
Table Of Contents

















































































Configure Line

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the cnfln command to configure a SONET/SDH, DS3/E3, or DS1/E1 line on the current card. Use the cnfln command after you have activated the line using upln.

Note You cannot configure a line that currently has virtual interfaces configured.

Syntax —(SONET/SDH Lines)

cnfln <bay.line> -slt <LineType> -clk <clockSource>

Syntax Description —(SONET/SDH Lines)


Identifies the MPSM-T3E3-155 line you want to configure, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines on the current card.


Sets the line type to SONET or SDH. The possible values are:

1 = sonetSts3c, which selects SONET (default)

2 = sonetStm1, which selects SDH


Specifies the transmit clock source. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = loopTiming source—The line clock from the back card is the transmit clock source.

2 = localTiming source (default)—The local clock from the backplane is the transmit clock source.

Syntax (DS1 Lines)

cnfln <bay.line> -len <LineLength> -clk <clockSource> -lt <LineType> -lc <Line Coding>

Syntax Description (DS1 Lines)


Identifies the MPSM-16-T1E1 line you want to configure, in the format bay.line

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines on the current card


Specifies the DS1 Line Length in meters


Specifies the transmit clock source. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = loopTiming source—The line clock from the back card is the transmit clock source.

2 = localTiming source (default)—The local clock from the backplane is the transmit clock source.


Specifies the Framing Type:

2 = D_dsx1LineType_dsx1ESF,

3 = D_dsx1LineType_dsx1D4


Specifies the line coding type

2 = B8ZS

5 = AMI

Syntax (E1 Lines)

cnfln <bay.line> -clk <clockSource> -lt <LineType> -lc <Line Coding>

Syntax Description (E1 Lines)


Identifies the MPSM-16-T1E1 line you want to configure, in the format bay.line

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines on the current card


Specifies the transmit clock source. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = loopTiming source—The line clock from the back card is the transmit clock source.

2 = localTiming source (default)—The local clock from the backplane is the transmit clock source.


Defines if CRC and TS-16 Multiframing is enabled for E1.

4 = D_dsx1LineType_dsx1E1,

5 = D_dsx1LineType_dsx1E1CRC,

6 = D_dsx1LineType_dsx1E1MF,

7 = D_dsx1LineType_dsx1E1CRCMF


Specifies the line coding type.

3 = HDB3

5 = AMI

Syntax (DS3 Lines)

cnfln <bay.line> -lt <LineType> -len <LineLength> -oof <OOFCriteria> -cb <AIScBitsCheck> -rfeac <RcvFEACValidation> -sc <sendCode> -clk <clockSource> -chan <channelization>

Syntax Description (DS3)


Identifies the MPSM-T3E3-155 line you want to configure, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines on the current card.


Specifies the DS3 line type. The possible values are:

1 = ds3cbitadm

2 = ds3cbitplcp

9 = dsx3M23

11 = dsx3CbitParity


Specifies the DS3 line length in meters. Set the line length to match the physical length of the cable. Setting this value to a value higher than the actual length of the cable may cause a higher output drive from the card. However, this will not impact the overall power consumption or heat dissipation of the card.


Specifies the threshold for triggering an out-of-frame condition. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = 3 out of 8. An out-of-frame condition is declared if at least 3 out of 8 framing bits are in error.

2 = 3 out of 16. An out-of-frame condition is declared if at least 3 out of 16 framing bits are in error.


Determines whether the node checks the C-bit in response to AIS. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = check the C-bit

2 = ignore the C-bit


Sets the FEAC (far-end alarm and control) code validation criteria. The possible values are:

1 = 4 out of 5: a valid FEAC code is declared if 4 of 5 codes match.

2 = 8 out of 10: a valid FEAC code is declared when 8 of 10 codes match.


Identifies the line send code.

Note Release 5 of the MPSM-T3E3-155 does not support the -sc option.


Specifies the transmit clock source. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = loopTiming source—The line clock from the back card is the transmit clock source.

2 = localTiming source (default)—The local clock from the backplane is the transmit clock source.


Enables or disables DS1 channelization on the specified DS3 line.

The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = Disabled

2 = Enabled

Syntax (E3)

cnfln <bay.line> -lt <lineType> -clk <clockSource> -txtrace <TraceString>

Syntax Description (E3)


Identifies the MPSM-T3E3-155 line you want to configure, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines on the current card.


Specifies the E3 line type. The possible values are:

17 = e3g832frmronly

18 = e3g751frmronly


Specifies the transmit clock source. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = loopTiming source—The line clock from the back card is the transmit clock source.

2 = localTiming source (default)—The local clock from the backplane is the transmit clock source.


Optional keyword that allows you to transmit and display trail trace bytes. You can test the line by transmitting a group of numbers using cnfln -txtrace and then displaying the result using the dspln command to see if the numbers are the same. The TraceString is a number that can be a maximum of 15 bytes.

Related Commands

dsplns, dspln, dnln, upln, addlnloop


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user configures the sonet line 1.1 so that the line type is SONET, and the transmit clock uses the recovered receive clock from the backcard (loop timing).

M8850_NY.13.MPSM155[ATM].a > cnfln 1.1 -slt 1 -clk 1

In the following example, the user configures the E3 line 1.2 so that its receive clock is the transmit clock source.

mpsm_node1.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > cnfln 1.2 -clk 2


Configure Line Alarm

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the cnflnalm command to configure statistical line alarms thresholds and severities. You can use this command to make the lines more or less sensitive to alarm conditions.

Syntax (Sonet Section)

cnflnalm -sonetsec <bay.line> -secsev <Severity> -seces15 <ES15min> -seces24 <ES24Hr>
-secses15 <SES15min> -secses24 <SES24Hr> -secsefs15 <SEFS15min> -secsefs24 <SEFS24Hr> -seccv15 <UAS15min> -seccv24 <UAS24Hr>

Syntax Description (Sonet Sections)

-sonetsec <bay.line>

Identifies the SONET or SDH section on which you want to configure statistical line alarms thresholds. Enter the keyword (-sonetsec) followed by the line number in the format bay.line, where bay = 1 and line = 1-3. For example: -sonetsec 1.2

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines.


Determines the severity of SONET or SDH section statistical alarm counters. When a Statistical Counter exceeds its specified threshold, the system sends an alarm with appropriate severity. Enter a number to indicate the severity for all statistical alarms on the specified line as follows:



3—none (no alarm will be raised).


Sets the threshold for errored seconds in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for errored seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for severely errored seconds in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for severely errored seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for severely errored framing seconds in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for severely errored framing seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for code violations in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for code violations in the current 24-hour interval.

Syntax (Sonet Lines)

cnflnalm -sonetline <bay.line> -lnsev <Severity> -lnes15 <ES15min>
-lnes24 <ES24Hr> -lnses15 <SES15min> -lnses24 <SES24Hr> -lncv15 <CV15min>
-lncv24 <CV24Hr> -lnuas15 <UAS15min> -lnuas24 <UAS24Hr>

Syntax Description (Sonet Lines)

-sonetline <bay.line>

Identifies the SONET orSDH line which to you want to configure statistical line alarms thresholds. Enter the keyword (-sonetline) followed by the line number in the format bay.line, where bay = 1 and line = 1-3. For example: -sonetline 1.2

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines.


Determines the severity of SONET or SDH line statistical alarm counters. When a Statistical Counter exceeds its specified threshold, the system sends an alarm with appropriate severity. Enter a number to indicate the severity for all statistical alarms on the specified line as follows:



3—none (no alarm will be raised).


Sets the threshold for errored seconds in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for errored seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for severely errored seconds in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for severely errored seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for code violations in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for code violations in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for unavailable seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for unavailable seconds in the current 24-hour interval.

Syntax (DS3/E3 Lines)

cnflnalm ds3|-e3 <bay.line> -dsev <severity> -lcv15 <LCV15min> -lcv24 <LCV24Hr>
-les15 <LES15min> -les24 <LES24Hr> -pcv15 <PCV15min> -pcv24 <PCV24Hr>
-pes15 <PES15min> -pes24 <PES24Hr> -pses15 <PSES15min> -pses24 <PSES24Hr>
-sefs15 <SEFS15min> -sefs24 <SEFS24Hr> -uas15 <UAS15min> -uas24 <UAS24Hr>

Syntax Description DS3/E3 Lines)

-ds3|-e3 <bay.line>

Identifies the DS3/E3 line which to you want to configure statistical line alarms thresholds. Enter the keyword (-ds3 or -e3) followed by the line number in the format bay.line, where bay = 1 and line = 1-3. For example: -ds3 1.2

Note Use the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines.


Determines the severity of DS3 or E3 statistical alarm counters. When a Statistical Counter exceeds its specified threshold, the system sends an alarm with appropriate severity. Enter a number to indicate the severity for all statistical alarms on the specified line as follows:



3—none (no alarm will be raised).


Sets the threshold for code violations in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for code violations in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for errored seconds in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for errored seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for PVC errors in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for PVC errors in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for errored seconds in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for errored seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for P-bit errored seconds in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for P-bit errored seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for severely errored framing seconds in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for severely errored framing seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for unavailable seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for unavailable seconds in the current 24-hour interval.

Syntax (PLCP Lines)

cnflnalm -plcp <bay.line> -psev <severity>
-bcv15 <CV15min> -bcv24 <CV24Hr> -bes15 <ES15min> -bes24 <ES24Hr>
<SES15min> -bses24 <SES24Hr> -pses15 <SEFS15min>
-pses24 <SEFS24Hr> -puas15 <UAS15min> -puas24 <UAS24Hr>

Syntax Description (PLCP Lines)

-plcp <bay.line>

Identifies the PLHP line which to you want to configure statistical line alarms thresholds. Enter the keyword (-plcp) followed by the line number in the format bay.line, where bay = 1 and line = 1-3. For example: -plcp 1.2

Note Use the plcp command to display the line numbers for all lines.


Determines the severity of DS3 or PLCP statistical alarm counters. When a Statistical Counter exceeds its specified threshold, the system sends an alarm with appropriate severity. Enter a number to indicate the severity for all statistical alarms on the specified line as follows:



3—none (no alarm will be raised).


Sets the threshold for code violations in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for code violations in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for errored seconds in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for errored seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for severely errored seconds in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for severely errored seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for P-bit severely errored seconds in the current 15-minute interval.


Sets the threshold for P-bit severely errored seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for unavailable seconds in the current 24-hour interval.


Sets the threshold for unavailable seconds in the current 24-hour interval.

Related Commands

clrlnalmcnt, dsplnalm, dsplnalmcnf, dsplnalmcnt, dsplnalms


Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (E3)

In the following example, the user configures the E3 line 1.1 to show minor alarms when any of the statistical counters exceed their threshold. The user also sets the threshold for code violations in the current 24-hour and 15-minute intervals to 500.

mpsm_node1.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > cnflnalm -e3 1.1 -dsev 1 -lcv15 500 -lcv24 500


Configure Multi-link Frame Relay Bundle

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the cnfmfrbundle command to configure an MFR bundle.


cnfmfrbundle -bundle <bundleNum>
[-class <activationclass>] [-minlinks <minimumlinks>]
[-hellotimer <hellotimer>] [-acktimer <acktime>]
[-maxretry <maxretry>] [-bname <bundleName>]

Syntax Description


Identifies the MFR bundle number.

Note Enter the dspmfrbundles command to display all MFR bundles on the card.


Bundle activation class:

1=Class A—At least one bundle links must be operational for the MFR Bundle to be operational

2=Class B—All the bundle links must be operational for the MFR Bundle to be operational

3=Class C—Configured number of bundle links must be operational for the MFR Bundle to be operational.


Minimum number of Links for Class-C activation class, in the range 1-12.


Interval for sending hello messages, in the range 1-180 seconds


Maximum time period to wait for an acknowledgement from the far end, in the range 1-10 seconds


Maximum number of Retries (Maximum retries), in the range 1-5 retries.


Near-end bundle name:

A null-terminated string consisting of ASCII characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and any printable characters, with a maximum of 49 characters.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addmfrbundle, delmfrbundle, dspmfrbundle, dspmfrbundles


In the following example, the user sets the hello timer to 20 seconds for MFR bundle 3.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > cnfmfrbundle -bundle 3 -hellotimer 20


Configure Multi-link Frame Relay Link

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the cnfmfrlnk command to configure the name of an MFR link.


cnfmfrlnk -link <lnkNum> -lname <linkname>

Syntax Description


Specifies the MFR link number:

Note Enter the dspmfrlnks command to display all MFR links on the card.


Near-end link name:

A null -terminated string consisting of ASCII characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and any printable characters with a maximum of 49 characters.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addmfrlnk, delmfrlnk, dspmfrlnk, dspmfrlnks


In the following example, the user sets the name of MFR link 1.1:11 to GoldenGateLink111.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > cnfmfrlnk -link 1.1:11 -lname GoldenGAteLink111


Configure MLPPP Bundle

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the cnfmpbundle command to change the configuration of an MLPPP bundle.


cnfmpbundle -bundle <bundleNumber> [-mrru <value>] [-endDisc <value>]

Syntax Description


Specifies the MLPPP bundle number.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all MLPPP bundles on the card.


Specifies the Max Received Reconstructed Unit (MRRU), in the range 64 - 1524.

After the user adds a link to an MLPPP bundle, the MRRU is sent to the remote end, which notifies the remote end that this link is capable of receiving MLPPP packets.


Describes the bundle endpoint. The value is null terminated string that contains printable ASCII characters, which include A-Z, a-z, and 0-9. Maximum length: 20 characters.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addmpbundle, delmpbundle, dspmpbundle


In the following example, the user changes the MRRU to 1024 for MLPPP bundle 5.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > cnfmpbundle -bundle 5 -mrru 1024
Warning: Bundle Config is being changed, traffic might be interrupted briefly


Configure MLPPP Bundle parameters

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the cnfmpbundleparams command to configure Layer 2 QoS parameters on an MLPPP bundle.


cnfmpbundleparams -bundle <bundleNumber> [-q0threshold <value>] [-q1threshold <value>] [-q2threshold <value>] [-normpvcbw <value>] [-autobw <value>]

Syntax Description


Specifies the MLPPP bundle number.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all MLPPP bundles on the card.


Q0 threshold, range 0 - 65535 packets

Default: 100


Q1 threshold, range 0 - 65535 packets

Default: 100


Q2 threshold, range 0 - 65535 packets

Default: 100


Normalized PVC bandwidth, range 0 - 176603 cps

Default: 8600 cps


Auto PVC bandwidth mode. When enabled, the card automatically negotiates the PVC bandwidth on connections to the RPM-XF.

1 = enable—The card automatically negotiates the bandwidth on RPM-XF PVCs to assure that the queues operate correctly.

2 = disable—You must manually configure the bandwidth on RPM-XF PVCs to avoid overloading the queues.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addmpbundle, delmpbundle, dspmpbundle


In the following example, the user disables the dynamic bandwidth feature on MLPPP bundle2.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > cnfmpbundleparams -bundle 2 -autobw 2


Configure Resource Partition

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the cnfpart command to modify a resource partition. A resource partition consists of minimum and maximum percentages of bandwidth, a VPI/VCI range, and a minimum and maximum number of connections available to a network control application. The current network controller is PNNI. Refer to the description of addpart for information on resource partitions.

You must bring the port down using dnport before you can configure a partition using cnfpart.

Note The cnfpart and cnfrscprtn commands are identical. The name "cnfrscprtn" is consistent with the corresponding command in a Cisco MGX 8850 PXM1-based switch. You can use either command.

Important VPI/VCI Range Issues

When configuring a partition, be sure to configure the VPI/VCI ranges to meet your actual usage requirements. It is important that you do not configure the entire VPI/VCI range for a single partition. The ability to seamlessly add new partitions in the future depends on configuring only the necessary ranges for each partition.

The Cisco recommended ranges for a single partition are as follows:

For a VPI on a UNI port where the available range is 0-255, the recommended range is 0-140.

For a VPI on a PNNI port where the range is 0-4096, the recommended range is 0-2500 or about 60%.

