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This section provides information about key basic and additional H.323 services that the Cisco ATA supports:
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Note The term Cisco ATA refers to both the Cisco ATA 186 and the Cisco ATA 188, unless otherwise stated. |
This section provides descriptions and cross references for configuring required H.323 parameters and also for configuring important H.323 services:
If the UseSIP parameter is set to 0 (you are using the H.323 protocol), you need to supply values for the required H.323 parameters shown in Table 4-1. The Parameter column provides the name of the parameter and a cross reference which provides a more-detailed description of the parameter.
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Note See "Parameters and Defaults," for information about additional Cisco ATA parameters. |
Table 4-1 Required H.323 Parameters and Defaults
If you are using the H.323 signaling protocol, you must set the UseSIP parameter to 0.
Each Cisco ATA can support two FXS ports. You can assign a user ID, which is usually an E.164 phone number, to each port. Use the Cisco ATA parameter UID0 to configure an ID for the Phone 1 port, and use the UID1 parameter for the user ID of the Phone 2 port.
The Cisco ATA can function with an H.323 gatekeeper to enable Cisco ATA registration, admission, and use of directory services on an H.323 network. To use the Cisco ATA with a primary H.323 gatekeeper, you need to configure the GkOrProxy parameter with the IP address assigned to the primary H.323 gatekeeper. Optionally, you can specify the primary gatekeeper identifier using the GkId parameter if this identifier is required for the Cisco ATA to successfully register with the H.323 network.
This section contains the following topics:
The Cisco ATA can register with an H.323 gatekeeper in one of two modes:
To configure single-mode registration, you need to set the UseLoginID parameter to 1, and then configure the LoginID1 and LoginID2 parameters with identical values. The LoginID1 and LoginID2 parameters are used for the H.323 ID, whereas the UID0 and UID1 parameter values are used as E.164 phone numbers.
If LoginID1 and LoginID2 are not used or are not set to identical values, the Cisco ATA uses dual-registration mode.
You can specify the valid duration of the H.323 gatekeeper registration, in seconds, by using the GkTimeToLive parameter.
To provide redundancy in systems that use an H.323 gatekeeper, the Cisco ATA allows you to either statically configure an alternate H.323 gatekeeper or dynamically assign an H.323 gatekeeper.
To enable the static alternate gatekeeper feature, you need to configure the AltGk parameter with the IP address assigned to the alternate H.323 gatekeeper. To enable the Cisco ATA to perform full gatekeeper registration when it switches to a statically configured alternate H.323 gatekeeper, configure Bit 3 of the ConnectMode parameter to the value of 1.
To enable the dynamic alternate gatekeeper feature, you need to configure the primary H.323 gatekeeper so that the list of alternate gatekeepers is included in the H.225 RAS messages that the H.323 gatekeeper sends to the Cisco ATA. The Cisco ATA can accept as many as four dynamic alternate gatekeepers configured in the H.225 RAS messages. (The Cisco ATA supports the alternate gatekeeper list in GCF/GRJ, ACF/ARJ, RCF/RRJ, and DRJ RAS messages.)
Dynamic alternate gatekeepers and static alternate gatekeepers can co-exist. When the Cisco ATA receives an alternate gatekeeper list in an H.225 RAS message, the static alternate gatekeeper is merged with the dynamic alternate gatekeepers. The static alternate gatekeeper is kept and given the lowest priority.
You can configure the AltGkTimeout parameter to specify the number of seconds the Cisco ATA should wait before it automatically switches back to the primary H.323 gatekeeper after being moved to an alternate gatekeeper. By default, the switch-back procedure is disabled (the AltGkTimeout parameter value is set to 0).
You can configure the Cisco ATA to establish authentication with a Cisco H.323 Gatekeeper. The Cisco ATA supports two authentication methods:
To configure either authentication method, use the following procedure:
Step 2 Set the UID0 and UID1 parameters to the E.164 phone numbers that are assigned to the FXS ports on the Cisco ATA.
Step 3 Set the LoginID0 and LoginID1 parameters to the H.323 ID. The H.323 ID is used when the Cisco ATA registers with the H.323 gatekeeper. This ID is also used as the account ID for the RADIUS server.
Step 4 Set the PWD0 and PWD1 parameters to the passwords for the Phone 1 and Phone 2 FXS ports (the passwords in the RADIUS server), respectively.
Step 5 Set the NTPIP and AltNTPIP parameters to the IP addresses of the NTP servers in your network.
Step 6 Select the authentication method using the AutMethod parameter (0 indicates no authentication; 1 indicates the Cisco registration level security method; 2 indicates the Cisco admission level security method).
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Note The authentication methods are Cisco Proprietary H.235 implementations, which use the Cisco access/clear token structure rather than the VocalTec crypto token structure. |
You can use the Cisco ATA without using an H.323 gatekeeper, as this section describes with the following topics:
You can use a Cisco ATA with an H.323 network that does not contain an H.323 gatekeeper. In this scenario, all calls initiated from the Cisco ATA are directed to a specified H.323 gateway. To specify this H.323 gateway, you configure its IP address using the Gateway parameter, and you disable the H.323 gatekeeper feature by setting the GkorProxy parameter to 0.
