
Table of Contents

Setting Up Caller Groups to Apply Rules to Multiple Callers
How Can You Use Caller Groups?
Adding a New Caller Group
Adding Callers to Caller Groups
Copying Caller Groups

Setting Up Caller Groups to Apply Rules to Multiple Callers

Caller groups contain multiple entries from your address book and corporate directory.

Caller groups allow you to apply one rule to multiple callers without requiring you to recreate the rule multiple times.

Caller groups also allow you to set up a conference call by telling Personal Assistant the name of the group you want to conference in.

The following sections can help you set up caller groups with Cisco Personal Assistant:

How Can You Use Caller Groups?

Grouping callers can help you organize callers by priority, rather than simply dividing them between the personal address book and corporate directory.

For example, assume that you want calls from your top-priority clients or co-workers to reach you on your mobile phone when you are in meetings, but you want all other incoming calls to go to your voice mail when you are in meetings. Create a caller group that contains your top-priority clients and co-workers (a blend of personal address book and corporate directory entries) and label the group "Top Priority," for example. Then build a rule telling your Personal Assistant: "If someone from the group called `Top Priority' calls when I am in a meeting, send the call to my mobile phone."

You can add and remove the members of a caller group any time.

Related Topics

Adding a New Caller Group

Use this procedure to create a new caller group.


Step 1   From the main menu, choose Caller>Caller Groups.

Personal Assistant opens the Caller Groups page.

Step 2   In the Caller Group Name field, enter a name for the new group. If a name is already showing in the Caller Group Name field, you can overwrite it.

Step 3   Click Add.

Personal Assistant creates the caller group and adds it to the list of existing groups.

You can add callers to the new caller group now or later.

Related Topics

Adding Callers to Caller Groups

Use this procedure to add callers to a new or existing caller group.


Step 1   In the Caller Group page, click the Select Callers button to the right of the caller group to which you want to assign callers.

If the Select Callers button does not appear, click the plus or minus icon to open it.

Personal Assistant opens the Caller Search window.

Step 2   From the drop-down menu of the Look in field, choose Corporate Directory or Personal Address Book.

Step 3   Fill in the remaining fields.

Personal Assistant allows you to search by partial name. When searching the corporate directory, however, you cannot leave both fields entirely blank. Wildcards (*) are implicit and do not need to be entered.

Step 4   Click the Search button.

Personal Assistant displays a list of callers based on the information you entered.

Step 5   Select the callers whom you want to include in the caller group by checking the Select check box at the end of the row.

Step 6   Click Add Selected.

Personal Assistant adds the callers to the caller group and returns to the Caller Groups page.

The asterisk next to a caller's name denotes that information for that particular caller comes from the personal address book rather than from the corporate directory.

Related Topics

Copying Caller Groups

Use this procedure to create a copy of an existing caller group. The copy includes caller information contained within the original group.


Step 1  
In the Caller Groups page, click the copy icon that corresponds to the caller group you want to copy.

Step 2   Enter the name of the new caller group in the pop-up field and click OK.

The pop-up field disappears and Personal Assistant adds the new caller group to the List of Caller Groups.

You can add or remove callers from the new caller group now or later.

Related Topics

Posted: Fri Apr 25 22:11:40 PDT 2003
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