![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
802.1Q VLAN ID 5-35
Account Information Parameters 5-10
Action Identifiers 6-4
administration-level security 5-14
admission-level security 4-5
advanced audio configuration 4-8
AlertTone 5-46
alert tone 5-46
alphanumeric values in voice configuration menu 3-17
alternate H.323 Gatekeeper configuration 4-4
alternate H.323 gatekeeper static configuration 5-16
alternate NTP IP address 5-30
AltGk parameter 5-16
AltNTPIP parameter 5-30
ata.txt file 3-9
ata configuration file 3-12
atadefault.cfg configuration file 3-3, 3-12
atadefault.cfg file 3-11
ata file 3-3
atapname.exe Tool 3-10
setting 4-7
AudioMode parameter 5-20, 7-2, 7-6
audio packet settings 4-8
authentication ID 5-13
authentication method 4-5, 5-14
Bellcore method for called ID 5-26
billable features 4-8
process 3-2
boot load default process 3-2
BusyTone 5-44
busy tone 5-44
CallCmd parameter 5-46
Call Command behavior 6-7
call commands 5-46
changing A-1
caller ID A-2
caller ID configuration 5-25
caller ID format 5-26
CallerIdMethod parameter 5-26
call features 5-24
CallFeatures parameter 5-24
calling line identification presentation (CLIP) A-3
calling line identification restriction
Call-Progress tone parameters 5-41, 5-42
call waiting 4-9
call-waiting caller ID A-2
call waiting caller ID configuration 5-24, 5-26
call waiting configuration 5-24, 5-25
call waiting period 5-32
call-waiting setting 5-29
call-waiting tone 5-45
CallWaitTone 5-45
CDP discovery 5-34
CfgInterval parameter 5-6
Cisco ATA default values 5-2
Cisco ATA-specific configuration file 3-3
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) 3-2
codec negotiation in sending fax 5-29
configurable parameters 4-12
configurable services 4-12
alternate H.323 Gatekeeper 4-4
atadefault.cfg file 3-11
parameters 4-12
AltGk 5-16
AltNTPIP 5-30
CallCmd 5-46
CallerIdMethod 5-26
CallFeatures 5-24
CfgInterval 5-6
DHCP 5-7
DialPlan 5-37
DNS1IP 5-31
DNS2IP 5-31
IPDialPlan 5-36
LBRCodec 5-19
LoginID0 5-13
LoginID1 5-14
MediaPort 5-19
network timing 4-11
NPrintF 5-35
NTPIP 5-30
NumTxFrames 5-23
OpFlags 5-33
Polarity 5-27
PWD0 5-10
PWD1 5-12
required 4-1
RingOnOffTime 5-36
RxCodec 5-21
SigTimer 5-32
StaticIp 5-8
StaticNetMask 5-9
StaticRoute 5-8
TftpURL 5-5
TimeZone 5-29
TxCodec 5-22
UID0 5-10
UID1 5-11
UseLoginID 5-13
UseSIP 5-18
VLAN Setting 5-34
configuration-complete parameter 5-4
configuration file atadefault.cfg 3-12
configuration file encryption 3-11
configuration file mac<address> 3-12
configuration filename supplied by DHCP server 5-33
configuration settings for DHCP server 3-13
configuration steps in a non-TFTP Server environment 3-6
configuration steps in a TFTP Server environment 3-5
configuration text file example 5-2
configuration update interval 5-6
congestion tone 5-44
ConnectMode parameter 5-28, 7-3
debugging 9-4
debugging, preserv.exe program 9-4
default boot load process 3-2
default values 5-2
DHCP enabled 5-7
DHCP option 150 5-34
DHCP options 3-14
DHCP parameter 5-7
DHCP server configuration settings 3-13
diagnostics for debugging 4-10
dialed digits 5-37
dial plan 5-37
Dial Plan Commands 5-38
dial plans 4-12
dial string pattern 5-37
DialTone 5-43
dial tone 5-43
disabling access to Web interface 3-21
disabling CDP discovery 3-3
disabling VLAN encapsulation 3-3
disabling VLAN IP encapsulation 3-3
DNS1IP parameter 5-31
DNS2IP parameter 5-31
domain name server 5-31
