Number of Partitions : 1
Number of SPVC : 0


Display Port Counters

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspportcnt command to display statistics counters for a logical port. In the ATM CLI context, the ports represent ATM services or IMA groups. In the Frame Relay CLI context, the ports represent Frame Relay services or Multilink Frame Relay bundles.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

dspportcnt <ifNum> <intvl>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Identifies the logical interface (port number) whose counters you want to display.

Note Use the dspports command in the ATM CLI context to display the port numbers for all ATM ports.


The time interval to display (0-96). Interval 0 is the current 15-minute and 24-hour interval. Interval 1 is the most recent 15-minute interval. Interval 2 is the next most recent 15-minute interval, and so on. Interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

dspportcnt <ifNum>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Identifies the logical interface (port number) whose counters you want to display.

Note Use the dspports command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port numbers for all Frame Relay ports.

Related Commands

dspports, dspport, cnfport, dspcds


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the port counters on logical port (ifNum) 12. In this example, the user displays the counters from the most recent 15-minute interval.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspportcnt 12 1
Interface Num : 12
Interval Num : 1
Ingress Egress
Arrival Clp0 Cells : 0 0
Arrival Clp1 Cells : 0 0
Arrival Clp0 Disc Cells : 0 0
Arrival Clp1 Disc Cells : 0 0
Depart. Clp0 Cells : 0 0
Depart. Clp1 Cells : 0 0

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays port counters on logical port (ifNum) 1.

mpsm_node1.4.MPSM155[FR].a > dspportcnt 1
Interface Num : 1
Ingress Port stats:
Rcv Frames : 1
Rcv Bytes : 18446744071563566368
Rcv Frames FECN : 67223683
Rcv Frames BECN : 0
Rcv Frames DE : 18446744071598156968
Rcv Kbps AIR : 4294967295
Rcv Frame Discard CRC Err : 2982979259436
Rcv Frame Discard Align Err : 872480513
Rcv Frame Discard Illegal Len : 2271942112
Rcv Frame Discard Illegal Hdr : 18446744071685131840
Rcv Frame Abort : 18446744071686542312
Rcv Frame Unknown DLCI : 18446744071598157068
Rcv Frame Last Unknown DLCI : 2183572728
Rcv Frame Tagged FECN : 18446744071598157064
Rcv Frame Tagged BECN : 18446744071598157056
Rcv Frame Tagged DE : 65590
Rcv Frame Discard Exceed DE Threshold : 18446744071687405288
Rcv Frame Discard No Channel : 18446744071563550344
Rcv Frame Buffer Unavailable : 19356317216

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
Rcv Bytes Discard Exceed DEThreshold : 18446744071563654100
Egress Port stats:
Xmt Frames : 18446744071687297576
Xmt Bytes : 18446744071563550344
Xmt Frames FECN : 0
Xmt Frames BECN : 0
Xmt Frames Aborted : 18446744071686540332
Xmt Kbps AIR : 2149069780
Xmt Frames LMI Alarm : 0
Xmt Frames Discard Exceed Q Depth : 18446744071563654044
Xmt Frames Discard Exceed DEThreshold : 65702
Xmt Bytes LMI Alarm : 872480513
Xmt Bytes Discard Exceed Q Depth : 18446744073709551615
Xmt Bytes Discard Exceed DEThreshold : 18446744071598157064
LMI Port stats:
Rcv LMI Status Inquiry : 0
Rcv LMI Status : 4294967295
Rcv LMI Asynch Update : 4294967295
Xmt LMI Status Inquiry : 872480513
Xmt LMI Status : 1

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
Xmt LMI Asynch Update : 4
Rcv LMI Invalid Request : 65573
Rcv LMI UNI Seq Mismatch : 2148966024
Rcv LMI NNI Seq Mismatch : 2149069780
LMI UNI Signaling tmout : 2155073768
LMI NNI Signaling tmout : 2149069724


Display Port Load

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspportload command to display the current number of ingress and egress cells per second on a logical port (ifNum). This command can help you determine the current state of a port. Using the parameters displayed by dspcon, you can see if the current load on the port needs modification or troubleshooting.


dspportload <ifNum>

Syntax Description


Identifies the logical interface (port) whose ingress and egress cell loads you want to display.

Note Use the dspports command in the ATM CLI context to display the port numbers for all ATM ports.

Related Commands

dspports, dspport, cnfport


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the load on logical port 12. In this case, no traffic currently exists on the connection.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspportload 12
Getting the stats. Please wait ...
Ingress Egress
Cell rate (cps) : 0 0


Display Ports

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspports command to display general information about all logical ports on the card.

Enter the dspports command in the ATM CLI context to display the following information for all ATM ports on the current card:


Identifies the logical interface (port).


Identifies the path number associated with the port.

Admin State

Indicates whether the administrative status of the port is up or down.

Oper State

Indicates whether the port is up or down.

Guaranteed Rate

Indicates the minimum guaranteed rate for the port in cells per second.

Maximum Rate

Indicates the maximum allowed rate for the port in cells per second.

sctID Cnf/InUse

Indicates the ID of the port-level SCT (see the addport command).


Indicates the type of interface configured on the port.


The VPI number of the port (applies only where virtual NNIs are available).


The minimum VPI configured for the port (applies only where virtual NNIs are available).


The maximum VPI configured for the port (applies only where virtual NNIs are available).


Identifies the port's IMA group, if IMA groups are configured.

Note If the specified port is not configured for an IMA group, the IMA GRP field reports N/A.

Enter the dspports command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the following information for all Frame Relay ports:


Identifies the logical interface (port).


Indicates the line or path number associated with the port.

Admin State

Indicates whether the administrative status of the port is up or down.

Oper State

Indicates whether the port is up or down.


Indicates the type of interface configured on the port.

sctID Conf,/InUse

Indicates the ID of the port-level SCT (see the addport command).

DS0 Start

Indicates the first DS0 channel in an NxDS0 port.

Port Speed

Indicates the data rate of the port, in kbps.


Indicates the enqueue service ratio

Signaling Type

Indicates the port signaling type, if any.

ELMI Status

Indicates wheter enhanced LMI state is enabled or disabled on the port.

FRF 12 Fragmentation

Indicates whether FRF 12 Fragmentation is enabled or disabled on the port.

MLPPP Bundle

Indicates the bundle with which the port is associated for MLPPP services.

Note Displayed only on cards that support MLPPP.

MFR Bundle

Indicates the bundle with which the port is associated for MFR services.

Note Displayed only on cards that support MFR.

Note The operational state for standby cards is reported as N/A because the operational state of the standby card may not be the same as the active card.



Related Commands

addport, cnfport, delport, dspport


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the ATM ports, one of which is in an IMA group.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspports
ifNum Line/ Admin Oper Guaranteed Maximum sctID ifType VPI MINVPI MAXVPI IMA
Path State State Rate Rate Cnf/InUse (VNNI, (EVUNI, (EVUNI, GRP
----- ----------- ----- ---------- ---------- -------- ----------- ------ ------ ------- ------- ---
127 N/A Up Up 3000 3000 0/ 0 =Def UNI 0 0 0 1
128 1.1.0:1.7.4 Up Up 3000 3000 0/ 0 =Def UNI 0 0 0 N/A

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the Frame Relay ports, one of which is in a MFR bundle.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dspports
ESR: Egress queue Service Ratio
If Line/Path Admn Oper if In Start Speed Signaling LMI 12 MFR
Num Num Stat Stat Type Use (Num) kbps ESR Type St Frg Bundle
---- ----------- ---- ---- ---- --- ------ ------ --- --------- --- --- ------
4 N/A Up Up FR 0 N/A 1532 1 None Off Off 1
11 1.1.0:1.1.1 Up Up FR 0 1(24) 1536 1 None Off Off N/A

Example (PPP Context)

In the following example, the user displays the ports for MLPPP bundles.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspports

ESR: Egress queue Service Ratio


If Line/Path Admn Oper if In Start Speed Signaling LMI 12 MLPPP

Num Num Stat Stat Type Use (Num) kbps ESR Type St Frg Bundle

---- ----------- ---- ---- ---- --- ------ ------ --- --------- --- --- ------

5 N/A Up Up FFwd 0 N/A 1536 1 None Off N/A 5

13 N/A Up Up FFwd 0 N/A 1536 1 None Off N/A 13


Display Port SCT

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspportsct command to display the contents of the service class template (SCT) on a port. See the description of the addport command for information on SCTs.

Note Currently, the system does not support certain parameters in the SCT, so you can specify them through addcon, cnfcon, or Cisco WAN Manager. These parameters are (when applicable) PCR, SCR, and ICR.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

dspportsct {gen | cosThr | vcThr} <ifnum> [-units <units>]

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


An aspect of the SCT to display:

gen = policing and CAC

vcThr = ATM VC thresholds

cosThr = class of service buffer (CoSB) thresholds


Identifies the logical interface (port) whose SCT contents you want to display.

Note Use the dspports command in the ATM CLI context to display the port numbers for all ATM ports.


Optional keyword which specifies the display units, in one of the following formats:

time = units in time or 0.0001% of max (default)

cellbyte = units in cells or bytes

Syntax (Frame Relay and PPP Service Context)

dspportsct {gen | vcFR |cosThr} <ifnum> [-units <units>]

Syntax Description (Frame Relay and PPP Service Context)


An aspect of the SCT to display:

gen—policing and CAC

vcFR—Frame Relay VC thresholds

cosThr—class of service buffer (CoSB) thresholds


Identifies the logical interface (port) whose SCT contents you want to display.

Note Use the dspports command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port numbers for all ATM ports.


