
Table Of Contents

Monitoring CMCCs

Enabling CMCC Monitoring

Enabling CMCC Alert Generation and Recovery

Enabling Default CMCC Monitoring Thresholds

Enabling Channel Monitoring

Changing Data Base IDs and Wrap Counts

Monitoring CMCC Operations Using the Standard Interface

Viewing CMCC Management Variables Using the Standard Interface

Viewing CMCC Memory and Utilization Statistics Using the Standard Interface

Displaying the Channels on a Specific Router Using the Standard Interface

Specifying Administration Options for a CMCC Using the Standard Interface

Monitoring CMCC Status Using the Standard Interface

Monitoring Channel Interfaces Using the Standard Interface

Locating CMCC Hardware and Software Versions Using the Standard Interface

Issuing CMCC and Channel Show Commands Using the Standard Interface (SNA Only)

Monitoring CMCC Operations Using the Web Interface

Viewing CMCC Management Variables Using the Web Interface

Issuing CMCC and Channel Show Commands Using the Web Interface (SNA Only)

Viewing CMCC Memory and Utilization Statistics Using the Web Interface

Displaying the Channels on a Router Using the Web Interface

Monitoring CMCC Status Using the Web Interface

Monitoring Channel Interfaces Using the Web Interface

Monitoring CMCCs

This chapter explains how to use the ISM Resource Management Setup panels to specify the global CMCC management options for the ISM program. Pertinent information is in the following sections:

ISM Resource Management Setup—First Panel

Enabling CMCC Alert Generation and Recovery

Enabling Default CMCC Monitoring Thresholds

Enabling Channel Monitoring

Changing Data Base IDs and Wrap Counts

Monitoring CMCC Operations Using the Standard Interface

Viewing CMCC Management Variables Using the Standard Interface

Viewing CMCC Memory and Utilization Statistics Using the Standard Interface

Displaying the Channels on a Specific Router Using the Standard Interface

Specifying Administration Options for a CMCC Using the Standard Interface

Monitoring CMCC Status Using the Standard Interface

Monitoring Channel Interfaces Using the Standard Interface

Issuing CMCC and Channel Show Commands Using the Standard Interface (SNA Only)

Monitoring CMCC Operations Using the Web Interface

Viewing CMCC Management Variables Using the Web Interface

Issuing CMCC and Channel Show Commands Using the Web Interface (SNA Only)

Viewing CMCC Memory and Utilization Statistics Using the Web Interface

Displaying the Channels on a Router Using the Web Interface

Monitoring CMCC Status Using the Web Interface

Monitoring Channel Interfaces Using the Web Interface

The options on the ISM Resource Management Setup panels apply to all routers that ISM manages. You can override the global setup options by defining router-specific CMCC options. For more information, see the "Specifying Administration Options for a CMCC Using the Standard Interface" section.

Enabling CMCC Monitoring

To enable ISM to monitor status and performance statistics for the CMCCs it discovers, use the ISM Resource Management Setup panel ( Figure 6-3). CMCC management is disabled by default in ISM setup when ISM is first initialized.

Note You must have ISM enable authority to enable CMCC monitoring or to modify other ISM rules.

To enable ISM to monitor CMCCs, complete the following steps:

Step 1 On the ISM Main menu (Figure 6-1), press PF8.

Figure 6-1 ISM Main Menu Panel

The ISM Administration menu panel ( Figure 6-2) is displayed.

Figure 6-2 ISM Administration Menu Panel

Step 2 Press Enter. The ISM Resource Management Setup—First Panel ( Figure 6-3) is displayed.

Figure 6-3 ISM Resource Management Setup—First Panel

Step 3 In the CMCC Management option, type Y in the Update column. YES appears in the Update column beside the CMCC Management option.

Enabling CMCC Alert Generation and Recovery

ISM uses the CPU Utilization and Free Memory thresholds that you enable on the ISM Resource Management Setup—Third Panel to determine the acceptable performance levels for discovered CMCCs on all routers. When these thresholds are exceeded, ISM issues a PERF alert if alert generation is enabled.

To enable CMCC alert generation for performance and memory thresholds and CMCC recovery, complete the following steps:

Step 1 Press PF8 (FWD) to display the ISM Resource Management Setup—Second Panel ( Figure 6-4).

