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In addition to using the NSP panel interface, you can perform many of the NSP functions using NSP commands. This appendix lists the NSP commands that you can issue. This appendix also provides a syntax description (if applicable) and notes on using each command.
To get help for an NSP command, issue the following where command is the NSP command for which you want to view help:
command ?Use the nsp command to display the NSP main menu. From the NSP main menu, you can select and execute the NSP operations.
nsp [mgr | user | cmd | idis | setup | help | dspu | cip | snav]
mgr | Primary Router Management application. Specify the * MGR option to display the status of the routers being managed by NSP. |
user | User Profile application. Specify the * USER option to create or modify an operator profile. |
cmd | Router command interface from which you can connect to and issue commands directly to a router and receive responses. |
idis | Cisco Router Interface Status List application from which you can display the status of a type of interface enabled in the routers on your network. |
setup | NSP Router Management Setup application. Use this application to define or modify the NSP management environment. |
help | NSP Command Help. Specify this option to obtain a list of the type of NSP help available and a description of the NSP commands that you can issue to Cisco routers. |
dspu | DSPU Monitoring Operation application. |
cip | CIP Monitoring Operation application. |
snav | Routing Information Field History application. This function is available on if CiscoWorks Blue SNA View is installed on your network. Use the Router Information Field History application to obtain a list of archived RIF records. |
Any NSP user can issue this command.
Before starting NSP for the first time, issue the nsp command from a SOLVE:Netmaster command line to access the NSP main menu. Once on the NSP main menu, select the * SETUP option. This starts the NSP setup facility from which you configure the NSP management environment. Configuring the NSP management environment includes selecting the NSP applications you want to use, specifying monitoring intervals and threshold setting, and select the types of interfaces you want to monitor.
Once you have configured the NSP management environment and have started NSP, issue the nsp command from a SOLVE:Netmaster command line to display the NSP main menu.
Help is available for the commands that are listed on the NSP main menu by either positioning the cursor on a command line and pressing F1 or by entering the command followed by a space and question mark from the action prompt.
The following command displays the NSP main menu:
nspUse the nspaid command to enable or disable the trace facilities provided by NSP. The three trace facilities and their functions provided by NSP are Debug, Ctrace, and Trflow.
nspaid {debug {on | off} | ctrace {all | all_nnn | err | cmd} | trflow {on | off} | off}debug | Traces internal data flow. |
on | Turns on internal data trace. |
off | Turns off internal data trace. |
ctrace | Traces internal commands. |
all | Traces all executions for all CLISTs. |
all_nnn | Traces only the executions for CLIST nnn where nnn is the name of the CLIST you want to trace. |
err | Traces only CLIST errors. |
cmd | Traces all commands issued from a CLIST. |
trflow | Traces routine entries and exits issued by an operator. |
on | Turns on routine flow trace. |
off | Turns off routine flow trace. |
off | Turns off all tracing that has been turned on. |
Any NSP user can issue this command.
The traces initiated by this command affect only the operator under which the nspaid command is issued. With the nspaid command you can enable or disable an internal trace function. Use the nspaid debug on command to trace the data flow in routines that process data from RUNCMDs. Use the nspaid trflow on command to trace the entry and exit of the routines that you are issuing.
Issuing nspaid displays the help for the NSPAID facility.
Issuing the nspaid debug on command yields the following message:
Use the nspccmds to display a list of Cisco IOS software show commands that NSP provides for you in an easy-to-use format. You can use the show commands to obtain additional information about the CIPs in your network that is useful for monitoring and problem determination.
nspccmds [SPname interface_id]SPname | Service point name (1 to 8 characters) of the router. |
interface_id | Channel interface identification number. |
Any NSP user can issue this command.
The panel interface equivalent of issuing the nspccmds command is to select the * CIP option from the NSP main menu and then select the * CMD option from the CIP Monitoring Operations panel.
If you issue the nspccmds command without specifying a value for the SPname and interface-id arguments, you must specify the service point name of the router in the Service Point Name field and the channel interface identification number in the Show Interfaces Channel field on the NSP Router CIP Show Commands panel before selecting and issuing a command.
