
Table of Contents

Monitoring Interfaces

Monitoring Interfaces

Within a Cisco router, there are at least two network interfaces, such as a channel interface and FDDI. ISM discovers the interfaces configured in the routers that are defined to and monitored by ISM. If the Interface Monitoring application is enabled in ISM you can view a list of these interfaces and their status condition and access additional information about an interface, such as configuration and performance data.

This chapter describes the following tasks to help you find information about interfaces on your routers:

Setting Up ISM to Monitor Interfaces

By default, ISM enables the Interface Monitoring application for all routers known to ISM. When the Interface Monitoring application is enabled, you can use the ISM : Interface List panel and the ISM : Interface Administration panel to manage your routers' interfaces.

Once you have enabled the Interface Monitoring application in ISM, you can disable monitoring of individual interfaces when you set up the router or interface monitoring options. For information on setting up interface-specific management options, see the "Setting Up Interface-Specific Management Options" section.

Note The ISM Router Management application must be enabled before you can monitor a router's interfaces.

ISM's architecture provides two layers of interface management control options---global and individual:

Note For you to set up the interface monitoring options, your ISM user profile must have enable authority. For information on setting up ISM's user profiles, see the "Defining the ISM User Profiles" section.

For information on setting up global interface monitoring options, see the "Setting Up Interface Monitoring Parameters" section.

For information on setting up interface-specific monitoring options, see the "Setting Up Interface-Specific Management Options" section.

Setting Up Interface-Specific Management Options

You can use the ISM : Interface Monitoring Parameters panel to specify the global interface management options for the ISM program. If you want to set up interface-specific options for interface management you can select a router and update its interface management definition.

To override some of the global management options and manage other aspects of the interface on that router, use the ISM : Interface Administration panel to specify options for individual interfaces in routers that are known to ISM.

To set up interface monitoring options for an individual interface, complete these steps:

Step 1 From the ISM : Monitoring Menu panel, type I and press Enter. The ISM : Interface List panel is displayed, showing routers grouped by interface type (Figure 6-1).

Figure 6-1: ISM : Interface List Panel

Step 2 On the ISM : Interface List panel, type U next to the name of the interface that you want to modify and press Enter.

The ISM : Interface Administration panel is displayed (Figure 6-2).

Figure 6-2: ISM : Interface Administration Panel

Step 3 To enable or disable interface monitoring, type Yes or No in the Monitor Mode field.

Step 4 To enable or disable intensive mode recording, type On or Off in the Intensive Mode Recording field.

For further information about setting up intensive mode recording, see the "Setting Up Interface-Specific Management Options" section.

Step 5 Press F3 to file the changes that you have made.

Setting Up Intensive Mode Recording

Use the ISM : Interface Administration panel (Figure 6-2) to set up the options for intensive mode recording (IMR), that is, collecting interface statistics at high rates.

IMR settings are not saved when you restart your ISM region.

To set up intensive mode recording, complete the following steps on the ISM : Interface Administration panel (Figure 6-2):

Step 1 To enable intensive mode recording, type On in the Intensive Mode Recording field.

Step 2 To set an interval for statistics to be collected for this interface, type a value in the Collection Interval field.

Step 3 To set a wrap count for statistics to be collected for this interface, type a value in the Number of Records field.

Step 4 To set a start time for statistics to be collected for this interface, type a value in the Collection Start Time field.

Step 5 Press F3 to file the changes that you have made.

Managing Interface Data

If you enable monitoring of interfaces, the router interface history and performance data is stored in its own database. You can disable archiving of interface history and performance data or delete history and performance records from the database.

Disabling Archiving of Interface History and Performance Data

You can disable interface archiving on a global or individual router basis. For information about disabling router interface archiving see the "Disabling Router Interface Archiving" section.

Monitoring Interface Status

When you configure the ISM management environment, you specify the types of interfaces that you want to monitor and the interval (in hours and minutes) at which you want router interfaces monitored. For more information on selecting the interfaces that are enabled for monitoring by ISM, see the "Setting Up ISM to Monitor Interfaces" section in this chapter.

Once ISM has been set up to monitor interfaces, you can perform the following monitoring operations for interfaces and view status descriptions:

Monitoring Interfaces on a Specific Router

You can monitor all of the interfaces for a specific router (as long as those interface types are enabled for monitoring in ISM) from the ISM : Interface List panel.

Complete the following tasks to display a list of interfaces configured in a specific router:

Step 1 On the ISM : Router List panel (Figure 6-3), type I next to the router for which you want to view interface information and press Enter. The ISM : Interface List panel is displayed (Figure 6-4) for the selected router.

