
Table Of Contents

Using ISM

Starting the ISM User Interface

Navigating in ISM

Using the ISM Main Menu

Using ISM Application Menus

Using the ISM Command-Line Interface

Using ISM PF Keys, Command Keys, and Entry Fields

Viewing ISM Event Log Messages

ISM Event Log Functions

Viewing the Activity Log Browse Panel

Searching the ISM Event Log

Viewing the Event Log Panel

Using ISM Status Panels

Using the ISM Status Summary Panel

Using the Resource Status Panel

Using the Resource Status with Options Panel

Accessing NetView

Using the ISM Web Interface

Starting the ISM Web Interface

Navigating the Web Interface

Using the ISM Web Command Page

Using the ISM Activity Log

Using ISM

This chapter describes how to use ISM. It provides specific information on the following topics:

Starting the ISM User Interface

Navigating in ISM

Viewing ISM Event Log Messages

Using ISM Status Panels

Accessing NetView

Using the ISM Web Interface

Starting the ISM User Interface

Note Before starting the ISM user interface, you must define the NetView ISM autotask and initialize ISM. For more information on defining the autotask, see Chapter 3, "Installing ISM," in the CiscoWorks Blue Internetwork Status Monitor Installation Guide. For more information on initializing ISM, see Chapter 5, "Configuring ISM," in the CiscoWorks Blue Internetwork Status Monitor Installation Guide.

To start the ISM standard NetView 3270 program interface, hereafter called the standard interface, log into NetView, type ism on the command line of the NetView main menu panel, and press Enter.

Note You can also run the ism command from NetView's STATMON menu panel, if you added ISM commands to the STATMON menu as described in the "Integrating ISM with STATMON" section of Chapter 3, "Installing ISM," in the CiscoWorks Blue Internetwork Status Monitor Installation Guide.

The Internetwork Status Monitor (ISM) main menu panel ( Figure 2-1) is displayed.

Figure 2-1 ISM Main Menu Panel

This panel shows the date and time ISM was last initialized and the name of the ISM autotask (ISMMGR).

Note ISM V2 does not coexist with ISM V1R3.0. If your site uses ISM V1R3.0, you can migrate existing mainframe definitions and user profiles to ISM V2. For more information about migrating ISM V1R3.0 data, see the "Migrating from ISM V1R3.0" chapter in the CiscoWorks Blue Internetwork Status Monitor Installation Guide.

Navigating in ISM

This section describes how to navigate ISM's menus, panels, function keys and command lines. It provides specific information on the following topics:

Using the ISM Main Menu

Using ISM Application Menus

Using the ISM Command-Line Interface

Using ISM PF Keys, Command Keys, and Entry Fields

Using the ISM Main Menu

The ISM main menu panel ( Figure 2-1) displays enabled ISM options and applications. To run an option or application, position the cursor on the option or application and press Enter. The selected application panel is displayed.

Using ISM Application Menus

Use ISM application menus to perform the following functions:

Monitor resources

Monitor downstream physical units

Monitor Cisco TN3270 servers

Monitor SNASw resources

Table 2-1 describes functions in the ISM application menu panels.

Table 2-1 ISM Application Menu Panels 


Resource Status with Options

Monitors resources

DSPU Monitoring Operations

(Standard interface only) Monitors routers defined as downstream DSPUs

TN3270 Status Monitoring Operations

Monitors Cisco TN3270 Servers

Using the ISM Command-Line Interface

Use the ISM or NetView command line to access ISM applications, both those that appear on the ISM main menu panel, and those that do not appear on ISM menus.

To use the comman- line interface, position the cursor on the ISM command-line prompt, enter an ISM function command, and press Enter. ISM displays the application panel.

For example, you can enter the ism mgr command at the Session Connection History panel ( Figure 2-2) command prompt.

Figure 2-2 Session Connection History Panel

The Resource Status panel ( Figure 2-3) is displayed:

Figure 2-3 Resource Status Panel

Using ISM PF Keys, Command Keys, and Entry Fields

Use ISM PF keys to navigate panels or run applications. Table 2-2 describes standard ISM PF key functions. (If a panel uses a non-standard PF key function, the function is called out on the panel.)

Table 2-2 ISM PF Key Descriptions



Get help on ISM panels and options.

For message help, position the cursor on the message and press PF1, or enter the ismhmsg command from any ISM command line.

For PF key help, position the cursor in the PF key field and press PF1.

For online help from any ISM panel, press PF1. ISM displays help on using the current panel.


Go to the ISM main menu panel.


Return to the previous panel.


Update a record with the selected options.


Toggle between the NetView command prompt and the ISM panel.


Go to the top of the display when data exceeds the length of a single panel.


Go to the bottom of the display when the data exceeds the length of a single panel.