downloading Cisco ATA software 3-7
DTMF method for caller ID 5-26
DTMF transmission method 4-11, 5-21
dual-mode registration 4-3
dynamic alternate Gatekeeper feature 4-4
dynamic payload type 5-28
E.164 phone numbers 4-5, 5-10, 5-11
electrical specifications C-2
encryption 5-6
encryption key 5-6
encryption of configuration file 3-11
EncryptKey 3-11
environmental specifications C-2
Ethernet ports 1-6
example configuration text file 5-2
factory defaults 3-18
failback timeout 5-16
fast-start procedure 5-28
fax CED tone detection disabling 5-21
per-call basis 7-7
fax mode configuration 7-6, 7-7
Fax mode on a per-call basis 5-25
fax pass-through 5-29
fax pass-through codec 5-29
fax pass-through mode 7-1
fax pass-through mode, enabling 7-4, 7-5
fax Pass-through mode configuration 7-2
fax pass-through NSE payload type 5-28
fax pass-through redundancy 5-28
fax relay, disabling 7-5
fax services 7-1
fax services, debugging 7-7, 7-9
frames per packet to transmit 5-23
frequently asked questions 9-5
FXS ports 1-5
G.729 resource 4-7
gatekeeper parameters 5-15
gatekeeper registration 5-28
H.225 RAS messages 4-4
H.245 transmission method 4-12
H.323 connection method 4-12
H.323 gatekeeper configuration 4-3
H.323 Gatekeeper registration mode 4-3
H.323 gateway 4-6
H.323 gateway parameter 5-12
H.323 mode setting 5-18
h245 tunneling 5-28
hardware information display 4-10
hook flash timing 4-9
hookflash transmission method 4-11, 5-21
hotline/warmline 5-40
immunity specifications C-2
Include command 3-9
procedure 2-2
inter-digit timer 5-37
IP address of TFTP server 5-5
IP connectivity 3-15
IP dial plan 5-36
IPDialPlan parameter 5-36
IP precedence 5-31
LBRCodec parameter 5-19
line polarity 5-27
LoginID0 parameter 5-13
LoginID1 parameter 5-14
login ID for Phone 1 port 5-13
login ID for Phone 2 port 5-14
low-bit-rate codec 4-7, 5-19, 5-21
MAC address 3-10
MAC address conversion tool 3-10
MAC address location on Cisco ATA 3-9
MAC address non-dotted hexadecimal version 3-9
maximum number of digits in phone number 5-26
MediaPort 5-19
MediaPort parameter 5-19
mixing of audio and call waiting tone during a call 5-29
mixing of call waiting tone and audio 4-9
network connectivity 3-15
network connectivity parameters 3-15
network parameters 5-7
network ringback tone 4-9
network timing 4-11
parameters 4-11
NPrintF parameter 5-35
NSE payload base number 5-28
NTP IP address 5-30
NTPIP parameter 5-30
NumTxFrames parameter 5-23
obtaining the correct Cisco ATA software 3-7
offset from Greenwich Mean Time 4-11
offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 5-29
on-hook delay 4-10
operate in a Cisco CallManager environment 5-28
operating parameters 5-18
OpFlags parameter 5-33
optional feature parameters 5-35
PaidFeatures 5-25
paid features 5-25
required 4-1
parameters and defaults xii, 5-1
parameters for configuration method 5-4
parameters for network connectivity 3-15
parameter types 5-1
password forgotten 5-3
password for Phone 1 port 5-10
password for Phone 2 port 5-12
password recovery 3-18
physical interfaces C-3
physical specifications C-1
PLAR 5-40
Polarity 5-27
Polarity parameter 5-27
polarity reversal before and after Caller ID signal 5-26
polarity reversal before and after caller ID signal 5-26
configuration 5-35
powering down 2-5
primary H.323 gatekeeper ID 5-17
primary H.323 gatekeeper parameter 5-15
Private Line Automatic Ringdown (PLAR) 5-40