Caution If you configure all of the available ranges for the PNNI partition, you will not be able to add a new partition without bringing down the port using the dnport command to change the PNNI VPI/VCI ranges. Bringing down a port on a live network is usually not an option.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

cnfpart -if <if> -id <partionID> -emin <egrMinBw> -emax <egrMaxBw> -imin <ingMinBw> -imax <ingMaxBw> -vpmin <minVpi> -vpmax <maxVpi> -vcmin <minVci> -vcmax <maxVci> -mincon <min connections> -maxcon <max connections>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


The interface number (partition number) of the partition to configure.

Note Use the dspparts command in the ATM CLI context to see all active ATM partitions.


A number that identifies the partition, in the range 1-20.


A guaranteed percentage of egress bandwidth. Each unit of egrminbw is 0.0001 percent of the total bandwidth on the port. (An egrMinBw of 1000000 = 100%.) These small increments provide a high level of granularity.


A maximum percentage of egress bandwidth. Each unit of egrmaxbw is 0.0001 percent of the total bandwidth available to the port. (An egrMaxBw of 1000000 = 100%.) The minimum bandwidth must be at least 50 cps.


A guaranteed percentage of the ingress bandwidth. Each unit of ingminbw is 0.0001 percent of the total bandwidth available to a port. (An ingMinBw of 1000000 = 100%.)


A maximum percentage of the ingress bandwidth. Each increment of ingmaxbw is 0.0001 percent of the total bandwidth on the port. (An ingMaxBw of 100000000 = 100%.) The maximum ingress bandwidth must be at least 50 cps.


Minimum VPI for the partition:

UNI range 0-255

NNI or VNNI range: 0-4095


Maximum VPI for the partition

UNI range 0-255

NNI or VNNI range: 0-4095

The max_vpi cannot be less than the min_vpi.

On a virtual trunk, the min_vpi and max_vpi must be the same.


Minimum VCI, in the range from 1-65535


Maximum VCI, in the range from 1-65535

The max_vci cannot be less than the min_vci.


Guaranteed number of connections. Value: 0 only


A maximum number of connections, in the range 10-2000.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

cnfpart <ifNum> <ctrlNum> [-lcn <available connections>] [-dlcimin <minDlci>] [-dlcimax <maxDlci>] [-ibw <ingPctBw>] [-ebw <egrPctBw>]

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (partition number) of the partition to configure.

Note Use the dspparts command in the Frame Relay CLI context to see all active partitions.


Specifies a network controller protocol. Enter 2 to specify the PNNI controller.

Note Release 5 of the MPSM-T3E3-155 supports the PNNI controller (option 2) only. Options 1 (TAG switching) and 3 (MPLS) are not supported on the MPSM-T3E3-155 card.


Maximum number of connections.

MPSM-16-T1E1 range: 0-2000

MPSM-T3E3-155 range: 0-4000


Minimum DLCI value.

2-byte header range: 0-1023.

4-byte header range: 0-8355840, in multiples of 32768.

For example, you can enter one of the following numbers as the minimum DLCI value, or any other number that is a multiple of 32768:
0 = (0 x 32768)
163840 = (5 x 32768)
8355840 = (255 x 32768)

Unless your provisioning plan calls for a specific range of DLCI values on a port or card, specify the minimum DLCI value as 0.


Maximum DLCI value.

2-byte header range: 0-1023.

4-byte header range: 32767-8355840, in multiples of 32768, minus 1.

For example, you can enter one of the following numbers as the maximum DLCI value, or any other number that is a multiple of 32768 minus l:
32767 = (32768 * 1)-1
163839 = (32768 * 5)-1
6520831 = (32768 * 199)-1

Unless your provisioning plan calls for a specific range of DLCI value on a port or card, specify the maximum DLCI value as 8388607.


Maximum ingress port bandwidth percentage for the controller type specified with the ctrlrNum argument, in the range 0-100 percent.


Maximum egress port bandwidth percentage for the controller type specified with the ctrlrNum argument, in the range 0-100 percent.

Related Commands

addpart, delpart, dsppart, dsppart


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the cnfpart command to configure resource partition 1 with the following parameters:

guaranteed egress bandwidth—9000

maximum egress bandwidth—9000

guaranteed ingress bandwidth—1000

maximum ingress bandwidth—10000

minimum VPI—0

maximum VPI—200

minimum VCI—1

maximum VCI—60000

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > cnfpart -if 4 -id 1 -emin 9000 -emax 9000 -imin 1000 -imax 10000 -vpmin 0 -vpmax 200 -vcmin 1 -vcmax 60000

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the cnfpart command to configure resource partition 2 so that it has the logical channel number 2000.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > cnfpart 50 2 -lcn 2000


Configure Path

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the cnfpath command to create or configure paths (channels) a SONET/SDH or DS3/E3 line. You provision the SONET/SDH path width with the -width keyword, and the service type using the -payload keyword.

Syntax—Sonet/SDH Path

For an STS path in an "up" state, use the following syntax:

cnfPath [-sts] <path_id> [-payload <sts_au_payload_type>] [-txtrace <trace-string>]

For an STS path in an "down" state, use the following syntax:

cnfPath [-sts] <path_id> [-width <width_spec>]

Syntax Description—Sonet/SDH Path


The -sts keyword explicitly selects STS paths in SONET networks, or AU paths in SDH networks.


Specifies the id of the STS/STM path you want to configure, in the following format:


where: bay = 1, line = 1, sts = 1-3

Use the dsppaths -sts command to display the existing STS/STM paths.


Specifies the payload type. The possible values for this parameter are:

2 = unspecified

3 = ds3—Configure a DS3 payload

4 = vt15vc11—Configure virtual tributaries for DS1

5 = vt2vc12—Configure virtual tributaries for E1

8 = e3 —Configure an E3 payload

9 = vtStructured— Configure TUG3 virtual tributaries (SDH line type with -width = 3 only)


The transmitting trail trace string in bytes, up to 64 characters.
Enter 0, 16, or 64.

For SONET the string can be up to 62 bytes.

For SDH the string can be up to 15 bytes.


Specifies the width of the path. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = Configure the path width for SONET STS1 and SDH STM0

3 = Configure the path width for SONET STS3c and SDH STM1

Note The path width may only be configured when the path is down.

Syntax—DS3 Path

cnfpath [-ds3] <path_id>[-cb <AIScBitsCheck>] [-oof <OOF Criteria>] [-lt <Line Type>] [-clk <Clock Source>] [-feac <RcvFEAC>] [-lpb <Loopback>] [-chan <Channelization>]

Syntax Description—DS3 Path


The -ds3 keyword explicitly selects paths with DS3 payloads.


Specifies the DS3 path you want to configure, in the following format:


where: bay = 1, line = 1, sts = 1-3

Note Use the dsppaths -ds3 command to display the path numbers for all available DS3 paths.


Determines whether the node checks the C-bit in response to AIS. Enter the keyword (-cb) followed by the AIScBitsCheck identifier. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = check the C-bit

2 = ignore the C-bit


Specifies the threshold for triggering an out-of-frame condition. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = 3 out of 8. An out-of-frame condition is declared if at least 3 out of 8 framing bits are in error.

2 = 3 out of 16. An out-of-frame condition is declared if at least 3 out of 16 framing bits are in error.


Specifies the DS3 line type. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = ds3cbitadm

2 = ds3cbitplcp

9 = dsx3M23

11 = dsx3CbitParity (default)

Note After you add ATM service to a path with the addport command, the line type is set to dsx3CbitParity (option 11) by default. You can change to ds3cbitadm (option 1) or ds3cbitplcp (option 2) only after ATM service has been added to a path with the addport command.


Specifies the DS3 clock source.The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = loopTiming source—The receive clock from the back card is the transmit clock source.

2 = localTiming source (default)—The clock source from the backplane is the transmit clock source.


Specifies the threshold for triggering an FEAC condition. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = 4 out of 5

2 = 8 out of 10

3 = disable

Note Release 5 of the MPSM-T3E3-155 does not support option 3 (disable).


Specifies the type of path loopback to apply. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = No loopback

2 = Local loopback

3 = Remote loopback


Enables or disables channelization on the current line. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = Disabled

2 = Enabled

Syntax—E3 Path

cnfpath [-e3] <path_id> [-lt <Line Type>] [-clk <Clock Source>] [-lpb <Loopback>] [-txtrace <traceString>]

Syntax Description—E3 Path


The -e3 keyword explicitly selects paths with E3 payloads.


Identifies the E3 path you want to configure, in the following format:


where: bay = 1, line = 1, sts = 1-3

Note Use the dsppaths -e3 command to display the path numbers for all available E3 paths.


Specifies the E3 line type. The possible values for this parameter are:

17 = e3g832frmronly

18 = e3g751frmronly


Specifies the E3 clock source.The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = loopTiming source—The receive clock from the back card is the transmit clock source.

2 = localTiming source (default)—The clock source from the backplane is the transmit clock source.


Specifies the type of path loopback to apply. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = No loopback

2 = Local loopback

3 = Remote loopback


Optional keyword that allows you to transmit trail trace bytes. You can test the line by transmitting a group of numbers using cnfpath -txtrace and then displaying the result using the dsppath command to see if the numbers are the same.

Syntax—DS1/E1 Path

cnfpath [-ds1 | -e1] <path_id> [-lpb <Loopback>][-clk <Clock Source>] [-lt <Line Type>]

Syntax Description

-ds1 | -e1

The -ds1 and -e1 keyword explicitly select paths with DS1 or E1 payloads, respectively.


Identifies the DS1 or E1 path you want to configure, in the following formats:

DS3 line: bay.line:ds1

DS3 payload: bay.line.sts:ds1

VT payload: bay.line.sts:vtg.vt

VT structured: bay.line.sts:tug3.vtg.vt

where: bay=1, line=1, sts=0-3, ds1=1-28,
tug3=1-3, vtg=1-7, vt=1-4 (VT15) or 1-3 (VT2)

Note Use the dsppaths -ds1 command to display the path numbers for all available DS1 paths. Use the dsppaths -e1 command to display the path numbers for all available E1 paths.


Specifies the type of path loopback to apply. The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = No loopback

2 = Local loopback

3 = Remote loopback


Specifies the clock source.The possible values for this parameter are:

1 = loopTiming source—The receive clock from the back card is the transmit clock source.

2 = localTiming source (default)—The clock source from the backplane is the transmit clock source.


Specifies the DS1 or E1 line type. The possible values for this parameter are:

2 = dsx1ESF

3 = dsx1SF

4 = dsx1E1

5 = dsx1E1CRC

6 = dsx1E1MF

7 = dsx1E1CRCMF

Related Commands

dsppath, dsppaths, uppath, dnpath


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user enters the dnpath command to bring down the path 1.1.1, and then enters the cnfpath command to configure the width of that path to 1 (sts1_stm0). After the configuration is accepted, the user enters the uppath command to bring the path back into operation. The user then enters the cnfpath command again to configure the payload of that path to 4 (vt15vc11).

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[FR].a > dnpath -sts 1.1.1
M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[FR].a > cnfpath -sts 1.1.1 -width 1
M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[FR].a > uppath -sts 1.1.1
M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[FR].a > cnfpath -sts 1.1.1 -payload 4

In the following example, the user enters the cnfpath command to configure the path 1.1.1:1.2 so that the line type is dsx1ESF, and the transmit clock source is the receive clock from the back card.

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[FR].a > cnfpath -ds1 1.1.1:1.2 -lt 2 -clk 1


Configure Path Alarm

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the cnfpathalm command to configure the thresholds and severity for alarms on STS or DS3 paths.


cnfpathalm <path_num> [-sev <Severity>] [-es15 <ES15min>] [-es24 <ES24Hr>] [-ses15 <SES15min>] [-ses24 <SES24Hr>] [-cv15 <CV15min>] [-cv24 <CV24Hr>] [-uas15 <UAS15min>] [-uas24 <UAS24Hr>] [-sefs15 <SEFS15min>] [-sefs24 <SEFS24>]

Syntax Description


The number of the STS or DS3 path you want to configure.

Note Use the dsppaths -sts or dsppaths -ds3 command to display the available path numbers.


The severity level of the alarm to be raised when the specified statistical threshold is exceeded.





ES threshold value for a 15 minute window.


ES threshold value for a 24 hour window.


SES threshold value for a 15 minute window.


SES threshold value for a 24 hour window.


CV threshold value for a 15 minute window.


CV threshold value for a 24 hour window.


UAS threshold value for a 15 minute window.


UAS threshold value for a 24 hour window.


SEFS threshold value for a 15 minute widow.


SEFS threshold value for a 24 hour window.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


Configure the STS path 1.1.1 so that a minor alarm is raised when the following thresholds are exceeded:

ES 15-minute threshold of 85

ES 24-hour threshold of 800

SES 15-minute threshold of 85

SES 24-hour threshold of 800

CV 15-minute threshold of 80

CV 24-hour threshold of 800

UAS 15-minute threshold of 80

UAS 24-hour threshold of 800

mpsm_node.3.MPSM155[ATM].a > cnfpathalm 1.1.1 -sev 1 -es15 85 -es24 800 -ses15 85 -ses24 800 -cv15 80 -cv24 800 -uas15 80 -uas24 800


Configure Port

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the cnfport command to configure or modify the parameters of a logical port. In the ATM CLI context, the ports represent ATM services or IMA groups. In the Frame Relay CLI context, the ports represent Frame Relay services and Multilink Frame Relay bundles.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

cnfport <ifNum> [-min <guaranteedRate>] [-max <maxrate>] [-sct <sctID>]
[-minvpi <minVpi>] [-maxvpi <maxvpi>]

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the port you are adding.

Note Use the dspports command in the ATM CLI context to display the port numbers for all active ATM ports.


Specifies the guaranteed rate on a logical port in cells per second (cps). The minimum rate can be either the max cell rate of the interface, or a multiple of 50.

Use one of the following methods to calculate the guaranteed rate on an IMA port:

T1 based IMA group — multiple of 50 not greater than
N * (3622 * (M-1)/M * 2048/2049), where N is the number of IMA links in the IMA group, and M is the IMA group frame length.

E1 based IMA group —multiple of 50 not greater than
N * (4528 * (M-1)/M * 2048/2049), where N is the number of IMA links in the IMA group, and M is the IMA group frame length.

The cumulative guaranteed rate cannot exceed the highest value in the following ranges:

OC192:between 50 and 22605280

OC48:between 50 and 5651320

OC3: 50-353207 cps

T3: 50-96000 (PLCP) or 104268 (ADM) cps

E3: 50-80000 cps

T1: 50-3622 cps

E1: 50-4528 cps

Note The guaranteed rate and max rate settings must be the same.


Specifies the maximum rate on a logical port in cells/second. For all interface types (UNI, NNI, VNNI, EVNNI, and EVUNI), maxrate must be the same as guaranteedRate. See guaranteedRate.


Specifies the number of a service class template (SCT) for the port. The range is 0-255. Cisco provides SCT numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5. You can modify one of these SCTs through the Cisco WAN Manager application and assign a number in the range 6-255 to the new SCT. Subsequently, you can assign the new SCT to the port with the sctID parameter in cnfport. To display the ID of the current SCT for this port, use dspport. To display the parameters within the current SCT, use the dspportsct command.

Note The default setting for -sct is 0.

Note You must bring down the port with the dnport command before you can change the port SCT.


The minimum VPI for an EVUNI or EVNNI interface:

EVUNI range: 0-255

EVNNI range: 0-4095


The maximum VPI for an EVUNI or EVNNI interface:

EVUNI range: 0-255

EVNNI range: 0-4095

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

cnfport <ifNum>

[-sct <sctID>] [-dlciLen <dlciLen>]
[-flags <portFlagsBetweenFrames>] [-rat <PortEqueueServiceRatio>]
[-csum <checksum>] [-oversub <overSubscribeEnable>]
[-lmiSig <lmiSigType>] [-asynUpdt <updateType>]
[-elmi <elmiState>] [-segLmi <segLmiStatus>]
[-t391 <t391Value>] [-t392 <t392Value>]
[-n391 <n391Value>] [-n392 <n392Value>] [-n393 <n393Value>]
[-fragEnable <fragEnable>] [-fragSize <fragSize>} [-hdlcinv <hdlcinv>]

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the port you are adding.

