This chapter describes messages for Native Service Point used with SOLVE:Netmaster. It includes explanations of the messages and, if applicable, the actions you can take to resolve the messages.
Explanation You have pressed a function key that is not supported from this panel. Only those function keys that are displayed at the bottom of the panel are supported.
Recommended Action Verify the action that you are attempting to perform and select the appropriate function key from those displayed at the bottom of the panel.
MessageExplanation This message is created when the NSPBENV routine is run. parm.2 is the name of the service point against which the NSPBENV routine was executed. parm.3 is the number of interfaces that were discovered on the router.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation This message is generated when incorrect data passed to either the NSPIBCV or NSPIBCF routines.
Recommended Action Enable the NSP service aid, TRFLOW to find out what data is being passed internally as the routines are executed.
MessageExplanation You have requested to view a previous panel of information when none exists. Previous panels exist only if F7 is displayed at the bottom of the panel.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You have requested to view a continuation panel of information when none exists. Continuation panels exist only if F8 is displayed at the bottom of the panel.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You have pressed Enter when the cursor is not positioned in a valid location on the panel.
Recommended Action Ensure that the cursor is positioned in a valid location and press Enter.
MessageExplanation You have pressed F10 to request to view additional data on the left side of the panel when none exists.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You have pressed F11 to view additional data on the right side of the panel when none exists.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You have to requested to retrieve commands that you have sent that have been archived for your retrieval when all previously issued commands have already been retrieved.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation An issued RUNCMD has been terminated by an operator who has issued a CANCMD against the service point of the router to which the RUNCMD was issued.
Recommended Action None.
MessageRecommended Action This message indicates that the service point you specified is not available to VTAM. This failure can be caused by the following:
Recommended Action View the Activity Log for the reason for this failure.
MessageExplanation You have requested to perform an action that requires that a VTAM DSPU name be specified and you have not specified a VTAM DSPU name.
Recommended Action Specify a valid VTAM DSPU name and resubmit your request.
MessageExplanation You are defining a DSPU resource and are being prompted to specify the DSPU name (VTAM PU name) of the resource. This is a required field.
Recommended Action Specify a valid DSPU name (VTAM PU name) and press Enter for the next prompted input.
MessageExplanation The NSPRVDIS routine experienced a VTAM command failure when attempting to determine the VTAM status of a router.
Recommended Action Display the VTAM resource to confirm the error.
MessageExplanation The NSPRVDIS routine did not receive a response from VTAM within 20 seconds. Timeout occurs at 20 seconds.
Recommended Action Display the VTAM resource to confirm the error.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to create a router definition without specifying a VTAM node definition.
Recommended Action
MessageExplanation A RUNCMD that was issued to a router has failed. The Activity Log may contain information that can help determine the cause of this failure.
Recommended Action View the SOLVE:Netmaster messages logged for that router to determine the possible actions that should be taken. If unable to determine the cause of the failure, contact network support for assistance with this error.
MessageExplanation The request to initialize an interface type was received and NSP, specifically the NSPIINIT routine, is building the environment to manage that interface type.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation The request to initialize an interface type was received and NSP, specifically the NSPIINIT routine, has completed building the environment to manage that interface type.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation This message is logged when the NSP initialization is started by the NSPINIT routine.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation This message is logged when the NSP initialization is completed by the NSPINIT routine. The number displayed in the Entries field is the number of routers that are being monitored by NSP.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You have requested help for a function that does not have help information.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation The NSPIINIT routine has been issued to initialize a type of interface when the NSPIINIT routine has already been used to initialize the interface.
Recommended Action If necessary, issue the NSPIINIT routine and specify the INIT option to re-initialize the interface type.
MessageExplanation The NSPINIT routine has been issued to initialize NSP when the NSPINIT routine has already been used to initialize NSP. The NSPINIT routine should only be executed by the NSPMGR autotask. If an operator issues NSPINIT INIT, that operator takes over the functions of NSPMGR.
Recommended Action Enter EXCMD NSPMGR NSPINIT INIT.
MessageExplanation The interface initialization failed for the interface parm.2.
Recommended Action Browse the Activity Log for >NSPIINIT. The reason for the failure is explained in the text following this header.
MessageExplanation The NPSIINIT routine has been issued to initialize a specific type of interface when that interface has already been initialized.