Figure 6-4 ISM Resource Management Setup—Second Panel

Step 2 In the CMCC Perf/Memory option, under Generic Alert Generation, type Yes.

Step 3 In the ISM CMCC Recovery option, type Yes.

Enabling Default CMCC Monitoring Thresholds

To enable default CMCC monitoring thresholds for all routers, complete the following steps:

Step 1 Press PF8 (FWD), to display the ISM Resource Management Setup—Third Panel ( Figure 6-5).

Figure 6-5 ISM Resource Management Setup—Third Panel

Step 2 To specify the maximum allowable CPU utilization percentage, type a value in the CPU Utilization option.

ISM issues a PERF alert for the CMCC when the CPU utilization exceeds the specified percentage.

ISM issues a generic alert in NetView's NPDA hardware monitor application if the CMCC Perf/Memory alert option on the ISM Management Rules Setup panel is enabled.

Step 3 To specify the minimum allowable percentage of free memory, type a value in the Free Memory option.

ISM issues a PERF alert for the CMCC when the free memory percentage is below the specified percentage.

ISM issues a generic alert in NetView's NPDA hardware monitor application if the CMCC Perf/Memory alert option on the ISM Management Rules Setup panel is enabled.

Enabling Channel Monitoring

To enable channel interface monitoring, complete the following steps:

Step 1 Press PF8 to display the ISM Resource Management Setup—Fourth Panel ( Figure 6-6).

Figure 6-6 ISM Resource Management Setup—Fourth Panel

Step 2 In the Channel option, type Y.

Changing Data Base IDs and Wrap Counts

If you have not initialized ISM for the first time and want to change the CMCC history database ID, or if you want to change the number of records in the database for new resources, complete the following steps:

Step 1 Press PF8 (FWD) to display the Resource Management Constants Setup panel ( Figure 6-7).

Figure 6-7 Resource Management Constants Setup Panel

The default record counts allow for approximately 24 hours before the database record will wrap for a resource.

Step 2 When you have completed specifying the options, press PF4 (UPDATE).

Monitoring CMCC Operations Using the Standard Interface

To access the Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections panel, complete the following steps:

Step 1 You can begin from the ISM main menu or from the ISM Status Summary panel.

To begin from the ISM main menu ( Figure 6-1), position the cursor on the CMCC line and press Enter.

To begin from the ISM Status Summary Panel ( Figure 6-8), position the cursor on the Total CMCC column and press Enter.

Figure 6-8 ISM Status Summary Panel

The Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections panel ( Figure 6-9) is displayed.

Figure 6-9 Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections Panel

The Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections panel displays the following fields:



Router/control name with which this CMCC is associated.


Slot position in the router used by this CMCC.


Hardware and software level of the CMCC.


Current CMCC status.


Indicates if overrides have been set.

Last Change

Date and time of the last status change for this CMCC.

Previous Status

Previous CMCC status.

Step 2 Position the cursor on the router whose CMCC details you want to display and press Enter. The CMCC Detail Display panel ( Figure 6-10) is displayed.

Figure 6-10 CMCC Detail Display Panel

The CMCC Detail Display panel displays the following fields:



Router/control name with which this CMCC is associated.


Control block pointer for this CMCC.


Slot position in the resource used by this CMCC.


Hardware and software level of the CMCC.


Indicates if overrides have been set.


Current CMCC status.

Previous Status

Previous CMCC status.

Last Change

Date and time of the last status change for this CMCC.

Extended Display

Displays more information about this CMCC.

Display CMCC Variables

Display the ISM control block used to monitor this CMCC.

Show Commands

(SNA only) Lists show commands for this CMCC.


Displays archived statistics for this CMCC.


Lists channel interfaces associated with this CMCC.


Presents the Administration panel for this CMCC.


Sets status to ACTIVE and checks status.

Step 3 Position the cursor on the Extended Display row and press Enter. The CMCC Extended Display panel ( Figure 6-11) is displayed.

Figure 6-11 CMCC Extended Display Panel

The CMCC Extended Display panel displays the following fields:



Router/control name.


Current router status.


Current router extended status.'P' indicates either a router memory or CPU usage problem. 'Q' indicates either a CMCC memory or CPU usage problem. Any other letter indicates the type of interface that has an error.


Current CMCC status.


Hardware type of the CIP card for this CMCC.


Hardware release level of the CIP card for this CMCC.