Note Use the dspports command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port numbers for all active Frame Relay ports.


Specifies the number of a service class template (SCT) for the port, in the range 1-255.

Note You must bring down the port with the dnport command before you can change the port SCT.


Specifies the DLCI header length:

1 = Two-byte DLCI header

2 = Four-byte DLC header (Broadband Frame Relay only)

Note You cannot modify the DLCI header length while there are active connections on the port. Prior to modifying the -dlciLen parameter, enter the delcon command to delete any connection(s) on the specified port.


Specifies the flags between frames:

1 = 1 flag

2 = 2 flags

3 = 4 flags

4 = 8 flags

5 = 16 flags

6 = 32 flags

7 = 64 flags

8 = 128 flags

Note You cannot modify the DLCI header length while there are active connections on the port. Prior to modifying the -flags parameter, enter the delcon command to delete connections on the specified port.


This keyword and argument defines the egress service ratio between the high priority and the low priority queues.

Enter the keyword followed by a number that indicates the egress service ratio, in the range from 1 to 15.

Enter 1 to indicate that no service ratio is configured. In this case, bandwidth is allocated to both the high priority and the low priority queues on demand, which means that traffic is dynamically allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The default setting is 1. In this case, the traffic of the CBR and rt-VBR service categories is allocated to the high priority queue, while the traffic of the nrt-VBR, ABR, and UBR service categories is allocated to the low priority queue.

Note You cannot modify the DLCI header length while there are active connections on the port. Prior to modifying the -rat parameter, enter the delcon command to delete any connection(s) on the specified port.


Checksum type indicator:

1 = crc16

2 = crc32

Note You cannot modify the DLCI header length while there are active connections on the port. Prior to modifying the -csum parameter, enter the delcon command to delete any connection(s) on the specified port.


Oversubscription indicator:

1 = enable

2 = disable

Note You cannot modify the DLCI header length while there are active connections on the port. Prior to modifying the -oversub parameter, enter the delcon command to delete any connection(s) on the specified port.


LMI signaling type indicator:

2 = No Signaling

3 = StrataLMI

4 = AnnexAUNI

5 = AnnexDUNI

6 = AnnexANNI

7 = AnnexDNNI

Note When LMI is configured, the maximum number of connections per port for Strata LMI port is 560 and for Annex A/D UNI/NNI port is 898.


Enables or disables asynchronous updates. Asynchronous updates are an extension to the LMI protocol that notify the user immediately of changes in PVC and Multicast status. Before enabling this feature, make sure that any DTE equipment you are connected to supports asynchronous updates from the network.

Asynchronous update control:

1 = Disable both Asynchronous Status Updates and Unsolicited Full Status

2 = Enable Asynchronous Status Updates

3 = Enable Unsolicited Full Status

4 = Enable Asynchronous Status Updates and Unsolicited Full Status


Enable or disable enhanced LMI. Enhanced LMI enables the automatic exchange of Frame Relay QoS parameter information between the DTE and DCE. When enabled on both the DTE and the MPSM port, this allows the DTE device to learn QoS parameters from the frame relay port and use them for traffic shaping, configuration, or management purposes.

1 = enable

2 = disable


Segmented LMI control:

1 = enable

2 = disable


T391 timer. This is the Link Integrity Verification polling timer. The user (DTE) sends Status Enquiry messages to the network (DCE) every T391 seconds. An error is recorded if a Status message is not received within T391 seconds. The T391 counter always applies to the user equipment. It applies to the user and network if NNI bi-directional polling is present. Range 5-30.


T392 timer. This is the Polling Verification timer. The network (DCE) expects Status Enquiry messages from the user (DTE) every T392 seconds. If the network does not receive a Status Enquiry message from the user within T392 seconds and the timer expires, then the network records a missing Status Enquiry message by incrementing the N392 counter. This timer value must be set greater than the T391 timer. The T392 timer always applies to the network. It applies to the network and user if NNI bi-directional polling is present. Range 5-30.


N391 counter. This setting establishes the Full Status (status of all PVCs) polling cycle. The user (DTE) sends a Full Report Status Enquiry to the network (DCE) every N391 polls. The N391 counter always applies to the user equipment. It applies to the user and network if NNI bi-directional polling is present. Range 1- 255.


N392 counter. This setting specifies the UNI/NNI error threshold. This is the number of errors during N393 events that will cause an error condition. This counter should be less than or equal to the N393 counter. This counter can apply to both the user (DTE) and the network (DCE). Range 1-10.


N393 counter. This setting is the monitored UNI/NNI events count, which must be greater than the N392 counter. N392 errors during N393 events will cause an error condition. If the N393 counter is set to a value much less than the N391 counter, the port could go in and out of an error condition without notification to either the user equipment or the network. This counter can apply to both the user (DTE) and the network (DCE). The value of this parameter should be greater than that for the -n392 parameter. Range: 1-10.


Controls fragmentation on the port.


2= disable.


Specifies the size of the fragments in bytes:







Controls HDLCI NV on the port.


2= disable.

Related Commands

addport, delport, dspport, dspports


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user configures a guaranteed minimum of 1000 cps and a maximum rate of 1000 cps for port 10.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > cnfport 10 -min 1000 -max 1000

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user configures the LMI signaling type indicator to be Annex ANNI.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > cnfport 2 -lmiSig 6


Configure a PPP link

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the cnfppplink command to change the configuration of a PPP link.


cnfppplink -link <linkID> [-mru <value>] [-lcpTimeout <msec>] [-ds0speed <mode>] [-pfcTx <mode>] [-acfcTx <mode>] [-loopCheck <mode>]

Syntax Description


Specifies the PPP link number.

Enter the dspppplinks command to display all PPP links on the card.


The Maximum Receive Unit, in the range 64-1524


The length of time to wait for a Echo Reply before bringing down LCP. The value is in msec, rounded down to the nearest 100 msec. Range 1000-4294967.


DS0 Speed

1 = 56K

2 = 64K


Controls the compression of PF in PPP packets transmitted from this end.

1 = enable, PFC is performed if the far end is capable of receiving compressed PF.

2= disable, PFC is not performed, even if far end is capable of receiving compressed PF.


Controls the compression of address/control fields in PPP packets transmitted from this end.

1 = enable, ACFC is performed if the far end is capable of receiving compressed address/control fields.

2 = disable, ACFC is not performed, even if far end is capable of receiving compressed address/control fields.


Controls loopback check. If loopback check is enabled, when the Magic Number in the incoming Echo Reply is the same as of this PPP link, then this PPP link assumes that the far end is in loopback and brings down its own LCP session.

1 = Enable

2 = Disable


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addppplink, delppplink, dspppplink


In the following example, the user configures PPP link 1 with an MRU of 1234 and enables acfcTx and pfcTx compression.

U4.5.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > cnfppplink -link 1 -mru 1234 -acfcTx 1 -pfcTx 1


Configure a PPPMUX parameters.

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the cnfpppmux command to change PPPMUX parameters.


cnfpppmux -bundle <bundleNumber> [-pid <pid>] [-muxTimer <muxtimer>]
[-frameLength <length>] [-subFrameLength <length>] [-subFrameCount <count>]

Syntax Description


Specifies the MLPPP bundle number for which to configure PPPMUX.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all MLPPP bundles on the card.


Default Protocol ID, in the range 0-65535


Specifies the maximum length of time that the hardware multiplexes packets after multiplexing begins.

Values: 0 (disabled), or 64-4000000 microseconds


Maximum mux frame length, in the range 1-512


Maximum sub-frame length, in the range 1-512


Maximum number of sub-frames in a multiplex super-frame, in the range 2-15.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands



In the following example, the user configures the PPPMUX on bundle 2 by changing the mux timer to 64 microseconds.

U4.5.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > cnfpppmux -bundle 2 -muxTimer 64


Configure Profiler Parameters

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the cnfprfparam to configure the interval at which the profiler facility is monitored. At the end of the specified interval, a file containing profiler statistics is generated and transferred to the Cisco WAN Manager (CWM) using FTP.

The profiler facility collects and displays statistics about resource usage. The resources include:

Message queue

Memory usage

Memory chunks

Caution The profiler is a facility intended for developers at Cisco Systems. Because of the possibly large CPU overhead involved with the profiler, using dspprf on an overloaded switch can have unpredictable and unacceptable consequences. For example, it could overwhelm a marginally functioning switch. For this reason, you should contact the TAC before using dspprf and never run it for exploratory or experimental reasons. For a safer look at system resources, use the Resource Monitoring commands (cnfrmrsrc, dsprmalms, dsprmrsrc, dsprmrsrcs, and dsprminfo) or the dspprfhist command.


cnfprfparam <bucket interval>

Syntax Description

bucket interval

Specifies the number of seconds to wait before starting the next bucket of profiler statistics, in the range 1 - 600 seconds.

Related Commands

dspprf, dspprfhist


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user configures the profiler statistics collection bucket interval to be 300 seconds.

mpsm_node1.5.MPSM155[FR].a > cnfprfparam 300
The bucket interval will be effective after the current bucket interval is over.


Configure Resource Monitor Resource

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the cnfrmrsrc command to configure the resource polling interval and resource thresholds.


cnfrmrsrc <rsrcId> [-poll] [-loth] [-medth] [-hith]

Syntax Description


Resource Index, in the range 0-14

0 = static memory

1 = dynamic memory

2 = statatistics memory

3 = SNMP memory

4 = IPC small buffer

5 = IPC meduim buffer

6 = IPC large buffer

7 = IPC huge buffer

8 = IPC mblk buffer

9 = CPU free

10 = system memory

11 = timer

12 = file descriptor

13 = VxWorks file descriptor

14 = system uptime


The polling interval, in the range 5-86400 seconds (24 hours).


The low threshold, as a percentage between 0% and the medium threshold.


The medium threshold, as a percentage between the low threshold and high threshold.


The high threshold, as a percentage between the medium threshold and 100%.

Related Commands

dsprmrsrcs, dsprmrsrc, dsprmalms


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: CISCO_GP


In the following example, the user configures the resource monitor resource.

mpsm_node1.5.MPSM155[FR].a > cnfrmrsrc 9 -poll 30 -loth 25 -medth 50 -hith 75


Configure Resource Partition

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the cnfrscprtn command to modify a resource partition. A resource partition consists of minimum and maximum percentages of bandwidth, a VPI/VCI range, and a minimum and maximum number of connections available to a network control application. The current network controller is PNNI. Refer to the description of addpart for information on resource partitions.

You must bring the port down using dnport before you can configure a partition using cnfpart.

Note The cnfrscprtn and cnfpart commands are identical. The name "cnfrscprtn" is consistent with the corresponding command in a Cisco MGX 8850 PXM1-based switch. You can use either command.

Important VPI/VCI Range Issues

When configuring a partition, be sure to configure the VPI/VCI ranges to meet your actual usage requirements. It is important that you do not configure the entire VPI/VCI range for a single partition. The ability to seamlessly add new partitions in the future depends on configuring only the necessary ranges for each partition.

The Cisco recommended ranges for a single partition are as follows:

For a VPI on a UNI port where the available range is 0-255, the recommended configured range is 0-140.

For a VPI on a PNNI port where the range is 0-4096, the recommended configured range is 0-2500 or about 60%.

Caution When adding or configuring a PNNI partition, do not configure the entire VPI/VCI range for one partition. In the future, if you migrate from a PNNI only service to a PNNI service with multiple partitions, you will need the additional VPI/VCI ranges to be able to add a new partition. If you configure all of the available ranges for the PNNI partition, you will not be able to add a new partition without bringing down the port using the dnport command to change the PNNI VPI/VCI ranges. Bringing down a port on a live network is usually not an option.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

cnfrscprtn -if <if> -id <partionID> -emin <egrMinBw> -emax <egrMaxBw> -imin <ingMinBw> -imax <ingMaxBw> -vpmin <minVpi> -vpmax <maxVpi> -vcmin <minVci> -vcmax <maxVci> -mincon <min connections> -maxcon <max connections>

Note The maximum number of connections must be greater than 10.

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


The interface number (partition number) of the partition to configure.

Note Use the dspparts command in the ATM CLI context to see all active ATM partitions.


A number that identifies the partition, in the range 1-20.


A guaranteed percentage of egress bandwidth. Each unit of egrminbw is 0.0001 percent of the total bandwidth on the port. (An egrMinBw of 1000000 = 100%.) These small increments provide a high level of granularity.


A maximum percentage of egress bandwidth. Each unit of egrmaxbw is 0.0001 percent of the total bandwidth available to the port. (An egrMaxBw of 1000000 = 100%.) The minimum bandwidth must be at least 50 cps.


A guaranteed percentage of the ingress bandwidth. Each unit of ingminbw is 0.0001 percent of the total bandwidth available to a port. (An ingMinBw of 1000000 = 100%.)


A maximum percentage of the ingress bandwidth. Each increment of ingmaxbw is 0.0001 percent of the total bandwidth on the port. (An ingMaxBw of 100000000 = 100%.) The maximum ingress bandwidth must be at least 50 cps.


Minimum VPI for the partition:

UNI range 0-255

NNI or VNNI range: 0-4095


Maximum VPI for the partition

UNI range 0-255

NNI or VNNI range: 0-4095

The max_vpi cannot be less than the min_vpi.

On a virtual trunk, the min_vpi and max_vpi must be the same.


Minimum VCI, in the range from 1-65535


Maximum VCI, in the range from 1-65535

The max_vci cannot be less than the min_vci.


Guaranteed number of connections. Value: 0 only


A maximum number of connections, in the range 10-2000.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

cnfrscprtn <ifNum> <controllerNum> [-lcn <available connections>] [-dlcimin <minDlci>] [-dlcimax <maxDlci>] [-ibw <ingPctBw>] [-ebw <egrPctBw>]

Note The maximum number of connections must be greater than 10.

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (partition number) of the partition to configure.

Note Enter the dspparts command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display all active partitions.


Specifies a network controller protocol. Enter 2 to specify the PNNI controller.

Note Release 5 of the MPSM-T3E3-155 supports the PNNI controller (option 2) only. Options 1 (TAG switching) and 3 (MPLS) are not supported on the MPSM-T3E3-155 card.


Maximum number of connections.

MPSM-16-T1E1 range: 0-2000

MPSM-T3E3-155 range: 0-4000


Minimum DLCI value.

2-byte header range: 0-1023.

4-byte header range: 0-8355840, in multiples of 32768.

For example, you can enter one of the following numbers as the minimum DLCI value, or any other number that is a multiple of 32768:
0 = (0 x 32768)
163840 = (5 x 32768)
8355840 = (255 x 32768)

Unless your provisioning plan calls for a specific range of DLCI values on a port or card, specify the minimum DLCI value as 0.


Maximum DLCI value.

2-byte header range: 0-1023.

4-byte header range: 32767-8355840, in multiples of 32768, minus 1.

For example, you can enter one of the following numbers as the maximum DLCI value, or any other number that is a multiple of 32768 minus l:
32767 = (32768 * 1)-1
163839 = (32768 * 5)-1
6520831 = (32768 * 199)-1

Unless your provisioning plan calls for a specific range of DLCI value on a port or card, specify the maximum DLCI value as 8388607.


Maximum ingress port bandwidth percentage for the controller type specified with the ctrlrNum argument, in the range 0-100 percent.


Maximum egress port bandwidth percentage for the controller type specified with the ctrlrNum argument, in the range 0-100 percent.