Recommended Action If necessary, issue the NSPIINIT routine and specify n INIT where n is the letter that represents the interface type you want to re-initialize. The values for the types of interfaces you can view are: T (Token Ring), E (Ethernet), S (Serial), A (Async), C (Channel), L (Loopback), H (HSSI), and F (FDDI).
MessageExplanation The VSAM support required for NSP was not available.
Recommended Action Ensure that the NSPCFGA task is active.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to use an NSP routine without NSP being initialized.
Recommended Action Initialize NSP and resubmit your request.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to toggle from the NSP Router Configuration Collector panel without properly exiting your enable session with the router. When a router is enabled to an operator, no other operator can communicate with that router.
Recommended Action To properly exit the enabled session, type EXIT in the Command Input field beneath the Host name field and press Enter. Press PF3 to exit the Router Command Interface panel.
MessageExplanation You have entered an option that is not available on the popup menu.
Recommended Action Verify the option you were selecting on the router management popup menu, enter a valid option and press Enter.
MessageExplanation You are authorized to make changes to the data displayed on this panel.
Recommended Action If you make changes to the data, press Enter to verify the changes, and press PF4 to save the changes.
MessageExplanation Instructions on specifying values for the fields on this panel are available.
Recommended Action If necessary, press Enter for instructions on specifying values for the fields on this panel.
MessageExplanation You are authorized to make changes to the information that is displayed on this panel.
Recommended Action To make changes to a resource, press PF4.
MessageExplanation You have made changes to the information displayed on the panel.
Recommended Action To save and implement the changes you made, press PF4. To exit the panel without implementing or saving the changes, press PF3.
MessageExplanation You are authorize to make changes to the information you are viewing on the Router Management Data panel.
Recommended Action To begin making changes, press PF4 to display the Cisco Router Resource Definition.
MessageExplanation You have requested to delete the NSP setup by specifying the Delete option in the Change field on the NSP Router Management Setup panel.
Recommended Action Ensure that you want to delete the NSP setup. Press PF4 if you are sure that you want to delete the NSP setup.
MessageExplanation You have requested to delete a resource. If this resource is a router, the router definition, router history, interfaces configured in the router and the interface history archived will be deleted. If this is the profile of an NSP operator, the user record will be deleted.
Recommended Action If you are deleting an operator profile, use the NSPULIST command to ensure that this is not the only remaining NSP administrator profile. Ensure that your request is accurate. To delete the resource, press PF4.
MessageExplanation You have enabled Status filtering by specifying Y in the Status Filters field on the Cisco Router User Administration panel and have not specified a status type in the Filter 1, 2, or 3 fields.
Recommended Action To enable status filtering, specify Y in the Status Filters field and specify at least one status type in filter by status, specify at least one status type in the Filter 1, 2, or 3 fields. To disable Status filtering, specify N in the Status Filters field.
Valid statuses are:
Explanation You have enabled group filtering by specifying Y in the Group Filters field on the Cisco Router User Administration panel and have not specified a group in the Group 1 or Group 2 fields. Enabling group filtering requires that you specify a group.
Recommended Action To enable group filtering, specify Y in the Group Filters field and specify at least one group in the Group 1 or 2 fields. To disable group filtering, type N in the Group Filters field.
MessageExplanation You are defining a router and are being prompted for a description of the router. This field is optional and is for information only.
Recommended Action None required.
MessageExplanation The VSAM control file of the record you requested to delete was deleted.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation The VSAM control file has been added/updated with the changes you made.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation Your request to collect and archive the current configuration of the router has been successfully completed.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation Your request to delete a record failed. This message indicates that the routine NSPVSAM was unsuccessful when attempting to delete a VSAM control file. A return code 1 indicates that the VSAM command timed out. A return code 2, indicates the record was not found.
Recommended Action Check the Activity Log for messages 1098, 1106, 1107, and 1108. If the file is already deleted, this error message is normal.
MessageExplanation The service point name of the router you specified is unknown to NSP. However, you are authorized to define the router to NSP.
Recommended Action Verify and re-enter the service point name if this is a previously defined router or press Enter for prompts to define a new router.
MessageExplanation The NSPVSAM routine was unable to update a record. If the return code is 1, the routine could possibly be out of VSAM space.
Recommended Action Check Activity Log for messages 1098, 1106 1107 and 1108.
