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Table of Contents
- This master index lists topics found in the Cisco IOS 11.3 Configuration Guides.
- To access one of these topics, click on the page number following the topic.
- ! characters
- comments FC-106
- output FC-208
- usage in text vii
- # character
- copy output FC-135
- privileged EXEC prompt FC-11
- . character
- copy output FC-135, FC-209
- .rhosts file
- rsh support FC-215
- > prompt
- user EXEC mode FC-10
- ? command FC-23
- ^ character
- context-sensitive help FC-26
- ^ characters
- usage in text vii, P1C-xxiii
- 0x80d5 Processing
- enabling BC-114
- 100VG-AnyLAN port adapter
- configuring FC-246
- examples FC-269
- 10BaseT capability FC-245
- 3270-type terminals
- TN3270 emulation DC-290
- 56K Modems DC-167
- 56K modems DC-167
- 8-bit character set
- displaying FC-51, FC-52
- accounting SC-61
- AV pairs SC-70
- command type SC-68
- configuration (example) SC-71
- connection type SC-64
- description SC-18
- enabling SC-69
- EXEC type SC-66
- interim records SC-70
- monitoring SC-70
- network type SC-62
- prerequisites SC-69
- suppress records SC-69
- system type SC-67
- types SC-61
- ARA authentication SC-31 to SC-33
- authorized guest logins SC-32
- guest logins SC-32
- line password SC-33
- local password SC-33
- methods (table) SC-32
- authentication
- ARA SC-31 to SC-33
- configuration (examples) SC-45 to SC-53
- configuration procedure SC-25
- description SC-17
- double authentication SC-36 to SC-39
- enable default SC-35
- login SC-26 to SC-28
- method lists (example) SC-24
- methods SC-25
- NASI SC-33 to SC-35
- network configuration (example) SC-24
- override SC-36
- PPP SC-28 to SC-31
- authentication method lists SC-23
- authorization SC-55
- AV pairs SC-58
- configuration (examples) SC-59 to SC-60
- configuring SC-57
- description SC-17
- for global configuration commands SC-58
- if-authenticated SC-57
- Kerberos SC-58
- local SC-58
- methods SC-56
- none SC-57
- prerequisites SC-56
- types SC-55
- configuration process SC-20
- description SC-18
- disabling SC-21
- enable default authentication SC-35
- methods (table) SC-35
- enabling SC-20
- login authentication SC-26 to SC-28
- enable password SC-27
- Kerberos SC-28
- line password SC-27
- local password SC-27
- methods (table) SC-27
- method lists SC-19
- example SC-24
- NASI authentication SC-33 to SC-35
- enable password SC-34
- line password SC-35
- local password SC-35
- methods SC-34
- PPP authentication SC-28 to SC-31
- Kerberos SC-31
- local password SC-30
- virtual profiles
- configured by AAA (example) DC-603, DC-606
- configured by both AAA and virtual template (example) DC-604
- per-user configuration, differences DC-591
- ARA authentication, enabling DC-429
- PPP authentication, enabling DC-386, DC-516
- aaa authentication arap command DC-429
- aaa authentication nasi command DC-571
- aaa authentication ppp command DC-386, DC-516
- undefined list name (caution) DC-386, SC-42
- AAL WC-3
- AIP WC-21
- ATM port adapter WC-55
- description WC-3
- NPM WC-79
- AAL3/4
- enabling WC-38
- static mapping WC-38
- enabling WC-95
- static mapping WC-95
- (examples) WC-50
- encapsulations WC-4, WC-39
- (examples) WC-106
- (example) WC-45
- encapsulations WC-39
- ATM port adapter
- (example) WC-70
- encapsulations WC-68
- (example) WC-101
- encapsulations WC-96
- AIP WC-40
- ATM port adapter WC-68
- NPM WC-96
- AIP WC-40
- ATM port adapter WC-68
- NPM WC-96
- transparent bridging WC-5
- See AppleTalk, ARP
- abbreviating commands
- context-sensitive help FC-23
- executing FC-28
- absolute line number DC-115
- absolute-timeout command DC-209
- accept-lifetime command P1C-187
- for DRP P1C-58
- for IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-132
- access-class command P1C-63, DC-285, DC-328, WC-209
- access control
- AppleTalk P2C-17 to P2C-26, DC-431
- ARA DC-426
- bridging
- using byte offset BC-125
- using station names BC-125
- DECnet P3C-41
- IP P1C-60, P1C-63
- IPX P2C-119 to P2C-122, P2C-130
- Legacy DDR
- configuring DC-490 to DC-492, DC-519 to DC-520
- NetBIOS filtering BC-124
- on asynchronous interfaces (example) DC-152
- VINES P3C-14
- XNS P3C-107 to P3C-109
- access-enable command SC-139
- access-expression command BC-130
- access expressions
- combining administrative filters BC-128
- configuration examples BC-152, BC-153
- configuring BC-129
- optimizing BC-130
- access filters
- configuring for NetBIOS BC-124
- configuring for NetBIOS (example) BC-150
- for SNAP frames (example) BC-151
- for SR/TLB (example) BC-146
- SRB, combining using access expressions BC-128
- access groups
- DECnet P3C-40
- IP P1C-63
- access list
- shaping traffic FC-365
- access-list command
- MAC address, LAN Extender interfaces FC-261
- type-code, LAN Extender interfaces FC-262
- access-list (encryption) command SC-179
- access-list (IP extended) command SC-138
- access-list additional-zones command P2C-19 to P2C-21
- access-list cable-range command P2C-22
- access-list command DC-216, DC-240, SC-137
- bridging BC-72, BC-73, BC-74, BC-127, BC-128
- DECnet DC-474
- IP DC-472
- transparent bridging DC-471
- XNS DC-475
- DECnet P3C-40
- DECnet, and Dialer Profiles DC-544
- dialer profiles, and Ethernet type codes DC-547
- IP
- controlling NHRP initiation P1C-19
- dynamic P1C-60
- extended P1C-60
- standard P1C-60
- IP, dialer profiles DC-544
- extended P2C-116, P2C-122
- SAP P2C-122
- standard P2C-116, P2C-122
- Legacy DDR
- transparent bridging DC-491
- NLSP route aggregation filtering P2C-105 to P2C-111
- XNS P3C-108
- XNS, dialer profiles DC-545
- access-list configuration mode
- description FC-16
- ip access-list command FC-20
- access-list includes command P2C-22
- access-list network command P2C-21, P2C-22
- access-list other-access command P2C-22
- access-list other-nbps command P2C-20
- access lists
- Apollo Domain
- applying to an interface P3C-7
- creating P3C-7
- AppleTalk
- cable ranges P2C-22
- configuration (examples) P2C-59 to P2C-68
- displaying P2C-54
- guidelines P2C-19
- network numbers P2C-18
- zones P2C-17, P2C-21
- applying to interfaces SC-134
- bridging
- defining BC-74
- filtering by protocol type BC-73
- creating SC-131
- criteria statements, order of SC-133
- DECnet
- adding filters to P3C-40
- configuring P3C-39
- connect-initiate packets, filtering P3C-40
- creating P3C-39
- extended P3C-40
- standard P3C-39
- dynamic
- entries, deleting SC-142
- See also lock-and-key
- IP
- applying on inbound or outbound interfaces P1C-63
- applying to interface P1C-63
- BGP access list filters P1C-151
- configuration examples P1C-72, P1C-73
- extended P1C-59, P1C-60, P1C-61
- implicit deny when no match found P1C-60, P1C-62
- implicit masks P1C-60, P1C-62
- named P1C-61
- standard P1C-59, P1C-60, P1C-61
- creating P1C-59
- undefined P1C-63
- violations, accounting P1C-65
- violations, logging P1C-60, P1C-62
- virtual terminal lines, setting on P1C-63
- See also Reflexive Access Lists
- configuration (examples) P2C-168 to P2C-174
- extended P2C-119
- extended, creating P2C-122
- implicit deny P2C-126
- implicit masks P2C-126
- input P2C-121
- named P2C-123
- creating P2C-129
- description P2C-119
- NetBIOS, creating P2C-126
- NLSP route aggregation P2C-120
- routing table, filtering P2C-127
- creating P2C-122
- standard P2C-119
- standard, creating P2C-122
- types P2C-119
- violations, logging P2C-124
- configuring P3C-74
- configuration (example) DC-288
- defining DC-284
- Legacy DDR
- assigning to an interface DC-490, DC-519
- number DC-328
- numeric ranges for protocols (table) SC-132
- overview SC-129
- specifying
- by name (table) SC-132
- by number (table) SC-132
- and access expressions, altering BC-131
- creating P3C-15
- displaying P3C-21
- extended P3C-14
- simple P3C-14
- standard P3C-14
- types P3C-14
- X.29
- (example) WC-224
- applying to a line WC-209
- creating DC-328, WC-209
- 3Com (example) P3C-116
- creating P3C-108
- extended list P3C-107
- filters P3C-108, P3C-109
- standard list P3C-107
- access lists, bridging
- defining BC-74
- access lists, SRB
- NetBIOS filtering BC-115
- access-list within command P2C-22
- access-list zone command P2C-21
- access restrictions
- configuring on asynchronous interfaces DC-152
- access servers
- asynchronous interfaces supported DC-113
- four services supported DC-269
- accounting
- DECnet
- configuring P3C-41
- database threshold P3C-42
- enabling P3C-41, P3C-42
- filters P3C-42
- maximum transit entries P3C-42
- configuring P2C-147
- database threshold P2C-148
- enabling P2C-148
- filters P2C-148
- maximum transit entries P2C-148
- per VLAN XC-33
- Quality of Service (QoS) XC-33
- See also AAA accounting
- address
- Layer 2 MAC XC-8
- Layer 3 XC-8
- mapping XC-8
- addresses
- Apollo Domain P3C-5
- AppleTalk P2C-9
- (example) P2C-10
- network numbers P2C-9
- assigning to asynchronous interfaces DC-142
- conserving with unnumbered interfaces (example) DC-157
- DECnet
- (example) P3C-30
- address translation P3C-34
- MAC address P3C-30
- mapping name P3C-35
- default asynchronous, assigning DC-142
- dynamic asynchronous, assigning DC-143
- filtering
- by destination BC-128
- by source BC-128
- multicast BC-70
- IP
- local devices, assigning to DC-141
- mapping to host names FC-57
- IPX P2C-79
- (example) P2C-79
- network numbers P2C-79
- node numbers P2C-79
- addressing rules P3C-58
- IS-IS NSAPs P3C-56
- NSAPs, addressing structure P3C-58
- TARP P3C-85
- SMDS WC-160
- IP WC-165
- multicast WC-160
- structure WC-158
- VINES P3C-11
- (example) P3C-12
- network number P3C-11
- subnetwork number P3C-12
- X.25
- IP-to-X.121 mapping WC-186, WC-190
- modifying WC-200
- PVC protocol WC-192
- substitute in local route WC-203
- X.121, setting WC-182
- X.121 alias, setting WC-185
- XNS P3C-104
- addresses, IP
- assigning P1C-5
- broadcast P1C-26
- classes P1C-5
- domain name, specifying P1C-14
- helper P1C-26
- (example) P1C-48
- description P1C-26
- helper, example P1C-47
- host names, mapping to P1C-13
- multiple, assigning P1C-7
- primary P1C-6
- secondary P1C-7, P1C-41
- addressing
- in VLANs XC-36
- address pooling
- DHCP DC-327
- global default mechanism
- DHCP DC-391
- local pooling DC-391
- IP DC-327
- address ranges, summarizing
- IS-IS for IP P1C-142
- OSPF P1C-110
- address resolution
- establishing for IP P1C-10
- Address Resolution Protocol
- See ARP
- address translation gateway
- See ATG
- adjacency levels, IS-IS for IP, specifying P1C-140
- adjacent-cp-name command BC-365
- administrative distance
- BGP, setting P1C-163
- definition P1C-183
- administrative filtering
- by protocol type BC-127
- by vendor code or address BC-128
- destination addresses BC-128
- dynamically determined stations BC-69
- LAT service announcements BC-75
- MAC-layer address BC-71
- multicast addresses BC-70
- source-route bridging BC-126
- vendor code BC-72
- Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking
- See APPN
- Advice of Charge
- AOC-D message DC-256
- AOC-E message DC-256
- feature description DC-255
- AEP P2C-2
- AFI field
- NSAP addresses P3C-57
- aggregate address
- BGP P1C-153
- aggregate-address command P1C-153
- AAL WC-21
- AAL3/4
- (example) WC-50
- encapsulations WC-38
- AAL5-LLC SNAP (example) WC-45
- AAL5-SNAP (example) WC-51
- client (example) WC-49
- client, configuring WC-32
- server (example) WC-49
- server, configuring WC-32
- SVC environment WC-31
- AXIS, PPP over ATM WC-41
- bridging
- (example) WC-51
- fast-switched WC-40
- process-switched WC-40
- transparent WC-39
- buffer size WC-37
- call setup, SVC WC-24
- clock, transmit WC-37
- CLP WC-28
- configuration
- enabling WC-20
- task list WC-19
- connection timer, SSCOP WC-30
- customizing WC-34
- E.164 addresses, SMDS WC-38, WC-39
- ESI addresses
- (example) WC-48
- configuring WC-26
- exception queues, length WC-36
- features WC-4
- ILMI WC-22
- interface types WC-2, WC-5
- inverse ARP
- (example) WC-50
- PVC environment WC-33
- IP
- and ARP
- (example) WC-49
- configuring WC-31
- and inverse ARP WC-33
- multicasting WC-28
- PVC environment WC-33
- keepalive timer, SSCOP WC-30
- LIS WC-32
- loopback, ATM packets WC-36
- microcode WC-5
- MID numbers, limiting WC-39
- monitoring WC-44
- MTU size WC-35
- multipoint signaling (example) WC-48
- NSAP addresses
- (example) WC-48
- configuring WC-25, WC-26
- OAM cells, loopback WC-21, WC-23
- overview WC-4
- point-to-point subinterface, PPP over ATM WC-43
- poll timer, SSCOP WC-30
- PPP over ATM
- (example) WC-52
- description WC-41
- virtual access interface WC-42
- protocol addresses, mapping WC-21
- protocols supported WC-6
- pseudobroadcasting WC-22
- (example) WC-46
- creating WC-20, WC-21
- PPP over ATM WC-44
- rate queues
- (example) WC-50
- dynamic WC-34, WC-35
- permanent WC-34, WC-35
- raw queues, size WC-36
- receiver windows WC-31
- SAR WC-20
- selector fields, NSAP WC-26
- signaling, point-to-multipoint WC-27
- SMDS WC-38
- SVC WC-23
- (example) WC-47
- disabling WC-31
- timeout interval, idle WC-27
- traffic parameters
- (example) WC-49
- description WC-28, WC-29
- traffic shaping WC-33
- transmitter windows WC-31
- UNI version, overriding WC-23
- VCI-to-VPI ratio WC-37
- virtual circuits WC-6
- virtual circuits, maximum WC-36
- virtual path filter WC-39
- virtual templates, PPP over ATM WC-42
- alarms and errors on T1 line FC-232
- alias command FC-380
- aliases
- commands FC-380
- all-nets broadcasts
- XNS P3C-111
- all-routes explorer BC-106
- AMI line, ones density FC-299
- analog calls on Cisco AS5200
- channel-associated signaling DC-234
- robbed bit signaling DC-234
- AOC-D message DC-256
- AOC-E message DC-256
- apollo access-group command P3C-7
- apollo access-list command P3C-7
- Apollo Domain
- 802.5 implementation P3C-2
- access lists P3C-7
- (example) P3C-10
- addresses P3C-5
- (figure) P3C-5
- ARP P3C-2
- ARP table P3C-9
- bridging P3C-7
- Cisco's implementation P3C-2
- configuration
- (examples) P3C-9 to P3C-10
- task list P3C-6
- host number P3C-5
- interfaces, displaying status P3C-9
- monitoring tasks P3C-9
- network
- access P3C-7
- network number P3C-5
- paths, setting maximum P3C-9
- restrictions
- bridging P3C-2
- setting IP addresses P3C-2
- routing
- concurrent P3C-7
- enabling P3C-6
- over WANs P3C-9
- routing table entries
- adding P3C-8
- displaying P3C-9
- update interval P3C-8
- setting IP addresses P3C-2
- static routes, adding to routing table P3C-8
- traffic, displaying statistics P3C-9
- apollo maximum-paths command P3C-9
- apollo network command P3C-6
- apollo route command P3C-8
- apollo routing command P3C-6
- apollo update-time command P3C-8
- AppleTalk P2C-35
- access control P2C-17 to P2C-26, DC-431
- access lists
- cable ranges P2C-22
- configuration (examples) P2C-59 to P2C-68
- displaying P2C-54
- guidelines P2C-19
- network numbers P2C-18
- zones P2C-17, P2C-21
- addresses
- (example) P2C-10
- definition P2C-9
- network numbers P2C-9
- remapping P2C-51
- adjacent networks P2C-54
- adjacent routers P2C-55
- AEP P2C-2
- ARP P2C-2
- ARP table
- See ARP table, AppleTalk
- ATCP P2C-38
- ATP P2C-2
- AURP P2C-15, P2C-27
- configuring P2C-28
- enabling P2C-28
- last-heard-from timer P2C-29
- private path database, displaying P2C-54
- routing update interval P2C-29
- tunneling P2C-28
- update-events queue, displaying P2C-54
- cable ranges
- definition P2C-9
- expanding (example) DC-436
- interfaces, assigning P2C-13
- remapping P2C-51
- CAP P2C-34
- checksums
- generation and verification, disabling P2C-42
- Cisco's implementation P2C-3
- concurrent routing and bridging (CRB) P2C-16
- configuration P2C-11
- configuration (examples) P2C-56 to P2C-74
- configuration example
- over encapsulating VLAN interfaces XC-48
- configuration examples
- AppleTalk over IEEE 802.10 in VLAN XC-57
- configure on subinterface XC-56
- CRB P2C-16
- DDP P2C-2
- DDR P2C-52, DC-473
- definition P2C-1
- Dialer Profiles DC-543
- discovery mode
- (example) P2C-57
- interfaces
- dynamic P2C-13
- extended P2C-15
- nonextended P2C-15
- nonextended interface P2C-57
- on extended interface (example) DC-434
- domains P2C-49
- domain router configuration P2C-50
- domain router configuration (figure) P2C-50
- enabling for IEEE 802.10 encapsulation XC-55
- enabling service DC-424
- encapsulation P2C-3, P2C-8, P2C-31, P2C-35
- Enhanced IGRP P2C-15
- active state time limit, adjusting P2C-48
- bandwidth P2C-49
- (example) P2C-75
- Cisco's implementation P2C-3, P2C-46
- configuration (examples) P2C-58
- disabling P2C-46
- enabling P2C-15, P2C-28, P2C-46
- features P2C-44
- hello packets P2C-48
- hold time P2C-47
- interfaces, displaying P2C-54
- log neighbor adjacencies P2C-48
- neighbors, displaying P2C-54
- route redistribution P2C-47
- routing protocol, enabling P2C-46
- split horizon P2C-48
- topology table P2C-54
- enhancements P2C-3
- Ethernet card
- using P2C-11
- EtherTalk P2C-1, P2C-11
- extended interface
- configuring (example) DC-434
- extended interfaces
- cable range
- assigning P2C-13
- configuring (example) P2C-57
- proxy network numbers P2C-41
- routing P2C-13, P2C-15, P2C-16
- routing (example) P2C-57
- zones
- names P2C-13
- extended network
- definition P2C-7
- fast switching
- cache entries P2C-54
- disabling XC-14
- interfaces P2C-44
- FDDITalk P2C-1
- pre-FDDITalk packets P2C-54
- filters
- data packet P2C-21, P2C-23
- (example) P2C-59
- zones P2C-23
- GZL P2C-25, P2C-26
- partial zones P2C-26
- (example) P2C-63
- routing P2C-23
- routing table P2C-24
- routing table (example) P2C-60
- routing update filters P2C-24
- free-trade zone
- (example) P2C-65
- establishing P2C-29
- gleaning P2C-4, P2C-43
- filters P2C-25, P2C-26
- replies P2C-25
- integrated routing and bridging
- See AppleTalk, IRB
- Inter·Poll P2C-55
- interenterprise routing P2C-49
- addresses
- remapping P2C-51
- (example) P2C-70
- cable ranges
- remapping P2C-51
- configuring (example) P2C-75
- domain information P2C-54
- domain names P2C-51
- domain numbers P2C-51
- domains P2C-49, P2C-51
- hop count P2C-52
- interfaces P2C-51
- remapping P2C-55
- split horizon P2C-49
- interfaces P2C-13
- displaying status of DC-433
- interface status P2C-54
- internal networks, advertising DC-424
- Internet Router software P2C-11
- internetwork parameters P2C-54
- IPTalk
- /etc/services file P2C-36
- AppleTalk-to-IP address mapping P2C-35
- configuration (example) P2C-71 to P2C-74
- definition P2C-34
- IP encapsulation P2C-37, P2C-38
- node identifier P2C-73
- SLIP drivers P2C-34
- tunneling P2C-35
- UDP port numbers P2C-36
- IRB P2C-17
- K-Star
- Shiva FastPath routers P2C-11
- LANE P2C-3
- load sharing
- round-robin P2C-42
- LocalTalk P2C-1
- logical cable P2C-9
- MacIP
- (examples) P2C-70
- addresses P2C-33
- address ranges P2C-32
- advantages P2C-31
- clients P2C-54
- clients, displaying DC-433
- configuration requirements P2C-32
- definition P2C-31
- disadvantages P2C-32
- implementation P2C-31
- servers P2C-33, P2C-54
- servers, displaying DC-433
- traffic P2C-54, P2C-55
- traffic statistics, displaying DC-433
- maximum paths
- setting P2C-42
- MIB P2C-2
- monitoring tasks P2C-54, DC-433
- multicast address, SMDS address mapping WC-161
- name binding
- See AppleTalk, NBP
- NBP P2C-2, P2C-27
- name registration
- task table P2C-54
- services P2C-54
- neighbor table, deleting entries P2C-54
- network, definition P2C-9
- network connectivity, testing P2C-54
- network events, logging P2C-43
- nondiscovery-mode interface P2C-14
- nonextended interface
- assigning an address P2C-13
- enabling routing P2C-12, P2C-13, P2C-14
- routing (example) P2C-57
- zone name, assigning P2C-13
- nonextended interfaces
- proxy network numbers P2C-41
- routing P2C-16
- nonextended network
- definition P2C-7
- over IEEE 802.10 encapsulation XC-55
- over ISL encapsulation XC-38
- performance tuning P2C-39
- Phase 1
- comparison with Phase 2 P2C-8
- compatibility with Phase 2 P2C-11
- definition P2C-7
- Phase 2
- comparison with Phase 1 P2C-8
- compatibility with Phase 1 P2C-11
- definition P2C-7
- Phase II in VLANs XC-35
- (example) DC-155
- configuring DC-408, DC-422
- pre-FDDITalk packets
- enabling P2C-54
- proxy network numbers
- (example) P2C-74
- interoperability P2C-41
- responder support P2C-3, P2C-55
- round-robin load sharing, enabling P2C-42
- routing
- (example) P2C-57
- extended interfaces, enabling dynamically P2C-15
- extended interfaces, enabling manually P2C-13
- routing, enabling
- on nonextended interface dynamically P2C-14
- on nonextended interface manually P2C-12, P2C-13
- routing over VLAN subinterfaces XC-55
- routing process P2C-15
- routing protocols
- specifying P2C-28
- routing table P2C-55
- entries P2C-54
- update timers P2C-41
- routing tables
- update filters P2C-23
- routing updates P2C-40
- advertising routes with no zones P2C-40
- strict checking P2C-39, P2C-40
- stub mode P2C-40
- timers P2C-41
- RTMP P2C-2, P2C-15
- advertising routes with no zones P2C-40
- broadcasting packets FC-325
- enabling P2C-28
- routing updates P2C-40
- strict checking P2C-39
- stub mode P2C-40
- seed router P2C-14
- Shiva FastPath routers P2C-11
- SMDS, configuring WC-164
- fast switching P2C-38
- fast switching cache table P2C-54
- forwarding table P2C-55
- global information P2C-55
- group table
- P2C-55
- neighbor table P2C-55
- port table P2C-55
- routing table P2C-55
- configuring P2C-29
- configuring (example) P2C-70
- sockets, displaying P2C-55
- static routes
- defining P2C-53
- displaying P2C-55
- subinterface
- customizing for VLAN XC-55
- test mode, entering P2C-55
- TokenTalk P2C-1
- traffic P2C-55
- traffic statistics
- displaying DC-433
- resetting P2C-54
- transition mode P2C-16
- (example) P2C-58
- TR-LANE support XC-69
- tunneling FC-326
- across IP-only backbone (example) FC-332
- across IP-only backbone (figure) FC-332
- AURP P2C-28
- cayman P2C-30
- definition FC-325
- GRE P2C-31, FC-329
- methods P2C-30
- Update Routing Protocol
- See AppleTalk, AURP
- VLANs P2C-3
- WAN protocols supported P2C-3
- ZIP query interval P2C-43
- ZIP reply filters
- configuration (example) P2C-69
- overview P2C-26
- zone
- information table, displaying DC-433
- zones P2C-10, P2C-13
- information table P2C-55
- name format P2C-10
- special characters P2C-10
- appletalk access-group command P2C-21, P2C-23
- AppleTalk Access List Enhancements
- fast switching P2C-20
- filters P2C-22
- overview P2C-20
- types P2C-21
- appletalk address command P2C-13, P2C-14, P2C-15, P2C-16, DC-394, WC-16
- AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol
- See AppleTalk, ARP, ARP table
- appletalk arp interval command P2C-43
- appletalk arp retransmit-count command P2C-43
- appletalk arp timeout command P2C-42
- appletalk aurp-tickle-time command P2C-29
- appletalk aurp update-interval command P2C-29
- appletalk cable-range command P2C-13, P2C-15, P2C-16, P2C-29, DC-394, XC-39, XC-56
- tunneling AppleTalk using GRE FC-329
- appletalk checksum command P2C-42
- appletalk client-mode command P2C-39, DC-408
- AppleTalk Control Protocol DC-408
- See AppleTalk, ATCP
- AppleTalk Datagram Delivery Protocol
- See (DDP)
- appletalk discovery command P2C-15
- appletalk distribute-list in command P2C-24
- appletalk distribute-list out command P2C-24
- appletalk domain hop-reduction command P2C-52
- appletalk domain name command P2C-51
- appletalk domain remap-range command P2C-51, P2C-52
- AppleTalk Echo Protocol P2C-2
- appletalk eigrp active-time command P2C-48
- appletalk eigrp-bandwidth-percentage command P2C-49
- appletalk eigrp log-neighbor-changes command P2C-48
- appletalk eigrp split-horizon command P2C-48
- appletalk eigrp timers command P2C-48
- appletalk event-logging command P2C-29, P2C-43
- appletalk free-trade-zone command P2C-29
- appletalk getzonelist-filter command P2C-25
- appletalk glean-packets command P2C-43
- appletalk iptalk-baseport command P2C-36
- appletalk lookup-type command P2C-27
- appletalk macip dynamic command P2C-33
- appletalk macip server command P2C-33
- appletalk macip static command P2C-33
- appletalk maximum-paths command P2C-42
- appletalk name-lookup-interval command P2C-27
- appletalk permit-partial-zones command P2C-26
- appletalk pre-fdditalk command P2C-54
- appletalk protocol command P2C-15, P2C-28, P2C-46
- appletalk proxy-nbp command P2C-41
- AppleTalk Remote Access
- See ARA
- appletalk require-route-zones command P2C-40
- appletalk route-cache command P2C-44, WC-166, XC-13, XC-14
- appletalk route-redistribution command P2C-28, P2C-47
- appletalk routing command P2C-12, P2C-29, P2C-46
- appletalk routing eigrp command XC-38, XC-55
- AppleTalk Routing over ISL and IEEE 802.10 in Virtual LANs
- configuration XC-38, XC-55
- configuration example XC-57
- enabling AppleTalk on the subinterface XC-56
- VLAN encapsulation format XC-56
- appletalk rtmp-stub command P2C-40
- appletalk send-rtmp command P2C-40
- appletalk send-rtmps command DC-424
- appletalk service command DC-424
- appletalk static cable command P2C-53
- appletalk static net command P2C-53
- appletalk strict-rtmp-checking command P2C-40
- appletalk timers command P2C-41
- AppleTalk Transaction Protocol P2C-2
- AppleTalk Update Routing Protocol
- See AppleTalk, AURP
- appletalk virtual-net command P2C-38, DC-408
- appletalk zip-query-interval command P2C-43
- appletalk zip-reply-filter command P2C-26
- appletalk zone command P2C-13, P2C-16, P2C-30, XC-39, XC-56
- APPN over Ethernet LANE BC-387
- examples BC-388
- router priority BC-393
- SRB to switched ATM, migrating network (figure) BC-392
- typical topology (figure) BC-388
- configuration (example) BC-386
- destination BC-365
- central directory server
- blocking registration attempts BC-357
- feature defined BC-41
- central resource registration
- disabling BC-357
- feature defined BC-41
- Cisco's implementation BC-33
- class of service, defining BC-369
- configuration modes
- description FC-16
- entering FC-20
- exiting FC-16
- configuration services BC-36
- connection network, defining BC-368
- control point, defining BC-356
- directory services BC-40
- FDDI configuration (example) BC-378
- Frame Relay
- configuration (example) BC-379
- destination BC-365
- hpr command BC-360, BC-364
- hpr max-sessions command BC-359
- hpr retries command BC-359
- hpr sap command BC-360
- hpr timers liveness command BC-359
- hpr timers path-switch command BC-359
- link station configuration BC-364
- port configuration BC-360
- resources, limiting BC-359
- limited resources BC-374
- locate throttling BC-374
- media supported BC-34
- mode, defining BC-371
- monitoring the network BC-375
- negative caching BC-374
- network, monitoring BC-375
- over DLSw+ BC-16
- configuration (example) BC-381
- virtual data link control BC-360
- partner LU location, defining BC-371
- port, defining BC-360
- ports and link stations, starting and stopping BC-373
- configuration (example) BC-386
- destination BC-365
- QLLC configuration (example) BC-386
- routing services BC-41
- RSRB configuration (example) BC-380
- scalability enhancements BC-374
- SDLC configuration (example) BC-380
- searching resources BC-374
- session service BC-42
- configuration (example) BC-387
- destination BC-365
- subsystem, starting and stopping BC-373
- Token Ring configuration (example) BC-378
- TR-LANE support XC-69
- X.25 destination BC-365
- appn class-of-service command BC-370
- appn connection-network command BC-368
- appn control-point command BC-356
- APPN High Performance Routing
- appn link-station command BC-364
- APPN MIB Enhancements
- migration from RFC 1593 BC-34
- objects for supporting connection networks BC-34
- appn mode command BC-371
- APPN over Ethernet LAN Emulation
- feature description BC-387
- appn partner-lu-location command BC-371
- appn port command BC-360
- appn routing command BC-373
- APPN Scalability Enhancements
- Locate Throttling BC-374
- Negative Caching BC-374
- appn start command BC-373
- appn stop command BC-373
- appn stop link station command BC-373
- appn stop port command BC-373
- access control DC-426
- callback DC-422
- Cisco implementation DC-421
- configuration (example) DC-435
- dedicated line
- configuration (example) DC-436
- enabling DC-424
- non-AppleTalk clients to connect to AppleTalk network DC-432
- X.25 client to connect to AppleTalk network (example) DC-435
- guests, disallowing DC-427
- Kerberos authentication, using DC-431
- multiuse line
- configuration (example) DC-437
- on VTY lines DC-432
- prerequisites for connectivity DC-421
- security
- CCL scripts, modifying DC-429 to DC-431
- internal username authentication DC-427
- TACACS, configuring DC-428
- TACACS username authentication (example) DC-436
- server
- cabling and connections (figure) DC-423
- configuration (example) DC-437
- line and modem, configuring DC-423
- monitoring DC-432
- session, automatic startup DC-149, DC-425
- support, customizing DC-425
- tunneling DC-319
- one-step DC-326
- arap callback command DC-652
- arap dedicated command DC-425
- arap enable command DC-424
- arap net-access-list command DC-426
- arap network command DC-424, DC-432
- arap noguest command DC-427
- arap require-manual-password command DC-426
- arap timelimit command DC-425
- arap use-tacacs command DC-428
- arap warningtime command DC-425
- arap zonelist command DC-426
- area-address command P2C-93, P2C-104, P2C-112
- area addresses
- IS-IS P3C-57, P3C-58
- NSAPs P3C-57
- area authentication command P1C-109
- area default-cost command P1C-109
- area nssa command P1C-110
- area-password command P1C-142, P3C-66
- area range command P1C-110
- area routing
- IS-IS P3C-60
- areas
- IS-IS for CLNS
- addresses P3C-65
- establishing P3C-65
- multihoming P3C-65
- ISO CLNS P3C-56, P3C-65
- multihoming P3C-65
- area stub command P1C-109
- area virtual-link command P1C-111
- client (example) WC-49
- server (example) WC-49
- server, configuring WC-32
- Apollo Domain P3C-2
- AppleTalk P2C-2, P2C-42
- ATM port adapter
- client (example) WC-73
- client, configuring WC-64
- server (example) WC-73
- server, configuring WC-64
- IP
- encapsulations, setting P1C-12
- proxy ARP, description P1C-22
- proxy ARP, disabling P1C-12
- table, displaying contents P1C-39
- timeout P1C-11
- multicast address, SMDS address mapping WC-161
- client (example) WC-105
- client, configuring WC-90
- server (example) WC-105
- server, configuring WC-91
- overview, WAN WC-4
- SMDS broadcast messages WC-161
- ARP, inverse
- (example) WC-50
- configuring WC-33
- ATM port adapter
- (example) WC-74
- configuring WC-65
- (example) WC-105
- configuring WC-91
- arp arpa command P1C-12
- ARP cache
- See ARP table
- arp command
- IP P1C-11
- SMDS WC-161
- ARP encapsulation P1C-12
- arp probe command P1C-12
- arp snap command P1C-12
- ARP table
- Apollo Domain P3C-9
- AppleTalk
- displaying entries DC-433
- entries P2C-54
- gleaning P2C-43
- update interval P2C-42, P2C-43
- IP
- contents, displaying P1C-11
- defining static P1C-11
- arp timeout command P1C-11
- Cisco's tunneling implementation BC-21, BC-238
- overview BC-242
- specifying primary and secondary roles BC-249
- virtual multidrop support BC-243
- asp addr-offset command BC-249
- asp role primary command BC-249
- asp role secondary command BC-249
- asp rx-ift command BC-249
- async-bootp command DC-144, FC-214
- async default routing command DC-144
- async dynamic address command DC-143
- async dynamic routing command DC-144
- asynchronous
- host mobility DC-409
- host roaming (example) DC-409
- lines
- options DC-110
- lines, options configured DC-118
- mobility, (example) DC-335
- mobility, connections DC-321
- mode, dedicated DC-144
- ports DC-117
- protocol functions
- header compression DC-332
- keepalive updates DC-333
- vty lines DC-330
- routing
- dedicated dial-in routing device DC-158
- enabling DC-144
- sample configuration DC-405
- asynchronous access
- ISDN lines DC-418
- asynchronous host mobility FC-330
- asynchronous host roaming (example) FC-330
- asynchronous interfaces
- (examples) DC-151
- addressing method, configuring DC-142
- assigning to IPX loopback interfaces DC-406
- as the only interface, configuration example DC-159
- auxiliary ports, comparison DC-139
- bandwidth, optimizing DC-151
- broadcasts on DC-405
- changing member configuration DC-140
- chat scripts, configuring DC-145
- configuring addressing method DC-143
- debugging DC-145
- dedicated (example) DC-154
- default addresses, assigning DC-142
- dynamic addresses, assigning DC-143
- dynamic addressing configuration (example) DC-157
- encapsulation DC-143
- group and members DC-140
- examples DC-154
- low bandwidth DC-403
- members, defining DC-140
- monitoring DC-145
- options configured DC-110, DC-119
- relation to TTY lines DC-117
- TCP header compression
- configuration example DC-157
- configuring DC-151
- asynchronous networks
- frame sequencing
- overview BC-244
- asynchronous protocols
- virtual multidrop support BC-243
- asynchronous security protocols
- See ASP
- Asynchronous Transfer Mode-Data Exchange Interface
- async mode dedicated command DC-144
- async mode interactive command DC-144, DC-408
- AT&T
- latched CSU loopback specification DC-248
- ATCP DC-408
- async interfaces P2C-38
- configuring P3C-34
- example P3C-48
- routing table P3C-48
- configuration
- AIP, See AIP
- ATM port adapter, See ATM port adapter
- NPM, See NPM
- description WC-2, WC-3
- fast switching IPX P2C-117
- invoking over a serial line FC-291
- point-to-multipoint SVC P1C-232, P1C-234
- pseudobroadcasting WC-4
- serial interfaces, configuring
- See serial interfaces, ATM
- point-to-multipoint P1C-232, P1C-234
- VC status, displaying P1C-243
- atm aal aal3/4 command WC-38, WC-40
- ATM adaptation layer
- See AAL
- atm address command XC-74
- atm arp-server nsap command WC-64, WC-65, WC-90
- atm arp-server time-out command WC-32, WC-65, WC-91
- atm backward-max-burst-size-clp0 command WC-29, WC-88
- atm backward-max-burst-size-clp1 command WC-29, WC-88
- atm backward-peak-cell-rate-clp0 command WC-29, WC-87
- atm backward-peak-cell-rate-clp1 command WC-29, WC-87
- atm backward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp0 command WC-29, WC-88
- atm backward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp1 command WC-29, WC-88
- atm class command WC-33, WC-92
- atm clock internal command WC-37, WC-68, WC-95
- atm-dest-address command BC-365
- enabling WC-16
- encapsulation FC-276
- protocol addresses WC-17
- atm-dxi map command FC-274
- atm esi-address command WC-26, WC-60, WC-84
- atm exception-queue command WC-36
- atm forward-max-burst-size-clp0 command WC-29, WC-88
- atm forward-max-burst-size-clp1 command WC-29, WC-88
- atm forward-peak-cell-rate-clp0 command WC-29, WC-87
- atm forward-peak-cell-rate-clp1 command WC-29, WC-87
- atm forward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp0 command WC-29, WC-88
- atm forward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp1 command WC-29, WC-88
- atm framing command WC-94
- atm idle-timeout command WC-61, WC-85
- atm ilmi-keepalive command WC-22, WC-56, WC-80
- ATM Interface Processor
- See AIP
- address
- wildcards in templates XC-72
- LAN Emulation Client (LEC) XC-34
- LAN Emulation Server (LES) XC-34
- MAC address and ESI field XC-71
- NDIS-compliant LAN drivers XC-34
- ODI-compliant LAN drivers XC-34
- protocol definition XC-34
- ATM LAN emulation
- in VLANs XC-34
- atm lecs-address command XC-76
- atm lecs-address-default command XC-75
- atm maxvc command WC-36, WC-67
- ATM MIB Enhancements
- Cisco AAL5 MIB WC-3
- atm mid-per-vc command WC-39
- atm multicast command WC-38, WC-40, WC-95
- atm multipoint-interval command WC-27, WC-61, WC-86
- atm multipoint-signaling
- with IP multicast P1C-234
- atm multipoint-signalling command WC-27, WC-61, WC-86
- atm nsap-address command WC-26, WC-27, WC-32, WC-60, WC-61, WC-64, WC-84, WC-85, WC-90, WC-91
- atm-nsap address command WC-86
- atm-nsap command WC-27, WC-61
- ATM on the AIP for Cisco 7500 series
- (examples) WC-45
- ATM on the ATM port adapter for Cisco 7200 series
- (examples) WC-69
- ATM on the ATM port adapter for Cisco 7500 series
- (examples) WC-69
- ATM on the NPM for Cisco 4500 and 4700 routers
- (examples) WC-100
- ATM Port Adapter
- configuring WC-53
- features WC-7
- ATM port adapter
- (example) WC-74
- AAL WC-55
- AAL5-LLC SNAP (example) WC-70
- AAL5-SNAP (example) WC-74
- client
- (example) WC-73
- configuring WC-64
- server
- (example) WC-73
- configuring WC-64
- SVC environment WC-64
- bridging, transparent WC-68
- buffer size WC-67
- call setup, SVC WC-58
- clock, transmit WC-68
- configuration
- enabling WC-54
- task list WC-53
- connection timer, SSCOP WC-62
- customizing WC-66
- ESI addresses
- (example) WC-73
- configuring WC-60
- features WC-7
- ILMI WC-56
- interface types WC-2, WC-7
- inverse ARP
- (example) WC-74
- PVC environment WC-65
- IP
- and ARP
- (example) WC-73
- configuring WC-63
- and inverse ARP WC-65
- multicasting WC-62
- PVC environment WC-65
- SVC environment WC-64
- keepalive timer, SSCOP WC-62
- LIS WC-64
- loopback, ATM packets WC-67
- monitoring WC-69
- MTU size WC-66
- multipoint signaling (example) WC-73
- NSAP addresses
- (example) WC-72
- configuring WC-59, WC-60
- OAM cells, loopback WC-55, WC-57
- overview WC-6
- poll timer, SSCOP WC-62
- protocol addresses, mapping WC-55
- pseudobroadcasting WC-56
- (example) WC-70
- creating WC-54, WC-55
- receiver windows WC-63
- SAR WC-54
- selector fields, NSAP WC-60
- signaling, point-to-multipoint WC-61
- SVC WC-57
- (example) WC-72
- disabling WC-63
- timeout interval, idle WC-61
- transmitter windows WC-63
- UNI version, overriding WC-57
- VCI-to-VPI ratio WC-67
- virtual circuits WC-7
- virtual circuits, maximum WC-67
- atm pvc command WC-21, WC-22, WC-23, WC-25, WC-26, WC-27, WC-33, WC-38, WC-39, WC-40, WC-41, WC-44, WC-55, WC-56, WC-57, WC-59, WC-60, WC-61, WC-65, WC-68, WC-79, WC-80, WC-81, WC-83, WC-84, WC-86, WC-91, WC-95, WC-96, WC-99
- atm pvc ilmi command XC-74
- atm pvc qsaal command XC-74
- atm rate-queue command WC-35, WC-93
- atm rawq-size command WC-37
- atm rxbuff command WC-37, WC-67
- atmsig close atm command WC-31, WC-63, WC-89
- atm sig-traffic-shaping strict command WC-28, WC-34, WC-86, WC-92
- atm smds-address command WC-38, WC-40, WC-95
- atm sonet stm-1 command WC-36, WC-66, WC-94
- ATM switch interface shelf
- See AXIS
- atm txbuff command WC-37, WC-67
- atm uni-version command WC-23, WC-57, WC-81
- ATM UNI version override
- configuring WC-23, WC-57
- atm-vc command WC-21, WC-55, WC-79
- atm vc-per-vp command WC-37, WC-67, WC-94
- atm vp-filter command WC-38, WC-39, WC-40
- ATP P2C-2
- audit trail
- DNSIX facility SC-232
- See AppleTalk AURP
- authentication
- dynamic P1C-60
- for encryption SC-167
- IP Enhanced IGRP packets P1C-132
- IP Enhanced IGRP route P1C-132
- local database DC-460
- neighbor router SC-10
- benefits SC-225
- configuration information for protocols SC-228
- key chains SC-227
- MD5 SC-226, SC-227
- plain text SC-226, SC-227
- process SC-226
- protocols SC-226
- types SC-226
- NHRP, configuring P1C-19
- non-AAA methods SC-39
- static login SC-39
- username SC-40
- of DRP queries and responses P1C-58
- remote database DC-460 to DC-461
- route SC-10
- user
- overview SC-9
- See also lock-and-key
- authentication, authorization, and accounting
- See AAA
- authentication, MD5
- See MD5 authentication
- authentication database
- rcp and rsh
- creating FC-215
- authentication translate option, mapping to virtual interface template command DC-323
- authoritative time source
- calendar system, using as FC-384
- description FC-382
- NTP FC-386
- authorization
- See AAA authorization
- autocommand command DC-150, SC-139
- autocommand menu command FC-41
- autodetect encapsulation command
- AUTOGEN definition, adjusting for SDLLC BC-303
- autohangup command DC-135
- AutoInstall procedure
- BOOTP server, setting up FC-63
- connecting new routing device FC-64
- description FC-55
- DOS-based TFTP server FC-54
- Ethernet interface
- (example) FC-61
- connection FC-60
- existing routing device, modifying FC-59
- FDDI interface FC-60
- Frame Relay
- (example) FC-61
- connection FC-61
- requirements FC-53
- (example) FC-60
- connection FC-59
- host configuration file, downloading FC-58
- host name resolution FC-57
- IP address resolution FC-55
- minimal configuration
- files required FC-62
- saving FC-62
- performing FC-59
- RARP server
- (example) FC-63
- setting up FC-63
- requirements FC-53
- router configuration, modifying existing FC-59
- TFTP server, setting up FC-62
- Token Ring interface FC-60
- automatic
- dialing DC-131
- disconnect DC-135
- protocol startup
- ARA DC-149, DC-425
- PPP DC-149
- automatic protocol startup
- SLIP DC-149
- automatic receiver polarity reversal, enabling FC-254
- automatic shutdown message
- receiving FC-371
- automatic warning messages
- receiving FC-370
- autonomous bridging, enabling BC-67
- autonomous switching
- and source-route bridging BC-132
- configuring (example) BC-154
- autonomous systems
- AS paths to remote networks, providing P1C-149
- exchange of routing information between P1C-145
- (example) P1C-190
- more than one connection to an external network P1C-95
- redistribution from P1C-182
- system routes within P1C-95
- number
- gateway of last resort P1C-95
- number needed for EGPs P1C-3
- (example) P1C-119, P1C-195
- autonomous system network map (figure) P1C-119, P1C-195
- routing for destinations outside autonomous system P1C-109
- auto-polarity command FC-254
- autoselect command DC-149, DC-425
- autoselect ppp command DC-651
- auto-summary command
- BGP P1C-153
- IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-131
- RIP P1C-91
- auxiliary ports
- asynchronous interfaces, comparison DC-139
- asynchronous serial interface FC-59
- configuring as asynchronous serial DC-139
- configuring as asynchronous serial interface DC-148
- AV pairs
- attributes for per-user configuration DC-613
- Cisco supported (table) DC-613
- defined DC-610
- partial lists of supported attributes on AAA servers DC-613
- attributes (table) DC-615
- example DC-594, DC-610
- attributes (table) DC-614
- AIP WC-41
- NPM WC-97
- backup delay command DC-555, WC-129
- backup-dlus command BC-358, BC-367
- backup interface
- Dialer Profiles DC-559
- serial interface DC-553
- backup interface command DC-554
- backup interfaces
- Frame Relay WC-129
- backup load command DC-555
- Backup Peer Extensions for Encapsulation Types
- feature description BC-16, BC-191
- backup server table
- Enhanced IGRP P2C-91
- (examples) DC-640
- active and passive modes on different interfaces DC-637
- active mode DC-636
- BRI interface (example) DC-641
- dialer interfaces only DC-636
- enabling DC-639
- modifying default settings DC-639
- BRI (example) DC-644
- configuration tasks DC-637
- default settings
- modifying DC-638
- passive mode DC-638
- dialer maps DC-640
- dynamic creation of temporary static map DC-640
- dialer profiles, not supported DC-636
- dialer rotary
- different dial-in numbers (example) DC-642
- one dial-in number (example) DC-643
- dialer support, legacy DDR only DC-636
- interfaces
- physical, restrictions DC-636
- supported DC-636
- virtual DC-636
- line speed, local interface DC-636
- link type at both ends DC-636
- monitoring interfaces DC-640
- Multilink bundle creation (example) DC-642
- operations, environments DC-635
- outgoing calls
- dialer maps used DC-640
- passive mode
- default DC-635
- dialer rotary group (example) DC-641
- virtual template interface (example) DC-641
- prerequisites DC-636
- PRI (example) DC-643
- temporary dialer maps DC-640
- troubleshooting DC-640
- bandwidth
- AppleTalk Enhanced IGRP P2C-49
- bandwidth, optimizing asynchronous serial DC-151
- Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol
- feature description DC-635
- See also BACP
- bandwidth command FC-228
- bandwidth on demand
- load threshold DC-494, DC-522
- bandwidth percentage for IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-130
- banners
- line number, displaying DC-209
- Banyan VINES
- in VLANs XC-35
- LANE support XC-69
- over ISL encapsulation XC-39
- TR-LANE support XC-69
- See also VINES
- Banyan VINES Routing over ISL in Virtual LANs
- configuration XC-39
- subinterface XC-40
- enabling XC-39
- feature description P3C-20
- VLAN encapsulation format XC-40
- baud rate
- setting for a line DC-207
- See also line speed
- BECN WC-145
- address
- conventions (figure) WC-206
- translation table WC-208
- Blacker Emergency Mode WC-209
- Cisco's implementation WC-12
- configuration WC-205
- (example) WC-222
- description WC-13
- encapsulation WC-208
- encryption WC-207
- general statistics, displaying WC-210
- IP address conventions (figure) WC-206
- mapping algorithm WC-207
- bfe command WC-209
- administrative distance
- defaults P1C-178
- setting P1C-163
- administrative weight, configuring P1C-150
- advertisement interval P1C-161
- aggregate routes, configuring P1C-153
- (example) P1C-172
- authentication on TCP connection P1C-162
- automatic network number summarization, disabling P1C-153
- autonomous system P1C-180
- backdoor routes, configuring P1C-162
- Cisco implementation P1C-145
- classless interdomain routing (CIDR) P1C-145, P1C-153
- community filtering P1C-154
- community list matching P1C-180
- confederation P1C-155
- configuration (examples) P1C-168 to P1C-176
- configuration task list P1C-146
- configuring P1C-145 to P1C-164
- connections
- displaying status P1C-167
- resetting P1C-149
- resetting EBGP immediately P1C-153
- enabling P1C-147
- filter P1C-161
- IP routing table, updating P1C-163
- local preference value, setting P1C-163
- mesh reduction
- confederation method P1C-155
- route reflector method P1C-155
- metric translations P1C-182
- Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) metric P1C-152
- multipath support P1C-146
- neighbor configuration (example) P1C-170
- neighbor options P1C-154, P1C-161
- neighbors
- configuring P1C-148
- network, redistributing P1C-164
- next-hop processing, disabling P1C-151
- path filtering by neighbor P1C-151
- peer groups
- clearing P1C-167
- configuring P1C-160
- displaying P1C-167
- prefix filtering with inbound route maps P1C-152
- prefix limit P1C-161
- route dampening
- dampened routes, displaying P1C-166
- dampening information, clearing P1C-166
- description P1C-164
- enabling P1C-165
- factors, configuring P1C-165
- flap statistics, clearing P1C-166
- flap statistics, displaying P1C-166
- unsuppress the routes P1C-166
- route filtering by neighbor P1C-151
- route maps P1C-180
- configuring (example) P1C-168
- route reflector P1C-155 to P1C-159
- route selection rules P1C-145, P1C-146
- routing domain confederation P1C-155
- sessions staying up FC-323
- soft reconfiguration P1C-149
- supernets P1C-153
- synchronization with IGPs P1C-149
- TCP MD5 authentication
- (example) P1C-174
- for a neighbor P1C-162
- for a peer group P1C-161
- timers, adjusting P1C-163
- version, controlling P1C-152
- Version 4 P1C-145
- weight P1C-152
- bgp always-compare-med command P1C-164
- bgp client-to-client reflection command P1C-159
- bgp cluster-id command P1C-159
- bgp confederation identifier command P1C-155
- bgp confederation peers command P1C-155
- bgp dampening command P1C-165
- bgp default local-preference command P1C-163
- bgp fast-external-fallover command P1C-153
- Binary Synchronous Communications
- See Bisync
- Bisync
- active poll list, specifying BC-249
- address on a contention, specifying BC-249
- central router, specifying BC-249
- character set, specifying BC-249
- connection retries, specifying BC-249
- frame sequencing BC-244
- full-duplex mode, specifying BC-249
- local acknowledgment peers, configuring BC-250
- multidrop configuration
- description BC-241
- non-standard address, specifying BC-249
- overview BC-239
- passthru peers, configuring BC-250
- point-to-point operation
- description BC-240
- polling cycles, specifying BC-249
- poll timeout, specifying BC-249
- primary role, specifying BC-249
- secondary role, specifying BC-249
- traffic, encapsulating and routing BC-21, BC-239
- Bisync protocol options BC-249
- bit control, setting for FDDI FC-252
- Blacker Emergency Mode
- address translation WC-208
- configuration WC-205, WC-208
- (example) WC-222
- description WC-13
- entering WC-209
- leaving WC-209
- Blacker Front End
- See BFE
- Block Serial Tunneling
- boot bootldr command FC-186, FC-187
- boot buffersize command FC-113, FC-114
- boot command FC-204, FC-205
- boot config command FC-119, FC-186
- BOOT environment variable
- description FC-185
- boot field
- See configuration register boot field
- boot flash command FC-204
- boot host mop command FC-122
- boot host rcp command FC-122
- boot host tftp command FC-122
- boot images
- description FC-125
- See also images
- booting
- fault-tolerant strategy FC-153
- (example) FC-153
- Flash memory FC-149
- Flash load helper FC-169
- from a network server FC-151
- (example) FC-152
- over Frame Relay (example) WC-145
- over X.25 (example) WC-223
- information, displaying FC-179
- manually
- Flash memory (example) FC-204
- network file (example) FC-205
- ROM monitor FC-204
- process FC-180
- (figure) FC-182
- ROM FC-152
- startup configuration file FC-180
- stopping and entering ROM Monitor mode FC-203
- system image
- selecting FC-181
- BOOTLDR environment variable
- (example) FC-187
- description FC-186
- setting FC-187
- boot mop command FC-206
- boot network command FC-114, FC-121
- boot network mop command FC-121
- boot network rcp command FC-121
- boot network tftp command FC-121
- compared to RARP DC-404
- forwarding agent P1C-26
- requests
- configuring support for DC-144
- responding to DC-404
- server
- AutoInstall, configuring FC-63
- role in AutoInstall (figure) FC-56
- specifying extended requests for asynchronous interfaces FC-214
- service
- enabling FC-380
- boot register
- See configuration register boot field
- bootstrap images
- copying from rcp server to Flash memory
- (example) FC-141
- boot system command FC-152, FC-153, FC-186, FC-196