Optional keyword which specifies the display units, in one of the following formats:

time = units in time or 0.0001% of max (default)

cellbyte = units in cells or bytes

Related Commands

addport, cnfport, dspport


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all generic parameters for port 6.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspportsct gen 6


| Service Class Template [ 1] : General Parameters |

| Major Version [ 1] : Minor Version [ 0] |




| ATMF_CBR1(100)| 18 | BCAC | GCRA 1 & 2|

| ATMF_VBRrt1(101)| 18 | BCAC | GCRA 1 & 2|

| ATMF_VBRrt2(102)| 18 | BCAC | GCRA 1 & 2|

| ATMF_VBRrt3(103)| 18 | BCAC | GCRA 1 & 2|

| ATMF_VBRnrt1(104)| 19 | BCAC | GCRA 1 & 2|

| ATMF_VBRnrt2(105)| 19 | BCAC | GCRA 1 & 2|

| ATMF_VBRnrt3(106)| 19 | BCAC | GCRA 1 & 2|

| ATMF_UBR1(107)| 20 | LCN_CAC | GCRA 1 & 2|

| ATMF_UBR2(108)| 20 | LCN_CAC | GCRA 1 & 2|

| ATMF_ABR(109)| 19 | BCAC | GCRA 1 & 2|

| ATMF_CBR2(10a)| 18 | BCAC | GCRA 1 & 2|

| ATMF_CBR3(10b)| 18 | BCAC | GCRA 1 & 2|


In the following example, the user displays all ATM VC threshold parameters for port 6.

mpsm_node1.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspportsct vcThr 6

| Service Class Template [ 1] : VC Threshold Parameters |
| Major Version [ 1] : Minor Version [ 0] |
| | THR(uSec) | (0.0001%)| (0.0001%)| (0.0001%)|
| (0.0001%)|
| ATMF_CBR1( 256)| 5000 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_VBRrt1( 257)| 10000 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_VBRrt2( 258)| 10000 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_VBRrt3( 259)| 10000 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt1( 260)| 50000 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 600000 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt2( 261)| 50000 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 600000 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt3( 262)| 50000 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 600000 |
| ATMF_UBR1( 263)| 100000 | 700000 | 300000 | 500000 | 700000 |
| ATMF_UBR2( 264)| 100000 | 700000 | 300000 | 500000 | 700000 |
| ATMF_ABR( 265)| 70000 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_CBR2( 266)| 5000 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_CBR3( 267)| 5000 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
| | MODE | (0.0001%) |
| ATMF_VBRrt1( 257)| DISABLED |
| ATMF_VBRrt2( 258)| DISABLED |
| ATMF_VBRrt3( 259)| DISABLED |
| ATMF_VBRnrt1( 260)| DISABLED |
| ATMF_VBRnrt2( 261)| DISABLED |
| ATMF_VBRnrt3( 262)| DISABLED |
| ATMF_ABR( 265)| DISABLED | 500000 |

In the following example, the user displays all CoSB threshold parameters for port 6 in units of time and percentages.

mpsm_node1.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspportsct cosThr 6 -units time +----------------------------------------------------------+
| Service Class Template [ 1] : COSB Threshold Parameters |
| Major Version [ 1] : Minor Version [ 0] |
| | (uSec) |
| 17 | 286000 |
| 18 | 296000 |
| 19 | 376000 |
| 20 | 376000 |

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all generic parameters for port 12.

mpsm_node1.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dspportsct gen 12


| Service Class Template [ 0] : General Parameters |

| Major Version [ 1] : Minor Version [ 0] |




| FR_HIPRIORITY(500)| 21 |

| FR_LOPRIORITY(501)| 22 |


In the following example, the user displays all CoSThr parameters for port 12.

mpsm_node1.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dspportsct cosThr 12
| Service Class Template [ 0] : COSB Threshold Parameters |
| Major Version [ 1] : Minor Version [ 0] |
| | (milliSec) | (0.0001%)| (0.0001%)|
| 21 | 6826 | 500 | 800 |
| 22 | 6826 | 500 | 800 |

In the following example, the user displays all Frame Relay VC threshold parameters for port 12 in cellbytes.

mpsm_node1.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dspportsct vcFR 12 -units cellbyte

| SCT [ 0] : Interworking and Congestion Control Parameters |
| | MILLSEC | 0.0001% | 0.0001% |
| FR_HIPRIORITY(1280)| 341| 103| 499|
| FR_LOPRIORITY(1281)| 341| 103| 499|


Display a PPP

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dspppplink command to display a PPP link.


dspppplink <link>

Syntax Description


Specifies the PPP link number to display.

Note Enter the dspppplinks command to display all MLPPP links on the card.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

addppplink, cnfppplink, delppplink


In the following example, the user displays PPP link 5.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspppplink 5
PPP Link ID : 5
AdminStatus : Up
OperState : Up
Fail Reason : NoAlarm
BundleID : 5
PhysicalLineID : 1.5
DS1LinkStartDS0 : 2
DS1LinkNumDS0 : 31
DS1Link56KbpsMode : Disable
MRU : 1500
LcpTimeout : 10000
LcpLoopCheck : Disable
RemoteMRU : 1500
PFCReceive : Enable
ACFCReceive : Enable
PFCTransmit : Disable
ACFCTransmit : Disable
PFCTransmitOper : Disable
ACFCTransmitOper : Disable
LinkDescriptor : LineSide
RestartTimer : 3000
MaxConfigReqRetry : 10
MaxTerminateReqRetry : 2
LcpMaxEchoReqRetry : 5
MaxFailures : 5


Display PPP Links

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dspppplinks command to display all PPP links on the card.




Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

addppplink, cnfppplink, delppplink


In the following example, the user displays all PPP links on an MPSM-16-T1E1 card.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspppplinks
Link Admin Oper Start Number Bundle Bay.Line PPP Link
Number State State DS0 of DS0 Number Number Description
2 Up Up 2 31 2 1.2 LineSide
5 Up Up 2 31 5 1.5 LineSide
6 Up Up 2 31 5 1.6 LineSide
7 Up Up 2 31 5 1.7 LineSide
8 Up Up 2 31 5 1.8 LineSide
13 Up Up 2 31 13 1.13 LineSide
14 Up Up 2 31 13 1.14 LineSide
15 Up Up 2 31 13 1.15 LineSide
16 Up Up 2 31 13 1.16 LineSide
513 Up Down 1 0 2 N/A SwitchSide
516 Up Up 1 0 5 N/A SwitchSide
524 Up Up 1 0 13 N/A SwitchSide

In the following example, the user displays all PPP links on an MPSM-T3E3-155 card.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155PPP[FR].a > dspppplinks
Link Admin Oper Start Number Bundle Path PPP Link
Number State State DS0 of DS0 Number Id Description
1 Up Up 1 24 1 1.1:1 LineSide
2 Up Up 1 24 2 1.2:1 LineSide
12 Up Up 1 24 1 1.1:2 LineSide
22 Up Up 1 24 2 1.2:2 LineSide
512 Up Down 1 0 1 N/A SwitchSide
513 Up Down 1 0 2 N/A SwitchSide


Display statistics on a PPP Link

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dspppplnkcnt command to display statistics on a PPP link.


dspppplnkcnt <link> <intvl>]

Syntax Description


Specifies the PPP link number for which to display statistics.

Note Enter the dspppplinks command to display all MLPPP links on the card.


The time interval to display (0-96). Interval 0 is the current 15-minute and 24-hour interval. Interval 1 is the most recent 15-minute interval. Interval 2 is the next most recent 15-minute interval, and so on. Interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands



In the following example, the user displays statistics for interval 1 on PPP link 5 on an MPSM-16-T1E1:

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspppplnkcnt 1 0
MLPPP Link Number : 1
Interval Number : 0

Receive Packets : 164
Receive Bytes : 2296
Receive Discard Bytes : 0
Receive MRU Errors : 0
Receive FCS Error Packets : 0
Receive Miscellaneous Errors : 0
Send Packets : 164
Send Bytes : 2296

In the following example, the user displays statistics for interval 1 on PPP link 1 on an MPSM-T3E3-155:

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155PPP[FR].a > dspppplnkcnt 1 1
MLPPP Link Number : 1
Interval Number : 1

Receive Packets : 180
Receive Bytes : 2160
Receive Discard Bytes : 0
Receive MRU Errors : 0
Receive Discard Packets : 0
Send Packets : 180
Send Bytes : 2160


Display a PPPMUX configuration.

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dsppppmux command to display PPPMUX information for an MLPPP bundle.


dsppppmux <bundleNumber>

Syntax Description


Specifies the MLPPP bundle number for which to display PPPMUX information.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all MLPPP bundles on the card.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

addpppmux, cnfpppmux, delpppmux


In the following example, the user displays the PPPMUX configuration on MLPPP bundle 5.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dsppppmux 5
Mux Bundle Number : 5
Mux Protocol Status : Active
MuxEnable State : Enable
MuxOperStatus : OperUp
DeMuxEnable State : Enable
DeMuxOperStatus : OperUp
DeMuxPID : 33
DeMuxRemotePID : 33
MuxTimer : 600
MuxMaxSubFrameLength : 64
MuxMaxSubFrameCount : 15
MuxMaxFrameLength : 256


Display PPPMUX statistics on an MLPPP Bundle.

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dsppppmuxcnt command to display PPPMUX statistics on an MLPPP bundle.


dsppppmuxcnt <bundleNumber> <intvl>

Syntax Description


Specifies the MLPPP bundle number for which to display PPPMUX statistics.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all MLPPP bundles on the card.


The time interval to display (0-96). Interval 0 is the current 15-minute and 24-hour interval. Interval 1 is the most recent 15-minute interval. Interval 2 is the next most recent 15-minute interval, and so on. Interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands



In the following example, the user displays PPPMUX statistics for interval 1 of MLPPP bundle 5.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dsppppmuxcnt 5 1
MLPPP MUX Number : 5
Interval Number : 1

Receive Subframes : 0
Receive Packet : 0
Receive Error Packets : 0
Send Sub Frames : 333
Send Packets : 333

Send Non-Mux Packets : 720


Display Profiler

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspprf command to display information in the profiler facility. It collects and displays statistics from resource usage. The resources include:

Message queue

Memory usage

Memory chunks

Additionally, the dspprfhist command displays CPU usage.

