
Table of Contents

Introducing CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Mainframe

Introducing CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Mainframe

This chapter introduces the features of the SNA View mainframe application and contains the following major sections:

What Is SNA View?

The CiscoWorks Blue SNA View product gets SNA PU and LU resource information from VTAM at a mainframe computer and correlates that information, at a UNIX workstation, with the Cisco routers that are associated with the PUs and LUs. SNA View consists of a Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) system mainframe program and a UNIX workstation program.

The SNA View mainframe program runs on the mainframe to provide the SNA PU and LU information to the SNA View workstation program. It runs as a started task under
MVS/Enterprise Systems Architecture (ESA).

SNA View retrieves the PU and LU information from the mainframe and stores it in a database at the workstation so that CiscoWorks Blue Maps can determine which routers are traversed by a PU session.

Note PUs connected using the RSRB protocol and a CIP or 3172 connection to the mainframe will not benefit from the correlation feature of SNA View. This means that Maps and SNA View will not be able to determine which routers these PUs are dependent on for connectivity to the mainframe.

SNA View provides the workstation user with PU and LU information, a command interface, and mainframe messages. To provide these services to the SNA View workstation user, the SNA View mainframe program uses the interfaces described in the following sections.

VTAM XID Configuration Services Exit

When you install the SNA View mainframe application, you get a fully functional VTAM exchange identification (XID) Configuration Services exit routine. For more information, read the section "Updating MVS and VTAM" in the "Updating the Mainframe Application Software" chapter.

SNA View Parameter Cards

The SNA View mainframe application provides a set of initialization parameter cards with which you can customize the SNA View mainframe program. For more information, read the section "Updating the SNA View Configuration File (NSPPARM)" in the "Updating the Mainframe Application Software" chapter.

SNA View Mainframe Commands

The SNA View mainframe application provides a set of mainframe commands with which you can configure and monitor the SNA View mainframe environment. You can display and maintain the contents of the message filtering system, and you can start, stop, and display status for the SNA View mainframe subtasks. For more information, read the section "Issuing SNA View Commands" in the "Using the SNA View Mainframe Application" chapter.

SNA View Mainframe Subtasks

The CiscoWorks Blue SNA View mainframe application includes a series of subtasks that run on the mainframe. These subtasks provide connections to the SNA View workstations, mainframe command and message support, and PU/LU discovery and monitoring. For more information, read the section "SNA View Mainframe Subtasks" in the "Using the SNA View Mainframe Application" chapter.

What Functions Are Provided by SNA View Workstation?

The CiscoWorks Blue SNA View workstation program is a network management application that runs on a UNIX workstation to collect SNA network information from VTAM on a mainframe. CiscoWorks Blue SNA View, together with CiscoWorks Blue Maps, correlates SNA PU and LU names with the associated routers. It lets you manage SNA devices from a UNIX workstation platform, allowing you to see beyond the routers and into the SNA resources.

By interacting with the SNA View mainframe program, SNA View adds PU and LU information to the maps created by CiscoWorks Blue Maps. Because SNA View correlates SNA resource names with the associated routers, you can more easily identify and solve problems in the IP network or in the SNA environment. Resource information is dynamically updated to provide a snapshot of the network as it appears at any given time. This allows you to display a single map that depicts details from the PU toward the mainframe, and provides information such as the PU and LU status and the PU and LU dependency relationships.

What Functions Are Provided by CiscoWorks Blue Maps?

CiscoWorks Blue Maps is a set of applications that let you manage the Cisco routers in an IBM SNA network, and retrieve logical views of the SNA network. These views are dynamically updated to provide snapshots of the network as it appears at any time.

Each Maps application focuses on one of the following protocols:

DLSw data-link switching

RSRB remote source-route bridging

APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking

What's New in Software Release 1.2

  1. The tcp-prefix option is no longer supported on the TCP parameter card. See "Updating the SNA View Configuration File (NSPPARM)" in the chapter "Updating the Mainframe Application Software."

  2. The selection of SNA View parameter cards has greatly expanded, and a new set of parameter cards let you filter which PUs and LUs will be included in the discover process. See "Updating the SNA View Configuration File (NSPPARM)" in the chapter "Updating the Mainframe Application Software."

  3. Two new commands, TRACE and SHOW TRACE, let you trace SNA View mainframe tasks and subtasks. See "Issuing SNA View Commands" in the chapter "Using the SNA View Mainframe Application."

  4. Two new commands, MESSAGES and SHOW MESSAGES, let you specify whether VTAM or MVS messages will be sent to the SNA View workstations. See "Issuing SNA View Commands" in the chapter "Using the SNA View Mainframe Application."

    The MESSAGES command and the MESSAGES parameter card let you control whether VTAM or MVS messages are sent to the workstation. See "Updating the SNA View Configuration File (NSPPARM)" in the chapter "Updating the Mainframe Application Software."

  5. The SEC parameter card has a BLOCK option that prohibits SNA View workstation users from issuing mainframe commands through the SNA View mainframe program. See "Updating the SNA View Configuration File (NSPPARM)" in the chapter "Updating the Mainframe Application Software."

  6. There are two new mainframe subtasks: STATUS and DISCOVER. See "SNA View Mainframe Subtasks" in the chapter "Using the SNA View Mainframe Application."

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