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Table of Contents
How to Use This List of New Features
- This index lists the Cisco IOS 11.3 features that are new since Cisco IOS Release 11.2.
- To access configuration documentation for a feature, click on the page number following the feature name.
- 100VG-AnyLAN port adapter
- configuring FC-246
- 56K Modems DC-167
- Advice of Charge
- feature description DC-255
- AppleTalk
- over ISL encapsulation XC-38
- AppleTalk Access List Enhancements
- fast switching P2C-20
- filters P2C-22
- overview P2C-20
- types P2C-21
- AppleTalk Routing over ISL and IEEE 802.10 in Virtual LANs
- configuration XC-38, XC-55
- configuration example XC-57
- enabling AppleTalk on the subinterface XC-56
- feature description XC-38, XC-55
- subinterface configuration XC-39
- VLAN encapsulation format XC-39, XC-56
- APPN MIB Enhancements
- migration from RFC 1593 BC-34
- objects for supporting connection networks BC-34
- APPN over Ethernet LAN Emulation
- feature description BC-387
- APPN Scalability Enhancements
- Locate Throttling BC-374
- Negative Caching BC-374
- ATM MIB Enhancements
- Cisco AAL5 MIB WC-3
- ATM Port Adapter
- configuring WC-53
- features WC-7
- Backup Peer Extensions for Encapsulation Types
- feature description BC-16, BC-191
- Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol
- feature description DC-635
- Banyan VINES Routing over ISL in Virtual LANs
- configuration XC-39
- enabling XC-39
- feature description P3C-20, XC-39
- subinterface configuration XC-40
- VLAN encapsulation format XC-40
- Channel-Associated Signaling
- feature description DC-244
- Channelized E1 Signaling for the Cisco AS5200
- feature description DC-244
- Channelized T3 Interface Processor FC-277, FC-282, FC-311
- enhancements FC-277
- Cisco IOS Internationalization
- configuring FC-51
- description FC-51
- SSIs FC-47
- CLNS and DECnet Fast Switching Support over PPP
- feature description P3C-79, DC-383
- Data Encryption Service Adapter
- encryption configuration SC-184
- DECnet Accounting P3C-52
- feature description P3C-41
- DECnet Routing over ISL in Virtual LANs
- configuring DECnet XC-40
- enabling DECnet routing XC-40
- feature description P3C-45, XC-40
- subinterface configuration XC-41
- DLSw+ Border Peer Caching
- feature description BC-12, BC-198
- DLSw+ MIB Enhancements
- feature description BC-10
- DLSw+ SNA Type of Service
- feature description BC-191
- DLSw Version 2 Standard
- feature description BC-9
- Double Authentication
- access user profile SC-38
- configuring SC-37
- operation SC-36
- DRP Server Agent
- configuring P1C-57
- E1 PRI for the Cisco AS5200 DC-244
- Easy IP
- feature description DC-707
- Encrypted Kerberized Telnet
- establishing sessions SC-102
- Enhanced IGRP Route Authentication
- configuring P1C-132
- Enhanced Local Management Interface
- overview WC-121
- Entity MIB
- description FC-339
- Fast-Switched Policy Routing
- enabling P1C-185
- Frame Relay Enhancements
- configuration
- (examples) WC-152
- task table WC-133
- overview WC-132
- Frame Relay MIB
- Cisco extensions WC-109
- Frame Relay Router ForeSight
- overview WC-120
- Frame Relay Traffic Shaping
- overview WC-119
- task list WC-119
- FRAS Boundary Network Node
- feature description BC-331
- FRAS Host
- feature description BC-347
- feature description BC-353
- FRF.9 Compression
- configuration
- task list WC-133
- hardware platforms WC-132
- Half-Duplex and Bisync Synchronous Serial Port Adapters
- Cisco 7200 series routers FC-289
- High-Speed Serial Interface
- port adapters FC-273
- Hot Standby Router Protocol over ISL in VLANs
- customizing hot standby group attributes XC-42
- defining the encapsulation format XC-42
- defining the IP address XC-42
- enabling XC-42
- fault tolerance XC-41
- feature description XC-41
- overview XC-41
- HSRP Preemption Delay
- configuring P1C-64
- HTTP Security
- accessing Web page FC-45
- enabling FC-43
- IP Enhanced IGRP Route Authentication
- configuring P1C-132
- IP multicast Load Splitting across Equal-Cost Paths
- description P1C-239
- IP Multicast over ATM Using Multipoint Virtual Circuits
- description P1C-232
- IP Multicast over Token Ring LANs
- description P1C-219
- IPX Named Access Lists
- types
- task list P2C-123
- IPX Routing over ISL in Virtual LANs
- configuration XC-43
- feature description XC-43
- IPX SAP-after-RIP