Caution The profiler is a facility intended for developers at Cisco Systems. Because of the possibly large CPU overhead involved with the profiler, using dspprf on an overloaded switch can have unpredictable and unacceptable consequences. For example, it could overwhelm a marginally functioning switch. For this reason, you should contact the TAC before using dspprf and never run it for exploratory or experimental reasons. For a safer look at system resources, use the Resource Monitoring commands (cnfrmrsrc, dsprmalms, dsprmrsrc, dsprmrsrcs, and dsprminfo) or the dspprfhist command.


dspprf <type> <category>

Syntax Description


This parameter determines the display option:

t = total display

i = interval display


This parameter determines which resource to display. Enter one of the following letters to indicate the resource you want to display:

m = displays the memory used for each task.

n = displays a memory chunk.

q = displays message queue profiler information.

r = displays available memory in each memory partition.

Note Option q is not supported in Release 5 of the MPSM-T3E3-155.

Related Commands

dspprfhist, cnfrmrsrc, dsprmalms, dsprmrsrc, dsprmrsrcs, dsprminfo


Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: SERVICE_GP


In the following example, the user displays the total memory information.

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspprf t r
Aval Fail
STATIC 75423744 0
DYNAMIC 20570112 0
STATISTIC 41140224 0


Display Profiler History

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspprfhist command to display CPU usage. The information consists of a percent of CPU time used by individual tasks. The information appears in "buckets" (see Example). You can specify the maximum number of "CPU utilization information" buckets that are displayed. Each bucket reflects the overall CPU utilization of the tasks in a five-second polling interval.

Note This command applies primarily to internal Cisco developers.


dspprfhist [buckets]

Syntax Description


Specifies the number of buckets to display. If you do not specify the number of buckets, the command displays 10 buckets.

Range: 1-120

Default: 10

Related Commands

dspprf, cnfrmrsrc, dsprmalms, dsprmrsrc, dsprmrsrcs, dsprminfo


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays two buckets of CPU usage history.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dspprfhist 2
Sample # 0
TASK TaskId %
INTERRUPT - 0.0000
KERNEL - 0.0000
IDLE - 98.0000
UNKOWN - 0.0000
hw_timer_Ta 48 0.0000
Stats Manag 59 0.0000

Sample # -1
TASK TaskId %
INTERRUPT - 0.0000
KERNEL - 0.0000
IDLE - 98.0000
UNKOWN - 0.0000
hw_timer_Ta 48 1.0000
dcTask0 57 0.0000


Display Resource Alarms

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsprmalms command to display the resource alarms being monitored on the card.



Syntax Description


Related Commands

dsprmrsrc, dsprmrsrcs, dsprminfo


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays alarm monitor information.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dsprmalms
===================[Resource Monitoring Alarm ]=======================
ID Name Critical Major Minor
0 Static Memory 0 0 0
1 Dynamic Memory 0 0 0
2 Stats Memory 0 0 0
3 SNMP Memory 0 0 0
4 IPC Small Buffer 0 0 0
5 IPC Medium Buffer 0 0 0
6 IPC Large Buffer 0 0 0
7 IPC Huge Buffer 0 0 0
8 IPC MBlk Buffer 0 0 0
9 CPU Free 0 0 0
10 System Memory 0 0 0
11 Timer 0 0 0
12 FD(File Descriptor) 0 0 0
13 VxWorks FD 0 0 0
14 System Uptime 0 0 0
TOTAL: 0 0 0


Display Resource Information

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsprminfo command to display resource information being monitored on the local card.



Syntax Description


Related Commands

dsprmrsrc, dsprmrsrcs, dsprmalms


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays resource information.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dsprminfo
============[Task Info]==================
numOfRsrcs : 15 Attempt : 0
actInterval : 1 maxTrapResend : 10
trapInterval : 300 alarmCriCnt : 0
alarmMajCnt : 1 alarmMinCnt : 0

pollTotalCnt : 473811 pollFailCnt : 0
pollOkCnt : 473811 pollNumFuncCnt : 0
pollOk2LowCnt : 2 pollOk2MedCnt : 0
pollMed2LowCnt : 0 pollLow2OkCnt : 1
pollMed2OkCnt : 0 pollTimerTimeoutcnt : 473811
pollTimeoutRsrcNullCnt : 0 pollTimerSucceedScheduleCnt: 473811
pollTimerFailScheduleCnt: 0 pollTimerUnexpectedCnt : 0

alarmUpdateTotalCnt : 3 alarmUpdateSucceedCnt : 3
alarmUpdateFailCnt : 0
trapTimerTimeoutCnt : 11 trapTimerUnexpected : 0
trapTimerSuccScheduleCnt: 13 trapTimerFailScheduleCnt : 0
actSucceedCnt : 748110 actFailCnt : 0
actTimerTimeoutCnt : 748113 actTimerUnexpectedCnt : 0
actTimerOkScheduleCnt : 748113 actTimerFailScheduleCnt : 0
unknownTimerCnt : 0 comEpWaitBreak : 0


Display Resource Monitor Resource

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsprmrsrc command to display resource information being monitored on the specified ID.


dsprmrsrc <rsrcID>

Syntax Description


Resource Index, in the range 0-14

0 = static memory

1 = dynamic memory

2 = statatistics memory

3 = SNMP memory

4 = IPC small buffer

5 = IPC meduim buffer

6 = IPC large buffer

7 = IPC huge buffer

8 = IPC mblk buffer

9 = CPU free

10 = system memory

11 = timer

12 = file descriptor

13 = VxWorks file descriptor

14 = system uptime

Related Commands

cnfrmrsrc, dsprminfo, dsprmrsrcs, dsprmalms


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays resource information for the dynamic memory.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dsprmrsrc 1
========================[Resource Information]======================
Resource Name : Dynamic Memory Maximum size : 20299776
Resource State : OK Cur size (Byte) : 19376672
IgnoreMedium : No Low WaterMark : 19376672
Threshold Type : value Poll interval (sec) : 30
Low threshold % : 12.0 Low threshold value : 2435880
Medium threshold %: 13.0 Medium threshold value: 2638870
High threshold % : 14.0 High threshold value : 2841860

==================[Action Information]=================
Send Alarm Severity Alarm
Trap Critical Major Minor Clear
Low Action: yes/major no yes no no
Med Action: yes/major no no yes no
Ok Action : yes/info no no no yes

================[Statistics Information]===============
Total polls : 24943 Failed polls : 0
Ok to low : 0 Low to ok : 0
Ok to med : 0 Med to ok : 0
Med to low : 0
Traps sent OK : 0 Traps sent failures: 0
==================[Other Information]==================
Largest Free Size : 19375984 Hi priority alloc: 13547
Low priority alloc: 4 Alloc failures : 0


Display Resource Monitor Resources

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsprmrsrcs command to display summary information for all resources being monitored.



Syntax Description


Related Commands

dsprminfo, dsprmrsrcs, dsprmalms


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (Frame Relay)

The following example displays resource information on an MPSM-T3E3-155 card.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dsprmrsrcs
Id Name State Max Current Low Medium High Enable
0 Static Memory LOW 74432512 6012160 6252240 6382495 7294280 ON
1 Dynamic Memory OK 20299776 19376672 2435880 2638870 2841860 ON
2 Stats Memory OK 40599552 40599552 487080 527670 568260 OFF
3 SNMP Memory OK 13533184 13514960 811920 879580 947240 ON
4 IPC Small Buffer OK 4128 4128 1237 1340 1443 ON
5 IPC Medium Buffer OK 800 800 240 260 280 ON
6 IPC Large Buffer OK 1200 1200 360 390 420 ON
7 IPC Huge Buffer OK 856 852 255 276 298 ON
8 IPC MBlk Buffer OK 9484 9480 1137 1232 1327 ON
9 CPU Free OK 100 100 5 7 10 ON
10 System Memory OK 63615328 8611520 6361500 7633800 9542250 ON
11 Timer OK 1000 968 50 60 80 ON
12 FD(File Descriptor) OK 100 99 5 6 8 ON
13 VxWorks FD OK 500 500 25 32 40 ON
14 System Uptime OK -- 8 460 440 -- ON


Display Resource Partition

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsprscprtn command to display information about one resource partition. The displayed information is shown in the example.

Note The dsppart and dsprscprtn commands are identical. The name "dsprscprtn" is consistent with the corresponding command in Cisco MGX 8850 PXM1-based switch. You can use either command.

Note The connection count includes control VCs when you execute dsppart on the CLI of a service module.

The total number of connections in the display includes control VCs. The types of control VCs are SSCOP, PNNI-RCC, and ILMI (if ILMI is enabled on an MPSM-T3E3-155 card). To see the connection counts that do not include control VCs, use dsppnport.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

dsprscprtn <ifNum> <partId>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


The interface number (partition number) of the partition to display.

Note The MPSM cards must be in the ATM CLI context if you want to delete a partition from an ATM port.

Note Enter the dspparts command in the ATM CLI context to display the port numbers and partition IDs for all active ATM ports.


A number that identifies the partition, in the range 1-20.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

dsprscprtn <ifNum> <ctrlNum>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


The interface number (partition number) of the partition to display.

Note The MPSM cards must be in the Frame Relay CLI context if you want to delete a partition from a Frame Relay port.

Note Enter the dspparts command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the all partition and controller numbers associated with Frame Relay ports.


Identifies the Controller number.

