
Table of Contents

Installing Cisco UGCA
Installing Cisco UGCA Components on the Server

Installing Cisco UGCA

For Cisco UGCA to work as a system, a variety of requirements must be met in addition to installing the software. This chapter presents the following major sections:


Cisco UGCA System Requirements

This section summarizes the hardware and software requirements for the Cisco UGCA server.

Note   Make sure that the server is properly connected to a network.

Hardware Requirements

Table 2-1 lists the hardware requirements for the Cisco UGCA server.

Table 2-1   Hardware Requirements for the Cisco UGCA Server

Resource Cisco UGCA Server


Sun Ultra 10 workstation (minimum)



Operating system

Solaris 8


512 MB

Free disk space

4.6 GB (see Free Disk Space Requirements). See Note below.

Cisco UGCA was tested to varying degrees on a number of Sun Microsystems platforms, including the Ultra 10 workstation, the Ultra 60 workstation, the Enterprise 420R server, and the SunFire 280R server. Although Cisco UGCA was optimized for a low-end Ultra 10 and was most thoroughly tested on that platform, the application should run successfully in most Sun Solaris 8 environments.

Note   Cisco UGCA does not perform file management. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that there is always enough disk space in the system. Disk space is consumed most when CDRLoader is running, reports are being executed, and backups are being performed.

The value of 4.6 GB is calculated to provide enough space for seven backups. During installation, the user has the option of determining whether backups are to be performed nightly. If this is elected, a new backup file is created every night. If desired, the backup directory configuration in the file ugca.xml ("Cisco UGCA Configuration File: ugca.xml") can be edited to reroute the backup files to a different location.

Software Requirements

The following table lists the software requirements:


Table 2-2   Software Requirements for the Cisco UGCA Server

Software Version

Sun Solaris patches

Latest recommended patch cluster Solaris 8 and J2SE.

Refer to the following URL: =patches/patch-access

J2SE recommended patch cluster for Solaris 8 patches

Client browser (recommended)

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 5.5 or 6.0 with Microsoft Java VM on Windows 2000. See Browser Requirements, below.

Note   This document does not detail the installation of the Sun Solaris operating system and patches. Refer to Sun documentation.

Browser Requirements

Before you can use Cisco UGCA, you must ensure that a web browser is installed. Cisco UGCA release 1 supports Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) only. This document does not address the installation of the browser.

Note   Both Microsoft IE version 5.5 and version 6.0 were tested for this release. Cisco recommends that you use those versions. You also need to enable the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine and cookies.

Do not use the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) provided by Sun. This is installed if the JDK (Java Developer's Kit) is installed. You also need to enable cookies and Java Script. Finally, you must restart the client machine. The following procedures are detailed below:

Disable Sun JVM

Microsoft IE Version 5.5 and 6.0

If the Sun JVM has already been enabled in either version, you must do the following to disable it in Microsoft IE version 5.5 and 6.0:

Step 1   Choose Tools > Internet Options and click the Advanced tab.

Step 2   In the Settings list, look for Java (Sun).

Step 3   If Java (Sun) is not present, you are finished with this procedure. Proceed to Enable Cookies and Java Script, below.

Step 4   If Java (Sun) is present, do the following:

    a. Ensure that the option Use Java 2.v.1.4.0_01 for <applet> (requires restart) is not selected.

    b. Click Apply. Do not leave the Internet Options window.

    c. Proceed to Enable Cookies and Java Script, below.

Enable Cookies and Java Script

To enable cookies and Java Script in Microsoft IE versions 5.5 and 6.0, do the following:

Microsoft IE Version 5.5

To enable cookies and Java Script in Microsoft IE version 5.5, do the following:

Step 1   Still within the Internet Options window, click the Security tab.

Step 2   Depending on where you are accessing Cisco UGCA from, click either the Internet or Local intranet icon.

Step 3   Click Custom Level. The Security Settings dialog box opens.

Step 4   Look for Cookies.

Step 5   Ensure that Allow per-session cookies (not stored) is enabled.

Note    You can also enable Allow cookies that are stored on your computer, although this is not mandatory.

Step 6   Still within the Security Settings dialog box, look for Scripting.

Step 7   Ensure that the following are enabled: Active scripting and Scripting of Java applets.

Step 8   Click OK to apply changes.

Step 9   Proceed to Restart the Client Computer, below.

Microsoft IE Version 6.0

Do the following to enable cookies in Microsoft IE version 6.0.

Step 1   Choose Tools > Internet Options > Privacy and click the Advanced tab.