Software release level of the CIP card for this CMCC.


Current channel interface status for the selected interface.


Mode of this subchannel.


Path of this subchannel.


Device of this subchannel.


Last sense of this subchannel as extracted from the show extended channel router command.

Step 4 (Optional) To access additional information about the Resource, Slot, Channel, or Subchannel, position the cursor in the box of the router that you want to view and press Enter. The corresponding ISM panel is displayed.

For example, if you press Enter while the cursor is in the Channel 2/0 box, the Interfaces Type panel ( Figure 6-12) for channels is displayed.

Figure 6-12 Interfaces Type=Channel Panel

The Interfaces Type panel for channels displays the following fields:


Interface type

Type of interface being displayed.

Number of Interfaces

Number of interfaces being displayed.


Filter used for viewing.


Router with which this interface is associated.


Interface name.


Current interface status.


Encapsulation type for this interface.


Monitor mode.

Last Change

Date and time of the last status change for this interface.


Previous status of this interface.

Step 5 (Optional) To view additional information about a router, select its name and press Enter.

Viewing CMCC Management Variables Using the Standard Interface

ISM uses internal management variables to perform CMCC management on a CMCC. You can view these internal variables, using the information to troubleshoot ISM problems.

To view CMCC management variables, on the CMCC Detail Display panel ( Figure 6-10), position the cursor on Display CMCC Variables and press Enter. Two CMCC Control Block Variables panels ( Figure 6-13 and Figure 6-14) are displayed.

Figure 6-13 CMCC Control Block Variables Panel—1 of 2

Figure 6-14 CMCC Control Block Variables Panel—2 of 2

Viewing CMCC Memory and Utilization Statistics Using the Standard Interface

To view the history of a CMCC, on the CMCC Detail Display panel ( Figure 6-10), position the cursor on the History line and press Enter. The CMCC History panels ( Figure 6-15 and Figure 6-16) are displayed.

Figure 6-15 CMCC History Panel—1 of 2

Figure 6-16 CMCC History Panel—2 of 2

The CMCC History panels display the following fields:



Date the statistics were archived.


Time the statistics were archived.

Memory Free/Total

Free and total memory associated with the CMCC. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

CPU—1 Min

CPU utilization for the CMCC for the last minute. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

CPU—5 Min

CPU utilization for the CMCC for the last 5 minutes. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

CPU—60 Min

CPU utilization for the CMCC for the last hour. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

DMA—1 Min

DMA utilization for the CMCC for the last minute. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

DMA—5 Min

DMA utilization for the CMCC for the last 5 minutes. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

DMA—60 Min

DMA utilization for the CMCC for the last hour. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

PCA0—1 Min

PCA0 utilization for the CMCC for the last minute, if PCA0 is installed. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

PCA0—5 Min

PCA0 utilization for the CMCC for the last 5 minutes, if PCA0 is installed. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

PCA0—60 Min

PCA0 utilization for the CMCC for the last hour, if PCA0 is installed. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

ECA0—1 Min

ECA0 utilization for the CMCC for the last minute, if ECA0 is installed. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

ECA0—5 Min

ECA0 utilization for the CMCC for the last 5 minutes, if ECA0 is installed. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

ECA0—60 Min

ECA0 utilization for the CMCC for the last hour, if ECA0 is installed. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

ECA1—1 Min

ECA1 utilization for the CMCC for the last minute, if ECA1 is installed. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

ECA1—5 Min

ECA1 utilization for the CMCC for the last 5 minutes, if ECA1 is installed. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

ECA1—60 Min

ECA1 utilization for the CMCC for the last hour, if ECA1 is installed. The value in parentheses is the user-defined threshold.

You can use the above information to troubleshoot ISM problems.

Press PF5 to display information about the controller card in the router. Figure 6-17 shows sample output for an SNMP-connected router.

Figure 6-17 Current CMCC Statistics —SNMP

If a history record contains an item that has exceeded a threshold, the record is highlighted in yellow and offset by one column.

Displaying the Channels on a Specific Router Using the Standard Interface

To view the channels that are on a specific router, position the cursor on the Channel option and press Enter. The channels that are known are displayed. Figure 6-18 shows sample output for router CWBCO1, a router with multiple CMCCs.