- boot system flash command FC-150, FC-153
- boot system flash slot0 command FC-150
- boot system flash slot1 command FC-150
- boot system mop command FC-152
- boot system rcp command FC-152
- boot system rom command FC-152, FC-153, FC-210
- boot system tftp command FC-152
- forward delay interval, adjusting BC-78
- intervals between, adjusting BC-78
- intervals between hello packets BC-78
- maximum idle interval, adjusting BC-78
- Break key
- ROM Monitor mode, entering FC-203
- system startup FC-14
- bridge acquire command BC-69
- bridge address command BC-71
- bridge bridge command BC-66
- bridge circuit-group pause command BC-80
- bridge circuit-group source-based command BC-80
- bridge cmf command BC-80
- bridge crb command BC-64, P2C-16, P2C-84, P3C-7, P3C-33
- DECnet P3C-33
- VINES P3C-13
- XNS P3C-106
- bridge domain command BC-69
- bridge forward-time command BC-78
- bridge group
- interfaces, assigning BC-54
- number, assigning BC-55
- transparent and SRT bridging, assigning BC-54
- bridge-group aging-time command BC-70
- bridge-group cbus-bridging command BC-68
- bridge-group circuit command BC-80
- bridge group command
- Dialer Profiles DC-548
- Legacy DDR DC-491, DC-519
- bridge-group command WC-40, WC-41, WC-68, WC-96, WC-128
- DDR BC-61
- LAPB WC-178
- network interface to a bridge group, assigning BC-55
- SMDS WC-164
- subinterface with virtual LAN, associating BC-58
- bridge-group input-lsap-list command BC-74
- bridge-group input-type-list command BC-74
- bridge-group lat-compression command BC-68
- bridge-group output-address-list command BC-72
- bridge-group output-lat-service-deny command BC-76
- bridge-group output-lat-service-permit command BC-76
- bridge-group output-lsap-list command BC-74
- bridge-group output-pattern command BC-74
- bridge-group output-type-list command BC-74
- bridge-group path-cost command BC-77
- bridge-group priority command BC-77
- bridge-group spanning-disabled command BC-79
- bridge-group virtual interface
- See BVI
- bridge hello-time command BC-78
- bridge irb command BC-65
- bridge lat-service-filtering command BC-76
- bridge max-age command BC-78
- bridge multicast-source command BC-70
- bridge priority
- electing for spanning tree BC-77
- bridge priority command BC-77
- bridge protocol command BC-54, BC-65, WC-40, WC-41, WC-68, WC-96
- DDR DC-470, DC-546
- LAPB WC-178
- bridge protocol data units
- See BPDUs
- bridge route command BC-66
- bridges
- root BC-77
- RSRB with direct encapsulation BC-158
- See also RSRB; SR/TLB; SRB; SRT
- bridge table
- description BC-70
- static and dynamic entries BC-70
- bridging
- access lists
- See access list, bridging
- (example) WC-51
- configuring WC-39
- fast-switched WC-40
- process-switched WC-40
- ATM port adapter
- (example) WC-74
- configuring WC-68
- between dissimilar media BC-6
- concurrent routing and bridging strategy BC-63
- multicast address, SMDS address mapping WC-161
- (example) WC-106
- configuring WC-96
- on Frame Relay BC-61
- on X.25 BC-63
- SMDS WC-164
- transit BC-2
- transparent
- See SR/TLB
- X.25, configuring WC-193
- bridging domain XC-31
- broadcast
- control XC-32
- domain XC-31
- Layer 2 XC-31
- management
- in VLANs XC-36
- broadcast-and-unknown server (BUS) XC-68
- broadcast networks
- configuring OSPF on P1C-108
- broadcast queue
- Frame Relay WC-131
- broadcast routing timer P3C-44
- broadcasts
- IGRP update frequency P1C-96
- IP
- and transparent bridging spanning-tree protocol P1C-27
- definition P1C-24
- directed P1C-25
- flooding P1C-25, P1C-27
- flooding (example) P1C-48
- solution to storms P1C-25
- types P1C-25
- forwarding P2C-130, P2C-133, P2C-143
- type 20 packets P2C-132, P2C-133
- Net/One P3C-104
- on asynchronous interfaces DC-405
- ARP messages WC-161
- enabling WC-162
- example WC-170
- IP networks WC-165
- pseudobroadcasting WC-166
- transparent bridging (example) BC-92
- forwarding P3C-20
- serverless networks P3C-13
- all-nets P3C-111, P3C-113
- directed P3C-111
- flooding P3C-111, P3C-112, P3C-113
- forwarding P3C-112
- local P3C-111
- active poll list, specifying BC-249
- address on a contention, specifying BC-249
- central router, specifying BC-249
- character set, specifying BC-249
- connection retries, specifying BC-249
- extended addressing
- non-standard address, specifying BC-249
- full-duplex mode, specifying BC-249
- polling cycles, specifying BC-249
- poll timeout, specifying BC-249
- primary role, specifying BC-249
- secondary role, specifying BC-249
- specifying primary and secondary roles FC-277
- bsc char-set command BC-249
- bsc contention command BC-249
- bsc dial-contention command BC-249
- bsc extended-address command BC-249
- bsc pause command BC-249
- bsc poll-timeout command BC-249
- bsc primary command BC-249
- bsc retries command BC-249
- bsc secondary command BC-249
- bsc servlim command BC-249
- overview BC-242
- asynchronous networks
- frame sequencing
- overview BC-244
- Bisync
- (examples) BC-250
- configuring BC-248
- bisync networks
- frame sequencing, overview BC-244
- BSTUN over Frame Relay
- bstun lisnsap command BC-245
- bstun route command BC-247, BC-248
- encapsulation bstun command BC-247
- encapsulation frame-relay command BC-246
- frame relay map bstun command BC-250
- frame-relay map bstun command BC-246
- frame-relay map llc2 command BC-250
- interface serial command BC-246, BC-247
- local acknowledgment
- (example) BC-262
- passthru, configuration example BC-263
- bstun route command BC-247
- Cisco's implementation BC-21, BC-238
- configuration (examples) BC-250
- configuration task list BC-245
- description BC-238
- DLCI mapping BC-246
- enabling BC-245
- features BC-21
- Frame Relay BC-226, BC-246
- frames
- specifying BC-247
- frame sequencing
- overview BC-244
- groups
- configuring BC-245
- serial interfaces
- assigning BC-247
- interfaces
- serial
- configuring BC-247
- local acknowledgment
- (example) BC-262
- monitoring BC-250
- overview BC-17
- passthru, configuration example BC-263
- protocols BC-245
- adplex BC-246
- adt-poll-select BC-246
- adt-vari-poll BC-246
- async-generic BC-246
- bsc BC-246
- bsc-local-ack BC-246
- configuring BC-245
- diebold BC-246
- mdi BC-246
- traffic priorities
- configuring BC-248
- customizing BC-248
- bstun group command BC-247
- bstun lisnsap command BC-245
- bstun peer-name command BC-245
- bstun protocol-group command BC-245
- bstun route command BC-247, BC-248
- buckets-of-history-kept command FC-348
- buffer-percent command BC-357
- buffers
- editor, pasting from FC-30
- size, controlling for SDLC BC-273
- system
- (examples) FC-367
- size, changing FC-366
- buffers command DC-213, FC-366
- buffers huge size command FC-366
- buffer size
- AIP WC-37
- ATM port adapter WC-67
- for loading font files DC-303
- bundle, Multichassis Multilink PPP DC-583
- busy-message command DC-272
- create BC-66
- definition of feature BC-4
- secondary IP address BC-66
- byte offset, use in access control BC-125
- cablelength command FC-279
- cable ranges
- expanding (example) DC-436
- See also AppleTalk, cable ranges
- calendar set command FC-389
- calendar system
- description FC-384
- network time source, configuring as FC-389
- setting manually FC-389
- setting system clock FC-390
- time, setting FC-389
- updating from NTP FC-387
- callback
- ARA DC-422
- chat script DC-652
- clients DC-652
- authentication DC-649
- chat script DC-652
- clients dialing into EXEC DC-649
- configuring DC-649
- delaying for modems needing a rest period DC-652
- PPP DC-139
- chat script DC-651
- clients DC-650 to DC-651
- callback forced-wait command DC-651, DC-652
- call-by-call support
- NSF DC-241
- call setup, SVC
- AIP WC-24
- ATM port adapter WC-58
- NPM WC-82
- call user data
- See CUD
- CAP P2C-34
- carrier protocol (tunneling) FC-325
- carrier wait time
- Dialer Profiles DC-542
- Legacy DDR DC-493, DC-521
- cas-group timeslots command DC-245
- cautions
- IP access lists P1C-59, P1C-61
- passwords
- encrypting (caution) SC-215
- TACACS+ (caution) SC-215
- EXEC password (caution) SC-118
- test commands FC-372
- testing interface status FC-373
- usage in text vii, P1C-xxiii
- Cayman encapsulation protocol FC-325
- CCL scripts
- using modified and unmodified together DC-437
- accessing viii, P1C-xxiv
- definition viii, P1C-xxiv
- cd command FC-174
- configuration task list FC-344
- dialer mappings, using with P1C-86
- disabling for routing device FC-345
- enabling on an interface FC-345
- monitoring and maintaining FC-345
- ODR routing information P1C-84
- ODR timers, relationship to P1C-85
- reconvergence of IP routes P1C-85
- timer P1C-85
- transmission timer and holdtime, setting FC-344
- updates P1C-85
- cdp enable command FC-345
- ODR information, disabling on an interface P1C-84
- cdp holdtime command FC-344
- cdp run command P1C-84, FC-345
- cdp timer command P1C-85, FC-344
- cell loss priority
- See CLP
- CELP P1C-231
- central directory server, blocking registration attempts BC-357
- central resource registration
- disabling BC-357
- feature defined BC-41
- central-resource-registration command BC-357
- central site, protocol translation DC-343
- clearing P1C-242
- enabling P1C-237, P1C-238
- proxy P1C-238
- Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
- See CHAP
- Channel-Associated Signaling
- feature description DC-244
- channel-associated signaling DC-234
- (examples) DC-252
- analog calls on Cisco AS5200 DC-244
- channel groups
- pri groups, on same controller DC-251
- Channel Interface Processor
- See CIP
- channelized E1
- channel-associated signaling, analog calls DC-244
- channel groups
- pri groups, same controller (example) DC-251
- serial interfaces DC-247
- testing DC-247
- troubleshooting interface loopbacks DC-248
- controller
- troubleshooting DC-247
- controller or interface problem, difference DC-245
- description DC-112
- configuring DC-236
- D channel number DC-236
- mixed channel uses DC-234
- pri groups and channel groups DC-251
- R2 signaling DC-244
- Channelized E1 Signaling for the Cisco AS5200
- feature description DC-244
- channelized T1
- channel groups
- pri groups, same controller (example) DC-251
- serial interfaces DC-247
- troubleshooting interface loopbacks DC-248
- controller
- troubleshooting DC-246
- controller or interface problem, difference DC-245
- description DC-112
- configuring DC-237
- D channel number DC-237
- local loopback and ping DC-246
- mixed channel uses DC-234
- pri groups and channel groups DC-251
- channelized T3
- configuring CT3IP FC-277
- See also T3
- Channelized T3 Interface Processor FC-277, FC-282, FC-311
- enhancements FC-277
- See also T3
- channel-protocol command BC-415, BC-416
- channel service unit/digital service unit
- authentication SC-40 to SC-43
- challenge DC-334, DC-385
- common password SC-43
- delay authentication SC-44
- description DC-334, SC-40
- enable authentication SC-42
- enabling DC-334
- encrypted password (examples) DC-399
- PAP, authentication order DC-386
- refuse authentication requests SC-43
- response DC-385
- character data bits, changing DC-208
- character mapping, TN3270
- example DC-299
- tasks DC-297
- chat-script command DC-146, DC-478
- chat scripts
- specifying for interface DC-478
- description DC-477
- for asynchronous lines, configuring DC-145
- modem dialing DC-480
- naming conventions DC-146
- specifying for a line DC-145
- system login DC-480
- writing and implementing (examples) DC-479
- checksums
- AppleTalk P2C-42
- system image files, verifying FC-145
- aggregate routes, configuring P1C-153
- benefit P1C-153
- description P1C-145
- 3172 offload function BC-410
- access list, defining BC-415, BC-417
- assign IP address BC-414, BC-416
- autonomous switching BC-415, BC-417
- bridging for internal LAN interface, configuring BC-418, BC-444
- channel interfaces, showing BC-413
- CLAW BC-410
- configuration (example) BC-446
- device_address argument, defining BC-421
- device parameters, defining BC-414
- parameters, defining BC-414
- CLAW path, defining BC-419
- configuration overview BC-441
- configuration tasks BC-442
- configuring CMPC transmission group BC-443
- configuring internal LAN BC-444
- configuring read/write subchannels BC-443
- configuring TN3270 server DLUR (example) BC-464
- configuring VTAM for two CIP cards (example) BC-458
- configuring VTAM local SNA major node BC-443
- configuring VTAM to APPN (example) BC-455
- configuring VTAM to APPN on remote router with DLUR (example) BC-461
- configuring VTAM to remote PC (example) BC-453
- configuring VTAM TRL major node BC-442
- defined BC-440
- requirements to operate BC-440
- VTAM local SNA major node, configuring BC-443
- VTAM TRL major node, configuring BC-442
- configuration examples BC-445
- configuration tasks BC-414, BC-415
- channel information, configuring BC-417
- configuration (example) BC-447
- feature support BC-410
- LAN support using MAC adapters BC-411
- ESCON Channel Adapter (ECA) BC-409
- ESCON director switch BC-419
- Flash memory, using BC-412
- host system
- configuration files BC-414, BC-416
- derived IODEVICE ADDRESS (example) BC-422
- DEVICE statement BC-421
- IOCP control unit statements BC-420
- LINK statement BC-421
- TCP/IP configuration file BC-421
- UNITADD parameter BC-421
- host TCP/IP application BC-419
- operating system file parameters BC-419
- IGRP, configuring BC-414, BC-416
- interface, clearing and resetting BC-424
- interfaces
- configuring BC-414, BC-416
- shutting down and restarting BC-424
- internal LAN interface, configuring BC-417, BC-418, BC-444
- TN3270 BC-435
- IP
- address, assigning BC-414, BC-416
- route cache, disabling BC-415, BC-417
- IP address, assigning BC-414
- IP address and network mask (example) BC-446
- LLC2 for the internal LAN interface, configuring BC-418, BC-445
- loading the Flash image BC-413
- loopback support BC-425
- memory requirements BC-412
- monitor interface status BC-423
- name for the internal LAN interface, configuring BC-418, BC-445
- number of supported connections BC-410
- offload configuration (example) BC-446
- offload support BC-410
- routing process, configuring BC-416
- Parallel Channel Adapter (PCA) BC-409
- PCA data transfer rate, defining BC-415
- routing process for CLAW support, configuring BC-414
- SNA support BC-48
- software, loading BC-413
- TCP/IP offload support BC-48
- TN3270 server BC-49
- APPN, configuring multiple hosts BC-435
- configuration (example) BC-450
- configuration modes BC-432 to BC-434
- configuration tasks BC-435
- DLUR, configuring BC-438
- dynamic LU under VTAM BC-428
- emulating a terminal BC-425
- host values for VTAM BC-428
- LU formation BC-426
- LU names in the server BC-427
- LUs under DLUR BC-427
- model type definitions BC-426
- monitoring BC-439
- non-APPN hosts, configuring BC-435
- PU, configuring BC-437
- PU under DLUR, configuring BC-438
- service access point under DLUR, configuring BC-438
- SNA support, configuring BC-436
- TN3270E clients BC-426
- VTAM, multiple host support BC-427
- VTAM release 3.4 BC-428
- VTAM and XCA support BC-410
- CIP Systems Network Architecture (CSNA) BC-48
- See also CIP, CSNA
- IPXCP and IPXWAN, using DC-413
- Cisco 1000 series LAN Extender
- description FC-255
- See also LAN Extender
- Cisco 2500 series routers
- low-speed serial interfaces FC-305
- Cisco 2520-2523 routers
- synchronous or asynchronous, setting DC-141
- Cisco 2520 to Cisco 2523 routers
- synchronous or asynchronous, setting FC-310
- Cisco 2524
- fractional T1/T1 service modules FC-299
- Cisco 2525
- fractional T1/T1 service modules FC-299
- Cisco 3000
- as protocol translator (figure) DC-341
- Flash upgrade features FC-173
- Cisco 3600 series
- software disaster recovery FC-154
- Cisco 4000
- Flash upgrade features FC-173
- Cisco 4500
- See NPM
- Cisco 4700
- See NPM
- Cisco 7200 series
- ATM port adapter
- See ATM port adapter
- Cisco 7500 series
- See AIP
- ATM port adapter
- See ATM port adapter
- Cisco AS5200
- channel-associated signaling DC-234
- channelized E1/T1, channel uses DC-234
- robbed bit signaling DC-234
- Cisco Catalyst switches
- in VLANs XC-34
- Cisco Connection Online
- See CCO
- Cisco Discovery Protocol
- See CDP
- Cisco Group Management Protocol
- See CGMP
- Cisco IOS Internationalization
- configuring FC-51
- description FC-51
- SSIs FC-47
- Cisco LightStream 100 ATM switch XC-75
- LANE ATM address prefix XC-71
- configuring XC-74
- LANE configuration server's ATM address on the LightStream 100 switch XC-73
- software version, TR-LANE XC-70
- Cisco LightStream 1010 ATM switch XC-75
- LANE configuration server's ATM address on the LightStream 1010 switch XC-73
- software version, TR-LANE XC-70
- Cisco MultiPath Channel
- Cisco Web browser
- 8-bit character set FC-51
- commands, issuing FC-46
- customizing FC-47 to FC-51
- enabling FC-42, FC-50
- requirements FC-43
- security FC-43
- using FC-44
- class command WC-122
- class D IP addresses P1C-206
- classless interdomain routing
- See CIDR
- class of service (COS) BC-169
- class-of-service command BC-371
- CLAW BC-410
- claw command BC-414
- device_address argument, defining BC-421
- clear access-list counters command P1C-70
- clear access-template command SC-142
- clear appletalk arp command P2C-54
- clear appletalk neighbor command P2C-54
- clear appletalk route command P2C-54
- clear appletalk traffic command P2C-54
- clear arp-cache command P1C-38
- clear bridge command BC-81
- clear bridge multicast command BC-81
- clear cdp counters command FC-345
- clear cdp table command FC-345
- clear clns cache command P3C-82
- clear clns neighbors command P3C-82, P3C-83
- clear clns route command P3C-83
- clear controller lex command FC-264
- clear counters command BC-424, FC-237
- clear decnet counters command P3C-45
- clear dialer command DC-497, DC-525, DC-548, DC-668
- clear dlsw circuit command BC-198
- clear dlsw reachability command BC-198
- clear dlsw statistics command BC-198
- clear frame-relay-inarp command WC-137
- clear host command P1C-38
- clear hub command FC-236
- clear hub counters command FC-236
- clear interface command BC-424, FC-237
- clear interface tokenring command FC-266
- clear interface virtual-access command DC-335, DC-580
- clear ip accounting command P1C-70
- clear ip bgp command P1C-149, P1C-167
- clear ip bgp dampening command P1C-166
- clear ip bgp flap-statistics command P1C-166
- clear ip bgp peer-group command P1C-167
- clear ip cgmp command P1C-242
- clear ip drp command P1C-70
- clear ip eigrp neighbors command P1C-134
- clear ip flow stats command XC-26
- clear ip igmp group command P1C-242
- clear ip mroute command P1C-242
- clear ip nat translation command P1C-38, DC-704
- clear ip nhrp command P1C-40, P2C-151
- clear ip pim auto-rp command P1C-242
- clear ip route command P1C-38, P1C-187
- clear ip rtp header-compression command P1C-242
- clear ip sdr command P1C-242
- clear ipx accounting command P2C-152
- clear ipx cache command P2C-149
- clear ipx nlsp neighbors command P2C-151
- clear ipx route command P2C-149
- clear line command DC-145, FC-237
- clear logging command FC-374
- clear modem at-mode command DC-202
- clear ncia circuit command BC-404
- clear ncia client command BC-404
- clear ncia client registered command BC-404
- clear netbios-cache command BC-136
- clear rif-cache command BC-136
- clear smrp mcache command P2C-54
- clear snapshot quiet-time command DC-668
- clear source-bridge command BC-136
- clear sse command BC-81, BC-136
- clear tarp counters command P3C-88
- clear tarp ldb-table command P3C-88
- clear tarp tid-table command P3C-88
- clear tcp statistics command P1C-70
- clear vines cache command P3C-21
- clear vines ipc command P3C-21
- clear vines neighbor command P3C-21
- clear vines route command P3C-21
- clear vines traffic command P3C-21
- clear vlan statistics command BC-81
- clear x25 command WC-210
- clear xot command WC-210
- ClickStart
- description FC-73
- client-atm-address name command XC-80
- client command BC-439
- client router
- TFTP service, configuring FC-210
- (example) FC-210
- client server, X Window System DC-301
- CLNP ISO documentation P3C-4
- clns access-group command P3C-75
- clns adjacency-filter command P3C-75
- CLNS and DECnet Fast Switching Support over PPP
- feature description P3C-79, DC-383
- clns checksum command P3C-80
- clns cluster-alias command P3C-78
- clns configuration-time command P3C-78
- clns congestion-threshold command P3C-81
- clns dec-compatible command P3C-79
- clns enable command P3C-71
- clns erpdu-interval command P3C-81
- clns esct-time command P3C-78
- clns es-neighbor command P3C-73
- clns filter-expr command P3C-74
- clns filter-set command P3C-74
- ISO CLNS over DDR DC-474
- clns holding-time command P3C-78
- clns host command P3C-73
- clns is-neighbor command P3C-73
- clns mtu command P3C-80
- clns net command P3C-71
- clns packet-lifetime command P3C-82
- clns rdpdu-interval command P3C-82
- clns route-cache command P3C-81, XC-15
- clns route command P3C-71, P3C-72
- clns route default command P3C-72
- clns router isis command P3C-65
- clns router iso-igrp command P3C-62
- clns routing command P3C-71
- clns security pass-through command P3C-79
- clns send-erpdu command P3C-81
- clns send-rdpdu command P3C-82
- clns split-horizon command P3C-64
- clns template-alias command P3C-74
- clns want-erpdu command P3C-82
- clock
- enabling internal DC-226, FC-292
- rate, configuring on serial interface DC-227
- signal, inverting DC-226, FC-293
- See also system clock
- clock, transmit
- AIP WC-37
- ATM port adapter WC-68
- NPM WC-95
- clock calendar-valid command FC-389
- clock rate command BC-284, DC-227, FC-60, FC-61
- clock read-calendar command FC-390
- clock set command FC-389
- clock source
- service modules, 2- and 4-wire CSU/DSU FC-303
- clock source command DC-228, DC-245, FC-279, FC-295
- clock summer-time command FC-388
- clock ticks
- IPX P2C-136
- clock timezone command FC-388
- clock update-calendar command FC-390
- cloning
- virtual template interfaces DC-579, DC-594, DC-610
- AIP WC-28
- NPM WC-87
- cluster aliases
- DECnet P3C-78
- address map
- example WC-218
- configuration
- task list WC-204
- X.25 route WC-205
- enabling WC-204
- LLC2
- statistics WC-210
- support WC-204
- local X.25 routing on nonserial media WC-13, WC-204
- over a public data network (example) WC-218
- traffic statistics WC-210
- virtual circuits WC-210
- cmns enable command WC-204
- CMT FC-247
- FDDI process FC-247
- microcode, disabling FC-252
- cmt connect command FC-252
- cmt disconnect command FC-252
- cold restart
- See HSA
- color
- See VLAN
- Columbia AppleTalk Package
- See CAP
- Combinet
- Combinet Packet Protocol (CPP) DC-262
- Combinet Proprietary Protocol (CPP) DC-239
- protocols supported DC-239, DC-262
- command aliases
- creating FC-380
- command control language scripts DC-437
- command history
- buffer size FC-27
- commands, recalling FC-28
- description FC-27
- disabling FC-28
- command line interface
- understanding FC-4
- command modes
- accessing FC-9
- configuration modes FC-15 to FC-20
- access-list configuration FC-16, FC-20
- APPN configuration FC-20
- controller FC-17
- crypto map FC-17, FC-21
- DLUR FC-22
- hex input FC-17, FC-21
- hub FC-17
- interface channel FC-21
- internal adapter FC-21
- internal LAN FC-21
- IPX routing FC-18
- LANE database FC-22
- map-class FC-19
- map-list FC-19
- PU FC-22
- response time reporter FC-19
- route map FC-19
- summary (table) FC-20
- TN3270 server FC-20, FC-22
- global configuration FC-12, FC-105
- interface configuration FC-13
- privileged EXEC FC-11
- ROM monitor FC-14 to FC-15
- router configuration FC-20
- subinterface configuration FC-13 to FC-14
- summary (table) FC-15
- user EXEC FC-10 to FC-11
- commands
- abbreviating FC-28
- aliases, creating FC-380
- completion help FC-30
- mapping old to new (table) FC-103, FC-123, FC-161
- command syntax
- document conventions vii, P1C-xxiii
- command syntax help
- See context-sensitive help
- comments
- adding to configuration files FC-106
- Common Link Access for Workstations
- communication parameters, terminal DC-207
- COMMUNITIES attribute P1C-154
- community list, creating P1C-154
- community path attribute P1C-154
- community string
- defining FC-340
- complete command BC-359
- complete sequence number PDU
- IS-IS for CLNS, configuring P3C-69
- See also CSNP
- Compressed Encoding for Linear Prediction (CELP) P1C-231
- compression
- configuring for LAT BC-68
- distributed FC-290
- Frame Relay WC-133
- payload WC-132
- hardware FC-290
- HDLC DC-225, FC-291
- LAPB WC-175
- PPP FC-290
- predictor (example) DC-222
- software FC-290
- Stacker
- and Multilink PPP DC-222
- example DC-222
- TCP/IP header WC-133
- X.25
- payload WC-194
- TCP/IP header WC-192
- compress predictor command WC-175
- compression over PPP DC-387
- compress stac command DC-225, DC-388, FC-291
- concurrent routing and bridging
- Apollo Domain P3C-7
- DECnet P3C-33
- VINES P3C-13
- XNS P3C-106
- See also CRB
- concurrent routing and bridging (CRB) P2C-16
- concurrent routing and bridging, enabling BC-63
- conditional default origination
- IS-IS P1C-141
- (example) P1C-125, P1C-201
- description P1C-111
- condition signaling
- BECN WC-145
- Router ForeSight WC-145
- CONFIG_FILE environment variable
- configuration file, viewing FC-187
- description FC-119, FC-186
- specifying FC-119
- ConfigMaker
- description FC-73
- config-register command FC-150, FC-152, FC-153, FC-184, FC-196
- from network server FC-210
- loading from network server FC-152
- configuration commands
- clearing FC-117
- entering from the terminal FC-106
- loading from the network FC-114
- source, selecting FC-106
- configuration files
- (example) FC-391
- clearing FC-117
- compressing FC-112
- CONFIG_FILE environment variable FC-119
- copying
- between Flash memory devices FC-115
- (example) FC-116
- from a network server FC-109, FC-116
- from an rcp server (examples) FC-111, FC-112
- from a TFTP server FC-110
- from Flash memory FC-115
- from rcp server FC-110
- to a network server FC-107
- to an rcp server FC-108, FC-111, FC-120
- to a TFTP server FC-107
- to a TFTP server (example) FC-107
- displaying
- active FC-104
- CONFIG_FILE environment variable FC-104, FC-179
- information FC-104
- NVRAM FC-104, FC-179
- downloading FC-120
- (example) FC-122
- host configuration files FC-122
- network configuration files FC-121
- erasing FC-118
- failing to load FC-121
- host
- See host configuration file
- larger than NVRAM FC-112
- loading FC-5
- loading from the network FC-114
- location FC-105
- modifying FC-105 to FC-107
- network
- See network configuration file
- running FC-108
- See running configuration
- servers
- loading FC-5
- storing FC-5
- startup
- specifying FC-119
- See also startup configuration
- storing in Flash memory FC-113
- types FC-105
- understanding FC-105
- configuration mode
- lines versus interfaces DC-110, DC-117
- configuration modes
- (table) FC-20
- entering FC-105
- (example) FC-106
- See also command modes
- configuration register
- ROM monitor mode FC-180
- setup command facility FC-66
- streamlined setup facility FC-71
- See also configuration register boot field
- configuration register boot field FC-183
- bits FC-183
- how routing device uses FC-183
- listing value FC-184
- modification tasks FC-184
- (example) FC-184
- configuration synchronization
- See HSA
- configure memory command FC-117
- configure terminal command FC-12, FC-106
- congestion threshold
- DECnet P3C-44
- connect-at-startup command BC-365
- connect command DC-274
- Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP) ISO documentation P3C-4
- Connectionless Network Service
- connection management
- See CMT
- Connection-Mode Network Service
- See CMNS
- connections
- AppleTalk network through ARA DC-433
- diagnosing FC-372
- full duplex, refusing DC-273
- idle FC-391
- IPX dial-out DC-571
- host-initiated DC-279, DC-281
- setting up DC-285
- LLC2, supporting NetBEUI clients over PPP DC-411
- mobile remote node DC-321
- modem, closing DC-134
- PPP DC-410
- rlogin DC-274
- rotary group, configuring DC-150
- SLIP DC-410
- Telnet DC-274
- TN3270 DC-297
- viewing the status of TCP DC-275
- X.3 PAD DC-376
- XRemote DC-302, DC-305
- connection timer
- AIP WC-30
- ATM port adapter WC-62
- NPM WC-89
- constrained multicast flooding
- enabling BC-80
- multicast state information
- clearing BC-81
- displaying BC-81
- context-sensitive help
- (example) FC-24
- command syntax help FC-23
- syntax checking FC-26
- user-level commands FC-25
- word help FC-23
- continue command FC-206
- controller
- E1
- description DC-112
- controller configuration mode
- description FC-17
- entering FC-20
- controller e1 command DC-236, DC-245
- controller T1
- description DC-112
- controller t1 command DC-237
- controller t3 command FC-279
- copy bootflash rcp command FC-131
- copy bootflash tftp command FC-126
- copy command FC-119, FC-193, FC-194, FC-195
- copy file_id rcp command FC-131
- copy file_id tftp command FC-126
- copy flash command FC-119, FC-195
- copy flash lex command FC-264
- copy flash rcp command FC-131
- copy flash tftp command FC-126
- copy mop bootflash command FC-143
- copy mop command FC-119
- copy mop flash command FC-143, FC-170
- copy process
- output FC-135
- terminating FC-135
- copy rcp bootflash command FC-140, FC-145
- copy rcp command FC-117, FC-119, FC-195
- copy rcp file_id command FC-140
- copy rcp flash command FC-140, FC-145
- copy rcp running-config command FC-111
- copy rcp startup-config command FC-111
- copy running-config command FC-119
- copy running-config rcp command FC-109, FC-114
- copy running-config startup-config command FC-186
- copy running-config tftp command FC-62, FC-107, FC-114
- copy startup-config command FC-113, FC-119
- copy startup-config rcp command FC-109
- copy startup-config tftp command FC-107
- copy tftp bootflash command FC-136
- copy tftp command FC-117, FC-119, FC-195
- copy tftp file_id command FC-136, FC-159
- copy tftp flash command FC-136, FC-159, FC-170
- copy tftp lex command FC-264
- copy tftp running-config command FC-110
- copy tftp startup-config command FC-110
- copy verify command
- See verify command; verify flash command
- copy verify flash command
- See verify command; verify flash command
- copy xmodem flash command FC-154
- copy ymodem flash command FC-154
- COS, enabling to prioritize SNA traffic BC-169
- cost
- DECnet
- assigning to interfaces P3C-32
- interarea routing P3C-37
- intra-area routing P3C-36
- cost-control solutions
- BACP DC-635
- cost-per-byte command BC-363, BC-367
- cost-per-connect-time command BC-363, BC-367
- counters
- clearing interface FC-237
- DECnet
- clearing P3C-45
- cp-cp sessions-supported command BC-366
- CRB P2C-16
- IPX, enabling P2C-84
- 16-bit default DC-225
- 32-bit, enabling DC-225
- configuring DC-225
- CRC, enabling 32-bit FC-292
- crc4 command DC-228, FC-295
- crc command DC-225, FC-292
- CRS, function in LNM BC-120
- crypto
- See network data encryption
- crypto algorithm 40-bit-des command SC-178
- crypto algorithm des command SC-178
- crypto clear-latch command SC-183, SC-185
- crypto esa command SC-188
- crypto esa enable command SC-187
- crypto gen-signature-keys command SC-174
- crypto key-exchange command SC-176
- crypto key-exchange passive command SC-176
- crypto key-timeout command SC-189
- crypto map command FC-21, SC-180, SC-181
- crypto map configuration mode
- crypto map command FC-21
- description FC-17
- entering FC-21
- crypto pregen-dh-pairs command SC-189, SC-191
- crypto public-key command FC-21
- crypto zeroize command SC-183, SC-186, SC-188, SC-191
- CSC-R interface card FC-240
- See also CIP
- See also NLSP, CSNP
- CSNP interval
- IS-IS for CLNS, configuring P3C-69
- IS-IS for IP, configuring P1C-139
- Cisco 2524 FC-299
- Cisco 2525 FC-299
- Frame Relay connections WC-110
- loopback FC-238
- CSU loopback, latched
- AT&T specification DC-248
- Ctrl-Z command FC-12
- (example) WC-214
- default protocol on virtual circuit WC-186
- in X.25 Call Request packet WC-186
- cursor
- command line, moving FC-29
- custom queueing
- configuring FC-363
- default priority, assigning FC-363
- description FC-360
- custom-queue-list command FC-364
- custom queuing
- X.25 WC-197
- cyclic redundancy check
- See CRC
- cyclic redundancy check (CRC), configuring FC-292
- FDDI FC-247
- data, inverting FC-293
- data bits, changing character DC-208
- databits command DC-207
- data character bit mask DC-297
- data communications equipment
- See DCE
- data compression, negotiation between modems DC-128
- Data Encryption Service Adapter
- encryption, configuring SC-184
- Data Encryption Standard
- See DES
- Data Exchange Interface
- See DXI 3.2
- Datagram Delivery Protocol
- See AppleTalk, DDP
- See DDP
- datagrams
- priority queueing FC-359
- datagram transport
- LAPB WC-12
- X.25
- configuration task list WC-187
- description WC-12
- data link connection identifier
- See Frame Relay, DLCI
- data link controls
- configuring DSPU to use BC-309
- configuring SNA Service Point to use BC-319
- Data Link Switching
- See DLSw+
- data terminal equipment
- See DTE
- data terminal ready
- See DTR
- daylight savings time
- configuring FC-388
- D-bit, X.25 WC-197, WC-199
- DCE WC-114
- configuration (example) WC-147
- configuration (figure) WC-148
- DDN X.25 encapsulation WC-207
- Frame Relay WC-10
- Frame Relay devices WC-130
- serial interface DC-227
- use in LAPB WC-173
- X.25
- encapsulation WC-179, WC-198
- rules for initiating calls on WC-180
- virtual circuit range on WC-181
- dce-terminal-timing enable command DC-227, FC-294
- DDN X.25
- address conventions (figure) WC-206
- address conversion scheme WC-206
- configuration (example) WC-221
- enabling on WC-207
- encapsulation types WC-207
- IP address conventions (figure) WC-206
- mapping algorithm WC-205
- standard service WC-13, WC-205, WC-207
- type of service (TOS) field WC-207
- DDP P2C-2
- access lists
- associate with dialer group DC-475
- routed protocols, configuring DC-471
- AppleTalk P2C-52
- (example) P2C-75
- AppleTalk, configuring DC-473
- asynchronous
- chat scripts, creating DC-477
- chat scripts, specifying for line DC-478
- configuration examples DC-478 to DC-483
- line configuration requirements DC-477
- preparations DC-477 to DC-483
- bridging
- controlling access DC-471
- bridging and routing of protocols BC-59
- CDP packets P1C-86
- chat scripts
- configuring DC-145
- naming conventions DC-146
- decisions
- implementation DC-466
- topology DC-466
- DECnet
- configuring DC-474
- control packets DC-474
- Dialer Profiles
- virtual profiles, interoperation DC-592
- fast switching DC-522
- flowchart, decisions and preparations DC-466
- implementation
- DDR-dependent decisions DC-468
- DDR-independent decisions DC-467
- steps DC-466
- interesting packets
- calls dialed DC-490
- IP, configuring DC-471
- IPX P2C-118
- spoofing P2C-118
- watchdog packets P2C-118
- IPX, configuring DC-472
- configuration
- (example) DC-249
- ISO CLNS, configuring DC-474
- preparations
- bridging DC-470
- flowchart DC-466
- global DC-469
- interface-specific DC-469
- routing DC-471
- snapshot routing
- See snapshot routing
- spoofing P2C-118
- watchdog packets P2C-118
- transparent bridging
- access, controlling BC-60
- access by Ethernet type code (example) BC-96
- access by protocol (example) BC-96
- access by type codes BC-60, DC-471
- bridging protocol, defining BC-60
- interface configuration BC-61
- permit all bridge packets BC-60, DC-471
- preparing DC-470
- uninteresting packets
- when forwarded DC-490
- VINES, preparing DC-473
- XNS, configuring DC-475
- See also Dialer Profiles
- See also Legacy DDR
- DDS mode
- service modules, 2- and 4-wire CSU/DSU FC-304
- DE bit
- discard eligibility WC-136
- debug ? command FC-378
- debug aaa per-user command DC-601
- debug async command DC-145
- debug atm errors command WC-23, WC-57, WC-81
- debug commands
- description FC-378
- debug dialer command DC-220, DC-242, DC-262
- debugging
- an ARA server DC-432
- asynchronous interfaces DC-145
- system FC-378
- debug isdn events command DC-220, DC-242
- debug isdn q921 command DC-262
- debug isdn q931 command DC-262
- debug ppp bap command DC-640
- debug ppp command DC-145
- debug ppp multilink events command DC-640
- debug q921 command DC-220, DC-242
- debug q931 command DC-220, DC-242
- debug vtemplate command DC-601
- DECnet
- access lists
- adding filters to P3C-40
- configuring P3C-39
- creating P3C-39
- accounting
- configuring P3C-41
- database threshold P3C-42
- enabling P3C-41, P3C-42
- filters P3C-42
- maximum transit entries P3C-42
- address mapping P3C-35
- address translation P3C-34
- address translation, configuring P3C-48
- advertising Phase IV through OSI backbone P3C-35
- area P3C-30
- ATG, configuring P3C-34
- broadcast routing timers, adjusting P3C-44
- Cisco's implementation P3C-3
- cluster alias configuration P3C-78
- concurrent routing and bridging P3C-33
- configuration example XC-49
- congestion threshold, setting P3C-44
- connect initiate packets, filtering P3C-40
- conversion, Phase IV-to-Phase V P3C-35
- cost, assigning to interfaces P3C-32
- access lists DC-474
- configuring DC-474
- control packets, classifying for access DC-474
- DDR, configuring P3C-45
- designated routers, specifying P3C-37
- Dialer Profiles
- access lists DC-544
- configuring DC-544
- control packets, classifying for access DC-544
- enabling concurrent routing and bridging P3C-33
- encapsulation over Token Ring P3C-33
- equal cost path P3C-42, P3C-43
- extended access lists, configuring P3C-40
- fast switching
- disabling XC-15
- fast switching, disabling P3C-44
- filters P3C-41
- hello timers, adjusting P3C-44
- hop count, setting P3C-36, P3C-37
- hops, setting
- Level 1 routers P3C-36
- Level 2 routers P3C-37
- host name mapping P3C-35
- interarea routing P3C-32
- interfaces P3C-32
- Token Ring P3C-33
- intra-area routing P3C-32
- in VLANs XC-35
- IPX, configuration caveat P3C-30
- LANE support XC-69
- Level 1 routers, configuring P3C-36
- Level 2 routers, configuring P3C-37
- MAC addresses P3C-30
- media supported P3C-3
- MOP P3C-46
- multicast address
- mapping to functional address P3C-31
- SMDS address mapping WC-161
- name mapping P3C-35
- network, monitoring and maintaining P3C-45
- node P3C-30
- specifying P3C-32
- OSI backbone, propagating Phase IV areas through P3C-35
- over ISL encapsulation XC-40
- packet visits, configuring P3C-43
- parameters, Cisco's implementation P3C-3
- path selection, configuring P3C-43
- performance optimization P3C-42
- Phase IV areas through OSI backbone (example) P3C-50
- Phase IV congestion information, transmitting over Frame Relay WC-10
- Phase IV Prime
- allowing arbitrary MAC address P3C-31
- assigning cost to interface P3C-32
- Phase IV-to-Phase V conversion P3C-4, P3C-35
- Poor Man's Routing P3C-34
- route cost, setting
- Level 1 routers P3C-36
- Level 2 routers P3C-37
- routing
- disabling P3C-30
- enabling P3C-47
- concurrent routing and bridging P3C-33
- on interfaces P3C-32
- Frame Relay (example) WC-139
- over WANs P3C-45
- SMDS WC-163
- static P3C-38
- routing table size P3C-36
- SMDS, configuring WC-163
- split horizon P3C-45
- static discard routes, injecting P3C-35
- static routes P3C-39
- static routing, configuring P3C-38
- timers, adjusting P3C-44
- Token Ring, configuring on P3C-33
- TR-LANE support XC-69
- decnet access-group command P3C-40
- DECnet Accounting P3C-52
- feature description P3C-41
- decnet accounting command P3C-41, P3C-42
- decnet accounting list command P3C-42
- decnet accounting threshold command P3C-42
- decnet accounting transits command P3C-42
- decnet advertise command P3C-36
- decnet area-max-cost command P3C-37
- decnet area-max-hops command P3C-37
- decnet congestion-threshold command P3C-44
- decnet conversion command P3C-35
- decnet cost command XC-41
- decnet encapsulation command P3C-33
- decnet hello-timer command P3C-44
- decnet host command P3C-35
- decnet in-routing-filter command P3C-41
- decnet map command P3C-34
- decnet max-cost command P3C-37
- decnet max-hops command P3C-37
- decnet max-paths command P3C-43
- decnet max-visits command P3C-43
- decnet node-type command P3C-33
- decnet out-routing-filter command P3C-41
- decnet path-split-mode interim command P3C-43
- decnet path-split-mode normal command P3C-43
- decnet propagate command P3C-39
- decnet route-cache command P3C-44, XC-15
- decnet route command P3C-38
- decnet router-priority command P3C-37
- decnet routing command P3C-30, XC-40
- DECnet Routing over ISL in Virtual LANs
- configuring DECnet XC-40
- subinterface XC-41
- enabling DECnet routing XC-40
- feature description P3C-45
- VLAN encapsulation format XC-40
- decnet split-horizon command P3C-45
- dedicated dial-in routing device, configuration example DC-158
- dedicated line, ARA
- configuration example DC-436
- dedicated mode
- configuration example DC-154
- configuring async interface DC-143
- or interactive mode, specifying DC-143
- default asynchronous addresses, assigning DC-142
- default form of a command
- using FC-23
- default-information command P1C-182
- default-information originate command
- IS-IS P1C-141
- OSPF P1C-111
- default-metric command
- BGP P1C-152
- BGP, OSPF, RIP P1C-181
- IP Enhanced IGRP, IGRP P1C-182
- default-name command XC-77, XC-78
- default networks
- specifying P1C-179
- default routes
- IP
- determining gateway of last resort P1C-179
- specifying P1C-179
- IS-IS for IP, generating P1C-141
- OSPF, generating P1C-111
- specifying P2C-146
- understanding P2C-80
- Defense Communications Agency (DCA)
- Blacker Interface Control document WC-207
- certification WC-13
- Defense Data Network
- See DDN X.25
- delay
- setting on interface FC-228
- delay command FC-228
- delete command FC-118, FC-176
- denial-of-service attacks
- preventing SC-145, SC-157
- deny command P1C-61
- Department of Defense Intelligence Information System Network Security for Information Exchange
- See network data encryption
- description command FC-227
- designated routers
- DECnet, specifying P3C-37
- IS-IS, specifying election P3C-70
- IS-IS for IP, specifying election P1C-140
- desired-max-send-btu-size command BC-361
- destination
- X.25, selecting WC-200
- destination addresses, administrative filtering BC-128
- destination routing table
- ISO CLNS, displaying P3C-83
- deterministic load distribution BC-2, BC-79
- DH
- See network data encryption
- and BOOTP packets P1C-26
- client proxy, enabling DC-327
- configuring (examples) DC-153
- IP address pooling
- global default mechanism, specifying DC-391
- specifying address pooling DC-327
- diagnostic information
- controller FC-231
- interface processor FC-231
- port adapters FC-231
- dial
- analog modem calls DC-104
- async character stream calls DC-104
- dial-in and dial-out scenarios DC-6
- digital calls DC-103
- for enterprises DC-3, DC-58
- for service providers DC-3, DC-13
- dial backup
- Dialer Profiles DC-559 to DC-561
- dialer interface, configuring DC-559
- interfaces, use backup DC-560
- ISDN BRI example DC-560
- physical interface, function as backup DC-560
- dialing DC-556
- Frame Relay DLCIs WC-129
- ISDN channels DC-556
- load threshold exceeded (examples) DC-557
- load threshold reached (examples) DC-557
- primary line down (examples) DC-556
- serial interfaces DC-553 to DC-557
- dialer
- idle timer DC-490
- dialer callback-secure command DC-647
- dialer callback-server command DC-647
- dialer caller command
- ISDN caller ID callback, dialer rotary configured DC-658
- dialer dtr command DC-488
- dialer enable-timeout command DC-493, DC-521
- ISDN caller ID callback DC-657
- on callback side DC-658
- PPP callback server DC-646
- dialer fast-idle command DC-493, DC-521
- Dialer Profiles map class DC-542
- dialer-group command DC-216, DC-240, DC-492, DC-520, DC-542, DC-559
- Multilink PPP DC-397
- single BRI DC-396
- dialer hold queue
- dialers supported DC-494, DC-522
- function DC-494, DC-522
- number of packets allowed DC-494, DC-522
- rotary dialing group DC-494, DC-522
- dialer hold-queue command DC-494, DC-522
- PPP callback
- client DC-646
- server DC-646
- dialer idle-timeout command DC-257, DC-492, DC-520, DC-542
- Multilink PPP
- BRI DC-396, DC-397
- dialer idle timer
- conditions causing reset DC-490
- dialer in-band command
- DDR, enabling DC-488
- DDR enabled for Multilink PPP DC-395
- Multilink PPP, multiple BRI DC-397
- PPP callback
- client DC-646
- server DC-646
- dialer interface
- dial backup, Dialer Profiles DC-559
- dialer profiles, configuring DC-541
- logical entity DC-487, DC-513
- dialer isdn command DC-542
- dialer isdn short-hold command DC-257
- dialer-list command DC-216, DC-240
- access lists, dialer group DC-475
- dialer-list protocol bridge command BC-60, DC-471, DC-491, DC-547
- dialer profiles, and transparent bridging DC-547
- dialer-list protocol command DC-475, DC-542
- dialer-list protocol list command DC-475
- dialer load-threshold
- Multilink PPP
- BRIs in rotary group DC-397
- dialer load-threshold command DC-494, DC-522
- Multilink PPP DC-397
- async interface DC-395
- idle timers DC-396, DC-397
- single BRI DC-396
- dialer map bridge command BC-61
- dialer map-class DC-539
- dialer map command DC-489
- dialer map modem-script system-script command DC-490, DC-514, DC-518, DC-519
- dialer map name command DC-517
- PPP callback
- client DC-646
- server DC-646
- dialer map name spc command DC-216, DC-240
- semipermanent connections DC-260
- dialer map name speed command DC-216, DC-240
- dialer mappings
- and CDP packets P1C-86
- dialer map snapshot command DC-667
- dialer pool
- Dialer Profiles
- assigning physical interfaces DC-543
- physical interfaces, as members DC-540
- priorities in DC-541
- dialer pool, Dialer Profiles
- backup interfaces DC-559
- dialer pool command DC-542, DC-559
- dialer pool-member command
- Dialer Profiles, and physical interface configuration DC-543
- dialer priority command DC-493, DC-521
- Dialer Profiles
- AppleTalk, configuring DC-543
- bridging and routing of protocols DC-546
- central site, multiple remote networks (example) DC-548
- configuration DC-539 to DC-550
- task list DC-541
- connections, monitoring DC-548
- DECnet
- configuring DC-544
- control packets DC-544
- dial backup DC-559 to DC-561
- dialer interface
- configuring DC-541
- description DC-539
- interesting packets DC-542
- remote destination and map class DC-542
- dialer map-class, description DC-539
- dialer pool
- assign physical interface DC-543
- brief description DC-540
- dialer interface and physical interfaces DC-540
- reserved channel DC-540
- elements DC-539
- idle time, map-class DC-542
- IP
- address, as node in remote network DC-540
- configuring DC-544
- IPX, configuring DC-545
- BRI backing up two leased lines (example) DC-550
- ISDN BRI backing up two leased lines (example) DC-560
- ISDN caller ID callback
- callback actions DC-657
- configuring DC-658
- map class
- configuration DC-542
- fast idle timer DC-542
- ISDN-specific requirement DC-542
- wait for carrier time DC-542
- why configure DC-542
- physical interface
- configuration settings required DC-540
- configuring DC-543
- priority in dialer pool DC-543
- remote sites with ISDN access only (example) DC-661
- reserved channels for dialing pool DC-543
- task list DC-541
- transparent bridging
- access by type codes DC-547
- bridging protocol, defining DC-546
- controlling access DC-546
- interface configuration DC-547
- validation of source addresses
- disable DC-468
- VINES, configuring DC-544
- XNS, configuring DC-545
- dialer remote-name command DC-542, DC-559
- dialer rotary
- Multilink PPP DC-396
- dialer rotary group
- (example) DC-533
- bandwidth on demand
- load threshold DC-522
- interfaces
- assigning DC-517
- priority DC-493, DC-521
- leader DC-487, DC-513
- dialer rotary-group command DC-395, DC-515, DC-517
- Multilink PPP DC-397
- snapshot routing DC-667
- dialer-string class command DC-542, DC-559
- dialer string command DC-489, DC-518
- dialer wait-for-carrier command
- ISDN caller ID callback DC-657
- dialer wait-for-carrier-time command DC-493, DC-521, DC-542
- Dialer Profiles map class DC-542
- dialin connections, testing DC-129
- dialing, automatic, configuring DC-131
- dialing, Legacy DDR, outgoing to a single site DC-489
- dialin modems, supporting DC-133, DC-136
- dialin ports, configuring DC-117
- dialout modems, supporting DC-133
- dialout scenarios DC-76
- dialup mode
- service modules, 2- and 4-wire CSU/DSU FC-304
- Diffie-Hellman
- See DH
- Digital Signature Standard
- See DSS
- dir command
- boot image FC-187
- Flash files FC-175
- microcode image FC-194
- RSP image FC-192
- slave RSP software image FC-195
- direct encapsulation, RSRB with BC-157
- direct memory access (DMA) buffering DC-139
- Director Response Protocol
- See DRP Server Agent
- direct Telnet sessions DC-128
- establishing with a modem DC-123
- simplifying DC-123
- disable command FC-11
- discard eligibility
- Frame Relay packets WC-136
- disconnect
- automatic DC-135
- Telnet sessions DC-124
- discovery mode
- interfaces
- dynamic P2C-13
- extended P2C-15
- nonextended P2C-15
- display server, X Window System DC-301
- distance bgp command P1C-163
- distance command P1C-184, P3C-77
- Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) FC-329
- See also IP multicast routing, DVMRP
- distributed compression FC-290
- DistributedDirector
- See DRP Server Agent
- distributed switching
- See switching
- distribute-list in command P1C-84, P1C-183, P2C-90, P2C-91
- distribute-list out command P1C-84, P1C-183, P2C-90
- distribute-sap-list out command P2C-91
- distributions-of-statistics-kept command FC-347
- multicast mechanism WC-10
- status mechanism WC-10
- DLCI mapping BC-246
- static address mapping WC-112, WC-127
- DLSw+
- APPN support BC-16
- Border Peer Caching BC-12
- border peers BC-11
- bridge groups BC-189
- capabilities exchange BC-197
- configuration
- (examples) BC-199 to BC-217