Figure 6-3: ISM : Router List Panel

Figure 6-4:
ISM : Interface List Panel

Step 2 To access the ISM : Interface Administration panel (Figure 6-2) for a particular interface, type S or B next to the interface that you want to view and press Enter.

Step 3 Press F3 to exit from this panel.

Monitoring Interfaces in Your Network by Type

ISM provides two ways for you to monitor interfaces of a particular type:

Monitoring Interfaces by Type on the ISM : Status Summary Panel

Complete the following steps to monitor interface types and status on the ISM : Status Summary panel:

Step 1 From the ISM : Monitoring Menu panel, type S in the Select Option field and press Enter. The ISM : Status Summary panel (Figure 6-5) is displayed, showing the total number of interfaces being monitored by type and the subtotals of those interfaces categorized by status.

Figure 6-5: ISM : Status Summary Panel

Step 2 If you want to refresh this display, press F6.

Monitoring Interfaces by Type on the ISM : Interface List Panel

Complete the following tasks to monitor interface types and status on the ISM : Interface List panel:

Step 1 From the ISM : Monitoring Menu panel, type I in the Select Option field

Step 2 Type a value in the Interface Type and press Enter. The ISM : Interface List panel is displayed (Figure 6-6), showing interfaces of the specified type for all routers being monitored by ISM.

Figure 6-6: ISM : Interface List Panel

Step 3 To view further details of a specific interface for a specific router, type one of the displayed action codes next to the interface and press Enter.

Description of Interface Status Types

The color in which an interface is displayed on the ISM : Interface List panel (Figure 6-1) indicates the status of that interface.

Table 6-1 lists the color and definition of each status.

Table 6-1:
Color Status Definition




Interfaces that are Up with desired status Up.

Interfaces that are Down with desired status Down.




Interfaces that are Down with desired status Up.

Interfaces that are Up with desired status Down.



Interface defined to ISM but does not exist in router.



Interface monitoring and history are disabled for the interface.



Interface is awaiting its first poll or ISM was unable to determine the status of the interface.

ISM Interface Status and Color Definitions

Using the Command Interface

There are many ways of accessing the ISM : Command Interface panel. Some of the ISM applications provide direct access to the command interface and list the commands that are specific to the resource currently being managed. When you are using the Interface Monitoring application panels in ISM you can access panels that provide router commands that are specific to managing interfaces.

Displaying Interface Configuration Details

To run the show interface command for a selected interface on the ISM : Interface List panel (Figure 6-4), type SH next to the interface name and press Enter. The ISM : Command Interface panel is displayed (Figure 6-7), showing configuration details of the selected interface.

Figure 6-7: ISM : Command Interface Panel

Viewing Interface Statistics History

To view history statistics for a particular interface in a router from the ISM : Interface List panel (Figure 6-4), type H next to the interface name and press Enter. The history statistics records logged for the selected interface are displayed on the ISM : Interface Statistics History panel (Figure 6-8). Press F11 to view further interface statistics.

For information about the statistics on this panel, press F1 for help.

Figure 6-8: ISM : Interface Statistics History Panel

To delete interface history records for this interface, perform the following steps:

Step 1 Press F4.

The ISM : Interface Statistics History Delete panel is displayed, prompting you to confirm or cancel your delete request.

Step 2 Press F6 to confirm the delete.

ISM displays a message confirming that the interface statistics history records for the selected interface have been deleted.

Viewing Interface Performance Data

To view performance data for a particular interface in a router from the ISM : Interface List panel (Figure 6-4), type P next to the interface name and press Enter. The performance statistics records logged for the selected interface are displayed on the ISM : Interface Performance History panel (Figure 6-9).

For information about the statistics on this panel, press F1 for help.

Figure 6-9: ISM : Interface Performance History Panel

Deleting History and Performance Records

You can remove interface statistics history or interface performance history records from the VSAM database for a specific interface by using the Delete History function on the appropriate history panel.

The record wrap counts are specified on the ISM : Database Parameters panel (see the "Setting Up ISM Database Parameters" section).

To delete interface statistics history records for an interface, perform the following steps:

Step 1 On the ISM : Interface Statistics History panel, press F4. The ISM : Interface Statistics History Delete panel is displayed, prompting you to confirm or cancel your delete request.

Step 2 Press F6 to confirm the delete. ISM displays a message confirming that the interface statistics history records for the selected interface have been deleted.

To delete interface performance history records for an interface, perform the following steps:

Step 1 On the ISM : Interface Performance History panel, press F4. The ISM : Interface Performance History Delete panel is displayed, prompting you to confirm or cancel your delete request.

Step 2 Press F6 to confirm the delete.

ISM displays a message confirming that the interface performance history records for the selected interface have been deleted.

Posted: Tue Aug 24 12:08:09 PDT 1999
Copyright 1989-1999©Cisco Systems Inc.