MessageExplanation You have issued the NSPOPERA command to reset a session between an operator and a router when you are not authorized to perform this action. To reset a session, you must be an enabled NSP user.
Recommended Action If the session between an operator and router needs to be reset, find an authorized operator to perform the operation.
MessageExplanation You have requested to define, update, or delete a router interface when you are not authorized to perform this action. To modify a router interface, you must be an enabled NSP user.
Recommended Action If the router interface needs to be modified, find an authorized operator to perform the operation.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to modify the NSP DSPU environment when you are not authorized to perform this Action. To modify the NSP DSPU environment, you must be an enabled NSP user.
Recommended Action If the NSP DSPU environment needs to be modified, find an authorized operator to perform the operation.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to modify the NSP setup when you are not authorized to perform this Action. To modify the NSP setup, you must be an NSP administrator.
Recommended Action If necessary, contact an NSP administrator to perform the operation.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to perform an action for which you are not authorized.
Recommended Action If necessary, see an NSP administrator to change your user authority settings.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to define a router that has already been defined to NSP.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to establish an enabled session with a router that is enabled to another operator.
Recommended Action Ensure that the operator that is enabled to the router is logged on by performing a list parm.3. If the operator is not logged on, use the RESETOP option on the Router Status Extended panel (NSPVMGRT) to reset the session between the router and operator.
MessageExplanation The request to delete a router definition has been successfully completed. The message is also written to the Activity Log for tracking purposes.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to delete the definition of a router that is not known to NSP.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation The syntax of the service point name you specified was incorrect. Service point names may be a combination of up to 8 alpha-numeric characters. Special characters are not valid.
Recommended Action Verify the service point name that you entered and re-enter the service point name using valid characters.
MessageExplanation The RUNCMD submitted to the router failed because the router is enabled by another operator.
Recommended Action Ensure that the operator that is enabled to the router is logged on by performing a list parm.3. If the operator is not logged on, use the RESETOP option on the Router Status Extended panel (NSPVMGRT) to reset the session between the router and operator.
MessageExplanation You are defining a router and are being prompted to enter the Router Host Name field. If a VTAM definition currently exists for the router, this information is automatically obtained. If a VTAM definition does not currently exist for the router, you can type in a router host name before defining the router to VTAM.
Recommended Action None required.
MessageExplanation Your request to retrieve the history records has been unsuccessful because NSP can not locate the last recorded record.
Recommended Action None required. When the next history recorded is recorded by NSP, this problem will be corrected.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to define a router without specifying the service point name of the router. The service point name is up to 8 characters and is a required field.
Recommended Action Specify the service point name of the router and press Enter for your next prompt.
MessageExplanation You have bypassed NSP and issued an NSP routine to monitor a router that is undefined to NSP. To monitor a router using NSP routines requires that the router be defined to NSP.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation A new interface that was not previously defined to NSP has been discovered.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation A request for the configuration of a router has failed because the configuration for the router is not stored in SOLVE:Netmaster variables.
Recommended Action If you are an enabled NSP user, use Option 7 on the popup menu to collect the current router configuration.
MessageExplanation The NSP NSPBENV routine is collecting data from the interfaces that are to be monitored by NSP.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation The NSP NSPISTAT routine is collecting interface status data for the interface you specified. This message only occurs when the NSPAID DEBUG facility is set to YES.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation The router configuration you collected has been successfully archived.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You are defining a router and are being prompted to enter the IP address of the router. This field is optional and is for information only.
Recommended Action None required.
MessageExplanation You are defining a router and are being prompted to enter the IP address of the router. This message is for information only.
Recommended Action None required.
MessageExplanation Your request to delete interface history records has been issued.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation The internal routine NSPVSAM was called by NSP with the incorrect parameters. This error message indicates an NSP routine error, not an user error.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation This message is created after every 40 records are saved in the VSAM configuration data base.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation The calling routine could not find VSAM records required by the routine. The records may have been deleted earlier or are not yet available.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation A VSAM request for NSP data failed.
Recommended Action View the data that follows this message for an indication of the failure reason.
MessageExplanation The NSP NSPSCONF routine received a VSAM error while saving a router configuration.
Recommended Action The reason should be described after error = parm.2.