- task list BC-187
- tuning BC-196 to BC-198
- configuring BC-187 to BC-217
- disabling BC-199
- DLSw+ Lite
- See LLC2
- supporting BC-16
- encapsulation BC-190, BC-191
- enhanced availability BC-15
- enhancements
- description BC-11 to BC-15
- enhanced availability
- (figure) BC-16
- description BC-15
- improved performance
- description BC-13
- improved scalability
- (example) BC-13
- description BC-11
- modes of operation
- description BC-11
- Ethernet
- interfaces, enabling BC-194
- Token Ring (example) BC-211
- explorer firewalls BC-12
- interfaces, enabling BC-194
- Token-Ring (example) BC-212
- feature list BC-10
- Frame Relay
- configuration (example) BC-215
- enabling BC-193
- LLC1 circuit support
- description BC-12
- supporting BC-16
- local peer, defining BC-398, BC-403
- modes of operation BC-11
- Multiple Bridge Groups
- description BC-13
- DDR, enabling BC-196
- NetBIOS Dial-on-Demand Routing
- description BC-12
- networks
- caches BC-197, BC-198
- circuits BC-198, BC-199
- monitoring and maintaining BC-198
- paths BC-198
- peers BC-197
- resources BC-197
- timers BC-196
- UDP unicast BC-198
- on-demand peers BC-12
- peer groups
- concept BC-11
- peers
- backup, configuring BC-191
- dynamic, configuring BC-192
- local BC-188, BC-199
- remote, direct encapsulation BC-190
- remote, FST encapsulation BC-191
- remote, TCP encapsulation BC-188, BC-191
- performance BC-13
- ports
- list BC-188
- configuration (example) BC-216
- enabling BC-195
- ring list BC-188
- scalability BC-11
- configuration, multidrop (example) BC-209
- interfaces, enabling BC-194
- multidrop
- configuration BC-271
- multidrop configuring BC-194
- station BC-194
- Token-Ring (example) BC-213
- SDLC station, establishing BC-271
- DDR, configuring BC-192
- SNA Service Point
- supporting BC-16
- SNA Type of Service
- feature description BC-14
- source-bridge ring group BC-188
- standard BC-8
- encapsulation,configuring BC-191
- LLC2, encapsulation (example) BC-199
- port numbers(table) BC-191
- Token Ring
- interfaces, enabling BC-194
- traffic
- explorer BC-197
- transport types
- description BC-13
- UDP Unicast Enhancement
- description BC-12
- DLSw+ Border Peer Caching
- feature description BC-12, BC-198
- DLSw+ MIB Enhancements
- feature description BC-10
- DLSw+ SNA Type of Service
- feature description BC-191
- dlsw bgroup-list command BC-189
- dlsw bridge-group command BC-194
- dlsw disable command BC-199
- dlsw duplicate-path-bias command BC-198
- dlsw group-cache disable command BC-198
- dlsw group-cache max-entries command BC-197
- dlsw icannotreach saps command BC-197
- dlsw icanreach command BC-197
- dlsw local-peer command BC-188, BC-396, BC-398, BC-403
- dlsw mac-addr command BC-198
- dlsw netbios-keepalive-filter command BC-196
- dlsw netbios-name command BC-198
- dlsw peer-on-demand-defaults command BC-197
- dlsw port-list command BC-189
- dlsw prom-peer defaults command BC-197
- dlsw remote-peer frame relay command BC-190
- dlsw remote-peer fst command BC-191
- dlsw remote-peer interface command BC-190
- dlsw remote-peer tcp command BC-191, BC-399
- dlsw ring-list command BC-188
- dlsw timer command BC-196, BC-197
- dlsw udp-disable command BC-198
- DLSw Version 2 Standard
- feature description BC-9
- dlur command BC-358
- DLUR configuration mode
- entering FC-22
- dlur-dspu-name command BC-367
- DLUR SAP configuration mode
- entering FC-22
- dlus command BC-358, BC-367
- DMA buffering
- memory DC-139
- definition SC-232
- configuring for ISO CLNS addresses P1C-15
- IP dynamic name lookup (example) P1C-42
- IP name server P1C-13
- ISO CLNS address discovery P3C-74
- OSPF lookup of DNS names P1C-112
- rcp and rsh, turning off FC-219
- remote host name and address authentication FC-219
- using to assign device names P1C-14
- audit trail facility SC-232
- DMDP SC-232
- enabling SC-233
- extended IPSO fields SC-231
- hosts to receive messages SC-233
- Network Audit Trail Protocol SC-232
- transmission parameters SC-233
- dnsix-dmdp retries command SC-233
- DNSIX Message Deliver Protocol
- See DMDP
- dnsix-nat authorized-redirection command SC-233
- dnsix-nat primary command SC-233
- dnsix-nat secondary command SC-233
- dnsix-nat source command SC-233
- dnsix-nat transmit-count command SC-233
- Domain
- See Apollo Domain
- domain
- bridging XC-31
- broadcast XC-31
- domain list, establishing IP (example) P1C-42
- Domain Name Service
- See DNS
- domain-password command P1C-142, P3C-66
- domains P3C-56
- OSPF P1C-183
- PIM P1C-217
- routing information, redistributing between P1C-180
- See also AppleTalk, interenterprise routing
- Double Authentication
- access user profile SC-38
- configuring SC-37
- operation SC-36
- downstream physical unit
- See DSPU
- downtime, setting for DDR line DC-493, DC-521
- downward-compatible-config command FC-381
- downward-compatible configuration
- generating FC-381
- down-when-looped command FC-238
- description FC-163
- reallocating FC-165
- (example) FC-167
- DRP P1C-57
- DRP Server Agent
- authenticate queries and responses P1C-58
- configuring P1C-57
- description P1C-57
- displaying information P1C-70
- enabling P1C-58
- key management P1C-58
- limit source of queries P1C-58
- statistics, clearing P1C-70
- DSP field
- NSAP address P3C-56
- activation RUs, defining BC-317
- configuration
- examples BC-323 to BC-329
- task list BC-305
- Token Ring, Ethernet, or FDDI BC-310
- data link controls BC-309
- default PU, defining BC-308
- definition of feature BC-29
- downstream PU
- default PU definition option, using BC-308
- explicit definition, using BC-306
- DSPU/RSRB interface, defining BC-311, BC-312
- DSPU virtual data link control interface, defining BC-313
- initiating connection over
- LLC2/Frame Relay BC-317
- QLLC BC-316
- RSRB BC-311
- Token Ring, Ethernet, or FDDI BC-310
- virtual data link control BC-313
- local service access point (SAP), enabling for
- LLC2/Frame Relay BC-316
- NCIA Server BC-317
- RSRB BC-311
- Token Ring, Ethernet, or FDDI BC-310
- virtual data link control BC-313
- LUs, defining
- dedicated LU routing BC-309
- dedicated LU routing (example) BC-323
- pooled LU routing BC-309
- pooled LU routing (example) BC-324
- range of LUs BC-309
- monitoring and maintaining BC-323
- configuration (example) BC-328
- server and SAP configuration BC-317
- over DLSw+ BC-16
- configuration (example) BC-325
- QLLC configuration BC-315
- configuration BC-310
- local acknowledgment, configuring BC-312
- SDLC configuration BC-314
- SNA perspective BC-30
- upstream hosts, defining BC-305
- virtual data link control configuration BC-312
- dspu activation-window command BC-317
- dspu default-pu command BC-308
- dspu enable-host command
- Frame Relay BC-316
- SDLC BC-314
- Token Ring or Ethernet BC-310
- dspu enable-pu command
- LLC2/Frame Relay BC-317
- QLLC BC-316
- Token Ring or Ethernet BC-310
- dspu host command
- Ethernet BC-305
- FDDI BC-305
- Frame Relay BC-306
- QLLC BC-306
- RSRB BC-305
- SDLC BC-306
- Token Ring BC-305
- virtual data link control BC-305, BC-401
- dspu lu command BC-309, BC-401
- dspu ncia command BC-317, BC-401
- dspu notification-level command BC-323
- dspu pool command BC-309
- dspu pu command
- Ethernet BC-306
- FDDI BC-306
- Frame Relay BC-307
- NCIA BC-306
- QLLC BC-307
- RSRB BC-306
- SDLC BC-307
- Token Ring BC-306
- virtual data link control BC-306, BC-401
- dspu rsrb command BC-311, BC-312
- dspu rsrb enable-host command BC-311
- dspu rsrb enable-pu command BC-311
- dspu rsrb start command BC-311
- dspu start command BC-315
- LLC2/Frame Relay BC-317
- QLLC BC-316
- Token Ring or Ethernet BC-310
- dspu vdlc command BC-313
- dspu vdlc enable-host command BC-313
- dspu vdlc enable-pu command BC-313, BC-317, BC-401
- dspu vdlc start command BC-313
- See network data encryption
- DDN X.25 encapsulation WC-207
- Frame Relay WC-10
- devices WC-130
- rules for initiating calls on X.25 WC-180
- use in LAPB WC-173
- virtual circuit range on X.25 WC-181
- X.25 encapsulation WC-179, WC-198
- dte-invert-txc command DC-227, FC-294
- signal pulsing FC-293
- DTR dialing DC-488
- configuration (example) DC-503
- outgoing calls only DC-488
- receiving calls from DC-489
- remote interface
- passive only DC-488, DC-489
- terminating calls DC-488, DC-489
- X.25 (example) DC-538
- X.25 encapsulation (example) DC-508, DC-538
- Dual Attach Stations
- See DAS
- dual Flash bank
- benefits FC-168
- configuring FC-167
- erasing boot Flash memory FC-175
- partitioning Flash memory FC-167, FC-168
- systems that support FC-168
- versus Flash load helper FC-168
- DVMRP FC-329
- See IP multicast routing, DVMRP
- DXI 3.2 WC-11, WC-165
- dxi map command FC-292, WC-17
- dxi pvc command WC-16
- dynamic addressing
- configuring on asynchronous interfaces (example) DC-157
- SMDS WC-162
- dynamic bandwidth allocation and call control
- See BACP
- dynamic command P1C-62
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- See DHCP
- dynamic random-access memory
- See DRAM
- dynamic rate queues
- (example) WC-50
- configuring WC-35
- (example) WC-105
- configuring WC-93
- dynamic routing
- See ISO CLNS, dynamic routing
- E.164 addresses, SMDS
- configuring WC-38
- transparent bridging WC-39
- NPM WC-95
- E1 PRI for the Cisco AS5200 DC-244
- Easy IP
- feature description DC-707
- Easy IP (Phase 1)
- business applications DC-9
- configuration examples
- async interface DC-713
- configuration tasks DC-710
- dialer interface, configuring DC-712
- LAN interface, configuring DC-711
- NAT for the dialer interface, defining DC-712
- NAT for the LAN interface, defining DC-711
- NAT pool, defining DC-711
- PPP/IPCP, enabling DC-712
- WAN interface, configuring DC-711
- description DC-9, DC-707
- dial strategy DC-9
- prerequisite tasks DC-710
- ECA BC-409
- E character
- copy output FC-209
- echo protocol
- ping command FC-372
- editing command FC-29, FC-33
- editor
- capitalization, controlling FC-32
- characters, transposing FC-32
- command completion FC-30
- cursor, moving FC-29
- display, scrolling down FC-32
- Emacs editor FC-28
- enhanced mode
- disabling FC-33
- enabling FC-29
- entries, deleting FC-31
- features FC-28 to FC-33
- keys and functions FC-29 to FC-33
- line, redisplaying FC-32
- line-wrap feature FC-31
- pasting from buffer FC-30
- Release 9.1 and earlier keys and functions (table) FC-33
- effective-capacity command BC-363, BC-367
- supported protocols P1C-3
- eigrp log-neighbor-adjacency-changes command P2C-150
- Emacs
- editor FC-28
- emulated LANs
- default XC-76
- restricted membership XC-76, XC-79
- database entries for all clients, configuring XC-79
- database entries for clients, adding XC-80
- example XC-93
- setting up database for XC-79
- unrestricted membership XC-76
- example XC-90
- setting up database for XC-77
- See also LANE, emulated LANs
- enable command FC-216
- encapsulation
- AppleTalk P2C-3, P2C-8, P2C-31, P2C-35
- AppleTalk Phase II
- in VLANs XC-35
- ATM-DXI FC-276
- automatic detection and dynamic setting DC-261
- BFE WC-208
- Cayman FC-325
- DDN X.25 WC-207
- DECnet on Token Rings P3C-33
- default, HDLC DC-224
- default serial WC-179
- EON FC-325
- Ethernet interface FC-244
- Frame Relay, split horizon for P1C-92, P1C-101
- GRE FC-325
- HDLC FC-276
- HSSI FC-274
- IEEE 802.10 XC-55
- IPX P2C-4, P2C-81 to P2C-94
- LAPB WC-174
- multiprotocol WC-175
- NOS FC-325
- Novell IPX
- configurable encapsulation XC-35
- of traffic in another protocol (tunneling) FC-326
- LAN Extender interface FC-257
- SMDS WC-159
- split horizon for P1C-92, P1C-101
- split horizon P1C-92, P1C-101
- synchronous serial FC-276
- synchronous serial interfaces DC-224
- V.120
- dynamically set DC-418
- VINES P3C-16
- formats supported XC-35
- X.25 WC-179
- XNS P3C-106
- encapsulation arpa command FC-245
- encapsulation atm-dxi command FC-274, FC-292, WC-16
- encapsulation bstun command BC-247
- encapsulation command BC-58
- encapsulation format
- 802.10 XC-39, XC-56
- defining XC-39, XC-42, XC-43, XC-44, XC-56
- IEEE 802.10 XC-55
- ISL XC-38, XC-39, XC-40, XC-42, XC-43, XC-44, XC-46
- Security Data Exchange (sde) XC-39, XC-56
- define XC-56
- encapsulation frame-relay command BC-246, WC-111, WC-125, WC-129
- AutoInstall FC-61
- DLSw+
- local acknowledgment BC-193
- passthrough BC-193
- encapsulation frame-relay IETF command BC-316
- encapsulation hdlc command DC-225, FC-291
- encapsulation isl command XC-40, XC-42, XC-44, XC-46, XC-47
- encapsulation lapb command DC-497, DC-525, WC-174, WC-175
- encapsulation lapb dce command WC-174
- encapsulation lapb dce multi command WC-174
- encapsulation lapb multi command WC-174, WC-175, WC-178
- encapsulation ppp command P2C-39, DC-384, DC-385, DC-387, DC-600, WC-42, WC-98
- configuring interfaces for PPP encapsulation DC-490, DC-519
- dialer profiles
- dialer interface configuration DC-542, DC-559, DC-560
- physical interface configuration DC-543
- LAN Extender interface, configuring FC-259
- Legacy DDR DC-516
- PPP callback client DC-646
- virtual template interface DC-599
- virtual template interfaces DC-580
- encapsulations
- AAL3/4, enabling WC-38
- AAL3/4, static mapping WC-38
- AAL3/4-SMDS WC-39
- AAL5-MUX WC-40
- ATM port adapter
- AAL5-MUX WC-68
- AAL3/4, enabling WC-95
- AAL3/4, static mapping WC-95
- AAL5-MUX WC-96
- encapsulation sap command FC-245
- encapsulation sde | isl command XC-39, XC-56
- encapsulation sdlc command BC-194, BC-270, BC-271, BC-314
- encapsulation sdlc-primary command BC-271
- encapsulation sdlc-secondary command BC-271
- encapsulation smds command WC-159, WC-164, WC-166, XC-13
- encapsulation snap command FC-245
- encapsulation stun command BC-222
- encapsulation x25 bfe command WC-208
- encapsulation x25 command BC-195, DC-496, DC-524, WC-179
- encapsulation x25 dce ddn command WC-207
- encapsulation x25 ddn command WC-207
- Encrypted Kerberized Telnet
- establishing sessions SC-102
- encryption
- See network data encryption
- end command FC-12
- end station identifier
- See ESI
- end system
- See ES
- Enhanced IGRP
- AppleTalk, configuring P2C-44
- IPX, configuring P2C-84
- NLSP route redistribution P2C-89, P2C-113
- (example) P2C-158
- See also AppleTalk, Enhanced IGRP; IP Enhanced IGRP
- Enhanced IGRP Route Authentication
- configuring P1C-132
- Enhanced Local Management Interface
- overview WC-121
- Entity MIB
- description FC-339
- environmental conditions
- displaying FC-370
- environmental monitor
- automatic shutdown message FC-371
- environment variables
- BOOT FC-185
- (example) FC-187
- setting FC-187
- Cisco's implementation FC-185
- controlling FC-186
- viewing FC-187
- EON FC-325
- description FC-163
- erase bootflash command FC-175
- erase command FC-118, FC-176
- erase startup-config command FC-118
- configuring P3C-81
- disabling P3C-81
- interval, determining P3C-81
- error messages
- categories FC-376
- IP address for syslog server FC-378
- levels FC-376
- logging keywords
- (table) FC-376
- severity levels FC-375
- TFTP FC-209
- See also message logging
- error protocol data unit
- ES
- communicating with another ES P3C-72
- listing, for NSAP-to-SNPA mapping P3C-73
- neighbors P3C-82
- escape character
- displaying FC-51
- escape-char none command FC-37
- ESCON Channel Adapter (ECA) BC-409
- ESCON director switch BC-419
- (example) WC-48
- addresses WC-26
- ATM port adapter
- (example) WC-73
- addresses WC-60
- (example) WC-104
- addresses WC-84
- ESI field and MAC address
- in LANE ATM address XC-71
- ES-IS P3C-72
- configuring P3C-77
- hello rate configuration P3C-77
- /etc/services file P2C-36
- Ethernet
- encapsulation (example) FC-269
- interfaces
- encapsulation FC-245
- loopback server, configuring FC-240
- simplex circuit, configuring P1C-57
- transparent bridging (example) BC-89
- ethernet-transit-oui command BC-55, BC-113
- Ethernet Type II frames, assigning the OUI for BC-55
- EtherTalk P2C-1, P2C-11
- examples
- document conventions vii, P1C-xxiii
- exception queues, length
- AIP WC-36
- exchange of identification
- See XID
- commands
- privileged level FC-11
- switching from privileged to user FC-11
- user level FC-10 to FC-11
- prompt
- returning to from setup FC-66
- startup
- delaying FC-390
- exec command DC-148
- EXEC process
- establishing and controlling DC-148
- turning on and off DC-148
- exec-timeout command DC-148, FC-35
- exit command BC-359, FC-12
- explorers
- all-routes BC-106
- fast-switching, disabling and enabling BC-134
- frame processing, optimizing BC-133
- proxy, configuring BC-134
- spanning-tree BC-106
- topology, configuring BC-107
- storms, minimizing BC-108
- extended access lists
- See access lists, IPX
- Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) DC-291, DC-297
- extended networks
- AppleTalk P2C-7
- using IP secondary addresses P1C-7
- Extended TACACS
- configuration
- task list SC-117
- configuring
- ARA authentication SC-122
- extended mode SC-121
- PPP authentication SC-121
- Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGPs), list P1C-3
- fair-queue command FC-361
- fair queueing
- effect of custom queueing on FC-361
- effect of priority queueing on FC-361
- enabling FC-359
- FastPath router
- AppleTalk P2C-35
- K-Star P2C-11
- Fast-Sequenced Transport
- See FST
- Fast-Switched Policy Routing
- enabling P1C-185
- fast switched policy routing P1C-186
- fast-switched SR/TLB, disabling BC-111, BC-113
- fast-switched TCP (FTCP) encapsulation BC-162
- fast-switched transparent bridging
- AIP WC-40
- SMDS WC-164
- fast switching
- AppleTalk P2C-44
- cache entries P2C-54
- SMDS WC-166
- DECnet
- disabling P3C-44
- description P2C-144, XC-5, XC-11
- disabling
- AppleTalk XC-14
- DECnet XC-15
- IP XC-12
- IPX XC-15
- XNS XC-15
- enabling
- IP XC-12
- enabling for directed broadcast packets
- IPX XC-13
- example configuration BC-154
- IP
- disabling DC-414
- enabling DC-414
- SMDS WC-166
- cache entries, deleting P2C-149
- cache entries, displaying P2C-149
- directed broadcast packets P2C-144
- disabling P2C-144
- over ATM P2C-117
- over Frame Relay P2C-117
- over SMDS P2C-117
- SMDS WC-166
- ISO CLNS P3C-81, XC-15
- L2F traffic DC-681
- Legacy DDR
- IP DC-495, DC-523
- IPX DC-495, DC-523
- Level 2 Forwarding traffic FC-230
- optimum XC-15
- RSRB BC-162
- same interface XC-13
- SMDS BC-62, WC-164, WC-166, XC-13
- AppleTalk XC-13
- IP XC-13
- IPX XC-13
- SRB BC-132
- deleting P3C-21
- disabling P3C-18
- displaying P3C-21
- disabling P3C-114
- See also switching
- fault management
- description FC-369
- fault-tolerant strategy
- booting with FC-153
- bandwidth, determining FC-250
- bit control, setting FC-252
- bridging configurations FC-249
- C-Min timer FC-251
- CMT microcode control FC-252
- description FC-246
- disconnecting FC-252
- duplicate address checking FC-251
- encapsulation mode compatibility FC-249
- frame contents FC-247
- full-duplex FC-250
- IPX encapsulation P2C-82
- ring scheduling FC-250
- SMT FC-252
- frame processing FC-251
- Version 7.3 FC-247
- SRB BC-105
- starting FC-252
- stopping FC-252
- TB-Min timer FC-251
- timeout timer FC-251
- transit bridging BC-2
- transmission time, controlling FC-251
- fddi burst-count command FC-253
- fddi c-min command FC-251
- fddi cmt-signal-bits command FC-252
- fddi duplicate-address-check command FC-251
- fddi encapsulate command FC-249
- fddi if-cmt command FC-252
- fddi smt-frames command FC-251
- FDDITalk P2C-1, P2C-54
- fddi tb-min command FC-251
- fddi tl-min-time command FC-251
- fddi token-rotation-time command FC-250
- fddi t-out command FC-251
- fddi valid-transmission-time command FC-250
- Fiber Distributed Data Interface
- See FDDI
- fiber-optic cable, FDDI designations for FC-252
- files
- deleting FC-176
- deleting permanently FC-177
- downloading
- output FC-134
- erasing FC-176
- (example) FC-118
- recovering deleted FC-177
- filter-for-history command FC-348
- filtering
- See access lists
- filters
- AppleTalk
- data packet P2C-21, P2C-23
- (example) P2C-59
- zones P2C-23
- GZL P2C-25, P2C-26
- partial zones P2C-26
- (example) P2C-63
- routing P2C-23
- routing table P2C-24
- routing table (example) P2C-60
- routing update filters P2C-24
- bridging
- administrative for transparent bridging BC-70
- LAT service announcements BC-75
- DECnet
- adding to access lists P3C-40
- IP
- on routing information P1C-182
- on sources of routing information P1C-183
- suppressing routes from being advertised P1C-183
- suppressing routes from being processed P1C-183
- suppress routing updates P1C-182
- See also access lists, IP
- IP Enhanced IGRP
- offsets for routing metrics P1C-89, P1C-97, P1C-131
- broadcast P2C-129, P2C-130
- generic P2C-127
- GNS P2C-128
- NetBIOS P2C-128, P2C-129
- overview P2C-120
- routing table P2C-127
- SAP P2C-128
- IPX Enhanced IGRP
- routes P2C-90
- route updates P2C-90
- SAP updates P2C-91
- ISO CLNS, creating P3C-74
- SAP P2C-113
- administrative BC-126
- destination addresses BC-128
- source addresses BC-128
- applying to interface P3C-15
- types P3C-14
- applying to interface P3C-109
- creating P3C-108, P3C-109
- types (table) P3C-107
- See also access lists, IP
- Finger protocol
- enabling FC-381
- firewalls
- creating SC-11
- features SC-11
- guidelines SC-13
- Flash load helper
- (example) FC-171
- booting after FC-172
- configuration task list FC-170
- description FC-168, FC-169
- downloading a file FC-170
- failures FC-172
- monitoring FC-172
- software upgrades FC-169
- versus dual Flash bank FC-168
- Flash memory
- automatically booting from
- (example) FC-153
- configuring FC-150
- booting from (example) FC-150
- buffer overflow message FC-133
- checksum, verifying FC-145
- (example) FC-145
- configuration files
- copying to (example) FC-117
- copying
- Flash contains named file (example) FC-138
- Flash is full (example) FC-136
- security jumper not installed (example) FC-138
- space considerations FC-133
- description FC-163
- ensuring available space before copying to FC-133
- formatting FC-173
- (example) FC-173
- HTML pages FC-49
- images
- copying from FC-126
- copying to FC-133
- verifying checksum FC-145
- information, displaying FC-162
- manually booting FC-204
- partitioning FC-167, FC-168
- rcp server, copying from FC-129
- security precautions FC-165
- storing configuration files FC-113
- storing HTML pages with SSIs FC-49
- tasks FC-164
- testing status FC-372
- TFTP server
- (example) FC-209
- client router (example) FC-210
- client router, configuring FC-210
- configuring FC-208, FC-209
- types FC-163
- upgrade features
- Cisco 3000 and Cisco 4000 FC-173
- write protection FC-165
- Flash memory cards
- See PCMCIA Flash memory cards
- Flash memory devices
- default
- (example) FC-174
- displaying FC-174
- setting FC-174
- files
- copying FC-115
- deleting FC-176
- (example) FC-176
- deleting permanently FC-177
- erasing FC-176
- listing FC-175
- (example) FC-175
- recovering deleted FC-177
- (example) FC-177
- naming conventions FC-164
- working device, displaying (example) FC-174
- flexible netmask display P1C-39
- floating static routes
- IPX P2C-136
- VINES P3C-19
- flooded broadcasts
- IPX P2C-143
- flow control
- RTS/CTS DC-121
- X.25, setting WC-182
- XOT values WC-202
- flowcontrol command DC-121
- fonts
- DECwindows DC-304
- nonresident, accessing using TFTP DC-304
- obtaining from specific host DC-304
- remote access to DC-302
- format command FC-173
- forward delay interval BC-78
- Forward Explicit Congestion Notification
- See Frame Relay, FECN
- fractional T1/T1service modules
- Cisco 2524 FC-299
- Cisco 2525 FC-299
- frame-copied errors, Token Ring BC-135
- framed mode DC-228, FC-295
- Frame Rejects (FRMRs), determining use of BC-272
- Frame Relay
- address mapping WC-111
- AppleTalk
- (example) WC-138
- AutoInstall over FC-53
- AutoInstall procedure FC-61
- backup interfaces WC-129
- booting from network server (example) WC-145
- boundary access node, configuring BC-331
- bridging WC-9
- configuration examples BC-94
- with multicasts BC-95
- with no multicasts BC-94
- broadcast queue WC-131
- priority condition WC-131
- transmission rates WC-132
- broadcasts WC-112, WC-127
- Cisco's implementation WC-9
- condition signaling WC-145
- configuration
- (examples) WC-137
- task list WC-110
- configuring transparent bridging over BC-61
- congestion information WC-10
- connections WC-137
- monitoring and maintaining WC-137
- customizing
- task list WC-123
- description WC-10
- DCE devices WC-130
- configuration (example) WC-147
- configuration (figure) WC-148
- configuring WC-130
- DCE switch WC-130
- configuration DC-524
- restrictions DC-523
- DE bit WC-136
- dial backup WC-129
- dial-up connections DC-495, DC-523
- discard eligibility (DE) bit WC-136
- multicast mechanism WC-10
- status mechanism WC-10
- DLCI priority levels WC-137
- prerequisites WC-136
- static address mapping WC-112, WC-127
- DLSw+
- encapsulation BC-193
- DTE devices WC-130
- DTE switch WC-10
- encapsulation
- between RSRB peers (example) BC-172
- configuring BC-246
- RFC 1490 BC-31
- SNA BC-31
- encapsulation types WC-111
- IETF (example) WC-138
- Enhanced Local Management Interface WC-121
- (examples) WC-144 to WC-145
- overview WC-121
- fast-path transparent bridging BC-61
- fast switching
- IPX P2C-117
- bit promotion WC-10
- hardware WC-110
- IETF encapsulation
- (examples) WC-138
- Inverse ARP WC-10, WC-111
- subinterfaces WC-126
- IP tunnel WC-10
- IP unnumbered
- (example) WC-141
- (examples) WC-140
- keepalives WC-114
- LAPF WC-118
- LAT-to-LAT protocol translation over DC-346
- Legacy DDR
- configuration overview DC-496
- interfaces supported DC-495
- restrictions DC-495
- DCE polling verification timer WC-115
- DTE error threshold WC-115
- DTE full status polling interval WC-115
- DTE monitored events counter WC-115
- explicit configurations WC-114
- keepalives WC-114
- NNI error threshold WC-115
- NNI monitored events counter WC-115
- NNI polling verification timer WC-115
- polling intervals WC-114 to WC-115
- specifications WC-9
- LMI autosense WC-113
- MIB extensions
- WC-109
- multicast mechanism WC-10
- multipoint subinterfaces
- DLCI associations WC-126
- DLCIs WC-126
- dynamic address resolution WC-126
- dynamic address resolution (example) WC-140
- interfaces WC-130
- See also Frame Relay, LMI
- packet discard eligibility WC-136
- payload compression WC-132
- point-to-point links (example) WC-141
- point-to-point tunnel (example) WC-151
- protocol addresses
- mapping DLCIs WC-112
- PVC switching
- (examples) WC-150
- routing protocols WC-9, WC-112
- software capabilities WC-9
- split horizon P1C-92, P1C-101
- configuring BC-333
- standards WC-9
- static address mapping
- (examples) WC-138
- static mapping
- routing protocols WC-127
- static routes
- PVC switching WC-130
- status mechanism WC-10
- configuring BC-226
- local acknowledgment
- (example) BC-236
- subinterfaces WC-11
- (examples) WC-139 to WC-142
- addressing WC-126
- configuration tasks WC-123
- overview WC-123
- partially meshed networks WC-124
- point-to-point addressing WC-126
- split horizon WC-124
- static address mapping WC-127
- transparent bridging WC-128
- SVCs
- configuration (examples) WC-142
- configuration task list WC-116
- group addresses WC-118
- interfaces WC-116
- map class WC-117
- overview WC-115
- platforms WC-115
- static address mapping WC-118
- subinterfaces WC-116
- SVCs and PVCs WC-10
- switching WC-10
- enabling WC-129
- examples WC-146 to WC-152
- hybrid PVC (figure) WC-150
- over IP tunnel (figure) WC-151
- TCP/IP header compression WC-133 to WC-135
- (examples) WC-153 to WC-155
- throughput WC-131
- traffic shaping FC-365, WC-10
- (example) FC-367, WC-143
- access lists WC-122
- customizing WC-123
- DLCIs WC-122
- queuing WC-122
- transparent bridging WC-128
- (example) WC-141
- frame-relay bc command WC-117
- frame-relay becn-response-enable command WC-117
- frame-relay be command WC-117
- frame-relay broadcast-queue command WC-132
- frame-relay class command WC-122
- frame-relay custom-queue-list command WC-117
- frame-relay de-group command WC-136
- frame-relay de-list command WC-136
- Frame Relay Enhancements
- configuration
- (examples) WC-152
- task table WC-133
- overview WC-132
- frame-relay idle-timer command WC-117
- frame-relay interface-dlci command FC-61, WC-126, WC-127
- backup interface
- subinterfaces WC-129
- frame-relay intf-type command WC-130
- frame-relay inverse-arp command WC-131
- frame-relay ip rtp header-compression command P1C-232
- frame-relay ip tcp header-compression command WC-135
- frame-relay lmi-n391dte command WC-115
- frame-relay lmi-n392dce command WC-114
- frame-relay lmi-n392dte command WC-115
- frame-relay lmi-n393dce command WC-114
- frame-relay lmi-n393dte command WC-115
- frame-relay lmi-t393dce command WC-115
- frame-relay lmi-type command WC-114
- frame-relay map bridge broadcast command BC-61
- frame-relay map bridge command WC-112, WC-127, WC-128
- frame relay map bstun command BC-250
- frame-relay map bstun command BC-246
- frame-relay map clns command WC-112, WC-127
- frame-relay map command WC-112, WC-127, WC-133
- frame-relay map dlsw command BC-193
- frame-relay map ip cisco tcp header-compression command WC-134
- frame-relay map ip command FC-61
- frame-relay map ip compress command P1C-232
- frame-relay map ip no compress command WC-135
- frame-relay map ip rtp header-compression command P1C-232
- frame-relay map llc2 command BC-193, BC-250, BC-316
- frame-relay map payload-compress command WC-132
- frame-relay map payload-compress frf9 stac command WC-133
- frame-relay map rsrb command BC-167
- Frame Relay MIB
- Cisco extensions WC-109
- frame-relay mincir command WC-117
- frame-relay payload-compress command WC-132
- frame-relay priority-dlci-group command WC-137
- frame-relay priority-group command WC-117
- frame-relay qos-autosense command WC-121
- frame-relay route command WC-130
- Frame Relay Router ForeSight
- overview WC-120
- frame-relay svc command WC-116
- frame-relay switching command WC-130
- Frame Relay Traffic Shaping
- overview WC-119
- task list WC-119
- frame-relay traffic-shaping command WC-120
- frame sequencing BC-244
- frame tagging
- VLANs XC-33
- frame-type command FC-246
- framing command FC-279
- framing crc4 command DC-236, DC-245
- framing esf command DC-237
- (example) BC-343
- description BC-332
- (example) BC-341, BC-342
- configuring dynamically BC-332
- configuring statically BC-331
- SAP multiplexing BC-340
- topology example BC-339
- Boundary Network Node
- configuring dynamically BC-332
- Dial backup over DLSW+
- description BC-335
- Dial backup over DLSw+
- (example) BC-346
- description BC-335
- fras backup dlsw command BC-335
- Dial backup over RSRB
- description BC-335
- DLCI backup BC-334
- (example) BC-344
- description BC-334
- Host
- (examples) BC-351
- configuring BC-349
- default LLC2passthru
- description BC-350
- description BC-347
- FRAD access BC-347
- LLC-2 local termination
- description BC-348
- LLC2 local termination
- description BC-350
- LLC-2 passthru mode
- description BC-347
- minicomputer connectivity BC-348
- LAN-attached SNA Devices
- (example) BC-338, BC-343
- maintaining BC-337
- managing congestion
- description BC-333
- MIB BC-353
- monitoring BC-337
- overview BC-31
- SDLC-attached SNA devices
- (example) BC-339
- configuring BC-333
- over Frame Relay
- (example) BC-344
- fras backup dlsw command BC-335
- fras backup rsrb command BC-335
- fras ban dlci command BC-332
- FRAS Boundary Network Node
- feature description BC-331
- fras ddr-backup interface command BC-334
- FRAS Host
- feature description BC-347
- fras map llc command BC-331, BC-332
- fras map sdlc command BC-331, BC-332
- feature description BC-353
- fr-dest-address command BC-365
- free-trade zone
- AppleTalk
- example P2C-65
- free-trade zone, AppleTalk
- establishing P2C-29
- frequency command FC-347
- FRF.9 Compression
- (example) WC-152
- configuration
- task list WC-133
- hardware platforms WC-132
- FRMRs, determining use of BC-272
- performance considerations BC-160
- with RSRB
- configuring BC-159
- example BC-173
- FTCP encapsulation BC-162
- full-duplex command BC-249, FC-250
- functional address P1C-219, P1C-220
- G.703
- serial interface DC-228
- framed mode DC-228
- G.703 interface FC-295
- gateway of last resort, definition P1C-95, P1C-179
- generic route encapsulation
- See GRE
- generic router encapsulation
- See GRE
- Germany
- ISDN semipermanent connection support DC-217
- Get Nearest Server
- See GNS
- GetZoneList
- See GZL
- global configuration mode
- accessing FC-12
- commands FC-12
- entering FC-105
- exiting FC-12
- summary FC-15
- filters P2C-128
- request response delay P2C-141
- requests P2C-141
- ISO CLNS compliance with P3C-4
- NSAP format P3C-59
- Government OSI Profile
- configuring tunnel mode FC-328
- encapsulation protocol FC-325
- tunneling
- alternative to IP multicast routing P1C-229
- AppleTalk FC-329
- group and member asynchronous interfaces
- (examples) DC-154
- group interface, creating DC-140
- members, configuring DC-140
- members, defining DC-140
- group asynchronous interfaces DC-120, DC-139
- group codes, LAT
- definition BC-75
- filtering BC-76
- lists BC-75
- specifying deny or permit conditions BC-76
- group-range command DC-105, DC-120, DC-140
- replies P2C-25
- Half-Duplex and Bisync Synchronous Serial Port Adapters
- Cisco 7200 series routers FC-289
- half-duplex command BC-274, FC-250, FC-309
- half-duplex controlled-carrier command FC-309, FC-310
- half-duplex DCE state machine FC-307
- constant carrier mode FC-308
- controlled-carrier mode FC-308
- receive, figure FC-309
- transmit, figure FC-308
- half-duplex DTE state machine
- receive, figure FC-307
- transmit FC-306
- transmit, figure FC-306
- half-duplex mode
- controlled-carrier and constant-carrier, changing modes FC-309
- half-duplex timer command FC-310
- half-duplex timer cts-delay command BC-274, FC-309
- half-duplex timer cts-drop-timeout command FC-306
- half-duplex timer dcd-drop-delay command FC-308
- half-duplex timer dcd-txstart-delay command FC-308
- half-duplex timer rts-drop-delay command FC-306
- half-duplex timer rts-timeout command BC-274, FC-306
- half-duplex timers
- tuning FC-310
- half-duplex timer transmit-delay command FC-306, FC-307
- hardware break signal DC-273
- hardware compression FC-290
- compression FC-291
- Stacker DC-225
- encapsulating BC-223
- encapsulation
- AutoInstall procedure FC-59
- default for serial interfaces DC-224, FC-276, WC-179
- IEEE 802.10 XC-34
- header compression
- IPX P2C-118
- X.25 TCP/IP header WC-192
- header-compression translate option, mapping to virtual interface template command DC-323
- heartbeat
- DXI 3.2 on SMDS WC-11, WC-165
- hello, BPDU interval BC-78
- hello packets P3C-68
- AppleTalk
- Enhanced IGRP P2C-48
- DECnet
- adjusting timers P3C-44
- IP Enhanced IGRP
- interval between P1C-133
- valid time P1C-133
- IPX Enhanced IGRP, intervals P2C-88
- IPX Enhanced IGRP, timers P2C-88
- IS-IS for IP, advertised interval, setting P1C-139
- ES-IS, configuring interval P3C-77
- Net/One P3C-103
- OSPF, setting advertised interval P1C-107
- VINES P3C-17
- help
- See context-sensitive help
- help command FC-23
- helper addresses
- IP
- (example) P1C-48
- configuring P1C-26
- IPX P2C-129, P2C-130
- (example) P2C-173
- hex input mode
- crypto public-key command FC-21
- description FC-17
- entering FC-21
- High-Level Data-Link Control
- See HDLC
- high-speed buffering DC-280
- high-speed modem, configuring DC-131
- High-Speed Serial Interface
- port adapters FC-273
- See also HSSI
- High System Availability
- See HSA
- hijacking
- preventing SC-10
- history collection
- RTR FC-348
- history size command FC-28
- holddown
- definition P1C-96
- disabling (IGRP) P1C-100
- hold queue
- limit FC-227
- X.25 packet WC-197
- hold-queue command FC-227
- hold time
- AppleTalk
- Enhanced IGRP P2C-47
- IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-133
- Enhanced IGRP P2C-88
- Hong Kong
- ISDN Sending Complete information element DC-219, DC-241
- hop count
- DECnet P3C-36, P3C-37
- RIP P1C-87
- hops-of-statistics-kept command FC-348
- host configuration files
- AutoInstall
- requirements FC-62
- role FC-58
- comparison with network configuration files FC-120
- copying from an rcp server to startup configuration (example) FC-112
- description FC-120
- loading from a server FC-122
- (example) FC-122
- host name
- setting FC-380
- hostname command FC-380
- host names
- resolving for AutoInstall FC-57
- symbolic, defining for X.25 DC-329
- host name table
- displaying entries P3C-21
- host number
- Apollo Domain P3C-5
- XNS P3C-104, P3C-111
- Hot Standby Router Protocol
- authentication P1C-64
- burned-in-address P1C-65
- enabling P1C-64
- preemption delay P1C-64
- preempt lead router, configuring P1C-64
- priority, setting P1C-64
- timers, setting P1C-64
- See also HSRP
- Hot Standby Router Protocol over ISL in VLANs
- customizing hot standby group attributes XC-42
- defining the encapsulation format XC-42
- defining the IP address XC-42
- enabling XC-42
- fault tolerance XC-41
- overview XC-41
- hours-of-statistics-kept command FC-348
- HP hosts, on network segment, example P1C-42
- HP Probe Proxy, configuring name requests for IP P1C-15
- hpr command BC-360, BC-364
- hpr max-sessions command BC-359
- hpr retries command BC-359
- hpr sap command BC-360
- hpr timers liveness command BC-359
- hpr timers path-switch command BC-359
- cold restart feature FC-189
- configuration synchronization
- automatic FC-192
- manual FC-202
- configuration task list FC-191
- description FC-189
- failed card
- reloading FC-203
- general maintenance tasks FC-202
- implementation methods
- simple hardware backup FC-190
- software error protection FC-190
- master and slave
- arbitration FC-190
- different images FC-195
- environment variables FC-200
- identical configurations FC-192
- identical images FC-192
- identical microcode images FC-193
- information, displaying FC-203
- operation FC-190
- monitoring and maintaining FC-202
- slave
- default slave, specifying FC-191
- image, specifying FC-202
- inactive slave, reloading FC-203
- software error protection
- (example) FC-196, FC-198
- system requirements FC-191
- configuration
- over ISLs XC-42
- configuration example
- over ISLs XC-50
- group attributes
- customizing XC-42
- TR-LANE support XC-69
- HSRP Preemption Delay
- configuring P1C-64
- encapsulation methods FC-274
- Interface Processor (HIP)
- Cisco 7000 series FC-273
- Cisco 7500 series FC-273
- loopback FC-239
- (figure) FC-239
- on an ATM serial interface WC-16
- hssi internal-clock command FC-275
- HSSI line, invoking ATM over FC-274
- HTTP Security
- accessing Web page FC-45
- enabling FC-43
- hub command FC-253
- hub configuration mode
- description FC-17
- entering FC-21
- hub ethernet command FC-236, FC-255
- hub ports
- automatic receiver polarity reversal, enabling FC-253
- configuration (examples) FC-269
- enabling FC-253
- hub counters, clearing FC-236
- hub statistics, displaying FC-236
- link test function FC-254
- resetting FC-236
- router models FC-253
- shutting down FC-236
- source address control, enabling FC-254
- hub router P1C-84
- ODR environment P1C-83
- hunt group
- See rotary groups
- hybrid switching environments
- extending VLAN topology XC-35
- IBM 3172
- offload support BC-48
- IBM 3174
- frame-copied errors BC-135
- IBM 8209
- bridges and SR/TLB routing devices BC-113
- IBM channel attach
- See CIP
- IBM channel attach command modes
- description FC-17
- IBM PC/3270
- emulation and source-route bridging BC-135
- customizing services (example) P1C-71
- ICMP Mask Reply messages, enabling P1C-54
- ICMP Protocol Unreachable messages, disabling P1C-54
- ICMP Redirect messages, disabling P1C-54
- ICMP Router Discovery Protocol
- See IRDP
- IDBLK definition
- required to configure SDLLC BC-303
- identification support
- configuring SC-222
- idle timer
- Dialer Profiles, setting
- map-class DC-542
- Legacy DDR
- interface DC-492
- Legacy DDR, setting
- interface DC-520
- line DC-520
- Multilink PPP
- dialer load thresholds DC-396
- dialer timeout DC-396, DC-397
- IDNUM definition
- required to configure SDLLC BC-303
- characteristics P2C-4
- NSAP address field P3C-56
- IEEE 802.10
- AppleTalk
- encapsulation XC-55
- connectivity between VLANs XC-34
- description XC-34
- encapsulation XC-34, XC-56
- HDLS serial interface XC-34
- standard XC-55
- IEEE 802.2, LLC encapsulation FC-245
- IEEE 802.3, encapsulation FC-245
- IEEE 802.5
- committee BC-6
- Token Ring media FC-266
- Frame Relay encapsulation WC-111, WC-138
- See also Frame Relay, standards
- I-frames
- largest size for SDLC, specifying BC-275
- largest size for SDLLC, specifying BC-284
- number sent
- configuring (example) BC-276
- controlling BC-265
- resending time BC-267
- See IP multicast routing, IGMP
- ignore-dcd command DC-227, FC-294
- ignore-lsp-errors command P3C-67
- IGP, supported protocols P1C-3
- autonomous systems P1C-182
- Cisco's implementation P2C-46
- Cisco implementation P1C-95
- configuration example DC-159
- configuration task list P1C-96
- configuring P1C-95
- enabling P1C-97
- metrics, adjusting P1C-99
- redistribution
- (example) P1C-190
- description P1C-182
- route feasibility, determining P1C-98
- route redistribution P1C-182
- running with RIP P1C-91
- source IP address, validating P1C-100
- timers, adjusting P1C-99
- traffic distribution, controlling P1C-98
- transitioning to IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-130
- unicast updates, allowing P1C-97
- update broadcasts P1C-96
- updates, frequency P1C-96
- AIP WC-22
- ATM port adapter WC-56
- NPM WC-80
- images
- copying to server FC-126
- description FC-125
- displaying information FC-124
- Flash devices
- copying between FC-147
- (example) FC-148
- Flash memory
- space considerations FC-133
- loading FC-5
- MOP server
- copying from FC-143
- (examples) FC-144
- naming conventions FC-125
- rcp server
- copying from FC-140
- (examples) FC-131
- copying to FC-129
- servers
- loading FC-5
- storing FC-5
- TFTP server
- copying from FC-133, FC-136
- (examples) FC-136
- copying to FC-126
- (examples) FC-127
- verifying
- (example) FC-145
- See also system images; boot images
- incoming calls, preventing DC-137
- information frames
- See I-frames
- initialization strings, configuring DC-126
- Integrated Routing and Bridging
- See IRB
- integrated routing and bridging
- basic configuration (example) BC-84
- bridge-group virtual interface (BVI) BC-4
- complex configuration (example) BC-85
- configure BVI BC-66
- configure protocols for routing or bridging BC-66
- configuring BC-64
- enabling BC-65
- IP P1C-24
- multiple bridge group configuration (example) BC-86
- See also IRB
- Integrated Systems Digital Network
- Inter·Poll DC-433
- interactive mode
- or dedicated mode, specifying DC-143
- returning to DC-144
- interarea router
- See Level 2 router
- interarea routing
- DECnet P3C-37
- interdomain routing
- interface async command DC-139
- interface atm command WC-20, WC-22, WC-27, WC-32, WC-33, WC-40, WC-43, WC-54, WC-56, WC-61, WC-64, WC-65, WC-68, WC-78, WC-79, WC-85, WC-90, WC-91, WC-96, WC-99
- ILMI PVCs and signaling, setting up XC-74, XC-80 to XC-83
- interface bri command DC-215
- snapshot routing DC-667
- interface bvi command BC-66
- interface channel command BC-413
- interface channel configuration mode
- description FC-18
- summary FC-21
- interface command BC-58, BC-65, P2C-28, P2C-36, DC-646, FC-13, SC-138, WC-133, XC-25, XC-26, XC-39, XC-42, XC-44, XC-45, XC-46, XC-47, XC-56
- interface configuration mode
- description FC-13
- summary FC-15
- interface dialer command DC-542, DC-559
- Multilink PPP, multiple BRI DC-396
- snapshot routing DC-667
- interface ethernet command FC-244
- AutoInstall FC-60
- interface fastethernet command FC-244
- interface fddi command BC-105, BC-106, FC-249
- AutoInstall FC-60
- interface group-master command DC-140
- interface hssi command FC-274
- interface lex command FC-259
- interface loopback command FC-324
- interface null command FC-324
- interface priority
- DDR DC-496, DC-524
- interfaces
- assigning to dialer rotary group DC-517
- assigning to spanning tree group BC-54
- asynchronous
- group DC-139
- member DC-139
- Multilink PPP DC-395
- asynchronous, options configured DC-110, DC-119
- ATM FC-273
- bandwidth on, setting FC-228
- Multilink PPP DC-396
- circuit type, setting for IS-IS for IP P1C-140
- compared to lines DC-110, DC-117
- configuration examples FC-241, FC-268
- counters, clearing FC-237
- DECnet costs P3C-32
- delay value, setting FC-228
- descriptive name, adding FC-227
- dial backup
- Dialer Profiles DC-559
- displaying information about FC-230
- Ethernet FC-243
- examples FC-241
- FDDI FC-246
- group asynchronous, configuring DC-120
- hold queues FC-227
- IP addresses
- assigning multiple P1C-7
- primary P1C-6
- secondary P1C-7
- LAN Extender FC-255
- loopback interface, emulating an interface FC-323
- low-speed serial FC-305
- async commands supported DC-141, FC-311
- configuration task list FC-290, FC-305
- constant-carrier mode FC-310
- controlled-carrier mode FC-310
- half-duplex DCE state machine FC-307
- half-duplex DTE state machine FC-306
- sync commands supported DC-141, FC-310
- synchronous or asynchronous, setting DC-141, FC-310
- maintaining FC-230
- monitoring FC-230
- naming FC-227
- null FC-324
- peer address allocation, methods DC-389
- point-to-point
- IP address pooling DC-389
- priority for bridging, setting BC-77
- priority groups, assigning FC-362, FC-364
- priority queueing FC-359
- queueing priority, assigning FC-363
- random early detection FC-364
- relationship to lines DC-114
- restarting FC-237
- serial, low-speed FC-305
- DTE, transmit FC-306
- shutting down
- (example) FC-242
- task FC-237
- synchronous serial DC-223, FC-275
- (examples) DC-229
- configuration task list DC-223
- DTR signal pulsing DC-226
- encapsulation methods DC-224
- G.703 DC-228
- ignore DCD, platform support DC-227
- same IP address as dialer DC-515
- specifying DC-224
- testing status FC-373
- (caution) FC-373
- Token Ring FC-266
- traffic shaping FC-365
- tunnel FC-328
- VINES P3C-13, P3C-15
- virtual template, creating DC-322, DC-324, DC-586
- X.25 address alias WC-185
- XNS routing P3C-106
- See also subinterfaces
- interface serial command BC-193, BC-246, BC-247, WC-16
- AutoInstall FC-59
- backup interfaces WC-129
- channelized interfaces, configuring FC-276
- ISDN PRI, configuring (example) DC-263
- ISDN PRI D channel DC-238
- LAN Extender interface, configuring FC-259
- LAPB WC-174, WC-178
- snapshot routing DC-667
- subinterfaces WC-116, WC-125, WC-128
- SVCs WC-116
- X.25 WC-188
- interface serial multipoint command WC-165
- interface tokenring command P3C-33, FC-267
- AutoInstall FC-60
- interface tunnel command P2C-28, P2C-30
- AppleTalk, using GRE to tunnel FC-329
- interface, specifying FC-328
- IP encapsulation of AppleTalk P2C-36
- interface vg command FC-246
- interface virtual-template command DC-322, DC-324, DC-580, DC-586, DC-599, DC-600, WC-42, WC-98
- Interim Local Management Interface
- See ILMI
- Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs), list P1C-3
- Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
- See IGRP
- intermediate session routing
- See ISR
- intermediate system
- See IS
- internal adapter configuration mode
- description FC-18
- entering FC-21
- internal clock, enabling DC-226, FC-292
- internal LAN configuration mode
- description FC-18
- entering FC-21
- international command FC-51
- International Telecommunication Union Standardization Sector (ITU-T) X.25 recommendation WC-12
- Internet Control Message Protocol
- See ICMP
- Internet Datagram Protocol
- See IDP
- Internet Engineering Task Force
- See IETF
- Internet Group Management Protocol
- See IP multicast routing, IGMP
- Internet Packet Exchange Protocol
- See IPX
- Internet Protocol
- See IP
- Internet Router software
- requirements P2C-11
- interrupt characters DC-273
- Inter-Switch Link Protocol
- See ISL
- intervals
- forward delay BC-78
- hello BPDU BC-78
- maximum idle BC-78
- inter-VLAN communication XC-33
- intra-area router
- See Level 1 router
- intra-area routing
- DECnet P3C-36
- Inverse Address Resolution Protocol
- See Inverse ARP, Frame Relay
- Inverse ARP
- Frame Relay WC-10, WC-131
- dynamic address mapping WC-111
- subinterfaces WC-126
- invert data command FC-293
- invert-transmit-clock command DC-226
- invert txclock command FC-293
- IOCP control unit, IBM channel attach support BC-420
- IP
- access lists
- (caution) P1C-59, P1C-61
- applying on inbound or outbound interfaces P1C-63
- applying to an interface P1C-63
- dynamic P1C-60, P1C-62
- dynamic, deleting SC-142
- extended, creating P1C-59, P1C-61
- implicit deny when no match found P1C-60, P1C-62
- implicit masks P1C-60, P1C-62
- implicit masks (example) P1C-72
- named P1C-61
- standard, creating P1C-59, P1C-61
- undefined P1C-63
- violations P1C-65
- violations, accounting P1C-65
- violations, logging P1C-60, P1C-62
- virtual terminal lines, setting on P1C-63
- accounting, configuring P1C-65
- address
- defining XC-42
- addresses
- assigning to interfaces P1C-5
- broadcast addresses P1C-24
- classes P1C-5
- domain name, specifying P1C-14
- host names, mapping to P1C-13
- list of reserved (table) P1C-6
- mapping logical names to P1C-13
- multiple P1C-7
- primary P1C-6
- secondary P1C-7
- addressing
- monitoring tasks P1C-38
- addressing schemes for dial
- classic IP DC-7
- Easy IP DC-7
- remote client DC-7
- remote LAN DC-7
- address mapping
- AppleTalk
- See AppleTalk, IPTalk
- address pooling DC-327
- assignment method DC-390
- concept DC-389
- DHCP DC-391
- global default mechanism DC-390 to DC-391
- interfaces supported DC-390
- local address pooling DC-391
- peer address, allocation methods DC-389
- per-interface options DC-391
- precedence rules DC-390
- address resolution P1C-10
- AutoInstall FC-55
- administrative distances, defaults P1C-178
- advertising, definition P1C-87
- (example) WC-49