The following command establishes a connection with a router with the service point name coloma and displays the CIP Show Commands panel ready to issue commands:
nspccmds coloma 2/0Use the nspcmda command to connect to a router and issue commands in a full-screen interactive mode.
nspcmda [SPname]SPname | Service point name (1 to 8 characters) of the router. |
Any NSP user can issue this command.
The panel interface equivalent of issuing the nspcmda command is to select a router on the Router Status panel, press F10, and select Option 1 from the popup menu.
When you issue the nspcmda command and specify the service point name of a router, the connection is established to the router and the Router Command Interface panel is displayed ready to receive commands. If you issue the nspcmda command without specifying a router's service point name, you must type the a service point name in the Service Point Name field on the Router Command Interface panel and press Enter to establish the connection with the router. The service point name of the router last connected to is displayed. Once the connection has been established, you can issue any commands to the router you specified that you would normally issue in a Telnet session. If you are an enabled NSP user, you can use the nspcmda command to access a specific router, edit the router configuration, and view router command syntax.
The following command establishes a connection with a router with the service point name coloma:
nspcmda coloma
Use the nspdcmds to display a list of Cisco IOS software show commands that NSP provides for you in an easy-to-use format. You can use the show commands to obtain additional information about the DSPU resources in your network that is useful for monitoring and problem determination.
nspdcmds [SPname]SPname | Service point name (1 to 8 characters) of the router. |
All NSP users can issue this command.
The panel interface equivalent of issuing the nspdcmds command is to select the * DSPU option from the NSP main menu and then select the * CMD option from the DSPU Monitoring Operations panel.
If you issue the nspdcmds command without specifying a value for the SPname argument, you must specify the service point name of the router in the Service Point Name field on the NSP Router DSPU Show Commands panel before selecting and issuing a command.
The following command establishes a connection with a router with the service point name coloma and displays the DSPU Show Commands panel ready to issue commands:
nspdcmds coloma
Use the nsphelpa command to view the contents of the Cisco NSP Commands for SOLVE:Netmaster panel and the list of other help panels you can access by entering the number associated with that panel.
nsphelpaThis command has no keywords or arguments.
All NSP users can issue this command.
The Cisco NSP Commands for SOLVE:Netmaster panel lists the help panels that are available for NSP. To access a specific help panel, type the number representing the panel at the Action prompt and press Enter.
You can also get help for a command by typing the command, a space, and then a question mark and pressing Enter.
The following command requests help for the nspscmds command:
nspscmds ?Use the nspidis command to display a list of interfaces, by type, for the entire network or for a specific router.
nspidis interface_type [SPname]interface_type | The type of interface for which you want to display a list. Valid values are T (Token Ring), E (Ethernet), S (Serial), C (Channel), F (FDDI), A (Async), L (Loopback). |
SPname | (Optional) Service point name (1 to 8 characters) of the router for which you want to view a list of configured interfaces by type. |
All NSP users can issue this command.
If you issue the nspidis command without specifying a service point name, all interfaces configured in the routers on your network that match the interface type you specify are displayed.
Issuing the nspidis command and specifying a service point name displays all the interfaces configured in a router that match the type you specify.
The following command displays a list of Token Ring interfaces configured in a router with the service point name atlanta:
nspidis t atlantaUse the nspiinit command to initialize a specific group of interfaces.
nspiinit interface_type [init | reset]interface_type | The type of interfaces that you want to re-initialize. Valid values are T (Token Ring), E (Ethernet), S (Serial), C (Channel), F (FDDI), A (Async), L (Loopback), H (HSSI). |
init | Clears all NSP interface data from storage for that interface and re-initializes that interface type. |
reset | Clears all NSP interface data from storage and terminates the interface monitoring of that interface type. |
All NSP users can issue this command.
Normally, NSP automatically executes the nspiinit command upon startup. However, you can manually issue the command at anytime to re-initialize a group of interfaces. When you issue the nspiinit command, NSP reads the VSAM records for the specific group type and builds a table in storage that contains all of the interfaces.
If you have already issued the nspiinit command, and issue the nspiinit command again without specifying init or reset, an error message is displayed requesting that you specify an interface type.
