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Numerics - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - X -



802.1P Class of Service (Cos) Bit configuration 3-9

802.1Q VLAN ID 3-4


access voicemail A-2

activate call-forward-all A-2

adding a second FXS port 4-3

adding Cisco ATAs to Cisco CallManager using auto registration 4-4

adding Cisco ATAs to Cisco CallManager using BAT 4-3

alphanumeric characters 3-24

atadefault.cfg default configuration file 3-9

atapname.exe Tool 3-13

AudioMode parameter 5-16, 6-2, 6-6


basic IP Connectivity parameters 3-23

Bellcore Style 5-22

binary configuration file creation 3-12

binary file 3-10

boot load

process 3-2

BusyTone 5-34


CA0orCM0 parameter 3-18

Caller ID 5-17

Caller ID format 3-8

caller ID method 5-17

CallerIdMethod parameter 5-17

call pickup A-3

call-progress toes 5-26

Call-Progress tone parameters 5-26, 5-27, 5-33

call-progress tones 5-26

call waiting period 5-23

call-waiting tone 5-36

CallWaitTone 5-36

cancel call-forward-all A-2

CDP 3-8

CDP discovery 5-24

cfgfmt.exe tool 3-10, 3-12, 3-16

CFGID 5-40

Cisco CallManager 3.0 support 3-9

Cisco CallManager tones 4-5

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) 3-2

Cisco IP Telephony Network Locale Option 4-5

codec negotiation in sending fax 5-22


LBRCodec 5-13

supported 1-5


alphabetical listing of features and related parameters 3-8

basic steps 3-5

call-progress tones 5-26

cfgfmt.exe tool 3-10, 3-12, 3-16

creating default file 3-9

creating unique file 3-11

fax pass-through redundancy 5-21

fefatures and related parameters 3-8

G.729 5-22

in a non-TFTP setting 3-6

low-bit-rate codec 5-13


using TFTP and DHCP servers 3-7

Web-based 3-25

Wed-based 3-26

mid-call services style 5-22

NSE payload type 5-21

obtaining file from TFTP server 3-18

overview 1-9


AudioMode 5-16, 6-2, 6-6

CallerIdMethod 5-17

ConnectMode 6-3

DHCP 5-8

DNS2IP 5-11

EncryptKey 8-14

MediaPort 5-14

OpFlags 5-24

Polarity 5-19

SigTimer 5-23

StaticIp 5-9

StaticNetMask 5-10

StaticRoute 5-9

TftpURL 5-4

ToConfig 5-4

TraceFlags 5-38

UIPassword 5-3, 8-14

VLAN Setting 5-11

password 5-3

RTP media port 5-14

services and related parameters 3-8

text file template 5-2

TFTP URL 5-4, 5-5

tones 5-26

using TFTP 3-5

configuration changes after boot up 3-10

configuration files generated 3-14

configuration file template 5-2

configuration methods 3-1

configuration text file template 5-2

congestion tone 5-35

ConnectMode parameter 6-3

converting configuration file to binary 3-10

converting MAC address to hexadecimal format 3-13

creating unique configuration file 3-11


debugging 8-5

debugging, preserv.exe program 8-5

Default 3-2

default Cisco ATA filename 5-24

default configuration file 3-25

default configuration file creation 3-9

default parameters 3-9

DHCP 3-8

enabling use of


disabling use of     1

DHCP discovery message 5-24

DHCP field siaddr 3-19

DHCP option 150 5-24

DHCP options 3-19, 3-20

DHCP parameter 5-8

DHCP server configuration settings 3-18

DHCP server control 3-18


SyslogCtrl 5-39

SyslogIP 5-38

types of messages to trace 5-39

DialTone 5-33

disabling CDP discovery 3-4

disabling VLAN encapsulation 3-4

disabling VLAN IP encapsulation 3-3

DND query 5-25

DNS 3-8

DNS2IP parameter 5-11

DNS name resolution 3-8

DNS search 5-15

DNS servers 5-25

Domain parameter 5-15

downloading Cisco ATA software from CCO 3-6

downloading software from CCO 3-7

duplexity 1-4

dynamic payload type 5-21