- configuring WC-31
- multicasting WC-28
- ATM port adapter
- (example) WC-73
- configuring WC-63
- multicasting WC-62
- authentication keys P1C-186
- broadcast flooding (example) P1C-48
- broadcasting (example) P1C-47
- broadcasts
- and transparent bridging spanning-tree protocol P1C-27
- directed P1C-25
- flooding P1C-25, P1C-27
- types P1C-25
- DDR fast switching DC-495
- default gateway
- definition P1C-22
- enabling P1C-22
- directed broadcasts P1C-25
- domains, establishing (example) P1C-42
- dynamic access list P1C-60, P1C-62
- encapsulation, configuring for RSRB BC-159, BC-161, BC-165
- fast switching
- disabling DC-414, XC-12
- enabling DC-414, XC-12
- Legacy DDR DC-523
- flow switching cache XC-26
- Frame Relay switching
- over IP tunnel WC-10
- header compression
- configuring DC-151
- forcing at EXEC level DC-151
- Frame Relay WC-133
- helper address
- (example) P1C-48
- configuring P1C-26
- integrated routing and bridging P1C-24
- inter-VLAN communication XC-35
- LAT-to-LAT protocol translation over WAN DC-344
- local-area mobility
- configuring P1C-12
- redistributing routes P1C-13
- local policy routing P1C-186
- metric translations P1C-182
- monitoring tasks P1C-69
- for IP multicast P1C-242
- for IP routing P1C-187
- multicast address, SMDS address mapping WC-161
- multicast routing
- See IP multicast routing
- named access lists P1C-61
- name server, specifying P1C-14
- See NAT
- (example) WC-105
- configuring WC-90
- multicasting WC-86
- over PPP
- configuring DC-406
- example DC-155
- over SLIP (example) DC-155
- overview, WAN WC-4
- performance parameters
- configuring P1C-66, DC-412
- types P1C-66
- See IP multicast routing, PIM
- policy routing P1C-184, P1C-185
- fast switched P1C-186
- primary address P1C-6
- protocol, description P1C-1
- random early detection FC-360
- route cache invalidation
- controlling XC-16
- route cache invalidation, controlling DC-414
- routing
- and bridging BC-67
- assistance when disabled P1C-22
- disabling in order to bridge IP BC-67
- enabled by default P1C-21
- over simplex Ethernet interface P1C-57
- routing processes, maximum number P1C-4
- routing protocols
- choosing P1C-24
- secondary addresses P1C-7
- security
- See also IPSO
- See also lock-and-key
- See also network data encryption
- See also TCP Intercept
- serial interface, enabling on P1C-9
- serial interfaces, processing on P1C-9
- session filtering
- See Reflexive Access Lists
- subnetworks WC-164, WC-165
- SMDS, configuring WC-163
- source-route header options, configuring P1C-56
- split horizon
- enabling and disabling P1C-92, P1C-100
- X.25 default WC-188
- static routing redistribution (example) P1C-190
- subnets
- defining XC-42
- subnet zero, enabling P1C-7
- TCP headers, compressing P1C-66, DC-412
- tunneling FC-325
- (examples) FC-331
- tunnel interface, enabling on P1C-9
- UDP broadcasts, enable forwarding of P1C-26
- UDP datagrams
- flooding P1C-28
- speeding up flooding P1C-28
- unnumbered
- Frame Relay (example) WC-141
- WANs, configuring over P1C-69
- ip access-group command P1C-63, SC-138
- ip access-list command P1C-61, FC-20
- ip accounting command P1C-65
- ip accounting-list command P1C-65
- ip accounting-threshold command P1C-65
- ip accounting-transits command P1C-65
- ip address (secondary) command P1C-7
- ip address command P1C-112, P2C-36, DC-394, FC-61, FC-259, WC-16, WC-20, WC-32, WC-40, WC-54, WC-64, WC-65, WC-68, WC-78, WC-90, WC-91, WC-96, WC-178, XC-42
- and dialer interface DC-542
- AutoInstall FC-60
- Multilink PPP, multiple BRI DC-396
- primary IP address, setting P1C-6
- SMDS WC-165
- ip address-pool command DC-327, DC-391
- ip alias command DC-272
- ip as-path access-list command P1C-150, P1C-151
- ip authentication key-chain eigrp command P1C-132
- ip authentication mode eigrp command P1C-132
- ip bandwidth-percent eigrp command P1C-130
- ip broadcast-address command P1C-26
- ip cache-invalidate-delay command DC-414, XC-16
- IPC connections
- VINES P3C-21
- ip cgmp command P1C-238
- ip classless command P1C-9, P1C-85
- ip community-list command P1C-154
- IPCP DC-406
- ip default-gateway command P1C-22
- ip default-network command P1C-179
- ip dhcp-server command DC-391
- ip directed-broadcast command P1C-25
- ip domain-list command P1C-14
- ip domain-lookup command P1C-14
- ip domain-lookup nsap command P1C-15, P3C-74
- ip domain-name command P1C-14
- ip drp access-group command P1C-58
- ip drp authentication key-chain command P1C-58
- ip drp server command P1C-58
- ip dvmrp accept-filter command P1C-219
- ip dvmrp auto-summary command P1C-226
- ip dvmrp default-information command P1C-219
- ip dvmrp metric command P1C-217
- ip dvmrp metric-offset command P1C-226
- ip dvmrp reject-non-pruners command P1C-228
- ip dvmrp routehog-notification command P1C-225
- ip dvmrp route-limit command P1C-225
- ip dvmrp summary-address command P1C-226
- ip dvmrp unicast-routing command P1C-225
- IP Enhanced IGRP
- authentication, enabling P1C-132
- bandwidth percentage P1C-130
- Cisco implementation P1C-127
- enabling P1C-129
- features P1C-128
- filters
- offsets for routing metrics P1C-89, P1C-97, P1C-131
- IGRP, transitioning from P1C-130
- interfaces, displaying P1C-134
- log neighbor adjacencies P1C-130
- metrics, adjusting P1C-130
- offsets, applying P1C-89, P1C-97, P1C-131
- redistribution
- (examples) P1C-191
- RIP and IP Enhanced IGRP (example) P1C-192
- route authentication P1C-132
- route summarization P1C-131
- split horizon, enabling P1C-133
- timers, adjusting P1C-133
- IP Enhanced IGRP Route Authentication
- configuring P1C-132
- ip flow-cache entries command XC-26
- ip flow-export command XC-25, XC-27
- ip forward-protocol command P1C-26
- ip forward-protocol spanning-tree command P1C-28
- ip forward-protocol turbo-flood command P1C-28
- ip hello-interval eigrp command P1C-133
- ip helper-address command P1C-26, FC-60
- AutoInstall FC-60, FC-61
- ip hold-time eigrp command P1C-133
- ip host command P1C-14, DC-123, FC-62
- ip hp-host command P1C-15
- ip http access-class command FC-43
- ip http authentication command FC-43
- ip http port command FC-43
- ip http server command FC-43
- enabling the Cisco Web browser FC-50
- ip igmp access-group command P1C-214
- ip igmp helper-address command P1C-238
- ip igmp join-group command P1C-213, P1C-215
- ip igmp query-interval command P1C-214
- ip igmp query-max-response-time command P1C-215
- ip igmp query-timeout command P1C-215
- ip igmp static-group command P1C-215
- ip igmp version command P1C-214
- ip irdp command P1C-23
- ip local policy route-map command P1C-186
- ip local pool command
- global default mechanism DC-391
- per-interface options DC-392
- ip local-pool command DC-327
- ip local pool default command
- MMP virtual template interface DC-586
- ip mask-reply command P1C-55
- ip mobile arp command P1C-12
- ip mroute-cache command P1C-216
- ip mroute command P1C-230
- ip mtu command P1C-56
- ip multicast boundary command P1C-236
- ip multicast cache-headers command P1C-237
- ip multicast helper-map command P1C-236
- IP multicast Load Splitting across Equal-Cost Paths
- description P1C-239
- IP Multicast over ATM Using Multipoint Virtual Circuits
- description P1C-232
- IP Multicast over Token Ring LANs
- description P1C-219
- ip multicast rate-limit command P1C-230
- IP multicast routing
- idling policy P1C-235
- ATM point-to-multipoint SVC, over P1C-234
- Auto-RP
- cache, clearing P1C-242
- configuring P1C-210
- mapping agent P1C-212
- clearing P1C-242
- enabling P1C-237
- proxy P1C-238
- class D address P1C-206
- debug messages, logging P1C-216
- dense-mode PIM, enabling P1C-209
- designated router P1C-223
- desktop conferencing session P1C-216
- Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
- See IP multicast routing, DVMRP
- auto-summarization P1C-226
- definition P1C-206
- description P1C-207
- interoperability P1C-217
- mrouted protocol P1C-217
- peering with neighbors P1C-227
- reject non-pruning neighbors P1C-228
- route, advertising P1C-219
- route hog notification P1C-225
- routes, clearing P1C-242
- route threshold P1C-225
- summary address P1C-226
- unicast routing P1C-225
- enabling on router P1C-208
- fast switching P1C-216
- functional address P1C-219
- cache, deleting entries from P1C-242
- description P1C-206
- enabling P1C-208
- helper address P1C-238
- host group addresses P1C-206
- host-query messages P1C-214
- purpose P1C-205
- query response time P1C-215
- query timeout P1C-214
- statically connected router member P1C-215
- version P1C-214
- IP multicast routing table
- clearing P1C-242
- displaying P1C-243
- Join message P1C-207
- leaf router P1C-210
- load splitting
- (example) P1C-248
- (figure) P1C-248
- configuration tasks P1C-240
- description P1C-239
- MBONE P1C-206, P1C-216
- mrinfo requests P1C-218
- mroute P1C-229
- mrouted
- advertising routes P1C-219
- description P1C-217
- tunnel interface's destination address P1C-219
- multicast groups
- controlling host access to P1C-214
- displaying P1C-243
- joining P1C-213
- multicast information, displaying P1C-243
- multimedia conferencing P1C-216
- overview P1C-205
- packet headers, storing P1C-237
- peering P1C-227
- dense mode P1C-207
- description P1C-206
- filtering P1C-238
- information, displaying P1C-243
- maximum number of VCs P1C-234
- NBMA mode, enabling P1C-224
- neighbors, displaying P1C-243
- preventing P1C-238
- shortest path tree, delaying use P1C-222
- sparse-dense mode, enabling P1C-209, P1C-210
- sparse mode P1C-207
- sparse mode, router-query messages P1C-223
- Prune message P1C-207
- pruning P1C-215
- rendezvous point (RP) P1C-207
- Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF)
- description P1C-222
- RP
- address, configuring P1C-210
- assigning to a group P1C-223
- Auto-RP, groups covered P1C-211
- Auto-RP, mapping agent P1C-212
- displaying P1C-243
- filter RP announcements P1C-213
- group-to-RP mapping, displaying P1C-212
- RP mapping agent P1C-212
- description P1C-222
- RTP header compression P1C-230
- sdr
- displaying cache P1C-243
- listener support P1C-216
- shared tree P1C-220
- shortest path tree P1C-221
- source tree P1C-221
- sparse-mode PIM, enabling P1C-209
- statically connected member P1C-215
- static route P1C-229
- stub multicast routing
- (example) P1C-247
- description P1C-238
- figure P1C-247
- time-to-live (TTL) threshold P1C-215
- Token Ring, over P1C-219
- (example) P1C-246
- Token Ring MAC address mapping P1C-220
- tunnel P1C-239
- ip multicast-routing command P1C-208
- ip multicast ttl-threshold command P1C-215
- ip multicast use-functional command P1C-220
- ip name-server command P1C-14
- ip nat command P1C-31, P1C-32, P1C-33, P1C-35, P1C-37, DC-696, DC-697, DC-699, DC-701, DC-703
- ip nat inside destination command P1C-37, DC-703
- ip nat inside source command P1C-31, P1C-33, P1C-35, P1C-37, DC-696, DC-699, DC-701, DC-703
- ip nat pool command P1C-31, P1C-35, DC-696, DC-701
- ip nat translation command P1C-37, P1C-38, DC-704
- ip nat translation timeout command P1C-37, DC-703
- ip netmask-format command P1C-39
- ip nhrp authentication command P1C-19
- ip nhrp holdtime command P1C-21
- ip nhrp interest command P1C-19
- ip nhrp map command P1C-18, P1C-40
- ip nhrp max-send command P1C-20
- ip nhrp network-id command P1C-18
- ip nhrp nhs command P1C-18
- ip nhrp record command P1C-20
- ip nhrp responder command P1C-20
- ip nhrp use command P1C-20
- ip ospf authentication-key command P1C-107
- ip ospf cost command P1C-107
- ip ospf dead-interval command P1C-107
- ip ospf demand-circuit command P1C-113
- ip ospf hello-interval command P1C-107
- ip ospf message-digest-key command P1C-107
- ip ospf name-lookup command P1C-112
- ip ospf network command P1C-108
- ip ospf priority command P1C-107
- ip ospf retransmit-interval command P1C-107
- ip ospf transmit-delay command P1C-107
- ip pim accept-rp command P1C-223
- ip pim command P1C-209, P1C-210
- ip pim minimum-vc-rate command P1C-235
- ip pim multipoint-signalling command P1C-234
- ip pim nbma-mode command P1C-224
- ip pim neighbor-filter command P1C-239
- ip pim query-interval command P1C-223
- ip pim rp-address command P1C-223
- ip pim rp-announce-filter command P1C-213
- ip pim send-rp-announce command P1C-211
- ip pim send-rp-discovery command P1C-212
- ip pim spt-threshold command P1C-222
- ip pim vc-count command P1C-234
- ip policy route-map command P1C-184
- ip-pool translate option, mapping to virtual interface template command DC-323
- ip probe proxy command P1C-15
- ip proxy-arp command P1C-12
- ip rarp-server command FC-211
- ip rcmd rcp-enable command FC-217
- ip rcmd remote-host command FC-215, FC-217
- ip rcmd remote-username command FC-218
- ip rcmd rsh-enable command FC-215
- ip redirects command P1C-54
- ip rip authentication command P1C-90
- ip rip authentication mode command P1C-90
- ip rip receive version command P1C-90
- ip rip send version command P1C-90
- ip route-cache command DC-414, WC-43, WC-99, WC-166, XC-12, XC-13
- DDR fast switching DC-495, DC-523
- for policy routing P1C-186
- ip route-cache distributed XC-26
- ip route-cache distributed command XC-46
- DDR fast switching DC-495, DC-523
- ip route-cache flow | optimum command XC-26
- ip route-cache flow command XC-25
- ip route-cache optimum command XC-15
- ip route-cache same-interface command BC-417, XC-13
- ip route command P1C-85, P1C-178
- ip router isis command P1C-138
- IP routing
- TR-LANE support XC-69
- ip routing command BC-67, P1C-21, XC-45
- dialer profiles DC-546
- ip rsvp bandwidth command P1C-79
- ip rsvp neighbors command P1C-80
- ip rsvp reservation command P1C-79
- ip rsvp sender command P1C-79
- ip rsvp udp-multicast command P1C-80
- ip rtp compression connections command P1C-232
- ip rtp header-compression command P1C-232
- ip sdr cache-timeout command P1C-216
- ip sdr listen command P1C-216
- ip security add command SC-230
- ip security aeso command SC-232
- ip security dedicated command SC-230
- ip security eso-info command SC-232
- ip security eso-max command SC-232
- ip security eso-min command SC-232
- ip security extended-allowed command SC-230
- ip security first command SC-230
- ip security ignore-authorities command SC-230
- ip security implicit-labelling command SC-230
- ip security multilevel command SC-230
- IP Security Option
- See IPSO
- ip security reserved-allowed command SC-230
- ip security strip command SC-230
- (examples) SC-234
- basic SC-229
- configuration tasks SC-229
- defaults SC-231
- enabling SC-230
- processing SC-230
- security classifications SC-230
- extended SC-231
- AESOs, attaching SC-232
- configuration tasks SC-232
- ESOs attaching SC-232
- global defaults SC-232
- ip source-route command P1C-56
- ip split-horizon command P1C-92, P1C-100
- ip split-horizon eigrp command P1C-134
- ip subnet-zero command P1C-8
- ip summary-address eigrp command P1C-131
- IPTalk
- /etc/services file P2C-36
- AppleTalk-to-IP address mapping P2C-35
- configuration (example) P2C-71 to P2C-74
- description P2C-34
- IP encapsulation P2C-37, P2C-38
- SLIP drivers P2C-34
- UDP port numbers P2C-36
- ip tcp chunk-size command P1C-69, DC-272
- ip tcp compression-connections command P1C-66, DC-412
- ip tcp finwait-time command P1C-69
- ip tcp header-compression command P1C-66, DC-151, DC-412
- ip tcp intercept connection-timeout command SC-160
- ip tcp intercept drop-mode command SC-159
- ip tcp intercept finrst-timeout command SC-159
- ip tcp intercept list command SC-158
- ip tcp intercept max-incomplete high command SC-160
- ip tcp intercept max-incomplete low command SC-160
- ip tcp intercept mode command SC-159
- ip tcp intercept one-minute high command SC-161
- ip tcp intercept one-minute low command SC-161
- ip tcp intercept watch-timeout command SC-159
- ip tcp path-mtu-discovery command P1C-67
- ip tcp queuemax command P1C-69
- ip tcp selective-ack command P1C-68
- ip tcp synwait-time command P1C-67, DC-413
- ip tcp timestamp command P1C-68
- IP TOS/precedence for TN3270 server
- See TN3270 server
- IP type of service precedence setting for TN3270 server BC-427
- ip unnumbered command P1C-10, P1C-218, P1C-219, DC-141
- ip unnumbered ethernet command WC-42, WC-98
- MMP virtual template interface DC-586
- use in virtual template interfaces DC-599, DC-600
- virtual template DC-587
- ip unnumbered ethernet command, use in virtual template interfaces DC-580
- ip unnumbered ethernet command, virtual interface template DC-322, DC-324
- ip unnumbered loopback command
- backup using dialer profiles DC-559, DC-560
- ip unreachables command P1C-54
- access control, configuring P2C-130
- access control violation logging (examples) P2C-169
- access lists
- configuration (examples) P2C-168 to P2C-174
- extended P2C-119
- extended, creating P2C-122
- implicit deny P2C-126
- implicit masks P2C-126
- named P2C-123
- named, extended P2C-124
- named, NLSP route aggregation P2C-125
- named, SAP P2C-125
- named, standard P2C-124
- NetBIOS P2C-119
- description P2C-119
- NetBIOS, creating P2C-126
- NLSP route aggregation P2C-120
- routing table filtering P2C-127
- creating P2C-122
- standard P2C-119
- standard, creating P2C-122
- types P2C-119
- violations, logging P2C-124
- accounting
- (example) P2C-176
- configuring P2C-147
- database entries, deleting P2C-152
- database entries, displaying P2C-152
- database threshold P2C-148
- enabling P2C-148
- filters P2C-148
- maximum transit entries P2C-148
- addresses P2C-79
- broadcasts P2C-95
- blocking P2C-142
- forwarding P2C-129, P2C-130, P2C-133, P2C-143
- type 20 packets P2C-132, P2C-133
- clock ticks P2C-136
- compliance with Novell's IPX P2C-130
- configurable encapsulation formats XC-43
- configuration (examples) P2C-152 to P2C-157
- configuration example XC-51
- configuration task list P2C-80
- corrupted network numbers P2C-150
- DDR P2C-118
- configuring DC-472
- DDR, configuring over
- example P2C-166
- DECnet configuration caveat P3C-30
- default routes
- See NLSP, default routes
- default routes, specifying P2C-146
- default routes, understanding P2C-80
- Dialer Profiles
- configuring DC-545
- disabling P2C-134, P2C-146, P2C-147
- encapsulation P2C-4
- encapsulation formats
- Ethernet V2 XC-43
- IEEE 802.2 XC-43
- novell-ether XC-43
- service access point (SAP) XC-43
- Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP) XC-43
- encapsulations P2C-81 to P2C-94
- on IEEE interfaces (table) P2C-82
- Enhanced IGRP P2C-86
- backup server table P2C-91
- Cisco's implementation P2C-5
- enabling (example) P2C-156
- features P2C-85
- filters P2C-90
- route updates P2C-90
- SAP updates P2C-91
- hello packets, intervals P2C-88
- hello packets, timers P2C-88
- hold time P2C-88
- queries P2C-91
- redistribution P2C-89
- routes P2C-90
- updates(example) P2C-156
- SAP updates P2C-90
- split horizon P2C-89
- task list P2C-86
- timers, adjusting P2C-88
- Enhanced IGRP, enabling P2C-86
- fast switching
- cache entries, deleting P2C-149
- directed broadcast packets P2C-144
- disabling P2C-144, XC-15
- enabling for directed broadcast packets XC-13
- Legacy DDR DC-495, DC-523
- over ATM P2C-117
- over Frame Relay P2C-117
- FDDI P2C-82
- filters
- broadcast P2C-129, P2C-130
- generic P2C-127
- GNS P2C-128
- GNS, description P2C-128
- NetBIOS P2C-129
- description P2C-128
- overview P2C-120
- routing table P2C-127
- SAP P2C-128
- flooded broadcasts P2C-143
- Frame Relay
- (examples) WC-139, WC-140
- control requests P2C-141
- filters P2C-128
- queue length
- SAP requests P2C-138
- request response delay P2C-141
- header compression P2C-118
- header compression over PPP DC-413
- helper addresses P2C-130
- (example) P2C-173
- helper addresses, specifying P2C-129
- integrated routing and bridging
- See IPX, IRB
- interfaces, displaying status P2C-149
- internal network numbers P2C-150
- IPXWAN P2C-119
- disabling P2C-119
- failed link P2C-119
- network numbers P2C-119
- PPP P2C-119
- static routing P2C-119
- keepalives P2C-118
- LANE support P2C-5
- Legacy DDR
- fast switching DC-495
- load sharing
- per-host P2C-142
- round-robin P2C-141
- maximum paths
- description P2C-141
- setting P2C-142
- messages
- filtering NetBIOS P2C-129
- MIB P2C-4
- monitoring tasks P2C-148
- multicast address, SMDS address mapping WC-161
- multicasts P2C-94
- access control P2C-129
- filters P2C-128
- filters (example) P2C-171
- messages
- filtering P2C-129
- NetWare internal network numbers P2C-150
- network access P2C-119 to P2C-122
- network connectivity, testing P2C-149
- network numbers
- corrupted P2C-150
- definition P2C-79
- interfaces P2C-81
- internal to NetWare P2C-150
- See NLSP
- node numbers P2C-79
- Novell IPX compliance P2C-130
- OS/2 Requestors P2C-150
- over PPP
- configuring DC-405, DC-406 to DC-407
- dedicated IPX network numbers example DC-156
- dedicated network numbers, using DC-407
- loopback interfaces
- (example) DC-155
- using DC-406
- VTY lines, configuring on DC-331, DC-407
- padding packets P2C-146, XC-18
- performance tuning P2C-130
- per-host load sharing, enabling P2C-142
- ping type, selecting P2C-149
- PPP P2C-119
- restarting P2C-134, P2C-146, P2C-147
- description P2C-136
- updates, delay between P2C-135
- updates, delays P2C-136
- updates, timers P2C-136
- round-robin load sharing, enabling P2C-141
- route aggregation
- See NLSP
- route cache
- invalidation XC-17
- size P2C-144, XC-16
- route cache invalidation P2C-145
- routing
- between emulated LANs P2C-5
- enabling P2C-81
- enabling, example P2C-152
- enabling on multiple networks P2C-83
- enabling on multiple networks (example) P2C-153
- enabling over WAN interface (example) P2C-164
- metrics P2C-4
- routing device
- configuration mode FC-21
- routing device configuration mode
- description FC-18
- routing over ISLs XC-43
- routing table entries
- deleting P2C-149
- displaying P2C-149
- routing table entries, adding P2C-127
- SAP P2C-4
- access lists
- creating P2C-122
- delay
- setting P2C-139
- delay between packets
- setting P2C-134, P2C-135
- filters P2C-128
- filters (example) P2C-169, P2C-170
- messages
- filtering P2C-128
- queue length
- setting P2C-138
- responses to GNS requests
- controlling P2C-141
- static entries
- configuring P2C-138
- table
- static entries P2C-138
- updates P2C-90
- setting P2C-138, P2C-139
- secondary networks
- configuring (example) P2C-154
- shutting down (example) P2C-154
- servers, displaying P2C-149
- configuring WC-163
- dynamic address mapping (example) WC-168
- spoofing P2C-118
- static routes
- adding to routing table P2C-136
- description P2C-136
- floating P2C-136
- static routes, overriding P2C-136
- subinterfaces P2C-94
- configuring P2C-83
- configuring (example) P2C-153
- NLSP P2C-94
- shutting down (example) P2C-153
- tick count P2C-136
- traffic, displaying statistics P2C-149
- TR-LANE support XC-69
- type 20 packets
- accepting P2C-132
- forwarding P2C-132, P2C-133
- VLANs support P2C-5
- watchdog packets P2C-118
- ipx access-group command P2C-121, P2C-127
- ipx access-list command P2C-106, P2C-124, P2C-125
- ipx accounting command P2C-148
- ipx accounting-list command P2C-148
- ipx accounting-threshold command P2C-148
- ipx accounting-transits command P2C-148
- ipx advertise-default-route-only command P2C-146
- ipx backup-server-query-interval command P2C-91
- ipx bandwidth-percent eigrp command P2C-87
- ipx broadcast-fastswitching command P2C-144, XC-13
- ipx compression enable command DC-413
- IPXCP DC-406
- ipx default-output-rip-delay command P2C-134, P2C-137
- ipx default-output-sap-delay command P2C-134, P2C-139
- ipx default-ping command P2C-149
- ipx default-route command P2C-146
- ipx default-triggered-rip-delay command P2C-134, P2C-137
- ipx default-triggered-sap-delay command P2C-134, P2C-139
- ipx delay command P2C-136
- ipx down command P2C-134, P2C-146
- IPX Enhanced IGRP
- bandwidth
- (examples) P2C-157
- interfaces, displaying P2C-150
- log neighbor adjacencies P2C-150
- monitoring P2C-150
- neighbors, displaying P2C-150
- routing table, displaying entries P2C-150
- topology table P2C-150
- traffic, displaying statistics P2C-150
- ipx gns-reply-disable command P2C-141
- ipx gns-response-delay command P2C-141
- ipx gns-round-robin command P2C-141
- ipx hello-interval command P2C-88
- ipx helper-address command P2C-130, P2C-133, P2C-143
- ipx helper-list command P2C-130
- ipx hold-time eigrp command P2C-88
- ipx input-network-filter command P2C-127
- ipx input-sap-filter command P2C-128
- ipx internal-network command P2C-93
- ipx ipxwan command P2C-119
- ipx ipxwan error command P2C-119
- ipx ipxwan static command P2C-119
- ipx link-delay command P2C-96
- ipx linkup-request command P2C-140
- ipx loopback translate option, mapping to virtual interface template command DC-323
- ipx maximum-paths command P2C-142
- IPX Named Access Lists
- types
- task list P2C-123
- ipx nasi-server enable command DC-571
- ipx netbios input-access-filter command P2C-129
- ipx netbios output-access-filter command P2C-129
- ipx network command P2C-82, P2C-84, P2C-93, P2C-94, P2C-119, P2C-147, DC-394, WC-16
- ipx network encapsulation command XC-44
- ipx nhrp authentication command P2C-115
- ipx nhrp holdtime command P2C-117
- ipx nhrp interest command P2C-116
- ipx nhrp map command P2C-115, P2C-151
- ipx nhrp max-send command P2C-116
- ipx nhrp network-id command P2C-114
- ipx nhrp nhs command P2C-115
- ipx nhrp record command P2C-117
- ipx nhrp responder command P2C-117
- ipx nhrp use command P2C-116
- ipx nlsp csnp-interval command P2C-98
- ipx nlsp enable command P2C-93, P2C-94, P2C-104 to P2C-112
- ipx nlsp hello-interval command P2C-97, P2C-98
- ipx nlsp lsp-interval command P2C-98
- ipx nlsp metric command P2C-96
- ipx nlsp multicast command P2C-96
- ipx nlsp priority command P2C-97
- ipx nlsp-retransmit-interval command P2C-98
- ipx nlsp rip command P2C-113
- ipx nlsp sap command P2C-113
- ipx output-gns-filter command P2C-128
- ipx output-network-filter command P2C-127
- ipx output-rip-delay command P2C-134, P2C-135, P2C-137
- ipx output-sap-delay command P2C-134, P2C-135, P2C-139
- ipx output-sap-filter command P2C-128
- ipx pad-process-switched-packets command P2C-146, XC-18
- ipx per-host-load-share command P2C-142
- ipx ppp-client loopback command DC-406
- ipx rip-max-packetsize command P2C-138, P2C-139
- ipx rip-multiplier command P2C-137
- ipx route-cache command P2C-144, P2C-146, DC-545, WC-166, XC-13, XC-15, XC-18
- ipx route-cache inactivity-timeout command P2C-145, XC-17
- ipx route-cache max-size command P2C-145, XC-17
- ipx route command P2C-136
- ipx router command P2C-86, P2C-89, P2C-93, P2C-113
- ipx router eigrp command P2C-110, P2C-111
- ipx router-filter command P2C-127
- ipx router nlsp command P2C-95, P2C-104 to P2C-112
- ipx router-sap-filter command P2C-128
- ipx routing command P2C-81, XC-43
- IPX Routing over ISL in Virtual LANs
- configuration XC-43
- configuring NetWare
- subinterface XC-44
- enabling IPX routing XC-43
- VLAN encapsulation format XC-44
- IPX SAP-after-RIP
- queries, disabling P2C-140
- task table P2C-140
- updates P2C-140
- ipx sap command P2C-138
- ipx sap-incremental command P2C-90
- ipx sap-max-packetsize command P2C-138
- ipx sap-multiplier command P2C-139
- ipx sap-queue-maximum command P2C-138
- ipx source-network update command P2C-150
- ipx split-horizon command P2C-89
- ipx spx-idle-time command DC-473
- dialer profiles DC-545
- ipx spx-spoof command DC-473, DC-545
- ipx throughput command P2C-96
- ipx triggered-rip-delay command P2C-134, P2C-137
- ipx triggered-sap-delay command P2C-134, P2C-139
- ipx type-20-helpered command P2C-133
- ipx type-20-input-checks command P2C-132
- ipx type-20-output-checks command P2C-133
- ipx type-20-propagation command P2C-132, P2C-135
- ipx update interval command P2C-137, P2C-139
- ipx update sap-after-rip command P2C-140
- ipx watchdog-spoof command DC-545
- DDR DC-472
- interfaces
- conformance to router discovery protocol P1C-23
- enabling P1C-23
- use in routing assistance P1C-23
- IS
- Level 1 P3C-61, P3C-72
- Level 2 P3C-61, P3C-72
- listing, for NSAP-to-SNPA mapping P3C-73
- neighbors P3C-82
- 128 Kbps leased-line service
- (example) DC-266
- configuration DC-261
- interface characteristics DC-260
- Advice of Charge DC-255 to DC-257
- AOC-D message DC-256
- AOC-E message DC-256
- BRI and dialer profiles (example) DC-264
- call history, displaying DC-257
- Cisco implementation DC-255
- destination, specifying DC-256
- dialer map class, configuring DC-257
- Dialer Profiles DC-256
- ISDN interface, configuring DC-256
- Legacy DDR DC-256
- outgoing calls DC-255
- PRI and legacy DDR (example) DC-263
- short-hold idle timer DC-256
- short-hold mode, configuring DC-256
- switch types supported DC-256
- answer all calls as V.120 DC-417
- call history, displaying DC-257
- channel
- out of service, administratively DC-259
- channel service states, displaying DC-259
- encapsulation, automatically detecting DC-261
- interfaces, monitoring DC-257
- leased-line service
- Germany and Japan DC-260
- NFAS DC-257 to DC-259
- 24 B channel interface DC-258
- backup D channel DC-258, DC-265
- channelized T1 controllers (example) DC-265
- channel or interface, taking out of service DC-259
- configuration task list DC-258
- DDR configuration (example) DC-265
- groups, monitoring DC-259
- prerequisites DC-257
- PRI group, configuring on DC-258
- primary D channel DC-258, DC-265
- putting interface back in service (example) DC-265
- service state (example) DC-265
- switches supported DC-257
- terms defined DC-257
- PRI interface
- Legacy DDR (example) DC-263, DC-265
- semipermanent connections
- Australia, Germany DC-259
- signaling
- (examples) DC-263
- subaddress DC-489, DC-514
- troubleshooting
- layers 2, 3 DC-262
- timers DC-262
- V.120 DC-417
- incoming calls from asynchronous terminals DC-417
- X.25 over D channel WC-13
- ISDN Advice of Charge
- feature description DC-255
- isdn all-incoming-calls-v120 command DC-417
- isdn answer1 command DC-218
- isdn answer2 command DC-218
- asynchronous access DC-418
- buffers
- checking DC-213
- setting DC-213
- called-party verification DC-218
- caller ID screening DC-217
- calling number identification DC-218
- calls not ISDN end-to-end, setting line speed DC-219
- compression (examples) DC-222
- configuration DC-211 to DC-222
- global characteristics DC-214
- interface characteristics DC-215
- self-tests DC-220
- task list DC-211
- D channel
- X.25 traffic DC-689
- dialer rotary group (example) DC-221
- encapsulation DC-216
- interfaces
- monitoring DC-220
- specifying DC-215
- leased-line service DC-260
- 128 Kbps DC-260
- normal speeds DC-260
- platform not supported DC-261
- line configuration requirements DC-212
- MLP and compression (example) DC-222
- MTU size DC-213
- network addressing DC-216
- PBX connection (example) DC-220
- point-to-multipoint service DC-212
- point-to-point service DC-212
- PPP on VTY lines, asynchronous access DC-418
- semipermanent connections DC-216, DC-217
- Sending Complete information element
- Taiwan, Hong Kong DC-219
- SPID DC-217
- switches
- configuration (table) DC-212
- types (table) DC-214
- task list, configuration DC-211
- TEI DC-215
- V.120 support, PPP on VTY lines DC-418
- voice calls
- incoming (example) DC-222
- outgoing (example) DC-222
- X.25 traffic
- configuring DC-690
- isdn caller command DC-218, DC-658
- ISDN Caller ID Callback
- feature description DC-655
- ISDN caller ID callback DC-655 to DC-663
- (examples) DC-659
- best match system, number of don't care digits DC-659
- callback (local) side DC-657
- calling (remote) side DC-658
- DDR fast call rerouting for ISDN
- calling side DC-657
- dialer enable-timeout timer DC-657
- Dialer Profiles
- callback actions DC-657
- configuration DC-658
- processes DC-657
- dialer rotary
- configured DC-658
- not configured DC-658
- dialer rotary group (example) DC-662
- dialer wait-for-carrier timer, calling side DC-657
- don't care digits DC-659
- encapsulation, independent of DC-655
- Legacy DDR
- callback actions DC-656
- configuration DC-657
- prerequisites
- Dialer Profiles DC-656
- Legacy DDR DC-655
- remote side, configuration note DC-657
- restrictions DC-655
- timers, coordinating on both sides DC-657
- isdn calling-number command DC-218, DC-240
- isdn leased-line bri 128 command DC-261
- isdn leased-line bri command DC-260
- ISDN Leased Line Connections at 128 Kbps
- feature description DC-260
- feature description DC-257
- isdn not-end-to-end command DC-219
- (examples) DC-248
- calling number identification DC-240
- channelized E1 controller
- configuring DC-236
- DDR configuration (example) DC-250
- channelized T1 controller
- configuring DC-237
- DDR configuration DC-249
- channel numbers
- E1 DC-236
- T1 DC-237
- configuration
- self-tests DC-242
- task list DC-234
- D channel serial interface number
- E1 DC-236
- T1 DC-237
- DDR configuration requirement DC-235
- encapsulation DC-238
- for Frame Relay or X.25 DC-238
- line configuration requirements DC-235
- NSF call-by-call (example) DC-249
- point-to-multipoint service DC-235
- pri groups and channel groups DC-251
- semipermanent connections
- Australia DC-240
- Sending Complete information element
- Taiwan, Hong Kong DC-241
- serial interface, configuring DC-237
- task list, configuration DC-234
- ISDN Semipermanent Connections
- feature description DC-240, DC-259
- ISDN semipermanent connection support DC-240
- isdn sending-complete command DC-219, DC-241
- isdn service command DC-259
- isdn spid1 command DC-217
- isdn spid2 command DC-217
- isdn switch-type command DC-214, DC-236, DC-237, DC-261
- isdn tei command DC-215
- isis adjacency-filter command P3C-75
- isis circuit-type command P1C-141, P3C-70
- isis csnp-interval command P1C-139, P3C-69
- IS-IS for CLNS
- adjacency, specifying desired P3C-70
- adjacency state changes P3C-67
- area password, setting P3C-66
- area routing P3C-60
- Cisco's implementation P3C-58
- CSNP interval, configuring P3C-69
- designated router election P3C-70
- domain password, setting P3C-66
- dynamic routing, configuring P3C-64
- hello interval, configuring P3C-68
- hello multiplier, configuring P3C-68
- ignore LSPs P3C-67
- interface parameter, configuring P3C-68
- Level 1 routers P3C-61
- Level 1 routing table, displaying P3C-83
- link
- state
- database, displaying P3C-83
- link-state
- metric, configuring P3C-68
- MTU size, setting P3C-67
- retransmission interval, configuring P3C-69
- password
- assigning P3C-70
- authentication P3C-66
- processes per router P3C-64
- router level support, configuring P3C-66
- routing
- configuration (example) P3C-93
- enabling P3C-64, P3C-66
- information redistribution P3C-75
- system routing P3C-60
- IS-IS for IP
- adjacency, specifying P1C-140
- advertised hello interval, setting P1C-139
- area passwords, configuring P1C-142
- conditional default origination P1C-141
- configuration task list P1C-137
- configuring P1C-137
- default route, generating P1C-141
- designated router election, specifying P1C-140
- domain passwords, configuring P1C-142
- enabling P1C-138
- hello interval, setting P1C-139
- interface parameters, configuring P1C-138
- interface password, assigning P1C-141
- link state metrics, configuring P1C-138
- network entity titles, configuring P1C-138
- password authentication P1C-142
- retransmission level, setting P1C-139
- route redistribution P1C-180
- system type P1C-142
- isis hello-interval command P1C-139, P3C-69
- isis hello-multiplier command P1C-140, P3C-69
- isis lsp-interval command P1C-140
- isis metric command P1C-138, P3C-68
- isis password command P1C-141, P3C-70
- isis priority command P1C-140, P3C-70
- isis retransmit-interval command P1C-139, P3C-69
- isis retransmit-throttle-interval command P1C-140
- AppleTalk encapsulation XC-38
- Banyan VINES encapsulation XC-39
- configuring on a subinterface XC-46
- DECnet encapsulation XC-40
- description XC-34
- encapsulation XC-34
- configuration tasks XC-38
- frame tagging XC-37
- Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) XC-42
- HSRP VLAN encapsulation XC-42
- IPX encapsulations XC-43
- link XC-34
- overview of XC-37
- identifier XC-37
- traffic
- distributed on VIP card XC-44
- XNS encapsulation XC-46
- ISO 10589 P1C-137
- access lists, creating P3C-74
- addresses P3C-56
- assigning P3C-56
- background P3C-56
- multiple area P3C-56
- rules P3C-58
- adjacencies
- CLNS neighbors P3C-83
- ES neighbors P3C-82, P3C-83
- establishing P3C-74
- IS neighbors P3C-82, P3C-83
- areas P3C-56
- multihoming P3C-65
- basic static routing (example) P3C-95
- checksum configuration P3C-80
- Cisco's implementation P3C-4
- clearing cache P3C-82
- CLNP ISO documentation P3C-4
- concurrent routing and bridging P3C-60
- configuration
- (examples) P3C-89 to P3C-100
- task list P3C-55
- configuring
- overlapping areas P3C-91
- over WANs P3C-79
- performance parameters P3C-80
- SMDS WC-163
- congestion threshold P3C-81
- access group, specifying DC-474
- configuring DC-474
- DECnet cluster alias configuration P3C-78
- destination routing table, displaying P3C-83
- Digital-compatible mode configuration P3C-78
- displaying general information P3C-83
- DNS queries P3C-74
- domains
- addresses P3C-56
- establishing P3C-56
- dynamic routing
- configuring P3C-62, P3C-64
- examples P3C-90 to P3C-93
- in overlapping areas P3C-91
- interdomain routing (example) P3C-92
- NSAPs P3C-56
- protocol support P3C-60
- within a domain P3C-90
- ERPDU, disabling P3C-81
- ES-IS P3C-72
- ISO documentation P3C-4
- parameters P3C-77
- ES neighbors P3C-82, P3C-83
- fast switching P3C-81, XC-15
- filter expressions
- creating P3C-74
- displaying P3C-83
- displaying filter sets P3C-83
- GOSIP compliance P3C-4
- HDLC encapsulation P3C-4
- hello packets, specifying P3C-77
- IGRP support P3C-4
- interdomain routing (example) P3C-98
- interfaces
- displaying information P3C-83
- enabling on P3C-71
- intradomain static routing (example) P3C-97
- IS-IS, ISO documentation P3C-4
- IS neighbors P3C-83
- ISO standards supported P3C-4
- local source packet parameters P3C-82
- maintaining, network P3C-82
- MTU P3C-80
- multicast address, SMDS address mapping WC-161
- multihoming P3C-65
- neighbors
- listing, for NSAP-to-SNPA mapping P3C-73
- NETs P3C-56
- assigning P3C-56
- next hop P3C-59
- network connectivity, testing P3C-83
- NSAPs P3C-56
- address rules P3C-58
- dynamic routing P3C-56
- field formats P3C-56
- prefix P3C-59
- n-selector P3C-56
- OSI standard P3C-55
- packet lifetime P3C-82
- protocols supported P3C-4
- QOS option P3C-79
- record route option P3C-79
- redistribution
- address match P3C-76
- routes
- entering P3C-59
- next hop NET P3C-59
- NSAPs prefix P3C-59
- routing
- dynamic
- See ISO CLNS, dynamic routing
- in more than one area P3C-91
- static routes
- See ISO CLNS, static routing
- routing cache
- clearing P3C-82, P3C-83
- displaying entries P3C-83
- dynamic entries P3C-60
- reinitializing P3C-82
- static entries P3C-60
- routing protocols supported P3C-4
- security-option packets, allowing to pass P3C-79
- source route option P3C-79
- static routing P3C-61
- support of P3C-4
- Target Identifier Address Resolution Protocol
- See TARP
- traffic statistics, displaying P3C-83
- transmitting congestion information over Frame Relay WC-10
- X.25 encapsulation P3C-4
- addressing P3C-57
- adjacency P3C-74
- area routing P3C-60
- areas P3C-60
- border routers P3C-75
- Cisco's implementation P3C-57
- configuring P3C-63
- enabling P3C-62
- filters P3C-74
- interdomain routing P3C-60
- Level 1 routers P3C-61
- metric adjustments P3C-63
- NETs, configuring P3C-62
- packet forwarding P3C-74
- preferred routes P3C-77
- processes per router P3C-62
- route maps P3C-76
- router level, specifying P3C-62
- routing
- information redistribution P3C-75
- processes, displaying P3C-83
- split horizon P3C-64
- system IDs P3C-60
- system routing P3C-60
- timing parameter adjustments P3C-63
- iso-igrp adjacency-filter command P3C-75
- is-type command P1C-142, P3C-66
- ITU-T X.25 Recommendation WC-12
- Join message P1C-207
- KA9Q program FC-325
- keepalive
- LAT timers DC-283
- translate option DC-323
- keepalive command FC-228, WC-114
- keepalives
- Frame Relay WC-114
- IPX P2C-118
- PPP LQM enabled, disabled DC-387
- SPX P2C-118
- keepalive timer
- AIP WC-30
- ATM port adapter WC-62
- NPM WC-89
- keepalive timers
- adjusting FC-228
- BGP P1C-163
- Kerberos
- ARA authentication, using for DC-431
- authentication SC-101
- login SC-28
- PPP SC-31
- authorization SC-58
- configuration (examples) SC-104 to SC-114
- configuring SC-97
- copying SRVTABs files SC-100
- creating SRVTABs SC-98
- credential forwarding SC-101
- extracting SRVTABs SC-99
- instance mapping SC-103
- KDC SC-97
- KDC database SC-98
- mandatory authentication SC-103
- network access server communication SC-99
- realms SC-99
- Encrypted Kerberized Telnet SC-102
- maintaining SC-103
- monitoring SC-103
- operation SC-95 to SC-97
- overview SC-93
- protocol DC-431
- Telnet to router SC-102
- terms (table) SC-94
- keyboard emulation, custom (example) DC-298
- key chain command P1C-186
- for DRP P1C-58
- for IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-132
- key chain configuration mode
- description FC-18
- entering FC-21
- key chain key configuration mode
- description FC-18
- entering FC-21
- key command P1C-186
- for DRP P1C-58
- for IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-132
- keymap command DC-296
- keymaps
- alternate DC-296
- line characteristics, assigning DC-296
- selection priority DC-294
- selection process (figure) DC-294
- keymap-type command DC-296
- keys
- chains SC-227
- management SC-227
- key-string command P1C-187
- for DRP P1C-58
- for IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-132
- Kinetics FastPath router
- KIP software P2C-35
- K-Star
- Shiva FastPath routers P2C-11
- L2F
- benefits for Multilink PPP DC-682
- draft RFC DC-683
- encapsulation, processes DC-681
- fast switching
- stack group environment DC-681
- tunneling DC-681
- LAN XC-31
- segmentation XC-31, XC-32
- with VLANs XC-36
- LANCE controller FC-245
- lan-dest-address command BC-365
- assigning components to subinterfaces, rules XC-72
- ATM address
- constructing XC-71
- ESI field XC-71
- ESI values derived from MAC address XC-72
- prefix
- configuring on switch XC-74
- prefix, configuring on switch XC-71
- syntax XC-70
- templates XC-72
- wildcards XC-72
- values of wildcard characters XC-72
- broadcast-and-unknown server (BUS) XC-68
- client XC-68
- and server, setting up XC-82 to XC-83
- changing to different emulated LAN, change database first XC-82
- MAC address XC-71
- protocol address, assigning XC-82, XC-83
- requires MAC address XC-70
- components
- on subinterfaces, rules for assigning XC-72
- unique ATM address XC-70
- configuration
- plan and worksheet recommended XC-73
- task list XC-73
- configuration server XC-68
- ATM address, locally configured XC-75
- enabling XC-80
- on major interface XC-72
- database
- default LAN, setting up XC-77
- restricted-membership LANs, setting up XC-79
- setting up XC-76
- task list for, setting up XC-76
- unrestricted-membership LANs, setting up XC-77
- database configuration mode FC-22
- default emulated LAN, unrestricted membership mandatory XC-76
- emulated LANs
- and subnetworks XC-82, XC-83
- default, setting up database for XC-77
- default components on several routers (example) XC-88, XC-89
- multiple (figure) XC-90
- ESI template XC-72
- Ethernet support XC-69
- LE ARP XC-68
- MAC address
- clients on a given interface XC-70
- prefix template XC-72
- routing between emulated LANs P2C-3, P2C-5, XC-81, XC-82
- routing protocol support XC-69
- server XC-68
- and clients, setting up XC-81 to XC-83
- SSRP XC-68, XC-83
- support
- Banyan Vines XC-69
- DECnet XC-69
- XNS XC-69
- lane auto-config-atm-address command XC-81
- lane client command XC-82, XC-83
- lane config command XC-80
- lane database command XC-77 to XC-79
- LAN emulation
- in VLANs XC-34
- See also LANE
- lane server-bus command XC-82
- LAN Extender
- access list, assigning FC-261
- acknowledgment timeout FC-263
- description FC-255
- Ethernet interface, shutting down FC-264
- filtering for Ethernet- and SNAP- encapsulated packets FC-262
- frames, filtering by MAC address FC-259, FC-261
- frames, filtering by protocol type FC-262
- interface
- access list (examples) FC-270
- binding to the serial line FC-257
- configuring FC-257, FC-270
- enabling (example) FC-270
- monitoring FC-235
- statistics, displaying FC-235
- interface on router
- configuring FC-259
- MAC address, assigning FC-259
- PPP encapsulation on serial interface FC-259
- serial interface, configuring FC-259
- LEDs FC-264
- figure FC-265
- on LAN Extender FC-265
- LED trouble indicators (table) FC-265
- MAC address FC-257
- priority list, assigning FC-263
- problem solving FC-264
- queuing priorities, setting FC-263
- rebooting FC-264
- restarting FC-264
- retries, setting FC-263
- retry count FC-263
- software image, downloading FC-264
- timeout, setting FC-263
- troubleshooting FC-264
- lan-name command BC-322
- LAN Network Manager
- See LNM
- LAN Reporting Manager
- See LRM
- compression WC-175
- configuration
- (example) WC-211
- task list WC-173
- custom queuing WC-177
- datagram transport WC-12, WC-174
- DDR, configuring DC-525
- encapsulation WC-174
- frame error detection WC-173, WC-175
- general statistics, displaying WC-210
- Legacy DDR, configuring DC-497
- modulo, function WC-176
- multiprotocol (example) WC-212
- N1 parameter WC-176
- over leased serial line WC-173, WC-176
- parameters (table) WC-176
- PLP restarts WC-186
- priority queuing WC-177
- retransmission criteria WC-173, WC-175
- timers, link failure (T4) and hardware outage WC-177
- transparent bridging (example) WC-212
- window parameter, k WC-176
- lapb interface-outage command WC-176
- lapb k command WC-176
- lapb modulo command WC-176
- lapb n1 command WC-176
- lapb n2 command WC-176
- lapb t1 command WC-176
- lapb t4 command WC-176
- access lists
- (example) DC-288
- advertising group services DC-281
- associating commands with services DC-282
- basic services configuration (example) DC-287
- configuration task list DC-280
- configuring compression BC-68
- configuring traffic timers DC-283
- connections
- host-initiated DC-279, DC-281
- inbound, to services DC-282
- VMS host to a communication server DC-279
- description DC-271, DC-277
- examples DC-289
- font selection DC-304
- group codes
- configuration (example) DC-287
- filtering BC-76
- group list
- for outgoing connections, defining DC-281
- logical names, specifying DC-281
- groups DC-278
- high-speed buffering DC-280
- keepalive timer DC-283
- listing
- available services DC-286
- making a connection DC-285
- master and slave functionality DC-277
- message retransmission limit DC-283
- monitoring activity DC-275
- number of messages received
- by server node DC-284
- opening multiple connections DC-286
- optimizing performance DC-284
- outbound sessions, establishing (example) DC-287
- partitioning services by terminal line (example) DC-288
- port name DC-280
- protocol translation
- configuration (examples) DC-339 to DC-348
- to LAT
- over an IP WAN (example) DC-344
- via X.25 (example) DC-348
- to TCP
- standalone (example) DC-357
- via X.25 (example) DC-351
- to X.25
- PAD DC-360
- to X.25 host (example) DC-354
- protocol transparency DC-280
- proxy node, enabling DC-282
- rotary group
- associating with a service (example) DC-289
- configuration (example) DC-288
- service announcements
- administrative filtering BC-75
- deny conditions for LAT group codes BC-76
- disabling DC-283
- group code service filtering BC-76
- service ID, setting DC-281
- services
- description DC-278
- on the same LAN, displaying (example) DC-287
- sessions
- description DC-279
- maximum number on a virtual circuit DC-284
- set acknowledgment delay DC-284
- simplified configuration management DC-280
- standalone protocol translation DC-357
- static service rating DC-281
- virtual circuit timer DC-283
- lat access-list command DC-284
- latched CSU loopback DC-248
- lat command DC-285, DC-318, DC-323
- lat enabled command DC-281
- lat group-list command DC-281
- lat host-buffers command DC-284
- lat host-delay command DC-284
- lat ka-timer command DC-283
- lat out-group command DC-281
- lat remote-modification command DC-281, DC-285
- lat retransmit-limit command DC-283
- lat server-buffers command DC-284
- lat service-announcements command DC-282
- lat service command DC-281
- lat service-group command DC-281
- lat service-responder command DC-282
- lat service-timer command DC-282
- lat vc-sessions command DC-284
- lat vc-timer command DC-283
- Layer 2
- address XC-8
- encapsulating interfaces XC-35
- Layer 2 Forwarding
- See L2F
- Layer 2 Forwarding Fast Switching
- feature description DC-681
- Layer 3
- address XC-8
- lcnode command P3C-2
- leaf router P1C-210
- LE ARP XC-68
- Leased-Line ISDN at 128 Kbps
- feature description DC-260
- leased serial line
- CMNS on WC-220
- LAPB on WC-173
- LED Trouble Indicators table FC-265
- Legacy DDR
- asynchronous
- with authentication (example) DC-482
- without authentication (example) DC-481
- chat scripts
- writing and implementing (examples) DC-479
- hub
- (examples) DC-526 to DC-538
- (figure) DC-518
- access lists, assigning to an interface DC-519
- AppleTalk (example) DC-528
- asynchronous interfaces (example) DC-530
- authentication DC-516
- Banyan VINES (example) DC-528
- bridging, access control DC-519
- configuration DC-511 to DC-538
- controlling access by protocol DC-519
- DECnet (example) DC-529
- destinations, multiple DC-518
- diagnostics for interface, displaying DC-525
- dialer group, assigning to interface DC-520
- dialer hold queue DC-522
- dialer interfaces (figure) DC-515
- dialer rotary group DC-515, DC-517, DC-521
- dialer rotary group, bandwidth on demand DC-522
- DTR dialing, X.25 encapsulation (example) DC-538
- Frame Relay DC-523 to DC-524
- Frame Relay (examples) DC-536