- queries, disabling P2C-140
- task table P2C-140
- updates P2C-140
- ISDN Advice of Charge
- feature description DC-255
- ISDN Caller ID Callback
- feature description DC-655
- ISDN Leased Line Connections at 128 Kbps
- feature description DC-260
- feature description DC-257
- ISDN Semipermanent Connections
- feature description DC-240, DC-259
- AppleTalk encapsulation XC-38
- Layer 2 Forwarding Fast Switching
- feature description DC-681
- Leased-Line ISDN at 128 Kbps
- feature description DC-260
- Limiting LU Sessions on TN3270
- feature description BC-436
- LLC2-to-SDLC Conversion between PU4 Devices
- feature description BC-194
- LU Address Mapping
- feature description BC-429, BC-439
- Multicast
- DLSw+ BC-9
- Multilink PPP Interleaving and Fair Queuing Support
- feature description DC-398
- NetBIOS Dial-on-Demand Routing
- feature description BC-12, BC-196
- NetFlow Switching Enhancements
- feature description XC-21
- NLSP Multicast Addressing
- (examples) P2C-158
- task list P2C-94
- NLSP Multicast Support
- overview P2C-94
- Packet OC-3 Interface Processor FC-296
- PAD Enhancements
- feature description DC-379
- PAD Subaddressing
- feature description DC-380
- Peer-on-Demand Routing
- DLSw+ BC-10
- Per-User Configuration
- feature description DC-609
- Plain English IPX Access List
- access-list configuration mode FC-16
- types P2C-123
- PPP Interleaving and Fair Queuing Support
- feature description DC-398
- PPP over ATM
- (example) WC-52, WC-107
- feature description WC-41, WC-97
- Real-Time Transport Protocol Header Compression FC-291
- Reflexive Access Lists
- benefits SC-145
- configuration
- (examples) SC-152
- prework SC-148
- defining SC-150
- description SC-146
- firewall feature SC-12
- nesting SC-151
- overview SC-145
- process SC-147
- restrictions SC-148
- temporary entries
- characteristics SC-147
- timeouts, global SC-152
- Robbed Bit Signaling for the Cisco AS5200
- feature description DC-243
- RTP Header Compression
- description P1C-230
- SA-Comp/1 and SA-Comp-4 Data Compression Service Adapters FC-290
- Snapshot Routing DC-665
- SNA Type of Service
- feature description BC-14
- description FC-338
- Source-Route Bridging Enhancements
- Cisco 7200 series routers FC-296
- SRB Enhancements on Cisco 7200 Series Routers
- FDDI support BC-7
- particle-based switching BC-7
- SRB over FDDI
- feature description BC-105
- SRB over Frame Relay
- feature description BC-106
- Stub IP Multicast Routing
- description P1C-238
- Synchronous Serial Port Adapters FC-292, FC-293
- TCP Intercept
- configuration
- (example) SC-161
- task list SC-158
- connections
- displaying SC-161
- enabling SC-158
- firewall feature SC-12
- modes SC-159
- active intercept SC-159
- drop mode SC-159
- passive watch SC-159
- monitor and maintain SC-161
- overview SC-157
- statistics
- displaying SC-161
- thresholds SC-160
- timeouts SC-159
- TCP Selective Acknowledgment
- description P1C-68
- TCP Timestamp
- description P1C-68
- Telnet sessions
- disconnecting DC-124
- TN3270 Server Enhancements
- feature description BC-427
- Token Ring LANE
- supported features XC-69
- Tunneling of Asynchronous Security Protocols
- feature description BC-249
- UDP Unicast Enhancement
- feature description BC-12, BC-198
- V.120 Support DC-417
- Vendor-Proprietary RADIUS Attributes SC-78, SC-80
- VIP Distributed Switching over ISL in Virtual LANs
- configuring ISL on the subinterface XC-46
- distributed architecture XC-45
- enabling IP routing XC-45
- feature description XC-44
- VIP distributed switching XC-46
- VIP switching XC-44
- Virtual Profiles DC-591
- Virtual Template Interface Service
- feature description DC-577
- Virtual Templates for Protocol Translation
- feature description DC-319
- VPDN Tunnel Lookup Based on Dialed Number Information
- feature description DC-683, DC-684
- X.25 Enhancements
- priority and custom queuing WC-177
- QLLC BC-286
- route, configuring WC-200
- X.25
- priority or custom queuing WC-197
- X.25 on ISDN D Channel
- feature description DC-689
- X.25 Switching between PVCs and SVCs
- feature description WC-202
- X.28 Emulation
- feature description DC-369
- XNS Routing over ISL in Virtual LANs
- feature description P3C-114, XC-46
- subinterface configuration XC-47
- VLAN encapsulation format XC-47

Posted: Mon Feb 4 09:50:32 PST 2002
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