Figure 6-18 Channels on a Specific Resource

Specifying Administration Options for a CMCC Using the Standard Interface

The Administration option appears on the CMCC Detail Display panel ( Figure 6-10) if the operator is authorized to make changes. Position the cursor on the Administration option and press Enter. The ISM CMCC Administration panel ( Figure 6-19) is displayed.

Figure 6-19 ISM CMCC Administration Panel

To override the established global thresholds for a particular router's CMCCs, specify individual thresholds on a per-router basis using the ISM CMCC Administration panel. To enable or disable CMCC monitoring and data archiving for a specific router, complete the following steps:

Step 1 To specify the maximum allowable CPU utilization percentage for the CMCCs on the selected router, enter a value (1% to 99%) in the CPU Threshold option.

The notation C= with the specified percentage is displayed in the Overrides field. ISM will issue a PERF alert for the CMCCs on the selected router when the CPU utilization exceeds the specified percentage.

Step 2 To specify the minimum allowable percentage of free memory for the CMCCs on the selected router, enter a value (1% to 99%) in the Memory Threshold option.

The notation M= with the percentage that you specified is displayed in the Overrides field. ISM will issue a PERF alert for the CMCCs on the selected router when the free memory percentage is below the specified percentage.

Step 3 To enable or disable archiving of CMCC data, enter Yes or No in the Archive option.

Step 4 To enable or disable CMCC monitoring for the selected router, enter Yes or No in the Monitor Mode option.

Step 5 To remove history and performance records from the VSAM database for a specific router, enter Yes in the Delete history and performance records field.

Step 6 Press PF4 to save your changes.

Monitoring CMCC Status Using the Standard Interface

After you have enabled CMCC management for the routers, you can use one of the following procedures to monitor the status for discovered CMCCs on all routers:

To monitor CMCC status from the ISM main menu ( Figure 6-1), position the cursor on the CMCC line and press Enter. The resulting Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections panel ( Figure 6-9) displays discovered CMCCs for all routers being monitored by ISM.

The ISM Status Summary panel ( Figure 6-8) displays the total number of CMCCs, categorized by status. To view a list of all CMCCs in a given status, position the cursor in the desired status field and press Enter. The resulting Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections panel displays all discovered CMCCs with the selected status.

Monitoring Channel Interfaces Using the Standard Interface

There are several ways to monitor the status of channel interfaces for routers. You can monitor the channel interface status either for all routers from the ISM main menu panel using the INT option (for a specific type of interface), or summarized with all other resources (for all interface types) from the ISM Status Summary panel. You can also monitor channels for a specific router by listing the CMCCs, selecting a router, and displaying that router's channel interfaces.

To monitor channel interfaces, on the ISM main menu ( Figure 6-1), position the cursor on the Type field on the INT line, enter C, and press Enter. The Interfaces Type panel for channels ( Figure 6-20) is displayed for all resources.

Figure 6-20 Interfaces Type Panel for Channels

To display CMCC status for a specific router, tab to the resource and press PF12. The Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections panel ( Figure 6-9) is displayed.

Locating CMCC Hardware and Software Versions Using the Standard Interface

The CMCC hardware and software versions are displayed on several ISM panels:

Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections panel ( Figure 6-9)

ISM CMCC Administration panel ( Figure 6-19)

CMCC Extended Display panel ( Figure 6-26)

The first dotted-decimal number is the hardware version, and the second-dotted decimal number is the software version. In the following example, 4.3 is the hardware version and 22.19 is the software version:

CIP 4.3 22.19

Issuing CMCC and Channel Show Commands Using the Standard Interface (SNA Only)

While there are many ways to access ISM's Router Command Interface, some ISM applications provide direct access to the command interface, and list the commands specific to the router currently being managed. When you use the CMCC Management application panels in ISM, you can access panels that provide router commands specific to managing CMCCs.

If a router supports the RUNCMD, you can use the CMCC and Channel Show Commands panel to run router show commands. To do so, complete the following steps:

Step 1 On the Interfaces Type=Channel panel ( Figure 6-20), position the cursor on the router to be monitored and press Enter. The CMCC Detail Display panel ( Figure 6-10) is displayed.

Step 2 Position the cursor on Show Commands and press Enter. The CMCC and Channel Show Commands panel ( Figure 6-21) is displayed, including the router control name and channel.