programmable dial plan 5-37
progress Indicator 5-28
progress tones 4-11
prserv 7-9
PWD0 parameter 5-10
PWD1 parameter 5-12
RADIUS server 4-5
receiving-audio codec 5-21
refreshing the Cisco ATA 3-20
refresh interval 4-9
refresh-interval configuration 4-9
registration 5-17
registration level-security 4-5
registration-level security 5-14
registration mode with an H.323 Gatekeeper 4-3
reorder delay 5-32
Reorder Tone 5-44
reorder tone 5-44
request device hostname from the DHCP server
configuration 5-34
required parameters 4-1
reset Cisco ATA configuration 5-3
resetting the Cisco ATA 3-20
resetting the Cisco ATA to factory defaults 3-18
reverse audio cut-through behavior 4-10
Ringback Tone 5-45
ring-back tone 5-45
ringer cadence pattern 5-36
ring frequency 5-36
ringing characteristics C-3
ring loads 9-5
ring loads and distances 9-5
RingOnOffTime 5-36
RingOnOffTime parameter 5-36
ring timeout 5-32
rtpcatch 7-12, 7-13, 7-15, 7-16, 7-18, 7-20
RTP frames 7-12
RTP media port 5-19
RTP packets 7-12
RTP payload type 5-28
RTP statistics 7-12
RxCodec parameter 5-21
safety recommendations 2-1
scaling factor calculation 5-42
sending ringback tone to the caller 5-29
send special character O 5-26
send special character P 5-26
basic 1-8
setting audio codecs 4-7
setting the low-bit-rate codec 4-7
setting up user IDs 4-3
signaling image upgrade 3-21
SigTimer parameter 5-32
single-mode registration 4-3
slow-start procedure 5-28
software specifications (all protocols) C-3
standard payload type 5-28
statically assigning Cisco ATA IP address 5-8
statically assigning Cisco ATA route 5-8
statically assigning Cisco ATA subnet mask 5-9
StaticIP parameter 5-8
StaticNetMask parameter 5-9
static network router probing 5-33
StaticRoute parameter 5-8
subscribed features 5-24
supplementary services 1-9, 4-10
termination character 5-37
TFTP server usage enabled 5-5
TftpURL parameter 5-5
three-way calling configuration 5-24, 5-25
timeout values 5-32
time-stamping incoming calls 5-29
time-to-live value 4-4
time to live value for H.323 Gatekeeper registration 5-17
timezone offset from Greenwich Mean Time 5-29
TimeZone parameter 5-29
ToConfig parameter 5-4
tone parameter syntax 5-41
transmitting-audio codec 5-22
two-way cut-through of voice path 5-28
TxCodec parameter 5-22
UDP 5-31
UDPTOS parameter 5-31
UID0 parameter 5-10
UID1 parameter 5-11
UIPassword promt configuration setting 5-34
upgrading firmware from TFTP server 8-1
using executable file 8-2
upgrading software from TFTP server 8-1
upgrading the signaling image 3-21
URL of TFTP server 5-5
UseLoginID 5-13
UseLoginID parameter 5-13
user configurable timeout 4-11
User ID for Phone 1 port 5-10
User ID for Phone 2 port 5-11
user IDs 4-3
User Interface (UI) Parameters 5-3
user-specified 802.1Q VLAN ID 3-3
user-specified voice VLAN ID 3-3
uses device hostname specified in DHCP option 12
configuration 5-34
UseSIP parameter 5-18
UseTFTP parameter 5-5
VLAN CoS bit value 3-3
VLAN CoS bit value (802.1P priority) for UDP packets 3-3
VLAN CoS bit value for TCP packets 3-3
VLAN ID example 3-4
VLAN IP encapsulation 5-34
VLAN Setting parameter 5-34
voice codecs 1-7
voice configuration menu 3-15, 3-16
entering alphanumeric values 3-17
web configuration disabling 5-34
web interface access control 3-20
Web interface access-control configuration 3-20
Posted: Wed Jul 30 17:56:25 PDT 2003
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