Related Commands

addrscprtn, delrscprtn, dsprscprtn, dsprscprtn


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the example that follows, the user enters the cnfprscprtn command to configure resource partition 1 with the following parameters:

guaranteed egress bandwidth—9000

maximum egress bandwidth—9000

guaranteed ingress bandwidth—1000

maximum ingress bandwidth—10000

minimum VPI—0

maximum VPI—200

minimum VCI—1

maximum VCI—60000

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > cnfrscprtn -if 4 -id 1 -emin 9000 -emax 9000 -imin 1000 -imax 10000 -vpmin 0 -vpmax 200 -vcmin 1 -vcmax 60000

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the cnfprscprtn command to configure resource partition 2 so that it has the logical channel number 2000.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > cnfrscprtn 50 2 -lcn 2000


Configure Tributary Unit Group 3 (TUG-3)

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the cnftug3 command to configure the payload of a Tributary Unit Group 3 (TUG3) in an SDH AU-4 path.


cnftug3 <tug3_id> -payload <payload>

Syntax Description


Identifies the TUG3 whose payload you want to configure, in the following format:

where bay = 1, line = 1, au = 0, tug3 = 1-3

Note Use the dsptug3s command to display the TUG3 numbers for all TUG3s.


Configures the payload of the specified TUG3. The possible payloads are:

2 = vc11. Select this payload to create 28 DS1s in 28 VC-11/TU-11(VT 1.5) paths within the specified TUG-3.

3 = vc12. Select this payload to create 21 DS1s in one VC-12/TU-12 (VT 2.0) paths within the specified TUG-3.

4 = tu3ds3. Select this parameter to create one DS3 in one TU3 path within the specified TUG-3.

5 = tu3e3. Select this parameter to create one E3 in one TU3 path within the specified TUG-3

Related Commands

dsptug3cnf, dsptug3s


Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


Configure TUG3 1.1.0:1 to carry one DS-3 path.

M8850_NY.13.MPSM155[FR].a > cnftug3 1.1.0:1 -payload 4


Core Memory Dump

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the core command to manage core memory dumps.

For information on the use of this command, see "Managing MPSM Core Dumps" in Chapter 6, "Card Management on MPSM-T3E3-155 and MPSM-16-T1E1.".


core [?] [mask] [mask default] [mask <hex-mask>] [enable] [disable] [hot-dump <>]

Syntax Description


Enter the core command without any arguments to display the current core dump settings.


List the optional parameters for the core command.


Display the current mask and the error conditions for which a core dump is enabled.

Default: 0x262ee.

Note To modify the mask, use the mask <hex-mask> syntax.

mask default

Restore the default mask value (0x262ee).

mask <hex-mask>

Change the mask to the specified hexadecimal value. You can specify a mask when core dumping is enabled or disabled for the card.


Enable automatic core dumping for the current slot.


Disable automatic core dumping for the current slot.


Initiate a hot dump of the core to the specified file while the card is running. The file name must be in the format MPSM core dump files are saved in the C:/ directory on the PXM processor card.

Related Commands

The following PXM commands are related to the core command:

ftp, ll, cd, dsplog (use the dsplog command with the following parameter: -mod CRDMP)


Log: Yes

State: Any

Privilege: Service Group


In the following example, the user displays the current core dump settings on an MPSM-T3E3-155 card:

M8830_CH.4.MPSM155[FR].a > core
Automatic core dumping is enabled for this slot.

Saved core images are on PXM's hard disk (C:/).

Display the current mask and the error conditions for which a core dump is enabled:

M8830_CH.4.MPSM155[FR].a > core mask
Automatic core dumping is enabled for this slot.
The current core mask is 0x262ee.

OFF 00001 not used (can't be turned ON)
ON 00002 DRAM Parity Error
ON 00004 WatchDog Timeout Reset
ON 00008 Resource Overflow
OFF 00010 Clear All Configuration (can't be turned ON)
ON 00020 Missing Task
ON 00040 Reset because of PXM Low Voltage
ON 00080 Reset By Event Log Task
OFF 00100 Reset from Shell
ON 00200 Unknown
OFF 00400 Reset from PXM
OFF 00800 Reset System (can't be turned ON)
OFF 01000 Switch Core Card
ON 02000 Secondary Cache Error
ON 04000 Software Error Reset
OFF 08000 S/W reset due to upgrade (can't be turned ON)
OFF 10000 Restore All Configuration (can't be turned ON)
ON 20000 Device Driver Error


Delete APS Line

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the delapsln command to remove the specified APS line redundancy configuration.

See the description for the addapsln command for a detailed explanation of Automatic Protection Switching (APS).


delapsln <workingline>

Syntax Description


Identifies the active line you want to delete.

Note Enter the dspapslns command to display all APS working line identifiers.

Related Commands

addapsln, cnfapsln, dspapsln, switchapsln, dspapsbkplane, clrbecnt, dspbecnt


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user deletes the APS line 1.1 from the card in slot 13.

M8850_NY.13.MPSM155[ATM].a > delapsln 13.1.1


Delete Bit Error Rate Testing Configuration

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the delbert command to clear a BERT (bit error rate test) session from a line, path, or port on the current card. This command may be used to clear a BERT session that is running, or may be used after the BERT session has been stopped.


delbert <bertIfNum>

Syntax Description


Identifies the logical interface (line, path, or port) on which to delete a BERT session.

Note Enter the dspberts command to display all bert sessions for the current card.

Related Commands

addbert, cnfbert, dspbert, dspbertcap, dspberts, dspbertstats, startbert, stopbert


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


.M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[FR].a > delbert 1.1.2


Delete Channel Loop

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the delchanloop command to deactivate a channel loopback.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

delchanloop <IfNum> <vpi> <vci>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Interface number (port number) of the channel from which to remove a loopback.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM ports.


The channel VPI.


The channel VCI.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

delchanloop <IfNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Interface number (port number) of the channel from which to remove a loopback.

Note Use the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port number and DLCI for all active Frame Relay ports.


The Data-link connection identifier.

Related Commands

dspchanloop, addchanloop, dspcons


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user deactivates the loopback on interface 17, VPI 44 and VCI 55.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > delchanloop 17 44 55
Warning: Please clear the stats for this conn to get the updated counters !

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user deactivates the loopback on interface 3, DLCI 130.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > delchanloop 3 130
Warning: Please clear the stats for this conn to get the updated counters !


Delete Connection

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the delcon command to delete a PVC, SPVC or SPVP:

For dual-end connections, delete the connection at both ends—starting at the master end.

To delete a single-end connection, enter this command at the master end only.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

delcon <ifnum> <vpi> <vci>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to delete.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM connections.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) for the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) for the connection.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

delcon <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to delete.

Note Use the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port number and DLCI for all active Frame Relay connections.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier.

Syntax (PPP Context)

delcon <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (PPP Context)


Interface number (bundle number) of the bundle to disconnect.

Note Use the dspcons command in the PPP CLI context to display the bundle number and DLCI for all active connections.


Specifies the data-link connection identifier. Use 1000 for RPM-XF connections.

Related Commands

dspcon, addcon, cnfcon


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user deletes connection on port 20 with VPI 10, VCI 40.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > delcon 20 10 40
Deletion successful

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user deletes the connection on port 2 with DLCI 1000.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > delcon 2 1000
Deletion successful

Example (PPP Service Context)

In the following example, the user deletes the connection on MLPPP bundle 2.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > delcon 2 1000
Deletion successful


Delete IMA Group

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the delimagrp command to delete the specified IMA group.


delimagrp <group>

Syntax Description


Specifies the IMA group to delete.

Note Enter the dspimagrps command to display a list of all IMA groups on the current card.

Related Commands

addimagrp, dspimagrp, dspimagrps, cnfimagrp


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user enters the delimagrp command to delete IMA group 12 from the current card.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > delimagrp 12


Delete IMA Link

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the delimalnk command to delete an IMA link (line or path) from an IMA group.


delimalnk <link>

Syntax Description


Identifies the T1 or E1 link (line or path) in an IMA group to delete.

Note Enter the dspimalnks command to see a list of all IMA links on the current card.

Related Commands

dspimagrp, cnfimagrp, rstimagrp, dspimalnk, addimalnk


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user deletes the IMA link 1.1:5 from the IMA group that contains it.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > delimalnk 1.1:5


Delete Line Loop

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dellnloop command to remove the line loopback from a line and restore it to normal operation.


dellnloop <-ds3 | -e3 | -sonet | -ds1 | -e1> <bay.line>

Syntax Description

-ds3 | -e3 | -sonet | -ds1 | -e1

Select the keyword that corresponds the line type.

Note For MPSM-T3E3-155 cards, the keyword -ds3 applies to both DS3 and E3 line types.


Identifies the line that you want to remove from local loopback mode, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dsplns command to see the line numbers for all lines on the current card.

Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user removes the loopback for DS3 line number 1.1.

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[FR].a > dellnloop -ds3 1.1
Line loop-back status will be changed.
Do you want to proceed (Yes/No) ? y


Delete Multi-link Frame Relay Bundle

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the delmfrbundle command to delete an MFR bundle. You must remove all links from the bundle before deleting the bundle.


delmfrbundle <bundleNumber>

Syntax Description


Specifies the MFR bundle number.

Note Enter the dspmfrbundles command to display all MFR bundles on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addmfrbundle, cnfmfrbundle, dspmfrbundle, dspmfrbundles


In the following example, the user deletes MFR bundle 3.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > delmfrbundle 3


Delete a Multi-link Frame Relay Link

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the delmfrlnk command to delete a link from an MFR bundle. You must delete the MFR port before deleting the last link from the bundle.


delmfrlnk <link>

Syntax Description


Specifies the MFR link to delete.

Note Enter the dspmfrlnks command to display all MFR links on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addmfrlnk, cnfmfrlnk, dspmfrlnk, dspmfrlnks


In the following example, the user deletes MFR link 1.1:11.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > delmfrlnk 1.1.11


Delete an MLPPP Bundle

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the delmpbundle command to delete an MLPPP bundle. You must remove all PPP links from the bundle before deleting the bundle.


delmpbundle <bundleNumber>

Syntax Description


Specifies the MLPPP bundle to delete.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all MLPPP bundles on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addmpbundle, cnfmpbundle, dspmpbundle


In the following example, the user deletes MLPPP bundle 5.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > delmpbundle 5


Delete Resource Partition

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the delpart command to delete a resource partition. Note that you must delete all connections in the resource partition before you delete the partition itself. For information on resource partitions, refer to the description of addpart.

Note The delpart and delrscprtn commands are identical. The name "delrscprtn" is consistent with the corresponding command in Cisco MGX 8850 PXM1-based switch. You can use either command.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

delpart <if_num> <part_id>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


The interface number (partition number) of the partition to delete.

Note The MPSM cards must be in the ATM CLI context if you want to delete a partition from an ATM port.

Note Enter the dspports command in the ATM CLI context to display the port numbers and partition IDs for all active ATM ports.


A number that identifies the partition, in the range 1-20.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

delpart <if_num> <ctrlNum>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (partition number) of the partition to delete.

Note The MPSM cards must be in the Frame Relay CLI context if you want to delete a partition from a Frame Relay port.

Note Enter the dspparts command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the all partition and controller numbers associated with Frame Relay ports.


Identifies the Controller number.

Related Commands

addpart, cnfpart, dsppart


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the delpart command to delete the resource partition 1 on port 20.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > delpart 20 1

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the delpart command to delete the PNNI resource partition on port 2.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > delpart 2 2


Delete Port

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the delport command to remove a logical ATM or Frame Relay port from the current card. To delete an ATM port, the card must be in the ATM CLI context. To delete a Frame Relay port, the card must be in the Frame Relay CLI context. You must delete all connections and resource partitions on the port before you can delete it.


delport <ifNum>

Syntax Description


Identifies the logical interface (port number) that you want to delete.

Note Enter the dspports command to display the port numbers for all active ports for the current CLI context.

Related Commands

addport, cnfport, dspport, dspports


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the delport command to delete port 20.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > delport 20

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the delport command to delete port 2.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > delport 2


Delete a PPP link from an MLPPP bundle

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the delppplink command to delete a PPP link from an MLPPP bundle.


delppplink <link>

Syntax Description


Specifies thenumber of the PPP link to delete.

Note Enter the dspppplinks command to display all PPP links on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addppplink, cnfppplink, dspppplink, dspppplinks


In the following example, the user deletes PPP link 5 from the MLPPP bundle that contains it.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > delppplink 5


Disable PPPMUX on an MLPPP Bundle

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the delpppmux command to disable PPPMUX on an MLPPP bundle.


delpppmux <bundleNumber>

Syntax Description


Specifies the MLPPP bundle number for which to disable PPPMUX.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all bundles on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addpppmux, cnfpppmux, dsppppmux


In the following example, the user disables PPPMUX on bundle 5.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > delpppmux 5


Delete Session

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

The delsesn command lets you terminate one or more user sessions. To display the number of each active session, use the dspsesn PXM command. Termination begins with command execution, but before it proceeds, the CLI warns you that the command is destructive. If you proceed with the deletion, the user whose session is being deleted receives the message, "Forced Logout By <userid> !!!!!!!!!!!," where userid is the user running the delsesn command. You can delete any user session with this command.


delsesn [<sesn no> | <sesn no> <sesn no> .... | all]

Syntax Description

sesn no

The session number has a range of 1-15. You can specify one session, a series of user sessions, or all user sessions. The dspsesn PXM command displays the user session numbers.


Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: SERVICE_GP

Related Commands



In the following example, the user deletes session 2.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > delsesn 2
WARNING! delsesn is a destructive command. it will
non-gracefully delete sessions selected by you.
Make sure the to-be-deleted smTerm is a hang session.
USE shellconn: cliSesnSlot<suspected slot#> on the Active PXM and
the suspected SM slot to map out the hang session(s)
which did not have usrIOQid and inEpid associated
Do you want to proceed ? [y/n]


Delete Resource Partition

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the delrscprtn command to delete a resource partition. Note that you must delete all connections in the resource partition before you delete the partition itself. For information on resource partitions, refer to the description of addrscprtn.

Note The delpart and delrscprtn commands are identical. The name "cnfrscprtn" is consistent with the corresponding command in Cisco MGX 8850 PXM1-based switch. You can use either command.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

delrscprtn <if_num> <part_id>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


The interface number (partition number) of the partition to delete.

Note The MPSM cards must be in the ATM CLI context if you want to delete a partition from an ATM port.

Note Enter the dspparts command in the ATM CLI context to display the port numbers and partition IDs for all active ATM ports.


A number that identifies the partition, in the range 1-20.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

delrscprtn <if_num> <ctrlNum>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (partition number) of the partition to delete.

Note The MPSM cards must be in the Frame Relay CLI context if you want to delete a partition from a Frame Relay port.

Note Enter the dspparts command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the all partition and controller numbers associated with Frame Relay ports.


Identifies the Controller number.

Related Commands

addrscprtn, dsprscprtns, delpart, addpart, dsppart


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the delrscprtn command to delete the resource partition 1 on port 11.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > delrscprtn 11 1

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the delrscprtn command to delete the PNNI resource partition on controller 2, port 1.

mpsm_node.9.MPSM155[FR].a > delrscprtn 1 2


Down All Ports

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dnallports command to deactivate all ATM ports on the current card. The dnallports command is helpful if you want to re-configure resource partitions or change the service class template (SCT).



Syntax Description

No parameters, but the CLI prompts you to confirm the execution.

Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user enters the dnallports deactivate all ATM ports on the current card.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dnallports
Traffic loss will result on all connections on this port.
Do you want to proceed (Yes/No) ? y


Down Connection

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dncon command to deactivate (or bring down) a connection so that you can modify the network, troubleshoot the network, or change the current SCT. This command applies to PVCs or SPVCs only.

To activate the connection, use the upcon command.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

dncon <ifNum> <vpi> <vci>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


The interface number (port number) of the connection to bring down.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM connections.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) for the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) for the connection.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

dncon <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to bring down.

Note Use the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port number and DLCI for all active Frame Relay ports.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier.

Syntax (PPP Context)

dncon <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (PPP Context)


Specifies the interface number (bundle number) of the connection to bring down.

MPSM-16-T1E1 range: 1-16

Note Use the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the bundle number and DLCI for all active Frame Relay ports.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier. Value: 1000 only for RPM-XF connections.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

upcon, dspcons


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the dncon command to bring down connection on port 4, VPI 14, and VCI 100.