Figure 6-21 CMCC and Channel Show Commands Panel

Step 3 To run a command, type the number that corresponds to the show command that you want to execute at the ISM command prompt, and press Enter.

To get command help from the router, type the number that corresponds to the show command followed by a ?, and press Enter.

Monitoring CMCC Operations Using the Web Interface

You can access the Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections page from the ISM main menu or the ISM Status Summary page. To access the Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections page, complete the following steps:

Step 1 From the ISM Internetwork Status Monitor (ISM) main menu page ( Figure 6-22), select the CMCC radio button and click Submit.

Figure 6-22 Internetwork Status Monitor (ISM) Main Menu Page

Or, from the ISM Status Summary page ( Figure 6-23), select Total CMCC.

Figure 6-23 ISM Status Summary Page

The Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections page ( Figure 6-24) is displayed.

Figure 6-24 Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections Page

The Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections page displays the following fields:



Router/control name with which this CMCC is associated.


Slot position in the router used by this CMCC.


Hardware and software level of the CMCC.


Indicates whether overrides have been set.


Current CMCC status.

Previous Status

Previous CMCC status.

Last Change

Date and time of the last status change for this CMCC.

Step 2 Click on the router you want to display. The CMCC Status with Options page ( Figure 6-25) is displayed.

Figure 6-25 CMCC Status with Options Page

The CMCC Status with Options page displays the following fields:



Router/control name with which this CMCC is associated.


Control block pointer for this CMCC.


Slot position in the resource used by this CMCC.


Hardware and software level of the CMCC.


Indicates whether overrides have been set.


Current CMCC status.

Previous Status

Previous CMCC status.

Last Change

Date and time of the last status change for this CMCC.

Extended Display

Displays more information about this CMCC.

Display CMCC Variables

Displays the ISM control block used to monitor this CMCC.

Show Commands

Lists show commands for this CMCC.


Displays archived statistics for this CMCC.


Lists channel interfaces associated with this CMCC.

Step 3 Click on Extended Display to display the CMCC Extended Display page ( Figure 6-26).

Figure 6-26 CMCC Extended Display Page

The CMCC Extended Display page displays the following fields:



Router name.


Current router status.


Current router extended status. P indicates either a router memory or CPU usage problem. Q indicates either a CMCC memory or CPU usage problem. Any other letter indicates the type of interface that has an error.


Slot position in the router.


Current CMCC status.


Hardware type of the CIP card for this CMCC.


Hardware release level of the CIP card for this CMCC.


Software release level of the CIP card for this CMCC.


Current channel interface status for the selected interface.


Mode of this subchannel.


Path of this subchannel.


Device of this subchannel.


Last sense of this subchannel as extracted from the show extended channel resource command.

Step 4 (Optional) To access additional information about the Resource, Slot, Channel, or Subchannel, click on the component to be viewed. The corresponding ISM page is displayed.

For example, if you click on Display Interfaces, the Interfaces Type=Channel page ( Figure 6-27) is displayed.

Figure 6-27 Interface Type=Channel Page

The Interfaces Type=Channel page displays the following fields:


Interface type

Identifies a type of interface to display.

Encapsulation type

Identifies a type of encapsulation to display.


Identifies one or more resources to display.


Identifies one or more groups of resources to display.

Current Status

Identifies the current status of resources to display.

Desired Status

Identifies the desired status of resources to display.


Resource with which this interface is associated.


Interface name.

Current Status

Current interface status.

Desired Status

Desired interface status.

Previous Status

Previous status of this interface.

Last Change

Date and time of the last status change for this interface.


Encapsulation type for this interface.

Step 5 To view additional information from the CMCC Extended Display page ( Figure 6-26), perform one of the following steps:

Click on Display Resource to view the resource details.

Click on Display Channel Connections to view the CMCC details.

Click on Display SubChannel to view the subchannel details.

Viewing CMCC Management Variables Using the Web Interface

ISM uses internal management variables to perform CMCC management on a CMCC. You can view these internal variables, using the information to troubleshoot ISM problems.

To view CMCC management variables, on the CMCC Status with Options ( Figure 6-25) page, click on Display CMCC Variables to display the CMCC Variables page ( Figure 6-28).

Figure 6-28 CMCC Variables Page

For a detailed description of the fields on this page, see the online help.