electrical specifications C-2

enabling and disabling ports 5-13

enabling user-specified voice VLAN ID 3-4

EncrpytKeyEx parameter 5-7

encryption 3-13

encryption examples 3-16

encryption key 5-6

EncryptKey 3-13

EncryptKeyEx 3-13

EncryptKey parameter 8-14

environmental specifications C-2

establishing IP connectivity 3-22

Ethernet ports 1-4


fabricated MAC address 4-4

factory defaults rest 3-24

fax CED tone detection 5-16

fax mode 6-1, 6-6

fax mode configuration 6-6, 6-7

fax pass-through 5-22

G.711µ-law 5-22

G.711A-law 5-22

fax pass-through mode 6-1

fax pass-through mode, enabling 6-4, 6-5

fax Pass-through mode configuration 6-2

fax pass-through redundancy 5-21

fax relay, disabling 6-6

fax services 1-7, 6-1

fax services, debugging 6-7, 6-9

fax services mode selection 3-8

features and related parameters 3-8

forgotten password 5-3

frequently asked questions 8-13

function button 1-4, 3-3, 3-22, 7-1, 8-2

FXSInputLevel 5-20

FXSOutputLevel 5-20

FXS ports 1-4


G729 configuration 5-22

GARP 4-6

generated configuration files 3-14

generating binary configuration file 3-12

Gratuitous ARP (GARP) configuration 4-6

group call pickup A-3


hexadecimal-to-decimal conversion 3-23

Hook-flash detection timing configuration 3-8


impedance 1-4

input level of FXS ports 5-20

inside dial tone 5-33


overview 1-9

procedure 2-3

IOS Telephony Solution (ITS) enabled 5-22

IP connectivity 3-1, 3-22

ITS 3-9


keepalive packets 4-5


line polarity 5-19

local tone playout reporting 8-10

low-bit-rate codec 1-5, 5-13, 5-16

low bit-rate codec selection (G.723.1, G.729) 3-8


MAC address 3-10, 3-13, 4-3, 4-4

converting to non-dotted hexadecimal 3-11

MAC addresses for both ports 5-13

MAC address fabrication 4-4

manually adding Cisco ATAs to Cisco CallManager 4-2

manually configuring the CA0orCM parameter 3-18

manually upgrading signaling image 7-4

maximum number of digits in phone number 5-18

maximum on-hook time 5-23

MediaPort parameter 5-14

MeetMe conference A-4

message waiting indicator 5-17

mid-call service format 3-8

mid-call services

ATA style A-6

Bellcore style A-4

VG248 style A-5

mid-call services style 5-22

minimum on-hook time 5-23


Named Signalling Event 3-8

name resolution 5-25

network configuration parameters 5-8

network connectivity parameters 3-21

Network Locale 4-5

network requirements 2-2

network router probing 5-24

network status 8-11, 8-12

NSE 3-8

NSE payload type configuration 5-21


obtaining network status 8-11, 8-12

OpFlags parameter 5-24

output level of FXS ports 5-20

outside dial tone 5-33


packet-precedence parameters 3-9

parameters and defaults xii, 5-1

parameters for configuring basic IP connectivity 3-23

parameter types 5-1


configuration 5-3

forgotten 5-3

password setting 3-23, 5-3

Phone Configuration screen 4-2, 4-4

phone number maximum digits 5-18

physical interfaces C-2

physical specifications C-1

polarity 5-19

Polarity parameter 5-19

polarity reversal before and after Caller ID signal 5-18

polarity settings for FXS ports 3-9

port enabling and disabling 5-13

port for debug messages

configuration 5-37

primary Cisco CallManager configuration 5-12

primary domain name server 5-10

priority value 8-6

prserv 6-9, 6-10


redial A-2

registration methods 4-1

reorder delay 5-23

Reorder Tone 5-35

reorder tone 5-29, 5-35

ReorderTone parameter 5-29

reorder tone parameter example 5-31, 5-32


local tone playout 8-10

RTP statistics 8-13

resetting the Cisco ATA 3-26