Related Commands

addpart, cnfpart, delpart, dspparts


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays resource partition 1 on logical port 12.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsprscprtn 12 1
Interface Number : 12
Partition Id : 1 Number of SPVC : 1
Controller Id : 2 Number of SPVP : 0
egr Guaranteed bw(.0001percent): 1000000 Number of SVC : 0
egr Maximum bw(.0001percent) : 1000000 Number of Sig VC : 0
ing Guaranteed bw(.0001percent): 1000000
ing Maximum bw(.0001percent) : 1000000
min vpi : 0
max vpi : 255
min vci : 32
max vci : 65535
guaranteed connections : 0
maximum connections : 4000

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays resource partition 2 on logical port 2.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > dsprscprtn 2 2
Interface Number : 2
Partition Id : pnni Number of SPVC: 0
Controller Id : 2
Available LCNs : 4000
Min DLCI : 0
Max DLCI : 1023
Ingress Percentage Bandwidth : 100
Egress Percentage Bandwidth : 100


Display Resource Partitions

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsprscprtns command to display information for all the resource partitions on the current card. The displayed information is shown in the example.

For information on specific elements of a resource partition, see the description of the addpart command.

Note The dspparts and dsprscprtns commands are identical. The name "dsprscprtns" is consistent with the corresponding command in Cisco MGX 8850 PXM1-based switch. You can use either command.



Related Commands

addrscprtns, delrscprtns, cnfrscprtns, dsprscprtn


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all resource partitions.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsprscprtns
if part Ctlr egr egr ingr ingr min max min max min max
Num ID ID GuarBw MaxBw GuarBw MaxBw vpi vpi vci vci conn conn
12 1 2 1000000 1000000 1000000 1000000 0 255 32 65535 0 4000
13 1 2 1000000 1000000 1000000 1000000 0 255 32 65535 0 4000

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all resource partitions.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > dsprscprtns
if Ctlr Ctlr available min max ingr egr
2 pnni 2 4000 0 1023 100 100
50 pnni 2 2000 0 1023 100 100


Display Segmentation and Reassembly Counters

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspsarcnt command to display the Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR) counters.



Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the SAR counters.

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspsarcnt

<SAR General Counters>


Frames Transmitted : 1130997
Frames Transmit Failed : 0
No Transmit Buffer : 0
Transmit Unknown LCN : 0
Frames Received : 1666184
Frames Receive Failed : 0
Receive Unknown LCN : 0


Display Service Class Template

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspsct command to display the contents of an port or card level service class template (SCT). For more information about SCTs, see the description of SCTs in the switch software configuration guide.

Note Enter the dspscts command on the PXM to see a list of all available SCTs.

Note Currently, the system does not support certain parameters in the service class templates (SCTs), so you can specify them through addcon, cnfcon, or Cisco WAN Manager. These parameters are (when applicable) PCR, SCR, and ICR.

Syntax (ATM CLI Context)

dspsct {gen | vcThr | cosThr} <sctID> {port | card}

Syntax Description (ATM CLI Context)


An aspect of the SCT for display. Replace <gen|vcThr|cosThr> with one of the following aspects:

gen—policing and CAC

vcFR—Frame Relay VC thresholds

cosThr—class of service buffer (CoSB) thresholds


Specifies the number of the SCT to display, in the range 0- 255.

Note Enter 0 to display the contents of the default SCT.

port | card

A keyword that specifies the type of SCT to display, either port or card.

Syntax (Frame Relay and PPP CLI Context)

dspsct {gen | vcFR | cosThr} <sctID> {port | card}

Syntax Description (Frame Relay and PPP CLI Context)




A specific part of the SCT, as follows:

gen: general SCT information

cosThr: class of service buffer (CoSB) thresholds

vcFR: VC Frame Relay parameters


Specifies the number of the SCT to display, in the range 0- 255.

Note Enter 0 to display the contents of the default SCT.

port | card

A keyword that specifies the type of SCT to display, either port or card.

Related Commands

cnfcdsct, dspcdsct, dspportsct, dspsct, setsctver


Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the general VC part of the card SCT file number 0 (the default SCT).

mpsm_node1.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspsct gen 0 card
| Service Class Template [ 0] : General Parameters |
| Major Version [ 1] : Minor Version [ 0] |
| ATMF_CBR1(100)| 2 |
| ATMF_VBRrt1(101)| 5 |
| ATMF_VBRrt2(102)| 5 |
| ATMF_VBRrt3(103)| 5 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt1(104)| 9 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt2(105)| 9 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt3(106)| 9 |
| ATMF_UBR1(107)| 13 |
| ATMF_UBR2(108)| 13 |
| ATMF_ABR(109)| 10 |
| ATMF_CBR2(10a)| 2 |
| ATMF_CBR3(10b)| 2 |
| FR_ATMCBR(502)| 2 |
| FR_ATMVBRrt(503)| 5 |
| FR_ATMVBRnrt(504)| 9 |
| FR_ATMABR(505)| 10 |
| FR_ATMUBR(506)| 13 |

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the Frame Relay VC part of the port SCT file number 0 (the default SCT).

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[FR].a > dspsct vcFR 0 port

| SCT [ 0] : Interworking and Congestion Control Parameters |
| | MILLSEC |0.0001% |0.0001% |
| FR_HIPRIORITY(1280)| 8192| 100000| 500000|
| FR_LOPRIORITY(1281)| 8192| 100000| 500000|


Display Totals

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dsptotals command to display line, path, group, bundle, link, port and connection totals for the current card.

Note The dsptotals command display does not include signaling connections.



Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM or Frame Relay)

In the following example, the user displays lines, paths, groups, bundles, links, ports and connections for an MPSM-T3E3-155.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dsptotals
Interfaces Total Max Admin Up Available Alarm
Physical Lines 2 1 1 0
Sonet STS/SDH-AU 1 1 0 0
Sonet/SDH-TU 28 4 24 0
DS3 0 0 0 0
E3 0 0 0 0
DS1 28 4 24 0
E1 0 0 0 0
IMA Groups 42 1 41 0
MFR Bundles 42 1 41 0
IMA Links 28 1 24 0
MFR Links 28 1 24 0

Interfaces Total Max Configured Available Alarm
ATM Ports 128 2 126 0
FR Ports 1000 2 998 0
ATM Connections 4000 0 3999* 0
FR Connections 4000 1 3999* 0

* Signaling connections are not included here. Please use dspload to get more information.

In the following example, the user displays lines, groups, bundles, ports and connections for a MPSM-16-T1E1 in the Frame Relay mode.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > dsptotals
Interfaces Total Max Admin Up Available Alarm
Physical Lines 16 2 14 1
IMA Groups 16 0 16 0
IMA Links 2 0 0 0

Interfaces Total Max Configured Available Alarm
ATM Ports 32 1 31 1
FR Ports 496 1 495 0
ATM Connections 2000 0 1999* 0
FR Connections 2000 1 1999* 0

* Signaling connections are not included here. Please use dspload to get more

Example (PPP Context)

In the following example, the user displays lines, ports, bundles, and PPP links for a MPSM-16-T1E1 card in PPP mode.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dsptotals
Interfaces Total Max Admin Up Available Alarm
Physical Lines 16 9 7 0
MP Bundles 16 2 14 0
PPP Links 16 8 8 0

Interfaces Total Max Configured Available Alarm
FR Ports 496 2 494 0
FR Connections 2000 1 1999* 0

* Signaling connections are not included here. Please use dspload to get more


In the following example, the user displays lines, paths, ports, bundles, PPP links, and WinPath information for a MPSM-T3E3-155 card in PPP mode.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155PPP[FR].a > dsptotals
Interfaces Total Max Admin Up Available Alarm
Physical Lines 3 2 1 0
Sonet STS/SDH-AU 0 0 0 0
Sonet/SDH-TU 0 0 0 0
DS3 0 0 0 0
E3 0 0 0 0
DS1 56 8 48 0
E1 0 0 0 0
MP Bundles 84 2 82 0
PPP Links 84 4 80 0

winpath Total Max Configured
MpBundles on WP 1 64 1
MpBundles on WP 2 64 1

Confg BW on WP 1 2016 DS0s 48 DS0s
Confg BW on WP 2 2016 DS0s 48 DS0s

Interfaces Total Max Configured Available Alarm
FR Ports 1000 2 998 0
FR Connections 4000 1 3999* 0

* Signaling connections are not included here. Please use dspload to get more


Display TUG-3 Configuraiton

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dsptug3cnf command to display the path number, TUG-3 ID, and payload type for a specific TUG-3 path in an SDH AU-4 path.


dsptug3cnf <Path Number:Tug3>

Syntax Description

Path Number:Tug3

Identifies the TUG-3 you want to display, in the following format:

where bay = 1, line = 1, au = 0, tug3 = 1-3

Note To display all TUG-3 paths, enter the dsptug3s command.

Related Commands

cnftug3, dsptug3s


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the TUG-3 with the ID 1.1.0:1.

M8850_NY.13.MPSM155[FR].a > dsptug3cnf 1.1.0:1
Path Number : 1.1.0
Tug3 Id : 1 Payload Type : tu3ds3


Display TUG-3s

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dsptug3s command to display the TUG3 ID and payload type for all three TUG-3 paths.



Related Commands

cnftug3, dsptug3cnf


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the IDs and payloads for all TUG-3s.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dsptug3s

Tug3Id payload
---------- -----------
1.1.0:1 vc11
1.1.0:2 tu3ds3
1.1.0:3 vc12


Display Version

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspversion command to display version information for boot and runtime firmware images residing on a card. Typically, you use the dspversion command in conjunction with the following PXM commands that let you change a card's firmware version:






For example, you can enter the dspversion command to see if a particular firmware version is currently running.

Firmware Filenames

The FW directory on the hard drive contains firmware files. Each firmware file has the fw file extension. The format of a released firmware filename follows:


The version-element portion of a filename has the following format:


Note The phase element appears only in pre-release firmware filenames. A release firmware file does not contain the phase element at the end of the firmware filename.