MessageExplanation You have requested to reset a session between a router and an operator by issuing the NSPOPERA command without specifying an operator ID or by using the RESETOP function key on a router that was not in a session with an operator.
Recommended Action View the Router Status Extended panel to verify if a session is established between the router and an operator and if so, reset the session by issuing the NSPOPERA command and specifying the router name and operator id or by using the RESETOP function key.
MessageExplanation This message is written to the log when the NSPAID service aid DEBUG has been turned on.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation This message is only displayed when the NSPAID service aid TRFLOW is set to ON. It contains the data passed to the routine when it was called.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation This message is only displayed when the NSPAID service aid TRFLOW is set to ON. It contains the data and error conditions when the routine was exited.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation This error message occurs when a WAIT command was terminated by the operator entering GO from a SOLVE:Netmaster command line. The WAIT command should have an internal timeout value and indicate a timeout when the WAIT function fails.
Recommended Action Retry the routine and see if the problem reoccurs.
MessageExplanation The command specified in the message has timed out.
Recommended Action Reissue the command. If the failure reoccurs, contact your SOLVE:Netmaster system programmer for assistance.
MessageExplanation You have issued the NSPRESET command to clear commands you issued previously that were saved for your recall. Your request has been successfully completed.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You have requested to collect the current configuration of a router by issuing the NSPGETC command without establishing an enabled session with that router.
Recommended Action If you are an authorized enabled NSP user, use Option 7 on the popup menu to establish an enabled session with the router and collect the current configuration.
MessageExplanation Your request to collect information about the interfaces configured in a router by issuing the NSPISTAT command has completed successfully. This message appears only if the NSPAID service aid is set to on. The number of interfaces discovered is also displayed in this message.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation A routine could not execute because of insufficient input parameters.
Recommended Action If the routine was called via another routine, turn on the NSPAID TRFLOW service aid and repeat the action.
MessageExplanation You are not defined as an NSP user to NSP. This message is generated when you perform a NSP function and NSP checks to see if your operator ID is defined to NSP via an NSP profile. While you do not have to be defined to NSP, all functions performed using NSP are monitored and this messaged will continue to display as long as you are undefined to NSP.
Recommended Action Create an operator profile using the * USER option available on the NSP main menu.
MessageExplanation You are defining a router and are being prompted to specify an Operation group to which this router belongs in the Operation Group ID field. Operator groups may be all routers located in a region or department, or routers of a particular device type. You can filter routers by the Operation Group. This field is optional.
Recommended Action None required.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to create an operator profile without specifying the name of the operator in the Operator Name field.
Recommended Action Specify the name of the operator in the Operator Name field and resubmit your request.
MessageExplanation This message is created when the NSPOPERA command is issued against the specific service point (router) and an operator was managing the router (enabled).
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation This message is displayed when the NSPINIT command was issued with the RESET option specified. The NSPINIT RESET command clears all variables associated with managing the routers.
Recommended Action Issue the NSPINIT command to rebuild the variables.
MessageExplanation The NSPHIST command was issued with an invalid value specified. NSPHIST is the command history recording routine.
Recommended Action Verify the values specified and resubmit your request.
MessageExplanation The NSPHIST command was issued with invalid parameters specified. NSPHIST is the command history recording routine.
Recommended Action Verify the parameters specified and resubmit your request.
MessageExplanation The cursor is in a position on the panel that does not contain the required data for processing.
Recommended Action Verify that all required data has been specified and resubmit your request.
MessageExplanation The router name passed with the NSPRVDIS routine is unknown to VTAM.
Recommended Action Ensure that the router is properly defined to VTAM.
MessageExplanation The current NSPAID service aid settings are those identified in this message. This message is for information only.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation The request to retrieve router history data (NSPRDISH routine) has failed.
Recommended Action Contact system support.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to make changes without specifying whether you want to implement your changes at the next startup of NSP, implement them in the current session only, or implement them in the current session and save the changes for future NSP sessions. Option 1 means that the changes will take effect when the function is initialized. Option 2 means that the changes are temporary and only apply to the active variables and are to be used immediately. Option 3 will cause the current values to be updated and the VSAM record updated for the next initialization.
Recommended Action Enter the number representing the Action you want to perform in the Action Type field.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to make changes without specifying whether you are defining a new resource, updating an existing resource, or deleting a resource.