Scroll to the left when the data exceeds the width of a single panel.


Scroll to the right when the data exceeds the width of a single panel.


Refresh the panel data or recall the last command entered on a panel.

Use the following standard keys to navigate or update ISM panel options:

Tab—Moves the cursor to a panel option field.

Arrow—Moves the cursor to a field.

Enter—Updates or validates a panel selection.

You can easily locate options and enter data in ISM input fields. There are two types of fields displayed on ISM panels:

Data entry fields—Display green underlined text.

Informational fields—Typically display white or turquoise text.

Viewing ISM Event Log Messages

This section describes how to access and view ISM event log messages. It provides information on the following topics:

ISM Event Log Functions

Viewing the Activity Log Browse Panel

Searching the ISM Event Log

Viewing the Event Log Panel

ISM Event Log Functions

The ISM Event Log performs the following functions:

Records system event messages and conditions. During system operation, ISM records events and creates unique messages that describe status changes in system resources.

Records an audit trail of operator updates to ISM resource definitions.

Provides an active and standby event log. When the active event log becomes full or unusable, ISM automatically activates the standby log.

Viewing the Activity Log Browse Panel

To view the Activity Log Browse panel, position the cursor on the LOG line and press Enter. The Activity Log Browse panel ( Figure 2-4) is displayed.

Figure 2-4 Activity Log Browse Panel

Searching the ISM Event Log

To search for ISM events, on the Activity Log Browse panel ( Figure 2-4), in the Log field, enter the name of the event log to search:

ACTIV—Active Event Log

INACTIV—Inactive Event Log

You can also enter one or more of the following search parameters:

Time—Enter a starting time in the range to search. The default time setting is 18:00. Enter a different starting time in a 24-hour clock format. For example, 6:00AM is 06:00, and 8:00PM becomes 20:00.

Date—Enter a starting date in the range to search. The default date setting is today's date. If desired, enter a different starting date. You can express the date in a numeric format such as, 19990429 to represent April 29, 1999, or use delimiters, such as 1999/04/29.

Search Count—Enter the number of records to be searched. The default search count is 150. If desired, enter a different number of records in the search count field.

Keyword One—If desired, enter keywords, such as a starting operator ID number or name.

Keyword Two—Enter additional keyword search criteria.

Message ID—If desired, enter the starting number in a range of event message IDs to consider in your search criteria. The starting message ID number is a seven-character alphanumeric expression, such as NSP1234.

Press Enter to display event records in the Event Log panel that match your search criteria.

Viewing the Event Log Panel

The ISM Event Log panel ( Figure 2-5) displays current and past event log messages.

Figure 2-5 ISM Event Log Panel

To view help for a message, position the cursor on a message and press PF1.

To return to the Activity Log Browse panel ( Figure 2-4) and change the Search Rules, press PF3.

To view earlier event records, press PF7.

To view later (more current) event records, press PF8.

Using ISM Status Panels

The following subsections describe how to monitor network resources using the following ISM panels:

Using the ISM Status Summary Panel

Using the Resource Status Panel

Using the Resource Status with Options Panel

Using the ISM Status Summary Panel

The ISM Status Summary panel monitors the status of ISM managed resources. You can view the status by resource type and the number of resources in the selected status condition.

This section describes how to use the ISM Status Summary panel to perform the following tasks:

Viewing the ISM Status Summary Panel

Viewing Detailed Resource Information

Viewing the Total Number of ISM Resources

Viewing Resources by Group

Viewing the ISM Status Summary Panel

To view the ISM Status Summary panel, on the ISM main menu panel, position the cursor on the SUM line and press Enter. The first panel of the ISM Status Summary ( Figure 2-6) is displayed.

Figure 2-6 ISM Status Summary—First Panel

Viewing Detailed Resource Information

To display detailed resource information, position the cursor on a resource type condition and press Enter.

Viewing the Total Number of ISM Resources

To use the ISM Status Summary panel to display the total number of ISM managed resources, position the cursor on the Total field for resources, then press Enter. ISM lists all ISM managed resources.

If there is a performance (PERF) or alert condition for your selected resource field, only resources in that condition are displayed.

Viewing Resources by Group

To use the ISM Status Summary panel to view resources categorized by group, enter the group name in the Group field, then press Enter. ISM displays resources for that group. Figure 2-7 shows a sample summary screen for group ALL.

Figure 2-7 ISM Status Summary Panel—Second Panel

If your operator's profile is authorized for resource group filters, you can view only the group names within that profile. See the "Enabling Monitoring Options for Multiple Routers" section for more information.

Using the Resource Status Panel

To monitor resources, in the ISM main menu panel ( Figure 2-1) position the cursor on the MGR line and press Enter. The Resource Status panel ( Figure 2-3) is displayed, showing the status of all resources managed by ISM.