The following table describes the information contained in the example filename "mpsm155_005.000.001.002-D.fw":

Card Type
Major Release
Minor Release
Maintenance Release
(pre-release software only)







The range for each release, maintenance, and patch is 0-255.

Note The FW directory may contain several revisions of the firmware files, or it may contain only the most current firmware files, depending on how often you delete older versions of the firmware from this directory.

Version Numbers

The format of a version number follows:


The firmware version number is derived from the firmware filename. Using the example "mpsm155_005.000.001.002-P1.fw," the version portion is 5.0(1.2)P1.

The following table describes the information contained in the firmware version number 5.0(1.2)P1:

Firmware Version
(Major Release)
Firmware Version
(Minor Release)
Maintenance Release
Patch Release
Pre-Release Firmware Phase Number






Note In this example, P1 indicates that this is pre-released software. Such alphanumeric characters will not appear at the end of released software version numbers.

Note Prerelease firmware does not include patches; instead, the maintenance release number is increased for each software change.

Note Prerelease, developmental firmware versions have one or two alphanumeric characters at the end of the version number.

For example, the Help display for a setrev command gives examples of revision, but only the first two items in the following table could be in the released product. These two items show major release 5, minor release 0, and the minimal maintenance number of 1 (per IOS precedent).

The following table shows some example filenames and the correct version numbers to use with the revision management commands. Note that the first two examples are released firmware, and the last two examples are for pre-release firmware.

Version Number for Revision Management Commands



Note In this example, a phase number is absent, indicating that this is a released version of the firmware



Note In this example, a phase number is absent, indicating that this is a released version of the firmware.



Note In this example, the phase number is D, indicating that this is a pre-released version of the firmware.



Note In this example, the phase number is P1, indicating that this is a pre-released version of the firmware.



Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays details for the boot and runtime firmware images.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dspversion

Image Type Shelf Type Card Type Version Built On
---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ------------
Runtime MGX MPSM-T3E3-155 5.1(0.200) Jan 4 2005, 20:59:31
Boot MGX MPSM-T3E3-155 5.1(0.200) -


Display Virtual Switch Interface Connection

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155 , MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspvsicon command to display VSI connection of the card.

Syntax (ATM)

dspvsicon <ifnum> <vci> <vpi> [<dblvl>]

Syntax Description (ATM Context)


Interface number (port number) of the connection to display.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM connections.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) of the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) of the connection.


Indicates the extent of debugging information to be displayed:

1 = Display summary information

2 = Display summary information, plus table summary information

3 = Display all debugging information, which includes the following:

Summary information

Table summary information

Detailed table summary information.

Default: 1

Syntax (Frame Relay and PPP Context)

dspvsicon [-part <partindx>] [-cksm <blk>] [-type {svc | spvc | both}] [-linfrmt {hex | phy}] [-sngl {0 | 1}] [-llin <local lin> [-rlin <remote lin>] [-lvpi <local vpi>] [-rvpi <remote vpi>] [-lvci <local vci>] [-rvci <remote vci>] [-rslot <remote slot>] [-verbose {0 | 1}]

Syntax Description (Frame Relay or PPP)


VSI partition index, in the range 1-20


Checksum block, in the range 0-83


Set line format display:

0 = phy

1 = hex

Default: hex


Connections to display:

0 = all connections

1 = single endpoint connections

Default: 0


Filter on local line.


Filter on remote line.


Filter on local vpi, in the range 0-4095


Filter on local vpi, in the range 0-4095


Filter on remote vci, in the range 1-65535


Filter on local vci, in the range 1-65535


Filter on remote slot.


Set verbose mode:

1 = enable

0 = disable

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Context)

In the following example, the user displays the VSI connection.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspvsicon 17 44 55
cRef State Type lLin lVpi lVci rLin rVpi rVci cksmVal
00107 Cmtted s/spvc 010a1811 0044 000055 010a1812 0045 000056 3f6c1823

connInDb chkSumBlkId
-------- -----------
YES 000004

Endpoint Info - Local
persistEp e2eTerm inhibitRx inhibitTx oamEp
--------- ------- --------- --------- -----
sendInactiveInd sendAlarmInd sendRmtAlarmInd
--------------- ------------ ---------------

Endpoint Info - Remote
persistEp e2eTerm inhibitRx inhibitTx oamEp
--------- ------- --------- --------- -----

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
sendInactiveInd sendAlarmInd sendRmtAlarmInd
--------------- ------------ ---------------

tcb_addr Last FSM Called FSM rc Usage Count
-------- --------------- ------ -----------
00000000 VcoCm1s__Cd 000001 0003

Example (Frame Relay or PPP Context)

In the following example, the user displays VSI connection information in verbose mode.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspvsicon -verbose 1
LCN Type lLin lVpi lVci rLin rVpi rVci cksmVal pCref
Conns for Partition: 000, chksum index: 7
00096 p/spvc 01191fff 0008 001000 01011802 0000 000101 fe6e1bee 0000
Conns for Partition: 000, chksum index: 67
00097 p/spvc 01191fff 0024 001000 01011802 0000 000102 fe7f1bec 0000
Partition 1 is not in use
Partition 2 is not in use
Partition 3 is not in use
Partition 4 is not in use
Partition 5 is not in use
Partition 6 is not in use
Partition 7 is not in use
Partition 8 is not in use
Partition 9 is not in use
Partition 10 is not in use
Partition 11 is not in use
Partition 12 is not in use

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
Partition 13 is not in use
Partition 14 is not in use
Partition 15 is not in use
Partition 16 is not in use
Partition 17 is not in use
Partition 18 is not in use
Partition 19 is not in use


Display Virtual Switch Interface Connection

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspvsicon command to display all VSI connections on the card.


dspvsicon [-part <partindx>] [-cksm <blk>] [-type {svc | spvc | both}] [-linfrmt {hex | phy}] [-sngl {0 | 1}] [-llin <local lin> [-rlin <remote lin>] [-lvpi <local vpi>] [-rvpi <remote vpi>] [-lvci <local vci>] [-rvci <remote vci>] [-rslot <remote slot>] [-verbose {0 | 1}]

Syntax Description


VSI partition index, in the range 1-20


Checksum block, in the range 0-83


Set line format display:

0 = phy

1 = hex

Default: hex


Connections to display:

0 = all connections

1 = single endpoint connections

Default: 0


Filter on local line.


Filter on remote line.


Filter on local vpi, in the range 0-4095


Filter on local vpi, in the range 0-4095


Filter on remote vci, in the range 1-65535


Filter on local vci, in the range 1-65535


Filter on remote slot.


Set verbose mode:

1 = enable

0 = disable

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the VSI connection.

M8850_NY.13.MPSM155[ATM].a >dspvsicons
LCN Type lLin lVpi lVci rLin rVpi rVci cksmVal pCref
00019 s/svc 0101180b 0000 000018 01073b22 0001 000036 d810190f 0000
00020 s/svc 0101180b 0000 000005 01073b22 0001 000035 d8101810 0000
65537 s/svc 01011815 0000 000018 01073b22 0001 000038 21e978f3 0000
65538 s/svc 01011815 0000 000005 01073b22 0001 000037 21e97cd0 0000
65545 s/svc 01011815 0011 000091 010c1801 0000 000038 2d822e93 0000
65540 s/svc 01011815 0011 000081 0106180d 0011 000100 01591873 0000
65547 p/svc 01011815 0011 000093 010c1801 0000 000040 3124185c 0000


Display Virtual Switch Interface Connection

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16T1E1

Enter the dspvsiparts command to display all VSI partitions configured on the card.



Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays all VSI partitions.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1[ATM].a > dspvsiparts
Partition database
Idx partId BlkInUse BlkMax numConn
000 0000 0002 0083 0004


Display the load on a WinPath processor

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dspwinpathload command to display interval loads for a WinPath packet processing engine.


dspwinpathload <winpath> <intvl>

Syntax Description


The number of the WinPath packet processing engine for which t o display loads. Range: 1-2.


The number of previous intervals to display, in the range 0-96. Interval 0 is the current interval and interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

dspwpbundles, dsptotals


In the following example, the user displays loads during intervals 0 through 3 for WinPath 1:

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155PPP[FR].a > dspwinpathload 1 3
Winpath : 1
Intval Duration Rx Packet/s Tx Packet/s Rx Bytes/s Tx Bytes/s
0 9min 2s 220 220 2640 2640
1 15min 0s 360 360 4320 4320
2 15min 0s 360 360 4320 4320
3 15min 0s 360 360 4320 4320


Display WinPath Bundle Assignments

Service Context—PPP

Modules— MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dspwpbundles command to display the assignment of MLPPP bundles to WinPath packet processing engines. The software maps new MLPPP bundles to the WinPath with the least load; users cannot configure the WinPath resource.



Syntax Description



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

dspmpbundles, dsptotals


In the following example, the user displays MLPPP bundle assignments to WinPath resources:

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155PPP[FR].a > dspwpbundles

WinpathNum BundleId
1 1
1 3
2 2


Exit from User Session

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the exit command to exit the current user session and log out. To start another session, you must log in by using telnet (for example).



Related Commands

bye, logout


Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user exits from the current user session.

Mmpsm_node.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > exit

(session ended)


Get Peak Cell Rate (PCR) Value from Committed Information Rate (CIR)

Service Context—Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the getpcrfromcir command to calculate the PCR from a specified CIR. This calculation adds the equivalent of 1 ATM cell per second to the CIR value, then converts the result to cps using a factor of 1.44. This factor represents the exact ATM cell overhead and AAL5 transport overhead that is incurred when a 100-byte Frame Relay frame is segmented and placed into AAL5 ATM cells using FRF.5 NIW. If the frame size being fragmented is not 100 bytes, then the result can be either too high or too low, and you might have to adjust the PCR slightly up or down.


getpcrfromcir <cir>

Syntax Description


The committed information rate (CIR), in bits per second, to convert to peak cell rate (PCR), in cells per second.