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[ATM].a > dncon 4 14 100

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the dncon command to bring down the connection on port 1, DLCI 3.

mpsm_node.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dncon 1 3

Example (PPP Service Context)

In the following example, the user enters the dncon command to bring down the connection on MLPPP bundle 1.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dncon 1 1000


Down Connection

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dncons command to deactivate (or bring down) a range of connections (vpi/vci) so that you can modify or troubleshoot the network. This operation applies to only SPVCs. To reactivate the connections, use upcon.


dncons <ifNum> <vpi> <vci> [-num <num. conns to down>] [-verbose < 1 | 0 >]

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to bring down.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM connections.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) for the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) for the connection.


Specifies the number of connections to take down.


Enables or disables verbose mode. In verbose mode, the screen displays the connection identifier of each connection immediately after it is deleted.

1 = Enable

2 = Disable

Related Commands

upcon, dspcons


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: CISCO_GP


In the following example, the user brings down two connections on port 1, VPI 4095, VCI 65535.

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[ATM].a > dncons 1 4095 65535 -num 2 0



Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dnilmi command to de-activate (down) ILMI on a logical port so you can modify a configuration, troubleshoot, or run certain commands that require ILMI to be inoperative.


dnilmi <ifNum> <partId>

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface number (port number) on which you want to disable ILMI.

Note Use the dspparts command in the ATM CLI context to display the interface number and partition id for all active ATM ports.


Specifies the partition ID, in the range 1-20.

Related Commands

dspilmi, dspilmis, upilmi


Log: yes

State: active, standby

Privilege: SERVICE_GP


In the following example, the user enters the dnilmi command to de-activate ILMI on port 5, partition 1.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dnilmi 5 1
Warning: connections (if any) on port could get rerouted.
Do you want to proceed (Yes/No) ? y


Down IMA Group

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dnimagrp command to disable an IMA group.


dnimagrp <group>

Syntax Description


Specifies the IMA group to deactivate.

Note Enter the dspimagrps command to see a list of all IMA groups on the current card.

Related Commands

addimagrp, delimagrp, dspimagrp, upimagrp


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user disables the IMA group 11, and then enters the dspimagrps command to verify that the appropriate IMA group has been brought down.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dnimagrp 11
Warning: Traffic loss will result on all connections on this IMA group.
Do you want to proceed (Yes/No) ? y


Down Line

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dnln command to de-activate a line on the current card. Before you can de-activate a line using dnln, you must take the following steps:

Step 1 Remove connections. Use the delcon or delcons command.

Step 2 Remove corresponding resource partitions. Use the dsppart command to see existing partitions and the delpart command to remove partitions.

Step 3 Remove all logical ports on the line or path. Use the dspports command to see existing logical ports on the line and the delport command to remove logical ports.

Step 4 Bring down any paths on the line. Use the dnpath or dnpaths command.


dnln <bay.line>

Syntax Description


Identifies the line you want to bring down, in the format bay.line.

Note Enter the dsplns command to display the line numbers for all lines on the current card.

Related Commands

dspln, dsplns, cnfln, upln


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user enters the dnln command to de-activate line 1 in bay 1.

M8850_NY.13.MPSM155[ATM].a > dnln 1.1


Down a Multi-link Frame Relay Bundle

Service Context—Frame Relay


Enter the dnmfrbundle command to deactivate an MFR bundle.


dnmfrbundle <bundleNumber>

Syntax Description


Specifies the number of the MFR bundle to bring down.

Note Enter the dspmfrbundles command to display all MFR bundles on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

upmfrbundle, dspmfrbundles


In the following example, the user brings down MFR bundle 2.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dnmfrbundle 2
Warning: Traffic loss will result on all connections on this MFR bundle.
Do you want to proceed (Yes/No) ? y


Bring down an MLPPP Bundle

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dnmpbundle command to change the administrative (and operational) state of an MLPPP bundle to down.


dnmpbundle <bundleNumber>

Syntax Description


Specifies the number of the MLPPP bundle to bring down.

Note Enter the dspmpbundles command to display all MLPPP bundles on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addmpbundle, cnfmpbundle, delmpbundle, dspmpbundle


In the following example, the user brings down MLPPP bundle 5.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > dnmpbundle 5


Down Path

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dnpath command to deactivate the specified path (path_num).


dnpath [-path_filter] <path_num>

Syntax Description


Identifies the path you want to bring down.

Possible path_filter keywords are:

-sts—Select STS paths in SONET networks, or AU paths in SDH networks.

-vt—Select VT paths in SONET networks, or TU3 paths in SDH networks.

-ds3—Select DS3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e3—Select E3 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-ds1—Select DS1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

-e1—Select E1 paths in SONET and SDH networks.

Note STS/STM paths and DS3 paths can have the same path number. If you enter the dnpath command without the -path_filter option, and only STS/STM paths are configured on the card, the STS/STM path with the specified path number is de-activated. If there are DS3 paths configured on the card as well as STS/STM paths, and you do not include the -path_filter option with the dnpath command, the lowest-level path (the DS3 path) is activated. To avoid confusion, Cisco recommends that you specify a -path_filter when you display a path.


The number of the path to bring down.

Note Use the dsppaths <path_filter> command to see the path numbers for the available paths.

Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user then enters the dnpath -sts command to de-activate the STS path 1.1.0.

mpsm_node.11.MPSM155[ATM].a > dnpath -sts 1.1.0

In the following example, the user then enters the dnpath -ds3 command to de-activate the T3 path 1.1.2.

mpsm_node.11.MPSM155[FR].a > dnpath -ds3 1.1.2


Down Port

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dnport command to deactivate an ATM or Frame Relay port. To bring down an ATM port, the card must be in the ATM CLI context. To bring down a Frame Relay port, the card must be in the Frame Relay CLI context. The usual purpose for using dnport is reconfiguration or troubleshooting.

Bringing down a port halts all traffic on the port and causes any connections it supports to fail. PNNI conections reroute through other trunks; UNI connections remain in the failed state until the port is reactivated using upport.


dnport <ifNum>

Syntax Description


Identifies the interface (port) number that you want to bring down.

Note Enter the dspports command to display the port numbers for all active ports in the current CLI context.

Related Commands

dspport, dspports, upport


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1


In the following example, the user enters the dnport command to disable port 11 on the current card. When prompted whether or not to proceed, the user enters y (for "yes").

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dnport 11
Traffic loss will result on all connections on this port.
Do you want to proceed (Yes/No) ? y


Bring Down a PPP Link

Service Context—PPP

Modules—MPSM-16-T1E1, MPSM-T3E3-155

Enter the dnppplink command to change the administrative (and operational) state of a PPP link to down.


dnppplink <link>

Syntax Description


Specifies the number of the PPP link to bring down.

Note Enter the dspppplinks command to display all MLPPP links on the card.


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Related Commands

addppplink, cnfppplink, delppplink, dspppplink


In the following example, the user brings down PPP link 6.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dnppplink 6


Display Adjacent Line Alarms

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dspadjlnalm command to display the line alarms for the adjacent back card. This command applies only when adjacent MPSM-T3E3-155 cards are configured as a redundant pair and when a line on the adjacent card protects a line on the working card (inter-card APS).


dspadjlnalm <bay.line>

Syntax Description


Identifies the line whose redundant line is on the adjacent back card whose line alarm status you want to display, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dspapslns command to see the line numbers for the working and protection lines.

Related Commands

dspadjlnalmcnt, clradjlnalmcnt


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the alarm status for line 1.1 on the adjacent MPSM-T3E3-155 card.

M8850_LA.13.MPSM155[FR].a > dspadjlnalm 1.1
Line Number : 1.1
Section Alarm State : Clear
Line Alarm State : Clear
Section Stat Alarm State: TotalSESs,TotalSEFSs,TotalCVs
Line Stat Alarm State : TotalSESs,TotalUASs


Display Adjacent Line Alarm Counters

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dspadjlnalmcnt command to display the statistics counters for the adjacent back card. This command applies only when adjacent MPSM-T3E3-155 cards are configured as a redundant pair and when a line on the adjacent card protects a line on the working card (inter-card APS).


dspadjlnalmcnt <bay.line> <intvl>

Syntax Description


Identifies the line whose redundant line is on the adjacent back card whose line alarm counters you want to display, in the format bay.line.

Note Use the dspapslns command to see the line numbers for the working and protection lines.


The time interval to display (0-96). Interval 0 is the current 15-minute and 24-hour interval. Interval 1 is the most recent 15-minute interval. Interval 2 is the next most recent 15-minute interval, and so on. Interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.

Related Commands

dspadjlnalm, clradjlnalmcnt


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the alarm counters for the adjacent MPSM-T3E3-155 back card.

M8850_LA.13.MPSM155[FR].a > dspadjlnalmcnt 1.1 1
Line Number : 1.1
Interval Number : 1

Section PM:
Num of LOSs : 0
Num of LOFs : 0
ESs : 0
SESs : 0
SEFSs : 0
CVs : 0

Line PM:
Num of AISs : 0
Num of RFIs : 0
Near End Far End
ESs : 0 0
SESs : 0 0
CVs : 0 0
UASs : 0 0


Display APS Backplane

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dspapsbkplane command to display whether or not the APS mini-backplane is installed and properly seated with the back cards.

See the addapsln command for an explanation of Automatic Protection Switching (APS).

Refer to the Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Hardware Installation Guide, Release 3 for information about installing the APS assembly on the backplane.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands

addapsln, cnfapsln, delapsln, dspapsln, dspapslns, switchapsln, clrbecnt, dspbecnt


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user executes the dspapsbkplane command when an APS assembly is correctly installed to the backplane.

M8850_NY.13.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspapsbkplane
Top Bay : APS Back Plane Is Engaged

In the following example, the user executes the dspapsbkplane command when an APS assembly is not installed or not detected in the backplane.

M8850_NY.13.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspapsbkplane
Top Bay : APS Back Plane Not Engaged or Adjacent Back Card Not Present.


Display APS Line

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dspapsln command to display the configuration of an APS line. This command can be executed for either a working line or a protection line.

See the addapsln command for an explanation of Automatic Protection Switching (APS).

Note Neither the dspapsln nor the dspapslns command shows the APS-related mode of an MPSM-T3E3-155 card. To display the APS mode of an MPSM-T3E3-155, enter dspcd on the CLI of the MPSM-T3E3-155. The field labeled "FC Operation Mode:" shows "CARD_OPER_MODE_155" when the mode is correct.


dspapsln <working-slot.bay.line>

Syntax Description


Identifies the working line you want to display.

Note Enter the dspapslns command to display all APS lines on the current card.

Related Commands

addapsln, cnfapsln, delapsln, dspapslns, switchapsln, dspapsbkplane, clrbecnt, dspbecnt


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the APS configuration for line 1.1 on the MPSM-T3E3-155 in slot 9.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dspapsln 9.1.1
Working Index : 9.1.1 Protection Index : 9.1.2
Provisioned Arch : 1:1 Provisioned Direction : bi
Operational Arch : 1:1 Operational Direction : bi
Active Line : working WTR(min) : 5
SFBer 10^-n : 3 SDBer 10^-n : 5
Revertive : Yes Last User Switch Req : Clear
Bridge State : Released Selector State : Released
Working Line State : OK Protection Line State : OK
Protocol : Bellcore-GR253
Alarms : Clear
Bit Map Req/Chan/Mode
External reqField 0x0 NoRequest
External chanField 0x0 Null Channel
Internal reqField 0x0 NoRequest
Internal chanField 0x0 Null Channel
Transmit K1 reqField 0x0 NoRequest
Transmit K1 chanField 0x0 Null Channel
Receive K1 reqField 0x0 NoRequest
Receive K1 chanField 0x0 Null Channel
Transmit K2 chanField 0x0 Null Channel
Transmit K2 modeField 0xd BI 1:1
Receive K2 chanField 0x0 Null Channel
Receive K2 modeField 0xd BI 1:1


Display APS Lines

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dspapslns command to display all working and protection APS lines on a card. This command can be executed only on an active card. After identifying a particular APS line, you can use dspapsln to view details about the line.

See the addapsln command for an explanation of Automatic Protection Switching (APS).

Note Neither the dspapsln nor the dspapslns command shows the APS-related mode of an MPSM-T3E3-155 card. To display the APS mode of an MPSM-T3E3-155, run dspcd on the CLI of the MPSM-T3E3-155. The field labeled "FC Operation Mode:" shows "CARD_OPER_MODE_155" when the mode is correct.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands

addapsln, cnfapsln, delapsln, dspapsln, switchapsln, dspapsbkplane, clrbecnt, dspbecnt


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays all lines with an APS configuration.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspapslns
Working Prot. Conf Oper Active WLine PLine WTR Revt Conf Oper LastUser Conf
Index Index Arch Arch Line State State (min) Dir Dir SwitchReq Protocol
------ ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- --------- --------
13.1.1 14.1.1 1+1AnxB 1+1AnxB working OK SF-L 5 No bi bi No Request ITU
13.1.2 14.1.2 1+1 1+1 working OK OK 5 No uni uni No Request Bellco


Display ATM Layer

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspatmlayer command to display the ATM cell layer parameters for the specified line, path, or IMA group.


dspatmlayer <line/path_id/ima_group>

Syntax Description


Identifies the line, path, or IMA group whose ATM cell layer parameters you want to display. The line or path must be configured for ATM service before you can view atm layer parameters.

Note Enter the dsplns, dsppaths, and dspimagrps command in the ATM CLI context to display the lines, paths, or IMA groups configured for ATM service on the current card.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays ATM cell layer information for IMA group 1.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspatmlayer 1
PathNum HCScoset PayloadScramble NullCellHdr NullCellPayload
------- --------- --------------- ----------- ---------------
1.1.1 Enable Enable 0x00000001 6a


Display ATM Layer Counters

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspatmlayercnt command to display the ATM cell layer interval counters on the specified line, path or IMA group.


dspatmlayercnt <line/imagrp> <intvl>

Syntax Description


Identifies the line, path, or IMA group whose ATM cell layer interval counters you want to display.

Note Enter the dsplns , dsppaths, or dspimagrps command to display all line, paths, or IMA group numbers on the current card.


The time interval to display (0-96). Interval 0 is the current 15-minute and 24-hour interval. Interval 1 is the most recent 15-minute interval. Interval 2 is the next most recent 15-minute interval, and so on. Interval 96 is the oldest 15-minute interval.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the ATM cell layer counters for IMA line 1.1 in bay 1.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspatmlayercnt 1.1.1 1
Path : 1.1.1
Interval : 1

Ingress Egress
CLP0 Cells : 0 0
CLP1 Cells : 0 0
Valid OAM Cells : 0 0
Err OAM Cells : 0 0
Rcv Valid RM Cells : 0 0
Invalid VPI/VCI/PTI Cells : 0
Rcv Idle Cells : 0
Non-zero GFC Cells : 0
Last Unknown VPI : 0
Last Unknown VCI : 0
Discard HecErr Cells : 0
Corrected HecErr Cells : 0


Display Auto Line Diagnostics

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspautolndiag command to display the status of auto line diagnostic feature on card.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the status of the auto line diagnostic features.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspautolndiag
Auto Line Diagnostics : Disabled


Display Automatic Restart

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspautorestart command to display whether the IMA group automatic restart feature is enabled or disabled.



Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the whether the IMA group automatic restart feature is enabled or disabled on the current card.

mpsm_node1.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspautorestart
Autorestart: Disabled


Display Bit Error Count

Service Context—ATM and Frame Relay


Enter the dspbecnt command to display the APS-related bit error counters for the last 24 hour, 15 minute, and 15 second intervals.


dspbecnt <working-bay.line>

Syntax Description


Identifies the bay and the line number, which is always 1.1 for the MPSM-T3E3-155.

Related Commands

addapsln, clrbecnt, cnfapsln, delapsln, dspapsln, dspapslns, switchapsln, dspapsbkplane


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the APS-related bit error counters on the APS line 1.3.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspbecnt 1.3
Working Section 1 4.1.3 :
24 Hour Bit Error Count 0
15 Minute Bit Error Count 130
15 Second Bit Error Count 0
Working Section 2 5.1.3 :
24 Hour Bit Error Count 0
15 Minute Bit Error Count 30413
15 Second Bit Error Count 2307


Display Bit Error Rate Test

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspbert command to display the status, configuration, and data for the current Bit Error Rate Test (BERT). Before you can display BERT capabilities, you must add a BERT session to the desired line, path, or port using the addbert command.

