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Cisco UGCA Configuration File: ugca.xml

Cisco UGCA Configuration File: ugca.xml

The following is a listing of the annotated configuration file, install/CSCOugca/etc/config/ugca.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Master configuration file for Cisco UGCA -
Universal Gateway Call Analyzer
N.B. Whilst this file is in XML format, certain UGCA utilities
use simple string matching to find entries in this file.
These utilities will fail if formatting (e.g. whitespace)
changes are made. Please refer to CSCea45974.
<!DOCTYPE ugca SYSTEM "file://localhost/_BASEDIR_/CSCOugca/etc/dtd/config.dtd">
<!-- Module common -->
<module name="common">
<!-- Two following values must be kept in sync:
serverDateFormat is Date (Year to Day) format in MySQL notation;
reportDateFormat must be exactly the same but in Java SDF notation.
These formats define the exact format of 'date' fields used
in GROUP BY clauses in ReportResults files instances.
<pair key="reportDateFormat" value="yyyy/MM/dd"/>
<pair key="serverDateFormat" value="%Y/%m/%d"/>
The next value defines the number of positions after decimal
points to be used in the ReportResults floating point data values
<pair key="floatDecimalPositions" value="3"/>
<!-- Module db -->
<module name="db">
<!-- Parameters used by database access using JDBC driver.
The URL will be created from these parameters, for
examples: jdbc:mysql://localhost/ugca_db?user=myuser.
driver: full Java class name of the JDBC driver,
server: database server host name, default: localhost
prefix: protocol name for JDBC, default: jdbc:mysql
database: database name, default: ugca
seed: encryption key
username: database user name, default: root
password: encrypted form of password
rousername: read-only user
ropassword: encrypted form of read-only password
N.B. Do NOT edit seed, username, password, rousername nor
ropassword. These are managed by the db_passwd utility.
<pair key="driver" value=""/>
<pair key="server" value="localhost"/>
<pair key="prefix" value="jdbc:mysql"/>
<pair key="database" value="ugca"/>
<pair key="seed" value="40dfcef1b5ab5ba8"/>
<pair key="username" value="root"/>
<pair key="password" value="6f6a036f4abf5c6bc3658b15eebe1382"/>
<pair key="rousername" value="ugca"/>
<pair key="ropassword" value="d6a6a51240c8d577"/>
<!-- If this variable is set to true, the database driver will
try to reconnect to the database after connection are lost.
Default value: true
<pair key="autoReconnect" value="true"/>
<!-- Size of the database connection pool.
Default value: 30
<pair key="poolSize" value="30"/>
<!-- Maximal waiting time (in seconds) for a thread, when
there is no database connection available in the connection
pool. If no connections become available during this time,
the request to retrieve a connection fails.
Default value: 10
<pair key="poolMaxWaitTime" value="10"/>
<!-- Module cdrloader -->
<module name="cdrloader">
<!-- Maximal size of the message queue used internally
in the CDR message loader. In general, a larger
queue size provides the loader better capability
to accept large numbers of messages in short time,
but this may cause higher memory consumption.
Default value: 4000
<pair key="queueSize" value="4000"/>
<!-- Threshold used for monitoring of the message queue.
A snapshot of the queue activity is taken after this
number of message is inserted to the queue.
Default value: 20% of queueSize
<pair key="queueSampleThreshold" value="800"/>
<!-- Maximal size of the message queue used for matching
between a call record and its corresponding modem call
record in the case of a modem call. A larger queue
size may cause higher memory consumption.
Default value: 100
<pair key="mcrMatchQueueSize" value="100"/>
<!-- Maximal size of the message queue used for unmatched
call records.
Default value: 250
<pair key="UnmatchedCRQueueSize" value="250"/>
<!-- Maximal number of CDR message processors. Each
processor consumes a database connection. If the
maximal number of processors is constantly observed
in the statistics, it's beneficial to reduce this
number, for example 5.
Default value: 10
<pair key="maxProcessors" value="10"/>
<!-- Enable/disable statistics. This is mostly used for
tuning, it should be disabled under normal operation.
Statistics will be written to the log file with the
logging level "INFO".
Default value: false
<pair key="statisticsEnabled" value="false"/>
<!-- Interval between statistics in second.
Default value: 60
<pair key="sampleInterval" value="60"/>
<!-- Module backup -->
<module name="backup">
<pair key="backupdir" value="_BASEDIR_/CSCOugca/backup"/>
<!-- Module markup -->
<module name="markup">
<!-- Regeneration of markup data is done chunk by chunk.
This variable specifies the chunk size. A larger chunk
size may cause shorter markup data regeneration time, but
increase memory consumption. And a too large chunk size
may cause more frequent paging, and even longer markup
data regeneration time.
Default value: 5000
<pair key="regenChunkSize" value="5000"/>
<!-- When inconsistency in markup data is detected, the existing
data is either repaired or regenerated depending on the
number of inconsistent entries in the database. If the number
is greater than this variable, existing markup data is simply