Note Enter the dspcon <ifNum> <dlci> command to display the CIR for a specific connection.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user obtains the PCR for the CIR 4000. In this example, the getpcrfromcir command returns the PCR "15" for the CIR 4000.

mpsm_node1.4.MPSM155[FR].a > getpcrfromcir 4000
PCR value: 15 [formula used: (cir + 384 - 1)/384 * 1.44, or 10 minimum]



Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the help command to list the available commands on the current card. You can use the question mark (?) in place of the word help to get the same results. The help command is case-sensitive.

You can use the help command or a question mark (?) as follows:

Enter the help command with no parameters to display all the available commands on the card.

Enter the help command with a character string as the parameter to display all commands that contain that character string.

Enter the help command with the name of a command as the parameter to display whether that command is available.

The help command does not display commands with a privilege level that is higher than that of the current user.

If you can enter two parameter strings, help provides information for each of the two strings separately (not a single, two-part string).


help [string]


? [string]


Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays all available commands.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > help

Available commands

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:

In the following example, the user enters the help command, and replaces the [string] option with com to view all commands associated with a partial command entry string (in this example, all commands that contain com).

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > help con

Available commands


Command History

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the history command to display the last 10 commands executed on the switch during the current session. To repeat a command with its parameters, type an exclamation mark followed by the associated number, without spaces.

Note If less than 10 commands have been entered on the switch during the current session, the history command only displays those commands. For example, if only 5 commands were entered during a session, then the history command displays only those 5 commands (even though the display reads "Size of history is currently 10 line(s)."

Note This history command display includes commands that had errors.

Note You can also enter the Up Arrow key to recall commands in the history buffer, beginning with the most recent command. Each time you hit Up Arrow key, one command is displayed, and you must repeat the key sequence to recall older commands successively. You only need to enter the history command one time to display all ten commands in the history buffer.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands

No related commands


Log no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the last 10 commands executed on the switch.

NodeB.14.MPSM155[ATM].a > history
Size of history is currently 10 line(s)
1 help
2 help ima
3 cc 5
4 ?
5 help fr
6 cc 13
7 cc 15
8 cc 14
9 ? ilmi
10 history

In the following example, the user displays the last commands executed on the switch. In this example, only 3 commands have been entered on the switch during the current session.

M8850_NY.13.MPSM155[ATM].a > history
Size of history is currently 10 line(s)
1 timeout 0
2 cc 13
3 history


Insert Bit Error

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the insbiterror command to insert single bit errors into the transmitted BERT pattern. You can then verify the single error on the receive side, which helps verify that the test is working correctly.


insbiterror <path_num>

Syntax Description


Identifies the path, path, or port with the BERT session into which you want to insert single bit errors.

Note Enter the dsberts command to display the line, path, or port numbers configured with BERT sessions. For ports, first change to the appropriate CLI context.

Related Commands

cnfbert, startbert, stopbert


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user inserts a single bit error into the transmitted BERT pattern on the path number 1.1:1.

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[ATM].a > insbiterror 1.1:1


Log Out

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter logout the command to log the user out of the current CLI session.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands

bye, exit


Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user logs out of the current CLI shell.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a >logout

(session ended)

<Your 'TELNET' connection has terminated>


Show Memory

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the memshow command to display the memory allocation.



Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the memory map.

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[FR].a > memshow
status bytes blocks avg block max block
------ --------- -------- ---------- ----------
free 9408224 4 2352056 9406480
alloc 54949024 738 74456 -
alloc 67002640 54558 1228 -


Move Licenses

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the movelic command to move feature licenses from a service module to the PXM license pool. When service modules are shipped with licenses, the service module is only a shipping container for the licenses. Upon receipt of a service module with licenses installed on it, use the movelic command to move the licenses from the service module to the PXM license pool so that the feature licenses are made available for use.

Note Enter the dspliccd command to view which licenses have been installed on the service module and are available to be moved to the PXM license pool.



Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: CISCO_GP


In the following example, the user moves licenses from the card in slot 13 to the PXM license pool.

mpsm_node.13.MPSM155[ATM].a > movelic


Programmed License Type #Programmed

----------------------- -----------

MultiSrvc 1

Channelize 1

MultiLink 1

Do you want to proceed (Yes/No)? Y

Card Licenses have been moved to license pool.

Card Licenses have been moved to license pool


Restart IMA Group

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the restartimagrp command to restart the IMA group at the near end, restart all the internal IMA state machines, and re-establish the IMA protocol with the far end.


restartimagrp <group>

Syntax Description


Specifies the IMA group number to restart.

Note Enter the dspimagrps command in the ATM CLI context to display a list of all IMA groups on the current card.

Related Commands

dspimagrp, dspimalnk


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user restarts IMA group 1.

NodeB.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > restartimagrp 1


Re-route Connection

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the rrtcon command to immediately re-route a connection. Perform this operation on the master endpoint only.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

rrtcon <ifNum> <vpi> <vci>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to reroute.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM connections.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) of the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) of the connection.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

rrtcon <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to reroute.

Note Use the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port number and DLCI for all active Frame Relay connections.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier.

Syntax (PPP Service Context)

rrtcon <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (PPP Service Context)


Interface number (bundle number) of the bundle to reroute.

Note Use the dspcons command to display the bundle number and DLCI for all active connections.


Specifies the data-link connection identifier. Use 1000 for RPM-XF connections.

Related Commands

dspcons, dspcon


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user re-routes the connection on port 5 that has a VPI of 255 and a VCI of 65535.

NodeB.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > rrtcon 5 255 65535
Connection rerouted

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user re-routes the connection on port 13 that has a DLCI of 130.

NM8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > rrtcon 13 130
Connection rerouted


Session Timeout

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the sesntimeout command to extend or reduce the amount of idle time in a user-session from the default of 10 minutes. If you do not specify a timeout period, the system displays the current timeout. At the end of the session, the system logs you out.

To set the timeout function to the maximum seconds allowed (43,200 seconds, or 730 minutes), specify 0 seconds.

Note The sesntimeout command is equivalent to the timeout command.


sesntimeout [timeout]

Syntax Description


Number of idle time seconds before the session automatically terminates.The maximum timeout is 12 hours(43200 seconds). You can enter 43200 or just 0 to set the timeout session to the maximum timeout.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user sets the session timeout threshold to 12 minutes (720 seconds).

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[ATM].a > sesntimeout 720
The timeout period for this session is now set to 720 second(s)


Set CLI Context

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the setctx command to change the service context for the current CLI session to either ATM or Frame Relay (FR). This new context is valid for the current user session only. Subsequent user sessions will revert to the default CLI context, set with cnfclictx command.

Note The MPSM-T3E3-155 and MPSM-16T1E1 must have a multi-service license in order to support both Frame Relay and ATM services simultaneously. To see the licenses that are installed on the card, enter the dsplics command on the PXM.

For detailed information about setting the service context on the MPSM-T3E3-155, see the "Setting the Service Context on MPSM-T3E3-155 and MPSM-16-T1E1 Cards" section in Chapter 2, "Preparing MPSM-T3E3-155 and MPSM-16-T1E1 Cards and Lines for Communication."


setctx <atm | fr>

Syntax Description

atm | fr

Sets the service context of the card for this user session to either ATM or Frame Relay. Enter atm to set the session to ATM, or enter FR to set the session to Frame Relay.

Note The card must have the specified service enabled. For example, if the card has only ATM service enabled, then setting the CLI service context to FR is not allowed.

Related Commands

cnfclictx, dspclictx


Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user changes the service context of the card from FR to ATM for this user session. The switch prompt changes from [FR] to [ATM] to reflect the new service context.

8850_NY.13.MPSM155[FR].a > setctx atm

M8850_NY.13.MPSM155[ATM].a >


Set Engineering

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the seteng command to enable debugging and engineering commands for the current CLI session. These commands require privilege level CISCO_GP.

Note The seteng command is for use by Cisco developers, TAC personnel, and so on. It is not intended for end-users.


seteng <on | off>

Syntax Description

on | off

Enter on to permit access to the engineering related commands. Enter off to disable access to the engineering related commands.

Default: off

Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: CISCO_GP


In the following example, the user enables access to the engineering related commands.

mpsm_node1.1.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > seteng on


Show Statistics File Manager Database

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the sfmDBShow command to display the contents of the statistics file manager.


sfmDBShow <dbLevel>

Syntax Description


Specifies the extent of statistics information to be displayed. Enter a number to indicate the extent of statistics information you want to display, as follows:

1 = List all statistics files

2 = List uploaded statistics files

3 = SFMAPI-SFM-SUM IPC Msg statistics

4 = List all the above statistics and globals.

Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user displays all statistics files (level 1).

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > sfmdbshow 3

STAT FILE MGR: Internal Information

SFMAPI -> SFM <-> SUM IPC Statistics:

api->sfm: creMsgS ok : 0
api->sfm: creMsgS fail : 0
sfm: creReqMsgR : 0
api->sfm: delMsgS ok : 0
api->sfm: delMsgS fail : 0
sfm: delReqMsgR : 0
sfm->sum: listResMsgS_ok : 1
sfm->sum: listResMsgS_fail : 0
sfm->sum: creMsgS_ok : 0
sfm->sum: creMsgS_fail : 0
sfm->sum: delMsgS_ok : 0
sfm->sum: delMsgS_fail : 0
sfm: delResMsgR : 0
sfm: upldReqMsgR : 0
sfm: unkMsgR : 0
sfm: times ep wait loop fail : 0


Enter a ShellConn Session

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the shellConn command to enter the command mode for the shell utility.