This command displays the following information:

Port number hosting the BERT session

Whether the BERT session is administratively up or down

The current operational status of the BERT session

Type of test (BERT pattern)

Whether and how many times errors were injected into the BERT session

Whether the transmit pattern is inverted or not inverted

Whether the receive pattern is inverted or not inverted

The current loopback code on the BERT session

Date and time when the BERT session was started for the specified port.


dspbert <bertIfNum>

Syntax Description


Identifies the line, path or port for which you want display BERT data.

Note Enter the dspberts command to display a list of all lines, paths, or ports configured for a bert session.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays data for the current BERT on the Frame Relay port 113.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[FR].a > dspbert 113
BertIfNum : 113
BERT Admin Status : Up
Operational Status : OutOfSync
BERT Pattern : AllZeros
Error Insertion Rate: NoError
Tx Pattern Invert : NotInverted
Rx Pattern Invert : NotInverted
Loopback Code : noLoopbackCode
Start Date : Nov 23 2003 00:20:52


Display Bit Error Rate Test Capabilities

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspbertcap command to display the BERT and loopback capabilities of the specified line, path, or port. The numbers in the dspbertcap output are the possible pattern or loopback numbers the cnfbert command can use. Before you can display BERT capabilities, you must add a BERT session to the desired line, path, or port using the addbert command.


dspbertcap <bertIfNum> [<Test Option>]

Syntax Description


Identifies the line, path, or port for which you want display BERT capabilities.

Note Enter the dspberts command to display a list of all lines, paths, or ports configured for a bert session.

Test Option

Limit the display to a specific type of capability.

1 = BERT

2 = Loopback.

Related Commands

cnfbert, dspbert, dspberts


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the BERT capabilities of line 1.1.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspbertcap 1.1
Test Patterns supported:
1: AllZeros 2: AllOnes
3: AltOneZero 4: DoubleAltOnesZeros
5: OneIn4 6: OneIn8
7: OneIn16 8: ThreeIn24
11: TwoE3MinusOne 12: TwoE4MinusOne
13: TwoE5MinusOne 14: TwoE6MinusOne
15: TwoE7MinusOne 18: TwoE9MinusOne
19: TwoE10MinusOne 20: TwoE11MinusOne
21: TwoE15MinusOne 22: TwoE17MinusOne
23: TwoE18MinusOne 25: TwoE20MinusOneQRSS
26: TwoE21MinusOne 27: TwoE22MinusOne
28: TwoE23MinusOne 29: TwoE25MinusOne
30: TwoE28MinusOne 31: TwoE29MinusOne
32: TwoE31MinusOne

Loopback Codes supported:
15: noLoopbackCode


Display Bit Error Rate Test Sessions

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspberts command to display summary information for all BERT sessions.



Syntax Description


Related Commands

cnfbert, dspbert


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays configuration information for all BERT sessions.

mpsm_node1.3.MPSM155[FR].a > dspberts

Bert Test Loopback Admin Oper
IfNum Pattern Code Status Status
------------ -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
1.1.1:1 AllZeros noLoopbackCode Down OutOfSync
113 AllOnes noLoopbackCode Down OutOfSync


Display Bit Error Rate Test Statistics

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspbertstat command to display the BERT (bit error rate test) statistics for the specified line, path, or port on the current card.


dspbertstat <bertIfNum>

Syntax Description


Identifies the line, path, or port for which you want display BERT test statistics.

Note Enter the dspberts command to display a list of all lines, paths, or ports configured for a bert session.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the bit error rate test statistics for port 113.

mpsm_node1.3.MPSM155[FR].a > dspbertstat 113
Bert Bits Bit Errors Single Bit
IfNum Received Received Errors Injected
--------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
113 200000000 40 0


Display Card

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspcd command to display details about the current card.

A list of information in the dspcd output follows:

Front and back card types.

Front and back card status.

Serial numbers.

Boot firmware revision numbers. (See the loadrev description for an explanation of how to interpret the revision field.)

Software and hardware revision on both front and back cards.

Orderable and PCA part numbers.

The CLEI Code.

The reason for the last card reset.

The card's current SCT ID.

A list of features enabled on the card.

A count of configured lines, ports, partitions, connections, groups, bundles, and links.

The current front card operational mode.

First available port number.

The dspcd display shows the physical lines that constitute a port group and the maximum number of connections in that port group. A port group consists of one to many physical lines. This maximum connection count is a function of the line type (OC-3,STS, and so on). The port group information also shows the number of existing SVCs, SPVCs, and SPVPs. This part of the dspcd output can help you configure resource partitions by showing the maximum number of supported connections. If a particular resource partition has close to the maximum supported by hardware on a line, few or no connections would be possible in another partition on the same line.

Note The total number of connections in the dspcd output includes control VCs. The types of control VCs are SSCOP, PNNI-RCC, and ILMI (if ILMI is enabled). To see connection counts that do not include control VCs, enter the dsppnport on the PXM card.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands

dspcds, dspversion


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (MPSM-T3E3-155)

In the following example, the user displays card information for the MPSM-T3E3-155.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dspcd
Front Card Back Card
---------- ---------
Card Type: MPSM-T3E3-155 SMB-2-155-EL
State: Active Present
Serial Number: SAD081601UM SAD073001NN
Boot FW Rev: 5.1(0.200) ---
SW Rev: 5.1(0.200) ---
HW Rev: 02 02
Orderable Part#: 800-23005-06 800-23171-02
PCA Part#: 73-8597-06 73-8685-02
CLEI Code: 0 0
Reset Reason: Reset from PXM
Card Summary:
Card SCT Id: 0
Features Enabled: ATM, FRAME RELAY
#Max ATM Conns #ATM Ports #ATM Partitions #ATM SPVCs #ATM SPVPs #ATM SVCs
-------------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------
4000 2 2 0 0 0
#Max FR Conns #FR Ports #FR Partitions #FR SPVCs
------------- --------- -------------- ---------
4000 2 2 1
#IMA Groups #IMA Links #MFR Bundles #MFR Links

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
----------- ---------- ------------ -----------
2 2 1 1

FC Operation Mode: CARD_OPER_MODE_155

First Available Port Number: 5

Example (MPSM-16-T1E1)

In the following example, the user displays card information for an MPSM-16-T1E1 in the Multilink PPP mode.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspcd
Front Card Back Card
---------- ---------
Card Type: MPSM-16-T1E1-PPP MCC-16-E1
State: Active Present
Serial Number: SAD08230866 SAG05477CBN
Boot FW Rev: 5.1(0.200) ---
SW Rev: 5.1(0.200) ---
HW Rev: 02 02
Orderable Part#: 800-22339-07 800-19853-01
PCA Part#: 73-8427-07 73-7664-01
CLEI Code: 0 0
Reset Reason: Reset from PXM
Card Summary:
Card SCT Id: 0
Features Enabled: FRAME RELAY
#Max ATM Conns #ATM Ports #ATM Partitions #ATM SPVCs #ATM SPVPs #ATM SVCs
-------------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------
2000 0 0 0 0 0
#Max FR Conns #FR Ports #FR Partitions #FR SPVCs
------------- --------- -------------- ---------
2000 2 2 1
#IMA Groups #IMA Links #MP Bundles #PPP Links

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
0 0 2 8

FC Operation Mode: CARD_OPER_MODE_E1_MCC

First Available Port Number: 4


Display Card SCT

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspcdsct command to display the contents of a card-level Service Class Template (SCT) file. For information about SCTs, see the cnfcdsct description. To display the number of the current SCT for the card, use dspcd. The examples in this description illustrate the contents of SCT number 2 and SCT 3.

Note Currently, the system does not support certain parameters in the service class templates (SCTs), so you can specify them through addcon, cnfcon, or Cisco WAN Manager. These parameters are (when applicable) PCR, SCR, and ICR.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

dspcdsct {gen | cosThr | vcThr} [-units <units>]

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


An aspect of the SCT to display:

gen = policing and Connection Admission Control (CAC)

vcThr = ATM VC thresholds

cosThr = class of service thresholds


Optional keyword which specifies the display units, in one of the following formats:

time = units in time or 0.0001% of max (default)

cellbyte = units in cells or bytes

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

dspcdsct {gen | vcFR |cosThr} [-units <units>]

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


An aspect of the SCT to display:

gen—policing and Connection Admission Control (CAC)

vcFR—Frame Relay VC thresholds

cosThr—class of service thresholds


Optional keyword which specifies the display units, in one of the following formats:

time = units in time or 0.0001% of max (default)

cellbyte = units in cells or bytes

Related Commands

cnfcdsct, dspsct


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all parameters for the default SCT (SCT 0). Each display consists of one member of the SCT parameter group. The screen examples show the SCT ID that the user has displayed (the command itself does not require the SCT ID because it is card-level).

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspcdsct gen
| Service Class Template [ 0] : General Parameters |
| Major Version [ 1] : Minor Version [ 0] |
| ATMF_CBR1(100)| 2 |
| ATMF_VBRrt1(101)| 5 |
| ATMF_VBRrt2(102)| 5 |
| ATMF_VBRrt3(103)| 5 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt1(104)| 9 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt2(105)| 9 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt3(106)| 9 |
| ATMF_UBR1(107)| 13 |
| ATMF_UBR2(108)| 13 |
| ATMF_ABR(109)| 10 |
| ATMF_CBR2(10a)| 2 |
| ATMF_CBR3(10b)| 2 |
| FR_ATMCBR(502)| 2 |
| FR_ATMVBRrt(503)| 5 |
| FR_ATMVBRnrt(504)| 9 |
| FR_ATMABR(505)| 10 |
| FR_ATMUBR(506)| 13 |

In the following example, the user displays the Class of Service threshold parameters for SCT 0.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspcdsct cosThr
| Service Class Template [ 0] : COSB Threshold Parameters |
| Major Version [ 1] : Minor Version [ 0] |
| | (uSec) |
| 1 | 10000 |
| 2 | 20000 |
| 3 | 30000 |
| 4 | 40000 |
| 5 | 40000 |
| 6 | 40000 |
| 7 | 40000 |
| 8 | 40000 |
| 9 | 40000 |
| 10 | 40000 |
| 11 | 40000 |
| 12 | 40000 |
| 13 | 40000 |
| 14 | 40000 |
| 15 | 40000 |
| 16 | 40000 |

In the following example, the user displays the VC Threshold arguments for SCT 0.

mpsm_node.3.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspcdsct vcThr
| Service Class Template [ 0] : VC Threshold Parameters |
| Major Version [ 1] : Minor Version [ 0] |
| | THR(uSec) | (0.0001%)| (0.0001%)| (0.0001%)|
| (0.0001%)|
| ATMF_CBR1( 256)| 424 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_VBRrt1( 257)| 424 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_VBRrt2( 258)| 424 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_VBRrt3( 259)| 424 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt1( 260)| 424 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt2( 261)| 424 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt3( 262)| 424 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_UBR1( 263)| 424 | 700000 | 300000 | 500000 | 700000 |
| ATMF_UBR2( 264)| 424 | 700000 | 300000 | 500000 | 700000 |
| ATMF_ABR( 265)| 424 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_CBR2( 266)| 424 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |
| ATMF_CBR3( 267)| 424 | 700000 | 400000 | 600000 | 800000 |

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
| | MODE | (0.0001%) |
| ATMF_VBRrt1( 257)| DISABLED |
| ATMF_VBRrt2( 258)| DISABLED |
| ATMF_VBRrt3( 259)| DISABLED |
| ATMF_VBRnrt1( 260)| DISABLED |
| ATMF_VBRnrt2( 261)| DISABLED |
| ATMF_VBRnrt3( 262)| DISABLED |
| ATMF_ABR( 265)| DISABLED | 500000 |

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all parameters for the default SCT (SCT 0). Each display consists of one member of the SCT parameter group. The screen examples show the SCT ID that the user has displayed (the command itself does not require the SCT ID because it is card-level).

mpsm_node.3.MPSM155[FR].a > dspcdsct gen
| Service Class Template [ 0] : General Parameters |
| Major Version [ 1] : Minor Version [ 0] |
| ATMF_CBR1(100)| 2 |
| ATMF_VBRrt1(101)| 5 |
| ATMF_VBRrt2(102)| 5 |
| ATMF_VBRrt3(103)| 5 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt1(104)| 9 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt2(105)| 9 |
| ATMF_VBRnrt3(106)| 9 |
| ATMF_UBR1(107)| 13 |
| ATMF_UBR2(108)| 13 |
| ATMF_ABR(109)| 10 |
| ATMF_CBR2(10a)| 2 |
| ATMF_CBR3(10b)| 2 |
| FR_ATMCBR(502)| 2 |
| FR_ATMVBRrt(503)| 5 |
| FR_ATMVBRnrt(504)| 9 |
| FR_ATMABR(505)| 10 |
| FR_ATMUBR(506)| 13 |

In the following example, the user displays the Class of Service threshold parameters for SCT 0.

mpsm_node.3.MPSM155[FR].a > dspcdsct cosThr
| Service Class Template [ 0] : COSB Threshold Parameters |
| Major Version [ 1] : Minor Version [ 0] |
| | (uSec) |
| 1 | 10000 |
| 2 | 20000 |
| 3 | 30000 |
| 4 | 40000 |
| 5 | 40000 |
| 6 | 40000 |
| 7 | 40000 |
| 8 | 40000 |
| 9 | 40000 |
| 10 | 40000 |
| 11 | 40000 |
| 12 | 40000 |
| 13 | 40000 |
| 14 | 40000 |
| 15 | 40000 |
| 16 | 40000 |

In the following example, the user displays the VC Frame Relay arguments for SCT 0.

mpsm_node.3.MPSM155[FR].a > dspcdsct vcFR

| SCT [ 0] : Interworking and Congestion Control Parameters |
| | MILLSEC | 0.0001% | 0.0001% |
| FR_ATMCBR(1282)| 3| 103227| 499992|
| FR_ATMVBRrt(1283)| 3| 103227| 499992|
| FR_ATMVBRnrt(1284)| 3| 103227| 499992|
| FR_ATMABR(1285)| 3| 103227| 499992|
| FR_ATMUBR(1286)| 3| 103227| 499992|


Display Card Statistics Configuration

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspcdstatcnf command to display the TFTP bucket statistics settings. TFTP bucket statistics are used to control the generation of files (that contain statistics) that are transferred to the Cisco WAN Manager (CWM) using the FTP protocol.



Syntax Description

No parameters

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the TFTP bucket statistics settings.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > dspcdstatcnf
Bucket Interval : zero
Collection Interval : default
Stats Level : disable


Display Card Up TIme

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspcduptime command to display how long the card has been in the Up state.



Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the TFTP bucket statistics settings.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspcduptime
12 Days 19 Hours 59 Minutes 37 Seconds


Display Channel Counters

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspchancnt command to display the statistical counters for a connection (channel). See the cnfdiag command for a detailed description of the related diagnostics.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

dspchancnt <ifNum> <vpi> <vci> -r <dsp interval> -max <max dsp time>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Interface number (port number) of the channel statistics to display.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM channels.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) for the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) for the connection.


Refreshes the display periodically, in the range 0-60 seconds.


Specifies the maximum time to periodically refresh the display, before returning to the command prompt. The range is 0-300 seconds.

Default: 20 seconds

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

dspchancnt <ifNum> <dlci> -r <dsp interval> -max <max dsp time>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the channel statistics to display.

Note Use the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port number and DLCI for all active Frame Relay ports.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier.


The display interval in which to display the channel statistics. Range: 0-60 seconds.


The duration of time to display the channel statistics in the range of 0-3600 seconds.

Note The default is 20 seconds.

Syntax (PPP Service Context)

dspchancnt <ifNum> <dlci> -r <dsp interval> -max <max dsp time>

Syntax Description (PPP Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (MLPPP bundle number) for which to display statistics.

Note Use the dspcons command to display the bundle number and DLCI for all active MLPPP bundles.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier.