The Resource Status panel provides the following features:

Color-coded status by resource type.

Filtering by group name or resource control name. Wildcard characters can be entered at the end of the resource control name, to view all resources beginning with a common set of characters.

Diagnosis of resource conditions. ISM automatically displays the appropriate diagnostic panel for a resource condition, such as NetView's NPDA for troubleshooting hardware problems.

To diagnose a resource condition from the Resource Status panel, position the cursor on a resource to diagnose and press PF5. ISM automatically displays the appropriate diagnostic panel for resource condition, such as NetView's NPDA for troubleshooting hardware problems.

Detailed listing of resource information, including:

Operators currently managing resources

Resource group assignments

Access to the menu-driven panel to perform other ISM resource operations.

For details about monitoring resources, see "Monitoring ISM Resources"

Using the Resource Status with Options Panel

The Resource Status with Options panel offers the following features:

Color-coded status for selected resources and management information, such as the hardware associated with a resource or the Cisco IOS software used for a resource

View and run ISM programs for a selected resource

To view the Resource Status with Options panel, select a resource on the Resource Status panel ( Figure 2-3), then press Enter. The Resource Status with Options panel ( Figure 2-8) is displayed.

Figure 2-8 Resource Status with Options Panel

To diagnose a resource condition from the Resource Status with Options panel, press PF5. ISM displays the appropriate diagnostic panel for the resource condition, such as NetView's NPDA for troubleshooting hardware problems.

To run one or more resource menu options, type a menu option number or letter in the Enter Option field (or position the cursor on the desired option), then press Enter.

The options displayed depend on the resource type and how it is managed. Available options are displayed in black-on-white. Unavailable options are displayed in blue.

Accessing NetView

You can switch between ISM and the NetView console from any panel in ISM. From NetView, you can browse the NetView log and run NetView commands and then return to ISM. To go to the NetView console from ISM, press PF6.

To return to ISM from NetView, press PF6 again.

Using the ISM Web Interface

This section describes how to use the ISM Web interface, and provides specific information on the following topics:

Starting the ISM Web Interface

Navigating the Web Interface

Using the ISM Web Command Page

Using the ISM Activity Log

Note The ISM Web interface offers many of the same features as the standard interface. However, the Web panels do not support the administrative functions of the standard interface.

Starting the ISM Web Interface

To start ISM in a Web browser, complete the following steps:

Step 1 You must obtain a NetView IP address, port number, user name, and password from support personnel or your NetView administrator before you log into the ISM Web interface.

Step 2 From your Web browser's location line, enter the IP address and port number where NetView is running (for example, The Tivoli NetView for OS/390 page ( Figure 2-9) is displayed.

Figure 2-9 Tivoli NetView for OS/390 Page

Step 3 Enter ism in the Command field and and click Submit. The Username and Password Required dialog box ( Figure 2-10) is displayed.

Figure 2-10 Username and Password Required Dialog Box

Step 4 Enter your user name and password and click OK. The ISM main menu page ( Figure 2-11) is displayed.

Figure 2-11 ISM Main Menu Page

Step 5 On the left side of the main menu page, select an ISM option, then click Submit.

Navigating the Web Interface

The NetView system administrator has the following options:

Return to the ISM Main Menu Page by clicking the Main button.

Issue non-ISM commands from a command page.

Use bookmarks to access ISM functions.

Using the ISM Web Command Page

Figure 2-12 shows the output of the NetView dis command.

Figure 2-12

NetView Web Command Output Panel

Using the ISM Activity Log

The ISM Activity Log records ISM events. When ISM resources change status, or you update their definitions, the ISM activity log records the event. It maintains both primary and secondary logs. When the active log is full, a secondary log automatically becomes active.

You can view the contents of the active or inactive logs, and indicate a date and time range to view events. Once you open the log, you can change the review date and time range.

Viewing the ISM Activity Log

To view the ISM Activity Log, select the Activity Log option on the ISM main menu, then click Submit to display the browse menu for the active ISM log ( Figure 2-13).

Figure 2-13 Browse Menu for ISM Activity Log

Viewing the ISM Inactive Log

To view events in the inactive log, click the Log field, select Inactive, and click Submit. The browse menu for the inactive ISM log ( Figure 2-14) is displayed.

Figure 2-14 Browse Menu for ISM Inactive Log

Viewing Events

To display events for a selected date or time range, perform one of the following tasks on the active ISM log ( Figure 2-13) or inactive ISM log ( Figure 2-14) and click Submit:

Specify a date and time in the Start field.

To limit the search, change the value in the Records field.

To show only messages that contain a specific field, enter keywords in the Keyword 1 or Keyword 2 field.

To display specific messages, enter the message ID in the Message ID field.


Posted: Wed Oct 13 00:44:21 PDT 2004
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