- IP (example) DC-527
- ISDN interfaces, enabled DC-513
- ISO CLNS (example) DC-529
- LAPB (example) DC-538
- LAPB, configuring DC-525
- load threshold DC-522
- monitoring connections DC-525
- multiple destinations (example) DC-533
- PPP (example), (figure) DC-534
- receiving calls DC-516
- routing, access control DC-520
- sites, calling one or many (figure) DC-532
- task flow DC-512
- task list DC-512
- timers DC-520, DC-521
- transparent bridging (example) DC-526, DC-527
- X.25 DC-524
- XNS (example) DC-529
- interoperability with virtual profiles DC-592
- ISDN caller ID callback DC-656
- actions DC-656
- BRI interface (example) DC-662
- configuring DC-657
- primary D channel DC-265
- non-V.25bis modems DC-488
- spoke DC-485 to DC-509
- 2-way client-server (examples) DC-500, DC-506
- access lists, assigning to an interface DC-490
- AppleTalk configuration (example) DC-501
- bandwidth on demand DC-494
- bridging, controlling access DC-491
- calling single site DC-489
- carrier wait time, setting DC-493
- connections, monitoring DC-497
- controlling access by protocol DC-490
- DECnet configuration (example) DC-501
- diagnostics for interface, displaying DC-497
- dialer group, assigning to interface DC-492
- dialer hold queue DC-494
- DTR calls, receiving DC-488, DC-489
- DTR dialing (example) DC-503
- Frame Relay DC-495, DC-496
- Frame Relay (example) DC-507, DC-508
- hub-and-spoke configuration (example) DC-504
- interface idle timer DC-492
- interface priority in dialer rotary group DC-493
- IP, configuring (example) DC-499
- ISDN interfaces, enabled DC-487
- ISO CLNS configuration (example) DC-502
- LAPB DC-497
- line down time DC-493
- line idle time DC-492
- multiple calls to single destination DC-494
- passive interface and DTR dialing DC-488, DC-489
- spoke configuration examples DC-497 to DC-509
- transparent bridging DC-491
- transparent bridging (example) DC-498
- X.25 DC-496
- X.25, DTR dialing (example) DC-508
- XNS configuration (example) DC-502
- legacy DDR
- dial backup using asynchronous interface (example) DC-555
- dial backup using ISDN (example) DC-556
- V.120 incoming calls (example) DC-418
- Level 1 router
- adjacency P3C-70
- IS P3C-72
- Level 2
- switching FC-266
- Level 2 Forwarding
- fast switching
- stack group environment FC-230
- Level 2 router
- adjacency P3C-70
- IS P3C-72
- routing updates P3C-62
- Level 3 switching FC-266
- lex burned-in-address command FC-259
- lex input-address-list command FC-261
- lex input-type-list command FC-262
- lex priority-group command FC-263
- lex retry-count command FC-263
- lex timeout command FC-263
- LightStream ATM switch
- See Cisco LightStream 100 ATM switch
- See Cisco LightStream 1010 ATM switch
- limited-resource command BC-363, BC-366
- Limiting LU Sessions on TN3270
- feature description BC-436
- line
- automatic disconnect, configuring DC-135
- configuration mode FC-22
- configuring
- for ARA server DC-423
- modem control on DC-130
- connections, setting individual DC-150
- password, assigning DC-208
- relationship to interfaces DC-114
- sample output DC-115
- speed
- changing DC-207
- changing on the local line DC-207
- speed, negotiating on reverse Telnet lines DC-272
- TTY DC-114
- types and functions DC-114
- VTY DC-114 to DC-115
- line aux command DC-148
- linecode b8zs command DC-237
- linecode hdb3 command DC-236, DC-245
- line coding
- NRZI DC-225, FC-292
- line command DC-139, FC-375
- LINE definition, required to configure SDLLC BC-303
- line idle timer
- Legacy DDR
- line DC-492
- line-in-use message
- defining DC-272
- line numbers
- absolute DC-115
- banners, displaying DC-209
- relative DC-115
- lines
- asynchronous, options configured DC-110, DC-118
- compared to interfaces DC-110, DC-117
- line specification, custom emulation (example) DC-299
- line speed
- changing DC-207
- line speed, setting DC-121
- line transport protocol, defining DC-205
- line vty command SC-138
- Link Access Procedure, Balanced
- See LAPB
- link-layer protocol translation, SNA over X.25
- See QLLC conversion
- Link Quality Monitoring
- See LQM
- link-queuing command BC-366
- link-state metrics
- IS-IS for CLNS, configuring P3C-68
- IS-IS for IP, configuring P1C-138
- link-state packet
- See LSP
- link-state packet (LSP)
- link-test command FC-254
- link traps
- disabling FC-342
- AIP WC-32
- ATM port adapter WC-64
- NPM WC-91
- lives-of-history-kept command FC-348
- LLC2
- configuration examples BC-275
- configuration task list BC-265
- DLSw+
- description BC-200
- local acknowledgments BC-201
- TCP (example) BC-199, BC-203
- TCP(example) BC-205
- features supported BC-22
- frequency of XID transmissions BC-269
- I-frames
- largest size for BC-283
- maximum sent before requiring acknowledgment BC-266
- maximum sent before sending acknowledgment BC-266
- rejected frames, resending BC-267
- resending BC-267
- transmission BC-265
- local acknowledgment
- advantages of enabling BC-164
- configuring (example) BC-181
- NetBIOS timers BC-166
- overhead BC-166
- parameters, configuring BC-166
- setting up BC-165
- T1 timer problem BC-164
- maximum delay for acknowledgments BC-266
- number of frames received before acknowledgment, configuring (example) BC-276
- number of retries allowed BC-266
- polling frequency BC-267
- PU4 (example) BC-210
- transmit-poll-frame timer BC-268
- XID retries BC-269
- XID transmissions BC-268
- llc2 ack-delay-time command BC-266
- llc2 ack-max command BC-266
- llc2 dynwind command BC-333
- llc2 idle-time command BC-268
- llc2 local-window command BC-266, BC-333
- llc2 n2 command BC-266
- llc2 t1-time command BC-267
- llc2 tbusy-time command BC-268
- LLC2-to-SDLC Conversion between PU4 Devices
- feature description BC-194
- llc2 tpf-time command BC-268
- llc2 trej-time command BC-267
- llc2 xid-neg-val-time command BC-269
- llc2 xid-retry-time command BC-269
- autosense WC-113
- polling verification timer WC-115
- error threshold WC-115
- full status polling interval WC-115
- monitored events counter WC-115
- Frame Relay WC-112
- keepalives WC-114
- error threshold WC-115
- monitored events counter WC-115
- polling verification timer WC-115
- specifications WC-9
- and Cisco routing devices BC-120
- configuring
- management stations BC-121
- routing device BC-122
- support for BC-118
- disabling BC-121
- errors BC-135
- monitoring BC-136, BC-171
- network configuration
- complex (example) BC-148
- simple (example) BC-148
- over DLSw+ BC-16
- parameters, enabling LRMs to change BC-122
- reporting interval, changing BC-123
- reporting link, applying a password to BC-123
- reporting thresholds, changing BC-123
- report path trace function, disabling BC-122
- routing device parameters, preventing change BC-122
- servers, enabling BC-123
- lnm alternate command BC-122
- lnm crs command BC-123
- lnm disabled command BC-121
- lnm loss-threshold command BC-123
- lnm password command BC-123
- lnm pathtrace-disabled command BC-122
- lnm rem command BC-123
- lnm rps command BC-123
- lnm snmp-only command BC-122
- lnm softerr command BC-124
- load
- threshold, bandwidth on demand DC-494
- load balancing
- in VLANs XC-36
- load balancing over serial lines BC-79
- load distribution
- See deterministic load distribution
- load-interval command FC-357
- load sharing with RSRB (example) BC-183
- load statistics
- setting interval for FC-357
- load threshold
- dialer rotary DC-522
- LOCADD definition, adjusting for SDLLC BC-303
- locaddr-priority command BC-170
- locaddr-priority-list command BC-169, BC-229
- local acknowledgment
- current state of, displaying BC-136, BC-171
- enabling BC-226
- RSRB (example) BC-175
- configuring BC-224
- SDLLC (example) BC-294
- See also LLC2
- local-area mobility
- configuring P1C-12
- redistributing routes P1C-13
- Local Area Transport
- See LAT
- local authentication database DC-460
- local IP address pool
- example DC-153
- ip address-pool command DC-327
- local LAT-to-TCP (example) DC-356
- local-lnm command FC-268
- Local Management Interface
- See LMI
- See also Frame Relay, LMI
- local routers
- See Level 1 router
- local-sap command BC-361
- LocalTalk P2C-1
- location command BC-322
- lock-and-key
- benefits SC-136
- configuration
- (examples) SC-142
- prerequisites SC-138
- tasks SC-138
- tips SC-139
- verification SC-141
- maintenance tasks SC-141
- overview SC-135
- performance impacts SC-137
- process SC-136
- risk of spoofing SC-137
- when to use SC-136
- lock-and-key access
- dynamic access list, creating P1C-60
- locked blocks
- recovering FC-174
- log-adjacency-changes command P2C-99, P2C-151, P3C-67
- logging
- display device FC-374
- VTY-async authentication information DC-336
- to a buffer DC-336
- to console terminal DC-336
- to UNIX syslog server DC-337
- See also message logging
- logging buffered command FC-374
- logging command FC-374
- logging console command FC-375
- logging facility command FC-376
- logging monitor command FC-375
- logging on command FC-374
- logging synchronous command FC-375
- logging trap command FC-375
- logical constructs
- group async interfaces DC-105
- virtual interface templates DC-106
- logical interfaces
- dialer DC-107
- virtual access DC-108
- virtual asynchronous DC-109
- logical IP subnetwork
- See LIS
- Logical Link Control, type 2
- See LLC2
- logical unit
- See LU
- login authentication command DC-208, DC-429
- login authentication nasi command DC-571
- login command DC-208
- login local command DC-208, SC-138
- login-string command DC-272
- login tacacs command DC-208, DC-428, SC-138
- log neighbor adjacencies
- AppleTalk enhanced IGRP P2C-48
- IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-130
- IPX Enhanced IGRP P2C-150
- log-neighbor-changes command P1C-130
- logouts, warning user of impending DC-209
- logout-warning command DC-209
- loopback
- Ethernet server support FC-240
- HSSI FC-239
- interface FC-323
- MCI serial card FC-240
- SCI serial card FC-240
- serial interface FC-239
- use with OSPF P1C-112
- VMS system FC-240
- loopback (controller) command DC-247
- loopback, ATM packets
- AIP WC-36
- ATM port adapter WC-67
- NPM WC-94
- loopback command FC-240, WC-36, WC-67, WC-94
- loopback diagnostics DC-246, FC-238
- loopback dte command FC-233, FC-239
- loopback line command FC-240
- Cisco 2524 FC-233
- Cisco 2525 FC-233
- loopback line payload command
- Cisco 2524 FC-233
- Cisco 2525 FC-233
- loopback local (controller) command DC-246
- and channelized E1 troubleshooting DC-247
- loopback local command FC-284, FC-286
- loopback network command FC-286
- loopback network line command FC-284
- loopback network payload command FC-284
- loopback remote (controller) command DC-246
- loopback remote (interface) command DC-248
- command sent DC-248
- loopback remote command FC-240, FC-286
- Cisco 2524 FC-234
- Cisco 2524 and 2525 FC-234
- Cisco 2525 FC-234
- loopback remote line fdl ansi command FC-289
- loopback remote line inband command FC-284
- loopback remote payload ansi command FC-289
- loopbacks
- channelized E1
- controller DC-247
- interface local DC-248
- channelized T1
- controller DC-246
- interface local DC-248
- remote DC-248
- loop circuit command FC-240
- looped-back lines, detecting DC-383
- LQM DC-386
- calculation DC-386
- keepalives
- LQRs DC-387
- applying a password to a BC-123
- enabling other LRMs to change parameters BC-122
- ignore packets P3C-67
- retransmission interval P3C-69
- lsp-gen-interval command P2C-98
- lsp-mtu command P2C-98, P3C-67
- lsp-refresh-interval command P2C-98
- LU
- address, SNA traffic priority based on BC-168
- dedicated LU routing BC-309
- defining with DSPU BC-308
- pooled LU routing BC-309
- LU Address Mapping
- feature description BC-429, BC-439
- LU nailing
- See TN3270 server
- MAC address
- See address
- mac-address command BC-135
- MAC addresses
- administrative filtering by BC-71
- DECnet P3C-30
- determining P1C-10
- IP address mapping FC-56
- MacIP
- addresses P2C-33
- address ranges P2C-32
- advantages P2C-31
- AppleTalk traffic P2C-54
- clients P2C-54
- clients, displaying DC-433
- description P2C-31
- disadvantages P2C-32
- implementation P2C-31
- requirements P2C-32
- servers P2C-33, P2C-54
- displaying status DC-433
- traffic statistics, displaying DC-433
- MAC layer and source-route bridging BC-6
- Maintenance Operation Protocol
- See MOP
- Management Information Base
- See MIB
- map class
- Dialer Profiles
- why configure DC-542
- map-class atm command WC-29, WC-33, WC-87, WC-92
- map-class configuration mode
- description FC-19
- entering FC-22
- map-class dialer command DC-257, DC-542
- PPP callback server DC-647
- map-class frame-relay command WC-117
- map-group command WC-22, WC-27, WC-56, WC-61, WC-79, WC-85, WC-116
- map-list command WC-21, WC-22, WC-27, WC-55, WC-56, WC-61, WC-79, WC-80, WC-86
- addresses
- E.164, X.121 WC-118
- map-list configuration mode
- description FC-19
- entering FC-22
- mapping
- IP address to hostname FC-57
- MAC address to IP address FC-56
- name to DECnet address P3C-35
- SMDS static routes WC-160
- TN3270 character
- creating DC-297
- mapping addresses
- DLCIs WC-112
- static WC-127
- masks
- format in displays P1C-39
- implicit, in IP access lists, example P1C-72
- See also subnet masks
- master and slave
- See HSA
- master-slave arbitration
- See HSA
- match address command SC-180
- match as-path command P1C-180
- match clns address command P3C-76
- match clns interface command P3C-76
- match clns next-hop command P3C-76
- match clns route-source command P3C-76
- match community-list command P1C-180
- match interface command P1C-180
- match ip address command P1C-180, P1C-185
- match ip next-hop command P1C-180
- match ip route-source command P1C-180
- match length command P1C-185
- match metric command P1C-180, P3C-76
- match route-type command P1C-181
- match tag command P1C-180
- max-cached entries command BC-357
- max-cached trees command BC-357
- maximum-memory command BC-357
- maximum paths
- Apollo Domain, setting P3C-9
- AppleTalk
- setting P2C-42
- description P2C-141
- setting P2C-142
- XNS, setting P3C-111
- maximum-paths command P1C-146, P1C-180
- maximum transmission unit
- See MTU
- max-link-stations command BC-361
- max-lsp-lifetime command P2C-98
- MAXOUT, changing value on host to improve SDLLC performance BC-284
- max-rcv-btu-size command BC-361
- M-bit
- X.25 more data bit WC-183
- MBONE P1C-206, P1C-216
- RTP header compression P1C-231
- MCI interface card
- loopback on serial FC-240
- pulsing DTR signal on FC-293
- MD5
- neighbor router authentication SC-227
- MD5 authentication
- IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-132
- OSPF P1C-107, P1C-109
- RIP P1C-90
- TCP MD5 for BGP P1C-162
- (example) P1C-174
- mdl command FC-287
- Media Access Control
- See MAC addresses
- media translation, SDLLC, customizing BC-283
- media-type command FC-245
- media-type half-duplex command FC-277
- member asynchronous interface DC-139
- member command DC-140
- memory
- displaying use FC-370
- running out while booting from server FC-152
- testing status FC-373
- types, comparing FC-162
- menu clear-screen command FC-36
- menu command FC-37, FC-39, FC-41
- resuming connection FC-37
- menu-exit command FC-37
- menu line-mode command FC-40
- menus
- cleanup FC-35
- clear-screen option FC-36
- closing FC-35
- deleting FC-41
- description FC-33
- display, configuring FC-40
- entries, hidden FC-39
- invoking FC-41
- item, associating command with FC-37
- line-mode option FC-40
- single-space option FC-40
- status-line option FC-41
- submenus, creating FC-38
- text FC-36
- title FC-35
- menu single-space command FC-40
- menu status-line command FC-41
- menu text command FC-36
- menu title command FC-35
- Message Digest 5 (MD5) authentication
- See MD5 authentication
- Message Digest Algorithm Version 5
- See MD5
- message identifiers
- See MID
- message logging
- description FC-373
- display device FC-374
- enabling FC-373
- enabling for slave card FC-374
- facility types
- (table) FC-377
- history table FC-375
- severity level FC-375
- synchronizing with solicited output FC-374
- syslog server FC-376 to FC-378
- timestamps FC-375
- messages
- access list violation P1C-60, P1C-62, P2C-124
- Internet broadcast, establishing P1C-26
- IP, Destination Unreachable P1C-55
- line-in-use
- defining DC-272
- logging P1C-60, P1C-62, P2C-124
- Telnet
- failed connection DC-273
- login DC-273
- successful connection DC-273
- warning FC-370
- method lists SC-19
- example SC-19
- metric holddown command P1C-100
- metric maximum-hops command P1C-100
- metrics
- automatic translations between IP routing protocols P1C-182
- BGP P1C-145
- DVMRP P1C-217
- IGRP P1C-95, P1C-99
- IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-127
- adjusting P1C-130
- IS-IS link-state P1C-138
- RIP P1C-87
- routing
- IPX P2C-4
- Net/One P3C-4, P3C-104
- XNS P2C-4, P3C-4, P3C-104
- translations supported between IP routing protocols P1C-182
- metric weights command P1C-99, P1C-130, P3C-63
- AppleTalk P2C-2
- APPN BC-34
- CDP management FC-344
- ciscoFlash FC-164, FC-168
- Cisco Round Trip Monitor (RTTMON) FC-346
- Entity FC-339
- extensions WC-109
- IPX P2C-4
- NLSP P2C-92
- OSPF P1C-105
- RFCs FC-339
- source-route bridging support BC-7
- Token Ring support BC-7
- variables
- SNMP support FC-337
- Token Ring support FC-266
- X.25 LAPB, SNMP extension WC-13
- X25 Packet Layer, SNMP extension WC-13
- MIBs
- FRAS BC-353
- microcode
- on the AIP WC-5
- microcode command FC-159
- microcode images
- description FC-158
- information, displaying FC-160
- location, specifying FC-158
- reloading FC-159
- writable control store (WCS) FC-158
- microcode reload command FC-159
- MID numbers
- ATM WC-39
- MMP DC-583 to DC-587
- access number, PRI hunt group DC-583
- bundle DC-583
- configuration requirements, for each router DC-585
- dialer
- explicitly defined (example) DC-588
- not explicitly defined (example) DC-589
- not used (example) DC-587
- digital and analog traffic DC-583
- monitoring virtual interfaces DC-587
- Multilink PPP, comparison DC-583
- offload server (example) DC-590
- operations, typical DC-584
- PRI (example) DC-587
- scenario
- powerful router in group (figure) DC-585
- typical (figure) DC-584
- stack group DC-583
- stack group members
- answering calls DC-583
- owning a call DC-583
- powerful router present DC-584
- supported interfaces DC-583
- supported platforms DC-583
- task list, high level DC-585
- tasks
- group members, identify DC-586
- virtual template, configure DC-586
- virtual template
- caution against specific IP addresses DC-587
- interface DC-586
- virtual template interface
- configuring DC-586
- mobile remote node
- connections DC-321
- example DC-335
- modem
- automatic dialing DC-131
- configuring
- for ARA server DC-423
- connections, closing DC-134
- control lines, configuring DC-130
- dial-in, supporting DC-133, DC-136
- dial-out, supporting DC-133
- high-speed, configuring DC-131
- line configuration
- for continuous CTS (figure) DC-135
- for high-speed dial-up modem (figure) DC-132
- for incoming and outgoing calls (figure) DC-133
- for modem call-in (figure) DC-136
- for modem call-out (figure) DC-138
- line timing, configuring DC-134
- modem lines, configuring DC-130
- non-V.25bis, DTR dialing DC-488, DC-514
- reverse connections, supporting DC-137
- Telebit T-3000 setup (example) DC-438
- XRemote setup DC-303
- modem answer-timeout command DC-134, DC-137
- modem at-mode command DC-202
- modem autoconfigure command DC-125
- modem autotest command DC-176
- modem bad command DC-196
- modem buffer-size command DC-198
- modem busyout command DC-196
- modem callin command DC-136
- modem callout command DC-137
- modem chat script
- (example) DC-480
- modem connections
- making multiple DC-124
- testing DC-123
- troubleshooting DC-123
- modem cts-required command DC-134
- modem dialin command DC-121, DC-131, DC-133
- modem dtr-active command DC-131
- modem hold-reset command DC-196
- modem inout command DC-121, DC-133
- modem management
- automatic diagnostic testing DC-174
- collect statistics
- call-switching DC-198
- connected AT sessions DC-198
- event log DC-198
- event polling DC-198
- performance DC-198
- system summary DC-198
- configuring automatically DC-200
- integrated modem cards DC-167
- manageable versus nonmanageable DC-169
- manual diagnostic testing DC-178
- modem control functions
- event buffer DC-196
- remove from service DC-196
- recommended initialization strings DC-201
- sending AT commands DC-201
- upgrade modem firmware
- 56K modems DC-187
- download from CCO DC-184
- V.110 modems DC-195
- V.34 modems DC-193
- verify connection speed DC-170
- modem poll retry command DC-198
- modem poll time command DC-198
- modem recovery-time command DC-196
- modems
- answering calls DC-127
- attaching DC-121
- communication, establishing DC-123
- configuring DC-121
- automatically DC-125
- manually DC-126 to DC-129
- data compression, best DC-128
- DCD operation DC-127
- dialin and dialout access, configuring DC-121
- DTR interpretation DC-127
- error correction, best DC-127
- flowcontrol, setting DC-127
- initialization strings, configuring DC-126, DC-129
- recommended initialization strings DC-126
- returning to factory default settings DC-129
- storing settings in modem NVRAM DC-129
- modem shutdown command DC-196
- modem status-poll command DC-198
- modes
- See command modes
- monitoring protocol translation connections DC-336
- DECnet P3C-46
- request parameters FC-213
- server
- booting automatically from FC-151
- configuration files, downloading FC-122
- forwarding boot requests to FC-213
- (example) FC-214
- manually booting from FC-206
- (example) FC-206
- mop device-code command FC-214
- mop enabled command P3C-46, FC-227
- mop retransmit-timer command FC-214
- mop retries command FC-214
- MOP server
- images, copying from FC-143
- mop sysid command P3C-46, FC-227
- more data bit, X.25 WC-183
- mrinfo command P1C-243
- mroute P1C-229
- mrouted protocol
- See IP multicast routing, mrouted
- mstat command P1C-243
- mtrace command P1C-243
- adjusting media MTU FC-229
- definition P1C-56
- IP
- of path P1C-55
- size, specifying P1C-56
- LSP size P3C-67
- size
- AIP WC-35
- ATM port adapter WC-66
- NPM WC-94
- mtu command FC-229, WC-35, WC-66, WC-94
- mtu translate option, mapping to virtual interface template command DC-323
- multibyte character set
- displaying FC-51
- Multicast
- DLSw+ BC-9
- multicast
- addresses, forwarding BC-62
- group, joining P1C-213
- static routes P1C-229
- transparent bridging (example) BC-92, BC-95
- See also IP multicast routing
- multicast command P2C-95
- multichassis Multilink PPP
- See MMP
- multidrop
- SDLLC configuration (example) BC-293
- multihoming
- areas P3C-65
- IS-IS areas P3C-65
- Multilink PPP
- (examples) DC-401
- bandwidth allocation
- See BACP
- caller ID, PPP authentication DC-396
- dialer rotary
- configuring DC-396
- example DC-221
- interfaces
- asynchronous DC-395
- BRI DC-396
- BRI (example) DC-401
- dialer rotary DC-396
- interleaving
- weighted fair queuing DC-398
- interoperation with virtual profiles DC-593
- MMP, comparison DC-583
- real-time traffic
- (example) DC-402
- interleaving DC-398 to DC-399
- interleaving (example) DC-402
- restriction DC-398
- rotary group
- configuring BRIs as members DC-397
- Stacker compression, on ISDN BRI DC-222
- virtual profiles
- cloning sequence (table) DC-593
- weighted fair queuing DC-398
- Multilink PPP Interleaving and Fair Queuing Support
- feature description DC-398
- multilink transmission groups
- configuring BC-227
- design recommendations BC-227
- multilink virtual-template command DC-586
- multiple logical IP subnetwork (LIS)
- configuration (example) WC-169
- over SMDS WC-11
- SMDS WC-164
- multiport source-route bridging (example) BC-104, BC-139
- multiprotocol SMDS
- configuration (example) WC-167
- multiprotocol X.25 WC-188
- multiring command BC-110
- Nagle algorithm
- enabling FC-358
- name
- router FC-380
- Name Binding Protocol
- See NBP
- named IP access lists P1C-61
- named IPX access lists P2C-123
- name display facility
- AppleTalk P2C-27
- name local-seg-id command XC-77 to XC-79
- name mapping
- DECnet address P3C-35
- NETs P3C-73
- NSAPs P3C-73
- name server-atm-address command XC-77 to XC-80
- client location requirements DC-570
- GNS requests, responding to DC-571
- modem dtr-active command, using with DC-131
- network resources, accessing DC-569
- SAP (Service Advertising Protocol) filters, configuring DC-571
- server, configuring your router as DC-571
- NAT DC-707
- configuration tasks P1C-30, DC-695
- displaying translations P1C-38, DC-704
- dynamic entries, clearing P1C-38, DC-704
- dynamic translations P1C-31, DC-696
- inside global address P1C-29, DC-694
- inside local address P1C-29, DC-694
- inside source translation P1C-30, DC-695
- inside source translation (example) P1C-49, DC-697, DC-704
- outside global address P1C-29, DC-694
- outside local address P1C-29, DC-694
- overlapping address (example) P1C-50, DC-701, DC-705
- overlapping addresses P1C-34, DC-699
- overloading a global address P1C-32, DC-697
- overloading a global address (example) P1C-49, DC-699, DC-705
- overview P1C-28, DC-693
- static translations P1C-31, DC-696
- TCP load distribution P1C-36, DC-702
- TCP load distribution (example) P1C-50, DC-703, DC-705
- timeouts P1C-37, DC-703
- Native Client Interface Architecture
- See NCIA
- NBFCP, using to pass NetBEUI packets DC-411
- NBMA network
- address advertised as valid P1C-21
- addresses advertised P2C-117
- definition P1C-16
- establishing NHRP (figure) P1C-16
- logical versus physical (figure) P1C-43, P2C-161
- with PIM P1C-224
- NBP P2C-2
- definition P2C-2, P2C-27
- description P2C-27
- name registration
- task table P2C-54
- services P2C-54
- client/server model BC-45, BC-395
- configuration examples BC-405 to BC-408
- DLSw+
- local switch session
- configuration task list BC-396
- DLSw+ local peer, defining BC-396
- NCIA server, configuring BC-397
- source-bridge ring group, defining BC-396
- session
- configuration task list BC-398
- local peer, defining BC-398
- NCIA server, configuring BC-399
- source-bridge ring group, defining BC-398
- DLSw+ local switch session configuration (example) BC-405
- DLSw+ session
- remote peer, defining BC-399
- DLSw+ session configuration (example) BC-406
- DSPU session
- configuration task list BC-400
- downstream PU, defining BC-401
- local SAP for downstream PUs, enabling BC-401
- LU, defining BC-401
- NCIA server, configuring BC-401
- upstream host, defining BC-401
- DSPU session configuration (example) BC-407
- feature defined BC-44
- monitoring and maintaining BC-404
- NCIA data link control (NDLC) BC-46
- RSRB session
- configuration task list BC-402
- DLSw+ local peer, defining BC-403
- NCIA/RSRB interface, configuring BC-404
- NCIA server, configuring BC-404
- remote peer, defining BC-403
- source-bridge ring group, defining BC-403
- RSRB session configuration (example) BC-408
- ncia rsrb command BC-404
- ncia server command
- DLSw+
- local switch, using BC-397
- DLSw+, using BC-399
- RSRB, using BC-404
- ncia start command BC-404
- ncia stop command BC-404
- DECnet parameters P3C-3
- definitions, configuring for SDLLC BC-300
- NDIS-compliant LAN drivers
- with ATM LANE XC-34
- neighbor advertisement-interval command P1C-161
- neighbor any command P1C-160
- neighbor command
- IGRP P1C-97
- OSPF P1C-109
- RIP P1C-88
- neighbor description command P1C-161
- neighbor distribute-list command P1C-151, P1C-161
- neighbor ebgp-multihop command P1C-161
- neighbor filter-list command P1C-150, P1C-151, P1C-161
- neighbor maximum-prefix command P1C-161
- neighbor next-hop-self command P1C-151, P1C-161
- neighbor password command P1C-161
- neighbor peer-group command P1C-160, P1C-162
- neighbor remote-as command P1C-148, P1C-161
- neighbor route-map command P1C-152, P1C-161
- neighbor route-reflector-client command P1C-158
- neighbors, ISO CLNS P3C-73
- neighbor send-community command P1C-154, P1C-161
- neighbor soft reconfiguration inbound command P1C-149
- neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound command P1C-161
- neighbor stations
- VINES P3C-20, P3C-21
- neighbor update-source command P1C-161
- neighbor version command P1C-152, P1C-161
- neighbor weight command P1C-150, P1C-161
- Net/One
- booting protocol P3C-103
- differences from XNS P3C-103
- emulation mode P3C-104
- enabling P3C-106
- receiving RIP updates P3C-104
- flooding broadcasts P3C-104
- hello packets P3C-4, P3C-103
- metrics, routing P3C-4, P3C-104
- network management
- consoles, configuring P3C-103
- protocols P3C-104
- network resource monitor P3C-104
- RIP updates P3C-103
- routing, enabling P3C-106, P3C-115
- routing protocol P3C-103
- connection information, viewing DC-411
- PPP over, tunneling DC-411
- filtering messages P2C-129
- "dead-time" interval, specifying BC-118
- access control
- filtering BC-124
- using byte offset BC-125
- using station names BC-125
- cache, adding a static entry (example) BC-147
- configuration with access filters (example) BC-150, BC-153
- error recovery BC-166
- name caching
- creating static entries BC-117
- enabling BC-116
- support, configuring BC-115
- NetBIOS, IPX P2C-128
- access control P2C-129
- filters (example) P2C-171
- netbios access-list bytes command BC-126
- netbios access-list command P2C-126
- netbios access-list host command BC-125
- NetBIOS Dial-on-Demand Routing
- feature description BC-12, BC-196
- netbios enable-name-cache command BC-116
- NetBIOS Frames Control Protocol DC-411
- netbios input-access-filter bytes command BC-126
- netbios input-access-filter host command BC-125
- netbios name-cache command BC-117
- netbios name-cache query-timeout command BC-118
- netbios name-cache recognized-timeout command BC-118
- netbios name-cache ring-group command BC-117
- netbios name-cache timeout command BC-116, BC-117
- netbios output-access-filter bytes command BC-126
- netbios output-access-filter host command BC-125
- netbooting
- See booting from a network server
- net command P1C-138, P3C-66
- IS-IS P3C-64
- NetFlow
- accounting benefits XC-25
- cache XC-25
- customizing number of entries XC-26
- free-flow queue XC-25
- IP
- flow switching cache XC-26
- switching XC-24
- configuration example XC-27
- configuring XC-25
- description XC-25
- distributed XC-26
- exporting cache entries XC-25, XC-27
- exporting information to network management applications XC-25
- identifying packet flows XC-25
- statistics XC-26
- switching on VIP interfaces XC-26
- traffic control XC-25
- traffic performance XC-25
- NetFlow Switching
- description XC-21
- NetFlow Switching Enhancements XC-21
- netmask, definition P1C-39
- NETs
- configuring P1C-138, P3C-62
- IS-IS for IP P1C-138
- IS-IS, number per router P3C-65
- ISO CLNS addresses P3C-56
- ISO IGRP, number per router P3C-62
- name mapping P3C-73
- NetWare
- connecting to asynchronous resources DC-569
- server, configuring your router as DC-571
- NetWare Asynchronous Services Interface
- See NASI
- NetWare Link Services Protocol
- See NLSP
- network
- changes XC-33, XC-34
- design XC-33
- management XC-33
- VlanDirector XC-33
- management applications
- NetFlow statistics XC-25
- performance XC-33
- scalability XC-33
- security XC-34
- services
- accounting XC-33
- quality of service (QoS) XC-33
- security filtering XC-33
- topology XC-33
- network access server
- VPDN DC-682
- Network Address Translation
- See NAT
- network address translation
- See NAT
- network backdoor command P1C-162
- network command P1C-97, P1C-129, P2C-86, P2C-110, P2C-111
- BGP P1C-147
- OSPF P1C-107
- RIP P1C-88
- network configuration files
- AutoInstall
- requirements FC-63
- role FC-57
- comparison with host configuration files FC-120
- description FC-120
- loading from a server FC-121
- (example) FC-122
- network connectivity
- testing FC-371
- Network Control Program
- See NCP
- network data encryption
- access lists, encryption SC-179
- (example) SC-198
- authenticating peer routers SC-167
- Cisco implementation SC-166
- connection problems SC-192
- crypto engines SC-171
- Cisco IOS SC-172
- ESA SC-172
- VIP2 SC-172
- crypto maps SC-179
- applying to interfaces SC-181
- (example) SC-198
- defining SC-180
- (example) SC-198
- DES algorithms SC-169, SC-170
- defaults (global) SC-178
- enabling
- globally SC-178
(example) SC-198
- in crypto maps SC-180
- types SC-178
- DH SC-169, SC-170
- pregenerating numbers SC-189
- dropped packets SC-193
- DSS keys SC-169
- deleting SC-191
- (examples) SC-206
- exchanging SC-168, SC-175
- (example) SC-195
- generating SC-174
- (example) SC-195
- saving SC-175
- encapsulation SC-173
- (examples) SC-205
- Cisco 7200 SC-184
- VIP2 SC-182
- fragmentation, IP SC-173
- GRE tunnels SC-181
- (example) SC-202
- multicast SC-173
- network topology SC-171
- number of sessions SC-173
- passwords (ESA) SC-194
- peer encrypting routers SC-167, SC-171
- performance impacts SC-174
- prework SC-171
- process SC-167
- purpose SC-166
- session keys SC-170
- session times SC-189
- standards implemented SC-167
- switching types SC-173
- tasks, basic SC-174
- testing and troubleshooting SC-192
- testing connections
- (example) SC-208
- turning off SC-191
- which packets are encrypted SC-166
- network diameter, enforcing (IGRP) P1C-100
- network entity titles
- See NETs
- network management consoles
- Net/One P3C-103
- network masks, format P1C-39
- network mode, configuring dedicated DC-144
- network number
- Apollo Domain P3C-5
- BGP P1C-145
- OSPF P1C-110
- VINES P3C-11
- XNS P3C-104
- network numbers
- IPX P2C-79
- network operating system
- See NOS
- Network Processor Module
- See NPM
- network resource monitor
- Net/One P3C-104
- networks
- switched XC-36
- network service access point
- See NSAP
- network service access points
- See NSAPs
- Network-Specific Facilities
- See NSF
- Network Time Protocol
- See NTP
- Network-to-Network Interface
- See NNI
- network weight command P1C-152
- Next Hop Resolution Protocol
- See NHRP
- See NHRP for IP; NHRP for IPX
- Next Hop Server
- See NHRP for IP, Next Hop Server; NHRP for IPX, Next Hop Server
- enabling P2C-114
- holdtime P2C-117
- initiation, controlling P2C-116
- loop detection P2C-116
- next hop server P2C-117
- packet rate P2C-116
- record options, suppressing P2C-117
- requests, triggering P2C-116
- time addresses P2C-117
- NHRP for IP
- (example) P1C-42
- access list P1C-19
- authentication P1C-19
- cache clearing
- dynamic entries P1C-40
- static entries P1C-40
- cache monitoring P1C-40
- Cisco implementation P1C-16
- configuration task list P1C-17
- enabling P1C-18
- holdtime P1C-21
- initiation, controlling P1C-19, P1C-20
- interfaces supported P1C-16
- loop detection P1C-20
- Next Hop Server
- as responder P1C-20
- configuring P1C-18
- definition P1C-17
- packet rate P1C-20
- record options, suppressing P1C-20
- requests, triggering P1C-20
- sample environment (figure) P1C-16
- static IP-to-NBMA address mapping, configuring P1C-18
- time addresses advertised as valid P1C-21
- traffic monitoring P1C-40
- tunnel (example) P1C-46
- tunnel network P1C-21
- virtual private network P1C-17
- NHRP for IPX
- access lists P2C-115
- authentication P2C-115
- cache
- clearing, dynamic entries P2C-151
- clearing, static entries P2C-151
- monitoring P2C-151
- initiation, controlling P2C-115
- next hop server P2C-115
- static IPX-to-NBMA address mapping P2C-115
- task list P2C-114
- traffic, monitoring P2C-151
- adjacencies P2C-151
- area network numbers P2C-93
- CSNP interval, specifying P2C-87, P2C-97, P2C-98
- database P2C-151
- default routes
- advertising P2C-146
- designated router
- definition P2C-97
- election priority, specifying P2C-97
- pseudonode P2C-97
- enabling on an interface
- LAN P2C-93
- WAN P2C-94
- Enhanced IGRP route redistribution P2C-89, P2C-113
- (example) P2C-158
- for IPX
- adjacency state changes P2C-151
- GNS queries, replying to P2C-141
- hello interval, specifying P2C-97, P2C-98
- hop count, maximum from RIP updates P2C-87, P2C-97
- internal network number, setting P2C-93
- link delay, specifying P2C-96
- LSP P2C-98
- LSP (link-state packet) P2C-98
- metric, specifying P2C-96
- MIB P2C-92
- multicast addressing
- disabling P2C-95, P2C-96
- disabling (examples) P2C-158
- multiple encapsulations P2C-83, P2C-94
- neighbors P2C-151
- partial route calculation, setting interval P2C-99
- pseudonode P2C-97
- RIP entries, aging out P2C-137
- RIP packets
- maximum size P2C-139
- processing P2C-113
- route aggregation P2C-99
- aggregated routes P2C-100
- area addresses P2C-100
- area addresses and route summaries P2C-100
- areas P2C-100 to P2C-101
- benefits P2C-99
- configuration task list P2C-103
- customized route summarization P2C-102
- default route redistribution P2C-101
- default route summarization P2C-102
- Enhanced IGRP and NLSP 1.1 P2C-109
- filtering and route summarization, relationship P2C-103
- multiple NLSP 1.1 areas
- (example) P2C-158
- multiple NLSP 1.1 areas, configuring for P2C-104
- multiple NLSP versions in a single area, mixing P2C-101
- NLSP 1.1, Enhanced IGRP, and RIP
- (example) P2C-159
- NLSP 1.1 and NLSP 1.0 areas
- (example) P2C-159
- NLSP 1.1 and NLSP 1.0 areas, configuring for P2C-106
- path selection P2C-103
- RIP and NLSP 1.1, configuring P2C-111
- route summaries P2C-100
- route summarization P2C-102 to P2C-103
- service selection P2C-103
- single versus multiple areas P2C-100
- entries
- aging out P2C-139
- packets
- maximum size P2C-138
- shortest path first algorithm (SPF)
- calculation interval P2C-98
- subinterfaces P2C-83, P2C-94
- configuring (example) P2C-153
- shutting down (example) P2C-153
- throughput, specifying P2C-96
- NLSP Multicast Addressing
- (examples) P2C-158
- task list P2C-94
- NLSP Multicast Support
- overview P2C-94
- See also NLSP Multicast Addressing
- no boot system command FC-210
- no command BC-359
- no complete command BC-359
- node name, LAT DC-281
- node numbers
- IPX P2C-79
- node-row command BC-370
- no form of a command
- using FC-23
- no frame-relay ip tcp header-compression command WC-135
- no half-duplex controlled-carrier command FC-310
- no history size command FC-28
- no ip rcmd domain-lookup command FC-219
- no menu command FC-41
- nonbroadcast, multiaccess network
- See NBMA network
- nonbroadcast networks, configuring OSPF on P1C-108
- nonextended network
- AppleTalk P2C-7
- nonreturn to zero inverted
- See NRZI
- encapsulation FC-325
- tunneling FC-325
- no terminal history size command FC-28
- notes
- usage in text vii, P1C-xxiii
- notify command DC-272
- Novell IPX
- in VLANs XC-35
- configurable encapsulation XC-35
- See also IPX
- AAL WC-79
- AAL3/4
- (example) WC-106
- encapsulations WC-95
- AAL5-LLC SNAP (example) WC-101
- AAL5-SNAP (example) WC-106
- client (example) WC-105
- client, configuring WC-90
- server (example) WC-105
- server, configuring WC-91
- SVC environment WC-90
- AXIS, PPP over ATM WC-97
- bridging, transparent WC-96
- call setup, SVC WC-82
- clock, transmit WC-95
- CLP WC-87
- configuration
- enabling WC-78
- task list WC-77
- connection timer, SSCOP WC-89
- customizing WC-92
- E.164 addresses, SMDS WC-95
- ESI addresses
- (example) WC-104
- configuring WC-84
- features WC-8
- ILMI WC-80
- interface types WC-3, WC-8
- inverse ARP
- (example) WC-105
- PVC environment WC-91
- IP
- and ARP (example) WC-105
- and ARP, configuring WC-90
- and inverse ARP WC-91
- multicasting WC-86
- PVC environment WC-91
- SVC environment WC-90
- keepalive timer, SSCOP WC-89
- LIS WC-91
- loopback, ATM packets WC-94
- monitoring WC-100
- MTU size WC-94
- multipoint signaling (example) WC-104
- NSAP addresses
- (example) WC-104
- configuring WC-83, WC-84
- OAM cells, loopback WC-79, WC-81
- overview WC-8
- point-to-point subinterface, PPP over ATM WC-99
- poll timer, SSCOP WC-88
- PPP over ATM
- (example) WC-107
- description WC-97
- virtual access interface WC-97
- protocol addresses, mapping WC-79
- protocols supported WC-9
- pseudobroadcasting WC-80
- (example) WC-102
- creating WC-78, WC-79
- PPP over ATM WC-99
- rate queues
- (example) WC-105
- dynamic WC-93
- permanent WC-93
- receiver windows WC-89
- SAR WC-78
- selector fields, NSAP WC-84
- signaling, point-to-multipoint WC-85
- SMDS WC-95
- SVC WC-81
- (example) WC-103
- disabling WC-89
- timeout interval, idle WC-85
- traffic parameters
- (example) WC-104
- description WC-86 to WC-88
- traffic shaping WC-92
- transmitter windows WC-89
- UNI version, overriding WC-80
- VCI-to-VPI ratio WC-94
- virtual circuits WC-9
- virtual templates, PPP over ATM WC-98
- encoding DC-225, FC-292
- NRZI encoding FC-292
- nrzi-encoding command DC-226, FC-292
- NSAP addresses
- (example) WC-48
- configuring WC-25, WC-26
- selector fields WC-26
- ATM port adapter
- (example) WC-72
- configuring WC-59, WC-60
- selector fields WC-60
- (example) WC-104
- configuring WC-83, WC-84
- selector fields WC-84
- address rules P3C-58
- address structure (figure) P3C-58
- area addresses P3C-57, P3C-58
- domains, ISO IGRP P3C-57
- dynamic routing P3C-56
- field formats P3C-57
- fields P3C-56
- GOSIP format P3C-59
- IS-IS addresses P3C-57
- ISO CLNS addresses P3C-56
- ISO documentation
- ISO IGRP addresses P3C-57
- Level 1 routing P3C-57
- mapping addresses to media addresses P3C-72
- media address
- mapping P3C-73
- name mapping P3C-73
- n-selector P3C-57, P3C-58
- prefix P3C-72
- shortcut command P3C-73
- SNPA mapping P3C-73
- static address
- assignments P3C-71
- system ID P3C-57, P3C-58
- n-selector
- IS-IS P3C-58
- call-by-call support
- configuring DC-241
- restriction DC-241
- (examples) FC-392
- access groups FC-385
- associations FC-385
- authentication FC-384
- authoritative time server
- configuring router as FC-386
- broadcast service FC-385
- calendar system, updating FC-387
- configuring FC-384
- description FC-382
- services, disabling FC-386
- source address FC-386
- status FC-390
- stratum FC-383
- time
- services FC-383
- synchronizing FC-382
- ntp access-group command FC-385
- ntp authenticate command FC-384
- ntp authentication-key md5 command FC-384
- ntp broadcast client command FC-385
- ntp broadcastdelay command FC-385
- ntp broadcast version command FC-385
- ntp disable command FC-386
- ntp master command FC-386
- ntp peer command FC-385, FC-386
- ntp server command FC-385, FC-386
- ntp source command FC-386
- ntp trusted-key command FC-384
- ntp update-calendar command FC-387
- null interface, configuring FC-324
- null-xid-poll command BC-362
- number character
- privileges EXEC prompt FC-11
- number of supported translation sessions DC-330
- description FC-163
- file compression FC-112
- AIP WC-21, WC-23
- ATM port adapter WC-55, WC-57
- NPM WC-79, WC-81
- overview WC-5
- O character
- copy output FC-135, FC-209
- o command FC-180, FC-184
- ODI-compliant LAN drivers
- with ATM LANE XC-34
- configuration tasks P1C-83
- default route P1C-85
- description P1C-83
- disabling propagation of stub routing information P1C-84
- enabling P1C-84
- filtering information P1C-84
- redistributing P1C-85
- routes populating the IP routing table P1C-84
- stub routing information P1C-84
- timer P1C-85
- offload command BC-416
- offload support for TCP/IP BC-48
- offset-list command P1C-89, P1C-97, P1C-131
- offsets, applying P1C-89, P1C-97, P1C-131
- OIR FC-229
- On-Demand Routing
- See ODR
- one-step protocol translation method DC-317
- online documentation
- See CCO
- online insertion and removal
- See OIR
- open sessions, checking for DC-124
- Open Shortest Path First
- See OSPF
- operating system image
- See system images
- Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
- See OAM
- optimum switching
- enabling XC-15
- See also switching
- Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI), choosing for Ethernet Type II frames BC-55
- address range for a single route, specifying P1C-110
- advertised hello interval, setting P1C-107
- area parameters, configuring P1C-109
- authentication for an area, enabling P1C-109
- authentication key, specifying P1C-107
- basic commands, configuring (example) P1C-117, P1C-118, P1C-193
- broadcast or nonbroadcast networks, configuring for P1C-108
- broadcasts on X.25 WC-191
- Cisco implementation P1C-105
- complex configuration (example) P1C-121, P1C-197
- conditional default origination
- (example) P1C-125, P1C-201
- configuring P1C-111
- configuration (examples) P1C-115
- configuration task list P1C-106
- configuring
- over on-demand circuits P1C-113
- default external route cost, assigning P1C-109
- default routes, generating P1C-111
- enabling P1C-107
- interface parameters, configuring P1C-107
- IP multicast P1C-105
- IRDP advertisements to multicast address, sending P1C-23
- link state retransmission interval, setting P1C-107
- lookup of DNS names, configuring P1C-112
- MD5 authentication
- enabling P1C-107
- enabling for an area P1C-109
- multicast, IP P1C-105
- multicast addressing P1C-108
- neighbor state changes, viewing P1C-114
- network type, configuring P1C-108
- nonbroadcast networks, configuring P1C-108
- Not So Stubby Area P1C-109
- on-demand circuit P1C-113
- path cost, specifying P1C-107
- point-to-multipoint
- (example) P1C-115
- description P1C-108
- route calculation timers, configuring P1C-113
- router "dead" interval, setting P1C-107
- route redistribution (example) P1C-117, P1C-193
- router ID, forcing choice of P1C-112
- router priority, setting P1C-107
- routers for an autonomous system, configuring (example) P1C-119, P1C-195
- simplex Ethernet interfaces, configuring P1C-113
- stub area, defining P1C-109
- transmission time for link state updates, setting P1C-107
- virtual link, establishing P1C-111
- ospf auto-cost command P1C-112
- ospf log-adj-changes command P1C-114
- output-delay command P1C-92
- owner command FC-347
- owning-cp command BC-372
- owning-nn command BC-372
- packet assembler/disassembler (PAD)
- See PAD, PAD access on X.25, PAD standards
- Packet-Level Protocol (PLP) restarts WC-186
- Packet OC-3 Interface Processor FC-296
- packets
- compressed TCP/IP header WC-192
- maximum size, setting FC-229
- routes
- tracing FC-372
- X.25 sequence numbering WC-181
- packet-switched nodes
- DDN X.25 WC-205
- packet-switched nodes, DDN X.25 WC-13
- packet tunneling, and asynchronous host roaming DC-409, FC-330
- access on X.25 WC-192
- Cisco's proprietary emulation
- examples DC-378
- PAD connections DC-368
- switching sessions DC-377
- X.3 parameters DC-377
- PAD calls over XOT, enabling DC-379
- PPP over X.25
- scenario description DC-41
- X.28
- access and display options DC-371
- business applications DC-370
- command signals DC-371
- configuration DC-370
- description DC-369
- examples DC-373
- X.3 parameters DC-373
- See also X.3 PAD, PAD access on X.25, PAD standards
- pad command DC-318, DC-323, DC-376
- padding packets, IPX P2C-146, XC-18
- PAD Enhancements
- feature description DC-379
- PAD parameters DC-377
- (example) DC-378
- PAD Subaddressing
- feature description DC-380
- PAD subaddressing
- configuration examples
- debug x25 command output DC-381
- show line command output DC-382
- tty lines DC-381
- vty lines DC-381
- configuration tasks
- line, identifying DC-381
- PAD subaddress, configuring DC-381
- description DC-380
- authentication DC-384, SC-40 to SC-43
- CHAP, authentication order DC-386
- description SC-40
- enable authentication SC-42
- enabling DC-335
- outbound authentication SC-43
- request and acknowledgment DC-385
- using on VTY lines with PPP DC-335
- Parallel Channel Adapter (PCA) BC-409
- parity, configuring for a line DC-207, DC-208
- parity command DC-207
- partition flash command FC-168
- partitions
- Flash memory
- benefits FC-168
- configuration tasks FC-168
- supported systems FC-168
- passenger protocol (tunneling) FC-325
- passive-interface command P1C-113, P1C-183
- pass-through, RSRB (example) BC-178
- Password Authentication Protocol
- See PAP
- password command DC-208, SC-138
- passwords
- assigning
- for a line DC-208
- configuration (examples) SC-223 to SC-224
- configuring
- enable password SC-214
- enable secret SC-214
- line password SC-214
- static enable password SC-213
- TACACS+ SC-215
- (caution) SC-215
- encrypting SC-215
- (caution) SC-215
- IS-IS for CLNS
- area, assigning on P3C-66
- authentication P3C-66
- configuring P3C-70
- domain, assigning on P3C-66
- interface, assigning on P3C-70
- IS-IS for IP
- area, assigning on P1C-142
- authentication P1C-142
- domain, assigning on P1C-142
- interface, assigning on P1C-141
- password checking on a line, enabling DC-208
- recovering lost enable passwords SC-217
- procedure 1 SC-218
- procedure 2 SC-219
- procedures (tables) SC-217
- process SC-217
- recovering lost line passwords SC-221
- diagnostic mode settings (table) SC-222
- Path MTU Discovery
- when the router acts as a host P1C-67
- when the router acts as a router P1C-55
- paths
- Apollo Domain, setting maximum P3C-9
- costs, assigning for transparent bridging BC-77
- discovery, MTU P1C-55
- XNS, setting maximum P3C-111
- paths-of-statistics-kept command FC-348
- PC/3270 emulation, and source-route bridging BC-135
- PCA BC-409
- PCbus LAN management FC-268
- PCM, FDDI FC-251
- PCMCIA Flash memory cards
- Cisco 1600 series FC-164
- Cisco 3600 series FC-164
- copying from an rcp server to (example) FC-141
- copying the running configuration to (example) FC-120
- copying to (example) FC-117
- deleting files from (example) FC-118
- erasing files from (example) FC-118
- formatting FC-173
- spare sectors FC-173
- CMNS (example) WC-218
- datagram transport (figure) WC-186
- X.25 WC-12
- X.25, configuring WC-181
- error
- redirect
- peer default ip address command DC-142, DC-392
- peer default ip address pool command DC-392
- peer default ip address pool dhcp command DC-392
- peer neighbor-route command DC-393
- Peer-on-Demand Routing
- DLSw+ BC-10
- performance XC-33
- performance management
- configuration task list FC-357
- period (.)
