
Table of Contents

Customizing Personal Assistant
Setting Dial Rules
Specifying Your Settings
Choosing a Voice Mail Server

Customizing Personal Assistant

You can customize your Cisco Personal Assistant through the Preferences menu. Use this menu to turn Personal Assistant on and off, change your time zone setting, narrow directory searches, and specify alternate names for yourself, among other options.

The following sections describe customizing options in the preferences menu:

Setting Dial Rules

The Dial Rules feature allows you to insert a prefix before a number, or strip a prefix from a number.

It is unlikely that you will need to configure your dial rules, as this feature is primarily handled by your system administrator. However, in unusual cases, you might want to configure dial rules to insert a special access code or long distance prefix in front of particular phone numbers.

Note   The digits you enter in your personal address book generally dictate how your Personal Assistant dials outbound calls to parties external to the corporate directory. Because you can enter area codes, external line codes, and other dialing prefixes directly into your personal address book, you do not need to rely on the Dial Rules page to set up these dialing patterns.

Use the following procedure to configure dial rules.


Step 1   From the main menu, choose Preferences>Dial Rules.

Personal Assistant opens the Dial Rules page.

Step 2   Fill in the fields that complete the dial rule. You do not need to fill in all of the fields. Dashes and parentheses are invisible to Personal Assistant.

Step 3   Click Add Rule.

Personal Assistant adds your rule to the list of rules.

Related Topics

Specifying Your Settings

Use the following procedures to configure your settings:

Turning Personal Assistant Off and On

You can turn off rule processing without changing your rule-set schedule. Turning off rule processing de-activates the call-forwarding and screening feature only; it does not de-activate name dialing, voice mail browsing and conferencing features.

When you disable Personal Assistant's rule processing feature, your calls will be forwarded as they were before you turned it on. Typically, this means your incoming calls will reach your desk phone.


Step 1   From the main menu, choose Preferences>Settings.

Personal Assistant opens the Settings page.

Step 2   Check the "Turn off Cisco Personal Assistant" check box.

Uncheck the box when you want to re-enable the call-forwarding feature.


Using the Authentication Feature

Personal Assistant does not confirm your identity when you call from your desk phone. On the other hand, Personal Assistant always confirms your identity when you call in from a phone that it does not recognize as either your desk phone or a personal destination.

You can choose to have Personal Assistant confirm your identity when you call in from a phone that you have set up as a personal destination by using the authentication feature.

When you tell Personal Assistant to authenticate you, Personal Assistant asks for your PIN when you dial in from any phone that is listed as one of your personal destinations.

For information about setting up personal destinations, see "Setting Up Destinations for Incoming Calls".


Step 1   From the main menu, choose Preferences>Settings.

Personal Assistant opens the Settings page.

Step 2   Check the "Turn on Authentication" check box.

Uncheck the box when you want to disable the authentication feature.

Using the Alternate Name Feature

The following sections describe the alternate name feature and how to use it:

What is the Alternate Name Feature?

The alternate name feature allows Personal Assistant to recognize you by one or more alternate names that you specify. Alternate names are different from the version of your name that shows up in the corporate directory; but how different is up to you.

See the "When to Use the Alternate Name Feature" section.

When to Use the Alternate Name Feature

In general, use the alternate name feature when you want to help callers reach you successfully through speech-enabled directory dialing or spell-by-name.

For example, use the alternate name feature to specify a shortened version of your name if people know you by the short version. While Personal Assistant already recognizes hundreds of common shortened names (Bill in place of William, for example), you might need to specify the shortened version of an uncommon name.

Because Personal Assistant knows how to "read" names for pronunciation, you can specify an alternate spelling of your name to provide an easy-to-say version. Callers may not know how to pronounce the name "Wei," for example. By looking at the spelling, callers might try to pronounce it like "Why." To make sure all callers can reach you through directory dialing, you might choose to enter "Why" as an alternate name.

Additionally, some callers may know your name by sound only, and think to spell it "Way." To make sure all callers can reach you through spell-by-name dialing, you might enter "Way" as an alternate name, as shown in Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1   Using the Alternate Name Feature

See the "How to Specify an Alternate Name" section for instructions.

How to Specify an Alternate Name

The following section explains how to specify an alternate name for yourself.


Step 1   From the main menu, choose Preferences>Settings.

Personal Assistant opens the Settings page.

Step 2   In the Alternate Name section of the Settings page, enter information in Name fields and click Add. You are not required to fill in both fields.

Step 3   To remove an alternate name, select the name and click Remove.


Changing the Time Zone

If you build rules that include Time of Day limitations, it is important to set the time zone. You may need to reset the time zone when you travel.


Step 1   From the main menu, choose Preferences>Settings.

Personal Assistant opens the Settings page.

Step 2   Select a time zone from the Time Zone drop-down menu.

Your time-based rules now reflect the new time zone.

Setting the Name Dialing Preference

Personal Assistant uses speech-enabled directory dialing to dial phone numbers based on your spoken commands. If you say, "Call Harriet Smith," for example, Personal Assistant searches both the corporate directory and your personal address book for a name that matches your spoken command.

However, if you check the "Look only in Address Book" Name Dialing Preference, Personal Assistant restricts its search to the personal address book. In this case, Personal Assistant does not look in the corporate directory.

If you select this feature, you might also want to select "Add to My Address Book" to automatically add people you call to your personal address book.

For information about why you might want to set the Name Dialing Preference to Look only in Address Book, see the "Copying a Corporate Directory Entry Into Your Personal Address Book" section.


Step 1   From the main menu, choose Preferences > Settings.

Personal Assistant opens the Settings page.

Step 2   Check the Look only in Address Book check box.

Uncheck the box when you want to remove the selection.

Step 3   Check the Add to my Address Book check box.

Uncheck the box when you want to remove the selection.


Resetting Your Spoken Name

The first time you call Personal Assistant, it prompts you to say your name. Personal Assistant uses this recording to identify you to other callers and to greet you in the future. If you don't like your recorded name, you can change it.


Step 1   From the main menu, choose Preferences > Settings.

Personal Assistant opens the Settings page.

Step 2   Click the Reset Spoken Name button.

Step 3   Call the Personal Assistant and re-record your spoken name.

Setting the Call Pick-Up Time-Out Feature

The call pick-up time-out feature controls how many seconds Personal Assistant rings each destination in a destination group before moving on to the next destination.

The default setting for the time-out feature is eight seconds. Because each ring takes about three seconds, the eight second default setting means that Personal Assistant allows approximately two to three rings at each destination before trying the next destination in the group.


Step 1   From the main menu, choose Preferences > Settings.

Personal Assistant opens the Settings page.

Step 2   Enter the time-out in seconds into the Call Pickup Timeout field.

Choosing a Voice Mail Server

If you have more than one voice mail server available to you, you can tell Personal Assistant which one to use.


Step 1   From the main menu, choose Destinations>Destinations.

Personal Assistant opens the Destinations page.

Step 2   In the list of destinations, click on the name "Voicemail".

Personal Assistant displays "Voicemail" in the Destination Name field.

Step 3   Choose the number for the voice mail server that you want to use from the Number or Email-based Paging Address drop-down menu and click Save.

Personal Assistant resets your voice mail destination in the list of destinations.


Posted: Fri Apr 25 22:12:36 PDT 2003
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