removed and regenerated; otherwise existing markup data is
Default value: 1000
<pair key="regenThreshold" value="1000"/>
<!-- Module processmgr -->
<module name="processmgr">
<!-- WARNING: Please DON'T modify any attributes in this seciton!
Improper changes may cause failure of system startup.
<pair key="reportengine_prefix" value="/usr/bin/nice -n 10 "/>
<pair key="reportengine_jvmoption" value=" "/>
<pair key="cdrfromfile_prefix" value="/usr/bin/nice -n 10 "/>
<pair key="cdrfromfile_jvmoption" value=" "/>
<!-- Module logger -->
<!-- This section contans configuration for topmost logger, logging
file handler and logging levels
<module name="logger">
<!-- The topmost logger retains logger properties defined for the process.
All descendant loggers inherit these properties.
<pair key="topmost_logger" value=""/>
<!-- Log output directory
Default: _BASEDIR_/CSCOugca/logs
<pair key="dir" value="_BASEDIR_/CSCOugca/logs/"/>
<!-- Suffix with generation number to distinguish rotated logs and extension
Default: _%g.log
<pair key="suffix" value="_%g.log"/>
<!-- Log messages append to existing file after system restarts
Default: false
<pair key="append" value="true"/>
<!-- Rotation counter. User can manage this parameter
Default: 5
<pair key="count" value="5"/>
<!-- Log file size limit in bytes. User can manage this parameter
Default: 500000
<pair key="limit" value="500000"/>
<!-- Log file format XML or simple, false means simple
Default: false
<pair key="xml_format" value="false"/>
<!-- Logging levels for packages
Default: INFO
<pair key="OFF" value=""/>
<pair key="SEVERE" value=""/>
<pair key="WARNING" value=""/>
<pair key="INFO" value=""/>
<pair key="CONFIG" value=""/>
<pair key="FINE" value=""/>
<pair key="FINER" value=""/>
<pair key="FINEST" value=""/>
<pair key="ALL" value=""/>
<!-- Module export -->
<module name="export">
<!-- The directory for exporting report result
<pair key="exportdir" value="_BASEDIR_/CSCOugca/export"/>
<!-- Module purge -->
<module name="purge">
<!-- Parameters for purge utility.
callrecordsage is for purging table call_record,
modem_call_rec and markup. Its value must be a
number >=0 and <=2000.
i.e If callrecordsage is 30, then in the above
tables, any data whose date older than 30 days
will be purged.
tasksage is for purging table task_rt, task_def.
Its value must be a number >=0 and <=100.
i.e If tasksage is 7, then in the above tables
data whose date older than 7 days will be purged.
tomcatlogsage is for purging TOMCAT log files under
directory jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3/logs.Its value must be
a number >=1 and <=100. i.e If tomcatlogsage is 7,
then files whose modification time(precise to seconds)
older than 7 days will be purged.
<pair key="callrecordsage" value="30"/>
<pair key="tasksage" value="7"/>
<pair key="tomcatlogsage" value="7"/>
<!-- Module report -->
<module name="report">
<!-- Parameters for ReportEngine part of BackEnd.
Number of threads defines number of reports the engine
is capable of running simultaneously. If thread is
active it uses exclusively its own database connection.
Therefore the total number of database connections for
ReportEngine is nThreads+1 (extra one is for the main thread).
If being inactive, the threads wakes up every threadWaitInterval ms.
The database connection is retained for at least threadHoldInterval ms
before being release by the thread that ceased to be active.
The default value of nThreads is set to 1, which is optimal for
small installations (U10 with 512M memory). Machines with more memory
and faster disks can get better ammortized performance with multiple
parallel report engine threads.
<pair key="nThreads" value="1"/>
<pair key="threadHoldInterval" value="600000"/>
<pair key="threadWaitInterval" value="60000"/>
<!-- Result Limit for number of rows in report results.
Every reporting query uses this value as LIMIT.
If number of actual results exceeds this resultLimit,
the reporting task will still be successful but details
will contain indication of truncation to respective number of rows.
To work around this limit it is recommended first
to adjust report's conditions and grouping values to
produce queries working with data segments separately.
If nevertheless decided to increase resultLimit the user
should take precaution to watch for 'Out of memory' exceptions
in possible dailure scenarios and must be aware that reports
in general will take more time to complete.
It is not recommended to exceed value of 10000 anyway
<pair key="resultLimit" value="5000"/>
<!-- Module fe -->
<module name="fe">
<pair key="feRRCacheEnable" value="true"/>
<pair key="RRAskBackEnd" value="true"/>
<pair key="memoryRatioLimit" value="40"/>
<!-- maxMemoryBugAdjust value is required as a workaround for JDK1.4 bug 4686462 -->
<pair key="maxMemoryBugAdjust" value="67108864"/>
<!-- Module getfieldvalues -->
<module name="getfieldvalues">
<!-- Parameters for "Get Values" action in page "Conditions"
of Create/Modify report spec wizard.
"resultLimit" means: For all the non-enum field that
"Get Values" supports, the maximum number of values to
to be displayed. The value of "resultLimit" must be
>= 0. In case of an invalid value, default value 100
will be used.
<pair key="resultLimit" value="100"/>

Posted: Fri Mar 28 16:57:53 PST 2003
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