- copy output FC-209
- permanent rate queues
- AIP WC-35
- NPM WC-93
- permanent virtual circuit
- See PVC
- permit command P1C-61
- Per-User Configuration
- feature description DC-609
- per-user configuration
- RADIUS server DC-617
- server, storage location DC-609
- authentication and authorization phases
- (figure) DC-611
- events DC-611
- AV pair attributes supported DC-613
- background DC-609
- benefits DC-609
- debugging commands (table) DC-618
- dial-in features used DC-609
- general operation, router or access server DC-611
- IP
- address pooling DC-612, DC-613
- address pooling (example) DC-612
- TACACS (example) DC-619
- virtual profiles (example) DC-619, DC-622
- virtual profiles, serial interface (example) DC-621, DC-628
- monitoring and debugging DC-618
- IP (example) DC-622
- IPX (example) DC-628
- TACACS server
- CiscoSecure DC-616
- freeware DC-616
- freeware (example) DC-621
- terminology DC-610
- virtual access interface
- creation DC-611
- duration and resources DC-611
- virtual profiles
- difference DC-591
- Phase 1
- See AppleTalk, Phase 1
- Phase 2
- See AppleTalk, Phase 2
- Phase IV Prime
- configuration example P3C-46
- Physical Connection Management (PCM) FC-251
- physical-layer command DC-141, FC-310
- physical layer interface module
- See PLIM
- physical unit
- See PU
- physical unit concentrator
- See DSPU
- See IP multicast routing, PIM
- ping command P1C-243
- (example) FC-208
- and channelized T1 local loopback DC-246
- AppleTalk P2C-54
- before TFTP FC-208
- channelized E1, testing channel group DC-247
- connectivity, testing FC-372
- DECnet
- privileged P3C-45
- user P3C-45
- during loopback FC-238
- IP
- privileged P1C-40
- user P1C-40
- IPX P2C-149
- privileged P3C-83
- VINES P3C-21
- X.25 over multiple serial lines WC-222
- XNS P3C-114
- Plain English IPX Access List
- access-list configuration mode FC-16
- types P2C-123
- description, on the AIP WC-5
- AIP WC-36
- ATM port adapter WC-66
- NPM WC-94
- point-of-presence (POP) DC-409, FC-330
- point-to-multipoint signaling
- (example) WC-48
- configuring WC-27
- ATM port adapter
- (example) WC-73
- configuring WC-61
- (example) WC-104
- configuring WC-85
- Point-to-Point Protocol
- See PPP
- point-to-point subinterface
- AIP WC-43
- NPM WC-99
- polarity, receive circuitry, reversing automatically FC-254
- policy routing P1C-184, P1C-185
- fast switched P1C-186
- polling
- controlling for secondary stations BC-273
- frequency BC-267
- interval BC-268
- transmit-poll-frame timer BC-268
- poll timer
- AIP WC-30
- ATM port adapter WC-62
- NPM WC-88
- Poor Man's Routing, on DECnet P3C-34
- POP (point-of-presence) DC-409, FC-330
- port command BC-364, BC-369
- ports, dialin, configuring DC-117
- AppleTalk over
- (example) DC-155
- configuring DC-408, DC-422
- callback
- (example) DC-647
- authentication DC-645
- client, configuring DC-646
- client-server application DC-645
- DDR DC-645 to DC-647
- retries DC-645
- RFC 1570 DC-645
- server, configuring DC-646
- support required on both ends DC-645
- CHAP and PAP
- authentication order DC-386
- compression DC-387, FC-290
- distributed, platform support DC-388
- hardware-dependent DC-388
- software DC-387
- connections DC-410
- enable encapsulation SC-42
- encapsulation, enabling DC-385
- example DC-414
- half-bridging DC-393
- (figure) DC-394
- operation DC-393
- inbound authentication SC-43
- IP
- address negotiation, address sources DC-389
- address pooling DC-389
- IP over
- configuring DC-406
- example DC-155
- IPX P2C-119
- IPX header compression on WAN links DC-413
- IPX over
- configuring DC-405, DC-406 to DC-407
- dedicated IPX network numbers (example) DC-156
- loopback interfaces (example) DC-155
- VTY lines DC-156, DC-331, DC-407
- LAT, translation to DC-358
- Magic Number support DC-383
- MMP DC-583 to DC-587
- Multilink
- See Multilink PPP
- neighbor routes DC-393
- network-layer protocols over, configuring DC-405
- on VTY lines DC-418
- outbound authentication SC-43
- peer neighbor routes
- created automatically, disabling DC-393
- dialer interface effect DC-393
- group-async interface effect DC-393
- reliable link DC-392
- RFCs 1331 and 1332 DC-403
- sample telecommuting configuration (figure) DC-404
- session, automatic startup DC-149
- with LAN Extender FC-257
- X.25, tunneling over (example) DC-359
- PPP/Internet Protocol Control Protocol
- ppp authentication chap command DC-490, DC-516, DC-519, WC-42, WC-98
- dialer profiles, and physical interface configuration DC-543
- MMP virtual template interface DC-586
- Multilink PPP DC-397
- PPP callback client DC-646
- ppp authentication command DC-386
- ppp authentication pap command DC-516
- Multilink PPP DC-396
- ppp bap callback accept command DC-639
- ppp bap call request command DC-639
- ppp bap call timer command DC-639
- ppp bap drop after-retries command DC-639
- ppp bap link types analog command DC-638, DC-639
- ppp bap link types isdn analog command DC-638, DC-639
- ppp bap max dial-attempts command DC-638, DC-639
- ppp bap max dialers command DC-638, DC-639
- ppp bap max ind-retries command DC-638, DC-639
- ppp bap max req-retries command DC-638, DC-639
- ppp bap number default command DC-638, DC-639
- ppp bap number secondary command DC-639
- ppp bap timeout pending command DC-638, DC-639
- ppp bap timeout response command DC-638, DC-639
- ppp bridge appletalk command DC-394
- ppp bridge ip command DC-394
- ppp bridge ipx command DC-394
- PPP callback DC-139
- ppp callback accept command DC-646, DC-650
- ppp callback initiate command DC-650
- ppp callback request command DC-646
- ppp command DC-410
- ppp-dest-address command BC-365
- PPP Interleaving and Fair Queuing Support
- feature description DC-398
- ppp multilink bap command DC-637
- ppp multilink command DC-395, DC-396, DC-397
- MMP virtual template interface DC-586
- PPP over ATM
- (example) WC-52, WC-107
- (example) WC-52
- configuring WC-41 to WC-44
- PVC WC-44
- feature description WC-41, WC-97
- (example) WC-107
- configuring WC-97 to WC-100
- PVC WC-99
- ppp quality command DC-387
- ppp reliable-link command DC-392
- ppp use-tacacs command DC-386, DC-516
- ppp use-tacacs translate option, mapping to virtual interface template command DC-323
- predictor compression WC-175
- preferred routes, specifying with ISO IGRP P3C-77
- pri-group command DC-236, DC-237
- pri groups
- channel groups, same controller (example) DC-251
- pri-group timeslots nfas_d command
- 24 B channels, configuring DC-258
- backup D channel, configuring DC-258
- primary D channel, configuring DC-258
- primary IP addresses, setting P1C-6
- Primary Rate Interface
- primary station
- definition BC-22
- enabling routing device as BC-270
- printer
- configuration (example) DC-150
- priority
- dialer pools DC-541
- priority-group command BC-228, FC-362
- priority groups
- (example) BC-237
- priority list
- description FC-360
- priority-list command BC-228, FC-362
- priority-list interface command FC-362
- priority-list protocol bstun command BC-248
- priority-list protocol command BC-169, P2C-21, FC-362, FC-363
- establishing queuing priorities FC-263
- priority-list protocol ip tcp command BC-248
- priority-list queue-limit command FC-362, FC-364
- priority-list stun address command BC-230
- priority queueing
- assigning to an interface FC-362
- assigning to a protocol FC-362
- configuring FC-361
- default, assigning FC-362
- description FC-359
- group FC-362, FC-364
- maximum packets FC-362, FC-364
- monitoring FC-363, FC-364
- types FC-360
- See also priority queuing
- priority queuing
- enabling BC-226
- X.25 WC-197
- privileged EXEC mode
- accessing FC-11
- description FC-11
- prompt FC-11
- summary FC-15
- privilege level command DC-208
- privileges
- changing default SC-216
- configuration (examples) SC-223 to SC-224
- configuring
- multiple levels SC-216
- privilege level SC-216
- displaying current level SC-216
- logging in SC-216
- probes
- (examples) FC-352
- configuring FC-346
- history, collecting FC-348
- monitoring FC-350
- reaction conditions, setting FC-349
- resetting FC-349
- scheduling FC-349
- statistics, capturing FC-347
- triggers, setting FC-349
- process switching
- See switching
- prompt command FC-379
- prompts
- customizing FC-379
- system FC-15, FC-20
- propagation-delay command BC-363, BC-367
- protocol addresses
- AIP WC-21
- ATM port adapter WC-55
- NPM WC-79
- protocol data unit (PDU)
- Protocol-Independent Multicast
- See IP multicast routing, PIM
- protocols
- carrier (tunneling) FC-325
- exterior IP gateway P1C-3
- passenger (tunneling) FC-325
- queueing priority, assigning FC-363
- selecting terminal transport DC-206
- transport (tunneling) FC-325
- protocol translation
- applications, configuration examples DC-339 to DC-348
- basic configuration (example) DC-340
- central site DC-343
- general configuration (example) DC-341, DC-342
- LAT-to-LAT
- over a WAN (figure) DC-347
- over Frame Relay or SMDS (example) DC-346
- over IP WAN (example) DC-344
- via X.25 (example) DC-348
- LAT-to-PPP (example) DC-358
- LAT-to-TCP
- local translation (example) DC-356
- over a WAN (figure) DC-351
- via X.25 (example) DC-351
- LAT-to-X.25 host (example) DC-354
- one-step method
- configuring DC-317, DC-318
- TCP-to-X.25-host connections (example) DC-364
- understanding DC-317
- outgoing options, mapping to virtual interface template commands DC-323
- parameters, changing dynamically (example) DC-366
- protocol translation (continued)
- parameters and settings, changing dynamically (example) DC-365
- SLIP or PPP with a virtual asynchronous interface DC-318
- TCP-to-SLIP translation DC-358
- tunneling PPP over X.25 (example) DC-358, DC-359
- two-step for virtual templates, maximum number DC-320
- two-step method DC-318, DC-323
- configuring DC-318, DC-323
- for TCP-to-PAD connections (example) DC-364
- using as general purpose gateway DC-323
- using translate command DC-317
- virtual interface templates
- benefits DC-321
- configuration tasks DC-336
- description DC-319
- X.25 PAD-to-LAT (example) DC-360
- X.25 PAD-to-TCP (example) DC-362
- X.25-to-PPP tunneling (example) DC-359
- protocol translation sessions
- changing the number supported DC-330
- number supported DC-324, DC-329
- protocol translator
- ttycap selection process DC-293
- protocol type, filtering by BC-73
- proxy ARP
- definition P1C-22
- disabling P1C-12
- proxy explorers, configuring BC-134
- proxy network numbers
- (example) P2C-74
- interoperability P2C-41
- proxy node, enabling LAT DC-281
- Prune message P1C-207
- pseudobroadcasting WC-4
- AIP WC-22
- ATM port adapter WC-56
- NPM WC-80
- SMDS WC-11, WC-166
- (example) WC-170
- pseudonode, NLSP P2C-97
- PU
- configuration mode FC-22
- definition, required to configure SDLLC BC-303
- devices, defining with DSPU BC-30
- type 2 devices, defining BC-30
- public data network
- See PDN
- pulse-time command DC-226, FC-293
- pu-type-20 command BC-367
- (example) WC-46
- configuring WC-20, WC-21
- PPP over ATM WC-44
- ATM port adapter
- (example) WC-70
- configuring WC-54, WC-55
- (example) WC-102
- configuring WC-78, WC-79
- PPP over ATM WC-99
- X.25
- establishing (example) WC-216
- locally switched, configuring WC-201
- remote tunneling (example) WC-217
- switching on same router (example) WC-213
- pwd command FC-174
- Q.2931 protocol WC-24, WC-58, WC-82
- qllc accept-all-calls command BC-286
- QLLC conversion
- (examples) BC-297 to BC-303
- customizing BC-287
- enabling BC-285
- implementation considerations BC-29
- monitoring BC-289
- topology BC-27
- qllc dlsw command BC-195
- qllc npsi-poll command BC-286
- qllc partner command BC-287
- qllc sap command BC-288
- qllc srb command BC-286
- qllc xid command BC-287
- ISO CLNS use of P3C-79
- traffic shaping WC-121
- Qualified Logical Link Control
- See QLLC conversion
- Quality of Service
- See QOS
- question command FC-23
- queue-list default command FC-363
- queue-list interface command FC-363
- queue-list protocol bstun command BC-248
- queue-list protocol ip tcp command BC-248
- queue-list queue byte-count command FC-364
- queue-list queue-limit command FC-364
- queues
- controlling hold FC-227
- custom FC-360
- priority FC-359
- queues (continued)
- random early detection FC-360
- weighted fair FC-359
- queuing
- effect of X.25 flow control WC-198
- priority
- assigning by LU address BC-229
- assigning by serial interface address BC-228
- X.25 WC-197
- R2 signaling
- Cisco AS5200 DC-244
- accounting SC-79
- attributes SC-79, SC-239
- accounting SC-243 to SC-245
- IETF SC-239 to SC-243
- vendor-proprietary SC-80, SC-245 to SC-246
- authentication SC-79
- login SC-28
- PPP SC-30
- authorization SC-58, SC-79
- configuration (examples) SC-80
- configuring SC-75
- queries for IP addresses SC-79
- queries for static routes SC-79
- server communication SC-77
- tasks SC-77
- vendor-proprietary SC-78
- operation SC-76
- overview SC-75
- RAND compressor WC-175
- random-detect command FC-364
- random early detection P1C-76
- description FC-360
- enabling FC-364
- compared to BOOTP DC-404
- RARP, definition P1C-10
- RARP server
- AutoInstall, configuring FC-63
- configuring a router as FC-211
- (example) FC-212
- role in AutoInstall
- (figure) FC-56
- rate queues
- dynamic WC-34, WC-35
- dynamic (example) WC-50
- permanent WC-34, WC-35
- dynamic WC-93
- dynamic (example) WC-105
- permanent WC-93
- raw queue size
- AIP WC-36
- RCONSOLE, available in NASI sessions DC-570
- rcp
- authentication database
- adding entries (example) FC-217
- creating for remote users FC-217
- Cisco's implementation FC-214
- Cisco versus UNIX command syntax FC-217
- DNS lookups, turning off FC-219
- local username FC-219
- remote hostname FC-219
- remote username FC-219
- configuring FC-218
- requests
- sending FC-218
- supporting FC-217, FC-219
- security FC-219
- server
- boot from (example) FC-152
- configuration files, copying FC-108, FC-110
- system images, copying FC-129, FC-140
- using FC-217
- interval to disable P3C-82
- ISO CLNS, configuring for sending P3C-82
- reaction conditions
- setting for RTR FC-349
- real-time traffic, on Multilink PPP connections DC-398
- Real-time Transport Protocol
- See RTP
- Real-Time Transport Protocol Header Compression FC-291
- rebooting
- See booting
- recursive route problem FC-327
- RED P1C-76
- redefine access list BC-131
- redirect protocol data unit
- redistribute command P2C-89, P2C-113
- in router configuration mode P1C-181
- route aggregation P2C-105, P2C-108, P2C-111, P2C-112
- redistribute static command P3C-75
- DDR DC-531
- Legacy DDR DC-499
- redistribution
- AppleTalk Enhanced IGRP P2C-47
- (example) P1C-190
- routes, disabling default information between processes P1C-182
- routes, using same metric value for all routes P1C-182
- IPX Enhanced IGRP P2C-89
- IS-IS for IP P1C-180
- match criteria
- address P3C-76
- RIP, IP (example) P1C-191
- RIP and IGRP protocol (example) P1C-191
- route maps, using P1C-180, P3C-76
- routes P3C-75
- routing information P1C-180
- static routing (example) P1C-190
- See also route redistribution
- redundancy
- between multiple routers XC-41
- HSRP XC-41
- in VLANs XC-36
- See also, HSRP
- Reflexive Access Lists
- benefits SC-145
- configuration
- (examples) SC-152
- prework SC-148
- defining SC-150
- description SC-146
- firewall feature SC-12
- nesting SC-151
- overview SC-145
- process SC-147
- restrictions SC-148
- temporary entries
- characteristics SC-147
- timeouts, global SC-152
- refuse-message command DC-272
- regular expressions
- X.25 pattern matching (example) WC-214
- rejected frames, setting time for resending BC-267
- relative line number DC-115
- reload cancel command FC-189
- reload command FC-14, FC-188
- boot from Flash FC-150, FC-203
- modify boot field FC-184
- reloads
- scheduled FC-188
- (example) FC-188
- canceling FC-189
- canceling (example) FC-189
- information, displaying FC-189
- relocatable images
- run-from-Flash systems FC-165
- function in LNM BC-120
- reporting interval, changing BC-123
- remote authentication database DC-460 to DC-461
- Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
- remote command execution
- rsh FC-215, FC-216
- remote communication server, automatic dialing DC-131
- remote copying
- See rcp
- remote copy protocol
- See rcp
- remote Ethernet LAN FC-256
- Remote Flow Control option DC-272
- remote loopback
- 56/64 kbps CSU/DSU
- Cisco 2524 FC-234
- Cisco 2525 FC-234
- remote DDS CSU/DSU DC-248
- remote loopback (interface)
- FT1/T1 CSU/DSU, Cisco 2524 and 2525 FC-234
- remote office
- enterprise dial DC-6
- service provider dial DC-6
- remote offices
- bidirectional dial DC-76
- bidirectional examples DC-80
- central site dial DC-58
- central site examples DC-60
- scalability issues DC-57
- remote PC
- large scale dial DC-6
- PPP over X.25 DC-6
- small scale dial DC-6
- VPDN dial DC-6
- remote peer
- enabling LLC2 local acknowledgment with BC-166
- SMDS (example) WC-167
- remote source-route bridging
- See RSRB
- remote username
- configuring FC-218
- defaults FC-218
- REMOTTO definition, adjusting for SDLLC BC-303
- rendezvous point (RP)
- See IP multicast routing, RP
- report path trace function, disabling BC-122
- request-data-size command FC-347
- reserved-inbound command BC-361
- reserved-outbound command BC-361
- Resource Reservation Protocol
- See RSVP
- resources
- sharing between VLANs XC-36
- responder support
- AppleTalk P2C-55
- response-data-size command FC-347
- response time reporter
- See RTR
- response time reporter configuration mode
- description FC-19
- rtr command FC-22
- summary FC-22
- resume
- menu command FC-37
- resume/next command FC-38
- resume command DC-377
- resume connection command FC-37
- menu command FC-37
- resuming connections, examples DC-378
- retransmission interval
- setting for IP IS-IS P1C-139
- setting LSP P3C-69
- retry-limit command BC-363, BC-366
- Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
- See RARP
- reverse modem connections, supporting DC-137
- Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF)
- description P1C-222
- reverse Telnet
- See direct Telnet session
- RFC 1027
- Proxy ARP P1C-10, P1C-12
- RFC 1042, SNAP encapsulation FC-245, FC-267
- RFC 1055
- SLIP DC-403
- RFC 1058
- RIP P1C-87
- RFC 1080
- Telnet Remote Flow Control Option DC-272
- RFC 1084
- extended BOOTP requests FC-214
- RFC 1101
- DNS FC-62
- RFC 1108
- IP Security Options SC-229
- RFC 1112
- Host Extensions for IP Multicasting P1C-206
- RFC 1144 DC-151
- TCP/IP header compression DC-410, WC-192
- TCP header compression P1C-66, P1C-231
- RFC 1157
- SNMPv1 FC-338
- RFC 1163
- BGP Version 2 P1C-145
- RFC 1166
- Internet Numbers P1C-6
- RFC 1183
- DNS FC-62
- RFC 1191
- Path MTU Discovery P1C-55, P1C-67
- RFC 1195
- Use of OSI IS-IS P1C-9
- RFC 1209
- multiple logical IP subnetworks WC-164
- RFC 1213
- MIB II variables FC-339
- RFC 1215
- SNMP traps FC-339
- RFC 1219
- Variable-Length Subnet Masks (VLSM) P1C-177
- RFC 1231
- IEEE 802.5 Token Ring MIB BC-7
- RFC 1231, IEEE 802.5 Token Ring MIB FC-266
- RFC 1243 P2C-2
- RFC 1253
- Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) MIB P1C-105
- RFC 1256
- Router Discovery Protocol P1C-23
- RFC 1267
- Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Version 3 P1C-145
- RFC 1286
- MIB variables for transparent bridging BC-1
- RFC 1294/1490 WC-145
- RFC 1305
- NTP FC-382, FC-386
- RFC 1323
- TCP timestamp P1C-68
- window scaling SC-158
- RFC 1331
- PPP DC-403
- RFC 1332
- IPCP DC-403
- RFC 1334
- CHAP and PAP, PPP authentication protocols DC-384
- PPP authentication DC-386
- See also RFC 1994
- RFC 1348
- Domain Name System P3C-74
- RFC 1349 BC-427
- RFC 1356
- IETF standard encapsulation WC-179, WC-188, WC-193
- RFC 1395
- BOOTP extensions FC-63
- RFC 1403
- BGP/OSPF interaction P1C-169
- RFC 1406 FC-277, FC-278
- RFC 1407 FC-277, FC-278
- RFC 1434
- prestandard DLSw implementation BC-11
- RFC 1441 through 1451
- SNMPv2Classic FC-338
- RFC 1447
- SNMPv2 Party MIB FC-339
- RFC 1450
- SNMPv2 MIB FC-339
- RFC 1469
- IP Multicast over Token-Ring Local Area Networks P1C-219
- RFC 1483
- ATM fast-path transparent bridging BC-2
- bridge frame formats WC-4, WC-39, WC-68, WC-96
- multiprotocol encapsulation WC-2, WC-15
- RFC 1490
- BAN support BC-31
- BNN support BC-31
- multiprotocol encapsulation BC-2, BC-31, WC-16
- RFC 1516, SNMP management of hubs FC-253
- RFC 1531
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) P1C-26
- RFC 1553, IPX header compression over WAN media P2C-118
- RFC 1567
- NSSA areas P1C-105
- RFC 1570
- PPP callback DC-645
- RFC 1576 BC-411
- RFC 1577
- classical IP and ARP over ATM WC-4
- IP and ARP over ATM WC-31, WC-63, WC-90
- RFC 1583
- OSPF Version 2 P1C-105
- RFC 1593
- SNMP management via APPN MIB BC-34
- RFC 1619 FC-296
- RFC 1631
- The IP Network Address Translator (NAT) P1C-28, DC-693
- RFC 1634 P2C-119
- RFC 1647 BC-411
- RFC 1661
- PPP DC-383
- RFC 1662 FC-296
- RFC 1663
- PPP Reliable Transmission DC-392
- RFC 1695
- managed objects for ATM WC-3
- RFC 1757
- RMON FC-342
- RFC 1771
- BGP Version 4 P1C-145
- RFC 1793
- OSPF over demand circuit P1C-105
- RFC 1795
- DLSw standard BC-9
- RFC 1889 FC-291, WC-135
- Real-time Transport Protocol P1C-230
- RFC 1901
- SNMPv2C FC-338
- RFC 1902 through 1907
- SNMPv2 FC-338
- RFC 1989
- PPP link quality monitoring DC-387
- RFC 1994
- CHAP, PPP authentication protocol DC-384
- RFC 2018
- TCP selective acknowledgment P1C-68
- RFC 2037
- Entity MIB FC-339
- RFC 783
- TFTP FC-62
- RFC 791
- Internet Protocol P1C-56
- subnetting P1C-7
- RFC 792
- Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) P1C-53
- RFC 826
- ARP P1C-10
- RFC 862
- Echo TCP and UDP service P1C-2
- RFC 863
- Discard TCP and UDP service P1C-2
- RFC 877
- IP encapsulation WC-186, WC-189
- RFC 896
- Nagle's algorithm FC-358
- RFC 903
- RARP P1C-10, FC-63
- RFC 906
- bootstrap loading using TFTP FC-62
- RFC 919
- Broadcasting Internet Datagrams P1C-25
- RFC 922
- Broadcasting IP Datagrams in the Presence of Subnets P1C-25
- RFC 951
- BOOTP servers FC-63
- cache
- clearing BC-136, FC-237
- monitoring FC-231
- cache entries, static
- adding (example) BC-143
- adding for two-hop path (example) BC-144
- configuring BC-110
- contents, displaying BC-136
- enabling BC-109
- ring groups, establishing BC-110
- use in source-route bridging BC-6, BC-109
- rif command BC-110
- rif timeout command BC-110
- rif validate-enable-age command BC-110
- rif validate-enable command BC-110
- rif validate-enable-route-cache command BC-110
- ring, scheduling FDDI FC-250
- Ring Error Monitor
- See REM
- ring group
- assigning to an interface BC-105
- defining for SRB BC-104
- definition BC-104
- example BC-139
- IP
- authentication P1C-90
- configuring P1C-87
- enabling P1C-88
- hop count P1C-87
- redistribution example P1C-191
- route summarization, disabling P1C-91
- running with IGRP P1C-91
- source IP address, disabling validation of P1C-91
- timers, adjusting P1C-89
- unicast updates, allowing P1C-88
- version, specifying P1C-89
- description P2C-136
- disable sending of general query P2C-140
- timers P2C-137
- updates, delays P2C-136
- updates, linking to SAP P2C-140
- updates, linking to SAP updates P2C-140
- Net/One updates P3C-103
- XNS updates P3C-103
- delay between updates P3C-110
- receiving P3C-104, P3C-106
- setting timers P3C-110
- timer (example) P3C-116
- rlogin
- connections to server DC-274
- description DC-271, DC-273
- example DC-275
- rlogin command DC-274
- (examples) FC-351
- agent status, displaying FC-343
- alarms, setting FC-343
- enabling FC-342
- event table FC-343
- queue size FC-343
- rmon alarm command FC-343
- rmon command FC-342
- rmon event command FC-343
- rmon queuesize command FC-343
- robbed bit signaling
- (examples) DC-251
- configuration tasks DC-244
- Robbed Bit Signaling for the Cisco AS5200
- feature description DC-243
- role command BC-363, BC-365
- booting from
- automatically FC-152
- (example) FC-153
- manually FC-205
- (example) FC-206
- ROM monitor mode
- booting
- Flash FC-204
- (example) FC-204
- from MOP server FC-206
- from network FC-205
- ROM FC-205
- system image FC-204
- commands FC-14 to FC-15
- configuration register boot field FC-183
- entering FC-204
- summary FC-15
- using FC-14
- using system image instead of reloading FC-206
- root bridge, selecting BC-77
- rotary command DC-150
- rotary groups
- configuring DC-150
- description DC-150
- round trip time monitor
- See RTR
- route
- distribution XC-36
- processing XC-36
- route-additional-resistance command BC-358
- route aggregation, configuring for NLSP
- See NLSP
- route-aggregation command P2C-104 to P2C-112
- route authentication
- IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-132
- RIP P1C-90
- route cache
- size P2C-144, XC-16
- switching decision XC-5
- route cache invalidation
- controlling P2C-145, XC-16
- route cache invalidation, controlling DC-414, XC-17
- route cost
- DECnet P3C-37
- setting P3C-36
- route-map command P3C-76
- for policy routing P1C-185
- for redistribution P1C-180
- route-map configuration mode
- description FC-19
- summary FC-22
- route maps
- ISO IGRP, redistributing into P3C-76
- policy routing, defining P1C-185
- redistribution, defining P1C-180
- router
- architecture XC-6
- configuration
- command mode FC-20, FC-22
- decisions FC-1
- tasks FC-1
- file management FC-2
- interfaces FC-3
- name FC-380
- system management FC-4
- user interface FC-2
- router bgp command P1C-147
- Router Discovery Protocol P1C-23
- route redistribution
- Enhanced IGRP
- NLSP P2C-89
- Enhanced IGRP and NLSP
- (example) P2C-158
- Enhanced IGRP NLSP, configuring P2C-113
- See also redistribution
- route reflector P1C-155
- router eigrp command P1C-129
- Router ForeSight WC-145
- router igrp command P1C-97
- router isis command P1C-138, P3C-64, P3C-66
- router iso-igrp command P3C-62
- router level, specifying, IS-IS for IP P1C-142
- router odr command P1C-84, P1C-85
- router ospf command P1C-107, P1C-113
- router rip command P1C-88
- routers
- in switched VLANs XC-36
- routes
- default, IP
- determining gateway of last resort P1C-179
- specifying P1C-179
- IGRP, types P1C-95
- static
- IP, configuring P1C-178
- IPX P2C-136
- VINES P3C-19
- XNS P3C-110
- route summarization P1C-131
- between OSPF areas P1C-110
- Enhanced IGRP P1C-131
- IS-IS addresses P1C-142
- RIP P1C-91
- when redistributing into OSPF P1C-111
- routing
- Apollo Domain P3C-6
- asynchronous DC-144
- default DC-144
- sample configuration (figure) DC-405
- between VLANs XC-36
- concurrent routing and bridging BC-63
- preparing DC-471
- decision XC-6
- information, filtering task list P1C-182
- integrated routing and bridging BC-3
- on dedicated dial-in routing device, (example) DC-158
- on Token Ring FC-266
- process XC-7
- processes XC-6
- routing decision XC-6
- VINES P3C-13
- X.25 WC-199
- routing cache, ISO CLNS
- clearing P3C-82
- displaying entries P3C-83
- reinitializing P3C-82
- routing device
- configuring as an ARA server DC-421
- routing device command FC-20
- routing domain confederation P1C-155
- routing information field
- See RIF
- routing table
- Apollo Domain P3C-8, P3C-9
- AppleTalk P2C-55
- controlling P2C-39
- update timers P2C-41
- BGP, attributes P1C-150
- IP
- dynamic P1C-178
- removing entries from P1C-96
- static P1C-178
- IPX P2C-127, P2C-149
- dynamic entries P3C-60
- static entries P3C-60
- RIP update timers P3C-110
- VINES P3C-19, P3C-21
- XNS P3C-109
- Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
- See RTMP
- Routing Table Protocol
- routing tables
- AppleTalk
- update filters P2C-23
- routing translate option, mapping to virtual interface template command DC-323
- RP
- See IP multicast routing, RP
- RPF P1C-222
- RPS, function in LNM BC-120
- rsh
- authentication database
- adding entries (example) FC-215
- Cisco's implementation FC-214
- commands from remote users
- supporting FC-219
- supporting (example) FC-215
- disabling FC-215
- DNS lookups, turning off FC-219
- local username FC-219
- remote command execution, allowing FC-215
- remote hostname FC-219
- remotely executing commands FC-216
- (example) FC-216
- remote username FC-219
- security FC-215, FC-219
- using FC-215
- rsh command FC-216
- RSP flow switching XC-27
- RSP optimum switching XC-27
- all transport types (example) BC-175
- Cisco's implementation BC-8
- class of service, enabling BC-169
- configuration examples BC-171 to BC-185
- direct encapsulation BC-157
- direct Frame Relay encapsulation (example) BC-172
- DSPU configuration BC-310
- fast switching using FTCP, configuring BC-162
- connection (example) BC-173
- enabling BC-159
- IP encapsulation over TCP BC-161, BC-162
- largest frame BC-170
- load sharing (example) BC-183
- local acknowledgment
- and passthrough (example) BC-178
- configuring for LLC2 BC-163
- example BC-175
- pass-through (example) BC-178
- peer bridges, listing BC-161
- simple reliability BC-183
- SNA Service Point configuration BC-320
- TCP connection
- configuring over BC-161, BC-165
- example BC-172
- rsrb-virtual-station command BC-362
- ATM considerations P1C-78
- bandwidth considerations P1C-77
- description P1C-75
- distinct reservation P1C-76
- enabling P1C-79
- filters and bandwidth, displaying P1C-80
- Frame Relay considerations P1C-78
- implementation considerations P1C-77
- interface information, displaying P1C-80
- monitoring P1C-80
- neighbor reservations, limiting P1C-80
- neighbors, displaying P1C-80
- planning P1C-77
- quality of service guarantees P1C-75
- random early detection FC-361
- real-time traffic problems P1C-75
- receiver information, displaying P1C-80
- request information, displaying P1C-80
- sender information, displaying P1C-80
- shared explicit reservation P1C-76
- shared reservation P1C-76
- task list P1C-78
- traffic types P1C-75
- weighted fair queuing, relationship with P1C-76
- wild card filter P1C-76
- rtchk command P3C-2
- RTMP P2C-2
- advertising routes with no zones P2C-40
- definition P2C-2
- interfaces P2C-15
- routing table
- update timers P2C-41
- routing updates P2C-40
- strict checking P2C-39, P2C-40
- stub mode P2C-40
- description P1C-230, FC-291, WC-135
- See also RTP header compression
- See also VINES, RTP
- RTP Header Compression
- description P1C-230
- RTP header compression P1C-230
- (examples) P1C-245
- (figure) P1C-231
- and TCP header compression, enabling P1C-232
- connections supported P1C-232
- enabling P1C-232
- Frame Relay encapsulation, using P1C-232
- Frame Relay statistics, displaying P1C-243
- passive P1C-232
- prerequisites P1C-231
- statistics
- clearing P1C-242
- displaying P1C-243
- supported protocols P1C-231
- (examples) FC-352
- configuration task list FC-346
- history, collecting FC-348
- monitoring FC-350
- network performance, monitoring FC-346
- probes
- configuring FC-346
- monitoring FC-350
- resetting FC-349
- scheduling FC-349
- reaction conditions, setting FC-349
- statistics, capturing FC-347
- triggers, setting FC-349
- rtr command FC-22, FC-346
- rtr reaction-configuration command FC-349
- rtr reaction-trigger command FC-349
- rtr reset command FC-349
- rtr schedule command FC-349
- run-from-Flash systems
- Flash Load Helper FC-169
- image downloading tasks FC-135
- running configuration
- copying
- from an rcp server (example) FC-111
- to an rcp server FC-108
- to an rcp server (example) FC-109
- rcp server, copying from
- (example) FC-111
- rxboot ROM
- streamlined setup facility FC-71
- rxspeed command DC-207
- SA-Comp/1 and SA-Comp-4 Data Compression Service Adapters FC-290
- safe-store-cycle command BC-358
- safe-store-host command BC-358
- safe-store-interval command BC-358
- samples-of-history-kept command FC-348
- delay between packets P2C-139
- setting P2C-134, P2C-135
- description P2C-4
- filters
- creating P2C-128
- filters (example) P2C-169
- filters (examples) P2C-170
- general query
- disabling P2C-140
- queue length
- setting P2C-138
- responses to GNS requests
- controlling P2C-141
- static entries
- configuring P2C-138
- table
- static entries P2C-138
- updates
- Enhanced IGRP P2C-90
- linking to RIP P2C-140
- setting P2C-138
- update timers P2C-139
- AIP WC-20
- ATM port adapter WC-54
- NPM WC-78
- satellite link
- LAPB as a transport WC-173
- scalability
- in VLANs XC-33
- scenarios
- enterprise dial DC-57
- service provider dial DC-13
- scheduler allocate command FC-358
- scheduler interval command FC-358
- SCI interface card
- loopback on serial FC-240
- script arap-callback command DC-652
- script callback command DC-652
- script dialer command DC-478
- script-reset command DC-129
- buffer size, controlling BC-273
- configuration
- displaying BC-275
- examples BC-275
- task list BC-269
- DLSw+
- configuration (example) BC-277
- support BC-271
- encapsulation for Frame Relay access support configuration (example) BC-276
- frame size, controlling BC-273
- FRMRs, determining use BC-272
- I-frame size, specifying largest BC-275, BC-284
- line speed for, increasing BC-284
- local acknowledgment
- enabling BC-226
- priority queuing BC-226
- multilink transmission groups BC-227
- design recommendations BC-227
- output buffering BC-273
- polling secondary stations, controlling BC-272, BC-273
- primary node BC-225
- primary station, enabling two-way simultaneous mode BC-271
- protocol, controlling BC-272
- retry counts, controlling BC-272
- secondary node BC-225
- local acknowledgment
- (example) BC-235
- timers, controlling BC-272
- transport protocol
- choosing BC-221
- two-way simultaneous mode
- configuration (example) BC-276
- enabling BC-271
- window size, controlling BC-273
- sdlc address command BC-194, BC-271, BC-314
- sdlc cts-delay command
- See half-duplex timer command FC-310
- sdlc-dest-address command BC-365
- sdlc dlsw command BC-194
- sdlc frmr-disable command BC-272
- sdlc holdq command BC-273
- sdlc k command BC-273
- sdlc n1 command BC-273
- sdlc n2 command BC-272
- sdlc partner command BC-194
- sdlc poll-limit-value command BC-273, BC-274
- sdlc role command BC-194, BC-270, BC-271, BC-314
- sdlc rts-timeout command
- See half-duplex timer command FC-310
- sdlc sdlc-largest-frame command BC-284
- sdlc-sec-addr command BC-362
- sdlc simultaneous command BC-272
- sdlc t1 command BC-272
- sdlc test command BC-275
- sdlc virtual-multidrop command BC-220
- sdlc vmac command BC-194
- Cisco's implementation BC-23
- configuration
- (examples) BC-293
- task list BC-279
- customizing BC-283
- Ethernet and translational bridging, configuring BC-283
- frame size differences, resolving BC-25
- LLC2 I-frame size, specifying largest BC-283
- local acknowledgment state for, displaying BC-285
- RSRB and local acknowledgment, configuring BC-282
- SDLC I-frame size, specifying largest BC-275, BC-284
- virtual Token Ring implementation BC-24
- sdllc partner command BC-281
- sdllc ring-largest-frame command BC-284
- sdllc traddr command BC-280
- sdllc xid command BC-280
- secondary addresses
- IP
- assigning P1C-7
- in networking subnets (example) P1C-41
- use in Frame Relay and SMDS (example) P1C-93, P1C-102
- secondary networks, IPX
- See IPX, secondary networks
- secondary station
- controlling polling for BC-273
- definition BC-22
- enabling routing device as BC-270
- Secure Data Exchange (SDE)
- IEEE 802.10 XC-55
- security XC-34
- filtering XC-33
- firewalls SC-11
- internal username authentication DC-427
- IP
- denial-of-service attacks SC-157
- IPSO SC-229
- TCP SYN-flooding attacks SC-157
- See also DNSIX, lock-and-key, Reflexive Access Lists, TCP Intercept
- IP Enhanced IGRP authentication P1C-132
- local databases DC-460
- policies
- creating SC-4
- nature of SC-4
- tips SC-5
- remote databases DC-460
- risks
- identifying SC-8
- preventing SC-8
- VLANs XC-32
- See also access lists, authentication, network data encryption
- Security Association Identifier (SAID)
- IEEE 802.10 XC-55
- security command BC-363, BC-367
- security precautions
- Flash memory card FC-165
- security profiles, remote security servers, stored on DC-460
- seed router
- AppleTalk P2C-14
- segmentation XC-31, XC-32
- with VLANs XC-36
- segmentation and reassembly
- See SAR
- selective acknowledgment, TCP P1C-68
- Semipermanent Circuit Support on ISDN PRI DC-240
- semipermanent connections
- Germany, Australia DC-259
- send-lifetime command P1C-187
- for DRP P1C-58
- for IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-132
- Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) P2C-118
- Sequenced Routing Update Protocol
- See SRTP
- serial interface cards, loopback on FC-240
- serial interface encapsulation, configuring BC-359
- serial interfaces
- asynchronous
- configuring DC-139
- encapsulation DC-143
- assigning BC-247
- configuring BC-247
- clearing BC-424, FC-237
- clock rate DC-227
- configuring FC-276
- DCE mode DC-227
- default encapsulation DC-224
- dial backup DC-553 to DC-557
- (examples) DC-555
- asynchronous interface (example) DC-555
- ISDN interface (example) DC-556
- line delay DC-555
- task list DC-554
- traffic load threshold DC-555
- DTR signal pulsing DC-226, FC-293
- HDLC encapsulation, default WC-179
- high-speed FC-273
- IP, example P1C-41
- LAT compression BC-68
- Link Quality Monitoring (LQM) DC-386
- loopback FC-240
- loopback on FC-239
- parallel BC-80
- synchronous
- encapsulation FC-276
- invoking ATM FC-291
- maintaining BC-424, FC-237
- supporting cards FC-275
- transmit delay DC-226, FC-293
- serial interfaces, ATM
- (example) WC-17
- ATM-DXI encapsulation, enabling WC-16
- ATM-DXI PVC, enabling WC-16
- ATM-DXI PVC, protocol addresses WC-17
- enabling WC-16
- HSSI WC-16
- monitoring WC-17
- task list WC-15
- serial line
- CMNS over leased WC-220
- encapsulation FC-276
- invoking ATM over FC-291
- LAPB over leased WC-173
- Serial Line Internet Protocol
- See SLIP
- server connections
- LAT DC-285
- PPP DC-410, DC-410
- rlogin DC-274
- SLIP DC-410
- Telnet DC-274 to DC-276
- TN3270 DC-297
- XRemote DC-305
- servers
- configuring routers as FC-207
- Server Side Includes
- See SSI
- Service Advertisement Protocol
- See SAP
- service announcements, LAT
- enabling broadcasts of DC-282
- service-any command BC-361
- service compress-config command FC-112, FC-114
- service config command FC-121, FC-122
- service exec-callback command DC-651
- service exec-wait command FC-390
- service finger command FC-381
- service hide-telnet-address command FC-381
- service linenumber command DC-209
- service-module 56k clock rate command FC-303
- service-module 56k clock source command FC-303
- service-module 56k data-coding command FC-304
- service-module 56k data-coding scrambled command FC-304
- service-module 56k network-type command FC-304
- service-module 56k remote-loopback command FC-305
- service-module 56k switched-carrier command FC-305
- service modules
- Cisco 2524
- 2- and 4-wire CSU/DSU FC-303
- reset FC-235
- Cisco 2525
- 2- and 4-wire CSU/DSU FC-303
- reset FC-235
- T1/fractional T1 FC-299
- remote loopback FC-301
- service modules, 2- and 4-wire CSU/DSU
- clock source FC-303
- DDS mode FC-304
- dialup mode FC-304
- service modules, Cisco 2524, 2525
- monitor and maintain FC-232
- service-module t1 clock source command FC-299
- service-module t1 data-coding inverted command FC-299
- service-module t1 framing command FC-300
- service-module t1 lbo command FC-300
- service-module t1 lbo none command FC-300
- service-module t1 linecode command FC-301
- service-module t1 remote-alarm-enable command FC-301
- service-module t1 remote-loopback full command FC-301
- service-module t1 remote-loopback payload command FC-302
- service-module tx1 data-coding normal command FC-300
- service nagle command FC-358
- service profile identifier
- service providers
- large scale dial DC-26
- ppp over X.25 dial DC-41
- small to medium scale dial DC-13
- virtual private dial networks DC-44
- service pt-vty-logging command DC-336, DC-337
- services, LAT
- description DC-278
- enabling inbound DC-282
- logically partitioning by terminal line DC-288
- service slave-log command FC-374
- Service-Specific Connection-Oriented Protocol
- service tcp-keepalives command FC-371
- service tcp-keepalives-in command WC-202
- service tcp-keepalives-out command WC-202
- service tcp-small-servers command FC-380
- service telnet-zero-idle command FC-391
- service timestamps command FC-375, FC-378
- session filtering
- See Reflexive Access Lists
- session-limit command DC-209
- session limits, setting for terminal DC-209
- sessions
- clearing P1C-150
- default version P1C-152
- resetting P1C-153
- LAT, setting number for virtual circuit DC-284
- session timeout command FC-35
- session-timeout command DC-209
- set algorithm 40-bit-des command SC-180
- set algorithm des command SC-180
- set as-path command P1C-181
- set automatic-tag command P1C-181
- set community command P1C-181
- set configserver command XC-76
- set dampening command P1C-181
- set default interface command P1C-185
- setenv command DC-307
- set interface command P1C-185
- set ip default next-hop command P1C-185
- set ip next-hop command P1C-185
- set level command P1C-181, P3C-77
- set local-preference command P1C-181
- set metric command P1C-181, P3C-77
- set metric command (IGRP or IP Enhanced IGRP) P1C-181
- set metric-type command P1C-181, P3C-77
- set metric-type internal command P1C-181
- set next-hop command P1C-181
- set origin command P1C-181
- set-overload-bit command P1C-143
- set peer command SC-180
- set tag command P1C-181, P3C-77
- setup command facility
- (example) FC-66 to FC-71
- asynchronous interfaces
- (example) FC-68
- default client IP address (examples) FC-68
- configuration command script
- (example) FC-69
- configuration file, saving FC-66, FC-71
- configuration register FC-66
- description FC-65
- entering FC-65
- global parameters
- (example) FC-66
- interface parameters
- (example) FC-67, FC-71
- interface summary, viewing FC-66
- prerequisite knowledge FC-65
- sample configuration FC-66 to FC-71
- streamlined setup facility
- See streamlined setup facility
- System Configuration Dialog FC-66
- (example) FC-66
- returning to privileged EXEC prompt FC-66
- task list FC-65
- terminating the configuration FC-66
- using after first-time startup FC-65
- set weight command P1C-181
- sgbp group command DC-586
- sgbp member command DC-586
- shared reservation P1C-76
- Shiva FastPath router
- K-Star P2C-11
- short-hold idle timer
- ISDN Advice of Charge DC-256
- show access-lists command P1C-70, SC-141
- show aliases command FC-380
- show apollo arp command P3C-9
- show apollo interface command P3C-9
- show apollo route command P3C-9
- show apollo traffic command P3C-9
- show appletalk access-lists command P2C-54
- show appletalk adjacent-routes command P2C-54
- show appletalk arp command P2C-54, DC-433
- show appletalk aurp events command P2C-54
- show appletalk aurp topology command P2C-54
- show appletalk cache command P2C-54
- show appletalk domain command P2C-54
- show appletalk eigrp interfaces command P2C-54
- show appletalk eigrp neighbors command P2C-54
- show appletalk eigrp topology command P2C-54
- show appletalk globals command P2C-54
- show appletalk interface command P2C-54, DC-433