The following command clears all NSP Ethernet interface data and restarts NSP:
nspiinit e initUse the nspistat command to collect all information about the interfaces configured in a router.
nspistat SPname [only]SPname | Service point name (1 to 8 characters) of the router. |
only | Specifies for the interface status to be updated. |
All NSP users can issue this command.
The nspistat command is normally issued by the NSPRMON and NSPIMON routines. To update the statuses of the interfaces configured in a router, issue the nspistat command with the only keyword specified. To collect and update interface statistics, issue the nspistat command without the only keyword specified.
The following command updates the statuses of the interfaces configured in router with the service point name atlanta:
nspistat atlanta only
Use the nsplconf command to display a list of configuration files that have been archived for a specific router.
nsplconf SPnameSPname | Service point name (1 to 8 characters) of the router. |
All NSP users can issue this command.
The panel interface equivalent of issuing the nsplconf command is to select a router on the Router Status panel, press F10, and select Option 6 from the popup menu.
If you are an enabled NSP user, you can delete an archived configuration file from the Archived Router Configurations panel by selecting a configuration file and pressing F4. You can view the actual archived configuration file by selecting the file, and pressing F10.
The list of archived configuration files also displays the VSAM key of each file, the number of records, the date and time the configuration files were archived, and the command used to collect the configuration.
The following command displays a list of the configuration files that have been archived for a router with the service point name atlanta:
nsplconf atlantaUse the nspmgra command to display the Router Status panel from which you can view a list of routers that are being monitored by NSP and their status.
nspmgraThis command has no keywords or arguments.
All NSP users can issue this command.
The nspmgra command displays the current status of routers if at least one of the following conditions is true:
The color in which the service point name of a router displays on the Router Status panel indicates the status of that router. You can clear all the NSP variables displayed on the Router Status panel by issuing the nspmgra command and specifying reset.
The following command displays the Router Status panel:
nspmgraUse the nspmgrt command to display the Router Status Extended view panel.
nspmgrtThis command has no keywords or arguments.
All NSP users can issue this command.
Additional information that displays on the Router Status Extended panel that does not display on the Router Status panel includes: the SPname of each router, the router's status, status flags that direct you to the source of the status situation, the router host name, and the operation groups to which each router has been defined.
The Router Status Extended panel also displays the operator ID of any operators that are logged in to the routers. If the router is unknown or unavailable to NSP, the status of the router is displayed as INOP. If an operator successfully logs in to a router and enters the enable mode, the operator's name appears on the same row as the router's host name.
If you are an NSP administrator and you want to terminate the session between an operator who is enabled to or busy with a router, place the cursor on the name of the operator and press F9.
Press Enter to refresh the Router Status Extended panel.
The following command displays the Router Status Extended panel:
nspmgrtUse the nspopera command to release and reset a session between a router and an enabled operator or an operator that is busy with a router.
nspopera SPname op_idSPname | Service point name (1 to 8 characters) of the router. |
op_id | Operator ID of the operator associated with the router. |
Only NSP users that have an enabled authority level can issue this command.
The panel interface equivalent of issuing the nspopera command is to select the operator's ID on the Router Status Extended panel and press F9.
Use the nspopera command if:
The following command resets a session between a router with the service point name atlanta and an operator with the ID CE6:
nspopera atlanta ce6Use the nsprdef command to display the NSP router definition of a router.
nsprdef SPnameSPname | Service point name (1 to 8 characters) of the router. |
Only NSP users that have an enabled authority level can issue this command.
The panel interface equivalent of issuing the nsprdef command is to select a router on the Router Status panel, press F10, select Option 3 from the popup menu, and press F4 on the Router Management Data panel.
If you are an enabled NSP user, you can modify the definition of a router from the Cisco Router Resource Definition panel by changing the appropriate information, pressing Enter to verify your changes, and pressing F4 to update the NSP router definition.
The following command displays the NSP definition of a router with the service point name atlanta:
nsprdef atlantaUse the nsprdis command to display the NSP management information for a router.
nsprdis SPnameSPname | Service point name (1 to 8 characters) of the router. |
All NSP users can issue this command.
The panel interface equivalent of issuing the nsprdis command is to select a router on the Router Status panel, press F10, and select Option 3 from the popup menu.
