
Table of Contents

Setting Up Your Personal Address Book
Why Do You Need a Personal Address Book?
Using Your Personal Address Book
Synchronizing the Address Book with Your Exchange Contacts List

Setting Up Your Personal Address Book

Your personal address book is a place to store contact information about people you frequently call and people who are not included in your corporate directory, such as clients, suppliers, friends, and family members.

These sections will help you set up and use your personal address book:

Why Do You Need a Personal Address Book?

You need a personal address book to supplement the information in the corporate directory.

The corporate directory is internal to your company and maintained by your company's system administrators, whereas your personal address book is set up and maintained by you.

Use the personal address book to store names and numbers of people outside of the company, including customers, suppliers, corporate partners, service providers, family members and friends. Cisco Personal Assistant uses information from your address book to forward your incoming calls and to help you place out-going calls. Personal Assistant also uses your personal address book to identify the people who call you.

You can choose to have Personal Assistant look only in your personal address book when you use speech-enabled dialing by setting the Name Dialing Preference. This improves the Personal Assistant's accuracy in finding a match since it searches a smaller pool of names. For information about telling Personal Assistant to look only in your personal address book, see the "Setting the Name Dialing Preference" section.

If you are using Microsoft Exchange, you can synchronize your personal address book with your Microsoft Exchange Contacts list. For information about synchronizing your address book, see the "Synchronizing the Address Book with Your Exchange Contacts List" section.

Note   The personal address book is designed to supplement the corporate directory; however, use of the personal address book is not required. You can set up call forwarding and screening rules using only the corporate directory.

See the "Using Your Personal Address Book" section for detailed instructions.

Using Your Personal Address Book

These sections will help you set up and use the personal address book:

Adding an Address Book Entry

Use this procedure to add a new entry to your personal address book.


Step 1   Open the address book by doing one of the following:

Personal Assistant displays the Address Book page.

Step 2   Click the Add Caller button.

Personal Assistant opens the Add New Caller window.

Step 3   Fill in the personal information fields and click Save.

You must enter information in both the First Name and Last Name fields. The remaining fields, including the Nickname field, are optional.

The caller is added to the address book in the List of Callers.

In addition to creating new entries in your personal address book, you can copy caller information from the corporate directory into your address book. For information about why you might want to do this, see the "Copying a Corporate Directory Entry Into Your Personal Address Book" section

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Editing an Address Book Entry

Use this procedure to update information on an existing entry in your personal address book.


Step 1   From the main menu, choose Callers>Address Book.

Personal Assistant opens the Address Book page.

Step 2   Click on the first name or last name of the caller whose information you want to change.

Personal Assistant opens the Update Caller Information window.

Step 3   Change the caller information as required. For example, you might want to change a person's name or number or assign a nickname.

Step 4   Click Save.

Personal Assistant returns to the Address Book page and the address book entry reflects the changes you made to the caller information.

Related Topics

Copying a Corporate Directory Entry Into Your Personal Address Book

You can copy caller information from the corporate directory into your personal address book. There are several advantages to doing this:

Use the following procedure to copy a corporate entry into your personal address book.


Step 1   From the Address Book page, click the Copy Callers button.

Personal Assistant opens the Caller Search window.

Step 2   Fill in the fields.

Personal Assistant allows you to search by partial name. For example, you can enter just the last name "Smith" in the Last Name field and leave the First Name field blank. Wildcards (*) are implicit and do not need to be entered.

Step 3   Click Search.

Personal Assistant displays a list of callers based on the information you entered.

Step 4   Select the caller or callers that you want to copy by checking the Select check box or boxes.

Step 5   Click the Add Selected button.

Personal Assistant adds the copied callers to the list of callers in the Address Book page.

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Synchronizing the Address Book with Your Exchange Contacts List

Personal Assistant lets you synchronize your personal address book with your Microsoft Exchange Contacts list. When you synchronize your address book with your Exchange Contacts, any entries that are in your address book but not in your Contacts list are added into your Contacts list. Also, if there are entries in your Exchange Contacts list that are not in your personal address book, they will be added into your address book.


Step 1   From the main menu, choose Callers>Address Book.

Personal Assistant opens the Address Book page.

Step 2   Click Synchronize.

Personal Assistant opens the Personal Address Book Synchronization Settings window.

Step 3   Select the method you want Personal Assistant to use to resolve conflicts.

Step 4   Click Synchronize.

Personal Assistant returns to the Address Book page and the address book shows all of your current entries, including those that were added from your Exchange Contacts list

When you open up your Exchange Contacts list, you will see the entries that were added in from your personal address book.

Related Topics

Posted: Fri Apr 25 22:10:26 PDT 2003
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