Note The shellconn command is for use by Cisco developers, TAC personnel, and so on. It is not intended for end-users.



Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user enters the shellconn.

mpsm_node1.3.MPSM155[FR].a > shellConn



Service Module Clear Screen

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the smclrscrn command to enable or disable certain clear-screen commands at the node level.

To see the current enable state, enter smclrscrn without any parameters.


smclrscrn [enable | disable]

Syntax Description

enable | disable

Type enable to enable the clear screen commands, or type or disable to disable the clear screen commands.

Default: disabled

Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user shows whether clear-screen commands are enabled or disabled.

mpsm_node1.1.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > smclrscrn
Value of smClrscrn is currently enabled

In the following example, the user enables clear screen commands.

mpsm_node1.1.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > smclrscrn enable
Value of smClrscrn is now enabled


Start Bit Error Rate Test

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the startbert command to start running a bit error rate test (BERT) on a line, path or port. Before you can start a BERT, you must first add a BERT session on the line or port using the addbert command.


startbert <bertIfNum>

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface number (line, path, or port number) on which to start a BERT test.

Note Enter the dspberts command to display the lines, paths, or ports that are ready to test.

Related Commands

addbert, cnfbert, stopbert


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user enters the startbert command to start the configured BERT on the path number 1.1.1:5.2.

NodeB.5.MPSM155[FR].a > startbert 1.1.1:5.2


Start IMA Link Test

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the startimalnktst command to start an IMA link connectivity test on a specified link in a specified IMA group. You check that an IMA link connection is valid by sending a test pattern to the link. The test pattern is a number in the range of 0-254. If the test pattern number is the same when it arrives at the receive endpoint of the link, then the link is valid. If the test pattern number is different or does not arrive at all, then the link is invalid. You can run only one test at a time.


startimalnktst <group> <link> -pat <test Pattern>

Syntax Description


Specifies the IMA group that contains the link you want to test.

Note Enter the dspimalnks command in the ATM CLI context to display the all active IMA links and the groups to which they belong.


Identifies the line or path in the IMA group to test.


The test pattern number, in the range from -1 through 254.
Default: -1, the program selects a pattern

Related Commands

stopimalnktst, cnfimalnktst


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user starts an IMA link test on IMA group 1, link 1.1.1:1.1, using test pattern 1:

M8830_CH.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > startimalnktst 1 1.1.1:1.1 -pat 1


Stop Bit Error Rate Test

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the stopbert command to stop running the bit error rate test (BERT) on a line, port or path.


stopbert <bertIfNum>

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface BERT interface number (line, path, or port number) on which to stop a BERT test.

Note Enter the dspberts command to display all lines, paths, or ports with BERT tests running.

Related Commands

addbert, cnfbert, startbert


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user enters the stopbert command to stop the configured BERT on the path number 1.1.1:5.3.

NodeB.5.MPSM155[FR].a > stopbert 1.1.1:5.3


Stop IMA Link Test

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the stopimalnktst command to stop the IMA link test that was started using the startimalnktst command.


stopimalnktst <group>

Syntax Description


Specifies the IMA group that contains the link you wanto stop testing.

Note Enter the dspimagrps command in the ATM CLI context to display the all IMA groups on the card.

Related Commands

startimalnktst, cnfimalnktst


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user enters the stopimalnktst to stop the IMA link test on IMA group 1.

NodeB.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > stopimalnktst 1


Switch APS Line

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the switchapsln command to switch the specified working APS line (bay, line) to its protection line.

See the description for the addapsln command for a detailed explanation of Automatic Protection Switching (APS).


switchapsln <bay> <line> <switchOption> [<serviceSwitch>]

Syntax Description


The working bay number to switch. On the MPSM-T3E3-155 card, the bay number is always 1.


The working line number to switch. On the MPSM-T3E3-155 card, the line number is always 1.


The method of performing the switch.

1 = clear (returns to working line)

2 = lockout of protection
(locks out the specified APS pair from being switched to protection line)

3 = forced working->protection
(forces a working line to protection line switch unless the protection line is locked out)

4 = forced protection->working
(forces a protection line to working line switch; 1+1 architecture mode only)

5 = manual working->protection (manual switch)

6 = manual protection->working (manual switch; 1+1 architecture mode only)

service switch

When set to 1, this field causes all APS lines to switch to their protected lines. When set to 0 (the default), this field does NOT cause all APS lines to switch.

Related Commands

addapsln, cnfapsln, delapsln, dspapsln, dspapslns, dspapsbkplane, clrbecnt, dspbecnt


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user switches the working APS line 1.1 to its protection line. In this example, the user includes the option that forces a working line to switch to a protection line unless the protection line is locked out.

NodeB.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > switchapsln 1 1 3 1
Forced line switch from working to protection succeeded on line 1.1



Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the timeout command to extend or reduce the amount of idle time in a user-session from the default of 10 minutes. If you do not specify a timeout period, the system displays the current timeout. At the end of the session, the system logs you out.

To set the timeout function to the maximum seconds allowed (43,200 seconds, or 730 minutes), specify 0 seconds.

Note The sesntimeout command is equivalent to the timeout command.


timeout [time_out]

Syntax Description


Number of idle seconds before the session automatically terminates.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the current timeout.

NodeB.14.MPSM155[ATM].a > timeout
The timeout period for this session is currently 43200 second(s)

In the following example, the user sets the session timeout threshold to 100 minutes (6000 seconds).

NodeB.14.MPSM155[ATM].a > timeout 6000
The timeout period for this session is now set to 6000 second(s)



Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the trace command to display the current status of the trace feature.



Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user shows the current status of the trace feature.

M8830_CH.4.MPSM155[FR].a > trace
Usage1 : Trace off
Usage2 : Trace normal
Usage3 : Trace mod <Mod Obj> <Level> <Flags>
Usage4 : Trace task <TaskName> <On/Off/Print>
Usage5 : Trace start
Usage6 : Trace status
Usage7 : Trace dump
Usage8 : Trace header <On>/<Off>


Test Connection

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the tstcon command to check to see if the switch can communicate with both ends of the connection in the egress direction.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

tstcon <ifNum> <vpi> <vci>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to test.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM connections.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) of the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) of the connection.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

tstcon <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to test.

Note Use the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port number and DLCI for all active Frame Relay connections.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier.

Syntax (PPP Service Context)

tstcon <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (PPP Service Context


Interface number (bundle number) of the bundle to disconnect.

Note Enter the dspcons command to display the bundle number and DLCI for all active connections.


Specifies the data-link connection identifier. Use 1000 for RPM-XF connections.

Related Commands

dspcon, tstdelay, testconseg


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user tests the connection on port 12, VPI 35, VCI 120.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[ATM].a > tstcon 12 35 120
tstconseg is in progress ..
Connection Id Test Type Direction Result Round Trip Delay
============= ========= ========= ======= ================
12.0035.00120: OAM Lpbk egress Success 1468 microsec

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user tests the connection on port 13, DLCI 130.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > tstcon 13 130
tstcon is in progress ..
Connection Id Test Type Result Round Trip Delay
============= ========== ============ ================
13.0000130 Test Con Passed

Example (PPP Service Context)

In the following example, the user tests the connection on port 5, DLCI 100.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > tstcon 5 1000
tstcon is in progress ..
Connection Id Test Type Result Round Trip Delay
============= ========== ============ ================
05.0001000 Test Con Passed


Test Connection Segment

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the tstconseg command to test the integrity of an SVC or SPVC. With tstconseg, a single collection of supervisory cells is sent in the egress direction between the card and service equipment (CPE). (See tstdelay for ingress direction.) The test displays results at completion. You can also display test results using the dspcon command.

Note The dspcon fields on the MPSM-T3E3-155 for round trip delay (RTD)—including the status of OAM loopback—always show the results of the latest test and are not changed until a new execution of tstconseg or tstdelay. Therefore, re-executing dspcon does not clear the value for RTD or the indication that an OAM loopback is present. The only way to reset these fields to null is to down the port (using dnport).


tstconseg <ifNum> <vpi> <vci> [-num <iterations>]

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to test.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM connections.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) of the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) of the connection.


Specifies the number of times to repeat the test, in the range 1-10.

Related Commands

dspcon, tstdelay, dspchantests


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user tests the integrity of the connection on port 12, VPI 35, VCI 12 in the egress directions, two times.

NM8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[ATM].a > tstcon 12 35 120 -num 2
tstconseg is in progress ..
Connection Id Test Type Direction Result Round Trip Delay
============= ========= ========= ======= ================
12.0035.00120: OAM Lpbk egress Success 1468 microsec
tstconseg is in progress ..
Connection Id Test Type Direction Result Round Trip Delay
============= ========= ========= ======= ================
12.0035.00120: OAM Lpbk egress Success 1468 microsec


Test Delay

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the tstdelay command to test the integrity of the connection in the ingress direction by sending a collection of supervisory cells to the remote end of the network and back. (See tstconseg for the egress direction.)

Note The dspcon fields on the MSPM-155 for round trip delay—including the status of OAM loopback—always show the results of the latest test and are not changed until a new execution of tstconseg or tstdelay. Therefore, re-executing dspcon does not clear the value for RTD or the indication that an OAM loopback is present. The only way to reset these fields to null is to down the port (through dnport).

Note The primary purpose of tstdelay is to test the integrity of the connection. The round trip time is not accurate enough for any use that requires an accurate measurement of delay.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

tstdelay <ifNum> <vpi> <vci> [-num <iterations>]

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to test.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM connections.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) of the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) of the connection.


Specifies the number of times to repeat the test, in the range 1-10.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

tstdelay <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to test.

Note Use the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port number and DLCI for all active Frame Relay connections.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier.

Syntax (PPP Service Context)

tstdelay <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (PPP Service Context)


Interface number (bundle number) of the bundle to disconnect.

Note Enter the dspcons command to display the bundle number and DLCI for all active connections.