- show appletalk macip-clients command P2C-54, DC-433
- show appletalk macip-servers command P2C-54, DC-433
- show appletalk macip-traffic P2C-54
- show appletalk macip-traffic command DC-433
- show appletalk name-cache command P2C-54
- show appletalk nbp command P2C-54
- show appletalk neighbors command P2C-55
- show appletalk remap command P2C-55
- show appletalk route command P2C-55
- show appletalk socket command P2C-55
- show appletalk static command P2C-55
- show appletalk traffic command P2C-55, DC-433, DC-497, DC-525, DC-548
- show appletalk zone command P2C-55, DC-433
- show appn class-of-service command BC-375
- show appn connection-network command BC-375
- show appn directory command BC-375
- show appn intermediate-session command BC-375
- show appn link-station command BC-375
- show appn mode command BC-375
- show appn node command BC-375
- show appn port command BC-375
- show appn session command BC-375
- show appn topology command BC-375
- show arap command DC-432
- show arp command P1C-39, WC-166
- show async bootp command DC-145
- show async-bootp command FC-214
- show async status command DC-145, FC-230
- show atm interface atm command WC-44, WC-69, WC-100
- show atm map command WC-44, WC-69, WC-100
- show atm traffic command WC-44, WC-69, WC-100
- show atm vc command WC-45, WC-69, WC-100
- show boot command FC-187
- BOOT environment variable FC-104, FC-124, FC-179, FC-192
- BOOTLDR environment variable FC-187
- CONFIG_FILE environment variable FC-119
- master and slave RSP FC-203
- show bridge circuit-group command BC-81
- show bridge command BC-81
- show bridge multicast command BC-81
- show bstun command BC-250
- show buffers command DC-213, FC-366
- show c7200 command FC-369
- show calendar command FC-390
- show cdp command FC-345
- show cdp entry command FC-345
- show cdp interface command FC-345
- show cdp neighbors command FC-345
- show cdp traffic command FC-345
- show clns cache command P3C-83
- show clns command P3C-83
- show clns es-neighbors command P3C-83
- show clns filter-expr command P3C-83
- show clns filter-set command P3C-83
- show clns interface command P3C-83
- show clns is-neighbors command P3C-83
- show clns neighbors command P3C-83
- show clns protocol command P3C-83
- show clns route command P3C-83
- show clns traffic command P3C-83
- show clock command FC-390
- show cmns command WC-210
- show commands
- displaying information FC-369
- show compress command FC-230
- show configuration command
- See show startup-config command
- show context command FC-370
- show controller cbus command FC-193
- show controller e1 command FC-231
- show controller fastethernet command FC-244
- show controllers bri command DC-220, DC-242, FC-231
- show controllers cbus command FC-244, FC-266, FC-287
- show controllers command FC-231, FC-244, FC-266, FC-307
- Cisco 4000 series FC-231
- Cisco 7000 series FC-231
- Cisco 7200 series FC-231
- Cisco 7500 series FC-231
- show controllers cxbus command FC-231
- show controllers e1 command DC-242
- show controllers lex command FC-235
- show controllers mci command FC-244
- show controllers serial command DC-242
- show controllers t1 command DC-242
- show controllers token command BC-136, BC-171, FC-266
- show controller t1 command FC-231
- channelized E1 error checking DC-247
- channelized T1 troubleshooting DC-246
- show controller t3 command FC-287, FC-288
- show crypto algorithms command SC-178
- show crypto connections command SC-192
- show crypto crypto-engine connections active command SC-192
- show crypto engine configuration command SC-188
- show crypto key-timeout command SC-189
- show crypto map command SC-192
- show crypto mypubkey command SC-174, SC-188
- show debugging command FC-345, FC-378
- show decnet command P3C-45
- show decnet interface command P3C-45
- show decnet map command P3C-46
- show decnet neighbors command P3C-46
- show decnet route command P3C-46
- show decnet static command P3C-46
- show decnet traffic command P3C-46, DC-497, DC-525, DC-548
- show devices command FC-124, FC-162, FC-203
- show diagbus command FC-231
- show dialer command DC-220, DC-242, DC-243, DC-497, DC-525, DC-640, DC-668
- show dialer interface command DC-548
- show dialer map command DC-640
- show dlsw capabilities command BC-198
- show dlsw circuits command BC-199
- show dlsw fastcache command BC-199
- show dlsw peers command BC-199
- show dlsw reachability command BC-199
- show dlsw statistics command BC-199
- show dspu command BC-323
- show dxi map command WC-17
- show dxi pvc command WC-17
- show environment command FC-370
- show extended channel command BC-413, BC-423
- show file command FC-104
- show flash command FC-124, FC-162
- show flh-log command FC-172
- show frame-relay ip rtp header-compression command P1C-243
- show frame-relay lmi command WC-137
- show frame-relay map command WC-137
- show frame-relay pvc command WC-137
- show frame-relay route command WC-137
- show frame-relay traffic command WC-137
- show fras map command BC-337
- show gt64010 command FC-370
- show hardware command FC-225
- show history command FC-28
- show hosts command P1C-39
- show hub command FC-236
- show interface command FC-364
- show interface fastethernet command FC-244
- show interfaces async command FC-231
- show interfaces atm command WC-17, WC-45, WC-69, WC-100
- show interfaces bri command DC-213, DC-220, DC-497, DC-525, DC-548, DC-668
- show interfaces command FC-225
- clearing interface counters FC-237
- displaying
- Ethernet port numbers FC-244
- interface type numbers FC-225
- protocol types FC-231
- Token Ring numbers FC-266
- remote source-route bridging BC-171
- SDLC station configuration information, displaying BC-275
- source-route bridging BC-136
- VINES P3C-13
- X.25 WC-210
- show interfaces crb command BC-81
- show interface serial command BC-285
- show interfaces fddi command FC-247
- show interfaces irb command BC-65, BC-81
- show interfaces lex command FC-235
- show interfaces serial bchannel command DC-242
- show interfaces serial command FC-235, FC-287, WC-137
- show interfaces tunnel command FC-236
- show interfaces vty command DC-336
- show interface virtual-access command DC-335, DC-580
- show ip access-list command P1C-70
- show ip accounting checkpoint command P1C-70
- show ip accounting command P1C-65
- show ip aliases command P1C-39
- show ip arp command P1C-39
- show ip bgp cidr-only command P1C-167
- show ip bgp command P1C-167
- show ip bgp community-list command P1C-167
- show ip bgp dampened-paths command P1C-166
- show ip bgp filter-list command P1C-167
- show ip bgp flap-statistics command P1C-166
- show ip bgp inconsistent-as command P1C-167
- show ip bgp neighbors command P1C-167
- show ip bgp paths command P1C-167
- show ip bgp peer-group command P1C-167
- show ip bgp regexp command P1C-167
- show ip bgp summary command P1C-167
- show ip cache command XC-16
- show ip cache policy command P1C-187
- show ip drp command P1C-70
- show ip dvmrp route command P1C-243
- show ip eigrp interfaces command P1C-134
- show ip eigrp neighbors command P1C-134
- show ip eigrp topology command P1C-134
- show ip eigrp traffic command P1C-134
- show ip igmp groups command P1C-243
- show ip igmp interface command P1C-243
- show ip interface command P1C-39
- show ip irdp command P1C-39
- show ip local policy command P1C-187
- show ip masks command P1C-39
- show ip mcache command P1C-243
- show ip mpacket command P1C-243
- show ip mroute command P1C-243
- show ip nat statistics command P1C-38, DC-704
- show ip nat translations command P1C-38, DC-704
- show ip nhrp command P1C-40, P2C-151
- show ip nhrp traffic command P1C-40, P2C-151
- show ip ospf border-routers command P1C-115
- show ip ospf command P1C-114
- show ip ospf database command P1C-115
- show ip ospf interface command P1C-115
- show ip ospf neighbor command P1C-115
- show ip ospf virtual-links command P1C-115
- show ip pim interface command P1C-243
- show ip pim neighbor command P1C-243
- show ip pim rp command P1C-212, P1C-243
- show ip pim vc command P1C-243
- show ip policy command P1C-187
- show ip protocols command P1C-187
- show ip redirects command P1C-39
- show ip route command P1C-40, P1C-187
- show ip route flow command XC-26
- show ip route summary command P1C-40, P1C-187
- show ip route supernets-only command P1C-187
- show ip rpf command P1C-243
- show ip rsvp installed command P1C-80
- show ip rsvp interface command P1C-80
- show ip rsvp neighbor command P1C-80
- show ip rsvp request command P1C-80
- show ip rsvp reservation command P1C-80
- show ip rsvp sender command P1C-80
- show ip rtp header-compression command P1C-243
- show ip sdr command P1C-243
- show ip tcp header-compression command P1C-70
- show ip traffic command P1C-70
- show ipx accounting command P2C-152
- show ipx cache command P2C-149
- show ipx eigrp interfaces command P2C-150
- show ipx eigrp neighbors command P2C-150
- show ipx eigrp topology command P2C-150
- show ipx interface command P2C-149, DC-497, DC-525, DC-548
- show ipx nlsp database command P2C-151
- show ipx nlsp neighbors command P2C-151
- show ipx nlsp spf-log command P2C-151
- show ipx route command P2C-149, P2C-150
- show ipx servers command P2C-149
- show ipx traffic command P2C-149, P2C-150, DC-548
- show isdn command DC-220, DC-243, DC-257
- show isdn nfas group command DC-259
- show isdn service command DC-259
- show isis database command P1C-143, P3C-83
- show isis routes command P3C-83
- show isis spf-log command P1C-143, P3C-83
- show key chain command P1C-187
- show lane bus command XC-86
- show lane client command XC-86
- show lane command XC-86
- show lane config command XC-87
- show lane database command XC-87
- show lane default atm addresses command XC-75
- show lane default-atm-addresses command XC-87
- show lane le-arp command XC-87
- show lane server command XC-87
- show lat services command DC-286
- show line command DC-145, DC-336
- show llc2 command BC-269, BC-285, WC-210
- show lnm bridge command BC-124, BC-136
- show lnm config command BC-124, BC-136
- show lnm interface command BC-124, BC-136
- show lnm ring command BC-124, BC-136
- show lnm station command BC-124, BC-136
- show local-ack command BC-136, BC-171, BC-285
- show logging command FC-374, FC-377
- show memory command FC-370
- show microcode command FC-124, FC-160
- show modem at-mode command DC-198
- show modem call-stats command DC-180
- show modem command DC-170
- show modem connect-speeds command DC-170
- show modem csm command DC-198
- show modem log command DC-198
- show modem summary command DC-198
- show ncia circuits command BC-404
- show ncia client command BC-404
- show ncia server command BC-404
- show netbios-cache command BC-136
- show ntp associations command FC-390
- show ntp status command FC-390
- show pci command FC-370
- show ppp bap group command DC-640
- show ppp bap queues command DC-640
- show ppp multilink command DC-640
- show process cpu command DC-225, DC-387, DC-388, FC-291, WC-175
- show processes command FC-370
- show processes memory command FC-370
- show protocols command FC-370
- show queuing custom command FC-364
- show queuing priority command FC-363
- show reload command FC-189
- show rif command FC-231
- show rmon alarms command FC-343
- show rmon capture command FC-343
- show rmon command FC-343
- show rmon events command FC-343
- show rmon filter command FC-343
- show rmon history command FC-343
- show rmon hosts command FC-343
- show rmon matrix command FC-343
- show rmon statistics command FC-343
- show rmon task command FC-343
- show rmon topn command FC-343
- show route-map command P1C-188, P3C-83
- show rtr application command FC-350
- show rtr collection-statistics command FC-350
- show rtr configuration command FC-350
- show rtr distribution-statistics command FC-350
- show rtr history command FC-350
- show rtr operational-state command FC-350
- show rtr react-trigger command FC-350
- show rtr totals-statistics command FC-350
- show running-config command FC-104, FC-227
- show smds addresses command WC-166
- show smds map command WC-166
- show smds traffic command WC-166
- show smrp forward command P2C-55
- show smrp globals command P2C-55
- show smrp group command P2C-55
- show smrp mcache command P2C-55
- show smrp neighbor command P2C-55
- show smrp port command P2C-55
- show smrp route command P2C-55
- show smrp traffic command P2C-55
- show sna command BC-323
- show snapshot command DC-668
- show snmp command FC-341
- show sntp command FC-387, FC-390
- show source-bridge command BC-136
- show span command BC-81
- show sscop command WC-45, WC-69, WC-100
- show sse summary command BC-81, BC-136, P2C-149
- show stacks command FC-203, FC-370
- show standby command P1C-70
- show startup-config command BC-116, FC-104, FC-179, FC-187
- show stun command BC-230
- show tarp blacklisted-adjacencies command P3C-88
- show tarp command P3C-88
- show tarp host command P3C-88
- show tarp interface command P3C-88
- show tarp ldb command P3C-88
- show tarp map command P3C-88
- show tarp static-adjacencies command P3C-88
- show tarp tid-cache command P3C-88
- show tarp traffic command P3C-88
- show tcp brief command DC-275, FC-370
- show tcp command DC-275, FC-370
- show tcp intercept connections command SC-161
- show tcp intercept statistics command SC-161
- show tcp statistics command P1C-70
- show tdm connections command FC-370
- show tdm data command FC-370
- show tn3270 ascii-hexval command DC-297
- show tn3270 character-map command DC-297
- show traffic-shape command FC-365
- show traffic-shape statistics command FC-365
- show users command DC-123, DC-335
- show version command FC-124, FC-180, FC-210, FC-231
- master and slave RSP FC-203
- show vines access command P3C-21
- show vines cache command P3C-21
- show vines host command P3C-21
- show vines interface command P3C-21
- show vines ipc command P3C-21
- show vines neighbors command P3C-21
- show vines route command P3C-21
- show vines services command P3C-21
- show vines traffic command P3C-21, DC-497, DC-525, DC-548
- show vlans command BC-81
- show whoami command FC-39
- show x25 interface command WC-210
- show x25 map command WC-210
- show x25 pad command DC-377
- show x25 remote-red command WC-210
- show x25 route command WC-210
- show x25 services command WC-210
- show x25 vc command WC-210
- show x25 xot command WC-210
- show xns cache command P3C-114
- show xns interface command P3C-114
- show xns route command P3C-114
- show xns traffic command P3C-114, DC-497, DC-525, DC-548
- show xremote command DC-303, DC-309
- show xremote line command DC-303, DC-309
- shutdown (hub) command FC-236, FC-253
- shutdown command BC-424, FC-237, FC-264, WC-20, WC-32, WC-33, WC-43, WC-54, WC-64, WC-65, WC-78, WC-90, WC-91, WC-98
- shutdown interfaces
- example FC-241
- result FC-237
- signaling phase, FDDI CMT FC-252
- signals
- pulsing DTR FC-293
- signals, pulsing DTR DC-226
- SIG-TS-001/1991 standard WC-165
- Silicon Switch Processor (SSP) statistics summary P2C-149
- Simple LANE Service Replication
- redundancy requirements XC-83
- Simple Network Management Protocol FC-338
- See SNMP
- Simple Network Time Protocol
- See SNTP
- simple server redundancy XC-83
- Simple Server Redundancy Protocol
- See SSRP
- simplex circuit, definition P1C-57
- simplex Ethernet circuit
- configuring P1C-57
- simplex Ethernet interfaces, configuring IP P1C-57
- single-site calling DC-489
- role in AutoInstall
- (figure) FC-56
- slave
- See HSA
- slave auto-sync config command FC-192
- slave default-slot command FC-191
- slave image command FC-202
- slave reload command FC-203
- slave sync config command FC-202
- and PPP BOOTP requests, responding to DC-404
- connections to server DC-410
- defined DC-410
- drivers
- IPTalk P2C-34
- encapsulation, asynchronous serial interfaces DC-143
- examples DC-415
- IP over
- configuring DC-405
- example DC-155
- RFC 1055 DC-403
- sample telecommuting configuration (figure) DC-404
- session, automatic startup DC-149
- tunneling over X.25 (example) DC-359
- address
- mapping WC-160
- resolution (ARP) WC-161
- specification WC-160
- ATM subinterfaces WC-38
- E.164 addresses WC-38
- AppleTalk
- address mapping WC-161
- configuring WC-164
- extended network (example) WC-168
- fast switching WC-166
- nonextended network (example) WC-169
- address mapping WC-161
- configuring WC-163
- bridging WC-164
- address mapping WC-161
- bridging over WC-11
- broadcast ARP messages WC-161
- Cisco's implementation WC-157
- configuration (examples) WC-167
- configure protocols WC-162
- configuring transparent bridging over BC-62
- customizing WC-162
- DECnet
- address mapping WC-161
- configuring WC-163
- disabled split horizon P1C-92, P1C-101
- DXI 3.2 with heartbeat WC-11, WC-165
- dynamic routing table WC-11, WC-162
- enabling, task overview WC-159
- encapsulation WC-159
- fast switching
- AppleTalk
- XC-13
- configuring WC-166, XC-13
- IP XC-13
- IPX P2C-117, XC-13
- transparent bridging BC-62, WC-164
- hardware requirements WC-157
- IP
- address mapping WC-161
- configuring WC-163
- fast switching WC-166
- pseudobroadcasting WC-166
- IP split horizon WC-11
- address mapping WC-161
- configuring WC-163
- dynamic address mapping WC-162
- dynamic address mapping (example) WC-168
- fast switching WC-166
- address mapping WC-161
- configuring WC-163
- LAT-to-LAT protocol translation over DC-346
- monitoring activity WC-166
- monitoring connection WC-166
- multicast address map WC-160
- multiple logical IP subnetwork
- LIS WC-11, WC-164
- (example) WC-169
- multiprotocol configuration (example) WC-167
- network connection WC-11
- ATM subinterfaces WC-95
- E.164 addresses WC-95
- protocols supported WC-11
- pseudobroadcasting WC-11, WC-166
- (example) WC-170
- remote peer configuration (example) WC-167
- required protocol multicasts (table) WC-163
- SDSU equipment WC-11
- standards, defining WC-11
- static map entries WC-160
- static routing table WC-11
- subinterfaces, ATM
- configuration for Cisco 4500 WC-96
- configuration for Cisco 4700 WC-96
- subinterfaces, multiple logical IP subnetworks (LIS) WC-165
- task list WC-159
- address mapping WC-161
- configuring WC-164
- address mapping WC-161
- configuring WC-163
- smds address command WC-160, WC-165
- smds-dest-address command BC-365
- smds dxi command WC-165
- smds enable-arp command WC-161, WC-162, WC-165
- smds glean command WC-162
- smds multicast arp command WC-162
- smds multicast bridge command BC-63, WC-164
- smds multicast command WC-160, WC-165
- smds static-map command WC-160
- smds static-map ip command WC-166
- fast switching cache table P2C-55
- traffic table P2C-55
- smrp mroute-cache protocol appletalk command P2C-38
- message queue size, setting FC-252
- smt-queue-threshold command FC-252
- SMT Version 7.3 FC-247
- alerts FC-346
- CIP support BC-48, BC-410
- error recovery BC-166
- FRAS BC-31
- LAN support using MAC adapters BC-411
- local LU address priorities BC-169
- resolutions FC-346
- RTR FC-346
- traffic priority by LU address, setting BC-168
- transmission groups
- configuring BC-222
- VTAM and XCA support BC-410
- sna enable-host command BC-319
- sna host command
- Ethernet BC-318
- FDDI BC-318
- Frame Relay BC-319
- QLLC BC-318
- RSRB BC-318
- SDLC BC-318
- Token ring BC-318
- virtual data link control BC-318
- Ethernet protocols over 802.2 media FC-245
- filtering
- on input or output BC-127
- on output (example) BC-151
- snapshot client command DC-667
- Snapshot Routing DC-665
- snapshot routing DC-665 to DC-668
- active and quiet periods (figure) DC-666
- client configuration (example) DC-668
- client router, configuring DC-667
- connections, monitoring DC-668
- diagnostics for interface, displaying DC-668
- quiet period, terminating DC-668
- retry period (figure) DC-666
- routed protocols supported DC-666
- routing information, exchange DC-665
- server configuration (example) DC-668
- server router, configuring DC-667
- task list DC-666
- when to use DC-665
- snapshot server command DC-667, DC-668
- sna rsrb command BC-320
- sna rsrb enable-host command BC-320
- sna rsrb start command BC-320
- SNA Service Point
- configuration tasks BC-318
- connection with a remote host on an interface BC-319, BC-320, BC-321
- data link controls BC-319
- Frame Relay support BC-322
- local service access point (SAP), enabling for
- RSRB BC-320
- Token Ring or Ethernet BC-319
- virtual data link control BC-321
- monitoring and maintaining BC-323
- over DLSw+ BC-16
- configuration BC-320
- local acknowledgment, configuring BC-320
- RSRB interface, defining BC-320
- SDLC support BC-322
- Service Point/RSRB interface, defining BC-320
- Token Ring configuration BC-319
- virtual data link control
- configuration BC-320, BC-321
- configuration example BC-328
- interface, defining BC-321
- X.25 support BC-322
- sna start command BC-319
- SNA Type of Service
- feature description BC-14
- IP Precedence
- (table) BC-14
- configuring BC-14
- port number
- (table) BC-14
- configuring priority BC-14
- sna vdlc command BC-321
- sna vdlc enable-host command BC-321
- sna vdlc start command BC-321
- (examples) FC-351
- access control FC-340
- agent
- contact FC-340
- disabling FC-341
- location FC-340
- managed devices FC-339
- serial number FC-340
- AppleTalk, configuring P2C-29
- community FC-340
- configuration task list FC-339
- description FC-337
- features FC-338
- monitoring FC-341
- network management
- MIB WC-109
- packet size FC-341
- shutdown mechanism FC-340
- SNMPv1
- description FC-338
- SNMPv2
- description FC-338
- description FC-338
- SNMPv2Classic
- description FC-338
- supported MIBs FC-339
- TFTP servers, limiting FC-341
- traps FC-255
- configuring FC-341
- description FC-338
- RTR FC-346
- versions FC-338
- view records FC-339
- snmp-server chassis-id command FC-340
- snmp-server community command P2C-30, FC-340, FC-375
- snmp-server contact command FC-340
- snmp-server enable command FC-341
- snmp-server host command FC-341
- snmp-server location command FC-340
- snmp-server packetsize command FC-341
- snmp-server queue-length command FC-342
- snmp-server system-shutdown command FC-340
- snmp-server tftp-server-list command FC-341
- snmp-server trap-source command FC-342
- snmp-server trap-timeout command FC-342
- snmp-server view command FC-339
- snmp trap illegal-address command FC-255
- snmp trap link-status command FC-342
- description FC-338
- masks P3C-82
- NSAP mapping P3C-73
- configuring FC-387
- description FC-383
- sntp broadcast client command FC-387
- sntp server command FC-387
- software compression
- HDLC FC-291
- LAPB FC-291, WC-175
- PPP FC-290, FC-291
- statistics, displaying FC-230
- software upgrades
- run-from-Flash systems FC-168, FC-169
- AIP WC-36
- ATM port adapter WC-66
- NPM WC-94
- source-address command FC-254
- source addresses
- administrative filtering BC-128
- source-bridge command BC-194
- direct encapsulation, using BC-159
- IP encapsulation over fast-switched TCP, using BC-163
- IP encapsulation over FST, using BC-160
- IP encapsulation over TCP, using BC-162
- LLC2 local acknowledgment over TCP, using BC-165
- dual-port bridge, configuring BC-102, BC-103
- multiport bridge, configuring BC-105
- source-bridge connection-timeout command BC-132
- source-bridge cos-enable command BC-169
- source-bridge enable-80d5 command BC-114
- source-bridge explorer-dup-ARE-filter command BC-133
- source-bridge explorer-fastswitch command BC-134
- source-bridge explorer-maxrate command BC-134
- source-bridge explorerq-depth command BC-133
- source-bridge fst-peername command BC-159, BC-281, BC-282
- source-bridge input-address-list command BC-128
- source-bridge input-lsap-list command BC-127
- source-bridge input-type-list command BC-127
- source-bridge keepalive command BC-158, BC-160, BC-161, BC-162
- source-bridge largest-frame command BC-170
- source-bridge max-hops command BC-108
- source-bridge max-in-hops command BC-108
- source-bridge max-out-hops command BC-108
- source-bridge old-sna command BC-135
- source-bridge output-address-list command BC-128
- source-bridge output-lsap-list command BC-127
- source-bridge output-type-list command BC-127
- source-bridge passthrough command BC-165
- source-bridge proxy-explorer command BC-134
- source-bridge proxy-netbios-only command BC-116
- source-bridge qllc-local-ack command BC-288
- source-bridge remote-peer command BC-160, BC-167, BC-282
- source-bridge remote-peer fst BC-160
- source-bridge remote-peer fst-peername command BC-282
- source-bridge remote-peer interface command BC-158
- source-bridge remote-peer tcp command
- DSPU using RSRB with local acknowledgment BC-312
- NCIA, using DLSw+ and RSRB BC-403
- IP encapsulation over fast-switched TCP, using BC-162
- IP encapsulation over TCP, using BC-161
- LLC2 local acknowledgment over TCP, using BC-165
- SDLLC with RSRB over TCP, using BC-282
- SNA Service Point using RSRB with local acknowledgment BC-320
- source-bridge ring group command BC-188
- source-bridge ring-group command BC-188, BC-282
- RSRB BC-311
- RSRB with local acknowledgment BC-312
- DLSw+ BC-398
- local switch BC-396
- RSRB BC-403
- RSRB, using direct encapsulation BC-158
- RSRB over FST BC-282
- RSRB over TCP BC-282
- RSRB using direct encapsulation BC-281
- SNA Service Point
- RSRB BC-320
- RSRB with local acknowledgment BC-320
- SRB on a multiport bridge, configuring BC-104
- source-bridge route-cache cbus command BC-105, BC-106, BC-132
- source-bridge route-cache command BC-131
- source-bridge route-cache sse command BC-132
- source-bridge sap-80d5 command BC-114
- source-bridge sdllc-local-ack command BC-282
- source-bridge spanning command BC-107, BC-108
- source-bridge tcp-queue-max number command BC-137, BC-171
- source-bridge transparent command BC-113
- source-bridge transparent fastswitch command BC-111, BC-113
- source-route bridging
- maintaining FC-237
- Token Ring FC-266
- source-route autonomous-switching cache, enabling BC-132
- source-route bridging
- See SRB
- Source-Route Bridging Enhancements
- Cisco 7200 series routers FC-296
- source-route fast-switching cache, disabling BC-131
- source-route translational bridging
- See SR/TLB
- source-route transparent bridging
- See SRT
- TR-LANE support XC-69
- SP
- displaying information FC-231
- SP, displaying information about FC-231
- spanning tree
- assigning interface to a group BC-54
- automatic resolution in SRB BC-107
- bridge priority BC-77
- bridging and routing IP BC-67
- disabling on an interface BC-78
- explorer BC-106
- interface priority, setting BC-77
- known topology, displaying BC-81
- multiple domains, establishing BC-61, BC-69
- parameters
- forward delay interval BC-78
- hello BPDU interval BC-78
- idle interval BC-78
- root bridge BC-77
- path costs, assigning BC-77
- topology, configuring BC-107
- transparently bridged virtual LANs BC-57
- spare sectors
- PCMCIA Flash memory cards FC-173
- speed, changing terminal line speed DC-207
- speed command DC-121, DC-207
- spf-interval command P2C-98
- split horizon
- AppleTalk Enhanced IGRP P2C-48
- DECnet P3C-45
- effect on SMDS WC-11
- IP, enabling P1C-92, P1C-100
- IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-133
- IPX Enhanced IGRP P2C-89
- ISO IGRP, enabling P3C-64
- subinterfaces WC-124
- VINES P3C-17, P3C-18
- X.25 WC-188
- spoofing
- IPX P2C-118
- SPX keepalive packets over DDR P2C-118
- spoofing attacks
- preventing SC-145
- SPX, spoofing of keepalive packets P2C-118
- squeeze command FC-177
- squelch normal command FC-246
- squelch reduced command FC-246
- compatibility with IBM 8209 bridges BC-113
- enabling BC-113
- fast-switching mode, disabling BC-111, BC-113
- for simple network (example) BC-144
- in IBM LLC2 environments BC-114
- mixing IBM 8209 bridges and Cisco routing devices BC-113
- overview BC-111
- routing devices, in the same network with IBM 8209 bridges BC-113
- Token Ring LLC2 to Ethernet conversion BC-114
- with access filtering (example) BC-146
- access lists and access expressions, altering BC-131
- administrative filtering BC-126
- and SNA BC-6, BC-113
- configuration
- dual port BC-102, BC-138
- examples BC-137 to BC-154
- task list BC-101
- connection timeout interval, setting BC-132
- definition BC-6
- fast-switching SRB over FDDI BC-106
- hops, limiting BC-108
- IBM PC/3270 emulation BC-135
- interoperability BC-134
- multiple virtual ring groups (example) BC-140
- multiport bridge BC-104
- multiport bridge configuration (example) BC-139
- access control BC-124
- protocol BC-6
- assigning BC-144
- enabling BC-109
- timeout interval BC-110
- routing protocols (example) BC-139
- securing BC-124
- spanning tree, resolving BC-107
- TR-LANE example XC-95, XC-97
- TR-LANE support XC-69
- tuning BC-131
- SRB Enhancements on Cisco 7200 Series Routers
- FDDI support BC-7
- particle-based switching BC-7
- SRB over FDDI
- feature description BC-105
- SRB over Frame Relay BC-333
- feature description BC-106
- bridging (example) BC-91
- compared with SR/TLB BC-5
- configuring BC-54
- features of Cisco implementation BC-5
- hardware supporting BC-5
- starting P3C-12
- configuring WC-30
- connection timer WC-30
- keepalive timer WC-30
- poll timer WC-30
- receiver windows WC-31
- transmitter windows WC-31
- ATM port adapter
- configuring WC-62
- connection timer WC-62
- keepalive timer WC-62
- poll timer WC-62
- receiver windows WC-63
- transmitter windows WC-63
- configuring WC-88
- connection timer WC-89
- keepalive timer WC-89
- poll timer WC-88
- receiver windows WC-89
- transmitter windows WC-89
- sscop cc-timer command WC-30, WC-63, WC-89
- sscop keepalive-timer command WC-30, WC-62, WC-89
- sscop max-cc command WC-30, WC-89
- sscop max-cc timer WC-63
- sscop poll-timer command WC-30, WC-62, WC-88
- sscop rcv-window command WC-31, WC-63, WC-89
- sscop send-window command WC-31, WC-63, WC-89
- SSE fast switching
- SRB BC-132
- statistics BC-81, BC-136
- description FC-47 to FC-49
- ECHO command FC-47
- (example) FC-51
- displaying FC-49
- syntax FC-47, FC-49
- EXEC command FC-47
- (example) FC-50
- displaying FC-49
- syntax FC-47, FC-49
- international HTML pages, customizing FC-49
- variables FC-47
- displaying FC-49
- syntax FC-47
- viewing in HTML files FC-50
- See Silicon Switch Processor (SSP)
- SSP statistics summary P2C-149
- configuring XC-75
- Stacker compressor FC-291, WC-175
- stack group
- MMP DC-583
- standalone LAT-to-TCP translation (example) DC-357
- standard access lists
- See access lists, IPX
- standby authentication command P1C-64, P1C-65, XC-43
- standby ip command P1C-64, XC-42
- standby preempt command P1C-64, XC-42
- standby priority command P1C-64, XC-42
- standby router or access server, displaying status of P1C-70
- standby timers command P1C-64, XC-42
- standby track command P1C-64, XC-43
- startup
- configuration file FC-180
- system image FC-181
- startup configuration
- clearing FC-118
- copying configuration files to FC-109
- copying from an rcp server
- (example) FC-112
- copying to an rcp server (example) FC-109
- loading from the network FC-114
- rcp server, copying from
- (example) FC-112
- reexecuting configuration commands in FC-117
- specifying FC-119
- static RIF entries, configuring BC-110
- static routes
- Apollo Domain P3C-8
- AppleTalk P2C-53, P2C-55
- DECnet P3C-38, P3C-39
- Frame Relay WC-130
- IP
- configuring P1C-178
- redistribution (example) P1C-190
- IPX P2C-136
- controlling the source NET P3C-71
- example P3C-96
- interdomain (example) P3C-98
- intradomain (example) P3C-97
- static routing (table) P3C-59
- table entries P3C-60
- redistributing P1C-180
- SMDS WC-160, WC-162
- VINES P3C-19
- XNS P3C-110
- station configurations, displaying LLC2 BC-269
- Station Management
- See SMT
- station names, using in NetBIOS access control BC-125
- statistics
- NetFlow accounting XC-26
- response time FC-347
- statistics-distribution-interval command FC-347
- stop bits, changing the number DC-208
- stopbits command DC-207
- stratum
- NTP FC-383
- streamlined setup facility
- (example) FC-72
- configuration, corrupted startup FC-71
- configuration register FC-71
- description FC-71
- entering after erasing configuration FC-72
- interface IP parameters, configuring FC-72
- rxboot ROM FC-71
- strings, initialization, configuring DC-126
- stub area
- See OSPF
- Stub IP Multicast Routing
- description P1C-238
- stub IP multicast routing
- description P1C-238
- stub router
- in ODR environment P1C-83
- stub routing
- On Demand Routing (ODR) P1C-84
- asynchronous protocols
- virtual multidrop support BC-243
- custom protocol
- configuring BC-222
- enabling BC-220, BC-222
- features BC-18
- encapsulating BC-223
- (example) BC-230
- line-sharing device (example) BC-234
- LOCADDR priority groups
- (example) BC-237
- local acknowledgment
- Frame Relay
- (example) BC-236
- configuring BC-226
- (example) BC-235
- modes
- local acknowledgment BC-17
- passthrough BC-17
- monitoring BC-230
- multipoint
- (example) BC-234
- network overview BC-17
- overview BC-17
- protocol groups
- basic BC-221
- configuring BC-221
- SDLC BC-221, BC-222
- address
- configuring BC-220
- broadcast
- (example) BC-232
- configuring BC-220
- enabling BC-220
- multilink transmission groups BC-227
- configuring BC-227
- primary node BC-225
- secondary node BC-225
- TCP encapsulation
- configuring BC-223, BC-224
- traffic
- queuing priorities
- (example) BC-232, BC-236, BC-237
- LU address BC-229
- serial interface address BC-228
- TCP port BC-228
- traffic
queuing priorities
- traffic priority, setting BC-230
- transmission groups, configuring BC-227
- stun group command BC-222
- stun peer-name command BC-220
- stun protocol-group command BC-221
- stun protocol-group schema command BC-222
- stun route address command BC-226
- stun route address interface dlci command BC-226
- stun route address tcp command BC-220, BC-223
- stun route all interface serial command BC-223
- stun route all tcp command BC-223
- stun schema command BC-222
- stun sdlc-role primary command BC-225
- stun sdlc-role secondary command BC-225
- subaddress
- X.25 WC-184
- subinterface configuration mode
- description FC-13 to FC-14
- summary FC-15
- subinterfaces FC-226
- configuration (examples) WC-139 to WC-142
- configuring FC-13, FC-226
- for transparently bridged virtual LANs BC-57
- defined P2C-83
- Frame Relay
- addressing WC-126
- IPX P2C-94
- configuring (example) P2C-153
- shutting down (example) P2C-153
- maximum allowed FC-226
- multipoint dynamic addresses WC-127
- NLSP P2C-94
- configuring (example) P2C-153
- shutting down (example) P2C-153
- point-to-point WC-126
- SMDS WC-96
- multipoint WC-165
- traffic shaping FC-365
- X.25
- (example) WC-216
- configuring WC-187
- deleting and reestablishing WC-188
- multipoint WC-187
- point-to-point WC-187
- subnet masks, variable length
- (example) P1C-117, P1C-188
- definition P1C-177
- subnets
- discontinuous, connecting (tunneling) FC-326
- displaying number using masks P1C-39
- enabling use of subnet zero P1C-7
- in OSPF network (figure) P1C-119, P1C-195
- IP
- defining XC-42
- IP, creating network from separated, example P1C-41
- subnetwork number
- VINES P3C-12
- subnetwork point of attachment
- See SNPA
- summary-address command P1C-142
- for OSPF P1C-111
- summary addresses P1C-131
- summer time
- configuring FC-388
- suspend-session keystroke DC-124
- (example) WC-47
- configuring WC-23
- disabling WC-31
- ATM port adapter
- (example) WC-72
- configuring WC-57
- disabling WC-63
- Frame Relay
- configuring WC-115
- (example) WC-103
- configuring WC-81
- disabling WC-89
- X.25
- switching between PVCs and SVCs WC-202
- See also Frame Relay, SVC
- Switched Multimegabit Data Service
- See SMDS
- switched virtual circuit
- See SVC
- switching
- decisions by BGP routing table P1C-149
- distributed XC-5, XC-9, XC-26
- fast XC-9
- description XC-5
- ISL VLAN traffic XC-44
- NetFlow XC-24, XC-26
- configuration example XC-27
- configuring XC-25
- exporting cache entries XC-25, XC-27
- identifying packet flows XC-25
- NetFlow distributed XC-26
- next-hop destination XC-6
- next-hop determination XC-7
- optimum XC-9
- enabling XC-15
- overview XC-5
- paths XC-5, XC-8
- priorities, changing FC-358
- process XC-7, XC-8
- processes XC-5, XC-6
- route caching XC-5
- system process scheduler FC-358
- VIP distributed XC-26, XC-44, XC-45
- enabling XC-46
- X.25 local WC-12
- Switch Processor
- See SP
- symbolic host names for X.25 DC-329
- synchronization, BGP
- disabling P1C-149
- figure P1C-172
- synchronization command P1C-149
- synchronize signal, Telnet DC-273
- synchronizing
- unsolicited messages FC-374
- synchronizing SAP and RIP updates P2C-140
- Synchronous Data Link Control
- See SDLC
- Synchronous Optical Network
- synchronous serial interface DC-223
- encapsulation methods FC-276
- overview FC-275
- Synchronous Serial Port Adapters FC-292, FC-293
- syntax checking
- See context-sensitive help
- system calendar
- See calendar system
- system chat script
- executing (example) DC-480
- system clock
- calendar system, setting FC-390
- description FC-382
- initialization FC-384
- setting from calendar FC-390
- setting manually FC-389
- system error messages
- See error messages
- system generation parameters, configuring for SDLLC BC-300
- system ID
- IS-IS P3C-57, P3C-58
- ISO GRP P3C-60
- NSAPs, Level 1 routing P3C-57
- system images
- compressed FC-152
- copying from
- PCMCIA Flash memory card to an rcp server (example) FC-131
- server using rcp FC-140
- server using rcp (example) FC-141
- server using Xmodem FC-154
- server using Ymodem FC-154
- copying to
- Flash contains named file (example) FC-138
- Flash when Flash is full (example) FC-136
- rcp server from Flash memory (example) FC-131
- description FC-125
- fault-tolerant booting strategy FC-153
- Flash checksum, verifying FC-145
- Flash memory devices, verifying files (example) FC-145
- loading FC-183
- reloads, scheduling FC-188
- startup image
- loading from Flash FC-149
- loading from network server FC-151
- loading from ROM FC-152
- system information
- displaying FC-369
- system memory
- See memory
- system processes
- priorities, changing FC-358
- system routing
- IS-IS P3C-60
- system security
- configuring for ARA server DC-426
- Systems Network Architecture
- See SNA
- T1
- alarms FC-232
- configuration example DC-231
- displaying line activity FC-231
- monitor activity on line FC-231
- shutdown
- T1 circuit DC-231, FC-242
- T1 line DC-231, FC-242, FC-272
- timer, relating to LLC2 local acknowledgment BC-163
- See also T3
- T1/fractional T1 service modules
- Cisco 2524 FC-299
- Cisco 2525 FC-299
- t1 bert pattern command FC-288
- t1 clock source command FC-280
- t1 external command FC-281
- t1 fdl ansi command FC-287
- t1 framing command FC-280
- t1 linecode command FC-280
- t1 test command FC-283
- t1 timeslot command FC-279
- t1 yellow command FC-280
- T3
- (example) FC-312
- BERT pattern FC-288
- cable length FC-279
- clock source FC-279
- configuring FC-278
- external port (example) FC-312
- external T1 channels FC-281
- FDL loopbacks FC-289
- FDL support FC-287
- framing FC-279
- loopbacks FC-286
- MDL messages FC-287
- monitoring FC-287
- performance report FC-287
- performance report monitoring FC-287
- protocols supported FC-277
- standards FC-278
- T1 clock source FC-280
- T1 configuration FC-279
- T1 framing FC-280
- T1 line code FC-280
- T1 loopbacks FC-283, FC-289
- test port FC-282
- troubleshooting FC-282
- Tab key
- command completion FC-23, FC-30
- table-map command P1C-163
- ARA protocol authentication DC-428
- authentication
- password protection SC-44
- CCL scripts, modifying DC-429 to DC-431
- command comparison (table) SC-116
- comparative analysis SC-115
- configuration
- task list SC-117
- configuration (examples) SC-123
- configuring
- ARA authentication SC-122
- disabling EXEC password checking SC-119
- disabling login password checking SC-118
- EXEC password SC-118
- EXEC passwords (caution) SC-118
- login attempts SC-120
- login input time SC-121
- login password SC-117
- optional login password verification SC-118
- server host SC-120
- specific IP address SC-123
- user action notification SC-119
- user actions authentication SC-119
- security, configuring DC-428
- user authentication
- configuration (example) DC-436
- configuring DC-428
- user ID DC-208
- using for ARA authentication DC-428
- See also TACACS+
- accounting SC-88
- attribute-value pairs
- See AV pairs
- authentication
- login SC-28
- NASI SC-35
- PPP SC-30
- authorization SC-57, SC-88
- AV pairs SC-88, SC-247 to SC-252
- accounting SC-252
- configuration (examples) SC-88 to SC-92
- accounting SC-91
- authentication SC-89
- authorization SC-90
- daemon SC-92
- configuring SC-86
- authentication SC-88
- authentication key SC-88
- server host SC-87
- operation SC-85
- overview SC-83
- TACACS+ daemon process DC-460
- tag command FC-347
- Taiwan
- ISDN Sending Complete information element DC-219, DC-241
- target identifier
- Target Identifier Address Resolution Protocol
- See TARP
- address mapping P3C-85
- adjacencies P3C-86
- configuration examples P3C-101
- configuration task list P3C-84
- configuring P3C-83
- enabling P3C-84
- maintaining P3C-88
- NSAP addresses
- determining P3C-86
- multiple P3C-86
- n-selector P3C-87
- propagation P3C-85
- types P3C-84
- protocol type P3C-87
- sequence number P3C-87
- TID P3C-83
- configuring P3C-84
- determining P3C-86
- timers, configuring P3C-87
- update remote cache bit P3C-87
- tarp allow-caching command P3C-85
- tarp arp-request-timer command P3C-87
- tarp blacklist-adjacency command P3C-86
- tarp cache-timer command P3C-87
- tarp command P3C-88
- tarp enable command P3C-85
- tarp global-propagate command P3C-85
- tarp ldb-timer command P3C-87
- tarp lifetime command P3C-87
- tarp map command P3C-86
- tarp originate command P3C-85
- tarp post-t2-response-timer command P3C-87
- tarp propagate command P3C-85
- tarp query command P3C-86
- tarp resolve command P3C-86
- tarp route-static command P3C-86
- tarp run command P3C-85
- tarp sequence-number command P3C-88
- tarp t1-response-timer command P3C-87
- tarp t2-response-timer command P3C-87
- tarp tid command P3C-85
- tarp urc command P3C-88
- connections
- configuring for RSRB BC-161, BC-165
- enabling Path MTU Discovery P1C-67
- MD5 authentication for BGP P1C-162
- setting connection-attempt time P1C-67
- X.25 WC-201
- connections, setting connection-attempt time DC-412
- DLSw+
- configuration, port numbers BC-191
- header compression
- disabling conflicting features P1C-68
- enabling P1C-66
- See TCP/IP header compression
- keepalive packets FC-371
- maximum read size P1C-69
- outgoing queue size P1C-69
- overview P1C-1
- protocol translation
- to LAT via X.25 DC-351
- to X.25 PAD DC-362
- selective acknowledgment P1C-68
- statistics, clearing P1C-70
- statistics, displaying P1C-70
- timestamp P1C-68
- to local LAT translation DC-356
- to standalone protocol translation DC-357
- window size P1C-69
- See also TCP/IP header compression
- header compression
- configuration example DC-157
- configuring DC-151
- enabling DC-333, DC-412