Recommended Action Type the number representing the type of change you are making in the Change Type field.
MessageExplanation You have made changes to a panel without specifying the change type in the Change Type field. You must specify 2 for Update or 3 for Delete.
Recommended Action Specify a change type in the Change Type field and resubmit your request.
MessageExplanation The service point name you entered is not a router known by or managed by NSP.
Recommended Action Verify the service point name of the router for which you have attempted to display management data. If the router is valid but not defined to NSP, contact an NSP administrator to define the router.
MessageExplanation The service point name you entered is not a router known by or managed by NSP. However, you are authorized to define a new router. To define a new router, press PF4.
Recommended Action Verify the service point name of the router for which you are attempting to display management data. If the router is not known to NSP, press PF4 to define the router.
MessageExplanation You are defining a DSPU resource and are being prompted to specify the DSPU host name of the resource. This is a required field.
Recommended Action Specify a valid DSPU host name and press Enter for the next prompted input.
MessageExplanation You are on a panel on which you can issue a command (for example, NSPMGRA) directly from the Action prompt or you can perform the same action by positioning the cursor on the command option (for example, * MGR) and pressing Enter.
Recommended Action To select an option either execute the command associated with the option or position the cursor on the option and press Enter.
MessageExplanation You have issued the NSPAID command and specified a parameter other than CTRACE, DEBUG, TRFLOW, or OFF.
Recommended Action Reissue the NSPAID command with one of the above parameters or, to display help on using the NSP service aid type NSPAID.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to execute an NSP routine without specifying the required parameters.
Recommended Action Reissue the routine and ensure that you specify all required parameters.
MessageExplanation You are on a panel from which you can perform an function by selection an option number.
Recommended Action Enter an option number from the list displayed on the panel. The input will be examined starting at the first character position.
MessageExplanation The routine can not recognize the input.
Recommended Action Verify the purpose of the routine and retry with different input.
MessageExplanation This message is displayed on SOLVE:Netmaster panels when you press the ROLL (F6) function key on an NSP panel. The field following the message ID identifies the NSP routine that has been suspended until PF6 is pressed again to roll back to an NSP screen.
Recommended Action None required.
MessageExplanation The NSP status of the router indicates that the router is not ACTIV to VTAM.
Recommended Action Display the Router Status Extended panel, select the router, and press Enter. Select Option 5 on the popup menu to view the router from VTAM. If the status is ACTIV, press PF3 and select Option 9 from the popup menu to reset the status of the router status. NSP will check the availability of the router.
MessageExplanation You are attempting to establish a session with or issue commands to a router that is currently in a session with another operator. The operator ID of the operator that is busy with the router is displayed in this message.
Recommended Action Display the Router Status Extended panel to view the ID operator that is managing the router. If this user is not logged on and you are an enabled NSP user, you can reset the session by positioning the cursor on the service point name or operator ID and pressing PF9.
MessageExplanation You have issued the show mem command and there are additional pages of data. The Host name field contains the word "More" when more data is pending from the router.
Recommended Action To view the additional pages of data, press PF8 or to terminate the display, type N.
MessageExplanation The command you issued cannot be executed through the router service point at this time. The command you issued is one of a group of commands that provide output to the operator at a later time. The service point does not support asynchronous operations at this time. There is no way for the unsolicited responses to be sent back to the operator who issued the command. TELNET is an example of a command that should not be sent to the router.
Recommended Action To connect directly to the router either use a local console or telnet via a TCP/IP session.
MessageExplanation You are performing a function that requires you to enter a password to establish an enabled session with the router.
Recommended Action To establish the enable session, enter the enable password exactly as it is defined to the router. If you do not know the enable password or if you want to cancel the enable request, entering an invalid password three times terminates the enable request.
MessageExplanation You have attempted to enable to a router without specifying a password. A password must be specified when requesting an enabled session to a router.
Recommended Action To establish the enable session, enter the enable password exactly as it is defined to the router. If you do not know the enable password and if you want to cancel the enable request, entering an invalid password three times terminates the enable request.
MessageExplanation You have issued the show mem command and you are on the last page of the first set of data returned from the router. The Host name field contains the word "More" when more data is pending from the router.
Recommended Action To display additional data, type Y or to terminate the display, type N.
MessageExplanation You have requested to establish an enable session with a router. You are not authorized by an NSP administrator to establish an enabled session.