resetting the Cisco ATA to factory defaults 3-24

Ringback Tone 5-35

ringing characteristics C-3


Cisco ATA 186 1-4

Cisco ATA 188 1-4

rtpcatch 6-12, 6-13, 6-14, 6-16, 6-18, 6-20

RTP frames 6-13

RTP media port configuration 3-8, 5-14

RTP packets 6-13

RTP packet size configuration 5-17

RTP payload type 5-21

RTP statistics 6-13

RTP statistics reporting 8-13


safety recommendations 2-2


architecture 1-3

overview 1-2

version 1-5

secondary Cisco CallManager configuration 5-12

secondary domain name server 5-11


basic 1-6

mid-call 1-7, 1-8, A-1, A-4

pre-call 1-7, A-1

services and related parameters 3-8

setting a password 3-23, 5-3

siaddr 3-19

signaling image upgrade 3-27, 7-2

SigTimer parameter 5-23

silence suppression 3-8, 5-16

sk_example.txt file 3-9, 3-10

sk_example.txt text file 5-2


downloading from CCO 3-6, 3-7

software specifications (all protocols) C-3

specifying a preconfigured VLAN ID 3-3

specifying VLAN CoS bit value (802.1P priority) for UDP packets 3-4

specifying VLAN CoS bit value for TCP packets 3-4

speed dial A-3

SRST 4-5

SRST router 4-5

standard payload type 5-21

statically configuring an IP address 5-9

statically configuring a route 5-9

statically configuring the Cisco ATA 3-22

Static IP 3-8

static IP configuration 5-9

StaticIP parameter 5-9

StaticNetMask parameter 5-10

static route configuration 5-9

StaticRoute parameter 5-9

static subnet mask configuration 5-10

strongest encryption key 5-7

syslog 8-6

IP address 8-6

priority value 8-6

tag 8-6

time_offset 8-6

SyslogCtrl 5-39

SyslogIP 5-38

system diagnostics 8-6


terminal FXS lines 3-9

terminal-related Features 3-9

TFTP 3-9

TFTP Configuration 3-9

TFTP configuration 3-18

TFTP configuration file method 3-25

TFTP Encryption key 3-9

TFTP server

configuring to not use 5-4

configuring use of 5-4

TFTP server URL configuration 5-4, 5-5

TftpURL parameter 3-20, 5-4

timeouts 5-23


reorder 5-29

tone configuration method 5-21

tone format 3-9

tone parameters 5-26, 5-27, 5-28

tone parameter syntax

basic format 5-27

extended formats 5-28

tones 5-26

syntax 5-27

TOS 5-25

TOS bits 5-25

TraceFlags 5-38

TraceFlags parameter 5-38

trace logs 5-38


general tips 8-1

Type of Service (ToS) configuration 3-9

type of service bits 5-25


UIPassword parameter 5-3, 8-14

unique configuration file 3-11

upgrading all Cisco ATAs at once 7-2

upgrading only one Cisco ATA 7-3

upgrading signaling image 7-2

upgrading software

using executable file 7-4

upgrading the signaling image 3-27

User Interface (UI) Parameters 5-3

user interface password 3-9

UseTFTP parameter 5-4

using atapname.exe tool for non-dotted hexadecimal value 3-11


version parameter 5-40

version parameter for configuration file 5-40

VG248 Style 5-22

visual message waiting indicator 5-17

VLAN 3-8

CoS bit value (802.1 P priority) for signaling IP packets 5-11

CoS bit value (802.1 P priority) for voice IP packets 5-11

ID 3-2, 5-11

IP encapsulation 3-2, 5-24

tags 3-2

VLAN ID 5-24

VLAN ID example 3-4

VLAN IP encapsulation 5-24

VLAN-related parameters 3-3

VLAN Setting parameter 5-11

VLANSetting parameter 5-24

voice configuration menu 3-22

basic IP connectivity 3-23



circuit breaker (15A) 2-5

installation 2-2

lightning activity 2-2

main disconnecting device 2-2

No. 26 AWG 2-5

product disposal 2-2

web-based configuration disallow 5-24

Web configuration 3-9


XML configuration file support 5-22


Posted: Wed Aug 18 15:18:31 PDT 2004
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