- forcing on asynchronous interfaces DC-151
- RFC 1144 DC-151
- Van Jacobsen DC-151
- keepalives WC-202
- minor services, enabling FC-380
- overview P1C-1
- random early detection FC-360
- rlogin connections DC-274
- TCP-to-PAD connections DC-365
- Telnet connections DC-274
- X.25
- header compression WC-192
- IP datagrams over WC-198
- TCP/IP header compression
- configuration (example) DC-157
- disabling inherited
- (example) WC-154
- Frame Relay
- (examples) WC-153
- overview WC-133 to WC-135
- TCP encapsulation
- configuring BC-223, BC-224
- TCP Intercept
- configuration
- (example) SC-161
- task list SC-158
- connections
- displaying SC-161
- enabling SC-158
- firewall feature SC-12
- modes SC-159
- active intercept SC-159
- drop mode SC-159
- passive watch SC-159
- monitor and maintain SC-161
- overview SC-157
- statistics
- displaying SC-161
- thresholds SC-160
- timeouts SC-159
- TCP Selective Acknowledgment
- description P1C-68
- TCP SYN-flooding attacks, preventing SC-157
- TCP Timestamp
- description P1C-68
- ISDN terminal endpoint identifier DC-215
- Telebit T-3000 modem
- setup (example) DC-438
- telecommuters
- bidirectional dial DC-76
- bidirectional examples DC-80
- central site dial DC-58
- central site examples DC-60
- mixed protocol dial DC-92
- mixed protocol examples DC-95
- scalability issues DC-57
- telecommuting
- and asynchronous host roaming DC-409, FC-330
- sample configuration (figure) DC-404
- Telnet
- addresses, suppressing FC-381
- configuration task overview DC-272
- connections
- idle, handling FC-391
- description DC-271, DC-273
- examples DC-275
- hardware Break signal, generating DC-273
- idle connections FC-391
- Internet addresses, assigning DC-273
- interrupt characters, optimizing response to DC-273
- line speed for remote modifications DC-272
- notification of pending output DC-272
- refusing negotiation on remote echo DC-273
- Remote Echo option DC-273
- Suppress Go Ahead option DC-273
- synchronize signal, sending DC-273
- telnet break-on ip command DC-272
- telnet command DC-274, DC-318, DC-323
- telnet refuse-negotiations command DC-272
- Telnet sessions
- disconnecting DC-124
- establishing with a modem DC-123, DC-128
- modems, simplifying connections DC-123
- suspending DC-124, DC-129
- terminating DC-124
- telnet speed command DC-272
- telnet sync-on-break command DC-272
- telnet transparent command DC-272
- termcap, description of DC-291
- terminal
- 3270-type DC-290
- automatic command execution, configuring DC-150
- changing
- line speed DC-207
- character
- data bits DC-208
- communication parameters, setting DC-207
- emulation
- See terminal emulation
- EXEC process, configuring DC-148
- line speed DC-207
- network mask format P1C-39
- parity, setting DC-207
- parity bit, setting DC-208
- selecting a transport protocol DC-206
- session limits, setting DC-209
- terminal databits command DC-208
- terminal editing command FC-29, FC-33
- terminal emulation
- custom (example) DC-298
- IBM PC/3270
- TN3270 DC-295, DC-297
- terminal full-help command FC-25
- terminal history size command FC-27
- terminal international command FC-52
- terminal lat out-group command DC-285
- terminal monitor command FC-374, FC-376, FC-378
- terminal no editing command FC-33
- terminal parity command DC-208
- terminal rxspeed command DC-207
- terminal services DC-269
- terminal speed command DC-207
- terminal stopbits command DC-208
- terminal transport preferred command DC-206
- terminal-type command DC-296
- term ip netmask-format command P1C-39
- test appletalk command P2C-55
- test commands
- (caution) FC-372
- test crypto initiate-session command SC-192
- test flash command FC-372
- test interfaces command FC-373
- test memory command FC-373
- test modem back-to-back command DC-178
- Texas Instruments
- Token Ring MAC firmware problem BC-135
- TFTP server
- AutoInstall
- configuring FC-62
- DOS-based FC-54
- role FC-54
- booting automatically from FC-151
- client router, configuring FC-210
- configuration files
- (example) FC-107
- copying from FC-110
- copying to FC-107
- downloading FC-122
- Flash memory, using as FC-208
- images
- copying from FC-136
- copying to FC-126
- copying to (example) FC-127
- PCMCIA Flash memory card (example) FC-127
- nonresident fonts, accessing DC-304
- router, configuring as
- (example) FC-209
- configuration tasks FC-208
- support for DOS-based FC-54
- tftp-server flash command FC-209
- tftp-server rom command FC-209
- tg-number command BC-365
- tg-row command BC-370
- threshold command FC-347
- threshold notifications
- RTR FC-349
- THT, FDDI FC-250
- tick count
- IPX P2C-136
- TI MAC firmware
- establishing SRB interoperability with BC-135
- timeout command FC-347
- timeout interval
- setting modem line DC-134
- setting on terminal sessions DC-209
- timeout interval, idle
- AIP WC-27
- ATM port adapter WC-61
- NPM WC-85
- timers DC-490
- BGP, adjusting P1C-163
- DECnet
- broadcast routing, adjusting P3C-44
- hello, adjusting P3C-44
- dialer
- fast idle timer DC-492
- line idle timer DC-492
- wait for carrier DC-493
- DLSw+
- configuring BC-196
- LLC2 BC-200
- enable timeout, line down-time DC-493
- Frame Relay keepalive WC-114
- IGRP, adjusting P1C-99
- IP Enhanced IGRP P1C-133
- IPX Enhanced IGRP, adjusting P2C-88
- ISO IGRP, adjusting P3C-63
- keepalive, adjusting FC-228
- hardware outage WC-177
- link failure (T4) WC-177
- keepalive DC-283
- virtual circuit DC-283
- RIP, adjusting P1C-89
- TARP, configuring P3C-87
- token holding FC-250
- token rotation FC-250
- transmission valid FC-250
- X.25 Level 3 WC-183
- XNS update timers P3C-110
- timers basic (RIP) command P1C-89
- timers basic command P1C-85, P1C-99, P3C-63
- timers bgp command P1C-163
- timers spf command P1C-113
- time services FC-384
- (examples) FC-392
- description FC-381
- monitoring FC-390
- sources FC-382
- valid, preserving FC-386
- timeslot command DC-228, FC-295
- timestamping
- debug messages FC-378
- log messages FC-375
- time zone
- configuring FC-388
- TN3270
- (example) DC-300
- 8-bit transparent mode DC-297
- character mapping
- creating DC-297
- configuration files (examples) DC-298 to DC-299
- connecting to IBM host DC-291
- connection environment (figure) DC-291
- connections to server DC-297
- description DC-271, DC-297
- extended datastream, enable DC-296
- hexadecimal values, obtaining DC-297
- keymaps
- function DC-292
- selection priority DC-294
- null processing, enabling DC-296
- reset-after-error DC-296
- startup sequence priorities DC-292
- termcap DC-291
- terminal emulation
- custom file, creating DC-295, DC-296
- default files, using to connect DC-295
- listing files DC-296
- ttycap
- function DC-292
- selection priority DC-293
- selection process (figure) DC-293
- tn3270 8bit display command DC-297
- tn3270 8bit transparent-mode command DC-297
- tn3270 character-map command DC-297
- tn3270 command DC-298
- tn3270 datastream command DC-296
- tn3270 null-processing command DC-296
- tn3270 reset-required command DC-296
- TN3270 server
- CIP BC-49
- LU nailing
- client command BC-439
- compressing files BC-430
- configuration size limits BC-430
- configuration task BC-439
- defined BC-429
- nailing algorithm, defined BC-431
- storing configuration files in Flash BC-430
- description BC-427
- IP precedence configuration BC-437
- IP TOS configuration BC-437
- precedence setting BC-427
- tn3270-server command BC-436
- TN3270 server command modes
- description FC-20
- TN3270 server configuration mode
- summary FC-22
- TN3270 Server Enhancements
- feature description BC-427
- token holding timer (THT), FDDI FC-250
- Token Ring
- DECnet
- configuring P3C-33
- encapsulation P3C-33
- DSPU configuration BC-310
- encapsulation FC-267
- extended LAN BC-6
- frame-copied errors BC-135
- frame format BC-7
- functional address P1C-220
- IBM 8209 bridges and SR/TLB BC-113
- interfaces, displaying information BC-136, BC-171
- IP multicast routing over P1C-219
- LLC2 to Ethernet LLC2 conversion, enabling standard BC-114
- SNA Service Point configuration BC-319
- source bridge, basic configuration (example) BC-138
- source bridge only configuration (example) BC-139
- maintaining BC-148
- support BC-6
- TI MAC firmware problem BC-135
- Token Ring LANE
- supported features XC-69
- token rotation time
- See TRT
- TokenTalk P2C-1
- topology table
- AppleTalk Enhanced IGRP P2C-54
- IPX Enhanced IGRP P2C-150
- trace command FC-372
- IP
- privileged P1C-40
- user P1C-40
- user P3C-83
- VINES P3C-21
- traffic
- broadcast XC-32
- queuing priorities BC-248
- configuring BC-248
- controlling patterns XC-33
- control with NetFlow XC-25
- multicast XC-32
- performance XC-25
- queuing priorities
- (example) BC-232, BC-236, BC-237
- LU address BC-229
- serial interface address BC-228
- TCP port BC-228
- traffic filtering
- See access lists, lock-and-key
- traffic parameters
- (example) WC-49
- configuring WC-28 to WC-29
- (example) WC-104
- configuring WC-86 to WC-88
- traffic-shape adaptive command FC-365
- traffic-shape group command FC-365
- traffic-shape rate command FC-365
- traffic shaping
- (example) FC-367
- adaptive WC-122
- AIP WC-33
- condition signaling WC-145
- generic FC-365
- NPM WC-92
- QOS WC-121
- VCs WC-120
- See also ForeSight
- traffic-share command P1C-99
- transient ring error FC-250
- transit bridging
- transition mode
- AppleTalk P2C-16
- (example) P2C-58
- translate command DC-322, DC-325, DC-326
- translate lat command DC-323
- translate tcp command DC-323
- translate x25 command DC-323
- translation
- in VLANs XC-35
- translational bridging
- compatibility with IBM 8209 bridges BC-113
- on FDDI interface FC-249
- See also SR/TLB
- translation options
- outgoing options, mapping to virtual interface template commands DC-323
- translations
- supported metric, between IP routing protocols P1C-182
- See also protocol translation
- Transmission Control Protocol
- See TCP
- transmission groups
- overview BC-227
- SNA traffic
- configuring BC-222
- transmission-priority command BC-370
- transmission timer, FDDI FC-250, FC-251
- transmission valid timer (TVX) FC-250
- transmission valid timer (TVX), FDDI FC-250
- transmit clock, inverting DC-226, FC-293
- transmit-clock-internal command DC-226, FC-292
- transmit delay, serial interface DC-226, FC-293
- transmit-delay command FC-307
- transmit-interface command P1C-57
- transmitter-delay command DC-226, FC-293
- transparent bridging
- administrative filtering BC-70
- (example) WC-51
- configuring WC-39
- ATM port adapter
- (example) WC-74
- configuring WC-68
- basic example BC-82
- bridge priority, setting BC-77
- concurrent routing and bridging
- configuration (example) BC-83
- enabling BC-63
- statistics, displaying BC-81
- configuration
- (examples) BC-81 to BC-100
- Frame Relay BC-61
- LAT compression BC-68
- options BC-67
- SMDS BC-62
- task list BC-53
- X.25 BC-63
- X.25 (example) BC-93
- configuring
- multiprotocol LAPB WC-178
- (example) WC-212
- constrained multicast flooding
- enabling BC-80
- multicast state information, clearing BC-81
- multicast state information, displaying BC-81
- access
- controlling BC-60
- Ethernet type code (example) BC-96
- protocol (example) BC-96
- bridging protocol, defining BC-60
- defining protocols to bridge BC-59
- interface configuration BC-61
- preparing DC-470
- Dialer Profiles
- defining protocols to bridge DC-546
- interface configuration DC-547
- Ethernet to Ethernet bridging
- (example) BC-89
- Ethernet to FDDI configuration (example) BC-89
- extended access lists, defining BC-74
- FDDI interface FC-249
- features of Cisco implementation BC-2
- filtering BC-70
- by protocol type BC-73
- by vendor code BC-72
- Frame Relay WC-9
- (example) WC-141
- fast path for BC-61
- integrated routing and bridging
- basic configuration (example) BC-84
- complex configuration (example) BC-85
- configuration BC-64
- configuring BC-3
- multiple bridge group configuration (example) BC-86
- statistics, displaying BC-81
- IP BC-67
- Legacy DDR
- (example) DC-498
- access (example) DC-498, DC-526, DC-527
- load balancing BC-79
- monitoring and maintaining BC-81
- multicast or broadcast example BC-92
- multiprotocol LAPB BC-62
- (example) WC-106
- configuring WC-96
- over ATM
- fast switching BC-59
- over SMDS
- fast switching BC-62
- sample configurations BC-81
- SMDS WC-11, WC-164
- restrictions on BC-63
- spanning tree parameters, adjusting BC-76
- spanning tree topology, displaying BC-81
- SRT example BC-91
- virtual LANs (VLANs) BC-55
- transport command DC-206
- transport input command DC-206
- transport output command DC-206
- transport preferred command DC-206
- transport protocol
- defining for a line DC-205
- tunneling FC-325
- transport protocol, selecting DC-206
- transposed characters
- correcting FC-32
- trap operations
- defining for hub ports FC-255
- SNMP FC-342
- triggers
- RTR FC-349
- AppleTalk XC-69
- APPN XC-69
- Banyan Vines XC-69
- benefits XC-67
- Cisco LightStream 100 XC-70
- Cisco LightStream 1010 XC-70
- DECnet XC-69
- hardware requirements XC-70
- HSRP XC-69
- IP routing XC-69
- IPX XC-69
- software version XC-70
- source-route transparent bridging XC-69
- SRB XC-69
- example XC-95, XC-97
- XNS XC-69
- See also LANE XC-68
- troubleshooting
- ping command FC-372
- RTR FC-346
- trace command FC-372
- FDDI FC-250
- trusted authentication keys
- NTP FC-384
- ts16 command DC-228, FC-295
- TTY DC-114
- relation to interfaces DC-113
- remote username for rcp requests FC-218
- ttycap
- alternate DC-296
- function DC-292
- line characteristics, assigning DC-296
- selection priority DC-293
- selection process (figure) DC-293
- ttycap command DC-296
- TTY lines
- mapping to AS5200 modems DC-119
- relation to asynchronous interfaces DC-117
- tunnel checksum command FC-329
- tunnel command DC-321, DC-409, FC-331
- tunnel destination command P2C-28, P2C-30, P2C-31, FC-328
- AppleTalk, using GRE FC-329
- tunneling
- advantages FC-326
- AppleTalk
- definition FC-325
- GRE FC-329
- AURP P2C-28
- Cayman
- brief description FC-325
- no AT network address FC-329
- cayman P2C-30
- components FC-325
- destination address FC-328
- encapsulation FC-328
- EON FC-325
- GRE P2C-31, FC-325
- IP FC-326, FC-327
- methods P2C-30
- NOS FC-325
- optional tasks FC-327
- precautions FC-326
- recursive route FC-327
- required tasks FC-327
- SLIP and PPP over X.25 (example) DC-359
- source address FC-328
- authorization, search order DC-684
- endpoints, mutual authentication DC-682
- Tunneling of Asynchronous Security Protocols
- feature description BC-249
- tunneling PPP
- across X.25 (examples) DC-337
- tunnel key command P1C-21, FC-330
- tunnel mode command P1C-21, P2C-28, P2C-30, P2C-31, P2C-36
- configuring tunnel mode FC-328
- enabling GRE tunneling FC-329
- tunnel sequence-datagrams command FC-330
- tunnel session
- across TCP or LAT WAN (figure) DC-321
- across X.25 WAN (figure) DC-320
- tunnel source command P2C-28, P2C-30, P2C-31, P2C-36
- configuring the tunnel source FC-328
- tunneling AppleTalk using GRE FC-329
- turbo flooding P1C-28
- TVX, FDDI FC-250
- two-step translation method DC-318, DC-323
- tx-queue-limit command FC-229
- txspeed command DC-207
- Tymnet
- X.25 PAD switch (example) WC-215
- type 20 packets P2C-132, P2C-133
- type command FC-346
- broadcast addresses, establishing P1C-26
- datagrams
- flooding P1C-28
- speeding up flooding P1C-28
- small services, enabling FC-380
- turbo flooding P1C-28
- use in RIP P1C-87
- UDP broadcasts
- BOOTP forwarding agent P1C-26
- DHCP P1C-26
- UDP port numbers
- IPTalk P2C-36
- UDP Unicast Enhancement
- feature description BC-12, BC-198
- undelete command FC-177
- Ungermann-Bass Net/One
- See Net/One
- AIP WC-23
- ATM port adapter WC-57
- NPM WC-80
- version 3.0 FC-274, FC-291
- messages FC-377
- syslog daemon FC-377
- unnumbered interface, conserving network addresses DC-141
- unnumbered IP
- Frame Relay (example) WC-141
- update broadcast, IGRP P1C-96
- upgrade system software
- run-from-Flash systems FC-168, FC-169
- user privilege level FC-45
- User Datagram Protocol
- See UDP
- user-defined-1 command BC-363, BC-368
- user-defined-2 command BC-363, BC-368
- user-defined-3 command BC-363, BC-368
- user EXEC mode
- commands FC-10
- description FC-10
- summary FC-15
- user ID, TACACS DC-208
- username callback-dialstring command DC-651, DC-652
- username callback-line command DC-651, DC-652
- username callback-rotary command DC-651, DC-652
- username command DC-208
- username nocallback-verify command DC-651
- username password command DC-386, DC-427, DC-517
- User-Network Interface
- See UNI FC-274
- user-network interface
- See UNI
- V.120
- asynchronous access over ISDN DC-418
- configuring access DC-417 to DC-419
- dynamic detection (example) DC-418
- dynamic detection and setting DC-418
- standard DC-417
- static setting DC-417
- V.120 Support DC-417
- V.34 modems DC-169
- validate-update-source command P1C-91, P1C-100
- variable-length subnet masks
- See VLSMs
- variance command P1C-98
- V character
- copy output FC-135
- VCI-to-VPI ratio
- AIP WC-37
- ATM port adapter WC-67
- NPM WC-94
- vdlc command BC-362
- vendor code
- administrative filtering BC-72, BC-128
- filtering by BC-128
- Vendor-Proprietary RADIUS Attributes SC-78, SC-80
- verify-adjacent-node-type command BC-366
- verify command FC-145
- verify-data command FC-347
- verify flash command FC-145
- Versatile Interface Processor
- See VIP
- version command P1C-89
- view records
- creating and deleting FC-339
- access control P3C-14
- access lists
- applying to interface P3C-15
- configuration (example) P3C-26
- creating P3C-15
- displaying P3C-21
- extended P3C-14
- simple P3C-14
- standard P3C-14
- types P3C-14
- addresses P3C-11
- base of host addresses P3C-16
- host names, assigning to P3C-16
- application layer support P3C-21
- broadcasts
- encapsulation P3C-16
- forwarding P3C-20
- serverless networks P3C-13
- Cisco's implementation P3C-2
- class field P3C-20
- configuration
- (examples) P3C-22 to P3C-27
- task list P3C-12
- configuration example XC-49
- preparing DC-473
- Dialer Profiles DC-544
- encapsulation P3C-16
- fast switching
- deleting P3C-21
- disabling P3C-18, XC-14
- displaying P3C-21
- filters
- applying to interface P3C-15
- configuration (example) P3C-26
- types P3C-14
- floating static routes P3C-19
- hello message P3C-17
- hop count field P3C-20
- host
- names, assigning to addresses P3C-16
- name table, displaying entries P3C-21
- number P3C-11
- interfaces, status P3C-21
- Inverse ARP support WC-10
- IPC connections, displaying information P3C-21
- IP header P3C-20
- load sharing P3C-18
- logical network (figure) P3C-11
- MAC-level echo P3C-2
- metrics, routing P3C-2, P3C-13
- monitoring tasks P3C-21
- multicast address, SMDS address mapping WC-161
- name-to-address mapping P3C-2
- neighbor stations P3C-20, P3C-21
- network connectivity, testing P3C-21
- network number P3C-11
- NTP P3C-18
- over WANs P3C-20
- redetermine router's network address P3C-21
- routing
- concurrent routing and bridging P3C-13
- enabling (example) P3C-22
- enabling on interface P3C-13
- serverless networks (examples) P3C-23 to P3C-25
- table P3C-21
- updates P3C-17, P3C-18
- RTP P3C-19
- redirect messages P3C-18
- starting P3C-12
- serverless networks P3C-13
- server number P3C-11
- configuring WC-164
- split horizon P3C-17, P3C-18
- SRTP, starting P3C-12
- static paths P3C-20
- static routes P3C-19
- subnetwork number P3C-12
- time
- accepting updates P3C-19
- configuration (example) P3C-27
- NTP P3C-18
- sending updates P3C-19
- synchronizing P3C-19
- time service FC-384
- configuring FC-387
- tracing packet path P3C-21
- traffic statistics P3C-21
- vines access-group command P3C-15
- vines access-list command P3C-15
- DDR DC-473
- dialer profiles DC-544
- vines decimal command P3C-16
- vines encapsulation command P3C-16
- vines host command P3C-16
- vines metric command P3C-13, XC-40
- vines neighbor command P3C-20
- vines propagate command P3C-20
- vines redirect command P3C-17, P3C-18
- vines route-cache command P3C-18, XC-14
- vines route command P3C-19
- vines routing command P3C-12, P3C-21, XC-39
- vines split-horizon command P3C-18
- vines srtp-enabled command P3C-12
- vines time access-group command P3C-19
- vines time destination command P3C-19
- vines time participate command P3C-19
- vines time set-system command P3C-19, FC-387
- vines time use-system command P3C-19, FC-387
- vines update deltas command P3C-17
- vines update interval command P3C-17
- distributed switching
- between ISL VLANS XC-45
- between ISL VLANs XC-53
- enabling XC-46
- ISL encapsulation XC-46
- ISL VLAN traffic XC-44, XC-53
- routing decisions XC-5
- scalability XC-45, XC-53
- VLAN configuration example XC-53
- Frame Relay compression WC-132
- NetFlow distributed switching XC-26
- VIP distributed switching XC-26
- VIP Distributed Switching over ISL in Virtual LANs
- configuring ISL on the subinterface XC-46
- distributed architecture XC-45
- enabling IP routing XC-45
- VIP distributed switching XC-46
- VIP switching XC-44
- virtual access interface
- AIP WC-42
- NPM WC-97
- virtual access interfaces
- clearing or displaying DC-580
- configuration
- sources DC-578
- two sources (figure) DC-578
- dynamically created and torn down DC-609
- maximum number DC-577
- maximum number available DC-320
- memory requirement DC-577
- protocol translation
- monitor and maintain DC-335
- protocol translation session
- applied to DC-319
- virtual asynchronous interface, contrasted with DC-320
- Virtual Address Request and Reply, Probe address resolution P1C-12
- virtual asynchronous interfaces
- maximum transmission unit, setting DC-333
- PPP authentication, enabling DC-334
- virtual circuits
- LAT timer DC-283
- on the AIP WC-6
- X.25
- multiprotocol WC-189
- protocol identification WC-189
- ranges WC-180
- See also SVC
- See also PVC; X.25, Frame Relay SVCs
- virtual circuits, maximum number
- AIP WC-36
- ATM port adapter WC-67
- virtual data link control
- APPN over DLSw+
- (figure) BC-17
- description BC-16
- configuring an APPN port on BC-360
- configuring DSPU on BC-312
- configuring SNA Service Point on BC-320, BC-321
- DSPU configuration (example) BC-325
- DSPU over DLSw+, supporting BC-16
- SNA Service Point
- configuration BC-320
- over DLSw+, supporting BC-16
- SNA Service Point configuration
- (example) BC-328
- virtual interfaces
- See loopback interface; subinterfaces; tunneling
- virtual interface template
- creating DC-322, DC-324
- maximum number available DC-320
- protocol translation
- authentication, configuring DC-324
- benefits DC-321
- commands supported DC-322
- configuration tasks DC-336
- examples DC-337 to DC-339
- one-step, creating for DC-322
- tunneling PPP across X.25 (examples) DC-337
- two-step, creating for DC-324
- tunneling PPP or SLIP
- one-step protocol translation DC-322
- two-step protocol translation DC-324
- virtual LAN
- See VLAN
- virtual LANs
- See VLANs
- virtual link, OSPF P1C-111
- Virtual Network System
- virtual path
- filter, configuring WC-39
- See VP
- virtual private dial networks
- business applications DC-44
- description and benefits DC-44
- examples DC-46
- how they work DC-45
- virtual private dial-up network
- See VPDN
- virtual private network P1C-17
- virtual-profile aaa command DC-600, DC-601
- Virtual Profiles DC-591
- virtual profiles DC-591 to DC-607
- configured by AAA DC-596
- (example) DC-603
- (figure) DC-597
- configuration tasks DC-600
- plus virtual template, different application DC-598
- plus VPDN template (example) DC-606
- configured by both virtual template and AAA DC-597
- (example) DC-604
- (figure) DC-598
- configuration tasks DC-600
- configured by virtual template only DC-595
- (example) DC-602
- (figure) DC-596
- configuration tasks DC-599
- interoperations
- Dialer Profiles DC-592
- Legacy DDR DC-592
- other virtual template features DC-593
- cloning sequence (table) DC-593
- configuration factors DC-593
- configuration rules DC-591
- interoperation DC-593
- per-user configuration DC-609, DC-612
- difference DC-591
- PPP application DC-591
- prerequisites DC-592
- restrictions DC-592
- terminology DC-594
- user-specific interface configuration DC-594
- virtual access interfaces
- cloning sequence (table) DC-593
- virtual template interface
- information included DC-594
- overrides physical interface DC-594
- virtual template only
- PPP (example) DC-580
- virtual-profile virtual-template command DC-601
- virtual ring
- definition BC-7
- example BC-145
- using with LAN Network Manager BC-121
- virtual template interface
- contents DC-594
- creating DC-586, DC-599, DC-600
- defining for stack group DC-586
- type of information included DC-595
- unnumbered IP DC-599, DC-600
- virtual template interfaces DC-577 to DC-581
- (examples) DC-580
- background information DC-577
- benefits DC-578
- cloning DC-579, DC-594, DC-610
- configuration service for virtual access interfaces DC-577 to DC-581
- contents DC-579, DC-610
- creating DC-580
- features that apply DC-579
- number allowed DC-577
- per-user configuration DC-609
- prerequisites DC-579
- unnumbered IP DC-580
- virtual profiles
- PPP (example) DC-580
- Virtual Template Interface Service
- feature description DC-577
- virtual templates
- AIP WC-42
- NPM WC-98
- See also virtual template interfaces
- Virtual Templates for Protocol Translation
- feature description DC-319
- virtual Token Ring
- address (VTRA), using with SDLLC BC-24
- implementation BC-283
- addressing XC-36
- AppleTalk
- over IEEE 802.10 encapsulation XC-55
- routing XC-55, XC-56
- subinterface customization XC-55
- AppleTalk over ISL encapsulation XC-38
- AppleTalk Phase II support XC-35
- ATM LAN Emulation XC-34
- Banyan VINES over ISL encapsulation XC-39
- Banyan VINES support XC-35
- broadcast domain XC-31
- colors XC-33
- communication between XC-33, XC-34
- connecting Fast Ethernet devices XC-34
- DECnet over ISL encapsulation XC-40
- DECnet support XC-35
- description XC-31
- designing switched VLANs XC-36
- encapsulation format XC-56
- frame tagging XC-33
- hybrid switching environments XC-35
- identifier XC-33
- IEEE 802.10 encapsulation XC-34
- interoperability XC-35
- IP XC-35
- ISL encapsulation XC-34
- LAN segmentation XC-36
- Layer 2 translation XC-34
- Layer 3 routing XC-34
- load balancing XC-36
- network
- changes XC-34
- design XC-33
- management XC-33
- performance XC-33
- Novell IPX encapsulation XC-35
- packets traversing shared backbone XC-37
- performance XC-33
- redundancy in XC-36
- routers in XC-36
- routing between XC-36, XC-53
- routing Novell IPX XC-43
- scalability XC-32, XC-33
- security XC-32, XC-34
- segmenting LANs XC-32
- segmenting LANs with XC-31
- sharing resources between XC-36
- supported VLAN encapsulation formats XC-35
- translation XC-35
- VlanDirector XC-33
- VLAN identifier in IEEE 802.10 encapsulation XC-55
- XNS over ISL encapsulation XC-46
- XNS support XC-35
- AppleTalk support P2C-3
- configuration tasks BC-55
- IPX support P2C-5
- isolation between XC-32
- routing among BC-57
- routing between (example) BC-88
- transparently bridged configuration (example) BC-86
- ODR support P1C-84
- definition P1C-177
- OSPF example P1C-117, P1C-188
- RIP Version 2 P1C-87, P1C-89
- host connection to a routing device DC-279
- system, loopback FC-240
- VP
- filter, configuring WC-39
- VPDN DC-681 to DC-685
- (figure) DC-682
- authentication
- home gateway DC-682
- network access server DC-682
- connection
- establishing DC-682
- forwarding traffic
- ISP POP to home gateway DC-681
- home gateway
- configuration task list DC-682
- incoming connections, configuring DC-683
- virtual interface DC-682
- virtual template interface, creating DC-683
- network access server
- configuring DC-683
- outgoing connections DC-684
- tunnel authorization, search order DC-684
- tunnel lookup DC-684
- secure DC-681
- tunnel lookup
- DNIS DC-684
- domain name DC-684
- virtual interfaces
- monitoring DC-685
- vpdn outgoing command DC-684
- vpdn outgoing dnis command DC-684
- vpdn search-order command DC-685
- VPDN Tunnel Lookup Based on Dialed Number Information
- feature description DC-683, DC-684
- definitions, configuring for SDLLC BC-302
- support on CIP BC-410
- VTY-async authentication information DC-336
- logging to a buffer DC-336
- logging to a UNIX syslog server DC-337
- logging to console terminal DC-336
- vty-async command DC-326, DC-331, DC-418
- vty-async dynamic-routing command DC-332, DC-408
- vty-async header-compression command DC-333
- vty-async ipx ppp-client loopback command DC-332, DC-408
- vty-async keepalive command DC-333
- vty-async ppp authentication chap command DC-334
- vty-async ppp authentication pap command DC-335
- vty-async virtual-template command DC-324
- vty-line mtu command DC-333
- WANs
- configuring
- ISO CLNS over P3C-79
- configuring IP over P1C-69
- configuring transparent bridging over BC-59
- DECnet support P3C-3
- overview
- ATM WC-2, WC-3
- chapter description WC-1
- IP and ARP WC-4
- organization WC-1
- warning messages
- automatic FC-370
- watchdog packets P2C-118
- DDR P2C-118
- Web browser
- See Cisco Web browser
- weighted fair queueing
- configuring FC-361
- description FC-359
- where command DC-124
- which-route command P3C-83
- wide-area networking
- See WAN
- wildcard command BC-372
- wildcards
- LANE address templates XC-72
- writable control store (WCS)
- microcode FC-158
- write memory command FC-259
- write network command
- See copy running-config command
- write terminal command
- See show running-config command
- X.121 addresses
- aliases WC-185
- assigning symbolic host names DC-329
- setting WC-182
- understanding WC-184
- X.25
- access lists (example) WC-224
- addresses
- BFE conventions WC-206
- datagram, mapping WC-190
- datagram, transport WC-186
- destination hosts addresses, mapping WC-190
- interface, setting on WC-182
- mapping, displaying WC-210
- pattern matching (example) WC-214
- replacing WC-185
- substitute in local route WC-203
- suppressing WC-185
- X.121
- address mapping WC-190
- MAC address (example) WC-218
- alias X.121 address WC-185
- assigned routes, displaying WC-210
- address conventions WC-206
- configuring WC-205
- Blacker Emergency Mode WC-208
- (example) WC-222
- address translation WC-208
- booting from a network server (example) WC-223
- bridging WC-193
- bridging on WC-12
- Call Request packet WC-186
- Cisco's implementation WC-12
- configuring routes WC-205
- interface WC-210
- routing WC-204
- compressed packet header WC-192
- compression, payload WC-194
- configuration
- (example) WC-212
- task list WC-178
- configuring
- transparent bridging over BC-63
- configuring ISO CLNS over P3C-79
- connection to LAT (example) DC-360
- custom queuing WC-197
- datagram transport
- (figure) WC-186
- configuration task list WC-187
- description WC-12
- D-bit WC-197, WC-199
- DCE encapsulation WC-179, WC-198
- address conventions (figure) WC-206
- configuration WC-205
- (example) WC-221
- encapsulation types WC-207
- mapping algorithm WC-205
- standard service WC-207
- type of service (TOS) field WC-207
- DECnet support P3C-3
- destination time, ignore WC-195
- DTE encapsulation WC-179, WC-198
- DTR dialing (example) DC-538
- dynamic mapping of IP and X.121 addresses WC-190
- encapsulating ISO CLNS P3C-4
- facilities supported WC-199
- flow control
- effect on queuing WC-198
- setting WC-182
- values WC-203
- general statistics, displaying WC-210
- IP datagrams over WC-198
- IP split horizon, default WC-188
- ISDN D channel DC-689
- benefits DC-689
- configuration (example) DC-690
- configuration tasks DC-690
- ITU-T and ISO specifications WC-12
- LAPB WC-176, WC-177
- Legacy DDR
- dialers supported DC-496, DC-524
- DTR dialing (example) DC-508, DC-538
- locally switched PVC WC-201
- mapping protocol address to remote host DC-496, DC-524
- map usage, restricting WC-197
- M-bit WC-183
- modulo (extended packet sequence) WC-199
- network user ID (Cisco) WC-196
- OSPF, broadcasts WC-191
- over ISDN WC-13
- over TCP/IP (XOT) WC-198, WC-202, WC-203
- packet
- acknowledgment policy WC-195
- hold queue WC-197
- numbering modulo, setting WC-181
- sizes WC-183
- packet-layer protocol (PLP) WC-12
- access, configuring DC-371, WC-192
- command signals DC-371
- connections WC-13, WC-185
- PAD calls over XOT DC-379
- PAD connections, viewing DC-377
- PAD-to-TCP (example) DC-362
- payload compression WC-194
- ping over (example) WC-222
- PLP restarts WC-186
- precedence handling WC-207
- priority queuing WC-197
- profile script (example) WC-224
- protocol encapsulation options WC-188
- protocol identification WC-189
- protocols supported, routing WC-12
- public data network (PDN) WC-12
- exchange IP traffic (example) WC-215
- IP traffic exchange (figure) WC-215
- remote tunneling (example) WC-217
- switching (example) WC-213, WC-216
- QLLC over WC-13
- remote switching WC-12
- restricted fast select facility WC-197
- route table WC-200
- routing
- (example) WC-214
- configuration task list WC-199
- enabling WC-199
- local switching WC-12, WC-198
- one or multiple protocols WC-191
- protocols supported WC-191
- remote switching WC-12, WC-198
- static table WC-198
- (example) WC-214
- supported protocols WC-12
- via OSI NSAP WC-13
- XOT alternate routes WC-204
- routing table
- positional parameters WC-214
- selecting destination of route WC-200
- serial interface WC-210
- services WC-210
- source and destination addresses, modifying WC-200
- specifications WC-12
- subaddress WC-184, WC-185
- subinterfaces
- configuration WC-187
- (example) WC-216
- switching, local or remote WC-12
- switching between PVCs and SVCs WC-202
- (example) WC-218
- TCP keepalives WC-202
- terminating VC connection WC-201
- timers WC-183
- transparent bridging
- (example) BC-93
- tunneling WC-12, WC-198, WC-199
- unrestricted fast select facility WC-197
- user facilities
- accept reverse charging WC-196
- closed user group (CUG) WC-196
- configuration task list WC-193
- flow control parameter negotiation WC-196
- list of WC-196
- network user ID (Cisco) WC-196
- Recognized Operating Agency (ROA) WC-196
- reverse charging WC-196
- throughput class negotiation WC-196
- transit delay WC-196
- virtual circuits
- clearing WC-210
- displaying WC-210
- establishing WC-186
- idle time, setting WC-194
- multiprotocol WC-188
- number of WC-195
- options available WC-188
- protocol
- (table) WC-189
- encapsulation WC-188
- identification WC-189
- ranges
- (example) WC-213
- keywords (table) WC-181
- setting WC-180
- routing protocols WC-191
- window size WC-182
- X.121
- addresses WC-184
- aliases WC-185
- setting WC-182
- X.29
- access lists (example) WC-224
- profile script (example) WC-224
- (figure) WC-216
- resetting WC-210
- SVC, clearing WC-210
- virtual circuits WC-210
- See also LAPB
- X.25 Enhancements
- priority and custom queuing WC-177
- QLLC BC-286
- route, configuring WC-200
- X.25
- priority or custom queuing WC-197
- X.25 on ISDN D Channel
- feature description DC-689
- X.25 Switching between PVCs and SVCs
- feature description WC-202
- X.28
- access and display parameters DC-371
- business applications DC-370
- description DC-369
- examples DC-373
- PAD command signals DC-371
- PAD configuration DC-370
- X.3 parameters DC-373
- X.28 Emulation
- feature description DC-369
- X.29
- access list
- creating DC-328
- accesslist number DC-328
- access lists
- (example) WC-224
- applying to a line WC-209
- creating WC-209
- profile script (example) WC-224
- X.3 PAD
- description DC-376
- making connections DC-372, DC-376
- parameters
- setting DC-377
- setting from X.28 mode DC-373
- switching sessions DC-377
- X.3 parameter settings, viewing DC-377
- x25 accept-reverse command WC-196
- x25 address command BC-195, WC-182
- Legacy DDR DC-496, DC-524
- x25 bfe-decision command WC-208
- x25 bfe-emergency command WC-208
- x25 default command WC-186
- x25-dest-address command BC-365
- x25 facility cug command WC-196
- x25 facility packetsize command WC-196
- x25 facility reverse command WC-196
- x25 facility roa command WC-196
- x25 facility throughput command WC-196
- x25 facility transit-delay command WC-196
- x25 facility windowsize command WC-196
- x25 hic command WC-181
- x25 hoc command WC-181
- x25 hold-queue command WC-197
- x25 hold-vc-timer command WC-195
- x25 host command DC-329
- x25 htc command WC-181
- x25 idle command WC-194
- x25 ip-precedence command WC-207
- x25 ips command WC-183
- x25 lic command WC-181
- x25 linkrestart command WC-186
- x25 loc command WC-181
- x25 ltc command WC-181
- x25 map accept-reverse command WC-196
- x25 map bridge broadcast command BC-63
- x25 map bridge command WC-193
- x25 map command DC-496, DC-524, WC-188, WC-190, WC-195
- x25 map compress command WC-194
- x25 map compressedtcp command WC-193
- x25 map cug command WC-196
- x25 map idle command WC-194
- x25 map no-incoming command WC-197
- x25 map no-outgoing command WC-197
- x25 map nudata command WC-196
- x25 map nuid command WC-196
- x25 map nvc command WC-195
- x25 map packetsize command WC-196
- x25 map pad command WC-192
- x25 map qllc command BC-195, BC-286
- x25 map reverse command WC-196
- x25 map roa command WC-196
- x25 map throughput command WC-196
- x25 map transit-delay command WC-196
- x25 map windowsize command WC-196
- x25 modulo command WC-181
- x25 nvc command WC-195
- x25 ops command WC-183
- x25 pad-access command WC-192
- x25 pvc command WC-188, WC-192
- x25 pvc interface command WC-201
- x25 pvc qllc command BC-286
- x25 remote-red command WC-208
- x25 route command WC-204, WC-205
- x25 routing command WC-199
- x25 routing use-tcp-if-defs command WC-203
- x25 subaddress command BC-362
- x25 suppress-called-address command WC-185
- x25 suppress-calling-address command WC-185
- x25 t10 command WC-183
- x25 t11 command WC-184
- x25 t12 command WC-184
- x25 t13 command WC-184
- x25 t20 command WC-183
- x25 t21 command WC-184
- x25 t22 command WC-184
- x25 t23 command WC-184
- x25 use-source-address command WC-185
- x25 win command WC-182
- x25 wout command WC-182
- x28 command DC-371
- x28 escape command DC-371
- x28 nuicud command DC-371
- x28 profile command DC-371
- x28 reverse command DC-371
- x28 verbose command DC-371
- x29 access-list command DC-328, WC-209
- x29 profile command DC-329, WC-210
- x3 command DC-377
- X3T9.5 specification FC-250
- X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) DC-305
- XDMCP, starting XRemote DC-305
- Xerox Network Systems
- See XNS
- frequency of transmissions for LLC2 BC-268
- value, specifying BC-274
- xid-block-number command BC-358
- xid-id-number command BC-358
- Xmodem
- system image
- recovering FC-154
- recovering (example) FC-155
- access control P3C-107 to P3C-109
- access lists
- 3Com (example) P3C-116
- creating P3C-108, P3C-109
- extended P3C-107
- filters P3C-108
- standard P3C-107
- addresses P3C-104
- broadcasts
- all-nets broadcast P3C-111
- directed broadcast P3C-111
- flooding P3C-112, P3C-113
- forwarding P3C-112
- local broadcast P3C-111
- messages, controlling P3C-111
- processing P3C-112
- Cisco's implementation P3C-4
- concurrent routing and bridging P3C-106
- configuration
- (examples) P3C-115 to P3C-117
- task list P3C-105
- configuration example XC-54
- configuring DC-475
- Dialer Profiles, configuring DC-545
- encapsulation on Token Ring interfaces P3C-106
- fast switching P3C-114, XC-15
- cache entries, displaying P3C-114
- filters
- applying to interface P3C-109
- generic P3C-107, P3C-108
- routing table P3C-107, P3C-109
- types (table) P3C-107
- flooding P3C-112
- behavior, defining P3C-113
- configuring P3C-113
- helpering P3C-112
- configuring P3C-112
- example P3C-117
- host number P3C-104, P3C-111
- IDP P2C-4
- interfaces, displaying status P3C-114
- in VLANs XC-35
- LANE support XC-69
- metrics, routing P3C-4, P3C-104
- monitoring tasks P3C-114
- multicast address, SMDS address mapping WC-161
- Net/One routing
- emulation mode P3C-104
- enabling (example) P3C-115
- task list P3C-106
- network
- connectivity, testing P3C-114
- monitoring P3C-114
- number P3C-104
- network connectivity, testing P3C-114
- over ISL encapsulation XC-46
- paths, setting maximum P3C-111
- RIP updates P3C-103
- delay between P3C-110
- receiving P3C-104, P3C-106
- setting timers P3C-110
- timers (example) P3C-116
- routing
- enabling P3C-106
- over LANs P3C-4
- over WANs P3C-4
- routing metrics P2C-4
- routing table entries
- adding P3C-109
- displaying P3C-114
- SMDS, configuring WC-163
- standard routing, enabling P3C-105
- (example) P3C-115
- static routes, adding to routing table P3C-110
- Token Ring interface encapsulation P3C-106
- traffic statistics, displaying P3C-114
- TR-LANE support XC-69
- xns access-group command P3C-107, P3C-109
- xns encapsulation command P3C-106
- xns flood broadcast allnets command P3C-113
- xns flood broadcast net-zero command P3C-113
- xns flood specific allnets command P3C-113
- xns forward-protocol command P3C-112
- xns hear-rip command P3C-106
- xns helper-address command P3C-112
- xns input-network-filter command P3C-107, P3C-109
- xns maximum-paths command P3C-111
- xns network command P3C-105, XC-47
- xns output-network-filter command P3C-107, P3C-109
- xns route-cache command P3C-114, XC-15
- xns route command P3C-110
- xns router-filter command P3C-107, P3C-109
- xns routing command P3C-105, XC-46
- XNS Routing over ISL in Virtual LANs
- feature description P3C-114
- xns ub-emulation command P3C-106
- xns update-time command P3C-110
- destination WC-201
- keepalive options WC-201
- X.25 connections (example) WC-216
- See also X.25, over TCP/IP (XOT)
- XRemote
- automatic session startup DC-305 to DC-306
- configuration
- task list DC-303
- configuration file
- (example) DC-310
- connecting to host computer DC-307
- connections to servers DC-305, DC-308 to DC-309
- connectivity DC-302
- description DC-301, DC-305
- examples DC-310 to DC-313
- font loader
- protocol translator DC-304
- retries, setting DC-303
- fonts
- DECwindows, selecting DC-304
- nonresident, accessing with TFTP DC-304
- remote access to DC-302
- selecting DC-304
- internal buffer size, increasing DC-303
- listing connections DC-309
- manual session startup DC-306
- modem setup DC-303
- monitoring DC-303
- connections DC-309
- traffic DC-309
- reenabling manually DC-308
- returning to EXEC prompt DC-307
- sessions between servers DC-308
- setting X display location DC-307
- starting clients DC-307
- terminating the session DC-306
- X terminal parameter setup DC-303
- xremote command DC-306
- xremote lat command DC-304, DC-305
- xremote tftp buffersize command DC-303
- xremote tftp host command DC-303
- xremote tftp retries command DC-303
- xremote xdm command DC-305
- X Window System
- client server DC-301
- description DC-301
- display server DC-301
- setting display location DC-307
- Ymodem
- system image
- recovering FC-154
- definition P2C-2
- query interval P2C-43
- reply filters P2C-26
- Zone Information Protocol
- See ZIP
- zones
- See AppleTalk, zones

Posted: Mon Feb 4 13:03:17 PST 2002
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