You can make calls from one Cisco ATA to another Cisco ATA in an H.323 network that does not contain an H.323 gatekeeper.
For one Cisco ATA to access a specific FXS port on another Cisco ATA, you use an IP dialing procedure. The Cisco ATA originating the call must have the following information about the destination Cisco ATA:
To enable the IP dialing procedure, you need to set the IPDialPlan parameter to 1 to instruct the Cisco ATA to look for the destination IP address in the dialed digits.
Cisco ATA X is going to initiate a call to Cisco ATA Y (with the following pertinent information):
To call the Phone 1 port on Cisco ATA Y, you would dial 5556666**192*168*2*112#.
To call the Phone 2 port on Cisco ATA Y, you would dial 5558888**192*168*2*112#.
You can configure the following codec-related settings:
When G.723.1 is the low-bit-rate codec, each FXS port is allocated one G.723.1 connection. When G.729 is used, only one FXS port can use G.729. The G.729 resource is allocated in a dynamic manner. When a call begins, the FXS port requests and takes an available G.729 resource. The Cisco ATA releases this resource when the call is completed.
Use Bit 1 of the AudioMode parameter to disable and enable the use of the low-bit-rate codec.
Related Configuration Parameters
Related Configuration Parameters
Related Configuration Parameter
This section describes additional H.323 services and, where applicable, provides configuration information and cross references to the parameters for configuring these services, described in alphabetical order:
Table 4-2 lists configurable audio-packet settings and their related configuration parameters.
You can customize specific features on a subscription basis by changing the values of specific bits in several different parameters. Table 4-3 contains a list of billable features and their related parameters:
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Note CallWaitCallerID is an obsolete parameter. Do not use it. |
This feature allows you to specify the default call-waiting setting for every call on a permanent basis by means of the service activation and deactivation codes.
ConnectModeBit 23
When the value specified in the CfgInterval parameter is reached, the Cisco ATA attempts to refresh its configuration file from the TFTP server. Set the CfgInterval parameter to an interval value (in seconds) for refreshing the Cisco ATA configuration file. Cisco recommends that the interval be semi-random to prevent many simultaneous contacts with the TFTP server. For more information, see the "CfgInterval" section.
When the Cisco ATA contacts the TFTP server, it also checks to see if an upgrade signaling image has been placed on the TFTP server. If such an image exists, the Cisco ATA will download this image.
This feature provides the ability to adjust the hook-flash timing to meet local requirements.
SigTimerBits 26 and 27 are for configuring the minimum on-hook time required for a hook flash event, and bits 28 through 31 are for configuring maximum on-hook time.
This feature allows the call-waiting tone to be mixed with the audio in an active call. This mixing causes the call-waiting tone to sound without a pause in the audio.
You can configure the Cisco ATA to send a ringback tone to a caller by using bit 19 of the ConnectMode parameter.
This feature is available only for the recipient (callee) of a call. If the callee picks up the phone and then later hangs up to retrieve another call, the hang-up is not considered on-hook until the specified delay expires.
PolarityBits 8 to 12
You can configure the reverse audio cut-through behavior of the Cisco ATA by using Bit 5 of the ConnectMode parameter.
Service providers can offer many supplementary services, which can be activated, configured, or deactivated in more than one way.
The behavior and activation/deactivation of call supplementary services can be different from one country to another. You can use the CallCmd parameter to define the behavior and the activation/deactivation access code for the supplementary services that the Cisco ATA supports.
You can use the following parameter to troubleshoot operation issues:
Cisco ATA hardware information is displayed in the lower-left corner of the Cisco ATA Web configuration page.
You can fine-tune your network timing with the following parameters:
You can control line polarity of the Cisco ATA FXS ports when a call is connected or disconnected by configuring the Polarity bitmap parameter (see the "Polarity" section).
Values for the following parameters (all defined in the "Call-Progress Tone Parameters" section) must be determined based on the country in which the Cisco ATA is located:
The Cisco ATA is designed to use H.245 messages to relay DTMF and hookflash events. Both the H.245 alphanumeric IE method and the H.245 signal IE method are supported for transporting DTMF events. The H.245 signal IE method has higher precedence if the far end also supports this method.
Use bits 4-5 (Phone 1 port) and 20-21 (Phone 2 port) of the AudioMode parameter to configure the DTMF transmission method.
Use bit 6-7 (Phone 1 port) and 22-23 (Phone 2 port) of the AudioMode parameter to configure the hookflash transmission method.
You can configure the H.323 connection method and the H.245 transmission method. Use Bit 0 of the ConnectMode parameter to select either the slow-start procedure or the fast-start procedure for the H.323 connection. Use Bit 1 of the ConnectMode parameter to select either a separate H.245 connection or H.245 tunneling for H.245-message transmission.
ConnectModeBits 0 and 1
You can set specific dial plan rules and timeout values. Many of these values are determined on a country-by-country basis.
Table 4-4 is a reference table that lists all configurable features for the Cisco ATA (using H.323), and includes links to the detailed descriptions of the parameters used for configuring these features.
Table 4-4 Configurable Features and Related Parameters
Configurable Features | Related Parameters |
User Interface and TFTP Parameters:
Tone format: BusyTone, CallWaitTone |
Posted: Wed Jul 9 17:49:25 PDT 2003
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