Specifies the data-link connection identifier (DLCI). Use 1000 for RPM-XF connections.

Related Commands

dspcons, tstconseg, dspcon


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user tests the integrity of the connection on port 18, VP 45, VCI 56, in the ingress direction.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > tstdelay 18 45 56

tstdelay is in progress ..

Connection Id Test Type Direction Result Round Trip Delay

============= ========= ========= ======= ================

18.0045.00056: OAM Lpbk ingress Success 176 microsec

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user tests the integrity of the connection on port 11, DLCI 150 , in the ingress direction.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > tstdelay 11 150

tstdelay is in progress ..

Connection Id Test Type Result Round Trip Delay

============= ========== ============ ================

11.0000150 Test Delay Passed 483 microsec

Example (PPP Service Context)

In the following example, the user tests the integrity of the connection on port 5, DLCI 1000 , in the ingress direction.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > tstdelay 5 1000

tstdelay is in progress ..

Connection Id Test Type Result Round Trip Delay

============= ========== ============ ================

05.0001000 Test Delay Passed 282 microsec


Up All Ports

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the upallports command to activate all ports. The upallports command is useful when restoring all ports that were deactivated by the dnallports command.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user enters the upallports command to activate all ports.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > upallports


Up Connection

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the upcon command to activate a connection that was previously brought down by the dncon command. The typical purpose of dncon is some form of operational modification or troubleshooting.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

upcon <ifNum> <vpi> <vci>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to activate.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM connections.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) of the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) of the connection.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

upcon <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to activate.

Note Use the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port number and DLCI for all active Frame Relay connections.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier.

Syntax (PPP Service Context)

upcon <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (PPP Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (bundle number) of the connection to activate.

Note Enter the dspcons command to display the bundle number and DLCI for all active connections.


Specifies the data-link connection identifier (DLCI). Use 1000 for RPM-XF connections.

Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: any

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the upcon command to activate connection 5, VPI 100, VCI 100.

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[ATM].a > upcon 5 100 100

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the upcon command to activate connection 5, DLCI 3.

mpsm_node.9.MPSM155[FR].a > upcon 5 3

Example (PPP)

In the following example, the user enters the upcon command to activate the connection to MLPPP bundle 5.

mpsm_node.9.MPSM155[FR].a > upcon 5 1000


Up Connections

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the upcons command to bring up a set of consecutive connections, starting with the specified interface (port), VPI, and VCI.


upcons <ifNum> <vpi> <vci> [-num <num. of conns to up>] [-verbose <1 | 0>]

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to activate.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM connections.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) of the first connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) of the first connection.


Specifies the number of consecutive connections to bring up.


<1 | 0>

Enable or disable verbose mode. In verbose mode, the system immediately displays the connection identifier of each connection after the connection is deleted.

1 = Enable verbose mode

0 = Disable verbose mode.

In verbose mode, the system immediately displays the connection identifier of each connection after the connection is deleted.

Default: 0

Related Commands

dncon, dncons, dspcon, dspcons, upcon


Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user activates two connections associated with port 8, VPI 100, VCI 100. In this example, the user activates verbose mode so that the connection identifier of each connection is displayed after the connection is deleted.

M8830_CH.4.MPSM155[ATM].a > upcons 8 100 100 -num 2 -verbose 1
Warning : upcons command is not recommended to be used on a production node...
Do you want to proceed (Yes/No)? y
Conn. 8.100.100 is admin up



Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the upilmi command to activate interim local management interface (ILMI) for a specific logical port. Before activating ILMI, you must:

1. Activate a line through the upln command and configure the line through cnfln

2. Create a logical port through the addport command

After activating ILMI, you can configure ILMI though the cnfilmi command.


upilmi <ifNum> <partId>

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface number (port number) on which you want to enable ILMI.

Note Use the dspparts command in the ATM CLI context to display the interface number and partition id for all active ATM ports.


Specifies the partition ID, in the range 1-20.

Related Commands

cnfilmi, dnilmi, dspilmi


Log: yes

State: active, standby

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user activates ILMI for port 5 on partition 1.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > upilmi 5 1
Warning: connections (if any) on port could get rerouted.
Do you want to proceed (Yes/No) ? y


Up IMA Group

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the upimagrp command to activate an IMA group that has been de-activated with the dnimagrp command.


upimagrp <group>

Syntax Description


Specifies the IMA group to activate.

Note Enter the dspimagrps command to see a list of all IMA groups on the current card.

Related Commands

addimagrp, delimagrp, dnimagrp, dspimagrp


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user enables the IMA group 11, and then enters the dspimagrps command to verify that the appropriate IMA group has been brought back into service.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > upimagrp 11


Up Line

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the upln command to activate a line. After you have activated the line, use cnfln to configure the line characteristics.


upln <bay.line>

Syntax Description


Identifies the line you want to bring down, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers and activation status for all lines on the current card.

Related Commands

dspln, dsplns, cnfln, dnln


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user enters the upln command to activate line 1 in bay 1.

M8850_NY.13.MPSM155[ATM].a > upln 1.1


Up a Multi-link Frame Relay Bundle

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the upmfrbundle command to change the administrative state of an MFR bundle to up.


upmfrbundle <bundleNumber>

Syntax Description


Specifies the MFR bundle number to activate.

Note Enter the dspmfrbundles command to display all MFR bundles on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addmfrbundle, delmfrbundle


In the following example, the user brings up bundle 1.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > upmfrbundle 1


Activate an MLPPP Bundle

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the upmpbundle command to change the administrative status of an MLPPP bundle to up.


upmpbundle <bundleNumber>

Syntax Description


Identifies the MLPPP bundle number to activate.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all MLPPP bundles on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands



In the following example, the user brings up MLPPP bundle 5.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > upmpbundle 5


Up Path

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the uppath command to activate the specified path.


uppath [-path_filter] <path_num>

Syntax Description


Specifies the type of path path you want to activate.

Possible path_filter keywords are:

-sts—Select STS paths in SONET networks, or AU paths in SDH networks.

-vt—Select VT paths in SONET networks, or TU3 paths in SDH networks.

-ds3—Select DS3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e3—Select E3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-ds1—Select DS1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e1—Select E1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

Note STS/STM paths and DS3 paths can have the same path number. If you enter the dnpath command without the -path_filter option, and only STS/STM paths are configured on the card, the STS/STM path with the specified path number is de-activated. If there are DS3 paths configured on the card as well as STS/STM paths, and you do not include the -path_filter option with the dnpath command, the lowest-level path (the DS3 path) is de-activated. To avoid confusion, Cisco recommends that you specify a -path_filter when you display a path.


Specifies the number of the path to activate.

Note Enter the dsppaths <path_filter> command to display the path numbers for available paths.

Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user enters the uppath command to activate the STS path 1.1.0.

mpsm_node.11.MPSM155[ATM].a > uppath -sts 1.1.0

In the following example, the user enters the uppath command to activate the T3 path 1.1.1.

mpsm_node.11.MPSM155[FR].a > uppath -ds3 1.1.1


Up Port

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the upport command to activate a logical port to so it can carry traffic. The upport command typically follows re-configuration (such as changing an SCT) or troubleshooting steps. To bring down an ATM port, the card must be in the ATM CLI context. To bring down a Frame Relay port, the card must be in the Frame Relay CLI context.

The behavior of connections that previously used the port vary by interface type:

After you re-enable an NNI port through upport, you cannot return previously re-routed connections to the port. The PXM chooses the best route.

After you re-enable a UNI port, the connections continue is restored as long as the remote port is active.


upport <ifNum>

Syntax Description


Identifies the logical interface (port) you want to bring up.

Note Use the dspports command in the to display the port numbers for all active ports in the current CLI context.

Related Commands

dspport, dspports, dnport


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user activates ATM port 11 on the current card.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > upport 11
Traffic loss will result on all connections on this port.
Do you want to proceed (Yes/No) ? y


Activate a PPP Link

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the upppplink command to change the administrative status of a PPP link to up.


upppplink <link>

Syntax Description


Identifies the PPP link number to activate.

Note Enter the dspppplinks command to display all MLPPP links on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands



In the following example, the user brings up PPP link 5.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > upppplink 5



Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the users command to display the following information about user sessions that are currently running:

Access method and port (telnet session to the MPSM-T3E3-155, for example)

Current card slot the session is using

Idle time for the user session (can depend on the sesntimeout command)

User-name (the login name)

Access level of each user per session.

IP address or slot of the device that accessed the card (not the IP address of the card or node)

Session start date and time.



Syntax Description

No Parameters

Related Commands

dspusers, adduser, cnfuser, timeout


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the current users on the MPSM-T3E3-155 card.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > users

Port Slot Idle UserId Access From Started At
telnet.01 27 0:00:00 cisco CISCO_GP 00:00:00 JAN01
smterm.02 * 27 0:00:00 cisco CISCO_GP slot 8 06:28:50 FEB10



Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the who command to see details about the user currently logged into a card. The following information is displayed:

Type of port where you logged into the card

Slot number of the current card

Idle time in hours, minutes, and seconds

Current username

IP address or slot of the device that accessed the card (not the IP address of the card or node)

Session start date and time.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands

adduser, deluser, whoami, users


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays information about the user currently logged into the card.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > who

Port Slot Idle UserId Access From Started At
telnet.01 27 0:00:00 cisco CISCO_GP 00:00:00 JAN01
smterm.02 * 27 0:00:00 cisco CISCO_GP slot 8 06:28:50 FEB10


Who Am I

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the whoami command to display the current logged in user ID, access level, and port.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands

adduser, deluser, who


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays information about the user of the current terminal session.

NodeB.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > whoami

User ID: cisco
Access Level: CISCO_GP
Terminal Port: smterm.02


Posted: Tue Oct 24 15:03:21 PDT 2006
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