Step 2   There are two sets of options: First-party Cookies and Third-party Cookies. Under both columns, ensure that Accept is selected.

Restart the Client Computer

For the above changes to take effect in Microsoft IE, you must restart your computer.

Gateway Provisioning Requirements

You must enable logging and the Cisco IOS Call Tracker feature on all gateways from which you want to receive reports. Additional configurations you must make are discussed below in the following sections:

Enable Cisco IOS Call Tracker and syslog on the Gateways

To enable the Cisco IOS Call Tracker feature and syslog logging, enter the following in global configuration mode. See Role of Cisco IOS Call Tracker.

Step 1   Enable time stamps, with logging and debugging:

service timestamps log datetime
service timestamps debug datetime

Note   See Configure Timing on Gateways 2-5, for a discussion of network timing issues.

Step 2   Enable the Cisco IOS Call Tracker feature.

    a. Enable Cisco IOS Call Tracker:

calltracker enable

    b. Enable the terse option:

calltracker call-record terse

Note    The terse option generates two records: a call record and a modem call record. If the call is not a modem call, only a call record is generated. If both modem call-record terse and calltracker call-record terse have been enabled on a gateway, Cisco UGCA ignores the modem call record and just parses and processes the Cisco IOS Call Tracker call record and modem call record.

Step 3   Enable syslog to the IP address of the Cisco UGCA server:

logging <Cisco_UGCA_server_IP_address>

Configure Timing on Gateways

Ensuring proper timing is essential to the establishment of accurate start and stop intervals for any reporting scheme. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) provides a common time base for networked routers, servers, and other devices. A synchronized time enables you to correlate syslog and Cisco IOS debug output to specific events. For example, you can find call records for specific users within one millisecond.

The steps below are an example of how to enable NTP on a single Cisco gateway.

Step 1   Locate an authoritative clock source. For example, you can use a Cisco router or an atomic clock that is attached to a time server.

Step 2   On the Cisco gateway, specify the primary NTP server's IP address and automatic calendar updates on other gateways that will be slaves to the master clock:

    a. Set the time.

clock set 14:00:00 30 sept 2002

Note    To ensure proper timing across extensive networks, Cisco recommends that you set all gateways to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, also known as Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT). However, local requirements may vary.

    b. Establish calendar updates.

ntp update-calendar

    c. Assign the IP address of the time server.

ntp server <NTP_server_IP_address> prefer

Step 3   Verify that the clock is synchronized to the NTP server.

    a. Inspect the status and time association. Clock sources are identified by their stratum levels.

show ntp status

    b. You can see how often the network access server is polling and updating to the stratum clock.

show ntp association

Tip An asterisk (*) next to the NTP server's IP address indicates successful synchronization with the stratum clock.

You can configure a variety of optional NTP features. For details, refer to Performing Basic System Management at the following URL:

Installing Cisco UGCA Components on the Server

The Cisco UGCA application is currently available only on CD. Do the following to install the application software from the CD. The following commands are executed at the command line of the target Cisco UGCA server.

Free Disk Space Requirements

During an installation, only 100 MB of free disk space is required to accommodate the system software. However, the installation process checks to see that a minimum of approximately 4.6 GB is available, to accommodate backups. If this check fails, you can continue the installation, but if the check for 100 MB fails, the system will not install.

Determine Free Disk Space

To determine available disk space, use the following UNIX command:

# df -b /opt

Output like the following appears:

Filesystem avail
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 913758

The value is in kilobytes. To accommodate our backup requirement of 4.6 GB, look for a value of 4804841.

Install the Application Package

Caution   To install the software application package, you must be logged in as root.

Step 1   Install the package:

# pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0

Step 2   Follow the prompts to install the package.

Note   The system checks for sufficient free disk space during installation. If the required free disk space (see Free Disk Space Requirements, above) is not available, you get a warning. You can continue the installation, but you may have problems later.

Step 3   You are asked during installation if you want to install the application in /opt. This is not required, but is recommended. Press Return to enable all defaults.

Step 4   You are asked during installation to supply new database passwords for the system and user accounts. Key presses are not echoed back to the screen so you must enter the passwords twice to confirm them.

Step 5   You are asked during installation if you want to enable daily backups and purges. If you choose not to elect these options now, you can enable them later. See Managing crontab Entries for Backups and Purges.

Step 6   You are asked during installation if you want the application to restart automatically when the server reboots. This is optional.

Step 7   Following the installation, you are prompted to select the other packages to install. Type q to quit at this point.

Cisco UGCA starts automatically and you are informed that the installation was successful.

Posted: Thu Mar 27 17:17:31 PST 2003
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