
Table Of Contents

Monitoring DSPU Resources

Adding, Changing, or Deleting a DSPU Resource Definition

Displaying DSPU Resources

Displaying a List of DSPU LUs and Peer PUs and LUs

Obtaining Additional Information About DSPUs

Monitoring DSPU Resources

DSPU is a Cisco IOS software feature that enables a Cisco resource to act as a DSPU concentrator in SNA networks. This feature eliminates the need for an SNA gateway to provide PU concentration. Also, this feature reduces the number of PU definitions required in the mainframe, thus conserving mainframe resources, simplifies administration, and reduces polling overhead.

You can define resources as DSPU resources and monitor them from a NetView console in ISM. ISM administrators can change and delete DSPU resources. You can also access a list of Cisco IOS software show commands that you can issue to a specific DSPU resource from ISM.

This chapter describes the following tasks to help you find information about DSPU resources:

Adding, Changing, or Deleting a DSPU Resource Definition

Displaying DSPU Resources

Obtaining Additional Information About DSPUs

Note You cannot monitor DSPU resources using the Web interface.

Adding, Changing, or Deleting a DSPU Resource Definition

If you are an ISM operator with enable authority, you can define a resource as a DSPU resource that you want to monitor in ISM.

To define a DSPU resource, complete the following tasks:

Step 1 On the ISM Main menu ( Figure 7-1), position the cursor on the DSPU line and press Enter.

Figure 7-1 ISM Main Menu Panel

The DSPU Monitoring Operations panel ( Figure 7-2) is displayed.

Figure 7-2 DSPU Monitoring Operations Panel

Step 2 Position the cursor on the ADD/DEL line and press Enter. The ISM DSPU Manager panel is displayed ( Figure 7-3).

Figure 7-3 ISM DSPU Manager Panel

Step 3 Specify information in the following fields:

DSPU Name (VTAM PU Name)—PU defined to VTAM for the DSPU resource.

Service Point Name—Service point name of the resource.

DSPU host name—Host name of the DSPU. This is a required field.

Step 4 In the Change Type field, enter 2 (Update).

Step 5 In the Action Type field, enter 3.

Step 6 Press PF4 to save your changes.

Displaying DSPU Resources

From the DSPU resources list, you can obtain the following information:

Management data used by ISM to monitor a specific DSPU resource.

List of logical units (LUs) associated with a specific DSPU resource and the status of each LU.

Peer PUs and peer LUs associated with a specific DSPU resource.

Complete the following tasks to display a list of DSPU resources being monitored:

Step 1 On the ISM Main menu ( Figure 7-1), position the cursor on the DSPU line and press Enter. The DSPU Monitoring Operations panel ( Figure 7-2) is displayed.

Step 2 Position the cursor on the LIST option and press Enter. The Monitored DSPU Definitions panel is displayed ( Figure 7-4).

Figure 7-4 Monitored DSPU Definitions Panel

The following information is displayed on the Monitored DSPU Definitions panel:

VTAM DSPU—PU defined to VTAM for a DSPU resource.

Service Point Name—Service point name of the resource.

Status—Current status of the DSPU resource.

DSPU Hostname—Host name of the DSPU.

Step 3 To obtain additional information about a DSPU resource, select the interface and press one of the following function keys:



Displays the management data used by ISM to monitor a DSPU resource.


Displays the DSPU show command interface from which you can issue Cisco IOS software show commands to a specific DSPU. See the "Obtaining Additional Information About DSPUs" section for more information.


Displays a list of LUs associated with a DSPU resource. See the "Displaying a List of DSPU LUs and Peer PUs and LUs" section for information.

Displaying a List of DSPU LUs and Peer PUs and LUs

To display the LUs, peer PUs, and peer LUs associated with a specific DSPU resource on the Monitor DSPU Definitions panel, position the cursor on the VTAM DSPU name of the resource and press PF11. The VTAM DSPU panel is displayed ( Figure 7-5).

Figure 7-5 VTAM DSPU Panel

To view additional information, select the LU and press the following function keys:



Display the LU as defined in VTAM.


Display the status of a DSPU resource.

Obtaining Additional Information About DSPUs

The ISM DSPU Monitoring function provides a list of standard Cisco IOS software show commands that you can use to obtain additional information about a DSPU resource. Use this information for problem determination.

Complete the following tasks to obtain additional information about a DSPU resource:

Step 1 From the Monitored DSPU Definitions panel, position the cursor on the DSPU resource you want to view and press PF10. The DSPU Show Commands panel ( Figure 7-6) is displayed.

Figure 7-6 DSPU Show Commands Panel

The following commands are available on the DSPU Show Commands panel:

show dspu—Displays the status of the DSPU feature.

show dspu pool xxxx—Displays the status of a specific pool of LUs. Specify the pool name in the provided field before selecting this command.

show dspu pool xxxx all—Displays a detailed status of a specific pool of LUs. Specify the name of the pool in the field to the right of the command before selecting this action.

show dspu pu xxxx—Displays the status of a specific PU. Specify the PU name or DSPU host name in the field to the right of the command before selecting this action.

show dspu pu xxxx all—Displays a detailed status of a specific PU. Specify the PU name or DSPU host name in the field to the right of this command before selecting this action.

Step 2 Following the instructions at the bottom of the panel, type the appropriate information for the command you are issuing.

Step 3 To issue a command, type the number representing the command in the Action field and press Enter.


Posted: Wed Oct 13 00:37:14 PDT 2004
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