If you are an enabled NSP user, you can modify a router's NSP definition. To modify the definition of router, make any necessary changes on the Router Resource Definition panel, press Enter to verify your changes, and press F4 to update the router definition.
The following command displays the router management information for a router with the service point name coloma:
nsprdis colomaUse the nsprdish command to obtain a a list of archived performance records for a specific router.
nsprdish SPnameSPname | Service point name (1 to 8 characters) of the router. |
All NSP users can issue this command.
The panel interface equivalent of issuing the nsprdish command is to select a router on the Router Status panel, press F10, and select Option A from the popup menu.
To view detailed information about the CPU performance associated with a performance record, position the cursor on the record and press F10. To view detailed information about the memory performance associated with a performance record, position the cursor on the record and press F11.
The following command displays the performance records archived for a router with the service point name atlanta:
nsprdish atlantaUse the nspreset command to clear commands you issued previously that were saved for your recall.
nspresetThis command has no keywords or arguments.
All NSP users can issue this command.
You cannot issue the nspreset command from an NSP command line. In SOLVE:Netmaster, you can enter this command from any Network Communications Control Facility (NCCF) panel command line.
The commands you enter in a router configuration are retained until you log out from SOLVE:Netmaster or until you issue the nspreset command.The primary purpose of the nspreset command is to clear these router commands that have been saved for your recall.
To clear commands that you previously issued, type:
nspresetUse the nsprvars command to display the router management variables (common globals) of a specific router.
nsprvars SPnameSPname | Service point name (1 to 8 characters) of the router. |
All NSP users can issue this command.
The panel interface equivalent of issuing the nsprvars command is to select a router on the Router Status panel and press F10. Then, from the popup menu select Option 3 to display the Router Management Data panel and press F11.
The following command displays the router management variables of a router with the service point name atlanta:
nsprvars atlanta
Use the nspscmds to display a list of Cisco IOS software show commands that NSP provides for you in an easy-to-use format. You can use the show commands to obtain additional information about the routers in your network that is useful for monitoring and problem determination.
nspscmds [SPname]SPname | Service point name (1 to 8 characters) of the router. |
All NSP users can issue this command.
The panel interface equivalent of issuing the nspscmds command is to select a router on the Router Status panel, press F10, and select Option B from the popup menu.
If you issue the nspscmds command and do not specify a value for the SPname argument, you must type the service point name of the router in the Service Point Name field on the Router Show Commands panel before selecting a command.
If you are an NSP administrator, you can add show commands to the Router Show Commands panel.
The following command establishes a connection with a router with the service point name coloma and displays the Router Show Commands panel ready to issue commands:
nspscmds coloma
Use the nspsetup command to define or change the setup parameters for NSP.
nspsetupThis command has no keywords or arguments.
All NSP users can issue this command.
The panel interface equivalent of issuing the nspsetup command is to select the * SETUP option on the NSP main menu.
Only NSP users defined as NSP administrators can modify the NSP setup parameters.
If you are authorized to make changes to the NSP setup, press F4 on the NSP Router Management Setup panel.
To display the NSP setup, type:
nspsetupUse the nspulist command to display a list of users defined to NSP and write the list of users to the SOLVE:Netmaster log.
nspulistThis command has no keywords or arguments.
All NSP users can issue this command.
The NSP list of users includes the user's operator ID, name, and authority level.
To display a list of users defined to NSP, type:
nspulistUse the nspuser command to create an operator profile, define viewing filters, or to define the security level for an NSP operator.
nspuser [op_id]op_id | Operator ID of the operator whose profile you want to access. Omit if you are creating or modifying your own profile. |
All NSP users can issue this command, but only NSP users defined as administrators can define authority levels or delete a profile.
The panel interface equivalent to issuing the nspuser command is to select the * USER option on the NSP main menu.
Only NSP administrators can:
The following command is what an NSP administrator would issue to create a NSP profile for an operator whose ID is CE6:
nspuser ce6Use the nspvars command to display the values of the common globals of the NSP management environment.
nspvarsThis command has no keywords or arguments.
All NSP users can issue this command.
The nspvars command displays values of common globals used by NSP. It does not show the common globals used for each router or interface.
The nspvars command also displays a description of each variable.
To display the common globals of the NSP management environment, type:
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