The display interval in which to display the channel statistics. Range: 0-60 seconds.


The duration of time to display the channel statistics in the range of 0-3600 seconds.

Note The default is 20 seconds.

Related Commands

clrchancnt, dspcdcnt


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays channel counters for port 17, VPI 44, VCI 55.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspchancnt 17 44 55
Ingress chan stat
All non-compliant cells : 0
CLP1 non-compliant : 0
CLP0 non-compliant : 0
CLP0 -> CLP1 : 0
Cells from port
(Before policing) : 0
CLP0 from port : 0
CLP1 from port : 0
EOF from port : 0
EFCI1 from port : 0
Cells to network : 0
CLP0 to network : 0
CLP1 to network : 0
EFCI1 to network : 0
CLP0 congestion discards : 0
CLP1 congestion discards : 0
ABR CRC error from port : 0
ABR FRM cells from port : 0
ABR BRM cells from port : 0
ABR FRM NTA cells from port : 0
ABR FRM cells to network : 0
ABR BRM cells to network : 0
Egress chan stat

Cells to port : 0
CLP0 to port : 0
CLP1 to port : 0
EOF to port : 0
EFCI1 to port : 0
RM to port : 0
Cells from network : 0
CLP0 from network : 0
CLP1 from network : 0
EFCI1 from network : 0
CLP0 congestion discards : 0
CLP1 congestion discards : 0
ABR FRM cells to port : 0
ABR BRM cells to port : 0
ABR CRC error from network : 0
ABR FRM cells from network : 0
ABR BRM cells from network : 0
ABR FRM NTA cells from network : 0

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays channel counters for port 5, DLCI 500.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > dspchancnt 5 500
Port Number : 5 DLCI : 500
Up Time (seconds) : 242905
Ingress chan stat
Rcv Frames : 0
Rcv Bytes : 0
Rcv Frames Discard : 0
Rcv Bytes Discard : 0
Rcv Frames DE : 0
Rcv Bytes DE : 0
Rcv Frames FECN : 0
Rcv Frames BECN : 0
Rcv Frames Tagged FECN : 0
Rcv Frames Tagged BECN : 0
Rcv Frames Tagged DE : 0
Rcv Bytes Tagged DE : 0
Rcv Kbps AIR : 0
Rcv Frames Unknown Protocols : 0
Rcv Frames Exceed QDepth : 0
Rcv Bytes Exceed QDepth : 0

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
Rcv Frames Exceed DE Threshold : 0
Rcv Frames UPC : 0
Egress chan stat
Xmt Frames : 0
Xmt Bytes : 0
Xmt Frames Discard : 0
Xmt Bytes Discard : 0
Xmt Frames DE : 0
Xmt Bytes DE : 0
Xmt Frames FECN : 0
Xmt Frames BECN : 0
Xmt Frames Tagged FECN : 0
Xmt Frames Tagged BECN : 0
Xmt Frames Tagged DE : 0
Xmt Bytes Tagged DE : 0
Xmt Kbps AIR : 0
Xmt Frames Unknown Protocols : 0
Xmt Frames CRC Error : 0
Xmt Frames Reassembly Fail : 0
Xmt Frames Source Abort : 0
Xmt Frames Invalid CPIs : 0

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
Xmt Frames Length Violations : 0
Xmt Frames Oversized SDUs : 0
Xmt Frames Exceed QDepth : 0
Xmt Bytes Exceed QDepth : 0
Xmt Frames Exceed DEThreshold : 0
Xmt Bytes DE Discard : 0
Xmt Frames on LMI Alarm : 0
Xmt Bytes on LMI Alarm : 0
AAL5 statistics
Rcv AAL5 frames : 0
Rcv CLP0 cells : 0
Rcv CLP1 cells : 0
Xmt AAL5 frames : 0
Xmt CLP0 cells : 0
Xmt CLP1 cells : 0
OAM statistics
Rcv OAM Seg Lpbk Cells : 0
Rcv OAM E2E Lpbk Cells : 0
Xmt OAM Seg Lpbk Cells : 0
Xmt OAM E2E Lpbk Cells : 0

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
ABR statistics
Xmt FRM cells to network : 1
Xmt BRM cells to network : 1
Rcv FRM cells from network : 1
Rcv BRM cells from network : 1

Example (PPP Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays channel counters for MLPPP bundle 5, DLCI 1000.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspchancnt 5 1000
Port Number : 5 DLCI : 1000
Up Time (seconds) : 0
Ingress chan stat
Rcv Frames : 253828
Rcv Frames Discard : 0
Egress chan stat
Xmt Frames : 253827
Xmt Frames Discard : 0
Xmt Frames CRC Error : 0


Display Channel Loop

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspchanloop command to display channel loopback information.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

dspchanloop <IfNum>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Interface number (port number) of the channel to display.

Note Use the dspports command to display the port numbers for all active channels in the current CLI context.

Related Commands

addchanloop, delchanloop


Log: yes

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays loopback information for port 12.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[ATM].a > dspchanloop 12
Loop Back Connections on Interface 12
Conn LCN ifNum Vpi Vci Lpbk Type
98 12 35 120 Local (Egr)

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays loopback information for port 5.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > dspchanloop 5

Loop Back Connections on Interface 5
Conn LCN ifNum Dlci
110 5 500


Display Standard ABR Connection Parameters

Service Context—Frame Relay

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspchanstadabr command to display the configured settings for the standard ABR arguments on the specified connection.


dspchanstdabr <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the available bit rate (ABR) channel to display.

Note Use the dspcons command in the Frame Relay context to display the interface number and DLCI for all active Frame Relay channels.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the configured settings for the standard ABR connection on Frame Relay on port 5, DLCI 500.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > dspchanstdabr 5 500
Local : NSAP Address vpi vci
(S) 47009181000000000164444B610000011B1FFF00 8 500
Remote : NSAP Address vpi vci
(M) 47009181000000000164444B610000011B1FFF00 10 600
Port Number : 5 DLCI : 500
Internal VSVD config : VSVD on
External VSVD config : VSVD off
Transient Buffer Exposure (TBE) : 1048320 cells
Fixed Round Trip Delay (FRTT) : 0 milli seconds
Rate Decrease Factor (RDF) : 1024
Rate Increase Factor (RIF) : 512
Cells per forward RM (NRM) : 32
Time between forward RM (TRM) : 100 milli seconds
Cutoff Decrease Factor (CDF) : 1
ACR Decrease Factor (ADTF) : 10000 milli seconds
Initial Cell Rate (ICR) : 5760 cells/second
Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) : 5760 cells/second
Peak Cell Rate (PCR) : 5760 cells/second


Display Channel Tests

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspchantests command to display the results of path tests that were previously performed, such as tstdelay and tstconseg. The tstdelay and tstconseg commands test the integrity of the path of a connection.

Note The tstdelay command runs in both the ATM and Frame Relay CLI contexts. The tstconseg command runs in the ATM CLI context only.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

dspchantests <ifNum> <vpi> <vci> [-num <count>]

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Interface number (port number) of the channel (connection) for which you want path test results.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM ports.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) of the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) of the connection.


(Optional) A keyword that indicates the number of connections you want to display.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

dspchantests <ifNum> <dlci> [-num <count>]

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the channel for which you want path test results.

Note Use the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port number and DLCI for all active Frame Relay ports.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier for the connection.


The number of connections that you want to display.

Syntax (PPP Service Context)

dspchantests <ifNum> <dlci> [-num <count>]

Syntax Description (PPP Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (MLPPP bundle number) of the channel for which you want path test results.

Note Use the dspcons command to display the port number and DLCI for all active MLPPP channels.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier. Value: 1000 for RPM-XF channels.


The number of connections that you want to display.

Related Commands

tstdelay, tstconseg, dspcon


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the results of a previously-run tstdelay command on the ATM port 1, VPI 10, and VCI 100.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspchantests 17 44 55
Connection Id Test Type Direction Result Round Trip Delay
============= ========= ========= ======= ================
17.0044.00055: OAM Lpbk ingress Success 166 microsec

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the results of a previously-run tstdelay command on the Frame Relay port 5 , DLCI 500.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > dspchantests 5 500
Connection Id Test Type Result Round Trip Delay
============= ========== ============ ================
05.0000500 Test Delay Passed 178 microsec

Example (PPP Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the results of a previously-run tstdelay command on the MLPPP bundle 5, DLCI 1000.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspchantests 5 1000
Connection Id Test Type Result Round Trip Delay
============= ========== ============ ================
05.0001000 Test Delay Passed 293 microsec


Display CLI Context

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspclictx command to display the default CLI service context. To change the default context, enter the cnfclictx command. To change the current context, enter the setctx command.



Related Commands

cnfclictx, setctx


Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the default CLI service context. In the following example, the default CLI context is ATM, but the current context is FR.

M8850_NY.13.MPSM155[FR].a > dspclictx
This card's default service context is: ATM


Display Connection

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspcon command to display configuration and status information about a specific connection.

Most of the information in the dspcon output comes from addcon execution. See the addcon description for more information. Also, executing cnfpnni-intf on the PXM can affect the dspcon output.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

dspcon <ifNum> <vpi> <vci>

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Interface number (port number) of the connection to display.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM connections.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) of the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) of the connection.

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

dspcon <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (port number) of the connection to display.

Note Use the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the port number and DLCI for all active Frame Relay ports.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier.

Syntax (PPP Context)

dspcon <ifNum> <dlci>

Syntax Description (PPP Service Context)


Specifies the interface number (bundle number) of the connection to display.

Note Use the dspcons command to display the port number and DLCI for all active MLPPP channels.


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier. Use 1000 for RPM-XF connections.


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: any

Related Commands

addcon, dspcons, cnfcon


Log: no

State: active

Privilege: GROUP1

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays ATM connection 17, VPI 44, VCI 55.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspcon 17 44 55
Local : NSAP Address vpi vci
(S) 47009181000000000164444B610000010A181100 44 55
Remote : NSAP Address vpi vci
(M) 47009181000000000164444B610000010A181200 45 56
Conn. Type : VCC Admn Status : ADMN-UP
Service Type : abrstd Oper Status : OK
Controller : 2 Record # : 1
SlavePersist : N/A Cast-type : N/A
Local PCR : 50 Remote PCR : 50
Local SCR : N/A Remote SCR : N/A
Local CDV : N/A Remote CDV : N/A
Local CTD : N/A Remote CTD : N/A
Local MBS : N/A Remote MBS : N/A
Max Cost : N/A Frame discard: N/A
Local CDVT : 250000 OAM segment : ENABLED
Local PctUtil : 100 Rmt PctUtil : 100
Priority : N/A
Pref Rte Id : N/A Directed route: N/A

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
OAM CC Config : DISABLED Statistics : ENABLED
Loopback Type : OAM Lpbk | Dir: ingress | Status: Success | RTD: 166us

Port side Tx : normal Swth side Tx : normal
Port side Rx : normal Swth side Rx : normal
Internal VSVD config : VSVD off
External VSVD config : VSVD off
Local MCR : 50 cells/second
Remote MCR : 50 cells/second
Initial cell rate (ICR) : 100 cells/second
ACR decrease factor (ADTF) : 50 x 10 millisec
Rate decrease factor (RDF) : 4
Rate increase factor (RIF) : 7
Cells per forward RM (NRM) : 5
Time between forward RM (TRM) : 8

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
cutoff decrease factor (CDF) : 1
fixed round trip delay (FRTT) : 0 microseconds
transient buffer exposure (TBE) : 1048320 cells

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays the Frame Relay connection on port 11, DLCI 150.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > dspcon 11 150
Local : NSAP Address vpi vci
(M) 47009181000000000164444B610000011B1FFF00 20 150
Remote : NSAP Address vpi vci
(S) 47009181000000000164444B610000010A1FFF00 28 150
Port Number : 11 DLCI : 150
Conn. Type : frNIW Chan Service Type: High Priority
Conn Service Type : cbr1 Egress Queue Type: highPriority
Admn Status : UP Oper Status : OK
Slave Persist : YES Max Cost : -1
CIR (bps) : 1536000 BC (bytes) : 5100
BE (bytes) : 5100 FECN Config : setEFCIzero
ChanDEtoCLPmap : mapCLP ChanCLPtoDEmap : mapDE
IngrPercentUtil : 100 EgrPercentUtil : 100
EgrSrvRate (bps) : 1536000 ZeroCirEir (bps) : N/A
DE Tagging : DISABLED IgnoreIncomingDE : DISABLED
Pref Rte Id : 0 Directed Route : NO
Upload : 00000019 Routing Priority : 8
OAM CC Config : DISABLED Statistics : ENABLED

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
Local PCR (cps) : 5760 Remote PCR (cps) : 5760
Local SCR (cps) : N/A Remote SCR (cps) : N/A
Local MCR (cps) : N/A Remote MCR (cps) : N/A
: Remote MBS (cps) : N/A
Xmt Abit State : A equal 1 Rcv Abit State : OFF
Xmt ATM State : Not Sending Rcv ATM State : Not Recving

Example (PPP Context)

In the following example, the user displays connection information for MLPPP bundle 5.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspcon 5 1000
Local : NSAP Address vpi vci
(M) 47009181000000000164444B61000001191FFF00 8 1000
Remote : NSAP Address vpi vci
(S) 47009181000000000164444B6100000101180200 0 101
Port Number : 5 DLCI : 1000
Conn. Type : frForward Chan Service Type: nrtVBR
Conn Service Type : vbr3nrt Egress Queue Type: lowPriority
Admn Status : UP Oper Status : OK
Slave Persist : YES Max Cost : -1
CIR (bps) : 7936000 BC (bytes) : 10300
BE (bytes) : 10300 FECN Config : setEFCIzero
ChanDEtoCLPmap : setCLPzero ChanCLPtoDEmap : ignoreCLP
IngrPercentUtil : 100 EgrPercentUtil : 100
EgrSrvRate (bps) : 7936000 ZeroCirEir (bps) : N/A
DE Tagging : DISABLED IgnoreIncomingDE : DISABLED
Pref Rte Id : 0 Directed Route : NO
Upload : 00000001 Routing Priority : 8
OAM CC Config : DISABLED Statistics : ENABLED

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
Local PCR (cps) : 44433 Remote PCR (cps) : 44433
Local SCR (cps) : 44433 Remote SCR (cps) : 44433
Local MCR (cps) : N/A Remote MCR (cps) : N/A
: Remote MBS (cps) : 1024
Xmt Abit State : A equal 1 Rcv Abit State : OFF
Xmt ATM State : Not Sending Rcv ATM State : Not Recving


Display Connection Alarm Counts

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspconalmcnts command to list alarm counts for the logical interfaces on the card.
This command lists by alarm cause. The causes are:


Ingress alarm

Egress alarm

Connection conditioning failure

Interface failure





Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all errored connections.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspconalmcnts
IF# IfState #Condn #IngAlm #EgrAlm #CCFail #ifFail #mismatch #Abit
-- ------- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- --------- -----
11 FAIL 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
12 ACTV 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
28 ACTV 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
******************** SUMMARY ALARM COUNT FOR THE CARD *******************
#Condn #IngAlm #EgrAlm #CCFail #ifFail #mismatch #abit
000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all errored connections.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[FR].a > dspconalmcnts
IF# IfState #Condn #IngAlm #EgrAlm #CCFail #ifFail #mismatch #Abit
-- ------- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- --------- -----
01 ACTV 00001 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
12 ACTV 00001 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
******************** SUMMARY ALARM COUNT FOR THE CARD *******************
#Condn #IngAlm #EgrAlm #CCFail #ifFail #mismatch #abit
000002 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000

Example (PPP Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all errored connections.

mM8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspconalmcnts
IF# IfState #Condn #IngAlm #EgrAlm #CCFail #ifFail #mismatch #Abit
-- ------- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- --------- -----
05 ACTV 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
13 ACTV 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
******************** SUMMARY ALARM COUNT FOR THE CARD *******************
#Condn #IngAlm #EgrAlm #CCFail #ifFail #mismatch #abit
000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000


Display Connection Alarms

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspconalms command to display connection alarms. The command lists alarms by port and shows alarm counts by the severities of critical, major, and minor alarms. The display also shows which types of failures constitute each of these severities.



Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: no

State: active

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all connection alarms.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspconalms
IF# IfState #Critical #Major #Minor
-- ------- --------- ------ ------
11 FAIL 00000 00000 00000
12 ACTV 00000 00000 00000
28 ACTV 00000 00000 00000

CRITICAL: Mismatch
MAJOR : Condn CCFail
MINOR : IngAlm EgrAlm IfFail Abit

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all connection alarms.

mpsm_node.4.MPSM155[FR].a > dspconalms
IF# IfState #Critical #Major #Minor
-- ------- --------- ------ ------
01 ACTV 00000 00001 00000
12 ACTV 00000 00001 00000

CRITICAL: Mismatch
MAJOR : Condn CCFail
MINOR : IngAlm EgrAlm IfFail Abit

Example (PPP Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all connection alarms.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspconalms
IF# IfState #Critical #Major #Minor
-- ------- --------- ------ ------
05 ACTV 00000 00000 00000
13 ACTV 00000 00000 00000

CRITICAL: Mismatch
MAJOR : Condn CCFail
MINOR : IngAlm EgrAlm IfFail Abit


Display Connection Load

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspconload command to display the number of ingress and egress cells per second on a connection (ifNum/vpi/vci). With the statistics provided by dspconload, you can determine whether the current load on the connection suggests a modification to the connection or possible troubleshooting.


dspconload <ifNum> <vpi> <vci>

Syntax Description


Interface number (port number) of the connection for which you want to display the cell load.

Note Use the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM ports.


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) of the connection.


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI) of the connection.

Related Commands

dspcons, dspcon, dspload


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the load on the connection on logical port 4 that has a VPI of 100 and a VCI of 100. In this case, no traffic currently exists on the connection.

mpsm_node.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspconload 4 100 100
Getting the stats. Please wait ...
Ingress Egress
Cell rate (cps) : 0 0

mpsm_node.9.MPSM155[ATM].a >

In the following example, the user displays the load on the connection on logical port 1 that has a VPI of 10 and VCI of 100. In this case, traffic exists on the connection.

mpsm_node.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspconload 1 10 100
Ingress Egress
-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
All non-compliant cells : 0
CLP1 non-compliant : 0
CLP0 non-compliant : 0
CLP0 -> CLP1 : 0
Cells from port
(Before policing) : 999 Cells to port : 999
CLP0 from port : 999 CLP0 to port : 999
CLP1 from port : 0 CLP1 to port : 0
EOF from port : 0 EOF to port : 0
EFCI1 from port : 0 EFCI1 to port : 0
RM to port : 0
Cells to network : 999 Cells from network : 999
CLP0 to network : 999 CLP0 from network : 999
CLP1 to network : 0 CLP1 from network : 0
EFCI1 to network : 0 EFCI1 from network : 0
Cells discarded in qe : 0 Cells discarded in qe : 0
CLP0 discarded in qe : 0 CLP0 discarded in qe : 0
CLP1 discarded in qe : 0 CLP1 discarded in qe : 0
EOF discarded in qe : 0
EFCI1 discarded in qe : 0
VC queue depth : 0 VC queue depth : 0
ACR (Valid for WFQ conns) : 1 ACR (Valid for WFQ conns) : 1
OAM from port : 0 OAM to port : 0
RM from port : 0
RM to network : 0 RM from network : 0
OAM to network : 0 OAM from network : 0
OAM discarded in qe : 0 OAM discarded in qe : 0
EFCI1 discarded in qe : 0
RM discarded in qe : 0 RM discarded in qe :


Display Connections

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspcons command to display general information about all connections on the current card. The default entry of the dspcons command requires no parameters and displays general information for all connections. Because of the very large number of possible connections, optional filters are available to let you narrow the scope of the output.

The dspcons Output in the ATM Service Context

The columns at the head of the information fields are:


A number for the connection with internal application only. It resides in the database on the card, and is not affected by user input. The system creates this number when you create the connection. The Cisco WAN Manager application uses this number.


Identifies the connection in the format port vpi vci.


Shows whether the connection is a VCC or a VPC.


The service type—VBR, and so on. (See addcon description).


Indicates whether the endpoint specified by Identifier is the master or slave.


The hexadecimal Upload number is an encoded timestamp the Cisco WAN Manager application uses to determine when a connection was created or modified. In the CLI context, this field has little meaning.


The administrative state of the connection. If the connection is down, it may have resulted from the dncon command.


Shows the alarm status of the connection.

Note The alarm status for standby cards is reported as N/A because the alarm status of the standby card may not be the same as the active card.

The dspcons Output in the Frame Relay and PPP Service Contexts

On an MPSM-T3E3-155, the columns at the head of the information fields are:


A number for the connection with internal application only. It resides in the database on the card, and is not affected by user input. The system creates this number when you create the connection. The Cisco WAN Manager application uses this number.


Identifies the connection in the format port dlci.


The service type—VBR, and so on. (See addcon description).


Indicates whether the endpoint specified by Identifier is the master or slave.


The hexadecimal Upload number is an encoded timestamp the Cisco WAN Manager application uses to determine when a connection was created or modified. In the CLI context, this field has little meaning.


The administrative state of the connection. If the connection is down, it may have resulted from the dncon command.


Shows the alarm status of the connection.

Note The alarm status for standby cards is reported as N/A because the alarm status of the standby card may not be the same as the active card.

Syntax (ATM Service Context)

dspcons [-conn <conn id>] [-filt <filter options>] [-if <intf no>] [-vpi <vpi filter>] [-vci <vci filter>]

Syntax Description (ATM Service Context)


Identify a connection to begin the display. The connection ID has the following format:


Note Enter the dspcons command in the ATM CLI context to display the port number, VPI, and VCI for all active ATM ports.


An integer after the filt keyword identifies a type of filter, as follows:

1 = ingr—display errors in the ingress direction

2 = egr—display errors in the egress direction

3 = condn—display connections where the switch has conditioned the connection

4 = iffail—display connections with a failed logical interface

5 = ccfail—display connections with connection conditioning failure

6 = mis—display connections with a mismatch

7 = abit—display connections with an a-bit alarm

8 = any—display connections with failure

9 = none—Do not use any filters in the dspcons display.


Specifies the interface number (port number).

MPSM-16-T1E1 range: 1-499

MPSM-T3E3-155 range: 1-1003


Specifies the Virtual Path Identifier.

VCC range 0-4095


Specifies the Virtual Connection Identifier (VCI).

VCC range: 1-65535

VPC: 0 only

Syntax (Frame Relay Service Context)

dspcons [-conn <conn id>] [-filt <filter options>] [-if <intf no>] [-dlci <dlci filter>]

Syntax Description (Frame Relay Service Context)


Identify a connection to begin the display. The connection ID has the following format:


Note Enter the dspcons command in the Frame Relay context to display the port number and DLCI for all Frame Relay connections on the card.


An integer after the filt keyword identifies a type of filter, as follows:

1 = ingr—display errors in the ingress direction

2 = egr—display errors in the egress direction

3 = condn—display connections where the switch has conditioned the connection

4 = iffail—display connections with a failed logical interface

5 = ccfail—display connections with connection conditioning failure

6 = mis—display connections with a mismatch

7 = abit—display connections with an a-bit alarm

8 = any—display connections with failure

9 = none—Do not use any filters in the dspcons display.


Specifies the interface number (port number).

MPSM-16-T1E1 range: 1-499

MPSM-T3E3-155 range: 1-1003


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier.

2-byte header range: 1-1006 and 1008-1022

4-byte header range: 1-8257534 and 8257536-8388607

Enter the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the DLCIs for all active Frame Relay connections.

Syntax (PPP Service Context)

dspcons [-conn <conn id>] [-filt <filter options>] [-if <intf no>] [-dlci <dlci filter>]

Syntax Description (PPP Service Context)


Identify a connection to begin the display. The connection ID has the following format:


Note Enter the dspcons command in to display the port number and DLCI for all MLPPP connections on the card.


An integer after the filt keyword identifies a type of filter, as follows:

1 = ingr—display errors in the ingress direction

2 = egr—display errors in the egress direction

3 = condn—display connections where the switch has conditioned the connection

4 = iffail—display connections with a failed logical interface

5 = ccfail—display connections with connection conditioning failure

6 = mis—display connections with a mismatch

7 = abit—display connections with an a-bit alarm

8 = any—display connections with failure

9 = none—Do not use any filters in the dspcons display.


Specifies the interface number (bundle number).

MPSM-16-T1E1 range: 1-16


Specifies the Data-Link Connection Identifier.

2-byte header range: 1-1006 and 1008-1022

4-byte header range: 1-8257534 and 8257536-8388607

Enter the dspcons command in the Frame Relay CLI context to display the DLCIs for all active Frame Relay connections.

Related Commands

dspcon, addcon, cnfcon, delcon, dncon, upcon, dsppncon, dsppncons


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all the connections.

mpsm_node.9.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspcons
record Identifier Type SrvcType M/S Upld Admn Alarm
------ ---------- ---- -------- --- ---- ---- -----
0 04 0100 00100 VCC cbr1 S 00000003 UP Condn

Example (Frame Relay Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all the connections.

mpsm_node.5.MPSM155[FR].a > dspcons
record Identifier SrvcType M/S Upld Admn Alarm
------ ---------- -------- --- ---- ---- ---------------------
0 50 0000100 High Priority S 0000001a UP Mismatch

Example (PPP Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all the connections.

M8850_SF.25.MPSM16T1E1PPP[FR].a > dspcons
record Identifier SrvcType M/S Upld Admn Alarm
------ ---------- -------- --- ---- ---- ---------------------
0 05 0001000 nrtVBR M 00000001 UP None
1 13 0001000 nrtVBR M 00000002 UP None


Display Diagonal Results

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspdiagresults command to display an online diagnostics test summary.



Related Commands

cnfdiag, dspdiagstat

Example (MPSM-T3E3-155)

In the following example, the user displays the online diagnostics test summary for the MPSM-T3E3-155.

M8850_SF.9.MPSM155[FR].a > dspdiagresults
Online Diagnostics Test Summary - Diag Suite DISABLED
Test Name #Attempt #Fail #Pass Alarm Result
--------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ------
CBC slave lpbk 0 0 0 None Pass
CBC Master lpbk 0 0 0 None Pass
Winpath Host Mem 0 0 0 None Pass
Winpath 0 Pkt Mem 0 0 0 None Pass
Winpath 1 Pkt Mem 0 0 0 None Pass
Winpath 0 Prm Mem 0 0 0 None Pass
Winpath 1 Prm Mem 0 0 0 None Pass
Flash Checksum 0 0 0 None Pass
FC NVRAM Checksum 0 0 0 None Pass
MPC R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
CBC R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Spectra R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Suni4xJET R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
TEMUX84 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
FREEDM84 0 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
FREEDM84 1 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
IMA84 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
APOX R/W 0 0 0 None Pass

Example (MPSM-16-T1E1)

In the following example, the user displays an online diagnostics test summary for the MPSM-16-T1E1.

M8850_SF.27.MPSM16T1E1[FR].a > dspdiagresults
Online Diagnostics Test Summary - Diag Suite DISABLED
Test Name #Attempt #Fail #Pass Alarm Result
--------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ------
CBC slave lpbk 0 0 0 None Pass
CBC Master lpbk 0 0 0 None Pass
Winpath Host Mem 0 0 0 None Pass
Winpath 0 Pkt Mem 0 0 0 None Pass
Winpath 1 Pkt Mem 0 0 0 None Pass
Winpath 0 Prm Mem 0 0 0 None Pass
Winpath 1 Prm Mem 0 0 0 None Pass
Flash Checksum 0 0 0 None Pass
FC NVRAM Checksum 0 0 0 None Pass
MPCTL R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 1 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 2 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 3 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 4 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 5 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 6 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 7 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
Comet 8 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 9 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 10 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 11 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 12 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 13 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 14 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 15 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
Comet 16 R/W 0 0 0 None Pass
SLFP R/W 0 0 0 None Pass


Display Engineering

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspeng command to display if access to engineering debugging commands is on or off.



Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: CISCO_GP


In the following example, the user displays access to the engineering related commands.

M8850_SF.10.MPSM155[FR].a > dspeng
Eng mode is OFF


Display File

Service Context—ATM, Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspfile command to display the contents of a file on the hard drive in either ASCII (plain text) or hexadecimal format.


dspfile <filename> [-a] [-np]

Syntax Description


The name of the file to display.


Optional keyword that specifies the ASCII (plain text) display of the file. Not all files can display in ASCII


Optional keyword that specifies no paging for the text file.

Related Commands



Log: no

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the "version" file first in ASCII format. This file is very small.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspfile version -a



Display Frame Relay Parameters

Service Context—Frame Relay, PPP

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspfrparms command to display the Frame Relay egress QoS scheme. The QoS schemes are:





Syntax Description


Related Commands



Log: yes

State: active, standby, init

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the Frame Relay QoS scheme.

M8830_CH.12.MPSM155[FR].a > dspfrparms
Frame Relay Egress QoS Scheme: 2 + 1 Frame


Display ILMI

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspilmi command to display the integrated local management interface (ILMI) configuration on a specific port.


dspilmi <ifNum> <partId>

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface number (port number) for which you want to display ILMI information.

Note Use the dspparts command in the ATM CLI context to display the interface number and partition ID for all active ATM ports.


Specifies the partition ID, in the range 1-20.

Related Commands

cnfilmi, dspilmis, dspilmicnt, clrilmicnt


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays ILMI information for logical interface 11, resource partition 1.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspilmi 11 1
Configuration :
------------- :
Port : 10 SigVpi : 0
Partition : 1 SigVci : 16

IfIndex : 17176587 S:Keepalive Intvl : 1
SessionId : 1 T:conPoll Intvl : 5
Ilmi Trap : enable K:conPoll InactvFactor : 4

Agent : disable EnFromCtrlr : disable
Poll : enable ModLocalAttr : disable
AddrReg : disable ServReg : disable
AutoCnfg : disable

ILMI Protocol :
Last Event : UNKNOWN


Display ILMI Counters

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspilmicnt command to display the ILMI statistics for a specific port.


dspilmicnt <ifNum> <partId>

Syntax Description


Specifies the interface number (port number) for which you want to display ILMI statistics.

Note Use the dspparts command in the ATM CLI context to display the interface number and partition ID for all active ATM ports.


Specifies the partition ID, in the range 1-20.

Related Commands

cnfilmi, dspilmi, dspilmis, clrilmicnt


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER


In the following example, the user displays the ILMI counters for logical port 4, partition ID 1.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspilmicnt 4 1
If Number : 4
Partition Id : 1
SNMP Pdu Received : 0
GetRequest Received : 0
GetNext Request Received : 0
SetRequest Received : 0
Cold Start Trap Received : 0
GetResponse Received : 0
GetResponse Transmitted : 0
GetRequest Transmitted : 0
Cold Start Trap Transmitted : 0
VPC Trap Transmitted : 0
VCC Trap Transmitted : 0
Unknown Type Received : 0
ASN1 Pdu Parse Error : 0
No Such Name Error : 0
Pdu Too Big Error : 0


Display Integrated Local Management Interfaces

Service Context—ATM

Modules—MPSM-T3E3-155, MPSM-16-T1E1

Enter the dspilmis command to display summary information for all integrated local management interfaces (ILMIs).



Related Commands

cnfilmi, dspilmi, dspilmicnt


Log: no

State: active, standby

Privilege: ANYUSER

Example (ATM Service Context)

In the following example, the user displays all ILMIs.

NodeB.6.MPSM155[ATM].a > dspilmis

Sig. rsrc Ilmi Sig Sig Ilmi S:Keepalive T:conPoll K:conPoll
Port Part State Vpi Vci Trap Interval Interval InactiveFactor
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ------------ ---------- ----------
11 1 Off 0 16 On 1 5 4
12 1 Off 0 16 On 1 5 4
28 1 Off 0 16 On 1 5 4


Posted: Tue Oct 24 15:00:16 PDT 2006
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