Recommended Action Ensure that your NSP user authority settings in your profile are correct. If not, contact an NSP administrator to change the authority settings.
MessageExplanation You are currently in an enabled session with the router. While you are enabled to the router, no other operator can communicate with the router. To properly terminate the enabled session, press PF3. Pressing PF3 terminates your enabled session with the router by sending an EXIT RUNCMD to the router. This RUNCMD frees the router for other operator use.
Recommended Action Press PF3 to terminate the enabled session.
MessageExplanation A non-numeric value was detected by the NSPMCHK routine. The NSPMCHK routine calculates the free router memory based on the values collected from the router.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation This message indicates that the NSPIINIT command has been issued with the RESET option. This message is for monitoring purposes only.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation The router configuration you just collected is now being stored in the VSAM configuration data base.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You requested to view the router as defined to VTAM and the output from VTAM was not recognizable.
Recommended Action Issue the command displayed in this message and check the output. If the output is recognizable, but your request for the VTAM router configuration fails again, consult your SOLVE:Netmaster support.
MessageExplanation If you requested to reset an enabled session between a router and operator, this message indicates that your request has completed successfully. If you received this message while in a session with a router, it indicates that the session between you and the router has been terminated.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation Your request to reset a busy session between an operator and a router has completed successfully.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You have requested to reset a session between an operator and router and the operator you specified is no longer the current operator. This indicates that the busy condition no longer exists for the specified router or that a new operator has established a session with the router.
Recommended Action Display the Router Status Extended panel to verify the operator, if any, that may be enabled to or busy with the router.
MessageExplanation Your request to delete the performance or history records for an interface has completed successfully.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You have requested to view a list of interfaces monitored in the network by type and you have not specified an interface type. The values for the types of interfaces you can view are: T (Token Ring), E (Ethernet), S (Serial), A (Async), C (Channel), L (Loopback), H (HSSI), and F (FDDI).
Recommended Action Specify a type in the Interface Type field and resubmit your request.
MessageExplanation You have requested to view the performance or history data archived for a specific interface for which no data has been archived.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You have set the router monitoring interval to less than 15 minutes on the NSP Router Management Setup panel. The minimum interval for router monitoring is 15 minutes. The interval will be set to 15 minutes.
Recommended Action Reset the router monitoring interval to a value of 15 minutes or longer or accept the NSP minimum default of 15 minutes.
MessageExplanation Your request to refresh the status of the routers on the Router Status panels has been sent to NSP.
Recommended Action Wait for the NSP to query and collect the status of the routers and then press PF12 to view the updated status.
MessageExplanation You have requested to view a list of a specific type of interfaces configured in a router and the interfaces have not been configured or discovered in that router.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation You have requested to view the status of a specific interface type that has not been initialized.
Recommended Action To initialize the interface type, issue NSPIINIT n INIT where n is the type of interface you want to initialize. Valid values are: T (Token Ring), E (Ethernet), S (Serial), C (Channel), F (FDDI), A (Async), L (Loopback), H (HSSI).
MessageExplanation You have attempted to issue a RUNCMD to a router that is in an enabled or busy session with another operator. The RUNCMD you issued is attempted for 10 seconds before this message is generated. If this message occurs each time you attempt to issue the RUNCMD to the router, display the Router Status Extended panel on which you can view the operator that is in an enabled or busy session with the router.
Recommended Action If you are an enabled NSP user, you can terminate the session between a router and an operator from the Router Status Extended panel by positioning the cursor on the operator ID and pressing PF9.
MessageExplanation You have exited the NSP setup without making changes.
Recommended Action If you intended to make changes to the NSP setup, make the changes again and press Enter to verify your changes and press PF4 to save your changes and exit the NSP setup.
MessageExplanation You have issued a RUNCMD command to a router that is not responding. This error generally indicates a problem in the router that prevents the router from responding to the RUNCMD.
Recommended Action Verify that the service point in the router has been properly configured and the router has been defined as a PU to VTAM.
MessageExplanation Your request to copy the information on the panel to a log by pressing PF5 has been processed successfully.
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation This message indicates that the type of service was neither an "L" nor a "V".
Recommended Action None.
MessageExplanation This message is created by routine NSPMBLD when it receives a message to process that is not found in the message table in NSPMBLD.