Issuing CMCC and Channel Show Commands Using the Web Interface (SNA Only)

If a router supports the RUNCMD, you can issue router show commands when monitoring CMCC interfaces. To do so, complete the following steps:

Step 1 From the CMCC Status with Options page ( Figure 6-25), click on Show Commands. The CMCC Channel Show Commands page ( Figure 6-29) is displayed.

Figure 6-29 CMCC Channel Show Commands Page

Step 2 To run a command, click on the command.

Note To get command help from the router, click on the command and insert ? between the channel numbers (2/0) and the last operand.

Figure 6-30 shows sample output for the show controller channel command.

Figure 6-30 Output from Show Controller Channel 2/0 Page

The show controller channel command displays all information about the CBUS controller card or controller channel on a Cisco router. This command lists the card's capabilities and reports any controller-related failures.

Viewing CMCC Memory and Utilization Statistics Using the Web Interface

You can view the internal variables used by ISM to perform CMCC management on the CMCC shown in the CMCC Status with Options. This information is useful if you must troubleshoot an ISM operational problem.

To view CMCC management variables from the CMCC Status with Options page ( Figure 6-25), click on History. The CMCC History page ( Figure 6-31) is displayed.

Figure 6-31 CMCC History Page

The CMCC History page displays the following fields:



Date the statistics were archived.


Time the statistics were archived.


Free and total memory associated with the CMCC.

CPU—1 Min

CPU utilization for the CMCC for the last minute.

CPU—5 Min

CPU utilization for the CMCC for the last 5 minutes.

CPU—60 Min

CPU utilization for the CMCC for the last hour.

DMA—1 Min

DMA utilization for the CMCC for the last minute.

DMA—5 Min

DMA utilization for the CMCC for the last 5 minutes.

DMA—60 Min

DMA utilization for the CMCC for the last hour.

PCA0—1 Min

PCA0 utilization for the CMCC for the last minute, if PCA0 is installed.

PCA0—5 Min

PCA0 utilization for the CMCC for the last 5 minutes, if PCA0 is installed.

PCA0—60 Min

PCA0 utilization for the CMCC for the last hour, if PCA0 is installed.

ECA0—1 Min

ECA0 utilization for the CMCC for the last minute, if ECA0 is installed.

ECA0—5 Min

ECA0 utilization for the CMCC for the last 5 minutes, if ECA0 is installed.

ECA0—60 Min

ECA0 utilization for the CMCC for the last hour, if ECA0 is installed.

ECA1—1 Min

ECA1 utilization for the CMCC for the last minute, if ECA1 is installed.

ECA1—5 Min

ECA1 utilization for the CMCC for the last 5 minutes, if ECA1 is installed.

ECA1—60 Min

ECA1 utilization for the CMCC for the last hour, if ECA1 is installed.

Click on Current to display information about the controller card in the router. Figure 6-32 shows sample output.

Figure 6-32 Current CMCC Statistics —RUNCMD Page

If the router is an SNMP-connected device, the data is collected using SNMP, as shown in Figure 6-33.

Figure 6-33 Current CMCC Statistics Page—SNMP

Displaying the Channels on a Router Using the Web Interface

To view the router channels from the CMCC Status with Options page ( Figure 6-25), select Channel. Figure 6-34 shows sample output for router CWB01, a router with multiple CMCCs.

Figure 6-34 Channels on a Specific Resource Page

Monitoring CMCC Status Using the Web Interface

After you have enabled CMCC management for the routers, you can use one of the following procedures to monitor the status for discovered CMCCs on all routers:

To monitor CMCC status from the ISM main menu ( Figure 6-22), select Cisco Mainframe Channel Connection Monitor (CMCC) and click Submit. The Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections page ( Figure 6-35) is displayed, showing all discovered CMCCs for all routers being monitored by ISM.

Figure 6-35 List of all CMCCs Page

The ISM Status Summary page ( Figure 6-23) displays the total number of CMCCs, categorized by status. To view a list of all CMCCs in a given status, click on a value in the status column that you wish to display. The resulting Cisco Mainframe Channel Connections page displays all discovered CMCCs with the selected status.

Monitoring Channel Interfaces Using the Web Interface

To monitor the channel interface status for all routers from the ISM main menu ( Figure 6-22), select Interface Status, select a Channel from the drop-down list box, and click Submit. A list of all the channels is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-36.

Figure 6-36 Interfaces Type Page for Channels Page


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